(RULE 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant |X|

Filed by a party other than the Registrant |_|

Check the appropriate box:

|_|   Preliminary proxy statement.
|_|   Definitive proxy statement.
|X|   Definitive additional materials.
|_|   Soliciting material under Rule 14a-12.
|_|   Confidential, for use of the Commission only (as permitted by Rule

                           TRI-CONTINENTAL CORPORATION
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (check the appropriate box):

|X|   No fee required.

|_|   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

(1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

(2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

(3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant
      to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
      calculated and state how it was determined):

(4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5)   Total fee paid:

|_|   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

|_|   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
      Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
      paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
      number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)   Amount Previously Paid:

(2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

(3)   Filing Party:

(4)   Date Filed:

                           Tri-Continental Corporation
                         an investment you can live with

                                                               September 6, 2006

Dear Valued Stockholder:

We need your support to defeat a group of hedge funds that yet again is
attempting to take control of your long-term investment for their short-term
gain -- despite being soundly rebuffed by Tri-Continental Stockholders earlier
this spring. Please return the enclosed WHITE card, in order to protect your
investment in Tri-Continental.

Stockholders report that telemarketers hired by the hedge funds continue to make
the same misrepresentations and misleading statements contained in their proxy
material (please see our attached August 24 response). In light of the above, it
is important to again clarify several key points:

      o     The mutual fund inquiry referred to in the hedge fund group's letter
            and proxy statement does not in any way relate to Tri-Continental,
            and was fully disclosed to you nearly three years ago in a letter
            and in the 2003 Annual Report.

      o     Mr. Lipson and his Western Investment Hedge Fund Group are NOT
            traditional long-term Stockholders. They owned only a single share
            as late as September 2002. Before that, they used Tri-Continental
            solely for short-term trading.

      o     Western Investment Hedge Fund Group's interests are NOT aligned with

            --    The Group failed to disclose that sophisticated derivative
                  strategies have been employed to hedge their exposure to
                  Tri-Continental's performance. In effect, Tri-Continental's
                  actual investment results are of little consequence to them.

            --    All three of Western's Board nominees invest in Mr. Lipson's
                  hedge funds, and would have conflicting loyalties if elected.
                  It is implausible that they would make decisions favoring
                  long-term Tri-Continental Stockholders at the expense of their
                  hedge funds investments.

On a far more positive note:

      o     Tri-Continental's recent performance has been highly respectable. As
            of August 31, Market Price total return exceeded the S&P 500
            year-to-date and for the one- and three-year periods then ended. NAV
            total return surpassed the S&P 500 year-to-date and for the one-year
            period then ended, and matched the S&P 500 for the three-year period
            (see chart on next page).

      o     Tri-Continental expects to resume capital gains payments no later
            than 2007, barring adverse market conditions. Due to substantial
            gains realized (see chart on next page) since 2003, the tax loss
            carry-forward has been reduced to $.86 per share.

      o     Tri-Continental's regular quarterly dividend was $.07 per share in
            the 2nd quarter of 2006, compared with $.04 per share in the 4th
            quarter of 2003, an increase of 75%.


                     Return         Average Annual Returns    Cumulative Return
                  Year-to-Date      1 year         3 years         3 years
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Market Price          11.0%          13.5%          12.0%           40.3%
NAV                    6.5%           9.4%          10.9%           36.5%
S&P 500                5.8%           8.9%          10.9%           36.6%

All data as of August 31, 2006.

                             REALIZED CAPITAL GAINS

                                   2004            2005         2006 (8 months)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Realized Capital Gains            $1.79           $2.23             $1.87

Please support Tri-Continental by completing and signing the enclosed WHITE
proxy card. Returning the WHITE card is a vote against misrepresentation and
cynicism. It is a vote for continued improvement in investment results and for
eminent board members who seek to strengthen, not radically alter, your

If you have already returned the hedge fund's Gold card, you may reverse your
decision by sending in the enclosed WHITE card. Please return the WHITE card to
help ensure that your interests as a long-term Tri-Continental Stockholder are
not co-opted by the competing interests of hedge fund investors.


/s/ William C. Morris                   /s/ Brian T. Zino

William C. Morris                       Brian T. Zino
Chairman                                President


  If you have questions or need assistance in voting your shares, please call:


                           17 State Street, 10th floor
                               New York, NY 10004

                           (888) 219-8293 (Toll Free)
                     Banks and Brokerage Firms please call:
                                 (212) 440-9800



                           Tri-Continental Corporation
                         an investment you can live with

                                                            August 24, 2006

Re: Special Meeting of Stockholders to be held September 28, 2006

Dear Valued Stockholder:

As Chairman of Tri-Continental Corporation and as a fellow stockholder, I wish
to call your attention to a number of misrepresentations and misleading
statements by hedge fund manager Arthur Lipson in his letters of August 9 and
August 22.

You may recall that Mr. Lipson failed in his attempt to elect himself and two
other dissident nominees to Tri-Continental's Board this past spring. His stated
objective was to open-end or liquidate Tri-Continental. Other than the votes of
his Western Investment hedge fund group, Mr. Lipson's slate of dissidents
attracted only 18% of outstanding shares. It is instructive to note that Mr.
Lipson also failed in two prior attempts to open-end or liquidate other
closed-end funds.

      o     Mr. Lipson's willingness to attack me personally in his letters says
            a great deal more about his character than mine. But some of our
            stockholders may be concerned with what he wrote, so please permit
            me to set the record straight. The mutual fund investigation that
            Mr. Lipson referred to does not in any way relate to
            Tri-Continental, and was fully disclosed to you by letter nearly
            three years ago and in the 2003 Annual Report to Stockholders.
            Contrary to what Mr. Lipson's letters may insinuate, there are no
            regulatory lawsuits pending against Tri-Continental, Seligman, or me

      o     Mr. Lipson also implies that I have no investment experience outside
            of J. & W. Seligman & Co. Incorporated, where I have been Chairman
            for 17 years. Sadly, he knowingly ignores the additional 17 years I
            spent at Lehman Brothers as head of investment banking and a member
            of the Executive Committee that ran that diversified investment
            firm. Mr. Lipson himself was an associate at Lehman Brothers during
            my tenure there, a fact discussed at the 2006 Tri-Continental Annual

      o     Mr. Lipson represents himself and his hedge fund group as
            Tri-Continental stockholders since 1999. In truth, he and his hedge
            funds owned only a single share as late as September 2002. Prior to
            that time, they repeatedly bought and sold Tri-Continental solely
            for short-term trading purposes. Although they have been sometime
            stockholders, you should not consider them long-term investors.

      o     Mr. Lipson contends that his "interests are aligned" with
            Tri-Continental stockholders. However, he fails to disclose in
            either his recent letters or SEC proxy filings that his hedge funds
            have hedged their position in the Corporation using sophisticated
            derivative strategies to minimize the market risk of his holdings.
            In effect, the actual investment results of the Corporation are of
            little consequence to him. Our knowledge of this comes from Mr.
            Lipson himself, who personally told officers of the Corporation
            about his hedging practices.

      o     Mr. Lipson claims he does not seek to open-end or liquidate
            Tri-Continental. You should find it difficult to reconcile this
            assertion with the statements made in his previous proxy. Earlier
            this year, Mr. Lipson urged Directors to immediately "convert
            Tri-Continental to an open-ended mutual fund" or "adopt a plan of
            dissolution and liquidation..." Considering his history of waging or
            joining campaigns to open-end other closed-end funds, you and I as
            Tri-Continental stockholders have a right to be skeptical about his
            ultimate intentions.

      o     Should Mr. Lipson and his candidates be elected to the Board, they
            will owe allegiance both to Tri-Continental and to the Western
            Investment hedge funds. Because of the short-term importance to Mr.
            Lipson's hedge funds of its Tri-Continental holdings, it strains
            credulity that they will make decisions that favor all
            Tri-Continental stockholders at the expense of his hedge funds.
            Every member of Mr. Lipson's slate is an investor in one of his
            hedge funds. We should not elect "independent" directors with such
            conflicting loyalties.

      o     Not surprisingly, Mr. Lipson's letters ignore Tri-Continental's more
            recent investment performance; it continues to improve under the
            leadership of portfolio manager John B. Cunningham. Last week,
            Tri-Continental's net asset value (NAV) and market price reached
            near five-year highs. You will see in the chart below that
            Tri-Continental's year-to-date performance is ahead of the S&P 500

                                  Return       Average Annual Returns     Cumulative Return
                               Year-to-Date     1 year      3 years           3 years
            Market Price           10.5%         12.6%        12.4%            42.2%
            NAV                     6.2           8.6         11.5             38.5
            S&P 500                 5.6           8.9         11.2             37.5

      All data as of August 18, 2006.

I urge you to support Tri-Continental's slate of experienced, accomplished
directors by completing, signing, and dating our enclosed WHITE Proxy Card and
mailing it in the enclosed, postage-paid envelope. Please do not return or send
any proxy card sent to you by Mr. Lipson's Western Investment hedge fund group
(or Innisfree M&A Inc., its solicitation firm).

If you have already returned a Gold Proxy Card from the Western Investment hedge
fund group and wish to vote in favor of the recommendation of Tri-Continental's
Board of Directors, please return a currently dated WHITE Proxy Card with your

Tri-Continental has a distinguished 77-year history. Let us keep it safe for
long-term investors.


/s/ William C. Morris

William C. Morris