Exhibit 3.2

                            AMERIWEST MINERALS CORP.
                              A NEVADA CORPORATION

                                   ARTICLE 1.

1.1     DEFINITIONS. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, in these

        (a) "BOARD" means the board of directors of the Company.

        (b) "BYLAWS" means these bylaws as adopted by the Board and includes
        amendments subsequently adopted by the Board or by the Stockholders.

        (c) "ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION" means the Articles of Incorporation of
        Ameriwest Minerals Corp., as filed with the Secretary of State of the
        State of Nevada and includes all amendments thereto and restatements
        thereof subsequently filed.

        (d) "COMPANY" means Ameriwest Minerals Corp., a Nevada corporation.

        (e) "SECTION" refers to sections of these Bylaws.

        (f) "STOCKHOLDER" means stockholders of record of the Company.

1.2     OFFICES. The title of an office refers to the person or persons who at
        any given time perform the duties of that particular office for the

                                   ARTICLE 2.

2.1     PRINCIPAL OFFICE. The Company may locate its principal office within or
        without the state of incorporation as the Board may determine.

2.2     REGISTERED OFFICE. The registered office of the Company required by law
        to be maintained in the state of incorporation may be, but need not be,
        the same as the principal place of business of the Company. The Board
        may change the address of the registered office from time to time.

2.3     OTHER OFFICES. The Company may have offices at such other places, either
        within or without the state of incorporation, as the Board may designate
        or as the business of the Company may require from time to time.

                                   ARTICLE 3.
                            MEETINGS OF STOCKHOLDERS

3.1     ANNUAL MEETINGS. The annual meeting of the stockholders shall be held on
        the 31st day of May, each year, beginning with 2008, at the hour of 1
        o'clock p.m., or at such other time on such other day within such month
        as shall be fixed by the Board of Directors, for the purpose of electing
        directors and for the transaction of such other business as may come
        before the meeting. If the day fixed for the annual meeting shall be a
        legal holiday in the State of Nevada, such meeting shall be held on the
        next succeeding business day.

3.2     SPECIAL MEETINGS. The Board, the Chairman of the Board, the President or
        a committee of the Board duly designated and whose powers and authority
        include the power to call meetings may call special meetings of the
        Stockholders of the Company at any time for any purpose or purposes.
        Special meetings of the Stockholders of the Company may also be called
        by the holders of at least 30% of all shares entitled to vote at the
        proposed special meeting.

3.3     PLACE OF MEETINGS. The Stockholders shall hold all meetings at such
        places, within or without the State of Nevada, as the Board or a
        committee of the Board shall specify in the notice or waiver of notice
        for such meetings.

3.4     NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Except as otherwise required by law, the Board or a
        committee of the Board shall give notice of each meeting of
        Stockholders, whether annual or special, not less than 10 nor more than
        50 days before the date of the meeting. The Board or a committee of the
        Board shall deliver a notice to each Stockholder entitled to vote at
        such meeting by delivering a typewritten or printed notice thereof to
        him personally, or by depositing such notice in the United States mail,
        in a postage prepaid envelope, directed to him at his address as it
        appears on the records of the Company, or by transmitting a notice
        thereof to him at such address by telegraph, telecopy, cable or
        wireless. If mailed, notice is given on the date deposited in the United
        States mail, postage prepaid, directed to the Stockholder at his address
        as it appears on the records of the Company. An affidavit of the
        Secretary or an Assistant Secretary or of the Transfer Agent of the
        Company that he has given notice shall constitute, in the absence of
        fraud, prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein.

        Every notice of a meeting of the Stockholders shall state the place,
        date and hour of the meeting and, in the case of a special meeting, also
        shall state the purpose or purposes of the meeting. Furthermore, if the
        Company will maintain the list at a place other than where the meeting
        will take place, every notice of a meeting of the Stockholders shall
        specify where the Company will maintain the list of Stockholders
        entitled to vote at the meeting.

3.5     STOCKHOLDER NOTICE. Subject to the Articles of Incorporation, the
        Stockholders who intend to nominate persons to the Board of Directors or
        propose any other action at an annual meeting of Stockholders must
        timely notify the Secretary of the Company of such intent. To be timely,


        a Stockholder's notice must be delivered to or mailed and received at
        the principal executive offices of the Company not less than 50 days nor
        more than 90 days prior to the date of such meeting; provided, however,
        that in the event that less than 75 days' notice of the date of the
        meeting is given or made to Stockholders, notice by the Stockholder to
        be timely must be received not later than the close of business on the
        15th day following the date on which such notice of the date of the
        annual meeting was mailed. Such notice must be in writing and must
        include a (i) a brief description of the business desired to the brought
        before the annual meeting and the reasons for conducting such business
        at the meeting; (ii) the name and record address of the Stockholder
        proposing such business; (iii) the class, series and number of shares of
        capital stock of the Company which are beneficially owned by the
        Stockholder; and (iv) any material interest of the Stockholder in such
        business. The Board of Directors reserves the right to refuse to submit
        any such proposal to stockholders at an annual meeting if, in its
        judgment, the information provided in the notice is inaccurate or

3.6     WAIVER OF NOTICE. Whenever these Bylaws require written notice, a
        written waiver thereof, signed by the person entitled to notice, whether
        before or after the time stated therein, shall constitute the equivalent
        of notice. Attendance of a person at any meeting shall constitute a
        waiver of notice of such meeting, except when the person attends the
        meeting for the express purpose of objecting, at the beginning of the
        meeting, to the transaction of any business because the meeting is not
        lawfully called or convened. No written waiver of notice need specify
        either the business to be transacted at, or the purpose or purposes of
        any regular or special meeting of the Stockholders, directors or members
        of a committee of the Board.

3.7     ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING. When the Stockholders adjourn a meeting to
        another time or place, notice need not be given of the adjourned meeting
        if the time and place thereof are announced at the meeting at which the
        adjournment is taken. At the adjourned meeting, the Stockholders may
        transact any business which they may have transacted at the original
        meeting. If the adjournment is for more than 30 days or, if after the
        adjournment, the Board or a committee of the Board fixes a new record
        date for the adjourned meeting, the Board or a committee of the Board
        shall give notice of the adjourned meeting to each Stockholder of record
        entitled to vote at the meeting.

3.8     QUORUM. Except as otherwise required by law, the holders of a majority
        of all of the shares of the stock entitled to vote at the meeting,
        present in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum for all
        purposes at any meeting of the Stockholders. In the absence of a quorum
        at any meeting or any adjournment thereof, the holders of a majority of
        the shares of stock entitled to vote who are present, in person or by
        proxy, or, in the absence therefrom of all the Stockholders, any officer
        entitled to preside at, or to act as secretary of, such meeting may
        adjourn such meeting to another place, date or time.

        If the chairman of the meeting gives notice of any adjourned special
        meeting of Stockholders to all Stockholders entitled to vote thereat,
        stating that the minimum percentage of stockholders for a quorum as


        provided by Nevada law shall constitute a quorum, then, except as
        otherwise required by law, that percentage at such adjourned meeting
        shall constitute a quorum and a majority of the votes cast at such
        meeting shall determine all matters.

3.9     ORGANIZATION. Such person as the Board may have designated or, in the
        absence of such a person, the highest ranking officer of the Company who
        is present shall call to order any meeting of the Stockholders,
        determine the presence of a quorum, and act as chairman of the meeting.
        In the absence the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of the Company,
        the chairman shall appoint someone to act as the secretary of the

3.10    CONDUCT OF BUSINESS. The chairman of any meeting of Stockholders shall
        determine the order of business and the procedure at the meeting,
        including such regulations of the manner of voting and the conduct of
        discussion as he deems in order.

3.11    LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. At least 10 days before every meeting of
        Stockholders, the Secretary shall prepare a list of the Stockholders
        entitled to vote at the meeting or any adjournment thereof, arranged in
        alphabetical order, showing the address of each Stockholder and the
        number of shares registered in the name of each Stockholder. The Company
        shall make the list available for examination by any Stockholder for any
        purpose germane to the meeting, during ordinary business hours, for a
        period of at least 10 days prior to the meeting, either at a place
        within the city where the meeting will take place or at the place
        designated in the notice of the meeting.

        The Secretary shall produce and keep the list at the time and place of
        the meeting during the entire duration of the meeting, and any
        Stockholder who is present may inspect the list at the meeting. The list
        shall constitute presumptive proof of the identity of the Stockholders
        entitled to vote at the meeting and the number of shares each
        Stockholder holds.

        A determination of Stockholders entitled to vote at any meeting of
        Stockholders pursuant to this Section shall apply to any adjournment

3.12    FIXING OF RECORD DATE. For the purpose of determining Stockholders
        entitled to notice of or to vote at any meeting of Stockholders or any
        adjournment thereof, or Stockholders entitled to receive payment of any
        dividend, or in order to make a determination of Stockholders for any
        other proper purpose, the Board or a committee of the Board may fix in
        advance a date as the record date for any such determination of
        Stockholders. However, the Board shall not fix such date, in any case,
        more than 50 days nor less than 10 days prior to the date of the
        particular action.

        If the Board or a committee of the Board does not fix a record date for
        the determination of Stockholders entitled to notice of or to vote at a
        meeting of Stockholders, the record date shall be at the close of
        business on the day next preceding the day on which notice is given or
        if notice is waived, at the close of business on the day next preceding
        the day on which the meeting is held or the date on which the Board
        adopts the resolution declaring a dividend.


3.13    VOTING OF SHARES. Each Stockholder shall have one vote for every share
        of stock having voting rights registered in his name on the record date
        for the meeting. The Company shall not have the right to vote treasury
        stock of the Company, nor shall another corporation have the right to
        vote its stock of the Company if the Company holds, directly or
        indirectly, a majority of the shares entitled to vote in the election of
        directors of such other corporation. Persons holding stock of the
        Company in a fiduciary capacity shall have the right to vote such stock.
        Persons who have pledged their stock of the Company shall have the right
        to vote such stock unless in the transfer on the books of the Company
        the pledgor expressly empowered the pledgee to vote such stock. In that
        event, only the pledgee, or his proxy, may represent such stock and vote

        A plurality of the votes of the shares present in person or represented
        by proxy at the meeting and entitled to vote shall determine all
        elections and, except when the law or Articles of Incorporation requires
        otherwise, the affirmative vote of a majority of the shares present in
        person or represented by proxy at the meeting and entitled to vote shall
        determine all other matters.

        Where a separate vote by a class or classes is required, a majority of
        the outstanding shares of such class or classes, present in person or
        represented by proxy, shall constitute a quorum entitled to take action
        with respect to that vote on that matter and the affirmative vote of the
        majority of shares of such class or classes present in person or
        represented by proxy at the meeting shall be the act of such class.

        The Stockholders may vote by voice vote on all matters. Upon demand by a
        Stockholder entitled to vote, or his proxy, the Stockholders shall vote
        by ballot. In that event, each ballot shall state the name of the
        Stockholder or proxy voting, the number of shares voted and such other
        information as the Company may require under the procedure established
        for the meeting.

3.14    INSPECTORS. At any meeting in which the Stockholders vote by ballot, the
        chairman may appoint one or more inspectors. Each inspector shall take
        and sign an oath to execute the duties of inspector at such meeting
        faithfully, with strict impartiality, and according to the best of his
        ability. The inspectors shall ascertain the number of shares outstanding
        and the voting power of each; determine the shares represented at a
        meeting and the validity of proxies and ballots; count all votes and
        ballots; determine and retain for a reasonable period a record of the
        disposition of any challenges made to any determination by the
        inspectors; and certify their determination of the number of shares
        represented at the meeting, and their count of all votes and ballots.
        The certification required herein shall take the form of a subscribed,
        written report prepared by the inspectors and delivered to the Secretary
        of the Company. An inspector need not be a Stockholder of the Company,
        and any officer of the Company may be an inspector on any question other
        than a vote for or against a proposal in which he has a material

3.15    PROXIES. A Stockholder may exercise any voting rights in person or by
        his proxy appointed by an instrument in writing, which he or his
        authorized attorney-in-fact has subscribed and which the proxy has


        delivered to the secretary of the meeting pursuant to the manner
        prescribed by law.

        A proxy is not valid after the expiration of 13 months after the date of
        its execution, unless the person executing it specifies thereon the
        length of time for which it is to continue in force (which length may
        exceed 12 months) or limits its use to a particular meeting. Each proxy
        is irrevocable if it expressly states that it is irrevocable and if, and
        only as long as, it is coupled with an interest sufficient in law to
        support an irrevocable power.

        The attendance at any meeting of a Stockholder who previously has given
        a proxy shall not have the effect of revoking the same unless he
        notifies the Secretary in writing prior to the voting of the proxy.

3.16    ACTION BY CONSENT. Any action required to be taken at any annual or
        special meeting of stockholders of the Company or any action which may
        be taken at any annual or special meeting of such stockholders, may be
        taken without a meeting, without prior notice and without a vote, if a
        consent or consents in writing setting forth the action so taken, shall
        be signed by the holders of outstanding stock having not less than the
        minimum number of votes that would be necessary to authorize or take
        such action at a meeting at which all shares entitled to vote thereon
        were present and voted and shall be delivered to the Company by delivery
        to its registered office, its principal place of business, or an officer
        or agent of the Company having custody of the book in which proceedings
        of meetings of stockholders are recorded. Delivery made to the Company's
        registered office shall be by hand or by certified or registered mail,
        return receipt requested.

        Every written consent shall bear the date of signature of each
        stockholder who signs the consent, and no written consent shall be
        effective to take the corporate action referred to therein unless,
        within 50 days of the earliest dated consent delivered in the manner
        required by this section to the Company, written consents signed by a
        sufficient number of holders to take action are delivered to the Company
        by delivery to its registered office, its principal place of business or
        an officer or agent of the Company having custody of the book in which
        proceedings of meetings of stockholders are recorded. Delivery made to
        the Company's registered office shall be by hand or by certified or
        registered mail, return receipt requested.

        Prompt notice of the taking of the corporate action without a meeting by
        less than unanimous written consent shall be given to those stockholders
        who have not consented in writing.


                                   ARTICLE 4.
                               BOARD OF DIRECTORS

4.1     GENERAL POWERS. The Board shall manage the property, business and
        affairs of the Company.

4.2.1   NUMBER. The number of directors who shall constitute the Board shall
        equal not less than one nor more than 9, as the Board may determine by
        resolution from time to time.

4.3     ELECTION OF DIRECTORS AND TERM OF OFFICE. The Stockholders of the
        Company shall elect the directors at the annual or adjourned annual
        meeting (except as otherwise provided herein for the filling of
        vacancies). Each director shall hold office until his death,
        resignation, retirement, removal, or disqualification, or until his
        successor shall have been elected and qualified.

4.4     RESIGNATIONS. Any director of the Company may resign at any time by
        giving written notice to the Board or to the Secretary of the Company.
        Any resignation shall take effect upon receipt or at the time specified
        in the notice. Unless the notice specifies otherwise, the effectiveness
        of the resignation shall not depend upon its acceptance.

4.5     REMOVAL. Stockholders holding a majority of the outstanding shares
        entitled to vote at an election of directors may remove any director or
        the entire Board of Directors at any time, with or without cause.

4.6     VACANCIES. A majority of the remaining directors, although less than a
        quorum, or a sole remaining director may fill any vacancy on the Board,
        whether because of death, resignation, disqualification, an increase in
        the number of directors, or any other cause. Any director elected to
        fill a vacancy shall hold office until his death, resignation,
        retirement, removal, or disqualification, or until his successor shall
        have been elected and qualified.

4.7     CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD. At the initial and annual meeting of the Board,
        the directors may elect from their number a Chairman of the Board of
        Directors. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Board and
        shall perform such other duties as the Board may direct. The Board also
        may elect a Vice Chairman and other officers of the Board, with such
        powers and duties as the Board may designate from time to time.

4.8     COMPENSATION. The Board may compensate directors for their services and
        may provide for the payment of all expenses the directors incur by
        attending meetings of the Board or otherwise.


                                   ARTICLE 5.
                              MEETINGS OF DIRECTORS

5.1     REGULAR MEETINGS. The Board may hold regular meetings at such places,
        dates and times as the Board shall establish by resolution. If any day
        fixed for a meeting falls on a legal holiday, the Board shall hold the
        meeting at the same place and time on the next succeeding business day.
        The Board need not give notice of regular meetings.

5.2     PLACE OF MEETINGS. The Board may hold any of its meetings in or out of
        the State of Nevada, at such places as the Board may designate, at such
        places as the notice or waiver of notice of any such meeting may
        designate, or at such places as the persons calling the meeting may

5.3     MEETINGS BY TELECOMMUNICATIONS. The Board or any committee of the Board
        may hold meetings by means of conference telephone or similar
        telecommunications equipment that enable all persons participating in
        the meeting to hear each other. Such participation shall constitute
        presence in person at such meeting.

5.4     SPECIAL MEETINGS. The Chairman of the Board, the President, or one-half
        of the directors then in office may call a special meeting of the Board.
        The person or persons authorized to call special meetings of the Board
        may fix any place, either in or out of the State of Nevada as the place
        for the meeting.

5.5     NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETINGS. The person or persons calling a special
        meeting of the Board shall give written notice to each director of the
        time, place, date and purpose of the meeting of not less than three
        business days if by mail and not less than 24 hours if by telegraph or
        in person before the date of the meeting. If mailed, notice is given on
        the date deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to such
        director. A director may waive notice of any special meeting, and any
        meeting shall constitute a legal meeting without notice if all the
        directors are present or if those not present sign either before or
        after the meeting a written waiver of notice, a consent to such meeting,
        or an approval of the minutes of the meeting. A notice or waiver of
        notice need not specify the purposes of the meeting or the business
        which the Board will transact at the meeting.

5.6     WAIVER BY PRESENCE. Except when expressly for the purpose of objecting
        to the legality of a meeting, a director's presence at a meeting shall
        constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting.

5.7     QUORUM. A majority of the directors then in office shall constitute a
        quorum for all purposes at any meeting of the Board. In the absence of a
        quorum, a majority of directors present at any meeting may adjourn the
        meeting to another place, date or time without further notice. No
        proxies shall be given by directors to any person for purposes of voting
        or establishing a quorum at a directors meetings.

5.8     CONDUCT OF BUSINESS. The Board shall transact business in such order and
        manner as the Board may determine. Except as the law requires otherwise,
        the Board shall determine all matters by the vote of a majority of the


        directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present. The
        directors shall act as a Board, and the individual directors shall have
        no power as such.

5.9     ACTION BY CONSENT. The Board or a committee of the Board may take any
        required or permitted action without a meeting if all members of the
        Board or committee consent thereto in writing and file such consent with
        the minutes of the proceedings of the Board or committee.

                                   ARTICLE 6.

6.1     COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD. The Board may designate, by a vote of a
        majority of the directors then in office, committees of the Board. The
        committees shall serve at the pleasure of the Board and shall possess
        such lawfully delegable powers and duties as the Board may confer.

6.2     SELECTION OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS. The Board shall elect by a vote of a
        majority of the directors then in office a director or directors to
        serve as the member or members of a committee. By the same vote, the
        Board may designate other directors as alternate members who may replace
        any absent or disqualified member at any meeting of a committee. In the
        absence or disqualification of any member of any committee and any
        alternate member in his place, the member or members of the committee
        present at the meeting and not disqualified from voting, whether or not
        he or they constitute a quorum, may appoint by unanimous vote another
        member of the Board to act at the meeting in the place of the absent or
        disqualified member.

6.3     CONDUCT OF BUSINESS. Each committee may determine the procedural rules
        for meeting and conducting its business and shall act in accordance
        therewith, except as the law or these Bylaws require otherwise. Each
        committee shall make adequate provision for notice of all meetings to
        members. A majority of the members of the committee shall constitute a
        quorum, unless the committee consists of one or two members. In that
        event, one member shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote of the
        members present shall determine all matters. A committee may take action
        without a meeting if all the members of the committee consent in writing
        and file the consent or consents with the minutes of the proceedings of
        the committee.

6.4     AUTHORITY. Any committee, to the extent the Board provides, shall have
        and may exercise all the powers and authority of the Board in the
        management of the business and affairs of the Company, and may authorize
        the affixation of the Company's seal to all instruments which may
        require or permit it. However, no committee shall have any power or
        authority with regard to amending the Articles of Incorporation,
        adopting an agreement of merger or consolidation, recommending to the
        Stockholders the sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially all of
        the Company's property and assets, recommending to the Stockholders a
        dissolution of the Company or a revocation of a dissolution of the


        Company, or amending these Bylaws of the Company. Unless a resolution of
        the Board expressly provides, no committee shall have the power or
        authority to declare a dividend, to authorize the issuance of stock, or
        to adopt a certificate of ownership and merger.

6.5     MINUTES. Each committee shall keep regular minutes of its proceedings
        and report the same to the Board when required.

                                   ARTICLE 7.

7.1     OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. The officers of the Company shall consist of a
        President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and such Vice Presidents, Assistant
        Secretaries, Assistant Treasurers, and other officers as the Board may
        designate and elect from time to time. The same person may hold at the
        same time any two or more offices.

7.2     ELECTION AND TERM. The Board shall elect the officers of the Company.
        Each officer shall hold office until his death, resignation, retirement,
        removal or disqualification, or until his successor shall have been
        elected and qualified.

7.3     COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS. The Board shall fix the compensation of all
        officers of the Company. No officer shall serve the Company in any other
        capacity and receive compensation, unless the Board authorizes the
        additional compensation.

7.4     REMOVAL OF OFFICERS AND AGENTS. The Board may remove any officer or
        agent it has elected or appointed at any time, with or without cause.

7.5     RESIGNATION OF OFFICERS AND AGENTS. Any officer or agent the Board has
        elected or appointed may resign at any time by giving written notice to
        the Board, the Chairman of the Board, the President, or the Secretary of
        the Company. Any such resignation shall take effect at the date of the
        receipt of such notice or at any later time specified. Unless otherwise
        specified in the notice, the Board need not accept the resignation to
        make it effective.

7.6     BOND. The Board may require by resolution any officer, agent, or
        employee of the Company to give bond to the Company, with sufficient
        sureties conditioned on the faithful performance of the duties of his
        respective office or agency. The Board also may require by resolution
        any officer, agent or employee to comply with such other conditions as
        the Board may require from time to time.

7.7     PRESIDENT. The President shall be the principal executive officer of the
        Company and, subject to the Board's control, shall supervise and direct
        all of the business and affairs of the Company. When present, he shall
        sign (with or without the Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, or any
        other officer or agent of the Company which the Board has authorized)
        deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts or other instruments which the Board


        has authorized an officer or agent of the Company to execute. However,
        the President shall not sign any instrument which the law, these Bylaws,
        or the Board expressly require some other officer or agent of the
        Company to sign and execute. In general, the President shall perform all
        duties incident to the office of President and such other duties as the
        Board may prescribe from time to time.

7.8     VICE PRESIDENTS. In the absence of the President or in the event of his
        death, inability or refusal to act, the Vice Presidents in the order of
        their length of service as Vice Presidents, unless the Board determines
        otherwise, shall perform the duties of the President. When acting as the
        President, a Vice President shall have all the powers and restrictions
        of the Presidency. A Vice President shall perform such other duties as
        the President or the Board may assign to him from time to time.

7.9     SECRETARY. The Secretary shall (a) keep the minutes of the meetings of
        the Stockholders and of the Board in one or more books for that purpose,
        (b) give all notices which these Bylaws or the law requires, (c) serve
        as custodian of the records and seal of the Company, (d) affix the seal
        of the corporation to all documents which the Board has authorized
        execution on behalf of the Company under seal, (e) maintain a register
        of the address of each Stockholder of the Company, (f) sign, with the
        President, a Vice President, or any other officer or agent of the
        Company which the Board has authorized, certificates for shares of the
        Company, (g) have charge of the stock transfer books of the Company, and
        (h) perform all duties which the President or the Board may assign to
        him from time to time.

7.10    ASSISTANT SECRETARIES. In the absence of the Secretary or in the event
        of his death, inability or refusal to act, the Assistant Secretaries in
        the order of their length of service as Assistant Secretary, unless the
        Board determines otherwise, shall perform the duties of the Secretary.
        When acting as the Secretary, an Assistant Secretary shall have the
        powers and restrictions of the Secretary. An Assistant Secretary shall
        perform such other duties as the President, Secretary or Board may
        assign from time to time.

7.11    TREASURER. The Treasurer shall (a) have responsibility for all funds and
        securities of the Company, (b) receive and give receipts for moneys due
        and payable to the corporation from any source whatsoever, (c) deposit
        all moneys in the name of the Company in depositories which the Board
        selects, and (d) perform all of the duties which the President or the
        Board may assign to him from time to time.

7.12    ASSISTANT TREASURERS. In the absence of the Treasurer or in the event of
        his death, inability or refusal to act, the Assistant Treasurers in the
        order of their length of service as Assistant Treasurer, unless the
        Board determines otherwise, shall perform the duties of the Treasurer.
        When acting as the Treasurer, an Assistant Treasurer shall have the
        powers and restrictions of the Treasurer. An Assistant Treasurer shall
        perform such other duties as the Treasurer, the President, or the Board
        may assign to him from time to time.


7.13    DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY. Notwithstanding any provision of these Bylaws
        to the contrary, the Board may delegate the powers or duties of any
        officer to any other officer or agent.

        Board directs otherwise, the President shall have the power to vote and
        otherwise act on behalf of the Company, in person or by proxy, at any
        meeting of stockholders of or with respect to any action of stockholders
        of any other corporation in which the Company holds securities.
        Furthermore, unless the Board directs otherwise, the President shall
        exercise any and all rights and powers which the Company possesses by
        reason of its ownership of securities in another corporation.

7.15    VACANCIES. The Board may fill any vacancy in any office because of
        death, resignation, removal, disqualification or any other cause in the
        manner which these Bylaws prescribe for the regular appointment to such

                                    ARTICLE 8.
                            CONTRACTS, LOANS, DRAFTS,
                              DEPOSITS AND ACCOUNTS

8.1     CONTRACTS. The Board may authorize any officer or officers, agent or
        agents, to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument
        in the name and on behalf of the Company. The Board may make such
        authorization general or special.

8.2     LOANS. Unless the Board has authorized such action, no officer or agent
        of the Company shall contract for a loan on behalf of the Company or
        issue any evidence of indebtedness in the Company's name.

8.3     DRAFTS. The President, any Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant
        Treasurer, and such other persons as the Board shall determine shall
        issue all checks, drafts and other orders for the payment of money,
        notes and other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of or
        payable by the Company.

8.4     DEPOSITS. The Treasurer shall deposit all funds of the Company not
        otherwise employed in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories
        as the Board may select or as any officer, assistant, agent or attorney
        of the Company to whom the Board has delegated such power may select.
        For the purpose of deposit and collection for the account of the
        Company, the President or the Treasurer (or any other officer,
        assistant, agent or attorney of the Company whom the Board has
        authorized) may endorse, assign and deliver checks, drafts and other
        orders for the payment of money payable to the order of the Company.

8.5     GENERAL AND SPECIAL BANK ACCOUNTS. The Board may authorize the opening
        and keeping of general and special bank accounts with such banks, trust
        companies, or other depositories as the Board may select or as any
        officer, assistant, agent or attorney of the Company to whom the Board


        has delegated such power may select. The Board may make such special
        rules and regulations with respect to such bank accounts, not
        inconsistent with the provisions of these Bylaws, as it may deem

                                   ARTICLE 9.

9.1     CERTIFICATES FOR SHARES. Every owner of stock of the Company shall have
        the right to receive a certificate or certificates, certifying to the
        number and class of shares of the stock of the Company which he owns.
        The Board shall determine the form of the certificates for the shares of
        stock of the Company. The Secretary, transfer agent, or registrar of the
        Company shall number the certificates representing shares of the stock
        of the Company in the order in which the Company issues them. The
        President or any Vice President and the Secretary or any Assistant
        Secretary shall sign the certificates in the name of the Company. Any or
        all certificates may contain facsimile signatures. In case any officer,
        transfer agent, or registrar who has signed a certificate, or whose
        facsimile signature appears on a certificate, ceases to serve as such
        officer, transfer agent, or registrar before the Company issues the
        certificate, the Company may issue the certificate with the same effect
        as though the person who signed such certificate, or whose facsimile
        signature appears on the certificate, was such officer, transfer agent,
        or registrar at the date of issue. The Secretary, transfer agent, or
        registrar of the Company shall keep a record in the stock transfer books
        of the Company of the names of the persons, firms or corporations owning
        the stock represented by the certificates, the number and class of
        shares represented by the certificates and the dates thereof and, in the
        case of cancellation, the dates of cancellation. The Secretary, transfer
        agent, or registrar of the Company shall cancel every certificate
        surrendered to the Company for exchange or transfer. Except in the case
        of a lost, destroyed, stolen or mutilated certificate, the Secretary,
        transfer agent, or registrar of the Company shall not issue a new
        certificate in exchange for an existing certificate until he has
        cancelled the existing certificate.

9.2     TRANSFER OF SHARES. A holder of record of shares of the Company's stock,
        or his attorney-in-fact authorized by power of attorney duly executed
        and filed with the Secretary, transfer agent or registrar of the
        Company, may transfer his shares only on the stock transfer books of the
        Company. Such person shall furnish to the Secretary, transfer agent, or
        registrar of the Company proper evidence of his authority to make the
        transfer and shall properly endorse and surrender for cancellation his
        existing certificate or certificates for such shares. Whenever a holder
        of record of shares of the Company's stock makes a transfer of shares
        for collateral security, the Secretary, transfer agent, or registrar of
        the Company shall state such fact in the entry of transfer if the
        transferor and the transferee request.

9.3     LOST CERTIFICATES. The Board may direct the Secretary, transfer agent,
        or registrar of the Company to issue a new certificate to any holder of
        record of shares of the Company's stock claiming that he has lost such
        certificate, or that someone has stolen, destroyed or mutilated such
        certificate, upon the receipt of an affidavit from such holder to such


        fact. When authorizing the issue of a new certificate, the Board, in its
        discretion may require as a condition precedent to the issuance that the
        owner of such certificate give the Company a bond of indemnity in such
        form and amount as the Board may direct.

9.4     REGULATIONS. The Board may make such rules and regulations, not
        inconsistent with these Bylaws, as it deems expedient concerning the
        issue, transfer and registration of certificates for shares of the stock
        of the corporation. The Board may appoint or authorize any officer or
        officers to appoint one or more transfer agents, or one or more
        registrars, and may require all certificates for stock to bear the
        signature or signatures of any of them.

9.5     HOLDER OF RECORD. The Company may treat as absolute owners of shares the
        person in whose name the shares stand of record as if that person had
        full competency, capacity and authority to exercise all rights of
        ownership, despite any knowledge or notice to the contrary or any
        description indicating a representative, pledge or other fiduciary
        relation, or any reference to any other instrument or to the rights of
        any other person appearing upon its record or upon the share
        certificate. However, the Company may treat any person furnishing proof
        of his appointment as a fiduciary as if he were the holder of record of
        the shares.

9.6     TREASURY SHARES. Treasury shares of the Company shall consist of shares
        which the Company has issued and thereafter acquired but not canceled.
        Treasury shares shall not carry voting or dividend rights.

                                   ARTICLE 10.

10.1    DEFINITIONS. In this Article:

        (a) "INDEMNITEE" means (i) any present or former Director, advisory
        director or officer of the Company, (ii) any person who while serving in
        any of the capacities referred to in clause (i) hereof served at the
        Company's request as a director, officer, partner, venturer, proprietor,
        trustee, employee, agent or similar functionary of another foreign or
        domestic corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, employee
        benefit plan or other enterprise, and (iii) any person nominated or
        designated by (or pursuant to authority granted by) the Board of
        Directors or any committee thereof to serve in any of the capacities
        referred to in clauses (i) or (ii) hereof.

        (b) "OFFICIAL CAPACITY" means (i) when used with respect to a Director,
        the office of Director of the Company, and (ii) when used with respect
        to a person other than a Director, the elective or appointive office of
        the Company held by such person or the employment or agency relationship
        undertaken by such person on behalf of the Company, but in each case
        does not include service for any other foreign or domestic corporation
        or any partnership, joint venture, sole proprietorship, trust, employee
        benefit plan or other enterprise.


        (c) "PROCEEDING" means any threatened, pending or completed action, suit
        or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative, arbitrative or
        investigative, any appeal in such an action, suit or proceeding, and any
        inquiry or investigation that could lead to such an action, suit or

10.2    INDEMNIFICATION. The Company shall indemnify every Indemnitee against
        all judgments, penalties (including excise and similar taxes), fines,
        amounts paid in settlement and reasonable expenses actually incurred by
        the Indemnitee in connection with any Proceeding in which he was, is or
        is threatened to be named defendant or respondent, or in which he was or
        is a witness without being named a defendant or respondent, by reason,
        in whole or in part, of his serving or having served, or having been
        nominated or designated to serve, in any of the capacities referred to
        in Section 10.1, if it is determined in accordance with Section 10.4
        that the Indemnitee (a) conducted himself in good faith, (b) reasonably
        believed, in the case of conduct in his Official Capacity, that his
        conduct was in the Company's best interests and, in all other cases,
        that his conduct was at least not opposed to the Company's best
        interests, and (c) in the case of any criminal proceeding, had no
        reasonable cause to believe that his conduct was unlawful; provided,
        however, that in the event that an Indemnitee is found liable to the
        Company or is found liable on the basis that personal benefit was
        improperly received by the Indemnitee the indemnification (i) is limited
        to reasonable expenses actually incurred by the Indemnitee in connection
        with the Proceeding and (ii) shall not be made in respect of any
        Proceeding in which the Indemnitee shall have been found liable for
        willful or intentional misconduct in the performance of his duty to the
        Company. Except as provided in the immediately preceding proviso to the
        first sentence of this Section 10.2, no indemnification shall be made
        under this Section 10.2 in respect of any Proceeding in which such
        Indemnitee shall have been (x) found liable on the basis that personal
        benefit was improperly received by him, whether or not the benefit
        resulted from an action taken in the Indemnitee's Official Capacity, or
        (y) found liable to the Company. The termination of any Proceeding by
        judgment, order, settlement or conviction, or on a plea of nolo
        contendere or its equivalent, is not of itself determinative that the
        Indemnitee did not meet the requirements set forth in clauses (a), (b)
        or (c) in the first sentence of this Section 10.2. An Indemnitee shall
        be deemed to have been found liable in respect of any claim, issue or
        matter only after the Indemnitee shall have been so adjudged by a court
        of competent jurisdiction after exhaustion of all appeals therefrom.
        Reasonable expenses shall, include, without limitation, all court costs
        and all fees and disbursements of attorneys for the Indemnitee. The
        indemnification provided herein shall be applicable whether or not
        negligence or gross negligence of the Indemnitee is alleged or proven.

10.3    SUCCESSFUL DEFENSE. Without limitation of Section 10.2 and in addition
        to the ndemnification provided for in Section 10.2, the Company shall
        indemnify every Indemnitee against reasonable expenses incurred by such
        person in connection with any Proceeding in which he is a witness or a
        named defendant or respondent because he served in any of the capacities
        referred to in Section 10.1, if such person has been wholly successful,
        on the merits or otherwise, in defense of the Proceeding.


10.4    DETERMINATIONS. Any indemnification under Section 10.2 (unless ordered
        by a court of competent jurisdiction) shall be made by the Company only
        upon a determination that indemnification of the Indemnitee is proper in
        the circumstances because he has met the applicable standard of conduct.
        Such determination shall be made (a) by the Board of Directors by a
        majority vote of a quorum consisting of Directors who, at the time of
        such vote, are not named defendants or respondents in the Proceeding;
        (b) if such a quorum cannot be obtained, then by a majority vote of a
        committee of the Board of Directors, duly designated to act in the
        matter by a majority vote of all Directors (in which designated
        Directors who are named defendants or respondents in the Proceeding may
        participate), such committee to consist solely of two (2) or more
        Directors who, at the time of the committee vote, are not named
        defendants or respondents in the Proceeding; (c) by special legal
        counsel selected by the Board of Directors or a committee thereof by
        vote as set forth in clauses (a) or (b) of this Section 10.4 or, if the
        requisite quorum of all of the Directors cannot be obtained therefor and
        such committee cannot be established, by a majority vote of all of the
        Directors (in which Directors who are named defendants or respondents in
        the Proceeding may participate); or (d) by the shareholders in a vote
        that excludes the shares held by Directors that are named defendants or
        respondents in the Proceeding. Determination as to reasonableness of
        expenses shall be made in the same manner as the determination that
        indemnification is permissible, except that if the determination that
        indemnification is permissible is made by special legal counsel,
        determination as to reasonableness of expenses must be made in the
        manner specified in clause (c) of the preceding sentence for the
        selection of special legal counsel. In the event a determination is made
        under this Section 10.4 that the Indemnitee has met the applicable
        standard of conduct as to some matters but not as to others, amounts to
        be indemnified may be reasonably prorated.

10.5    ADVANCEMENT OF EXPENSES. Reasonable expenses (including court costs and
        attorneys' fees) incurred by an Indemnitee who was or is a witness or
        was, is or is threatened to be made a named defendant respondent in a
        Proceeding shall be paid by the Company at reasonable intervals in
        advance of the final disposition of such Proceeding, and without making
        any of the determinations specified in Section 10.4, after receipt by
        the Company of (a) a written affirmation by such Indemnitee of his good
        faith belief that he has met the standard of conduct necessary for
        indemnification by the Company under this Article and (b) a written
        undertaking by or on behalf of such Indemnitee to repay the amount paid
        or reimbursed by the Company if it shall ultimately be determined that
        he is not entitled to be indemnified by the Company as authorized in
        this Article. Such written undertaking shall be an unlimited obligation
        of the Indemnitee but need not be secured and it may be accepted without
        reference to financial ability to make repayment. Notwithstanding any
        other provision of this Article, the Company may pay or reimburse
        expenses incurred by an Indemnitee in connection with his appearance as
        a witness or other participation in a Proceeding at a time when he is
        not named a defendant or respondent in the Proceeding.

10.6    EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS. For purposes of this Article, the Company shall
        be deemed to have requested an Indemnitee to serve an employee benefit
        plan whenever the performance by him of his duties to the Company also
        imposes duties on or otherwise involves services by him to the plan or


        participants or beneficiaries of the plan. Excise taxes assessed on an
        Indemnitee with respect to an employee benefit plan pursuant to
        applicable law shall be deemed fines. Action taken or omitted by an
        Indemnitee with respect to an employee benefit plan in the performance
        of his duties for a purpose reasonably believed by him to be in the
        interest of the participants and beneficiaries of the plan shall be
        deemed to be for a purpose which is not opposed to the best interests of
        the Company.

10.7    OTHER INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE. The indemnification provided by
        this Article shall (a) not be deemed exclusive of, or to preclude, any
        other rights to which those seeking indemnification may at any time be
        entitled under the Company's Articles of Incorporation, any law,
        agreement or vote of shareholders or disinterested Directors, or
        otherwise, or under any policy or policies of insurance purchased and
        maintained by the Company on behalf of any Indemnitee, both as to action
        in his Official Capacity and as to action in any other capacity, (b)
        continue as to a person who has ceased to be in the capacity by reason
        of which he was an Indemnitee with respect to matters arising during the
        period he was in such capacity, (c) inure to the benefit of the heirs,
        executors and administrators of such a person and (d) not be required if
        and to the extent that the person otherwise entitled to payment of such
        amounts hereunder has actually received payment therefor under any
        insurance policy, contract or otherwise.

10.8    NOTICE. Any indemnification of or advance of expenses to an Indemnitee
        in accordance with this Article shall be reported in writing to the
        shareholders of the Company with or before the notice or waiver of
        notice of the next shareholders' meeting or with or before the next
        submission to shareholders of a consent to action without a meeting and,
        in any case, within the 12-month period immediately following the date
        of the indemnification or advance.

10.9    CONSTRUCTION. The indemnification provided by this Article shall be
        subject to all valid and applicable laws, including, without limitation,
        Sections 78.7502 and 78.751 of the Nevada General Corporation Law, and,
        in the event this Article or any of the provisions hereof or the
        indemnification contemplated hereby are found to be inconsistent with or
        contrary to any such valid laws, the latter shall be deemed to control
        and this Article shall be regarded as modified accordingly, and, as so
        modified, to continue in full force and effect.

10.10   CONTINUING OFFER, RELIANCE, ETC. The provisions of this Article (a) are
        for the benefit of, and may be enforced by, each Indemnitee of the
        Company, the same as if set forth in their entirety in a written
        instrument duly executed and delivered by the Company and such
        Indemnitee and (b) constitute a continuing offer to all present and
        future Indemnitees. The Company, by its adoption of these Bylaws, (x)
        acknowledges and agrees that each Indemnitee of the Company has relied
        upon and will continue to rely upon the provisions of this Article in
        becoming, and serving in any of the capacities referred to in Section
        10.1(a) of this Article, (y) waives reliance upon, and all notices of
        acceptance of, such provisions by such Indemnitees and (z) acknowledges
        and agrees that no present or future Indemnitee shall be prejudiced in


        his right to enforce the provisions of this Article in accordance with
        their terms by any act or failure to act on the part of the Company.

10.11   EFFECT OF AMENDMENT. No amendment, modification or repeal of this
        Article or any provision hereof shall in any manner terminate, reduce or
        impair the right of any past, present or future Indemnitees to be
        indemnified by the Company, nor the obligation of the Company to
        indemnify any such Indemnitees, under and in accordance with the
        provisions of the Article as in effect immediately prior to such
        amendment, modification or repeal with respect to claims arising from or
        relating to matters occurring, in whole or in part, prior to such
        amendment, modification or repeal, regardless of when such claims may
        arise or be asserted.

                                   ARTICLE 11.
                                 TAKEOVER OFFERS

In the event the Company receives a takeover offer, the Board of Directors shall
consider all relevant factors in evaluating such offer, including, but not
limited to, the terms of the offer, and the potential economic and social impact
of such offer on the Company's stockholders, employees, customers, creditors and
community in which it operates.

                                   ARTICLE 12.

12.1    GENERAL. Whenever these Bylaws require notice to any Stockholder,
        director, officer or agent, such notice does not mean personal notice. A
        person may give effective notice under these Bylaws in every case by
        depositing a writing in a post office or letter box in a postpaid,
        sealed wrapper, or by dispatching a prepaid telegram addressed to such
        Stockholder, director, officer or agent at his address on the books of
        the Company. Unless these Bylaws expressly provide to the contrary, the
        time when the person sends notice shall constitute the time of the
        giving of notice.

12.2    WAIVER OF NOTICE. Whenever the law or these Bylaws require notice, the
        person entitled to said notice may waive such notice in writing, either
        before or after the time stated therein.

                                   ARTICLE 13.

13.1    FACSIMILE SIGNATURES. In addition to the use of facsimile signatures
        which these Bylaws specifically authorize, the Company may use such
        facsimile signatures of any officer or officers, agents or agent, of the
        Company as the Board or a committee of the Board may authorize.


13.2    CORPORATE SEAL. The Board may provide for a suitable seal containing the
        name of the Company, of which the Secretary shall be in charge. The
        Treasurer, any Assistant Secretary, or any Assistant Treasurer may keep
        and use the seal or duplicates of the seal if and when the Board or a
        committee of the Board so directs.

13.3    FISCAL YEAR. The Board shall have the authority to fix and change the
        fiscal year of the Company.

                                   ARTICLE 14.

Subject to the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation, the Stockholders or
the Board may amend or repeal these Bylaws at any meeting.

                          CERTIFICATE OF THE SECRETARY

I hereby certify that I am the Secretary of Ameriwest Minerals Corp. and that
the forgoing Bylaws, consisting of nineteen (19) pages, constitutes the code of
Ameriwest Minerals Corp. as duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the
Corporation on this 31st day of May, 2007.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name this 31st day of
May, 2007.

