News Release
For Immediate release

Seattle, Washington - April 8, 2002 - L&L Financial Holdings Inc ("L&L"), a
Nevada reporting company announced today that the Board of L&L has
decided to upgrade its engagement of outside public accountant to
accommodate growth. The Company also accepted the resignation of
Braverman & Company, P.C., an Arizona based accounting firm, who has
voluntarily resigned on April 3, 2002. Braverman & Company, P.C., has
reviewed the Company's quarterly financial statements and audited Royal
Coronado Co. Ltd.

Mr. Dickson Lee, Chairman & CEO of the Company said, "We are pleased to
announce that the Board has decided to engage a larger CPA firm to conduct
the Company's statutory financial review and audit. We are currently in
discussion with an accounting firm with international experience, to conduct
the Company's year-end audit, which will due in about 50 days. It is my belief
that retaining an experienced CPA firm to review our records will be better for
the Company."

L&L is an international financial company, being in operation since 1996. Its
staff consists of sophisticated financial professionals, many of them are
licensed CPAs, qualified from the State of New York, State of Washington and
State of Delaware. Presently, the Company's operating base is located in
Hong Kong with presences in Seattle, New York, Beijing and Shenzhen of
China. Its Chairman & CEO, Dickson Lee, CPA, is a judicial Member of the
(SEC) Insider Dealing Tribunal of Hong Kong. Mr. Lee is also a recipient of the
National Leadership Award of the National Republican Congressional
Committee of the United States of America in 2002.

For additional information contact L & L Financial Holdings, Inc.(206)-
443-1411 ask for Kylee Krida, assistant to the President.

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