SPRINT PCS
                               SERVICES AGREEMENT


                              SPRINT SPECTRUM L.P.


                               SHENANDOAH PERSONAL
                             COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY

                          Dated as of November 5, 1999

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


1. ENGAGEMENT OF SPRINT SPECTRUM .........................................     1
   1.1. Engagement of Sprint Spectrum ....................................     1
   1.2. Reliance on Manager ..............................................     1
   1.3. Non-exclusive Service ............................................     2
   1.4. Manager's Use of Services ........................................     2
2. SERVICES ..............................................................     2
   2.1. Available Services; Selected Services ............................     2
        2.1.1. Available Services ........................................     2
        2.1.2. Selected Services .........................................     2
        2.1.3. Changes to Selected Services ..............................     3
        2.1.4. Performance of Selected Services ..........................     3
   2.2. Third Party Vendors ..............................................     3
   2.3. Contracts ........................................................     3
3. FEES FOR SELECTED SERVICES ............................................     4
   3.1. Payment of Fees ..................................................     4
   3.2. Adjustment of Fees ...............................................     4
   3.3. Late Payments ....................................................     4
   3.4. Taxes ............................................................     4
4. TERM; TERMINATION; EFFECT OF TERMINATION ..............................     5
   4.1. Term .............................................................     5
   4.2. Effect of Termination ............................................     5
5. BOOKS AND RECORDS; CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ...........................     5
   5.1. Books and Records ................................................     5
        5.1.1. General ...................................................     5
        5.1.2. Audit .....................................................     5
        5.1.3. Contesting an Audit .......................................     6
   5.2. Confidential Information .........................................     6
6. INDEMNIFICATION .......................................................     8
   6.1. Indemnification by Sprint Spectrum ...............................     8
   6.2. Indemnification by Manager .......................................     8
   6.3. Procedure ........................................................     9
        6.3.1. Notice ....................................................     9
        6.3.2. Defense by Indemnitor .....................................     9
        6.3.3. Defense by Indemnitee .....................................     9
        6.3.4. Costs .....................................................     9
7. DISPUTE RESOLUTION ....................................................    10
   7.1. Negotiation ......................................................    10
   7.2. Unable to Resolve ................................................    10
   7.3. Attorneys and Intent .............................................    10
8. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES ........................................    11
   8.1. Due Incorporation or Formation; Authorization of Agreements ......    11
   8.2. Valid and Binding Obligation .....................................    11


   8.3. No Conflict; No Default ..........................................    11
   8.4. Litigation .......................................................    11
9. GENERAL PROVISIONS ....................................................    11
   9.1.  Notices .........................................................    11
   9.2.  Construction ....................................................    12
   9.3.  Headings ........................................................    12
   9.4.  Further Action ..................................................    12
   9.5.  Specific Performance ............................................    12
   9.6.  Entire Agreement; Amendments ....................................    12
   9.7.  Limitation on Rights of Others ..................................    12
   9.8.  Waivers; Remedies ...............................................    12
   9.9.  Waiver of Jury Trial ............................................    13
   9.10. Binding Effect ..................................................    13
   9.11. Governing Law ...................................................    13
   9.12. Severability ....................................................    13
   9.13. Limitation of Liability .........................................    14
   9.14. No Assignment; Exceptions .......................................    14
   9.15. Disclaimer of Agency ............................................    14
   9.16. Independent Contractors .........................................    14
   9.17. Expense .........................................................    14
   9.18. General Terms ...................................................    14
   9.19. Conflicts with Management Agreement .............................    15
   9.20. Master Signature Page ...........................................    15


                                                                    EXHIBIT 10.5

                          SPRINT PCS SERVICES AGREEMENT

      This SERVICES AGREEMENT is made November 5, 1999, by and between Sprint
Spectrum L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("Sprint Spectrum"), and
Shenandoah Personal Communications Company, a Virginia corporation (but not any
Related Party) ("Manager"). The definitions for this agreement are set forth on
the "Schedule of Definitions".


      A. Manager and the holder of the License ("Sprint PCS") are entering into
a Management Agreement contemporaneously with the execution of this agreement,
under which Manager will design, construct, operate, manage and maintain a
wireless services network in the Service Area in accordance with Sprint PCS
standards and will offer and promote Sprint PCS Products and Services that
operate on the Sprint PCS Network.

      B. Manager desires to enter into this agreement with Sprint Spectrum,
under which Sprint Spectrum may furnish certain services to Manager to assist
Manager to build out, operate, manage and maintain the Service Area Network
under the License.


      In consideration of the recitals and mutual covenants and agreements
contained in this agreement, the sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,
the parties, intending to be bound, agree as follows:

                        1. ENGAGEMENT OF SPRINT SPECTRUM

      1.1. Engagement of Sprint Spectrum. Manager engages Sprint Spectrum to
assist Manager with certain specified services in connection with the operations
of Manager and in building out, operating, managing and maintaining the Service
Area Network, subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement. Sprint
Spectrum accepts the engagement and will use the same effort and demonstrate the
same care in performing its obligations under this agreement as it uses in
conducting its own business. Manager will use the efforts and demonstrate the
care necessary for Sprint Spectrum to meet its obligations under this agreement.
When providing the Selected Services, Sprint Spectrum will provide those
services to Manager in the same manner it provides those services to its own
business, including the use of third party vendors to provide certain Selected

      1.2. Reliance on Manager. Manager understands that Sprint Spectrum's
ability to provide the Selected Services will depend largely on Manager's
compliance with the Sprint PCS Program Requirements under the Management
Agreement and cooperation with Sprint Spectrum. Manager agrees to comply with
such requirements

and to cooperate with Sprint Spectrum to enable Sprint Spectrum to perform its
obligations under this agreement.

      1.3. Non-exclusive Service. Nothing contained in this agreement confers
upon Manager an exclusive right to any of the Available Services. Sprint
Spectrum may contract with others to provide expertise and services identical or
similar to those to be made available or provided to Manager under this

      1.4. Manager's Use of Services. Manager agrees it will only use the
Selected Services in connection with its Service Area Network. Manager will not
use the Selected Services outside the Service Area or in connection with any
other business.

                                  2. SERVICES

      2.1. Available Services; Selected Services.

            2.1.1. Available Services. Subject to the terms of this agreement,
Manager may obtain any of the Available Services from Sprint Spectrum in
accordance with the provisions of this Section 2.1. The Available Services
offered from time to time and the fees charged for such Available Services will
be set forth on the then-current Exhibit 2.1.1 (the "Available Services and Fees
Schedule"). If Sprint Spectrum offers any new Available Service, it will deliver
a new Exhibit 2.1.1 indicating the new service and the fee for the new service.

            Manager may select one or more of the categories of Available
Services. If Manager selects a particular category of services it must take and
pay for all of the services under the category selected; Manager may not select
only particular services within that category.

            If Sprint Spectrum determines to no longer offer an Available
Service and the service is not a Selected Service, then Sprint Spectrum may give
Manager written notice at any time during the term of this agreement that Sprint
Spectrum no longer offers the Available Service.

            Sprint Spectrum may modify Exhibit 2.1.1 from time to time. Exhibit
2.1.1 will be deemed amended upon delivery of the new Exhibit 2.1.1 to Manager.

            2.1.2. Selected Services. During the term of this agreement, and
subject to the terms of this agreement, Manager has selected, and Sprint
Spectrum has agreed to furnish or cause to be furnished to Manager, the
Available Services listed on Exhibit 2.1.2 (which listed services will be the
Selected Services). Sprint Spectrum may require from time to time that certain
Available Services be Selected Services where necessary to comply with legal or
regulatory requirements (e.g., mandatory provision of


emergency 911 service) or applicable operating constraints (e.g., delivery of
merchandise to the regional distribution centers of national retail

            2.1.3. Changes to Selected Services. If Manager determines it no
longer requires a Selected Service, then Manager must give Sprint Spectrum
written notice at least 3 months prior to the date on which Manager wishes to
discontinue its use of such Selected Service.

            If Sprint Spectrum determines to no longer offer an Available
Service and such service is one of Manager's Selected Services, then Sprint
Spectrum must give Manager written notice at least 9 months prior to its
discontinuance of such Available Service that Sprint Spectrum will no longer
offer such Available Service. If the Available Service to be discontinued is
required by Sprint Spectrum to be a Selected Service, then Sprint Spectrum will
use commercially reasonable efforts to (a) help Manager provide the service
itself or find another vendor to provide the service, and (b) facilitate
Manager's transition to the new service provider.

            2.1.4. Performance of Selected Services. Sprint Spectrum may select
the method, location and means of providing the Selected Services. If Sprint
Spectrum wishes to use Manager's facilities to provide the Selected Services,
Sprint Spectrum must obtain Manager's prior written consent.

      2.2. Third Party Vendors. Some of the Available Services might be provided
by third party vendors under arrangements between Sprint Spectrum and the third
party vendors. In some instances, Manager may receive Available Services from a
third party vendor under the same terms and conditions that Sprint Spectrum
receives such services. In other instances, Manager may receive Available
Services under the terms and conditions set forth in an agreement between
Manager and the third party vendor. If Manager wishes to engage a third party
vendor to provide Available Services, Selected Services, or Available Services
that Sprint Spectrum will no longer offer, Manager must first obtain Sprint
Spectrum's prior written consent, which consent will not be unreasonably
withheld. Before Manager may obtain from the third party vendor any Available
Services, Selected Services, or Available Services that Sprint Spectrum will no
longer offer, such vendor must execute an agreement prepared by Sprint Spectrum
that obligates the vendor to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary
information and that prohibits the vendor from using any proprietary technology,
information or methods for its benefit or the benefit of any other person or
entity. Manager's use of a third party vendor that is not providing Available
Services to Manager on behalf of Sprint PCS under the Management Agreement will
not qualify for assumed compliance with the Program Requirements under Sections
7.1(a)(ii) or 8.1(b) of the Management Agreement.

      2.3. Contracts. Manager will notify Sprint Spectrum of any contract or
other arrangement Manager has with any other party that will affect how Sprint
Spectrum is to provide the Selected Services.


                         3. FEES FOR SELECTED SERVICES

      3.1. Payment of Fees. Sprint Spectrum and Manager agree that the fees for
the Available Services will initially be those set forth on Exhibit 2.1.1, which
fees represent an adjustment to any fees paid by Sprint PCS to Manager under
Section 10 of the Management Agreement. The monthly charge for any fees based on
the number of subscribers of the Service Area Network will be determined based
on the number of subscribers as of the 15th day of the month for which the
charge is being calculated. Manager agrees to pay the fees to Sprint Spectrum
within 20 days after the date of the invoice. If Manager enters into an
agreement with a third party vendor under Section 2.2, Manager agrees to pay the
fees for the services rendered by the third party vendor in accordance with the
terms and conditions of such agreement.

      3.2. Adjustment of Fees. Sprint Spectrum may change the fee for any
service it provides once during any 12-month period by delivering a new Exhibit
2.1.1 to Manager. Exhibit 2.1.1 will be deemed amended on the effective date
noted on the new Exhibit 2.1.1, which will be at least 30 days after delivering
the new Exhibit 2.1.1. Manager must notify Sprint Spectrum in writing before the
effective date of the new Exhibit 2.1.1 if Manager wishes to discontinue a
Selected Service for which the price is being increased (a "Cancelled Service").
If Manager discontinues a Selected Service under this Section 3.2, Sprint
Spectrum will, at Manager's option, continue to provide the Cancelled Service
and to charge Manager the current fee (i.e., the fee under the Exhibit 2.1.1 in
effect on the date Manager gives its cancellation notice to Sprint Spectrum) for
the Cancelled Service for up to 9 months from the date Sprint Spectrum gives
Manager notice of the price change or until Manager no longer needs the
Cancelled Service, whichever occurs first. If Sprint Spectrum continues to
provide the Cancelled Service after the 9-month period, Sprint Spectrum will
apply the new fee, under the new Exhibit 2.1.1, and such fee will be applied
retroactively as of the effective date of the new schedule. Manager agrees to
pay such retroactive charge within 10 days after the date of the invoice for
such charge.

      3.3. Late Payments. Any payment due under this Section 3 that is not paid
by Manager to Sprint Spectrum in accordance with the terms of this agreement
will bear interest at the Default Rate beginning (and including) the 6th day
after the due date until (and including) the date on which such payment is made.

      3.4. Taxes. Manager will pay or reimburse Sprint Spectrum for any sales,
use, gross receipts or similar tax, administrative fee, telecommunications fee
or surcharge for taxes or fees levied by a governmental authority on the fees
and charges payable to Sprint Spectrum by Manager.



      4.1. Term. This agreement commences on the date of execution and continues
until the Management Agreement terminates. This agreement automatically
terminates upon termination of the Management Agreement. Neither party may
terminate this agreement for any reason other than the termination of the
Management Agreement.

      4.2. Effect of Termination. Upon the termination of this agreement, all
rights and obligations of each party under this agreement will immediately
cease, except that:

            (a) Any rights arising out of a breach of any terms of this
agreement will survive any termination of this agreement;

            (b) The provisions of this Section 4.2 and Sections 5.2, 6, 7, and 9
will survive any termination of this agreement; and

            (c) The payment obligations under Section 3 will survive any
termination of this agreement if, and to the extent, any fees have accrued or
are otherwise due and owing from Manager to Sprint Spectrum or any Sprint
Spectrum Related Party as of the date of termination of this agreement.


      5.1. Books and Records.

            5.1.1. General. Each party must keep and maintain books and records
to support and document any fees, costs, expenses or other charges due in
connection with the provisions set forth in this agreement. The records must be
retained for a period of at least 3 years after the fees, costs, expenses or
other charges to which the records relate have accrued and have been paid, or
such other period as may be required by law.

            5.1.2. Audit. On reasonable advance written notice by the Manager,
but no more frequently than annually, Sprint PCS will provide a report issued in
conformity with Statement of Auditing Standard No. 70 "Reports on the Processing
of Transactions by Service Organizations" ("Type II Report" or "Manager
Management Report"). Such report will be prepared by independent auditors and
will provide an opinion on the controls placed in operation and tests of
operating effectiveness of those controls in effect at Sprint PCS over the
Manager Management Processes. "Manager Management Processes" include those
services generally provided within the Management Agreement, primarily billing
and collection of Collected Revenues. The Manager is responsible for costs
incurred attributable to such requested procedures with respect to the services
provided under this agreement, including without limitation discussion of the
billing and collection of Collected Revenues. This report will be made available
to the other party upon such other party's request.


            5.1.3. Contesting an Audit. If the party that did not select the
independent auditor does not agree with the findings of the audit, then such
party can contest the findings by providing notice of such disagreement to the
other party (the "Dispute Notice"). The date of delivery of such notice is the
"Dispute Notice Date." If the parties are unable to resolve the disagreement
within 10 Business Days after the Dispute Notice Date, they will resolve the
disagreement in accordance with the following procedures.

      The two parties and the auditor that conducted the audit will all agree on
an independent certified public accountant with a regional or national
accounting practice in the wireless telecommunications industry (the "Arbiter")
within 15 Business Days after the Dispute Notice Date. If, within 15 Business
Days after the Dispute Notice Date, the three parties fail to agree on the
Arbiter, then at the request of either party to this agreement, the Arbiter will
be selected pursuant to the rules then in effect of the American Arbitration
Association. Each party will submit to the Arbiter within 5 Business Days after
its selection and engagement all information reasonably requested by the Arbiter
to enable the Arbiter to independently resolve the issue that is the subject of
the Dispute Notice. The Arbiter will make its own determination of the amount of
fees, costs, expenses or other charges payable under this agreement with respect
to the period audited. The Arbiter will issue a written report of its
determination in reasonable detail and will deliver a copy of the report to the
parties within 10 Business Days after the Arbiter receives all of the
information reasonably requested. The determination made by the Arbiter will be
final and binding and may be enforced by any court having jurisdiction. The
parties will cooperate fully in assisting the Arbiter and will take such actions
as are necessary to expedite the completion of and to cause the Arbiter to
expedite its assignment.

      If the amount owed by a contesting party is reduced by more than 10% or
the amount owed to a contesting party is increased by more than 10% then the
non-contesting party will pay the costs and expenses of the Arbiter, otherwise
the contesting party will pay the costs and expenses of the Arbiter.

      5.2. Confidential Information.

            (a) Except as specifically authorized by this agreement, each of the
parties must, for the term of this agreement and 3 years after the date of
termination of this agreement, keep confidential, not disclose to others and use
only for the purposes authorized in this agreement, all Confidential Information
disclosed by the other party to the party in connection with this agreement,
except that the foregoing obligation will not apply to the extent that any
Confidential Information:

                  (i) is or becomes, after disclosure to a party, publicly known
            by any means other than through unauthorized acts or omissions of
            the party or its agents; or


                  (ii) is disclosed in good faith to a party by a third party
            entitled to make the disclosure.

            (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, a party may use, disclose or
authorize the disclosure of Confidential Information that it receives that:

                  (i) has been published or is in the public domain, or that
            subsequently comes into the public domain, through no fault of the
            receiving party;

                  (ii) prior to the effective date of this agreement was
            properly within the legitimate possession of the receiving party, or
            subsequent to the effective date of this agreement, is lawfully
            received from a third party having rights to publicly disseminate
            the Confidential Information without any restriction and without
            notice to the recipient of any restriction against its further

                  (iii) is independently developed by the receiving party
            through persons or entities who have not had, either directly or
            indirectly, access to or knowledge of the Confidential Information;

                  (iv) is disclosed to a third party consistent with the terms
            of the written approval of the party originally disclosing the

                  (v) is required by the receiving party to be produced under
            order of a court of competent jurisdiction or other similar
            requirements of a governmental agency, and the Confidential
            Information will otherwise continue to be Confidential Information
            required to be held confidential for purposes of this agreement;

                  (vi) is required by the receiving party to be disclosed by
            applicable law or a stock exchange or association on which the
            receiving party's securities (or those of its Related Parties) are
            or may become listed; or

                  (vii) is disclosed by the receiving party to a financial
            institution or accredited investor (as that term is defined in Rule
            501(a) under the Securities Act of 1933) that is considering
            providing financing to the receiving party and which financial
            institution or accredited investor has agreed to keep the
            Confidential Information confidential in accordance with an
            agreement at least as restrictive as this Section 5.

            (c) The party making a disclosure under Sections 5.2(b)(v),
5.2(b)(vi) or 5.2(b)(vii) must inform the non-disclosing party as promptly as is


necessary to enable the non-disclosing party to take action to, and use the
disclosing party's reasonable best efforts to, limit the disclosure and maintain
confidentiality to the extent practicable.

            (d) Manager will not, except when serving in the capacity of Manager
under this agreement, use any Confidential Information of any kind that it
receives under or in connection with this agreement. For example, if Manager
operates a wireless company in a different licensed area, Manager may not use
any of the Confidential Information received under or in connection with this
agreement in operating its other wireless business.

                               6. INDEMNIFICATION

      6.1. Indemnification by Sprint Spectrum. Sprint Spectrum agrees to
indemnify, defend and hold harmless Manager, its directors, managers, officers
and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, causes of action,
losses, actions, damages, liability and expense, including costs and reasonable
attorneys' fees, against Manager, its directors, managers, officers and
employees arising from or relating to the violation by Sprint Spectrum, its
directors, officers, employees, contractors, subcontractors, agents or
representatives of any law, regulation or ordinance applicable to Sprint
Spectrum in its performance of the Selected Services, or by Sprint Spectrum's,
or its directors', officers', employees', contractors', subcontractors', agents'
or representatives' breach of any representation, warranty or covenant contained
in this agreement, except where and to the extent the claim, demand, cause of
action, loss, action, damage, liability and expense results from the negligence
or willful misconduct of Manager, its directors, managers, officers, employees,
agents or representatives. Sprint Spectrum's indemnification obligations under
this Section 6.1 do not apply to any third party vendors that provide services
(including Selected Services) directly to Manager or Manager's Related Parties
under a separate agreement.

      6.2. Indemnification by Manager. Manager agrees to indemnify, defend and
hold harmless Sprint Spectrum, its directors, officers and employees from and
against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, losses, actions, damages,
liability and expense, including costs and reasonable attorneys' fees, against
Sprint Spectrum, its directors, officers and employees arising from or relating
to Manager's, or its directors', managers', officers', employees', contractors',
subcontractors', agents' or representatives' violation of any law, regulation or
ordinance applicable to Manager, or by Manager's, or its directors', managers',
officers', employees', contractors', subcontractors', agents' or
representatives' breach of any representation, warranty or covenant contained in
this agreement, Manager's ownership of the Operating Assets or the operation of
the Service Area Network, except where and to the extent the claim, demand,
cause of action, loss, action, damage, liability and expense results from the
negligence or willful misconduct of Sprint Spectrum, its directors, officers,
employees, contractors, subcontractors, agents or representatives.


      6.3. Procedure.

            6.3.1. Notice. Any party being indemnified ("Indemnitee") will give
the party making the indemnification ("Indemnitor") written notice as soon as
practicable but no later than 5 Business Days after the party becomes aware of
the facts, conditions or events that give rise to the claim for indemnification

                  (i) any claim or demand is made or liability is asserted
            against Indemnitee; or

                  (ii) any suit, action, or administrative or legal proceeding
            is instituted or commenced in which Indemnitee is involved or is
            named as a defendant either individually or with others.

      Failure to give notice as described in this Section 6.3.1 does not modify
the indemnification obligations of this provision, except if Indemnitor is
harmed by failure to provide timely notice to Indemnitor, then Indemnitor does
not have to indemnify Indemnitee for the harm caused by the failure to give the
timely notice.

            6.3.2. Defense by Indemnitor. If within 30 days after giving notice
Indemnitee receives written notice from Indemnitor stating that Indemnitor
disputes or intends to defend against the claim, demand, liability, suit, action
or proceeding, then Indemnitor will have the right to select counsel of its
choice and to dispute or defend against the claim, demand, liability, suit,
action or proceeding, at its expense.

      Indemnitee will fully cooperate with Indemnitor in the dispute or defense
so long as Indemnitor is conducting the dispute or defense diligently and in
good faith. Indemnitor is not permitted to settle the dispute or claim without
the prior written approval of Indemnitee, which approval will not be
unreasonably withheld. Even though Indemnitor selects counsel of its choice,
Indemnitee has the right to retain additional representation by counsel of its
choice to participate in the defense at Indemnitee's sole cost and expense.

            6.3.3. Defense by Indemnitee. If no notice of intent to dispute or
defend is received by Indemnitee within the 30-day period, or if a diligent and
good faith defense is not being or ceases to be conducted, Indemnitee has the
right to dispute and defend against the claim, demand or other liability at the
sole cost and expense of Indemnitor and to settle the claim, demand or other
liability, and in either event to be indemnified as provided in this Section 6.
Indemnitee is not permitted to settle the dispute or claim without the prior
written approval of Indemnitor, which approval will not be unreasonably

            6.3.4. Costs. Indemnitor's indemnity obligation includes reasonable
attorneys' fees, investigation costs, and all other reasonable costs and
expenses incurred


by Indemnitee from the first notice that any claim or demand has been made or
may be made, and is not limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or
type of damages, compensation, or benefits payable under applicable workers'
compensation acts, disability benefit acts, or other employee benefit acts.

                             7. DISPUTE RESOLUTION

      7.1. Negotiation. The parties will attempt in good faith to resolve any
dispute arising out of or relating to this agreement promptly by negotiation
between or among representatives who have authority to settle the controversy.
Either party may escalate any dispute not resolved in the normal course of
business to the appropriate (as determined by the party) officers of the parties
by providing written notice to the other party.

      Within 10 Business Days after delivery of the notice, the appropriate
officers of each party will meet at a mutually acceptable time and place, and
thereafter as often as they deem reasonably necessary, to exchange relevant
information and to attempt to resolve the dispute.

      Either party may elect, by giving written notice to the other party, to
escalate any dispute arising out of or relating to the determination of fees
that is not resolved in the normal course of business or by the audit process
set forth in Sections 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, first to the appropriate financial or
accounting officers to be designated by each party. The designated officers will
meet in the manner described in the preceding paragraph. If the matter has not
been resolved by the designated officers within 30 days after the notifying
party's notice, either party may elect to escalate the dispute to the
appropriate (as determined by the party) officers in accordance with the prior
paragraphs of this Section 7.1.

      7.2. Unable to Resolve. If a dispute has not been resolved within 60 days
after the notifying party's notice, the parties will continue to operate under
this agreement and sue the other party for damages or seek other appropriate
remedies as provided in this agreement, except neither party may bring a suit
for damages based on an event that occurs during the first two years of this

      7.3. Attorneys and Intent. If an officer intends to be accompanied at a
meeting by an attorney, the other party's officer will be given at least 3
Business Days prior notice of the intention and may also be accompanied by an
attorney. All negotiations under this Section 7 are confidential and will be
treated as compromise and settlement negotiations for purposes of the Federal
Rules of Civil Procedure and state rules of evidence and civil procedure.


                       8. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES

      Each party for itself makes the following representations and warranties
to the other party:

      8.1. Due Incorporation or Formation; Authorization of Agreements. The
party is either a corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership
duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the
jurisdiction of its organization. Manager is qualified to do business and in
good standing in every jurisdiction in which the Service Area is located. The
party has the full power and authority to execute and deliver this agreement and
to perform its obligations under this agreement.

      8.2. Valid and Binding Obligation. This agreement constitutes the valid
and binding obligation of the party, enforceable in accordance with its terms,
except as may be limited by principles of equity or by bankruptcy, insolvency,
reorganization, moratorium or other similar laws affecting the enforcement of
creditors' rights generally.

      8.3. No Conflict; No Default. Neither the execution, delivery and
performance of this agreement nor the consummation by the party of the
transactions contemplated in this agreement will conflict with, violate or
result in a breach of (a) any law, regulation, order, writ, injunction, decree,
determination or award of any governmental authority or any arbitrator,
applicable to such party, or (b) any term, condition or provision of the
articles of incorporation, certificate of limited partnership, certificate of
organization, bylaws, partnership agreement or limited liability company
agreement (or other governing documents) of such party or of any material
agreement or instrument to which such party is or may be bound or to which any
of its material properties or assets is subject.

      8.4. Litigation. No action, suit, proceeding or investigation is pending
or, to the knowledge of the party, threatened against or affecting the party or
any of its properties, assets or businesses in any court or before or by any
governmental agency that could, if adversely determined, reasonably be expected
to have a material adverse effect on the party's ability to perform its
obligations under this agreement. The party has not received any currently
effective notice of any default that could reasonably be expected to result in a
breach of the preceding sentence.

                             9. GENERAL PROVISIONS

      9.1. Notices. Any notice, payment, demand, or communication required or
permitted to be given by any provision of this agreement must be in writing and
mailed (certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt
requested), sent by hand or overnight courier, or sent by facsimile (with
acknowledgment received and a copy sent by overnight courier), charges prepaid
and addressed described on the Notice Address Schedule attached to the Master
Signature Page, or to any other address or number as the person or entity may
from time to time specify by written notice to the other parties.


      All notices and other communications given to a party in accordance with
the provisions of this agreement will be deemed to have been given when

      9.2. Construction. This agreement will be construed simply according to
its fair meaning and not strictly for or against either party.

      9.3. Headings. The table of contents, section and other headings contained
in this agreement are for reference purposes only and are not intended to
describe, interpret, define, limit or expand the scope, extent or intent of this

      9.4. Further Action. Each party agrees to perform all further acts and
execute, acknowledge, and deliver any documents that may be reasonably
necessary, appropriate, or desirable to carry out the intent and purposes of
this agreement.

      9.5. Specific Performance. Each party agrees with the other party that the
party would be irreparably damaged if any of the provisions of this agreement
were not performed in accordance with their specific terms and that monetary
damages alone would not provide an adequate remedy. Accordingly, in addition to
any other remedy to which the non-breaching party may be entitled, at law or in
equity, the non-breaching party will be entitled to injunctive relief to prevent
breaches of this agreement and specifically to enforce the terms and provisions
of this agreement.

      9.6. Entire Agreement; Amendments. The provisions of this agreement and
the Management Agreement (if Sprint Spectrum is a party to that agreement)
(including the exhibits to those agreements) set forth the entire agreement and
understanding between the parties as to the subject matter of this agreement and
supersede all prior agreements, oral or written, and other communications
between the parties relating to the subject matter of this agreement. Except for
Sprint Spectrum's right to amend the Available Services and the fees charged for
such services as shown on Exhibit 2.1.1, and Manager's right to amend the
Selected Services listed on Exhibit 2.1.2, this agreement may be modified or
amended only by a written amendment signed by persons or entities authorized to
bind each party.

      9.7. Limitation on Rights of Others. Nothing in this agreement, whether
express or implied, will be construed to give any person or entity other than
the parties any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim under or in respect of
this agreement.

      9.8. Waivers; Remedies. The observance of any term of this agreement may
be waived (whether generally or in a particular instance and either
retroactively or prospectively) by the party entitled to enforce the term, but
any waiver is effective only if in a writing signed by the party against which
the waiver is to be asserted. Except as otherwise provided in this agreement, no
failure or delay of either party in exercising any power or right under this
agreement will operate as a waiver of the power or right, nor


will any single or partial exercise of any right or power preclude any other or
further exercise of the right or power or the exercise of any other right or

      Sprint Spectrum is not in breach of any covenant in this agreement, if
failure of such party to comply with such covenant or Sprint Spectrum's
non-compliance with the covenant results primarily from:

                  (i) any FCC order or any other injunction issued by any
            governmental authority impeding the ability to comply with the

                  (ii) the failure of any governmental authority to grant any
            consent, approval, waiver, or authorization or any delay on the part
            of any governmental authority in granting any consent, approval,
            waiver or authorization;

                  (iii) the failure of any vendor to deliver in a timely manner
            any equipment or service; or

                  (iv) any act of God, act of war or insurrection, riot, fire,
            accident, explosion, labor unrest, strike, civil unrest, work
            stoppage, condemnation or any similar cause or event not reasonably
            within the control of Sprint Spectrum.

      9.9. Waiver of Jury Trial. EACH PARTY WAIVES, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT

      9.10. Binding Effect. Except as otherwise provided in this agreement, this
agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the parties and their
respective and permitted successors, transferees, and assigns, including any
permitted successor, transferee or assignee of the Management Agreement. The
parties intend that this agreement bind only the party signing this agreement
and that the agreement is not binding on the Related Parties of a party unless
the agreement provides that Related Parties are bound.

      9.11. Governing Law. The internal laws of the State of Missouri (without
regard to principles of conflicts of law) govern the validity of this agreement,
the construction of its terms, and the interpretation of the rights and duties
of the parties.

      9.12. Severability. The parties intend every provision of this agreement
to be severable. If any provision of this agreement is held to be illegal,
invalid, or unenforceable for any reason, the parties intend that a court
enforce the provision to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the
intent of the parties (including the


enforcement of the remaining provisions). If necessary to effect the intent of
the parties, the parties will negotiate in good faith to amend this agreement to
replace the unenforceable provision with an enforceable provision that reflects
the original intent of the parties.

      9.13. Limitation of Liability. NO PARTY WILL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER PARTY

      9.14. No Assignment; Exceptions. This agreement may only be assigned in
conjunction with and to the same party or parties to whom the Management
Agreement has been validly assigned under the Management Agreement's terms and

      9.15. Disclaimer of Agency. Neither party by this agreement makes the
other party a legal representative or agent of the party, nor does either party
have the right to obligate the other party in any manner, except if the other
party expressly permits the obligation by the party or except for provisions in
this agreement expressly authorizing one party to obligate the other.

      9.16. Independent Contractors. The parties do not intend to create any
partnership, joint venture or other profit-sharing arrangement, landlord-tenant
or lessor-lessee relationship, employer-employee relationship, or any other
relationship other than that expressly provided in this agreement. Neither party
to this agreement has any fiduciary duty to the other party.

      9.17. Expense. Each party bears the expense of complying with this
agreement except as otherwise expressly provided in this agreement.

      9.18. General Terms.

            (a) This agreement, including the attached Schedule of Definitions,
is to be interpreted in accordance with the following rules of construction:

                  (i) The definitions in this agreement apply equally to both
the singular and plural forms of the terms defined unless the context otherwise

                  (ii) The words "include," "includes" and "including" are
deemed to be followed by the phrase "without limitation";


                  (iii) All references in this agreement to Sections and
Exhibits are references to Sections of, and Exhibits to, this agreement, unless
otherwise specified; and

                  (iv) All references to any agreement or other instrument or
statute or regulation are to it as amended and supplemented from time to time
(and, in the case of a statute or regulation, to any corresponding provisions of
successor statutes or regulations), unless the context otherwise requires.

            (b) Any reference in this agreement to a "day" or number of "days"
(without the explicit qualification of "Business") is a reference to a calendar
day or number of calendar days. If any action or notice is to be taken or given
on or by a particular calendar day, and the calendar day is not a Business Day,
then the action or notice may be taken or given on the next Business Day.

      9.19. Conflicts with Management Agreement. The provisions of the
Management Agreement govern over those of this Services Agreement if the
provisions contained in this agreement conflict with analogous provisions in the
Management Agreement.

      9.20. Master Signature Page. Each party agrees that it will execute the
Master Signature Page that evidences such party's agreement to execute, become a
party to and be bound by this agreement, which document is incorporated herein
by this reference.
