Exhibit 10.1

                              ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT dated for reference the 15th day of January, 2010


               AMERICAN  EAGLE  ENERGY INC.,  27 North 27th  Street,  Suite 21G,
               Billings, Montana 59101

               (the "Assignee")


               MURRAYFIELD  LIMITED,  Conference House, 152 Morrison Street, The
               Exchnage Edinburgh EH3 8E8 United Kingdom

               ("Murrayfield" or the "Assignor")


A. Lexaria Corp.  and  Murrayfield  entered into an assignment  agreement  dated
October  2,  2009,  attached  hereto as Exhibit  "A" (the  "Original  Assignment
Agreement")   wherein  Murrayfield  had  acquired  from  Lexaria  the  "Assigned
Interest"  as defined  therein,  in regards to the PP F-12-4 well in the Belmont
Lake Field in Wilkinson County, Mississippi; and

B.  Murrayfield  wishes to assign to the  Assignee all of  Murrayfield's  right,
title and interest in and to the Original Assignment  Agreement and the Assigned
Interest in accordance with the terms of this Agreement (the "Assignment").

NOW THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the sum of  US$150,000.000  now paid by the
Assignee  to the  Assignor  (the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of which are hereby
acknowledged by the Assignors), the Assignors covenant and agree as follows:


1.  Murrayfield  hereby  unconditionally  forever  assigns and  transfers to the
Assignee all of Murrayfield's  right,  title and interest in and to the Original
Assignment  Agreement and the Assigned  Interest and all benefits and advantages
to be derived therefrom (the "Assignment").

2. The Assignor represents and warrants to the Assignee, with the knowledge that
the Assignee  relies upon same in entering into this  Agreement,  that:

     (a)  the  Assignor  owns the  Assigned  Interest  and its rights  under the
          Original Assignment  Agreement free and clear of all liens, charges or


     (b)  the  Assignor  has all  requisite  power  and  capacity,  and has duly
          obtained all  requisite  authorizations  and  performed  all requisite
          acts, to enter into and perform their obligations hereunder,  they has
          duly executed and  delivered  this  Agreement  and such  constitutes a
          legal,  valid and binding  obligation of it enforceable  against it in
          accordance with the Agreement's  terms,  and the entering into of this
          Agreement and the performance of their obligations  hereunder does not
          and will not result in a breach of, default under or conflict with any
          of the terms and provisions of any of its constituting documents,  any
          resolutions  of their  partners,  any  indenture,  agreement  or other
          instrument  to which  they are a party or by which  they are  bound or
          which the Assigned Interest may be subject to, or any statute,  order,
          judgment or other law or ruling of any competent authority;

     (c)  the Original  Assignment  Agreement is in good standing as at the date
          hereof and no default has occurred therein; and

     (d)  the Assignor has the legal  capacity and  competence to enter into and
          execute  this  Agreement  and to take all  actions  required  pursuant
          hereto and they are duly incorporated and validly subsisting under the
          laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation and all necessary  approvals
          by their  directors,  shareholders  and others  have been  obtained to
          authorize execution and performance of this Agreement on behalf of the

3. The Assignor will at all times hereafter execute and deliver,  at the request
of the Assignee, all such further documents, deeds and instruments,  and will do
and perform all such acts as may be  necessary  or desirable to give full effect
to the intent and meaning of this Agreement.  Without limiting the generality of
the foregoing,  the Assignors will execute such financing statements,  financing
change  statements,  notices or  directions  as may be necessary or advisable to
cause all pertinent  offices of public record to amend their records to show the
interests of the Assignee in the Original Assignment Agreement.

4. Each of the parties to this Agreement  acknowledges  that such party has read
this  document  and  fully   understands  the  terms  of  this  Agreement,   and
acknowledges  that this  Agreement  has been executed  voluntarily  after either
receiving independent legal advice, or having been advised to obtain independent
legal advice and having elected not to do so

5. This  Agreement  will enure to the benefit of the Assignee and its successors
and  assigns,  and will be binding  upon the  Assignor  and its  successors  and

6. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance  with the laws
in force in the  State of Nevada  and the  parties  submit to the  non-exclusive
jurisdiction of the courts of State of Nevada in any  proceedings  pertaining to
the Assignment or this Agreement.

7. This  Agreement may be executed in any number of  counterparts  with the same
effect  as if  all  parties  hereto  had  all  signed  the  same  document.  All
counterparts  will be construed  together and will  constitute  one and the same


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day
and year first above written.


Per: /s/ signed
    Authorized Signatory


Per: /s/ signed
    Authorized Signatory


                                    EXHIBIT A

                              ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT


                              ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT

THIS ASSIGNMENT is made effective as of this 2nd day of October, 2009


               LEXARIA CORP., a company incorporated under the laws of the State
               of Nevada,  having a business  office at #604 - 700 West  Pender,
               Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6C 1G8

               (the "ASSIGNOR," or, "LEXARIA")


               MURRAYFIELD  LIMITED,  Conference House, 152 Morrison Street, The
               Exchange Edinburg EH3 8E8 United Kingdom

               (the "ASSIGNEE")


A.   The Assignor  and the  Assignee  are in the  business of natural  resources
     exploration and development;

B.   Lexaria  has  entered  into a  farmout,  option  and  participation  letter
     agreement dated December 21, 2005 (the "Head  Agreement"),  a copy of which
     is attached as Exhibit I hereto,  with Griffin & Griffin Exploration L.L.C.
     ("Griffin") with respect to the following property:

     (1)  Belmont Lake Field, Wilkinson County, Mississippi, Section 41-T2N-R4W

C.   Lexaria currently has the right to earn:

     (1)  a 32% (gross) and  20.802815%  (net)  working  interest in the Belmont
          Lake PP F-12-4  horizontal well until such time the well achieves 500%
          revenue payout (as more  particularly  described below), at which time
          this interest ceases as per the joint operating agreement.

D.   On or about August 13, 2009, the Assignor entered into an Authorization For
     Expenditure agreement (the "AFE") with Griffin, a copy of which is attached
     as Exhibit II hereto,  to participate in the drilling and completion of the
     PP  F-12-4  well by  paying  a 32%  share  of the  costs  of  drilling  and
     completing the PP F-12-4 well as per the AFE; and


E.   The Assignee  wishes to purchase from the Assignor and the Assignor  wishes
     to sell to the Assignee a revenue  interest of 36.101498% of a 32% share of
     the  Assignor's  net revenue  after field  operating  expenses  from the PP
     F-12-4 well (the "Assigned Interest");

F.   In consideration  for the Assigned  Interest the Assignee has agreed to pay
     to the Assignor:

     (a)  48.13533% of the Assignor's  costs  currently  budgeted at $311,621.44
          but subject to revision by Griffin,  being an amount of  US$150,000.00
          (the "Initial Consideration"); and

     (b)  48.13533%  of the  Assignor's  32% share of PP F-12-4  well costs from
          time to time for infrastructure,  pipes, tanks, compressors, trucking,
          etc,  as  recommended  for  expenditure  by Griffin  (the  "Subsequent
          Consideration"); and,

G.   Upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this  Assignment,
     the consent of Griffin with respect to the  Assignment  herein  having been
     obtained,  the Assignor  wishes to assign and the Assignee wishes to accept
     the  assignment  of the  Assigned  Interest  as  shown  above in and to the
     Participation Agreement.

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT  WITNESSES that in  consideration  of covenants and
agreements  set forth  herein and other  good and  valuable  consideration,  the
receipt and  sufficiency  of which is hereby  acknowledged,  the parties  hereto
agree each with the other as follows:

1.   The  Assignor  hereby  assigns,  transfers  and sets over to the  Assignee,
     effective as of the date hereof,  all  proportionate  rights,  interest and
     benefits in the Assigned Interest held by or granted to the Assignor in and
     to the Participation Agreement between the Assignor and Griffin but limited
     to a gross 500%  revenue  payout  based on the total  amount paid under the
     Initial  Consideration  and the  Subsequent  Consideration  after which all
     rights,  interests and benefits cease;  and details of which are referenced
     in the attached  Exhibit II. The Assignee  hereby  acknowledges  and agrees
     that the Assignor is making no representation or covenant as to whether any
     oil revenue will be recovered from the Assigned Interest.

2.   The   Assignee   hereby   agrees  to  pay  to  the   Assignor  the  Initial
     Consideration, within 5 days of the signing of this Assignment.

3.   The  Assignee   hereby  agrees  to  pay  to  the  Assignor  the  Subsequent
     Consideration as required and or demanded by the Assignor. In the event the
     Assignee  does not provide  the  Subsequent  Consideration  within five (5)
     business  days,  Griffin  shall  withhold  such amount of revenue  from the
     Assigned  Interest in order to satisfy the then amount  outstanding  of the
     Subsequent Consideration.

4.   The Assignor warrants and represents to the Assignee that as of the date of
     this Assignment,  the Participation  Agreement is in full force and effect,
     without modification or amendment, that the Assignor has the full right and


     authority  to  assign  the  Assigned  Interest  and  all  of  the  Assigned
     Interest's rights, interest and benefits held by or granted to the Assignor
     in and to the  Participation  Agreement and that such rights,  interest and
     benefits  assigned to the Assignee herein are free of lien,  encumbrance or
     adverse claim.

5.   The Assignee  hereby  assumes and agrees to perform all  obligations of the
     Assignor  with respect to the  Assigned  Interest  under the  Participation
     Agreement and  guarantees  to hold the Assignor  harmless from any claim or
     demand of any kind made hereunder.

6.   This  Assignment  shall be  binding  upon and inure to the  benefit  of the
     parties, their successors and assigns.

7.   Each of the parties hereto will  co-operate with the others and execute and
     deliver to the other parties  hereto such other  instruments  and documents
     and take such other  actions as may be  reasonably  requested  from time to
     time by any other party  hereto as necessary  to carry out,  evidence,  and
     confirm the intended purpose of this Assignment.

8.   This  Assignment  may not be  amended  except by an  instrument  in writing
     signed by each of the parties.

9.   This Assignment and the Exhibit hereto contain the entire agreement between
     the parties with respect to the subject  matter  hereof and  supercede  all
     prior  arrangements and  understandings,  both written and oral, express or
     implied,  with respect thereto. Any preceding  correspondence or offers are
     expressly superceded and terminated by this Assignment.

10.  All  notices and other  communications  required  or  permitted  under this
     Assignment  must be in writing and will be deemed given if sent by personal
     delivery,  faxed with electronic confirmation of delivery,  internationally
     recognized   courier  or  registered  or  certified  mail  (return  receipt
     requested),  postage prepaid, to the parties at the following addresses (or
     at such other address for a party as will be specified by like notice):

If to the Assignor                If to the Assignee                       If to Griffin

604 - 700 West Pender St.         Conference House,                        LeFleur's Gallary
Vancouver BC V6C 1G8              152 Morrison Street, The Exchange        P.O. Box 12274
604.602.1633 ph                   Edinburg EH3 8E8                         Jackson, MS, 39236
604.602.1625 fax                  United Kingdom                           601.713.1146 ph
                                                                           601.713.1175 fax

11.  This  Assignment  will be governed by and construed in accordance  with the
     laws of the Province of British Columbia, Canada as applicable to contracts
     made and performed therein.

12.  This Assignment may be executed in one or more  counterparts,  all of which
     will be considered one and the same  Assignment  and will become  effective


     when one or mare  counterparts  have been signed by each of the parties and
     delivered to the other parties,  it being  understood that all parties need
     not sign the same counterpart.

13.  This Agreement may be executed by delivery of executed  signature  pages by
     fax and such fax execution will be effective for all purposes.

14.  Time is of essence in this Assignment.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF the parties have executed this  Assignment as of the day and
year first above written.

ASSIGNOR                                  ASSIGNEE

LEXARIA CORP.                             MURRAYFIELD LIMITED

Per:                                      Per: /s/ signed
    -----------------------------------       ----------------------------------
    Authorized Signatory                      Authorized Signatory

Name:  Bal Bhullar                        Name:
Title: CFO, Director                      Title:

Per: /s/ signed
    Authorized Signatory

Name:  Chris Bunka
Title: CEO, Chair