Exhibit 10.4


J. C. Penney Company, Inc.

2005 Equity
Compensation Plan

                                              Notice of Grant of Stock Option(s)
                                                         2006 Stock Option Grant

  Name                                Date of Grant     Option Price Per Share
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Employee ID          Unit Number       Area of Responsibility / District  Number

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   Number of NSO Shares Granted

This  Notice of  Non-Qualified  (also  known as  "Non-Statutory")  Stock  Option
("NSO")  gives you the right to  purchase  the total  number of shares of Common
Stock of 50 cent par  value  ("Common  Stock")  of J. C.  Penney  Company,  Inc.
("Company") at the price per share as shown above. This option is subject to all
the terms,  rules, and conditions of the J. C. Penney Company,  Inc. 2005 Equity
Compensation  Plan  ("Plan") and the  implementing  resolutions  ("Resolutions")
approved  by the Human  Resources  and  Compensation  Committee  of the Board of
Directors.  Capitalized  terms  not  otherwise  defined  herein  shall  have the
respective meanings assigned to them in the Plan and the Resolutions. The option
price and number of shares will be adjusted as provided in the Plan in the event
of a stock  dividend,  stock  split,  recapitalization,  merger,  consolidation,
combination or exchange of shares,  spinoff,  distribution  to holders of Common
Stock other than cash dividends, or the like.

Terms of Exercise
- ------------------

Effective Exercise Date
- -----------------------

When an option  exercise  instruction is given in conjunction  with a sell order
for the underlying stock that is a Sell-to-Cover Order, a Same-Day-Sale Exercise
Order, a Limit Order or a Good-till Cancelled Order, the effective exercise date
shall be the date on which  such  sale  order is  executed.  For a Cash  Payment
(Exercise and Hold)  transaction,  the effective  exercise date will be the date
the  requisite  funds are  received  by the Company at its home office in Plano,
Texas, or such other location as the Company may designate,  or by a third party
duly  designated by the Company at the offices of such third party.  For a Stock
Payment  transaction,  the effective exercise date will be the date the properly
completed  option  exercise  form/instructions  and any  necessary  accompanying
documents  and payment are  received by the Company at its home office in Plano,
Texas, or such other location as the Company may designate,  or by a third party
duly  designated  by the  Company at the offices of such third  party.  Exercise
instructions received after the close of the New York Stock Exchange for the day
shall be deemed received as of the opening of the next Business Day (a "Business
Day" being any day on which the New York Stock Exchange is open and  operating).
An  effective  exercise  date  shall  never  mean  a  non-Business  Day.  If any
"effective  exercise date," as defined above, falls on a day Common Stock is not
traded,  all transactions  will be postponed until the next trading day, and the
effective  exercise date will be deemed to be the next trading date, unless such
day is after the Normal  Expiration Date (as defined  below),  in which case the
option will expire.

- ----------------

This option may be assigned  or  transferred  by will or the laws of descent and
distribution. No Stock Option will be exercisable except by you or (a) upon your
incapacity, by your guardian or legal representative, or (b) upon your death, by
the beneficiary you have designated on the JCPenney Company Equity  Compensation
Beneficiary  Designation form or in the absence of such beneficiary,  your legal
representative (collectively, "Legal Transferees").

Date Option Becomes Exercisable
- --------------------------------

This  option  will  become  exercisable  ("vest")  over a  three-year  period in
accordance with the following schedule:

- -------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
        Normal Vesting Dates        Percent of this Option Grant that will vest
- -------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
            March 22, 2007                             33-1/3%
- -------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
            March 22, 2008                             33-1/3%
- -------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
            March 22, 2009                             33-1/3%
- -------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------

This option will be 100% vested on March 22, 2009.

However, 100% of this option becomes immediately exercisable,  without regard to
these  dates,  upon a "Change of Control"  (as defined in  Attachment  A) of the
Company, and a portion of this option becomes immediately  exercisable,  without
regard  to these  dates,  in the  event of your  employment  termination  due to
retirement,  death, disability,  or reduction in force/unit closing as described
on Page 2.

(Rev. 3/06)                        1                         (continued on back)

Additional Exercise Terms Of This Option Are:
- --------------------------------------------

While you are Employed
- -----------------------

While you are employed by the Company,  subsidiary,  or other entity  affiliated
with the  Company,  you may  exercise  vested  options  any time on or after the
Normal  Vesting  Dates  until the  Expiration  Date of March 21,  2016  ("Normal
Expiration Date").

This option can be exercised by:

     o Cash Payment Method (Exercise and Hold)
     o Stock Payment Method
     o Same-Day-Sale Method
     o Sell To Cover Method

After your Employment Termination
- ---------------------------------

In all cases,  the option  exercise period  following  termination of employment
cannot  extend  beyond  the  applicable  date  described  below  or  the  Normal
Expiration Date, whichever comes first.

1)   Retirement,  Death,  or Disability:  If your  employment  terminates due to

     o Retirement at age 60 or more,
     o Retirement between ages 55 and 59 with at least 15 years of service,
     o Death, or
     o Disability,

     before the final Normal  Vesting  Date,  you will be entitled to a prorated
     number of stock  options.  The proration  will be based on the ratio of (a)
     the number of  calendar  days from the date of grant to the last day worked
     to (b) the total number of calendar days in the vesting period.  The number
     of options that have already  vested will be  subtracted  from the prorated
     amount  and  the  remaining   prorated  options  will  become   immediately
     exercisable.  Any  options  which  have not  already  vested  or for  which
     exercisability   is  not   accelerated   will  expire  on  such  employment

     If your employment  terminates due to any of the three circumstances listed
     above, all vested stock options may be exercised for a period of five years
     after employment  termination or until the option's Normal Expiration Date,
     whichever comes first.

2)   Reduction in Force or Unit Closing - If your employment terminates due to a
     reduction in force or unit closing  before the final Normal  Vesting  Date,
     you will be entitled to a prorated  number of stock options.  The proration
     will be based on the ratio of (a) the number of calendar days from the date
     of grant to the last day worked to (b) the total number of calendar days in
     the vesting period.  The number of options that have already vested will be
     subtracted from the prorated amount and the remaining prorated options will
     become immediately  exercisable.  Any options which have not already vested
     or for  which  exercisability  is  not  accelerated  will  expire  on  such
     employment termination.

     If your employment  terminates due to a reduction in force or unit closing,
     all  vested  options  may be  exercised  for a period  of two  years  after
     employment  termination  or until  the  option's  Normal  Expiration  Date,
     whichever comes first.

3)   Resignation, Summary Dismissal or Resignation in Lieu of Summary Dismissal,
     Discretionary  Dismissal or Resignation in Lieu of Discretionary  Dismissal
     (excluding  Reduction  In  Force  or  Unit  Closing):  If  your  employment
     terminates  due to your  resignation,  summary  dismissal or resignation in
     lieu of summary dismissal,  discretionary  dismissal or resignation in lieu
     of a discretionary  dismissal,  then this option will expire as of the date
     of your employment termination.

This stock option grant does not constitute an employment contract.  It does not
guarantee  employment  for the length of the  vesting  period or for any portion

(Rev. 3/06)                             2


                                  Attachment A

A Change of Control  Event will have occurred if there is a change of ownership,
a change of effective control, or a change in ownership of a substantial portion
of the assets of the  Company  (as  "Company"  is  defined  in the J. C.  Penney
Company, Inc. 2005 Equity Compensation Plan).

     1.   Change of ownership occurs on the date that a person or persons acting
          as a group  acquires  ownership of stock of the Company that  together
          with  stock  held by such  person  or group  constitutes  more than 50
          percent of the total fair market  value or total  voting  power of the
          stock of such corporation.

     2.   Notwithstanding   whether  the  Company  has  undergone  a  change  of
          ownership,  a Change of Effective  control occurs (a) when a person or
          persons acting as a group acquires within a 12-month period 35 percent
          of total voting power of the stock of the Company or (b) a majority of
          the board of Directors is replaced  within 12 months if not previously
          approved by a majority of the members.  A change in effective  control
          also  may  occur  in any  transaction  in  which  either  of  the  two
          corporations  involved  in the  transaction  has a Change  in  Control
          Event, i.e. multiple change in control events.

     3.   Change in ownership of a substantial  portion of the Company's  assets
          occurs when a person or persons acting as a group acquires assets that
          have a total gross fair market  value equal to or more than 40 percent
          of the total  fair  market of all  assets of the  Company  immediately
          prior to the  acquisition.  A transfer of assets by the Company is not
          treated as a change in the  ownership of such assets if the assets are
          transferred to - (i) A shareholder of the Company  (immediately before
          the asset transfer) in exchange for or with respect to its stock; (ii)
          An entity,  50 percent or more of the total  value or voting  power of
          which is  owned,  directly  or  indirectly,  by the  Company;  (iii) A
          person, or more than one person acting as a group, that owns, directly
          or  indirectly,  50 percent or more of the total value or voting power
          of all the  outstanding  stock of the Company;  or (iv) An entity,  at
          least 50 percent of the total value or voting power of which is owned,
          directly or indirectly, by a person described in paragraph (iii).

Persons  will not be  considered  to be acting as a group  solely  because  they
purchase  assets of the  Company  at the same  time,  or as a result of the same
public  offering.  However persons will be considered to be acting as a group if
they are  owners of a  corporation  that  enters  into a merger,  consolidation,
purchase or  acquisition of assets,  or similar  business  transaction  with the