MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT made at Montreal, Quebec, on March 5, 2004.

BY AND BETWEEN:         OPTIMAL ROBOTICS Corp., a corporation constituted
                        pursuant to the Canada Business Corporations Act, with a
                        place of business at 4700 de la Savane, Suite 101, in
                        the City of Montreal, Province of Quebec

                        (hereinafter, the "Corporation");

AND:                    MR. GARY S. WECHSLER, executive, residing at 145
                        Finchley, in the City of Montreal, Province of Quebec
                        H3X 3A3;

                        (hereinafter, the "Executive")

WHEREAS the Executive is currently employed as Treasurer and Chief Financial
Officer of the Corporation;

WHEREAS the parties desire to enter into this Agreement setting forth the terms
and conditions of the employment of the Executive with the Corporation from and
after the date hereof and the benefits attaching thereto;

NOW, THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH THAT, in consideration of the mutual
covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows:

                                   ARTICLE 1

1.1   Definitions. Where used herein or in any amendments hereto or in any
      communication required or permitted to be given hereunder, the following
      words and phrases shall have the following meanings, respectively, unless
      the context otherwise requires:

      (a)   "Affiliate" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Canada
            Business Corporations Act, as amended;

      (b)   "Agreement" shall mean this Executive Employment Agreement and all
            instruments supplemental hereto or in amendment or confirmation
            hereof; "herein", "hereof", "hereto", "hereunder" and similar
            expressions mean and refer to this Agreement and not to any
            particular Article, Section, Subsection or other subdivision;
            "Article", "Section", "Subsection" or other subdivision of this
            Agreement means and refers to the specified Article, Section,
            Subsection or other subdivision of this Agreement;

      (c)   "Base Salary" has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 4.1;


      (d)   "Basic Payments" shall mean an amount equal to the aggregate of (i)
            earned but unpaid Base Salary, (ii) earned but unpaid bonuses, if
            any, calculated, in the case of the fiscal year during which
            termination of employment occurs, on a per diem basis from the first
            day of such fiscal year to the date of termination, (iii) unpaid
            business expense reimbursement, (iv) the amount payable for unused
            vacation days, as provided for in the Corporation's vacation policy,
            and (v) the value for income tax purposes of other benefits to which
            the Executive is entitled;

      (e)   "Board" means the board of directors of the Corporation;

      (f)   "Business" shall mean the business conducted by the Corporation or
            its Affiliate, as applicable, on the date of the termination of the
            Executive's employment;

      (g)   "Cause" shall mean the occurrence of any one of the following acts
            or events by or relating to the Executive:

            (i)   the habitual neglect or failure to fulfill obligations
                  assigned by the Co-Chairmen of the Corporation or to carry out
                  lawful orders relating to employment hereunder, except to the
                  extent any such assigned obligation or lawful order
                  constitutes Good Reason;

            (ii)  habitual inability to carry out functions of employment due to
                  alcohol or drug related causes;

            (iii) theft, fraud or embezzlement from the Corporation or any other
                  material act of dishonesty relating to the Executive's
                  employment; or

            (iv)  conviction of a crime (other than traffic violations and minor

      (h)   "Change of Control" shall mean the occurrence of any of (i) the
            acquisition by an arm's length third party, directly or indirectly,
            by way of take-over bid, merger or other similar procedure, of
            outstanding shares of the Corporation representing more than thirty
            percent (30%) of the votes attaching to all outstanding voting
            shares of the Corporation; or (ii) the acquisition by an arm's
            length third party, directly or indirectly, of all or substantially
            all of the assets of the Corporation; or (iii) one-third or more of
            the members of the Board consisting of persons other than Current
            Directors (and for these purposes a "Current Director" shall mean
            any member of the Board elected at or continuing in office after the
            2004 annual and special meeting of shareholders of the Corporation,
            any successor of a Current Director who has been approved by a
            majority of the Current Directors then on the Board, and any other
            person who has been approved by a majority of the Current Directors
            then on the Board);

      (i)   "Confidential Information" shall mean, all information howsoever
            received by the Executive from or through the Corporation in
            whatever form (oral, written, machine readable or otherwise)
            pertaining to the Corporation or any of its Affiliates, including,
            without limitation, Intellectual Property Rights, processes,


            formulas, research, developments, financial information, marketing
            information, names or lists of customers, prospective customers,
            suppliers or distributors; provided, however, that the phrase
            "Confidential Information" shall not include information that:

            (i)   is in the public domain, or generally known in the industry in
                  which the Corporation or its Affiliate operates, as
                  applicable, without any fault or responsibility of the

            (ii)  is approved by the Board for disclosure by the Executive prior
                  to its actual disclosure;

      (j)   "Good Reason" shall mean the occurrence of any one of the following
            acts or events without the prior written consent of the Executive:

            (i)   the express or constructive demotion of the Executive
                  including any change in his title, status, position, job
                  function, job responsibilities and/or reporting
                  responsibilities within the Corporation;

            (ii)  the diminishment of the Executive's authority or
                  responsibility as a senior executive of the Corporation, a
                  change in the Executive's duties or in the scope of such
                  duties including the assignment to the Executive of duties and
                  responsibilities which are inconsistent with his status and/or
                  position within the Corporation;

            (iii) a reduction in the Executive's Base Salary or in the level of
                  participation by the Executive in the Corporation's bonus plan
                  for senior executives of the Corporation, unless such
                  reduction is voluntary on the part of the Executive;

            (iv)  a material reduction in the Executive's benefits; or

            (v)   a material breach by the Corporation of this Agreement which
                  is not remedied after thirty (30) days written notice thereof;

      (k)   "Incapacity" shall mean any medical condition whatsoever which leads
            to the Executive's absence from his job function for a continuous
            period of twelve (12) months without the Executive being able to
            resume functions on a full time basis at the expiration of such
            period; and unsuccessful attempts to return to work for periods of
            less than fifteen (15) days shall not interrupt the calculation of
            such twelve (12) month period;

      (l)   "Intellectual Property Rights" shall mean all registered and
            unregistered intellectual property rights including, without
            limiting the generality of the foregoing, all intellectual property
            rights attached to:


            (i)   all inventions, patentable or not patentable, trademarks,
                  trade names, copyrights, industrial designs, trade secrets,
                  topographies and all other intellectual property rights; and

            (ii)  all domestic and foreign registrations, applications and
                  renewals thereof for registration of intellectual property

      (m)   "Person" shall mean an individual, corporation, company,
            cooperative, partnership, trust, unincorporated association, entity
            with juridical personality or governmental authority or body; and
            pronouns which refer to a Person shall have a similarly extended
            meaning; and

      (n)   "Territory" shall mean Canada and the United States of America.

1.2   Preamble. The preamble hereof shall form an integral part of this

                                   ARTICLE 2

2.1   The Executive shall continue to hold the positions of Treasurer and Chief
      Financial Officer of the Corporation.

2.2   The Executive shall report to the Co-Chairmen of the Corporation.

2.3   The Executive's duties and responsibilities shall include, in addition to
      those inherent to the Executive's title and normally pertaining to such
      title, those compatible with the Executive's position and which the
      Co-Chairmen of the Corporation may delegate or assign to him from time to

                                   ARTICLE 3

3.1   This Agreement is hereby concluded for an indeterminate period of time.

                                   ARTICLE 4

4.1   The Executive shall receive an annual base salary in an amount not less
      than that to which he is currently entitled (which, for greater certainty,
      shall include the portions thereof paid in periodic installments and the
      so-called forced savings amount payable in one annual installment),
      without giving effect to the voluntary temporary reduction to such base
      salary that has been in effect since October 3, 2003 (herein, the "Base

4.2   Eighty percent of the Base Salary in respect of any year shall be paid to
      the Executive in accordance with the general payroll practice of the
      Corporation. The remaining twenty percent of the Base Salary shall be paid
      to the Executive on the first payroll payment day in the next following


4.3   The parties agree that the Corporation, through its Compensation Committee
      or independent directors, as applicable, shall, in each year within 30
      days following the approval by the Board of the audited financial
      statements of the Corporation for the immediately preceding year, and may,
      at any time, review and at its discretion adjust, the amount of the Base
      Salary; provided, however, that the amount of Base Salary in any year
      shall in no event be less than the Base Salary paid or payable to the
      Executive during any previous year of his employment with the Corporation.

                                    ARTICLE 5

5.1   The Executive shall be entitled to participate in the bonus plan for
      senior executives of the Corporation, when approved by the Board. The
      Executive shall be paid an annual bonus in respect of each fiscal year
      during the term of this agreement, in such amount, if any, and at such
      time(s) as shall be determined pursuant to the Corporation's bonus plan
      for senior executives of the Corporation; and (b) until such time as the
      aforesaid bonus plan is approved by the Board, the Executive's annual
      bonus shall be determined at the sole discretion of the Board.

5.2   The earned bonuses shall be paid within ten (10) days following the
      approval, by the Board, of the Corporation's audited annual financial

                                   ARTICLE 6
                           TREATMENT OF STOCK OPTIONS

6.1   Should the Executive's employment be terminated by the Corporation without
      Cause or by the Executive with Good Reason, before the announcement of a
      transaction or event constituting a Change of Control, or should the
      Executive's employment be terminated by the Executive for any reason
      (whether with or without Good Reason) following the completion of a
      transaction or event constituting a Change of Control, or should the
      Executive's employment be terminated by the Corporation for any reason
      (whether with or without Cause) following the announcement of a
      transaction or event constituting a Change of Control, all options to
      purchase shares of the Corporation then held by the Executive
      (collectively, "Options") shall vest immediately upon the termination of
      the Executive's employment and, subject to obtaining any required
      regulatory approvals and further subject to Section 6.2, shall remain
      exercisable for the remainder of the original term thereof.

6.2   The Corporation shall be required to use its reasonable efforts to obtain
      within 75 days following the date of any termination of the Executive's
      employment referred to in Section 6.1 (the "Termination Date"), any
      regulatory approvals that are required to permit all Options to remain
      exercisable for the remainder of the original term thereof notwithstanding
      such termination of employment; provided, however, that the Corporation
      shall have no obligation to seek any shareholder approval that might be
      established by the applicable regulatory authority as a condition
      precedent to the grant of any such regulatory approval. If for any reason
      such regulatory approvals are not obtained by such date, the Executive
      shall (to the extent that he has not already done so),


      exercise all in-the-money Options on or prior to the 90th day (the
      "Calculation Date") after the Termination Date and the Corporation shall
      pay to the Executive on the day following the Calculation Date, in a lump
      sum (less any statutory deductions at source), an amount equal to the fair
      market value of the Options determined as of the Termination Date and as
      if the Options remained exercisable in full for the remainder of the
      original term thereof, less the amount of the Gain (as hereinafter
      defined) realized by the Executive upon his exercise of such in-the-money
      Options. For the purposes of this Section 6.2, the Gain realized by the
      Executive upon his exercise of such in-the-money Options shall equal the
      difference between a) the aggregate exercise price of such in-the-money
      Options and b) to the extent any of the shares underlying the Options are
      sold on or prior to the Calculation Date, the proceeds from such sale net
      of any brokerage commission, and to the extent such shares are not sold by
      the Calculation Date, the average closing price for the Class "A" shares
      of Optimal on the principal market or exchange on which such shares are
      traded, over the five trading days ending on the Calculation Date (and
      including the Calculation Date, if such market or exchange is open for
      trading on such date).

6.3   The fair market value of the Options shall be determined by the auditors
      of the Corporation, at the expense of the Corporation, on or prior to the
      Calculation Date, by using the Black-Scholes valuation model and such
      assumptions for use in such model as are reasonable and appropriate in
      their professional judgment (such fair market value determination
      hereinafter called the "Determination"). Before making the Determination,
      the auditors shall give the Executive the opportunity to be heard and to
      present the opinion of his professional advisors at his expense. A copy of
      the Determination and the related calculations shall be provided promptly
      to the Executive and such Determination shall be final and binding upon
      the parties and not subject to appeal.

                                    ARTICLE 7
                              BENEFITS AND VACATION

7.1   The Executive shall participate in all benefit programs and/or plans of
      general application which are presently granted or which, at any time
      during his employment, may be granted to senior executives of the
      Corporation, the whole in accordance with the actual programs or plans
      that the Corporation may institute from time to time or as otherwise
      required under any applicable law.

7.2   All business expenses incurred by the Executive during his employment in
      connection with the performance of his duties shall be reimbursed by the
      Corporation upon submission of invoices or other supporting documentation
      in accordance with company policy.

7.3   The Executive shall be entitled to such number of paid vacation days per
      fiscal year of the Corporation as shall be in keeping with the vacation
      policy of the Corporation as it applies to its senior executive officers,
      to be taken at such times and intervals as shall be determined by the
      Executive, subject to the reasonable business needs of the Corporation.


7.4   During the term of this Agreement, the Corporation shall, in addition to
      any other insurance coverage provided to the Executive in his capacity as
      an officer of the Corporation, pay or reimburse to the Executive or his
      designee the cost of the reasonable premiums associated with a personal
      life and disability insurance policy with a minimum coverage of
      US$3,000,000 (or the Canadian dollar equivalent thereof) in term or whole
      life insurance, which policy shall be owned by the Executive or his

7.5   All legal, accounting and other expenses incurred by the Executive to
      successfully recover any amount or enforce performance of any other
      obligation due to him by the Corporation shall be reimbursed by the
      Corporation within ten (10) days of the presentation of appropriate
      supporting documents.

                                    ARTICLE 8

8.1   The Executive hereby agrees not to use, divulge, diffuse, sell, transfer,
      give, publish, reproduce, circulate, or otherwise distribute to any
      Person, or otherwise make public, any Confidential Information.

8.2   Any document or work composed, assembled or produced by the Executive or
      the Corporation in whatever form (oral, written, machine readable or
      otherwise), and containing Confidential Information (including, without
      limitation, all notes, extracts, text or references from which any
      Confidential Information can be implicitly or otherwise revealed or
      understood) shall be deemed to be Confidential Information within the
      meaning of this Agreement and shall be treated as such.

8.3   Confidential Information and all embodiments thereof (including any
      reproduction) shall remain the sole property of the Corporation and shall
      be returned to the Corporation immediately upon request to this effect or
      immediately after the termination of the Executive's employment.

8.4   Anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding, disclosure of
      Confidential Information shall not be precluded if such disclosure is in
      response to a valid order of a governmental body or is otherwise required
      by law; provided however that the Executive shall, if reasonably possible,
      first have given notice thereof to the Corporation and shall have, as
      reasonably possible:

      (a)   fully cooperated in the Corporation's attempt, if any, to obtain a
            "protective order" from the appropriate governmental body; or

      (b)   attempted to classify such documents to prevent access by the
            public, in accordance with the provisions of any law pertaining to
            freedom of information.

                                    ARTICLE 9
                          OBLIGATION OF NON-COMPETITION

9.1   The Executive shall not, during his employment and for a period of two (2)
      years following the termination of his employment, provided that the
      Corporation is not in


      material default hereunder or under any stock option agreement between the
      parties, on his own behalf or on behalf of any Person, whether directly or
      indirectly, in any capacity whatsoever, alone, through or in connection
      with any Person, carry on or be employed by, be engaged in or have any
      financial interest in any business in all or part of the Territory which
      is in direct competition with the Business.

9.2   The Executive shall not be in default under Section 9.1 by virtue of
      holding, strictly for portfolio purposes and as a passive Investor, not
      more than five percent (5%) of the issued and outstanding shares of, or
      any other interest in, any Person which is listed on any recognized stock

                                   ARTICLE 10

10.1  The Executive shall not, during his employment and for a period of two (2)
      years following the termination of his employment provided that the
      Corporation is not in material default hereunder or under any stock option
      agreement between the parties, on his own behalf or on behalf of any
      Person, whether directly or indirectly, in any capacity whatsoever, alone,
      through or in connection with any Person, employ, offer employment to or
      solicit the employment or engagement of or otherwise entice away from the
      employment of the Corporation or any one of its Affiliates, any individual
      who is employed by the Corporation or such Affiliate at the time of the
      termination of the Executive's employment or who was employed by the
      Corporation or such Affiliate in the six (6) month period preceding the
      termination of the Executive's employment.

                                   ARTICLE 11
                            TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT

11.1  The Executive's employment may be terminated in any of the following

      (a)   At any time, for Cause, upon written notice from the Corporation to
            the Executive;

      (b)   Upon the death or the Incapacity of the Executive;

      (c)   Upon sixty (60) days written notice from the Executive to the
            Corporation, specifying the intention of the Executive to resign
            (except if Good Reason exists, in which event the Executive may
            terminate his employment at any time by written notice to the
            Corporation); or

      (d)   At any time, by the Corporation, without Cause, upon written notice
            from the Corporation to the Executive.

11.2  No purported termination of employment by the Corporation shall be valid
      or effective unless it has been approved at a meeting of the Board duly
      called and held, and approved by a vote of two-thirds of the directors
      then in office and qualified to vote thereon (rounded up to the next whole
      number of directors), and a certified copy of which shall


      accompany the Corporation's written notice of termination of the
      Executive's employment.

                                   ARTICLE 12

12.1  Should the Executive's employment be terminated prior to the announcement
      of a transaction or event constituting a Change of Control a) by the
      Corporation for Cause or upon the death or the Incapacity of the
      Executive, or b) upon the Executive's resignation without Good Reason, the
      Corporation shall pay to the Executive within ten (10) days following the
      termination of his employment, in one lump sum (less statutory deductions
      at source), the Basic Payments except for bonuses forming part of the
      Basic Payments which shall be paid in accordance with Section 5.2 of this
      Agreement. The Executive shall not be entitled to receive any pay in lieu
      of notice, severance pay or any indemnity whatsoever, other than the Basic

12.2  Should the Executive's employment be terminated prior to the announcement
      of a transaction or event constituting a Change of Control a) by the
      Corporation without Cause, or b) by the Executive for Good Reason, (1) the
      Corporation shall pay to the Executive (A) the Basic Payments, and (B) an
      amount (the "Termination Payment") equal to two (2) times the highest
      annual Base Salary paid or payable to the Executive during his employment
      hereunder (hereinafter, the "Highest Base Salary") plus two (2) times the
      highest aggregate bonuses paid or payable to him in respect of any year of
      his employment hereunder (hereinafter, the "Highest Aggregate Bonuses"),
      each payable in one lump sum (less statutory deductions at source) within
      ten (10) days following the termination of his employment, except for
      bonuses forming part of the Basic Payments which shall be paid in
      accordance with Section 5.2 of this Agreement, and (2) the insurance, if
      any, then owned by the Executive or his designee for which the Corporation
      is responsible for the cost of the premiums in accordance with Section 7.4
      shall forthwith be converted to, or replaced by a level deposit premium
      insurance policy to age 80, for the same insurance amount, which policy
      shall be owned by the Executive or his designee, and the Corporation shall
      pay directly to the insurance carrier the entire cost of the premium for
      such level deposit premium insurance policy (the "Insurance Covenant").

12.3  Should the Executive's employment be terminated by the Corporation for any
      reason (whether with or without Cause) following the announcement of a
      transaction or event constituting a Change of Control or by the Executive
      (whether with or without Good Reason) following the completion of a
      transaction or event constituting a Change of Control, the Corporation
      shall pay to the Executive the Basic Payments and the Termination Payment,
      in each case as described, and payable on the dates set forth in Section
      12.2, and shall perform the Insurance Covenant, as described in Section

12.4  The Executive recognizes and accepts that the Corporation shall not, in
      any case, be responsible for any additional amount, indemnity in lieu of
      notice, severance pay or other damages arising from the termination of his
      employment, except for those specifically provided for herein.


                                   ARTICLE 13

13.1  Payments and Withholdings. All Base Salary (other than the twenty percent
      portion thereof that is payable in one annual installment) and bonus, if
      any, payable hereunder shall be paid in accordance with the Corporation's
      general payroll practice and all amounts paid to the Executive hereunder
      shall be paid net of any amounts to be withheld as required by applicable

13.2  Headings. The headings in this Agreement are inserted for convenience of
      reference only and shall not affect the interpretation hereof.

13.3  Severability. Any Article, Section, Subsection or other subdivision of
      this Agreement or any other provision of this Agreement which is, or
      becomes, illegal, invalid or unenforceable shall be severed herefrom and
      shall be ineffective to the extent of such illegality, invalidity or
      unenforceability and shall not affect or impair the remaining provisions
      hereof, which provisions shall (a) be severed from any illegal, invalid or
      unenforceable Article, Section, Subsection or other subdivision of this
      Agreement or any other provision of this Agreement; and (b) otherwise
      remain in full force and effect.

13.4  Amendments. No amendment shall be binding unless expressly provided in an
      instrument duly executed by the parties.

13.5  Waiver. No waiver, whether by conduct or otherwise, of any of the
      provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of any
      other provisions (whether or not similar) nor shall such waiver constitute
      a continuing waiver unless otherwise expressly provided in an instrument
      duly executed by the parties to be bound thereby.

13.6  Existing Agreement. This Agreement shall supersede and replace any
      employment agreement entered into by the Corporation and the Executive
      prior to the signature of this Agreement.

13.7  Notices. Any notice given pursuant hereto shall be in writing and shall be
      sufficiently given if delivered (whether in person, by courier service or
      other personal method of delivery), or if transmitted by facsimile:

      (a)   If to the Corporation:

            c/o 7350 TransCanada Highway
            Montreal, Quebec
            H4T 1A3

            Attention: Chief Executive Officer
            Telecopy No.: (514) 738-8355

      (b)   If to the Executive, at his address first hereinabove set forth;
            telecopy no.: not applicable


13.8  Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted and
      construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Quebec and the
      laws of Canada applicable therein.

13.9  Language. The parties hereto acknowledge that they have requested and are
      satisfied that this Agreement and all related documents be drawn up in the
      English language. Les parties aux presentes reconnaissent avoir requis que
      la presente entente et les documents qui y sont relatifs soient rediges en


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by the parties hereto on
the date and at the place first above-mentioned.

                                                OPTIMAL ROBOTICS CORP.

                                          Per:  /s/ HOLDEN L. OSTRIN
                                                HOLDEN L. OSTRIN

                                          Per:  /s/ NEIL S. WECHSLER
                                                NEIL S. WECHSLER

                                                /S/ GARY S. WECHSLER
                                                GARY S. WECHSLER
