Exhibit 99.1

March 1, 2006
      John Lowber, (907) 868-5628; jlowber@gci.com
      Bruce Broquet, (907) 868-6660; bbroquet@gci.com
      David Morris, (907) 265-5396; dmorris@gci.com


                       GCI REPORTS 2005 FINANCIAL RESULTS

      o     Net income of $21.6 million or $0.38 per diluted share

      o     Consolidated revenues of $444.3 million

      o     EBITDA of $152.0 million, as adjusted

      ANCHORAGE,  AK -- GCI (NASDAQ:GNCMA)  today reported its 2005 results with
net  income of $21.6  million,  or  diluted  earnings  per  share of $0.38.  The
company's  2005 net  income  compares  to income of $21.3  million,  or  diluted
earnings per share of $0.34, in 2004. GCI recorded net income of $9.4 million or
$0.17 per share on a diluted  basis in the fourth  quarter of 2005 that compares
to net  income of $2.3  million  or $0.04  per share on a diluted  basis for the
fourth quarter of 2004.

      GCI's  revenues for 2005 increased to $444.3  million,  an increase of 4.6
percent over 2004 revenues of $424.8  million.  For the fourth  quarter of 2005,
revenues  totaled  $113.4  million as compared  to $105.5  million in the fourth
quarter  of 2004,  an  increase  of 7.5  percent.  Sequentially,  revenues  were
relatively  unchanged  when  compared to third  quarter 2005  revenues of $113.8

      Earnings before interest,  taxes,  depreciation and amortization  (EBITDA)
for 2005 totaled $152.0 million as adjusted, to exclude $2.8 million in expenses
from the early extinguishment of debt. EBITDA for 2004 totaled $139.0 million as
adjusted,  to exclude  $6.1  million in bond  premium  expense.  EBITDA for 2005
increased  $13.0  million or 9.4  percent  over  2004.  EBITDA for 2005 and 2004
included MCI bad debt recoveries of $3.3 million and $4.2 million, respectively.

      Fourth  quarter 2005 EBITDA  totaled  $44.2  million and compares to $32.2
million  reported  for the fourth  quarter of 2004.  The  increase  is EBITDA is
attributable  in part to a settlement  of claims  against a competitor  totaling
$7.5  million net of certain  costs and to an increase in other  common  carrier
traffic.  Excluding the claims  settlement EBITDA for the fourth quarter of 2005
was $36.7 million, an increase of $4.5 million from the fourth quarter of 2004.

      Sequentially,  fourth quarter 2005 EBITDA of $44.2 million  increased $6.0
million from the third quarter 2005 EBITDA of $38.2 million, as adjusted for out
of period  restructuring  charges and the loss for early extinguishment of debt.
Excluding the claims settlement,  fourth quarter EBITDA would have declined $1.5
million from the third quarter 2005.

      GCI  anticipates  revenues of $450  million to $460  million and EBITDA of
$150  million to 154  million  for the year 2006.  First  quarter  revenues  are
expected to range between $112 million to $114 million and EBITDA is expected to
exceed $37 million.

      "We just  completed  our ninth  consecutive  year of record  revenues  and
EBITDA,"  said Ron Duncan,  GCI  president.  "We achieved  our  critical  goals,
restructured the company to better align our  organization  with our markets and
received regulatory authority to enter the local phone market throughout most of
Alaska.  In the process we generated  significant  free cash flows and ended the
year with more than $44 million in cash.  The coming year  promises to be one of
significant additional opportunity."


      o     Long-distance  billable  minutes  increased  14.9  percent  to 1.375
            billion  minutes for the year 2005 as compared to 2004.  Minutes for
            the fourth  quarter of 2005  increased  19.6  percent from the prior
            year.  Minutes  decreased  7.6 percent  sequentially  from the third
            quarter of 2005 due, in part, to seasonality.

      o     GCI cable  television  services pass 215,037 homes and serve 137,004
            basic  subscribers at the end of 2005. Cable customers  increased by
            2,262 from the fourth  quarter of 2004 and increased by 569 from the
            third  quarter  of  2005.   Average  revenue  per  equivalent  basic
            subscriber grew to $82.88 per month at the end of the fourth quarter
            of 2005.  Revenue  generating units (RGUs) for the quarter increased
            by 13.4 percent over the prior year.

      o     GCI has  provisioned  more than 22,000  lines on its  Digital  Local
            Phone Service  (DLPS)  facilities  at the end of the year 2005.  GCI
            expects to provision  approximately  20,000  additional lines on its
            own facilities by the end of 2006.

      o     The company  added  approximately  1,000  access lines in the fourth
            quarter of 2005. GCI added 1,900 voice access lines after  excluding
            approximately  1,100 Internet  Service  Provider  dial-up lines that
            were turned down during 2005. The local services  business added 800
            net access  lines  during  2005 and at year-end  had  112,900  total
            access lines in service  representing  an estimated 26 percent share
            of the total access line market in Alaska.

      o     GCI has 77,400 cable modem access  customers at the end of 2005,  an
            increase  of 11,900 over the 65,500 at  year-end  2004.  The company
            added 3,200 new cable modem subscribers during the fourth quarter of
            2005.  As expected,  GCI ended 2005 with 93,900  statewide  Internet
            customers  down 7,700  from  101,600  users at the end of 2004.  GCI
            customers  continue to migrate from dial up access  service to cable

      o     After the  Blackout  Period  expired  during the fourth  quarter and
            through January 2006, GCI repurchased  399,300 shares of its Class A
            Common shares at an average  price of $10.03 per share.  The company
            has repurchased  more than 2,491,000  shares during 2005 and through
            January 2006 at an average price of $9.25 per share. Since September
            2004,  GCI has  repurchased  6,601,000  Class A Common  shares at an
            average  price of $8.76 per share and retired $10 million face value
            of Series C Preferred Stock.

Long Distance Results

      Long distance and related  revenues for 2005 were up 2.6 percent to $256.9
million as compared to $250.5 million for the prior year.  Long distance  EBITDA
in 2005, as adjusted,  totaled $91.7 million,  as compared to $84.3 million,  as
adjusted, in 2004, an increase of 8.8 percent. The increase in year-over-year

revenue  is  primarily  attributable  to an  increase  in other  common  carrier
traffic. EBITDA growth for 2005 is primarily attributable to $7.5 million of net
EBITDA associated with the claims settlement.

      For the fourth  quarter of 2005,  long  distance  revenues  totaled  $65.2
million as compared to revenues of $60.5  million in the fourth  quarter of 2004
and $67.6 million in the third quarter of 2005. Long distance revenues increased
7.8 percent from the prior year and  decreased  3.6 percent  sequentially.  Long
distance  EBITDA  increased 58.4 percent for the fourth quarter of 2005 to $27.4
million as compared to $17.3  million,  in the fourth  quarter of the prior year
and increased $3.0 million from $24.4 million, as adjusted, in the third quarter
of 2005. The EBITDA increase both  year-over-year and sequentially are primarily
attributable  to the $7.5  million  settlement  in the  fourth  quarter of 2005.
Additionally,  the year-over-year EBITDA increase was favorably impacted by more
minutes  carried on the company's  network for other common  carriers  while the
quarter-over-quarter numbers, as expected, were affected by seasonality.

      Long-distance  billable  minutes  increased  14.9 percent to 1.375 billion
minutes for the year 2005 as compared to 2004. Long distance  minutes-of-use  in
the  fourth  quarter  of 2005 were up 19.6  percent  as  compared  to the fourth
quarter of 2004 and decreased  7.6 percent from the third  quarter of 2005.  The
fourth quarter increase in minutes from the same quarter a year ago is primarily
due to more minutes carried on the company's network for other common carriers.

Cable Television Results

      Cable  television  revenues for the year  increased  3.8 percent to $105.3
million in 2005 from $101.4  million in 2004.  EBITDA  decreased  2.2 percent to
$44.4 million from $45.4 million in 2004.  The increase in revenues for the year
is due  primarily  to an  increase in the average  revenue per  subscriber  as a
result of  increased  penetration  of packaged  offerings,  digital  programming
service and cable modem  services.  The  decrease in EBITDA is due to  continued
increases in programming and operating costs. Additionally, advertising revenues
were  unusually  high in 2004 due to the 2004  Olympics  and the  November  2004

      Cable  television  revenues for the fourth  quarter of 2005  increased 2.7
percent to $26.9 million as compared to $26.2  million in the fourth  quarter of
2004, and increased 2.7 percent from $26.2 million in the third quarter of 2005.
EBITDA  decreased 8.1 percent to $11.3 million in the fourth  quarter of 2005 as
compared  to $12.3  million in the fourth  quarter of 2004,  and  increased  6.6
percent from $10.6  million,  as  adjusted,  in the third  quarter of 2005.  The
decrease in EBITDA from the prior year is due to an increase in programming  and
operating  costs.  The sequential  increase in EBITDA is due to lower  operating
costs offset in part by increases in programming costs.

      Gross margin for the fourth quarter as a percentage of revenues  decreased
by 402  basis  points  from the  prior  year and  decreased  by 99 basis  points

      As of December 31, 2005, the company's cable and entertainment  operations
passed 215,037 homes and served 137,004 basic  subscribers  (108,417  equivalent
basic  subscribers).  Homes passed  increased 3.8 percent and basic  subscribers
increased  by 1.7 percent  during 2005.  Average  revenue per  equivalent  basic
subscriber  increased  1.9  percent to $82.88 for the fourth  quarter of 2005 as
compared to $81.33 for the fourth  quarter of 2004, and increased 1.1 percent on
a sequential  basis.  The company  experienced an increase of 569 subscribers to
its systems during the fourth quarter of 2005.

      Eighty percent of GCI's basic cable subscribers  receive service through a
digital set-top box. More than 98 percent of the set top boxes deployed in GCI's

systems are digital and 53,682 customers  purchase  additional  special interest
programming  through a digital tier. GCI offers 14 channels of HDTV to customers
in the Anchorage area.

      GCI cable modem  service is available to more than 90 percent of the homes
in  Alaska.  Approximately  36  percent  of homes  passed  and 63 percent of GCI
residential subscribers have cable modem service.

      The operating  statistics below include capital  expenditures and customer
information  from cable  services and the  components of our local  services and
Internet services utilizing our cable services' facilities.

      GCI's capital  expenditures  by standard  reporting  category for the year
ending December 31, 2005 and 2004 follow (amounts in thousands):

                                                2005      2004
                                              --------   -------
                Customer premise equipment    $ 18,600    16,772
                Upgrade/rebuild                 11,761     9,476
                Line extensions                  3,877     1,752
                Scalable infrastructure          2,702     4,979
                Support capital                    935     1,427
                Commercial                         331       574
                                              --------   -------
                Sub-total                       38,206    34,980

                Other capital expenditures      42,945    77,599
                                              --------   -------
                Total capital expenditures    $ 81,151   112,579
                                              ========   =======

      At  December  31,  2005 and 2004,  GCI's  cable  business  had 123,500 and
122,700  customer  relationships,  respectively.  The standard  definition  of a
customer  relationship is the number of customers who receive at least one level
of service,  encompassing  voice,  video,  and data services,  without regard to
which services  customers  purchase.  These  relationships  do not include local
telephone  customers  except those  receiving  phone  service  through the cable
television plant.

      At  December  31,  2005 and 2004,  GCI's  cable  business  had 236,300 and
208,300  revenue  generating  units,  respectively.  The increase in the revenue
generating  units of 8,900 and 28,000 from  September  30, 2005 and December 31,
2004, respectively,  is due to an increase in the number of cable modem and DLPS
customers. The definition of a revenue-generating unit is the sum of all primary
analog  video,  digital  video,  high-speed  data and telephony  customers,  not
counting additional outlets.

Local Telephone Results

      Local  telephone  service  revenues for the year increased 10.4 percent to
$51.9 million as compared to $47.0  million in 2004.  Local  services  generated
$3.1 million of EBITDA for 2005, compared to a loss of $0.4 million in 2004. The
$3.5 million  improvement in EBITDA  year-over-year  is primarily  related to an
increase in support from the Universal  Services  Program and to a lesser extent
cost savings from DLPS.  If the local  telephone  business  received  credit for
access cost savings on calls placed by GCI long distance  customers who are also
GCI local customers,  the local telephone  business would have reported positive
EBITDA of $9.9 million for 2005.

      Local  telephone  service  revenues  totaled  $13.4  million in the fourth
quarter  of 2005 as  compared  to $12.4  million  in the  prior  year.  Revenues
increased  $0.9  million or 7.2 percent  from the third  quarter of 2005.  Local
services  generated  EBITDA of $1.7 million during the fourth quarter of 2005 as
compared to the prior year  fourth  quarter  EBITDA loss of $0.4  million and as
compared to EBITDA of $0.0 million, as adjusted, for the third quarter of 2005.

The  increase  in EBITDA for the  fourth  quarter  of 2005 is due  primarily  to
support from the Universal Service Program and cost savings from DLPS.

      GCI added approximately 1,000 local access lines in the fourth quarter, an
increase of 0.9 percent over the third quarter of 2005.  The company had 112,900
access  lines in service at the end of 2005,  an increase of 800 access lines or
0.7  percent  over the year 2004.  GCI added  1,900  voice  access  lines  after
excluding  approximately 1,100 Internet Service Provider dial-up lines that were
turned  down during  2005.  GCI  estimates  it has  attained a 26 percent  local
service market share in Alaska.  Approximately  86 percent of GCI's access lines
are provisioned on its own facilities or on resold local loops.

      In  early  April  2004,  GCI  began  converting   customers  to  its  DLPS
technology.  The rollout of DLPS enables GCI to avoid  wholesale and loop rental
charged by the incumbent local exchange  carrier.  GCI has provisioned more than
22,000 lines on its Digital Local Phone Service (DLPS)  facilities at the end of
the year 2005. GCI expects to provision approximately 20,000 additional lines on
its own facilities by the end of 2006.

Internet Access Results

      Internet  access  revenues for 2005 totaled $30.2 million,  an increase of
16.2 percent over 2004 revenues of $26.0 million.  Internet  EBITDA for the year
totaled $12.8  million,  an increase of $3.2 million over $9.6 million  reported
for 2004. The revenue and EBITDA increases result from the migration of existing
customers from dial-up to cable modem access and customers  adding more features
and  services,  increasing  economies of scale,  and  effective  operating  cost

      Internet  access  revenues  increased  23.4 percent to $7.9 million in the
fourth  quarter of 2005 as  compared to $6.4  million for the fourth  quarter of
2004 and  increased  3.9 percent from $7.6 million in the third quarter of 2005.
Fourth  quarter 2005 EBITDA of $3.7 million is an improvement of $0.6 million as
compared to $3.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2004, and is an improvement of
$0.5 million from $3.2 million, as adjusted, for the third quarter of 2005.

      GCI has  77,400  cable  modem  access  customers  at the end of  2005,  an
increase  of 11,900  over the 65,500 at year-end  2004.  The  company  added 900
Internet  and 3,200 new cable  modem  subscribers  during the fourth  quarter of
2005. As expected,  GCI ended 2005 with 93,900 statewide Internet customers down
7,700 from 101,600 users at the end of 2004. As expected, GCI customers continue
to migrate from dial up access service to cable modem.

      Total cable modem revenues (including cable and Internet portions) for the
fourth quarter of 2005 increased 4.9 percent  sequentially  when compared to the
third quarter of 2005 and increased  9.4 percent  year-over-year.  At the end of
the fourth  quarter of 2005 GCI's  average  revenue per cable  modem  (ARPM) was
$29.37 as compared to $30.48 at the end of the third  quarter of 2005 and $31.94
at the end of the  fourth  quarter  of 2004.  The  increase  in  sequential  and
year-over-year  revenues is due to the increase in modem customers.  The decline
in ARPM is due to an increase in the percentage of total customers  taking GCI's
discounted cable modem products.

Other Items

      GCI  previously  announced a  reorganization  plan on August 22, 2005. The
plan was developed to more  efficiently  meet the demands of  technological  and
product  convergence.  Beginning  with the first quarter of 2006 GCI will report
its results  along  customer  lines  rather than product  lines.  The company is
organized  under Consumer,  Commercial,  Network Access (renamed from Carrier as
previously  announced)  and  Managed  Broadband  segments,  replacing  the  Long
Distance, Cable, Local Access and Internet services segments.

      During 2005, core capital  expenditures totaled $81.2 million, as compared
to $80.4  million in 2004,  excluding  $32.2  million  in  capital  expenditures
related to an undersea  fiber  completed  during 2004.  GCI expects core capital
expenditures to total approximately $85 million for the year 2006.

      GCI will hold a conference  call to discuss 2005  results,  including  the
fourth quarter,  on Thursday,  March 2, 2006 beginning at 2 p.m.  (Eastern).  To
access the briefing on March 2, call the conference  operator  between 1:50 p.m.
and 2  p.m.  (Eastern)  at  800-857-0373.  (International  callers  should  dial
773-799-3727)  and  identify  your call as "GCI." In addition to the  conference
call,  GCI will make  available  net  conferencing.  To access  the call via net
conference, log on to www.gci.com and follow the instructions.  The call will be
archived  online for two weeks. A replay of the call will be available at 4 p.m.
(Eastern) for 72-hours by dialing 800-216-6079,  access code 7461 (International
callers should dial 402-220-3893.)

      GCI is the largest Alaska-based and operated integrated telecommunications
provider. A pioneer in bundled services,  GCI provides local, wireless, and long
distance telephone,  cable television,  Internet and data communication services
throughout  Alaska.   More  information  about  the  company  can  be  found  at

      The foregoing contains forward-looking  statements regarding the company's
expected  results that are based on  management's  expectations  as well as on a
number of  assumptions  concerning  future  events.  Actual results might differ
materially  from  those  projected  in the  forward  looking  statements  due to
uncertainties  and other  factors,  many of which  are  outside  GCI's  control.
Additional  information  concerning  factors that could cause actual  results to
differ  materially from those in the forward looking  statements is contained in
GCI's  cautionary  statement  sections  of Form  10-K  and 10-Q  filed  with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

                                     # # #

                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

(Amounts in thousands)                                                      December 31,
                               Assets                                     2005         2004
- -------------------------------------------------------------------    -----------   -------
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                                            $    44,362    31,452
                                                                       -----------   -------

  Receivables                                                               79,579    74,429
  Less allowance for doubtful receivables                                    5,317     2,317
                                                                       -----------   -------
     Net receivables                                                        74,262    72,112

  Deferred income taxes, net                                                19,596    13,893
  Prepaid expenses                                                           8,347     7,907
  Property held for sale                                                     2,312     2,282
  Inventories                                                                1,556     1,215
  Notes receivable from related parties                                        922       475
  Other current assets                                                       2,572     2,429
                                                                       -----------   -------
       Total current assets                                                153,929   131,765
                                                                       -----------   -------

Property and equipment in service, net of depreciation                     453,008   432,249
Construction in progress                                                     8,337    22,505
                                                                       -----------   -------
       Net property and equipment                                          461,345   454,754
                                                                       -----------   -------

Cable certificates                                                         191,565   191,241
Goodwill                                                                    42,181    41,972
Other intangible assets, net of amortization of $2,869 and $1,625
  at December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively                                6,201     6,265
Deferred loan and senior notes costs, net of amortization of $1,451
  and $2,602 at December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively                     8,011    10,341
Notes receivable from related parties                                        2,544     3,345
Other assets                                                                 9,299     9,508
                                                                       -----------   -------
    Total other assets                                                     259,801   262,672
                                                                       -----------   -------
       Total assets                                                    $   875,075   849,191
                                                                       ===========   =======


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

(Amounts in thousands)                                                                December 31,
       Liabilities, Redeemable Preferred Stock, and Stockholders' Equity             2005         2004
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   -----------    -------
Current liabilities:
  Current maturities of obligations under long-term debt and capital leases      $     1,769      6,407
  Accounts payable                                                                    23,217     28,742
  Accrued payroll and payroll related obligations                                     17,925     15,350
  Deferred revenue                                                                    16,439     16,253
  Accrued interest                                                                     9,588      8,747
  Accrued liabilities                                                                  6,814      6,849
  Subscriber deposits                                                                    361        437
                                                                                 -----------    -------
     Total current liabilities                                                        76,113     82,785

Long-term debt                                                                       474,115    436,969
Obligations under capital leases, excluding current maturities                             -     32,750
Obligation under capital lease due to related party, excluding current
  maturity                                                                               628        672
Deferred income taxes, net of deferred income tax asset                               70,283     49,111
Other liabilities                                                                      9,546      8,385
                                                                                 -----------    -------
       Total liabilities                                                             630,685    610,672
                                                                                 -----------    -------

Redeemable preferred stock                                                                 -      4,249
                                                                                 -----------    -------
Stockholders' equity:
  Common stock (no par):
    Class A. Authorized 100,000 shares; issued 51,200 and 51,825
     shares at December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively                              178,351    186,883

    Class B.  Authorized 10,000 shares; issued 3,843 and 3,862 shares
      at December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively; convertible on a
      share-per-share basis into Class A common stock                                  3,247      3,248

    Less cost of 291 and 288 Class A and Class B common shares held in
       treasury at December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively                           (1,730)    (1,702)

  Paid-in capital                                                                     16,425     14,957
  Notes receivable with related parties issued upon stock option exercise             (1,722)    (3,016)
  Retained earnings                                                                   49,819     33,900
                                                                                 -----------    -------
       Total stockholders' equity                                                    244,390    234,270
                                                                                 -----------    -------

Commitments and contingencies

       Total liabilities, redeemable preferred stock, and stockholders' equity   $   875,075    849,191
                                                                                 ===========    =======

                  YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2005, 2004 AND 2003

(Amounts in thousands, except per share amounts)                  2005         2004       2003
                                                              -----------    -------    -------
Revenues                                                      $   444,326    424,826    390,797

Cost of goods sold (exclusive of depreciation and
  amortization shown separately below)                            134,861    139,563    125,383
Selling, general and administrative expenses                      154,462    147,360    138,693
Restructuring charge                                                1,967          -          -
Bad debt expense (recovery)                                         1,080     (1,074)      (178)
Impairment charge                                                       -          -      5,434
Depreciation and amortization expense                              74,126     62,871     52,767
                                                              -----------    -------    -------
   Operating income                                                77,830     76,106     68,698
                                                              -----------    -------    -------
Other income (expense):
  Interest expense                                                (34,116)   (27,828)   (35,366)
  Loss on termination of capital lease and early
    extinguishment of debt                                         (2,797)    (6,136)         -
  Amortization and write-off of loan and senior notes fees         (3,406)    (3,790)    (7,732)
  Interest income                                                     624        363        560
                                                              -----------    -------    -------
   Other expense, net                                             (39,695)   (37,391)   (42,538)
                                                              -----------    -------    -------
   Net income before income taxes and cumulative
     effect of a change in accounting principle                    38,135     38,715     26,160

Income tax expense                                                 16,534     17,463     10,074
                                                              -----------    -------    -------
   Net income before cumulative effect of a change
     in accounting principle                                       21,601     21,252     16,086

Cumulative effect of a change in accounting
  principle, net of income tax benefit of $367                          -          -       (544)
                                                              -----------    -------    -------
       Net income                                             $    21,601     21,252     15,542
                                                              ===========    =======    =======
Basic net income per common share:
  Net income before cumulative effect of a change
    in accounting principle                                   $      0.39       0.35       0.25
  Cumulative effect of a change in accounting
    principle, net of income tax benefit of $367                        -          -      (0.01)
                                                              -----------    -------    -------
       Net income                                             $      0.39       0.35       0.24
                                                              ===========    =======    =======

Diluted net income per common share:
  Net income before cumulative effect of a change
    in accounting principle                                   $      0.38       0.34       0.25
  Cumulative effect of a change in accounting
    principle, net of income tax benefit of $367                        -          -      (0.01)
                                                              -----------    -------    -------
       Net income                                             $      0.38       0.34       0.24
                                                              ===========    =======    =======

Common shares used to calculate basic EPS                          54,684     56,989     55,675
                                                              ===========    =======    =======
Common shares used to calculate diluted EPS                        55,874     58,196     56,440
                                                              ===========    =======    =======

                              SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULE

(Amounts in thousands)
Traditional Summary

                                                             Year Ended December 31, 2005
                                                   Long                  Local
                                                 Distance     Cable    Services   Internet   Combined
Revenues                                        $ 256,946    105,293    51,860     30,227     444,326

Cost of goods sold (exclusive of depreciation
   and amortization shown separately below)        69,043     29,925    28,359      7,534     134,861

     Contribution                                 187,903     75,368    23,501     22,693     309,465

Selling, general and
   administrative expenses                         95,147     29,908    19,858      9,549     154,462
Restructuring charge                                1,319        302       194        152       1,967
Bad debt expense (recovery)                          (289)       804       397        168       1,080

   EBITDA, as adjusted                             91,726     44,354     3,052     12,824     151,956

Loss on early extinguishment of debt and
   termination of capital lease                     2,797          -         -          -       2,797

   EBITDA                                          88,929     44,354     3,052     12,824     149,159

Add loss on early extinguishment of debt and
   termination of capital lease                     2,797          -         -          -       2,797

Less depreciation and amortization expense         41,961     21,000     7,205      3,960      74,126

     Operating income (loss)                    $  49,765     23,354    (4,153)     8,864      77,830

                                                             Year Ended December 31, 2004
                                                   Long                  Local
                                                 Distance     Cable    Services   Internet   Combined
Revenues                                          250,463    101,437    46,957     25,969     424,826

Cost of goods sold (exclusive of depreciation
   and amortization shown separately below)        76,525     26,959    29,088      6,991     139,563

     Contribution                                 173,938     74,478    17,869     18,978     285,263

Selling, general and
   administrative expenses                         91,598     28,100    18,285      9,377     147,360
Restructuring charge                                    -          -         -          -           -
Bad debt expense (recovery)                        (2,006)       932         -          -      (1,074)

   EBITDA, as adjusted                             84,346     45,446      (416)     9,601     138,977

Loss on early extinguishment of debt and
   termination of capital lease                     6,136          -         -          -       6,136

   EBITDA                                          78,210     45,446      (416)     9,601     132,841

Add loss on early extinguishment of debt and
   termination of capital lease                     6,136          -         -          -       6,136

Less depreciation and amortization expense         34,958     18,988     4,941      3,984      62,871

     Operating income (loss)                       49,388     26,458    (5,357)     5,617      76,106

Integrated Summary EBITDA, as Adjusted

                                                        Year Ended December 31, 2005
                                                  Voice       Data       Video    Combined
Traditional Summary EBITDA, as Adjusted:
  Long Distance                                 $ 91,726                           91,726
  Cable                                                                 44,354     44,354
  Local Services                                   3,052                            3,052
  Internet                                                   12,824                12,824
                                                  94,778     12,824     44,354    151,956

EBITDA, as Adjusted, Reallocations:
  Long Distance                                  (49,086)    49,086                     -
  Cable                                                      11,437    (11,437)         -
  Local Services                                    (353)       353                     -
    Integrated Summary EBITDA, as Adjusted      $ 45,339     73,700     32,917    151,956

                                                        Year Ended December 31, 2004
                                                  Voice       Data       Video    Combined
Traditional Summary EBITDA, as Adjusted:
  Long Distance                                   84,346                           84,346
  Cable                                                                 45,446     45,446
  Local Services                                    (416)                            (416)
  Internet                                                    9,601                 9,601
                                                  83,930      9,601     45,446    138,977

EBITDA, as Adjusted, Reallocations:
  Long Distance                                  (47,958)    47,958                     -
  Cable                                                      10,759    (10,759)         -
  Local Services                                    (239)       239                     -
    Integrated Summary EBITDA, as Adjusted        35,733     68,557     34,687    138,977

                              SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULE

(Amounts in thousands)
Traditional Summary

                                                           Three Months Ended December 31, 2005
                                                      Long                Local
                                                    Distance    Cable   Services   Internet   Combined
Revenues                                            $ 65,182   26,871    13,397      7,940     113,390

Cost of goods sold (exclusive of depreciation and
   amortization shown separately below)               10,685    7,900     6,779      1,907      27,271

     Contribution                                     54,497   18,971     6,618      6,033      86,119

Selling, general and
   administrative expenses                            25,865    7,479     4,904      2,396      40,644
Restructuring charge                                      73        -         -          -          73
Bad debt expense (recovery)                            1,139      164       (21)       (74)      1,208

   EBITDA                                             27,420   11,328     1,735      3,711      44,194

Less depreciation and amortization expense            10,491    5,619     2,091      1,362      19,563

     Operating income (loss)                        $ 16,929    5,709      (356)     2,349      24,631

                                                           Three Months Ended December 31, 2004
                                                      Long                Local
                                                    Distance    Cable   Services   Internet   Combined
Revenues                                             60,532    26,194    12,399      6,377    105,502

Cost of goods sold (exclusive of depreciation and
   amortization shown separately below)              18,410     6,648     7,904      1,723     34,685

     Contribution                                    42,122    19,546     4,495      4,654     70,817

Selling, general and
   administrative expenses                           25,069     7,120     4,870      1,589     38,648
Restructuring charge                                      -         -         -          -          -
Bad debt expense (recovery)                            (197)      169         -          -        (28)

   EBITDA                                            17,250    12,257      (375)     3,065     32,197

Less depreciation and amortization expense            8,036     4,954     2,014      1,242     16,246

     Operating income (loss)                          9,214     7,303    (2,389)     1,823     15,951

Integrated Summary EBITDA

                                                     Three Months Ended December 31, 2005
                                                      Voice     Data     Video    Combined
Traditional Summary EBITDA
  Long Distance                                     $ 27,420                       27,420
  Cable                                                                 11,328     11,328
  Local Services                                       1,735                        1,735
  Internet                                                      3,711               3,711
                                                      29,155    3,711   11,328     44,194

EBITDA, Reallocations:
  Long Distance                                      (11,163)  11,163                   -
  Cable                                                         2,966   (2,966)         -
  Local Services                                        (114)     114                   -
    Integrated Summary EBITDA                       $ 17,878   17,954    8,362     44,194

                                                     Three Months Ended December 31, 2004
                                                      Voice     Data     Video    Combined
Traditional Summary EBITDA
  Long Distance                                      17,250                        17,250
  Cable                                                                 12,257     12,257
  Local Services                                       (375)                         (375)
  Internet                                                      3,065               3,065
                                                     16,875     3,065   12,257     32,197

EBITDA, Reallocations:
  Long Distance                                     (11,435)   11,435                   -
  Cable                                                         2,679   (2,679)         -
  Local Services                                        (98)       98                   -
    Integrated Summary EBITDA                         5,342    17,277    9,578     32,197

                              SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULE

(Amounts in thousands)
Traditional Summary

                                                            Three Months Ended December 31, 2005
                                                       Long                Local
                                                     Distance    Cable   Services   Internet   Combined
Revenues                                             $ 65,182   26,871    13,397     7,940      113,390

Cost of goods sold (exclusive of depreciation and
   amortization shown separately below)                10,685    7,900     6,779     1,907       27,271

     Contribution                                      54,497   18,971     6,618     6,033       86,119

Selling, general and
   administrative expenses                             25,865    7,479     4,904     2,396       40,644
Restructuring charge                                       73        -         -         -           73
Bad debt expense (recovery)                             1,139      164       (21)      (74)       1,208

Add restructuring charge                                    -        -         -         -            -
   EBITDA, as adjusted                                 27,420   11,328     1,735     3,711       44,194

Loss on termination of capital lease                        -        -         -         -            -
Less restructuring charge                                   -        -         -         -            -

   EBITDA                                              27,420   11,328     1,735     3,711       44,194

Loss on termination of capital lease                        -        -         -         -            -

Less depreciation and amortization expense             10,491    5,619     2,091     1,362       19,563

   Operating income (loss)                           $ 16,929    5,709      (356)    2,349       24,631

                                                            Three Months Ended September 30, 2005
                                                       Long                Local
                                                     Distance    Cable    Services  Internet   Combined
Revenues                                              67,548    26,179     12,467     7,567     113,761

Cost of goods sold (exclusive of depreciation and
   amortization shown separately below)               19,939     7,437      7,101     1,868      36,345

     Contribution                                     47,609    18,742      5,366     5,699      77,416

Selling, general and
   administrative expenses                            23,402     7,722      5,154     2,342      38,620
Restructuring charge                                   1,246       302        194       152       1,894
Bad debt expense (recovery)                             (572)      289        197       117          31

Add restructuring charge                                 848       206        132       103       1,289
   EBITDA, as adjusted                                24,381    10,635        (47)    3,191      38,160

Loss on termination of capital lease                  (2,797)        -          -         -      (2,797)
Less restructuring charge                               (848)     (206)      (132)     (103)     (1,289)

   EBITDA                                             20,736    10,429       (179)    3,088      34,074

Loss on termination of capital lease                   2,797         -          -         -       2,797

Less depreciation and amortization expense            10,713     5,184      1,833       779      18,509

   Operating income (loss)                            12,820     5,245     (2,012)    2,309      18,362

Integrated Summary EBITDA, as Adjusted

                                                       Three Months Ended December 31, 2005
                                                       Voice     Data     Video    Combined
Traditional Summary EBITDA, as Adjusted:
  Long Distance                                      $27,420                        27,420
  Cable                                                                  11,328     11,328
  Local Services                                       1,735                         1,735
  Internet                                                       3,711               3,711
                                                      29,155     3,711   11,328     44,194

EBITDA, as Adjusted, Reallocations:
  Long Distance                                      (11,163)   11,163                   -
  Cable                                                          2,966   (2,966)         -
  Local Services                                        (114)      114                   -
    Integrated Summary EBITDA, as Adjusted           $17,878    17,954    8,362     44,194

                                                      Three Months Ended September 30, 2005
                                                       Voice     Data     Video    Combined
Traditional Summary EBITDA, as Adjusted:
  Long Distance                                       24,381                        24,381
  Cable                                                                  10,635     10,635
  Local Services                                         (47)                          (47)
  Internet                                                       3,191               3,191
                                                      24,334     3,191   10,635     38,160

EBITDA, as Adjusted, Reallocations:
  Long Distance                                      (13,413)   13,413                   -
  Cable                                                          2,846   (2,846)         -
  Local Services                                         (87)       87                   -
    Integrated Summary EBITDA, as Adjusted            10,834    19,537    7,789     38,160

General Communication, Inc.
Non-GAAP Financial Reconciliation Schedule
(Unaudited, Amounts in Millions)

                                                   Three Months Ended
                                       December 31,  December 31,  September 30,
                                           2005          2004          2005
                                       ------------  ------------  -------------
EBITDA, as adjusted (Note 2)              $  44.2        32.2           38.2
Loss on termination of capital lease          ---         ---           (2.8)
Restructuring charge adjustment               ---         ---           (1.3)
                                          -------       -----         ------
EBITDA (Note 1)                              44.2        32.2           34.1
Depreciation and amortization expense       (19.6)      (16.2)         (18.5)
Loss on termination of capital lease          ---         ---            2.8
                                          -------       -----         ------
      Operating income                       24.6        16.0           18.4
                                          -------       -----         ------
Other income (expense):
   Interest expense                          (8.4)       (7.5)          (9.1)
   Loss on termination of capital
      lease                                   ---         ---           (2.8)
   Amortization and write-off of loan
      and senior notes fee expense           (0.2)       (0.4)          (2.2)
   Interest income                            0.1         0.1            0.3
                                          -------       -----         ------
      Other expense, net                     (8.5)       (7.8)         (13.8)
                                          -------       -----         ------
      Net income before income taxes         16.1         8.2            4.6
Income tax expense                           (6.7)       (5.9)          (2.3)
                                          -------       -----         ------
        Net income                        $   9.4         2.3            2.3
                                          =======       =====         ======

                                                              Year Ended
                                                     December 31,   December 31,
                                                         2005           2004
                                                     ------------   ------------
EBITDA, as adjusted (Note 2)                           $ 151.9         139.0
Loss on termination of capital lease and early
   extinguishment of debt                                 (2.8)         (6.1)
                                                       -------         -----
EBITDA (Note 1)                                          149.1         132.9
Depreciation and amortization expense                    (74.1)        (62.9)
Loss on termination of capital lease and early
   extinguishment of debt                                  2.8           6.1
                                                       -------         -----
      Operating income                                    77.8          76.1
                                                       -------         -----
Other income (expense):
   Interest expense                                      (34.1)        (27.8)
   Loss on termination of capital lease and early
      extinguishment of debt                              (2.8)         (6.1)
   Amortization and write-off of loan and senior
      notes fee expense                                   (3.4)         (3.8)
   Interest income                                         0.6           0.3
                                                       -------         -----
      Other expense, net                                 (39.7)        (37.4)
                                                       -------         -----
      Net income before income taxes                      38.1          38.7
Income tax expense                                       (16.5)        (17.4)
                                                       -------         -----
        Net income                                     $  21.6          21.3
                                                       =======         =====


(1)   EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) is
      the sum of Net Income, Interest Expense, Amortization and Write-off of
      Loan and Senior Notes Fees, Interest Income, Income Tax Expense, and
      Depreciation and Amortization Expense. EBITDA is not presented as an
      alternative measure of net income, operating income or cash flow from
      operations, as determined in accordance with accounting principles
      generally accepted in the United States of America. GCI's management uses
      EBITDA to evaluate the operating performance of its business, and as a
      measure of performance for incentive compensation purposes. GCI believes
      EBITDA is a measure used as an analytical indicator of income generated to
      service debt and fund capital expenditures. In addition, multiples of
      current or projected EBITDA are used to estimate current or prospective
      enterprise value. EBITDA does not give effect to cash used for debt
      service requirements, and thus does not reflect funds available for
      investment or other discretionary uses. EBITDA as presented herein may not
      be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies.

(2)   EBITDA (as defined in Note 1 above) before deducting Loss on Termination
      of Capital Lease and Early Extinguishment of Debt for the years ended
      December 31, 2005 and 2004 and before deducting Loss on Termination of
      Capital Lease for the three months ended September 30, 2005 and adjusting
      for the Restructuring Charge during the three months ended December 31,
      2005 and September 30, 2005.