Exhibit 23.1

The Board of Directors
AvWorks Aviation Corp. (f/k/a Datamill Media Corp.)
4700 Hiatus Road, Suite 252
Sunrise, FL 33351


I consent to the incorporation by reference in this Registration Statement (Form
S-8) pertaining to the AvWorks Aviation Corp.  (f/k/a Datamill Media Corp.) 2011
Employee and Consultant  Stock  Incentive Plan of my reports dated September 30,
2011 and  November  22,  2011,  with  respect  to the  audits  of the  financial
statements  of Young  Aviation,  LLC (the main  operational  business of AvWorks
Aviation  Corp as of October 3,  2011)for the years ended  December 31, 2010 and
2009,  my report dated  September  30, 2011,  with respect to the reviews of the
financial statements of Young Aviation, LLC for the three months ended March 31,
2011 and for the six months ended June 30, 2011 and my report dated November 22,
2011, with respect to the reviews of the financial statements of Young Aviation,
LLC for the three and nine month  periods  ended  September  30,  2011 and 2010,
included  in  AvWorks  Aviation  Corp's  Current  Report  on Form  8-K/A and its
Amendments  to Current  Reports on Form  8-K/A,  filed with the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission.

/s/ Harris F. Rattray CPA
Harris F. Rattray CPA
Pembroke Pines, Florida
March 23, 2012