4960 Conference Way North
                                    Suite 100
                            Boca Raton, Florida 33431

                                January 19, 2006

Robert F. Telewicz, Jr.
Staff Accountant
Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
Mail Stop 4561
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549

      Re:   Form 8-K Filed December 19, 2005
            File Number:  001-09292

Dear Mr. Telewicz:

      This  letter  is in  response  to  comments  of the  Staff  regarding  the
above-referenced filing, which were provided in your letter to me dated December
22, 2005.

      Set  forth  below  are  responses  to the  comments  in your  letter.  The
numbering of the comments  below  corresponds to the numbering set forth in your

Form 8-K

1.    Please tell us if your  certifying  officers have considered the effect on
      the adequacy of your  disclosure  controls and procedures as of the end of
      the  periods  covered by your Forms 10-Q for the  periods  ended March 31,
      2005,  June 30, 2005 and  September 30, 2005 as well as your Form 10-K for
      the year ended  December 31, 2004 in light of the material  error you have
      disclosed. Additionally, tell us what effect the error had on your current
      evaluation  of disclosure  controls and  procedures as of your fiscal year
      end December 31, 2005

      In light of the issues  disclosed in the Form 8-K dated  December 19, 2005
(the "Form 8-K"), the  Registrant's  certifying  officers have  reconsidered the
adequacy of  Registrant's  controls and  procedures as of the end of the periods

      The Registrant has preliminarily concluded that it had a material weakness
in its internal  controls in 2004 relating to the errors in the  computation  of
gains in connection with the term securitization  transactions,  but not related
to the determination of the proper accounting  treatment for the transfer of its
receivables under its receivables purchase  facilities,  with the basis for such
preliminary  conclusion being discussed  further below. As a result of the above
preliminary  conclusions  regarding  a  material  weakness  in the  Registrant's
internal  controls  in 2004,  the  certifying  officers  intend  to amend  their
conclusions relative to the

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January 19, 2006
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adequacy  of the  Registrant's  disclosure  control  procedures  in  2004 in the
certifying  officers'  Section 302  certifications  filed with the  Registrants'
December 31, 2004 Form 10-K/A.

      Due to the remediation  discussed below of its internal control procedures
relating to the  computation  of gains in  connection  with term  securitization
transactions  prior to the  occurrence of any relevant  transaction in 2005, the
Registrant has preliminarily concluded that there was not a material weakness in
its internal controls over financial reporting or its disclosure controls during
2005, subject to the completion of the Registrant's documentation and testing in
connection  with  its  compliance  procedures  relative  to  Section  404 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley  Act of 2002. As indicated in comment 2. below, the impact of the
matters  which  gave  rise to the  restatement  discussed  in the  Form 8-K (the
"Restatement")  on the  results of  operations  and  financial  position  of the
Registrant  during  the 2005  quarterly  periods  ended  March  31,  June 30 and
September  30  was  immaterial.   Accordingly,  and  since  Registrant  did  not
consummate a term  securitization  transaction until the fourth quarter of 2005,
Registrant  does not  believe  that there was a material  weakness  of  internal
controls during the 2005 quarterly  periods.  The remediation of controls in the
fourth quarter of 2005 will be disclosed in the  Registrant's  Form 10-K for the
year ending December 31, 2005.

      The  Registrant  is  in  the  process  of  discussing  these   preliminary
conclusions  with its  independent  auditors,  who will also have to re-evaluate
their report on internal controls over financial reporting.

      The certifying  officers  considered the following facts and circumstances
relating  to the  matters  giving  rise to the  Restatement  in  reaching  their
preliminary  conclusions  discussed  above  with  respect  to  the  adequacy  of
Registrant's disclosure controls and procedures.

      As noted in the Registrant's  Form 8-K, the Purchase  Facility (as defined
in the Form 8-K) which was the subject of the  Restatement  was entered  into in
June 2001 and again in April 2002 (when the  Purchase  Facility  documents  were
amended and restated) and  individual  transfers of notes  receivable  under the
Purchase   Facility   occurred  from  June  2001  through  September  2004  (the
"Transactions"). As described more fully in the Form 8-K, the recharacterization
of the Transactions as on-balance  sheet  transactions in 2005 was the result of
an  analysis  in  2005  of an  ambiguous  provision  in  the  Purchase  Facility
agreements  regarding the ability of the  Registrant  to substitute  receivables
transferred under the Purchase Facility. As the June 2001 substitution provision
was deemed to be  inconsistent  with the  provisions  of  Statement of Financial
Accounting  Standards  No. 140,  "Accounting  for  Transfers  and  Servicing  of
Financial Assets and  Extinguishments of Liabilities" ("SFAS 140") and therefore
the  Transactions  would be required  to be  accounted  for as on balance  sheet
financing transactions from June 2001 through December 28, 2005.

      At the time that the Purchase  Facility  documents  (and their  subsequent
amendment and restatement) were originally drafted,  the Registrant's  procedure
was to engage its  independent  auditors to review the draft  Purchase  Facility
documents and provide advice to the Registrant  regarding the appropriateness of
the  Registrant's  conclusions,  pursuant to GAAP,  regarding  the  Registrant's
desired, off-balance sheet accounting treatment for transfers under the Purchase
Facility  due to the  complexity  of the  provisions  of SFAS 140.  The Purchase
Facility documents

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January 19, 2006
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were executed only after this procedure had been completed.  Registrant believes
that its internal control  procedure for the accounting  related to the Purchase
Facility was designed effectively.

      In  connection  with  preparing  to report on its internal  controls  over
financial  reporting in accordance with the provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
of  2002,  in 2004  the  Registrant  engaged  an  outside  international  public
accounting firm (the  "Accounting  Consultants")  to provide  consulting  advice
regarding the structure of the proposed  receivable purchase facilities and term
securitization  transactions  and  review the  related  draft  agreements.  This
internal  control  procedure  was in place  prior to  December  31, 2004 and has
continually  been in  place  since  adoption.  Based on the  credentials  of the
Accounting Consultants which were engaged in this capacity,  specifically in the
complex area of SFAS 140, the  Registrant  believes that this  internal  control
procedure is effective.

      As indicated above, the other issue which requires the Restatement relates
to a misapplication  of SFAS 140 relative to the computation of the Registrant's
retained  interests  and  related  gains  upon  the  consummation  of  two  term
securitization  transactions,  one in  2002  and one in  2004.  In  2005,  after
identifying  the issue but prior to the  consummation of the  Registrant's  2005
term securitization transaction,  the Registrant remediated its internal control
procedures  in the fourth  quarter of 2005  relating  to the  recording  of such
transactions to include the review by the Accounting  Consultants of the related
journal  entries and  computations.  The Registrant  believes that this internal
control procedure is effective.

2.    We note your  disclosure  in your Item 4.02(a) Form 8-K that you intend to
      amend your Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31,  2004.  Tell us what
      consideration you have given to amending your Forms 10-Q for the quarterly
      periods  ended March 31, 2005,  June 30, 2005 and  September 30, 2005 as a
      result of the material error that you have disclosed.

      The Registrant  has considered the  materiality of the impact of the items
resulting in the Restatement on the financial  statements  included in its Forms
10-Q for the quarterly periods ended March 31, 2005 ("Q1"), June 30, 2005 ("Q2")
and September  30, 2005 ("Q3").  Subject to further  review by the  Registrant's
independent  auditors,  the  Registrant  believes  that the  impact of the items
giving rise to the Restatement on the  Registrant's  net income and earnings per
share during each quarter is as follows (dollars in thousands,  except per share

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                                      Q1           Q2          Q3        Total
      Net income as previously
          disclosed                $ 6,457      $14,325     $18,665     $39,447
                                   =======      =======     =======     =======

      Earnings per share as
          previously disclosed     $  0.21      $  0.46     $  0.60     $  1.26
                                   =======      =======     =======     =======

      Net income as restated       $ 6,406      $15,232     $18,334     $39,972
                                   =======      =======     =======     =======

      Earnings per share as
          restated                 $  0.20      $  0.49     $  0.59     $  1.28
                                   =======      =======     =======     =======

      Change in net income for
          the quarter                 (0.7)%        6.3%       (1.8)%
                                   =======      =======     =======

      Change in net income for
          the year-to-date period     (0.7)%        4.1%        1.3%        1.3%
                                   =======      =======     =======     =======

      The Registrant  believes that the impact of these  adjustments on the 2005
quarterly  periods is not material,  based on the amounts in the above table and
the other materiality  considerations as discussed in Staff Accounting  Bulletin
99. The  Registrant  also believes that the  adjustments  to the 2005  quarterly
balance sheets will also be  immaterial.  Accordingly,  the Registrant  does not
intend to amend its quarterly  reports for Q1, Q2 and Q3, but rather reflect the
restated amounts in the December 31, 2005 10-K which is due to be filed by March
15, 2006.

The Registrant acknowledges that:

      o     The Registrant is  responsible  for the adequacy and accuracy of the
            disclosure in its filings;

      o     Staff  comments  or  changes  to  disclosure  in  response  to Staff
            comments in the filings  reviewed by the Staff do not  foreclose the
            Securities and Exchange  Commission (the  "Commission")  from taking
            any action with respect to the filing; and

      o     The  Registrant  may not assert  Staff  comments as a defense in any
            proceeding  initiated  by the  Commission  or any  person  under the
            federal securities laws of the United States.

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      We have  attempted to address  each of the comments  raised in your letter
and any concerns that the Staff may have. If you have any questions or if we can
provide  any  additional  information,  please  feel free to contact me at (561)

      Thank you for your assistance.


                                        /S/ ANTHONY M. PULEO

                                        Anthony M. Puleo
                                        Senior Vice President, Chief Financial
                                        Officer and Treasurer

cc:   Alison Miller, Partner - Stearns, Weaver, Miller, et al
      James Miller, Partner - Ernst & Young LLP