Exhibit 14.2

                           AMWEST IMAGING INCORPORATED

This  booklet  is being  distributed  annually  to Amwest  Imaging  Incorporated
directors,  officers and employees around the country.  If you have questions or
need guidance or additional  copies,  please contact the corporate office at 815
John St. Suite 150, Evansville, IN or via telephone at (812) 250-4210.

To: All directors,  officers and employees of Amwest Imaging  Incorporated.  and
    our subsidiaries and affiliates

Re: A Message from Jason Gerteisen

Amwest Imaging  Incorporated  ("Amwest") is committed to operating with honesty,
fairness and integrity. This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the "Code") is
your  guide for  achieving  each of these  objectives.  This Code  contains  the
standards  and  ethical  principles  necessary  to assist us in making the right
decisions when faced with ethical issues. These standards and principles reflect
our  company's  excellent  reputation  as an ethical and  law-abiding  corporate
citizen.  Maintaining  an  excellent  reputation  will  enable us to attract and
retain customers, improve our competitive position and enhance stockholder value
for years to come.

Because the Code cannot address every possible ethical  situation,  particularly
in a rapidly  changing  environment,  we have included in the Code various phone
numbers you can call to seek assistance  and/or discuss  concerns  regarding the

The image and  reputation  of every  organization  is  determined by the example
established by its people.  Amwest is proud of its image and intends to continue
to maintain its high standards.


Jason Gerteisen
Chairman of the Board and


Amwest Imaging  Incorporated  ("Amwest") is committed to maximizing the value of
our  stockholders'  investment  in Amwest,  while  conducting  our business in a
manner  that is  socially  responsible  and in  compliance  with  the  laws  and
regulations that apply to our business. Therefore, this Code of Business Conduct
and Ethics (the "Code") has been adopted by our company's Board of Directors and
summarizes the standards that must guide our actions.  In short, these standards
are  designed to deter  wrongdoing  and promote  the  following:  (i) honest and
ethical conduct,  including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts
of interest between personal and  professional  relationships;  (ii) full, fair,
accurate,  timely, and  understandable  disclosure in reports and documents that
Amwest files with, or submits to, the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  (the
"SEC") and in other public  communications made by Amwest; (iii) compliance with
applicable  governmental  laws, rules and regulations;  (iv) the prompt internal
reporting  to an  appropriate  person or  persons  identified  herein  regarding
violations of this Code; and (v)  accountability for adherence to this Code. The
directors, officers and employees of Amwest are responsible for their individual
actions  and for  compliance  with the  policies  set forth in this  Code.  Each
director, officer and employee of Amwest is required to read and follow the Code
as a condition of such  person's  position  with Amwest.  Please be advised that
this Code is not an  employment  contract of any form and does not in any manner
amend or modify the terms and conditions of your employment with Amwest.


Amwest requires its directors, officers and employees to discharge each of their
respective responsibilities in accordance with the law and the highest standards
of business ethics. If at any time a director,  officer or employee is uncertain
regarding  the  validity  or  legitimacy  of a proposed  course of  action,  the
application  of a law or  regulation,  or  the  applicability  of  the  policies
described in this Code, such person should contact the corporate  office, in the
future,  such telephone number, web address or other  telecommunications  medium
that Amwest will  disclose  on its  website for such help and  information  (the
"Help Source").


     OBLIGATION TO REPORT - If any director,  officer or employee  believes that
     actions have taken place,  may be taking place, or are about to take place,
     that violate or would violate the Code,  such person is obligated to report
     the matter to the Company or, if available,  the Help Source. Each of us is
     encouraged to consult with a supervisor,  human  resources  representative,
     company lawyer,  financial controller,  manager or other employee you trust
     regarding questions relating to this Code.

     NO RETALIATION - Amwest will keep the identity of the director,  officer or
     employee making the report confidential. If a director, officer or employee
     reports in good faith a suspected  violation of this Code,  the  individual
     making the report or providing  information  regarding the same will not be
     subject  to  discipline  or other  retaliatory  action  for doing  so.  Any
     director,  officer or employee of Amwest who engages in retaliatory actions
     will be  subject to  disciplinary  action,  including  the  possibility  of

     CONSEQUENCES  FOR  VIOLATION - Any person in violation of this Code will be
     subject to discipline, including possible termination. Additionally, Amwest
     may  have a  legal  obligation  to  bring  violations  of the  Code  to the
     attention of appropriate  enforcement  authorities  (as some violations are
     also violations of the law). In such cases, civil or criminal penalties may
     also be imposed.



The directors, officers and employees of Amwest must endeavor to deal fairly and
in good faith with fellow directors, officers, employees,  customers, suppliers,
competitors,  visitors, neighbors in the communities in which we operate and any
others with whom we come in contact as representatives of Amwest. The directors,
officers  and  employees  of Amwest  must not take  unfair  advantage  of anyone
through   manipulation,   concealment,   abuse  of  privileged  or  confidential
information, intentional misrepresentations of facts, fraudulent behavior or any
other unfair practice.


Amwest takes a proactive  stance on compliance with applicable  laws,  rules and
regulations  of federal,  state,  provincial  and local  governments,  and other
appropriate private and public regulatory agencies. Accordingly, Amwest requires
its directors,  officers and employees to comply with applicable laws, rules and
regulations,  including  insider  trading and antitrust  laws, each of which are
discussed  elsewhere in this Code. Amwest also requires its directors,  officers
and employees to comply with the following:

     PROHIBITION ON FRAUD - Amwest strictly  prohibits any fraudulent  activity,
     including any act that constitutes cheating,  stealing, deceiving or lying.
     The  directors,  officers  and  employees of Amwest must act in good faith,
     responsibly, with due care, competence and diligence, without intentionally
     representing facts or allowing independent judgment to be subordinated.

     EQUAL  OPPORTUNITY  - It is the policy of Amwest to operate under sound and
     legal personnel  policies.  Amwest objective is to be equitable and fair in
     the treatment of all directors,  officers and employees in all  situations.
     This includes, but is not limited to, the following:  (i) the selection and
     placement of any individual is based on that  individual's  qualifications,
     without regard to race, religion,  national origin, sex, age or disability;
     and  (ii)  compensating  individuals  in  accordance  with  an  his  or her
     contribution to Amwest, without regard to race, religion,  national origin,
     sex, age or disability.

     HARASSMENT-FREE WORKPLACE - The directors, officers and employees of Amwest
     must maintain an environment that is free of any form of  discrimination or
     harassment. All employment-related  decisions must be based on the needs of
     the  business,   individual  qualifications,   ability,   contribution  and
     demonstrated performance.

     conducting business, it is necessary to collect,  maintain and use personal
     information  about  directors,  officers and  employees.  Only  job-related
     information  and personal  information  related to  business,  benefits and
     legal purposes will be collected and maintained.  This  information will be
     maintained on a strictly  confidential  basis. The use or disclosure of any
     of this information is limited to required business or legal purposes.


It is  contrary  to Amwest  policy and the laws of the  United  States to offer,
solicit,  give or accept  bribes or  kickbacks,  or transfer or receive money or
anything of value which could improperly influence one's conduct.  Punishment is
particularly severe for improper payments involving  government officials in the
United States or abroad.  However,  occasional  business meals, social events or
souvenirs of nominal value may be appropriate if reasonably  limited in cost and
frequency.  Specific  rules and  prohibitions  apply to business  conducted with
government  agencies.  Special care must be taken to understand  and comply with
these rules.  Do not hesitate to contact the Company or, if available,  the Help
Source if you have a question or encounter a troubling situation.



The directors, officers and employees of Amwest have a duty of loyalty to Amwest
and must act in the best interests of Amwest. Therefore, directors, officers and
employees  shall not  engage in  activities  that  give  rise to a  conflict  of
interest or even the appearance of a conflict of interest,  without the approval
of the General  Counsel.  A "conflict  of  interest"  exists when a  director's,
officer's  or  employees  private  interest  would  reasonably  be  expected  to
interfere, or even appear to interfere, with the interests of Amwest as a whole.
In dealing with customers,  suppliers, rivals or competitors, we must not engage
in  activities  that may make it difficult to perform our work  objectively  and
effectively or, directly or indirectly, cast doubt or create even the appearance
that we cannot act with complete objectivity.

Conflicts of interest may include, but are not limited to, the following:

     1)   Receiving  improper  personal  benefits  for  an  individual  or  such
          individual's family as a result of one's position at Amwest

     2)   Holding an ownership interest (other than a nominal amount of stock in
          a publicly-traded company) in any supplier,  customer or competitor of

     3)   Loaning  money to, or borrowing  money from,  individuals  or concerns
          that do business with or compete with Amwest, except transactions with
          banks  or other  financial  institutions  in  accordance  with  normal
          business practices

     4)   Engaging in any outside  business  activity that is  competitive  with
          Amwest business

     5)   Receiving any gifts,  gratuities,  or excessive  entertainment fees or
          payment from any party with which Amwest does business with

     6)   Amwest has business dealings, except for commonly distributed items of
          nominal value that conform to customary industry practices.  Any gifts
          that  are not of  nominal  value  must  be  returned  immediately  and
          reported to a supervisor. If an immediate return is not practical, the
          item or items should be given to Amwest for charitable disposition

     7)   Accepting  outside  employment  that adversely  affects one's work for

     8)   Serving  on  a  board  of  directors  of  any  customer,  supplier  or
          competitor  of Amwest,  unless  such  service has been  disclosed  and
          approved by the Amwest Board of Directors;

     9)   Using for  personal  gain or for the  benefit of others,  confidential
          information obtained during one's affiliation with Amwest.

The  directors,  officers and employees of Amwest are encouraged to discuss with
the Company any questions  regarding a transaction  or  relationship  that could
reasonably be expected to give rise to a conflict.  The directors,  officers and
employees of Amwest must fully  disclose  the nature of any proposed  conduct or
transaction  that  involves or could  involve a conflict of interest  and obtain
approval  before  any action is  undertaken.  It is the  responsibility  of each
director, officer and employee of Amwest to disclose to the Company all personal
interests or circumstances  that might constitute a conflict of interest as soon
as the  circumstances  arise.  Some  conflicts of interest may arise  innocently
because of  circumstances  alone,  without  deliberate  action on the part of an
individual. If one finds himself or herself in such a position, such person must
immediately notify the Company for guidance.



The  assets  of  Amwest,  such  as  information,   materials,   supplies,  time,
intellectual property,  software, hardware and facilities, among other property,
are valuable resources owned,  licensed,  or otherwise  belonging to Amwest. The
directors, officers and employees of Amwest are responsible for safeguarding the
company assets.  The assets of Amwest must only be used for legitimate  business
purposes. The personal use of company assets without permission is prohibited. A
director,  officer  or  employee  that  becomes  aware of the theft or misuse of
company assets must report the matter to the Company or, if available,  the Help

Amwest realizes that sometimes the line between  personal and company benefit is
difficult to determine. The only prudent course of conduct is to ensure that any
use of Amwest  property or services that is not solely for the benefit of Amwest
is approved beforehand by the Board of Directors.


The directors,  officers and employees of Amwest owe a duty to Amwest to advance
the company's interests when the opportunity arises.  Accordingly,  no director,
officer or employee may: (i) take for himself or herself  opportunities that are
discovered through the use of corporate property or information or such person's
position; (ii) use corporate property, information or such person's position for
personal gain; or (iii) compete, directly or indirectly, with Amwest.


Amwest  intellectual   property  includes   inventions,   improvements,   ideas,
information, software, models and programs, together with the related materials,
documentation,  patents, trademarks,  copyrights and other rights that accompany
them. Amwest intellectual property rights are extremely valuable to the company.
While  Amwest  sometimes  allows  others  to  purchase  or use its  intellectual
property  through formal  agreements,  the directors,  officers and employees of
Amwest must recognize and report the  unauthorized use of our business assets by

It is also the policy of Amwest to respect the intellectual  property of others.
Amwest prohibits the infringement of patents, copyrights,  trademarks,  computer
software,  protected  writings,  products  or  processes  and  similar  business
property rights of others.  We do not copy or use the  intellectual  property of
others without proper prior written authorization.


The   directors,   officers   and   employees   of  Amwest  must   maintain  the
confidentiality  of  information  entrusted  to them  by  Amwest,  its  business
partners, suppliers,  customers or others related to Amwest business except when
disclosure  is  authorized  or legally  mandated.  Confidential  information  is
information  that is not generally known to the public or our  competitors.  The
directors,   officers  and  employees  of  Amwest  must  not  use   confidential
information acquired in the course of business for personal advantage.


Amwest prohibits its directors,  officers and employees from using their time at
work for political activities.  Any director, officer or employee of Amwest that
has any questions  about what is proper should  consult with the Company  before
engaging in any activity  that could be  construed  as  involving  Amwest in any
political activity,  including any monetary  contributions at the federal, state
or  local  level  or in any  foreign  countries.  The  directors,  officers  and
employees of Amwest must  distinguish  their personal views from those of Amwest
unless specifically authorized by Amwest to speak on Amwest behalf.



It is the policy of Amwest to fully and fairly disclose the financial  condition
of the company in compliance with applicable accounting principles,  laws, rules
and  regulations.  The books and records of Amwest must be kept in such a way as
to fully and fairly reflect all company  transactions.  It is also the policy of
Amwest to  cooperate  fully  with the  internal  and  external  auditors  and to
disclose to them all  required  information  on a timely,  complete and accurate
basis so that they can ensure compliance with these principles.


Governments  have  established  antitrust  and fair trade  laws to  protect  and
promote  competition.  The most serious  infractions  usually involve  collusion
among  competitors.  In some  countries,  violations of these laws can result in
criminal   penalties.   Whenever   legitimate   contact  with   competitors   is
contemplated, you should seek advice from the Company before proceeding.

Amwest prohibits directors, officers and employees from working with competitors
to fix  prices or to  allocate  markets  or  customers.  Amwest  also  prohibits
attempts to control the prices at which Amwest  distributors  or other customers
resell Amwest products or services,  or to agree with another person or business
not to do business  with a third party.  The best  approach is to limit  contact
with  competitors  and, when contact is necessary,  to avoid  discussions  about
prices or any of the prohibited activities listed here.


Amwest stock is publicly traded on the NASDAQ.OB.  Therefore, there are specific
rules  regarding  trading  and the  disclosure  of  information,  which  must be
observed by all directors,  officers and employees. The directors,  officers and
employees  of Amwest  must strive to ensure  full,  fair,  accurate,  timely and
understandable  disclosure  in  reports  that we file  with the SEC and in other
public communications.

Applicable law also  regulates the manner in which the  directors,  officers and
employees  of  Amwest  use and  disclose  inside  information,  which  primarily
includes  any  material  information  about  Amwest that could affect the market
price and investor  decisions  about our stock.  Certain  individuals  will have
access to inside  information  about Amwest,  including  financial  performance,
negotiations  about acquisitions or divestitures or major R&D and the like. Such
inside  information  must be  held  in  strict  confidence,  except  when we are
authorized or otherwise legally obligated to disclose the information.

Amwest has in place a policy on insider trading which has been circulated to all
directors, officers, and employees. Strict adherence to that policy is required.


This Code cannot and is not  intended to cover every  applicable  law or provide
answers to all the questions  that may arise.  The Code is intended to alert our
directors,  officers and employees to potential problem situations and provide a
better  understanding of what is expected of us in our business conduct.  If you
have any questions about the principles covered in this Code, please contact the
General Counsel.
