WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                    FORM 6-K

                        REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER
                      PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 OF
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                         For the month of February, 2006

                        Commission File Number: 011-16245

                            W.P. STEWART & CO., LTD.
                     (Translation of Registrant's Name Into

                                  Trinity Hall
                                 43 Cedar Avenue
                                P.O. Box HM 2905
                                 Hamilton, HM LX
                    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

      Indicate by check mark  whether the  registrant  files or will file annual
reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.

      Form 20-F |X|     Form 40-F |_|

      Indicate by check mark if the  registrant  is  submitting  the Form 6-K in
paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)1: _______

      Indicate by check mark if the  registrant  is  submitting  the Form 6-K in
paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)7: _______

      Indicate  by  check  mark  whether  the   registrant  by  furnishing   the
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      Yes |_|           No |X|

      If  "Yes" is  marked,  indicate  below  the file  number  assigned  to the
registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): 82-______.

                            W.P. STEWART & CO., LTD.

See press release attached hereto dated January 31, 2006 regarding the Company's
fourth quarter and year end 2005 earnings.


      Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                       W.P. STEWART & CO., LTD.

Date: February 1, 2006                 By: /s/ Rocco Macri
                                           Name:   Rocco Macri
                                           Title:  Managing Director &
                                                   Chief Operating Officer


                    [LETTERHEAD OF W.P. STEWART & CO., LTD.]

                                                                   PRESS RELEASE

31 January, 2006
Hamilton, Bermuda

Contact:  Fred Ryan
telephone: 441-295-8585

                W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd. Announces Fourth Quarter
                       and Year-End 2005 Financial Results

o     Fourth  quarter  GAAP  earnings  of  $0.06  per  share   (diluted)   after
      non-recurring,   non-cash  charge  of  $12.5  million  ($0.27  per  share,
      diluted);  GAAP earnings of $0.48 per share  (diluted) in fourth  quarter,

o     Full year GAAP  earnings of $0.87 per share  (diluted);  GAAP  earnings of
      $1.39 per share (diluted) in 2004

o     Cash earnings of $0.39 per share  (diluted) for the fourth  quarter ($0.52
      per share,  diluted, in fourth quarter 2004) and $1.38 per share (diluted)
      for the  full  year  ($1.56  per  share,  diluted,  in  2004)  - see  GAAP
      reconciliation statement below

o     Investment  performance  continued  strong in 2005; W.P.  Stewart Holdings
      N.V. receives top S&P award

o     Flows  impacted  by  third  party  business  transaction,   as  previously

      W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd. today reported earnings of $2.8 million, or $0.06
per share  (diluted) and $0.06 per share (basic) for the fourth quarter ended 31
December 2005. These earnings reflect a fourth quarter  non-recurring,  non-cash
charge of approximately  $12.5 million ($0.27 per share,  diluted) reflecting an
impairment  of  customer-related  intangible  assets (see  "Fourth  Quarter 2005
Highlights"  below).  Excluding this charge,  fourth quarter 2005 net income was
$15.2 million or $0.33 per share  (diluted) and $0.33 per share  (basic).  These
results compare with net income in the

fourth quarter of the prior year of $21.8 million,  or $0.48 per share (diluted)
and $0.48 per share (basic).

      Fourth Quarter 2005 Highlights

      As noted above, fourth quarter earnings included a non-recurring, non-cash
charge of approximately $12.5 million or $0.27 per share (diluted) related to an
impairment of  customer-related intangible assets.  This impairment reflects the
liquidation of certain customer accounts of a subsidiary  company,  wholly owned
by W.P. Stewart, as a result of a third party business transaction impacting the
related clients.  The liquidation  resulted in an outflow of approximately  $200
million  in  assets  under  management  the  fees  from  which  were  supporting
customer-related  intangible assets per the Financial Accounting Standards Board
(SFAS No. 142).

      Subsequent  to the notice  leading  to the  liquidation  of these  related
accounts, one of the parties to the third party transaction opened a new account
and has begun to fund the  account.  As of 31  December  2005,  assets  totaling
approximately $50 million had been received in this new account.

      Excluding this item, fourth quarter 2005 adjusted net income totaled $15.2
million or $0.33 per share (diluted).

      Cash  earnings for the quarter  ended 31 December  2005 were $18.0 million
(net income of $2.8  million  adjusted  to include  $15.2  million  representing
non-cash  expenses of  depreciation,  amortization  and other non-cash  charges,
including certain non-recurring  charges, on a tax-effected basis), or $0.39 per
share (diluted). In the same quarter of the prior year, cash earnings were $23.9
million (net income of $21.8 million  adjusted for the inclusion of $2.1 million
representing non-cash expenses of depreciation,  amortization and other non-cash
charges on a tax-effected basis), or $0.52 per share (diluted).

      Results for the fourth quarter include  performance  fees of approximately
$6.7 million ($14.5 million in 2004) of which approximately $5.4 million related
to the performance  during 2005 ($13.5 million in 2004) of W.P. Stewart Holdings
N.V., our mutual fund listed on Euronext  Amsterdam.  Performance  fees on other
accounts were approximately $1.3 million for 2005 ($1.0 million in 2004).

      Assets  under  management  at 31  December  2005 were  approximately  $9.5
billion, compared to approximately $9.6 billion at the end of the prior quarter,
a decrease  of 1.1%,  and an increase of 2.2% from  approximately  $9.3  billion
reported at 31 December 2004.


      For the  fourth  quarter  of 2005  there  were  46,117,189  common  shares
outstanding on a  weighted-average  diluted basis compared to 45,676,651  common
shares  outstanding for the fourth quarter of 2004 on the same  weighted-average
diluted basis.

      Full Year Results

      For the full year ended 31  December  2005,  net  income  was down  37.4%,
compared to the prior year, to $40.1 million,  or $0.87 per share  (diluted) and
$0.88 per share (basic), on revenues of $147.9 million.  Net income for the full
year ended 31 December 2004 was $63.1 million,  or $1.39 per share (diluted) and
$1.40 per share (basic), on revenues of $152.3 million.

      Net  income  and  earnings  per share for the full year 2005  include  the
non-recurring,  non cash charges  detailed  above.  Net income for the full year
2005 on an adjusted  basis to exclude  this item was $52.5  million or $1.14 per
share (diluted).

      Cash  earnings for the full year ended 31 December 2005 were $63.4 million
(net income of $40.1  million  adjusted to include $23.3  million,  representing
non-cash  expenses of  depreciation,  amortization  and other non-cash  charges,
including certain non-recurring  charges, on a tax-effected basis), or $1.38 per
share  (diluted).  For the full year ended 31 December 2004,  cash earnings were
$71.2  million (net income of $63.1  million  adjusted for the inclusion of $8.1
million, representing non-cash expenses of depreciation,  amortization and other
non-cash charges on a tax-effected basis), or $1.56 per share (diluted).

      For the full year ended 31 December  2005,  there were  45,951,546  common
shares  outstanding on a  weighted-average  diluted basis compared to 45,524,043
common   shares   outstanding   for  the  same   period  in  2004  on  the  same
weighted-average diluted basis.


      Performance  in the W.P.  Stewart & Co., Ltd. U.S.  Equity  Composite (the
"Composite")  for the  fourth  quarter  of 2005 was  1.5%,  pre-fee,  and  1.2%,
post-fee.  This  compares  with 2.1% for the S&P 500 For the full year  ended 31
December  2005,  performance  in the  Composite  was  7.3%,  pre-fee,  and 6.2%,
post-fee.  This compares  with 4.9% for the S&P 500. In each of the one,  three,
five and ten-year periods,  ended 31 December 2005, performance of the Composite
has exceeded the performance of the S&P 500 on a pre-fee and a post-fee basis.


      As previously  announced,  W.P. Stewart Holdings N.V. ("WPSH") received an
AAA Fund Management  rating from Standard & Poor's  ("S&P"),  the highest rating
possible.  The S&P review  process,  in advance of granting  the AAA rating,  is
based on an analysis of fund performance,  the investment philosophy and process
and management's consistency of approach.

      WPSH is an  open-ended  investment  fund  quoted  and  traded on  Euronext
Amsterdam. As of 31 December 2005, net assets of the fund were US$926 million.

      Assets Under Management

      Assets  under  management  ("AUM") at  year-end  were  approximately  $9.5
billion,  compared with  approximately  $9.6 billion at 30 September  2005,  and
approximately $9.3 billion reported at 31 December 2004.

      Total  net  flows of AUM for the  quarter  ended  31  December  2005  were
approximately  -$232  million,  compared  with total net flows of  approximately
- -$346  million in the  comparable  quarter of 2004 and +$28 million in the third
quarter of 2005.  Total net flows of AUM for the year ended 31 December 2005 and
31  December  2004 were  approximately  -$362  million and  approximately  -$621
million, respectively.

      In the fourth  quarter of 2005,  net cash flows to existing  accounts were
approximately +$17 million,  compared with net cash flows of +$94 million in the
fourth quarter of 2004. Net cash flows to existing  accounts were  approximately
- -$48million and approximately  +$60 million for the full years ended 30 December
2005 and 31 December 2004, respectively.

      Net new flows (net contributions to our publicly-available funds and flows
from new accounts minus closed  accounts) were  approximately  -$249 million for
the quarter, compared to approximately -$440 million for the same quarter of the
prior year.  Net new flows were  approximately  -$314 million and  approximately
- -$681  million for the full years ended 31 December  2005 and 31 December  2004,

      Look Through Earning Power

      W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd. concentrates its investments in large,  generally
less cyclical, growing businesses. Throughout most of the Company's history, the
growth in earning power behind clients' portfolios has ranged from approximately
11% to 22%, annually, and currently our


research analysts expect portfolio  earnings growth to be within this historical
range over the next few years.

      Revenues and Profitability

      Revenues were $45.5 million for the quarter ended 31 December  2005,  down
6.1% from $48.4  million,  for the same  quarter of 2004.  Revenues for the full
years ended 31 December 2005 and 31 December 2004 were $147.9 million and $152.3
million, respectively.

      The average gross management fee,  excluding  performance  fees, was 1.15%
for the quarter  ended 31 December 2005 and 1.17% for the year ended 31 December
2005, compared to 1.18% and 1.19% in each of the comparable periods of the prior

      Total  operating  expenses were $39.8 million for the fourth quarter 2005,
an increase of 70.4% from $23.4  million in the same  quarter of the prior year.
Total  operating  expenses  were $100.8  million and $81.3  million for the full
years ended 31 December 2005 and 31 December 2004, respectively. Total operating
expenses  in the fourth  quarter  and for the full year 2005  include  the $12.5
million non-recurring, non-cash charge detailed above.

      During  2004 and 2005,  the  Company  issued  restricted  stock to various
employees.  The non-cash  compensation expense related to these restricted stock
grants was  approximately  $1.0 million for the fourth quarter of 2005 ($350,000
for the fourth quarter of 2004) and approximately $3.3 million for the full-year
ended  31  December  2005  ($625,000  for the full  year  2004).  This  non-cash
compensation expense is included in "employee compensation and benefits".

      Pre-tax  income,  at $5.6  million,  was 12.4% of gross  revenues  for the
quarter  ended 31 December  2005,  compared  to $25.1  million or 51.7% of gross
revenues in the comparable  quarter of the prior year.  Pre-tax income was $47.1
million (31.9% of gross  revenues) for the full year ended 31 December 2005, and
$71.0  million  (46.6% of gross  revenues)  for the full year ended 31  December
2004.  Excluding the non-recurring,  non-cash charge,  pre-tax income would have
been $18.1  million  or 39.8% of gross  revenues  and $59.5  million or 40.3% of
gross  revenues  for  each  of  the  fourth  quarter  and  full  year  of  2005,

      The  Company's  provision for taxes for the quarter ended 31 December 2005
was $2.9  million  versus $3.3  million in the  comparable  quarter of the prior
year, and was $7.0 and $7.9 million for the years ended 31 December, 2005 and 31
December 2004, respectively.


      On a GAAP basis,  the tax rate in the fourth  quarter of 2005 was 50.9% of
income before taxes and 15% for the full year ended 31 December  2005.  Adjusted
for the non-cash,  non-recurring impairment charge noted above, the tax rate was
15.9% and 11.8% in the fourth quarter and full year of 2005, respectively.

      Other Events

      The Company paid a dividend of $0.30 per common share on 27 January,  2006
to shareholders of record as of 13 January, 2006.

      Conference Call

      In  conjunction  with this  fourth  quarter  and full  year 2005  earnings
release,  W.P.  Stewart & Co., Ltd. will host a conference  call on Tuesday,  31
January 2006.  The  conference  call will commence  promptly at 9:15am (EST) and
will conclude at 10:00am (EST). Those who are interested in participating in the
teleconference  should  dial  1-800-370-0898   (within  the  United  States)  or
+973-409-9260 (outside the United States). The conference ID is "W.P. Stewart".

      To listen  to the live  broadcast  of the  conference  over the  Internet,
simply visit our website at  and click on the Investor
Relations tab for a link to the web-cast.

      The  teleconference  will be available for replay from Tuesday 31 January,
2006 at 12:00 noon (EST) through Wednesday, 1 February, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. (EST).
To access the replay, please dial 1-877-519-4471 (within the United States) or +
973-341-3080  (outside the United  States).  The PIN number for  accessing  this
replay is 6898586.

      You will be able to  access a replay  of the  Internet  broadcast  through
Tuesday, 7 February,  2006, on the Company's website at  The
Company will respond to questions submitted by e-mail, following the conference.

      The Company

      W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd. is an asset management  company that has provided
research-intensive  equity management  services to clients  throughout the world
since 1975. The Company is headquartered in Hamilton, Bermuda and has additional
operations or affiliates in the United States, Europe and Asia.


      The Company's shares are listed for trading on the New York Stock Exchange
(NYSE: WPL) and on the Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX: WPS).

      For  more   information,   please   visit   the   Company's   website   at,  or call W.P.  Stewart  Investor  Relations (Fred M. Ryan) at
1-888-695-4092  (toll-free within the United States) or + 441-295-8585  (outside
the United States) or e-mail to .

      Statements made in this release concerning our assumptions,  expectations,
beliefs,  intentions,  plans or strategies are forward-looking statements within
the  meaning of the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform  Act of 1995.  Such
statements  involve  risks and  uncertainties  that may cause actual  results to
differ  from those  expressed  or implied  in these  statements.  Such risks and
uncertainties include, without limitation,  the adverse effect from a decline or
volatility in the securities  markets,  a general  downturn in the economy,  the
effects of economic,  financial or political  events, a loss of client accounts,
inability of the Company to attract or retain qualified  personnel,  a challenge
to our U.S. tax status, competition from other companies,  changes in government
policy  or  regulation,  a  decline  in  the  Company's  products'  performance,
inability of the Company to implement its operating  strategy,  inability of the
Company  to  manage   unforeseen  costs  and  other  effects  related  to  legal
proceedings or investigations of governmental and self-regulatory organizations,
industry  capacity  and trends,  changes in demand for the  Company's  services,
changes in the Company's  business  strategy or development plans and contingent
liabilities.  The information in this release is as of the date of this release,
and will not be  updated  as a result of new  information  or  future  events or


W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd.
Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations

                                                 For the Three Months Ended                       % Change From
                                       -----------------------------------------------    ------------------------------
                                       Dec. 31, 2005    Sept. 30, 2005   Dec. 31, 2004    Sept. 30, 2005   Dec. 31, 2004
                                       -------------    --------------   -------------    --------------   -------------

  Fees                                 $  34,339,458    $  25,716,931    $  38,917,688            33.53%          -11.76%
  Commissions                             10,087,334        7,278,100        8,908,412            38.60%           13.23%
  Interest and other                       1,035,520          690,266          605,813            50.02%           70.93%
                                       -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------

                                          45,462,312       33,685,297       48,431,913            34.96%           -6.13%
                                       -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------

  Employee compensation and benefits      12,575,819        7,118,277        9,686,277            76.67%           29.83%
  Fees paid out                            2,973,947        2,056,673        2,488,725            44.60%           19.50%
  Commissions, clearance and trading       2,103,729        1,779,427        1,800,255            18.23%           16.86%
  Research and  administration             3,517,898        3,587,671        3,712,891            -1.94%           -5.25%
  Marketing                                1,600,230        1,216,257        1,835,205            31.57%          -12.80%
  Depreciation and amortization           14,504,288        2,058,776        2,009,392           604.51%          621.82%
  Other operating                          2,545,850        2,269,163        1,836,197            12.19%           38.65%
                                       -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------
                                          39,821,761       20,086,244       23,368,942            98.25%           70.40%
                                       -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------

Income before taxes                        5,640,551       13,599,053       25,062,971           -58.52%          -77.49%

Provision for taxes                        2,868,987        1,384,429        3,258,026           107.23%          -11.94%
                                       -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------

Net income                             $   2,771,564    $  12,214,624    $  21,804,945           -77.31%          -87.29%
                                       =============    =============    =============    =============    =============

Earnings per share:

Basic earnings per share               $        0.06    $        0.27    $        0.48           -77.78%          -87.50%
                                       =============    =============    =============    =============    =============

Diluted earnings per share             $        0.06    $        0.27    $        0.48           -77.78%          -87.50%
                                       =============    =============    =============    =============    =============

   W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd.
   Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations

                                               For the Year Ended December 31,
                                            2005            2004              %
                                       -------------   -------------    -------------
  Fees                                 $ 113,197,833   $ 116,005,500            -2.42%
  Commissions                             31,889,805      34,819,726            -8.41%
  Interest and other                       2,767,217       1,496,179            84.95%
                                       -------------   -------------    -------------

                                         147,854,855     152,321,405            -2.93%
                                       -------------   -------------    -------------

  Employee compensation and benefits      34,152,799      29,102,102            17.36%
  Fees paid out                            9,058,834       7,760,372            16.73%
  Commissions, clearance and trading       6,993,204       7,371,412            -5.13%
  Research and  administration            14,399,422      14,781,318            -2.58%
  Marketing                                5,540,294       5,617,923            -1.38%
  Depreciation and amortization           20,659,198       8,038,837           156.99%
  Other operating                          9,959,838       8,648,979            15.16%
                                       -------------   -------------    -------------
                                         100,763,589      81,320,943            23.91%
                                       -------------   -------------    -------------

Income before taxes                       47,091,266      71,000,462           -33.67%

Provision for taxes                        7,038,582       7,851,775           -10.36%
                                       -------------   -------------    -------------

Net income                             $  40,052,684   $  63,148,687           -36.57%
                                       =============   =============    =============

Earnings per share:

Basic earnings per share               $        0.88   $        1.40           -37.14%
                                       =============   =============    =============

Diluted earnings per share             $        0.87   $        1.39           -37.41%
                                       =============   =============    =============

W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd.
Net Flows of Assets Under Management*

                                                                          (in millions)

                                                  For the Three Months Ended                     For the Year Ended
                                        -----------------------------------------------    ------------------------------
                                        Dec. 31, 2005   Sept. 30, 2005    Dec. 31, 2004    Dec. 31, 2005    Dec. 31, 2004
                                        -------------   --------------    -------------    -------------    -------------
Existing Accounts:
  Contributions                         $        260     $        245     $        377     $        988     $        912
  Withdrawals                                   (243)            (222)            (283)          (1,036)            (852)
                                        ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------
Net Flows of Existing Accounts                    17               23               94              (48)              60
                                        ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------
Publicly Available Funds:
  Contributions                                   85               55               44              256              203
  Withdrawals                                    (38)             (18)             (72)            (149)            (172)
Direct Accounts Opened                           114               23               75              312              228
Direct Accounts Closed                          (410)             (55)            (487)            (733)            (940)
                                        ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------
Net New Flows                                   (249)               5             (440)            (314)            (681)
                                        ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------

Net Flows of Assets Under Management    $       (232)    $         28     $       (346)    $       (362)    $       (621)
                                        ============     ============     ============     ============     ============

*     The table above sets forth the total net flows of assets under  management
      for the three months  ended  December  31,  2005,  September  30, 2005 and
      December 31, 2004, respectively, and for the years ended December 31, 2005
      and 2004,  respectively,  which  include  changes in net flows of existing
      accounts and net new flows (net  contributions  to our publicly  available
      funds  and flows  from new  accounts  minus  closed  accounts).  The table
      excludes  total  capital  appreciation  or  depreciation  in assets  under
      management  with the exception of the amount  attributable  to withdrawals
      and closed accounts.