Exhibit 10.9

Portions  of  this  exhibit  have  been  omitted   pursuant  to  a  request  for
confidential  treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission.  The
omissions have been indicated by asterisks  ("*****"),  and the omitted text has
been filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


                           Renewal Proposal Addendum I

                     Playboy Enterprises International, Inc.
                                  March 9, 2006


CDS is pleased to  present  Playboy  Enterprises  International,  Inc.  with our
revised contract renewal proposal  extending the long-standing  relationship our
two companies have enjoyed since 1987.  This document  supersedes our previously
submitted  proposals  dated  February  2, 2006 and  February  16,  2006 in their
entirety.  The contents of this document are  confidential  and intended for the
sole use of Playboy Enterprises  International,  Inc. in evaluating the proposed

                                SINGLE CONTRACT

Playboy Book of Lingerie,  Playboy Book of Lingerie  Digital and Playboy Digital
will be merged into the current Playboy magazine contract, resulting in a single
contract for all titles. Annualized savings will be $*****

                                MONTHLY DISCOUNT

CDS will provide Playboy Enterprises  International,  Inc. a monthly discount of
$***** provided that Playboy Enterprises' total active subscription  circulation
size  is  *****  (all  magazines  combined).  In  the  event  the  total  active
subscription file size decreases below *****, a percentage equal to the decrease
below ***** will be used to reduce the monthly discount. Annualized savings will
be $*****

                             SOURCE DOCUMENT STORAGE

***** Annualized savings will be $*****

                               TERM AND CONDITIONS

The term of our Agreement will be extended five years creating an expire of June
30, 2011.

Effective date for the new contract will be July 1, 2006.

All other services and fees not expressly addressed in this proposal will remain
as  presently  defined  and  stated  in  our  current  Subscription  Fulfillment


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                       Communications Data Services, Inc.

                              TOTAL ANNUAL SAVINGS

Total   value  of  the  above   items  will   deliver  to  Playboy   Enterprises
International, Inc. $*****in annual savings.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                       Communications Data Services, Inc.

      SEVENTH  AMENDMENT dated as of July 1, 2006 by and between  COMMUNICATIONS
DATA SERVICES,  INC., an Iowa corporation ("CDS"),  with its principal office at
1901  Bell  Avenue,  Des  Moines,  Iowa  50315-1099,   and  PLAYBOY  ENTERPRISES
INTERNATIONAL, INC. (formerly PLAYBOY ENTERPRISES, INC.), a Delaware corporation
(the  "Publisher"),  with its  principal  office at 680 North Lake Shore  Drive,
Chicago, Illinois 60611.


      WHEREAS,  CDS and the Publisher  entered into a  Subscription  Fulfillment
Agreement dated as of July 1, 1987, as amended by an Amendatory  Agreement dated
as of September 1, 1987; a Letter  Agreement for Electronic  Presort dated as of
June 1, 1988; a Second  Amendment  dated as of July 1, 1990; a Letter  Agreement
for CDS's  Destination Entry Program dated as of June 1, 1995; a Third Amendment
dated as of July 1, 1996; a Letter  Agreement  for  CDSxpress  Moves dated as of
July 1, 1996; a Fourth  Amendment  dated as of June 1, 1997; a Letter  Agreement
for  Internet  Services  dated as of July 7, 1997;  a Special  Project  (Letter)
Agreement  dated as of October 1, 1999;  a Fifth  Amendment  dated as of July 1,
2001; a Letter Agreement for E-mail Fulfillment  Services dated as of October 1,
2002;  and a Sixth  Amendment  dated  as of  April 1,  2003  (collectively,  the
"Agreement"); and

      WHEREAS,  the parties now desire to further  amend the Agreement to update
the  listing  of  Magazines,  extend the Term of the  Agreement,  and make other
changes as hereinafter set forth.

      NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements
set forth herein, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows:

      1. The first  recital of the  Agreement is hereby  amended and restated in
its entirety to read as follows:

            "WHEREAS,  CDS is engaged in the business of providing  subscription
      fulfillment  and  other  services  (individually  and  collectively,   the
      "Services:")  and the Publisher  publishes the following  magazine(s) (the

              Name of Magazine                              Frequency per Year

              Playboy                                               12
              Playboy Digital                                       12
              Playboy Special Editions Lingerie                      6
              Playboy Special Editions Lingerie Digital              6"

      2.  The  headings  of  column  1 and  column 2 of  Section  2.1(a)  of the
Agreement are hereby amended to read as follows:

      "Aggregate Number of Labels
               per Issue                    Annual Basic Service Charge
      for all Magazines Combined          per Subscription per Magazine"
      --------------------------          -----------------------------

      3. Section  2.1(b) of the  Agreement  (billing  mechanism  paragraph),  as
previously  amended,  is hereby amended to add the following new sentence at the
end of the paragraph:

      "To  determine  'Aggregate  Number of Labels  per Issue for All  Magazines
      Combined' in those  months in which all  Magazines do not publish an issue
      or publish more than one issue, the label counts for the last closed issue
      (which would normally  include  mainfile pull and supplements for the last
      closed issue) will be used."

      4. Section 2.1 of the Agreement,  as previously amended, is hereby amended
to add a new paragraph (e) to read as follows:

      "(e) In the event Publisher disposes of a Magazine and pursuant to Section
      IX of this  Agreement  assigns  its  interest in this  Agreement  for such
      Magazine  to the  transferee,  the  schedule  of  circulation  levels  and
      corresponding  Annual Basic Service Charge rates set forth in 2.1(a) above
      shall apply separately and individually to Publisher and the transferee."

      5. Section 2.17 of the Agreement, as previously amended, is hereby amended
to add the following sentence at the end of the paragraph to read as follows:

      "Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Change in Charges provisions shall not
      apply to Section 2.18."

      6. Section II of the Agreement,  as previously  amended, is hereby amended
to add a new Section 2.18 to read as follows:

      "2.18 Monthly Discount

                  (a) The  following  shall apply from July 1, 2006 through June
      30, 2011: Each month that the Aggregate Number of Labels per Issue for All
      Magazines  Combined,  using  the  last  closed  issue  for  the  Magazines
      fulfilled at CDS as described in Section 2.1(b) as amended  herein,  is at
      least *****, a monthly discount of $***** shall apply, such discount to be
      issued as a credit to the Publisher on each month's invoice.

                  (b) If the  Aggregate  Number  of  Labels  per  Issue  for All
      Magazines  Combined as described in paragraph  (a) above  decreases  below
      *****,  the  percentage  of the  decrease  in the active file size will be
      calculated  and the  Monthly  Discount  amount will be reduced by the same
      percentage.  (Example: *****.) If the Aggregate Number of Labels per Issue
      for All  Magazines  Combined is equal to or over ***** in any month,  then
      the discount for that month will be $*****."

                  (c)  The  monthly  discount  amount  will  be  applied  to the
      Magazines' invoices as instructed by Publisher."

      7. Section II of the Agreement,  as previously  amended, is hereby amended
to add a new Section 2.19 to read as follows:

      "2.19 Source Document Storage.

            CDS will store source documents for orders,  payments,  and renewals
      at no additional charge to Publisher."


      8. Section 5.1 of the Agreement,  as previously amended, is hereby amended
and restated in its entirety to read as follows:

      "5.1 Term.

            The Term of this Agreement  shall continue until June 30, 2011, plus
      a period of time equal to the  period(s)  of time,  if any,  during  which
      Services  were not  rendered  hereunder  due to an Event of Force  Majeure
      affecting  CDS or the  Publisher.  When used in this  Agreement,  the term
      "year" shall mean a consecutive twelve (12) month period."

      9. Except as expressly amended hereby,  the Agreement shall remain in full
force and effect in accordance with its terms.

      10. This Seventh  Amendment shall become  effective as of the day and year
first written


      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Seventh Amendment as of
the day and year first above written.

   SERVICES, INC.                              INTERNATIONAL, INC.

by:    /s/ Dennis Luther                    by: /s/ Phyllis Rotunno
             (signature)                              (signature)

           Dennis Luther                            Phyllis Rotunno
             (print or type)                          (print or type)

Title:     Vice President                   Title:  VP Subscription Circulation
