SUITE 105 - 5348 VEGAS DR.
                               LAS VEGAS, NV 89108
                             TEL: +1 (702) 442-1166

                                                                  April 25, 2008


Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporate Finance
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549-7010

Re: Easy Energy, Inc.
    Registration Statement on Form S-1
    Filed April 25, 2007

Dear Sir/Madam,

     We are herewith  filing with the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  (the
"Commission")  an amended  Registration  Statement  on Form S-1/A (the  "Amended
Registration Statement").

     After  filing the S-1 on April 25,  2008 we noticed  that we  inadvertently
omitted the accountant report and consent.  Therefore we are filing this amended
S-1 to correct this error.

                                  Very truly yours,

                                  Easy Energy Inc.
                                  Guy Ofir - President & Director