Exhibit 10.1

                         J. C. PENNEY CORPORATION, INC.

                             CHANGE IN CONTROL PLAN

                            Effective March 21, 2006

                         J. C. PENNEY CORPORATION, INC.
                             CHANGE IN CONTROL PLAN

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Article                                                                     Page

ARTICLE ONE              INTRODUCTION.........................................1

ARTICLE TWO              DEFINITIONS..........................................2

ARTICLE THREE            ELIGIBILITY AND PARTICIPATION........................8

ARTICLE FOUR             BENEFITS.............................................9

ARTICLE FIVE             AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION...........................18

ARTICLE SIX              MISCELLANEOUS.......................................19

APPENDIX I               PARTICIPATING EMPLOYERS.............................25


                         J. C. PENNEY CORPORATION, INC.
                             CHANGE IN CONTROL PLAN

                                   ARTICLE ONE


1.01     Purpose Of Plan

               The J.C.  Penney  Corporation,  Inc.  Change in Control Plan (the
          "Plan")  consists  primarily  of (i)  severance  benefits,  (ii) other
          benefits  after  termination  of  employment  under or  outside of the
          non-qualified retirement plans maintained by the Corporation and (iii)
          a cash  amount  payable  at  termination  of  employment  equal to the
          Corporation's  cost of  health  and  welfare  benefits  the  associate
          participated  in  immediately  prior to the  Change  in  Control.  The
          purpose and intent of the Plan is to attract and retain key associates
          and  to  improve  associate   productivity  by  reducing  distractions
          resulting from a potential Change in Control  situation,  all of which
          are in the best interest of the Corporation,  and J.C. Penney Company,
          Inc. and its stockholders.

          Capitalized terms used throughout the Plan have the meanings set forth
          in Article Two except as otherwise defined in the Plan, or the context
          clearly requires otherwise.

1.02     Plan Status

               The Plan is intended  to be a plan  providing  Severance  Pay and
          certain  retirement and other benefits  following a Change in Control.
          The  Plan is  intended  to be a top hat  plan  for a  select  group of
          management  or  highly  compensated  executives,  subject  only to the
          administration and enforcement provisions of ERISA.

1.03     Entire Plan

               This document,  including any Appendix hereto,  and any documents
          incorporated  by  reference  set  forth  the  provisions  of the  Plan
          effective  as of the  Effective  Date,  except as  otherwise  provided

1.04     Administration

          The  Human   Resources  and   Compensation   Committee  of  the  Board
          ("Committee") shall administer the Plan, provided,  however, that none
          of the members of the Committee will be a Participant.  The powers and
          duties of the  Committee  in  administering  the Plan are set forth in
          Article Six.


                                   ARTICLE TWO


2.01     For purposes of this Plan the following terms shall have the following

          Accounting  Firm means a nationally  recognized  accounting  firm,  or
          actuarial,  benefits or compensation consulting firm, (with experience
          in performing the  calculations  regarding the  applicability  Section
          280G of the Code and of the tax  imposed by Section  4999 of the Code)
          selected by a Participant in his/her sole discretion.

          Board means the Board of Directors of J.C. Penney Company, Inc.

          Change in Control means the occurrence of any of the following events:

          (i)  any  individual,  entity or group  (within the meaning of Section
               13(d)(3) or 14(d)(2) of the Exchange  Act) (a  "Person")  becomes
               the   beneficial   owner   (within  the  meaning  of  Rule  13d-3
               promulgated  under  the  Exchange  Act)  of  20% or  more  of the
               combined voting power of the then-outstanding Voting Stock of the
               Company or Corporation; provided, however, that:

               (1)  for  purposes  of  this  Section   (i)(1),   the   following
                    acquisitions  shall not constitute a Change in Control:  (A)
                    any   acquisition   of  Voting   Stock  of  the  Company  or
                    Corporation directly from the Company or Corporation that is
                    approved by a majority of the Incumbent  Directors,  (B) any
                    acquisition of Voting Stock of the Company or Corporation by
                    the Company or any Subsidiary, (C) any acquisition of Voting
                    Stock of the Company or  Corporation by the trustee or other
                    fiduciary holding securities under any employee benefit plan
                    (or related trust) sponsored or maintained by the Company or
                    any  Subsidiary,  and (D) any acquisition of Voting Stock of
                    the  Company  or  Corporation  by any Person  pursuant  to a
                    Business Transaction that complies with clauses (A), (B) and
                    (C) of Section (iii) below;

               (2)  if any Person becomes the beneficial owner of 20% or more of
                    combined voting power of the  then-outstanding  Voting Stock
                    of the Company or  Corporation  as a result of a transaction
                    described  in clause  (A) of Section  (i)(1)  above and such
                    Person  thereafter  becomes  the  beneficial  owner  of  any
                    additional   shares  of  Voting  Stock  of  the  Company  or
                    Corporation  representing 1% or more of the then-outstanding
                    Voting Stock of the Company or Corporation,



                    other than in an  acquisition  directly  from the Company or
                    Corporation  that is approved by a majority of the Incumbent
                    Directors  or other  than as a result  of a stock  dividend,
                    stock split or similar  transaction  effected by the Company
                    or  Corporation  in which all  holders  of Voting  Stock are
                    treated  equally,  such  subsequent   acquisition  shall  be
                    treated as a Change in Control;

               (3)  a Change in Control will not be deemed to have occurred if a
                    Person  becomes the  beneficial  owner of 20% or more of the
                    Voting Stock of the Company or  Corporation as a result of a
                    reduction  in the  number of  shares of Voting  Stock of the
                    Company or Corporation outstanding pursuant to a transaction
                    or series of transactions  that is approved by a majority of
                    the  Incumbent   Directors  unless  and  until  such  Person
                    thereafter  becomes the  beneficial  owner of any additional
                    shares  of  Voting  Stock  of  the  Company  or  Corporation
                    representing 1% or more of the then-outstanding Voting Stock
                    of the Company or  Corporation,  other than as a result of a
                    stock dividend,  stock split or similar transaction effected
                    by the Company or Corporation in which all holders of Voting
                    Stock are treated equally; and

               (4)  if at least a majority of the Incumbent  Directors determine
                    in  good  faith  that  a  Person  has  acquired   beneficial
                    ownership  of 20% or more of the Voting Stock of the Company
                    or  Corporation  inadvertently,  and such Person  divests as
                    promptly as practicable  but no later than the date, if any,
                    set by the Incumbent Directors a sufficient number of shares
                    so that such Person  beneficially  owns less than 20% of the
                    Voting Stock of the Company or  Corporation,  then no Change
                    in Control  shall have occurred as a result of such Person's
                    acquisition; or

          (ii) a  majority  of the board of the  Company  or of the  Corporation
               ceases to be comprised of Incumbent Directors; or

          (iii) the consummation of a  reorganization,  merger or consolidation,
               or sale or other  disposition of all or substantially  all of the
               assets of the Company or the  Corporation,  or the acquisition of
               the stock or assets of another corporation,  or other transaction
               (each,  a  "Business   Transaction"),   unless,   in  each  case,
               immediately  following such Business  Transaction  (A) the Voting
               Stock  of the  Company  outstanding  immediately  prior  to  such
               Business Transaction  continues to represent (either by remaining
               outstanding or by being converted into Voting Stock of the


               surviving  entity or any  parent  thereof),  more than 50% of the
               combined  voting power of the then  outstanding  shares of Voting
               Stock of the  entity  resulting  from such  Business  Transaction
               (including,  without  limitation,  an entity which as a result of
               such  transaction  owns  the  Company,   Corporation  or  all  or
               substantially all of the Company's or Corporation's assets either
               directly  or  through  one or more  subsidiaries),  (B) no Person
               (other than the Company, such entity resulting from such Business
               Transaction,  or any  employee  benefit  plan (or related  trust)
               sponsored or maintained by the Company or any  Subsidiary or such
               entity  resulting  from such Business  Transaction)  beneficially
               owns, directly or indirectly,  20% or more of the combined voting
               power of the  then  outstanding  shares  of  Voting  Stock of the
               entity resulting from such Business Transaction, and (C) at least
               a majority of the members of the Board of Directors of the entity
               resulting from such Business Transaction were Incumbent Directors
               at the time of the  execution of the initial  agreement or of the
               action of the Board providing for such Business Transaction; or

          (iv) approval  by  the  stockholders  of  the  Company  of a  complete
               liquidation or dissolution of the Company,  except  pursuant to a
               Business  Transaction that complies with clauses (A), (B) and (C)
               of Section (iii).

               Code shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and
               the  proposed,   temporary  and  final  regulations   promulgated
               thereunder.  Reference to any section or  subsection  of the Code
               includes reference to any comparable or succeeding  provisions of
               any legislation that amends, supplements or replaces such section
               or subsection.

               Company  shall  mean J.  C.  Penney  Company,  Inc.,  a  Delaware
               corporation, or any successor company.

               Compensation  shall  mean  the  annual  base  salary  rate  of  a
               Participant,  plus  the  Participant's  target  annual  incentive
               compensation  (at  $1.00  per  unit),   under  the  Corporation's
               Management  Incentive  Compensation  Plan (or any successor plans
               thereto) for the fiscal year, all at the greater of the amount in
               effect on the date of the  Change  in  Control  or as of  his/her
               Employment  Termination  date, or immediately  prior to the event
               that  constitutes  grounds  for a  Constructive  Termination.  As
               applied to a  Participant  employed by an affiliate or Subsidiary
               of the Corporation,  Compensation shall include the same elements
               of  pay to the  extent  the  affiliate  or  Subsidiary  maintains
               similar or comparable pay arrangements.


               Constructive Termination shall mean a resignation from employment
               with  the   Corporation   or  an  affiliate  or  Subsidiary   (as
               appropriate)  after any of the actions listed below directed at a

               (a) decrease in salary or incentive compensation  opportunity (as
               compared with the incentive  compensation  opportunity  in effect
               immediately prior to the Change in Control), or

               (b) failure by the Corporation to pay the Participant any portion
               of his/her current base salary, or incentive  compensation within
               seven days of its due date, or

               (c) adverse  change in  reporting  responsibilities,  duties,  or
               status as compared with  pre-Change in Control  responsibilities,
               duties, or status, or

               (d)  the  Corporation   requires  the  Participant  to  have  the
               Participant's  principal  location of work  changed to a location
               more than 50 miles from the location thereof immediately prior to
               the Change in Control, or

               (e)  discontinuance  of the  Participant's  participation  in, or
               discontinuance  of any  material  employee  paid time off policy,
               fringe benefit, welfare benefit,  incentive compensation,  equity
               compensation, or retirement plan (without equivalent compensating
               remuneration  or replacement  by a plan  providing  substantially
               similar  benefits)  or any action that  materially  reduces  such
               Participant's benefits or payments under such plans, as in effect
               immediately before the Change in Control.

               Corporation shall mean J. C. Penney Corporation, Inc., a Delaware
               corporation, or any successor company.

               Effective Date shall mean March 21, 2006.

               Employment  Termination  shall be deemed to have  occurred  for a
               Participant   when  he/she  ceases  to  be  an  employee  of  the
               Corporation or an affiliate or Subsidiary  within two years after
               a Change  in  Control  (or prior to a Change  in  Control  if the
               Participant has reasonably  demonstrated that such termination of
               employment  (i) was at the request of a third party who has taken
               steps  reasonably  calculated  to effect a Change in Control,  or
               (ii) otherwise  arose in connection  with or in anticipation of a
               Change in Control)  because of either a Constructive  Termination
               or a  termination  by the  Corporation  as a result  of a Summary
               Dismissal.   An  Employment   Termination  shall  not  include  a
               termination  by reason of the  Participant's  death,  disability,
               voluntary quit other than a Constructive  Termination,  or Normal


               ERISA shall mean the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of
               1974, as amended,  and the  regulations  promulgated  thereunder.
               Reference  to  any  section  or  subsection  of  ERISA   includes
               reference  to any  comparable  or  succeeding  provisions  of any
               legislation that amends,  supplements or replaces such section or

               Exchange  Act  means  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as
               amended, and the regulations promulgated thereunder. Reference to
               any section or subsection of the Exchange Act includes  reference
               to any  comparable  or succeeding  provisions of any  legislation
               that amends, supplements or replaces such section or subsection.

               Excise  Tax shall  mean,  collectively,  (i) the tax  imposed  by
               Section  4999 of the Code by  reason  of being  "contingent  on a
               change in  ownership  or  control"  of the  Company,  within  the
               meaning  of Section  280G of the Code,  or (ii) any  similar  tax
               imposed by state or local law, or (iii) any interest or penalties
               with respect to any excise tax described in clause (i) or (ii).

               Incumbent   Directors  means  the  individuals  who,  as  of  the
               Effective  Date  hereof,  are  Directors  of the  Company  or the
               Corporation, as the context requires, and any individual becoming
               a  Director   subsequent  to  the  date  hereof  whose  election,
               nomination  for  election  by  the  Company's  or   Corporation's
               stockholders,  or appointment, was approved by a vote of at least
               two-thirds of the then Incumbent  Directors (either by a specific
               vote or by  approval  of the proxy  statement  of the  Company in
               which such  person is named as a nominee  for  director,  without
               objection  to  such  nomination);   provided,  however,  that  an
               individual   shall  not  be  an   Incumbent   Director   if  such
               individual's  election or  appointment  to the Board  occurs as a
               result of an actual or threatened  election contest (as described
               in Rule  14a-12(c)  of the  Exchange  Act)  with  respect  to the
               election or removal of Directors  or other  actual or  threatened
               solicitation  of proxies or  consents by or on behalf of a Person
               other than the Board.

               Normal   Retirement   shall  mean   retirement   at  or  after  a
               Participant's  normal retirement date as determined in accordance
               with the J. C. Penney Corporation, Inc. Pension Plan as in effect
               immediately prior to a Change in Control.

               Participant  shall mean each person appointed by the Board to the
               Executive  Board  allowing  them to  participate  in the  Plan as
               provided in Article  Three and who  continues  to be an Executive
               Board member immediately prior to a Change in Control.


               Participating   Employer  shall  mean  the  Corporation  and  any
               Subsidiary or affiliate of the Corporation which is designated as
               a Participating Employer under the Plan by the Board,  excluding,
               however,  any division of the  Corporation  or of a Subsidiary or
               affiliate  that is  designated  by the  Board  as  ineligible  to
               participate  in the  Plan.  Appendix  I  contains  a list  of the
               Participating  Employers currently participating in the Plan that
               have adopted the Plan pursuant to Article Six.

               Severance Pay shall mean the cash severance payments payable to a
               Participant pursuant to Section 4.01 of the Plan.

               Severance  Benefits  shall  mean  Severance  Pay  and  the  other
               benefits  described  in  Article  Four of the Plan  payable  to a

               Subsidiary  shall mean any entity in which the Company,  directly
               or indirectly, beneficially owns 50% or more of the Voting Stock.

               Summary Dismissal shall mean a termination due to:

                    (a) any  willful  or  negligent  material  violation  of any
               applicable  securities laws (including the  Sarbanes-Oxley Act of

                    (b) any intentional  act of fraud or  embezzlement  from the
               Corporation or Company;

                    (c)  a  conviction  of or  entering  into  a  plea  of  nolo
               contendere to a felony that occurs during or in the course of the
               Participant's employment with the Corporation;

                    (d) any breach of a written  covenant or agreement  with the
               Corporation,  which is material  and which is not cured within 30
               days after written notice thereof from the Corporation; and

                    (e)  willful and  continued  failure of the  Participant  to
               substantially  perform his/her duties for the Corporation  (other
               than as a result of incapacity due to physical or mental illness)
               or to materially  comply with Corporation or Company policy after
               written notice, in either case, from the Corporation and a 30-day
               opportunity to cure.

               For  purposes  hereof,  an act,  or failure to act,  shall not be
               deemed to be "willful"  or  "intentional"  unless it is done,  or
               omitted to be done, by the  Participant in bad faith or without a
               reasonable  belief  that the action or  omission  was in the best
               interests of the Corporation.

               Voting Stock means  securities  entitled to vote generally in the
               election of directors.


                                  ARTICLE THREE

                          ELIGIBILITY AND PARTICIPATION

3.01           Eligibility on the Effective Date

               Each person who has been appointed to the Executive  Board of the
               Corporation  ("Executive Board") by the Board as of the Effective
               Date will be a Participant in the Plan.

3.02           Future Eligibility

               Each person who is appointed to the Executive  Board by the Board
               after the Effective  Date and prior to the occurrence of a Change
               in Control will be a Participant in the Plan.


                                  ARTICLE FOUR


4.01           Severance Pay

               Upon  an  Employment  Termination,  a  Participant  shall  become
               entitled  to  Severance  Pay in  accordance  with  the  following

                    Title                                   Severance Pay Period
                    -----                                   --------------------

               Chief Executive Officer and direct reports              3 years
               Other Executive Vice Presidents                         2.5 years
               Senior Vice Presidents                                  2 years

               Severance Pay will be computed by multiplying  the  Participant's
               Compensation times the number of years (including any fraction of
               a year) in the  Participant's  Severance Pay Period,  plus a cash
               amount  equal to the  aggregate  Corporation's  premium  cost for
               active  associate  Medical,   Dental  and  Life  Insurance  Plans
               coverage,  if any, provided to the Participant on the date of the
               Change  in  Control,  or if  higher,  the  amount  in  effect  at
               Employment Termination,  times the number of years (including any
               fraction of a year) in the  Severance  Pay Period.  Such lump sum
               Corporation   contribution   toward  Medical,   Dental  and  Life
               Insurance  Plans  coverage for the  Severance  Pay Period will be
               grossed-up for federal income taxes using the applicable  federal
               income tax rate that applied to the Participant for his/her prior
               year's Compensation.

               Except as provided in subpart 4.01A,  Severance Pay shall be paid
               in a lump sum within 30 days after Employment Termination.

               In the event a  Participant  is  entitled  to any cash  severance
               payments  that  are  payable  in  the  event  of  termination  of
               employment pursuant to a written contract  ("contract  payments")
               between the  Participant  and the  Corporation or an affiliate or
               Subsidiary,  Severance Pay otherwise  payable to the  Participant
               under  this  Section  4.01 shall be reduced by the amount of such
               contract  payments.   Notwithstanding   the  foregoing,   if  the
               Participant  receives  payments  and  benefits  pursuant  to this
               Section  4.01,  the  Participant  shall  not be  entitled  to any
               severance pay or benefits  under any severance  plan,  program or
               policy of the  Company  or an  affiliate  or  Subsidiary,  unless
               otherwise  specifically  provided therein in a specific reference
               to this Plan.

               A. Section 409A

               To the extent  applicable,  it is intended  that this Plan comply
               with the  provisions  of Code  Section  409A.  This Plan shall be
               administered  in a manner  consistent  with this  intent  and any
               provision that would cause this


               Plan to fail to satisfy Code Section 409A shall have no force and
               effect  until  amended to comply  with Code  Section  409A (which
               amendment  may be  retroactive  to the extent  permitted  by Code
               Section  409A  and  may be made by the  Corporation  without  the
               consent  of  Participants).   Notwithstanding   anything  to  the
               contrary in this Section  4.01,  if any portion of Severance  Pay
               constitutes  a "deferral  of  compensation,"  that portion of the
               Severance  Pay  will  be  paid  on the  latest  of (i)  the  date
               specified in this Plan, (ii) the  Participant's  "separation from
               service," or (iii) if the Participant is a "specified  employee,"
               six  months  after the  Participant's  separation  from  service.
               "Deferral  of   compensation,"   "separation  from  service"  and
               "specified  employee" have the meanings  ascribed to such phrases
               in Code Section 409A.

4.02           Prorated Incentive Compensation

               A  Participant  who is  covered  under the  Management  Incentive
               Compensation Plan and who becomes entitled to Severance Pay under
               this  Plan  shall be paid a lump sum  equal to the  Participant's
               pro-rated  target  annual  incentive  compensation  (at $1.00 per
               unit), under the Corporation's  Management Incentive Compensation
               Plan (or any successor  plans thereto) for the fiscal year.  Such
               lump sum to be paid with the  Severance Pay payable under Section

4.03           Retiree Medical and Dental Coverage

               For the purposes of determining  eligibility for retiree coverage
               under the J. C. Penney  Corporation,  Inc.  Voluntary  Employees'
               Beneficiary  Association  Medical Benefit Plan and Dental Benefit
               Plan  (collectively  "Health Care Plans"),  a Participant  who is
               covered  under the Health Care Plans and who becomes  entitled to
               Severance  Pay under  this Plan shall be  provided  with up to 24
               months of additional  age and/or  service credit under the Health
               Care  Plans  the  same  as  any  other  involuntary   termination
               resulting from a reduction in force would receive under the terms
               of the Health Care Plans.

4.04           Associate-Paid Retiree Term Life Insurance/Gold Card

               Notwithstanding  any  provision of the J. C. Penney  Corporation,
               Inc.  Associate-Paid  Group Term Life  Insurance Plan or the Gold
               Card Program to the contrary,  if a Participant  becomes entitled
               to Severance  Pay under this Plan,  he/she shall be provided with
               up to 24 months of additional age and/or service credit under the
               terms of the  Associate-Paid  Group Term Life  Insurance  Plan or
               Gold Card Program the same as any other  involuntary  termination
               resulting from a reduction in force would receive under the terms
               of such plans.  Retiree  life  insurance  benefits  shall be paid
               solely from the insurance policy or policies  provided under said


4.05           Non-Qualified Retirement Plans

               If a  Participant  becomes  entitled to Severance  Pay under this
               Plan he/she will receive an immediate  lump sum payment within 30
               days after Employment  Termination,  subject to subpart 4.01A, of
               any  incremental  benefit  provided  outside  the  terms  of  the
               applicable retirement plan calculated as follows, if he/she,

               (a)  is  a   participant   in  the   Corporation's   Supplemental
                    Retirement  Plan for  Management  Profit-Sharing  Associates
                    ("SRP"),  he/she will receive a benefit  equal to the number
                    of years in the Participant's  Severance Pay Period as years
                    of  additional  age  and  additional   service  credit,   if
                    applicable,  to make --- him/her eligible for a benefit, and
                    if eligible,  to provide  him/her  with the highest  benefit
                    available  as though  the entire  amount of his/her  benefit
                    were provided  under such plan  (including any offsets under
                    such  plan or  offsets  calculated  under (b) or (c) of this
                    Section  4.05) and using the higher of his/her  Compensation
                    or actual  Average  Final  Compensation  under  the SRP,  as
                    his/her  Average  Final  Compensation  for  purposes of such
                    calculation; and/or

               (b)  is a participant in the  Corporation's  Benefit  Restoration
                    Plan  ("BRP"),  he/she will  receive a benefit  equal to the
                    number of years in the Participant's Severance Pay Period as
                    years of additional age and additional  service  credit,  if
                    applicable,  to make him/her eligible for a benefit,  and if
                    eligible,  to  provide  him/her  with  the  highest  benefit
                    available  as though  the entire  amount of his/her  benefit
                    were  provided  under  such  plan and  using  the  higher of
                    his/her  Compensation  or actual Average Final Pay under the
                    BRP,  as  his/her  Average  Final Pay for  purposes  of such
                    calculation; and/or

               (c)  is a participant in any of the Corporation's  Mirror Savings
                    Plans,   he/she   will   receive   benefit   equal   to  the
                    Corporation's  match  under  such  plan for each year in the
                    Participant's  Severance  Pay Period,  and assuming the same
                    Corporation  contribution  rate as in  effect at the time of
                    the Change in Control to provide  him/her  with the  highest
                    benefit  available using his  Compensation  for each year of
                    the Severance Pay Period to determine  his/her  contribution
                    and the  Corporation's  matching  contribution as though the
                    entire amount of his/her  benefit were  provided  under such


4.06           Legal Fees

               All  expenses  of a  Participant  incurred in  enforcing  his/her
               rights  and/or to recover  his/her  benefits  under this  Article
               Four, including but not limited to, attorney's fees, court costs,
               arbitration  costs,  and  other  expenses  shall  be  paid by the
               Corporation.   The  Corporation   shall  pay,  or  reimburse  the
               Participant  for such fees,  costs and  expenses,  promptly  upon
               presentment  of  appropriate  documentation,  but only if, to the
               extent  and at  the  earliest  date(s)  such  reimbursements  are
               determined to be permitted without violating Code Section 409A.

4.07           Outplacement Services/Financial Counseling

               Following an Employment Termination, a Participant will be paid a
               lump sum payment in cash of $25,000 to allow the  Participant  to
               pay for outplacement and financial counseling services. Such lump
               sum to be paid with the Severance Pay payable under Section 4.01.

4.08           Special Bonus Hours

               In the event of an Employment Termination,  a Participant will be
               paid for Special Bonus Hours,  if he/she is also a participant in
               the Paid Time Off  Policy  ("PTO  Policy")  the same as any other
               involuntary termination resulting from a reduction in force would
               receive  under the terms of the PTO Policy.  Such payment will be
               determined  in accordance  with the  provisions of the PTO Policy
               and  paid  within  30 days  after  the  Participant's  Employment
               Termination date.

4.09          Gross-Up Payments To Make Participants Whole if Excise Tax Applies

               Anything in the Plan to the contrary notwithstanding, but subject
               to paragraph (g) below,  if it shall be determined  (as hereafter
               provided) that any payment or  distribution by the Corporation or
               an  affiliate  or  Subsidiary  to  or  for  the  benefit  of  the
               Participant,   whether   paid  or  payable  or   distributed   or
               distributable  pursuant  to the  terms of the  Plan or  otherwise
               pursuant to or by reason of any other  agreement,  policy,  plan,
               program or arrangement,  including  without  limitation any stock
               option,  stock  appreciation right or similar right, or the lapse
               or  termination   of  any   restriction  on  or  the  vesting  or
               exercisability  of any of the foregoing (a  "Payment"),  would be
               subject to the Excise Tax, then the Participant shall be entitled
               to  receive  an  additional  payment  or  payments  (a  "Gross-Up
               Payment")  in  an  amount  such  that,   after   payment  by  the
               Participant  of all taxes  (including  any  interest or penalties
               imposed  with  respect to such  taxes  other  than  interest  and
               penalties  imposed by reason of the Employee's  failure to timely
               file a tax  return or pay taxes  shown  due on  his/her  return),
               including any Excise Tax imposed upon the



               Gross-Up  Payment,  the  Participant  retains  an  amount  of the
               Gross-Up  Payment  equal  to the  Excise  Tax  imposed  upon  the
               Payments.  No Gross-Up  Payment  will be made with respect to the
               Excise  Tax,  if any,  attributable  to (a) any  incentive  stock
               option,  as defined by Section  422 of the Code  ("ISO")  granted
               prior to the  commencement of a Participant's  eligibility  under
               the Plan (unless a comparable  Gross-Up  Payment has  theretofore
               been made  available  with  respect to such  option),  or (b) any
               stock  appreciation  or similar  right,  whether or not  limited,
               granted in tandem with any ISO described in clause (a) above.

                    (a) Subject to the  provisions of paragraph (e) hereof,  all
               determinations  required  to be made  under  Section  4.09 of the
               Plan,   including  whether  an  Excise  Tax  is  payable  by  the
               Participant  and the  amount  of such  Excise  Tax and  whether a
               Gross-Up Payment is required to be paid by the Corporation to the
               Participant  and the amount of such  Gross-Up  Payment,  shall be
               made by the Accounting  Firm.  The Accounting  Firm shall make an
               initial  determination  at the time of a change  in  control  (as
               defined in Section 409A) of any Gross-Up  Payment  required to be
               paid taking into account  current  payments and estimated  future
               payments that might affect the amount of the Gross-Up Payment. In
               addition,  the  Participant  shall direct the Accounting  Firm to
               submit its determination and detailed supporting  calculations to
               both the Corporation and the Participant  within 15 calendar days
               after the date of the Participant's  Employment  Termination,  if
               applicable,  and any other such time or times as may be requested
               by  the  Corporation  or  the  Participant;  notwithstanding  the
               foregoing,   the  first  two  Gross-Up  Payments,   if  otherwise
               required,  shall  be  made  at a  time  that  would  satisfy  the
               requirements  of Section  409A in relation to a change in control
               (as defined in Section 409A) and the  Employment  Termination  of
               the Participant, if applicable. If the Accounting Firm determines
               that  any  Excise  Tax  is  payable  by  the   Participant,   the
               Corporation  shall  pay  the  required  Gross-Up  Payment  to the
               Participant  within five  business days after the receipt of such
               determination and calculations. If the Accounting Firm determines
               that no Excise Tax is payable by the  Participant,  it shall,  at
               the  same  time  as it  makes  such  determination,  furnish  the
               Participant with an opinion that he/she has substantial authority
               not to report any Excise Tax on  his/her  federal,  state,  local
               income or other tax return. As a result of the uncertainty in the
               application  of Section 4999 and other  applicable  provisions of
               the  Code  (or  any   successor   provisions   thereto)  and  the
               possibility of similar uncertainty  regarding applicable state or
               local tax law at the time of any  determination by the Accounting
               Firm hereunder,  it is possible that Gross-Up Payments that shall
               not have been made by the  Corporation  should have been made (an
               "Underpayment"),  consistent with the calculations required to be
               made  hereunder.  In the event that the  Corporation  exhausts or
               fails to pursue its remedies pursuant to paragraph (e) hereof and
               the  Participant  thereafter is required to make a payment of any
               Excise Tax, the  Participant  shall direct the Accounting Firm to
               determine the amount of the Underpayment that has occurred and to
               submit its determination and detailed


               supporting   calculations   to  both  the   Corporation  and  the
               Participant as promptly as possible.  Any such Underpayment shall
               be promptly  paid by the  Corporation  to, or for the benefit of,
               the  Participant  within five business days after receipt of such
               determination and calculations.

                    (b) The Corporation  and the Participant  shall each provide
               the  Accounting  Firm access to and copies of any books,  records
               and  documents  in  the  possession  of  the  Corporation  or the
               Participant,  as the case  may be,  reasonably  requested  by the
               Accounting Firm, and otherwise cooperate with the Accounting Firm
               in  connection   with  the   preparation   and  issuance  of  the
               determination   contemplated   by  paragraph   (a)  hereof.   Any
               reasonable  determination by the Accounting Firm as the amount of
               the Gross-Up Payment (and supported by the  calculations  done by
               the Accounting  Firm) shall be binding upon the  Corporation  and
               the Participant.

                    (c) The federal, state and local income or other tax returns
               filed  by the  Participant  shall  be  prepared  and  filed  on a
               consistent  basis with the  determination  of the Accounting Firm
               with  respect  to  the  Excise  Tax,  if  any,   payable  by  the
               Participant.  The  Participant  shall make proper  payment of the
               amount of any Excise Tax, and at the request of the  Corporation,
               provide to the  Corporation  true and  correct  copies  (with any
               amendments)  of his/her  federal  income tax return as filed with
               the Internal  Revenue Service and  corresponding  state and local
               tax returns,  if relevant,  as filed with the  applicable  taxing
               authority,  and such other documents  reasonably requested by the
               Corporation,  evidencing such payment.  If prior to the filing of
               Participant's  federal income tax return, or corresponding  state
               or local tax return, if relevant,  the Accounting Firm determines
               that the amount of the Gross-Up  Payment  should be reduced,  the
               Participant   shall  within  five   business   days  pay  to  the
               Corporation the amount of such reduction.

                    (d) The fees and  expenses  of the  Accounting  Firm for its
               services in connection with the  determinations  and calculations
               contemplated  by paragraphs  (a) and (c) hereof shall be borne by
               the Corporation.  If such fees and expenses are initially paid by
               the Participant,  the Corporation shall reimburse the Participant
               the full amount of such fees and  expenses  within five  business
               days after receipt from the Participant of a statement  therefore
               and reasonable evidence of this payment thereof.

                    (e) The Participant  shall notify the Corporation in writing
               of any claim by the Internal Revenue Service that, if successful,
               would  require  the  payment  by the  Corporation  of a  Gross-Up
               Payment.   Such  notification  shall  be  given  as  promptly  as
               practicable  but  no  later  than  10  business  days  after  the
               Participant  actually  receives  notice  of  such  claim  and the
               Participant  shall further  apprise the Corporation of the nature
               of such claim and the date on which such claim is requested to be
               paid (in each case, to the extent known by the Participant).  The
               Participant shall not pay such claim prior to the earlier



               of (i) the expiration of the 30-calendar-day period following the
               date on which he gives such  notice to the  Corporation  and (ii)
               the date that any payment of amount with respect to such claim is
               due. If the Corporation notifies the Participant in writing prior
               to the  expiration of such period that it desires to contest such
               claim, the Participant shall:

                    (1) provide  the  Corporation  with any  written  records or
               documents in his/her possession relating to such claim reasonably
               requested by the Corporation;

                    (2) take such  action in  connection  with  contesting  such
               claim as the Corporation shall reasonably request in writing from
               time  to  time,  including  without  limitation  accepting  legal
               representation   with  respect  to  such  claim  by  an  attorney
               competent  in  respect  to  the  subject  matter  and  reasonably
               selected by the Corporation;

                    (3) cooperate  with the  Corporation  in good faith in order
               effectively to contest such claim; and

                    (4) permit the Corporation to participate in any proceedings
               relating to such claim;

               provided,  however,  that  the  Corporation  shall  bear  and pay
               directly   all  costs  and  expenses   (including   interest  and
               penalties)  incurred in  connection  with such  contest and shall
               indemnify  and hold  harmless  the  Participant,  on an after-tax
               basis,  for and against  any Excise Tax or income tax,  including
               interest and penalties with respect thereto,  imposed as a result
               of such representation and payment of costs and expenses. Without
               limiting the  foregoing  provisions  of this  paragraph  (e), the
               Corporation  shall  control all  proceedings  taken in connection
               with the contest of any claim  contemplated by this paragraph (e)
               and,  at its  sole  option,  may  pursue  or  forego  any and all
               administrative  appeals,  proceedings,  hearings and  conferences
               with the taxing  authority  in  respect of such claim  (provided,
               however,  that the Participant may participate therein at his/her
               own cost and expense) and may, at its option,  either  direct the
               Participant  to pay the tax  claimed  and  sue  for a  refund  or
               contest the claim in any permissible  manner, and the Participant
               agrees to prosecute  such contest to a  determination  before any
               administrative  tribunal,  in a court of initial jurisdiction and
               in  one or  more  appellate  courts,  as  the  Corporation  shall
               determine; provided, however, that if the Corporation directs the
               Participant  to pay the tax  claimed  and sue for a  refund,  the
               Corporation  shall pay to the  Participant the amount of such tax
               (including  interest and penalties) and shall  indemnify and hold
               the Participant  harmless, on an after-tax basis, from any Excise
               Tax or  directly  related  income  tax or  other  tax,  including
               interest or penalties  imposed with respect to such payment;  and
               provided further,  however,  that any extension of the statute of
               limitations  relating to payment of taxes for the taxable year of
               the  Participant


               with respect to which the  contested  amount is claimed to be due
               is limited  solely to such  contested  amount.  Furthermore,  the
               Corporation's  control  of any  such  contested  claim  shall  be
               limited to issues with respect to which a Gross-Up  Payment would
               be payable  hereunder  and the  Participant  shall be entitled to
               settle or contest,  as the case may be, any other issue raised by
               the Internal Revenue Service or any other taxing authority.

                    (f) If the  Participant  receives any refund with respect to
               such  contested  claim filed at the  Corporation's  request under
               paragraph   (e),   the   Participant   shall   (subject   to  the
               Corporation's  complying with the  requirements  of paragraph (e)
               hereof) promptly pay to the Corporation the amount of such refund
               (together  with any interest  paid or credited  thereon after any
               taxes  applicable  thereto).  If a determination is made that the
               Participant  shall not be entitled to any refund with  respect to
               such claim and the Corporation does not notify the Participant in
               writing  of its  intent  to  contest  such  denial  prior  to the
               expiration of 30 calendar days after such determination, then the
               amount paid to the  Participant by the Corporation as provided in
               paragraph  (e) shall not be required to be repaid and, the amount
               of such  payment,  shall be an offset to the  amount of  Gross-Up
               Payment required to be paid pursuant to this Section 4.09.

                    (g)  Notwithstanding  any  provision  of  this  Plan  to the
               contrary,  but giving effect to any redetermination of the amount
               of Gross-Up Payments  otherwise required by this Section 4.09, if
               (1) but for this sentence,  the Corporation would be obligated to
               make a Gross-Up  Payment to the Participant and (2) the aggregate
               "present  value"  of  the  "parachute  payments"  to be  paid  or
               provided to the Participant under this Plan or otherwise does not
               exceed  1.10  multiplied  by 2.99 times the  Participant's  "base
               amount,"  then the  payments  and benefits to be paid or provided
               under this Plan will be reduced (or repaid to the Corporation, if
               previously  paid or provided) to the minimum extent  necessary so
               that no portion of any payment or benefit to the Participant,  as
               so reduced or repaid,  constitutes an "excess parachute payment."
               For purposes of this paragraph  (g), the terms "excess  parachute
               payment," "present value," "parachute payment," and "base amount"
               will have the  meanings  assigned to them by Section  280G of the
               Code. The  determination of whether any reduction in or repayment
               of such  payments or  benefits to be provided  under this Plan is
               required  pursuant  to  this  paragraph  (g)  will be made at the
               expense of the  Corporation,  if requested by the  Participant or
               the Corporation,  by the Accounting Firm. Appropriate adjustments
               will be made to amounts previously paid to the Participant, or to
               amounts not paid pursuant to this  paragraph (g), as the case may
               be, to  reflect  properly  a  subsequent  determination  that the
               Participant  owes  more  or  less  Excise  Tax  than  the  amount
               previously determined to be due. In the event that any payment or
               benefit  intended to be provided  under this Plan or otherwise is
               required to be reduced or repaid  pursuant to this paragraph (g),
               the Participant will be entitled to designate the payments and/or
               benefits to be


               so  reduced or repaid in order to give  effect to this  paragraph
               (g).  The  Corporation  will  provide  the  Participant  with all
               information reasonably requested by the Participant to permit the
               Participant  to make  such  designation.  In the  event  that the
               Participant  fails to make such  designation  within 10  business
               days prior to the Employment  Termination date or other due date,
               the  Corporation  may effect such  reduction  or repayment in any
               manner it deems appropriate.

                    (h) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section
               4.09,  Gross-Up  Payments  will be made only in the manner and to
               the extent (and at the earliest date(s) permitted) such that Code
               Section 409A will not be violated.


                                  ARTICLE FIVE

                            AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION

5.01           Amendment

               The Plan may be  amended  by the  Board  at any  time;  provided,
               however, that

               (a) any  amendment  which  would  have an  adverse  effect on any
               Participant's  Plan  benefits  and/or  rights,  except  as may be
               otherwise  required to comply with changes in applicable  laws or
               regulations, including, but not limited to, Code Section 409A, or

               (b) any  amendment  within one year  before or two years  after a
               Change in Control,

               cannot be  applied  to any  Participant  who  would be  adversely
               affected by such amendment  without such  Participant's  consent.
               After a Change in Control,  any amendment  shall also require the
               consent of the Committee.

5.02           Termination

               The Plan shall continue  indefinitely  after the Effective  Date,
               unless  the  Board  shall  decide to  terminate  the Plan by duly
               adopting  resolutions  terminating the Plan;  provided,  however,
               following the  commencement  of any discussion with a third party
               that  ultimately  results in a Change in Control,  the Plan shall
               continue  subject  to  Section  5.01,  until  such  time  as  the
               Corporation  and each  affiliate or Subsidiary  (as  appropriate)
               shall have fully  performed  all of their  obligations  under the
               Plan with  respect to all  Participants,  and shall have paid all
               Severance Benefits under the Plan in full to all Participants.


                                   ARTICLE SIX


6.01           Participant Rights

               The Corporation and each affiliate or Subsidiary intend this Plan
               to constitute a legally  enforceable  obligation  between (a) the
               Corporation  or an affiliate or Subsidiary (as  appropriate)  and
               (b) each Participant.

               It is also  intended  that  the  Plan  shall  confer  vested  and
               non-forfeitable  rights for each  Participant to receive benefits
               to which the  Participant is entitled under the terms of the Plan
               with Participants being third party beneficiaries.

               Except as provided in the  definitions  of Summary  Dismissal  or
               Constructive Termination, nothing in this Plan shall be construed
               to confer on any  Participant any right to continue in the employ
               of the  Corporation or an affiliate or Subsidiary or to affect in
               any  way  the  right  of  the  Corporation  or  an  affiliate  or
               Subsidiary to terminate a Participant's  employment without prior
               notice at any time for any reason or no reason.

6.02           Authority of Committee

               The  Committee  will  administer  the  Plan  and  have  the  full
               authority and  discretion  necessary to accomplish  that purpose,
               including,  without limitation,  the authority and discretion to:
               (i)  resolve  all  questions   relating  to  the  eligibility  of
               Executive  Board  members to become or continue as  Participants,
               (ii)  determine  the  amount  of  benefits,  if any,  payable  to
               Participants  under the Plan and determine the time and manner in
               which  such   benefits   are  to  be  paid,   (iii)   engage  any
               administrative,  legal, tax, actuarial,  accounting, clerical, or
               other services it deems  appropriate in  administering  the Plan,
               (iv)  construe and  interpret the Plan,  supply  omissions  from,
               correct   deficiencies   in  and   resolve   inconsistencies   or
               ambiguities in the language of the Plan, resolve  inconsistencies
               or ambiguities between the provisions of this document, and adopt
               rules  for  the   administration   of  the  Plan  which  are  not
               inconsistent with the terms of the Plan document, (v) compile and
               maintain all records it determines  to be necessary,  appropriate
               or convenient in connection with the  administration of the Plan,
               and (vi) resolve all questions of fact relating to any matter for
               which it has administrative  responsibility.  The Committee shall
               perform all of the duties and may  exercise all of the powers and
               discretion  that the Committee deems necessary or appropriate for
               the  proper  administration  of the  Plan,  and  shall do so in a
               uniform,  nondiscriminatory  manner. Any failure by the Committee
               to apply any provisions of this Plan to any particular  situation
               shall not  represent  a waiver of the  Committee's  authority  to
               apply such provisions thereafter.  Every interpretation,  choice,
               determination  or other exercise of any power or discretion given
               either expressly or by implication to



               the Committee  shall be  conclusive  and binding upon all parties
               having  or  claiming  to  have  an  interest  under  the  Plan or
               otherwise directly or indirectly affected by such action, without
               restriction, however, on the right of the Committee to reconsider
               and  redetermine  such  action.  Any  decision  rendered  by  the
               Committee  and any  review of such  decision  shall be limited to
               determining  whether the decision was so arbitrary and capricious
               as to be an abuse of  discretion.  The  Committee  may adopt such
               rules and  procedures for the  administration  of the Plan as are
               consistent with the terms hereof.

6.03           Claims Procedure

               A. Allocation of Claims Responsibility: With respect to any claim
               for benefits which are provided  exclusively under this Plan, the
               claim shall be approved or denied by the Committee within 60 days
               following the receipt of the information necessary to process the
               claim. In the event the Committee  denies a claim for benefits in
               whole or in part, it will give written  notice of the decision to
               the claimant or the claimants  authorized  representative,  which
               notice will set forth in a manner  calculated to be understood by
               the claimant,  stating the specific reasons for such denial, make
               specific  reference to the pertinent Plan provisions on which the
               decision was based, and provide any other additional information,
               as applicable, required by 29 Code of Federal Regulations Section
               2560.503-1 applicable to the Plan.

               With respect to any claim for benefits which,  under the terms of
               the Plan,  are  provided  under  another  employee  benefit  plan
               maintained by the  Corporation  (i.e.,  Health Plans,  Gold Card,
               life insurance, PTO/MTO Policy, Pension, Savings, Mirror Savings,
               Benefit   Restoration   Plan,  and  Supplement   Retirement  Plan
               benefits),  the Committee  shall determine  claims  regarding the
               Participant's  eligibility  under the Plan in accordance with the
               preceding  paragraph,  but the  administration of any other claim
               with  respect  to such  benefits  (including  the  amount of such
               benefits) shall be subject to the claims  procedure  specified in
               such other employee benefit plan or program.

               B. Litigation or Appeal In the event the Committee denies a claim
               in whole or in part for benefits  which are provided  exclusively
               under  the  Plan,  or  denies a claim  regarding  the  claimant's
               eligibility under the Plan,  Participants will then be allowed to
               file a lawsuit in Federal Court as provided under ERISA.

               Appeals with respect to any claim for benefits  which,  under the
               terms of the Plan,  are provided under another  employee  benefit
               plan  maintained by the  Corporation  (i.e.,  group health,  life
               insurance,  and Supplemental Retirement Plan benefits),  shall be
               subject to the claims and  appeals  procedure  specified  in such
               other employee benefit plan.


6.04           Records and Reports

               The  Committee  will  maintain  adequate  records of all of their
               proceedings and acts and all such books of account,  records, and
               other data as may be necessary  for  administration  of the Plan.
               The Committee  will make available to each  Participant  upon his
               request  such  of the  Plan's  records  as  pertain  to  him  for
               examination at reasonable times during normal business hours.

6.05           Reliance on Tables, Etc.

               In  administering  the Plan,  the  Committee  is  entitled to the
               extent  permitted  by law to rely  conclusively  upon all tables,
               valuations,   certificates,   opinions  and  reports   which  are
               furnished by accountants, legal counsel or other experts employed
               or  engaged  by  the  Committee.  The  Committee  will  be  fully
               protected  in  respect  of any action  taken or  suffered  by the
               Committee   in  good  faith   reliance   upon  all  such  tables,
               valuations,  certificates, reports, opinions or other advice. The
               Committee is also  entitled to rely upon any data or  information
               furnished by a  Participating  Employer or by a Participant as to
               any information  pertinent to any calculation or determination to
               be made under the provisions of the Plan,  and, as a condition to
               payment of any benefit under the Plan the Committee may request a
               Participant to furnish such  information as it deems necessary or
               desirable in administering the Plan.

6.06           Availability of Plan Information and Documents

               Any Participant  having a question  concerning the administration
               of the Plan or the Participant's eligibility for participation in
               the  Plan or for the  payment  of  benefits  under  the  Plan may
               contact the  Committee  and request a copy of the Plan  document.
               Each  Participating  Employer  will  keep  copies  of  this  Plan
               document,   exhibits  and  amendments  hereto,  and  any  related
               documents  on  file  in  its  administrative  offices,  and  such
               documents  will be  available  for review by a  Participant  or a
               designated  representative  of the  Participant at any reasonable
               time during regular  business hours.  Reasonable  copying charges
               for such documents will be paid by the requesting party.

6.07           Expenses

               All Plan administration  expenses incurred by the Committee shall
               be paid by the Corporation and all other administration  expenses
               incurred by the  Corporation or an affiliate or Subsidiary  shall
               be paid by the  Corporation  or an  affiliate or  Subsidiary  (as


6.08           Adoption Procedure for Participating Employer

               Any  Subsidiary  or  affiliate  of the  Corporation  may become a
               Participating Employer under the Plan provided that (i) the Board
               approves the adoption of the Plan by the  Subsidiary or affiliate
               and  designates  the  Subsidiary or affiliate as a  Participating
               Employer in the Plan and (ii) by  appropriate  resolutions of the
               board of directors or other  governing  body of the Subsidiary or
               affiliate,  the  Subsidiary  or  affiliate  agrees  to  become  a
               Participating Employer under the Plan and also agrees to be bound
               by any other  terms and  conditions  which may be required by the
               Board or the  Committee,  provided that such terms and conditions
               are  not   inconsistent   with  the   purposes  of  the  Plan.  A
               Participating  Employer may withdraw  from  participation  in the
               Plan, subject to approval by the Committee,  by providing written
               notice to the Committee that  withdrawal has been approved by the
               board of directors or other  governing body of the  Participating
               Employer;  provided,  however,  following the commencement of any
               discussion with a third party that ultimately results in a Change
               in Control,  the Committee shall have no authority to approve the
               withdrawal of any  Participating  Employer until such time as the
               Corporation  and each  affiliate or Subsidiary  (as  appropriate)
               shall have fully  performed  all of their  obligations  under the
               Plan with  respect to all  Participants,  and shall have paid all
               Severance  Benefits  under the Plan in full to all  Participants.
               The Board may at any time remove a  Participating  Employer  from
               participation  in the Plan by  providing  written  notice  to the
               Participating  Employer that it has approved  removal;  provided,
               however,  following the  commencement  of any  discussion  with a
               third party that ultimately  results in a Change in Control,  the
               Board shall have no authority to remove or approve the withdrawal
               of any Participating  Employer until such time as the Corporation
               and each  affiliate or  Subsidiary  (as  appropriate)  shall have
               fully  performed  all of their  obligations  under  the Plan with
               respect to all  Participants,  and shall have paid all  Severance
               Benefits  under the Plan in full to all  Participants.  The Board
               will act in  accordance  with this Article  pursuant to unanimous
               written consent or by majority vote at a meeting.

 6.09          Effect on Other Benefits

               Except as otherwise  provided  herein,  the Plan shall not affect
               any   Participant's   rights  or  entitlement   under  any  other
               retirement  or employee  benefit  plan  offered to him/her by the
               Corporation or an affiliate or Subsidiary (as  appropriate) as of
               his/her Employment Termination.

6.10           Successors

               The Plan shall be binding  upon any  successor in interest of the
               Corporation  or an affiliate or Subsidiary (as  appropriate)  and
               shall  inure  to  the  benefit  of,  and  be  enforceable  by,  a
               Participant's assigns or heirs.


6.11           Severability

               The  various  provisions  of  the  Plan  are  severable  and  any
               determination  of  invalidity  or  unenforceability  of  any  one
               provision shall not have any effect on the remaining provisions.

6.12           Construction

               In  determining  the  meaning of the Plan,  words  imparting  the
               masculine  gender  shall  include the  feminine  and the singular
               shall include the plural,  unless the context requires otherwise.
               Headings  of  sections  and  subsections  of  the  Plan  are  for
               convenience  only and are not  intended  to modify or affect  the
               meaning of the substantive provisions of the Plan.

6.13           References to Other Plans and Programs

               Each  reference in the Plan to any plan,  policy or program,  the
               Plan  or  document  of  the   Corporation   or  an  affiliate  or
               Subsidiary,  shall include any amendments or successor provisions
               thereto  without  the  necessity  of  amending  the Plan for such

6.14           Notices

               (a)  General.  Notices and all other communications  contemplated
                    by this Plan shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have
                    been duly given when personally  delivered or when mailed by
                    U.S.  registered or certified mail, return receipt requested
                    and postage  prepaid.  In the case of the  Participant,  (i)
                    mailed notices shall be addressed to the  Participant at the
                    Participant's   home   address   which  was  most   recently
                    communicated  to the  Corporation  in writing or (ii) in the
                    case of a Participant who is an employee, distributed to the
                    employee  at his or her place of  employment  in  compliance
                    with  29 CFR  Section  2520.104b-1(c).  In the  case  of the
                    Corporation,  mailed  notices  shall  be  addressed  to  its
                    corporate headquarters, and all notices shall be directed to
                    the  attention  of  its  General   Counsel  at  J.C.  Penney
                    Corporation, Inc., 6501 Legacy Drive, Plano, Texas 75024.

               (b)  Notice of  Termination.  Any notice of Summary  Dismissal by
                    the  Corporation  or by  the  Participant  for  Constructive
                    Termination shall be communicated by a notice of termination
                    to the other party  given in  accordance  with this  Section
                    6.14.  Such notice shall  indicate the specific  termination
                    provision  in this  Plan  relied  upon,  shall  set forth in
                    reasonable  detail  the facts and  circumstances  claimed to
                    provide the basis for  termination  under the  provision  so
                    indicated,  and shall  specify  the  Employment  Termination


6.15           No Duty to Mitigate

               The  Participant  shall not be required to mitigate the amount of
               any payment  contemplated under this Plan, nor shall such payment
               be reduced by any earnings that the  Participant may receive from
               any other source.

6.16           Employment Taxes

               All  payments  made  pursuant  to this Plan  shall be  subject to
               withholding of applicable income and employment taxes.

6.17           Governing Law

               Except  to  the  extent  that  the  Plan  may be  subject  to the
               provisions  of ERISA,  the Plan will be  construed  and  enforced
               according  to the laws of the  State  of  Texas,  without  giving
               effect to the  conflict  of laws  principles  thereof.  Except as
               otherwise  required  by  ERISA,  every  right  of  action  by  an
               Associate  with  respect  to the Plan  shall be barred  after the
               expiration  of  three  years  from  the  date of  termination  of
               employment  or the date of  receipt  of the notice of denial of a
               claim for  benefits  or  eligibility,  if  earlier.  In the event
               ERISA's  limitation  on legal action does not apply,  the laws of
               the  State of Texas  with  respect  to the  limitations  of legal
               actions  shall  apply and the cause of action  must be brought no
               later than four years after the date the action accrues.


                                   APPENDIX I

                             Participating Employers

                          J.C. Penney Corporation, Inc.

                            J.C. Penney Company, Inc.

                             JCP Publications Corp.

                           JCP Overseas Services, Inc.

                          J.C. Penney Puerto Rico, Inc.

                               JCP Logistics L. P.

                                 JCP Media L.P.

                              JCP Procurement L.P.

                        J.C. Penney Private Brands, Inc.

                               JCP Ecommerce L.P.

                         JCP Construction Services, Inc.
