Pedro Perez Niklitschek
PN Med Group Inc.
June 13, 2012
Page 1

June 14, 2012

Via Email
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F St. NE
Washington, DC 20549-7010

John Reynolds
Assistant Director

Re: PN Med Group Inc.
    Registration Statement on Form S-1/A
    Filed June 4, 2012
    File No. 333-181229

As per your comments dated June 13, 2012 please see the following responses:


1.   We reissue comment 4 from our letter dated May 23, 2012. Please disclose
     the duration of the offering on the cover page. See Item 501(b)(8)(iii) of
     Regulation S-K. In addition, we note the disclosure on page four that the
     duration of the offering is the earlier of the date when you sell all of
     the shares in this offering or the board determines to terminate the
     offering. Such indeterminate duration is inconsistent with Rule 415(a)(2)
     of Regulation C. Please revise the duration accordingly. Please provide
     revisions which are responsive to our comment.

     RESPONSE: We have revised the duration of this offering to two years from
     the initial effective date of this offering.

Pedro Perez Niklitschek
PN Med Group Inc.
June 13, 2012
Page 2


2.   We note your response to comment 10 in our letter dated May 23, 2012, and
     we reissue the comment. To this extent, we note your reference within this
     section and on page 13 to your "clients." Since you currently have no
     clients, please remove these references from your document or qualify such
     references by noting that these are potential clients.

     RESPONSE: We have made the revisions throughout the disclosure.


3.   We note your response to comment 9 in our letter dated May 23, 2012 and
     that you have deleted the referenced risk factors. Given that you have no
     revenues, limited assets, and your registered certified public accountants
     have issued an opinion expressing substantial doubt about your ability to
     continue as a going concern, it appears that your limited operations and
     the likelihood that you will incur losses for the foreseeable future still
     represent material risks to investors. Without referring to your business
     as a transportation company, please include a risk factor which discusses
     these risks as they apply to your business.

     RESPONSE: We have included the following risk factor:


     We have no revenue and limited assets and our registered certified public
     accountants have issued an opinion expressing substantial doubt about our
     ability to continue as a going concern; our limited operations and the
     likelihood that we will incur losses for the foreseeable future represent
     material risks to our potential investors.


4.   We reissue comment 14 from our letter dated May 23, 2012. Please revise to
     describe the order or priority for your various uses of proceeds in each of
     the offering scenarios. We also note your statement on page 3 that if you
     raise less than 25% of the offering, you will spend your proceeds as
     described in the $25,000 scenario. Please clarify whether you will allocate
     your proceeds pro rata to the uses described in the $25,000 or whether you
     will seek to make certain expenditures before others.

     RESPONSE: We have revised our Use of Proceeds table to state the priority
     for each of our scenarios. We also clarified that if we raise less than 25%
     of the offering we will allocate our proceeds pro rata to the uses
     described in the $25,000 scenario.

Pedro Perez Niklitschek
PN Med Group Inc.
June 13, 2012
Page 3

5.   Please reconcile the disclosure in the narrative following the use of
     proceeds table with the information in the table. For instance, you state
     on page 10 that if you raise $100,000, the order supplies and equipment
     expenses will increase to $50,000. However, the table reflects an
     allocation of $62,000 at this level of proceeds. Similarly, we note the
     inconsistency between the table and the disclosure for the web development
     at the $50,000 level of proceeds.

     RESPONSE: We have reconciled our disclosure accordingly to the Use of
     Proceeds table.



6.   Please revise this section for consistency within this section and with
     your Use of Proceeds section. For example, the disclosure on page 13
     regarding establishing an office is not consistent with the table on page
     12 or the use of proceeds table. Please revise these sections for
     consistency or revise your plan of operations to describe the specifics of
     what you intend to do with the additional funds raised.

     RESPONSE: We have revised our Plan of Operation section for consistency
     with our Use of Proceeds section.

7.   We note your response to comment 18 in our letter dated May 23, 2012. Given
     that you are substantially dependent upon raising funds in this offering,
     please revise to explain how you intend to meet each of your milestones if
     you cannot raise adequate funding.

     RESPONSE: We have revised that if we only sell 25% or less of our offered
     shares we will require an additional investment to cover expenses for the
     year. Mr. Nitlitschek informally agreed to advance us the funds for
     professional fees and operating expenses; however, he has not formally
     agreed to do so and therefore not legally obligated to provide such

8.   Please reconcile the disclosure on page 14 that Kangtai is our exclusive
     distributor of medical devices, with the agreement filed as exhibit 10.1,
     which reflects that PN Med Group is the distributor.

     RESPONSE: We have reconciled the disclosure to state that Kangtai is our
     supplier and PNMG is the distribution company.


9.   We reissue comment 21 in our letter dated May 23, 2012. We note your
     disclosure in this section that you intend to pay Mr. Niklitschek $0.25 per
     kilometer driven in the delivery of your products. Please revise your plan
     of operation to include this expense. Please note that the plan of
     operations should discuss all the expenses associated with the business
     plan to commence operations, not just those that would be provided for from
     the proceeds of the offering. Please revise the plan of operations

     RESPONSE: We have revised our plan of operations accordingly to include the
     statement in question.

Pedro Perez Niklitschek
PN Med Group Inc.
June 13, 2012
Page 4

10.  We reissue comment 23 in our letter dated May 23, 2012. We continue to note
     the statement on page 20 that you do not have any employees. Please
     reconcile with the disclosure on page 28 regarding your executive officers.

     RESPONSE: We have reconciled our disclosure to state that we have two
     employees: Mr. Niklitschek, our president and Miguel Molina Urra, our


11.  We note your response to comment 2 in our letter dated May 23, 2012 and we
     reissue the comment. We are currently unable to locate the revisions
     referenced in your response. Please provide the information required by
     Item 404(a) of Regulation S-K or tell us where such information is provided
     in your document.

     RESPONSE: We have now disclosed the relationship of the shareholder who
     provided the loan, the date and the dollar value. We have disclosed that
     the loan was provided free of charge by the shareholder because being a
     majority shareholder it is in his interest that the company succeeds in its
     business endeavors.


     /s/ Pedro Perez Niklitschek
     Pedro Perez Niklitschek
     PN Med Group Inc.