SECURITY AGREEMENT

     THIS  SECURITY  AGREEMENT  (this  "Agreement")  is  made  and  entered into
effective  as of January 7, 2003, by and between GREENLAND CORPORATION, a Nevada
corporation  (the  "Secured Party "), and IMAGING TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION  (the


     WHEREAS,  the  Debtor has issued a Secured Promissory Note in the principal
sum  of  $2,225,000 to the Secured Party as of the date hereof (the "Note"); and

     WHEREAS,  as  a material inducement for the Secured Party to sell shares of
its common stock to Debtor pursuant to the terms of the Stock Purchase Agreement
(the "Stock Agreement")  and accept the Note, and in consideration therefor, the
Debtor  agreed  to  execute,  deliver  and  perform  this  Security  Agreement.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the premises and covenants set forth
herein  and  in  the  Note  (as  defined  below) and for other good and valuable
consideration,  the  Debtor  and  the  Secured  Party  hereby  agree as follows:


     As  security  for the obligations described in Section 2 hereof, the Debtor
hereby grants to the Secured Party a continuing security interest in and lien on
all of the Debtor's right, title and interest in and to the collateral described
on  Exhibit  A  attached  hereto  (collectively,  the  "Collateral").


     The  security  interest  hereby  granted  shall secure the due and punctual
payment  and  performance  by  the  Debtor  of  any  and  all  of  the  Debtor's
indebtedness,  liabilities,  covenants  and  obligations  to  the Secured Party,
however  arising,  whether  now  existing  or hereafter arising, due or not due,
absolute  or  contingent,  liquidated  or  unliquidated, including indebtedness,
liabilities,  covenants  and  obligations  on which the Debtor is jointly liable
with  other  parties  (collectively, the "Obligations").  The Debtor agrees that
the  Obligations  include,  without  limitation,  the  following:

     2.1     SECURED  PROMISSORY  NOTE.   The  due  and punctual payment in full
(and  not  merely  the  collectibility)  of all principal (including any amounts
advanced  after  the date hereof) and interest under the Secured Promissory Note
dated January 7, 2002 made by the Debtor in favor of the Secured Party, as payee
(the  "Note"),  in each case when due and payable, according to the terms of the
Note,  whether  at maturity, by acceleration or otherwise, and regardless of the
extent  allowed  as  a  claim  in  any  proceeding in respect of the bankruptcy,
reorganization  or  insolvency  of the Debtor (a "Reorganization"); and (ii) the
due  and  punctual  payment  in  full (and not merely the collectibility) of all
other  sums  and  charges which may at any time be due and payable in accordance
with or under the terms of the Note, regardless of the extent allowed as a claim
in  any  Reorganization.

     2.2     SECURITY  AGREEMENT.  The payment, performance or observance by the
Debtor  of  any  and  all  of  Debtor's  covenants  and  obligations  under this

2.3     EXPENSES  OF  SECURED PARTY.  The payment or reimbursement by the Debtor
of  all costs and expenses incurred or paid by the Secured Party for purposes of
perfecting  or protecting its security interest in the Collateral, conserving or
protecting  any  of  the  Collateral  or  in  connection with the enforcement or
exercise of any of the Secured Party's rights and remedies under this Agreement,
Stock Agreement, the Note or applicable law, whether or not suit is commenced by
the  Secured  Party.  Such  reimbursable  costs  and  expenses  include, without
limitation,  all  costs and expenses of collection, retaking, holding, preparing
for  sale,  selling  or  otherwise  disposing  of  any of the Collateral and all
attorneys'  fees  and  expenses incurred by the Secured Party in connection with
taking  or pursuing any action covered by this Section 2.3, including attorneys'
fees and expenses relating to any legal proceeding (in trial court or on appeal)
brought  to  collect any of the Obligations or to foreclose or otherwise realize
upon  any  of  the  Collateral.


     The  Debtor  represents  and  warrants  to  the  Secured  Party  that:

specified  in  Section 8.2 below is the principal executive office and the place
of  business of the Debtor.  The Debtor has not, in the conduct of its business,
been  known  as  or  used  any  other  corporate  or  fictitious  name.

     3.2     OWNERSHIP  OF  COLLATERAL.    The  Debtor  is  (or  with respect to
Collateral  acquired after the date hereof, will be) the sole owner of all other
Collateral.  There  are  no  security  interests  in,  liens or encumbrances on,
adverse  claims of title to, or any other interest whatsoever in, the Collateral
or  any  portion  thereof.

represents and warrants that this Agreement is a valid and binding obligation of
the  Debtor,  enforceable  against  the  Debtor  in  accordance  with its terms.
Without  limiting the generality of the foregoing, the security interest granted
hereunder  in the Collateral is a valid and enforceable security interest in the
Collateral  and,  upon  the  filing  of  a  proper  financing statement with the
California  Secretary  of  State, will be duly perfected as to all Collateral in
which  a  security  interest  can  be  perfected  by  the  filing of a financing

     3.4     LITIGATION.  Except  as disclosed in the Note or Stock Agreement or
any  public  disclosure,  there  is  no  action,  suit,  proceeding,  dispute,
litigation,  claim, complaint or investigation by or before any court, tribunal,
governmental  body,  governmental  agency  or  arbitrator  pending  or,  to  the
knowledge  of  the  Debtor, threatened against the Debtor which affects or would
affect  the Debtor or any of the Collateral or challenges or would challenge any
of  the actions required to be taken by the Debtor under this Agreement. Neither
the Debtor or any of the Collateral is subject to any judgement, order or decree
of  any  court,  governmental  authority  or  arbitration  board  or  tribunal.

     3.5     NON-CONTRAVENTION.  Neither  the  execution  and  delivery  of this
Agreement nor the performance hereof  (i) will result in any violation or breach
of  any agreement or other instrument to which the Debtor is a party or by which
the  Debtor  is  bound,  or  (ii)  will  result in a violation of any law, rule,
regulation or directive to which the Debtor or any of the Collateral is subject.

     3.6     APPROVALS.  No  authorization,  consent  or  approval  of,  or
registration  or  filing with, any governmental authority or any other person is
required  to  be obtained or made by the Debtor in connection with the execution
and  delivery  of  this  Agreement  or  the  performance  hereof.


     4.1     NO  DISPOSITION  OR  RELOCATION  OF  COLLATERAL.  The Debtor hereby
covenants  and  agrees  that for so long as this Agreement shall remain in force
and  effect, it will not sell, convey or dispose of any of the Collateral or any
interest  therein,  or  create,  incur  or permit to exist any pledge, mortgage,
lien,  charge, encumbrance or other security interest whatsoever with respect to
the  Collateral.  The  Debtor  further  covenants  and agrees to keep all of the
Collateral  at its current principal executive offices and not to move, relocate
or  transfer  the Collateral therefrom without the Secured Party's prior written

     4.2     DEFENSE  OF  COLLATERAL.  The Debtor hereby covenants and agrees to
defend  the  Collateral  and  the  Secured  Party's  respective right, title and
security  interest  in  and  to  the Collateral against the claims of any person
(which  term,  for  purposes  of  this Agreement, includes any individual, firm,
corporation  or  other  entity).

4.3     MAINTENANCE  OF  COLLATERAL;  RECORDS.  The  Debtor hereby covenants and
agrees  to take all reasonable actions to preserve and maintain the value of the
Collateral.  The  Debtor  further  covenants  and  agrees to promptly notify the
Secured  Party  in  writing  of any event or change of law, regulation, business
practice  or  business  condition  that  may  adversely  affect the value of the
Collateral,  if  applicable.

     4.4     FINANCING  STATEMENTS  AND  OTHER  DOCUMENTS.  The  Debtor  hereby
covenants and agrees to promptly execute and deliver to the Secured Party and to
file  and/or  record such financing statements, certificates, notices, and other
instruments  and documents, and will give any notices to third parties, that may
be  necessary  or  reasonably desirable (in the judgment of the Secured Party or
its  counsel):  (i)  to create, preserve, validate, perfect or from time to time
continue  perfection of the security interest granted herein, including, without
limitation,  such  financing  statements,  certificates,  notices  and  other
instruments  and documents as may be necessary to perfect a security interest in
any  additional  Collateral  hereafter  acquired  by  the  Debtor  or  in  any
replacements  or  proceeds  thereof;  (ii) to protect the Collateral against the
rights,  claims or interests of third parties; or (iii) or to enable the Secured
Party  to  exercise and enforce any of its rights with respect to the Collateral
or  the  security  interest  granted  herein.

     4.5     TRANSFER  OF COLLATERAL.  The Debtor hereby covenants and agrees to
immediately  take  all  action necessary, at the discretion of the Secured Party
(or  its  counsel),  to  transfer  any  and all of the Debtor's right, title and
interest  in  and  to  the  Collateral  to  the  Secured  Party's name after the
occurrence  of  any  default  described  in  Section  5  below.

     4.6     REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES.  The Debtor hereby covenants and agrees,
upon written notice from the Secured Party, to immediately reimburse the Secured
Party  for  all  costs,  expenses  and  other  amounts  required  to  be paid or
reimbursed  by  the  Debtor  under this Agreement or the Note or Stock Agreement
(collectively,  the  "Loan  Documents")  which have been paid or advanced by the
Secured  Party.


     Any  one  or more of the following events shall constitute a default by the
Debtor  under  this  Agreement:

     5.1     PAYMENT  DEFAULTS.  The  Debtor  shall  fail  to  pay  when due and
payable  or  when  declared  due and payable, all or any portion of principal or
interest  under  the  Note  or  any  other  monetary  Obligation secured by this
Agreement and said failure shall constitute and Event of Default under the terms
of  the  Note  .

     5.2     OTHER  DEFAULTS.  The  Debtor  shall  breach  or fail to observe or
perform  any term,  covenant, agreement or provision contained in this Agreement
or  the Note  and such breach or failure constitutes and  Event of Default under
the  terms  of  the  Note  OR  if  not covered by the provisions of the Event of
Default  of  the  Note,  within  thirty  (30)  days  after notice thereof by the
Secured  Party  to  the  Debtor.

     5.3     SALE  OR  TRANSFER.  If  the  Debtor  attempts to sell or otherwise
transfer  any  of  its  respective right, title or interest in the Collateral or
permit  all  or  any  portion of the Collateral to become subject to any pledge,
assignment,  lien,  charge  or  encumbrance.

     5.4     OTHER  LOAN DOCUMENTS.  The occurrence of an Event of Default under
the  Note  or  Stock  Agreement.

     5.5     ATTACHMENTS  AND LIENS.  If all or any portion of the Collateral is
attached, seized, subjected to a writ or distress warrant, or is levied upon, or
comes  into  the  possession  of  any  trustee, receiver, controller, custodian,
assignee for the benefit of creditors or any similar person; or if a judgment or
other  claim  becomes  a  lien  or  encumbrance  upon  all or any portion of the
Collateral  and  such attachment, seizure etc., constitutes and Event of Default
under  the  terms  of  the  Note.

     5.6     IMPAIRMENT.  If  there  is a material impairment of the prospect of
repayment of all or any portion of the Obligations owing to the Secured Party or
a  material  impairment of the value or priority of the Secured Party's security
interests  in  any  of  the  Collateral.

5.7     SUBORDINATED  INDEBTEDNESS.  If  the Debtor makes any payment on account
of  indebtedness which is required to be, or which otherwise is, subordinated to
any  of  the  Obligations  owing  to  the  Secured  Party.


6.1     ACCELERATION AND REMEDIES.  Upon and after the occurrence of any default
described  in  Section  5  above,  the  Secured  Party may, at the option of the
Secured  Party,  declare  all  Obligations  immediately due and payable, and the
Secured Party shall have and may exercise and be entitled to each and all of the
rights  and  remedies  granted or available to a secured party under the Uniform
Commercial  Code,  together  with  any  other  rights  and remedies which may be
available to the Secured Party under this Agreement, the Note or applicable law.

6.2     POSSESSION AND TRANSFER OF COLLATERAL.  Upon and after the occurrence of
any  default  described in Section 5 above: (i) the Secured Party shall have the
right  to  take and maintain possession of all or any part of the Collateral and
to  enter  upon  any premises on which the Collateral or any part thereof may be
located  and  remove  the  same  therefrom; (ii) upon any request by the Secured
Party,  the  Debtor  shall  assemble  the  Collateral  and  make  the Collateral
available  to the Secured Party at such reasonable time and place as the Secured
Party  may  designate;  and (iii) the Secured Party may cause all or any part of
the  Collateral,  including,  without  limitation, the Debtor's right, title and
interest  in  the  Software  and  License to be transferred into the name of the
Secured  Party.  The  Debtor  hereby appoints the Secured Party, as the Debtor's
attorney-in-fact  to effect any such transfer of the Collateral into the name of
the  Secured  Party.

6.3     DISPOSITION OF COLLATERAL.  Upon and after the occurrence of any default
described in Section 5 above, the Secured Party shall have the right to sell the
Collateral  or  any part thereof at either a public or private sale, or both, by
way  of  one  or  more  contracts or transactions, for cash or on terms, in such
manner  and  at such places (including the Debtor's premises) as is commercially
reasonable  in  the  opinion  of the Secured Party (it is not necessary that the
Collateral  be  present  at  any such sale).  In connection with any sale of the
Collateral,  the  Secured  Party  shall  give the Debtor at least ten (10) days'
prior written notice, at the last address for notices to the Debtor specified in
accordance  with  Section  8.2  hereof, of the time and place of any public sale
thereof  or  of  the  time  after  which  any private sale or any other intended
disposition thereof is to be made.  Each such notice shall be deemed to meet all
requirements  hereunder  and  under  applicable  law  (including  the  Uniform
Commercial  Code) that reasonable notification be given of the time and place of
such  sale  or  other  disposition.

     6.4     RETENTION  OF  COLLATERAL.  The  Secured  Party  shall  be under no
obligation  to sell any of the Collateral and is under no obligation to complete
a  sale  of any of the Collateral if, in the reasonable business judgment of the
Secured  Party,  none  of  the  offers received reasonably approximates the fair
value  of  the  Collateral.  If  the  Secured  Party  elects  not  to  sell  the
Collateral,  the  Secured  Party may elect to follow the procedures set forth in
the Uniform Commercial Code for retaining the Collateral or any portion thereof,
including,  without  limitation,  Debtor's  rights,  title  and  interest in the
Software  and  License  in  satisfaction  of  the  Obligations  secured  by this
Agreement,  subject  to the Debtor's rights under the Uniform Commercial Code in
connection  with  such  procedures.

     6.5     COLLECTION  EXPENSES.  The  Secured  Party  shall  be  entitled  to
recover  from the Debtor all costs and expenses incurred by the Secured Party in
connection  with  the  enforcement or exercise of any of its rights and remedies
under  this  Agreement,  the  Note  or  applicable  law,  whether or not suit is
commenced by the Secured Party, including, without limitation, (i) all costs and
expenses  of  collection,  retaking,  holding,  preparing  for  sale, selling or
otherwise  disposing  of  any  of  the Collateral (including attorneys' fees and
expenses)  and all other charges against the Collateral, and (ii) all attorneys'
fees and expenses relating to any legal proceeding (in trial court or on appeal)
brought  to  collect any of the Obligations or to foreclose or otherwise realize
upon  any  of  the  Collateral.

     6.6     APPLICATION  OF  PROCEEDS.  Any  proceeds realized from the sale or
other  disposition  of  Collateral  by  the  Secured  Party  shall be applied as
follows:  (i)  first, to reimburse the Secured Party for all amounts the Secured
Party  is  entitled to recover under Section 6.5 above, (ii) next to the payment
of all other Obligations owed by the Debtor to the Secured Party and (iii) last,
the  excess proceeds, if any, shall be returned, without interest and subject to
the  rights  of third parties, to the Debtor.   In the event the proceeds of any
sale  or  other  disposition of the Collateral hereunder are insufficient to pay
all  of  the  Obligations in full, the Debtor shall be liable for the deficiency
(which  shall  be  immediately due and payable), together with interest thereon,
and  the costs and expenses of collection of such deficiency, including, without
limitation,  attorneys'  fees  and  expenses.

     6.7     MARSHALLING.  The  Secured  Party  shall not be required to marshal
security  and  may proceed to foreclose or otherwise realize upon the Collateral
and  any  other  security  for the Obligations secured by this Agreement in such
order  and  in  such  manner  as  the Secured Party may determine in the Secured
Party's  sole  discretion.

6.8     COLLECTION  OF  ACCOUNTS.  Upon  and after the occurrence of any default
described  in  Section  5 above, the Secured Party may notify or may require the
Debtor to notify account debtors on any or all of the Debtor's accounts, whether
now  existing  or  hereafter  arising,  to  make payment directly to the Secured
Party, and the Secured Party may take possession of all proceeds of any accounts
in the Debtor's possession, and may take any other steps which the Secured Party
deems  necessary  or  advisable  to  collect  any  or all such accounts or other
Collateral  or  proceeds  thereof.  Without  limiting  the  generality  of  the
foregoing,  upon  and after the occurrence of any default described in Section 5
above, the Secured Party shall have the right to receive, endorse, assign and/or
deliver  in  its  name  or the name of the Debtor any and all checks, drafts and
other  instruments  for  the payment of money relating to the Debtor's accounts,
and  the  Debtor  hereby waives notice of presentment, protest and nonpayment of
any  instrument  so  endorsed.

     6.9     PROTECTION  OF  COLLATERAL.  The Secured Party shall have the right
at  any  time  to  make any payments and do any other acts the Secured Party may
deem  necessary or advisable to protect its security interest in the Collateral,
including,  without  limitation,  the  rights  to  pay,  purchase,  contest  or
compromise  any  encumbrance, charge or lien that in the judgment of the Secured
Party  appears  to  be  prior  to  or  superior to the security interest granted
hereunder,  and  appear  in  and  defend  any action or proceeding purporting to
affect  its  security  interest  in  and/or  the value of the Collateral, and in
exercising  any such powers or authority, the right to pay all expenses incurred
in  connection  therewith,  including  attorneys'  fees and expenses. The Debtor
hereby  agrees to reimburse the Secured Party for all payments made and expenses
incurred by the Secured Party in connection with performing any of the foregoing
acts,  and agrees that it shall be bound by any payment made or act taken by the
Secured Party hereunder.  The Secured Party shall have no obligation to make any
of  the  foregoing  payments  or  perform  any  of  the  foregoing  acts.

     6.10     AUTHORITY OF SECURED PARTY.  Any action which may be taken and any
power  which  may be exercised hereunder may be taken or exercised by any one or
more  of  the  persons and/or entities included within the term "Secured Party."
The  Secured  Party  shall have and be entitled to exercise all powers hereunder
which are specifically granted to the Secured Party by the terms hereof together
with  such  powers  as  are  reasonably incident thereto.  The Secured Party may
perform  any  of its duties hereunder or in connection with the Collateral by or
through  agents  or employees and shall be entitled to retain counsel and to act
in reliance upon the advice of counsel concerning all such matters.  Neither the
Secured  Party nor any attorney or agent of the Secured Party shall be liable to
the  Debtor for any action taken or omitted to be taken by it or them hereunder,
except  for  its  or their own gross negligence or willful misconduct, nor shall
the  Secured Party be responsible for the validity, effectiveness or sufficiency
hereof  or  of  any document or security furnished pursuant hereto.  The Secured
Party  and  its  attorneys  and  agents  shall  be  entitled  to  rely  on  any
communication,  instrument  or document believed by it or them to be genuine and
correct  and  to  have been signed or sent by the proper person or persons.  The
Debtor  agrees  to  indemnify  and hold harmless the Secured Party and any other
person  from  and against any and all costs, expenses (including attorneys' fees
and  expenses),  claims,  damages  or liability incurred by the Secured Party or
such  person  hereunder,  unless such claim or liability shall be due to willful
misconduct  or gross negligence on the part of the Secured Party or such person.


     This  Agreement  and the security interest in the Collateral created hereby
shall  terminate  only when all of the Obligations have been paid, performed and
discharged  in  full.


     8.1     BINDING  EFFECT.  The provisions of this Agreement shall be binding
upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, personal representatives, successors
and  assigns of the parties.  If more than one person is named in this Agreement
as  the  Debtor,  each of such persons shall be jointly and severally liable for
the  obligations  of  the  Debtor  under  this  Agreement.

     8.2     NOTICES.  Any  notice  or other communication required or permitted
to  be  given  under  this  Agreement or the Uniform Commercial Code shall be in
writing  and  shall  be  made  by  personal delivery, by a nationally recognized
overnight  carrier  or  by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return
receipt  requested,  and  such  notice  shall  be  deemed  given upon receipt if
delivered  personally  or by an overnight carrier or three days after deposit in
the  United  States  mails.  Any  notices  shall  be  addressed  as  follows:

     If  to  Debtor:               ITEC
                                   17075  Via  Del  Campo
                                   San  Diego,  CA  92127
                                   Attn:  Brian  Bonar

If  to Secured Party:     To the respective addresses set forth on the signature
page  hereto.

The  address of a party to which notices or other communications shall be mailed
may  be  changed  from time to time by giving written notice to the other party.

     8.3     ATTORNEY-  IN-FACT.   The  Debtor  hereby  irrevocably appoints and
constitutes  the  Secured  Party  or  its  designees  as  the  Debtor's  lawful
attorney-in-fact  with  the  following powers:  (i) upon the Debtor's failure or
refusal to comply with its undertakings contained in Sections 4.4 or 8.9 hereof,
to  sign  the  name  of  the  Debtor  on  any of the documents described in such
sections or on any other similar documents which need to be executed, delivered,
recorded  and/or  filed in order to create, preserve, protect, validate, perfect
or  continue  perfected the Secured Party's security interest in the Collateral;
and  (ii)  upon  and  after the occurrence of any default described in Section 5
hereof,  (A)  to  endorse the Debtor's name upon any notes, acceptances, checks,
drafts,  money  orders or other evidences of payment or Collateral that may come
into  the  Secured  Party's  possession;  (B)  to  sign the Debtor's name on any
invoice  or  bill  of  lading  relating  to any of the Debtor's accounts, drafts
against customers, assignments and verifications of such accounts and notices to
customers;  (C)  to notify the Post Office authorities to change the address for
delivery  of  mail  addressed to the Debtor to such address as the Secured Party
may  designate;  (D)  to  do  all  acts authorized by Section 6.2 or Section 6.8
hereof;  and  (E)  to  do  all other acts and things necessary to carry out this
Agreement  or  to enforce the Secured Party's rights hereunder. All acts of said
attorney  or  designee  are  hereby  ratified and approved, and said attorney or
designee(s)  shall not be liable for any acts of omission or commission, nor for
any error of judgment or mistake of fact or law.  The appointment of the Secured
Party as Debtor's attorney, and each and every one of the Secured Party's rights
and  powers,  being  coupled  with an interest, are irrevocable until all of the
Obligations  have  been  fully  paid  and  performed.

     8.4     ASSIGNMENT.  The  Secured Party shall have the right to assign this
Agreement and its rights and interest hereunder, or to grant a security interest
in  the  same, upon terms that do not impair the rights of the Debtor under this

     8.5     ATTORNEYS' FEES AND EXPENSES.  If any legal proceeding is commenced
for  the  purpose of interpreting or enforcing any provisions of this Agreement,
or  for  the purpose of collecting any Obligation secured by this Agreement, the
Secured  Party  shall be entitled to recover from the Debtor all attorneys' fees
and  expenses  incurred  in  connection  with  such proceeding, or in any appeal
thereof.  In  addition,  the  Secured Party shall be entitled to recover any and
all  attorneys'  fees  and  expenses incurred by the Secured Party in connection
with  retaking,  holding,  preparing for sale, selling or otherwise disposing or
realizing  on  any  of  the  Collateral,  whether  or  not  suit  is  brought.

     8.6     DEBTOR  WAIVERS.  The  Debtor  hereby  waives  presentment, demand,
notice,  protest and, except as otherwise provided herein, all other demands and
rights  of  notice  in  connection with this Agreement or the enforcement of the
Secured  Party's  rights  or  remedies  hereunder  or  in  connection  with  any
Obligations  or any Collateral.  The Debtor consents to and waives notice of the
granting  of renewals, extensions of time for payment or other indulgence to any
account  debtor in respect of any account receivable, the addition or release of
persons  primarily  or  secondarily  liable  on  any account receivable or other
Collateral,  the  acceptance  of  partial  payments  on any obligation or on any
account  receivable  or  other  Collateral  and/or  the settlement or compromise
thereof.  The  Debtor  further  waives any right it may now or hereafter have to
notice  (other  than any requirement of notice provided herein) or to a judicial
hearing prior to the exercise or enforcement of any right or remedy available to
the  Secured Party under this Agreement, the Note or applicable law.  The Debtor
waives  its  right,  if  any,  to  set  aside  or  invalidate  any sale or other
disposition of any Collateral duly consummated in accordance with the provisions
hereof  on  the  grounds  (if  such  be  the case) that the sale was consummated
without  a  prior  judicial  hearing.  The Debtor waives the posting of any bond
otherwise  required of the Secured Party in connection with any judicial process
or  proceeding  to  obtain  possession  of,  replevy,  attach  or  levy upon the
Collateral  or  other  security  for the Obligations, to enforce any judgment or
other  court  order  entered  in  favor  of  the Secured Party, or to enforce by
specific  performance,  temporary  restraining  order,  preliminary or permanent
injunction  this Agreement or the Note.  To the fullest extent permitted by law,
the  Debtor  hereby  waives  the  right to plead any statute of limitations as a
defense  to the payment or performance of any of the Obligations secured hereby.
The  Debtor's  waivers  under  this  section  have  been  made  voluntarily,
intelligently  and  knowingly.

     8.7     OTHER  WAIVERS.   No  delay  on  the  part  of the Secured Party in
exercising  any  right,  power  or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver of
such  right,  power  or remedy or of any other right, power or remedy hereunder.
No  waiver  of any provision of this Agreement or any Obligation secured by this
Agreement  shall be deemed, or shall constitute, a waiver of any other provision
or  Obligation,  whether  or  not  similar,  nor  shall  any waiver constitute a
continuing waiver.  No waiver shall be binding unless executed in writing by the
party  making  the  waiver.

     8.8     APPLICABLE  LAW.  This  Agreement shall be governed by and shall be
construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without regard
to  the  conflict  of  law  principles  thereof.

8.9     REMEDIES.  Each right, power and remedy available to any party hereunder
or under the Note, or now or hereafter existing at law, in equity, by statute or
otherwise,  shall  be cumulative, and the exercise or forbearance of exercise by
any  party  of  any  one  or  more  of such rights, powers or remedies shall not
preclude  the simultaneous or later exercise by such party of any or all of such
other  rights,  powers  or  remedies.

     8.10     FURTHER ASSURANCES.  The Debtor shall at any time and from time to
time  upon  the  written  request of the Secured Party, execute and deliver such
further  documents and other instruments and do such further acts as the Secured
Party  may  reasonably  request  in  order  to  effectuate  the purposes of this
Agreement  and  in  order  to create, preserve, protect, perfect or continue the
perfection  of  the  security  interest granted pursuant hereto or to enable the
Secured  Party  to  enforce  its  rights  hereunder.

     8.11     ENTIRE  AGREEMENT;  AMENDMENT.  This  Agreement, together with the
Note,  constitutes  the  complete  and  exclusive  statement of the terms of the
agreement  between  the Secured Party and the Debtor with respect to the subject
matter  contained herein and therein.  This Agreement may be amended or modified
only  by  a  written  instrument  executed  by  each  of  the  parties  hereto.

8.12     TIME OF THE ESSENCE.  Time is of the essence of this Agreement and each
provision  herein.

8.13     EXECUTION  IN  COUNTERPARTS.  This  Agreement  may  be  executed in any
number  of counterparts, each of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an
original  and  all of which taken together shall constitute but one and the same

     8.14     SEVERABILITY  OF  PROVISIONS.  Each  and  every  provision of this
Agreement  is intended to be severable.  Any provision of this Agreement that is
prohibited  or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction,
be  ineffective  to  the  extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without
invalidating the remaining provisions of the Agreement or affecting the validity
or  enforceability  of  such  provisions  in  any  other  jurisdiction.

     8.15     HEADINGS.  The  section  headings  and  captions  included in this
Agreement  are  inserted  solely  for  convenience  of  reference  and shall not
constitute  a  part  of  this  Agreement nor affect its meaning, construction or

     8.16    LEGAL  REPRESENTATION.  The  Debtor  acknowledges  that  Thomas  J.
Beener  represents  the Secured Party only in connection with this Agreement and
the  transactions  referenced  herein,  and  does  not  represent  the  Debtor.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Debtor  and the Secured Party has executed this
Agreement  as  of  the  date  first  written  above.



By:     /s/  Brian  Bonar
     Brian  Bonar
     Chief  Executive  Officer



By:     /s/  Thomas  J.  Beener
     Thomas  J.  Beener
     Chief  Executive  Officer

                                    EXHIBIT A

                            DESCRIPTION OF COLLATERAL

Wherever  located  in  the  State  of  California  or  elsewhere:

          (A) any and all shares of common stock, preferred stock or warrants or
options issued, now or in the future, to Imaging Technologies Corp in connection
with  the  Stock  Purchase  Agreement  dated  August  9,  2002 between Greenland
Corporation  and  Imaging  Technologies  Corp.