Exhibit 10.1

                           MINING CLAIM SALE AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT made as of June 06, 2013;


         LITHIUM  CORPORATION,  a company  incorporated under the laws of Nevada
         with an office at 5976 Lingering Breeze Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 89148



         HERB HYDER,  an individual  having a  residential  address at 146 Front
         Street Skidegate, British Columbia, Canada V0T 1S0;

         (the "Vendor").


A.   The  Vendor is the owner of record  and the  beneficial  owner of the Claim
     that is included in the Property as described in Schedule A hereto; and

B.   Purchaser  desires to acquire  100% of the interest of the Vendor in and to
     the  Property  and the Vendor is willing to vend the  Property to Purchaser
     upon and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.

                               TERMS OF AGREEMENT

IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual agreements herein contained and of other good and
valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged by
each Party), the Parties agree with one another as follows:


1.1 DEFINITIONS:  Whenever used in this Agreement, the following words and terms
will have the respective meanings ascribed to them below:

     (a)  "Affiliate" has the meaning set out in the BUSINESS  CORPORATIONS  ACT
          (British Columbia).

     (b)  "Agreement"  means this  agreement,  including  the  recitals  and the
          Schedules all as amended, supplemented or restated from time to time.


     (c)  "Approval  Date" means the date which is the first  Business Day after
          the date that the Board of Directors issues its written  acceptance of
          this Agreement and the transaction contemplated thereby.

     (d)  "Business Day" means a day other than a Saturday,  Sunday or statutory
          holiday in either British Columbia, or Nevada.

     (e)  "Claims"  means  the  claim  located  in the  Sugar  Lake  area of the
          province of British  Columbia and known as the BC Sugar  Property,  as
          set out in Schedule A to this Agreement.

     (f)  "Encumbrances" means security interests,  liens,  royalties,  charges,
          mortgages,  pledges and encumbrances of any nature or kind whatsoever,
          whether written or oral, or direct or indirect.

     (g)  "Environmental Claims" mean any and all administrative,  regulatory or
          judicial  actions,   suits,   demands,   claims,   liens,  notices  of
          non-compliance or violation,  investigations or proceedings  rating in
          any way to any  Environmental  Law or any permit issued under any such
          Environmental Law, including, without limitation:

          (i)  any and all claims by  Government  or  Regulatory  Authority  for
               enforcement,  clean-up,  removal,  response,  remedial  or  other
               actions or damages pursuant to any applicable  Environmental Law;

          (ii) any  and  all  claims  by  any  third  party   seeking   damages,
               contribution,  indemnification,  cost recovery,  compensation  or
               injunctive or other relief  resulting from  hazardous  materials,
               including any release thereof,  or arising from alleged injury or
               threat  of  injury  to  human  health  or  safety  (arising  from
               environmental matters) or the environment.

     (h)  "Environmental  Law" means all  requirements  of the common law, civil
          code or of  environmental,  health  or safety  statutes,  regulations,
          rules, ordinances,  policies,  orders, approvals,  notices,  licenses,
          permits or directives of any federal, territorial, provincial or local
          judicial,  regulatory or administrative  agency, board or governmental
          authority  including,  but not limited to those relating to (i) noise,
          (ii) pollution or protection of the air,  surface water,  ground water
          or land, (iii) solid,  gaseous or liquid waste  generation,  handling,
          treatment,  storage,  disposal  or  transportation,  (iv)  exposure to
          hazardous or toxic  substances,  or (v) the closure,  decommissioning,
          dismantling or abandonment  of any  facilities,  mines or workings and
          the reclamation or restoration of lands.

     (i)  "Exchange" means the OTC Exchange.

     (j)  "Government  or  Regulatory  Authority"  means  any  federal,   state,
          provincial,  regional,  municipal  or other  government,  governmental
          department, regulatory authority, commission, board, bureau, agency or
          instrumentality that has lawful authority to regulate or administer or
          govern the business or property or affairs of any person,  and for the


          purposes of this  Agreement  also  includes any  corporation  or other
          entity  owned or  controlled  by any of the  foregoing  and any  stock
          exchange on which shares of a Party are listed for trading.

     (k)  "Parties"  means the parties to this  Agreement  and their  respective
          successors and permitted assigns which become parties pursuant to this
          Agreement and "Party" means any one of the Parties.

     (l)  "Permitted Encumbrance" means

          (i)  easements,  rights of way,  servitudes or other similar rights in
               land including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
               rights of way and servitudes for railways,  sewers,  drains,  gas
               and oil pipelines,  gas and water mains, electrical light, power,
               telephone,  telegraph or cable television conduits,  poles, wires
               and cables;

          (ii) the right reserved to or vested in any government or other public
               authority by the terms of any or by any statutory  provision,  to
               terminate, revoke or forfeit any of the lease or mining claims or
               to require  annual or other  periodic  payments as a condition of
               the continuance thereof;

          (iii)rights   reserved   to  or   vested   in  any   municipality   or
               governmental,   statutory  or  public  authority  to  control  or
               regulate  any of the Property in any manner,  and all  applicable
               laws, rules and orders of any governmental authority; and

          (iv) the  reservations,  limitations,  provisos and  conditions in any
               original  grants  from the  Crown on the  Property  or  interests
               therein and statutory exceptions to title.

     (m)  "Property"  means the property  subject to the Claims,  including  any
          renewals,  extensions or replacements thereof, together with any other
          Mining Rights  Contracts  held or applied for in connection  therewith
          together with all other rights and mineral  interests  appurtenant  or
          incidental  thereto,  including  where the context permits or requires
          all  information in respect thereto  resulting from Mining  Operations
          pursuant to this Agreement.

     (n)  "Shares"  means the common  shares in the  capital of Lithium  Corp as
          constituted as at the date hereof to be issued to the Vendor  pursuant
          to Section 3.1 hereof.

1.2 HEADINGS.  The division of this Agreement into Sections and the insertion of
headings  are for  convenience  of  reference  only and  shall  not  affect  the
construction or  interpretation  of this Agreement.  The terms "this Agreement",
"hereof", "hereunder" and similar expressions refer to this Agreement and not to
any  particular  Article,  Section  or other  portion  hereof  and  include  any
agreement supplemental hereto. Unless something in the subject matter or context
is  inconsistent  therewith,  references  herein to Articles and Sections are to
Articles and Sections of this Agreement.


1.3 LEGISLATION.  Any reference to a provision in any legislation is a reference
to that  provision as now enacted,  and as amended,  re-enacted or replaced from
time to time, and in the event of such  amendment,  re-enactment  or replacement
any  reference to that  provision  shall be read as  referring to such  amended,
re-enacted or replaced provision.

1.4 EXTENDED  MEANINGS.  In this Agreement  words  importing the singular number
only shall  include the plural and vice versa,  words  importing  the  masculine
gender shall  include the  feminine and neuter  genders and vice versa and words
importing persons shall include individuals, partnerships, associations, trusts,
unincorporated organizations and corporations.

1.5 CURRENCY. All references to currency herein are to lawful money of Canada.

1.6 SCHEDULES.  The following are the Schedules  annexed hereto and incorporated
by reference and deemed to be part hereof:

Schedule A - Description of Property and Area of Interest.


warrants to Purchaser that:

     (a)  the Vendor is resident at the address set forth beside his name on the
          first page of this Agreement;

     (b)  the Vendor has good and sufficient power, authority and right to enter
          into and deliver this  Agreement  and to option and transfer his legal
          and beneficial interest in the Property to Purchaser free and clear of
          all   Encumbrances   and  rights  of  others,   other  than  Permitted

     (c)  there is no  contract,  option or any other  right of another  binding
          upon or which at any time in the future may  become  binding  upon the
          Vendor to option, sell, transfer,  assign, pledge,  charge,  mortgage,
          explore or in any other way option, dispose of or encumber all or part
          of the Property or any portion thereof or interest  therein other than
          pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement;

     (d)  neither the entering  into nor the delivery of this  Agreement nor the
          completion of the transactions  contemplated hereby by the Vendor will
          result in the violation of any agreement or other  instrument to which
          the Vendor is party or by which the Vendor is bound, or any applicable
          law, rule or regulation;

     (e)  the Vendor has been  independently  advised as to the  restrictions on
          his ability to transfer or resell the Shares and, in particular,  that
          the Shares are subject to a hold period in accordance  with applicable
          securities  laws and that the  certificates  representing  the  Shares
          shall bear legends denoting such resale restrictions; and


     (f)  the Purchaser is a non-resident for the purposes of Section 116 of the
          INCOME TAX ACT (Canada).

     (g)  the Vendor is not party to or bound by any contract or  commitment  to
          pay any  royalty,  fee or land payment with respect to the Property or
          any portion thereof or interest therein;

     (h)  the  Vendor is the legal and  beneficial  owner of 100% of the  right,
          title  and  working  interest  in and to the  Property  as set  out in
          Schedule A and except for the  Permitted  Encumbrances,  the  Property
          (including all ores, concentrates, minerals, metals or products in, on
          or under the Property or which may be removed or extricated therefrom)
          is free and clear of any and all  Encumbrances  and is not  subject to
          any right, claim or interest of any other person;

     (i)  the Property is properly and accurately described in Schedule A hereto
          and (i) has been duly and properly  staked and recorded in  accordance
          with laws in  effect in the  jurisdiction  in which  the  Property  is
          located;  and  (ii)  is  in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of  the
          jurisdiction  in which the Property is located up to and  including at
          least the expiry dates set forth in Schedule A;

     (j)  the conditions on and relating to the Property respecting all past and
          current  operations  thereon  are in  compliance  with all  applicable
          federal,  provincial and municipal  laws  including all  Environmental
          Laws,  and  the  Vendor  has  not  received  from  any  Government  or
          Regulatory Authority any notice of, or communication  relating to, any
          actual or alleged  Environmental  Claims, and there are no outstanding
          work orders or actions  required to be taken relating to environmental
          matters respecting the Property or any operators carried out thereon;

     (k)  there are no  actions,  suits or  proceedings  pending  or  threatened
          against or adversely  affecting,  or which could adversely affect, the
          Property  or any portion  thereof or interest  therein or before or by
          and  federal,  provincial,  municipal or other  governmental  court or
          Government or Regulatory  Authority whether or not insured,  and which
          might involve the  possibility of any judgment or liability  affecting
          the  Property  or any  portion  thereof or  interest  therein or lien,
          charge or encumbrance thereon;

2.2  REPRESENTATIONS  AND  WARRANTIES OF  PURCHASER.  Purchaser  represents  and
warrants to the Vendor that:

     (a)  Purchaser is a corporation duly incorporated, organized and subsisting
          under the laws of Nevada  with the  corporate  power to own its assets
          and to carry on its business in the jurisdiction in which the Property
          is located;

     (b)  Purchaser  has all  necessary  power and  authority to enter into this
          Agreement  and  any   agreement  or  instrument   referred  to  in  or
          contemplated  by this  Agreement and to do all such acts and things as
          are required to be done,  observed or  performed by it, in  accordance
          with the  terms of this  Agreement  and any  agreement  or  instrument
          referred to in or contemplated by this Agreement;


     (c)  neither the entering  into nor the delivery of this  Agreement nor the
          completion of the transactions  contemplated  hereby by Purchaser will
          result in the violation of any agreement or other  instrument to which
          Purchaser is a party or by which Purchaser is bound, or any applicable
          law, rule or regulation;

     (d)  Purchaser  is a  reporting  issuer,  as such  term is  defined  in the
          applicable securities legislation, in the United States of America and
          is not in  default of filing  financial  statements  required  by such
          applicable  securities  legislation  or  paying  prescribed  fees  and
          charges related thereto; and

     (e)  the Shares to be issued and  delivered  to the Vendor  hereunder  will
          have been  validly  created and  authorized  for  issuance and when so
          issued and  delivered  shall be duly and validly  issued as fully paid
          and non-assessable Shares.

2.3  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT  OF THE VENDOR. As the issuance of the Shares to the Vendor
is being completed  pursuant to exemptions from the  requirements to provide the
Vendor with a prospectus  and to sell the securities  issuable  pursuant to this
Agreement  through  a person  registered  to sell  securities  under  applicable
securities legislation, the Vendor acknowledges that:

     (a)  certain  protections,  rights  and  remedies  provided  by  applicable
          securities  legislation,  including  statutory rights of rescission or
          damages,  shall not be  available to the Vendor and the Vendor may not
          receive  information  that  the  Vendor  would  be  entitled  to under
          applicable  securities  legislation  if no  prospectus  exemption  was

     (b)  Purchaser  is relieved of certain  obligations  which would  otherwise
          apply under applicable securities legislation;

     (c)  various  filings  must  be  completed  and  disclosures  made  to  the
          securities   regulatory   authorities  having  jurisdiction  over  the
          securities of Purchaser and to the Exchange;

     (d)  no securities  commission or similar regulatory authority has reviewed
          or passed on the merits of the Shares to be issued herein; and

     (e)  there is no  government or other  insurance  covering the Shares to be
          issued herein.

2.4 RELIANCE AND SURVIVAL. The representations,  warranties and acknowledgements
set out in this  Section 2 have been relied on by the  Parties in entering  into
this Agreement.  All representations and warranties made herein will survive the
delivery of this Agreement to the Parties and the completion of the transactions
contemplated hereby and, notwithstanding such completion,  will continue in full
force and effect for the benefit of the Vendor or Purchaser, as the case may be,


3.1 SALE OF PROPERTY.  Effective as at the 06th of June, 2013, the Vendor hereby
sells and  transfers  title to the property to Purchaser in exchange for 250,000
common shares of Lithium Corporation.



4.1 This Agreement and the transactions  contemplated hereunder shall be subject
to the filing  with and  acceptance  by the  Exchange  and any other  regulatory
authority having  jurisdiction  over the securities of Lithium  Corporation.  If
such  acceptance by the Exchange is not obtained  within 60 Business Days of the
date of this  Agreement,  the Vendor may request the agreement be reversed,  and
all claims acquired by the Purchaser  within the Area of Interest be assigned to


5.1 An Area of Interest is hereby created that comprises those lands included in
the  Property  and  within  two  kilometres  of the  outermost  boundary  of the
Property.  Either the Vendor or Purchaser may stake or locate a claim within the
Area of Interest. If the Vendor stakes or locates such a claim, he shall deliver
notice to  Purchaser  within 30 days of such  staking or  locating,  stating the
position  of such claim,  the reason for staking or locating  such claim and the
costs of staking or locating such claim.  The  Purchaser  will have a further 30
days to elect to acquire  such claim or claims by paying to the Vendor the costs
associated with online acquisition.


6.1 The Vendor  shall not,  without  the prior  consent of  Purchaser,  make any
disclosure regarding the existence, purpose, scope, content, terms or conditions
of this Agreement or other  agreements  relating thereto save to the extent such
disclosure  comprises  information  already  publicly  available or unless it is
necessary  for the  Vendor to make  such  disclosure  in order to comply  with a
statutory  obligation or the requirements of a competent government or statutory
agency; provided that, where practicable, a copy of any proposed announcement or
statement  shall be  furnished  to Vendor in  advance  of the  proposed  date of


7.1 ENTIRE  AGREEMENT.  This  Agreement,  including  all the  Schedules  hereto,
together  with the  agreements  and other  documents  to be  delivered  pursuant
hereto,  constitutes the entire  agreement  among the parties  pertaining to the
subject   matter   hereof  and   supersedes   any  and  all  prior   agreements,
understandings,  negotiations and discussions,  whether oral or written,  of the
Parties and there are no warranties,  representations  or other agreements among
the Parties in connection  with the subject matter hereof except as specifically
set forth herein and therein.

7.2 WAIVER.  The failure of a Party in any one or more  instances to insist upon
strict  performance  of any of the terms of this  Agreement  or to exercise  any
right or  privilege  arising  under it shall not  preclude it from  requiring by
reasonable  notice that any other party duly perform its obligations or preclude
it from exercising such a right or privilege under reasonable circumstances, nor
shall  waiver in any one  instance of a breach be  construed  as an amendment of
this Agreement or waiver of any later breach.

7.3 FURTHER  ASSURANCES.  Each Party shall,  from time to time at the request of
the other Party and without further consideration,  execute and deliver all such
other additional  assignments,  transfers,  instruments,  notices,  releases and
other  documents and shall do all such other acts and things as may be necessary


or  desirable  to  assure  more  fully  the  consummation  of  the  transactions
contemplated hereby.

7.4 TIME. Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement.

7.5  AMENDMENT.  This  Agreement  may be amended or varied only by  agreement in
writing signed by each of the Parties. Unless the context otherwise so requires,
a reference to this  Agreement  shall  include a reference to this  Agreement as
amended or varied from time to time.

7.6 SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid
or unenforceable in whole or in part, such invalidity or unenforceability  shall
attach only to such  provision  or part thereof and the  remaining  part of such
provision  and all other  provisions  hereof  shall  continue  in full force and

7.7  GOVERNING  LAW AND  ATTORNMENT.  This  Agreement  shall be  governed by and
interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of British  Columbia and
the federal laws of Canada applicable therein and the Parties hereby irrevocably
attorn to the  jurisdiction  of the Courts of the Province of British  Columbia.
For the purpose of all legal proceedings, this Agreement shall be deemed to have
been  performed  in the  Province  of  British  Columbia  and the  courts of the
Province of British Columbia shall have exclusive  jurisdiction to entertain any
action arising under this Agreement.



7.8  COUNTERPARTS.  This  Agreement  may be executed by facsimile and in as many
counterparts as are necessary and shall be binding on each Party when each Party
has  signed and  delivered  one such  counterpart.  When a  counterpart  of this
Agreement  has been  executed by each Party,  all  counterparts  together  shall
constitute one agreement.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF  this  Agreement  has been duly  executed by the  respective
parties hereto effective as of the date first above written.


By: /s/ Tom Lewis
   Tom Lewis - President

/s/ Herb Hyder
   Herb Hyder


                                   SCHEDULE A


The Property is comprised of the following mineral properties and interests:

Tenure     Claim                    Tenure     Tenure                                                 Area
Number     Name       Owner          Type     Sub Type     Issue Date     Good To Date     Status     (ha)
------     ----       -----          ----     --------     ----------     ------------     ------     ----
1019890   GRICH    HYDER, HERB     Mineral      Claim      2013/May/29    2014/May/29       GOOD     20.57
                   MOSS 100%