Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 14A
                                 (Rule 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by Registrant |X|

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant |_|

Check the appropriate box:

|_|   Preliminary Proxy Statement
|_|   Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
|X|   Definitive Proxy Statement
|_|   Definitive Additional Materials
|_|   Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-11(c) or ss.240.1a-12

                                 DAG Media, Inc.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

|X| No fee required.

|_| Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed pursuant to
Exchange  Act Rule  0-11  (Set  forth the  amount  on which  the  filing  fee is
calculated and state how it was determined):

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5) Total fee paid:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|_| Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

|_| Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act Rule
0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the  filing  for  which the  offsetting  fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

1) Amount Previously Paid:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3) Filing Party:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4) Date Filed:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 DAG MEDIA, INC.
                             125-10 Queens Boulevard
                           Kew Gardens, New York 11415

To Our Stockholders:

      You are most  cordially  invited  to attend  the 2005  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders  of DAG Media,  Inc. at 9:00 a.m. local time, on Tuesday,  July 12,
2005,  at the offices of Morgan,  Lewis & Bockius  LLP,  101 Park  Avenue  (39th
Floor), New York, New York 10178.

      The Notice of Meeting and Proxy  Statement on the following pages describe
the matters to be presented at the meeting.

      It is important  that your shares be represented at this meeting to ensure
the presence of a quorum. Whether or not you plan to attend the meeting, we hope
that you will have your shares represented by signing, dating and returning your
proxy in the  enclosed  envelope,  which  requires  no  postage if mailed in the
United States, as soon as possible. Your shares will be voted in accordance with
the instructions you have given in your proxy.

      Thank you for your continued support.


                                   Assaf Ran
                                   President and Chief Executive Officer


                                 DAG MEDIA, INC.
                             125-10 Queens Boulevard
                           Kew Gardens, New York 11415

 Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on Tuesday, July 12th, 2005


      The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of DAG Media,  Inc. will be held at the
offices of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP, Counselors at Law, 101 Park Avenue, 39th
FL, New York, New York, on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 at 9:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight
Savings Time, for the purpose of considering and acting upon the following:

      1.    To elect five (5)  Directors to serve until the next Annual  Meeting
            of Stockholders and until their respective successors have been duly
            elected and qualified.

      2.    To amend our 1999 Stock Option Plan to increase the number of shares
            of Common Stock reserved for issuance from 704,000 to 854,000 shares
            and to  reserve an  additional  150,000  shares of Common  Stock for
            issuance  upon the exercise of stock  options or for the issuance of
            other awards granted under our 1999 Stock Option Plan.

      3.    To  transact  such other  business as may  properly  come before the
            meeting and any adjournment or adjournments thereof.

      Holders of Common Stock of record at the close of business on June 3, 2005
      are entitled to notice of and to vote at the Meeting,  or any  adjournment
      or adjournments thereof. A complete list of such stockholders will be open
      to the examination of any  shareholder at the Meeting.  The Meeting may be
      adjourned from time to time without notice other than by  announcement  at
      the Meeting.

                                      By order of the Board of Directors

                                      Assaf Ran

Kew Gardens, New York
June 10, 2005

       The Company's 2004 Annual Report accompanies this Proxy Statement.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


            We shall appreciate your giving this matter your prompt attention.


                                 DAG MEDIA, INC.
                             125-10 Queens Boulevard
                           Kew Gardens, New York 11415

                                 PROXY STATEMENT


      Proxies in the form  enclosed  with this Proxy  Statement are solicited by
the Board of  Directors of DAG Media,  Inc.  (the  "Company")  to be used at the
Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  to be held at the  offices of Morgan,  Lewis &
Bockius LLP, Counselors at Law, 101 Park Avenue, 39th FL, New York, New York, on
July 12, 2005 at 9:00 a.m.,  Eastern Daylight Savings Time, for the purposes set
forth in the Notice of Meeting and this Proxy Statement. The Company's principal
executive offices are located at 125-10 Queens Boulevard,  Kew Gardens, New York

                          THE VOTING AND VOTE REQUIRED

      On the record  date for the  meeting,  which was the close of  business on
June 3, 2005,  there were  outstanding  3,187,190  shares of common stock of the
Company (the "Common Stock"), each of which will be entitled to one vote.

      The presence,  in person or by proxy,  of holders of Common Stock having a
majority  of the votes  entitled to be cast at the meeting  shall  constitute  a
quorum.  Directors  are elected by a plurality of the votes cast at the meeting,
provided a quorum is present in person or by proxy. Approval of the Amendment to
the Stock Option Plan  requires  the vote of a majority of the shares  voting at
the meeting and entitled to vote on this matter, provided a quorum is present in
person or by proxy.

      All shares  represented by valid proxies will be voted in accordance  with
the instructions contained therein. In the absence of instructions, proxies will
be voted FOR each of the stated  matters being voted on at the meeting.  A proxy
may be revoked  by the  stockholder  giving  the proxy at any time  before it is
voted,  by written  notice  addressed  to and  received by the  Secretary of the
Company or Secretary of the meeting, and a prior proxy is automatically  revoked
by a  stockholder  giving a  subsequent  proxy or  attending  and  voting at the
meeting.  Attendance at the meeting, however, in and of itself does not revoke a
prior proxy. In the case of the election of directors,  shares  represented by a
proxy which are marked  "WITHHOLD  AUTHORITY" to vote for all five nominees will
not be counted in determining whether a plurality vote has been received for the
election of directors.  Shares represented by proxies which are marked "ABSTAIN"
on any other proposal will not be counted in  determining  whether the requisite
vote has been  received  for such  proposal.  In  instances  where  brokers  are
prohibited from  exercising  discretionary  authority for beneficial  owners who
have  not  returned  proxies  ("broker  non-votes"),  those  shares  will not be
included in the vote totals and,  therefore,  will have no effect on the outcome
of the vote.

      This proxy  statement,  together  with the related  proxy  card,  is being
mailed to our  stockholders  on or about June 10, 2005. Our Annual Report to our
Stockholders  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  2004,   including  financial
statements,   is  being  mailed  together  with  this  Proxy  Statement  to  all
stockholders of record as of June 3, 2005.


                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

      Five directors are to be elected at the Annual Meeting, each for a term of
one year and until the election and qualification of a successor.

      It is intended that votes  pursuant to the enclosed proxy will be cast for
the  election  of the five  nominees  named  below.  In the event  that any such
nominee should become unable or unwilling to serve as a Director, the Proxy will
be voted for the election of such person,  if any, as shall be designated by the
Board of  Directors  (the  "Board").  Our Board has no reason to  believe  these
nominees will be unable to serve if elected. Each nominee has consented to being
named in this Proxy  Statement  and to serve if elected.  All five  nominees are
currently members of our Board of Directors.  There are no family  relationships
among any of the executive officers or directors of the Company.

      The  following  table sets forth  certain  information  relating to Howard
Bernstein, who is a current director not standing for reelection:

Howard Bernstein was appointed to our board in November  2002.  Since 1982,  Mr.
     Bernstein  has been CEO of  Bernstein  &  Andriulli,  an artist  management
     agency. He graduated with honors from the Boston University's Communication
     School in 1982.

      The nominees for election to our Board, and certain information about them
are shown in the following table:

Nominees for Election

Assaf Ran, 39, has been our Chief Executive Officer, President and a member of
     our Board of Directors since our inception in 1989. In 1987, Mr. Ran
     founded Dapey Assaf Maagarei Mechirim, Ltd., a publishing company in
     Israel, and is a member of its board of directors.

Michael J. Jackson,  40, has been a member of our Board of Directors  since July
     2000. Since September 1999, he has been with AGENCY.COM,  a global internet
     professional services company, and from October 2001, he has been the Chief
     Financial Officer of that company. From October 1994 until August 1999, Mr.
     Jackson  was a manager at Arthur  Andersen,  LLP and Ernst and  Young.  Mr.
     Jackson also served on the New York State  Society  Auditing  Standards and
     Procedures  Committee  from  1998 to 1999 and was  serving  on the New York
     State Society's SEC Committee from 1999 to 2001.

Yael Shimor-Golan,  35, our Chief Financial Officer and a member of our Board of
     Directors joined DAG Media in August 2001. Mrs.  Shimor-Golan is an Israeli
     licensed CPA and previously worked at Marks Paneth & Shron LLP, a Manhattan
     accounting firm, since 1999. From 1995 until 1999, Mrs.  Shimor-Golan was a
     partner at the firm  Shimon Dill & Co., an  accounting  firm in  Jerusalem,

Phillip  Michals,  35, has been a member of our Board of  Directors  since March
     1999.  He is the founder and,  since August 1996,  the president of Up-Tick
     Trading,  a consulting  company to investment banking firms. Since November
     2000, he has also been a principal and a vice president of RG Michals Inc.,
     a  management-consulting  firm. Mr.  Michals  received a BS degree in human
     resources from the University of Delaware in May 1992.

Eran Goldshmid,  38,  has been a member of our Board of  Directors  since  March
     1999. Mr. Goldshmid  received  certification  as a financial  consultant in
     February 1993 from the school for Investment Consultants, Tel Aviv, Israel,
     and a BA in business  administration  from the  University  of  Humberside,
     England in December  1998.  From December 1998 until July 2001, he has been
     the general  manager of the  Carmiel  Shopping  Center in Carmiel,  Israel.
     Since August 2001, he is the president of the New York Diamond Center,  New
     York, NY.


      The Board  unanimously  recommends  a vote FOR the election of each of the

Determination of Independence

      Under  NASDAQ  rules,  a Director  will only  qualify  as an  "independent
director"  if, in the  opinion of our Board of  Directors,  that person does not
have a  relationship  which would  interfere  with the  exercise of  independent
judgment  in  carrying  out the  responsibilities  of a  Director.  Our Board of
Directors has determined that none of Phillip Michals, Eran Goldshmid or Michael
Jackson  has  a  relationship   which  would  interfere  with  the  exercise  of
independent judgment in carrying out the responsibilities of a Director and that
each of these  Directors  is an  "independent  director"  as defined  under Rule
4200(a)(15) of the NASDAQ Stock Market, Inc. Marketplace Rules.

Code of Ethics

      We have  adopted  a  written  Code of  Ethics  that  applies  to our chief
executive  officer,  chief  financial  officer and financial  managers.  We have
posted the Code of Ethics on our Web site, which is located at www.dagmedia.com.
In addition, we intend to post on our Web site all disclosures that are required
by law or NASDAQ stock market listing standards concerning any amendments to, or
waivers from, any provision of our Code of Ethics.

Board of Directors and Committees

      The Board of Directors held seven meetings during fiscal year 2004. During
fiscal year 2004,  our Audit  Committee  held four  meetings,  our  Compensation
Committee held two meetings and our Nominating Committee held no meetings.  Each
of our Audit  Committee,  Compensation  Committee and Nominating  Committee were
comprised of Messrs. Michael J. Jackson, Eran Goldshmid and Phillip Michals.

      Except for Stephen Zelnick,  who resigned as a Director on April 28, 2005,
all of our Directors hold office until the next annual  meeting of  stockholders
and until  their  successors  are duly  elected  and  qualified.  All  directors
attended or participated in at least 75% of the aggregate  number of meetings of
the Board and its committees,  on which each Director served.  All the incumbent
directors,  except for Mr. Howard  Bernstein,  are standing for  re-election  as

      Our  Compensation  Committee is operating  under a Compensation  Committee
Charter,  which was  adopted by our Board of  Directors  and  amended on May 25,
2005.  The  Compensation  Committee  Charter,  as amended is attached  hereto as
Exhibit  A. The  purpose  of our  Compensation  Committee  is to  discharge  the
responsibilities  of  our  Board  relating  to  compensation  of  our  executive
officers. Specific responsibilities of our Compensation Committee include:

      o     establishing and periodically reviewing our compensation  philosophy
            and  the  adequacy  of  compensation  plans  and  programs  for  our
            executive officers and other employees;

      o     establishing compensation arrangements and incentive goals for our
            executive officers and administering compensation plans;

      o     reviewing the performance of our executive officers and awarding
            incentive compensation and adjusting compensation arrangements as
            appropriate based upon performance; and

      o     reviewing and monitoring our management development and succession
            plans and activities.

      Our Audit Committee is operating under an Audit Committee  Charter,  which
was adopted by our Board of  Directors  and amended on May 25,  2005.  The Audit
Committee  Charter,  as  amended  is  attached  hereto as  Exhibit  B. Our Audit
Committee  assists our Board in its  oversight of our  financial  reporting  and
accounting  processes.   Management  has  the  primary  responsibility  for  the
preparation of financial statements and the reporting  processes,  including the
system of internal controls.  Our independent  registered public accountants are
responsible for auditing our annual financial statements and


issuing a report on the financial statements. In this context, the oversight
function of our Audit Committee includes:

      o     a review of the audits of our financial statements, including the
            integrity of our financial statements;

      o     a review of our compliance with legal and regulatory requirements;

      o     a review of the  performance of our  independent  registered  public
            accountants,  including the engagement of the independent registered
            public accountants and the monitoring of the independent  registered
            public accountants' qualifications and independence;

      o     the  preparation of the report required to be included in our annual
            proxy   statement  in  accordance   with   Securities  and  Exchange
            Commission rules and regulations; and

      o     a  review  of the  quarterly  and  annual  reports  filed  with  the
            Securities and Exchange Commission.

      All of the members of the Audit  Committee are  independent  as defined in
Rule 4200(a)(15) of the National Association of Securities Dealers ("NASD").  In
addition,  our Board has determined  that Mr.  Michael J. Jackson  satisfies the
definition of a "financial expert" as set forth in Item 401(e) of Regulation S-B
promulgated by the SEC.

Audit Committee Report

      The Audit  Committee  has  reviewed  the  Company's  audited  consolidated
financial  statements for the year ended December 31, 2004. In conjunction  with
its review,  the Audit  Committee has met with the  management of the Company to
discuss the audited consolidated financial statements.  In addition, the Company
has discussed with its  independent  auditors,  Goldstein Golub Kessler LLP, the
matters  required  pursuant to Statement on Accounting  Standards No. 61 and has
received the written disclosures and the letter from Goldstein Golub Kessler LLP
required by the Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1. The Audit Committee
has also  discussed  with  Goldstein  Golub  Kessler LLP its  independence  from
management and the Company. Goldstein Golub Kessler LLP has full and free access
to the  Audit  Committee  and  has  frequently  met  with  the  Audit  Committee
throughout the year.

      Based on this review and discussion,  the Audit  Committee  recommended to
the Board of Directors  that the audited  consolidated  financial  statements be
included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2004, for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      By the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of DAG Media, Inc.
      Michael J. Jackson
      Eran Goldshmid
      Philip Michals

Nominating Committee

      The  Company  formed a  nominating  committee  in May 2004 and  adopted  a
Nominating  Committee  Charter,  which is accessible on the Company's,  website:

      The Nominating Committee is responsible for nominating director candidates
for the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  each year and will  consider  director
candidates  recommended by stockholders.  In considering candidates submitted by
stockholders, the Nominating Committee will take into consideration the needs of
the board and the qualifications of the candidate.  The Nominating Committee may
also take into  consideration  the  number  of shares  held by the  recommending
stockholder  and the length of time that such shares  have been held.  To have a
candidate considered by the Nominating Committee,  a stockholder must submit the
recommendation in writing and must include the following  information:  the name
of the  stockholder  and  evidence of the person's  ownership of Company  stock,
including the number of shares owned and the length of time of ownership; also -
the name of the  candidate,  the  candidate's  resume or a listing of his or her
qualifications to be a director of the Company


and the person's consent to be named as a director if selected by the Nominating
Committee and nominated by the Board.

      The stockholder  recommendation  and  information  described above must be
sent to the Company's Chief Financial  Officer at 125-10 Queens  Boulevard,  Kew
Gardens,  New York 11415,  on a timely  basis in order to be  considered  by the
Nominating Committee.

      The  Nominating  Committee  believes that the minimum  qualifications  for
service as a director of the Company are that a nominee  possess an ability,  as
demonstrated  by  recognized  success  in his or her field,  to make  meaningful
contributions  to the  board's  oversight  of the  business  and  affairs of the
Company and an impeccable  reputation of integrity and  competence in his or her
personal or professional  activities.  The Nominating  Committee's evaluation of
potential candidates shall be consistent with the board's criteria for selecting
new directors.  Such criteria include an understanding of the Company's business
environment  and  the  possession  of  such  knowledge,  skills,  expertise  and
diversity  of  experience  so as to enhance  the  board's  ability to manage and
direct the affairs and business of the Company,  including when  applicable,  to
enhance the ability of  committees  of the board to fulfill  their duties and/or
satisfy any  independence  requirements  imposed by law,  regulation  or listing

      The Nominating  Committee may also receive  suggestions from current board
members,  company  executive  officers  or other  sources,  which  may be either
unsolicited  or in response to requests from the  Nominating  Committee for such
candidates.  The Nominating  Committee also, from time to time, may engage firms
that specialize in identifying director candidates.

      Once a  person  has  been  identified  by the  Nominating  Committee  as a
potential  candidate,  the Nominating  Committee may collect and review publicly
available  information  regarding the person to assess whether the person should
be considered further. If the Nominating Committee determines that the candidate
warrants further consideration, the Chairman or another member of the Nominating
Committee  may  contact  the  person.  Generally,  if  the  person  expresses  a
willingness to be considered and to serve on the board, the Nominating Committee
may request information from the candidate,  review the person's accomplishments
and  qualifications  and may conduct one or more  interviews with the candidate.
The  Nominating  Committee  may  consider  all  such  information  in  light  of
information  regarding any other candidates that the Nominating  Committee might
be evaluating  for  membership on the board.  In certain  instances,  Nominating
Committee  members may contact one or more references  provided by the candidate
or may contact other members of the business community or other persons that may
have  greater  first-hand  knowledge  of the  candidate's  accomplishments.  The
Nominating  Committee's evaluation process does not vary based on whether or not
a candidate is  recommended  by a stockholder,  although,  as stated above,  the
board may take into  consideration the number of shares held by the recommending
stockholder and the length of time that such shares have been held.

Communications with Directors

      The board  has  established  a  process  to  receive  communications  from
stockholders.  Stockholders and other interested  parties may contact any member
(or all members) of the board, or the  non-management  directors as a group, any
board committee or any chair of any such committee by mail or electronically. To
communicate with the board of directors, any individual director or any group or
committee  of  directors,  correspondence  should be  addressed  to the board of
directors or any such individual directors or group or committee of directors by
either  name or title.  All such  correspondence  should be sent "c/o  Corporate
Secretary" at 125-10 Queens Boulevard, Kew Gardens, New York 11415.

      All communications  received as set forth in the preceding  paragraph will
be opened by the  Secretary of the Company for the sole  purpose of  determining
whether the contents represent a message to our directors. Any contents that are
not in the nature of advertising,  promotions of a product or service,  patently
offensive  material or matters deemed  inappropriate  for the board of directors
will be forwarded  promptly to the addressee.  In the case of  communications to
the board or any group or committee of  directors,  the Company  Secretary  will
make sufficient  copies of the contents to send to each director who is a member
of the group or committee to which the envelope or e-mail is addressed.


      It is the Company's  policy that  directors are invited and  encouraged to
attend the Annual Meeting. Seven of our directors were in attendance at the 2004
Annual Meeting.

Compensation of Directors

      Non-employee  directors are granted, upon becoming a director, and renewal
of  director  term,  options  to  purchase  7,000  shares of Common  Stock at an
exercise  price equal to the fair market value of a share of Common Stock on the
date of grant.  Such options vest  immediately  upon grant and expire after five
years.  They also receive cash  compensation of $600 per board meeting  attended
and $300 for any other committee participation.

      On July 12,  2004,  each of  Michael J.  Jackson,  Phillip  Michals,  Eran
Goldshmid, Howard Bernstein and Stephen Zelnick were granted options to purchase
7,000 shares of our common stock with an exercise  price of $3.75.  Such options
vest immediately and expire after five years. Mr. Zelnick resigned as a director
of our Board of Directors on April 28, 2005.


      The Board of Directors  has  determined  that it is advisable to amend the
Company's  1999 Stock Option Plan (the "Plan") to increase the maximum number of
authorized but unissued shares of Common Stock for the grant of awards under the
Plan from 704,000 to 854,000 shares. The securities underlying the options under
the Plan are shares of Common Stock, par value $.001. As of May 10, 2005, 21,560
shares of Common Stock remained available for grant. If stockholder  approval of
this  proposal  to amend  the Plan is  obtained,  the Plan  will be  changed  to
increase the number of shares of Common Stock reserved for issuance from 704,000
to 854,000  shares and to reserve an additional  150,000  shares of Common Stock
for  issuance  upon the  exercise of stock  options or for the issuance of other
awards granted under the Plan.

      The purpose of the Plan is to align the  interests of officers,  other key
employees,  consultants  and  non-employee  directors  of the  Company  and  its
subsidiaries  with  those of the  shareholders  of the  Company,  to  afford  an
incentive to such officers, employees,  consultants and directors to continue as
such,  to  increase  their  efforts on behalf of the  Company and to promote the
success of the Company's  business.  The availability of additional  shares will
enhance the Company's ability to achieve these goals. The basis of participation
in the Plan is upon discretionary grants of the Board of Directors.

      The exercise  price of the options  under the Plan may be no less than the
fair market  value of our shares of common  stock on the date of grant,  unless,
with respect to  nonqualified  stock  options that are not intended as incentive
stock options within the meaning of section 422 of the Internal  Revenue Code of
1986,  as  amended  from time to time,  otherwise  determined  by the  committee
administering the plan. However,  incentive stock options granted to ten percent
or more  stockholders,  must be priced  at no less than 110% of the fair  market
value our  shares of  common  stock on the date of grant and their  term may not
exceed  five  years.  All  options  granted  under the Plan are for a term of no
longer  than  ten  years  unless  otherwise  determined  by the  committee.  The
committee also determines the exercise schedule of each option grant.

Federal Income Tax Consequences

      Non-qualified Stock Options. The grant of non-qualified stock options will
have no  immediate  tax  consequences  to us or the  grantee.  The exercise of a
non-qualified  stock  option  will  require an  employee to include in his gross
income the amount by which the fair market value of the  acquired  shares on the
exercise date (or the date on which any substantial  risk of forfeiture  lapses)
exceeds the option  price.  Upon a  subsequent  sale or taxable  exchange of the
shares acquired upon exercise of a non-qualified  stock option, an employee will
recognize  long or  short-term  capital  gain or loss  equal  to the  difference
between  the amount  realized on the sale and the tax basis of such  shares.  We
will be entitled  (provided  applicable  withholding  requirements are met) to a
deduction for Federal income tax purposes at the same


time  and in the  same  amount  as the  employee  is in  receipt  of  income  in
connection with the exercise of a non-qualified stock option.

      Incentive Stock Options.  The grant of an incentive stock option will have
no immediate tax consequences to us or our employee.  If the employee  exercises
an incentive stock option and does not dispose of the acquired shares within two
years after the grant of the  incentive  stock  option nor within one year after
the date of the transfer of such shares to him (a "disqualifying  disposition"),
he will realize no compensation  income and any gain or loss that he realizes on
a subsequent  disposition of such shares will be treated as a long-term  capital
gain or loss. For purposes of calculating  the  employee's  alternative  minimum
taxable income,  however, the option will be taxed as if it were a non-qualified
stock option.

      The following table sets forth certain information as of May 10, 2005 with
respect to options granted (net of  forfeitures)  under the Plan since inception
to (i) the Named  Executives;  (ii) all current  executive  officers as a group;
(iii) each nominee for election as a Director;  (iv) all current  Directors  who
are not  executive  officers  as a  group;  (v)  each  associate  of any of such
Directors,  executive officers or nominees; (vi) each person who has received or
is to receive 5% of such options or rights;  and (vii) all employees,  including
all current officers who are not executive officers, as a group:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name                                  Options granted through     Weighted Average Exercise
                                      May 10, 2005                Price
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Assaf Ran                                          280,000                     $ 3.01
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yael Shimor-Golan                                   40,000                     $ 1.34
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All current executive officers as a                320,000                     $ 2.80
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All current Directors who are not                  161,000                     $ 2.64
executive officers as a group
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All employees, including all                            --                         --
current officers who are not
executive officers as a group
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      As of May 10, 2005,  the market value of the Common Stock  underlying  the
Plan was $3.45 per share.

Approval of this amendment  requires the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the
shares of Common Stock present at the meeting in person or by proxy.

The Board recommends a vote FOR this proposal.

                               EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

      The following table identifies our current executive officers:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name                 Age     Capacity in Which Served     In Current Position Since
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Assaf Ran            39      Chief Executive Officer      1989
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yael Shimor-Golan    35      Chief Financial Officer,     2001
                             Treasurer, Secretary and
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Executive Compensation.

      The  following  Summary  Compensation  Table sets  forth all  compensation
earned, in all capacities, during the fiscal years ended December 31, 2002, 2003
and 2004 by each of the Company's executive officers (the "Named Executive").

                           Summary Compensation Table

                                                                              Long-Term Compensation
                                                Compensation              Awards                  Payouts
                                          ------------------------  -------------------    -------------------
                                                                       Common Stock
                                                                        Underlying                All Other
         Name and                            Salary       Bonus           Options               Compensation
   Principal Position           Year           ($)         ($)              (#)                      ($)
- --------------------------    --------    ------------------------  -------------------    -------------------
  Assaf Ran                     2004        $224,154     $154,000          70,000                  $9,000
  Chief Executive               2003        $202,500           --          70,000                  $6,077
  Officer and President         2002        $125,000           --              --                  $3,750

  Yael Shimor-Golan             2004        $108,224      $25,000              --                      --
  Chief Financial Officer,      2003         $93,942           --              --                      --
  Treasurer and secretary       2002         $77,308           --          20,000                      --

Option Grants in Fiscal 2004

      The following table sets forth information concerning individual grants of
stock  options made pursuant to the 1999 Stock Option Plan during fiscal 2004 to
each of the Named  Executives.  We have  never  granted  any stock  appreciation

                        OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                Individual Grants
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              Number of        Percent of
              Securities      Total Options
              Underlying       Granted to
               Options        Employees in     Exercise or
               Granted         Fiscal Year      Base Price
    Name         (#)               (%)            ($/Sh)      Expiration Date
     (a)         (b)              (c)(1)           (d)              (e)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Assaf Ran      70,000 (2)          100%           $4.125       July 12, 2009
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)   Based on an aggregate of 70,000 options granted to employees in fiscal

(2)   The  options  were  granted on July 12,  2004.  One third of such  options
      vested  immediately  and the balance vest in equal annual  installments on
      each  anniversary of the grant date. The exercise price represents 110% of
      the fair market price on the date of grant.


Equity Compensation Plan Information

      The following table summarizes the (i) options granted under the Plan, and
(ii) options and warrants granted outside the Plan, as of December 31, 2004. The
shares covered by outstanding options and warrants are subject to adjustment for
changes in capitalization  stock splits,  stock dividends and similar events. No
other equity compensation has been issued.

                                                                Equity Compensation Plan Table
                                                    Number of                                    Number of
                                               securities(1) to be      Weighted-average       securities(1)
                                                      issued            exercise price of   remaining available
                                                 upon exercise of         outstanding       for future issuance
                                               outstanding options,         options,            under equity
                                               warrants and rights    warrants and rights    compensation plans
Equity Compensation Plans Approved By
Security Holders
- --------------------------------------------
Grants under the Dag Media, Inc. 1999 Stock
Option Plan.................................         357,440                 $1.73                 85,560
Equity Compensation Plans Not Requiring
Approval By Security Holders
- -------------------------------------------
Aggregate Individual Option and Warrant
Grants (2)..................................          81,000                 $2.28             Not applicable

- --------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------

             Total..........................         438,440                  1.83                 85,560

(1) Reflect shares of Dag Media Common Stock.

(2) The aggregate  individual option and warrant grants outside the Stock Option
Plan  referred to in the table above  include  options  granted to sales  office
managers and other  consultants  providing  personal services to the company and
warrants  granted to  underwriters in connection with the public offering of our
common shares.

      The market value of the common stock  underlying  the options and warrants
abovementioned, as of May 10, 2005 is $1,597,000.

Employment Contracts

      In March 1999, the Company entered into an employment agreement with Assaf
Ran, its president and chief executive officer. Mr. Ran's employment term renews
automatically  on July 1st of each year for successive  one-year  periods unless
either party gives 180 days  written  notice of its  intention to terminate  the
agreement.  Under the  agreement,  Mr. Ran  receives  an annual  base  salary of
$75,000 and annual  bonuses as determined by the  compensation  committee of the
Board of  Directors  in its sole and  absolute  discretion  and is  eligible  to
participate  in all executive  benefit plans  established  and maintained by the
Company.  Under the  agreement,  Mr. Ran  agreed to a  one-year  non-competition
period  following  the  termination  of his  employment.  As of March 2001,  the
compensation  committee  approved an increase in Mr.  Ran's  compensation  to an
annual base salary of $125,000 and, as of March 2003, an additional increase was
approved to an annual  base salary of  $225,000.  In August  2004,  the Board of
Directors  approved a one-time  bonus to Mr. Ran of $154,000  due to the sale of
the Blackbook  Photography  Inc. Mr. Ran's annual  compensation was $378,154 and
$202,500 during fiscal years 2004 and 2003, respectively.

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions


Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

      Section  16(a)  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934  requires  the
Company's  officers  and  directors,  and  persons who own more than ten percent
(10%) of a registered class of the Company's


equity securities to file reports of ownership and changes in ownership with the
Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). Officers, directors and greater than
ten percent (10%)  stockholders  are required by SEC  regulations to furnish the
Company with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.

      To the best of the  Company's  knowledge,  based  solely  on review of the
copies of such forms furnished to the Company, or written  representations  that
no other forms were required, the Company believes that all Section 16(a) filing
requirements applicable to its officers,  directors and greater than ten percent
(10%) shareholders were complied with during 2004.


      Our  Common  Stock is the only  class  of  stock  entitled  to vote at the
Meeting.  As of June 3, 2005, there were  approximately 14 holders of record but
we estimate that we have over 450  beneficial  holders of our Common Stock.  The
following table sets forth certain information, as of May 10, 2005, with respect
to  holdings  of our  Common  Stock  by (i)  each  person  known by us to be the
beneficial  owner of more  than 5% of the total  number of shares of our  Common
Stock  outstanding as of such date,  (ii) each of our Directors,  which includes
all nominees,  and our executive officers, and (iii) all Directors and executive
officers as a group. This information is based upon information  furnished to us
by each such person  and/or based upon public  filings with the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission.

                                                Amount and Number of
   Name and Address of Beneficial               Shares Beneficially
   Owner(1)                                            Owned (2)          % of Class (2)
     Assaf Ran                                       1,466,593(3)             46.0%

     Yael Shimor-Golan                                  18,149(4)               *

     Michael J. Jackson                                 21,000(5)               *

     Phillip Michals                                    28,000(6)               *

     Eran Goldshmid                                     35,000(7)              1.1%

     Howard Bernstein                                   21,000(8)               *

     All Directors and Officers as a
       group (6 persons)                             1,589,742(9)             49.9%

- --------------------
*     Less than 1%

(1)   Unless  otherwise  provided,  all  addresses  should be care of DAG Media,
      Inc., 125-10 Queens Boulevard, Kew Gardens, New York 11415.

(2)   A person is  deemed to be a  beneficial  owner of  securities  that can be
      acquired  by such  person  within  60 days  from  the  date of this  Proxy
      Statement  upon the  exercise of options and  warrants  or  conversion  of
      convertible  securities.  Each beneficial owner's percentage  ownership is
      determined by assuming that options,  warrants and convertible  securities
      that are held by such person  (but not held by any other  person) and that
      are  exercisable  or  convertible  within 60 days from the  filing of this
      report have been exercise or converted. Except as otherwise indicated, and
      subject to applicable  community  property and similar  laws,  each of the
      persons  named has sole voting and  investment  power with  respect to the
      shares shown as beneficially  owned.  All percentages are determined based
      on 3,187,190 shares outstanding on May 10, 2005.


(3)   Includes  1,326,595  shares owned of record and 139,998  shares subject to
      options,  which were exercisable as of June 3, 2005, or 60 days after such

(4)   Includes 18,149 shares owned of record.

(5)   Includes  21,000 shares subject to options,  which were  exercisable as of
      June 3, 2005 or 60 days after such date.

(6)   Includes  28,000 shares subject to options,  which were  exercisable as of
      June 3, 2005 or 60 days after such date.

(7)   Includes  35,000 shares subject to options,  which were  exercisable as of
      June 3, 2005 or 60 days after such date.

(8)   Includes  21,000 shares subject to options,  which were  exercisable as of
      June 3, 2005 or 60 days after such date.

(9)   See Notes 3 through 8.

Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm Fees and Other Matters

      One or more  representatives of Goldstein Golub Kessler LLP is expected to
attend the Meeting and have an opportunity to make a statement and/or respond to
appropriate questions from our stockholders.

      The following  table  summarizes the fees of Goldstein  Golub Kessler LLP,
and  Grant  Thornton  LLP  with  respect  of the  first  quarter  of  2003,  our
independent  registered public accounting firms, billed for each of the last two
fiscal years for audit services and other services:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Fee Category                    2004                     2003(2)
            ------------                    ----                     -------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Audit Fees (1)                           $ 57,700                   $ 43,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Audit-Related Fees                          3,770                      7,500
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tax Fees                                       --                         --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All Other Fees                                 --                         --
                                               --                         --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total fees                          $ 61,470                   $ 50,500
                                         ========                   ========
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) Consists of fees for professional  services  rendered in connection with the
audit of our  financial  statements  for the years ended  December  31, 2004 and
2003, respectively, and the reviews of the financial statements included in each
of our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-QSB during the years ended December 31, 2004
and  2003,  respectively,   and  fees  for  professional  services  rendered  in
connection with documents filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission for
the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively.

(2) The  aggregated  audit fees billed  during 2003 by Grant  Thornton  LLP, the
Company's previous principal accountant, were $8,000, covering the review of our
financial statements for the first quarter of 2003. The aggregated audit-related
fees billed  during 2003 by Grant  Thoronton  LLP,  were  $7,500,  covering  the
preparation of opening  balances for the newly acquired  Blackbook  Photography,
Inc. and the providing access to its work papers to Goldstein Golub Kessler LLP,
the new principal auditors.

Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees

      Goldstein Golub Kessler LLP did not bill us for any professional  services
rendered to us and our affiliates during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2004
in connection with financial information


systems design or implementation, the operation of our information system or the
management of our local area network.

Leased Employees

      Goldstein  Golub Kessler LLP has a continuing  relationship  with American
Express Tax and Business  Services,  Inc., or TBS.  Goldstein  Golub Kessler LLP
leases auditing staff from TBS who are full time, permanent employees of TBS and
through  which its  partners  provide  non-audit  services.  As a result of this
arrangement,  Goldstein  Golub  Kessler  LLP  has no  full  time  employees  and
therefore,  none of the audit  services  performed  were  provided by  permanent
full-time  employees of Goldstein Golub Kessler LLP. Goldstein Golub Kessler LLP
manages and supervises the audit and audit staff, and is exclusively responsible
for the opinion rendered in connection with its examination.

Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures

      None of the  audit-related  fees billed in fiscal 2004 and 2003 related to
services  provided  under  the  de  minimis  exception  to the  audit  committee
pre-approval requirements.

      The Audit  Committee has adopted  policies and procedures  relating to the
approval of all audit and  non-audit  services  that are to be  performed by our
independent  registered public  accounting firm. This policy generally  provides
that we will not engage our  independent  registered  public  accounting firm to
render audit or non-audit  services unless the service is specifically  approved
in advance by the Audit  Committee or the engagement is entered into pursuant to
one of the pre-approval procedures described below.

      From time to time, the Audit Committee may pre-approve  specified types of
services  that are expected to be provided to us by our  independent  registered
public  accounting  firm  during the next 12 months.  Any such  pre-approval  is
detailed as to the particular  service or type of services to be provided and is
also generally subject to a maximum dollar amount.

      The  Audit  Committee  has also  delegated  to the  chairman  of the Audit
Committee  the  authority  to  approve  any audit or  non-audit  services  to be
provided  to us by  our  independent  registered  public  accounting  firm.  Any
approval  of  services  by a member  of the  Audit  Committee  pursuant  to this
delegated authority is reported on at the next meeting of the Audit Committee.


Other Matters

      Management  knows of no matter  other  than the  foregoing  to be  brought
before the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders,  but if such other matters  properly
come before the meeting,  or any adjournment  thereof,  the persons named in the
accompanying  form of proxy will vote such proxy on such  matters in  accordance
with their best judgment.

Reports and Consolidated Financial Statements

      The  Company's  Annual  Report  for the  year  ended  December  31,  2004,
including our Audited Consolidated Financial Statements,  are included with this
proxy material.  Such Report and  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  contained
therein are not incorporated  herein by reference and are not considered part of
this soliciting material.

      A copy of the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-KSB,  without  exhibits,
will be provided without charge to any stockholder submitting a written request.
Such request should be addressed to Yael


Shimor-Golan, Chief Financial Officer, DAG Media, Inc., 125-10 Queens Boulevard,
Kew Gardens, New York 11415.

Solicitation of Proxies

      The  entire  cost of the  solicitation  of  proxies  will be  borne by the
Company.  Proxies may be solicited by directors,  officers and regular employees
of the Company,  without extra compensation,  by telephone,  telegraph,  mail or
personal  interview.  Solicitation  is not to be  made by  specifically  engaged
employees or paid solicitors.  The Company will also reimburse  brokerage houses
and other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries for their reasonable expenses for
sending proxies and proxy material to the beneficial owners of its Common Stock.

Stockholder Proposals

      Stockholders who intend to have a proposal considered for inclusion in our
proxy  materials for  presentation  at our 2006 Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders
pursuant to Rule 14a-8 under the  Exchange  Act must submit the  proposal to our
Secretary  at our offices at 125-10  Queens  Boulevard,  Kew  Gardens,  New York
11415, in writing not later than February 10, 2006.

      Stockholders  who  intend to present a proposal  at such  meeting  without
inclusion of such proposal in our proxy  materials  pursuant to Rule 14a-8 under
the Exchange Act are required to provide  advance notice of such proposal to our
Secretary at the aforementioned address not later than March 28, 2006.

      If  we do  not  receive  notice  of a  stockholder  proposal  within  this
timeframe,  our  management  will use its  discretionary  authority  to vote the
shares that they represent as our Board may recommend.

      We  reserve  the  right  to  reject,  rule  out of  order,  or take  other
appropriate  action with respect to any proposal that does not comply with these
or other applicable requirements.

Householding of Annual Meeting Materials

      Some banks,  brokers and other nominee record holders may be participating
in the practice of  "householding"  proxy  statements and annual  reports.  This
means that only one copy of our proxy  statement or annual  report may have been
sent to multiple  stockholders  in your  household.  We will promptly  deliver a
separate copy of either document to you if you call or write us at the following
address or phone number:  125-10 Queens Boulevard,  Kew Gardens, New York 11415,
(718) 520-1000.  If you want to receive separate copies of the annual report and
proxy statement in the future or if you are receiving  multiple copies and would
like to receive only one copy for your household,  you should contact your bank,
broker,  or other  nominee  record  holders,  or you may contact us at the above
address and phone number.


                                          By order of the Board of Directors

                                          Assaf Ran

Kew Gardens, New York
June 10, 2005


                                   APPENDIX A


A.    Purpose

      The  purpose  of the  Compensation  Committee  is to  assist  the Board of
Directors in the discharge of its  responsibilities  relating to compensation of
the Company's executive officers.

      The Company is  currently  traded on the Nasdaq  SmallCap  Market and is a
Small  Business  Issuer with respect to its filings under the  Securities Act of
1933,  as  amended,  and  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  as  amended.
Accordingly,  the Company may not be required to meet all of the  provisions set
froth in this Compensation Committee Charter. Unless otherwise determined by the
Company's Board of Directors,  however, the Compensation  Committee shall comply
with all of the provisions set forth in this Compensation Committee Charter. The
Company  shall  comply with the  comparable  Regulation  S-B  provision  where a
Regulation S-K provision is referenced. If there is no comparable Regulation S-B
provision, the Company need not comply.

B.    Structure and Membership

      1. Number.  The  Compensation  Committee  shall  consist of at least three
members of the Board of Directors.

      2.  Independence.  Except as otherwise  permitted by the applicable NASDAQ
rules,  each  member  of the  Compensation  Committee  shall be an  "independent
director" as defined by the applicable NASDAQ rules.

      3. Chair. Unless the Board of Directors elects a Chair of the Compensation
Committee, the Compensation Committee shall elect a Chair by majority vote.

      4. Compensation.  The compensation of Compensation Committee members shall
be as determined by the Board of Directors.

      5. Selection and Removal.  Members of the Compensation  Committee shall be
appointed by the Board of Directors,  upon the  recommendation of the Nominating
Committee.  The  Board of  Directors  may  remove  members  of the  Compensation
Committee from such committee, with or without cause.

C.    Authority and Responsibilities


      The Compensation Committee shall discharge its responsibilities, and shall
      assess the information provided by the Company's management, in accordance
      with its business judgment.

      Compensation Matters

      1.  Executive  Officer  Compensation.  The  Compensation  Committee,  or a
majority of the  independent  directors of the Board of Directors,  shall review
and  approve,  or  recommend  for  approval  by  the  Board  of  Directors,  the
compensation  of the  Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer  (the  "CEO") and the
Company's  other  executive  officers,  including  salary,  bonus and  incentive
compensation  levels;  deferred  compensation;   executive  perquisites;  equity
compensation  (including awards to induce employment);  severance  arrangements;
change-in-control  benefits and other forms of executive  officer  compensation.
The  Compensation  Committee  or  the  independent  directors  of the  Board  of
Directors,  as the case may be,  shall meet  without the  presence of  executive
officers when approving or deliberating on compensation  for the CEO but may, in
its or their discretion, invite the CEO to be present during the approval of, or
deliberations with respect to, compensation for other executive officers.

      2. Plan  Recommendations and Approvals.  The Compensation  Committee shall
review and make  recommendations  periodically  to the Board of  Directors  with
respect to incentive-compensation  plans and equity-based plans. In addition, in
the case of any  tax-qualified,  non-discriminatory  employee benefit plans (and
any parallel  nonqualified  plans) for which stockholder  approval is not sought
and pursuant to which  options or stock may be acquired by officers,  directors,
employees  or  consultants  of the


Company, the Compensation  Committee, or a majority of the independent directors
of the Board of Directors, shall approve such plans.

      3.  Administration  of Plans.  The  Compensation  Committee shall have the
authority  to  exercise  all rights,  authority  and  functions  of the Board of
Directors under all of the Company's  stock option,  stock  incentive,  employee
stock purchase and other equity-based plans,  including without limitation,  the
authority to interpret the terms  thereof,  to grant options  thereunder  and to
make stock  awards  thereunder;  provided,  however,  that,  except as otherwise
expressly  authorized  to do so by this charter or a plan or  resolution  of the
Board of Directors,  the Compensation Committee shall not be authorized to amend
any such plan.  The  Compensation  Committee,  or a majority of the  independent
directors of the Board of Directors, shall approve any inducement awards granted
in reliance on the exemption from shareholder  approval contained in NASDAQ Rule

      4. Director Compensation. The Compensation Committee shall review and make
recommendations  periodically to the Board of Directors with respect to director

      5.   Compensation   Committee  Report  on  Executive   Compensation.   The
Compensation Committee shall prepare for inclusion where necessary in a proxy or
information  statement of the Company  relating to an annual meeting of security
holders at which  directors  are to be elected  (or  special  meeting or written
consents  in lieu of such  meeting),  the  report  described  in Item  402(k) of
Regulation S-K.

      6. Compensation  Committee Report on Repricing of Options/SARs.  If during
the last fiscal year of the Company  (while the Company was a reporting  company
pursuant to Section  13(a) or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended,  and the rules and  regulations  thereunder  (the "Exchange  Act")) any
adjustment  or amendment  was made to the exercise  price of any stock option or
stock  appreciation  right previously awarded to a "named executive officer" (as
such term is defined from time to time in Item 402(a)(3) of Regulation S-K), the
Compensation  Committee  shall  furnish  the report  required  by Item 402(i) of
Regulation S-K.

      7. Additional  Powers.  The  Compensation  Committee shall have such other
duties as may be delegated from time to time by the Board of Directors.

D.    Procedures and Administration

      1. Meetings.  The  Compensation  Committee shall meet as often as it deems
necessary in order to perform its responsibilities.  The Compensation  Committee
may also act by unanimous written consent in lieu of a meeting. The Compensation
Committee shall keep such records of its meetings as it shall deem appropriate.

      2.  Subcommittees.  The  Compensation  Committee  may  form  and  delegate
authority to one or more subcommittees as it deems appropriate from time to time
under the  circumstances  (including (a) a  subcommittee  consisting of a single
member and (b) a subcommittee  consisting of at least two members,  each of whom
qualifies  as a  "non-employee  director,"  as such term is defined from time to
time  in  Rule  16b-3  promulgated  under  the  Exchange  Act,  and an  "outside
director,"  as such term is defined  from time to time in Section  162(m) of the
Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as  amended,  and the  rules  and  regulations

      3. Reports to Board. The Compensation  Committee shall report regularly to
the Board of Directors.

      4.  Charter.   The  Compensation   Committee  shall  review  and  reassess
periodically  the adequacy of this Charter and recommend any proposed changes to
the Board of Directors for approval.

      5.  Consulting  Arrangements.  The  Compensation  Committee shall have the
authority to retain and  terminate  any  compensation  consultant  to be used to
assist in the  evaluation  of  executive  officer  compensation  and shall  have
authority  to approve  the  consultant's  fees and other  retention  terms.


The Compensation Committee shall also have authority to commission  compensation
surveys or studies as the need arises. The Compensation  Committee is empowered,
without  further  action by the Board of Directors,  to cause the Company to pay
the  compensation  of  such  consultants  as  established  by  the  Compensation

      6.  Independent  Advisors.  The  Compensation  Committee  shall  have  the
authority,  without  further  action by the Board of  Directors,  to engage such
independent  legal,  accounting  and other  advisors  as it deems  necessary  or
appropriate to carry out its responsibilities.  Such independent advisors may be
the regular advisors to the Company.  The  Compensation  Committee is empowered,
without  further  action by the Board of Directors,  to cause the Company to pay
the compensation of such advisors as established by the Compensation Committee.

      7. Investigations.  The Compensation Committee shall have the authority to
conduct or  authorize  investigations  into any matters  within the scope of its
responsibilities  as it shall  deem  appropriate,  including  the  authority  to
request  any  officer,  employee  or  advisor  of the  Company  to meet with the
Compensation Committee or any advisors engaged by the Compensation Committee.

      8. Periodic Self-Evaluation. At least annually, the Compensation Committee
shall evaluate periodically its own performance.


                                   APPENDIX B

                            AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER

A.    Purpose

      1. The purpose of the Audit  Committee  of the Board of  Directors  of the
Company  is to  assist  the  Board  of  Directors'  oversight  of the  Company's
accounting  and  financial  reporting  processes and the audits of the Company's
financial statements.

      2. The Company is currently  traded on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market and is a
Small  Business  Issuer with respect to its filings under the  Securities Act of
1933,  as  amended,  and  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  as  amended.
Accordingly,  the Company may not be required to meet all of the  provisions set
froth in this  Audit  Committee  Charter.  Unless  otherwise  determined  by the
Company's Board of Directors, however, the Audit Committee shall comply with all
of the provisions set forth in this Audit Committee  Charter.  The Company shall
comply with the  comparable  Regulation  S-B  provision  where a Regulation  S-K
provision is referenced. If there is no comparable Regulation S-B provision, the
Company need not comply.

B.    Structure and Membership

      1.  Number.  Except as  otherwise  permitted  by the  applicable  rules of
NASDAQ, the Audit Committee shall consist of at least three members of the Board
of Directors.

      2.  Independence.  Except as otherwise  permitted by the applicable NASDAQ
rules,  each member of the Audit  Committee  shall be  independent as defined by
NASDAQ rules,  meet the criteria for  independence set forth in Rule 10A-3(b)(1)
under the Exchange Act (subject to the  exemptions  provided in Rule  10A-3(c)),
and not have participated in the preparation of the financial  statements of the
Company or any  current  subsidiary  of the  Company at any time during the past
three years.

      3. Financial Literacy.  Each member of the Audit Committee must be able to
read and understand  fundamental financial  statements,  including the Company's
balance sheet, income statement,  and cash flow statement, at the time of his or
her appointment to the Audit  Committee.  In addition,  at least one member must
have past employment experience in finance or accounting, requisite professional
certification in accounting,  or any other  comparable  experience or background
which results in the individual's financial  sophistication,  including being or
having been a chief executive  officer,  chief financial officer or other senior
officer with financial oversight  responsibilities.  Unless otherwise determined
by the Board of Directors (in which case disclosure of such determination  shall
be made in the Company's  annual report filed with the SEC), at least one member
of the  Audit  Committee  shall be an "audit  committee  financial  expert"  (as
defined by applicable SEC rules).

      4.  Chair.  Unless  the  Board of  Directors  elects a Chair of the  Audit
Committee, the Audit Committee shall elect a Chair by majority vote.

      5.  Compensation.  The compensation of Audit Committee members shall be as
determined  by the Board of  Directors.  No member  of the Audit  Committee  may
receive, directly or indirectly, any consulting,  advisory or other compensatory
fee from the Company or any of its subsidiaries,  other than fees paid in his or
her capacity as a member of the Board of Directors or a committee of the Board.

      6.  Selection  and  Removal.  Members  of the  Audit  Committee  shall  be
appointed by the Board of Directors,  upon the  recommendation of the Nominating
Committee. The Board of Directors may remove members of the Audit Committee from
such committee, with or without cause.


C.    Authority and Responsibilities


      The Audit Committee shall discharge its responsibilities, and shall assess
the  information  provided  by the  Company's  management  and  the  independent
auditor, in accordance with its business judgment. Management is responsible for
the  preparation,   presentation,  and  integrity  of  the  Company's  financial
statements  and  for  the  appropriateness  of  the  accounting  principles  and
reporting  policies that are used by the Company.  The independent  auditors are
responsible  for auditing the Company's  financial  statements and for reviewing
the  Company's  unaudited  interim  financial  statements.   The  authority  and
responsibilities  set forth in this Charter do not reflect or create any duty or
obligation of the Audit  Committee to plan or conduct any audit, to determine or
certify that the Company's financial statements are complete,  accurate,  fairly
presented,  or in accordance with generally  accepted  accounting  principles or
applicable law, or to guarantee the independent auditor's report.

      Oversight of Independent Auditors

      1. Selection. The Audit Committee shall be solely and directly responsible
for  appointing,  evaluating,  retaining and, when  necessary,  terminating  the
engagement  of  the  independent  auditor.  The  Audit  Committee  may,  in  its
discretion,   seek  stockholder  ratification  of  the  independent  auditor  it

      2.  Independence.  The Audit  Committee  shall take, or recommend that the
full Board of Directors take,  appropriate action to oversee the independence of
the  independent  auditor.  In connection  with this  responsibility,  the Audit
Committee  shall  obtain  and  review  a  formal  written   statement  from  the
independent  auditor  describing all  relationships  between the auditor and the
Company,  including the  disclosures  required by  Independence  Standards Board
Standard No. 1. The Audit  Committee  shall actively engage in dialogue with the
auditor concerning any disclosed relationships or services that might impact the
objectivity and independence of the auditor, and confirm the regular rotation of
the lead audit partner and  reviewing  partner as required by Section 203 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act and all applicable rules and regulations of the SEC.

      3.   Compensation.   The  Audit  Committee  shall  have  sole  and  direct
responsibility  for setting the  compensation  of the independent  auditor.  The
Audit Committee is empowered,  without further action by the Board of Directors,
to  cause  the  Company  to pay  the  compensation  of the  independent  auditor
established by the Audit Committee.

      4. Preapproval of Services. The Audit Committee shall preapprove all audit
services to be  provided  to the  Company,  whether  provided  by the  principal
auditor or other firms, and all other services (review, attest and non-audit) to
be provided to the Company by the independent auditor;  provided,  however, that
de minimis  non-audit  services  may  instead be  approved  in  accordance  with
applicable SEC rules.

      5. Oversight.  The independent  auditor shall report directly to the Audit
Committee, and the Audit Committee shall have sole and direct responsibility for
overseeing  the  work  of  the  independent  auditor,  including  resolution  of
disagreements  between Company management and the independent  auditor regarding
financial reporting.  In connection with its oversight role, the Audit Committee
shall,  from time to time as  appropriate,  receive  and  consider  the  reports
required to be made by the independent auditor regarding:

      *     annual  audit  scope and plan,  including  any  significant  changes
            required in the plan during the course of the audit;

      *     critical accounting policies and practices;

      *     alternative   treatments   within  generally   accepted   accounting
            principles for policies and practices related to material items that
            have been discussed with Company management, including ramifications
            of the use of  such  alternative  disclosures  and  treatments,  the
            treatment  preferred by the independent  auditor and the independent
            auditor's  views about the quality,  not just the  acceptability  of
            such treatments; and

      *     other  material  written   communications  between  the  independent
            auditor and Company management.


      In connection  with its oversight  role, the Audit  Committee  should also
      review with the independent auditors, from time to time as appropriate:

      *     significant  risks and  uncertainties  with  respect to the quality,
            accuracy or  fairness of  presentation  of the  Company's  financial

      *     recently disclosed problems with respect to the quality, accuracy or
            fairness of  presentation  of the financial  statements of companies
            similarly  situated  to the Company and  recommended  actions  which
            might be taken to prevent or  mitigate  the risk of  problems at the
            Company arising from such matters;

      *     any  accounting  adjustments  that  were  noted or  proposed  by the
            auditor but were "passed" (as immaterial or otherwise);

      *     any  communications  between  the audit  team and the  audit  firm's
            national office  respecting  auditing or accounting issues presented
            by the engagement;

      *     any "management" or "internal control" letter issued, or proposed to
            be issued, by the audit firm to the Company and management responses
            thereto  (focus should include  adequacy of the Company's  controls,
            including computer systems controls and security);

      *     accounting for unusual transactions;

      *     adjustments arising from audits that could have a significant impact
            on the Company's financial reporting process;

      *     any recent SEC comments on the Company's  SEC reports,  including in
            particular any unresolved or future-compliance comments; and

      *     effects of any  accounting  initiatives as well as off balance sheet
            structures, if any.

      Audited Financial Statements

      6. Review and  Discussion.  The Audit  Committee  shall review and discuss
with the Company's  management  and  independent  auditor the Company's  audited
financial  statements,  including the matters about which  Statement on Auditing
Standards No. 61 (Codification of Statements on Auditing  Standards,  AU ss.380)
requires discussion.

      7.  Recommendation  to Board  Regarding  Financial  Statements.  The Audit
Committee  shall  consider  whether it will  recommend to the Board of Directors
that the  Company's  audited  financial  statements be included in the Company's
Annual Report on Form 10-K.

      8. Audit  Committee  Report.  The Audit  Committee shall prepare an annual
committee  report for inclusion  where  necessary in the proxy  statement of the
Company relating to its annual meeting of security holders.

      Review of Other Financial Disclosures

      9. Independent Auditor Review of Interim Financial  Statements.  The Audit
Committee shall direct the independent auditor to perform all reviews of interim
financial information prior to disclosure by the Company of such information and
to discuss promptly with the Audit Committee and the Chief Financial Officer any
matters  identified in connection with the auditor's review of interim


financial  information which are required to be discussed by applicable auditing
standards.  The Audit  Committee  shall  direct  management  to advise the Audit
Committee in the event that the Company proposes to disclose  interim  financial
information  prior to completion of the independent  auditor's review of interim
financial information.

      Controls and Procedures

      10.  Oversight.   The  Audit  Committee  shall  coordinate  the  Board  of
Directors' oversight of the Company's internal control over financial reporting,
disclosure  controls and  procedures  and code of conduct.  The Audit  Committee
shall  receive and review the  reports of the  principal  executive  officer and
principal  financial  officer  required by Rule 13a-14 of the Exchange  Act. The
Audit Committee shall  periodically  review the complaint  procedures to confirm
that they are effectively operating.

      11. Procedures for Complaints.  The Audit Committee shall itself establish
procedures for, (i) the receipt,  retention and treatment of complaints received
by the Company regarding  accounting,  internal  accounting controls or auditing
matters;  and (ii) the  confidential,  anonymous  submission by employees of the
Company of concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters.

      12.  Related-Party  Transactions.  The Audit  Committee  shall  review all
"related party transactions"  (defined as transactions  required to be disclosed
pursuant  to Item  404 of  Regulation  S-K) on an  ongoing  basis,  and all such
transactions must be approved by the Audit Committee.

      13.  Officers'  Expense  Accounts.  The Audit  Committee shall review with
management the policies and procedures with respect to officer expense  accounts
and perquisites, including their use of corporate assets.

      14. Risks and Exposures.  The Audit  Committee shall inquire of management
and the independent  auditors about  significant  risks or exposures  facing the
Company,  assess the steps  management has taken or proposes to take to minimize
such risks to the Company and periodically review compliance with such steps.

      15. Legal and Regulatory  Matters.  The Audit  Committee shall review with
the general counsel or outside  counsel,  legal and regulatory  matters that, in
the  opinion  of  management,  may  have a  material  impact  on  the  financial
statements,  related compliance policies, and programs and reports received from

      16. Code of Conduct.  The Audit  Committee shall  periodically  review the
Company's  code of conduct to ensure  that it is  adequate  and  up-to-date  and
review with the Company's  general  counsel or outside  counsel,  the results of
their review of the monitoring of compliance with the Company's code of conduct.

      17. Additional Powers. The Audit Committee shall have such other duties as
may be assigned by law, the Company's  by-laws or as may be delegated  from time
to time by the Board of Directors.

D.    Procedures and Administration


      1. Meetings.  The Audit  Committee shall meet at least twice each year and
at each time the Company  proposes to issue quarterly or annual earnings results
and  otherwise  as  often  as  it  deems  necessary  in  order  to  perform  its
responsibilities.  The Audit Committee may also act by unanimous written consent
in lieu of a meeting.  The Audit  Committee shall  periodically  meet separately
with:  (i) the  independent  auditor;  (ii) the  Company  management,  including
inquiry with the CEO and CFO  regarding the "quality of earnings" of the Company
from a  subjective  as well as an  objective  standpoint;  (iii)  the  Company's
internal  auditors,  if any and (iv)  general  or  outside  counsel.  The  Audit
Committee shall keep such records of its meetings as it shall deem appropriate.

      2.  Subcommittees.  The Audit Committee may form and delegate authority to
one or more  subcommittees  (including  a  subcommittee  consisting  of a single
member), as it deems appropriate from time to time under the circumstances.  Any
decision of a  subcommittee  to preapprove  audit,  review,  attest or non-audit
services  shall be presented to the full Audit  Committee at its next  scheduled

      3. Reports to Board.  The Audit  Committee  shall report  regularly to the
Board of Directors.

      4.  Charter.  At least  annually,  the Audit  Committee  shall  review and
reassess the adequacy of this Charter and recommend any proposed  changes to the
Board of Directors for approval,  including any changes necessary as a result of
new laws or regulations.

      5.  Independent  Advisors.  The Audit  Committee  is  authorized,  without
further  action by the Board of  Directors,  to engage such  independent  legal,
accounting,  auditors other than the principal auditors and other advisors as it
deems  necessary  or  appropriate  to  carry  out  its  responsibilities.   Such
independent  advisors  may be the  regular  advisors to the  Company.  The Audit
Committee is empowered,  without  further  action by the Board of Directors,  to
cause the Company to pay the compensation of such advisors as established by the
Audit Committee.

      6. Investigations. The Audit Committee shall have the authority to conduct
or  authorize   investigations   into  any  matters  within  the  scope  of  its
responsibilities  as it shall  deem  appropriate,  including  the  authority  to
request any  officer,  employee or advisor of the Company to meet with the Audit
Committee or any advisors engaged by the Audit Committee.

      7. Funding.  The Audit  Committee is empowered,  without further action by
the Board of Directors,  to cause the Company to pay the ordinary administrative
expenses of the Audit  Committee  that are necessary or  appropriate in carrying
out its duties.

      8. Self Assessment.  The Audit Committee shall, at least annually, conduct
a self assessment to review the Committee's effectiveness, including creation of
an agenda for the ensuing year.


                                 DAG Media, INC.
                        1999 STOCK OPTION PLAN AS AMENDED

      1. Purpose; Types of Awards; Construction.

      The purpose of the DAG Media,  Inc. 1999 Stock Option Plan (the "Plan") is
to align the  interests  of  officers,  other  key  employees,  consultants  and
non-employee  directors of DAG Media,  Inc. (the "Company") and its subsidiaries
with those of the  shareholders  of the Company,  to afford an incentive to such
officers, employees,  consultants and directors to continue as such, to increase
their  efforts  on behalf of the  Company  and to  promote  the  success  of the
Company's business. To further such purposes, the Committee may grant options to
purchase  Common Shares.  The provisions of the Plan are intended to satisfy the
requirements  of Section  16(b) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 and of
Section  162(m) of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,  and shall be
interpreted in a manner  consistent  with the  requirements  thereof,  as now or
hereafter construed, interpreted and applied by regulations, rulings and cases.

      2. Definitions.

      As used in this  Plan,  the  following  words and  phrases  shall have the
meanings indicated below:

            (a) "Agreement"  shall mean a written agreement entered into between
the Company and an Optionee in connection with an award under the Plan.

            (b) "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company.

            (c)  "Cause"  when used in  connection  with the  termination  of an
Optionee's  employment by the Company or the cessation of an Optionee's  service
as a consultant or a member of the Board,  shall mean (i) the  conviction of the
Optionee for the commission of a felony,  (ii) the willful and continued failure
by the  Optionee  substantially  to perform  his duties and  obligations  to the
Company  or a  Subsidiary  (other  than  any  such  failure  resulting  from his
incapacity due to physical or mental illness),  or (iii) the willful engaging by
the Optionee in misconduct  that is  demonstrably  injurious to the Company or a
Subsidiary.  For purposes of this Section 2(c), no act, or failure to act, on an
Optionee's  part shall be  considered  "willful"  unless done,  or omitted to be
done, by the Optionee in bad faith and without reasonable belief that his action
or  omission  was in the best  interest  of the  Company.  The  Committee  shall
determine  whether a termination  of employment is for Cause for purposes of the

            (d) "Change in Control"  shall mean the  occurrence of the event set
forth in any of the following paragraphs:

                  (i) any Person (as defined below) is or becomes the beneficial
owner (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  as
amended), directly or indirectly, of securities of the Company (not including in
the  securities  beneficially  owned  by such  Person  any  securities  acquired
directly from the Company or its  subsidiaries)  representing 50% or more of the
combined voting power of the Company's then outstanding securities; or

                  (ii)  the  following  individuals  cease  for  any  reason  to
constitute a majority of the number of directors then serving:  individuals who,
on the date  hereof,  constitute  the Board and any new  director  (other than a
director whose initial  assumption of office is in connection  with an actual or
threatened   election   contest,   including   but  not  limited  to  a  consent
solicitation,  relating  to the  election of  directors  of the  Company)  whose
appointment or election by the Board or nomination for election by the Company's
shareholders  was approved or recommended by a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3)
of the  directors  then still in office who either  were  directors  on the date
hereof or whose appointment,  election or nomination for election was previously
so approved or recommended; or

                  (iii) there is  consummated a merger or  consolidation  of the
Company or a direct or indirect  subsidiary  thereof with any other corporation,
other  than (A) a merger or  consolidation  which  would  result  in the  voting
securities  of the  Company  outstanding  immediately  prior to such  merger  or
consolidation  continuing to represent  (either by remaining  outstanding  or by
being  converted  into voting  securities of the surviving  entity or any parent
thereof),  in combination  with the ownership of any trustee or other  fiduciary
holding  securities under an employee benefit plan of the Company,  at least 50%
of the combined  voting power of the securities of the Company or such surviving
entity or any  parent  thereof  outstanding  immediately  after  such  merger or
consolidation,  or  (B) a  merger  or  consolidation  effected  to  implement  a
recapitalization  of the Company (or similar  transaction) in which no Person is
or becomes the beneficial  owner,  directly or indirectly,  of securities of the
Company (not including in the securities  beneficially  owned by such Person any
securities acquired directly from the Company or its subsidiaries)  representing
50% or more of the  combined  voting  power of the  Company's  then  outstanding
securities; or

                  (iv)  the  shareholders  of the  Company  approve  a  plan  of
complete  liquidation  or  dissolution of the Company or there is consummated an
agreement for the sale or disposition by the Company of all or substantially all
of the Company's assets,  other than a sale or disposition by the Company of all
or substantially  all of the Company's assets to an entity,  at least 50% of the
combined voting power of the voting  securities of which are owned by Persons in
substantially the same proportions as their ownership of the Company immediately
prior to such sale.

            For purposes of this Section 2(d),  "Person"  shall have the meaning
given in Section  3(a)(9) of the Exchange  Act, as modified and used in Sections
13(d) and 14(d) thereof, except that such term shall not include (i) the Company
or any of its subsidiaries, (ii) a trustee


or other  fiduciary  holding  securities  under an employee  benefit plan of the
Company or any of its  subsidiaries,  (iii) an underwriter  temporarily  holding
securities  pursuant to an offering of such  securities,  or (iv) a  corporation
owned,   directly  or  indirectly,   by  the  shareholders  of  the  Company  in
substantially the same proportions as their ownership of stock of the Company.

                  (e) "Code"  shall mean the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as
amended from time to time.

                  (f)  "Committee"  shall mean a  committee  established  by the
Board to administer the Plan.

                  (g) "Common  Shares" shall mean the common  shares,  par value
$0.001 per share, of the Company.

                  (h)  "Company"  shall  mean DAG  Media,  Inc.,  a  corporation
organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, or any successor corporation.

                  (i) "Disability" shall mean an Optionee's inability to perform
his  duties  with  the  Company  or on the  Board  by  reason  of any  medically
determinable  physical  or  mental  impairment,  as  determined  by a  physician
selected by the Optionee and acceptable to the Company.

                  (j) "Exchange Act" shall mean the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934,  as  amended  from  time  to  time,  and as now  or  hereafter  construed,
interpreted and applied by regulations, rulings and cases.

                  (k) "Fair  Market  Value"  per share as of a  particular  date
shall mean (i) if the Common  Shares  are then  listed on a national  securities
exchange,  the closing sales price per Common Shares on the national  securities
exchange  on  which  the  Common  Shares  are  principally  traded  for the last
preceding date on which there was a sale of such Common Shares on such exchange,
or (ii) if the Common Shares are then traded in an over-the-counter  market, the
closing bid price for the Common Shares in such over-the-counter  market for the
last  preceding  date on which  there was a sale of such  Common  Shares in such
market,  or  (iii)  if the  Common  Shares  are not then  listed  on a  national
securities exchange or traded in an  over-the-counter  market, such value as the
Committee, in its sole discretion, shall determine.

                  (l) "Incentive Stock Option" shall mean any option intended to
be and designated as an incentive stock option within the meaning of Section 422
of the Code.

                  (m)  "Non-employee  Director" shall mean a member of the Board
who is not an employee of the Company.

                  (n) "Nonqualified  Option" shall mean an Option that is not an
Incentive Stock Option.


                  (o)  "Option"  shall mean the  right,  granted  hereunder,  to
purchase Common Shares.  Options  granted by the Committee  pursuant to the Plan
may constitute either Incentive Stock Options or Nonqualified Stock Options.

                  (p) "Optionee"  shall mean a person who receives a grant of an

                  (q) "Option Price" shall mean the exercise price of the Common
Shares covered by an Option.

                  (r) "Parent"  shall mean any company  (other than the Company)
in an  unbroken  chain of  companies  ending with the Company if, at the time of
granting an Option,  each of the  companies  other than the  Company  owns stock
possessing fifty percent (50%) or more of the total combined voting power of all
classes of stock in one of the other companies in such chain.

                  (s) "Plan" shall mean this DAG Media,  Inc.  1999 Stock Option

                  (t)  "Retirement"  shall mean the retirement of an Optionee in
accordance with the terms of any tax-qualified retirement plan maintained by the
Company or a Subsidiary in which the Optionee  participates.  If the Optionee is
not a participant  in such a plan,  such term shall mean the  termination of the
Optionee's  employment or cessation of the Optionee's service as a member of the
Board, other than by reason of death, Disability or Cause on or after attainment
of the age of 65.

                  (u) "Rule 16b-3"  shall mean Rule 16b-3,  as from time to time
in effect,  promulgated by the Securities and Exchange  Commission under Section
16 of the Exchange Act, including any successor to such Rule.

                  (v)  "Subsidiary"  shall  mean  any  company  (other  than the
Company) in an unbroken chain of companies beginning with the Company if, at the
time of granting an Option, each of the companies other than the last company in
the unbroken  chain owns stock  possessing  fifty  percent  (50%) or more of the
total  combined  voting  power  of all  classes  of  stock  in one of the  other
companies in such chain.

                  (w) "Ten Percent  Stockholder"  shall mean an Optionee who, at
the time an  Incentive  Stock  Option  is  granted,  owns (or is  deemed  to own
pursuant  to  the  attribution  rules  of  Section  424(d)  of the  Code)  stock
possessing more than ten percent (10%) of the total combined voting power of all
classes of stock of the Company or any Parent or Subsidiary.

      3. Administration.


      The Plan shall be  administered  by the  Committee,  the  members of which
shall,  except as may  otherwise be determined  by the Board,  be  "non-employee
directors" under Rule 16b-3 and "outside  directors" under Section 162(m) of the

      The Committee shall have the authority in its  discretion,  subject to and
not inconsistent with the express provisions of the Plan, to administer the Plan
and to exercise all the powers and authorities either specifically granted to it
under the Plan or  necessary or  advisable  in the  administration  of the Plan,
including,  without  limitation,  the authority to grant  Options;  to determine
which Options shall  constitute  Incentive Stock Options and which Options shall
constitute  Nonqualified  Stock Options;  to determine the purchase price of the
Common Shares covered by each Option;  to determine the persons to whom, and the
time or times at which  awards  shall be  granted;  to  determine  the number of
shares to be covered by each award;  to interpret the Plan; to prescribe,  amend
and rescind rules and  regulations  relating to the Plan; to determine the terms
and provisions of the Agreements  (which need not be identical) and to cancel or
suspend  awards,  as  necessary;  and to make all  other  determinations  deemed
necessary or advisable for the administration of the Plan.

      The Committee may delegate to one or more of its members or to one or more
agents such administrative duties as it may deem advisable, including delegating
to one or more of the  Company's  management  employees  the  authority to grant
Options to employees  who are not  "insiders"  for purposes of Section 16 of the
Exchange Act and who are not "covered  employees" for purposes of Section 162(m)
of the Code, and the Committee or any person to whom it has delegated  duties as
aforesaid  may employ one or more  persons to render  advice with respect to any
responsibility  the Committee or such person may have under the Plan.  The Board
shall have sole authority, unless expressly delegated to the Committee, to grant
Options  to   Non-employee   Directors.   All   decisions,   determination   and
interpretations  of the Committee shall be final and binding on all Optionees of
any awards under this Plan.

      The Board shall have the authority to fill all vacancies,  however caused,
in the Committee.  The Board may from time to time appoint additional members to
the  Committee,  and may at any time remove one or more Committee  members.  One
member  of the  Committee  shall  be  selected  by the  Board as  chairman.  The
Committee  shall  hold its  meetings  at such  times and places as it shall deem
advisable.  All  determinations  of the Committee shall be made by a majority of
its members either present in person or participating by conference telephone at
a meeting or by written consent.  The Committee may appoint a secretary and make
such rules and  regulations  for the  conduct of its  business  as it shall deem
advisable, and shall keep minutes of its meetings.

      No member of the Board or  Committee  shall be liable for any action taken
or  determination  made in good  faith  with  respect  to the Plan or any  award
granted hereunder.

      4. Eligibility.

      Awards  may  be  granted  to  officers  and  other  key  employees  of and
consultants  to the  Company,  and  its  Subsidiaries,  including  officers  and
directors who are employees,  and to


Non-employee  Directors.  In  determining  the persons to whom  awards  shall be
granted  and the  number of shares to be covered by each  award,  the  Committee
shall take into account the duties of the respective persons,  their present and
potential  contributions to the success of the Company and such other factors as
the Committee shall deem relevant in connection with  accomplishing  the purpose
of the Plan.

      5. Stock.

      The maximum number of Common Shares reserved for the grant of awards under
the Plan  shall be  854,000,  subject to  adjustment  as  provided  in Section 9
hereof.  Such shares may, in whole or in part, be authorized but unissued shares
or shares that shall have been or may be required by the Company.

      If any outstanding  award under the Plan should for any reason expire,  be
canceled or be  forfeited  without  having been  exercised  in full,  the Common
Shares  allocable to the  unexercised,  canceled or  terminated  portion of such
award shall (unless the Plan shall have been  terminated)  become  available for
subsequent grants of awards under the Plan.

      6. Terms and Conditions of Options.

      Each  Option  granted  pursuant  to the  Plan  shall  be  evidenced  by an
Agreement,  in such  form  and  containing  such  terms  and  conditions  as the
Committee shall from time to time approve, which Agreement shall comply with and
be subject to the following terms and conditions,  unless otherwise specifically
provided in such Option Agreement:

            (a) Number of Shares.  Each Option  Agreement shall state the number
of Common Shares to which the Option relates.

            (b) Type of Option.  Each Option Agreement shall  specifically state
that the Option  constitutes an Incentive  Stock Option or a Nonqualified  Stock

            (c) Option  Price.  Each  Option  Agreement  shall  state the Option
Price,  which  shall not be less  than one  hundred  percent  (100%) of the Fair
Market  Value of the  Common  Shares  covered by the Option on the date of grant
unless, with respect to Nonqualified Stock Options,  otherwise determined by the
Committee.  The Option  Price  shall be subject to  adjustment  as  provided  in
Section  9  hereof.  The  date as of which  the  Committee  adopts a  resolution
expressly granting an Option shall be considered the day on which such Option is
granted, unless such resolution specifies a different date.

            (d) Medium and Time of  Payment.  The Option  Price shall be paid in
full,  at the time of  exercise,  in cash or in Common  Shares then owned by the
Optionee  having  a Fair  Market  Value  equal  to  such  Option  Price  or in a
combination of cash and Common Shares or, unless the Committee  shall  determine
otherwise, by a cashless exercise procedure through a broker-dealer.


            (e) Exercise  Schedule and Period of Options.  Each Option Agreement
shall  provide  the  exercise  schedule  for the  Option  as  determined  by the
Committee;  provided,  however,  that, the Committee shall have the authority to
accelerate the  exercisability of any outstanding  Option at such time and under
such  circumstances  as it,  in its  sole  discretion,  deems  appropriate.  The
exercise period shall be ten (10) years from the date of the grant of the Option
unless otherwise determined by the Committee;  provided,  however,  that, in the
case of an Incentive  Stock Option,  such  exercise  period shall not exceed ten
(10) years from the date of grant of such Option.  The exercise  period shall be
subject to earlier  termination as provided in Sections 6(f) and 6(g) hereof. An
Option may be  exercised,  as to any or all full  Common  Shares as to which the
Option has become exercisable,  by written notice delivered in person or by mail
to the  Secretary  of the  Company,  specifying  the  number of shares of Common
Shares with respect to which the Option is being exercised.  Notwithstanding any
other provision of this Plan, no Option granted hereunder may be exercised prior
to  the  consummation  of an  underwritten  public  offering  of  the  Company's
securities  where the gross  proceeds  from  such  offering  are in excess of $5

            (f)  Termination.  Except as  provided in this  Section  6(f) and in
Section 6(g) hereof,  an Option may not be exercised  unless (i) with respect to
an  Optionee  who is an  employee of the  Company,  the  Optionee is then in the
employ of the Company or a  Subsidiary  (or a company or a Parent or  Subsidiary
company of such company issuing or assuming the Option in a transaction to which
Section  424(a) of the Code  applies),  and unless  the  Optionee  has  remained
continuously  so  employed  since the date of grant of the  Option and (ii) with
respect to an Optionee  who is a  Non-employee  Director,  the  Optionee is then
serving  as a member of the Board or as a member  of a board of  directors  of a
company or a Parent or  Subsidiary  company of such company  issuing or assuming
the Option.  In the event that the employment of an Optionee shall  terminate or
the service of an  Optionee as a member of the Board shall cease  (other than by
reason of death, Disability,  Retirement or Cause), all Options of such Optionee
that  are  exercisable  at the  time of such  termination  may,  unless  earlier
terminated in accordance with their terms, be exercised  within ninety (90) days
after the date of such  termination or service (or such different  period as the
Committee shall prescribe).

            (g) Death,  Disability  or  Retirement  of Optionee.  If an Optionee
shall die while  employed by the Company or a Subsidiary  or serving as a member
of the Board,  or within ninety (90) days after the date of  termination of such
Optionee's  employment or cessation of such  Optionee's  service (or within such
different  period as the Committee  may have  provided  pursuant to Section 6(f)
hereof), or if the Optionee's  employment shall terminate or service shall cease
by reason of Disability or Retirement,  all Options  theretofore granted to such
Optionee (to the extent otherwise exercisable) may, unless earlier terminated in
accordance with their terms, be exercised by the Optionee or by his beneficiary,
at any time within one year after the death,  Disability  or  Retirement  of the
Optionee (or such different  period as the Committee  shall  prescribe).  In the
event  that  an  Option  granted  hereunder  shall  be  exercised  by the  legal
representatives  of a  deceased  or  former  Optionee,  written  notice  of such
exercise shall be accompanied  by a certified  copy of letters  testamentary  or
equivalent  proof of the right of such legal  representative  to  exercise  such
Option.  Unless  otherwise  determined by the  Committee,  Options not otherwise
exercisable on the date of  termination  of employment  shall be forfeited as of
such date.


            (h) Other Provisions.  The Option Agreements evidencing awards under
the Plan shall contain such other terms and conditions not inconsistent with the
Plan as the Committee may determine,  including  penalties for the commission of
competitive acts and a provision providing that no option may be exercised prior
to the consummation of an underwritten  initial public offering of the Company's
securities pursuant to a registration statement filed pursuant to the Securities
Act of 1933, as amended.

      7. Non Discretionary Grants.

      Each  director of the  Company,  other than a director  who is an officer,
employee or beneficial  owner of 10% or more of the Company's  Common Shares (or
an officer,  director,  employee or affiliate thereof), upon first taking office
shall be granted options for 7,000 Common Shares.

      8. Nonqualified Stock Options.

      Options  granted  pursuant to Section 7 hereof are intended to  constitute
Nonqualified  Stock  Options and shall be subject only to the general  terms and
conditions specified in Section 6 hereof.

      9. Incentive Stock Options.

      Options  granted  pursuant to this  Section 9 are  intended to  constitute
Incentive Stock Options and shall be subject to the following  special terms and
conditions, in addition to the general terms and conditions specified in Section
6 hereof.  An  Incentive  Stock  Option  may not be  granted  to a  Non-employee
Director or a consultant to the Company.

            (a) Value of Shares.  The aggregate Fair Market Value (determined as
of the date the  Incentive  Stock  Option is granted) of the Common  Shares with
respect to which  Incentive  Stock Options granted under this Plan and all other
option plans of any  subsidiary  become  exercisable  for the first time by each
Optionee during any calendar year shall not exceed $100,000.

            (b) Ten  Percent  Stockholder.  In the  case of an  Incentive  Stock
Option granted to a Ten Percent  Stockholder,  (i) the Option Price shall not be
less than one hundred ten percent  (110%) of the Fair Market Value of the Common
Shares  on the  date of  grant  of such  Incentive  Stock  Option,  and (ii) the
exercise  period  shall not exceed five (5) years from the date of grant of such
Incentive Stock Option.

      10. Effect of Certain Changes.

            (a) In the  event of any  extraordinary  dividend,  stock  dividend,
recapitalization,   merger,  consolidation,   stock  split,  warrant  or  rights
issuance,   or  combination  or  exchange  of  such  shares,  or  other  similar
transactions,  each of the number of Common  Shares  available  for awards,  the
number of such shares covered by outstanding  awards, and


the price per share of Options,  as appropriate,  shall be equitably adjusted by
the  Committee  to reflect  such event and  preserve  the value of such  awards;
provided,  however,  that any fractional  shares  resulting from such adjustment
shall be eliminated.

            (b) Upon the occurrence of a Change in Control,  each Option granted
under the Plan and then  outstanding  but not yet  exercisable  shall  thereupon
become fully exercisable.

      11. Surrender and Exchange of Awards.

      The Committee  may permit the  voluntary  surrender of all or a portion of
any Option  granted  under the Plan or any option  granted under any other plan,
program or arrangement of the Company or any Subsidiary  ("Surrendered Option"),
to be conditioned upon the granting to the Optionee of a new Option for the same
number of Common Shares as the Surrendered Option, or may require such voluntary
surrender as a condition  precedent to a grant of a new Option to such Optionee.
Subject to the provisions of the Plan, such new Option may be an Incentive Stock
Option or a  Nonqualified  Stock Option,  and shall be exercisable at the price,
during such period and on such other terms and  conditions  as are  specified by
the Committee at the time the new Option is granted.

      12. Period During Which Awards May Be Granted.

      Awards  may be  granted  pursuant  to the Plan from time to time  within a
period of ten (10) years from the date the Plan is adopted by the Board,  or the
date the Plan is approved  by the  shareholders  of the  Company,  whichever  is
earlier, unless the Board shall terminate the Plan at an earlier date.

      13. Nontransferability of Awards.

      Except as otherwise determined by the Committee,  awards granted under the
Plan shall not be transferable  otherwise than by will or by the laws of descent
and distribution,  and awards may be exercised or otherwise realized, during the
lifetime  of the  Optionee,  only by the  Optionee  or by his  guardian or legal

      14. Approval of Shareholders.

      The Plan  shall  take  effect  upon its  adoption  by the  Board and shall
terminate on the tenth anniversary of such date, but the Plan (and any grants of
awards made prior to the shareholder approval mentioned herein) shall be subject
to the  approval of Company's  shareholders,  which  approval  must occur within
twelve months of the date the Plan is adopted by the Board.

      15. Agreement by Optionee Regarding Withholding Taxes.

      If the  Committee  shall so  require,  as a  condition  of  exercise  of a
Nonqualified  Stock  Option  (a  "Tax  Event"),  each  Optionee  who  is  not  a
Non-employee  Director shall agree that no later than the date of the Tax Event,
such Optionee will pay to the Company or make  arrangements  satisfactory to the
Committee  regarding  payment of any  federal,  state or local


taxes  of  any  kind  required  by  law  to be  withheld  upon  the  Tax  Event.
Alternatively, the Committee may provide that such an Optionee may elect, to the
extent  permitted or required by law, to have the Company deduct federal,  state
and local taxes of any kind  required  by law to be withheld  upon the Tax Event
from any payment of any kind due the Optionee. The withholding obligation may be
satisfied by the withholding or delivery of Common Shares.  Any decision made by
the Committee under this Section 15 shall be made in its sole discretion.

      16. Amendment and Termination of the Plan.

      The Board at any time and from time to time may suspend, terminate, modify
or amend the Plan; provided,  however,  that, unless otherwise determined by the
Board, an amendment that requires  stockholder approval in order for the Plan to
continue to comply with Rule 16b-3, Section 162(m) of the Code or any other law,
regulation or stock exchange  requirement shall not be effective unless approved
by the  requisite  vote of  shareholders.  Except as  provided in Section 10 (a)
hereof,  no suspension,  termination,  modification or amendment of the Plan may
adversely affect any award previously granted, unless the written consent of the
Optionee is obtained.

      17. Rights as a Shareholder.

      An  Optionee  or a  transferee  of an  award  shall  have no  rights  as a
shareholder  with  respect to any shares  covered by the award until the date of
the issuance of a stock  certificate to him for such shares. No adjustment shall
be made for dividends (ordinary or extraordinary, whether in cash, securities or
other  property)  or  distribution  of other rights for which the record date is
prior to the date such  stock  certificate  is  issued,  except as  provided  in
Section 10(a) hereof.

      18. No Rights to Employment or Service as a Director.

      Nothing in the Plan or in any award  granted  or  Agreement  entered  into
pursuant  hereto  shall  confer upon any  Optionee  the right to continue in the
employ of the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  or as a member of the Board or to be
entitled  to any  remuneration  or  benefits  not set  forth in the Plan or such
Agreement or to  interfere  with or limit in any way the right of the Company or
any such Subsidiary to terminate such Optionee's  employment or service.  Awards
granted under the Plan shall not be affected by any change in duties or position
of an employee Optionee as long as such Optionee continues to be employed by the
Company or any Subsidiary.

      19. Beneficiary.

      An  Optionee  may file  with the  Committee  a  written  designation  of a
beneficiary  on such form as may be  prescribed  by the  Committee and may, from
time to time,  amend or revoke such  designation.  If no designated  beneficiary
survives the Optionee,  the executor or administrator  of the Optionee's  estate
shall be deemed to be the Optionee's beneficiary.

      20. Governing Law.

      The Plan and all  determinations  made and actions taken  pursuant  hereto
shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York.



                                DAG MEDIA, INC.

                                 July 12, 2005

                           Please date, sign and mail
                             your proxy card in the
                           envelope provided as soon
                                  as possible.

   --Please detach along perforated line and mail in the envelope provided.--

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                             FOR   AGAINST   ABSTAIN
1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS:                             2. To amend our 1999 Stock Option Plan to increase     |_|     |_|       |_|
                                                         the number of shares of Common Stock reserved for issuance from 704,000
                                NOMINEES:                to 854,000 shares and to reserve an additional 150,000 shares
|_| FOR ALL NOMINEES            |_| Assaf Ran            of Common Stock for issuance  upon the exercise of stock options
                                |_| Phillip Michals      or for the issuance of other awards granted under our 1999 Stock
|_| WITHHOLD AUTHORITY          |_| Eran Goldshmid       Option Plan.
    FOR ALL NOMINEES            |_| Michael Jackson

|_| FOR ALL EXCEPT                                    3. To transact such other  business as may properly come before the meeting
    (See instructions below)                             or any adjournment or adjournments thereof.

                                                      The shares represented by this Proxy will be voted as directed or if no
                                                      direction is indicated, will be voted FOR the proposal.

                                                      The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the Notice of, and Proxy
                                                      Statement for, the aforesaid Annual Meeting.

INSTRUCTION:   To withhold authority to vote for any individual
               nominee(s), mark "FOR ALL EXCEPT" and fill in the circle
               next to each nominee you wish to withhold, as shown
               here: |X|
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                              MARK "X" HERE IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND THE  MEETING.  |_|
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
To change the address on your account, please check the box at right
and indicate your new address in the address space above. Please note   |_|
that changes to the registered names(s) on the account may not be
submitted via this method.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         _______________________     ____________                         _______________________     ____________
Signature of Stockholder _______________________Date:____________Signature of Stockholder _______________________Date:____________

Note: Please sign exactly as your name or names appear on this Proxy. When
      shares  are held  jointly,  each  holder  should  sign.  When  signing  as
      executor,  administrator,  attorney, trustee or guardian, please give full
      title as such. If the signer is a corporation,  please sign full corporate
      name by duly authorized officer, giving full title as such. If signer is a
      partnership, please sign in partnership name by authorized person.

                                DAG MEDIA, INC.

          This proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors
                     for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders

The undersigned hereby constitutes and appoints Assaf Ran and Yael Shimor-Golan,
and each of them, with full power of substitution,  the attorneys and proxies of
the undersigned to attend the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of DAG Media,  Inc.
(the  "Company")  to be held on  Tuesday,  July 12,  2005 at 9:00  a.m.  Eastern
Daylight Time, at the offices of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP, Counselors at Law,
101 Park  Avenue  (39th  floor),  New  York,  NY 10178,  and at any  adjournment
thereof,  hereby  revoking any proxies  heretofore  given, to vote all shares of
common stock of the Company held or owned by the undersigned as indicated on the
proposals  as  more  fully  set  forth  in  the  Notice  of  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders  and Proxy Statement for the Meeting,  and in their discretion upon
such other matters as may come before the meeting.

                  (Continue and to be signed on Reverse Side.)
