Exhibit 10.1

                              CONSULTING AGREEMENT

THIS is dated on the 26th day of June, 2012.



          (the "Company")



A. The Company desires to retain the Matthew  Christopherson (the "Contractor"),
to provide the Company with services  customary of a publicly  traded  company's
Chief Executive Officer and President (the "Services");

B. The Contractor has agreed to provide the Services to the Company on the terms
and conditions of this Agreement.

     NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT  WITNESSES that in consideration of the mutual
covenants  and  promises  set  forth  herein,  and for other  good and  valuable
consideration,  the receipt and  sufficiency of which is hereby  acknowledged by
each, the parties hereto agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE 1

1.1  Appointment  of Contractor.  The Company hereby  appoints the Contractor to
perform the  Services for the benefit of the Company as  hereinafter  set forth,
and the Company  hereby  authorizes  the  Contractor  to exercise such powers as
provided under this Agreement.  The Contractor  accepts such  appointment on the
terms and conditions herein set forth.

1.2 Performance of Services. The Services hereunder have been and shall continue
to be provided on the basis of the following terms and conditions:

     (a)  the Contractor  shall report directly to the Board of Directors of the

     (b)  the Contractor  shall  faithfully,  honestly and diligently  serve the
          Company  and   cooperate   with  the   Company  and  utilize   maximum
          professional  skill  and care to  ensure  that all  services  rendered
          hereunder,  including the  Services,  are to the  satisfaction  of the
          Company, acting reasonably, and the Contractor shall provide any other
          services not specifically mentioned herein, but which by reason of the
          Contractor's  capability the  Contractor  knows or ought to know to be
          necessary  to  ensure  that  the best  interests  of the  Company  are
          maintained; and

     (c)  the  Company  shall  report  the  results of the  Contractor's  duties
          hereunder as may be requested by the Company from time to time.

1.3 Authority of Contractor.  The  Contractor  shall have no right or authority,
express or implied,  to commit or  otherwise  obligate the Company in any manner
whatsoever  except to the extent  specifically  provided  herein or specifically
authorized in writing by the Company.

1.4 Independent Contractor.  In performing the Services, the Contractor shall be
an independent  contractor  and not an employee or agent of the Company,  except
that the Contractor  shall be the agent of the Company  solely in  circumstances
where the Contractor must be the agent to carry out its obligations as set forth
in this  Agreement.  Nothing in this  Agreement  shall be deemed to require  the
Contractor to provide the Services exclusively to the Company and the Contractor
hereby  acknowledges  that the Company is not required and shall not be required
to make any  remittances  and  payments  required of employers by statute on the
Contractor's  behalf  and  the  Contractor  or any of its  agents  shall  not be
entitled to the fringe benefits provided by the Company to its employees.

                                    ARTICLE 2
                             CONTRACTOR'S AGREEMENTS

2.1 Expense  Statements.  The  Contractor  may incur expenses in the name of the
Company  as agreed in advance in  writing  by the  Company,  provided  that such
expenses relate solely to the carrying out of the Services.  The Contractor will
immediately  forward all invoices for expenses  incurred on behalf of and in the
name of the Company and the Company  agrees to pay said  invoices  directly on a
timely  basis.  The  Contractor  agrees to obtain  approval  from the Company in
writing for any individual  expense of $500 or greater or any aggregate  expense
in excess of $2,000  incurred in any given month by the Contractor in connection
with the carrying out of the Services.

2.2 Travel  Expenses.  The  Company  may  require  the  Contractor  to travel or
temporarily  relocate to oversee  local  operations.  If relocation or travel is
required,   the  Company   shall   provide  the   Contractor   with   reasonable
accommodations  as well as travel  expenses.  During  extended  relocation,  the
Contractor  shall be provided with paid visits back to his home  residence.  Any
expenses  subject to this Section 2.2 shall be discussed  and agreed upon by the
Contractor and the Company before they are undertaken.

2.3 Regulatory  Compliance.  The Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable
securities  legislation  and  regulatory  policies in relation to providing  the
Services,  including  but not  limited  to  United  States  securities  laws (in
particular,  Regulation FD) and the policies of the United States Securities and
Exchange Commission.

2.4 Prohibition Against Insider Trading. The Contractor hereby acknowledges that
the  Contractor is aware,  and further  agrees that the  Contractor  will advise
those of its  directors,  officers,  employees and agents who may have access to
Confidential Information, that United States securities laws prohibit any person
who has  material,  non-public  information  about a company from  purchasing or
selling  securities of such a company or from  communicating such information to
any other person under circumstances in which it is reasonably  foreseeable that
such person is likely to purchase or sell such securities.


                                    ARTICLE 3
                              COMPANY'S AGREEMENTS

3.1 Cash  Compensation.  Compensation  for agreeing to enter into this Agreement
and provide the  Services  to be  rendered  by the  Contractor  pursuant to this
Agreement shall be $8,000 per month during the term of this Agreement.

3.2  Information.  Subject  to the terms of this  Agreement,  including  without
limitation  Article 5 hereof,  and provided that the  Contractor  agrees that it
will not disclose any material  non-public  information to any person or entity,
the Company shall make available to the Contractor such information and data and
shall permit the  Contractor to have access to such  documents as are reasonably
necessary to enable it to perform the Services under this Agreement. The Company
also agrees that it will act  reasonably  and  promptly in  reviewing  materials
submitted to it from time to time by the Contractor and inform the Contractor of
any material inaccuracies or omissions in such materials.

                                    ARTICLE 4

4.1 Effective Date. This Agreement shall become effective as of May 1, 2012 (the
"Effective  Date"),  and shall  continue to June 30, 2013 (the  "Term") or until
earlier terminated  pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.  This Agreement may
be extended for an additional 12 months at the option of the Company.

4.2 Termination.  Without prejudicing any other rights that the Company may have
hereunder  or at law or in equity,  the Company  may  terminate  this  Agreement
immediately  upon it  election  to do so, or if it so elects,  upon  delivery of
written notice to the Contractor if:

     (a)  the Contractor breaches section 2.2 or 2.3 of this Agreement;

     (b)  the Contractor  breaches any other material term of this Agreement and
          such breach is not cured to the reasonable satisfaction of the Company
          within thirty (30) days after written notice  describing the breach in
          reasonable detail is delivered to the Contractor;

     (c)  the Company  acting  reasonably  determines  that the  Contractor  has
          acted,  is acting or is likely to act in a manner  detrimental  to the
          Company or has violated or is likely to violate the confidentiality of
          any information as provided for in this Agreement;

     (d)  the  Contractor  is unable or unwilling to perform the Services  under
          this Agreement, or

     (e)  the  Contractor  commits fraud,  serious  neglect or misconduct in the
          discharge of the Services.

4.3 Termination with Notice.  Either the Contractor or the Company may terminate
this  Agreement by providing at least ninety (90) days prior  written  notice to
the other party.

4.4 Duties Upon Termination.  Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason,
the Contractor  shall upon receipt of all sums due and owing,  promptly  deliver
the following in accordance with the directions of the Company:

     (a)  a final  accounting,  reflecting  the balance of expenses  incurred on
          behalf of the Company as of the date of termination; and


     (b)  all documents  pertaining to the Company or this Agreement,  including
          but not limited to, all books of account, correspondence and contracts
          in his  possession,  provided  that the  Contractor  shall be entitled
          thereafter to inspect,  examine and copy all of the documents which it
          delivers in accordance  with this  provision at all  reasonable  times
          upon three (3) days' notice to the Company.

4.5  Compensation  of  Contractor  on  Termination.  Upon  termination  of  this
Agreement,  the  Contractor  shall be  entitled  to receive as its full and sole
compensation in discharge of obligations of the Company to the Contractor  under
this  Agreement  all sums due and payable  under this  Agreement  to the date of
termination  and the  Contractor  shall  have no right to  receive  any  further
payments;  provided,  however,  that the Company  shall have the right to offset
against any payment owing to the  Contractor  under this  Agreement any damages,
liabilities,  costs or expenses  suffered by the Company by reason of the fraud,
negligence  or wilful act of the  Contractor,  to the extent  such right has not
been waived by the Company.

                                    ARTICLE 5

5.1 Maintenance of Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that in
the course of its appointment  hereunder the Contractor will, either directly or
indirectly,  have access to and be entrusted  with  information  (whether  oral,
written or by inspection) relating to the Company or its respective  affiliates,
associates or customers (the  "Confidential  Information").  For the purposes of
this Agreement, "Confidential Information" includes, without limitation, any and
all Developments (as defined herein),  trade secrets,  inventions,  innovations,
techniques,   processes,   formulas,   drawings,   designs,  products,  systems,
creations, improvements, documentation, data, specifications, technical reports,
customer lists,  supplier lists,  distributor lists,  distribution  channels and
methods,  retailer  lists,  reseller  lists,  employee  information,   financial
information,  sales or marketing  plans,  competitive  analysis  reports and any
other thing or information whatsoever,  whether copyrightable or uncopyrightable
or patentable or unpatentable. The Contractor acknowledges that the Confidential
Information  constitutes a proprietary  right,  which the Company is entitled to
protect.  Accordingly  the Contractor  covenants and agrees that during the Term
and  thereafter  until  such time as all the  Confidential  Information  becomes
publicly known and made generally available through no action or inaction of the
Contractor,  the  Contractor  will keep in strict  confidence  the  Confidential
Information and shall not,  without prior written consent of the Company in each
instance,  disclose, use or otherwise disseminate the Confidential  Information,
directly or indirectly, to any third party.

5.2  Exceptions.  The general  prohibition  contained in Section 5.1 against the
unauthorized  disclosure,  use or dissemination of the Confidential  Information
shall not apply in respect of any Confidential Information that:

     (a)  is available to the public generally in the form disclosed;

     (b)  becomes part of the public domain through no fault of the Contractor;

     (c)  is already in the lawful  possession of the  Contractor at the time of
          receipt of the Confidential Information; or

     (d)  is compelled by  applicable  law to be  disclosed,  provided  that the
          Contractor gives the Company prompt written notice of such requirement
          prior to such disclosure and provides assistance in obtaining an order
          protecting the Confidential Information from public disclosure.


5.3  Developments.  Any  information,  data,  work product or any other thing or
documentation   whatsoever  which  the  Contractor,   either  by  itself  or  in
conjunction  with any third  party,  conceives,  makes,  develops,  acquires  or
acquires  knowledge of during the  Contractor's  appointment with the Company or
which the Contractor,  either by itself or in conjunction  with any third party,
shall conceive, make, develop, acquire or acquire knowledge of (collectively the
"Developments")  during  the Term or at any time  thereafter  during  which  the
Contractor  is engaged by the Company  that is related to the business of mining
property  acquisition  and  exploration  shall  automatically  form  part of the
Confidential  Information  and shall  become and  remain the sole and  exclusive
property of the Company.  Accordingly,  the Contractor does hereby  irrevocably,
exclusively  and  absolutely  assign,  transfer  and  convey to the  Company  in
perpetuity  all  worldwide  right,  title  and  interest  in and to any  and all
Developments  and other rights of whatsoever  nature and kind in or arising from
or pertaining  to all such  Developments  created or produced by the  Contractor
during the course of performing this Agreement,  including,  without limitation,
the right to effect  any  registration  in the world to  protect  the  foregoing
rights. The Company shall have the sole, absolute and unlimited right throughout
the  world,  therefore,  to  protect  the  Developments  by  patent,  copyright,
industrial  design,  trademark  or  otherwise  and  to  make,  have  made,  use,
reconstruct,  repair,  modify,  reproduce,  publish,  distribute  and  sell  the
Developments,  in whole or in part, or combine the  Developments  with any other
matter, or not use the Developments at all, as the Company sees fit.

5.4  Protection of  Developments.  The Contractor  does hereby agree that,  both
before and after the termination of this Agreement, the Contractor shall perform
such further acts and execute and deliver  such further  instruments,  writings,
documents and assurances  (including,  without limitation,  specific assignments
and other  documentation which may be required anywhere in the world to register
evidence of ownership  of the rights  assigned  pursuant  hereto) as the Company
shall  reasonably  require in order to give full  effect to the true  intent and
purpose of the assignment  made under Section 5.3 hereof.  If the Company is for
any  reason  unable,  after  reasonable  effort,  to  secure  execution  by  the
Contractor  on documents  needed to effect any  registration  or to apply for or
prosecute any right or protection  relating to the Developments,  the Contractor
hereby designates and appoints the Company and its duly authorized  officers and
agents as the Contractor's agent and attorney to act for and in the Contractor's
behalf and stead to execute and file any such document and do all other lawfully
permitted  acts  necessary  or advisable in the opinion of the Company to effect
such  registration  or to apply for or prosecute such right or protection,  with
the same legal force and effect as if executed by the Contractor.

5.5  Remedies.  The parties to this  Agreement  recognize  that any violation or
threatened  violation by the  Contractor of any of the  provisions  contained in
this Article 5 will result in immediate  and  irreparable  damage to the Company
and that the Company  could not  adequately  be  compensated  for such damage by
monetary award alone.  Accordingly,  the Contractor  agrees that in the event of
any such violation or threatened  violation,  the Company shall,  in addition to
any other remedies  available to the Company at law or in equity, be entitled as
a matter of right to apply to such relief by way of restraining order, temporary
or  permanent  injunction  and to such  other  relief as any court of  competent
jurisdiction may deem just and proper.

5.6 Reasonable Restrictions. The Contractor agrees that all restrictions in this
Articl 5 are  reasonable and valid,  and all defenses to the strict  enforcement
thereof by the Company are hereby waived by the Contractor.


                                    ARTICLE 6

6.1 Notices.  All notices  required or allowed to be given under this  Agreement
shall be made either  personally by delivery to or by facsimile  transmission to
the address set forth above or to such other address as may be  designated  from
time to time by such party in writing.

6.2 Independent Legal Advice. The Contractor acknowledges that:

     (a)  this Agreement was prepared for the Company;

     (b)  the Contractor has been requested to obtain his own independent  legal
          advice on this Agreement prior to signing this Agreement;

     (c)  the  Contractor  has been given  adequate  time to obtain  independent
          legal advice;

     (d)  by signing  this  Agreement,  the  Contractor  confirms  that he fully
          understands this Agreement; and

     (e)  by signing this Agreement  without first obtaining  independent  legal
          advice,  the Contractor  waives his right to obtain  independent legal

6.3 Change of Address.  Any party may, from time to time, change its address for
service hereunder by written notice to the other party in the manner aforesaid.

6.4  Entire  Agreement.  As of from  the  date  hereof,  any  and  all  previous
agreements,  written  or oral  between  the  parties  hereto or on their  behalf
relating to the  appointment of the Contractor by the Company are null and void.
The  parties  hereto  agree  that  they  have  expressed   herein  their  entire
understanding and agreement  concerning the subject matter of this Agreement and
it is expressly agreed that no implied covenant,  condition, term or reservation
or prior  representation or warranty shall be read into this Agreement  relating
to or concerning the subject  matter hereof or any matter or operation  provided
for herein.

6.5 Further  Assurances.  Each party  hereto will  promptly and duly execute and
deliver to the other party such further  documents and  assurances and take such
further action as such other party may from time to time  reasonably  request in
order to more effectively carry out the intent and purpose of this Agreement and
to  establish  and  protect  the rights and  remedies  created or intended to be
created hereby.

6.6 Waiver.  No provision  hereof shall be deemed waived and no breach  excused,
unless such waiver or consent  excusing the breach is made in writing and signed
by the party to be charged  with such waiver or consent.  A waiver by a party of
any provision of this Agreement  shall not be construed as a waiver of a further
breach of the same provision.

6.7  Amendments  in Writing.  No amendment,  modification  or rescission of this
Agreement  shall be  effective  unless  set forth in  writing  and signed by the
parties hereto.

6.8 Assignment.  Except as herein expressly provided,  the respective rights and
obligations of the Contractor and the Company under this Agreement  shall not be
assignable  by either party  without the written  consent of the other party and
shall, subject to the foregoing, enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the
Contractor and the Company and their  permitted  successors or assigns.  Nothing


herein  expressed  or implied is intended to confer on any person other than the
parties hereto any rights,  remedies,  obligations  or  liabilities  under or by
reason of this Agreement.

6.9  Severability.  In the event that any provision  contained in this Agreement
shall be declared  invalid,  illegal or unenforceable by a court or other lawful
authority  of  competent  jurisdiction,  such  provision  shall be deemed not to
affect or impair the validity or  enforceability  of any other provision of this
Agreement, which shall continue to have full force and effect.

6.10 Headings.  The headings in this  Agreement are inserted for  convenience of
reference only and shall not affect the construction or  interpretation  of this

6.11 Number and Gender.  Wherever the singular or masculine or neuter is used in
this Agreement, the same shall be construed as meaning the plural or feminine or
a body politic or corporate and vice versa where the context so requires.

6.12 Time. Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement. In the event that any
day on or before  which any action is  required to be taken  hereunder  is not a
business  day,  then such action  shall be required to be taken at or before the
requisite  time on the next  succeeding  day  that is a  business  day.  For the
purposes of this Agreement,  "business day" means a day which is not Saturday or
Sunday or a statutory holiday in Newfoundland, Canada.

6.13  Enurement.  This Agreement is intended to bind and enure to the benefit of
the Company,  its  successors  and assigns,  and the Contractor and the personal
legal representatives of the Contractor.

6.14 Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each
of  which  will be  deemed  to be an  original  and all of which  will  together
constitute one and the same instrument.

6.15 Currency. Unless otherwise provided, all dollar amounts referred to in this
Agreement are in lawful money of the United States of America.

6.16  Electronic  Means.  Delivery  of an  executed  copy of this  Agreement  by
electronic  facsimile  transmission  or other means of electronic  communication
capable of producing a printed copy will be deemed to be execution  and delivery
of this Agreement as of the effective date of this Agreement.

6.17 Proper Law. This  Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance
with the law of State of Nevada.  The parties hereby attorn to the  jurisdiction
of the Courts in the State of Nevada.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have duly executed this Agreement as of the day
and year first above written.


Per: /s/ Matthew Christopherson              /s/ Matthew Christopherson
     -------------------------------         -----------------------------------
     Matthew Christopherson                  Matthew Christopherson
