FORM OF
                           RESTRICTED STOCK AGREEMENT
                                 2002 STOCK PLAN

      THIS  AGREEMENT  (the  "Agreement")  is  made  effective  as of  _________
(hereinafter  the "Grant  Date")  between  Carnival  Corporation,  a corporation
organized  under  the  laws of the  Republic  of  Panama  (the  "Company"),  and
__________ (the "Executive").

                                R E C I T A L S:

      WHEREAS,  the  Company has  adopted  the  amended  and  restated  Carnival
Corporation 2002 Stock Plan (the "Plan"), pursuant to which awards of restricted
Shares may be granted; and

      WHEREAS,  the Company  desires to grant  Executive an award of  restricted
Shares pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and the Plan.

      NOW THEREFORE,  in consideration  of the mutual covenants  hereinafter set
forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:

      1. Grant of Restricted Stock.

            Subject  to the  terms and  conditions  set forth in the Plan and in
this Agreement,  the Company hereby grants to Executive a Restricted Stock Award
consisting of _______ Shares (the "Restricted  Stock").  The Restricted Stock is
subject to the restrictions  described  herein,  including  forfeiture under the
circumstances   described  in  Section  5  hereof  (the   "Restrictions").   The
Restrictions shall lapse and the Restricted Stock shall become nonforfeitable in
accordance with Section 3 hereof.

      2. Incorporation by Reference, Etc.

            The  provisions  of the  Plan  are  hereby  incorporated  herein  by
reference.  Except as otherwise expressly set forth herein, this Agreement shall
be construed in accordance  with the provisions of the Plan and any  capitalized
terms not otherwise  defined in this Agreement  shall have the  definitions  set
forth in the Plan.  The  Committee  shall have final  authority to interpret and
construe  the  Plan and this  Agreement  and to make any and all  determinations
under them, and its decision shall be binding and conclusive  upon Executive and
his legal  representative  in respect of any questions arising under the Plan or
this Agreement.

      3. Lapse of Restriction.

            Except as  otherwise  provided in Section 5 hereof,  and  contingent
upon Executive's  continued employment with a member of the Combined Group or an
Affiliate,  the Restrictions with respect to the Restricted Stock shall lapse on
the fifth  anniversary of the Grant Date.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the
Committee shall have the authority to remove the  Restrictions on the Restricted
Stock whenever it may determine that, by reason of changes in applicable laws or
other  changes in  circumstances  arising  after the Grant Date,  such action is

      Any shares of Restricted Stock for which the  Restrictions  have lapsed or
been removed shall be referred to hereunder as "released Restricted Stock."

      4. Certificates.

            Certificates  evidencing the Restricted Stock shall be issued by the
Company and shall be registered in Executive 's name on the stock transfer books
of the Company  promptly  after the  shareholder  approves the Plan.  Subject to
Section 6 hereof, the certificates  evidencing the Restricted Stock shall remain

the physical  custody of Executive or Executive's  legal  representative  at all
times prior to the date such Restricted Stock becomes released Restricted Stock.

      5. Effect of Termination of Employment.

            (a) Upon the termination of Executive's employment with the Combined
Group or an Affiliate due to death,  Disability or Retirement,  the Restrictions
on the unreleased Restricted Stock shall be released according to the following:

                  (i) In the event the  Executive  terminates by reason of death
or Disability,  the Restrictions on the Restricted Stock shall lapse on the date
of  Executive's  death or  Disability  and the  Restricted  Stock  shall  become
Released Restricted Stock.

                  (ii) In the  event  the  Executive  terminates  by  reason  of
Retirement,  the  Restrictions on the Restricted Stock shall lapse in accordance
with  Section  3 of this  Restricted  Stock  Agreement,  without  regard  to the
requirement  that the  Executive  remain  employed with a member of the Combined
Group or an Affiliate,  unless and until the Executive engages in competition in
violation  of Section 10 hereof or violates  the  nondisclosure  provisions  set
forth in Section 11 hereof.

                  (iii)  In  the  event  the  Executive  voluntarily  terminates
employment as a direct result of the Executive  being  diagnosed with a terminal
medical  condition,  the Restrictions on the Restricted Stock shall lapse on the
earlier  of  Executive's  death or the lapse date set forth in Section 3 of this
Restricted  Stock  Agreement,   unless  and  until  the  Executive   engages  in
competition  in  violation  of Section 10 hereof or violates  the  nondisclosure
provisions set forth in Section 11 hereof.

                  (iv)  In the  event  a  member  of the  Combined  Group  or an
Affiliate  terminates the Executive's  employment with such company for a reason
other than for cause, as defined in Section 5(b)(i) below,  the  Restrictions on
the Restricted Stock shall lapse in accordance with Section 3 of this Restricted
Stock  Agreement,  without regard to the requirement  that the Executive  remain
employed with a member of the Combined  Group or an Affiliate,  unless and until
the  Executive  engages  in  competition  in  violation  of Section 10 hereof or
violates the nondisclosure provisions set forth in Section 11 hereof

            (b) Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary, but subject to
Section  5(a)  above,  no release of  Restricted  Stock  shall be made,  and all
unreleased Restricted Stock issued hereunder and all rights under this Agreement
shall be forfeited, if any of the following events shall occur:

                  (i) The  Executive's  employment with the Combined Group or an
Affiliate is terminated for cause.  For purposes of this Agreement,  "for cause"
shall be defined as any action or inaction by the Executive,  which  constitutes
fraud, embezzlement, misappropriation,  dishonesty, breach of trust, a felony or
moral turpitude, as determined by its Board of Directors;

                  (ii) The Executive voluntarily  terminates employment with the
Combined  Group  or an  Affiliate  prior to  Retirement  unless  such  voluntary
termination  is directly  related to death,  Disability or the  Executive  being
diagnosed with a terminal medical condition;

                  (iii)  The  Executive  shall  engage in  competition,  as more
particularly  described in Section 10 hereof,  either (A) during the term of his
employment  with  the  Combined  Group  or  an  Affiliate;   (B)  following  the
Executive's  voluntary  termination of his employment with the Combined Group or
an  Affiliate;  or (C)  following the  employing  company's  termination  of the
Executive's employment for any reason; or

                  (iv) The Executive  violates the nondisclosure  provisions set
forth in Section 11 hereof.

      6. Rights as a Shareholder.

            Executive  shall be the record owner of the Restricted  Stock unless
and until such shares are forfeited  pursuant to Section 5 hereof, and as record
owner shall be entitled to all rights of a common  shareholder  of the  Company;
provided  that the  Restricted  Stock  shall be  subject to the  limitations  on
transfer and  encumbrance  set forth in this  Agreement.  As soon as practicable
following  the  lapse  or  removal  of  Restrictions  on any  Restricted  Stock,
Executive shall return the  certificate  representing  such released  Restricted
Stock to the Company and the Company shall  deliver to Executive or  Executive's
legal  representative  a replacement  certificate  for such released  Restricted
Stock with the restrictive legend removed.  In the event the Restricted Stock is
forfeited  pursuant to Section 5 hereof,  Executive shall immediately return the
certificate evidencing such forfeited unreleased Restricted Stock to the Company
and  Executive's  name shall be  removed  from the stock  transfer  books of the

      7. Restrictive Legend.

            All  certificates  representing  Restricted Stock shall have affixed
thereto a legend in  substantially  the following form, in addition to any other
legends that may be required under federal or state securities laws:


      8. Transferability.

            The Restricted Stock may not, at any time prior to becoming released
Restricted Stock, be assigned,  alienated,  pledged, attached, sold or otherwise
transferred  or  encumbered  by Executive,  and any such  purported  assignment,
alienation,  pledge, attachment, sale, transfer or encumbrance shall be void and
unenforceable  against  the  Company;  provided,  that,  the  designation  of  a
beneficiary shall not constitute an assignment,  alienation, pledge, attachment,
sale,  transfer  or  encumbrance.   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  unreleased
Restricted Stock may be transferred by the Executive, without consideration,  to
a Permitted Transferee in accordance with Section 9(h) of the Plan.

      9. Withholding; Section 83(b) Election.

            Executive agrees to make appropriate  arrangements  with the Company
for  satisfaction  of  any  applicable  federal,   state  or  local  income  tax
withholding  requirements  or like  requirements,  including  the payment to the
Company upon the lapse or removal of  Restrictions  on any Restricted  Stock (or
such later or earlier date as may be  applicable  under Section 83 of the Code),
or other  settlement in respect of, the  Restricted  Stock of all such taxes and
requirements and the Company shall be authorized to take such action as it deems
necessary (including, without limitation,  requiring the Executive to return the
released  Restricted  Stock to the Company and/or  withholding  amounts from any
compensation  or other  amount  owing  from the  Company  or its  Affiliates  to
Executive) to satisfy all obligations  for the payment of such taxes.  Executive
may make an  election  pursuant  to Section  83(b) of the Code in respect of the
Restricted  Stock and, if he does so, he shall timely notify the Company of such
election  and  send the  Company  a copy  thereof.  Executive  shall  be  solely
responsible for properly and timely completing and filing any such election.

      10. Competition.

            The  services  of  the  Executive  are  unique,   extraordinary  and
essential to the business of the Combined Group or its  Affiliate,  particularly
in view of the  Executive's  access  to the  Combined  Group or its  Affiliates'
confidential information and trade secrets. Accordingly, in consideration of the
Restricted  Stock  awarded  hereunder,  the  Executive  agrees that he will not,
without the prior written approval of the Board of Directors,  at anytime during
the term of his employment  with the Combined Group or its Affiliate and (except
as  provided  below)  for  five  (5)  years  following  the  date on  which  the
Executive's  employment  with the Combined  Group or its  Affiliate  terminates,
directly or indirectly,  within the United States or its territories,  engage in
any business  activity  directly or indirectly  competitive with the business of
the Combined Group or its Affiliate,  or serve as an officer,  director,  owner,
consultant,  or  employee  of any  organization  then in  competition  with  the
Combined Group or its Affiliate.  In addition,  the Executive agrees that during
such five (5) year period  following his  employment  with the Combined Group or
its Affiliate, he will not solicit, either directly or indirectly,  any employee
of the Combined Group or its Affiliate,  its  subsidiaries or division,  who was
such at the time of the Executive's separation from employment hereunder. In the
event that the  provisions  of this  Section 10 should  ever be  adjudicated  to
exceed the time,  geographic or other limitations permitted by applicable law in
any  jurisdiction,  then  such  provisions  shall  be  deemed  reformed  in such
jurisdiction to the maximum time,  geographic or other limitations  permitted by
applicable law.

      11. Nondisclosure.

            The Executive  expressly  agrees and understands that Combined Group
or its  Affiliates  own and/or  control  information  and material  which is not
generally  available to third parties and which Combined Group or its Affiliates
consider  confidential,   including,  without  limitation,   methods,  products,
processes, customer lists, trade secrets and other information applicable to its
business  and  that it may  from  time  to  time  acquire,  improve  or  produce
additional  methods,  products,  processes,  customers lists,  trade secrets and
other information (collectively,  the "Confidential Information"). The Executive
hereby   acknowledges   that  each  element  of  the  Confidential   Information
constitutes a unique and valuable asset of Combined Group or its Affiliates, and
that certain items of the Confidential Information have been acquired from third
parties  upon the express  condition  that such items would not be  disclosed to
Combined  Group or its  Affiliates and its officers and agents other than in the
ordinary course of business.  The Executive hereby  acknowledges that disclosure
of Combined Group or its Affiliates'  Confidential  Information to and/or use by
anyone  other  than in  Combined  Group or its  Affiliates'  ordinary  course of
business would result in irreparable and continuing  damage to Combined Group or
its  Affiliates.  Accordingly,  the  Executive  agrees to hold the  Confidential
Information in the strictest secrecy, and covenants that, during the term of his
employment  with Combined Group or its Affiliates (or any member of the Combined
Group or its  Affiliates) or at any time  thereafter,  he will not,  without the
prior written consent of the Board of Directors,  directly or indirectly,  allow
any element of the Confidential Information to be disclosed,  published or used,
nor permit the  Confidential  Information  to be  discussed,  published or used,
either by  himself  or by any third  parties,  except in  effecting  Executive's
duties for Combined Group or its Affiliates in the ordinary  course of business.
The Executive agrees to keep all such records in connection with the Executive's
employment as Combined Group or its Affiliates may direct,  and all such records
shall be the sole and absolute property of Combined Group or its Affiliates. The
Executive  further  agrees that,  within five (5) days of Combined  Group or its
Affiliates'  request, he shall surrender to Combined Group or its Affiliates any
and all documents,  memoranda,  books, papers,  letters, price lists, notebooks,
reports,  logbooks,  code books,  salesmen  records,  customer  lists,  activity
reports, video or audio recordings, computer programs and any and all other data
and information and any and all copies thereof relating to Combined Group or its
Affiliates' business or any Confidential Information.

      12. Miscellaneous.

            (a) Notices. Any and all notices,  designations,  consents,  offers,
acceptances and any other  communications  provided for herein shall be given in
writing and shall be delivered  either  personally or by registered or certified
mail, postage prepaid, which shall be addressed as follows:

               If to Executive:        at the address specified in the Company's

               If to the Company to:   Carnival Corporation
                                       3655 N.W. 87th Avenue
                                       Miami, Florida 33178-2428
                                       Attn.: General Counsel

            (b) No Right to Continued Employment. Nothing in the Plan or in this
Agreement shall confer upon Executive any right to continue in the employ of the
Company or shall interfere with or restrict in any way the right of the Company,
which are hereby expressly reserved, to remove, terminate or discharge Executive
at any time for any reason whatsoever, with or without, Cause.

            (c) Bound by Plan. By signing this Agreement, Executive acknowledges
that he has received a copy of the Plan and has had an opportunity to review the
Plan and agrees to be bound by all the terms and provisions of the Plan.

            (d)  Successors.  The terms of this Agreement  shall be binding upon
and inure to the benefit of the Company,  its  successors  and  assigns,  and on
Executive and the beneficiaries, executors, administrators, heirs and successors
of Executive.

            (e) Invalid  Provision.  The invalidity or  unenforceability  of any
particular  provision hereof shall not affect the other provisions  hereof,  and
this  Agreement  shall  be  construed  in all  respects  as if such  invalid  or
unenforceable provision had been omitted.

            (f)  Modifications.   No  change,  modification  or  waiver  of  any
provision  of this  Agreement  shall be valid  unless the same be in writing and
signed by the parties hereto.

            (g) Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the Plan contain the entire
agreement and  understanding  of the parties  hereto with respect to the subject
matter  contained  herein and therein and  supersede  all prior  communications,
representations and negotiations in respect thereto.

            (h)  Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  and the  rights of  Executive
hereunder  shall be construed and determined in accordance  with the laws of the
State of Florida.

            (i) Headings.  The headings of the Sections  hereof are provided for
convenience  only  and  are  not to  serve  as a  basis  for  interpretation  or
construction, and shall not constitute a part, of this Agreement.

            (j)  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in  counterparts,
each of which  shall be  deemed an  original,  but all of which  together  shall
constitute one and the same instrument.

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Agreement
on the date first written above.

Carnival Corporation                      Executive

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