Exhibit 10.1

                              CARNIVAL CORPORATION
                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                        2001 OUTSIDE DIRECTOR STOCK PLAN

(Adopted  by the Board of  Directors  on February  16, 2001 and  approved by the
shareholders on April 17, 2001,  effective as of January 1, 2001, amended by the
Board of Directors on October 8, 2001, further amended by the Board of Directors
on July 19, 2004 and,  further amended and restated by the Board of Directors on
January 18, 2005)

      1. Purpose.

            The purpose of the Plan is to promote the  interests of the Combined
Group by  strengthening  the Combined  Group's ability to attract and retain the
services  of  experienced  and  knowledgeable  non-executive  directors  and  by
encouraging such directors to acquire an increased  proprietary  interest in the
Combined Group and more closely align the interests of such directors with those
of the Combined Group's shareholders.

            The Plan provides for granting of Options,  Restricted Stock Awards,
and Restricted Stock Unit Awards.

      2. Definitions.

            The following definitions shall be applicable throughout the Plan.

            (a) "Affiliate"  means (i) any entity that directly or indirectly is
controlled by,  controls or is under common control with the Company or Carnival
plc, and (ii) to the extent  provided by the Committee,  any entity in which the
Company or Carnival plc has a significant equity interest.

            (b)  "Award"  means,  individually  or  collectively,   any  Option,
Restricted Stock Award or Restricted Stock Unit Award.

            (c) "Award  Agreement"  means a Stock Option  Agreement,  Restricted
Stock agreement or Restricted Stock Unit agreement.

            (d) "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

            (e) "Carnival plc" means the entity previously known as P&O Princess
Cruises plc, a public limited company incorporated under the laws of England and
Wales, and any successor thereto.

            (f) "Code"  means the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended.
Reference  in the Plan to any section of the Code shall be deemed to include any
amendments  or successor  provisions to such section and any  regulations  under
such section.

            (g) "Committee" means the Compensation Committee of the Board.

            (h)  "Common  Stock"  means the common  stock,  par value  $0.01 per
share,  of the  Company  and any  stock  into  which  such  common  stock may be
converted or into which it may be exchanged.

            (i)  "Combined  Group"  means the Company and  Carnival  plc and any
successor thereto.

            (j) "Company" means Carnival  Corporation,  a corporation  organized
under the laws of the Republic of Panama, and any successor thereto.

            (k) "Date of Grant" means the date on which the granting of an Award
is authorized,  or such other date as may be specified in such authorization or,
if there is no such date, the date indicated on the applicable Award Agreement.

            (l) "Disability"  means a condition that would entitle a Participant
to  receive  benefits  under the  long-term  disability  plan of a member of the
Combined  Group  or an  Affiliate,  as if  such  Participant  were  eligible  to
participate  in such plan  whether  or not any such plan is  applicable  to such
Participant,  the existence of such condition to be reasonably determined by the

            (m) "Effective Date" means January 1, 2001.

            (n)  "Eligible  Director"  shall have the meaning  assigned to it in
Section 6.

            (o)  "Exchange  Act" means the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as

            (p) "Fair Market  Value",  on a given date,  means (i) if the Shares
are listed on a national  securities  exchange,  the  average of the highest and
lowest sale  prices  reported as having  occurred on the primary  exchange  with
which the Shares  are  listed  and traded on such date,  or, if there is no such
sale on that  date,  then on the last  preceding  date on which  such a sale was
reported;  (ii) if the Shares are not listed on any national securities exchange
but is quoted in the Nasdaq National Market ("Nasdaq") on a last sale basis, the
average  between the high bid price and low ask price reported on the date prior
to such  date,  or,  if there  is no such  sale on that  date,  then on the last
preceding  date on which a sale was  reported;  or (iii) if the  Shares  are not
listed on a national securities exchange nor quoted in the Nasdaq on a last sale
basis, the amount  determined by the Committee to be the fair market value based
upon a good  faith  attempt  to value the  Shares  accurately  and  computed  in
accordance with applicable regulations of the Internal Revenue Service.

            (q) "Mature  Shares" means Shares owned by a  Participant  which are
not subject to any pledge or security  interest and have either been held by the
Participant for six months,  previously  acquired by the Participant on the open
market or meet such  other  requirements  as the  Committee  may  determine  are
necessary in order to avoid an accounting  earnings charge on account of the use
of such  Shares to pay the Option  Price or satisfy any  applicable  withholding
obligation in respect of an Option.

            (r) "Option" means an Award granted under Section 8.

            (s)  "Option  Price"  means  the  exercise  price  for an  Option as
described in Section 8(a).

            (t) "Pairing Agreement" means the Pairing Agreement, dated April 17,
2003, among the Company,  The Law Debenture Trust Corporation  (Cayman) Limited,
as trustee of the  Carnival plc Special  Voting  Trust,  and Sun Trust Bank,  as
transfer agent, as it may be amended from time to time.

            (u) "Participant"  means each Eligible  Director  receiving an Award
pursuant to the Plan.

            (v) "Plan" means this Carnival Corporation Amended and Restated 2001
Outside Director Stock Plan.

            (w)  "Restricted  Period"  means,  with  respect  to  any  Share  of
Restricted  Stock or any Restricted  Stock Unit, the period of time during which
such Award is subject to restrictions  set forth in Section 9 and the applicable
Award Agreement.

            (x)  "Restricted  Stock" means  Shares  issued or  transferred  to a
Participant  subject  to  forfeiture  and the  other  restrictions  set forth in
Section 9 and the applicable Award Agreement.

            (y)  "Restricted  Stock  Award" means an Award of  Restricted  Stock
granted under Section 9.

            (z)  "Restricted   Stock  Unit"  means  a  hypothetical   investment
equivalent to one Share  granted in connection  with an Award made under Section

            (aa)  "Restricted  Stock Unit  Award"  means an Award of  Restricted
Stock Units granted under Section 9.

            (bb) "Securities Act" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

            (cc)  "Share"  means the  aggregate of one share of Common Stock and
one Trust Share.

            (dd)  "Stock  Option  Agreement"  means any  agreement  between  the
Company and a Participant  who has been granted an Option  pursuant to Section 8
which defines the rights and obligations of the parties thereto.

            (ee) "Subsidiary"  means any subsidiary of the Company as defined in
Section 424(f) of the Code.

            (ff)  "Trust  Share" has the  meaning  assigned to it in the Pairing

            (gg) "Vested Unit" has the meaning assigned to it in Section 9(d).

      3. Effective Date, Duration and Shareholder Approval.

            (a) The Plan is effective as of the Effective Date, and the Plan was
approved  by  shareholders  at a  meeting  held on  April  17,  2001 in a manner
intended to comply with the  shareholder  approval  requirements of the New York
Stock Exchange.  This amendment and restatement shall be effective as of January
18, 2005, subject to approval by the Company's shareholders in a manner intended
to comply  with the  shareholder  approval  requirements  of the New York  Stock
Exchange.  The validity of any and all Awards  granted after January 18, 2005 to
Participants  are contingent upon approval of the January 18, 2005 amendment and
restatement of the Plan by the  shareholders of the Company in a manner intended
to comply  with the  shareholder  approval  requirements  of the New York  Stock

            (b) The  expiration  date of the Plan,  on and after which no Awards
may be granted hereunder, shall be January 1, 2011; provided,  however, that the
administration  of the Plan shall continue in effect until all matters  relating
to Awards previously granted have been settled.

      4. Administration.

            (a) The Plan shall be administered  by the Committee.  A majority of
the Committee will constitute a quorum and the acts of a majority of the members
present at any meeting at which a quorum is present, or acts approved in writing
by all  members  of the  Committee  without  a  meeting,  will  be  acts  of the

            (b) Subject to the express  provisions  of the Plan,  the  Committee
shall have plenary  authority to interpret  the Plan,  to  prescribe,  amend and
rescind  the  rules  and  regulations  relating  to it and  to  make  all  other
determinations  deemed  necessary and advisable  for the  administration  of the
Plan. No member of the Committee shall be liable for anything done or omitted to
be done by him or by any other member of the  Committee in  connection  with the
Plan, except for his own willful  misconduct or gross negligence.  All decisions
which are made by the Committee with respect to  interpretation  of the terms of
the Plan and with respect to any  questions or disputes  arising  under the Plan
shall be final and binding on the Company and the  participants,  their heirs or
beneficiaries.  The Committee shall not be empowered to take any action, whether
or not otherwise  authorized  under the Plan, which would result in any Eligible
Director failing to qualify as a "disinterested person."

      5. Shares Subject to Awards.

            (a)  Subject to the  adjustment  provisions  of Section  10(e),  the
aggregate  number of Shares in respect of which Awards may be granted  under the
Plan shall not exceed 1,000,000.

            (b) Shares shall be deemed to have been used in settlement of Awards
whether  or not they are  actually  delivered.  In the event any Award  shall be
surrendered,  terminate,  expire,  be forfeited  or be cancelled  for any reason
whatsoever  without the Participant  having benefited  therefrom,  the number of
Shares  no  longer  subject  thereto  shall  thereupon  be  released  and  shall
thereafter  be  available  for new Awards  under the Plan.  For  purposes of the
foregoing  sentence,  a  Participant  shall not be deemed to have  received  any
"benefit" in the case of

forfeited  Restricted Stock Awards by reason of having enjoyed voting rights and
dividend rights prior to the date of forfeiture.

            (c) Shares  delivered by the Company in  settlement of Awards may be
authorized and unissued  Shares or Shares held in the treasury of the Company or
purchased on the open market or by private purchase.

            (d) There  shall be  reserved at all times for sale under the Plan a
number of Shares, of either  authorized and unissued Shares,  Shares held in the
Company's treasury, or both, equal to the maximum number of shares in respect of
which Awards may be granted under the Plan.

      6.  Participation in Plan. Each member of the Company's Board of Directors
who is not  otherwise an employee of the Company or any  Affiliate or subsidiary
of the Company within the meaning of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
of 1974 (an "Eligible Director") shall be eligible to participate in the Plan. A
director who is an employee and who retires or resigns from  employment with the
Company and/or its Affiliates,  but remains an Eligible Director of the Company,
shall become  eligible to participate in the Plan in accordance  with Section 7,
effective  as of the  first  annual  meeting  of  shareholders  held  after  his
termination of employment.

      7. Annual Award Grants.  Each Eligible Director shall receive upon initial
election to office by the  shareholders  and thereafter  annually on the date of
the Company's annual meeting of shareholders at which such Eligible  Director is
re-elected to office,  or on any other date properly  approved  pursuant to this
Section 7, an Award representing  10,000 "points." An Option shall represent one
point;  and each  Share of  Restricted  Stock or a  Restricted  Stock Unit shall
represent four points.  An Award may be composed of Options,  Restricted  Stock,
Restricted  Stock  Units or a  combination  thereof,  at the  discretion  of the
Committee which  discretion  shall be exercised not later than the Date of Grant
of such  Award.  The Board may  authorize a Date of Grant other than the date of
the Company's annual meeting of shareholders,  provided,  that Awards granted to
each Participant do not exceed 10,000 points in any given calendar year.

      8. Terms of Options.

            (a) Option  Price.  The Option Price per Share for each Option shall
be the Fair Market Value at the Date of Grant.

            (b) Vesting.  Subject to Section 8(e), Options shall vest and become
exercisable  in  five  equal  annual   installments   commencing  on  the  first
anniversary of the Date of Grant.

            (c)  Duration  of  Options.  Subject to Section  8(e),  each  Option
granted  hereunder  shall be exercisable for a period of ten years from the Date
of Grant.

            (d) Manner of Exercise and Form of Payment.

                  (i) An Option granted under the Plan shall be deemed exercised
when the person  entitled to exercise the Option (a) delivers  written notice to
the Company at its principal  business office,  directed to the attention of its
Secretary,  of the  decision to exercise,  specifying  the number of shares with
respect to which the option is exercised  and the price per share  designated in
the Stock Option Agreement, (b) concurrently tenders to the Company full payment
for the Shares to be purchased pursuant to such exercise,  and (c) complies with
such other  reasonable  requirements  as the Committee  establishes  pursuant to
Section 8 of the Plan.

                  (ii) Full  payment  for Shares  purchased  by the  Participant
shall be made at the time of any  exercise,  in whole or in part,  of an Option,
and  certificates  for such Shares shall be delivered to the Participant as soon
thereafter  as is reasonably  possible.  No Shares shall be  transferred  to the
Participant  until full payment therefor has been made and the Participant shall
have none of the rights of a shareholder  with respect to any Shares  subject to
an Option  until a  certificate  for such  shares  shall  have been  issued  and
delivered to the Participant.  Such payment shall be made in cash or by check or
by money order payable to the Company, in each case payable in U.S. currency. In
the  Committee's  discretion,  such  payment  may be made by  delivery of Mature
Shares having a Fair Market Value (determined as of the date of the Option is so
exercised in whole or in part), that,

when  added to the  value of any  cash,  check or  money  order  satisfying  the
foregoing requirements, will equal the aggregate purchase price.

            (e) Termination of Board Membership.

                  (i) Death or Disability.  Upon a Participant's ceasing to be a
member of the Board  due to death or  Disability,  all  unvested  Options  shall
immediately vest and become exercisable and all vested Options shall continue to
be  exercisable  by the  Participant  or his estate,  as  applicable,  until the
earlier to occur of (i) the original  expiration  date of such Option,  and (ii)
one year from such cessation.

                  (ii) Other  Termination.  Except as provided in the proviso to
this Section,  upon a Participant's  ceasing to be a member of the Board for any
reason other than death or  Disability,  all unvested  Options shall continue to
vest in  accordance  with their  initial  terms,  and all vested  Options  shall
continue to be exercisable  until the original  expiration  date of such Option;
provided,  however,  that if the Participant  ceases to be a member of the Board
prior to  serving  in such  capacity  for one  year,  all of such  Participant's
Options shall immediately expire upon such termination.

      9. Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units.

            (a) Awards of Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units.

                  (i) Each  Participant  granted a Restricted  Stock Award shall
execute and deliver to the Company a Restricted  Stock agreement with respect to
the  Restricted  Stock  setting  forth  the  restrictions  and  other  terms and
conditions  applicable to such Restricted Stock including the Restricted  Period
set forth in Section 9(c). If the Committee determines that the Restricted Stock
shall be held in escrow  rather than  delivered to the  Participant  pending the
release  of  the  applicable   restrictions,   the  Committee  may  require  the
Participant  to  additionally  execute  and deliver to the Company (A) an escrow
agreement  satisfactory  to the  Committee and (B) the  appropriate  blank stock
powers with respect to the  Restricted  Stock  covered by such  agreement.  If a
Participant shall fail to execute an agreement evidencing an Award of Restricted
Stock and, if applicable,  an escrow agreement and stock powers, the Award shall
be null and void.  Subject to the  restrictions  set forth in  Section  9(b) and
Section 9(c), the Participant  generally shall have the rights and privileges of
a  stockholder  as to such  Restricted  Stock,  including the right to vote such
Restricted  Stock. At the discretion of the Committee,  cash dividends and stock
dividends with respect to the Restricted  Stock may be either  currently paid to
the Participant or withheld by the Company for the  Participant's  account,  and
interest may be credited on the amount of cash dividends  withheld at a rate and
subject to such terms as determined by the Committee.  To the extent applicable,
the  cash  dividends  or  stock  dividends  so  withheld  by the  Committee  and
attributable to any particular share of Restricted Stock (and earnings  thereon,
if  applicable)  shall be  distributed  to the  Participant  upon the release of
restrictions  on such share and,  if such share is  forfeited,  the  Participant
shall have no right to such cash dividends, stock dividends or earnings.

                  (ii)  Upon the  grant of an Award  of  Restricted  Stock,  the
Committee  shall  cause  a  stock  certificate  registered  in the  name  of the
Participant to be issued and, if it so determines,  deposited  together with the
stock  powers with an escrow agent  designated  by the  Committee.  If an escrow
arrangement  is used,  the  Committee may cause the escrow agent to issue to the
Participant a receipt  evidencing any stock certificate held by it registered in
the name of the Participant.

                  (iii) The terms and conditions of a grant of Restricted  Stock
Units shall be reflected in a written Restricted Stock Unit agreement. No Shares
shall be issued at the time an Award of Restricted  Stock Units is made, and the
Company  will not be  required  to set aside a fund for the  payment of any such
Award.  At  the  discretion  of  the  Committee,   each  Restricted  Stock  Unit
(representing  one Share) awarded to a Participant may be credited with cash and
stock  dividends  paid  by  the  Company  in  respect  of one  Share  ("Dividend
Equivalents").  At the discretion of the Committee,  Dividend Equivalents may be
either  currently  paid to the  Participant  or  withheld by the Company for the
Participant's  account,  and  interest  may be  credited  on the  amount of cash
Dividend  Equivalents withheld at a rate and subject to such terms as determined
by the Committee.  Dividend Equivalents credited to a Participant's  account and
attributable to any particular  Restricted Stock Unit (and earnings thereon,  if
applicable)  shall be distributed  to the  Participant  upon  settlement of such
Restricted  Stock Unit and,  if such  Restricted  Stock Unit is  forfeited,  the
Participant shall have no right to such Dividend Equivalents.

            (b) Restrictions; Forfeiture.

                  (i) Restricted Stock awarded to a Participant shall be subject
to the following restrictions until the expiration of the Restricted Period, and
to such  other  terms  and  conditions  as may be set  forth  in the  applicable
Restricted  Stock  agreement:   (A)  if  an  escrow  arrangement  is  used,  the
Participant shall not be entitled to delivery of the stock certificate;  and (B)
the Shares shall be subject to the restrictions on transferability  set forth in
the  applicable  Restricted  Stock  agreement.  Restricted  Stock  awarded  to a
Participant  who has not been a member of the Board for at least one year at the
time of such award shall be forfeited,  and the  applicable  stock  certificates
returned to the Company,  if the Participant  ceases to be a member of the Board
for any reason other than death or Disability prior to the one-year  anniversary
of his or her initial  election to the Board. In the event of such a forfeiture,
all rights of the Participant to such Restricted  Stock, and as a shareholder in
respect thereof,  shall terminate without further  obligation on the part of the

                  (ii) Restricted Stock Units awarded to any Participant who has
not been a member of the  Board for at least one year at the time of such  award
shall be forfeited,  and all rights of the  Participant  to in respect  thereof,
shall  terminate  without  further  obligation on the part of the Company if the
Participant  ceases to be a member of the Board for any reason  other than death
or Disability  prior to the one-year  anniversary of his or her initial election
to the Board.  Restricted  Stock  Units shall be subject to such other terms and
conditions  as  may  be  set  forth  in the  applicable  Restricted  Stock  Unit

                  (iii) The Committee  shall have the authority to remove any or
all of the  restrictions  on the  Restricted  Stock and  Restricted  Stock Units
whenever it may determine that, by reason of changes in applicable laws or other
changes in circumstances arising after the date of the Restricted Stock Award or
Restricted Stock Unit Award, such action is appropriate.

            (c) Restricted  Period.  The Restricted  Period of Restricted  Stock
Awards  and  Restricted  Stock Unit  Awards  granted  to any  Participant  shall
commence on the Date of Grant and shall expire as to twenty percent (20%) of the
Restricted  Stock or Restricted  Stock Units, as applicable,  subject thereto on
each of the first, second,  third, fourth and fifth anniversaries of the Date of
Grant  whether or not such  Participant  continues  to be a member of the Board;
provided, however, that upon a Participant's ceasing to be a member of the Board
due to death or Disability, the Restricted Period shall expire as to one hundred
percent (100%) of the Shares subject thereto.

            (d) Delivery of Restricted  Stock and Settlement of Restricted Stock

                  (i) Upon the expiration of the Restricted  Period with respect
to any  Shares  covered  by an  Award of  Restricted  Stock  which  has not been
forfeited  in  accordance  with the  second  sentence  of Section  9(b)(i),  the
restrictions  set forth in this  Section 9 and the  Restricted  Stock  agreement
shall be of no further  force or effect  with  respect  to shares of  Restricted
Stock which have not then been forfeited. If an escrow arrangement is used, upon
such  expiration,  the  Company  shall  deliver  to  the  Participant,   or  his
beneficiary,  without  charge,  the stock  certificate  evidencing the shares of
Restricted Stock with respect to which the Restricted Period has expired (to the
nearest full share) and any cash  dividends or stock  dividends  credited to the
Participant's  account  with respect to such  Restricted  Stock and the interest
thereon, if any.

                  (ii) Upon the expiration of the Restricted Period with respect
to any Restricted Stock Units covered by a Restricted Stock Unit Award which has
not been  forfeited in  accordance  with  Section  9(b)(ii),  the Company  shall
deliver to the Participant,  or his beneficiary,  without charge,  one Share for
each  Restricted  Stock  Unit with  respect to which the  Restricted  Period has
expired ("Vested Unit") and cash equal to any Dividend Equivalents credited with
respect to each such Vested Unit in accordance with Section 9(a)(iii) hereof and
the interest thereon, if any; provided, however, that, if explicitly provided in
the applicable  Restricted Stock Unit agreement,  the Committee may, in its sole
discretion, elect to pay cash or part cash and part Shares in lieu of delivering
only Shares for Vested  Units.  If a cash payment is made in lieu of  delivering
Shares,  the amount of such  payment  shall be equal to the Fair Market Value of
the Shares as of the date on which the Restricted  Period lapsed with respect to
such Vested Unit.

            (e) Stock  Restrictions.  Each certificate  representing  Restricted
Stock  awarded under the Plan shall bear a legend  substantially  in the form of
the  following  until the lapse of all  restrictions  with respect to the Shares
subject  to the  Award  as well  as any  other  information  the  Company  deems

            Transfer of this certificate and the shares  represented
            hereby  is  restricted  pursuant  to  the  terms  of the
            Carnival  Corporation  Amended and Restated 2001 Outside
            Director  Stock Plan and a Restricted  Stock  Agreement,
            dated as of _____________,  between Carnival Corporation
            and   __________________.   Copies   of  such  Plan  and
            Agreement  are  on  file  at  the  offices  of  Carnival

Stop  transfer  orders shall be entered with the  Company's  transfer  agent and
registrar against the transfer of legended securities.

      10. General.

            (a)  Nontransferability  of Awards.  No Award or any right evidenced
thereby  shall be  transferable  in any manner other than by will or the laws of
descent and  distribution,  and, during the lifetime of a Participant,  only the
Participant (or the  Participant's  court-appointed  legal  representative)  may
exercise an Option. In the Committee's  discretion,  an Award may be transferred
pursuant to a "qualified domestic relations order," as defined in section 414(p)
of  the  Code  or  any  similar  domestic  relations  order  enforceable  in the
jurisdiction in which such Participant resides.

            (b)  Rights  of   Participant.   Neither  the  Participant  nor  the
Participant's  executor  or  administrator  shall  have any of the  rights  of a
shareholder of the Company with respect to the Shares subject to an Option until
certificates  for such  Shares  shall  actually  have been  issued  upon the due
exercise  of such  Option.  No  adjustment  shall be made for any  regular  cash
dividend for which the record date is prior to the date of such due exercise and
full payment for such Shares has been made therefor.

            (c) Right To Terminate  Relationship.  Nothing in the Plan or in any
Award  shall  confer  upon any  Participant  the right to continue to serve as a
director of the Company.

            (d)  Nonalienation  of Benefits.  No right or benefit under the Plan
shall be subject to anticipation,  alienation, sale, assignment,  hypothecation,
pledge,  exchange,   transfer,   encumbrance  or  charge,  and  any  attempt  to
anticipate,  alienate, sell, assign,  hypothecate,  pledge, exchange,  transfer,
encumber or charge the same shall be void. To the extent permitted by applicable
law, no right or benefit  hereunder shall in any manner be liable for or subject
to the debts,  contracts,  liabilities  or torts of the person  entitled to such

      (e) Adjustment Upon Changes in Capitalization, etc.

                  (i) Awards granted under the Plan, any Award  Agreements,  and
the maximum  number of Shares subject to all Awards stated in Section 5(a) shall
be subject to adjustment or substitution,  as determined by the Committee in its
sole  discretion,  as to the number,  price or kind of a share of stock or other
consideration subject to such Awards or as otherwise determined by the Committee
to be equitable in the event of any stock split,  stock dividend,  stock change,
reclassification,  an  unpairing  of the  shares of Common  Stock from the Trust
Shares, recapitalization or combination of shares which changes the character or
amount of Shares (x) in the case of Options, prior to exercise of any portion of
an Option  theretofore  granted  under the Plan,  such that such option,  to the
extent that it shall not have been exercised,  shall entitle the Participant (or
the  Participant's  executor or  administrator)  upon its exercise to receive in
substitution  therefor such number and kind of shares as the  Participant  would
have been entitled to receive if the  Participant  had actually owned the Shares
subject to such Option at the time of the  occurrence of such change;  provided,
however,  that if the  change  is of such a nature  that the  Participant,  upon
exercise of the Option,  would receive  property  other than shares of stock the
Committee shall make an appropriate adjustment in the Option to provide that the
Participant (or the Participant's  executor or administrator) shall acquire upon
exercise only shares of stock of such number and kind as the  Committee,  in its
sole  judgment,  shall deem  equitable;  and,  provided  further,  that any such
adjustment  shall be made so as to conform to the requirements of section 424(a)
of the Code; and (y) in the case of Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units,
occurring after the Date of Grant of any such Awards.

                  (ii) In the event that any  transaction  (other  than a change
specified in the preceding  paragraph)  described in section  424(a) of the Code
affects  the Shares  subject to any  unexercised  Option or subject to any Award
with  respect  to which the  Restricted  Period  has not  expired,  the Board of
Directors  of the  surviving or  acquiring  corporation  shall make such similar
adjustment as is permissible and appropriate.  If any such change or transaction
shall occur,  the number and kind of Shares for which Awards may  thereafter  be
granted under the Plan shall be adjusted to give effect thereto.

            (f) Purchase for  Investment.  Whether or not the Options and Shares
covered by the Plan have been registered  under the Securities Act of 1933, each
person  exercising  an Option  under the Plan may be  required by the Company to
give a  representation  in writing that such person is acquiring such Shares for
investment  and  not  with a view  to,  or for  sale  in  connection  with,  the
distribution of any part thereof.  The Company will endorse any necessary legend
referring to the foregoing  restriction  upon the  certificate  or  certificates
representing  any  Shares  issued or  transferred  to the  Participant  upon the
exercise of any Option granted under the Plan.

            (g)  Form  of  Agreements  with  Participants.  Each  Award  granted
pursuant  to the Plan  shall be in writing  and shall have such form,  terms and
provisions,  not inconsistent  with the provisions of the Plan, as the Committee
shall provide for such Award.  Each  Participant  shall be notified  promptly of
such grant, and an Award shall be promptly executed and delivered by the Company
and the Participant.

            (h) Termination and Amendment of Plan and Awards.

                  (i) Unless the Plan shall  theretofore have been terminated as
hereinafter provided, Awards may be granted under the Plan at any time, and from
time to time,  prior to the tenth  anniversary  of the Effective  Date, on which
date the Plan will expire,  except as to Awards then outstanding under the Plan.
Such Awards shall remain in effect until they have been exercised,  have expired
or have been canceled.

                  (ii) The Board,  without  further  approval  of the  Company's
shareholders, may terminate, modify or amend this Plan at any time and from time
to time in such  respects  as the  Board  may  deem  advisable,  subject  to any
shareholder  or  regulatory  approval  required  by law or the  New  York  Stock
Exchange;  provided,  that any such  amendment  shall comply with the applicable
requirements for exemption (to the extent  necessary) under Rule 16b-3 under the
Exchange Act.

                  (iii) No  termination,  modification or amendment of the Plan,
without the consent of the Participant,  may adversely affect the rights of such
person with  respect to such  Award.  With the  consent of the  Participant  and
subject  to the  terms  and  conditions  of the Plan,  the  Committee  may amend
outstanding Award agreements with any Participant.

                  (iv) Notwithstanding the above, without shareholder  approval,
the  Committee  may not take any action that results in the  "repricing"  of any
Option  granted  under the Plan.  For  purposes  of this  Section  10(h)(iv),  a
"repricing"  means any of the  following  (or any other action that has the same
effect of any of the  following):  (a)  amending  or  modifying  the terms of an
Option after the Date of Grant in a manner that reduces the Option Price of such
Option;  (b) any  other  action  that  would  either  (A) be  reportable  on the
Company's proxy statement as Options which have been "repriced" (as such term is
used in Item 402 of Regulation  S-K  promulgated  under the Exchange Act) or (B)
results  in  an  Option  being  considered  repriced  under  generally  accepted
accounting principles;  or (c) canceling an Option at time when its Option Price
is equal to or less than the Fair  Market  Value of the  Shares  subject  to the
Option, in exchange for another Option, Restricted Stock Award, Restricted Stock
Unit  Award,  or any other  equity-based  award.  A  cancellation  and  exchange
described  in  clause  (c)  of the  preceding  sentence  will  be  considered  a
"repricing"  regardless  of whether  (A) the  Option,  Restricted  Stock  Award,
Restricted  Stock  Unit  Award,  or  other   equity-based   award  is  delivered
simultaneously  with the  cancellation of the Option,  (B) it is reportable as a
repricing  in  the  Company's  proxy  statement  or  under  generally   accepted
accounting  principles,  or (C) the  cancellation of the Option was voluntary on
the part of the Participant.

            (i) Government and Other Regulations.  The obligation of the Company
with respect to Awards granted under the Plan shall be subject to all applicable
laws, rules and regulations and such approvals by any governmental agency as may
be  required,   including,   without   limitation,   the  effectiveness  of  any
registration  statement  required  under  the  Securities  Act,  the  rules  and
regulations of any securities exchange on which the Shares may be listed.

            (j) Withholding. A Participant may be required to pay to a member of
the Combined  Group or any  Affiliate,  and each member of the Combined Group or
any Affiliate shall have the right and is hereby authorized to withhold from any
Shares or other property deliverable under any Award or from any compensation or
other  amounts  owing to a  Participant  the  amount  (in cash,  Shares or other
property) of any required tax withholding in respect of an Award,  its exercise,
or any  payment  or  transfer  under an Award or under the Plan and to take such
other  action as may be  necessary  in the opinion of the Company to satisfy all
obligations for the payment of such taxes.

            (k)  Separability.  If any of the  terms  or  provision  of the Plan
conflict with the  requirements  of Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act, then such
terms or provisions  shall be deemed  inoperative to the extent they so conflict
with the requirements of Rule 16b-3.

            (l)  Governing  Law. The Plan shall be governed by and  construed in
accordance  with the internal laws of the State of Florida without regard to the
principles  of conflicts of law thereof,  or  principles of conflicts of laws of
any other  jurisdiction  which  could cause the  application  of the laws of any
jurisdiction other than the State of Florida.