Exhibit 10.3

                           CONTRACT FOR SALE OF GOODS

BULGARIA, SOFIA                                               September 17, 2014

TERAFOX CORP.,  represented by Director  Aleksey Gagauz (the "Seller")on the one
hand,  AND:  KEYBIEVENT  (the "Buyer"),  represented by Executive  Director Anna
Kuzeva (the "Buyer") , on the other hand Contractors  both together  referred to
as "Parties", or "Party" have concluded the present Contract as follows:

                                   1. PRODUCT

Seller shall sell, to buyer the following goods:


No party under the agreement is obligated to purchase or sell a certaine minimum
number of goods or dollar  amount.

The range of  products  for  delivery  of each batch is defined in the  invoice.
Printed products will be sold by the Seller to the Buyer with 30% discount.

Identification  of the goods to this agreement  shall not be deemed to have been
made until both buyer and seller have  specified  that the goods in question are
to be appropriated to the performance of this agreement.

                                  2. PAYMENTS

Buyer shall make payment for the goods at the time when, and at the place where,
the goods  are  received  by  buyer.

Payment  discount  terms  are a 10  percent  discount  if total  bill is paid in

Parties agree to pay all taxes of every description, federal and municipal, that
arise as a result of this sale, excluding income taxes.

                                3. RISK OF LOSS

The risk of loss from any casualty to the goods,  regardless of the cause, shall
be on seller until the goods have been accepted by buyer.

                               4. CONFIDENTIALITY

Both  parties  acknowledge  that  during the course of this  Contract,  each may
obtain  confidential  information  regarding  the other party's  business.

Both parties agree to treat all such  information  and the term of this Contract
as confidential  and to take all reasonable  precautions  against  disclosure of
such information to unauthorized third parties during and after the term of this

                                 5. WARRANTIES

Seller warrants that the Goods shall be free of substantive  defects in material

Seller  warrants  that the goods are now free,  and that at the time of delivery
shall be free from any security interest or other lien or encumbrance.

Furthermore,  seller warrants that at the time of signing this agreement  seller
neither knows, nor has reason to know, of the existence of any outstanding title
or claim of title hostile to the rights of seller in the goods.

                             6. RIGHT OF INSPECTION

Buyer  shall  have the right to  inspect  the goods on  arrival  and,  within 10
business days after delivery,  buyer must give notice to seller of any claim for
damages on account of condition,  quality or grade of the goods,  and buyer must
specify  the  basis of the claim of buyer in  detail.  The  failure  of buyer to
comply with these  conditions  shall  constitute  irrevocable  acceptance of the
goods by buyer.

The parties have executed this agreement at Bulgaria,  Sofia, September 17, 2014

This contract becomes  effective on 01 March,  2015.  Contract can be terminated
upon 2 months prior written notice of one of the Parties

If any  provision  of this  Contract  is held by a court  of law to be  illegal,
invalid, or unenforceable, (a) that provision shall be deemed amended to achieve
as nearly as possible the same economic  effect as the original  provision,  and
(b) the legality,  validity,  and enforceability of the remaining  provisions of
this Contract shall not be affected or impaired thereby.

This Contract supersedes any prior written or oral agreements.
This Contract may be modified or amended if the amendment is made in writing and
signed by both parties.



Director Aleksey Gagauz                      /s/ Aleksey Gagauz

Executive Director Anna Kuzeva               /s/ Anna Kuzeva