Exhibit 10.1

                          SECURITIES PURCHASE AGREEMENT

     This Securities  Purchase  Agreement (the "Agreement") made on this ___ day
of December,  2013, by and among FREEDOM  PETROLEUM,  INC., A NEVADA CORPORATION
(THE  "SELLERS")  AND ANTON LIN (THE  "PURCHASER),  setting  forth the terms and
conditions  upon which the Sellers will sell Twenty Seven  Million  (27,000,000)
shares of common stock of Freedom  Petroleum,  par value US$0.001 per share,  to
the Purchaser (the "Securities Purchase").


     WHEREAS,  the Sellers are the owner of Twenty  Seven  Million  (27,000,000)
shares of Freedom  Petroleum  common stock which Sellers will sell and Purchaser
will purchase (the "Sellers' Shares").

     WHEREAS,  the Sellers  desire to sell  Sellers'  Shares to the Purchaser in
consideration of the amount set forth in Section 1.01 herein below.

     WHEREAS,  the Sellers and Purchaser have appointed Hunter Taubman Weiss LLP
to act as the Escrow Agent ("Escrow  Agent") for this transaction and to receive
and hold  all  consideration  received  from the  Purchaser  for the  Securities
Purchase and all  documents,  stock  certificates,  stock  powers and  corporate
records of Freedom Petroleum,  in the Escrow account,  unless other arrangements
are agreed to by all parties.

     WHEREAS, the Purchaser, the Sellers and Hunter Taubman Weiss LLP, acting as
the Escrow Agent,  have entered into an Escrow Agreement dated December 31, 2013
(the "Escrow Agreement").

     NOW  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  mutual  promises,   covenants,
agreements and representations  and warranties  contained herein, and other good
and  valuable  consideration,  the  receipt and  sufficiency  of which is hereby
acknowledged, the parties herewith agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I
                               SALE OF SECURITIES

     1.01  Sale and  Transfer  of  Sellers'  Shares.  Subject  to the  terms and
conditions  of this  Agreement,  the Seller  hereby  agrees to sell and  deliver
Sellers'  Shares to the  Purchaser in  consideration  of a total of TWENTY SEVEN
THOUSAND  U.S.  DOLLARS  ($27,000,  THE "PURCHASE  PRICE").  Upon receipt of the
Purchase  Price into the Escrow  Account,  the Sellers  will  immediately  cause
Sellers' Shares to be delivered to the Purchaser.  This is a private transaction
between the Sellers and Purchaser.

     1.02 Escrow Agent.  The Sellers and Purchaser hereby appoint Hunter Taubman
Weiss LLP to act as the  Escrow  Agent as to the  distribution  of the  Purchase
Price  received  for the sale of Sellers'  Shares and  distribution  of Sellers'
Shares and  documents  of Freedom  Petroleum  to be held in the Escrow  Account,


unless it is agreed by the parties that the documents and certificates  shall be
distributed to the Purchaser in another way.

     1.03 Escrow of Purchase Price and Sellers' Shares:

          1.03.1.  Purchaser  shall deposit the Purchase Price via wire transfer
to the Hunter  Taubman  Weiss LLP IOLA Account  ("ESCROW  ACCOUNT")  immediately
prior to closing,  and such  Purchase  Price will be held in the Escrow  Account
until closing or until instructed to release per other sections herein below.

          1.03.2.  The  instructions  of wire  transfer for the  Purchase  Price
herein below are as follows:

Name of Account:    Hunter Taubman Weiss LLP
                    130 W. 42nd Street 10th Fl
                    New York, NY 10036
Bank:               PNC Bank 1125 Maxwell Lane
                    Hoboken, NJ 07030
Bank Swift Code:

     1.04 Delivery of the Certificate of Sellers' Shares.  Prior to closing, the
Sellers  shall mail,  to the Escrow  Agent to the address  below  within two (2)
business days via delivery courier,  the original certificate of Sellers' Shares
along with the proper  Stock  Powers  with  Signature  Guarantees  and any other
necessary  documents  acceptable to the Transfer  Agent of Freedom  Petroleum to
proceed with the transfer of Sellers' Shares to the Purchaser (together with the
original  certificate of Sellers'  Shares,  sometimes  herein is referred as the
"Sale  Documents")  to the Escrow Agent to the address as follows within two (2)
business days via delivery courier:

                    Hunter Taubman Weiss LLP
                    130 West 42nd Street, Suite 1050
                    New York, NY 10036

     1.05 Closing.  Upon receipt of the Sellers' Shares,  the Sale Documents and
the Purchase Price, the closing shall occur and all deliveries listed in Section
1.04 herein above shall be made accordingly (the "Closing").

     Prior to the Closing Date, if the Purchaser  determines not to proceed with
the transaction the Escrow Agent shall immediately  notify Sellers in writing of
Purchaser's  determination,  following  which  Escrow  Agent  shall  release the
Purchase Price to the account  designated by the Purchaser in Exhibit B and mail
the original certificate of Sellers' Shares along with all Sale Documents to the
Seller via  delivery  courier  within two (2)  business  days upon  receipt of a
written  notice from the Purchaser in the form of the Exhibit B, provided that a
copy of the written notice shall be delivered by the Purchaser to the Sellers at
the same time.


     1.06  Transfer of Shares.  The  Sellers  will have the  responsibility  for
sending  Sale  Documents  for  delivery  to the  Escrow  Agent to be sent to the
Purchaser at Closing.  The Purchaser will have the responsibility of sending the
certificates,  along with stock powers to the Transfer  Agent for the Company to
have the certificates  changed into their respective names and denominations and
the Purchaser shall be responsible for all costs involved in such changes and in
mailing new certificates to all shareholders.

     1.07 Additional  Closing  Deliverables.  At Closing,  Thomas Hynes and Nina
Bijedic  shall  deliver  resignations  as officers and  directors of the Company
together with duly executed board minutes  appointing Anton Lin as a director of
the Company.

                                   ARTICLE II

      Freedom Petroleum and Sellers hereby, severally and not jointly, represent
and warrant to the Purchaser the following:

     2.01   Organization.   Freedom  Petroleum  is  a  Nevada  corporation  duly
organized,  validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of Nevada, has
all   necessary   corporate   authority  and  powers,   governmental   licenses,
authorizations,  consents  and  approvals  to carry on its business as presently
conducted and to own, hold and operate its  properties  and assets as now owned,
and is duly  qualified  to do business  and is in good  standing in the state of
Nevada.  Freedom  Petroleum is duly  qualified,  licensed or  domesticated  as a
foreign corporation in good standing in each jurisdiction  wherein the nature of
its   activities  or  its  properties   owned,   held  or  operated  makes  such
qualification, licensing or domestication necessary, except where the failure to
be so duly qualified,  licensed or  domesticated  and in good standing would not
have a Material  Adverse  Effect.  Schedule 2.01 sets forth a true,  correct and
complete list of Freedom Petroleum's jurisdiction of organization and each other
jurisdiction in which Freedom Petroleum presently conducts its business or owns,
holds and operates its properties and assets.  Freedom  Petroleum is a reporting
company under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act") pursuant
to Securities  and Exchange  Commission  ("SEC" or the  "Commission")  rules and
regulations.  The shares of Common  Stock of  Freedom  Petroleum  are  currently
quoted on the OTC QB market of the OTC Markets  Group  under the symbol  "FPET".
"MATERIAL  ADVERSE  EFFECT" means,  any change,  effect or  circumstance  which,
individually  or in the  aggregate,  would  reasonably be expected to (a) have a
material adverse effect on the business,  assets, financial condition or results
of operations of Freedom Petroleum,  as the case may be, in each case taken as a
whole; (b) materially impair the ability of Freedom  Petroleum,  as the case may
be, to perform their  obligations  under this  Agreement,  excluding any change,
effect  or  circumstance  resulting  from  (i)  the  announcement,  pendency  or
consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, (ii) changes in
the United  States  securities  markets  generally,  or (iii) changes in general
economic,   currency  exchange  rate,  political  or  regulatory  conditions  in
industries  in which  Freedom  Petroleum,  as the case may be,  operate;  or (c)
result in litigation, claims, disputes or property loss in excess of US$1,000 in
the future, and that would prohibit or otherwise  materially  interfere with the
ability of any party to this Agreement to perform any of its  obligations  under
this Agreement in any material respect.

       2.02  Subsidiaries.   Except  as  disclosed  in  Schedule  2.02,  Freedom
Petroleum does not own,  directly or indirectly,  any equity or other  ownership
interest  in any  corporation,  partnership,  joint  venture or other  entity or


       2.03 Organizational  Documents.  True, correct and complete copies of the
Organizational  Documents  of  Freedom  Petroleum  have  been  delivered  to the
Purchaser prior to the execution of this Agreement, and no action has been taken
to amend or repeal such  Organizational  Documents  since such date of delivery.
Freedom  Petroleum is not in violation or breach of any of the provisions of its
Organizational Documents.

     2.04 Capitalization and Related Matters.

          2.04.1 The authorized  capital stock of Freedom Petroleum  consists of
120,000,000  shares of Common Stock authorized,  par value $0.0001 per share, of
which Fifty Two Million Two Hundred Thousand (52,200,000) shares of Common Stock
are issued and outstanding.  All issued and outstanding shares immediately prior
to the Securities Purchase are duly authorized,  validly issued,  fully paid and
non-assessable,  free of liens, encumbrances, options, restrictions and legal or
equitable  rights  of  others  not a  party  to  this  Agreement.  There  are no
outstanding options,  warrants,  purchase agreements,  participation agreements,
subscription rights,  conversion rights,  exchange rights or other securities or
contracts that could require Freedom Petroleum to issue, sell or otherwise cause
to become outstanding any of its authorized but unissued shares of capital stock
or any  securities  convertible  into,  exchangeable  for or carrying a right or
option to purchase shares of capital stock or to create, authorize,  issue, sell
or otherwise cause to become  outstanding any new class of capital stock.  There
are no  outstanding  stockholders'  agreements,  voting trusts or  arrangements,
registration  rights  agreements,  rights of first  refusal  or other  contracts
pertaining to the capital stock of Freedom  Petroleum.  None of the  outstanding
shares of Common Stock of Freedom Petroleum are subject to any stock restriction
agreements.  There are  approximately  30  shareholders  of  record  of  Freedom
Petroleum plus those in street name. All of such  shareholders  have valid title
to such shares of Common  Stock and  acquired  their shares of Common Stock in a
lawful  transaction  and  in  accordance  with  Nevada  corporate  law  and  the
applicable securities laws of the United States.

          2.04.2  No  Redemption  Requirements.  Except as  contemplated  by the
Securities   Purchase,   there  are  no  outstanding   contractual   obligations
(contingent or otherwise) of Freedom Petroleum to retire, repurchase,  redeem or
otherwise acquire any outstanding shares of capital stock of, or other ownership
interests in Freedom Petroleum or to provide funds to or make any investment (in
the form of a loan, capital contribution or otherwise) in any other Person.

     2.05 Authorization. Freedom Petroleum has all requisite authority and power
(corporate  and other),  governmental  licenses,  authorizations,  consents  and
approvals to enter into this Agreement to which Freedom Petroleum is a party, to
consummate  the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement to which Freedom
Petroleum  is a party and to perform its  obligations  under this  Agreement  to
which Freedom  Petroleum is a party. The execution,  delivery and performance by
Freedom  Petroleum  of this  Agreement  to which  Freedom  Petroleum  is a party
requires no authorization, consent, approval, license, exemption of or filing or
registration  with any  Governmental  Authority  or other Person other than such
other  customary  filings  with  the  Commission  for  transactions  of the type
contemplated by this Agreement.

     2.06 No  Violation.  Neither  the  execution  nor the  delivery  by Freedom
Petroleum of this  Agreement  to which  Freedom  Petroleum  is a party,  nor the
consummation   or   performance  by  Freedom   Petroleum  of  the   transactions
contemplated  hereby or thereby will,  directly or indirectly,  (a)  contravene,
conflict  with, or result in a violation of any provision of the  Organizational
Documents of Freedom  Petroleum;  (b)  contravene,  conflict with,  constitute a
default (or an event or condition  which,  with notice or lapse of time or both,


would  constitute a default) under, or result in the termination or acceleration
of, or result in the imposition or creation of any Lien under,  any agreement or
instrument to which the Freedom  Petroleum is a party or by which the properties
or assets of Freedom  Petroleum are bound;  (c)  contravene,  conflict  with, or
result in a violation of, any Law or Order to which Freedom Petroleum, or any of
the properties or assets owned or used by Freedom Petroleum,  may be subject; or
(d)  contravene,  conflict  with,  or result  in a  violation  of,  the terms or
requirements  of,  or give any  Governmental  Authority  the  right  to  revoke,
withdraw,   suspend,  cancel,  terminate  or  modify,  any  licenses,   permits,
authorizations, approvals, franchises or other rights held by Freedom Petroleum,
or that otherwise  relate to the business of, or any of the properties or assets
owned or used by Freedom Petroleum,  except, in the case of clauses (b), (c), or
(d), for any such contraventions, conflicts, violations, or other occurrences as
would not have a Material Adverse Effect.

     2.07 Binding Obligations. Assuming this Agreement has been duly and validly
authorized,  executed  and  delivered  by the parties  hereto other than Freedom
Petroleum,  this  Agreement  to  which  Freedom  Petroleum  is a  party  is duly
authorized,  executed and  delivered by Freedom  Petroleum and  constitutes  the
legal, valid and binding  obligations of Freedom Petroleum,  enforceable against
Freedom  Petroleum in accordance with its terms,  except as such  enforcement is
limited by general equitable principles, or by bankruptcy,  insolvency and other
similar Laws affecting the enforcement of creditors rights generally.

     2.08 Financial  Statements.  Freedom Petroleum is a reporting company under
the Exchange Act and applicable SEC rules and audited  financial  statements can
be found on EDGAR.  Freedom Petroleum's  financial  statements  contained in its
filings on EDGAR (the "Financial  Statements")  have been prepared in accordance
with U.S. GAAP applied on a consistent  basis  throughout the periods  indicated
and with each  other,  except that the  unaudited  Financial  Statements  do not
contain footnotes required by U.S. GAAP. The Financial Statements fairly present
the financial  condition and  operating  results of Freedom  Petroleum as of the
dates, and for the periods,  indicated therein, subject to normal year-end audit
adjustments.  Except as set forth in the Financial  Statements  and Exhibit A of
this Agreement,  Freedom  Petroleum has no material  liabilities  (contingent or
otherwise).  Except as listed on Exhibit A, Freedom Petroleum is not a guarantor
or indemnitor of any indebtedness of any other person, firm or corporation

     2.09 Filings with Government  Agencies.  Freedom Petroleum files annual and
quarterly  reports  with the SEC and is  current  in all  filings  that might be
required and is current in their  filings and  reporting to the state of Nevada.
Upon the purchase of Sellers'  Shares by the Purchaser,  Purchaser will have the
full  responsibility for filing any and all documents required by the SEC and/or
any other government agency that may be required.  Freedom Petroleum will supply
the  Purchaser  with all  information  that is currently  available  for Freedom

     2.10  Liabilities.  Except  as set  forth  on  Schedule  2.10 or in the SEC
Documents,  as hereafter defined,  Freedom Petroleum has no debt,  obligation or
liability of any nature, whether accrued,  absolute,  contingent,  liquidated or
otherwise,  whether  due or to  become  due,  whether  or not  known to  Freedom
Petroleum arising out of any transaction entered into at or prior to the Closing
Date or any act or  omission  at or prior to the  Closing  Date,  except  to the
extent set forth on or  reserved  against on Freedom  Petroleum  Balance  Sheet.
Freedom  Petroleum  has  not  incurred  any  liabilities  or  obligations  under
agreements  entered  into,  in the usual and ordinary  course of business  since
December 15,  2013.  It is  understood  and agreed that the purchase of Sellers'
Shares is predicated on Freedom Petroleum not having any liabilities at Closing,
and Freedom  Petroleum  will not, as of Closing,  have any debt,  liability,  or


obligation of any nature, whether accrued,  absolute,  contingent,  or otherwise
that will not be paid at Closing. Freedom Petroleum is not aware of any pending,
threatened  or asserted  claims,  lawsuits or  contingencies  involving  Freedom
Petroleum  or its Shares.  To the  knowledge of Freedom  Petroleum,  there is no
dispute of any kind between Freedom  Petroleum and any third party,  and no such
dispute  will exist at the  Closing  of this  transaction,  and at the  Closing,
Freedom  Petroleum  will be free  from any and all  liabilities,  liens,  claims
and/or commitments.

     2.11 Tax Returns and Audits.

          2.11.1  Tax  Returns.  Freedom  Petroleum  has filed  all  outstanding
federal or state tax returns prior to the Closing. No Governmental  Authority in
any jurisdiction has made a claim, assertion or threat to Freedom Petroleum that
Freedom Petroleum is or may be subject to taxation by such  jurisdiction;  there
are no Liens with  respect to taxes on Freedom  Petroleum's  property  or assets
other than Permitted Liens; and there are no tax rulings,  requests for rulings,
or closing  agreements  relating to Freedom Petroleum for any period (or portion
of a period)  that  would  affect any period  after the date  hereof.  As of the
Closing,  there  shall be no taxes of any kind due or owing  other than  nominal
taxes related to past due tax returns since its emergence from bankruptcy.

           2.11.2 No Adjustments,  Changes.  Neither  Freedom  Petroleum nor any
other person on behalf of Freedom  Petroleum  (a) has executed or entered into a
closing  agreement  pursuant  to  Section  7121 of the  Code or any  predecessor
provision  thereof or any similar  provision of state,  local or foreign law; or
(b) has agreed to or is  required  to make any  adjustments  pursuant to Section
481(a) of the Code or any similar provision of state, local or foreign law.

          2.11.3  No  Disputes.   There  is  no  pending   audit,   examination,
investigation, dispute, proceeding or claim with respect to any taxes of Freedom
Petroleum, nor is any such claim or dispute pending or contemplated.

          2.11.4 Not a U.S. Real Property Holding Corporation. Freedom Petroleum
is not and has not been a United States real property holding corporation within
the meaning of Section  897(c)(2) of the Code at any time during the  applicable
period specified in Section 897(c)(1)(A)(ii) of the Code.

          2.11.5 No Tax Allocation,  Sharing.  Freedom  Petroleum is not and has
not been a party to any tax allocation or sharing agreement.

          2.11.6 No Other Arrangements.  Freedom Petroleum is not a party to any
agreement,  contract or arrangement for services that would result, individually
or in the  aggregate,  in the payment of any amount that would not be deductible
by reason of Section 162(m), 280G or 404 of the Code. Freedom Petroleum is not a
"consenting  corporation"  within the  meaning  of  Section  341(f) of the Code.
Freedom  Petroleum  does not have any  "tax-exempt  bond  financed  property" or
"tax-exempt  use  property"  within  the  meaning  of  Section  168(g)  or  (h),
respectively  of the  Code.  Freedom  Petroleum  does not  have any  outstanding
closing  agreement,  ruling  request,  request for consent to change a method of
accounting,  subpoena  or  request  for  information  to or from a  Governmental
Authority in connection with any tax matter.  During the last two years, Freedom
Petroleum  has not  engaged in any  exchange  with a related  party  (within the


meaning  of Section  1031(f) of the Code)  under  which  gain  realized  was not
recognized  by reason of Section  1031 of the Code.  Freedom  Petroleum is not a
party to any reportable  transaction  within the meaning of Treasury  Regulation
Section 1.6011-4.

     2.12 Material  Assets.  The financial  statements of Freedom  Petroleum set
forth in the SEC Documents reflect the material  properties and assets (real and
personal) owned or leased by Freedom Petroleum.

     2.13 Litigation;  Orders.  There is no proceeding  (whether Federal,  sate,
local or foreign) pending or, to the knowledge of Freedom Petroleum,  threatened
against or affecting Freedom Petroleum or any of Freedom Petroleum'  properties,
assets, business or employees.  To the knowledge of Freedom Petroleum,  there is
no fact that might result in or from the basis for any such proceeding.  Freedom
Petroleum is not subject to any orders.

     2.14 No Brokers or Finders. Except as disclosed in Schedule 2.14, no person
has, or as a result of the transactions contemplated herein will have, any right
or valid  claim  against  Freedom  Petroleum  for any  commission,  fee or other
compensation as a finder or broker,  or in any similar  capacity,  and after the
Closing,  Freedom  Petroleum  will  indemnify  and hold the  Purchaser  harmless
against any liability or expense arising out of, or in connection with, any such

       2.15  Changes.  Except  as set  forth  on  Schedule  2.15  or in the  SEC
Documents,  Freedom  Petroleum  has  conducted  its  business  in the  usual and
ordinary course of business consistent with past practice and has not:

          2.15.1 Ordinary Course of Business. Entered into any transaction other
than in the usual and ordinary course of business, except for this Agreement and
each of the Transaction Documents;

          2.15.2  Adverse  Changes.  Suffered or  experienced  any change in, or
affecting,   its  condition  (financial  or  otherwise),   properties,   assets,
liabilities, business, operations, results of operations or prospects other than
changes,  events or conditions in the usual and ordinary  course of its business
or those that would not have a Material Adverse Effect;

          2.15.3  Loans.  Made any loans or  advances  to any person  other than
travel advances and  reimbursement  of expenses made to employees,  officers and
directors in the ordinary course of business;

          2.15.4  Liens.  Created or permitted to exist any lien on any material
property or asset of Freedom Petroleum, other than Permitted Liens;

          2.15.5  Capital Stock.  Issued,  sold,  disposed of or encumbered,  or
authorized the issuance,  sale,  disposition  or  encumbrance  of, or granted or
issued any option to acquire any shares of its capital stock or any other of its
securities or any Equity Security, or altered the term of any of its outstanding
securities or made any change in its outstanding  shares of capital stock or its
capitalization, whether by reason of reclassification,  recapitalization,  stock
split,  combination,  exchange  or  readjustment  of shares,  stock  dividend or

          2.15.6  Dividends.  Declared,  set aside, made or paid any dividend or
other distribution to any of its stockholders;


          2.15.7  Material  Contracts.   Terminated  or  modified  any  Material
Contract to which  Freedom  Petroleum is a party,  except for  termination  upon
expiration in accordance with the terms thereof;

          2.15.8  Claims.  Released,  waived or  cancelled  any claims or rights
relating  to or  affecting  Freedom  Petroleum  in  excess  of  US$1,000  in the
aggregate  or  instituted  or settled any  proceeding  involving in excess of US
$1,000 in the aggregate;

          2.15.9  Discharged  Liabilities.  Paid,  discharged  or satisfied  any
claim,  obligation or liability in excess of US$1,000 in the  aggregate,  except
for  liabilities  incurred  prior to the date of this  Agreement in the ordinary
course of business;

          2.15.10 Indebtedness.  Created,  incurred, assumed or otherwise become
liable for any  Indebtedness in excess of US$1,000 in the aggregate,  other than
professional fees;

          2.15.11  Guarantees.  Guaranteed or endorsed in a material  amount any
obligation or net worth of any person;

          2.15.12  Acquisitions.  Acquired the capital stock or other securities
or any ownership  interest in, or substantially  all of the assets of, any other

          2.15.13 Accounting. Changed its method of accounting or the accounting
principles or practices utilized in the preparation of its financial statements,
other than as required by GAAP;

          2.15.14 Agreements. Entered into any agreement, or otherwise obligated
itself, to do any of the foregoing.

     2.16 Contracts,  Leases and Assets.  Freedom  Petroleum has provided to the
Purchaser,  prior to the date of this  Agreement,  true,  correct  and  complete
copies of each written Material  Contract to which Freedom Petroleum is a party,
including each amendment, supplement and modification thereto. Freedom Petroleum
is not a party to any  contract,  agreement  or  lease  (unless  such  contract,
agreement or lease has been assigned to another  party or Freedom  Petroleum has
been released from its  obligations  thereunder,  other than the normal contract
with the  Transfer  Agent).  No person  holds a power of attorney  from  Freedom
Petroleum. At the Closing,  Freedom Petroleum will have no assets or liabilities
or any obligations which would give rise to a liability in the future.

          2.16.1 No Defaults.  Each Material Contract to which Freedom Petroleum
is a party is a valid and  binding  agreement,  and is in full force and effect.
Freedom  Petroleum is not in breach or default of any Material Contract to which
it is a party and, to the knowledge of Freedom Petroleum,  no other party to any
Material  Contract to which Freedom Petroleum is a party is in breach or default
thereof.  No event has  occurred  or  circumstance  exists that (with or without
notice or lapse of time)  would  (a)  contravene,  conflict  with or result in a
violation  or breach  of, or become a default  or event of  default  under,  any
provision of any Material Contract to which Freedom Petroleum is a party, or (b)
permit  Freedom  Petroleum or any other person the right to declare a default or
exercise any remedy under,  or to accelerate the maturity or performance  of, or
to cancel,  terminate or modify any Material Contract to which Freedom Petroleum
is a  party.  Freedom  Petroleum  has not  received  notice  of the  pending  or
threatened  cancellation,  revocation or termination of any Material Contract to


which it is a party. There are no renegotiations of, or attempts to renegotiate,
or outstanding rights to renegotiate any material terms of any Material Contract
to which Freedom Petroleum is a party.

     2.17 Employees.

          2.17.1 Except as set forth on Schedule 2.17.1,  Freedom  Petroleum has
no employees,  independent  contractors or other Persons  providing  services to
them.  Except as would not have a Material Adverse Effect,  Freedom Petroleum is
in full compliance with all Laws regarding employment,  wages, hours,  benefits,
equal  opportunity,  collective  bargaining,  the payment of Social Security and
other taxes, and occupational safety and health. Freedom Petroleum is not liable
for the payment of any compensation,  damages,  taxes, fines, penalties or other
amounts,  however  designated,  for failure to comply with any of the  foregoing

          2.17.2 No  director,  officer or  employee of Freedom  Petroleum  is a
party to, or is otherwise bound by, any contract (including any confidentiality,
non-competition  or proprietary  rights agreement) with any other person that in
any way adversely  affects or will materially  affect (a) the performance of his
or her duties as a director,  officer or employee of Freedom  Petroleum,  or (b)
the ability of Freedom Petroleum to conduct its business. Except as set forth on
Schedule  2.17.2,  each employee of Freedom  Petroleum is employed on an at-will
basis and Freedom Petroleum does not have any contract with any of its employees
which would interfere with its ability to discharge its employees.

     2.18 Compliance with Laws. The business and operations of Freedom Petroleum
have been and are being  conducted in accordance  with all  applicable  Laws and
Orders.  Freedom  Petroleum  has not received  notice of any  violation  (or any
Proceeding  involving an allegation of any  violation) of any  applicable Law or
Order by or  affecting  Freedom  Petroleum  and,  to the  knowledge  of  Freedom
Petroleum,  no proceeding involving an allegation of violation of any applicable
Law or  Order  is  threatened  or  contemplated.  To the  knowledge  of  Freedom
Petroleum,  it has  complied  with all  federal  and  state  securities  laws in
connection with the offer, sale and distribution of its securities.  At the time
that Freedom Petroleum sold Shares to the Seller, Freedom Petroleum was entitled
to use the exemptions provided by the Securities Act relative to the sale of its

     2.19  Certain  Proceedings.  There is no pending  proceeding  that has been
commenced against Freedom Petroleum and that challenges,  or may have the effect
of preventing,  delaying,  making illegal, or otherwise interfering with, any of
the  transactions  contemplated by this  Agreement.  To the knowledge of Freedom
Petroleum, no such proceeding has been threatened.

     2.20  Litigation.  Freedom  Petroleum  is not a party to any suit,  action,
arbitration,  or  legal,   administrative,   or  other  proceeding,  or  pending
governmental investigation. To the best knowledge of Freedom Petroleum, there is
no basis for any such action or  proceeding  and no such action or proceeding is
threatened against Freedom Petroleum.  Freedom Petroleum is not a party to or in
default with respect to any order, writ,  injunction,  or decree of any federal,
state, local, or foreign court, department, agency, or instrumentality.

     2.21 Interested Party  Transactions.  Except as set forth on Schedule 2.21,
no officer,  director or  stockholder  of Freedom  Petroleum or any Affiliate or
"associate"  (as such term is  defined in Rule 405 of the  Commission  under the
Securities  Act)  of any  such  person,  has  or has  had,  either  directly  or
indirectly,  (1) an interest in any person which (a) furnishes or sells services


or products  which are furnished or sold or are proposed to be furnished or sold
by  Freedom  Petroleum,  or (b)  purchases  from or sells or  furnishes  to,  or
proposes to purchase  from,  sell to or furnish  Freedom  Petroleum any goods or
services;  or (2) a  beneficial  interest in any  contract or agreement to which
Freedom Petroleum is a party or by which it may be bound or affected.

     2.22  Governmental  Inquiries.   Freedom  Petroleum  has  provided  to  the
Purchaser a copy of each  material  written  inspection  report,  questionnaire,
inquiry,  demand or request for information  received by Freedom  Petroleum from
any Governmental  Authority,  and Freedom Petroleum's response thereto, and each
material written statement,  report or other document filed by Freedom Petroleum
with any Governmental Authority.

     2.23 Bank Accounts and Safe Deposit Boxes.  Except as set forth on Schedule
2.23,  Freedom  Petroleum  does not have any bank or other  deposit or financial
account, nor does Freedom Petroleum have any lock boxes or safety deposit boxes.

     2.24 Intellectual Property.  Freedom Petroleum does not own, use or license
any intellectual property in its business as presently conducted.

     2.25 Title to Properties. Freedom Petroleum (with good and marketable title
in the case of real  property)  holds under  valid  leases the rights to use all
real  property,  plants,  machinery,   equipment  and  other  personal  property
necessary for the conduct of its business as presently conducted, free and clear
of all Liens, except Permitted Liens.

     2.26 SEC Documents;  Financial Statements.  Except as set forth on Schedule
2.26,  Freedom  Petroleum has filed all reports required to be filed by it under
the Exchange Act including  pursuant to Section 13(a) or 15(d) thereof,  for the
three (3) years  preceding  the date hereof (or such  shorter  period as Freedom
Petroleum was required by law to file such material)  (the  foregoing  materials
being  collectively  referred  to  herein as the "SEC  DOCUMENTS").  As of their
respective dates, the SEC Documents and any registration  statements filed under
the  Securities  Act (the  "REGISTRATION  STATEMENTS")  complied in all material
respects with the  requirements  of the Exchange Act and the Securities  Act, as
applicable,  and  the  rules  and  regulations  of  the  Commission  promulgated
thereunder,  and none of the SEC  Documents  or  Registration  Statements,  when
filed,  contained any untrue  statement of a material fact or omitted to state a
material  fact  required to be stated  therein or necessary in order to make the
statements  therein,  in light of the circumstances  under which they were made,
not misleading.  All Material Contracts to which Freedom Petroleum is a party or
to which the  property  or assets of Freedom  Petroleum  are  subject  have been
appropriately  filed  as  exhibits  to the SEC  Documents  and the  Registration
Statements  as and to the  extent  required  under  the  Exchange  Act  and  the
Securities  Act, as applicable.  The financial  statements of Freedom  Petroleum
included  in the  Registration  Statement  and the SEC  Documents  comply in all
material  respects with  applicable  accounting  requirements  and the rules and
regulations of the Commission  with respect  thereto as in effect at the time of
filing,  were  prepared in  accordance  with GAAP applied on a consistent  basis
during the periods  involved  (except as may be indicated in the notes  thereto,
or,  in the  case of  unaudited  statements  as  permitted  by Form  10-Q of the
Commission), and fairly present in all material respects (subject in the case of
unaudited  statements,  to normal,  recurring audit  adjustments)  the financial
position  of Freedom  Petroleum  as at the dates  thereof and the results of its
operations  and cash flows for the periods  then ended.  Freedom  Petroleum  was
originally  organized  and  operated  through  the date  hereof  as a bona  fide
operating  business  without  any  pre-existing  plan or strategy  that  Freedom
Petroleum  would serve  primarily as a merger or  acquisition  candidate  for an


unidentified company or companies. The disclosure set forth in the SEC Documents
and Registration Statements regarding Freedom Petroleum' business is current and
complete and accurately reflects  operations of Freedom Petroleum,  as it exists
as of the date hereof.

     2.27 Stock Option Plans; Employee Benefits.

          2.27.1 Freedom  Petroleum has no stock option plans  providing for the
grant by Freedom Petroleum of stock options to directors, officers or employees.

          2.27.2 Freedom Petroleum has no employee benefit plans or arrangements
covering  their  present  and former  employees  or  providing  benefits to such
persons in respect of services provided Freedom Petroleum.

          2.27.3  Neither  the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated
hereby  alone,  nor in  combination  with  another  event,  with respect to each
director,  officer, employee and consultant of Freedom Petroleum, will result in
(a)  any  payment  (including,  without  limitation,   severance,   unemployment
compensation or bonus  payments)  becoming due from Freedom  Petroleum,  (b) any
increase  in the  amount  of  compensation  or  benefits  payable  to  any  such
individual,  or (c) any  acceleration  of the  vesting  or timing of  payment of
compensation payable to any such individual. No agreement,  arrangement or other
contract of Freedom  Petroleum  provides  benefits or payments  contingent upon,
triggered by, or increased as a result of a change in the ownership or effective
control of Freedom Petroleum.

     2.28 Conduct of Business.  Prior to the Closing,  Freedom  Petroleum  shall
conduct its  business in the normal  course,  and shall not  (without  the prior
written  approval of Purchaser)  (i) sell,  pledge,  or assign any assets,  (ii)
amend its Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws,  (iii) declare dividends,  redeem
or sell  stock or other  securities  (iv) incur any  liabilities,  except in the
normal course of business,  (v) acquire or dispose of any assets, enter into any
contract, guarantee obligations of any third party, or (vi) enter into any other

     2.29 Money Laundering Laws. The operations of Freedom  Petroleum is and has
been   conducted  at  all  times  in  compliance   with   applicable   financial
recordkeeping   and   reporting   requirements   of  the  Currency  and  Foreign
Transactions Reporting Act of 1970, as amended, the money laundering statutes of
all U.S. and non-U.S.  jurisdictions,  the rules and regulations  thereunder and
any related or similar rules, regulations or guidelines, issued, administered or
enforced by any  Governmental  Authority  (collectively,  the "MONEY  LAUNDERING
LAWS") and no Proceeding  involving  Freedom Petroleum with respect to the Money
Laundering  Laws  is  pending  or,  to  the  knowledge  of  Freedom   Petroleum,

     2.30 Certain  Registration  Matters.  Except as set forth on Schedule 2.30,
Freedom  Petroleum  has not  granted  or agreed to grant any  person  any rights
(including  "piggy-back  registration  rights) to have any securities of Freedom
Petroleum  registered  with the Commission or any other  Governmental  Authority
that have not been satisfied.

                                   ARTICLE III

      The Sellers  hereby,  severally and not jointly,  represent and warrant to
the Purchaser' the following:


     3.01  Authorization.  The Sellers have all  requisite  authority  and power
(corporate  and other),  governmental  licenses,  authorizations,  consents  and
approvals to enter into this Agreement and Escrow Agreement to which the Sellers
are a party, to consummate the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement and
the Escrow  Agreement  to which the  Sellers  are a party and to  perform  their
obligations  under this Agreement and the Escrow  Agreement to which the Sellers
are a party.  The  execution,  delivery and  performance  by the Sellers of this
Agreement and of the Escrow  Agreement to which the Sellers are a party requires
no  authorization,  consent,  approval,  license,  exemption  of  or  filing  or
registration  with any  Governmental  Authority  or other person other than such
other  customary  filings  with  the  Commission  for  transactions  of the type
contemplated by this Agreement and the Escrow Agreement.

     3.02 No Violation. Neither the execution nor the delivery by the Sellers of
this  Agreement or Escrow  Agreement  to which the Sellers are a party,  nor the
consummation  or  performance  by the Sellers of the  transactions  contemplated
hereby or thereby will, directly or indirectly,  (a) contravene,  conflict with,
constitute  a default (or an event or condition  which,  with notice or lapse of
time or both, would constitute a default) under, or result in the termination or
acceleration  of, or result in the imposition or creation of any lien under, any
agreement  or  instrument  to which  the  Sellers  are a party  or by which  the
properties or assets of the Sellers are bound; or (b) contravene, conflict with,
or result in a violation  of, any Law or Order to which the  Sellers,  or any of
the properties or assets owned or used by the Sellers, may be subject.

     3.03 Ownership of Securities.  The Sellers own, on record and beneficially,
and have good, valid and indefeasible  title to and the right to transfer to the
Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement,  Sellers' Shares free and clear of any and
all liens.  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.03, there are no options,  rights,
voting trusts,  stockholder  agreements or any other contracts or understandings
to which the Sellers are a party or by which the Sellers or Sellers'  Shares are
bound with respect to the issuance,  sale,  transfer,  voting or registration of
Sellers' Shares. At the Closing date, the Purchaser will acquire good, valid and
marketable title to Sellers' Shares free and clear of any and all liens.

     3.04 Litigation.  There is no pending  proceeding  against the Sellers that
involves  Sellers'  Shares  or  that  challenges,  or may  have  the  effect  of
preventing,  delaying or making illegal,  or otherwise  interfering with, any of
the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  and, to the knowledge of the
Sellers,  no such proceeding has been  threatened,  and no event or circumstance
exists  that is  reasonably  likely  to give rise to or serve as a basis for the
commencement of any such proceeding.

     3.05  No  Brokers  or  Finders.  No  person  has,  or as a  result  of  the
transactions contemplated herein will have, any right or valid claim against the
Purchaser for any commission,  fee or other  compensation as a finder or broker,
or in any similar  capacity,  and after the Closing,  the Sellers will indemnify
and hold the Purchaser harmless against any liability or expense arising out of,
or in connection with, any such claim.

     3.06 Binding Obligations.  Assuming this Agreement and the Escrow Agreement
have been duly and validly  authorized,  executed  and  delivered by the parties
hereto  and  thereto  other  than the  Sellers,  this  Agreement  and the Escrow
Agreement  to which the Sellers are a party are duly  authorized,  executed  and
delivered  by  the  Sellers  and  constitutes  the  legal,   valid  and  binding
obligations of the Sellers,  enforceable  against the Sellers in accordance with


their  respective  terms,  except as such  enforcement  is  limited  by  general
equitable  principles,  or by  bankruptcy,  insolvency  and other  similar  Laws
affecting the enforcement of creditors rights generally.

     3.07 Ability to Carry Out Obligations.  The Sellers have the right,  power,
and authority to enter into, and perform their obligations under this Agreement.
The  execution and delivery of this  Agreement  and the Escrow  Agreement by the
Sellers and the  performance by the Sellers of their  obligations  hereunder and
thereunder  will not cause,  constitute,  or conflict  with or result in (a) any
breach or violation or any of the  provisions  of or  constitute a default under
any   license,   indenture,   mortgage,   charter,   instrument,   articles   of
incorporation,  bylaw,  or  other  agreement  or  instrument  to  which  Freedom
Petroleum, the officers,  directors or Sellers are a party, or by which they may
be bound, nor will any consents or  authorizations of any party other than those
hereto be  required,  (b) an event that would cause  Freedom  Petroleum  (and/or
assigns)  to be liable to any party,  or (c) an event  that would  result in the
creation or  imposition  of any lien,  charge,  or  encumbrance  on any asset of
Freedom Petroleum or upon Sellers' Shares to be acquired by the Purchaser.

     3.08 Compliance with Laws. The Shares being sold herein are being sold in a
private  transaction  between the Sellers and the  Purchaser.  The Shares can be
sold and transferred without  contravening,  conflicting with, or resulting in a
violation  of  the  law.  The  Purchaser  is  aware  of  the   restrictions   of
transferability  of Sellers'  Shares and further  understands  the  certificates
shall bear the legend set forth herein below in Section 5.05.

     3.09 Liabilities.  The Sellers agree to indemnify the Purchaser against any
past liabilities  pertaining to its conduct of business that should arise within
sixe (6) months of Closing. If there are any liabilities at the time of Closing,
such  liabilities  shall be  listed  on  Exhibit  A  attached  hereto,  and such
liabilities shall be paid directly from the Escrow Account by the Escrow Agent.

                                   ARTICLE IV

     4.01 SEC  Documents.  From and after  the  Closing  Date,  in the event the
Commission  notifies Freedom  Petroleum of its intent to review any SEC Document
filed  prior to the  Closing  Date or  Freedom  Petroleum  receives  any oral or
written  comments  from the  Commission  with respect to any SEC Document  filed
prior  to the  Closing  Date  or any  disclosure  regarding  Freedom  Petroleum'
business  or  operations,  as in  existence  through  the date hereof in any SEC
Document or  registration  statement filed after the Closing Date, the Purchaser
shall promptly notify the Sellers and the Sellers shall fully cooperate with the
Purchaser in connection with such review and response.

     4.02 Intentionally Omitted.

     4.03 Public Announcements. Freedom Petroleum shall file with the Commission
a Current Report on Form 8-K  describing the material terms of the  transactions
contemplated hereby as soon as practicable  following the Closing Date but in no
event more than four (4) business days following the Closing Date.  Prior to the
Closing Date, the Purchaser and Freedom  Petroleum shall consult with each other
in issuing  the Form 8-K,  the press  release  and any other  press  releases or
otherwise making public statements or filings and other  communications with the
Commission  or any  regulatory  agency or stock market or trading  facility with
respect to the  transactions  contemplated  hereby and none of the parties shall
issue any such  press  release  or  otherwise  make any such  public  statement,


filings or other  communications  without the prior written consent of the other
parties,  which consent shall not be  unreasonably  withheld or delayed,  except
that no prior consent  shall be required if such  disclosure is required by law,
in which case the  disclosing  party shall  provide the other parties with prior
notice of no less than three (3) calendar days, of such public statement, filing
or other communication and shall incorporate into such public statement,  filing
or other communication the reasonable comments of the other parties.

     4.04 Corporate  Examinations and Investigations.  Prior to the Closing, the
Purchaser shall be entitled, through its employees and representatives,  to make
such  investigations  and  examinations  of the  books,  records  and  financial
condition  of  Freedom  Petroleum  (and any  Subsidiary)  as the  Purchaser  may
reasonably request. In order that the Purchaser may have the full opportunity to
do so,  Freedom  Petroleum  and the Sellers  shall furnish the Purchaser and its
representatives  during  such period with all such  information  concerning  the
affairs  of  Freedom   Petroleum  or  any   Subsidiary  as  each  party  or  its
representatives  may  reasonably  request and cause  Freedom  Petroleum  and its
respective officers, employees,  consultants,  agents, accountants and attorneys
to cooperate  fully with each party's  representatives  in connection  with such
review  and  examination  and to make full  disclosure  of all  information  and
documents  requested  by the  Purchaser  and/or  its  representatives.  Any such
investigations  and examinations  shall be conducted at reasonable times,  under
reasonable circumstances and in a timely manner.

     4.05  Cooperation;  Consents.  Prior  to  the  Closing,  each  party  shall
cooperate  with the other  parties  and shall  (i) in a timely  manner  make all
necessary filings with, and conduct negotiations with, all authorities and other
persons the consent or approval of which, or the license or permit from which is
required for the  consummation of the Securities  Purchase,  and (ii) provide to
each other party such  information as the other party may reasonably  request in
order to enable it to prepare such filings and to conduct such negotiations.

     4.06  Litigation.  From the date  hereof  through the  Closing,  each party
hereto shall  promptly  notify the  representative  of the other  parties of any
known proceeding which after the date hereof are threatened or commenced against
such  party  or any of  its  affiliates  or  any  officer,  director,  employee,
consultant, agent or shareholder thereof, in their capacities as such, which, if
decided  adversely,  could  reasonably  be expected  to have a Material  Adverse
Effect  upon  the  condition  (financial  or  otherwise),  assets,  liabilities,
business, operations or prospects of such party or any of its Subsidiaries.

     4.07 Notice of  Default.  From the date hereof  through the  Closing,  each
party  hereto  shall  give to the  representative  of the other  parties  prompt
written  notice of the  occurrence  or  existence  of any  event,  condition  or
circumstance  occurring  which would  constitute  a violation  or breach of this
Agreement by such party or which would render inaccurate in any material respect
any of such party's representations or warranties herein.

     4.08  Assistance  with  Post-Closing  SEC Reports and  Inquiries.  Upon the
reasonable  request of the Purchaser,  after the Closing Date, the Sellers shall
use  reasonable  best  efforts to provide  such  information  available to them,
including  information,   filings,   reports,   financial  statements  or  other
circumstances  of Freedom  Petroleum  occurring,  reported or filed prior to the
Closing,  as  may  be  necessary  or  required  by  Freedom  Petroleum  for  the
preparation of the post-Closing  Date reports that Freedom Petroleum is required
to file with the  Commission  to  remain  in  compliance  and  current  with its
reporting  requirements  under the Exchange Act, or filings  required to address


and  resolve  matters as may relate to the period  prior to the  Closing and any
Commission comments relating thereto or any Commission inquiry thereof.

     4.09 Transfers.  Prior to the Closing, the Sellers will not sell, transfer,
assign,  hypothecate,  lien, or otherwise  dispose or encumber  Sellers'  Shares
owned by them.

     4.10  Representations.  All representations shall be true as of the Closing
and all such representations shall survive the Closing for a period of one year.

                                    ARTICLE V
                                INVESTMENT INTENT

     5.01 Transfer  Restrictions.  The Purchaser  (and/or  assigns)  agrees that
Sellers' Shares being acquired pursuant to this Agreement may be sold,  pledged,
assigned,  hypothecated or otherwise transferred,  with or without consideration
("Transfer")  only  pursuant to an effective  registration  statement  under the
Securities  Act,  or  pursuant  to an  exemption  from  registration  under  the
Securities Act.

     5.02  Investment  Intent.  The Purchaser is acquiring  Sellers'  Shares for
their  own  account  for  investment,  and not with a view  toward  distribution

     5.03 No Advertisement. The Purchaser acknowledges that Sellers' Shares have
been offered to them in direct  communication  between them and Sellers, and not
through any advertisement of any kind.

     5.04 Knowledge and Experience.  The Purchaser  acknowledges  that they have
been encouraged to seek their own legal and financial  counsel to assist them in
evaluating  this purchase.  The Purchaser  acknowledges  that Sellers have given
them and all of their  counsels  access to all  information  relating to Freedom
Petroleum's business that they or any one of them have requested.  The Purchaser
acknowledge  that they have sufficient  business and financial  experience,  and
knowledge  concerning  the affairs and  conditions of Freedom  Petroleum so that
they can make a reasoned decision as to this purchase of Sellers' Shares and are
capable of evaluating the merits and risks of this purchase.

     5.05  Restrictions  on  Transferability.  The  Purchaser  is  aware  of the
restrictions of transferability  of Sellers' Shares and further  understands the
certificates shall bear the following legend.



          (b)  The  Purchaser  understands  that  Sellers'  Shares  may  only be
     disposed  of  pursuant to either (i) an  effective  registration  statement
     under  the  Securities  Act,  or (ii) an  exemption  from the  registration
     requirements of the Securities Act.

          (c)  Freedom  Petroleum  and/or  Sellers  have  neither  filed  such a
     registration  statement with the SEC or any state authorities nor agreed to
     do so,  nor  contemplates  doing  so in the  future  for the  shares  being
     purchased,  and  in  the  absence  of  such  a  registration  statement  or
     exemption,  the Purchaser may have to hold Sellers' Shares indefinitely and
     may be unable to liquidate them in case of an emergency.

                                   ARTICLE VI

     6.01  Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  will be governed by the laws of the
State  of  New  York  without  regard  to  conflicts  of  laws  principles.  Any
controversy  of claim  arising out of, or relating  to, this  Agreement,  or the
making,  performance,  or  interpretation  thereof,  shall be adjudicated by the
Courts of New York.

     6.02  Indemnification.  From and after the  Closing,  the Sellers  agree to
indemnify the Purchaser  against all actual losses,  damages and expenses caused
by (i) any breach of any  representation or warranty made by the Sellers in this
Agreement or any sale documents or in any  certificate  delivered by the Sellers
pursuant to this Agreement; (ii) any breach of any covenant or obligation of the
parties in this  Agreement  or any  documents  required to be  performed  by the
parties on or prior to the Closing Date or after the Closing  Date; or (iii) any
and all losses, claims, damages, or liabilities against Freedom Petroleum or the
parties,  which  results from actions or omissions  occurring on or prior to the
Closing Date.

                                   ARTICLE VII
                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

     7.01 Expenses.  Except as otherwise  expressly  provided in this Agreement,
each party to this  Agreement  will bear its  respective  expenses  incurred  in
connection with the  preparation,  execution,  and performance of this Agreement
and the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  including all fees and
expenses of agents,  representatives,  counsel, and accountants. In the event of
termination  of this  Agreement,  the  obligation  of each  party to pay its own
expenses  will be subject to any rights of such party  arising  from a breach of
this Agreement by another party.

     7.02 Confidentiality. Freedom Petroleum, the Sellers and the Purchaser will
maintain in confidence,  and will cause their  respective  directors,  officers,
employees, agents, and advisors to maintain in confidence, any written, oral, or
other  information  obtained in confidence from another party in connection with
this Agreement or the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  unless (a)
such information is already known to such party or to others not bound by a duty
of  confidentiality  or such information  becomes publicly  available through no
fault of such party, (b) the use of such information is necessary or appropriate
in making any required filing with the  Commission,  or obtaining any consent or
approval required for the consummation of the transactions  contemplated by this
Agreement,  or (c) the  furnishing or use of such  information is required by or
necessary or appropriate in connection with legal proceedings.


     In the event that any party is  required  to disclose  any  information  of
another party  pursuant to this  Agreement,  the party  requested or required to
make the  disclosure  (the  "DISCLOSING  PARTY")  shall  provide  the party that
provided such information (the "PROVIDING PARTY") with prompt notice of any such
requirement  so that the  Providing  Party may seek a protective  order or other
appropriate  remedy and/or waive  compliance with the provisions of this Section
7.02. If, in the absence of a protective order or other remedy or the receipt of
a waiver by the Providing  Party,  the Disclosing  Party is nonetheless,  in the
opinion of  counsel,  legally  compelled  to  disclose  the  information  of the
Providing Party, the Disclosing Party may, without liability hereunder, disclose
only that  portion of the  Providing  Party's  information  which  such  counsel
advises is legally required to be disclosed,  provided that the Disclosing Party
exercises  its  reasonable  efforts  to  preserve  the  confidentiality  of  the
Providing Party's  information,  including,  without limitation,  by cooperating
with the  Providing  Party to obtain an  appropriate  protective  order or other
relief  assurance  that  confidential  treatment  will be accorded the Providing
Party's information.

     If the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement are not  consummated,
each party will return or destroy all of such written information each party has
regarding the other party.

     7.03 Notices. All notices, demands,  consents,  requests,  instructions and
other communications to be given or delivered or permitted under or by reason of
the  provisions  of  this  Agreement  or in  connection  with  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be delivered and
received by the intended recipient as follows: (i) if personally  delivered,  on
the business day of such  delivery (as  evidenced by the receipt of the personal
delivery  service),  (ii) if mailed  certified or registered mail return receipt
requested,  two (2)  business  days after being  mailed,  (iii) if  delivered by
overnight courier (with all charges having been prepaid), on the business day of
such delivery (as evidenced by the receipt of the overnight  courier  service of
recognized  standing),  or (iv) if delivered by facsimile  transmission,  on the
business  day of such  delivery  if sent by 6:00  p.m.  in the time  zone of the
recipient,  or if sent after that time, on the next succeeding  business day (as
evidenced  by the  printed  confirmation  of delivery  generated  by the sending
party's  telecopier  machine).  If  any  notice,   demand,   consent,   request,
instruction  or other  communication  cannot be  delivered  because of a changed
address of which no notice was given (in accordance  with this Section 7.03), or
the refusal to accept same, the notice, demand, consent, request, instruction or
other  communication  shall be deemed  received on the second  business  day the
notice is sent (as  evidenced  by a sworn  affidavit  of the  sender).  All such
notices, demands, consents, requests, instructions and other communications will
be sent to the following addresses or facsimile numbers as applicable.

     If to Freedom Petroleum:

     Freedom Petroleum, Inc.
     8580 E. Bellewood Place
     Denver, CO

     Attn: Thomas Hynes, CEO

     If to the Seller:
     At the Address set forth on Schedule A hereto.


     If to the Purchaser:

     Anton Lin
     Fax: _________________

     7.04 Further  Assurances.  The parties agree (a) to furnish upon request to
each other such  further  information,  (b) to execute and deliver to each other
such other documents, and (c) to do such other acts and things, all as the other
parties may  reasonably  request  for the purpose of carrying  out the intent of
this Agreement and the documents referred to in this Agreement.

     7.05 Waiver.  The rights and remedies of the parties to this  Agreement are
cumulative and not  alternative.  Neither the failure nor any delay by any party
in  exercising  any right,  power,  or  privilege  under this  Agreement  or the
documents  referred to in this Agreement will operate as a waiver of such right,
power, or privilege, and no single or partial exercise of any such right, power,
or privilege will preclude any other or further  exercise of such right,  power,
or privilege or the exercise of any other right,  power,  or  privilege.  To the
maximum extent permitted by applicable law, (a) no claim or right arising out of
this Agreement or the documents  referred to in this Agreement can be discharged
by one party,  in whole or in part, by a waiver or  renunciation of the claim or
right unless in writing signed by the other  parties;  (b) no waiver that may be
given by a party will be applicable except in the specific instance for which it
is given;  and (c) no  notice  to or demand on one party  will be deemed to be a
waiver of any  obligation of such party or of the right of the party giving such
notice or demand to take further  action without notice or demand as provided in
this Agreement or the documents referred to in this Agreement.

     7.06 Entire Agreement and Modification. This Agreement supersedes all prior
agreements  by and among the  parties  with  respect to its  subject  matter and
constitutes  (along with the documents referred to in this Agreement) a complete
and  exclusive  statement of the terms of the agreement by and among the parties
with respect to its subject matter.  This Agreement may not be amended except by
a written  agreement  executed by the party against whom the enforcement of such
amendment is sought.

     7.07  Assignments,  Successors,  and No  Third-Party  Rights.  No party may
assign any of its rights under this  Agreement  without the prior consent of the
other parties.  Subject to the preceding sentence, this Agreement will apply to,
be binding in all respects  upon, and inure to the benefit of and be enforceable
by the  respective  successors,  heirs,  executors and permitted  assigns of the
parties. Nothing expressed or referred to in this Agreement will be construed to
give any person other than the parties to this  Agreement any legal or equitable
right, remedy, or claim under or with respect to this Agreement or any provision
of this  Agreement.  This Agreement and all of its provisions and conditions are
for the sole and  exclusive  benefit of the parties to this  Agreement and their
successors and assigns.

     7.08  Severability.  If any provision of this  Agreement is held invalid or
unenforceable  by any court of competent  jurisdiction,  the other provisions of
this  Agreement  will remain in full force and  effect.  Any  provision  of this


Agreement  held invalid or  unenforceable  only in part or degree will remain in
full force and effect to the extent not held invalid or unenforceable.

     7.09  Section  Headings,  Construction.  The  headings  of sections in this
Agreement are provided for convenience only and will not affect its construction
or  interpretation.  All  references  to  "Section" or  "Sections"  refer to the
corresponding  Section or  Sections  of this  Agreement.  All words used in this
Agreement will be construed to be of such gender or number as the  circumstances
require.  Unless  otherwise  expressly  provided,  the word "including" does not
limit the preceding words or terms.

     7.10 Time of Essence.  Time is of the essence of this Agreement and of each
and every provision hereof.

     7.11 Effect of Closing. All  representations,  warranties,  covenants,  and
agreements of the parties  contained in this  Agreement,  or in any  instrument,
certificate,  opinion,  or other  writing  provided for in it, shall be true and
correct as of the Closing and shall survive the Closing of this Agreement.

     7.12 Mutual Cooperation. The parties hereto shall cooperate with each other
to achieve  the  purpose of this  Agreement,  and shall  execute  such other and
further documents and take such other and further actions as may be necessary or
convenient to effect the transaction described herein.

     7.13  Counterparts.   This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  one  or  more
counterparts,  each of  which  will be  deemed  to be an  original  copy of this
Agreement and all of which,  when taken  together,  will be deemed to constitute
one and the same  agreement.  In the event that any  signature  is  delivered by
facsimile  transmission or by e-mail delivery of a ".pdf" format data file, such
signature shall create a valid and binding obligation of the party executing (or
on whose behalf such signature is executed) with the same force and effect as if
such facsimile or ".pdf" signature page were an original thereof.




     In  witness  whereof,  this  Securities  Purchase  Agreement  has been duly
executed by the undersigned as of the date first above written.


   Anton Lin


                 [SIGNATURE PAGE OF Freedom Petroleum TO FOLLOW]


     In  witness  whereof,  this  Securities  Purchase  Agreement  has been duly
executed by the undersigned as of the date first above written.



By: ______________________________
(please print)


                      [SIGNATURE PAGE OF SELLER TO FOLLOW]


     In  witness  whereof,  this  Securities  Purchase  Agreement  has been duly
executed by the undersigned as of the date first above written.



By: ______________________________
(please print)


                                   SCHEDULE A
                                 LIST OF SELLERS

NAME OF SELLER                 NO. OF SHARES                    ADDRESS
--------------                 -------------                    -------

Thomas Hynes                    17,000,000
Nina Bijedic                    10,000,000
TOTAL                           27,000,000


                             EXHIBIT A - LIABILITIES


                                    EXHIBIT B

                                                         Dated: __________, 2011

To: [Seller]




   Freedom Petroleum, Inc.




   Hunter Taubman Weiss
   17 State Street, Suite 2000
   New York, NY 10004
   Attn: Louis Taubman, Partner

     The  undersigned,  pursuant to the  provisions  set forth in the Securities
Purchase  Agreement (the "Securities  Purchase  Agreement"),  dated  __________,
2011, hereby informs  ______________  (the "Sellers"),  Freedom Petroleum,  Inc.
("Freedom  Petroleum") and  ______________________  (the "Escrow Agent") that we
decide not to proceed  with the purchase of  _________________  (______________)
shares (the  "Shares")  of common stock of Freedom  Petroleum  from the Sellers,
since  we are  not  satisfied  with  the  result  of due  diligence  of  Freedom

     We hereby  instruct the Escrow Agent to release the funds that we deposited
in the Escrow  Account as follows  within two (2) business  days upon receipt of
this notice:

          BANK:       _______________________________
          ADDRESS:    _______________________________
          ABA NUMBER: _______________________________
          ACCOUNT NUMBER: ___________________________
          Swift Code: _______________________________

                                 Signature: ________________________________
                                 Name: _____________________________________
                                 Address: __________________________________
