Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 6-K

                           THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1934

For the month of April 22, 2004

Commission File Number 000-17729

                          FORUM ENERGY CORPORATION
                 (Address of principal executive office)

             700 2 nd st s.w. suite 1400 Calgary, AB, TZP4VS CANADA
                  (Translation of principal executive offices)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports
under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.
Form 20-F |X| Form 40-F |_|

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as
permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1) |_|

Indicate by check mark the registrant urnishing the information contained in
this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant
to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Yes |_| No |X|

If "Yes" is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant in
connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): 82-____________



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                              FORUM ENERGY CORPORATION

                                              By:/s/ David M. Thompson
Date: April 22, 2004                          Name:    David M. Thompson
                                              Title:   CFO

                            [LOGO] FORUM


                            To be held May 18th 2005

                                April 22nd 2005

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

INFORMATION CIRCULAR                                                                    6
GLOSSARY OF TERMS                                                                       9
ABBREVIATIONS AND CONVERSIONS                                                          13
SUMMARY INFORMATION                                                                    14
THE TRANSACTION                                                                        20
EFFECT OF THE TRANSACTION                                                              21
INFORMATION CONCERNING FORUM ENERGY CORPORATION                                        27
INFORMATION CONCERNING NEWCO                                                           27
INFORMATION CONCERNING FORUM (FEI) LIMITED                                             27
GENERAL PROXY MATTERS                                                                  29
Appendix A FEC Resolutions                                                             31
Appendix B Transaction Agreement                                                       32
Appendix C Information Concerning Forum Energy Plc (Newco)                             75
Appendix D Information Concerning Forum Philippines Holdings Limited (Holdco)          76
Appendix E Information Concerning Forum (FEI) Limited                                  77
Appendix F Information Concerning Forum Far East Limited                               78
Appendix G Competent persons report on Combined Philippine Petroleum Assets            79
Appendix H Competent persons report on Coal Assets                                     98
Appendix I Selected consolidated financial information and M D & A for FEC            126
Appendix J Section 190 of the Canadian Business Corporations Act                      139

[LOGO] FORUM                                            Forum Energy Corporation
       ENERGY                                                         Suite 1400
       CORPORATION                                          700 - 2nd street SW
                                                                Calgary, Alberta
                                                                  Canada T2P 4V5

                                               E-mail: enquiries@forumenergy.com
                                             Website: http://www.forumenergy.com

                                                             Tel: 1-403-290-1676
                                                             Fax: 1-403-398-1382

April 22nd 2005

Dear Shareholders

Re: Forum Energy Corporation ("FEC") special meeting

You are invited to attend a special meeting of Forum Energy Corporation ("FEC or
The Company")  common  shareholders  at 10.00 AM Pacific  Standard Time (PST) on
18th May 2005 at the following address:

Computershare Inc, 4th Floor, 510 Burrard Street, Vancouver. BC V6C 3B9, CANADA

At the meeting,  you will be asked to consider and adopt resolutions  approving,
inter  alia,  the  terms,  conditions  and  the  consummation  of a  Transaction
Agreement dated April 22nd,  2005 (the  "Transaction  Agreement")  between Forum
Energy Corporation and Sterling Energy Plc ("SEY") a United Kingdom ("UK") based
oil and gas company whose common shares are traded on the Alternative Investment
Market of the London Stock Exchange  ("AIM")  pursuant to which FEC and SEY will
transfer  to a newly  formed UK company  ("Newco  or Forum  Energy  Plc")  their
Philippine assets as follows:

      o     SEY will initially  transfer title of its Philippine License GSEC101
            (commonly  referred  to as Reed Bank)  ("SEY  Philippine  asset") to
            Newco through a wholly owned  subsidiary  ("Sterling Gas Philippines
            Limited") in exchange for 100% of the issued and outstanding  shares
            of Newco.

      o     Forum Energy  Corporation  will then transfer its 66.67% interest in
            Forum  Exploration,  Inc ("FEC Philippine asset") to Newco through a
            newly formed  wholly-owned  subsidiary  ("Forum (FEI) Limited"),  in
            exchange  for 71.4% of the to be issued  and  outstanding  shares of
            Newco thus diluting SEY's interest in Newco to 28.6%

Following  completion  of the  foregoing  transfers  the ownership of Newco will
initially be 71.4% FEC, 28.6%SEY. During May 2005 Newco will subsequently make a
Pre-Initial  Public Offering  ("Pre-IPO")  for  approximately  (pound)4  million
(Cdn$9.1 million), which is to be followed by an Initial Public Offering ("IPO")
to raise further  capital in conjunction  with an  application  for admission to
AIM.  Although there is no firm  commitment from an underwriter to effect either
the Pre-IPO or the IPO,  certain  investors  sourced by SEY have indicated their
support for the Pre-IPO offering as a "cornerstone" investor.

The proceeds of the  contemplated  financings  will be used by Newco for working
capital and the  continued  development  of the combined FEC and SEY  Philippine
assets  ("Combined  Philippine  assets").  The  effect  of such  financings,  if
completed, will be to significantly dilute Forum's equity interest in Newco.



The accompanying  Information Circular provides more complete information on the
Transaction  Agreement and the transactions  contemplated thereby and the impact
on Forum shareholders.  Additionally,  in further support of Newco's anticipated
activities  and to  more  fully  reflect  the  Company's  significant  ownership
interest  in  Newco,  it  is  further  proposed  that  you  consider  and  adopt
resolutions approving (upon consummation of the transactions contemplated by the
Transaction Agreement):

      o     A name change from Forum Energy  Corporation to FEC Resources,  Inc.
            so as to allow  Newco to adopt the name  Forum  Energy  Plc and thus
            avoid any possible  confusion,  arising from both companies  sharing
            the same name,  as the company  continues to pursue the  acquisition
            and development of other business opportunities.

      o     The change of the domicile of Forum Energy  Corporation  from Canada
            to  another  location,  to be  determined  at a  later  date  by the
            Company's  Board of  Directors.  Your Board seeking your approval on
            this issue because FEC has no Canadian Assets; Canadian shareholders
            account  for only a minority of the total  shareholders,  and such a
            change  in  domicile  may be  affected  with a minimal  tax  impact.
            Notwithstanding  any  change in  domicile,  the  Company  expects to
            continue its status as a Reporting  Issuer in Canada and to continue
            its listing on the OTC BB market in the United States. We shall seek
            your approval to permit the FEC Board of Directors to complete their
            investigation  on the  issue of change  of  domicile,  and if deemed
            appropriate by the FEC Board of Directors, in their sole discretion,
            to change the  domicile of the Company to such  jurisdiction  as the
            FEC Board of Directors may determine.

Your Board, based upon its own investigations has unanimously concluded that the
above proposed  resolutions  are in the best interests of our Company as well as
our shareholders  and recommends that you vote in favor of the  resolutions.  In
addition, many of our major shareholders accounting for approximately 81% of the
current  issued and  outstanding  shares in the company,  have  indicated  their
support to these  Transactions  and have notified us that they intend to vote in
favor of the resolutions.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Yours very truly,

"David R. Robinson"

David Russell Robinson
President and Chief Executive Officer


A Forum Energy Corporation  Shareholder may attend the FEC Special Meeting ("FEC
Meeting") in person or may be represented  by proxy.  FEC  Shareholders  who are
unable to attend  the FEC  Meeting  or any  adjournment  thereof  in person  are
requested to date, sign and return the accompanying applicable form of proxy for
use at the  FEC  Meeting  or  any  adjournment  thereof.  To be  effective,  the
applicable proxy must be received by Computershare,  Inc, 4th Floor, 510 Burrard
Street,  Vancouver,  BC, V6C 3B9, Canada 4:30 p.m. (Vancouver time) on the first
business  day prior to the date of the FEC Meeting or any  adjournment  thereof.
FEC Shareholders  who are planning on returning the  accompanying  form of proxy
are encouraged to review the Information  Circular  carefully before  submitting
the proxy form.

Registered  holders of FEC Shares have the right to dissent  with respect to the
FEC Resolutions and, if the FEC Resolutions  becomes  effective,  to be paid the
fair value of their FEC  Common  shares in  accordance  with the  provisions  of
Section 190 of the Canadian Business Corporations Act. A FEC Shareholder's right
to dissent is more  particularly  described in the Information  Circular and the
text of Section 190 of the Canadian  Business  Corporations  Act is set forth in
Appendix  J  to  the  accompanying   Information   Circular.  A  dissenting  FEC
Shareholder  must send to the  President of FEC, a written  objection to the FEC
Resolutions,  which written objection must be received by FEC, at its registered
office,  by 4:00 p.m. on the Business Day immediately  preceding the date of the
FEC Meeting.

Failure to strictly comply with the requirements set forth in Section 190 of the
Canadian  Business  Corporations  Act may  result  in the  loss of any  right to
dissent.  Persons who are beneficial owners of FEC Shares registered in the name
of a broker, custodian, nominee or other intermediary who wish to dissent should
be aware that only the registered holders of FEC Shares are entitled to dissent.
Accordingly,  a beneficial owner of FEC Shares desiring to exercise the right to
dissent must make  arrangements  for the FEC Shares  beneficially  owned by such
holder to be  registered  in the  holder's  name  prior to the time the  written
objection  to the  FEC  Resolutions  is  required  to be  received  by  FEC  or,
alternatively, make arrangements for the registered holder of such FEC Shares to
dissent on behalf of the holder.

Dated at the City of  Calgary,  in the  Province  of  Alberta,  this 22nd day of
April, 2005


                                 "David R. Robinson"

                                 David Russell Robinson
                                 President and Chief Executive Officer
                                 Forum Energy Corporation


                              INFORMATION CIRCULAR


This  Information  Circular is furnished in connection with the  solicitation of
proxies by and on behalf of the management of FEC for use at the FEC Meeting and
any adjournment  thereof.  No Person has been authorized to give any information
or  make  any  representation  in  connection  with  any  of the  matters  to be
considered  at the  Meeting  other  than  those  contained  in this  Information
Circular and, if given or made, any such information or representation  must not
be relied upon as having been authorized.

The information concerning FEC, SEY, and Newco ("the Parties") contained in this
Information  Circular  has been  provided by FEC.  Although SEY and Newco has no
knowledge  that  would  indicate  that  any of such  information  is  untrue  or
incomplete, SEY and Newco does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or
completeness of such  information or the failure by FEC to disclose events which
may have occurred or may affect the completeness or accuracy of such information
but which are unknown to SEY and/or Newco.

All  summaries  of, and  references  to, the  Transactions  in this  Information
Circular are  qualified in their  entirety by reference to the complete  text of
the  Transaction  Agreement  between  FEC and SEY, a copy of which  included  in
Appendix B of this  Information  Circular.  The attention of FEC shareholders is
drawn to the notice set out in Appendix B of this information circular.

All  capitalized  terms  used in this  Information  Circular  but not  otherwise
defined  herein  have  the  meanings  set  forth  under   "Glossary  of  Terms".
Information  contained  in this  Information  Circular is given as of April 22nd
2005 unless otherwise specifically stated.

Forward-looking Statements

This Information Circular, including documents incorporated by reference herein,
contains  forward-looking  statements.  All statements  other than statements of
historical  fact  contained in this  Information  Circular  are  forward-looking
statements,  including,  without  limitation,  statements  regarding  the future
financial  position,   business  strategy,   proposed   acquisitions,   budgets,
litigation,  projected  costs and  plans  and  objectives  of or  involving  the
Parties,  can  identify  many of these  statements  by looking for words such as
"believe", "expects", "will", "intends", "projects", "anticipates", "estimates",
"continues"  or similar  words or the negative  thereof.  These  forward-looking
statements include statements with respect to: amounts of capital  expenditures;
the amount and timing of the payment of the distributions; production rates; the
timing of the  Transactions;  the  satisfaction of listing  conditions;  and the
consummation of the transactions described in the Transaction  Agreement.  There
can be no assurance that the plans,  intentions or expectations upon which these
forward-looking  statements are based will occur. Forward looking statements are
subject to risks,  uncertainties  and  assumptions,  including  those  discussed
elsewhere  in  this  Information  Circular.   Although  FEC  believes  that  the
expectations  represented in such  forward-looking  statements  are  reasonable,
there can be no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct.  Some
of the risks which could affect future results and could cause results to differ
materially  from those  expressed in the  forward-looking  statements  contained
herein include: the impact of general economic conditions,  industry conditions,
governmental regulation,  volatility of commodity prices, currency fluctuations,
imprecision of reserve estimates,  environmental  risks,  competition from other
industry  participants,  the lack of  availability  of  qualified  personnel  or
management,  stock market  volatility and ability to access  sufficient  capital
from  internal and external  sources and the risk that actual  results will vary
from the results  forecasted and such  variations  may be material,  all as more
fully  described in the  Company's  annual report on Form 20-F as filed with the
United States Securities and Exchange Commission.


The information  contained in this  Information  Circular,  including  documents
incorporated  by  reference  herein,  identifies  additional  factors that could
affect the  operating  results  and  performance  of FEC.  You should  carefully
consider those factors.  The  forward-looking  statements  contained  herein are
expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement.

The forward-looking statements included in this Information Circular are made as
of the date of this  Information  Circular,  and FEC undertakes no obligation to
publicly  update such  forward-looking  statements  to reflect new  information,
subsequent events or otherwise.

Supplementary Disclosure - Non GAAP Measures

This Information  Circular contains references to terms commonly used in the oil
and gas industry.  Cash flow from operations,  distributable  cash available for
distribution  and  cash-on-cash  yield are not  defined  by  Canadian  Generally
Accepted  Accounting  Principles  ("GAAP")  and  are  referred  to  as  non-GAAP
measures. Cash flow from operations represents funds from operations as detailed
on the  financial  statements  included or  incorporated  by  reference  in this
Information  Circular.  Distributable cash and income available for distribution
are useful  supplemental  measures as they provide investors with information on
cash available for distribution.  Cash-on-cash yield is a useful and widely used
supplemental  measure that provides  investors with information on cash actually
distributed  relative to trading  price.  Investors are cautioned that cash flow
from  operations,  distributable  cash,  income  available for  distribution and
cash-on-cash  yield  should not be  construed  as an  alternate to net income as
determined  by  Canadian  GAAP and may not be  comparable  to  similar  measures
disclosed for other issuers.

Information for United States Shareholders

This  Information  Circular  has been  prepared in  accordance  with  disclosure
requirements  applicable in Canada.  Shareholders in the United States should be
aware that such  requirements  are  different  from  those of the United  States
applicable to registration  statements  under the 1933 Act and proxy  statements
under the 1934 Act.  Specifically,  information concerning the operations of FEC
contained  herein has been  prepared  in  accordance  with  Canadian  disclosure
standards,  which are not comparable in all respects to United States disclosure
standards.  The unaudited pro forma financial statements of Newco, the unaudited
proforma and audited  historical  financial  and  operating  statements  of FEC,
included in or incorporated by reference in this Information  Circular have been
prepared in accordance  with Canadian GAAP and are subject to Canadian  auditing
and auditor  independence  standards,  which differ from United  States GAAP and
auditing and auditor  independence  standards in certain material respects,  and
thus may not be comparable to financial statements of United States companies.

Tax  considerations,  if any,  applicable to United States Shareholders have not
been included in this Information Circular.  There may be material United States
tax issues for United States Shareholders as a result of the Transactions, which
may  include,  without  limitation,  the  possibility  that  any  or  all of the
Transactions are a taxable  transaction,  in whole or in part, for United States
federal income tax purposes, and the possibility that FEC may be classified as a
passive foreign investment company,  which  classification would subject holders
to special, generally adverse tax consequences.


US  Shareholders  are advised to consult  their tax  advisors to  determine  the
particular tax  consequences,  if any, to them of the  Transactions  in light of
their particular situation, as well as any tax consequences that may arise under
the  laws  of  any  other  relevant  foreign,  state,  local,  or  other  taxing

The  enforcement  by  investors  of civil  liabilities  under the United  States
securities  laws may be affected  adversely by the fact that FEC is, or will be,
settled or organized, as applicable,  under the laws of the Province of Alberta,
that their  officers and  directors,  are residents of countries  other than the
United States, that the experts named in this Information Circular are residents
of countries other than the United States, and that all of the assets of FEC and
such persons are, or will be, located outside the United States.

Currency Exchange Rates

The  financial   statements  included  or  incorporated  by  reference  in  this
Information  Circular are in Canadian  dollars.  The following table sets forth,
for each period indicated,  the high and low exchange rates, the average of such
exchange  rates on the last  business day of each month during such period,  and
the  exchange  rate at the end of such  period,  based on the daily noon rate of
exchange as reported by the Bank of Canada  (the "noon  exchange  rate").  These
rates are set forth as United States dollars per Cdn$1.00 and are the inverse of
the rates  quoted by the Bank of Canada for  Canadian  dollars per US $1.00.  On
March 31st 2005, the noon exchange rate was Cdn$1.00 equaled US $0.8268

                            Year Ended December 31     Quarter Ended March 31
                            ----------------------     ----------------------
                               2004         2003         2005         2004
                              ------------------        -------------------
High                          0.8492       0.7738       0.8329       0.7880
Low                           0.7158       0.6349       0.7960       0.7418
Average                       0.7682       0.7136       0.8150       0.7586
Period ended                  0.8309       0.7738       0.8268       0.7633


As the pricing of the Newco Pre-IPO  Placing will not be finalised until shortly
before publication of this document,  the Transaction Agreement will also not be
finalised and signed until that time.  Accordingly,  the form of the Transaction
Agreement set out in Appendix B represents  the draft of the agreement as at the
latest  practicable  time prior to the  printing  of this  document.  Other than
changes  arising  from the  pricing  of the Newco  Pre-IPO  Placing,  no further
substantive changes are expected to be made to the Transaction  Agreement before


                               GLOSSARY OF TERMS

The following is a glossary of certain terms used in this Information  Circular,
including the Summary hereof, and Appendices A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J

"AIM" means the Alternative Investment Market of London Stock Exchange Plc;

"Applicable  Laws" means  applicable  securities laws, rules of applicable stock
exchanges and applicable corporate laws;

"Board" or "Board of  Directors"  means the board of directors of any board,  as

"Business Day" means a day, other than a Saturday,  Sunday or statutory holiday,
when  banks  are  generally  open in the City of  Calgary,  in the  Province  of
Alberta,  or  London  in the  United  Kingdom  for the  transaction  of  banking

"CBCA" means the Canadian  Business  Corporations Act as amended,  including the
regulations promulgated thereunder;

"Closing"  means  the  completion  of  the  transactions   contemplated  in  the
Transaction Agreement;

"Coal  Properties" means the South and Central Cebu coal properties wholly owned
by Forum Exploration Inc;

"COGE  Handbook"  means the Canadian Oil and Gas  Evaluation  Handbook  prepared
jointly by the Society of Petroleum  Evaluation  Engineers (Calgary chapter) and
the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy & Petroleum;

"Company"  means Forum  Energy  Corporation;

"Control"  means,  with respect to control of a body corporate by a person,  the
holding  (other than by way of security) by or for the benefit of that person of
securities  of that body  corporate to which are  attached  more than 50% of the
votes that may be cast to elect directors of the body corporate  (whether or not
securities of any other class or classes shall or might be entitled to vote upon
the  happening  of any  event or  contingency)  provided  that  such  votes,  if
exercised,  are  sufficient to elect a majority of the board of directors of the
body corporate;

"Combined  Philippine  Assets" means  collectively,  FEC's Philippine Assets and
SEY's Philippine Assets;

"CPR" means  competent  person  report;  "CSA" means CSA Group Limited of 9 John
Street,  London,  WC1N 2ES, UK,  engaged to evaluate the coal interests of Forum
Exploration Inc;

"Dissent  Rights" means the right of a registered  FEC  Shareholder  pursuant to
Section  190 of the CBCA to be paid  the fair  value  of the  common  shares  in
respect of which the holder dissents,  all in accordance with Section 190 of the

"Dissenting Shareholders" means registered FEC Shareholders who validly exercise
the rights of dissent provided to them under Section 190 of the CBCA;

"DOE" or "Department of Energy" means the Department of Energy of the Government
of the Republic of the Philippines;

"FEC" means Forum Energy  Corporation,  a corporation  incorporated  in Alberta,


"FEC Board" or "FEC Board of  Directors"  means the board of  directors of Forum
Energy  Corporation;

"FEC Common Shares" means common shares of Forum Energy Corporation;

"FEC Philippine Assets" means the 66.67% interest in Forum Exploration Inc;

"FEC Record Date" means the close of business on April 18, 2005;

"FEC Resolutions"  means the special  resolutions in respect of the transactions
contemplated  in this  Information  Circular  and other  related  matters  to be
considered at the FEC Meeting,  in substantially the form attached as Appendix A
to the  Information  Circular  to be voted upon by FEC  Shareholders  at the FEC

"FEC Shareholder" means a holder of Forum Energy Corporation Common Shares;

"FEC Stock  Option Plan" means the  incentive  stock option plan of Forum Energy
Corporation, as amended;

"FEC Warrantholder" means a holder from time to time of FEC Warrants;

"FEC Warrants"  means the  outstanding  share  purchase  warrants to acquire FEC
Common Shares;

"Forum  Exploration"  or "FEI"  means Forum  Exploration,  Inc.,  a  corporation
incorporated under the laws of the Philippines;

"Forum  Exploration  Assets" or "FEI Assets" means the Oil and Gas Licenses held
by FEI and which are the subject of the  arrangement  set out in the Transaction

"Forum  Exploration  Coal  Licenses"  or "FEI Coal  Licenses"  means  FEI's 100%
interest in two Coal Operating Contracts ("COC's") situated on Cebu Island;

"Forum Exploration Common Shares" or "FEI Common Shares" means the common shares
of Forum Exploration, Inc;

"Forum  Exploration  Transfer" or "FEI Transfer" means the transactions  whereby
FEC will convey its beneficial  ownership of Forum Exploration  Common Shares to
the Newco group of companies  through a Special  purpose vehicle in exchange for
shares in Newco;

"Forum Exploration  Engineering  Report" or "Competent Persons Report" means the
independent engineering evaluation of certain oil, NGL and natural gas interests
prepared by PGS dated April 15th 2005 and an independent  engineering evaluation
of certain Coal property interests prepared by CSA date April 15th 2005;

"Forum  Exploration  Oil  and Gas  Licenses"  or  "FEI  Exploration  Oil and Gas
Licenses"  means 100 per cent  interest  (FEC holds  66.67% of FEI) in SC40 Cebu
("SC40"),  a service  contract  covering  458,000  hectares  over land and water
around the northern part of the island of Cebu in the Philippines. SC40 contains
the Libertad  Gas Field,  independently  evaluated  by PGS to contain  estimated
recoverable  reserves of gas of 3.16814 TCF (mmboe).  The service  contract also
contains several  prospects,  including  Jibitnil Island,  West Toledo,  Central
Tanon and Maya;

"Forum Exploration Licenses" or "FEI Exploration Licenses" collectively mean the
Oil and Gas Licenses as well as the Coal properties;

"Forum  Philippines  Holdings  Limited"  or  "Holdco" a Jersey  private  company
incorporated  on April 1st 2005 in Jersey,  Channel Islands as Sterling Far East
Holdings Limited (company number 89858);


"Income Tax Act" or "Tax Act" means the Income Tax Act (Canada), R.S.C. 1985, c.
1. (5th Supp), as amended, including the regulations promulgated thereunder;

"Information Circular" means this information circular and proxy statement dated
April 22nd,  2005,  together with all appendices  hereto,  distributed by FEC in
connection with the Meetings;

"Limited" means a private company with limited liabilities

"Meeting" means the FEC Meeting as applicable;

"Newco" or "Forum Energy Plc" means a UK Public  Company  incorporated  on April
1st 2005 in the UK as "Sterling  Philippines  Plc" (company  number  5411224) (a
wholly owned subsidiary of SEY);

"Newco Common Shares" means the common shares of Forum Energy Plc;

"Newco IPO Placing" means the proposed private  placement of Newco Common Shares
as described  under the heading "IPO" in  conjunction  with the admission of the
Newco Common Shares to AIM;

"Newco  Pre-IPO  Placing"  means  the  proposed  private   placement  of  up  to
STG(pound)4 million Newco Common Shares as described under the heading "Pre-IO".
The Newco Pre-IPO Placing will take place before the Newco IPO Placing;

"Noble & Company" or  "Nobles"  means  Noble & Company of  Edinburgh,  Nominated
Advisers and Brokers to Newco;

"Notice  of  Meeting"  means,  the  Notice  of  Special  Meeting  of  FEC  which
accompanies this Information Circular;

"Oil and Natural Gas Properties" or "properties"  means the working,  royalty or
other  interests of Forum  Exploration and GSEC 101 in any petroleum and natural
gas rights,  tangibles and miscellaneous  interests,  including properties which
may be acquired by Newco from time to time;

"Option holder" means a holder of FEC Options;

"Options"  means FEC  Options;

"Parties" means FEC, Newco and SEY and "Party" means either one of them;

"Person"  means  any  individual,  partnership,   association,  body  corporate,
trustee, executor, administrator,  legal representative,  government, regulatory
authority or other entity;

"Plc" means a public company with limited liabilities, as used in the UK;

"PGS" means PGS  Reservoir  Consultants  (UK)  Limited of PGS Thames  House,  17
Marlow Road, Maidenhead, Berks, SL6 7AA, UK;

"Record Date" or "FEC Record Date" means the 18th April 2005;

"Registered  Holder" means the Person whose name appears on the register of FEC,
as the owner of FEC Common Shares;

"Registrar" means the Registrar appointed under section 263 of the ABCA;

"Regulation S" means Regulation S under the 1933 Act;


"SEDAR" means the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval;

"SEY Philippine Assets" means Sterling Energy Plc's 100% interest in the GSEC101
license (Reed Bank);

"Sterling  Energy"  or  "SEY"  means  Sterling  Energy  Plc,  a  Public  Company
incorporated under the laws of the United Kingdom with its registered offices at
Mardall House, 7-9 Vaughan Road, Harpenden,  Herts AL5 4HU and listed on the AIM
market under the symbol "SEY";

"Shareholders"  means  the FEC  Shareholders  and  the  Newco  Shareholders  and
"Shareholder" means a FEC Shareholder or a Newco Shareholder, as applicable;

"Sterling Gas Philippines  Limited" means Sterling Gas Philippines Limited or to
be renamed  "Forum  (GSEC101)  Limited"  subject to  shareholders  agreement,  a
private corporation incorporated under the laws of Jersey;

"Sterling  Far East  Limited"  means  Sterling Far East  Limited  which is to be
renamed  "Forum (FEI)  Limited"  subject to  shareholders  agreement,  a private
corporation incorporated under the laws of Jersey;

"Subsidiary"  has the meaning ascribed thereto in the ABCA and shall include all
partnerships directly or indirectly owned by FEC as the case may be;

"STG" or "(pound)" means United Kingdom Pounds;

"Transaction" means the actions contemplated under the Transaction Agreement;

"Transaction  Agreement" means the agreement dated April 22nd 2005 between Forum
Energy Corporation, Sterling Energy Plc and Newco s enclosed in Appendix B;

"UK" means the United Kingdom; "United States" or "U.S." means the United States
of America, as defined in Rule 902(l) under Regulation S;

"U.S. Person" means a U.S. person as defined in Rule 902(k) under Regulation S;

"U.S.  Shareholder"  or "U.S.  Shareholders"  or "U.S.  Shareholder"  means  any
Shareholder who is, at the Effective Time, either in the United States or a U.S.

"000s" means  thousands;

"1933 Act" means the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended and

"1934 Act" means the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.


Certain  terms  used  herein  are  defined in the  "Glossary  of Terms".  Unless
otherwise  indicated,  references  herein to "$" or "dollars" are to US dollars.
Unless otherwise stated all financial  information  herein has been presented in
Canadian dollars in accordance with Canadian GAAP.




   Oil and Natural Gas Liquids            Natural Gas
   ---------------------------            -----------
   bbl    barrel                          mcf      thousand cubic feet
   bbls    barrels                        mcf/d    thousand cubic feet per day
   bbls/d  barrels per day                mmcf     million cubic feet
   mbbls   thousand barrels               mmcf/d   million cubic feet per day
   mmbbls  million barrels                mmbtu    million British Thermal Units
   mstb    thousand stock tank barrels    bcf      billion cubic feet
   NGL     natural gas liquids            GJ       gigajoule
   stb     stock tank barrels

        API             an  indication  of the  specific  gravity  of crude  oil
                        measured on the American Petroleum Institute

        gravity scale.  Liquid  petroleum with a specified  gravity of 28 API or
                        higher is generally referred to as light crude oil

        boe(1)          barrel of oil  equivalent of natural gas on the basis of
                        1 BOE for 6 (unless otherwise stated) mcf of natural gas
                        (this conversion factor is an industry accepted norm and
                        is  not  based  on  either  energy  content  or  current

       boe/d            barrel of oil equivalent per day

       m(3)             cubic metre

       mboe             thousand barrels of oil equivalent

       mmboe            million barrels of oil equivalent

       M$               thousands of dollars


The  following  table sets forth  certain  standard  conversions  from  Standard
Imperial Units to the International System of Units (or metric units).

        To Convert From            To             Multiply By
        mcf                   cubic metres          28.174
        cubic metres          cubic feet            35.494
        bbls                  cubic metres           0.159
        cubic metres          bbls                   6.290
        feet                  metres                 0.305
        metres                feet                   3.281
        miles                 kilometres             1.609
        kilometres            miles                  0.621
        acres                 hectares               0.405
        hectares              acres                  2.471

- --------------
(1)   Boes  may  be  misleading,  particularly  if  used  in  isolation.  A  boe
      conversion  ratio of six mcf to one boe is based on an energy  equivalency
      conversion  method  primarily  applicable  at the  burner tip and does not
      represent a value equivalency at the wellhead.



The following is a summary of certain  information  contained  elsewhere in this
Information  Circular,  including the Appendices hereto, and is qualified in its
entirety by reference to the more detailed information  contained or referred to
elsewhere in this Information  Circular or in the Appendices hereto.  Terms with
initial  capital  letters used in this  summary are defined in the  "Glossary of
Terms". In this summary,  all dollar amounts are stated in United States dollar,
or as otherwise defined..

The FEC Meeting

The FEC Meeting  will be held at the offices of  Computershare,  Inc, 4th Floor,
510 Burrard Street,  Vancouver, BC V6C 3B9, Canada, at 10:00 AM (Vancouver time)
on May 18th  2005 for the  purposes  set  forth in the  accompanying  applicable
Notice of the FEC  Meeting.  The business of the FEC Meeting will be to consider
and vote upon the FEC Resolutions.

The Transaction


SEY will  incorporate  Newco (a UK  company)  and sell its  GSEC101  (Reed Bank)
license into  Sterling Gas  Philippines  Limited,  which in turn will be sold to
Newco in  exchange  for 100% of the  shares of  Newco.  Subject  to  shareholder
approval,  FEC will then sell its shares in Forum  Exploration  Inc. to Sterling
Far East Limited (to be renamed Forum (FEI) Limited) and  subsequently  to Newco
and in  consideration  will  receive  71.4% of Newco  shares  (SEY will have its
interest diluted to 28.6%).

The  Company  has  been  advised  that  the  Coal  Properties  must be held by a
Philippine based company in which the level of direct foreign ownership does not
exceed 40%.  Accordingly,  it is proposed as part of the  Transactions  that the
Coal  Properties  will be transferred to a new  Philippine  company  ("Philco"),
which  will  be  owned  as to 40% by  Forum  (FEI)  Limited  and  60%.  by a new
Philippine holding company ("Philippine Holdco").  Philippine Holdco will itself
be owned as to 40 % by  Forum  (FEI)  Limited  and 60 % by Forum  Pacific,  Inc.
("FPI"). As a result,  Forum (FEI) Limited will be interested,  directly through
its shareholding in Philco and indirectly through its shareholding in Philippine
Holdco,  in a total of 64% of the Coal Properties.  To make up for the shortfall
of 2.67% between that  percentage  interest and FEI's current 66.67% interest in
the Coal  Properties,  FPI has  agreed  that,  before any  payments  are made to
shareholders of Philco,  (whether by way of income or capital),  a payment shall
first  be  made  to  Forum  (FEI)  Limited  of an  amount  equal  to 2.67 x (P x
100/97.33),  where P  equals  the  total  amount  of the  payment  to be made to

Each of FEC and SEY has agreed to give standard  warranties  to Newco  regarding
their respective  Philippine assets which it is transferring to Newco and/or its

Newco intends to raise working  capital to develop  these  licenses  through the
issue of additional shares in the Newco through a Newco Pre-IPO Placing to raise
up to UKSTG(pound)4  million (Cdn$9.1  million).  It is intended that Newco will
seek to raise further funds through the UK capital  markets  through a secondary
IPO placement of shares in conjunction  with an application for admission to AIM
around the middle of July 2005.  Newco has appointed  Noble & Company Limited in
the UK to act as the  Nominated  Adviser and Brokers  for its  proposed  listing
(Newco ceasing to be a subsidiary of the Company) to AIM.

Each of FEC and SEY has agreed to give standard  warranties  and  indemnities to
Noble & Company  Limited;  in the case of  warranties,  regarding the Philippine
assets  as  referred  to  above,  and in the case of  indemnities,  relating  to
liabilities which may fall upon Newco in connection with such fund raisings.  At
this stage there can be no certainty that the Newco IPO placing will take place

To  maintain  the  current  management  structure  it is  recommended  that upon
transfer FEC Philippine Assets to Newco the existing executive management of FEC
transfer to Newco.  To comply with AIM rules and avoid a conflict,  the existing
management will resign from FEC, who will appoint new executive


management.  It has also been  recommended  that Forum  Energy's name be changed
from Forum Energy Corporation to FEC Resources, Inc. The reason for changing the
name is to permit  Newco to adopt the name of Forum  Energy Plc and maintain the
continuity of the name with the Philippine  Department of Energy,  and to permit
FEC to pursue other business opportunities.

Finally,  your FEC Board of Directors has proposed that the Company  domicile be
moved from Canada to another  jurisdiction.  The Company has no Canadian Assets,
only a minority of Canadian  shareholders and the value of the Forum Exploration
Assets or equivalent holding in Newco shares following the shareholders  meeting
have not  increased at this time and in all  likelihood  will not until  further
investment is made.  The Directors  therefore  believe that this would be a good
opportunity to relocate to a domicile with a more favorable tax regime and allow
the Company the  opportunity to realize its value.  The Company will continue to
maintain  its status as a Canadian  Reporting  Issuer with common  shares of the
company  traded on the OTC BB  exchange in the United  States.  The FEC Board of
Directors  shall seek your  approval to permit the  directors to complete  their
investigation on the issue of change of domicile,  and if deemed  appropriate by
the FEC Board of Directors, in their sole discretion,  to change the domicile of
FEC to such  jurisdiction  as the  FEC  Board  of  Directors  may in the  future

Pre-Transaction Steps

      (a)   Sterling Energy plc incorporate  Sterling Philippines Plc (Newco) in
            the UK as a wholly owned subsidiary

      (b)   Newco  incorporate  Sterling Far East Holdings  Limited  (Holdco) in

      (c)   Holdco incorporate Sterling Far East Limited in Jersey.

      (d)   Sterling  North West Africa  Holdings  Limited sells its interest in
            Sterling Gas Philippines Limited (the owner of GSEC 101) to Sterling
            Far East Holdings Limited in exchange for shares.

      (e)   Sterling North West Africa Holdings  Limited sells its  shareholding
            in Sterling Far East Holdings  Limited to Sterling  Philippines  Plc
            for  100%  of  the  issued  and   outstanding   shares  in  Sterling
            Philippines Plc (Newco).

Transaction Steps and Post Transaction Structure

Upon FEC obtaining FEC Shareholder approval the following steps will occur:

      a)    The name of Sterling Far East Limited will be changed to Forum (FEI)

      b)    Holdco name will be changed from Sterling Far East Holdings  Limited
            to Forum Philippines Holdings Limited.

      c)    FEC will  transfer  the FEI common  shares it holds into Forum (FEI)
            Limited in exchange for shares in Forum (FEI) Limited.

      d)    FEC will  then  sell its  shares  in Forum  (FEI)  Limited  to Forum
            Philippines  Holdings  Limited  in  exchange  for  shares  in  Forum
            Philippines Holdings Limited;

      e)    FEC will then sell its shares in Forum Philippines  Holdings Limited
            to  Sterling  Philippines  Plc in  exchange  for shares in  Sterling
            Philippines Plc

      f)    Sterling Philippines Plc will change its name to Forum Energy Plc.

      g)    Following  this,  FEC will hold 71.4% of the issued capital of Newco
            and SEY (through its subsidiary) will hold 28.6% of the issued share
            capital of Newco.

      h)    The  executive   management  will  resign  from  FEC  and  join  the
            management of Newco.

      i)    Newco  intends to raise up to  (pound)4  million  (Cdn$9.1  million)
            through the Newco Pre-IPO Placing

      j)    Newco intends to raise further funds through an IPO Placing.

      k)    The Board will continue their deliberation process to decide whether
            to relocate the domicile of the Company to another jurisdiction.

Further details of Forum Energy Plc (Newco),  Forum Philippines Holdings Limited
(Holdco),  Forum (FEI)  Limited  and Forum  (GSEC101)  Limited  are  included in
Appendices C, D, E and F respectively.


Structure of Newco before the Newco Pre-IPO placing:

       -----------              ------------            -------------
        Sterling                Forum Energy            Forum Pacific
        Energy Plc              Corporation             (Philippines)
       -----------              ------------            -------------
           |                          |                       |
           |  28.6%             71.4% |                       |
           |                          |                       |
           ----------------------------                       |
                        |                                     |
                        |                                     |
                ----------------                              |
                Forum Energy Plc                              |
                  UK ("Newco")                                |
                ----------------                              |
                        |                                     |
                        |  100%                               |
                        |                                     |
             ------------------                               |
             Forum Philippines                                |
               Holding Limited                                |
              Jersey ("Holdco")                               |
          |--------------------|                              |
          |                    |                              |
          |100%            100%|                              |
   ---------------       -----------                          |
   Forum (GSEC101)       Forum (FEI)                          |
      Limited              Limited                            |
     (Jersey)              (Jersey)                           |   33.33%
   ---------------       -----------                          |
                               |                              |
                               |                              |
                        66.67% ------------------------------ |
                                                     Forum Exploration Inc.


Background to and reasons for the Transactions

In March 2003, FEC acquired  125,000,000 common shares in Forum Exploration Inc,
representing  66.67% of all issued and outstanding  shares. In consideration FEC
issued  shares plus a  commitment  to fund 100% of the  operation of FEI for the
following 18 months.  The Company  raised  US$2.153  million in working  capital
through a private  placement  in July 2003.  These funds were used to commence a
drilling  programme in the SC40 block and three onshore  exploration  wells were
drilled during 2003/2004.  The Company needed additional funding to continue its
development,  test the wells and bring  them  into  production.  The  management
explored  a number  of  avenues  which did not  realize  the  funding  required.
Meanwhile the Board and certain major shareholders continued to fund the Company
from their own resources until a more permanent  solution could be found. It was
also realized  that the Company  required some larger assets in order to attract
new financing.

In January  2005,  the Company  entered into  discussions  with SEY  regarding a
possible Joint Venture whereby Sterling would sell the Reed Bank Asset (GSEC101)
to Newco  and FEC would  its  Philippine  asset to  Newco.  In  addition  it was
proposed  that Newco should be admitted to AIM in the United  Kingdom  which has
shown  support  for  other  junior   international  energy  companies  who  have
successfully  raised  funds  there.  Newco has engaged a  Nominated  Adviser and
Broker,  Noble & Company, to take the Company to AIM and is currently engaged in
preparing the necessary documentation for this listing.

Since AIM opened in 1995,  more than 1,300 companies have been admitted and more
than (pound)11 billion has been raised collectively.

An AIM quotation offers:

      o     A flexible regulatory regime

      o     Access to a unique, globally respected market

      o     Access to a wide pool of capital

      o     Enhanced profile

      o     Increased status and credibility

      o     Currency for and easier rules on acquisition

      o     Eligibility for a range of UK tax benefits


Recommendations of the FEC Board of Directors

The  FEC  Board  of  Directors  unanimously  determined  that  the  Transactions
described  in this  Information  circular  are  fair  and  equitable  to the FEC
Shareholders  and gives the FEC Shareholders an opportunity to realize the value
in  developing  the assets of the  Company by  allowing  it to raise  sufficient
working capital for such development through Newco.

Right to Dissent

Pursuant  to  Section  190 of the  CBCA,  Registered  Holders  have the right to
dissent with respect to the FEC  Resolutions if the President of FEC receives at
the  registered  office  of FEC by 4:00 p.m.  on the  Business  Day  immediately
preceding  the date of the FEC  Meeting,  a written  objection  and such  holder
complies  with  Section  190 of  the  CBCA.  Provided  the  Arrangement  becomes
effective,  each  Dissenting  Shareholder  will be  entitled to be paid the fair
value of the Common shares in respect of which the holder dissents in accordance
with Section 190 of the CBCA.  See  Appendices J for a copy of the provisions of
Section 190 of the CBCA.

The  statutory  provisions  covering  the right to  dissent  are  technical  and
complex.  Failure to strictly comply with the  requirements set forth in Section
190 of the CBCA may result in the loss of any right to dissent.  Persons who are
beneficial  owners  of  common  shares  registered  in  the  name  of a  broker,
custodian,  nominee or other  intermediary who wish to dissent,  should be aware
that  only  the  Registered  Holder  is  entitled  to  dissent.  Accordingly,  a
beneficial owner of common shares desiring to exercise the right to dissent must
make arrangements for such Common shares  beneficially owned to be registered in
such  holder's  name prior to the time the written  objection to the  applicable
resolutions  approving  the  transactions  is required to be received by FEC, or
alternatively,  make  arrangements for the Registered  Holder to dissent on such
holder's behalf.

Other Tax Considerations

Shareholders  consult a tax advisor with respect to the tax  implications of the
Arrangements,   including   any   associated   filing   requirements,   in  such
jurisdictions and with respect to the tax implications in such  jurisdictions of
owning FEC Common Shares after the  Transaction.  FEC  Shareholders  should also
consult a tax advisor regarding  provincial or territorial tax considerations of
the Transactions and FEC Common Shares.


Selected Pro Forma Financial and Operational Information for FEC

The  following  is a summary of selected  pro forma  financial  and  operational
information for FEC following the transactions:

                                               Forum Energy Corporation
                                           Statement of Net Operating Loss
                                       Balance Sheets as at December 31, 2004

                                                    (Cdn$ 000's)
Expenses                                             (unaudited)
       Genereal and Administration                         1,755
       Depreciation                                          268
       Foreign Exchange                                       -8
       Interst Expense                                       162
       Net Operating Loss                                   2127

NOTE: The above proforma numbers are the unaudited  consolidated results for the
Forum  Energy  Corporation  Group of Companies  and have been  presented in this
circular purely for comparative  purposes to show the effect of the Transactions
to the financial statements of the Company. In particular this has been prepared
to reflect the consolidated  results to include the group with Forum Exploration
Inc on a full  consolidation  basis to results  reflecting the transfer of FEC's
interest  to an  investment  in  Newco  shares  (subsequent  to the  placing  of
additional  shares) and assuming that FEC's position in Forum  Exploration,  Inc
will be diluted.

At the time of releasing this circular to the  shareholders  of FEC the audit is
being  finalized  and therefore  the accounts may be subject to  restatement  to
reflect  Canadian  GAAP  pronouncements   currently  in  effect.  There  are  no
accompanying  notes to these  financial  statements  and the  reader is urged to
review the previous financial statements to be aware of the basis of preparation
of this proforma  financial  information.  FEC assumes no responsibility for the
accuracy of these  pre-forma  financial  statements and advise that they will be
subject to change when the final audited results are published.

Details of any proven or  probable  reserves  per PGS and CSA  reports  are in a
tabular form in Appendices G and H respectively.



Background to and Reasons for the Transaction

Management of FEC  continually  reviews all options  available to them to ensure
that the capital  structure is  efficient  and that  shareholder  value is being
maximized.  The  strategy  contemplated  under the  Transactions  was  initially
considered and selected after considerable scrutiny,  modeling and evaluation as
a result of this pursuit of ongoing maximization of value for Shareholders.  FEC
management  initially  discussed the possibility of acquiring the SEY Philippine
Assets from SEY in January 2005. FEC  management  worked with SEY management and
Nobles to evaluate several alternatives to enhance shareholder value and to make
it possible to raise  sufficient  working  capital to ensure that the properties
could be developed to their maximum potential. With the assistance of the Nobles
FEC embarked on incorporating a new entity in the UK, Newco,  with the intention
that this entity would hold the Philippine assets of both FEC and SEY. It is the
FEC Board of  Director's  view that this  approach  will  permit a much  quicker
result in raising the  necessary  working  capital and permit the  potential  of
these properties to be further developed.

In March,  2005 FEC  appointed  PGS to evaluate  the Oil and Gas reserves of the
Forum  Exploration  Assets as well as GSEC 101. In addition  FEC  appointed  CSA
Group  Limited to valuate the coal  reserves of the coal  properties  which were
awarded to FEI in February  2005. The result of these reports will not only give
FEC a base  valuation of its  properties  but also will form part of the Initial
Public Offering document for Newco when it seeks admission to AIM in the UK.

FEC  believes  that this  structure  better  aligns the risks and returns of the
Combined  Philippine  Assets,  enhances  the value of the  assets and will allow
Newco to develop their full potential for the following reasons:

      o     The  transaction  is designed to enhance  FEC  Shareholder  value by
            combining  assets in the same  geographical  region  and  creating a
            larger asset base.

      o     Newco will be the only energy  company listed on the AIM market that
            operates solely in the  Philippines,  thus  potentially  making it a
            diverse and appealing  investment  underpinned  by a strong  balance
            sheet and asset base.

      o     Permits FEC  Shareholders  to  participate,  through FEC's ownership
            interest,  in a company that will have the ability to raise  working
            capital in the UK market to ensure sufficient financial resources to
            develop the licenses to their maximum potential.

      o     The Board of Newco will combine  members from the Boards of both SEY
            as well as FEC which will  bring  greater  experience  in the energy
            industry to the Newco board.

      o     FEC will be positioned to look at new opportunities to diversify its
            portfolio from a sole investment in Newco.




The  Transactions  will  initially  result in FEC receiving  71.4% of the shares
initially  issued  in Newco  in  exchange  for its  66.67%  investment  in Forum
Exploration  Inc  (FEC's  equity  position  will be  diluted , as will the 28.6%
equity  position of SEY, upon completion of the Newco Pre-IPO and IPO placings).
The executive  management of FEC will move to the executive  management of Newco
and Newco will  assume  the name of Forum  Energy  Plc.  FEC will  continue  its
evaluation of the redomicile of FEC from Canada to another jurisdiction. Finally
FEC will be renamed FEC Resources PLC and continue to source and develop natural
resources investments.

Details of the Transactions

The Transactions  will result in the creation of new oil and natural gas Company
currently  titled  Sterling  Philippines  Plc and  ultimately  to be named Forum
Energy  Plc  (Newco).  Newco  will be  interested  in the  FEC and SEY  Combined
Philippine  assets  on the  basis set out in this  Information  Circular.  It is
intended that Newco will ultimately become the operator of the Philippine Assets

Pre-Transaction Steps

      a)    Sterling Energy plc incorporate  Sterling Philippines Plc (Newco) in
            the UK as a wholly owned subsidiary

      b)    Newco  incorporate  Sterling Far East Holdings  Limited  (Holdco) in

      c)    Holdco incorporate Sterling Far East Limited in Jersey.

      d)    Sterling  North West Africa  Holdings  Limited sells its interest in
            Sterling Gas Philippines Limited (the owner of GSEC 101) to Sterling
            Far East Holdings Limited in exchange for shares.

      e)    Sterling North West Africa Holdings  Limited sells its  shareholding
            in Sterling Far East Holdings  Limited to Sterling  Philippines  Plc
            for  100%  of  the  issued  and   outstanding   shares  in  Sterling
            Philippines Plc (Newco).

Transaction Steps and Post Transaction Structure

Upon FEC obtaining FEC Shareholder approval the following steps will occur:

      a)    The name of Sterling Far East Limited will be changed to Forum (FEI)
            Limited.  b) Holdco  name will be  changed  from  Sterling  Far East
            Holdings Limited to Forum Philippines Holdings Limited.

      c)    FEC will  transfer  the FEI common  shares it holds into Forum (FEI)
            Limited in exchange for shares in Forum (FEI) Limited.

      d)    FEC will  then  sell its  shares  in Forum  (FEI)  Limited  to Forum
            Philippines  Holdings  Limited  in  exchange  for  shares  in  Forum
            Philippines Holdings Limited;

      e)    FEC will then sell its shares in Forum Philippines  Holdings Limited
            to  Sterling  Philippines  Plc in  exchange  for shares in  Sterling
            Philippines Plc

      f)    Sterling Philippines Plc will change its name to Forum Energy Plc.

      g)    Following  this,  FEC will hold 71.4% of the issued capital of Newco
            and SEY (through its subsidiary) will hold 28.6% of the issued share
            capital of Newco.

      h)    The  executive   management  will  resign  from  FEC  and  join  the
            management of Newco.

      i)    Newco  intends to raise up to  (pound)4  million  (Cdn$9.1  million)
            through the Newco Pre-IPO Placing

      j)    Newco intends to raise further funds through an IPO Placing.

      k)    The Board will continue their deliberation process to decide whether
            to relocate the domicile of the Company to another jurisdiction.


      l)    Structure of Newco before the Newco Pre-IPO placing:

       -----------              ------------            -------------
        Sterling                Forum Energy            Forum Pacific
        Energy Plc              Corporation             (Philippines)
       -----------              ------------            -------------
           |                          |                       |
           |  28.6%             71.4% |                       |
           |                          |                       |
           ----------------------------                       |
                        |                                     |
                        |                                     |
                ----------------                              |
                Forum Energy Plc                              |
                  UK ("Newco")                                |
                ----------------                              |
                        |                                     |
                        |  100%                               |
                        |                                     |
             ------------------                               |
             Forum Philippines                                |
               Holding Limited                                |
              Jersey ("Holdco")                               |
          |--------------------|                              |
          |                    |                              |
          |100%            100%|                              |
   ---------------       -----------                          |
   Forum (GSEC101)       Forum (FEI)                          |
      Limited              Limited                            |
     (Jersey)              (Jersey)                           |   33.33%
   ---------------       -----------                          |
                               |                              |
                               |                              |
                        66.67% ------------------------------ |
                                                     Forum Exploration Inc.

Post Transaction Steps

Immediately  after the  Transaction  becomes  effective Newco will raise working
capital  through the Newco Pre-IPO Placing and its Nominated  Advisers,  Noble &
Company,  will  bring the  Company  to AIM along  with a Newco IPO  Placing.  No
assurances can be given that such placing or admission will take place.

Post Arrangement Structure

Newco will be owned  71.4% by FEC (Which by then will have  changed  its name to
FEC  Resources,  Inc) and 28.6% by  Sterling  Energy.  This will be  subject  to
dilution when the Newco Pre-IPO placing occurs,  resulting in additional  shares
being issued to raise the necessary  working capital.  The board of directors of
Newco  will be  comprised  of the  former  executive  management  of FEC - David
Robinson as CEO and David Thompson as CFO. Alan Henderson will be  non-executive
chairman, Ian Baron will be appointed as a non-executive  technical director and
Barry  Stansfield  will be a  non-executive  director (who will also continue to
serve on the  board of FEC).  SEY will  nominate  two  members  to the  Board of
Directors:  Harry  Wilson  (CEO  of  SEY)  and  Graeme  Thomson  (CFO of SEY) as
non-executive directors.


Termination of the Transaction

If the Transaction  Agreement is not completed due to the failure to achieve the
condition precedents (see below) then the following steps will be taken:

      a)    SEY will vend 100% of GSEC101  into FEC in  exchange  for 70 million
            FEC Common Shares (28.6% of issued and outstanding shares in FEC)

      b)    FEC will be responsible for all financial obligations of the license
            covering GSEC 101.

      c)    SEY will appoint a representative to the Board of FEC.

      d)    FEC will seek alternative sources of working capital

Conditions Precedent to the Transaction

      a)    The parties hereby agree that Completion  shall be conditional  upon
            the  despatch  of  the  FEC  Circular  by  22  April  2005  and  FEC
            Shareholder Approval being obtained by no later than 18 May 2005.

      b)    The  parties  may by notice in writing to each other party waive any
            of the conditions in whole or in part.

      c)    Each of the Parties  undertakes to use their  reasonable  endeavours
            (so far as they are each reasonably  able) to procure the fulfilment
            of the conditions set out in clause 3.1 of the Transaction Agreement
            by 18th May 2005. If all of the  conditions  have not been fulfilled
            or waived by 18th May 2005 the Transaction Agreement shall terminate
            with effect from that date, unless the Parties agree otherwise.

      d)    If this  agreement  terminates in accordance  with clause 3.4 of the
            Transaction  Agreement  then the  obligations  of the parties  shall
            automatically  terminate save that the rights and liabilities of the
            parties which have accrued prior to  termination  shall  continue to
            subsist  including  those under clauses 7 and 9 to 16 (inclusive) of
            the Transaction Agreement.

      e)    Each party shall keep the others  promptly  advised of the  progress
            towards the  satisfaction of its  obligations  under clause 3.3 (and
            vice versa) of the Transaction Agreement


Shareholder Approvals

Pursuant  to  FEC's  By-Laws,  the  number  of  votes  required  to pass the FEC
Resolutions  shall  be not  less  than  two-thirds  of  the  votes  cast  by FEC
Shareholders either in person or by proxy, at the FEC Meeting.

Recommendations of the Boards of FEC Board of Directors

The FEC Board of Directors has  unanimously  concluded that the  Resolutions are
fair to FEC  Shareholders,  and  are in the  best  interests  of FEC and the FEC
Shareholders.  Members  of the FEC  Board of  Directors  hold,  or  control,  an
aggregate of 916,375 FEC Common Shares.

See "Interests of Certain Persons or Companies in the Matters to be Acted Upon".
Each of the members of the FEC Board of Directors  and officers of FEC intend to
vote all of their FEC Common Shares in favour of the FEC Resolutions. Holders of
an aggregate of 141,900,461 FEC Common shares representing approximately 81 % of
the outstanding FEC Common shares have agreed to vote these FEC Common Shares in
favour of the  Transaction  and all other  matters to be considered at the Forum
Energy  Meeting.  These  Shareholders  have  executed an  irrevocable  proxy and
commitment to confirm their agreement.

Right to Dissent

The  following  description  of the  right to  dissent  and  appraisal  to which
registered Shareholders  (collectively,  "Dissenting Shareholders") are entitled
is  not  a  comprehensive  statement  of  the  procedures  to be  followed  by a
Dissenting  Shareholder  who seeks payment of the fair value of such  Dissenting
Shareholder's Common shares and is qualified in its entirety by the reference to
the full text of Section 190 of the CBCA which is  attached to this  Information
Circular as Appendix J. A  Dissenting  Shareholder  who intends to exercise  the
right to dissent and  appraisal  should  carefully  consider and comply with the
provisions of that Section.  Failure to strictly  comply with the  provisions of
that Section and to adhere to the procedures  established  therein may result in
the loss of all rights there under.

Registered Shareholders are entitled, in addition to any other right such holder
may have,  to dissent and to be paid by FEC the fair value of the Common  shares
held by such holder in respect of which such holder  dissents,  determined as of
the close of  business  on the last  Business  Day  before  the day on which the
resolutions  from  which  such  holder  dissents  were  adopted.   A  registered
Shareholder  may dissent only with  respect to all of the Common  shares held by
such  holder or on  behalf of any one  beneficial  owner and  registered  in the
Dissenting Shareholder's name. Only registered Shareholders may dissent. Persons
who are beneficial  owners of Common shares  registered in the name of a broker,
custodian,  nominee or other  intermediary who wish to dissent,  should be aware
that they may only do so through the registered  owner of such common shares.  A
registered  holder,  such as a broker,  who holds  Common  shares as nominee for
beneficial holders,  some of whom wish to dissent,  must exercise dissent rights
on behalf of such  beneficial  owners with respect to the Common shares held for
such  beneficial  owners.  In such case, the demand for dissent should set forth
the number of Common shares covered by it.

A Dissenting  Shareholder  must send to the  President  and CEO of FEC a written
objection to the FEC  Resolutions,  which written  objection must be received by
FEC at their  registered  office,  by 4:00 p.m. on the Business Day  immediately
preceding the date of the applicable Meeting.

A holder of Common  shares,  may not exercise the right to dissent in respect of
only a portion of such holder's Common shares, but may dissent only with respect
to all of the Common shares held by the holder. A registered Shareholder wishing
to exercise  the right to dissent with respect to such  holder's  Common  shares
shall  not vote such  Common  shares at the  applicable  Meeting,  either by the
submission  of a proxy or by  personally  voting,  in favour  of the  applicable
Resolutions. An application may be made to the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta
by a Dissenting Shareholder after the adoption of the FEC Resolutions to fix the
fair value of the Dissenting Shareholder's Common shares. If such an application
to the Court is made by a Dissenting  Shareholder  FEC,  must,  unless the Court
otherwise orders, send to each Dissenting Shareholder


a written offer to pay the Dissenting  Shareholder  an amount  considered by the
FEC board of directors to be the fair value of the Common shares, as applicable.
The offer,  unless the Court otherwise  orders,  will be sent to each Dissenting
Shareholder  at  least 10 days  before  the date on  which  the  application  is
returnable,  if FEC is the applicant, or within 10 days after FEC is served with
notice of the  application,  if a Dissenting  Shareholder is the applicant.  The
offer will be made on the same terms to each  Dissenting  Shareholder  of Common
shares,  as applicable,  and will be accompanied by a statement  showing how the
fair value was determined.

A Dissenting Shareholder may make an agreement with FEC for the purchase of such
holder's  Common shares in the amount of the offer made by FEC (or otherwise) at
any time  before  the Court  pronounces  an order  fixing  the fair value of the
Common shares.

A Dissenting  Shareholder  is not required to give security for costs in respect
of an application and, except in special circumstances,  will not be required to
pay the costs of the  application or appraisal.  On the  application,  the Court
will make an order fixing the fair value of the Common shares, as applicable, of
all Dissenting Shareholders who are parties to the application,  giving judgment
in  that  amount  against  FEC  and  in  favour  of  each  of  those  Dissenting
Shareholders,  and fixing the time within which FEC must pay that amount payable
to  the  Dissenting  Shareholders.  The  Court  may in its  discretion  allow  a
reasonable rate of interest on the amount payable to each Dissenting Shareholder
calculated from the date on which the Dissenting  Shareholder ceases to have any
rights as a Shareholder, until the date of payment.

On the  Transaction  becoming  effective,  or upon the  making  of an  agreement
between FEC and the  Dissenting  Shareholder as to the payment to be made by FEC
to the  Dissenting  Shareholder,  or upon the  pronouncement  of a Court  order,
whichever first occurs, the Dissenting Shareholder will cease to have any rights
as a Shareholder other than the right to be paid the fair value of such holder's
Common  shares,  in  the  amount  agreed  to  between  FEC  and  the  Dissenting
Shareholder  or in the amount of the judgment,  as the case may be. Until one of
these events  occurs,  the  Dissenting  Shareholder  may withdraw the Dissenting
Shareholder's  dissent, or if the Arrangement has not yet become effective,  FEC
may rescind the FEC  Resolutions,  and in either event the dissent and appraisal
proceedings in respect of that Dissenting Shareholder will be discontinued.

FEC shall not make a payment to a Dissenting  Shareholder  under  Section 190 if
there  are  reasonable  grounds  for  believing  that FEC is or would  after the
payment  be  unable  to pay its  liabilities  as they  become  due,  or that the
realizable  value of the assets of FEC would  thereby be less than the aggregate
of its liabilities.  In such event, FEC shall notify each Dissenting Shareholder
that it is unable  lawfully  to pay  Dissenting  Shareholders  for their  common
shares, as applicable,  in which case the Dissenting Shareholder may, by written
notice  to FEC  within 30 days  after  receipt  of such  notice,  withdraw  such
holder's written objection,  in which case FEC shall be deemed to consent to the
withdrawal and such Dissenting  Shareholder shall be reinstated with full rights
as a Shareholder,  failing which such Dissenting Shareholder retains status as a
claimant against FEC to be paid as soon as FEC is lawfully entitled to do so or,
in a liquidation, to be ranked subordinate to the rights of creditors of FEC but
in priority to its shareholders.

The above summary does not purport to provide a  comprehensive  statement of the
procedures to be followed by a Dissenting  Shareholder  who seeks payment of the
fair value of their Common shares. Section 190 of the CBCA requires adherence to
the procedures  established  therein and failure to do so may result in the loss
of all rights  thereunder.  Accordingly,  each Dissenting  Shareholder who might
desire to exercise the right to dissent and appraisal should carefully  consider
and comply with the  provisions of that  section,  the full text of which is set
out in  Appendix J to this  Information  Circular  and  consult  their own legal

Interests of Certain Persons or Companies in the Matters to be acted upon

FEC  Board of  Directors  and  officers  of FEC own  beneficially,  directly  or
indirectly, or exercise control or direction over, an aggregate of approximately
916,375 FEC Common shares  (approximately  0.56 % of the issued and  outstanding
FEC Common shares). The directors and officers of FEC have agreed to vote the


916,375  FEC  Common  shares  beneficially  owned by them in  favour  of the FEC
Resolutions and all other matters to be considered at the FEC Meeting.

None of the principal holders of FEC Common shares or any director or officer of
FEC, or any associate or affiliate of any of the foregoing  persons,  has or had
any material interest in any transaction in the last three years or any proposed
transaction that materially  affected,  or will materially affect, FEC or any of
its  affiliates  except as  disclosed  above or  elsewhere  in this  Information
Circular or the Appendices hereto.

Expenses of the Arrangement

The estimated costs to be incurred by FEC relating to this Information  Circular
are expected to aggregate approximately Cdn$120,000



FEC is  incorporated  pursuant to the provisions of the CBCA. FEC is a reporting
issuer in the province of British Columbia and listed on the United States OTCBB
stock  exchange  under the symbol  "FRUEF.OB"  as well as  Frankfurt  and Munich
Exchanges  under  the  symbol  "FE8".  FEC  owns  a  66.67%  interest  in  Forum
Exploration  Inc, a  Philippine  Company  that is  engaged  in the  acquisition,
exploration,  development and where applicable, production of crude oil, natural
gas and coal in the Philippines.

FEC's registered  office is at Suite 1400,  700-2nd Street SW Calgary,  Alberta,
Canada T2B 4V5.

Information has been incorporated by reference in this Information Circular from
documents  filed  with  securities  commissions  or similar  authorities  in the
provinces of Canada.  Copies of the documents  incorporated  herein by reference
may be obtained on request  without charge from the Chief  Financial  Officer of
FEC, Suite 1400, 700-2nd Street SW Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2B 4V5, phone (403)
290-1676 or by accessing the disclosure documents available through the Internet
on the SEDAR web site at www.sedar.com.

The following documents of FEC, filed with the various securities commissions or
similar authorities in the provinces of Canada, are specifically incorporated by
reference into and form an integral part of this Information Circular:

      a)    FEC's Annual Information Form dated May 17, 2004;

      b)    The  Management  Information  Circular  of FEC  dated  May 10,  2004
            relating to the Annual and Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  of FEC
            held on June 30th 2004.

      c)    The audited comparative consolidated financial statements of FEC and
            the notes  thereto for the year ended  December 31,  2003,  together
            with the Auditors' Report thereon;

      d)    Management's  discussion and analysis of the financial condition and
            operations of FEC for the year ended December 31, 2003;

      e)    The Unaudited comparative  consolidated  financial statements of FEC
            for the nine months ended September 30, 2004;

      f)    Management's  discussion and analysis of the financial condition and
            operations of FEC for the nine months ended September 30, 2004;

Any  material  change  reports  (excluding  confidential  reports),  comparative
interim  financial  statements  and  comparative  annual  financial  statements,
together with the Auditors' Report thereon, and information circulars (excluding
those portions that are not required  pursuant to National  Instrument 44-101 of
the Canadian  Securities  Administrators to be incorporated by reference herein)
filed by FEC with the  securities  commissions  or  similar  authorities  in the
provinces  of Canada  subsequent  to the date of this  Information  Circular and
prior to the termination of this distribution shall be deemed to be incorporated
by reference in this Information Circular.

Any statement contained in a document  incorporated or deemed to be incorporated
by  reference  herein  shall be  deemed to be  modified  or  superseded  for the
purposes of this Information  Circular to the extent that a statement  contained
herein or in any other  subsequently  filed document which also is, or is deemed
to be,  incorporated by reference  herein modifies or supersedes such statement.
The modifying or  superseding  statement  need not state that it has modified or
superseded a prior  statement or include any other  information set forth in the
document  that  it  modifies  or  supersedes.  The  making  of  a  modifying  or
superseding statement shall not be deemed an admission for any purposes that the
modified or superseded statement, when made, constituted a misrepresentation, an
untrue statement of a material fact or an omission to state a material fact that
is required to be stated or that is necessary to make a statement not misleading
in light of the circumstances in which it was made. Any statement so modified or
superseded  shall  not be  deemed,  except  as so  modified  or  superseded,  to
constitute a part of this Information Circular.


Price Range and Trading Volume of FEC Common Shares

The FEC Common  Shares are listed and posted for trading on the OTC BB under the
symbol  "FRUEF".  The following table sets forth the high and low trading prices
and the  aggregate  volume of trading of the FEC Common Shares on the OTC BB for
the periods indicated (as quoted by the OTC) intraday:

Period                      High            Low            Volume
                              $              $
First Quarter               0.21           0.085        1,171,400
Second Quarter              0.66           0.08         2,082,200
Third Quarter               0.30           0.15         1,548,700
Fourth Quarter              0.62           0.18         2,672,310

January                     0.62           0.40           479,674
February                    0.52           0.38           680,338
March                       0.52           0.37           336,136
April                       0.45           0.31         2,202,680
May                         0.35           0.22         1,139,640
June                        0.28           0.21           162,500
July                        0.34           0.17           297,600
August                      0.34           0.16           318,300
September                   0.26           0.14           801,900
October                     0.26           0.16           577,700
November                    0.18           0.07         2,101,100
December                    0.125          0.08           804,600

January                     0.11           0.055        3,005,100
February                    0.17           0.10         1,459,500
March                       0.15           0.048        5,247,500

(1)   On February 26th, 2003, FEC acquired 66.67% interest in Forum  Exploration
      Common Shares and in consideration issued 100,000,000 shares of FEC Shares
      to the vendors.

(2)   On 25th August,  2003,  FEC closed a private  placement of 21,538,295  FEC
      Shares with gross proceeds of $2,153,829.


Forum (FEI) Limited is a Jersey,  Channel Islands  Company.  Forum (FEI) Limited
will own all the Forum  Exploration  Common  Shares  transferred  from FEC.  Its
registered office will be located at Channel House

Financial  Services  Group  Limited,  P.O.Box 532,  Channel  House, 7 Esplanade,
St.Helier,   Jersey.  The  authorized  Capital  is  US$10,000,000  divided  into
10,000,000 shares of US$1.00 each


Sterling  Philippines Plc is a Company  registered in the United Kingdom and its
registered  offices is located at Mardall  House,  7-9 Vaughan Road,  Harpenden,
Herts AL5 4HU. The authorized  share capital is 100,000,000  shares of par value
10p.  Following  the  shareholders  meeting this Company will change its name to
Forum Energy Plc with a registered  office at 6th floor, One London Wall, London
EC2Y 5 EB, England.



Solicitation of Proxies

This  Information  Circular is furnished in connection with the  solicitation of
proxies by the management of FEC to be used at the FEC Meeting.

Solicitations of proxies will be primarily by mail, but may also be by newspaper
publication,  in person or by telephone, fax or oral communication by directors,
officers,  employees of FEC. All costs of the  solicitation  for the FEC Meeting
will be borne by FEC.

Appointment and Revocation of Proxies

Accompanying  this  Information  Circular  is a form of proxy for holders of FEC
Common  Shares.  The Persons named in the enclosed  forms of proxy are directors
and officers of FEC.

A Shareholder  desiring to appoint a Person (who need not be a  Shareholder)  to
represent such Shareholder at a Meeting other than the Persons designated in the
applicable  accompanying  form of  proxy  may do so  either  by  inserting  such
Person's name in the blank space provided in the appropriate form of proxy or by
completing  another form of proxy and, in either case, sending or delivering the
completed proxy to the offices of Computershare,  4th Floor, 510 Burrard Street,
Vancouver,  BC V6C 3B9, Canada. The applicable form of proxy must be received by
Computershare  Trust Company of Canada,  as  applicable,  by 4:30 p.m.  (Calgary
time)  on the  first  business  day  prior to the  date of the  Meetings  or any
adjournment  thereof.  Failure to so deposit a form of proxy shall result in its

A  Shareholder  who has given a form of proxy may  revoke it as to any matter on
which  a vote  has  not  already  been  cast  pursuant  to its  authority  by an
instrument  in writing  executed by such  Shareholder  or by his  attorney  duly
authorized in writing or, if the Shareholder is a corporation,  by an officer or
attorney  thereof duly  authorized,  and deposited at the above mentioned office
Computershare  Trust  Company of Canada,  as  applicable,  on or before the last
Business Day preceding the day of the Meeting or any adjournment thereof or with
the  chairman  of the  FEC  Meeting,  on the  day of  the  FEC  Meeting,  or any
adjournment thereof.

The FEC Record Date for  determination of FEC  Shareholders  entitled to receive
notice  of and to  vote  at  the  FEC  Meeting  is  April  18,  2005.  Only  FEC
Shareholders  whose  names  have  been  entered  in the  registers  of  the  FEC
Shareholders  on the close of business on the FEC Record Date and holders of FEC
Common  Shares  issued  by FEC after  the FEC  Record  Date and prior to the FEC
Meeting  will be entitled to receive  notice of and to vote at the FEC  Meeting,
provided  that,  to the  extent a holder  of FEC  Common  Shares  transfers  the
ownership of any FEC Common Shares after the FEC Record Date and the  transferee
of those FEC Common Shares  establishes  ownership of such FEC Common Shares and
demands,  not later than 10 days before the FEC  Meeting,  to be included in the
list of holders of FEC Common  Shares,  as the case may be,  eligible to vote at
the FEC  Meeting,  such  transferee  will be  entitled  to vote those FEC Common
Shares  at the  FEC  Meeting.  FEC  Options  and FEC  Warrants  that  have  been
exercised,  cancelled or otherwise terminated prior to the FEC Meeting cannot be
voted at the FEC Meeting.

Signature of Proxy

The form of proxy must be executed  by the  Shareholder  or his or her  attorney
authorized in writing, or if the Shareholder is a corporation, the form of proxy
should be signed in its corporate name under its corporate seal by an authorized
officer  whose title should be  indicated.  A proxy signed by a Person acting as
attorney or in some other  representative  capacity should reflect such Person's
capacity  following  his or her  signature  and  should  be  accompanied  by the
appropriate  instrument  evidencing  qualification  and authority to act (unless
such instrument has been previously filed with FEC).


Voting of Proxies

The Persons  named in the  accompanying  forms of proxy will vote the FEC Common
Shares in respect of which they are appointed in  accordance  with the direction
of the  Shareholder  appointing  them.  In the absence of such  direction,  such
Common shares will be voted FOR the approval of the applicable FEC Resolutions.

Exercise of Discretion of Proxy

The enclosed  forms of proxy  confer  discretionary  authority  upon the Persons
named therein with respect to amendments or variations to matters  identified in
the  accompanying  Notice of Meetings  and this  Information  Circular  and with
respect to other matters that may properly come before the respective Meeting.

Voting and Principal Holders Thereof

As at March 31, 2005 there were  174,583,653  FEC Common Shares,  17,967,000 FEC
Options and 8,239,000 FEC Warrants issued and  outstanding.  To the knowledge of
the directors and officers of FEC, as at the date

Hereof, with the exception of Westmark Limited and Langley Park Investment Trust
Plc no person or company  beneficially own, directly or indirectly,  or exercise
control or  direction,  over more than 10% of the FEC  Common  shares on a fully
diluted basis.



FEC Resolutions


      1.    The  transactions  contemplated  by and described in the Information
            Circular  and Proxy  Statement of the  Corporation  dated April 22nd
            2005  accompanying  the  notice of this  meeting  (the  "Information
            Circular"),  including without  restricting the generality  thereof,
            the disposition of all or  substantially  all of the property of the
            Corporation  substantially as set forth in Information  Circular, be
            and are hereby ratified,  authorized and approved in accordance with
            section 189(5) of the Canada Business Corporations Act;

            Notwithstanding that this resolution has been duly passed, the board
            of directors of the  Corporation  may,  without further notice to or
            approval of the holders of the Corporation's common shares, or other
            interested or affected  parties,  revoke this resolution at any time
            prior to this resolution becoming effective; and

            Any director or officer of the Corporation is hereby authorized, for
            and on behalf of the  Corporation,  to execute and deliver,  with or
            without the corporate  seal, all other documents and instruments and
            to do all other things as in the opinion of such director or officer
            may be necessary or desirable to implement  this  resolution and the
            matters  authorized  hereby,  such  determination to be conclusively
            evidenced  by the  execution  and  delivery of any such  document or
            instrument, and the taking of any such action.

      2.    The corporation hereby adopts the name change to FEC Resources,  Inc
            with  effect  immediately  following  this  meeting  and  subject to
            submission of the prerequisite  notices to inform of the name change
            of the Corporation.

      3.    The Board of Directors may determine at their  discretion  the issue
            of changing the domicile of the  corporation  from Canada to another
            jurisdiction,  subject to their  acceptance of all relevant facts to
            make an informed decision.



Transaction  Agreement between FEC, SEY and Sterling Philippines with respect to


As the pricing of the Newco Pre-IPO  placing will not be finalised until shortly
before publication of this document,  the Transaction Agreement will also not be
finalised and signed until that time.  Accordingly,  the form of the Transaction
Agreement set out in Appendix B represents  the draft of the agreement as at the
latest  practicable  time prior to the  printing  of this  document.  Other than
changes  arising  from the  pricing  of the Newco  Pre-IPO  placing,  no further
substantive changes are expected to be made to the Transaction Agreement.


                                                        Draft (5): 18 April 2005


Transaction Agreement

Forum Energy Corporation


Sterling Energy plc


Sterling Philippines plc

in respect of the intention of the parties in
relation to the Transactions

o April 2005



CLAUSE                                                                      PAGE
1.  INTERPRETATION ........................................................    1
2.  TRANSACTIONS ..........................................................    4
3.  CONDITIONS ............................................................    6
4.  PERIOD TO COMPLETION ..................................................    7
5.  WARRANTIES ............................................................    9
6.  UNDERTAKINGS ..........................................................    9
7.  ANNOUNCEMENTS .........................................................   10
8.  COSTS .................................................................   10
9.  ENTIRE AGREEMENT ......................................................   11
10.  VARIATIONS ...........................................................   11
11.  WAIVER ...............................................................   11
12.  INVALIDITY ...........................................................   11
13.  NOTICES ..............................................................   12
14.  COUNTERPARTS .........................................................   13
15.  THIRD PARTY RIGHTS ...................................................   13
16.  GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION .......................................   13
SCHEDULE 1 ................................................................   15
Structure paper ...........................................................   15
SCHEDULE 2 ................................................................   16
FEC Circular ..............................................................   16
SCHEDULE 3 ................................................................   17
PART A ....................................................................   17
Sterling Warranties .......................................................   17
PART B ....................................................................   22
FEC Warranties ............................................................   22
SCHEDULE 4 ................................................................   30
Form of voting agreement and irrevocable undertaking ......................   30
SCHEDULE 5 ................................................................   31
Limitations on Liability ..................................................   31
SCHEDULE 6 ................................................................   32
The Newco Group ...........................................................   32
SCHEDULE 7 ................................................................   37
Loan Agreement ............................................................   37
SCHEDULE 8 ................................................................   39
Placing Agreement .........................................................   39

Agreed form documents

o     FEC Circular

o     Structure paper

o     Placing Agreement

o     Pre-IPO Information Memorandum

o     Cash-flows and KPMG Memorandum

o     Voting agreement and irrevocable undertaking

o     Service agreements and letters of appointment for Newco directors

o     Loan agreement

o     Services agreement


THIS AGREEMENT is made on                                      2005.


(1)   FORUM ENERGY  CORPORATION whose principal office is at Suite 1400, 700-2nd
      Street SW Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2B 4V5 ("FEC");

(2)   STERLING ENERGY PLC (No.  1757721) whose  registered  office is at Mardall
      House, 7-9 Vaughan Road, Harpenden, Herts AL5 4HU ("Sterling"); and

(3)   STERLING  PHILIPPINES  PLC (No.  5411224)  whose  registered  office is at
      Mardall House, 7- 9 Vaughan Road, Harpenden, Herts AL5 4HU ("Newco").


(A)   The parties  have agreed to enter into this  agreement in order to set out
      their  proposed  intentions  in relation  to the sale of their  respective
      interests in the Licences to Newco in contemplation of Admission.

(B)   This  agreement is based on the initial  intentions  of the parties as set
      out in the structure paper attached at schedule 1. The structure envisages
      that  immediately  prior  to the  issue  of  securities  for  the  pre-IPO
      Fundraising Newco will hold each of the Licences through its various Group
      Company  members with its share capital  being held by Sterling  Northwest
      Africa (a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of  Sterling)  and FEC as to 28.6 per
      cent. and 71.4 per cent. respectively.

(C)   Details of each member of the Newco Group are set out in schedule 6.



1.1   The following words and expressions  shall,  unless the context  otherwise
      requires, have the following meanings:

      "Admission" means the proposed admission to AIM of the whole of the issued
      share capital of Newco;

      "Admission  Document"  means  the  document  to  be  issued  by  Newco  in
      connection with Admission,  a draft of which is represented by the pre-IPO
      Information Memorandum;

      "AIM" means AIM, a market of the London Stock Exchange;

      "Business  Day"  means a day  (excluding  Saturdays)  on which  banks  are
      generally open in London for the transaction of normal banking business;

      "Completion"  means  completion  of the sale of the FEI Shares to Newco as
      set out in clause 2.6;

      "Confidential   Information"   means  all  information   relating  to  the
      Transactions and the Licences which is not in the public domain;

      "DOE" means the Department of Energy of the Republic of the Philippines;



      "EGM" means the extraordinary general meeting of the ordinary shareholders
      of FEC convened for 18 May 2005;

      "Encumbrance"  means any mortgage,  charge  (fixed or  floating),  pledge,
      lien, hypothecation, trust, right of set off or other third party right or
      interest (legal or equitable)  including any right of set-off,  assignment
      by way of security, reservation of title or any other security interest of
      any kind however  created or arising or any other agreement or arrangement
      (including a sale and repurchase arrangement) having similar effect;

      "FEC Circular" means the circular to FEC  shareholders in the agreed terms
      despatched  on 22 April  2005  setting  out the  terms  of inter  alia the
      Transactions  together with a notice of EGM and a form of proxy in respect
      thereof (a copy of which is annexed at schedule 2);

      "FEC  Shareholder  Approval"  means  approval  of each of the  resolutions
      proposed at the EGM by the requisite majority of FEC shareholders;

      "FEC Warranties"  means the warranties given pursuant to clause 5 and part
      B of schedule 3;

      "FEI" means Forum  Exploration Inc., of 22/F Citibank Tower, 8741 Paeso de
      Roxas, Makati City, Philippines, a corporation incorporated under the laws
      of the Republic of the Philippines;

      "FEI Licences" means the 66(2)/3 per cent. interest in SC40 Cebu a service
      contract  which  contains  the  Libertad  Gas Field and several  prospects
      including Jibitnil Island, West Toledo,  Central Tanon and Maya; and a 100
      per cent.  interest in two coal operating contracts each dated 23 February
      2005  between the  Republic of the  Philippines  acting by the DOE and FEI
      being (a) blocks 34-I-68 and 34-I-69 on the DOE coal blocking map; and (b)
      blocks  35-I-219  and  35-I-259 on the DOE coal  blocking  map each in the
      province of Cebu, Republic of the Philippines;

      "FEI  Shares"  means the  125,000,000  ordinary  shares held by FEC in FEI
      amounting to an

      aggregate  of 662/3 per cent.  of the  issued  [common]  [ordinary]  share
      capital of FEI;

      "FPI" means Forum  Pacific Inc.,  of 22/F  Citibank  Tower,  8741 Paeso de
      Roxas, Makati City, Philippines, a corporation incorporated under the laws
      of the Republic of the Philippines being the holder of 62,500,000 ordinary
      shares in FEI  amounting to an  aggregate of 331/3 per cent.  of the share
      capital of FEI;

      "Holdco" means  Sterling Far East Holdings  Limited being a Jersey private
      limited company  incorporated for the purpose of being the holding company
      of SPV1, SPV2 and SPV3;

      "Licences" means all of the Reed Bank Licence,  the FEI Licences;  and the
      Nido and Matinloc Licences;

      London Stock Exchange" means the London Stock Exchange plc;

      "Newco Group" means Newco and each of its subsidiaries,  being Holdco, SPV
      1, SPV 2 and SPV 3 and "Group Company" means any of them;

      "Nido and Matinloc  Licences"  means the farm-in  option  currently  being
      negotiated by FEC in respect of offshore service contracts SC14A and SC14B
      each situated in the South China Sea;

      "Noble" means Noble & Company Limited Newco's proposed nominated adviser;



      "Placing  Agreement"  means the  Placing  Agreement  in the  agreed  terns
      intended  to be  entered  into  between  amongst  others  Newco  and Noble
      substantially in the form set out in schedule 8 to this agreement.

      "pre-IPO  Fundraising" means the monies raised by Noble on behalf of Newco
      being a minimum amount of (pound)3,000,000 (before expenses);

      "pre-IPO Information Memorandum" means the information memorandum on Newco
      in the agreed terms  prepared and  distributed by Noble on behalf of Newco
      for the purposes of the pre-IPO Fundraising;

      "Reed Bank  Licence"  means the  licence  in  respect of an area  covering
      approximately 1,036,000 hectares in the Reed Bank area in the form set out
      in the Geophysical Survey and Exploration  Contract between the Government
      of the Republic of the Philippines,  acting by the DOE and Sterling Energy
      (UK) Limited  dated 13 June 2002 and extended by letter from the DOE dated
      11 June 2004 to 11 June 2005;

      "Related Person" means in relation to any party its holding  companies and
      the subsidiaries,  subsidiary  undertakings and associated  companies from
      time to time of such  holding  companies,  all of them and each of them as
      the context admits;

      "SPV 1" means Sterling Gas Philippines  Limited,  details of which are set
      out in schedule 6;

      "SPV 2" means  Sterling Far East Limited,  details of which are set out in
      schedule 6;

      "SPV 3" means  Sterling  Resources Far East Limited,  details of which are
      set out in schedule 6;

      "Sterling  Northwest  Africa" means  Sterling  Northwest  Africa  Holdings
      Limited a Jersey private  limited company and  wholly-owned  subsidiary of

      "Sterling  Warranties" means the warranties given pursuant to clause 5 and
      Part A of schedule 3;

      "Transactions"  means  the  acquisition  by Newco or a member of the Newco
      Group of each of the Licences as set out in clause 2 of this agreement and
      the completion of the pre-IPO Fundraising; and

      "Warranties" means the Sterling Warranties and the FEC Warranties.

1.2   In this agreement, unless otherwise specified, reference to:

      (a)   a "subsidiary  undertaking"  is to be construed in  accordance  with
            section 258 of the Companies Act 1985 and a "subsidiary" or "holding
            company" is to be construed in  accordance  with section 736 of that

      (b)   a document in the "agreed  terms" is a reference to that document in
            the form approved and for the purposes of  identification  signed by
            or on behalf of each party;

      (c)   "includes" and "including" shall mean including without limitation;

      (d)   a "party" means a party to this agreement and includes its assignees
            (if any) and/or the successors in title to  substantially  the whole
            of its undertaking;



      (e)   a  "person"  includes  any  person,   individual,   company,   firm,
            corporation,   government,  state  or  agency  of  a  state  or  any
            undertaking  (whether or not having  separate legal  personality and
            irrespective of the jurisdiction in or under the law of which it was
            incorporated or exists);

      (f)   a "statute" or "statutory  instrument" or  "accounting  standard" or
            any of their  provisions  is to be  construed as a reference to that
            statute or  statutory  instrument  or  accounting  standard  or such
            provision  as the same may have been  amended or re- enacted  before
            the date of this agreement;

      (g)   "clauses", "paragraphs" or "schedules" are to clauses and paragraphs
            of and schedules to this agreement;

      (h)   "(pound)" means pounds  sterling,  the lawful currency of the United

      (i)   "writing"  includes any methods of  representing  words in a legible
            form (other than writing on an electronic or visual display  screen)
            or other writing in non-transitory form;

      (j)   words  denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa
            and words denoting any gender shall include all genders;

      (k)   any  statute,  statutory  instrument,  regulation,  by-law  or other
            requirement  of English  law and to any  English  legal term for any
            action, remedy, method of judicial proceeding, legal document, legal
            status, procedure,  court, official or any legal concept or doctrine
            or other expression shall in respect of any jurisdiction  other than
            England be deemed to include that which most nearly  approximates in
            that jurisdiction to the English term;

      (l)   the time of day is reference to time in London, England.

1.3   The words and expressions  defined in each of the schedules shall have the
      meanings set out therein.

1.4   Unless expressly stated to the contrary the obligations and liabilities of
      each of the parties under this agreement shall be several.

1.5   The recitals, the schedules and documents in the agreed terms form part of
      the  operative  provisions  of  this  agreement  and  references  to  this
      agreement shall,  unless the context otherwise requires include references
      to the recitals, the schedules and documents in the agreed terms.


2.1   Upon the terms and subject to the conditions set out in this agreement the
      parties  have  agreed to  implement  the  Transactions  as set out in this
      clause 2.

      Newco entities

2.2   In anticipation of this agreement  Sterling has incorporated the following
      entities further details of which are set out in schedule 6:

      (a)   Newco:  such entity being a public limited  company  incorporated in
            England and Wales under the name "Sterling  Philippines plc" with an
            authorised share capital of



            100,000,000  ordinary  shares of 10p each and  being a wholly  owned
            subsidiary of Sterling Northwest Africa;

      (b)   Holdco: such entity being a private limited company  incorporated in
            Jersey under the name  "Sterling Far East Holdings  Limited" with an
            authorised share capital of [8,900,000]  ordinary shares of (pound)1
            each and being a wholly owned subsidiary of Newco;

      (c)   SPV 1: such entity being a private limited  company  incorporated in
            Jersey under the name of "Sterling Gas Philippines  Limited" with an
            authorised share capital of [2,600,000]  ordinary shares of (pound)1
            each and  being a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of  Sterling  Northwest

      (d)   SPV 2: such entity being a private limited  company  incorporated in
            Jersey  under  the  name of  "Sterling  Far  East  Limited"  with an
            authorised share capital of [6,300,000]  ordinary shares of (pound)1
            each and being a wholly owned subsidiary of Holdco; and

      (e)   SPV 3: such entity being a private limited  company  incorporated in
            Jersey under the name of "Sterling  Resources Far East Limited" with
            an  authorised  share capital of 1,000  ordinary  shares of (pound)1
            each and being a wholly owned subsidiary of Holdco.

      Reed Bank Licence transfer

2.3   In anticipation of this agreement:

      (a)   Sterling on 1 April 2005 via its wholly  owned  subsidiary  Sterling
            Energy (UK) Limited  entered into a Deed of Assignment with SPV 1 in
            respect of all of its rights, interest,  obligations and liabilities
            in respect of the Reed Bank Licence in consideration  for the sum of

      (b)   On o April 2005 Sterling  Northwest Africa entered into a share sale
            agreement  with  Holdco  for the  entire  share  capital of SPV 1 in
            consideration  for  the  issue  to  Sterling   Northwest  Africa  of
            [2,600,000] ordinary shares of 10p each in the capital of Holdco.

      (c)   On o April 2005 Sterling  Northwest Africa entered into a share sale
            agreement  with Newco for the entire  share  capital of Holdco  (not
            already  held by Newco) in  consideration  for the issue to Sterling
            Northwest  Africa of o ordinary shares of 10p each in the capital of
            Newco  amounting  to an  aggregate  of 28.6 per cent.  of the issued
            share capital of Newco immediately  following Completion (but before
            taking account of the effects of the pre-IPO Fundraising).

      FEC shareholder approvals

2.4   FEC has today  despatched or undertakes today to despatch the FEC circular
      to its shareholders  with a recommendation  from the board of directors of
      FEC that FEC shareholders vote in favour of the resolutions to be proposed
      at the EGM convened for 18 May 2005 (being  resolutions  to approve  inter
      alia the Transactions).

2.5   FEC has procured the  signature  of such number of voting  agreements  and
      irrevocable  undertakings  to  vote in  favour  of the  resolutions  to be
      proposed at the EGM from its shareholders  amounting to an aggregate of at
      least  66(2)/3 per cent.  of the entire  issued share capital of FEC. Each
      voting agreement and irrevocable  undertaking is substantially in the form
      set out in schedule 4 to this agreement.

      FEI Share transfer



2.6   Conditional  upon FEC Shareholder  Approval,  FEC on o o 2005 entered into
      the following agreements:

      (a)   a share sale agreement between FEC, SPV 2 and Sterling in respect of
            the transfer of the FEI Shares to SPV2 the  consideration  for which
            is the issue to FEC of  [6,300,000]  ordinary  shares of 10p each in
            the share capital of SPV 2.

      (b)   conditional  upon completion of the share sale referred to in clause
            2.6(a) a share sale  agreement  between FEC,  Holdco and Sterling in
            respect of the transfer by FEC of the  6,300,000  shares in SPV 2 to
            Holdco  the  consideration  for  which  shall be the issue to FEC of
            [6,300,000] ordinary shares in Holdco; and

      (c)   conditional upon completion of the share sale agreement  referred to
            in clause  2.6(b) a share  sale  agreement  between  FEC,  Newco and
            Sterling for the transfer by FEC of the ordinary  shares it holds in
            Holdco to Newco the consideration for which is the issue to FEC of o
            ordinary shares in the capital of Newco amounting to an aggregate of
            71.4 per cent.  of the share  capital of Newco then in issue  taking
            into  account the  shareholding  of  Sterling  set out in clause 2.3
            above  (but  before  taking  account of the  effects of the  pre-IPO

2.7   Subject always to FEC  Shareholder  Approval being obtained FEC undertakes
      to do all such things as may be  reasonably  necessary  to ensure that the
      Nido and Matinloc  Licences are either farmed-in by SPV 3, or entered into
      directly by SPV 3 including, without limitation, using its best endeavours
      to ensure that any option lawfully exercisable by FEC is exercised so that
      the Nido and Matinloc  Licences are  farmed-in by SPV 3. [To be updated if
      heads are signed - David Robinson to advise.]

      Pre-IPO Fundraising and Admission

2.8   Each of Sterling,  FEC and Newco hereby severally  undertakes to use their
      respective  reasonable  endeavours  to  do  all  such  things  as  may  be
      reasonably necessary and are reasonably within their power to assist Noble
      in respect of the pre-IPO Fundraising.

2.9   In addition Sterling,  FEC and Newco each severally  undertakes to use all
      reasonable  endeavours  to do all such things and acts as Noble  considers
      reasonably  necessary  to procure  Admission by no later than 15 July 2005
      (or such later date as may be agreed in writing by each of the  parties to
      this agreement)  including  entering into the Placing Agreement and taking
      all steps reasonably  within its power to ensure the Warranties set out in
      part 1 of schedule 2 to the Placing  Agreement  can be given in accordance
      with the provisions of clause 10 of the Placing  Agreement  without breach
      and that no claim will arise under clause 11 of the Placing Agreement.


3.1   The parties hereby agree that  Completion  shall be  conditional  upon the
      despatch of the FEC Circular by 22 April 2005 and FEC Shareholder Approval
      being obtained by no later than 18 May 2005.

3.2   The parties  may by notice in writing to each other party waive  either of
      the conditions in whole or in part.

3.3   Each of the parties undertakes to use their reasonable  endeavours (so far
      as they are  each  reasonably  able)  to  procure  the  fulfilment  of the
      conditions set out in clause 3.1 by 18 May 2005.



..4   If both of the conditions have not been fulfilled or waived by 18 May 2005
      this agreement shall terminate with effect from that date.

3.5   If this  agreement  terminates  in  accordance  with  clause  3.4 then the
      obligations  of the parties shall  automatically  terminate  save that the
      rights  and  liabilities  of the  parties  which  have  accrued  prior  to
      termination  shall continue to subsist including those under clauses 7 and
      9 to 16 (inclusive).

3.6   Each party shall keep the others promptly  advised of the progress towards
      the satisfaction of its obligations under clause 3.3 (and vice versa).


4.1   Throughout  the period from the date of this  agreement  until  Completion
      Sterling shall:

      (a)   take all  necessary  steps to preserve and maintain SPV 1's interest
            in the Reed Bank  Licence and to operate it in  accordance  with its

      (b)   keep FEC informed of all material acts,  matters or things  relating
            to the Reed Bank Licence, or any operations carried out thereunder;

      (c)   operate  in its  usual  course  and in such a manner so as to ensure
            that no act or event  shall  occur  prior to  Completion  that could
            reasonably  be  expected  to  result  in a  breach  of the  Sterling
            Warranties  and  procure  so far as it is able  that  each of Newco,
            Holdco,  SPV1,  SPV2 and SPV3  operate  their  businesses  and incur
            expenditure  only in the usual  course  and in  accordance  with the
            terms of, or as  contemplated  by this  agreement and shall keep FEC
            informed of all such activities in relation thereto;

      (d)   procure so far as it is able that each of Newco,  Holdco, SPV 1, SPV
            2 and SPV 3 operate their  businesses and incur  expenditure only in
            accordance  with the terms of, or as  contemplated by this agreement
            and shall  keep FEC  informed  of all such  activities  in  relation
            thereto; and

      (e)   without limiting the generality of clause 4.1(c) Sterling undertakes
            it will advance to SPV 1 on the terms of the loan  agreement set out
            in  schedule 7 such sums (not  exceeding  (pound)o)  as SPV 1 may be
            required  to pay on or before 24 May 2005 in respect of  commitments
            entered  into by SPV 1 in  connection  with the Reed Bank Licence or
            its branch office  registration  in the Republic of the  Philippines
            (or such other  expenditure  as Sterling  shall  agree).  Sterling's
            obligation to make any such advances shall cease on 24 May 2005.

4.2   Throughout the period from the date of this agreement until Completion FEC

      (a)   take  all  necessary  steps  and  procure  that  FEI  preserves  and
            maintains  its  interests in the FEI  Licences and operates  them in
            accordance with their terms;

      (b)   keep  Sterling  informed  of all  material  acts,  matters or things
            relating  to the FEI  Shares,  the FEI  Licences  and the  Nido  and
            Matinloc Licences or any operation carried out thereunder;

      (c)   procure  so far as it is able that FEI  operates  its  business  and
            incurs  expenditure  only in  accordance  with the  terms  of, or as
            contemplated  by this agreement and shall keep Sterling  informed of
            all such activities in relation thereto; and



      (d)   operate in its usual  course and procure (so far as it is able) that
            FEI  operates  in the  usual  course  and in such a manner  so as to
            ensure that no act or event shall  occur prior to  Completion  which
            could  reasonably  be  expected  to  result  in a breach  of the FEC
            Warranties  including and without  limiting the foregoing paying all
            sums payable in so  operating  the business of FEI to the extent FEI
            does not or is not able to do so.

4.3   Immediately  after receipt of funds  referred to in clause 4.6 the parties
      shall  procure (so far as each of them is able) that Newco applies such of
      the funds from the pre-IPO Fundraising as follows :

      (a)   in accordance  with the cashflow  forecast for Newco and [memorandum
            in respect thereof prepared by KPMG LLP each] in the agreed terms in
            repayment  of all sums  advanced  by  Sterling  pursuant  to  clause

      (b)   in repayment of any sums paid by FEC pursuant to clause 4.2(d);

      (c)   in payment to Sterling  of the sum of (pound)o  being the agreed sum
            payable in respect  of sums paid by  Sterling  on behalf of SPV 1 in
            the period from 1 February 2005 to the date hereof; and

      (d)   (pound)o being the agreed sum payable in respect of sums paid by FEC
            on  behalf of FEI in the  period  from 1  February  2005 to the date

4.4   If at any time prior to Completion:

      (a)   Sterling is in material breach of any of the Sterling  Warranties or
            its obligations hereunder; or

      (b)   there shall occur any act or event  which upon  Completion  would or
            might  reasonably be expected to result in a material  breach of any
            of the Sterling Warranties were they repeated at such time;

      which in any such case is  incapable  of remedy  or, if  capable of remedy
      (before  Completion),  is not remedied by Sterling within seven days after
      notice thereof from FEC or Newco requiring the same to be remedied (before
      Completion)  then in any such case FEC or Newco shall be entitled to elect
      by notice in writing to terminate  this agreement save that the rights and
      liabilities of the parties which have accrued prior to  termination  shall
      continue  to  subsist  including  those  under  clauses  7  and  9  to  16

4.5   If at any time prior to Completion:

      (a)   FEC is in  material  breach  of any of  the  FEC  Warranties  or its
            obligations hereunder; or

      (b)   there  shall  occur  any act or  event  which  immediately  prior to
            Completion  would,  or might  reasonably  be expected to result in a
            material  breach of any of the FEC  Warranties  were  they  repeated
            immediately at such time; or

      which in any such case is  incapable  of remedy  or, if  capable of remedy
      (before Completion), is not remedied by FEC within seven days after notice
      thereof from Sterling or Newco  requiring the same to be remedied  (before
      Completion)  then in any such case  Sterling or Newco shall be entitled to
      elect by notice in writing to FEC to terminate  this  agreement  save that
      the rights and  liabilities  of the parties  which have  accrued  prior to
      termination  shall continue to subsist including those under clauses 7 and
      9 to 16 (inclusive).



4.6   If in the event that the funds raised by Noble on behalf of Newco pursuant
      to the pre-IPO  Fundraising have not been credited to the account of Newco
      by 5 p.m.  on 24 May 2005 (or such  later date as the  parties  may agree)
      then this agreement  shall  terminate with immediate  effect save that the
      rights  and  liabilities  of the  parties  which  have  accrued  prior  to
      termination shall continue to subsist including those under clause 7 and 9
      to 16 (inclusive).

4.7   Upon  Completion  each of the  parties  shall  procure  that the  existing
      directors of Newco shall resign and that the following appointments to the
      board of Newco be made:

      Alan Henderson              Non-executive Chairman
      David Robinson              Chief Executive Officer
      David Thompson              Chief Financial Officer
      Harry Wilson                Non-executive director
      Graeme Thomson              Non-executive director
      Barry Stansfield            Non-executive director
      Ian Baron                   Non-Executive Director

      Each of the parties  shall procure that where such  appointments  have not
      already  occurred that upon their  appointment  the above  directors enter
      into a service agreement or letter of appointment each in the agreed terms
      with Newco.

4.8   Upon  Completion  Sterling  will enter into a services  agreement,  in the
      agreed terms,  in respect of the provision of technical  advice in respect
      of the Licences to be provided by Sterling to Newco in accordance with the
      requirements of the DOE.


5.1   Sterling  warrants  with  FEC  and  Newco  in the  terms  of the  Sterling
      Warranties.  The Sterling Warranties shall be deemed to have been repeated
      immediately   prior  to   Completion   by   reference  to  the  facts  and
      circumstances then subsisting.

5.2   FEC warrants with  Sterling and Newco in the terms of the FEC  Warranties.
      The FEC Warranties shall be deemed to have been repeated immediately prior
      to Completion by reference to the facts and circumstances then subsisting.

5.3   Each of the  Warranties  shall be  construed as a separate  warranty,  and
      (unless  expressly  provided to the contrary)  shall not be limited by the
      terms  of  any of the  other  Warranties  or by any  other  term  of  this

5.4   The liability of Sterling  under the Sterling  Warranties and of FEC under
      the  FEC  Warranties  shall  be  limited  if and to the  extent  that  the
      limitations referred to in schedule 5 apply.

5.5   Each of Sterling and FEC warrants, to the other and to Newco that they are
      not aware of any fact, matter, event or circumstance which does, or would,
      or might constitute a breach of Warranty as at the date of this Agreement.


6.1   Each party  undertakes  that it will not during the term of this agreement
      or at any time  thereafter  use,  divulge or  communicate  to any  person,
      except its professional  representatives or advisers or as may be required
      by law or any legal or regulatory authority,  any Confidential Information
      concerning  the other  party  which may have or may in future  come to its
      knowledge and each of the parties shall use its  reasonable  endeavours to
      prevent the publication or disclosure of any Confidential Information.



6.2   In  consideration of the Newco Group acquiring the FEI Shares and the Reed
      Bank Licence  pursuant to the  arrangements  referred to in clause 2 above
      and in order to  assure to the Newco  Group  the full  benefit  of the FEI
      Shares  and the  Reed  Bank  Licence,  FEC  and  Sterling  each  severally
      undertake  to Newco  that  neither it nor any of its  subsidiaries  or any
      holding  company  of  any  such  subsidiary   shall  either  alone  or  in
      conjunction   with  any  other   person  do  or  actively   encourage   or
      intentionally  assist any other person to do any of the  following  things
      except with the prior  written  consent of Newco  (such  consent not to be
      unreasonably withheld):

      (a)   within  [three]  years  after  Completion  carry  on or be  engaged,
            concerned  or  interested  in  (except  as the holder of shares in a
            listed  company  which  confer not more than three per cent.  of the
            votes  which  could  normally  be cast at a general  meeting of that
            company)  any  business  whose  sole or a  material  part  of  whose
            business is the  exploration  and/or  development of oil, gas and/or
            coal assets in the Republic of the Philippines; and

      (b)   within [three] years after Completion solicit or seek to entice away
            any employee from the employment of the Newco Group.

      Each  undertaking  contained  in this clause 6.2 shall be  construed  as a
      separate and independent undertaking.

6.3   FEC  undertakes  to Newco that it will take no action  that would or might
      reasonably  be  expected  to cause  Newco at any time  (including  for the
      avoidance of doubt, upon the sale of any shares in Newco) to either become
      a reporting issuer or become subject to any  registration  requirements or
      reporting obligations pursuant to any US federal securities laws, rules or
      regulations or any Canadian securities laws, rules or regulations.


7.1   No party shall disclose the making of this agreement nor its terms (except
      those  matters set out in the press  releases  of FEC and  Sterling in the
      agreed form) and each party shall procure that each of its Related Persons
      shall not make any such disclosure  without the prior consent of the other
      party unless disclosure is:

      (a)   to its professional advisers; or

      (b)   required  by law or the  rules  or  standards  of the  London  Stock
            Exchange or any other regulatory body and disclosure shall then only
            be made by that  party  after it has taken all such  steps as may be
            reasonable  in the  circumstances  to  agree  the  contents  of such
            announcement  with the other party before  making such  announcement
            and  provided  that any such  announcement  shall be made only after
            notice to the other party/parties.

7.2   The restrictions contained in clause 7.1 shall apply without limit of time
      and whether or not this agreement is terminated.

8.    COSTS

      Save as expressly  otherwise  provided in this agreement  Newco shall bear
      all legal,  accountancy  and other costs,  charges and expenses  connected
      with the Transactions and as contemplated by this agreement.




      Each  party on  behalf  of  itself  and as agent  for each of its  Related
      Persons  acknowledges  and agrees  with the other  party  (each such party
      acting on behalf of itself and as agent for each of its  Related  Persons)

      (a)   this  agreement,  together  with  those  documents  included  in the
            schedules  or  otherwise  referred  to as being in the agreed  terms
            constitutes  the entire and only  agreement  between the parties and
            their  respective  Related Persons relating to the subject matter of
            this agreement;

      (b)   neither  party nor any of its Related  Persons  have been induced to
            enter  into this  agreement  in  reliance  upon,  nor have they been
            given,   any  warranty,   representations,   statement,   assurance,
            covenant,  agreement,  undertaking,  indemnity or  commitment of any
            nature  whatsoever  other  than  as are  expressly  set  out in this
            agreement  and, to the extent that any of them have been, it (acting
            on behalf of  itself  and as agent on behalf of each of its  Related
            Persons)  unconditionally and irrevocably waives any claims,  rights
            or remedies  which any of them might  otherwise have had in relation

      provided  that the  provisions  of this  clause 9 shall  not  exclude  any
      liability  which any of the parties or, where  appropriate,  their Related
      Persons would otherwise have to any other party or, where appropriate,  to
      any other party's  Related Persons or any right which any of them may have
      to rescind this agreement in respect of any statements  made  fraudulently
      by any of them  prior to the  execution  of this  agreement  or any rights
      which any of them may have in respect of fraudulent  concealment by any of


      This  agreement  may be  varied  only  by a  document  signed  by  each of
      Sterling, Newco and FEC.

11.   WAIVER

11.1  A waiver of any term, provision or condition of, or consent granted under,
      this  agreement  shall be effective only if given in writing and signed by
      the waiving or consenting  party and then only in the instance and for the
      purpose for which it is given.

11.2  No  failure  or delay on the part of any party in  exercising  any  right,
      power or privilege under this agreement shall operate as a waiver thereof,
      nor shall any  single or  partial  exercise  of any such  right,  power or
      privilege  preclude any other or further  exercise thereof or the exercise
      of any other right, power or privilege.

11.3  The  rights and  remedies  herein  provided  are  cumulative  with and not
      exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law.


      If any  provision  of this  agreement  is or becomes  invalid,  illegal or
      unenforceable in any respect under the law of any jurisdiction:

      (a)   the  validity,  legality  and  enforceability  under the law of that
            jurisdiction of any other provision; and



      (b)   the validity, legality and enforceability under the law of any other
            jurisdiction of that or any other provision,

      shall not be affected or impaired in any way.


13.1  Any  notice,  demand  or other  communication  given  or made  under or in
      connection  with the matters  contemplated  by this agreement  shall be in
      writing and shall be delivered  personally or sent by fax or prepaid first
      class  post  (air mail if posted  to or from a place  outside  the  United

      In the case of the FEC to:
      The Continental Building
      25 Charles Street
      Hamilton HM12
      Fax:                                          001 44 1 29 23 623
      Attention:                                    David Thompson

      In the case of Sterling to:
      Mardall House
      7-9 Vaughan Road
      AL5 4HU
      Fax:                                          01582 462161
      Attention:                                    Graeme Thomson

      In the case of Newco to:
      Mardall House
      7-9 Vaughan Road
      AL5 4HU
      Fax:                                          01582 462161
      Attention:                                    Graeme Thomson

      and shall be deemed to have been duly given or made as follows:

      (a)   if  personally  delivered,  upon  delivery  at  the  address  of the
            relevant party;

      (b)   if sent by first class  post,  two  Business  Days after the date of

      (c)   if sent by air mail,  five  Business Days after the date of posting;

      (d)   if sent by fax, when despatched;

      provided  that if,  in  accordance  with the  above  provisions,  any such
      notice,  demand or other  communication  would  otherwise  be deemed to be
      given or made  outside  9.00 a.m.  to 5.00  p.m.  on a  Business  Day such
      notice,  demand or other communication shall be deemed to be given or made
      at 9.00 a.m. on the next Business Day.



13.2  A party may notify the other  party to this  agreement  of a change to its
      name, relevant addressee, address or fax number for the purposes of clause
      13.1 provided that such notification shall only be effective on:

      (a)   the date  specified  in the  notification  as the date on which  the
            change is to take place; or

      (b)   if no date is  specified  or the date  specified  is less  than five
            Business  Days  after the date on which  notice  is given,  the date
            falling five  Business Days after notice of any such change has been


      This  agreement  may be  executed  in any  number  of  counterparts  which
      together shall  constitute  one  agreement.  Any party may enter into this
      agreement by executing a  counterpart  and this  agreement  shall not take
      effect until it has been executed by all parties.


15.1  No provision of this agreement or any side agreement shall be construed as
      creating any rights enforceable by any party not a party to this agreement
      (a "Third Party").  The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall
      therefore  not  apply to this  agreement  or any side  agreement  and this
      agreement and any side  agreement  may be rescinded or varied  without the
      consent of a Third Party.


16.1  This  agreement  (and any dispute,  controversy,  proceedings  or claim of
      whatever  nature  arising out of in any way relating to this  agreement or
      its  formation)  shall be governed by and  construed  in  accordance  with
      English law.

16.2  Each of the parties to this agreement  irrevocably  agrees that the courts
      of England shall have exclusive  jurisdiction to hear and decide any suit,
      action or proceedings,  and/or to settle any disputes, which may arise out
      of or in connection with this agreement  (respectively,  "Proceedings" and
      "Disputes") and, for these purposes, each party irrevocably submits to the
      jurisdiction of the courts of England.

16.3  Each party  irrevocably  waives any  objection  which it might at any time
      have to the courts of  England  being  nominated  as the forum to hear and
      decide any  Proceedings and to settle any Disputes and agrees not to claim
      that the courts of England are not a convenient or  appropriate  forum for
      any such  Proceedings  or Disputes and further  irrevocably  agrees that a
      judgment in any  Proceedings or Disputes  brought in any court referred to
      in this clause 16 shall be conclusive and binding upon the parties and may
      be enforced in the courts of any other jurisdiction.

16.4  Without prejudice to any other permitted mode of service the parties agree
      that service of any claim form, notice or other document ("Documents") for
      the purpose of any Proceedings  begun in England shall be duly served upon
      it if delivered personally or sent by registered post, in the case of:

      (a)   Sterling to Mardall House,  7-9 Vaughan Road,  Harpenden,  Herts AL5
            4HU (marked for the attention of Graeme Thomson) and

      (b)   FEC to The Continental Building,  25 Charles Street,  Hamilton HM12,
            Bermuda (marked for the attention of David Thompson)



            or such other person and address in England and/or Wales as Sterling
            shall notify the FEC in writing or vice versa from time to time.

IN WITNESS  whereof  this  agreement  has been  executed on the date first above



                                   SCHEDULE 1

                                 Structure paper

                              INTENTIONALLY OMITTED



                                   SCHEDULE 2

                                  FEC Circular

                              INTENTIONALLY OMITTED



                                   SCHEDULE 3

                                     PART A

                               Sterling Warranties

In this  part A of this  schedule  3 the  following  words  have  the  following
meanings unless the context otherwise requires:

"Company" means Sterling Energy (UK) Limited;

"Intellectual  Property"  means  all  rights  in or in  relation  to any and all
patents,  utility  models trade and service  marks,  rights in designs,  get-up,
trade,  business  or  domain  names,  copyrights,   topography  rights  (whether
registered  or not and any  applications  to  register  or  rights  to apply for
registration  of any of the  foregoing),  rights in inventions,  Knowhow,  trade
secrets and other  confidential  information,  rights in databases and all other
intellectual  property rights of a similar or corresponding  character which may
now or in the future  subsist in any part of the world and any rights to receive
any remuneration in respect of such rights;

"Knowhow" means confidential or proprietary industrial,  technical or commercial
information and techniques in any form (including paper,  electronically  stored
data,  magnetic  media,  files and  microfilm)  including,  without  limitation,
drawings, data relating to inventions, formulae, test results, reports, research
reports, project reports and testing procedures, shop practices, instruction and
training  manuals,  market  forecasts,  specifications,  quotations,  lists  and
particulars  of  customers  and  suppliers,  marketing  methods and  procedures,
show-how and advertising copy; and

"Licence" means the Reed Bank Licence;

"Petroleum" has the meaning given in the Petroleum Act 1988.


1.1   Status and Position

      The  Company,   and  Sterling  are  limited  liability   companies,   duly
      incorporated  and  subsisting  under  the laws of  England  and are not in
      liquidation,  administration or administrative  receivership,  nor has any
      resolution been passed by the  shareholders or creditors to put either the
      Company or Sterling into  liquidation,  administration  or  administrative

1.2   Powers and Authority

      The Company and Sterling have all requisite  corporate power to enter into
      and perform this agreement and the transactions  and matters  contemplated
      thereby and have each taken all  necessary  action to authorise  the entry
      into and  performance of this agreement and the  transactions  and matters
      contemplated thereby.

1.3   Validity

      Each of the obligations expressed to be assumed by the Company,  Newco and
      Sterling  under  this  agreement  and any  agreement  hereby  contemplated
      constitutes  a valid and  binding  obligation  of the  Company,  Newco and
      Sterling respectively.



1.4   Newco Group

      (a)   Schedule 6 contains true and accurate details of all Group Companies
            and is not misleading because of any omission.

      (b)   Apart from this  agreement,  there is no agreement,  arrangement  or
            commitment  outstanding  which  calls  for the  allotment,  issue or
            transfer  of, or  accords  to any  person  the right to call for the
            allotment,  issue or transfer  of, any shares or loan capital of any
            Group Company.

      (c)   Save in respect of SPV 1 which has applied  for branch  registration
            in the  Republic  of the  Philippines,  no  Group  Company  resides,
            operates   or  has  any  branch,   agency,   place  of  business  or
            establishment outside Jersey.

      (d)   Each Group Company is incorporated and validly  subsisting under the
            laws of its country of incorporation and is licensed or qualified to
            do  business  as  contemplated  to be  carried on by them under this
            agreement under the laws of that country.

      (e)   Each Group Company has full corporate power to carry on its business
            and to own and  operate  its  assets,  properties  and  business  as
            contemplated to be carried on by them under this agreement.

      (f)   Newco owns the entire issued share capital of Holdco.

      (g)   Holdco owns the entire  issued share capital of each of SPV 1, SPV 2
            and SPV 3.

      (h)   No Group Company has ever traded save in respect of the Licence.

      (i)   No Group  Company has any assets or  liabilities  save for its share
            capital as set out in schedule 6.

      (j)   The statutory books of each Group Company are up-to-date, in Newco's
            possession and are true and complete in accordance  with the laws of

      (k)   All resolutions,  annual returns and other documents  required to be
            delivered to the  Registrar of  Companies  (or the relevant  company
            registry of other corporate  authority of Jersey) have been properly
            prepared and filed and are true and complete.

      (l)   True,  accurate and complete copies of the documents  referred to in
            paragraph (j) and (k)  (including  all  resolutions  of the board of
            directors  and   shareholders  of  each  Group  Company)  have  been
            delivered to FEC and Noble (on behalf of Newco).


2.1   Ownership

      (a)   The Company is the legal and beneficial owner of the Licence and all
            property, rights and interests attributable thereto.

      (b)   The  Company  is able  freely  to  dispose  of the  Licence  and all
            Petroleum  attributable  or which  may  become  attributable  to the



2.2      Licence documents

      (a)   The  Licence is in full force and effect and neither the Company nor
            (so far as Sterling  and the Company are aware),  any other party to
            the Licence is in breach of its obligations under it in any material

      (b)   No act or omission  by the  Company nor (so far as Sterling  and the
            Company are aware),  any other party to the Licence has  occurred or
            is about to occur which would entitle the DOE to revoke the Licence.

      (c)   The  Licence  has  not  been,  or is  not  in the  course  of  being
            surrendered in whole or in part.

      (d)   All  obligations  and  liabilities  required to be  performed by the
            Company  pursuant to the Licence  have been duly  performed  and all
            cash calls,  required  expenditure and other expense due and payable
            by the  Company as at the date of this  agreement  have been paid in

      (e)   The DOE have not given any  indication  of any  intention to require
            any works to be  carried  out in excess  of or  different  from that
            referred to in the Licence or in any existing development  programme
            or to call for the submission of a further development  programme in
            respect of the Licence.

      (f)   All  permits,   licences,   consents,   approvals,   agreements  and
            certificates  required for the carrying out of operations  under the
            Licence have been  obtained and complied  with and are in full force
            and effect  and there are no  circumstances  indicating  that any of
            those  permits,  licences,   consents,   approvals,   agreements  or
            certificates may be suspended, threatened, revoked or not renewed or
            which may prevent or  materially  delay the obtaining of any further
            permits, licences, consents,  approvals,  agreements or certificates
            which  are  necessary  for  further  planned  operations  under  the

2.3   Abandonment

      (a)   So far as Sterling  and the Company are aware,  all wells which have
            been  completed in the area covered by the Licence have been plugged
            and abandoned in accordance with good and prudent oil field practice
            and in compliance with all requirements under law and the Licence.

      (b)   No  payments  have  been made to the  Company  in  respect  of or on
            account of or by way of provision (other than accounting  provision)
            for any future abandonment obligations relating to the Licence.

2.4   Information

      (a)   The Company has in its possession or has access to all material data
            and information relating to the Licence.

      (b)   All material data and information relating to the Licence including,
            without limitation,  all information relating to the Newco Group and
            all requirements and future  obligations  under the Licence (whether
            to incur  expenditure  or  otherwise)  has been  provided to FEC and
            Noble (on behalf of Newco) and all such information provided is true
            and accurate and not misleading.



2.5   Insurance

      (a)   Policies

      A list of each current  insurance and indemnity policy in respect of which
      the Company has an interest  (together the  "Policies") has been disclosed
      to FEC. Each of the Policies is valid and  enforceable  and is not void or
      voidable.  So far as  Sterling  and the  Company  are  aware  there are no
      circumstances  which  might make any of the  Policies  void or voidable or
      enable any insurer to refuse payment of any claim under the Policies.

      (b)   Claims

      No claim is  outstanding  under any of the Policies and so far as Sterling
      and the  Company  are aware no matter  exists  which  might give rise to a
      claim under any of the Policies.

2.6   Litigation

      The  Company  is  not  party  to  any   litigation   or   arbitration   or
      administrative  proceedings  or to any  dispute in relation to the Licence
      and neither Sterling nor the Company are aware of any circumstances likely
      to give rise to any such proceedings or dispute.

2.7   Intellectual Property

      (a)   Ownership and Validity

            (i)   The  Company  is the sole and  absolute  legal and  beneficial
                  owner of all  Intellectual  Property  used by it in respect of
                  the Licence and where appropriate such  Intellectual  Property
                  is  registered or  registration  is applied for in the name of
                  the Company.

            (ii)  The  Intellectual  Property  used by the Company in respect of
                  the  Licence  is free  from  Encumbrances  and is  subsisting,
                  valid,   exercisable   and   enforceable   and  there  are  no
                  allegations to the contrary.

      (b)   Confidentiality

      No  information  by the  Company or  Sterling in respect of the Licence is
      subject to any  confidentiality  or other  agreement or restriction on its
      use and disclosure and there is no actual or potential  breach of any such
      agreement or restriction.

2.8   Environment

      The Company is and always has been in compliance with  Environmental  Laws
      and has obtained and is holding and has complied and is complying with all
      Environmental  Permits  which it is required  to hold under  Environmental
      Laws for the  operation  of its  business and there are in relation to the
      Company   and  the  Licence  no  past  or  present   events,   conditions,
      circumstances,   activities,  practices,  or  incidents  which  materially
      interfere  with  or  prevent   compliance  with   Environmental   Laws  or
      Environmental  Permits  or which  have given rise to or are likely to give
      rise to any liability under Environmental Laws.

2.9   Placing Agreement

      In  relation  to the  warranties  set out in part 1 of  schedule  2 of the
      Placing  Agreement  (save  for those  warranties  at  clauses  3, 4 and 10
      therein) (the "General  Placing  Warranties"),  Sterling  hereby  confirms



      (a)   there would be no breach of the General Placing  Warranties if given
            on the date  hereof by  reference  to the  facts  and  circumstances
            applying at such date and as if references  therein to the Admission
            Document were to the Pre-IPO  Information  Memorandum and references
            to other  documents and reports were to the most recent  versions of
            such documents and reports on the date hereof;

      (b)   there  would be no breach of clause 11 of the Placing  Agreement  on
            the same basis as set out in paragraph (a) above; and

      (c)   it has no reason to  believe  that it will not be able to enter into
            the Placing  Agreement and to give the  warranties  and  indemnities



                                     PART B

                                 FEC Warranties

In this  part B of this  schedule  3 the  following  words  have  the  following
meanings, unless the context otherwise requires:

"Accounts" means the audited financial statements of the Company, comprising the
balance sheet of the Company,  the consolidated  balance sheet,  profit and loss
account  and cash flow  statement  of FEC  together  in each case with the notes
thereon,  directors'  report and auditors'  report,  as at and for the financial
period ended on the Accounts Date.

"Accounts Date" means 31 December 2004;

"Company" means FEI;

"Environmental Laws" means all international,  EU, national,  federal,  state or
local  statutes,  bylaws,  orders,  regulations  or  other  law  or  subordinate
legislation or common law, all orders,  ordinances,  decrees or regulatory codes
of practice,  circulars,  guidance notes, agreements with regulators or industry
bodies,  and  equivalent  controls  concerning the protection of human health or
which have as a purpose or effect the  protection  or  prevention of harm to the
Environment  or health and safety  which are binding in relation to the Licences
and/or upon the Company in the  relevant  jurisdiction  in which the Company has
been or is  operating  (including  by the export of its  products,  or its waste
thereto) on or before Completion;

"Environmental Permits" means any licence, approval, authorisation,  permission,
waiver, order or exemption issued or granted under Environmental Law;

"Intellectual  Property"  means  all  rights  in or in  relation  to any and all
patents,  utility  models trade and service  marks,  rights in designs,  get-up,
trade,  business  or  domain  names,  copyrights,   topography  rights  (whether
registered  or not and any  applications  to  register  or  rights  to apply for
registration  of any of the  foregoing),  rights in inventions,  Knowhow,  trade
secrets and other  confidential  information,  rights in databases and all other
intellectual  property rights of a similar or corresponding  character which may
now or in the future  subsist in any part of the world and any rights to receive
any remuneration in respect of such rights;

"Knowhow" means confidential or proprietary industrial,  technical or commercial
information and techniques in any form (including paper,  electronically  stored
data,  magnetic  media,  files and  microfilm)  including,  without  limitation,
drawings, data relating to inventions, formulae, test results, reports, research
reports, project reports and testing procedures, shop practices, instruction and
training  manuals,  market  forecasts,  specifications,  quotations,  lists  and
particulars  of  customers  and  suppliers,  marketing  methods and  procedures,
show-how and advertising copy;

"Petroleum" has the meaning given in the Petroleum Act 1988;

"Tax"  or  "Taxation"  means  any  tax,  and  any  duty,  contribution,  impost,
withholding,  levy or charge in the nature of tax,  whether domestic or foreign,
and any fine,  penalty,  surcharge or interest connected  therewith and includes
corporation  tax,  income tax  (including  income tax required to be deducted or
withheld from or accounted for in respect of any  payment),  national  insurance
and social security  contributions,  capital gains tax,  inheritance  tax, value
added tax, customs excise and import duties, stamp duty, stamp duty reserve tax,
stamp duty land tax,  insurance premium tax, air passenger duty, rates and water
rates, land fill tax, petroleum revenue tax, advance petroleum



revenue  tax, gas levy,  climate  change levy and any other  payment  whatsoever
which any person is or may be or become bound to make to any person and which is
or purports to be in the nature of taxation;

"Taxation Authority" means any local, municipal, governmental, state, federal or
fiscal, revenue, customs or excise authority,  body, agency or official anywhere
in the world having or  purporting to have power or authority in relation to Tax
including the Inland Revenue and HM Customs and Excise; and

"Taxation   Statutes"  means  all  statutes,   statutory   instruments,   orders
enactments,  laws,  by-laws,  directives and  regulations,  whether  domestic or
foreign decrees, providing for or imposing any Tax.


1.1   The FEI Shares

      (a)   FEC is the only  legal and  beneficial  owner of the FEI  Shares and
            will have the right and power to sell and  transfer  or procure  the
            transfer of all of the FEI Shares in accordance  with the provisions
            of this agreement.

      (b)   Save for the shares  held by FPI being  62,500,000  ordinary  shares
            each the  Company  has not  allotted  any shares  other than the FEI
            Shares and the FEI Shares are fully paid or credited as fully paid.

      (c)   There is no  Encumbrance  in  relation  to any of the FEI  Shares or
            unissued  shares in the  capital of the  Company and other than this
            agreement,   there  is  no  agreement,   arrangement  or  obligation
            requiring the creation, allotment, issue, sale, transfer, redemption
            or repayment of, or the grant to a person of the right  (conditional
            or not) to require the allotment, issue, sale, transfer,  redemption
            or repayment of, a share in the capital of the Company (including an
            option or right of pre-emption or conversion).

1.2   The Company does not own any shares or stock in the capital of nor does it
      have  any  beneficial  or  other  interest  in  any  company  or  business
      organisation of whatever nature.


      2.1   General

      (a)   The  Accounts  show a true and fair view of the assets,  liabilities
            (including all contingent or deferred  liability to Tax),  financial
            position and state of affairs at the Accounts Date.

      (b)   The Accounts have been  prepared and audited in accordance  with the
            standards,  principles  and  practices  specified on the face of the
            Accounts  applied  on a  consistent  basis and  subject  thereto  in
            accordance with the law and Generally Accepted Accounting Standards,
            Principles and Policies in Canada consistently applied.

      (c)   The Accounts have been prepared on a basis consistent with the basis
            upon which all audited accounts of the Company have been prepared in
            respect of the three years before the Accounts Date.

2.2   Off Balance Sheet Financing

      No member of the FEC group is  engaged  in any  financing  (including  the
      incurring  of  any  borrowing  or  any   indebtedness  in  the  nature  of
      acceptances  or acceptance  credits) of a type which would not be required
      to be shown or reflected in the Accounts.



2.3   Accounting and Other Records

      (a)   The books of account and all other records of the Company (including
            any which it may be  obliged to produce  under any  contract  now in
            force) are  up-to-date,  in its possession and are true and complete
            in accordance with the law and applicable standards,  principles and
            practices generally accepted in the Republic of the Philippines.

      (b)   All  deeds  and  documents   (properly  stamped  where  stamping  is
            necessary for enforcement thereof) belonging to the Company or which
            ought to be in the  possession of the Company are in the  possession
            of the Company.


      Since the Accounts Date:

      (a)   the  Company  has  carried  on  its  business  prudently  and in the
            ordinary  and usual  course and so as to maintain  the business as a
            going concern;

      (b)   there  has been no  material  adverse  change  in the  financial  or
            trading position or prospects of the Company; and

      (c)   there has been no  material  reduction  in the value of those  fixed
            assets  specified in the Accounts,  to the extent still owned by the

4.    ASSETS

4.1   Title

      There are no Encumbrances,  over any part of the Company's  undertaking or
      assets necessary for the operation of its business as currently  conducted
      (tangible or intangible) and each such asset is:

      (a)   legally and beneficially owned by the Company; and

      (b)   where capable of possession, in the possession of the Company;

      and without limitation no rights (other than rights as shareholders in the
      Company)  relating to the  business of the Company are owned or  otherwise
      enjoyed by or on behalf of any member of the FEC Group.

4.2   Ownership

      (a)   The Company is the legal and  beneficial  owner of the FEI  Licences
            and  all  property,  rights  and  interests  attributable  to  those

      (b)   The  Company is able freely to dispose of the FEI  Licences  and all
            Petroleum  attributable or which may become  attributable to the FEI

      (c)   Save for the Nido and Matinloc  Licences the FEI Licences are all of
            the permits,  licences,  consents or authorisations held or obtained
            by the Company  pursuant to which the Company has rights to explore,
            search for,  bore for,  get,  produce or develop  Petroleum  and the
            Company  has not by  itself  or  with  any  other  party,  made  any
            application  for  any  other  such  permit,   licence,   consent  or
            authorisation which application is still outstanding.



4.3   Licence documents

      (a)   The FEI  Licences  are in full  force and  effect  and  neither  the
            Company  nor (so far as FEC and the  Company  are  aware)  any other
            party to the Licences is in breach of its  obligations  under any of
            them in any material respect.

      (b)   No act or omission by the  Company  nor, so far as FEC is aware,  by
            any other party to any of the FEI  Licences has occurred or is about
            to  occur  which  would  entitle  the DOE to  revoke  any of the FEI

      (c)   All  obligations  and  liabilities  required to be  performed by the
            Company  pursuant to the FEI Licences  have been duly  performed and
            all cash  calls  required  expenditure  and other  expenses  due and
            payable by the  Company as at the date of this  agreement  have been
            paid in full.

      (d)   The DOE have not given any  indication  of any  intention to require
            any works to be  carried  out in excess  of or  different  from that
            referred  to in the  FEI  Licences  or in any  existing  development
            programme  or to call for the  submission  of a further  development
            programme in respect of any licence.

      (e)   All  permits,   licences,   consents,   approvals,   agreements  and
            certificates  required for the carrying out of operations  under the
            FEI Licences  have been  obtained and complied  with and are in full
            force and effect and there are no circumstances  indicating that any
            of those  permits,  licences,  consents,  approvals,  agreements  or
            certificates may be suspended, threatened, revoked or not renewed or
            which may prevent or  materially  delay the obtaining of any further
            permits, licences, consents,  approvals,  agreements or certificates
            which  are  necessary  for  further  planned  operations  under  the

4.4   Abandonment

      (a)   So far as FEC is aware,  all wells which have been  completed in the
            areas  of the FEI  Licences  have  been  plugged  and  abandoned  in
            accordance   with  good  and  prudent  oil  field  practice  and  in
            compliance  with all  requirements  under law and the  relevant  FEI

      (b)   No  payments  have  been made by the  Company  in  respect  of or on
            account of or by way of provision (other than accounting  provision)
            for  any  future  abandonment  obligations  relating  to  any of the

4.5   Information

      (a)   The Company has in its possession or has access to all material data
            and information relating to the FEI Licences.

      (b)   All  material  data and  information  relating  to the FEI  Licences
            including,   without   limitation,   all   requirements  and  future
            obligations  under the FEI Licences (whether to incur expenditure or
            otherwise)  has been  provided to  Sterling  and Noble (on behalf of
            Newco) and all such  information  provided is true and  accurate and
            not misleading.

4.6   Litigation

      The  Company  is  not  a  party  to  any   litigation  or  arbitration  or
      administrative  proceedings  or to any  dispute  in  relation  to the  FEI
      Licences and FEC is not aware of any circumstances  likely to give rise to
      any such proceedings or dispute.




5.1   Ownership and Validity

      (a)   The Company is the sole and absolute legal and  beneficial  owner of
            all  Intellectual  Property  used by it in its  business  and  where
            appropriate such Intellectual Property is registered or registration
            is applied for in the name of the Company.

      (b)   The  Intellectual  Property  used by the Company in its  business is
            free from  Encumbrances  and is subsisting,  valid,  exercisable and
            enforceable and there are no allegations to the contrary.

5.2   Confidentiality

      No  information  used in the  business  of the  Company  is subject to any
      confidentiality   or  other  agreement  or  restriction  on  its  use  and
      disclosure  and  there  is no  actual  or  potential  breach  of any  such
      agreement or restriction.


6.1   Neither the execution nor performance of this agreement or any document to
      be executed pursuant thereto will:

      (a)   result in the  Company  losing  the  benefit  of an asset,  licence,
            grant,  subsidy,  right or privilege  which it enjoys at the date of
            this agreement in any jurisdiction; or

      (b)   conflict with, or result in a breach of, or give rise to an event of
            default under, or require the consent of a person under, or enable a
            person to terminate,  or relieve a person from an obligation  under,
            an  agreement,  arrangement  or obligation to which the Company is a
            party or a legal or administrative requirement in any jurisdiction.


7.1   Statutory Books and Filings

      (a)   The statutory books of the Company are up-to-date, in its possession
            and are true and complete in accordance with the law.

      (b)   All resolutions,  annual returns and other documents  required to be
            delivered to the Registrar of Companies (or other  relevant  company
            registry or other corporate authority in any jurisdiction) have been
            properly prepared and filed and are true and complete.


8.1   Policies

      A list of each current  insurance and indemnity policy in respect of which
      the Company has an interest  (together the  "Policies") has been disclosed
      to Sterling. Each of the Policies is valid and enforceable and is not void
      or voidable. So far as FEC is aware there are no circumstances which might
      make any of the Policies  void or voidable or enable any insurer to refuse
      payment of any claim under the Policies.

8.2   Claims



      No claim is  outstanding  under any of the  Policies  and so far as FEC is
      aware no matter  exists  which might give rise to a claim under any of the


9.1   Debts owed by the Company

      (a)   The Company does not have  outstanding any borrowing or indebtedness
            in the  nature of  borrowing  (including,  without  limitation,  any
            indebtedness  for moneys  borrowed  or raised  under any  acceptance
            credit,  bond, note, bill of exchange or commercial  paper,  finance
            lease,  hire  purchase  agreement,  trade bills (other than those on
            terms  normally  obtained),  forward  sale or purchase  agreement or
            conditional   sale  agreement  or  other   transaction   having  the
            commercial effect of a borrowing) and whether or not of a type which
            would be required to be shown or reflected in the Accounts.

      (b)   The Company has not received any notice to repay under any agreement
            relating to any borrowing or indebtedness in the nature of borrowing
            which is repayable on demand.

      (c)   There has not  occurred  any event of default or any other  event or
            circumstance  which  would  entitle  any  person  to call for  early
            repayment   under  any  agreement   relating  to  any  borrowing  or
            indebtedness  of the Company or to enforce any security given by the

9.2   Guarantees and Indemnities

      (a)   The  Company  is  not a  party  to  and  is  not  liable  (including
            contingently)  under a guarantee,  indemnity  or other  agreement to
            secure or incur a  financial  or other  obligation  with  respect to
            another person's obligation.

      (b)   No part of the loan capital, borrowing or indebtedness in the nature
            of  borrowing  of the  Company  is  dependent  on the  guarantee  or
            indemnity of, or security provided by, another person.


10.1  The Company is and always has been in compliance with  Environmental  Laws
      and has obtained and is holding and has complied and is complying with all
      Environmental  Permits  which it is required  to hold under  Environmental
      Laws for the  operation  of its  business and there are in relation to the
      Company  and  the  Licences  no  past  or  present   events,   conditions,
      circumstances,   activities,  practices,  or  incidents  which  materially
      interfere  with  or  prevent   compliance  with   Environmental   Laws  or
      Environmental  Permits  or which  have given rise to or are likely to give
      rise to any liability under Environmental Laws.


11.1  Returns

      The Company has  complied in full with all its duties  under all  taxation
      statutes  and has kept all  records,  made all  returns and  supplied  all
      information  and given all notices to the relevant  Taxation  Authority as
      reasonably  requested or required by law within any  requisite  period and
      all such  returns  and  information  and  notices  and any  statements  or
      disclosures made to any Taxation Authority are correct and accurate in all
      respects and are not the subject of any dispute and so far as FEC is aware
      there  are no  facts or  circumstances  likely  to give  rise to or be the
      subject of any such dispute.



11.2  Clearances

      No action has been taken by the Company in respect of which any consent or
      clearance  from the  relevant  Taxation  Authority  was  required  save in
      circumstances  where such consent or clearance was validly  obtained,  and
      where  any  conditions  attaching  thereto  were  and  will,   immediately
      following completion, continue to be met.

11.3  Payment of Tax

      The  Company has duly and  punctually  paid all Tax to the extent that the
      same  ought to have been paid and is not  liable  nor has it within  three
      years  prior to the date hereof been liable to pay any penalty or interest
      in connection therewith.

11.4  Withholdings

      The Company  has duly and  punctually  complied  with its  obligations  to
      deduct,  withhold  or  retain  amounts  of or on  account  of Tax from any
      payments  made by it and to  account  for  such  amounts  to the  relevant
      Taxation Authority and has complied with all its reporting  obligations to
      the relevant Taxation Authority in connection with any such payments made.

11.5  Provision for Tax in the pre-IPO Information Memorandum

      The pre-IPO  Information  Memorandum  makes full  provision  or reserve in
      respect of any period  ended on or before  the  Accounts  Date for all Tax
      assessed  or  liable  to be  assessed  on the  Company  or for which it is
      accountable  at the  Accounts  Date  whether or not the Company has or may
      have  any  right  of  reimbursement  against  any  other  person  and full
      provision  has been made and shown in the pre-IPO  Information  Memorandum
      for deferred  taxation in accordance  with generally  accepted  accounting

11.6  Post-Accounts Date Events

      Since the Accounts Date, save as set out, described or provided for in the

      Information Memorandum:

      (a)   the  Company  has not been  involved  in any  transaction  which has
            given,  may give or would,  but for the  availability of any relief,
            give rise to any Tax other than in respect of actual  income  earned
            by the Company in the course of its trade;

      (b)   the  Company  has not made  any  payment  of a  revenue  nature  (or
            incurred  any  liability  to make any such  payment)  which could be
            disallowed  as a deduction in computing  the taxable  profits of the
            Company or as a charge on the Company's income.  The Company has not
            been involved in any  transaction  other than on arm's length terms;

      (c)   no disposal  has taken place or other event  occurred  such that the
            Company would be required to bring a disposal  value into account or
            such that a chargeable gain could or would accrue to the Company.

11.7  Company Residence

      The  Company has always been  resident  in the  territory  in which it was
      incorporated and has never been resident in any other territory or treated
      as so resident for the purposes of any double Tax  agreement  nor does the
      Company have a permanent  establishment  or other taxable  presence in any
      jurisdiction other than that in which it was incorporated.




      In relation to the  warranties  set out in part 1 of schedule 2 to Placing
      Agreement (save for those  warranties at clauses 3, 4 and 10 therein) (the
      "General Placing Warranties"), FEC hereby confirms that:

      (a)   there would be no breach of the General Placing  Warranties if given
            on the date  hereof by  reference  to the  facts  and  circumstances
            applying at such date and as if references  therein to the Admission
            Document were to the Pre-IPO  Information  Memorandum and references
            to other  documents and reports were to the most recent  versions of
            such documents and reports on the date hereof;

      (b)   there  would be no breach of clause 11 of the Placing  Agreement  on
            the same basis as set out in paragraph (a) above; and

      (c)   it has no reason to  believe  that it will not be able to enter into
            the Placing  Agreement and to give the  warranties  and  indemnities



                                   SCHEDULE 4

              Form of voting agreement and irrevocable undertaking

                              INTENTIONALLY OMITTED



                                   SCHEDULE 5

                            Limitations on Liability

No claim may be brought  under the FEC  Warranties  or the  Sterling  Warranties
(save in the event of fraud or wilful  non-disclosure  by FEC in relation to the
Sterling Warranties or by Sterling in relation to the FEC Warranties):

      (a)   for any matter disclosed in the pre-IPO Information Memorandum;

      (b)   unless it shall have given  written  notice  thereof to the relevant
            party  specifying in  reasonable  detail the basis of such claim and
            the amount  thereof on or before the date  falling  [one month after
            the  publication  of the  accounts  of Newco for the  period  ending
            o 2006];

      (c)   unless,  within nine  months from the date of any claim,  the matter
            has been  settled or Noble has issued legal  proceedings  in respect



                                   SCHEDULE 6

                                 The Newco Group


Name:                       Sterling Philippines plc

Status:                     Public company limited by shares

Date of incorporation:      1 April 2005

Place of incorporation:     England and Wales

Registered number:          5411224

Registered office:          Mardall House, 7-9 Vaughan Road, Harpenden, Herts
                            AL5 7HU

Authorised share capital:   o

Issued share capital:       o

Directors:                  Graeme Paul Thomson
                            Henry George Wilson

Secretary:                  Graeme Paul Thomson




Name:                        Sterling Far East Holdings Limited

Status:                      Private company limited by shares

Date of incorporation:       1 April 2005

Place of incorporation:      Jersey

Registered number:           89858

Registered office:           Channel House Financial Services Group Limited,
                             P.O. Box 532, Channel House, 7 Esplanade, St.
                             Helier, Jersey JE4 5UW

Authorised share capital:    o

Issued share capital:        o

Directors:                   o

Secretary:                   o



                                      SPV 1

Name:                        Sterling Gas Philippines Limited

Status:                      Private company limited by shares

Date of incorporation:       31 March 2005

Place of incorporation:      Jersey

Registered number:           89851

Registered office:           Channel House Financial Services Group Limited,
                             P.O. Box 532, Channel House, 7 Esplanade, St.
                             Helier, Jersey JE4 5UW

Authorised share capital:   o

Issued share capital:       o

Directors:                  o

Secretary:                  o



                                      SPV 2

Name:                       Sterling Far East Limited

Status:                     Private company limited by shares

Date of incorporation:      31 March 2005

Place of incorporation:     Jersey

Registered number:          89850

Registered office:          Channel House Financial Services Group Limited,
                            P.O. Box 532, Channel House, 7 Esplanade, St.
                            Helier, Jersey JE4 5UW

Authorised share capital:   o

Issued share capital:       o

Directors:                  o

Secretary:                  o



                                      SPV 3

Name:                       Sterling Resources Far East Limited

Status:                     Private company limited by shares

Date of incorporation:      4 April 2005

Place of incorporation:     Jersey

Registered number:          89867

Registered office:          Channel House Financial Services Group Limited,
                            P.O. Box 532, Channel House, 7 Esplanade, St.
                            Helier, Jersey JE4 5UW

Authorised share capital:   o

Issued share capital:       o

Directors:                  o

Secretary:                  o



                                   SCHEDULE 7

                                 Loan Agreement


(1)   STERLING GAS PHILIPPINES LIMITED (No. 89851) (the "Borrower"); and

(2)   STERLING ENERGY PLC (No. 1757721) (the "Lender").



      The Lender shall make available to the Borrower a credit facility of up to
      a maximum aggregate principal amount of (pound) o (the "Facility").


      The Facility may be drawn down in amounts agreed between the Lender and
      the Borrower by the Borrower giving to the Lender not less than two
      business days notice (or such lesser period as the Lender may agree)
      specifying the date of drawdown and the amount to be borrowed.


3.1   All drawings made under the Facility together with accrued interest shall
      be repaid in full on demand. Any amounts repaid shall not be available for
      redrawing thereafter.

3.2   Final repayment of all outstanding borrowings and accrued interest shall
      be made on 24 May 2005 or such later date as the Lender may agree.


      All sums payable by the Borrower shall be paid without any withholding or
      deduction unless required by law, in which event the Borrower will (if
      required by the Lender) forthwith pay to the Lender such additional amount
      as will result in the receipt by the Lender of the full amount and will
      supply the Lender promptly with evidence satisfactory to it that the
      Borrower has accounted to the relevant authority for the sum withheld.


      The Borrower may not assign and/or transfer any of its rights and/or
      obligations under this agreement.




      This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
      English law and the Lender and the Borrower submit to the non-exclusive
      jurisdiction of the High Court of Justice in England.

IN WITNESS  whereof the parties have  executed  this  agreement the day and year
first above written.

Signed by
for and on behalf of

Signed by
for and on behalf of



                                   SCHEDULE 8

                                Placing Agreement

                              INTENTIONALLY OMITTED



Signed for and on behalf of     )

Signed for and on behalf of     )

Signed for and on behalf of     )




Forum Energy Plc (Newco) Information

Current name:                 Sterling Philippines plc

Status:                       Public company limited by shares

Date of incorporation:        1 April 2005

Place of incorporation:       England and Wales

Registered number:            5411224

Registered office:            Mardall House, 7-9 Vaughan Road, Harpenden, Herts
                              AL5 7HU

Authorised share capital:     (pound)10,000,000 divided into 100,000,000 shares
                              of (pound)0.10 each.

Issued share capital:         See "Notice Regarding Transaction Agreement" in
                              Appendix B

Directors:                    Graeme Paul Thomson
                              Henry George Wilson

Secretary:                    Graeme Paul Thomson

Proposed Directors:           David R. Robinson (CEO)
                              David M. Thompson (CFO)
                              Alan B. Henderson (Non executive Chairman)
                              Ian Baron (Non executive director)
                              Harry George Wilson (Non executive director)
                              Graeme Paul Thomson (Non executive director)
                              Barry Stansfield (Non executive director)



Forum Philippines Holdings Limited (Holdco) Information

Current name:                            Sterling Far East Holdings Limited

Status:                                  Private company limited by shares

Date of incorporation:                   1 April 2005

Place of incorporation:                  Jersey

Registered number:                       89858

Registered office:                       Channel House Financial Services Group Limited, P.O.
                                         Box 532, Channel House, 7 Esplanade, St. Helier, Jersey
                                         JE4 5UW

Authorised share capital:                US$10,000,000 divided into 10,000,000 shares of
                                         US$1.00 each

Issued share capital:                    100 shares of $1.00 each

Current directors (pre Transaction):     Tobias Mathews
                                         Neil Wakeling
                                         Graeme Thomson

Secretary:                               Channel House Secretaries

Proposed directors: (Post Transaction)   Tobias Mathews
                                         Neil Wakeling
                                         David Thompson

Company description:                     Holding company formed to hold Forum (FEI) Limited
                                         and Forum (GSEC101) Limited.



Forum (FEI) Limited Information

Current name:                            Sterling Far East Limited

Status:                                  Private company limited by shares

Date of incorporation:                   31 March 2005

Place of incorporation:                  Jersey

Registered number:                       89850

Registered office:                       Channel House Financial Services Group Limited, P.O.
                                         Box 532, Channel House, 7 Esplanade, St. Helier, Jersey
                                         JE4 5UW

Authorised share capital:                US$10,000,000 divided into 10,000,000 shares of
                                         US$1.00 each

Issued share capital:                    100 shares of $1.00 each

Current directors (pre Transaction):     Tobias Mathews
                                         Neil Wakeling
                                         Graeme Thomson

Secretary:                               Channel House Secretaries

Proposed directors: (Post Transaction)   Tobias Mathews
                                         Neil Wakeling
                                         David Thompson

Company description:                     Subsidiary company formed to hold the 66.67% interest in
                                         Forum Exploration Inc.



Forum (GSEC101) Limited

Current name:                            Sterling Gas Philippines Limited

Status:                                  Private company limited by shares

Date of incorporation:                   31 March 2005

Place of incorporation:                  Jersey

Registered number:                       89851

Registered office:                       Channel House Financial Services Group Limited, P.O. Box
                                         532, Channel House, 7 Esplanade, St. Helier, Jersey JE4

Authorised share capital:                US$10,000,000 divided into 10,000,000 shares of
                                         US$1.00 each

Issued share capital:                    100 shares of $1.00 each

Current directors (pre Transaction):     Tobias Mathews
                                         Neil Wakeling
                                         Graeme Thomson

Secretary:                               Channel House Secretaries

Proposed directors: (Post Transaction)   Tobias Mathews
                                         Neil Wakeling
                                         David Thompson

Company description:                     Subsidiary company formed to hold the Sterling Energy
                                         Philippine assets being a 100% interest in GSEC101
                                         (Reed Bank)



Competent  Persons  Report on the  Petroleum  assets of Newco  completed  by PGS
Reservoir Consultants (UK) Limited



18th April 2005
The Directors
Forum Energy Corporation
700 - 2nd Street SW
Alberta T2P 4V5

Dear Sirs,

                        Forum Energy Plc ("the Company")
    Placing of the Company's Ordinary Shares of 10p each ("the Placing") and
                       Admission to AIM ("the Admission")

We, PGS Reservoir Limited,  refer to a report we have prepared for the Directors
of Forum Energy plc, for  inclusion in a prospectus  to be issued by the Company
in support of an IPO,  and  subsequently  admission to the AIM market in London.
The report reviews and evaluates the Petroleum  Interests of Forum Energy plc in
the Philippines,  and was prepared  specifically for the purpose outlined above.
The contents of the report do not conform to the standards of disclosure for oil
and gas activities required by Canadian National Instrument 51-101, as these are
primarily  concerned  with  activities  and projects that are at a more advanced
stage of maturity than the Company's.

We hereby confirm that we give our consent to the inclusion of the report in its
entirety, and reference to our name, in the circular you propose to issue to the
shareholders on April 22nd 2005.

Yours faithfully

Jeremy Thompson
Manager, Evaluations and Valuations

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PGS Reservoir Ltd Tel: + 44 1628 641 000                     Registered Office:
PGS Thames House  Fax: + 44 1628 641 200           PGS Reservoir Limited
17 Marlow Road                                     PGS Court, Halfway Green
Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7AA                          Walton-On-Thames, Surrey KT12
England                                            Company Registration: 3177228
                                                   Registered in England & Wales



                                                           PGS Reservoir Limited
                                                                PGS Thames House
                                                                  17 Marlow Road
                                                                   Berks SL6 7AA

The Directors
Forum Energy Plc
2 Temple Back East
Temple Quay
Bristol BS1 6EG


The Directors
Noble & Company Limited
76 George Street
Edinburgh EH2 3BU

                                                                   15 April 2005

Dear Sirs,

                Re: The Petroleum Interests of Forum Energy Plc

In response to your request,  we have reviewed the proposed petroleum  interests
of  Forum  Energy  Plc  ("Forum").  Following  the  signing  of the  Transaction
Agreement  mentioned below,  and the conditions being met or waived,  Forum will
have an interest in two contract areas in the  Philippines,  one currently owned
by Forum  Energy  Corporation  ("FEC")  and the  other by  Sterling  Energy  Plc
("Sterling"). These areas are highlighted on a map of the Philippine archipelago
in Figure 1 (attached). The contract areas encompass undeveloped discoveries and
unexplored and untested exploration prospects.

Our evaluation of those  interests is based on a review of information  provided
to PGS by FEC and Sterling  during March 2005.  PGS has performed an independent
review and evaluation of the  interpreted  data and in preparing this report PGS
have used maps,  reports and other  pertinent data supplied by FEC and Sterling.
Where possible,  PGS have  substantiated  the existence of oil and gas resources
from well information and other evidence supplied by the Directors of Forum, FEC
and Sterling.

Summary of Interests

FEC and Sterling are to enter into a Transaction Agreement in April 2005,
whereby will FEC transfer its 66.7 per cent. interest in Forum Exploration,
Inc., ("FFI") a Philippine registered company, which has a 100 per cent.
interest in the SC 40 (Cebu) contract area, and Sterling will contribute its 100
per cent. interest in

                                  Page 1 of 16
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PGS Reservoir Ltd Tel: + 44 1628 641 000                     Registered Office:
PGS Thames House  Fax: + 44 1628 641 200           PGS Reservoir Limited
17 Marlow Road                                     PGS Court, Halfway Green
Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7AA                          Walton-On-Thames, Surrey KT12
England                                            Company Registration: 3177228
                                                   Registered in England & Wales



the GSEC 101  (Reed  Bank)  contract  area  offshore  Palawan  island to a newly
incorporated UK Plc, Forum Energy Plc. The contract areas are shown plotted on a
map of the  Philippine  archipelago  in Figure 1. GSEC 101 (Reed Bank) covers an
offshore area to the west of Palawan Island, known as the Reed Bank.

The FEC  contract  area is a service  contract  (SC) area known as SC 40 (Cebu),
which  covers the  northern  half of Cebu  Island  plus part of the  Visayan sea
offshore to the west of the island. Several exploration prospects and leads have
been identified by FEI within the service  contract area, both onshore Cebu, and
offshore  in the  Visayan  Sea.  A small  gas  field  named  Libertad  has  been
discovered and appraised  onshore Cebu, but its small size has meant that so far
it has not been  developed.  FEI is currently  undertaking a  feasibility  study
aimed at developing Libertad to provide gas for on-site electricity generation.

The prospects and fields identified within the two contract areas are summarised
in the table below, and discussed in more detail in the following sections.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  Prospect and Discovery Summary
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prospect               Primary Target       Target      Water      Chance of            Potential Reserves
                         Formation         Depth ft    Depth ft  Discovery (1)      Oil(mmbbl)/Gas(bscf)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Central Tanon         Barili Limestone       3700        650         0.115                 265/660
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jibitnil Island       Maingit Limestone      4100      Onshore       0.115                 85/450
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
South Guintacan       Maingit Limestone      6000        100         0.099                 70/330
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
West Malapascua       Maingit Limestone      2900        120         0.115                 80/185
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
West Toledo (2)       Malubog Sand           7500        350         0.113                 97/332
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Agojo                 Maingit Limestone      4700        250          0.1                  60/210
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
North Bantayan        Cebu Limestone         7600        300          0.08                250/1000
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sampaguita (3)        Late Paleocene        10300        260           1                   - /2329
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Libertad              Barili Limestone       650       Onshore         1                   - /0.5
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMB (4)               Malubog Sand           1500      Onshore         1                  0.14/0.64
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)   Prospect chances of success are not independent. Failure to discover
      commercial hydrocarbons in one prospect is likely to reduce the chance of
      success in the others.

(2)   As currently mapped, only a small part of these potential reserves may be
      under SC 40 (Cebu).

(3)   Potential gas reserves assume a recovery factor of 0.85

(4)   Potential oil reserves are limited to primary recovery. Recovery factors
      for oil and gas are assumed to be 0.05 and 0.85 respectively.

GSEC 101 (Reed Bank)

The GSEC 101 (Reed Bank) licence is located in the South China Sea to the west
of Palawan in the Reed Bank area and covers an area of 4,023 square miles
(10,420 km(2)). This licence contains the Sampaguita gas

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PGS Reservoir Ltd Tel: + 44 1628 641 000                     Registered Office:
PGS Thames House  Fax: + 44 1628 641 200           PGS Reservoir Limited
17 Marlow Road                                     PGS Court, Halfway Green
Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7AA                          Walton-On-Thames, Surrey KT12
England                                            Company Registration: 3177228
                                                   Registered in England & Wales



discovery  and a number  of leads as  illustrated  in Figure  2.  Sampaguita  is
located in 250-270 feet (ca.  75-85  metres) of water,  approximately  150 miles
(250  kilometres)  southwest of the Malampaya  Gas Field and a similar  distance
northwest of Palawan.  The  Malampaya  Gas Field  produced  first gas in October
2001.  Figure 3 shows the  location  of the GSEC (Reed Bank) area in relation to
the  Malampaya  field,  and its  associated  gas  export  infrastructure,  which
consists of a 504 kilometer  long 24 inch diameter  pipeline  delivering  gas to
landfall on Luzon island.

The Reed Bank area  consists  of two main  highs,  which are  referred to as the
'North Bank' and 'South  Bank',  separated by a deeper  area.  The  structure is
strongly  influenced  by a series of  northwest  - southeast  orientated  faults
formed as a result of the opening of the South  China Sea.  The  Sampaguita  gas
discovery is located at the southwestern end of the smaller 'South Bank'.

Exploration  in the  GSEC  101  (Reed  Bank)  area  commenced  in 1970  with the
acquisition  of 2D seismic  data. At present 340 miles (ca. 550  kilometres)  of
seismic  data are  available  over the  South  Bank  area,  which  includes  the
Sampaguita gas discovery.  Exploration  drilling during the 1970-80s was focused
on exploration for oil, with gas being considered  non-commercial  at that time.
The first well,  Sampaguita-1,  was drilled in 1976 by Salen. This tested gas in
the Late Paleocene sand section.  This was followed by well Sampaguita-2 (Salen,
1978; gas shows not tested),  Sampaguita 3 (Salen, 1982; failed to reach target,
abandoned) and Sampaguita-3A  (Denison Mines, 1984; gas tested in Late Paleocene

The  Sampaguita gas discovery is contained  within a large faulted  four-way dip
closure.  This structure is dissected by a series of poorly defined  northeast -
southwest  orientated  faults.  All wells drilled to date on this  structure are
located at the southwestern end of the structure, with Sampaguita-1,  -3 and -3A
located in crestal positions, whilst Sampaguita-2 is located on the southeastern
flank. The current  estimate of structural  closure is 110 square miles (ca. 290

The current  structural  interpretation  of the Block is based upon  reprocessed
1980 2D seismic data and limited 2D data acquired  during the  mid-1990s.  These
data are of moderate to poor quality,  particularly at the reservoir  level, and
provide  broad  structural  control.  Data  quality and quantity  precludes  the
imaging and interpretation of faults in detail.  Modern 3D seismic data would be
expected to provide significantly improved imaging and structural detail leading
to significantly  reduced risk in reserve  estimation and potential  development

The oldest rocks  penetrated by drilling within the Sampaguita gas discovery are
Early  Cretaceous.  These  typically  consist of  terrestrial  to shallow marine
sandstones,  conglomerates  and mudstones,  overlain by a distinctive  limestone
horizon.  The sandstones and  conglomerates of the Early Cretaceous  potentially
form a secondary  reservoir  within the Sampaguita  gas discovery,  but have not
been successfully  tested. These sandstones have effective porosity values of 10
- - 20 per cent. and have significantly lower interbedded shale content. Shows are
recorded in most of the  sandstones at depths greater than 850 feet (250 metres)
below the distinctive  limestone horizon.  No shows are recorded in the 660 foot
(200  metre)  or  greater  thickness  of  silty  shale  and  sands  between  the
distinctive  limestone and the base late Paleocene  sandstones,  suggesting this
interval  provides a regional  topseal.  Whether or not the silt and shale units
interbedded with the sandstones  provide  effective  intra-formational  seals is

                                  Page 3 of 16
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PGS Reservoir Ltd Tel: + 44 1628 641 000                     Registered Office:
PGS Thames House  Fax: + 44 1628 641 200           PGS Reservoir Limited
17 Marlow Road                                     PGS Court, Halfway Green
Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7AA                          Walton-On-Thames, Surrey KT12
England                                            Company Registration: 3177228
                                                   Registered in England & Wales



The early  Cretaceous is erosionally  overlain by late Paleocene  sandstones and
mudstones  deposited  in a deep  marine fan system,  which  forms the  principal
reservoir  horizon within the Sampaguita  gas  discovery.  These  sandstones are
informally  referred to as the 'Main Sandstone' and 'S1 Sandstone'.  These sands
consist of thinly interbedded sandstones and mudstones which in the Sampaguita-2
well are  approximately  100 feet (ca. 30 metres) and approximately 70 feet (ca.
20 metres) thick  respectively.  These sands are correlatable  between the three
wells drilled on the  structure.  The 'Main  Sandstone'  encountered  within the
Sampaguita 3A well is only 40 feet (ca. 12 metres) thick,  interpreted to be the
result of fault truncation.  The sandstones have moderate reservoir quality with
12  - 20  per  cent.  porosity,  being  reduced  by  clay  matrix  material  and
cementation.  The  thin-bedded  nature of the  sands  suggests  that  individual
sandstone bodies could be of limited lateral extent.  As a result,  vertical and
horizontal  communication within the discovery may be impaired. The wireline log
response  from the old logging  tools  provides  poor  resolution  of these thin
interbedded  sands,  leading  to  some  uncertainty  in  the  estimation  of the
reservoir parameters.

The Late Paleocene  sandstones  are overlain by early to earliest  middle Eocene
deep  marine  mudstones,  which  will  form an  effective  seal for both the 'S1
Sandstone'  and 'Main  Sandstone'.  These are  followed  by late Eocene to early
Oligocene  sandstones  and mudstones.  The uppermost  part of the  stratigraphic
section consists of late Oligocene to Plio-/Pleistocene limestones.

To date a clearly  defined source rock interval has not been  identified  within
the wells on the Sampaguita  structure.  Geochemical  analysis of the Paleocene,
Eocene and Early Cretaceous shales in the Sampaguita-1 well indicates that these
are unlikely to represent good source beds. The shales are generally organically
lean and although  containing  gas-prone organic material,  are unlikely to be a
major gas source. Not withstanding this, testing of the Sampaguita-1 & -3A wells
indicates that a gas source is present. It is presumed that this must be located
within deeper intervals (?Jurassic - early Cretaceous) located either within the
structure or the deeper areas to the northwest and southeast of South Banks.

Wells  Sampaguita-1 and -3A successfully  tested gas from the Main and S1 sands,
respectively,  at  rates  of 3.6 and 3.2  MMscf/d.  However,  these  tests  were
conducted  over  short  time  periods  and  one  showed  significant  depletion;
therefore long term productivity and the effect of compartmentalisation  remains

The Sampaguita gas discovery  demonstrates the presence of an active hydrocarbon
system and  producible  gas.  The previous  Operator  (Sterling)  estimated  the
presence of several TCF of gas in place. PGS estimate the gas initially in place
to be approximately  2.7 Tscf, which makes Sampaguita  comparable in size to the
nearby  Malampaya Gas Field.  The  application  of modern  technology  (seismic,
logging  and  testing)  is  required  to confirm  the size,  productibility  and
commerciality of this discovery.

Eight  additional  leads and prospects have been identified by various  studies,
and these are  depicted in Figure 2,  although the  supporting  data for some of
these interpretations is no longer available.  The majority of the prospects and
leads are located on the 'North  Bank',  with one located on a small high to the
northeast of the 'South Bank'.  Three  additional wells have been drilled in the
Reed Bank area,  wells Reed Bank-A1 & -B1 and  Kalamansi-1.  None of these wells
tested the leads/prospects as they are presently mapped.

                                  Page 4 of 16
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PGS Reservoir Ltd Tel: + 44 1628 641 000                     Registered Office:
PGS Thames House  Fax: + 44 1628 641 200           PGS Reservoir Limited
17 Marlow Road                                     PGS Court, Halfway Green
Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7AA                          Walton-On-Thames, Surrey KT12
England                                            Company Registration: 3177228
                                                   Registered in England & Wales



SC 40 (Cebu)

The SC 40 (Cebu) area was originally awarded as a GSEC to a consortium including
one of FEC's  predecessor  companies in February  1994.  In February  1995,  the
contract was upgraded to a service contract,  and part of the original GSEC area
was  relinquished  to leave the area now  shown in  Figure 4. As of 1st  January
2003,  the  title to SC 40  (Cebu)  rests  100 per  cent.  with  FEI,  the other
co-venturers in the original consortium having relinquished their interests.

The terms of a service  contract allow for extensions  from the original 7 years
to 10 years if required,  and in the case of SC 40 (Cebu) an extension  has been
granted,  on condition that the work commitments for the contract are fulfilled.
FEI has  received  an  extension  to the term of SC 40  (Cebu)  until the end of
September  2006,  subject to a specified work  programme  being adhered to. This
work programme  includes the acquisition of 250 kilometres of seismic data, plus
the drilling of two wells in 2005 and a further two in 2006.

FEI is in the  process  of  investigating  development  options  for  the  small
Libertad gas field, and for development to proceed, the field will first have to
be declared commercial.  Such a declaration triggers a requirement to relinquish
all but 12.5 per cent of the  current SC 40 (Cebu)  area.  This can be  achieved
without relinquishing any of the prospect areas discussed below.

Geological Setting

The SC 40 (Cebu)  contract area is located in the Visayan Basin,  in the central
part of the Philippines archipelago. It is an intra-arc basin characterised by a
series of north to northeast  trending  troughs and ridges.  The basin comprises
five main  depocentres,  the Tanon,  Bantayan,  Cadiz graben,  Northwest  Leyete
thrust belt and Asid Gulf basins.  Numerous  narrow and elongate ridges separate
the basins and are  exposed in part on the present  islands.  The key basin that
underlies the SC 40 (Cebu) licence is the Tanon  sub-basin,  a narrow  northeast
trending  asymmetric  trough  filled  with a  thick  Tertiary  section  (up to 8

Exploration  in the  Visayan  Basin  began  over 100 years  ago and  since  then
approximately  130 wells have been drilled.  The majority of the wells were very
shallow tests and drilled outside of structural closure.  Oil and gas shows have
been  encountered in a number of wells with oil and gas discoveries made onshore
Cebu Island.  Since 1994 fifteen wells have been drilled in the offshore Visayan
Basin,  thirteen of which lie within the SC 40 (Cebu) licence. Of these thirteen
wells,  nine  targeted  Miocene  reef plays  defined on 2D seismic data and good
reservoir quality was established by 9 wells.  Hydrocarbon seeps are also common
in the area indicating an active and mature  petroleum  system.  The most likely
source rock  intervals  are the  carbonaceous  shales of the  Oligocene to Lower
Miocene Malubog Formation and the Cretaceous Pandan formation,  they contain TOC
values of 1 to 5.9 per cent.

The majority of the wells are interpreted to have failed due to the integrity of
the trap,  although  recent  results also point to  uncertainty in the extent of
reservoir  quality  sands.  Poor top seals,  leaky  faults  and  poorly  defined
closures are believed to be the main  reasons for failure.  Drilling  results to
date demonstrate the carbonates of the Middle to Upper Miocene Maingit and Upper
Miocene to Pliocene Barili Formations have excellent reservoir  characteristics.
The Maingit Formation has been found to have good porosities

                                  Page 5 of 16
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PGS Reservoir Ltd Tel: + 44 1628 641 000                     Registered Office:
PGS Thames House  Fax: + 44 1628 641 200           PGS Reservoir Limited
17 Marlow Road                                     PGS Court, Halfway Green
Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7AA                          Walton-On-Thames, Surrey KT12
England                                            Company Registration: 3177228
                                                   Registered in England & Wales



averaging  between 15 per cent.  and 20 per cent, and frequently mud losses have
been reported  during the drilling of the Maingit,  which may be indicative  the
presence of natural  fractures.  The underlying  lower to middle Miocene Malubog
formation  provides an additional target in the Central Maya Bulge ("CMB") area.

The Barili Limestone has excellent reservoir qualities with porosities typically
exceeding 20 per cent.,  with vuggy porosity often developed.  The reservoir for
the Libertad  gas field  onshore Cebu is the Barili  limetone.  Other  potential
reservoirs include the Middle Miocene Uling Limestone and the Upper Oligocene to
Lower  Miocene Cebu  Limestone.  These  secondary  targets are  generally  tight
although occasional patch reefs may provide areas of improved reservoir quality.

A brief  description  of each of the main  prospects  and leads within the SC 40
(Cebu) area is given below,  and their  location is shown on the map included as
Figure 4.

Libertad Gas Field

The  Libertad  Gas Field lies to the  southeast  of Bogo town in northern  Cebu,
approximately  100 kilometres  north of Cebu City. It was discovered in the late
1950s  during an  exploration  drilling  campaign  by the Acoje Oil and  Mineral
Development Corporation of Manila,  ("Acoje"),  but it has never been developed,
due  to its  very  modest  size,  and  the  fact  that  exploration  effort  has
historically  been  concentrated on discovering  oil, not gas. Of the twenty-two
wells drilled in the Libertad area by Acoje during their  exploration  campaign,
two were completed as gas wells, but apart from some tapping of minor amounts of
gas for cooking purposes in a nearby elementary school, there has never been any
commercial production.  Acoje subsequently  relinquished their interests in Cebu
in the 1970s.

During the 1990s,  there was renewed  interest in Libertad as a potential source
of gas for power  generation,  and a testing  programme was performed on the two
available gas wells in 1993. Five additional  wells were drilled in the Libertad
field area during 1994/95 by the Cophil Exploration  Corporation (Cophil - later
to become FEI), one of which tested gas, and it was subsequently  completed as a
gas well.

The gas bearing  horizon in the Libertad Gas Field is the Upper  Miocene  Barili
Limestone,  which is encountered at shallow depth,  approximately 600 - 700 feet
below  ground  level,  or  around  300 feet  below  mean sea  level.  The gas is
predominantly  (> 95 per cent.) methane,  with some nitrogen and carbon dioxide,
plus around 400 ppm of hydrogen sulphide.  This latter contaminant  represents a
health and safety risk, due to its toxicity. Reservoir pressure is approximately
150 psia, which is low, due to the shallow reservoir depth. Nevertheless, two of
the three currently completed gas wells in the field are each capable of flowing
in excess of 1.2 mmscfd,  the highest  recorded rate being almost 2 mmscfd.  The
third well has a tendency to produce  water if the gas  production  rate exceeds
more than a few hundred mscfd.

A top Barili Limestone structure map in depth is included as Figure 5. It can be
seen that the field is divided by a south-west to north-east trending fault. The
division  of the  field  into  two  parts is  reinforced  by the  results  of an
interference  test carried out by FEI in 2000.  There appeared to be no response
detectable  in pressure  gauges set in the one  accessible  well in the northern
fault block to a  protracted  production  period of several days from one of the
two  completed  wells in the  southern  block.  There was,  however,  an overall
pressure drop of approximately  1.5 psia in the southern fault block in response
to a produced gas volume of

                                  Page 6 of 16
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PGS Reservoir Ltd Tel: + 44 1628 641 000                     Registered Office:
PGS Thames House  Fax: + 44 1628 641 200           PGS Reservoir Limited
17 Marlow Road                                     PGS Court, Halfway Green
Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7AA                          Walton-On-Thames, Surrey KT12
England                                            Company Registration: 3177228
                                                   Registered in England & Wales



just over 5.5 mmscf.  This  pressure drop suggests that the initial gas in place
in  the  southern   fault  block  is  of  the  order  of  550  mmscf,   although
volumetrically derived estimates are almost twice this value.

Old well records report several  occurrences of lost circulation whilst drilling
through the Barili  Limestone,  which  suggests  that the  formation is probably
fractured.  The high gas  deliverabilities  observed  on well  tests  would lend
support to this conclusion.

Maya Area

The Maya area lies at the  northern  tip of Cebu  Island  (Figure 4), and it has
been the subject of sporadic exploration activity since the late 1920's when oil
shows were  encountered  during the  drilling of a shallow  water well.  Several
exploration  wells  were  drilled in the 1960s and early  1970s by the  American
Asiatic Oil Company,  and by the Chinese  Petroleum Company in the area known as
the Central Maya Bulge ("CMB"). Some of these wells were reported to have flowed
oil on test, but sustained production at commercial rates was never established,
and interest in the area waned.  Nevertheless,  there is anecdotal evidence that
residents  local to the Maya area  harvested up to 80,000 litres of oil from one
of the old Maya wells before the authorities put a stop to the practice.

The  oil-bearing  horizon  encountered  by the Maya  wells was the late  Miocene
Maingit sandstone trapped within a domal closure. As part of its work commitment
under the service contract, FEI drilled an exploration well (MST 11A) at Maya in
October 2000,  but although oil shows were  detected in the Maingit  sandstones,
the well was  terminated  at a  relatively  shallow  depth,  (300 feet) and only
limited  data was  gathered  from the  well.  The only  data  available  for the
discovery  well is that the well flowed 540 barrels of 44 deg.  API oil in a 203
hour test.

A second  prospect on the Maya  anticline  is the deeper lower  Miocene  Malubog
sandstone,  which  was oil and gas  bearing  in a well  drilled  by the  Chinese
Petroleum  Corporation  in the early  1970s.  Well CMB-2 was drilled on the west
flank of the  structure  and  tested  70-100  mscf/d  and 106 bopd from a middle
Miocene  sandstone.  The extent of the sand is poorly constrained with few wells
penetrating this deeper reservoir.  CMB-3 was subsequently  drilled down-dip and
was dry.  The up-dip  Well CMB-4 was drilled to target the CMB-2  reservoir  but
found the sand to be tight or absent with oil shows.

During  2003 FEI renewed its  drilling  activity in the CMB area,  and drilled a
further  three  wells  to test  the  anticlinal  structure  identified  from the
drilling of the MST-11A well. The locations of the three wells,  Forum-1XA,  -2X
and -3X are shown on the map included as Figure 6, and a synopsis of the results
from these wells is included below.

Well Forum-1XA was drilled  approximately  400 metres northwest of CMB-2 to test
the crestal  portion of the CMB. The primary target was the 480 metre  (Malubog)
sand encountered in CMB-2, although secondary objectives occurred in the Maingit
sands and  limestones  of the Lower  Maingit.  The well suffered a series of gas
kicks whilst  operating  resulting in loss of the drill string and a fish in the
hole, and as a result the well could not be tested.

Well Forum-2X was drilled 15 metres to the  southeast of the  Forum-1XA  well to
establish  the  presence of  hydrocarbons  in the crest of the  structure.  Well
Forum-2X did encounter numerous oil and gas shows whilst

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PGS Reservoir Ltd Tel: + 44 1628 641 000                     Registered Office:
PGS Thames House  Fax: + 44 1628 641 200           PGS Reservoir Limited
17 Marlow Road                                     PGS Court, Halfway Green
Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7AA                          Walton-On-Thames, Surrey KT12
England                                            Company Registration: 3177228
                                                   Registered in England & Wales



drilling;  gas shows were  recorded at a depth of 900 feet in a limestone of the
Maingit  formation,  and  further  oil and gas shows were  recorded  between the
depths of 1,576 and 1,606 feet in sands of the Malubog formation.  However,  the
level of shows was less than in the Forum-1XA  well,  probably due to the higher
mud weights  employed as a  precaution  against  the kicks  suffered  during the
drilling of the earlier well.  The Forum-2X  well  confirmed the existence of an
active hydrocarbon system in the SC 40 (Cebu) permit, but unfortunately  various
operational  difficulties  and  equipment  shortcomings  conspired  to frustrate
attempts to determine definitively the nature of the hydrocarbons present in the
prospective  zones,  and also to  determine  the ability  these zones to produce
hydrocarbons at sustained commercial rates.

Figure 7 shows a display of the  wireline  logs from the Malubog  sand  interval
encountered  in the Forum-2X  well over the  interval  1,576 ft to 1,606 ft. The
calliper log confirms  the presence of mud cake over this  interval,  which is a
positive   indicator   of   permeable   formation.   FEI   interpret   that  the
neutron-density  cross over  evident  across the interval is  indicative  of the
presence of gas, and that the interval between 1,603 ft and 1,606 ft at the base
of the section may be oil bearing. PGS agree with the former interpretation, but
consider that overall there is  insufficient  information  to be able to confirm
the latter.

Nevertheless, the presence of oil was noted in the drilling mud whilst drilling.
This oil was reported to be waxy, with a high pour point,  and it is unclear how
this  description fits with the 44 deg. API oil described as being produced from
the test of the MST-11A well.

An  attempt  to  perform a drill  stem  test  (DST) on the well  produced  small
quantities  of gas and a trace of oil,  but  there  was also  evidence  that the
formation collapsed.  This problem has been recognised in other test attempts in
the area, and any future  developments  focussed on the Malubog should take this
into consideration.

Well  Forum-3X was drilled  approximately  265 metres to the southwest of the 2X
well as a downflank  appraisal of the CMB structure.  The well  encountered only
minor  gas  shows  in the  interval  from  900  feet  down to  1,600  feet,  and
consequently the well was not tested.  The Malubog  reservoir sand appears to be
only poorly developed at this location, and although present, it was thinner and
of much  poorer  quality  than the  same  interval  encountered  in the 2X well.
Wireline  log data from  Forum-3X  confirms  that the  interval has a high shale
content and  virtually no effective  porosity.  This  indicates  that there is a
lateral  facies change in this  direction  away from the crest of the structure,
which causes the unit to thin and grade to shale.

Taken  together  with the  results of the CMB-2 well (200m to the  northwest  of
Forum-3X)  which tested 105 bopd,  and other  hydrocarbon  indications  from the
thirty years of exploration  activity in the CMB area, PGS conclude that the oil
initially in place of 6.0 mm bbl  estimated to be contained in the CMB structure
by FEI is at the upper end of any likely range of outcomes.  PGS estimate a most
likely  volume  of oil  initially  in  place  of the  order  of  2.8  mmbbl,  or
approximately  750 mmscf of gas if the zone were to be  gas-bearing.  This would
represent a development opportunity of similar size to the Libertad Gas Field.

It should be noted that oil recoveries from shallow onshore fields could be very
low if they are exploited by simple pressure  depletion,  as reservoir pressures
are low in  shallow  reservoirs,  and  consequently  so are the  volumes  of gas
dissolved in the oil.  Without  pressure  support,  either by water injection or
natural water influx, the production  characteristics of the field would involve
a short-lived rush of oil production,  which would decline very rapidly,  and be
accompanied by increasing volumes of associated gas. Illustrative

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PGS Reservoir Ltd Tel: + 44 1628 641 000                     Registered Office:
PGS Thames House  Fax: + 44 1628 641 200           PGS Reservoir Limited
17 Marlow Road                                     PGS Court, Halfway Green
Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7AA                          Walton-On-Thames, Surrey KT12
England                                            Company Registration: 3177228
                                                   Registered in England & Wales



scoping calculations suggest simple depletion of a shallow oil reservoir at
1,500 feet would only recover between 2 and 6 per cent. of the oil initially in

By contrast,  waterflood  recoveries could be much higher,  potentially above 30
per cent.,  but at the expense of  additional  wells and  equipment.  Also,  the
reservoirs  need  to be  homogeneous  and  continuous  for  such  methods  to be
effective.  Fractured  carbonates  can  present  particular  challenges  to  the
implementation  of  successful  secondary  recovery  techniques,  and in general
recovery factors tend to be lower than they are in sandstone reservoirs.

There remain many uncertainties regarding the potential of the CMB area, both in
terms of volumes and nature of the hydrocarbons  present, and the ability of the
hydrocarbon bearing zones to produce at sustained  commercial rates. FEI plan to
re-enter  the  Forum-2X  well during  2005,  in order to  evaluate  and test the
Malubog sand interval. Nevertheless, significant uncertainties will still remain
in the formation characteristics at large, and the lateral controls on formation
properties,  and these make  evaluation of the Maya area  problematic.  However,
looked at from another  perspective,  since the expected drilling costs are very
modest,  the  volumes of oil needed to repay the cost of the wells are also very
modest.  At current oil prices,  less than 10,000 barrels of oil production will
yield enough gross revenue to pay for a well, plus the additional  costs of some
oil storage capacity and a gas disposal system.

Central Tanon Prospect

The Central Tanon prospect is located within the Tanon  sub-basin of the Visayan
Basin  offshore  west Cebu.  It is an  elongate  anticlinal  structure  trending
approximately  north-south with three culminations mapped on a sparse grid of 2D
seismic  data.  The  structure  has been  mapped at the Upper  Miocene  to Lower
Pliocene Top Barili / Dingle carbonate level, the postulated  reservoir horizon.
The  structure  lies up-dip of Well Tuburan A-1X which  encountered  moderate to
good oil shows in the Maingit Limestone. The Barili Limestone has been mapped as
on-lapping the Maingit to the east of Tuburan A-1X enabling a possible migration
pathway to the Central Tanon  prospect.  The structure also lies to the east and
up-dip of Well  Bangus-1  which had oil and gas shows in the  Barili  Limestone.
Evidence  for charge to the Barili  Formation at the Central  Tanon  prospect is
therefore encouraging. The top seal for the Barili Limestone is the Barili marl,
a claystone  interval  composed  predominantly  of greenish grey  calcareous and
foraminiferal mudstones which are extensive over the region.

The  reservoir at the Central  Tanon  prospect is the  Barili/Dingle  Limestone,
bedded platform carbonates. The prognosed top reservoir depth is 3,700 ft with a
total depth  below the Maingit  Limestone  to assess this  secondary  objective.
Reservoir  quality at Well Bangus-1 was generally good with  porosities of 15 to
25 per cent. Local enhancement of porosity by fracturing and  dolomitization may
improve reservoir properties.  Potential source rocks in the Tanon sub-basin are
believed to be the carbonaceous shales of the oligocene to Lower Miocene Malubog
Formation  and the  Cretaceous  Pandan  Formation.  Uncertainty  concerning  the
effectiveness  of the  source  rock is  because  these  intervals  have not been
penetrated  in the Tanon Strait.  They are however  believed to exist and in the
central  parts of the basin are  expected  to be  buried  sufficiently  as to be

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PGS Reservoir Ltd Tel: + 44 1628 641 000                     Registered Office:
PGS Thames House  Fax: + 44 1628 641 200           PGS Reservoir Limited
17 Marlow Road                                     PGS Court, Halfway Green
Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7AA                          Walton-On-Thames, Surrey KT12
England                                            Company Registration: 3177228
                                                   Registered in England & Wales



Very limited  technical data was available to make an assessment of reserves.  A
time map of the Top Barili  Limestone and an outline of the Operator's  reserves
calculation  provided  sufficient data to calculate a deterministic  value.  The
area of closure is over 9,000 acres with a vertical  closure mapped of 820 feet.
A total field deterministic value for recoverable reserves of 264 mm bbls of oil
was calculated  assuming a recovery  factor of 20 per cent. If the structure was
gas bearing, a deterministic gas reserve volume would be 660 bscf. The key risks
associated  with the  prospect  are the  integrity  of the  mapped  trap and the
presence and effectiveness of the Barili/Dingle  Limestone  reservoir.  PGS have
assigned a chance of success of 11.5 per cent. to the Central Tanon prospect.

A seismic  survey will be performed  over the Central Tanon prospect area during
2005,  in  fulfilment  of the work  programme  obligations  associated  with the
contract  area. A total of 250 line  kilometres  of 2D seismic will be acquired,
and it is planned  that part of the survey will cover the area  around  Jibitnil

Jibitnil Island Prospect

The  Jibitnil  Island  prospect as its name  implies  lies beneath the island of
Jibitnil  in  the  Central  Tanon  Strait,  flanking  the  western  side  of the
Daanbantayan  Island,  northern  Cebu.  The prospect is a  complicated  positive
flower  structure  between two  approximately  north-northwest  trending  wrench
faults. A small domal closure  underlies the island with an areal closure of 925
acres and a  vertical  closure of 650 feet  mapped on sparse 2D data  around the
island.  The  primary  target at the  Jibitnil  Island  prospect  is the Maingit
Limestone  which was  penetrated by Well Bakyad-1 2.5 kilometres to the west. At
Bakyad-1 a tilted Maingit  carbonate  buildup was penetrated  with no structural
closure.  Reservoir  properties  were  good with  porosities  up to 28 per cent.
Secondary  targets include the Upper Miocene to Pliocene Barili  Formation,  the
Maingit sands,  Middle Miocene Uling  limestone and the Upper Oligocene to Lower
Miocene  Cebu  Limestone  and  Malubog  sands.  Well  Jibitnil-1  was  drilled 4
kilometres to the east of the island and  encountered gas shows in the sandstone
and limestone units of the Middle to Upper Miocene section, and oil shows in the
Lower Miocene Malubog  Formation.  The well targeted a valid structure mapped at
the Top Maingit  Limestone  interval but failed due to a lack of  reservoir  and

At the Jibitnil Island  prospect the primary  reservoir  objective,  the Maingit
Limestone is prognosed at 4,100 feet TVD SS. At Bakyad-1 the interval was chalky
with occasional vuggy porosity, and is developed to a thickness of approximately
1,200 feet.  Volumes have been  calculated  by the operator and with the limited
data available verified. The potential recoverable reserves are 85 mm bbls in an
oil case and 450 Bscf in a gas case. The key risks  associated with the prospect
are the presence of a working trap and the  presence  and  effectiveness  of the
Maingit Limestone  reservoir.  PGS have assigned a chance of success of 11.5 per
cent. to the Jibitnil Island prospect.

During 2005, 5 seismic lines will be acquired  around Jibitnil Island as part of
the proposed Central Tanon seimic survey.

West Malapascua Prospect

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PGS Reservoir Ltd Tel: + 44 1628 641 000                     Registered Office:
PGS Thames House  Fax: + 44 1628 641 200           PGS Reservoir Limited
17 Marlow Road                                     PGS Court, Halfway Green
Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7AA                          Walton-On-Thames, Surrey KT12
England                                            Company Registration: 3177228
                                                   Registered in England & Wales



The West Malapascua  prospect is located  approximately  10 kilometres  north of
Cebu Island. It is a wrench induced fault and dip closed structure mapped at Top
Middle Miocene Maingit Limestone. The structure has 1,950 acres of areal closure
and 600 feet of vertical  closure.  The primary  objective is the Middle Miocene
Maingit Limestone penetrated elsewhere in the Visayan Basin and established as a
viable reservoir.  As with other prospects located in the Visayan Basin the most
probable  source  beds are within the Lower  Miocene  and older.  The top of the
Maingit Limestone is prognosed to be at a depth of 2,900 ft TVDSS.

Volumes have been calculated by the Operator but with the limited data available
cannot be verified.  The potential recoverable reserves are reported to be 80 mm
bbls in an oil case and 185 Bscf in a gas case.  The key risks  associated  with
the  prospect  are  the  presence  of  a  working  trap  and  the  presence  and
effectiveness of the Maingit Limestone reservoir.  PGS have assigned a chance of
success of 11.5 per cent. to the West Malapascua prospect.

South Guintacan Prospect

The South  Guintacan  prospect is located to the  southwest of Guintacan  Island
along the northwestern  flank of the Tanon Strait  sub-basin.  The prospect is a
faulted  anticline  trending  northeast-southwest.  The domal structure has been
mapped at Top Maingit  Limestone  and has an areal  closure of 1,700 acres and a
vertical  closure  of 475  feet.  Wells  drilled  in the  vicinity  for  example
Guintacan-1 and Guintacan-2 have had shows in the shallower Barili Limestone. As
with other prospects  located in the Visayan Basin the most probable source beds
are within the Lower  Miocene  and older.  The top of the Maingit  Limestone  is
prognosed to be at a depth of 6,000 ft TVDSS.

Volumes have been calculated by the Operator but with the limited data available
cannot be verified.  The potential recoverable reserves are reported to be 70 mm
bbls in an oil case and 330 Bscf in a gas case.  The key risks  associated  with
the  prospect  are  the  presence  of  a  working  trap  and  the  presence  and
effectiveness of the Maingit Limestone reservoir.  PGS have assigned a chance of
success of 9.9 per cent. to the South Guintacan prospect.

West Toledo Prospect

The West Toledo  prospect  lies in the offshore  Tanon Strait  approximately  15
kilometres southwest of Toledo City, Cebu. The prospect is defined by only three
seismic lines and lies in shallow water,  approximately  300 feet at a potential
well location.  The structure has been mapped at an Early Miocene  seismic event
interpreted to approximate to the Top Malubog  Formation.  Closure is the result
of reverse and  strike-slip  movement on a north east trending splay off a major
north-south wrench system. The prospect is

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PGS Reservoir Ltd Tel: + 44 1628 641 000                     Registered Office:
PGS Thames House  Fax: + 44 1628 641 200           PGS Reservoir Limited
17 Marlow Road                                     PGS Court, Halfway Green
Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7AA                          Walton-On-Thames, Surrey KT12
England                                            Company Registration: 3177228
                                                   Registered in England & Wales



further  bisected by two normal  faults and closure also exists at the shallower
Upper Miocene Maingit and Toledo clastic units providing a secondary target.

Onshore  Cebu two oil  discoveries  were  made by Wells  Reina  Regente-1AX  and
Villalon-4.  The former produced 250 bbls per day in 1959 and currently produces
30 gallons a day from the Malubog sands.  Well  Villalon-4  also produced oil on
test from the Malubog sands. It encountered  approximately  150 feet of net sand
with  porosities  in the  range  from  18 to 30 per  cent.  Work  done  in  1994
postulated  that  improved  sand  quality  may be expected  offshore  where Late
Oligocene to Early Miocene  palaeogeography  indicates that sand  provenance was
from the west  and the  East  Panay  platform.  As a  result  sand  quality  and
permeabilities might be improved to the west where they are more proximal.

Secondary targets include the sands of the Maingit and Toledo Formations,  these
intervals are more  speculative  but do have reservoir  quality and  hydrocarbon
indications  elsewhere in the basin. Thick shale sections throughout the Miocene
are believed to provide adequate intra-formational seals for the Malubog and the
secondary  targets.  The  critical  risk  concerns  the sealing  capacity on the
bounding  fault to the east.  As yet there is no  evidence  to  support  sealing
faults in the basin but the low net to gross  section  through  the  Miocene and
presence of  considerable  argillaceous  sections may enable a membrane  seal to
develop.  The source for the prospect is the same as  discussed  for the Central
Tanon prospect.  Thermal maturity  modelling  carried out in 1994 indicates that
the West Toledo  prospect  may be expected  to be in  communication  with mature
source rocks.

The areal  closure  is in excess of 3,700  acres and has a  vertical  closure of
3,000  feet.  Volumetric  estimates  were  performed  during  1994 and have been
verified with the limited data available. The deterministic recoverable reserves
are 97 mm bbls for the oil case and 332 Bscf for the gas case.  However,  as can
be seen from Figure 4, a relatively  small part of the  prospect  lies within SC
40, and FEI's  interest in any  successful  development  of a discovery  on this
prospect  would most likely be as a  participant  in a unit  operated by another

PGS consider that the critical risk factors for the West Toledo prospect are the
presence of a sealing fault to control  closure and the reservoir  effectiveness
of the Malubog sands, in particular the validity of the  paleo-geographic  model
to predict  sand  quality.  The  overall  chance of success  for the West Toledo
prospect is 11.3 per cent. A number  analogous leads have been identified in the
vicinity  of the West  Toledo  prospect  which would  become  interesting  given

The Agojo Prospect

The Agojo prospect lies in the northern part of the Central Tanon Strait, to the
northeast of Cebu Island. The trap is a 4-way dip closed structure developed due
to wrench  movements on a series of approximately  north-south  trending faults.
Closure is defined by five sparse 2D lines and is a north-south elongate dome.

                                  Page 12 of 16
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PGS Reservoir Ltd Tel: + 44 1628 641 000                     Registered Office:
PGS Thames House  Fax: + 44 1628 641 200           PGS Reservoir Limited
17 Marlow Road                                     PGS Court, Halfway Green
Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7AA                          Walton-On-Thames, Surrey KT12
England                                            Company Registration: 3177228
                                                   Registered in England & Wales



The structure has been mapped on the Middle to Upper Miocene  Maingit  Limestone
horizon and has an areal  closure of 1,400 acres with a vertical  closure of 650
feet. The top of the Maingit Limestone is prognosed to be at a depth of 4,700 ft

The  Maingit  reservoir  in the area has been  established  by  nearby  Bakyad-1
drilled in 1978 which encountered  excellent reservoir quality and gas shows. As
with other prospects  located in the Visayan Basin the most probable source beds
are within the Lower Miocene and older.

Volumes have been calculated by the Operator but with the limited data available
cannot be verified.  The potential recoverable reserves are reported to be 60 mm
bbls in an oil case and 210 Bscf in a gas case.  The key risks  associated  with
the  prospect  are  the  presence  of  a  working  trap  and  the  presence  and
effectiveness of the Maingit Limestone reservoir.  PGS have assigned a chance of
success of 10 per cent. to the Agojo prospect.

The North Bantayan Prospect

The North Bantayan  prospect lies in the Bantayan  sub-basin of the Visayan Sea.
The trap is a fault and dip  closed  structure  located  in the  footwall  of an
extensional  fault  down-throwing  to the east. A sparse grid of 2D lines define
the north-south  striking  structure.  The structure has been mapped on the near
top early Miocene  approximating to the Cebu Limestone  horizon and has an areal
closure of 5,000  acres with a vertical  closure of 1,800  feet.  The top of the
Cebu Limestone is prognosed to be at a depth of 7,600 ft TVDSS.

The  Cebu  Limestone  reservoir  in the  area has  been  established  by  nearby
Philipino-1.  The well  encountered  a unit  believed  to be  equivalent  to the
onshore  Cebu  Limestone.  The unit was a  thin-bedded  fine to  medium  grained
dolomitized  limestone.  It was  generally  tight  but in  places  had  porosity
developed to 10 per cent. As with other  prospects  located in the Visayan Basin
the most probable source beds are within the Lower Miocene and older.

Volumes have been calculated by the Operator but with the limited data available
cannot be verified. The potential recoverable reserves are reported to be 250 mm
bbls in an oil case and 1 TCF in a gas case. The key risks  associated  with the
prospect are the  presence of a working trap and the presence and  effectiveness
of the Cebu Limestone reservoir.  PGS have assigned a chance of success of 8 per
cent. to the North Bantayan prospect.


Both the GSEC-101 (Reed Bank) area offshore Palawan Island previously operated
by Sterling, and the SC 40 (Cebu) contract area covering northern Cebu and part
of the Visayan Sea each contain confirmed petroleum discoveries, plus an
inventory of prospects and leads which are estimated to have a finite chance of
containing commercial volumes of hydrocarbons.

                                 Page 13 of 16
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PGS Reservoir Ltd Tel: + 44 1628 641 000                     Registered Office:
PGS Thames House  Fax: + 44 1628 641 200           PGS Reservoir Limited
17 Marlow Road                                     PGS Court, Halfway Green
Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7AA                          Walton-On-Thames, Surrey KT12
England                                            Company Registration: 3177228
                                                   Registered in England & Wales



The GSEC 101 (Reed Bank) area contains two wells which have successfully  tested
gas,  although  at rates  which are not  sufficiently  high to be economic in an
offshore environment. When interpreted, a 3-D seismic survey over the Sampaguita
gas discovery area, planned to be accomplished  during 2005, should provide much
improved  structural  information which can be used as input to future appraisal
drilling  efforts,  and should also assist in the estimation of gas initially in
place  volumes.  The existence of the producing  Malampaya Gas Field in the area
could provide  access to existing gas export  infrastructure  should  commercial
volumes of reserves be proved.

The SC 40 (Cebu) contract area also contains proven active hydrocarbon  systems.
The onshore  discoveries  are modest in size, and PGS consider that the Libertad
Gas Field is  marginally  economic  to  develop at the lower  reserves  estimate
assumed by FEI.  However,  its development  should safeguard the other prospects
and leads in SC 40 (Cebu) from relinquishment in 2006.

The Central Maya Bulge area requires  additional  data to be gathered to confirm
the nature and extent of the hydrocarbon  accumulations encountered by the wells
to date,  and the  proposed  re-entry  and testing of the  Forum-2X  well should
clarify whether or not sustained production at commercial rates is possible from
the Maingit  and/or Malubog  reservoir  horizons.  From the limited  information
available, it is likely that the size of any hydrocarbon  accumulations in these
reservoirs  will be modest,  and recoveries will be similarly  modest.  However,
onshore operations are relatively  inexpensive  compared to offshore activities,
and the  development  of small  accumulations  can be  economic  at current  oil

The prospects within the SC 40 (Cebu) area are  predominantly  offshore,  but of
potentially much larger size than the discoveries  onshore.  Seismic acquisition
and exploration  drilling costs will be high for such prospects.  The chances of
success for the best two prospects have been estimated to be around 11 per cent.
The  chances of success  for the  identified  prospects  in SC 40 (Cebu) are not
independent of one another.  Failure to discover commercial  hydrocarbons in one
prospect is likely to reduce the chance of success in the others.

The following  table  summarises  the prospects and  discoveries  within the two
contract areas.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                Prospect and Discovery Summary

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Prospect           Primary Target          Target   Water      Chance of      Potential Reserves
                             Formation          Depth ft  Depth ft  Discovery (1)    Oil(mmbbl)/Gas(bscf)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Central Tanon        Barili Limestone           3700    650         0.115             265/660
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Jibitnil Island       Maingit Limestone          4100  Onshore       0.115             85/450
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  Page 14 of 16
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PGS Reservoir Ltd Tel: + 44 1628 641 000                     Registered Office:
PGS Thames House  Fax: + 44 1628 641 200           PGS Reservoir Limited
17 Marlow Road                                     PGS Court, Halfway Green
Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7AA                          Walton-On-Thames, Surrey KT12
England                                            Company Registration: 3177228
                                                   Registered in England & Wales



- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
South Guintacan        Maingit Limestone            6000      100            0.099             70/330
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
West Malapascua        Maingit Limestone            2900      120            0.115             80/185
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
West Toledo (2)        Malubog Sand                 7500      350            0.113             97/332
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Agojo                  Maingit Limestone            4700      250             0.1              60/210
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
North Bantayan         Cebu Limestone               7600      300            0.08             250/1000
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sampaguita (3)         Late Paleocene              10300      260              1              - /2329
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Libertad               Barili Limestone              650    Onshore            1              - /0.5
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMB (4)                Malubog Sand                 1500    Onshore            1             0.14/0.64
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)   Prospect chances of success are not independent. Failure to discover
      commercial hydrocarbons in one prospect is likely to reduce the chance of
      success in the others.

(2)   As currently mapped, only a small part of these potential reserves may be
      under SC 40 (Cebu)..

(3)   Potential gas reserves assume a recovery factor of 0.85

(4)   Potential oil reserves are limited to primary recovery. Recovery factors
      for oil and gas are assumed to be 0.05 and 0.85 respectively.

Property Title and Participating Interest

PGS is not in a  position  to  attest  to  property  title,  financial  interest
relationships  or  encumbrances  related  to  the  properties  reviewed  in  the

A full summary of the properties of the prospects  examined in the course of the
review  is  included  as table.  The  chances  of  success  estimated  for these
prospects are not mutually independent;  chances for remaining prospects will be
impacted by the results from earlier exploration activities.

Professional Qualifications

PGS Reservoir  Limited  ("PGS") is an independent  consultancy  specialising  in
petroleum reservoir  evaluation and economic analysis.  Except for the provision
of  professional  services  on a fee  basis,  PGS  does  not  have a  commercial
arrangement  with any other person or company involved in the interests that are
the subject of this letter.

This evaluation has been  supervised by Mr. J. R. Thompson,  Manager of Reserves
Evaluations  at PGS  Reservoir  Limited.  Mr.  Thompson  has 31 years of  varied
petroleum  and  reservoir  engineering  experience.  He  has  an MA  in  Natural
Sciences,  and is a Chartered Engineer, and a member of the Society of Petroleum
Engineers.  Other PGS  employees  involved in this work hold at least a bachelor
degree (or its equivalent) in geology,  geophysics,  petroleum  engineering or a
related  subject  and have at  least  five  years'  relevant  experience  in the
practice of geology, geophysics or petroleum engineering.

Basis of Opinion

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PGS Reservoir Ltd Tel: + 44 1628 641 000                     Registered Office:
PGS Thames House  Fax: + 44 1628 641 200           PGS Reservoir Limited
17 Marlow Road                                     PGS Court, Halfway Green
Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7AA                          Walton-On-Thames, Surrey KT12
England                                            Company Registration: 3177228
                                                   Registered in England & Wales



The evaluation  presented in this letter reflects our informed  judgements based
on accepted standards of professional investigation, but is subject to generally
recognised  uncertainties  associated  with the  interpretation  of  geological,
geophysical  and engineering  data. The valuation has been conducted  within our
understanding  of the  effects of  petroleum  legislation,  taxation,  and other
regulations that currently apply to the Forum Energy's proposed interests in the

It should be understood that any evaluation of hydrocarbon  resources is subject
to  government  policies  and market  conditions  prevailing  at the time of the
evaluation. Future changes can cause the total quantities of petroleum recovered
to vary from those endorsed in this letter.

This  letter as been  written  for the  Directors  of Forum  Energy  plc and its
financial  advisers,  Noble & Company  Limited.  Information  contained  in this
letter should not be disclosed in part or in whole to third parties  without the
approval of PGS. Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld.

Yours faithfully
For PGS Reservoir Limited.

Jeremy R. Thompson M.A., C.Eng., M.I.M.M.
Manager of Evaluations

                                  Page 16 of 16
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PGS Reservoir Ltd Tel: + 44 1628 641 000                     Registered Office:
PGS Thames House  Fax: + 44 1628 641 200           PGS Reservoir Limited
17 Marlow Road                                     PGS Court, Halfway Green
Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7AA                          Walton-On-Thames, Surrey KT12
England                                            Company Registration: 3177228
                                                   Registered in England & Wales




"Petroleum" means oil and/or gas.

"Barrel" or "bbl" refers to a volume of 42 US gallons, or 5.615 cubic feet.

"TD" refers to total depth (of a well).

"TVDSS" refers to true vertical depth sub-sea.

"TOC" means Total Organic Content "scf" refers to standard cubic feet.

"BThU" refers to British Thermal Units.

The prefixes "m" and "mm" refer to thousands and millions respectively.

The prefix "b" as in "Bscf" refers to billions, one billion being 1,000 million

The prefix "T" as in "Tscf" refers to trillions, one trillion being 1,000,000
million (1012).

                                  Page 17 of 16
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PGS Reservoir Ltd Tel: + 44 1628 641 000                     Registered Office:
PGS Thames House  Fax: + 44 1628 641 200           PGS Reservoir Limited
17 Marlow Road                                     PGS Court, Halfway Green
Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7AA                          Walton-On-Thames, Surrey KT12
England                                            Company Registration: 3177228
                                                   Registered in England & Wales



Competent Persons Report on the Coal assets by CSA Group


                                                           The CSA Group [LOGO]

Forum Energy Plc - Independent Expert Report

The Directors                                                     18 April 2005
Forum Energy Plc
6th Floor
One London Wall
London EC2Y 5EB


The Directors
Noble & Company Limited
76 George Street
Edinburgh EH2 3BU

Dear Sirs,

The CSA Group ('CSA') has prepared this independent report ('The CSA Report') at
the request of Forum Energy Plc  ("Forum").  The CSA Report has been prepared to
provide an independent  geological and mining  assessment of Forum's projects in
the Philippines, in preparation for the listing of the company on AIM in the UK.

The CSA Report was  prepared  by Mr Dexter  Ferreira,  B.Sc.  (Geology),  B.Eng.
(Mining), MBA. Mr Ferreira is a member of SACNASP and has 18 years experience as
an  exploration  geologist and  geostatistician,  and has worked since 2003 with
LQS,  now part of CSA Group,  specialising  in mineral  deposit  modelling,  due
diligence work for the acquisition/merger/purchase of deposits and ensuring full
disclosure/compliance    with   NI43-101/Samerc/JORC    codes.   Amongst   other
assignments,  he has worked on appraisals and  evaluations of mineral  deposits,
including  coal, in Africa,  Latin and North America and Asia. He is responsible
for the reserving  process and  disclosure to regulatory  requirements  for mine
operations in South Africa.

The CSA Report is signed on behalf of CSA by Mr. John Cole-Baker,  Director.  Mr
Cole-Baker  is a  Chartered  Engineer.  He has over 35 years  experience  in the
international  infrastructure and mineral industry,  including posts as Managing
Director of an  exploration  company and  Director of  international  consulting
firms.  Since  joining CSA in 2001,  he has played a major role in management of
the international  mining business and has been responsible for the CSA Group UK
based operations.

The CSA Report is based on 1)  geological  reports and  information  supplied by
Forum,  2) site visits to all the coal  concessions in the  Philippines  held by
Forum. All data available to Forum was released to CSA for review.  CSA reviewed
source data where possible but has relied on the accuracy of data as reported by
Forum, and by previous  operators in the preparation of The CSA Report.  Some of
these  reports  were  written by current  employees  of Forum  while in previous
capacities or as independent  consultants.  All requests for  information to the
employees  of Forum  were  addressed  immediately  where  possible  and a candid
approach to all queries was in evidence throughout the review.

CSA checked the current  status of the mineral  licences  based on the documents
provided. Philippine legal opinion has been sought regarding the verification of
the company's interests in the licences. At no time


during the  course of  preparation  of the CSA  Report  did CSA become  aware of
either withholding of information or of the changing of records to influence the
conclusion  of The CSA Report.  CSA has  endeavoured  to ensure that no error of
fact is contained  within the CSA Report.  Any such error is not intentional and
is not a deliberate effort to mislead. Other than for the purposes of completing
The  CSA  Report  described  in this  document,  neither  CSA nor any CSA  staff
involved  in its  preparation  has  any  commercial  interest  in  Forum  or any
associated companies. Neither CSA nor any CSA staff will receive any interest in
Forum or any associated companies as a result of undertaking The CSA Report. CSA
will be paid normal professional rates for completing The CSA Report for Forum.

Yours faithfully,

/s/ John Cole-Baker

John Cole-Baker


Competent Person's Report on the Coal Assets of Forum Energy PLC
Prepared by Dexter S. Ferreira on behalf of:
The CSA Group Limited

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Competent Persons Report - Forum Energy PLC
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Table of Contents

1     INTRODUCTION ........................................................    3
2     REVIEW PROCEDURE ....................................................    4
3     COAL OPERATING CONTRACTS ............................................    4
3.1       Central Cebu ....................................................    4
3.2       South Cebu ......................................................    5
4     PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ................................................    5
4.1       Tenement Conditions - Central and South Cebu Programmes .........    5
5     REGIONAL GEOLOGY - CENTRAL CEBU .....................................    7
5.1       Geologic Structures .............................................    7
5.2       Coal Geology ....................................................    8
5.3       Coal Quality ....................................................    9
5.4       Geo-Hydrology ...................................................    9
6     REGIONAL GEOLOGY - SOUTH CEBU .......................................    9
6.1       Geologic Structures .............................................   10
6.2       Coal Geology ....................................................   11
6.3       Coal Quality ....................................................   11
7     COAL RESERVES .......................................................   11
7.1       Central Cebu ....................................................   12
7.2       South Cebu ......................................................   13
8     MINING - CENTRAL CEBU ...............................................   13
8.1       Mining Method ...................................................   14
8.2       Mine Design .....................................................   15
8.3       Production Plan .................................................   15
8.4       Mine Layout .....................................................   16
8.5       Roof Support ....................................................   16
8.6       Coal and Waste Transport ........................................   16
9     MINING - SOUTH CEBU .................................................   17
9.1       Mining Method ...................................................   17
9.2       Mine Design .....................................................   18
9.3       Production Plan .................................................   19
9.4       Coal and Waste Transport ........................................   19
10        QUALIFICATIONS, EXPERIENCE AND INDEPENDENCE .....................   20
11        PRINCIPAL SOURCES OF INFORMATION ................................   20
12        GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS .....................................   21

List of Tables

Table 1.0 Coal Quality Analysis of the Luca Coal Seam (DOE-ERL) ...........    9
Table 2.0 Coal Quality Analysis of Maloray Coal ...........................   11
Table 3.0 Reserves Summary for Cebu Projects ..............................   12
Table 4.0 Proposed Production Plan ........................................   16
Table 5.0 Proposed Production Plan ........................................   19

List of Figures

Figure 1.0 Project Location Map ...........................................    3
Figure 2.0 Central Cebu Concessions .......................................    4
Figure 3.0 South Cebu Concessions .........................................    5
Figure 4.0 Proposed Work Program for Central Cebu .........................    6
Figure 5.0 Proposed Work Program for South Cebu ...........................    6
Figure 6.0 Regional Geology of Blocks CBS-I-193 and 194 - Central Cebu ....    8
Figure 7.0 Regional Geology of Block CB-179 - South Cebu ..................   10
Figure 8 Typical Mini Longwall Mining Method ..............................   14
Figure 9.0 Typical Diagonal Saw-Teeth Mining Method .......................   17

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The CSA Group                                                                  1


Competent Persons Report - Forum Energy PLC
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The Forum coal  properties  consists of two main separate  project  areas;  Cebu
Central  (North  Central  and  South  Central)  and  Cebu  South,   collectively
comprising eight granted  exploration and mining tenements covering an aggregate
area of approximately 7,000 hectares located on Cebu Island in the Philippines.

The Central Cebu tenements are located in the main coal-bearing  formation known
as the Luca  Formation of Middle Miocene age. There are three coal seams bearing
an average thickness of 1.2 to 1.5 m, all dipping gently within a range of 15 to
25(degree). Coal in Luca has been ranked as bituminous with an average calorific
value over 11,300  BTU/lb when  washed.  The  inherent  moisture is 8%,  sulphur
content is 2.75%, ash is 7% and volatile matter is 42%.

The South Cebu tenements are located in the main coal-bearing formations,  which
are known as Calagasan and Linut-od Formations.  In one tenement block (CB-179),
only Seam B has been mined by the previous operators;  a seam bearing an average
thickness  of 0.6 to 1.5 m. On  average,  the coal  seams dip at  30(degree)  to
40(degree) along a general strike  characterized by a NNE-SSW trending elongated
antiform. This geological behaviour is further evidenced by the mining operation
immediately  south of the  concession.  Coal in South  Cebu has been  ranked  as
bituminous  coal with a calorific  value of over  11,000  BTU/lb.  The  inherent
moisture is less than 5%, sulphur  content is less than 1%, ash content of clean
coal is less than 5% and volatile matter of 40%.

The coal blocks held by Forum  Exploration Inc. have a history of mining and one
of the largest  former  owners has drilled  well over 100 surface  drillholes  -
successfully  delineating  the various coal seams for  considerable  lengths.  A
summary  of the known  seam(s)  continuation  and coal  quality  in each area is
included in this report. Proven and probable coal reserves for all tenements are
estimated  to be 1.4  million  metric  tonnes  and  3.5  million  metric  tonnes
respectively,  whereas  resources total over 10 million metric tonnes; a summary
is provided below.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Region         Block         Metric Tonnes
                             Proven              Probable         Insitu
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               CB 33-I-193   135,887             81,861           2,980,000
Central Cebu   CB 33-I-194   55,879              217,635          310,000
               CB 34-I-68    73,904              287,840          410,000
               CB 34-I-69    234,330             912,664          1,300,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subtotal                     500,000             1,500,000        5,000,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               CB-179        350,985             683,202          806,453
South Cebu     CB-180        71,583              171,690          546,773
               CB-219        197,391             473,437          1,507,734
               CB-259        280,041             671,671          2,139,040
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subtotal                     900,000             2,000,000        5,000,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL                        1,400,000           3,500,000        10,000,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Note  that  reserves  and  resources  quoted  in this  report  have not yet been
re-defined to JORC or NI43-101 standards.

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The CSA Group                                                                  2


Competent Persons Report - Forum Energy PLC
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The CSA Group ('CSA') was requested by Forum Exploration Inc. ("FEI") to prepare
an  independent  report  on the two main  project  areas on Cebu  Island  in the
Philippines.  Mr. Dexter Ferreira, a senior  geostatistician and mining engineer
from the CSA GROUP, carried out work on the project. All tenements considered in
this report are held in the name of FEI, a Philippines  registered company.  The
project  areas cover a total of 7,000  hectares  and are located at Balamban and
Toledo, Cebu Province for Central Cebu, and Dalaguete, also in the Cebu Province
for South Cebu (Figure 1).

Figure 1.0 Project Location Map

                                 [MAP OMITTED]

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The CSA Group                                                                  3


Competent Persons Report - Forum Energy PLC
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The chief  geologist,  Mr. Ray  Apostol of FEI,  presented  an  overview  of the
tenements and the project specifics at FEI's head office in Manila, Philippines.
This review was  followed by field visits to the various  project  areas held by
the company, led by Mr. Apostol and the author accompanied by two field guides.

The  material   reviewed  by  CSA  included   reports,   geological   plans  and
administrative  documents  made  possible by FEI staff.  Drill hole sections and
logs were  reviewed  in detail by the author at the field but had to be returned
to the holder due to administrative  issues.  Much of the following  information
has been extracted directly from these geological and feasibility  reports after
verification  of the original data by CSA. The proposed  exploration  programmes
included here for each of the areas  reviewed are summarized  from reports,  and
discussions  with Mr.  Apostol and are  considered  by CSA as the logical,  next
steps for each of the areas.


The Department of Energy ("DOE"), through a service contract system known as the
Coal  Operating  Contract  (COC),   regulates  coal-mining   operations  in  the
Philippines.  This was introduced when legislation  (Presidential Decree PD 972)
was enacted to accelerate the exploration and exploitation of coal resources. As
proposed in the COCs,  should commercial  quantities of coal be discovered,  the
term will be for a total period of twenty years, renewable for a series of three
years thereafter but not to exceed twelve years. A consulting  firm,  Careminer,
were commissioned by FEI to prepare the COC applications.

3.1 Central Cebu

In Central Cebu, Forum has applied for and received a COC for blocks CB 33-I-193
and 194  located in Luca,  Balamban,  Cebu and CB 34-I-68  and 69 located in the
boundaries of Naga and Toledo City (Figure 2). This COC awarded has an aggregate
area of about 4,000 hectares.

Figure 2.0 Central Cebu Concessions

                                 [MAPS OMITTED]

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The CSA Group                                                                  4


Competent Persons Report - Forum Energy PLC
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3.2 South Cebu

In South Cebu, FEI applied for and received a COC for the former blocks operated
by Jeston  Mining  Corporation  and  Kinway  Mining  Corporation;  both COCs had
already  been  cancelled  by the  DOE.  The  locality  stretches  from  Barangay
Mantalongon to Maloray in Dalaguete,  Cebu. These are portions of blocks CB-179,
180,  219 and 259 (Figure 3). The  awarded COC has an  aggregate  of about 3,000

Figure 3.0 South Cebu Concessions

                                 [MAP OMITTED]


4.1 Tenement Conditions - Central and South Cebu Programmes

Exploration  is to take place  within  the first  year,  leading  to  subsequent
development  and  production.  Once coal  reserves in  commercial  quantity  are
measured,  the COC will proceed to the  development and production  Phase.  This
will take place  immediately once the coal development  /production work program
and feasibility  study submitted by FEI is approved by the Department of Energy,
and shall  remain in force  during the balance of the  exploration  Phase or any
extension  thereof for an additional  period of ten years. Once FEI demonstrates
that it has  substantiated  a reserve  base and will apply an  efficient  mining
method,  FEI has the option to begin with  production/development  on any of the
blocks in both COCs.  FEI can  proceed  with this  option even before the end of
Year 1.

Thereafter,  the Department of Energy may extend the term of the COC for another
ten years, provided that FEI does not default its obligations.  Thereafter,  FEI
may  again  request  an  extension  of the COC term for a series  of  three-year
periods, not exceeding twelve years,  provided that the term may be reduced if a
shorter  period of time is required  to  continue  and  maintain  economic  coal
development and production as jointly determined by FEI and the

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The CSA Group                                                                  5


Competent Persons Report - Forum Energy PLC
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Department of Energy. The work program, as required by the DOE, per COC for Year
1 is detailed below:

        Activity                                       Amount
        Geological Mapping                             1,000 hectares
        Boundary Survey                                1,000 hectares
        Trenching/Test Pitting                         100m
        Number of Drillholes (>/=100m /ea)             4

The operator is obliged to spend not less than one million Philippine Pesos (PhP
1,000,000.00)  per block or PhP 4.0 million per COC per year.  The work proposed
by FEI, for both Central and South Cebu, on all owned blocks includes geological
and technical  work such as gathering of related data and  literature,  geologic
investigation,     mapping     (recon/semi-detailed/detailed),     drilling/test
pitting/trenching   and  related   sampling.   Schematic  Gantt  charts  of  the
DOE-required  work programmes as proposed by FEI, for Central and South Cebu are
presented in Figures 4 and 5 below.

Figure 4.0 Proposed Work Program for Central Cebu

CENTRAL CEBU - Exploration Work Program for Year 1

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                       Year 1                                Year 2
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                          FEB   MAR   APR   MAY   JUN   JUL   AUG   SEP   OCT   NOV   DEC   JAN  FEB
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I.  Geology-Technical
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       - CB-33-I-193
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Gathering of Related Data/Literature      --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Geologic Investigation
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Mapping (recon/semi-detailed/detailed)    ---------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Drilling/Test Pitting/Trenching                             -------------->
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       - CB-33-I-194
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Gathering of Related Data/Literature      --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Geologic Investigation
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Mapping (recon/semi-detailed/detailed)                      ---------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Drilling/Test Pitting/Trenching                                         ------------->
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       - CB-34-I-68
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Gathering of Related Data/Literature      --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Geologic Investigation                                                     ---------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Mapping (recon/semi-detailed/detailed)                                                --------------->
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Drilling/Test Pitting/Trenching
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       - CB-34-I-69
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Gathering of Related Data/Literature      --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Geologic Investigation                                                                --------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Mapping (recon/semi-detailed/detailed)                                                           ------------->
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Drilling/Test Pitting/Trenching
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
II.  Enviromental (work leading to ECC acquisition)                         ---------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
III. Community Relations Activities                                --------------------------------------------------->
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note: Mining could be started within Yr-1 in Block 193 upon confirmation with the DOE
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 5.0 Proposed Work Program for South Cebu

SOUTH CEBU - Exploration Work Program for Year 1

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                       Year 1                                Year 2
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                          FEB   MAR   APR   MAY   JUN   JUL   AUG   SEP   OCT   NOV   DEC   JAN  FEB
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I.  Geology-Technical
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       - Block 179
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Gathering of Related Data/Literature            --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Geologic Investigation                          ---------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Mapping (recon/semi-detailed/detailed)                      --------------->
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Drilling/Test Pitting/Trenching
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       - Block 259
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Gathering of Related data/literature            --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Geologic Investigation                                      ---------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 - Mapping (recon/semi-detailed/detailed)                               --------------->
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 - Drilling/Test Pitting/Trenching
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       - Blocks 180/219
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Gathering of Related data/literature            --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              - Geologic Investigation                                                  ---------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 - Mapping (recon/semi-detailed/detailed)                                           --------------->
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 - Drilling/Test Pitting/Trenching
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
II.  Enviromental (work leading to ECC acquisition)                         --------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
III. Community Relations Activities                                   -------------------------------------------------->
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The CSA Group                                                                  6


Competent Persons Report - Forum Energy PLC
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The  stratigraphy of the Luca coal measure is similar to the other coal areas in
Cebu being  unconformably  underlain by the economic  basement Mananga Formation
and overlain by Uling and Toledo Formation.  The Toledo Formation  consists of a
thick  sequence of fine  tuffaceous  clastics and  calcirudites.  The  formation
grades  from dark  brown  mudstones  and  siltstones  at the base to light  grey
sandstone at the top. The rock unit is well  exposed at Barangay  Kabagdalan  in
the northeastern part of the coal area.

The Uling  limestone is basically  coralline  limestone  with minor  calcirudite
facies.  The  thickness  of the unit  varies from  insignificant  to hundreds of
metres.  The unit is marked by its  distinctive  landforms such as sinkholes and
limestone  cliff.  The  unit  separates  the  younger  Toledo  Formation  marine
sediments from the Luca Formation coal measures.

The Luca Formation predominantly consists of interbedded sandstones, siltstones,
mudstones,  carbonaceous  shale and coal.  Marine fossils are common  especially
near the top of the formation  signifying  frequent and longer periods of marine
transgressions  toward  the end of the  deposition  of the  formation.  The most
significant  coal  seam in the  area,  Seam S-2 has a  consistent  fossiliferous
mudstone roof  indicating a short-lived  but extensive  shoreface  sedimentation
right after peat formation.

Pyroclastic  beds have also been observed within the section although not in the
area being  applied for.  Their  presence  would  indicate  periods of volcanism
during  deposition  of the  formation.  The Luca  Formation is equivalent to the
Malubog Formation identified by Santos-Inigo, et al, and elsewhere in Cebu.

The Mananga  Formation  consists  primarily of basaltic lava flows  intercalated
with  pyroclastic  rocks  of  similar  composition.   The  lavas  are  primarily
amygdaloidal  with  vesicles and  fractures  filled with  zeolites,  carbonates,
quartz,  chloride and epidote. The pyroclastic facies consist of siltstones have
also been noted in some sections.  Secondary  alterations  such  chloritization,
silification,  and oxidation are common.  The unit exhibits  sharp contacts with
all the younger clastic units.

5.1 Geologic Structures

The Luca coal measures occur within a structural half-basin, which abuts against
the inferred  northwest  trending  Kabagdalan  Splay Fault.  At least three coal
seams outcrop or subcrop along the periphery of the half basin as traced by both
collapsed and active mine workings.  The up thrown western half of the basin has
been completely eroded out.

At least three major folds,  namely, the Luca Syncline,  Luca Anticline and Suom
Syncline  are  inferred  to occur  within  the  half-basin.  Another  major fold
structure  mapped is the  northeast  trending  Kabagdalan  Anticline.  This fold
structure does not affect the Luca reserves but is  particularly  significant in
exploring for coal on the northern blocks of CBS-152 and 153.

Aside from the Kabagdalan Splay Fault,  other major fault  structures  mapped or
inferred include the northeast trending Luca Fault, the east-northeast  trending
Amatuga Fault,  Suom Fault and the  west-northwest  trending  Kabagdalan  Fault.
Except for the Luca Fault, which was mapped in the mine workings,  all the other
major faults were inferred from topographic lineaments and sharp contact between
rock units.

Slumps and rolls have been observed near the portal of mine  openings.  However,
as to be expected,  they  decrease in intensity as the mines go deeper.  Bedding
dips on sediments as well as coal are generally low to moderate, averaging about
25(degree) (Figure 6).

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The CSA Group                                                                  7


Competent Persons Report - Forum Energy PLC
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Figure 6.0 Regional Geology of Blocks CBS-I-193 and 194 - Central Cebu

                                 [MAP OMITTED]

5.2 Coal Geology

At least three seams appear to have developed to a mineable thickness. The seams
named in this report as S-1, S-2 and S-3 vary in thickness from insignificant (<
0.30  m)  to  1.50  m.  Interburden   between  seams  averages  about  50  m  in
Mahangin-Hangin  where all three seams occur in mineable thickness.  However, at
Luca and Suom, interburden between Seams S-2 and S-3 is only 10-20 m. Dips range
from 15(degree) to 50(degree), averaging about 25(degree).

Seam S-1 was mapped in the  Mahangin-hangin  area from the numerous small mines.
Coal thickness reportedly varied from 0.75 m up to 1.50 m averaging about 1.0 m.

Seam S-2 was mapped in all three  areas.  Coal  thickness  ranged from 0.75 m to
1.40 m averaging  about 1.20 m. The coal is generally free of partings but has a
consistent  0.20m  fossilliferous  mudstone roof,  which,  although  useful as a
marker bed,  forms a very weak roof and thus will have to be mined together with
the coal. Thus, the run-of-mine  generally  contains high ash and therefore coal
washing is necessary.

Seam S-3 was also mapped in all the three areas.  Coal  thicknesses  ranged from
0.60 m to 1.50 m, also averaging  about 1.20 m in  Mahangin-Hangin  and Suom but
only 0.70 m in Luca.  However,  the seam generally  includes mudstone  partings,
which comprise up to 40% of the total coal  thickness.  Thus,  run-of-mine  also
contains high ash and needs to be washed.  Both back and floor generally consist
of  mudstone.  However,  the  immediate  floor is  highly  plastic  when wet and
therefore  heaves.  A  periodic  re-grading  of  the  tunnel  floors  has  to be
anticipated when

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The CSA Group                                                                  8


Competent Persons Report - Forum Energy PLC
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mining the seam.  Providing the timber supports with sills and maintaining  good
drainage will be necessary.

As noted, numerous undocumented  small-scale mining operations have been ongoing
in the area for the last 15 years,  however such  operations were only down to a
depth of 20 to 30 m from the outcrop zone.

5.3 Coal Quality

The DOE conducted  extensive  sampling and washability tests to various coals in
the country in 1997.  Only the washed coal had been sampled and analysed in Luca
area but  sink-float  test of the raw coal has not been  conducted;  results are
presented in Table 1 below.

Table 1.0 Coal Quality Analysis of the Luca Coal Seam (DOE-ERL)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ITEMS                                          As Received          Air Dried
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Air Drying Loss, %                             --                   2.23
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Moisture, %                                    10.31                8.26
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ash Content, %                                 7.53                 7.70
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Volatile Matter, %                             41.13                42.07
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fixed Carbon, %                                41.03                41.97
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Calorific Value                       Kcal/kg  6,142                6,282
                                      BTU/lb   11,055               11,308
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Sulphur                                  2.69                 2.75
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ash Fusion Temperature, softening              1,234                1,252
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HGI                                            51
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Source: Establishment of Quality Database and Washability Potentials, DOE 1997

5.4 Geo-Hydrology

Limestone  occurs above and below the coal,  measure and these are of the cavity
solution  type.  However,  since the  structures  are monoclinal and the surface
topography   permits  easy  water  runoff  there  is  no  perceived  problem  on
underground water.


The Carcar-Barili Formation is the youngest stratigraphic group in the district.
It consists mainly of limestone, limy tuff and limestone conglomerates. The area
overlain by this type of rock usually exhibits karstic  topography with numerous
sinkholes and vertical cliffs. The Argao Group is composed of Linut-od Formation
(upper portion), Butong Limestone (middle portion) and the Calagasan Formation.

The  Linut-od  Formation  consists  mainly of thick  beds of  shale,  siltstone,
mudstone  and  sandstone  though thin  lenses of  limestone  are also  observed.
Furthermore,  it is  known  to bear  two  mineable  coal  seams,  locally  known
respectively as upper and lower seam. The distance  between the two seams varies
from 6 to10 m.

Butong Limestone is dense, fine to medium grained,  shaley to sandy, in section.
It is massive to thin bedded in sections with colour ranging from yellowish grey
to light  brown.  This kind of  limestone  deposit  separated  the  Linut-od and
Calagasan Formations.

Calagasan  Formation is the lowest and the oldest  formation of the Argao Group.
It is  typically  made up of  limestone  and  conglomerates.  The lower  part is
chiefly  conglomerate,  sandstone  and  interbeds  of shale and  mudstone  while
occurrences of coal seams and lenses of limestone mark the upper portion. Figure
7 shows the regional geology covering the blocks applied for mining.

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The CSA Group                                                                  9


Competent Persons Report - Forum Energy PLC
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The basement,  Pandan  Formation,  possibly of Late Cretaceous age is the oldest
rock in the region. It is unconformably  underlying the Argao Group and no local
occurrence of coal had been reported or observed in this formation.

Figure 7.0 Regional Geology of Block CB-179 - South Cebu

                                 [MAP OMITTED]

Regionally,  the southern section of Cebu is characterized by a NNE-SSW trending
elongated  antiform  (DOE report,  1995) wherein the older  formations  like the
Argao Group have been exposed  while the younger ones like the Barili and Carcar
Formations have been exposed along the coastal flanks. This has been interpreted
by early geological work as due to a huge anticline on a NNE-SSW orientation.

6.1 Geologic Structures

The coalfield has been affected by one major fault and several minor faults.  At
the southern  boundary of CB-179,  the Maangtud fault striking NW has cut across
the  Butong  limestone  and  dissected  the coal  seams.  Displacement  has been
measured at about 60 m in a predominantly  lateral  direction.  Noticeably,  the
coal seams dip at opposite  directions after this fault.  Minor faults have also
cut and caused some  displacements to the coal seams identified from Maangtud to
Maloray areas (Figure 7).

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6.2 Coal Geology

The coal seams of the area occur as part of the NNW erosional window about 15 to
20 km long  and 7 km  wide.  Calagasan  and  Linut-od  Formations  are the  main
coal-bearing formations and are exposed in the blocks applied for COC.

Calagasan  Formation  is widely  exposed  in CB-179 and 180 and at least 3 seams
dipping  steeply  to the  west  have  been  identified  and  being  mined by the
small-scale  miners.  The seams are traceable from Manguerra mines located south
of CB-179 where a very thick seam dipping steeply to the east is the main object
of present mining activities.  The coal seams persist northward up to the blocks
operated by INIMACO and LUVIMIN to a distance of more than 10 km. The coal seams
in CB-179  strike NNW in the  southern  part then NNE in the  northern  part and
generally dip from 50(degree) to 70(degree) to the west; however the average dip
in the area is 30(degree) to  40(degree).  Some minor faults have cut across the
coal seam where in some instances they have caused displacement.

Linut-od Formation is also exposed in the western portion of CB-179 but this has
not been  explored and there is no mining  activity in that area.  However,  the
coal  seams  previously  worked  out by  Kinway  Mining  in the  block  south of
Manguerra belongs to the Linut-od Formation

6.3 Coal Quality

The DOE ERL group  conducted  sampling and testing of all coals  nationwide  and
established a database of the coal quality and washability of most coals.  Based
on their report, the following coal analyses, as presented in Table 2, have been
taken from the Maloray area; one of the areas to be mined.

Table 2.0 Coal Quality Analysis of Maloray Coal

        ITEMS                         As received        Air Dried
        Air Drying Loss, %            --                 3.97
        Moisture, %                   10.28              6.57
        Ash Content, %                3.17               3.30
        Volatile Matter, %            40.35              42.02
        Fixed Carbon, %               46.20              48.11
        Heating Value, BTU/lb         11,800             12,200
        Total Sulphur                 0.52               0.54
        IT / ST, C                    1276               1336
        HT / FT, C                    1472               1472
        HGI                           52


Based on the DOE accepted standards, the following parameters have been followed
for coal reserve estimation:

      o     Proven  Reserves:  in this category,  the spacing  between points of
            measurements  and projections is 100 m considering a more persistent
            occurrence of the coal seams as had manifested by previous workings.
            Points of measurements have been based on actual coal seam thickness
            and  attitude  from  underground  workings  such as shafts,  levels,
            raises, winzes and adits aside from drillholes,

      o     Probable Reserves: in this category,  the points of measurements are
            generally  projections  of  influence  that  forms  the  next  200 m
            extension beyond that of proven reserves.

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A summary of the reserves for all the blocks in the COCs is presented in Table 3

Table 3.0 Reserves Summary for Cebu Projects

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Region                 Block          Metric Tonnes
                                      Proven           Probable     Insitu
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       CB 33-I-193    135,887          81,861       2,980,000
Central Cebu           CB 33-I-194    55,879           217,635      310,000
                       CB 34-I-68     73,904           287,840      410,000
                       CB 34-I-69     234,330          912,664      1,300,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subtotal                              500,000          1,500,000    5,000,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       CB-179         350,985          683,202      806,453
South Cebu             CB-180         71,583           171,690      546,773
                       CB-219         197,391          473,437      1,507,734
                       CB-259         280,041          671,671      2,139,040
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subtotal                              900,000          2,000,000    5,000,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL                                 1,400,000        3,500,000    10,000,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The proven and  probable  reserve  figures  for  blocks CB  33-I-193  and CB-179
presented above are the volumetric  figures taken from the  feasibility  studies
conducted by Careminer  (Consultants  to FEI). In those studies,  only one block
(as  specified)  from each COC was  addressed  for  particular  emphasis on mine
development and volumetric reserve purposes.

The proven reserves shown for the remaining  blocks were derived from ensuring a
persistent  occurrence of the coal seam of no more than 100 m between  outcrops,
old mine workings and examined  drillhole  data and related  sections.  Probable
reserves were  determined  similarly  with the  exception  that the distance was
increased to 200 m. Insitu  reserves were  determined by  delineating  coal seam
occurrence  at  distances  greater  than  200 m.  These  figures  come  from all
available  data,  field  observations  and detailed  discussions  with  previous

All drillhole  logs and cross  sections  available  for both Central  (North and
South Central) and South Cebu,  were observed in detail by the primary author of
this  report.  The database  comprises  over 110 surface  drillholes  at various
spacings ranging from 100 m to well over 1 km. In all cases, the data confirms a
consistency in both coal seam continuity and coal seam intersection  thicknesses
over  the  entire   strike   length  within  each  COC.  This  data  is  further
substantiated by physical field evidence (seam outcrops),  combined with old and
current mine workings.

The figures in Table 3 are,  in the  authors'  (of this  report)  opinion,  very
conservative.  At  Central  Cebu in Uling,  for  instance,  field and  drillhole
evidence confirms the existence of 5 additional seams in addition to the 3 (S-1,
S-2 and S-3) already detailed.  These additional seams have thicknesses  ranging
from 0.5 m to over 1.5 m thereby  substantiating  that coal  resources  are much
larger than previously thought.

7.1 Central Cebu

Previous  small-scale  operations  have not mined out of CB 33-I-193 since these
small-scale miners can only mine up to a limited depth. More coal reserves exist
in the other three blocks but further exploration and geological studies have to
be  conducted  since  the  data is  currently  being  withheld  by the  previous

Seams S-1 and S-3  reserves  were  excluded  in the reserve  estimation  as mine
design hinges only on the more consistent S-2 seam.  Additional  seams (as noted
earlier) were also excluded.

The parameters used in the determination of mineable reserves were:

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      o     Average true thickness of seam S-2 is 1.20 m,

      o     Average dip is 25(degree),

      o     Specific  gravity  was based on the  USBM/USGS  scheme or 1.3 metric
            tonnes /m(3),

      o     Area of influence  limit for proven  reserves is 100 m from the last
            observation point,

      o     For probable  reserves,  lateral and down dip  extension of the coal
            seam is 50 m from the proven reserve limit.

For the purpose of mining,  the panels and other  necessary mine  structures are
laid on each seam to define the mining plan.  Explicitly,  mining reserves based
on what will  actually be extracted is  calculated  after  deciding  things like
protective pillars in between panels,  faults,  abandoned  underground workings,
seam outcrop,  main and ventilation  shaft,  etc. The coal contained  inside the
panels/blocks is calculated and classified as recoverable reserves including the
pillars in between panels as these will also be mined with the longwalls.

Based on actual  parameters  obtained from  previous  mines with the same mining
operation,  a 90% factor for mining  recovery has been  applied.  Losses  during
mining and transporting  the coal are also  considered.  Layouts of the proposed
panels have already been planned out. The mining  reserve is the coal  contained
in the longwall  panels of the approved mine plan.  This includes all safety and
protective pillars.  Recoverable reserves are obtained by multiplying the mining
reserve with the 90% mining recovery.

All the reserves were either proven or probable  considering  the persistency of
the seams as proven by the old DGSCM mines and the deeper  small-scale  mines in
the  areas.  Significant  additional  reserves  exist in the Suom area below the
level of mining of the small mines and at CB

33-I-194  as  indicated  by the small mines and the HMDC drain adits but are not
included in Table 3.

7.2 South Cebu

At block 179, only Seam B has been mined by the previous operators and this seam
has a  thickness  of 0.6 - 1.5  m.  The  seams  dip  steeply  at  50(degree)  to
70(degree)   at  the   general   strike   changing   from   north-northeast   to
south-southwest,  but the average dip is much  shallower  ranging  30(degree) to
40(degree)  as  evidenced  by  the  existing   mining   operation  of  neighbour

All available data and information obtained by IEVI (from its mining operations)
have been taken as the basis of the initial coal panel reserves calculations.


A preliminary  feasibility  was  conducted on the Central Cebu coal project.  It
proposes a mining  method(s),  complete with rates and costs including cash flow
diagrams.   What  follows  is  a  brief  description  of  the  suggested  mining

Mini-longwall  (MLW)  panels and other mine  structures  necessary in mining the
coal are laid on mine  plans  separately  for the seams.  All the mine  designs,
production plans, facilities,  infrastructures and operational details are based
on the desired annual production of 45,000 metric tons  run-of-mine.  Mining has
been  programmed  to start  from the  most  accessible  panels  to  attain  full
production while development proceeds to maintain the availability of two panels
at all times.  If, at any point in time, the management  decides to increase the
output further, increasing the number of panels would be easy.

Safety and efficiency of MLW extraction  dictates that the upper seams should be
mined initially -before the underlying seams.  Mining the lower seams first will
render the upper seams  inaccessible.  Mine  development  has been programmed to
attain  full  production  at the  earliest  possible  time.  This is achieved by
developing  the  shallow  panels of the lower seam that do not in any way affect
overlying panels of the middle and upper seam.

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Since the attitude of the coal seams, with respect to topography,  only perm its
an underground  mining method,  the shortwall mining method is being considered.
With an average coal seam thickness of 1.2 m and a dip of 25(degree),  economics
dictate  that the  shortwall  mining  method is  advantageous  over the  typical
room-and-pillar method. The former method will allow for higher reserve recovery
and higher productivities if employed correctly.

Generally, shortwall panels are designed with 25 to 30 m mining faces, with a 10
m separation between panels.  Initially, coal extraction will be accomplished by
manual  coal pick and  shovel  but will  eventually  be  upgraded  to the use of
pneumatic  picks as soon as the cash flow position of the company  allows.  Coal
transport in the coal face shall be done using hard plastic  troughs,  which are
possible  due to the 25o dip of the  seam.  At the main  gate,  the coal will be
directly  loaded  into mine cars  having a capacity  of 1.0 metric  tonnes.  The
loaded cars will then be  hand-trammed  out to the main shaft and hoisted out of
the mine.

8.1 Mining Method

The selection of the mining method has been based on the  characteristics of the
seams,  properties  of the roof and floor,  persistency  of  thickness,  related
advantages  and  disadvantages  of each method as  experienced by other mines of
similar  conditions.  The previous  room and pillar  mining  method  employed by
DMC-CERI  and the  longwall  mining  operations  of then  PNOC-MCC  were used as
references. A typical MLW operation is shown below in Figure 8.

Figure 8 Typical Mini Longwall Mining Method

                             [PLAN GRAPHICS OMITTED]

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The MLW mining  method will be employed  in general,  however in portions  where
thinning and swelling persists, shortening of the panel width will be necessary.
Primarily,  the advantage of longwall mining over room-and-pillar  mining is the
high rate of coal  recovery  that  reaches up to about 90% of the panel  reserve
compared to a recovery of less than 50% for the latter. In addition, mining cost
has been  established to be much cheaper with the longwall  operation  given the
same geological conditions.

The planned operation is directed in line with the company's  objective of fully
utilizing the cheap labor  available in the site at the same time increasing the
productivity.  With this  objective,  gradual  but  continuous  introduction  of
appropriate level of mechanization is also planned.

After a thorough  review of the geological data and information of the seams, it
has been  established  that the  conventional  MLW  (shorter  width than  normal
longwall) method is the most applicable.  In the country, only PNOC has mined by
longwall as  introduced  by the DIA  Consultant  in the early  80's.  MLW mining
method has the following advantages:

      o     Maximum recovery of reserves

      o     High productivity

      o     Ability to deal effectively with week roof and floor

      o     Suitable to flat and moderately dipping seams

      o     Ventilation is simpler

It is planned that all the panels will be mined in a retreating  fashion because
of the problems experienced in an advancing one like that in PNOC Malangas mine.
To attain the desired  production  target of 75,000 metric tonnes per year,  two
MLWs are needed at a time. Operations will be on two shifts per day and six days
per week for a total of 300 working  days per year.  The other  parameters  used

      o     MLW face  length  is 30 m. If thin  and  swell  conditions  become a
            problem method is shifted to room-and-pillar mining,

      o     Pillars in-between panel are 20 m,

      o     Pillars  shall be mined also  together  with the panel below,  it in

      o     Average daily face advance rate is 1.2 m,

      o     Average specific gravity is 1.3.

At the desired  production  output,  the conventional  MLW system  consisting of
timber props as face support,  water-assisted  flumes for face  transport,  pick
hammers with occasional drill and blast are deemed adequate.

8.2 Mine Design

The mine is designed based on the detailed geological  interpretations  done for
every  coal  seam,  geo-technical  and  hydrological  data  gathered  during the
exploration  stage and applied  engineering  principles  and  practices  on coal

Selecting and deciding the mode of access to the coal seams is the foremost step
and  most  critical  since it is  there  that  other  underground  openings  are
reckoned.  Main mine entries can be tunnels,  vertical shafts or inclined shafts
or a  combination  depending  on the  location of  outcrops,  how the seams have
developed towards the depth, topography and surface accessibility.

8.3 Production Plan

At least four  separate  mines can be  developed  at Central  Cebu.  Seam S-2 in
Mahangin-Hangin  can be  developed  as "Mine 1"  whilst  Seam S-2 in Luca can be
developed as Northwest and Southeast Mines.  Pending  evaluation of the reserves
in the Suom block and CBS-194 by end of

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the first year of  exploration  and  delineation,  at least  another mine can be
developed in the area as well.

For the  proposed  five-year  work  program,  only seam S-2 in both the Luca and
Mahangin-Hangin  areas will be developed.  The Southeast  Mine will be developed
initially  beginning  in year 1. The driving of the  Northwest  Mine twin shafts
will then commence in year 2, four months after  commissioning  the second panel
in the  Southwest  Mine.  Mine 1 will be developed  starting the second month of
year 3 as a replacement  for the Southeast  Mine. FEI may decide to develop Seam
S-3 and the possible mine in CBS-194 on the fourth or fifth year of this program
as a replacement for the Northwest Mine and Mine 1 - once they are exhausted. On
a yearly basis, the estimated coal production is summarized in Table 4.

Table 4.0 Proposed Production Plan

                    Year          Metric Tonnes /Yr
                    2005          --
                    2006          16,000
                    2007          60,000
                    2008          75,000

The down dip  extension  of Seam S-2  will  effectively  extend  the life of the
Northwest, Southeast and Mine 1 mines beyond the proposed five-year program. The
company  will  have to seek  approval  of the DOE  for  such a  program  and the
respective adjustments in its work commitments.

In general,  two slopes shall be driven from the industrial  site on a southeast
direction.  The Main  Slope  shall  be  utilized  as the  main  entry of men and
materials to the underground as well as the coal haulage.  The Ventilation Slope
shall be utilized for air exhaust and emergency exit.

8.4 Mine Layout

The mine layouts of each area have already  been  planned.  Both slopes shall be
driven to follow  Seam 2 on a  southeast  direction  at least 30 m apart to make
them more stable.

From the slopes,  pairs of panel gates 30 m apart shall be driven  laterally  on
both sides  towards the outer  limit of the coal seam.  At the end of the panel,
the gates (main and return)  shall be  connected by a face raise which then will
be prepared as the starting MLW face for a retreating coal winning process. Each
panel  is  separated  by a  20  m  pillar.  This  pillar  shall  also  be  mined
simultaneous with mining the lower adjacent panel. This way, the construction of
costly stone packs is  eliminated  just to preserve the  stability of the return
gate if mining is without the pillar.

8.5 Roof Support

Three-piece  timber sets shall be the primary ground support in all  underground
driving such as the slopes, tunnels and gates. Timbers will mostly be round logs
of the sturdy variety.

The slope  portals  shall be concreted to a distance of 25 m inside.  This is to
ensure the stability of the entries to the underground.

8.6 Coal and Waste Transport

Unlike in large  longwall  operations,  a  mechanized  transport  system such as
conveyors  is not  feasible  with the small  output.  Small  capacity  but cheap
methods  such as  water-assisted  flume are more  appropriate.  These flumes are
normally  laid at the  footwall  of  mining  face at a  minimum  inclination  of
5(degree).  At the lower end of the flumes, the coal is directly discharged into
the sieve bends where water is removed and recycled  back.  Dewatered coal drops
straight to the mine cars parked below the sieve bend.

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The train of mine cars pulled by a locomotive battery has sufficient capacity to
handle  production  during the peak hours when at least a longwall  face and two
development headings are simultaneously feeding.

During the  development  of the gates or level roadway hand mucking will be used
to load the coal and rocks into the flumes.


A  preliminary  feasibility  was  conducted on the South Cebu coal  project.  It
proposes a mining  method(s),  complete with rates and costs including cash flow
diagrams.   What  follows  is  a  brief  description  of  the  suggested  mining

The coal seam is subdivided into panels similar to a longwall layout. Each panel
is  bounded by two gates,  the lower  will  serve as the main coal  haulage  and
fresh-air  intake  to the  mining  face  while  the  upper  one will  serve  for
ventilation  return,  emergency  exit and haulage  ways for supports and filling

From the  farthest  end of the panel  (maybe  limited by fault or  thinning)  an
initial  mining face is driven  from the lower gate to the upper gate.  Starting
from the bottom of the panel and just on top of the timber  support a 2.40m high
horizontal  slice  is  advanced  to  about 5 m. The  succeeding  slices  are now
oriented  30(degree) on an apparent dip to allow  controlled free flow of broken
coal along a laid PVC flume.

Coal is excavated using a drill and blast technique. After blasting, the roof is
supported with timber stulls at a spacing that will allow workers to move freely
at the  mining  face.  By the  time the  entire  face is moved at least a slice,
broken rock from the surface is brought down and filled to the mined-out portion
leaving a gap between the fill material and the coal roof enough for the workers
to stand when working.

The broken coal  freely  falls down to the mine cars parked  below  which,  when
full,  are pulled to the shaft  station for surface  hoisting.  Within the first
five  years  of  operation  management  desires  to have  obtained  a  level  of
production of 51,800 metric tonnes per year while doing extensive exploration to
prove the coal  reserves at lower  depth as well as along the lateral  extent of
the seams  towards  the other  blocks.  Production  is intended to come from the
three areas previously operated and left by the other company 10 years ago.

The areas ready for mine  development  are the South Ablayan,  North Ablayan and
North Maloray areas.  Due to lack of drilling  information in the deeper portion
of the seams,  mining  shall be divided in 2 phases.  Phase 1 consists of mining
the panels  delineated as proven  reserves  while doing the  exploration  of the
continuation  of the seams at  deeper  portions.  Phase 2  involves  mining  the
portion of the coal seams below the proven reserves after thorough exploration.

9.1 Mining Method

Diagonal Saw-Teeth method (sometimes called  Stepped-Face  method) is considered
the most  appropriate  method to introduce in  extracting  the coal. As shown in
Figure 9, the  method  resembles  that of a jigsaw  blade  and was  successfully
utilized  at very high  productivity  (over 35  metric  tons per  man-shift)  in
Sumitomo Akabira Mine in north Japan.

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Figure 9.0 Typical Diagonal Saw-Teeth Mining Method

                                [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

The hanging  column of coal is drilled and  blasted  for  production.  Air auger
drill with 1" bit is commonly  used because  electric  equipment  is  restricted
underground especially when gassy conditions prevail. Holes are drilled normally
at a spacing of one meter from each other and with a depth of 1.5m.

Only permissible type of explosives is allowed in underground and likewise, only
electric blasting cap is used for detonation.

9.2 Mine Design

The objective is to attain full production of 36,000 metric tonnes of clean coal
annually at the earliest time possible and at the most reasonable cost.

Initial mine  development  includes  driving Tunnel 550A and B to coal seam B at
Maangtud area. These two tunnels will interconnect inside to have an alternative
haulage way. Upon  intercepting  the coal seam B, a  ventilation  raise shall be
driven upwards at the designated end of the panel and come out on the surface at
the outcrop zone. Even natural  ventilation can induce air circulation with such
ventilation raise(s).

From the coal  intercept,  tunnel 550 will be driven  following the coal seam to
the farthest extent or when the coal seam thins out totally.  The tunnel will be
driven at a  gradient  of -0.5% to allow  mine  water to flow  freely out of the

When full production is attained, development work shall be slowed down, leaving
few  development  crews only for the roadways and gates.  These headings will be
developed  only  as  required.  Panel  preparation  shall  continue  at  a  pace
equivalent to, or slightly faster than, the

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advance rate of panel extraction, which in this case is 1.2m/day/panel. In order
to maintain the availability of a panel at a time, gates shall be developed at a
rate of at least  2m/day/panel.  It is estimated that the first panel in stage 1
will be available after 9 months from the start of mine  development.  From that
time on, the desired  production of 1,000 metric tonnes /mo shall be maintained.
As the  worker's  gain  experience  and  expertise  on  the  new  mining  method
production  will  accelerate to 2,000 metric tonnes /mo. By then, the new panels
in the second area shall already be producing and the target production of 3,000
metric tonnes becomes consistent.

9.3 Production Plan

On a panel by  panel  basis,  a  production  program  for  Phase 1 is  generated
detailing  the  sequence of mining and  tonnage  expected  to be  produced.  The
objective  of this  exercise is to fulfill the desired  output of 60,000  metric
tonnes per year of clean coal and to  pinpoint  where the coal should come from.
On a yearly basis, the estimated coal production  (including incidental coal) is
summarized in Table 5.

Table 5.0 Proposed Production Plan

                         Year         Metric Tonnes /Yr
                         2005         --
                         2006         20,000
                         2007         50,000
                         2008         60,000

9.4 Coal and Waste Transport

Blasted coal drops down and is allowed to flow freely by gravity  along PVC coal
flumes.  Coal flumes  resemble that of a gutter and are made of PVC to make them
lightweight.  One end is slightly  expanding while the other end tapers slightly
in order for several flumes to be connected with overlaps. Normal PVC flumes for
coal application have lengths of 2.4 m and width of 60 cm inside.

Broken coal is directly  loaded to cars  waiting at the lower gate.  Filled cars
will  either be  trammed by hand or pulled by small  electric  hoist at the gate
entrance.  For every  blast of 5.4 m(3) (bank  volume) the  resulting  volume of
broken coal will be about 6.8 m(3) for which 5 cars of 1.6 m3 capacity (cars are
normally 90% full) are needed.

When mining is still above Tunnel 550 (at elevation  550) a train of 5 mine cars
pulled by a 6-ton battery locomotive out of the mine is the main haulage system.
Tunnel 550 shall be the main haulage  tunnel for  production as well as bringing
in materials and men to the working areas.

When mining progresses to the lower panels (below 550 elevation) the main slopes
shall be utilized  for haulage way and  transport of men and  materials.  At the
staging area in every level, the cars are coupled and brought out using the main
rope haulage system with the main hoist  installed on surface.  The main haulage
slope is designed to have a maximum  gradient of not more than 30%  (17(degree))
in order to pull at least 5 cars at a time.

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The CSA Group is a consulting firm, which has been providing services and advice
to the  international  mineral  industry  since 1984.  The primary author of the
Competent Person's Report, Mr. Dexter Ferreira, is a senior geostatistician with
over 15  years  experience  in  project  evaluation  internationally,  including
extensive involvement with mineral projects throughout South America and Africa.
He is a member of South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions,  and
qualifies as an 'Expert',  'Competent  Person' and 'Qualified Person' as defined
in National Instrument 43-101 and the JORC Code respectively.

Neither The CSA Group, nor the author of this report,  has or has previously had
any material  interest in Forum  Exploration  Inc. or the mineral  properties in
which  FEI  has  an  interest.  Our  relationship  with  FEI  is  solely  one of
professional association between client and independent consultant.  This report
is prepared in return for professional  fees based upon agreed  commercial rates
and the  payment of these fees is in no way  contingent  on the  results of this


The CSA Group has based its review of Forum Exploration Inc's coal properties on
information  provided  by FEI,  along with  technical  and  feasibility  reports
prepared by Forum, and other relevant  published and unpublished data.  National
Instrument  43-101,  which sets a standard for  reporting,  requires that a site
visit be undertaken  to the projects or assets.  In this  instance,  site visits
were  undertaken  to all projects by the primary  author in March 2005  (Central
Cebu; both North Central and South Central, and Southern Cebu).

The CSA Group has made all reasonable  enquires to ensure the  authenticity  and
completeness of the technical data on which it has relied,  and a final draft of
the report was also  provided  to Forum  Exploration  PLC,  along with a written
request to identify any material errors or omissions prior to lodgement.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The CSA Group                                                                 20


Competent Persons Report - Forum Energy PLC
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


A horizontal or sub horizontal tunnel used to access ore.

Aeromagnetic survey
A  survey  of the  earth's  magnetic  field  carried  out from a  helicopter  or

Air photo interpretation
The identification of geology and structures from interpretation and examination
of aerial photos.

Descriptive of sediments, which have been deposited by rivers or streams.

Alpine Orogeny
Descriptive  of a major  period of  tectonism  that  occurred in phases  through
Cretaceous to mid-Tertiary.

Value higher or lower than the expected or norm.

A fold in rock strata that is convex upward with a core of older rocks.

A clay-rich sedimentary rock.

JORC Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Joint Ore Reserves

Ball mill
Machine used to crush rock during the processing phase.

A regional depression, which may be structural in origin.

Distinct tabular unit(s) of rock laid down on the earth's surface.

Naturally occurring tar-like hydrocarbon of indefinite composition.

Block model
A3D array of cells constructed to enable recording of variables of interest such
as grade and geology.

Rock fragmented into angular components.

Said of a rock which contains calcium  carbonate.

Calcium carbonate, CaCO(3).

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The CSA Group                                                                21


Competent Persons Report - Forum Energy PLC
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The uppermost chaotic and insoluble portions of a salt diaper which remain after
salt has ceased to flow.

Said of a sedimentary rock containing organic material.

Arock, usually of sedimentary origin, composed primarily of calcium, magnesium
or iron and CO3. Essential component of limestones and marbles, but may also
occur as a product of alteration.

Carbonate platform
The shallow margins of a marine basin where carbonates are being deposited.

Epoch of Earth's history from 65 million years ago to Recent times.

Channel sample
Sample obtained by cutting a representative  channel or grove across a rock face
or profile.

Coal operating contracts is a means by which coal mining is regulated in the

Collapse breccias
Breccias  resulting from the  dissolution of part of the rock and the subsequent
collapse of the rock structure.

When tectonic elements oppose and form a certain type of resulting structures.

Competent Person
A "Competent  Person" is a person who is a Member or Fellow of the  Australasian
Institute  of  Mining  and  Metallurgy,   or  of  the  Australian  Institute  of
Geoscientists,  or of a 'Recognised Overseas Professional Organisation' ('ROPO')
included in a list promulgated from time to time. A 'Competent Person' must have
a  minimum  of  five  years  experience  which  is  relevant  to  the  style  of
mineralization and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which
that person is undertaking.

A tube of rock produced by diamond drilling.

Applied to the third and final period of the Mesozoic era.

An  inclined  tunnel-like  excavation  into  the  ground  to allow  vehicle  and
equipment access for the mining of ore bodies.

Diamond drilling
Method of obtaining  cylindrical  core of rock by drilling with a diamond set or
diamond impregnated bit.

Department of Energy in the Philippines.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The CSA Group                                                                22


Competent Persons Report - Forum Energy PLC
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A rock composed of calcium and magnesium carbonate.

An  appropriately  qualified person who prepares and is responsible for a report
issued  under  the  JORC  and / or  National  Instrument  43-101  Code,  who can
demonstrate independence and competence in the preparation of the Report, and is
a professional having at least ten years of relevant expertise and experience in
the general, mining or petroleum industry.

Face sampling
Sampling of an exposed  rock face in  underground  development  fire assay.  The
assaying of metallic  ores,  usually  gold and  silver,  by methods  requiring a
furnace heat.

Geological mapping
The process of identifying and recording the distribution and types of rocks and
other geological features.

Use of electrical  techniques  or the measure of natural  phenomena to assist in
determining sub-surface features.

Code and  Guidelines  for the  assessment of Mineral  Resources and Ore Reserves
prepared by the Joint Ore  Reserves  Committee  of the  Australian  Institute of
Mining and Metallurgy.

Sedimentary rock wholly or in large part composed of calcium carbonate, CaCO(3).

Canadian  legislative  code for the  assessment  of  mineral  resources  and ore
reserves for listing on any Canadian stock exchange.

The later of two periods into which the Cenozoic era is divided.

Organic carbon
Carbon derived from organic processes.

Percussion drilling
A drilling method which uses a percussive hammer on a set of drill rods to drill
a hole, using compressed air to power the hammer and remove drill cuttings.

An era of  geological  time  spanning the period from 2,500 million years to 570
million years before present.

Qualified Person
"Qualified  person" means an individual who is an engineer or geoscientist  with
at least five years of experience in mineral  exploration,  mine  development or
operation  or mineral  project  assessment,  or any  combination  of these;  has
experience  relevant  to the  subject  matter  of the  mineral  project  and the
technical report; and is a member or licensee in good standing of a professional

Reverse Circulation (RC)
A drilling  method in which the  fragmented  sample is  brought  to the  surface
inside the drill rods,  thereby  reducing  contamination;  commonly  used with a
percussion hammer bit.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The CSA Group                                                                 23


Competent Persons Report - Forum Energy PLC
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rock chip sampling
The collection of selective or representative samples of rock fragments within a
limited area.

A  sedimentary  rock  composed  of  cemented  or  compacted  detrital  minerals,
principally quartz grains.

A crystalline  metamorphic  rock having a foliated or parallel  structure due to
the recrystallisation of the constituent minerals.

A fine-grained, laminated sedimentary rock formed from clay, mud and silt.

Soil sampling
The collection of soil specimens for mineral analysis.

Subdivision of geological  time covering the period from 65 million years to 1.6
million years ago.


Alow angle (shallowly inclined) fault or shear on which the rocks on the top
have moved up and over the rocks on the bottom.

Trench sampling
A sampling  technique in which a shallow linear excavation is made in the ground
surface, which is then methodically sampled, generally along one wall.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The CSA Group                                                                 24





Included in this Appendix are the pro forma financial statements for FEC for the
twelve months ended December 31, 2004, after giving effect to the Transaction.

Notes contained in the schedules hereto

FEC's activities relate to oil and natural gas exploration and development.  FEC
follows the "full-cost"  method of accounting for oil and natural gas operations
whereby all exploration costs are capitalized until  commencement of production.
The costs are then amortized on a unit of production basis.

                                               Forum Energy Corporation
                                            Statement of Net Operating Loss
                                        Balance Sheets as at December 31, 2004
                                                     (Cdn$ 000's)

    Expenses                                          (unaudited)
           Genereal and Administration                      1,755
           Depreciation                                       268
           Foreign Exchange                                    -8
           Interst Expense                                    162
           Net Operating Loss                                2127

NOTE:  Please see note concerning the above table / proforma numbers at the foot
of the following page:


                            Forum Energy Corporation
                             Proforma Balance Sheet
                      As at December 31, 2005 to take into
                         account effect from Transaction

                                                     Pre-Transcation   Post-Transaction
                                                        Cdn$ 000's        Cdn$ 000's
Current Assets                                          (unaudited)      (unaudited)
      Cash                                                    25                18
      Accounts Receivable,deposits & Prepaid                  77                 5
      Investments                                            397               397
                                                          ------            ------
                                                             499               419
                                                          ------            ------
Property Plant & Equipment (Less Depr)                    10,191                -0
      Other Investments                                      518               518
      Investment in Newco Shares                               0             2,551
                                                          ------            ------
                                                          10,709             3,069
                                                          ------            ------
                                                          11,208             3,488
                                                          ======            ======
Current Liabilities
      Accounts Payable                                     1,544               695
      Short-term Loans                                       318               318
                                                          ------            ------
                                                           1,862             1,013
      Long-Term debt                                       6,849                -0
      Convertible Debentures (1)                             649               649
                                                          ------            ------
                                                           7,498               649
                                                          ------            ------
                                                           9,359             1,662
                                                          ======            ======

Shareholders Equity
      Share Capital                                       14,909            14,908
      Contributed Surplus                                    729               729
      Unrealized Loss on Investment (2)                   -5,705            -5,728
      Deficit                                             -8,084            -8,084
                                                          ------            ------
                                                           1,849             1,825
                                                          ------            ------
                                                          11,208             3,488
                                                          ======            ======


1)    Convertible  debenture will be split between an equity and debt portion in
      accordance with Canadian GAAP

2)    Unrealized  loss on  investment  reflects an  investment  in Langley  Park
      Investment  trust  shares which were written down to their market value as
      at december 31, 2004.

NOTE: The above proforma numbers are the unaudited  consolidated results for the
Forum  Energy  Corporation  Group of Companies  and have been  presented in this
circular purely for comparative  purposes to show the effect of the Transactions
to the financial statements of the Company. In particular this has been prepared
to reflect the consolidated  results to include the group with Forum Exploration
Inc on a full  consolidation  basis to results  reflecting the transfer of FEC's
interest  to an  investment  in  Newco  shares  (subsequent  to the  placing  of
additional  shares) and assuming that FEC's position in Forum  Exploration,  Inc
will be diluted.

At the time of releasing this circular to the  shareholders  of FEC the audit is
being  finalized  and therefore  the accounts may be subject to  restatement  to
reflect  Canadian  GAAP  pronouncements   currently  in  effect.  There  are  no
accompanying  notes to these  financial  statements  and the  reader is urged to
review the previous financial statements to be aware of the basis of preparation
of this proforma  financial  information.  FEC assumes no responsibility for the
accuracy of these  pre-forma  financial  statements and advise that they will be
subject to change when the final audited results are published.


                            Forum Energy Corporation
                        Selected Financial Data CDN GAAP
                      (CDN $ in '000, except EPS, Weighted
                      Avg. Shares and Capital Stock Shares
                      Avg. Shares and Capital Stock Shares

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       Year           Year           Year          Year          Year
                                      Ended          Ended          Ended         Ended         Ended
                                     12/31/03       12/31/02       12/31/01      12/31/00      12/31/99
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenue                              $      --       $     --       $     1       $     1       $ 1,080
Operating loss                       $  (1,397)      $   (783)      $(1,195)      $(1,665)      $(2,891)
Net loss                             $  (1,356)      $ (1,058)      $(1,514)      $(2,028)      $(3,225)
Net loss per share                   $   (0.01)      $  (0.10)      $ (0.17)      $ (0.28)      $ (0.74)
Diluted Net loss per share                  --             --            --            --            --
Dividends per share                  $    0.00       $   0.00       $  0.00       $  0.00       $  0.00
Weighted Avg. Shares O/S ('000)        113,700         10,404         8,734         7,338         4,351

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Working Capital                      $    (283)      $   (587)      $  (574)      $  (281)      $   592
Resource Properties (1)              $   8,951       $     --       $    --       $   149       $    --
Long-Term Debt                       $   6,882       $     --       $    --         $ Nil         $ Nil
Shareholders' Equity/                $   1,809       $   (576)      $   242       $   838       $   986

Capital Stock Shares ('000)            135,821         10,511         9,529         7,845         5,111
Total Assets                         $   9,109       $     71       $   852       $ 1,164       $ 1,379
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The authorized capital of FEC consists of an authorized capital of unlimited
number of common shares (the "Common Shares").


There is no effect to the share Capitalization in the Transaction. The number of
shares in issue before and after this transaction will be 174,583,646



The names,  municipalities  of  residence of the  directors  and officers of FEC
after giving effect to the  Transaction,  their positions and offices to be held
with FEC,  and their  principal  occupations  during  the past five years are as

The  following  table  lists  as of the date of this  report  the  names,  ages,
functions  and areas of  experience  in our  operations of all the Directors and
Senior  Management.  Each  Director  will serve  until the next  annual  general
meeting or until his/her  successor is duly elected,  unless  his/her  office is
vacated in accordance with our charter  documents.  The Executive Officers serve
at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name                               Age    Position/Area of Experience/Function
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Larry W. Youell (1)                63     Director since June 1998, CEO since May 18th 2005.
Riaz Sumar (3)                     35     CFO since May 18th 2005
Barry Stansfield (1)(2)(3)         53     Non executive Chairman
David G. Wilson (1)(2)(3)          59     Director since June 1998
Robert Lynch Jr. (1)(2)(3)         72     Director since May 18th 2005
Dr. Water Brown                    65     Director since May 18th 2005
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            (1)   Member of Audit Committee.

            (2)   Member of Compensation Committee

            (3)   Member of the Corporate Governance Committee

      The following persons were members of our Board of Directors as of
December 31, 2003 and resigned as of the dates indicated:

      Mr. David Robinson resigned effective April 30, 2003 but was re-appointed
a director and President and Chief Executive Officer on December 8th, 2003.
Resigned May 18th 2005

      Mr. David Thompson resigned effective May 18th 2005. Mr. Riaz Sumar
resigned as Corporate Secretary and was replaced by Mr. David Thompson in August
2003. Re-appointed CFO May 18th 2005.

      Mr. Robert Lynch and Dr. Walter Brown were appointed non-executive
directors May 18th 2005.


Information about our Directors and Officers

Mr. Larry Youell, CEO and Director

      Mr. Youell spent 21 years with Consumers Gas Company Limited and its
subsidiaries ("Consumers"), in a variety of roles with increasing responsibility
including Senior Vice President Operations, and Senior Vice President Business
Support. He was also President of Rose Technology, and General Manager of
Consumers' largest division. Prior to joining Consumers, Mr. Youell was a
Management Consultant with an international base of clients. Mr. Youell was born
and raised in Calgary, Alberta. He received his Honours degree in Business from
the University of Western Ontario in 1963 and a Masters in Business
Administration from that university in 1968. Mr. Youell has been active in
charitable causes, including serving as Chair of the Arthritis Society in
Ontario and lead roles in fund raising for United Way and Skylight Theatre. He
is also Past Chair of the Ontario Natural Gas Association and International
Approvals Services Inc. Mr. Youell is Mr. David Robinson's uncle.

Riaz Sumar, CFO, Corporate Secretary and Director

      A resident of Calgary, Mr. Sumar has extensive financial experience with
public companies. Mr. Sumar was previously Financial Controller of Forum Energy
Corporation 1996 - 2003. Currently also CFO of TransAKT corp. and previously CFO
of TSX listed North American Gem Inc. He received his Honors Bachelor of Science
degree from the University of British Columbia in 1990 and received the
designation of Certified General Accountant in 1997.

Mr. David Wilson, Director

      A resident of Calgary, Mr. Wilson is a geologist with 34 years of
experience who provides us with international oil and gas exploration and
development expertise. He spent over twelve years with a major Canadian oil and
gas company, lastly as the Senior Director - Strategic Exploration Group. He
currently is a director and Executive Vice President for Mergers and
Acquisitions of Nations Energy Company Limited, a private Canadian company with
operations in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and California. Nations Energy Company
Limited currently produces 40,000 barrels of oil per day.

Mr. Barry Stansfield, Director

      A resident of London, England, Mr. Stansfield's expertise lies in
marketing. He spent the last 5 years working as a partner in B&L Estates, a
property management company.

Robert J. Lynch Jr., Director

      A resident of New York, USA, Robert Lynch has over 40 years business
experience. Currently also President of American & Foreign Enterprises Inc. and
President and Director of Lynch Farms Inc. Mr. Lynch has extensive experience of
quoted companies and was previously Director of NASDAQ listed Hadron Inc. NYSE
listed Dames & Moore and a Director of NASDAQ listed Data Broadcasting

Dr. Walter Brown, Director

      A resident of Manila, Philippines, Dr. Walter Brown has extensive
experience with resource and public companies and is also currently Chairman and
CEO of TSX listed Philex Gold Corporation.

None of our directors and/or executive officers or those persons to be appointed
have been the subject of any order, judgment, or decree of any governmental
agency or administrator or of any court of competent jurisdiction, revoking or
suspending for cause any license, permit or other authority of such person or of
any corporation of which he is a director and/or executive officer, to engage in
the securities business or in the sale of a particular security or temporarily
or permanently restraining or enjoining any such person or any corporation of
which he is an officer or director from engaging in or continuing any conduct,


or  employment  in  connection  with  the  purchase  or sale of  securities,  or
convicting such person of any felony or misdemeanor  involving a security or any
aspect of the securities business or of theft or of any felony.

      There are no other arrangements or understandings between any two or more
directors or executive officers, pursuant to which he was selected as a director
or executive officer. Except as disclosed above, there are no family
relationships between any two or more directors or executive officers.

B. Compensation.

      We have committed to pay our directors the following consulting fees and
directors fees on a monthly basis:

                          Larry Youell                US$5,000
                          Riaz Sumar                  US$5,000
                          Barry Stansfield            US$3,000
                          David Wilson                US$1,000
                          Robert Lynch                US$1,000
                          Dr. Walter Brown            US$1,000

      In addition, the Board of Directors may award special remuneration to any
Director undertaking any special services on our behalf other than services
ordinarily required of a Director. Other than as indicated below, no Director
received any compensation for his services as a Director, including committee
participation and/or special assignments.

      We grant stock options to Directors, Executive Officers and employees; as
described below under, "Options to Purchase Securities from Company or

      None of our executive officers/directors received other compensation in
excess of the lesser of US $25,000 or 10% of such officer's cash compensation as
reported in the compensation table above and all executive officers/directors as
a group did not receive other compensation which exceeded US $25,000 times the
number of persons in the group or 10% of the compensation reported in the
compensation table above.

      No funds were set aside or accrued by us during the year ending December
31, 2004 to provide pension, retirement or similar benefits for directors or
executive officers. Except for the stock option program discussed below, we have
no bonus or profit sharing plans pursuant to which cash or non-cash compensation
is or may be paid to the our directors or executive officers.


Options to Purchase Securities from FEC or Subsidiaries.

      Options to purchase securities from us are granted to directors/officers
and employees on terms and conditions acceptable to the relevant regulatory
authorities. We adopted a formal stock option plan on June 19, 2000.

                      Stock Options Granted and Outstanding

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name                  Number of     Exercise      Expiration Date       Issue/           Balance
                        Common        Price                           (Exercise)
                        Shares                                         (Expired)
                                                                        to Y/E)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
David Robinson          500,000      $  0.08       April 26, 2008        (85,227)        414,773
                      1,000,000      $  0.43       April 26, 2004            Nil       1,000,000
                                     $  0.31       April 26, 2008         68,182          68,182

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Larry W. Youell       1,250,000      $  0.08       April 26, 2008       (213,068)      1,036,932
                                     $  0.31       April 26, 2008        170,455         170,455
                        220,000      $0.0723      January 31, 2010        15,906          15,906
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Barry Stansfield      2,000,000      $  0.08       April 26, 2008       (340,910)      1,659,090
                                     $  0.31       April 26, 2008        272,726         272,726
                         80,000      $0.0723      January 31, 2010         5,784           5,784
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
David G. Wilson         500,000      $  0.08       April 26, 2008        (85,227)        414,773
                                     $  0.31       April 26, 2008         68,182          68,182
                         80,000      $0.0723      January 31, 2010         5,784           5,784
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
David Thompson        1,250,000      $  0.08       April 26, 2008       (213,068)      1,036,932
                                     $  0.31       April 26, 2008        170,455         170,455
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Riaz Sumar            200,000      $  0.08       April 26, 2008        (34,970)        200,000
Total Officers,
  Directors,          7,080,000                                                        6,539,974
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                     Warrants Held by Directors and Officers

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Name                 Number of share       Exercise Price   Expiration
                            Purchase Warrants                          Date
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Larry Youell                     100,000               US$0.25        09/02/05
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
David G. Wilson                   74,000               US$0.25        09/02/05
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
David R. Robinson (1)            340,000               US$0.25        09/02/05
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                            514,000               US$0.25        09/02/05
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)   280,000 share purchase warrants held in the name of DRR Capital

Conflicts of Interest

There are potential conflicts of interest to which the directors and officers of
FEC will be subject to in connection with the operations of FEC. In particular,
certain of the directors and officers of FEC are involved in managerial or
director positions with other oil and gas companies whose operations may, from
time to time, be in direct competition with those of FEC or with entities which
may, from time to time, provide financing to, or make equity investments in,
competitors of FEC, including, but not limited to Newco. In accordance with the
CBCA, directors who have a material interest or any person who is a party to a
material contract or a proposed material contract with FEC are required, subject
to certain exceptions,


to disclose that interest and generally  abstain from voting on any  resolutions
to approve the contract. In addition, the directors are required to act honestly
and in good  faith  with a view to the best  interests  of FEC.  Certain  of the
directors  of FEC  have  either  other  employment  or  other  business  or time
restrictions placed on them and accordingly, these directors of FEC will only be
able to devote part of their time to the affairs of FEC.


As at the date of this Information Circular, FEC had no employees.  After giving
effect to the Arrangement, FEC does not expect to have any full-time employees


No current or proposed directors,  officers or principal shareholders of FEC and
no associate or affiliate of any of them,  has or has had any material  interest
in any transaction or any proposed  transaction which materially  affects FEC or
any of its affiliates.


To the best of the  knowledge of the  directors  and  officers of FEC,  save for
Westmark  Limited and Langley  Park  Investment  Trust Plc no persons  will own,
directly or indirectly, or exercise control or discretion over FEC Common Shares
carrying  more than 10  percent of the votes  attached  to all of the issued and
outstanding FEC Common Shares.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(i) Name of Registered Shareholder owning 10% or                          Number of            Percent
more of the outstanding shares:                                             Shares             of Class
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Westmark Limited                                                          32,303,850            17.59
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Langley Park Investment Trust Plc                                         27,000,000            15.47
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ii) Name of Director and/or Officer and number of shares held:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
David R. Robinson/DRR Capital                                           20,000/305,000
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Larry W. Youell/Cindy Youell                                            50,060/85,273
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
David Thompson/AMS Limited                                                Nil/352,614
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Barry Stansfield                                                            68,182
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
David Wilson/Merckwood                                                      35,245
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(iii) Number of shares held by all Directors and Officers
as a group:                                                                916,374
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


At no time  during  the most  recently  completed  financial  year was there any
indebtedness  of any director or officer,  or any associate of any such director
or  officer,  to FEC or to any other  entity  which is, or at any time since the
beginning of the most recently completed financial year has been, the subject of
a guarantee, support agreement, letter of credit or other similar arrangement or
understanding provided by FEC.


An investment in FEC should be considered  highly  speculative due to the nature
of the activities of FEC and the present stage of its development. The following
is a summary of certain risk factors  relating to the  activities of FEC and the
ownership  of FEC Common  Shares which  should be  carefully  considered  before
making an investment  decision  relating to FEC Common Shares.  The risk factors
listed below are in addition to the risk factors in the annual  information form
of FEC. These risk factors  should be carefully  considered and are not in order
of significance.


Exploration, Development and Production Risks

Oil and natural  gas  exploration  involves a high degree of risk,  which even a
combination of experience,  knowledge and careful  evaluation may not be able to
overcome.  There is no assurance that expenditures made on future exploration by
FEC  will  result  in  new  discoveries  of  oil or  natural  gas in  commercial
quantities.  It is difficult to project the costs of implementing an exploratory
drilling  program  due to the  inherent  uncertainties  of  drilling  in unknown
formations,  the costs associated with encountering  various drilling conditions
such as over  pressured  zones,  tools lost in the hole and  changes in drilling
plans and locations as a result of prior exploratory wells or additional seismic
data and interpretations  thereof.  The long-term commercial success of FEC will
depend on its ability to find, acquire, develop and commercially produce oil and
natural gas reserves.  No assurance can be given that FEC will be able to locate
satisfactory  properties for  acquisition or  participation.  Moreover,  if such
acquisitions or  participations  are identified,  FEC may determine that current
markets,  terms of acquisition and participation or pricing conditions make such
acquisitions or participations uneconomic.

Future oil and gas exploration may involve  unprofitable  efforts, not only from
dry wells, but from wells that are productive but do not produce  sufficient net
revenues  to  return  a  profit  after  drilling,  operating  and  other  costs.
Completion  of a well does not assure a profit on the  investment or recovery of
drilling,  completion  and operating  costs.  In addition,  drilling  hazards or
environmental damage could greatly increase the cost of operations,  and various
field operating  conditions may adversely  affect the production from successful
wells.  These conditions include delays in obtaining  governmental  approvals or
consents, shut-ins of connected wells resulting from extreme weather conditions,
insufficient  storage  or  transportation   capacity  or  other  geological  and
mechanical conditions.

While  diligent  well  supervision  and  effective  maintenance  operations  can
contribute  to  maximizing  production  rates over time,  production  delays and
declines from normal field operating  conditions cannot be eliminated and can be
expected to adversely affect revenue and cash flow levels to varying degrees.

In addition,  oil and gas  operations  are subject to the risks of  exploration,
development  and  production  of  oil  and  natural  gas  properties,  including
encountering   unexpected   formations  or  pressures,   premature  declines  of
reservoirs,  blow-outs,  cratering,  sour gas releases, fires and spills. Losses
resulting  from the  occurrence  of any of these risks  could have a  materially
adverse  effect  on  future  results  of  operations,  liquidity  and  financial

Prices, Markets and Marketing of Crude Oil and Natural Gas

Oil and natural gas are commodities  whose prices are determined  based on world
demand,  supply and other  factors,  all of which are beyond the control of FEC.
World prices for oil and natural gas have fluctuated widely in recent years. Any
material  decline  in prices  could  result  in a  reduction  of net  production
revenue.  Certain wells or other projects may become uneconomic as a result of a
decline in world oil prices and natural gas  prices,  leading to a reduction  in
the  volume of FEC's oil and gas  reserves.  FEC might also elect not to produce
from  certain  wells at lower  prices.  All of these  factors  could result in a
material decrease in FEC's future net production revenue, causing a reduction in
its oil and gas acquisition and development  activities.  In addition,  any bank
borrowings  available  to FEC  are  expected  to be  determined  in  part by the
borrowing base of FEC. A sustained  material  decline in prices from  historical
average prices could limit FEC's  borrowing  base,  therefore  reducing the bank
credit  available to FEC, and could  require that a portion of any existing bank
debt of FEC be repaid.

In addition to  establishing  markets for its oil and natural gas, FEC must also
successfully  market  its  oil  and  natural  gas  to  prospective  buyers.  The
marketability  and  price  of oil and  natural  gas  which  may be  acquired  or
discovered by FEC will be affected by numerous  factors beyond its control.  FEC
will be affected  by the  differential  between  the price paid by refiners  for
light quality oil and the grades of oil produced by FEC.

The  ability of FEC to market its  natural  gas may depend  upon its  ability to
acquire space on pipelines which deliver natural gas to commercial markets.  FEC
will also  likely be  affected by  deliverability  uncertainties  related to the
proximity of its reserves to pipelines and processing  facilities and related to
operational problems with such pipelines and facilities and extensive government
regulation  relating  to  price,  taxes,  royalties,   land  tenure,   allowable
production, the export of oil and natural gas and many other


aspects of the oil and natural gas business.  FEC has limited direct  experience
in the marketing of oil and natural gas.

Substantial Capital Requirements and Liquidity

FEC  anticipates  that it will make  substantial  capital  expenditures  for the
acquisition,  exploration,  development  and  production  of oil and natural gas
reserves in the future.  If FEC's  revenues  or  reserves  decline,  FE may have
limited ability to expend the capital  necessary to undertake or complete future
drilling programs.  There can be no assurance that debt or equity financing,  or
cash  generated by  operations  will be available  or  sufficient  to meet these
requirements or for other corporate  purposes or, if debt or equity financing is
available,  that  it will  be on  terms  acceptable  to  FEC.  Moreover,  future
activities  may  require  FEC to alter  its  capitalization  significantly.  The
inability of FEC to access  sufficient  capital for its operations  could have a
material  adverse  effect on FEC financial  condition,  results of operations or

Additional Funding Requirements

FEC's cash flow from its  reserves  may not be  sufficient  to fund its  ongoing
activities at all times. From time to time, FEC may require additional financing
in order to carry out its oil and gas  acquisition,  exploration and development
activities.  Failure to obtain such  financing on a timely basis could cause FEC
to  forfeit  its  interest  in  certain  properties,  miss  certain  acquisition
opportunities and reduce or terminate its operations. If FEC's revenues from its
reserves  decrease as a result of lower oil and natural gas prices or otherwise,
it will  affect  FEC  ability  to expend the  necessary  capital to replace  its
reserves or to maintain its  production.  If FEC's cash flow from  operations is
not sufficient to satisfy its capital expenditure requirements,  there can be no
assurance  that  additional  debt or equity  financing will be available to meet
these requirements or available on terms acceptable to FEC.


FEC's  involvement  in the  exploration  for,  and  development  of, oil and gas
properties  may result in FEC  becoming  subject  to  liability  for  pollution,
blow-outs,  property  damage,  personal  injury or other  hazards.  Although FEC
expects to obtain  insurance in accordance  with  industry  standards to address
such  risks,  such  insurance  has  limitations  on  liability  that  may not be
sufficient to cover the full extent of such liabilities. In addition, such risks
may not, in all circumstances be insurable or, in certain circumstances, FEC may
elect  not to  obtain  insurance  to deal  with  specific  risks due to the high
premiums  associated  with such insurance or other reasons.  The payment of such
uninsured liabilities would reduce the funds available to FEC. The occurrence of
a significant event that FEC are not fully insured against, or the insolvency of
the  insurer  of such  event,  could  have a  material  adverse  effect on FEC's
financial position, results of operations or prospects.


FEC actively competes for reserve acquisitions, exploration leases, licenses and
concessions and skilled  industry  personnel with a substantial  number of other
oil and gas  companies,  many of  which  have  significantly  greater  financial
resources than FEC. FEC's  competitors  include major integrated oil and natural
gas companies and numerous other  independent  oil and natural gas companies and
individual  producers  and  operators.  The  oil  and  gas  industry  is  highly
competitive. FEC' competitors for the acquisition,  exploration,  production and
development of oil and natural gas  properties,  and for capital to finance such
activities,   include  companies  that  have  greater  financial  and  personnel
resources  available to them than FEC.  Certain of FEC's customers and potential
customers are  themselves  exploring for oil and natural gas, and the results of
such exploration efforts could affect FEC's ability to sell or supply oil or gas
to these  customers  in the future.  FEC's  ability to  successfully  bid on and
acquire  additional  property rights,  to discover  reserves,  to participate in
drilling  opportunities  and to identify and enter into commercial  arrangements
with customers will be dependent upon developing and  maintaining  close working
relationships  with its future  industry  partners and joint  operators  and its
ability  to  select  and  evaluate   suitable   properties   and  to  consummate
transactions in a highly competitive environment.

Environmental Risks

All phases of the oil and natural gas business present  environmental  risks and
hazards and are  subject to  environmental  regulation  pursuant to a variety of
international conventions and state and/or provincial and


municipal laws and regulations.  Environmental  legislation  provides for, among
other things,  restrictions and prohibitions on spills, releases or emissions of
various  substances  produced in association  with oil and gas  operations.  The
legislation also requires that wells and facility sites be operated, maintained,
abandoned  and   reclaimed  to  the   satisfaction   of  applicable   regulatory
authorities.   Compliance  with  such   legislation   can  require   significant
expenditures  and a breach may result in the  imposition of fines and penalties,
some of which may be material. Environmental legislation is evolving in a manner
expected to result in  stricter  standards  and  enforcement,  larger  fines and
liability and potentially  increased  capital  expenditures and operating costs.
The  discharge of oil,  natural gas or other  pollutants  into the air,  soil or
water may give rise to liabilities to foreign  governments and third parties and
may require FEC to incur costs to remedy such  discharge.  No  assurance  can be
given that  environmental laws will not result in a curtailment of production or
a material  increase  in the costs of  production,  development  or  exploration
activities or otherwise adversely affect FEC's financial  condition,  results of
operations or prospects.

Reserve Replacement

FEC's  future oil and natural  gas  reserves,  production,  and cash flows to be
derived  therefrom  are  highly  dependent  on  FEC  successfully  acquiring  or
discovering new reserves.  Without the continual  addition of new reserves,  any
existing  reserves  FEC  may  have at any  particular  time  and the  production
therefrom  will decline over time as such  existing  reserves are  exploited.  A
future  increase  in FEC's  reserves  will  depend not only on FEC's  ability to
develop any properties it may have from time to time, but also on its ability to
select and acquire suitable producing  properties or prospects.  There can be no
assurance that FEC's future  exploration and development  efforts will result in
the discovery and development of additional commercial  accumulations of oil and
natural gas.

Reliance on Operators and Key Employees

To the extent FEC is not the operator of its oil and gas properties, FEC will be
dependent  on such  operators  for the  timing  of  activities  related  to such
properties and will largely be unable to direct or control the activities of the
operators.  In addition,  the success of FEC will be largely  dependent upon the
performance  of its  management  and key  employees and the  management  and key
employees of the Forum  Exploration and Newco,  who will provide services to FEC
under the Technical Services Agreement.  FEC does not have any key man insurance
policies and there is therefore a risk that the death or departure of any member
of management or any key employee of FEC could have a material adverse effect on

Corporate Matters

FEC does not  anticipate the payment of any dividends on their Common Shares for
the  foreseeable  future.  Certain of the directors and officers of FEC are also
directors  and  officers  of other oil and gas  companies  involved  in  natural
resource  exploration  and  development,  and  conflicts  of interest  may arise
between  their  duties as officers  and  directors  of FEC and as  officers  and
directors  of  such  other  companies.  Such  conflicts  must  be  disclosed  in
accordance  with,  and are  subject to such other  procedures  and  remedies  as
applicable under the CBCA.

Permits and Licenses

The operations of FEC may require licenses and permits from various governmental
authorities.  There can be no  assurance  that the issuer will be able to obtain
all necessary licenses and permits that may be required to carry out exploration
and development at its projects.

Issuance of Debt

From time to time FEC may  enter  into  transactions  to  acquire  assets or the
shares of other  corporations.  These  transactions may be financed partially or
wholly with debt, which may increase FEC's debt levels above industry standards.
Neither FEC's articles nor its by-laws limit the amount of indebtedness that may
incur.  The level of FEC's  indebtedness  from time to time could  impair  their
ability to obtain  additional  financing in the future on a timely basis to take
advantage of business opportunities that may arise.



FEC may make future  acquisitions or enter into financing or other  transactions
involving the issuance of common shares of FEC which may be dilutive.

Title to Properties

Although title reviews will be done according to industry standards prior to the
purchase of most oil and natural gas producing properties or the commencement of
drilling  wells,  such reviews do not  guarantee  or certify that an  unforeseen
defect in the chain of title will not arise to defeat the aim of FEC which could
result in a reduction of the revenue received by FEC.

Delays in Business Operations

In addition to the usual delays in payments by purchasers of oil and natural gas
to FEC or to the operators,  and the delays by operators in remitting payment to
FEC,  payments between these parties may be delayed due to restrictions  imposed
by lenders,  accounting  delays,  delays in the sale or  delivery  of  products,
delays in the  connection of wells to a gathering  system,  adjustment for prior
periods,  or recovery by the operator of expenses  incurred in the  operation of
the  properties.  Any of these  delays  could  reduce  the  amount  of cash flow
available for the business of FEC in a given period and expose FEC to additional
third party credit risks.

Assessments of Value of Acquisitions

Acquisitions  of oil and gas issuers and oil and gas assets are typically  based
on engineering and economic assessments made by independent  engineers and FEC's
own  assessments.  These  assessments  both will include a series of assumptions
regarding  such  factors as  recoverability  and  marketability  of oil and gas,
future prices of oil and gas and operating  costs,  future capital  expenditures
and  royalties  and other  government  levies  which  will be  imposed  over the
producing life of the reserves.  Many of these factors are subject to change and
are beyond FEC's control.  In particular,  the prices of and markets for oil and
natural gas  products  may change from those  anticipated  at the time of making
such assessment. In addition, all such assessments involve a measure of geologic
and engineering  uncertainty which could result in lower production and reserves
than anticipated. Initial assessments of acquisitions may be based on reports by
a firm of independent  engineers that are not the same as the firm that FEC uses
for its year end  reserve  evaluations.  Because  each of these  firms  may have
different  evaluation  methods and  approaches,  these initial  assessments  may
differ  significantly  from the  assessments  of the firm used by FEC.  Any such
instance may offset the return on and value of the FEC's Shares.

Accounting Write-Downs as a Result of GAAP

GAAP require that management apply certain accounting  policies and make certain
estimates  and  assumptions  which  affect  reported  amounts  in the  financial
statements of FEC. The accounting policies may result in non cash charges to net
income and write-downs of net assets in the financial statements.  Such non-cash
charges and write-downs may be viewed unfavorably by the market and result in an
inability to borrow funds and/or may result in a decline in the trading price of
the FEC Common  Shares.  Under  GAAP,  the net  amounts at which  petroleum  and
natural  gas costs on a property  or project  basis are carried are subject to a
cost-recovery  test which is based in part upon  estimated  future net cash flow
from reserves. If net capitalized costs exceed the future discounted cash flows,
FEC will have to charge the amounts of the excess to earnings.  A decline in the
net value of oil and natural gas  properties  could cause  capitalized  costs to
exceed the cost ceiling,  resulting in a charge against earnings.  Emerging GAAP
surrounding  hedge  accounting may result in non-cash charges against net income
as a result of changes in the fair  market  value of  financial  instruments.  A
decrease in the fair market value of the  financial  instruments  as a result of
fluctuations  in  commodity  prices and foreign  exchange  rates may result in a
non-cash  charge against net income.  Such non-cash  charges may be temporary in
nature if the fair market value subsequently increases.

Third Party Credit Risk

FEC  may  be  exposed  to  third  party  credit  risk  through  its  contractual
arrangements with its current or future joint venture partners, marketers of its
petroleum  and  natural  gas  production  and other  parties.  In the event such
entities fail to meet their contractual  obligations to FEC, such failures could
have a material adverse effect on FEC and its cash flow from operations.

Failure to Close the Transaction


If  the  transactions   contemplated  by  the  Transaction   Agreement  are  not
consummated, it is unlikely that FEC will be able to raise sufficient capital to
continue  development of the FEC Philippine  Assets,  and may, in fact, lose its
interest therein.


The  oil  and  natural  gas  industry  is  subject  to  extensive  controls  and
regulations  governing  its  operations  (including  land  tenure,  exploration,
development,  production,  refining,  transportation  and marketing)  imposed by
legislation  enacted by various levels of government and with respect to pricing
and taxation of oil and natural gas by  agreements  among the  government of the
Philippines all of which should be carefully  considered by investors in the oil
and gas industry.  It is not expected that any of these  controls or regulations
will affect the  operations of FEC in a manner  materially  different  than they
would  affect  other  oil  and  gas  companies  of  similar  size.  All  current
legislation  is a matter of public  record and FEC are  unable to  predict  what
additional legislation or amendments may be enacted.  Outlined below are some of
the principal aspects of legislation,  regulations and agreements  governing the
oil and gas industry.

Pricing and Marketing -- Oil, Natural Gas and Associated Products

In the Philippines oil,  natural gas and associated  products are generally sold
at market index based  prices.  These  indices are  generated  at various  sales
points depending on the commodity and are reflective of the current value of the
commodity adjusted for quality and locational differentials. While these indices
tend to track industry reference prices some variances can occur due to specific
supply-demand  imbalances.  These differentials can change on a monthly or daily
basis  depending on the supply-  demand  fundamental at each location as well as
other non-related  changes such as the value of the Canadian dollar and the cost
of transporting the commodity to the pricing point of the particular index.

Environmental Regulation

The oil and natural industry is subject to environmental  regulation pursuant to
a  variety  of  international  conventions  and  Philippine  legislation.   Such
regulation provides for restrictions and prohibitions on the release or emission
of various substances  produced in association with certain oil and gas industry
operations.  In addition,  such regulation requires that well and facility sites
be  abandoned  and  reclaimed to the  satisfaction  of  provincial  authorities.
Compliance  with such  regulation  can require  significant  expenditures  and a
breach of such  requirements may result in suspension or revocation of necessary
licenses  and  authorizations,  civil  liability  for  pollution  damage and the
imposition of material fines and penalties.


There are no outstanding legal  proceedings  involving FEC as of the date of the
Information  Circular which  management of FEC believes to be material to any of
the parties hereto,  nor are any such proceedings known by the parties hereto to
be contemplated.


The only material  contracts entered into, or to be entered into coincident with
the Transaction by FEC since incorporation, other than contracts in the ordinary
course of business, are as follows:

(a) The Transaction Agreement as defined
Copies of these  agreements,  when executed,  can be inspected at the registered
office of FEC at Suite 1400, 700-2nd Street SW Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2B 4V5,
during normal business hours from the date of this Information Circular until 30
days following completion of the Arrangement.


The  auditors of FEC are KPMG,  Chartered  Accountants,  Suite 1200,  Bow Valley
Square II, 205 - 5th Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 4B9, Canada

The  registrar  and transfer  agent for the FEC Common  Shares is  Computershare
principal offices on 4th Floor, 510 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, V6C 3B9G-42




"Right to dissent"

190.  (1) Subject to sections  191 and 241, a holder of shares of any class of a
      corporation  may dissent if the  corporation  is subject to an order under
      paragraph 192(4)(d) that affects the holder or if the corporation resolves

(a)   Amend its articles  under section 173 or 174 to add,  change or remove any
      provisions restricting or constraining the issue, transfer or ownership of
      shares of that class;

(b)   Amend  its  articles  under  section  173 to add,  change  or  remove  any
      restriction on the business or businesses  that the  corporation may carry

(c)   Amalgamate otherwise than under section 184;

(d)   Be continued under section 188;

(e)   Sell,  lease or  exchange  all or  substantially  all its  property  under
      subsection 189(3); or

(f)   Carry out a going-private transaction or a squeeze-out transaction.

Further right

(2)   A holder of shares of any class or series of shares entitled to vote under
      section 176 may dissent if the corporation  resolves to amend its articles
      in a manner described in that section.

If one class of shares

(2.1) The right to dissent  described in subsection (2) applies even if there is
      only one class of shares. Payment for shares

(3)   In addition to any other right the  shareholder  may have,  but subject to
      subsection (26), a shareholder who complies with this section is entitled,
      when the action  approved by the  resolutions  from which the  shareholder
      dissents or an order made under subsection 192(4) becomes effective, to be
      paid by the  corporation  the fair value of the shares in respect of which
      the  shareholder  dissents,  determined as of the close of business on the
      day before the resolution was adopted or the order was made.

No partial dissent

(4)   A dissenting shareholder may only claim under this section with respect to
      all the shares of a class held on behalf of any one  beneficial  owner and
      registered in the name of the dissenting shareholder.


(5)   A dissenting  shareholder shall send to the corporation,  at or before any
      meeting of  shareholders  at which a resolution  referred to in subsection
      (1) or (2) is to be  voted  on, a  written  objection  to the  resolution,
      unless  the  corporation  did not give  notice to the  shareholder  of the
      purpose of the meeting and of their right to dissent.

Notice of resolution

(6)   The corporation  shall,  within ten days after the shareholders  adopt the
      resolution,  send to each shareholder who has filed the objection referred
      to in subsection (5) notice that the resolution has been adopted, but such
      notice is not  required  to be sent to any  shareholder  who voted for the
      resolution or who has withdrawn their objection.

Demand for payment

(7)   A  dissenting  shareholder  shall,  within  twenty days after  receiving a
      notice under  subsection (6) or, if the shareholder  does not receive such
      notice,  within twenty days after  learning that the  resolution  has been
      adopted, send to the corporation a written notice containing

(a)   the shareholder's name and address;

(b)   the  number  and  class of  shares in  respect  of which  the  shareholder
      dissents; and

(c)   a demand for payment of the fair value of such shares.

Share certificate

(8)   A dissenting  shareholder shall, within thirty days after sending a notice
      under  subsection (7), send the  certificates  representing  the shares in
      respect  of which  the  shareholder  dissents  to the  corporation  or its
      transfer agent.


(9)   A dissenting  shareholder  who fails to comply with  subsection (8) has no
      right to make a claim under this section.


Endorsing certificate

(10)  A corporation or its transfer agent shall endorse on any share certificate
      received  under  subsection  (8) a notice that the holder is a  dissenting
      shareholder  under  this  section  and shall  forthwith  return  the share
      certificates to the dissenting shareholder.

Suspension of rights

(11)  On sending a notice under subsection (7), a dissenting  shareholder ceases
      to have any rights as a  shareholder  other than to be paid the fair value
      of their shares as determined under this section except where

(a)   The  shareholder  withdraws  that notice before the  corporation  makes an
      offer under subsection (12),

(b)   The corporation  fails to make an offer in accordance with subsection (12)
      and the shareholder withdraws the notice, or

(c)   the directors  revoke a resolution to amend the articles under  subsection
      173(2) or 174(5),  terminate an amalgamation  agreement  under  subsection
      183(6) or an application  for  continuance  under  subsection  188(6),  or
      abandon a sale, lease or exchange under subsection  189(9),  in which case
      the  shareholder's  rights  are  reinstated  as of the date the notice was

Offer to pay

(12)  A corporation  shall, not later than seven days after the later of the day
      on which the action approved by the resolution is effective or the day the
      corporation  received the notice  referred to in  subsection  (7), send to
      each dissenting shareholder who has sent such notice

(a)   a written  offer to pay for their  shares in an amount  considered  by the
      directors  of the  corporation  to be the  fair  value,  accompanied  by a
      statement showing how the fair value was determined; or

(b)   if subsection (26) applies,  a notification  that it is unable lawfully to
      pay dissenting shareholders for their shares.

Same terms

(13)  Every  offer  made under  subsection  (12) for shares of the same class or
      series shall be on the same terms.


(14)  Subject to subsection  (26), a  corporation  shall pay for the shares of a
      dissenting   shareholder  within  ten  days  after  an  offer  made  under
      subsection  (12)  has been  accepted,  but any such  offer  lapses  if the
      corporation  does not receive an  acceptance  thereof  within  thirty days
      after the offer has been made.

Corporation may apply to court

(15)  Where a corporation  fails to make an offer under subsection (12), or if a
      dissenting  shareholder  fails to accept an offer,  the  corporation  may,
      within fifty days after the action approved by the resolution is effective
      or within such  further  period as a court may allow,  apply to a court to
      fix a fair value for the shares of any dissenting shareholder.

Shareholder application to court

(16)  If a  corporation  fails to  apply to a court  under  subsection  (15),  a
      dissenting  shareholder may apply to a court for the same purpose within a
      further period of twenty days or within such further period as a court may


(17)  An  application  under  subsection  (15) or (16)  shall be made to a court
      having  jurisdiction in the place where the corporation has its registered
      office or in the province where the dissenting  shareholder resides if the
      corporation carries on business in that province.

No security for costs

(18)  A dissenting  shareholder is not required to give security for costs in an
      application made under subsection (15) or (16).


(19)  On an application to a court under subsection (15) or (16),

(a)   all  dissenting  shareholders  whose shares have not been purchased by the
      corporation  shall be joined as parties  and are bound by the  decision of
      the court; and

(b)   the corporation shall notify each affected  dissenting  shareholder of the
      date,  place and  consequences  of the  application  and of their right to
      appear and be heard in person or by counsel.

Powers of court


(20)  On an application to a court under  subsection (15) or (16), the court may
      determine whether any other person is a dissenting  shareholder who should
      be joined as a party,  and the court  shall  then fix a fair value for the
      shares of all dissenting shareholders.


(21)  A court may in its discretion appoint one or more appraisers to assist the
      court to fix a fair value for the shares of the dissenting shareholders.

Final order

(22)  The final order of a court shall be rendered  against the  corporation  in
      favor of each  dissenting  shareholder and for the amount of the shares as
      fixed by the court.


(23)  A court may in its discretion  allow a reasonable  rate of interest on the
      amount  payable to each  dissenting  shareholder  from the date the action
      approved by the resolution is effective until the date of payment.

Notice that subsection (26) applies

(24)  If subsection (26) applies,  the corporation shall,  within ten days after
      the   pronouncement  of  an  order  under  subsection  (22),  notify  each
      dissenting  shareholder  that  it is  unable  lawfully  to pay  dissenting
      shareholders for their shares.

Effect where subsection (26) applies

(25)  If subsection (26) applies,  a dissenting  shareholder,  by written notice
      delivered to the  corporation  within thirty days after receiving a notice
      under subsection (24), may

(a)   Withdraw their notice of dissent,  in which case the corporation is deemed
      to consent to the  withdrawal  and the  shareholder is reinstated to their
      full rights as a shareholder; or

(b)   Retain a status as a claimant against the corporation,  to be paid as soon
      as the  corporation  is lawfully able to do so or, in  liquidation,  to be
      ranked  subordinate to the rights of creditors of the  corporation  but in
      priority to its shareholders. Limitation

(26)  A corporation  shall not make a payment to a dissenting  shareholder under
      this section if there are reasonable grounds for believing that

(a)   The  corporation  is or would  after  the  payment  be  unable  to pay its
      liabilities as they become due; or

(b)   The  realizable  value of the  corporation's  assets would thereby be less
      than the aggregate of its liabilities.
