Exhibit 10.5


J. C. Penney Company, Inc.

2005 Equity
Compensation Plan

                                           Notice of 2006 Performance Unit Grant
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name                                                            Date of Grant
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Employee ID          Unit Number       Area of Responsibility / District  Number
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Performance Cycle                            Number of Performance Units Granted
Begins:  1/29/2006       Ends:  2/3/2007
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

You  have  been  granted  the  number  of  Performance  Units  listed  above  in
recognition of your expected  future  contributions  to the success of JCPenney.
This Performance Unit grant is a "target" award,  which may increase or decrease
based on the Company's actual results for the Performance  Cycle as set forth in
the Payout Matrix established by the Human Resources and Compensation  Committee
of the JCPenney Board of Directors  ("Committee").  This grant is subject to all
the terms,  rules, and conditions of the J. C. Penney Company,  Inc. 2005 Equity
Compensation  Plan  ("Plan") and the  implementing  resolutions  ("Resolutions")
approved by the Committee.  Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall
have the respective  meanings  assigned to them in the Plan and the Resolutions.
The number of units will be  adjusted  as provided in the Plan in the event of a
stock   dividend,   stock  split,   recapitalization,   merger,   consolidation,
combination or exchange of shares,  spinoff,  distribution  to holders of Common
Stock other than cash dividends, or the like.

- ------------
Payout  Matrix - The  payout  matrix  is  established  by the  Committee  at the
beginning of the  Performance  Cycle and describes  the  percentage of units you
will earn based on the Company's actual EPS for the Performance Cycle.

Performance  Units - The  performance  units  granted  under  this  program  are
restricted  stock  units  with both  performance-based  and  time-based  vesting
features.  Each  performance  unit  shall at all times be deemed to have a value
equal  to the  then-current  fair  market  value of one  share  of J. C.  Penney
Company,  Inc. Common Stock of 50(cent) par value ("Common Stock"). You can earn
from 0% to 200% of the units granted based on the Company's  actual  results for
the Performance Cycle.

Performance  Cycle - The performance cycle is a one-year period beginning on the
first day of the Company's  fiscal year and ending on the last day of the fiscal

Performance  Measurement - The performance  measurement is the Company's Diluted
Earnings Per Share from continuing operations ("EPS") over the Performance Cycle
excluding any extraordinary or unusual  noncomparable items as identified by the
Committee  at  the  time  the  Payout  Matrix  for  the  Performance   Cycle  is

Retirement--Retirement means your separation from service either (1) at or after
age 60 or (2) at or after age 55 with at least 15 years of service with JCPenney
or any of its subsidiaries.

How Your Actual Performance Units are Determined
- ------------------------------------------------
The  Company's  EPS  for  fiscal  2006  will  determine  the  actual  number  of
Performance Units, if any, that are credited to your account.  The Payout Matrix
shown on page 3  indicates  the  percentage  of  Performance  Units that will be
credited for the respective EPS amounts.

The actual  number of  Performance  Units that you earn will be credited to your
account as soon as practicable  but in no event later than 75 days after the end
of the Performance Cycle.

Vesting of Your Credited Performance Units
- -------------------------------------------
The actual  Performance  Units  credited  to your  account  will  vest,  and the
restrictions on your  Performance  Units will lapse,  according to the following
THROUGH EACH OF THE RESPECTIVE VESTING DATES (unless your employment  terminates
due to your Retirement,  death, Disability, or reduction in force/unit closing).
Your vested Performance Units will be paid out in shares of Common Stock as soon
as  practicable  but in no event later than 75 days following each Vesting Date.
You will not be allowed to defer the payment of your shares of Common Stock to a
later date.

                                     Percent that will
                Vesting Dates              vest
           ------------------------ --------------------
                March 22, 2007             33-1/3%
           ------------------------ --------------------
                March 22, 2008             33-1/3%
           ------------------------ --------------------
                March 22, 2009             33-1/3%
           ------------------------ --------------------

 (Rev. 3/06)                            1                    (continued on back)

Employment Termination
- -----------------------

If  your  employment   terminates   during  the  Performance  Cycle  because  of
Retirement, Disability, death or reduction in force/unit closing, then you shall
be entitled to a prorated number of the  Performance  Units earned in accordance
with the Payout Matrix,  determined as of the end of the Performance  Cycle. The
proration will be based on the ratio of (a) the number of calendar days from the
date of grant to the last day worked to (b) the total number of calendar days in
the  vesting  period.  Any  Performance  Units  earned  under  this  termination
provision, will be immediately vested and delivered in shares of JCPenney Common
Stock within 75 days of the end of the Performance Cycle.

If your employment terminates following the end of the Performance Cycle because
of Retirement, Disability, death or reduction in force/unit closing, you will be
entitled to a prorated number of the  Performance  Units earned under the Payout
Matrix.  The proration  will be based on the ratio of (a) the number of calendar
days from the date of grant to the last day  worked  to (b) the total  number of
calendar days in the vesting  period.  Any  Performance  Units that have already
vested will be subtracted  from the prorated  amount and the remaining  prorated
Performance  Units will vest  immediately and be delivered as shares of JCPenney
Common Stock as soon as practicable but in no event later than 75 days following
your  termination  date. Any Performance  Units which have not already vested or
for which vesting is not accelerated will expire on such employment termination.

If your employment terminates for any reason other than Retirement,  Disability,
death or reduction in force/unit  closing,  you will forfeit any unearned and/or
unvested Performance Units at the time of such employment termination.

Change of Control
- -----------------
If a Change of Control  (as  defined in  Attachment  A to this  Notice of Grant)
occurs during the Performance Cycle, you will earn 100% of your Performance Unit
grant as of the effective date of the Change of Control. Your earned Performance
Units will vest  immediately  and the Company will issue to you, in cancellation
of your Performance Units, shares of Common Stock. If a Change of Control occurs
following  the  Performance  Cycle  and  prior to the final  Vesting  Date,  any
Performance  Units earned under the Payout  Matrix that have not already  vested
will vest immediately and the Company will issue to you, in cancellation of your
Performance Units, shares of Common Stock.

Dividend Equivalents
- --------------------
You will not have any rights as a stockholder  until your Performance Units vest
and you are  issued  shares  of  Common  Stock  in  cancellation  of the  vested
Performance  Units.  However,  following the conclusion of the Performance Cycle
you will begin to accrue dividend  equivalents on the Performance Units credited
to your account in the amount of any quarterly  dividend  declared on the Common
Stock. Dividend equivalents will continue to accrue until your Performance Units
vest and you receive actual shares of Common Stock in cancellation of the vested
Performance  Units.  The  dividend  equivalents  will be credited as  additional
Performance  Units in your  account to be paid out in shares of Common  Stock on
each  applicable  Vesting  Date along with the  Performance  Units to which they
relate.  The  number of  additional  Performance  Units to be  credited  to your
account will be  determined  by dividing  the  aggregate  dividend  payable with
respect to the number of Performance  Units in your account by the closing price
of the Common Stock on the New York Stock Exchange on the dividend payment date.
The additional  Performance Units credited to your account are subject to all of
the terms and  conditions  of this  Performance  Unit award and the Plan and you
will forfeit your additional Performance Units in the event that you forfeit the
Performance Units to which they relate.

Taxes and Withholding
- ---------------------
At the time your  Performance  Units  vest and you are  issued  shares of Common
Stock or cash in lieu of fractional  shares, the fair market value of the shares
of Common  Stock issued to you will be included in your W-2 form and the Company
will be required to withhold  applicable taxes on such amount.  Your withholding
rate with  respect to this award may not be higher  than the  minimum  statutory
rate.  You may pay the  applicable  withholding  taxes to the Company by sending
your  payment in cash or by having the  Company  retain and cancel the number of
issued shares equal to the value of the required tax  withholding.  For purposes
of this grant notice,  "fair market value" means the opening price of the Common
Stock on the New York  Stock  Exchange,  or if the  Exchange  is  closed  on the
applicable date, or if the Common Stock does not trade on such date, the closing
price of the Common Stock on the New York Stock Exchange on the last trading day
immediately preceding such date.

Transferability of Your Performance Units
- -----------------------------------------
The Performance Units granted to you are non-transferable.

Effect on Other Benefits
- ------------------------
The value of the Performance Units covered by this award will not be included as
compensation or earnings for purposes of any other compensation,  retirement, or
benefit plan offered to you by the Company in which you participate.

- --------------
The Committee has full  authority and  discretion,  subject only to the terms of
the  Plan,   to  decide  all  matters   relating  to  the   administration   and
interpretation  of the Plan and this  Performance  Unit award.  The  Committee's
determinations  shall be final,  conclusive,  and binding on you and your heirs,
legatees and designees.

This performance unit grant does not constitute an employment contract.  It does
not guarantee employment for the length of the vesting period or for any portion

(Rev. 3/06)                             2


                    2006 Performance Unit Award Payout Matrix
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              2006            Plan
                               EPS           Payout%
                  Maximum     $4.69         200.0%
                              $4.65         190.7%
                              $4.60         179.1%
                              $4.55         167.4%
                              $4.50         155.8%
                              $4.45         144.2%
                              $4.40         132.6%
                              $4.35         120.9%
                              $4.30         109.3%
                            ----------- --------------
                    Target    $4.26         100.0%
                            ----------- --------------
                              $4.20          91.8%
                              $4.15          84.9%
                              $4.10          78.1%
                              $4.05          71.2%
                              $4.00          64.4%
                              $3.95          57.5%
                              $3.90          50.7%
                              $3.85          43.8%
                              $3.80          37.0%
                              $3.75          30.1%
                              $3.70          23.3%
                              $3.65          16.4%
                              $3.60           9.6%
                              $3.55           2.7%
                   Threshold  $3.53           0.0%

For EPS  results  that fall in between the  intervals  shown  above,  the payout
percent increases  approximately  2.3% for each $0.01 above target and decreases
approximately 1.4% for each $0.01 of EPS below target.

(Rev. 3/06)                             3

                                  Attachment A

A Change of Control  Event will have occurred if there is a change of ownership,
a change of effective control, or a change in ownership of a substantial portion
of the assets of the  Company  (as  "Company"  is  defined  in the J. C.  Penney
Company, Inc. 2005 Equity Compensation Plan).

     1.   Change of ownership occurs on the date that a person or persons acting
          as a group  acquires  ownership of stock of the Company that  together
          with  stock  held by such  person  or group  constitutes  more than 50
          percent of the total fair market  value or total  voting  power of the
          stock of such corporation.

     2.   Notwithstanding   whether  the  Company  has  undergone  a  change  of
          ownership,  a Change of Effective  control occurs (a) when a person or
          persons acting as a group acquires within a 12-month period 35 percent
          of total voting power of the stock of the Company or (b) a majority of
          the board of Directors is replaced  within 12 months if not previously
          approved by a majority of the members.  A change in effective  control
          also  may  occur  in any  transaction  in  which  either  of  the  two
          corporations  involved  in the  transaction  has a Change  in  Control
          Event, i.e. multiple change in control events.

     3.   Change in ownership of a substantial  portion of the Company's  assets
          occurs when a person or persons acting as a group acquires assets that
          have a total gross fair market  value equal to or more than 40 percent
          of the total  fair  market of all  assets of the  Company  immediately
          prior to the  acquisition.  A transfer of assets by the Company is not
          treated as a change in the  ownership of such assets if the assets are
          transferred to - (i) A shareholder of the Company  (immediately before
          the asset transfer) in exchange for or with respect to its stock; (ii)
          An entity,  50 percent or more of the total  value or voting  power of
          which is  owned,  directly  or  indirectly,  by the  Company;  (iii) A
          person, or more than one person acting as a group, that owns, directly
          or  indirectly,  50 percent or more of the total value or voting power
          of all the  outstanding  stock of the Company;  or (iv) An entity,  at
          least 50 percent of the total value or voting power of which is owned,
          directly or indirectly, by a person described in paragraph (iii).

Persons  will not be  considered  to be acting as a group  solely  because  they
purchase  assets of the  Company  at the same  time,  or as a result of the same
public  offering.  However persons will be considered to be acting as a group if
they are  owners of a  corporation  that  enters  into a merger,  consolidation,
purchase or  acquisition of assets,  or similar  business  transaction  with the