Exhibit 10.11

                               EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT

Party A: Xiangtan Nicestar Business Administration Co., Ltd.

Address:  Huan Yuan Village,  Shao Shan Country,  Shaoshan City,  Xiangtan City,
Hunan Province

Party B: Yabin Zhong                         Gender: Female

ID card No.: 43012419660828144X              Tel: 0731-87828601

Home address (contact address):  No.27 Jinsha Road, Lijingpu Country,  Ningxiang
County, Changsha City, Hunan Province.

In accordance  with the Labor Law of the People's  Republic of China,  the Labor
Contract Law of the People's  Republic of China and other laws and  regulations,
both parties have signed this Contract  voluntarily  based on equal  negotiation
and agreed to co-abide by the terms herein.


Article 1

The term of the Contract is 10 years,  from October 1st, 2009 to September 30th,


Article 2

Party A employs Party B to take the position as a director.

Article 3

Party A may adjust and  rearrange  job  position  for Party B as required and in
view of Party B's ability,  performance  etc.,  while Party B shall  voluntarily
obey   Party   A's   arrangement   and   management,   earnestly   fulfill   its
responsibilities, ensure the quality and quantity of implementation of job tasks
from Party A and accept the appraisal set by Party A.


Article 4

Party A arranges Party B to implement regular-working-hour system. Party A shall
pay Party B's  salary in  currency  by mutual  agreement.  The salary of Party B
includes  basic  salary  RMB  4800 for  buying  social  insurance  as a base and
performance-based  salary.  Performance-based  salary is calculated according to
the appraisal method known by Party B and decided by Party A.


Article 5

In accordance  with  provincial and municipal  regulations on social  insurance,
both  parties  shall pay for the  pension,  unemployment,  health care and other
social insurance costs.

Article 6

This  Contract  implements  standard-working-hour  system.  During the  Contract
period Party B has rights to enjoy each rests and holiday set forth by State. If
Party A require Party B to work overtime for meet the production demand, Party A
shall pay overtime wage to Party B or arrange the rest delay to another day.

Article 7

Party A shall  provide  Party B with safe and  healthy  working  conditions  and
environment according to Party B's job requirements.


Article 8

Party B is obliged to observe national laws and regulations, earnestly implement
all regulations and work disciplines made by Party A.

Article 9

Party B is obliged to keep teaching achievements,  data, technology, finance and
other relevant secrets and business secrets.


Article 10

If either  party  wants to modify the  Contract,  one party  should  deliver the
modification  application to the other party in written form and the other party
shall reply within 30 days in written  form.  If both parties reach an agreement
through  consultation,  the contract can be modified;  otherwise,  this Contract
shall be continually implemented.

Article 11

The  revocation  of the  Contract  occurs when both  parties  reach an agreement
through negotiation.

Article 12

Party A may terminate this Contract unilaterally at any time, if Party B:

1. Fail to meet the employment  requirements in the trial period or probationary

2. Absent from work without  leave more than three  consecutive  working days or
more than five working days within one year;


3. Fail to fulfill the Employment Contract;

4. A serious dereliction of duty, causing serious loss to society and Party A;

5. Serious violation of labor discipline (including but not limited to Party B's
violation  of the  legitimate  rights and  interests of Party A, and its acts of
interfering and sabotaging Party A' s operational activities by organizing other
staff without approval of Party A) or breach of the regulations made by Party A;

6. Reeducation through labor, criminal detention, administrative detention or be
subject to any criminal responsibility;

7. Other circumstances set forth by national laws and regulations.

Article 13

Party A may  terminate  the Contract  unilaterally  with 30 days' prior  written
notice to Party B or shall pay Party B an extra one-month salary, if Party B:

1. Ill or injured not due to work, after the medical  treatment,  not be able to
do the original work and not follow the other  appropriate job arranged by Party

2.   Incompetent  or  not  qualified  for  the  work,  even  after  training  or
rearrangement of the job position;

3. The circumstances which the Contract based on change significantly, resulting
in inability to perform this Contract.  Meanwhile, both parties can not reach an
agreement to amend the Contract after negotiations.

Article 14

Party A may not terminate  the Contract in accordance  with Article 13, if Party

1. Ill or injured not due to work and in the medical  care period in  accordance
with regulations;

2. Women workers under  implementation  of family  planning  being in pregnancy,
childbirth and breast-feeding period;

3.  Occupational  disease or injured  due to work,  loss or partial  loss of the
ability to work is identified;

4. Other  circumstances  in which  termination  of  contract  is not  allowed in
accordance with national law.

Article 15

Party B can terminate the Employment Contract, if Party A:

1. Unable to pay for the full  salary on time in  accordance  with the  Contract

2. Not pay for social insurance costs in accordance with national law.

3.  Breach  the laws and  regulations  and  violate  the  legitimate  rights and
interests of employees.


4. Other circumstances in which termination of contract is allowed in accordance
with national laws, administrative regulations.

Article 16

If Party B wants to terminate the Contract,  Party B should inform Party A ahead
of 30 days in written form and  transfer the work in advance.  If Party B leaves
without notice, Party B shall pay for the loss brought to Party A.

Article 17

The Contract may be terminated:

1. The expiration of this Contract occurs;

2. Party B meets the retirement age set by State;

3. The death of the Party B occurs. Party B is announced to be missed or dead by
people's court;

4. Party A is announced to bankrupt;

5. Party A is  invalidated  business  license,  ordered to close,  canceled,  or
determine to dismiss in advance;

6. Other circumstances in which termination of contract is allowed in accordance
with national laws, administrative regulations.

Article 18

Party B should get the proof of  dissolution or termination of the Contract from
Party A within 15 days after the dissolution or termination.  If Party B dissent
the dissolution or termination of the Contract,  it can apply for arbitration to
relevant arbitration institution. If Party B does not get the proof or apply for
arbitration  in the period,  it is deemed that Party B has agreed with Party A's
decision to cancel or terminate the Contract.


Article 19

In the  contract  period,  If Party A  terminates  the Contract due to following
reasons,  it should pay Party B  economic  compensation  according  to Party B's
working time, if:

1.  Party A  termination  of the  Contract  to  Party B and  termination  of the
Contract through agreement negotiation with Party B;

2. Termination of the Contract according to Article 13;

3. Termination of the Contract according to Article 15;

4. Party A is legally  announced  to  bankrupt,  invalidated  business  license,
ordered to close, canceled, or determine to dismiss in advance.

5. Other circumstances in which termination of contract is allowed in accordance
with national laws, administrative regulations.


The  standard of  economic  compensation  according  to Party B's work period in
Party A:  Party A shall  pay for  Party B  one-month  salary if Party B has been
worked in Party A for one year,  more than  six-month and less than a year shall
be calculated  salary as a year; if Party B has been worked less than six-month,
Party A shall pay half-month salary as economic compensation.

Article 20

In the contract period,  employers pay for employees  specific training cost and
regulate the service  period.  Party B shall pay for Party A liquidated  damages
which are accounted by relevant national laws and regulations if Party B informs
Party A to terminate the contract and if Party B causes loss to Party A for this
reason; it shall be liable for economic compensation.


Article 21

Both parties shall resolve the disputes arising from the  implementation  of the
Contract through  negotiation:  If the negotiation  fails, Party B can apply for
mediation from relevant  institutions of Party A or apply for  arbitration  from
the local  arbitration  commission.  Legitimate  results of arbitration shall be
binding on both parties.


Article 22

The change of the Party B's  address  should be noticed to Party A within 3 days
in written  form. It shall be deemed that the address dose not change if without

Article 23

Both parties shall  negotiate and solve the matters which the Contract doses not
cover according to relevant national regulations.

Article 24

The  contract  shall come into force as of the date when both  parties  sign and
affix the seals. The Contract is in duplicate. Each party takes one with equally
legal effect.

Attachment: Copy of Party B's ID card and household registration book.


Party A (Official seal):                       Party B (Signature, fingerprint):

                                               /s/ Yabin Zhong

Legal representative (Signature):              Party B's ID card No.:

Or entrusted agent (signature):

/s/ Guangwen He

Signature Date: October 1, 2009                Signature Date: October 1, 2009
