Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 20F



OF 1934: For the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2007


ACT OF 1934 (NO FEE REQUIRED): For the transition period from _____________ to


Date of event requiring the shell company report:

Commission File Number: 0-30228

                            ALLURA INTERNATIONAL INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 (Translation of Registrant's name into English)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 (Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)

             1555 WEST 8TH AVENUE, VANCOUVER, B.C., CANADA, V6J 1T5
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     (Address of Principal executive office)

Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

Securities for which there is a reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d)
of the Act: NONE

Number of outstanding shares of each of the issuer's classes of capital or
common stock as of MARCH 31, 2007: 5,080,100.69 COMMON SHARES, WITHOUT PAR VALUE

Indicate by check mark if the issuer is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined
in Rule 405 of the Securities Act:

Yes [ ] No [X]

If this report is an annual or transition report, indicate by check mark if the
registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15 (d) of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934:

Yes [X] No [ ]

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  Registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days:

YES [X] NO [ ]

Indicate  by  check  mark  whether  filer  is  a  large  accelerated  filer,  an
accelerated filer or a non-accelerated filer:

Large accelerated filer [ ] Accelerated filer [ ] Non-accelerated filer [X]

Indicate by check mark which financial statement item the Registrant has elected
to follow: Item 17 [X] Item 18 [ ]

                                  Page 1 of 71

If this is an annual report,  indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a
shell company (as defined in Rule 12b - 2 of the Exchange Act). Yes [ ] No [X]


Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  Registrant  has filed all  documents  and
reports  required  to be  filed by  Section  12,  13 or 15(d) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 subsequent to the  distribution of securities  under a plan
confirmed by a court: YES [ ] NO [ ]

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                               PART I
Item 1.     Identity of Directors, Senior Management and Advisers..................................3
Item 2.     Offer Statistics and Expected Timetable................................................3
Item 3.     Key Information........................................................................3
Item 4.     Information on the Company............................................................10
Item 5.     Operating and Financial Review and Prospects..........................................18
Item 6.     Directors, Senior Management and Employees............................................26
Item 7.     Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions.....................................29
Item 8.     Financial Information.................................................................31
Item 9.     The Offer and Listing.................................................................32
Item 10.    Additional Information................................................................31
Item 11.    Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk............................36
Item 12.    Description of Securities other than Equity Securities................................37

                                              PART II

Item 13.    Defaults, Dividend Arrearages and Delinquencies.......................................37
Item 14.    Material Modifications to the Rights of Security Holders and Use of Proceeds..........38
Item 15.    Controls and Procedures...............................................................38
Item 16A.   Audit Committee Financial Expert......................................................40
Item 16B.   Code of Ethics........................................................................41
Item 16C.   Principal Accountants Fees and Services...............................................41
Item 16D.   Exemption from the Listing Standards for Audit Committees.............................41
Item 16E.   Purchases of Equity Securities by the Issuer and Affiliated Purchasers................41
Item 17.    Financial Statements..................................................................42
Item 18.    Financial Statements..................................................................67
Item 19.    Exhibits..............................................................................67
            Index to Exhibits Filed...............................................................69

                                  Page 2 of 71

                                     PART I


   This  Form  20-F is being  filed as an annual  report  under  the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, and accordingly,  the information  called for in Item 1 is
not  required.  Please  refer  to "Item 6 -  Directors,  Senior  Management  and
Employees -Directors and Senior Management".


   This  Form  20-F is being  filed as an annual  report  under  the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, and accordingly,  the information  called for in Item 2 is
not applicable to this report.



   The following  consolidated  table sets forth,  for the periods and the dates
indicated,  selected financial and operating data for Allura  International Inc.
("Company" or "Allura" or "Allura Group"),  for the fiscal years ended March 31,
2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 and 2003. This information  should be read in conjunction
with the Company's  Financial  Statements and Notes thereto,  and "Operating and
Financial  Review  and  Prospects"   included  elsewhere  herein.  The  selected
financial  data  provided  below are not  necessarily  indicative  of the future
results of operations or financial performance of the Company.

   During  September  2005,  the Company  declared and paid a US $0.01 per share
dividend  (Equivalent  to  US  $0.03  per  share  after  consolidation)  to  all
shareholders  on record as at September 6, 2005.  Four of the Company's  largest
shareholders  waived  their  rights to receive  this  dividend.  The  payment of
dividends in the future will depend on the earnings and  financial  condition of
the Company and such other  factors as the Board of Directors of the Company may
consider  appropriate.  The Company is still in an expansion  stage therefore it
may be unlikely that it will pay a dividend in the near future.

   The Financial Statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with
accounting  principles generally accepted in Canada ("Canadian GAAP"). There are
no material differences between Canadian GAAP and the accounting principles that
are  generally  accepted in the United  States  ("U.S.  GAAP") as applied to the
Company,  including  disclosure items, as disclosed in the financial  statements
under note 15.

The following tables set forth information in Canadian dollars.

                                  Page 3 of 71

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              2007                 2006             2005             2004             2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Sales                        $      22,638,034    $      17,719,672    $  18,252,286    $  16,114,338    $  17,031,936
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gross Profit                     $       5,598,399    $       4,067,365    $   5,098,045    $   3,957,544    $   4,023,355
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Income (Loss)                $         200,272    $        (389,759)   $     322,708    $     327,681    $     398,084
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings (Loss) Per
Common Share (a)                 $            0.04               ($0.08)   $        0.06    $        0.06    $        0.08
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outstanding Shares (a)            (c) 5,080,100.69     (b) 5,080,100.69     5,080,100.69     5,080,100.69     5,080,100.69
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Assets                     $      18,886,989    $      16,276,552    $  16,824,370    $  11,539,964    $  12,285,925
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Working Capital                  $       2,708,789    $       2,513,418    $   2,936,292    $   2,582,063    $   2,250,619
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Long Term Liabilities            $         227,699                   --               --               --               --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Liabilities                $      15,973,737    $      13,563,572    $  13,689,730    $   8,728,032    $   9,752,174
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Non Controlling Interest                        --                   --               --               --               --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shareholder's Equity             $       2,913,252    $       2,712,980    $   3,134,640    $   2,811,932    $   2,533,751
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dividends declared per share                    --    $        0.03 USD               --               --               --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a)   Earnings per share are on basic and fully diluted basis.

(b)   On September 30, 2005, the Company's shareholders approved a reverse stock
      split of the Company's 15,240,302  outstanding common shares, on the basis
      of 3 (old) for each 1 (new)  common  share.  The new  common  shares  were
      issued on March 26, 2007 to complete the reverse stock split.

(c)   Subsequent  to  year-end,  at the Annual  General  Meeting of the  Company
      ("AGM"),  which took place on September 26th 2007,  Shareholders of record
      voted to round all fractional shares held by individual Shareholders up to
      one whole  share.  As at that date the  Outstanding  Shares of the Company
      became a total of 5,080,150


The Company's accounts are maintained in Canadian dollars. In this Annual Report
all dollar  amounts are  expressed in Canadian  dollars  except where  otherwise
indicated.  All exchange  rates  disclosed  in this  statement is based on rates
published on Bank of Canada's  website.  We do not  represent  that the Canadian
dollar or the US dollar  amounts could be converted  into US dollars or Canadian
dollars,  as the case may be at any particular  rate, the rates set forth below,
or at all.

(a) On  September  30,  2007 the month end  closing  rate per Bank of Canada was
$1.00 US = $0.9948 Canadian.

(b) The following table sets forth the intra-day high and low exchange rates for
each month during the previous six months per Bank of Canada:

                                  Page 4 of 71

                          Canadian Dollar/US Dollar

              Month                       Low             High

              August 2007               $1.0830          $1.0462
              July 2007                 $1.0701          $1.0341
              June 2007                 $1.0760          $1.0536
              May 2007                  $1.1163          $1.0666
              April 2007                $1.1600          $1.1048
              March 2007                $1.1817          $1.1500

(c) The following table sets forth the average rates for each period, calculated
by using the average of the exchange rates on the last day of each month during
the period:

                          Canadian Dollar/US Dollar

              Fiscal Year Ended                     Average Rate
              March 31, 2007                           $1.1524**
              March 31, 2006                           $1.1574
              March 31, 2005                           $1.2161
              March 31, 2004                           $1.3284
              March 31, 2003                           $1.4764

              **(Note: Bank of Canada site only specifies the High Low for the
              day, not the average. This is the mid point rate for the day)


This Form 20-F is being filed as an annual report under the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934, and accordingly, the information called for in this Item 3.B is not


This Form 20-F is being filed as an annual report under the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  and  accordingly,  the  information  called for in Item 3.C is not
applicable to this report.


   The Company's business is subject to a number of risk factors that are set
forth below. Additional risks and uncertainties not now known to us or that we
think are immaterial may also adversely impact or impair our business. If any of
the following risks actually occur, our business, results of operations, or
financial condition would likely suffer.


   Outside manufacturers  manufacture all of the Company's products, in whole or
in part.  These  outside  manufacturers  typically  are  small to  medium-sized,
privately owned  companies.  During fiscal 2007, the Company  purchased gold and
silver  products  from  over 100  suppliers,  with the  five  largest  suppliers
accounting  for  approximately  25% of  the  Company's  total  gold  and  silver
purchases.  In the diamond  jewellery,  loose stone and coloured stone area, the
Company  purchased  products from  approximately  100 suppliers,  while the five
largest  suppliers  accounted for 55% of the Company's  total  purchases in this

                                  Page 5 of 71

   A substantial  portion of the Company's  purchases are concentrated  within a
small number of suppliers.  One particular supplier's products accounted for 23%
of IBB  purchases  and 6% of ADL  purchases  during  the year.  The loss of this
particular supplier would have a material adverse effect on business. Aside from
this one supplier  the Company  does not believe the loss of any other  supplier
would have a material adverse effect on its business. The Company's five largest
suppliers  account  for  38% of  the  merchandise  purchases  during  the  year.
Alternative  sources of supply for the finished  goods  purchased by the Company
are available. The Company has no long-term contractual relationship with any of
its  suppliers.  Risks  generally  inherent in the use of outside  manufacturers
include security at the manufacturer's  facility,  transport of materials to and
from the manufacturer  theft by the manufacturer or its employees and bankruptcy
or other financial problems of the manufacturer.


   Prices for the Company's  products  generally are  determined by reference to
the current market price of gold or diamonds.  Consequently, the Company's sales
could be affected by significant increases, decreases or volatility in the price
of gold or diamonds. If the price of gold or diamonds were to move substantially
above or substantially  below current price levels and remain at such levels for
a prolonged  period of time,  such  increase  or decrease  could have an adverse
effect on the  Company's  results of  operations.  In  addition,  the  Company's
results of operations  may be adversely  affected  during the periods of extreme
volatility  in the price of gold or diamonds  since many  customers may elect to
defer  purchases  until the price of the commodities  become  relatively  stable


   The  Company's  business  is highly  seasonal.  The third and  fourth  fiscal
quarters,  which include the Christmas  shopping season,  generally  produce the
strongest  results,  and the second  calendar  quarter  generally  produces  the
weakest  results.  In past years the fourth  quarter  has been  subject to stock
returns  by  customers  due to  products  being  discontinued  by  them  or from
overstocking  of  running  products,  however,  in  recent  years  this has been
apparent in the first quarter as well as the early second quarter. The Company's
sales and income  also may vary from  quarter to  quarter  as a  consequence  of
general  economic  and industry  conditions  that affect  consumer  spending and
purchases by retailers.


   The  Company's  business  is  substantially  dependent  on  the  efforts  and
abilities  of  Jeremy  Bowman,  its  Chief  Executive  Officer.  The loss of Mr.
Bowman's services may have a material adverse effect on the Company's  business.
An employment  agreement with Mr. Bowman was finalized,  signed and is in place.
The Company does not maintain any key man life insurance on Mr. Bowman's life.

      The Company's  success will depend upon recruiting and  maintaining  other
qualified  personnel to staff its  operations.  The Company  believes  that such
personnel currently are available at reasonable salaries and wages. There can be
no  assurance,  however,  that such  personnel  will always be  available in the
future.  In addition,  it cannot be predicted  whether the Company's  work force
will be unionized.  The success of the  operations and activities of the Company
is  dependent  to a  significant  extent on the  efforts  and  abilities  of its
management.  Although the Company has employment  agreements with certain of its
key  employees,  the loss of services of any of its management  personnel  could
have a material adverse affect on the Company. See "Directors, Senior Management
and Employees."


   The Company's business is highly competitive,  and the distribution  channels
in  which  the  Company  markets  its  products   frequently  involve  different
competitive  factors.  Some  companies in the jewelry  industry may have greater
financial and other resources than the Company. See "Information on the Company-
Business Overview - Competition."

                                  Page 6 of 71


   The  Company  has no  long-term  contractual  relationships  with  any of its
customers,  nor are any of the Company's  customers  subject to any  contractual
provisions or other  restrictions,  which preclude them from purchasing products
from the Company's competitors.  The Company does have consignment agreements in
place  with  certain  buying  groups,  which  only  clarify  special  terms  and
conditions  of how the  consignment  is  managed.  Additionally  the Company has
similar  consignment  agreements with certain  individual major customers.  Such
agreements  do not preclude  customers  from buying  product from the  Company's
competitors  nor do they  guarantee the sale of the Company's  products to those
customers or groups.  As a gesture of goodwill the Company also provides a stock
balancing  service,  primarily to large retailers,  in order to assist them with
maintaining  inventory levels in an efficient way. In most cases stock balancing
transactions  involve taking back products for resorting and  redistribution  to
other stores within the retailers  group, in other cases it involves taking back
product, which is replaced with different styles and not redistributed.


      Based  upon  beneficial  ownership  as of Sept  30,  2007,  the  Company's
directors,  executive officers, holders of more than 5% of our common stock, and
their affiliates will, in the aggregate,  beneficially own  approximately 86% of
our outstanding common shares. As a result,  these stockholders,  subject to any
fiduciary duties owed to our other stockholders under Canadian law, will be able
to exercise a controlling influence over matters requiring stockholder approval,
including  the  election of  directors  and  approval of  significant  corporate
transactions,  and will have significant  control over our management  policies.
Some of these persons or entities may have  interests  that are  different  from
yours. For example,  these  stockholders may support  proposals and actions with
which you may disagree or which are not in your interests.  The concentration of
ownership could delay or prevent a change in control of our company or otherwise
discourage  a  potential  acquirer  from  attempting  to obtain  control  of our
company,  which in turn could reduce the price of our common stock. In addition,
these  stockholders,  some of whom are  directors  or who  have  representatives
sitting on the Company's board of directors, could use their voting influence to
maintain the Company's  existing  management  and directors in office,  delay or
prevent changes of control of our company, or support or reject other management
and board proposals that are subject to stockholder approval, such as amendments
to the Company's  employee  stock plans and approvals of  significant  financing


   There is no current  trading  market for the shares of the  Company's  Common
Stock and there can be no assurance that a trading  market will develop,  or, if
such a trading market does develop that it will be sustained.  The shares of the
Company's  Common Stock,  to the extent that a market develops for the shares of
the  Company's  Common  Stock at all, of which there can be no  assurance,  will
likely  appear  in what is  customarily  known as the  "pink  sheets"  or on the
"FINRA" formally "NASD" Over the Counter  Electronic  Bulletin Board,  which may
limit the  marketability  and  liquidity of the shares of the  Company's  Common
Stock.  Thus,  stockholders may find it difficult to sell their shares. To date,
neither the Company  nor anyone  acting on its behalf has taken any  affirmative
steps to request or encourage any broker/dealer to act as a market maker for the
Company's   Common  Stock.   Further,   there  have  been  no   discussions   or
understandings,  preliminary or otherwise,  between the Company or anyone acting
on its behalf and any  market  maker  regarding  the  participation  of any such
market maker in the future  trading  market,  if any, for the  Company's  Common

   Under  Rule  15g-9 of the  Exchange  Act,  a broker or dealer  may not sell a
"penny stock" to, or affect the purchase of a penny stock by, any person unless:

   (a) such sale or purchase is exempt from Rule 15g-9;

   (b) prior  to  the  transaction  the  broker  or  dealer has (1) approved the
            person's account for transactions in penny stocks in accordance with
            Rule 15g-9, and (2) received from the person a written  agreement to
            the transaction setting forth the identity and quantity of the penny
            stock to be

                                  Page 7 of 71

            purchased; and

   (c) the purchaser has been provided an appropriate disclosure statement as to
            penny stock investment.

   The United  States  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  (the  "Commission")
adopted  regulations  that  generally  define  a penny  stock  to be any  equity
security  other than a security  excluded  from such  definition by Rule 3a51-1.
Such exemptions include, but are not limited to (1) an equity security issued by
an issuer that has (i) net  tangible  assets of at least  US$2,000,000,  if such
issuer has been in  continuous  operations  for at least three  years,  (ii) net
tangible assets of at least US$5,000,000,  if such issuer has been in continuous
operation  for less than  three  years,  or (iii)  average  revenue  of at least
US$6,000,000  for the preceding three years;  (2) except for purposes of Section
7(b) of the Exchange Act and Rule 419, any security  that has a price of US$5.00
or more;  and (3) a security that is  authorized  or approved for  authorization
upon notice of issuance for quotation on the "FINRA" formally "NASD",  Automated
Quotation  System.  It is likely  that  shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock,
assuming a market were to develop therefore,  will be subject to the regulations
on penny stocks;  consequently,  the market  liquidity for the Company's  Common
Stock may be  adversely  affected by such  regulations  limiting  the ability of
broker/dealers   to  sell  the  Company's   Common  Stock  and  the  ability  of
stockholders to sell their  securities in the secondary  market.  Moreover,  the
Company's  shares may only be sold or transferred by its  stockholders  in those
jurisdictions  in which an exemption for such  "secondary  trading" exists or in
which the shares may have been registered.


   There are presently issued and outstanding 5,080,150 shares and an additional
1,000,000  shares reserved for issuance upon the exercise of any incentive Stock
Options  issued  in the  future;  all but  143,290  of  which,  are  "restricted
securities" as that term is defined under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended
(the "Act"),  and in the future may be sold in  compliance  with Rule 144 of the
Act,  pursuant  to an a  Registration  Statement  filed  under the Act, or other
applicable  exemptions  from  registration  thereunder.  Rule 144  provides,  in
essence,  that a person holding  restricted  securities for a period of one year
may  sell  those  securities  in  unsolicited   brokerage   transactions  or  in
transactions  with a market  maker,  in an amount  equal to one  percent  of the
Company's  outstanding Common Stock every three months.  Additionally,  Rule 144
requires that an issuer of securities  make  available  adequate  current public
information with respect to the issuer.  Such information is deemed available if
the issuer  satisfies the reporting  requirements of Sections 13 or 15(d) of the
Exchange  Act and of Rule  15c2-11  thereunder.  Rule  144 also  permits,  under
certain circumstances, the sale of shares by a person who is not an affiliate of
the Company and who has satisfied a two-year holding period without any quantity
limitation  and  whether or not there is  adequate  current  public  information
available. Investors should be aware that sales under Rule 144, or pursuant to a
Registration  Statement  filed under the Act, might have a depressive  effect on
the market  price of the  Company's  Common Stock in any market that may develop
for such shares.


   The Company is a Canadian corporation.  All of its directors and officers are
residents of  jurisdictions  other than the United States and a significant part
of its assets  are,  or will be,  located  outside of the  United  States.  As a
result,  it may be difficult for  shareholders  resident in the United States to
effect service within the United States upon the Company,  and/or such directors
or officers  who are not  residents of the United  States,  or to realize in the
United  States upon  judgments of courts of the United  States  predicated  upon
civil liability of any of the Company, or such directors or officers,  under the
United  States  federal  securities  laws.  The Company has been  advised by its
Canadian  counsel that there is substantial  doubt as to whether Canadian courts
would  (i)  enforce   judgments  of  the  United   States  courts  of  competent
jurisdiction  obtained  against the  Company,  or such  directors  or  officers,
predicated upon the civil  liabilities  provisions of such  securities  laws, or
(ii) impose liabilities in original actions against the Company or its directors
or officers  predicated  solely upon such securities laws.  Accordingly,  United
States  shareholders  may be forced to bring actions against the Company and its
directors  and officers  under  Canadian law and in Canadian  courts in order to
enforce any claims that they may have against the Company or its directors or

                                  Page 8 of 71

officers.   Subject  to  necessary   registration  under  applicable  provincial
corporate  statutes in the case of a corporate  shareholder,  Canadian courts do
not restrict the ability of non-resident persons to sue in their courts.


   The Company is exposed to currency  risk as most of its accounts  payable are
denominated in currencies other than the Canadian dollar. Unfavorable changes in
the  applicable  exchange  rates may result in a decrease or increase in foreign
exchange gain or loss.

   The Company  earns revenue and incurs  operating  expenses  predominantly  in
Canadian dollars.

   The Company does not use derivatives to reduce its exposure to foreign
currency risk.


   The Company's bank  indebtedness  bears floating interest rates. This exposes
the Company to the risk of changing  interest  rates that may have a detrimental
affect on its earnings and cash flow in future periods.


   Credit  risk  arises  from the  possibility  that the  entities  to which the
Company sells  products may  experience  financial  difficulty  and be unable to
fulfill their contractual obligations.


   The future revenue and  profitability of the Company will be dependent,  to a
significant extent, upon prevailing spot market prices for gold and diamonds. In
the past, gold and diamond prices have been volatile. Prices are subject to wide
fluctuations  in response to changes in supply and demand for gold and diamonds,
market  uncertainty  and a variety  of  additional  factors  that are beyond the
control of the Company. The Company does not engage in any hedging activities.


   In July 2002,  President Bush signed into law the  Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
("SOX"). The purpose of the SOX is to, among other things;  protect investors by
improving the accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures made pursuant to
the  securities  laws.  We expect these  developments  to increase the legal and
financial  compliance  costs,  and to make some activities  more difficult.  For
example,  we  expect  these  developments  to make it more  difficult  and  more
expensive  for  public  companies  to  obtain  director  and  officer  liability
insurance. These developments could make it more difficult for us to attract and
retain qualified members of our board of directors,  particularly to serve on an
audit committee,  and qualified executive officers.  We are presently evaluating
and  monitoring  regulatory  developments  and  cannot  estimate  the  timing or
magnitude of additional  costs we may incur as a result.  Furthermore,  proposed
changes in the accounting rules could increase the expenses that we report under
GAAP and  adversely  affect our  operating  results.  While we will  endeavor to
establish the  requisite  procedures  and structure our corporate  governance in
accordance with SOX and the rules and regulations  thereunder,  as issued by the
SEC from time to time,  we cannot  assure you that we will be successful in this
regard  or that the  costs we incur  in  doing so will not  prove  material  and
adversely affect our profitability.


   The  Company's  demand  overdraft  loan  agreement  facility  has  terms  and
covenants that the Company must meet to maintain this  facility.  If the Company
is in default of its terms and covenants, there can

                                  Page 9 of 71

be no assurance  that the bank and management  will be able to  renegotiate  its
arrangements  to bring the Company into  compliance.  As at March 31, 2007,  the
Company  was in  default  of its  terms and  covenants  on this  overdraft  loan
facility;  however,  the terms and covenants were  renegotiated.  As at July 31,
2007,  the Company was in  compliance  with these terms and  covenants,  however
there can be no assurance that it will be in the future.




   Allura  International  Inc. (the "Company" or "Allura") was  incorporated  on
April  13,  1988  under the laws of  Canada  under  the name "IBB  International
Bullion and Metal Brokers  (Canada)  Limited."  The Company  changed its name to
"Allura  International  Inc." on April 1,  1999 and  simultaneously  effected  a
corporate restructuring (the "Restructuring") by selling and transferring all of
its assets,  other than its 50% interest in Allura Diamonds Limited,  a Canadian
corporation ("ADL") to IBB International  (Canada) Ltd., a Canadian  corporation
("IBB") in exchange for shares of the capital stock of IBB. IBB was newly formed
for  the  purpose  of  affecting  the  Restructuring  and  as a  result  of  the
Restructuring,  became a wholly owned  subsidiary  of the  Company.  At the same
time, the Company  acquired the balance of the issued and outstanding  shares of
capital  stock of ADL in exchange  for 250,000  shares of the  Company's  common
stock.  During May 2000,  the  Company  incorporated  a new  company,  Bygo Inc.
("Bygo"). During March 2006, the Company sold all its outstanding shares of Bygo
to its ADL. At the same time, Bygo was wound up into ADL. Collectively,  IBB and
ADL are referred to as the  "Jewellery  Division",  which is the Company's  only
division; together with the Company, is the "Allura Group."

   The Company,  through the Jewellery Division, is primarily in the business of
wholesaling gold,  sterling silver and diamond jewellery in Canada. Its customer
base is comprised of large  national  chains as well as  independent  retailers.
Bygo had business-to-business and business-to-consumer  Internet commerce sites.
Prior to being wound up in March 2006, Bygo had earned minimal revenues since it
had  primarily  devoted its efforts and  resources  to develop the  software and
hardware  necessary to execute its business  plan.  Bygo  operated as an on-line
e-commerce facilitator of jewellery, paper goods and giftware distribution.

   The  Company's  head-office  is located at 1555 West 8th  Avenue,  Vancouver,
B.C.,  V6J 1T5. Its telephone  number is (604)  683-5700,  and its fax number is
(604) 683-5900. IBB operates out of the Vancouver facility,  however ADL has its
principal office in Halifax at Unit 104, 276 Bedford Highway, Halifax, N.S., B3M
2K6. The telephone  number for ADL is (902) 457-7654 and the fax number is (902)
443-8414. Subsequent to the fiscal 2006 year, the Company opened a new office in
Toronto to engage in sales  functions of the Company.  The primary  focus of the
Toronto  office is on the Company's  majors  customer  group,  however,  it also
covers all independent  sales,  marketing and order input. The office is located
at 1  Valleybrook  Drive,  Suite  #100 & 101,  Toronto,  Ontario,  M3B 2S7.  The
telephone  number for the Toronto office is (416) 422-5500 and the fax number is
(416) 422 - 5508.


   The Company was initially  formed to import  European  jewellery into Canada.
The  objective  of the  Company has been to be a  specialized  supplier of gold,
silver and diamond jewelry within the following principal sectors:

                                Department stores

                               Catalogue retailers

                                 Mass merchants

                                Major discounters

                            Major jewellery retailers

                                  Page 10 of 71

                          Independent jewellery stores

Subsequent  to the fiscal  2006 year end,  the  Company  acquired  new  business
solution software to integrate its operations and management systems.  The first
phase of implementation for ADL was completed in fiscal 2007. The final phase of
implementation  of this  software for the  Jewellery  Division is expected to be
completed by fiscal  2008.  The Company  expects to achieve  cost and  operating
efficiencies resulting from the implementation of this software.



   The Company conducts its jewelry wholesaling operations through the Jewellery
Division  comprising  of IBB and ADL. The  Company's  mass  marketing  jewellery
operations  are  conducted  through  IBB,  while  ADL's  primary  focus  is  the
independent jewellery sector.


   As the  "average"  Canadian  gold  importer  will  normally  only buy what is
available from the manufacturers,  IBB believes that it is different, in that it
has many of its products manufactured distinctly to its own specifications.  IBB
has  created a niche for its  products  through  innovative  selling and display
techniques and through the use of trade marked names,  such as Little Loves Gold
Jewellery TM, Golden Moments TM,  Earresistables TM, Tuscany Gold Collection TM,
and Tuscany Silver TM.

The range of  products  that IBB sells  consists  mainly of  chains,  bracelets,
bangles,  and earrings in 10, 14 and 18 karat gold. IBB also markets lower value
diamond and silver jewellery to major retailers and jewellery chains. Subsequent
to fiscal 2006 year end, the Company developed the new diamond business focusing
on lower  value  items  than it has done in the past.  This  business  increased
overall  sales for fiscal 2007 and enabled IBB to enter into new markets  beyond
the large retailers.  IBB's sales are divided  approximately 90% to major retail
and  jewellery  store  chains and 10% to  independent  jewelry  stores.  IBB has
created a strong and resourceful management team and continues to invest more to
develop and improve on management  information  systems and computer  equipment.
During the current  fiscal year, the Company  invested in new business  solution
software to replace its existing  legacy systems,  which is being  integrated in
phases.  This  strategy  continues  to  permit  the  company  to  build a strong
management  infrastructure,  ready to handle possible  expansion  throughout the
North American markets.


   ADL was  established  in 1994 as a premier  diamond house to market  finished
diamond jewelry and loose diamonds.  ADL currently  specializes in finer diamond

   ADL sales are divided  approximately  36% to major  retail and jewelry  store
chains and 64% to  independent  jewellery  stores.  ADL's lower  priced  diamond
jewellery to major retailers is marketed through IBB and such sales comprise 13%
of ADL's total sales. In 2002, ADL incorporated the "Canadian  Diamond" into its
range  of  products.  Then in 2004  ADL  introduced  a new  "Diamond  Collection
Certificate"  certifying  rings within this product  category as a true Canadian
made product.  This certificate  accompanies all products within the "Hearts and
Arrows" and "Ideal Cut Diamond" collections.  The Company also markets a line of
gemstone products to the independent jewelry stores trademarked as Dreamcatchers
TM. Subsequent to year-end the Dreamcatchers TM line has been transferred to IBB
for sale and distribution through its Vancouver office.


   The Allura Group offers its customers a large selection of jewellery  styles,
consistent product quality, and prompt delivery of product orders and provides a
wide range of specialized services. The Company's retail

                                  Page 11 of 71

the  Company's  largest  customers,  accounting  for  approximately  69%  of the
Company's  sales in fiscal 2007, 61% in fiscal 2006 and 62% in fiscal 2005. They
are representative of the customers to which the Jewellery  Division's marketing
efforts are directed. The Company continues to expand its customer base.

   While the Allura Group focused its primary  marketing efforts on a relatively
small number of retailers,  in fiscal 2007, sales were made to approximately 400
customers,  with  over  1372  retail  locations,  and  with no  single  customer
accounting  for more than  approximately  22% of net sales.  The  Company's  six
largest  customers  accounted for approximately 69% of sales in fiscal 2007, 61%
in fiscal 2006 and 62% in fiscal 2005.  The Company does not have any  long-term
contractual arrangements with any of its customers; and any of its customers may
purchase similar products from the Company's competitors.


   In implementing its business strategy,  the Company originally introduced the
idea of "concept selling," whereby a group of products, effectively a collection
of jewellery,  could be offered to a customer as a complete concept, including a
full merchandise  package.  With a master assortment in place, the Allura Group,
through  discussions  with  the  customers  regarding  their  respective  market
demographics  and prior  marketing  successes and failures,  is able to tailor a
unique  collection of merchandise to suit the individual needs of each customer.
As  the  customer's   individualized  collection  is  assembled,  the  Company's
professional  team  of  experts  develops   innovative  displays  together  with
complementing  marketing  material  that will assist the retailer to execute its
sales plan.  The Allura  Group's staff follow up with  telephonic and in persons
conferences  and  discussions,  fine  tuning  and  refining  the  program  on  a
continuing basis to ensure an ongoing positive relationship with customers.

   In July 2006,  the Company  opened its third  office in Canada in the city of
Toronto.  The  primary  focus of the Toronto  office is to improve our  customer
service to our  largest  customers;  most of whom are  headquartered  in Toronto
however the office also markets to  independent  customers and  processes  sales


   The Company expects that its market share of the business  generated by large
jewelry   retailers  will  continue  to  trend  upwards  as  manufacturers   and
distributors with the size and sophistication to satisfy the specialized service
needs of these large retailers  become  increasingly in demand.  The specialized
services  required  by  these  retailers  include  bar  coding,   individualized
packaging,   "drop-shipping"   to  individual   locations  and  the  ability  to
participate  in  electronic  data  interchange  ("EDI")  programs.  The  Company
believes  these  services  are not  available  from  all  suppliers  within  the
industry.  Currently,  the Company has the  capability  and resources to provide
such  services  and has  done so for  customers  that  have  requested  for such

   The Company  believes that in the  increasingly  competitive  environment  in
which it operates, the ability to provide specialized customer services, deliver
product in a timely fashion and offer a broad line of moderately priced products
with a  perceived  high  value  will  become  increasingly  important  marketing
factors.  The Company has  formulated a business  strategy that it believes will
enable  it to  take  advantage  of  these  developing  trends  in the  jewellery
industry. Further, the Company believes that its business strategy will allow it
to leverage the expertise and customer base it has  established  in the Canadian
market to create future sales in the much larger markets of the United States.

   The  Company  believes  that  the most  important  elements  of its  business
strategy are:

   FOCUSED CUSTOMER BASE. While the Company has developed a broad customer base,
the Company targets its marketing efforts towards large retailers,  such as mass
merchandisers,  department  stores,  jewelry  retail  chains,  and  other  major
discount stores.  These customers typically require a high level of service, and
the Company seeks to build long-term  relationships  by making it convenient and
cost-effective for these customers to rely on the Company for essential services
such as product design, inventory control and on time delivery.

   CUSTOMER  SERVICE.  The Company offers prompt and reliable order  fulfillment
and a wide range of specialized services,  including individualized packaging of
jewellery products, price-tagging, bar coding, delivery to individual customer

                                  Page 12 of 71

locations  and  computer  generated  reports  which aid  customers  in inventory
control,  purchasing  decisions and the  identification  of market  trends.  The
Company has also  participated  in EDI  programs  with  certain  customers.  The
Company believes these specialized services, which are particularly important in
marketing  to large  retailers,  enhance  the  Company's  ability to attract and
retain  customers  and  serve to  differentiate  the  Company  from  many of its

   SUCCESSFUL PRODUCT LINE DIVERSIFICATION.The Allura Group offers its customers
a large  selection  of  jewellery  styles  and range of  products  that  include
precious and semi precious stones, gold jewellery and silver jewellery.

its  customers  with a full line of high  quality  gold  jewelry  products  that
incorporate  traditional styles and designs. While the Company regularly updates
its  product  lines  and  offers  new  products,   it  seeks  to  avoid  designs
incorporating  high fashion  trends that are expected to have short life cycles.
The Company  currently offers  approximately  2,460 styles of chains,  earrings,
bracelets and rings.  The Company's  products are  moderately  priced,  with the
majority  of its  products  retailing  at  prices  between  $30  and  $800.  The
relatively  more expensive  product line offered by ADL is intended to appeal to
consumers  who  are  value-conscious  as  well  as  fashion-conscious.  IBB  has
established  a minimal  amount of sales in silver  jewelry  and plans to try and
expand sales in this area. The Company currently offers  approximately 55 styles
of silver  product.  A principal  focus of the  Company's  design  program is to
maximize  the  perceived  value of the  Company's  products  through  design and
manufacturing  innovations that enhance the appearance of its jewellery  without
corresponding  increases in product  costs.  The Company also works closely with
major  customers  to  develop  products,  which  are sold  exclusively  by those


   The Company's sales and marketing operations are directed at retail stores of
all  types  and sizes  such as  department  stores,  catalogue  retailers,  mass
merchants,   major  discounters,   major  jewellery  retailers  and  independent
jewellery  stores.  The Company's  retail  customers  include THE BAY,  WAL-MART
DIAMOND  CENTRES.  These  customers are among the Company's  largest  customers,
accounting for  approximately 69% of the Company's net sales in fiscal 2007, 61%
in fiscal 2006 and 62% in fiscal 2005. The company has two customers (2006: one;
2005:  two),  with  sales  that  exceeded  10%  of the  total  sales.  They  are
representative  of the  customers to which the  Jewellery  Division's  marketing
efforts are directed. The Company continues to expand its customer base.

   The Company believes that providing  exceptional  customer  services is a key
element of its marketing program.  The Company's marketing efforts emphasize its
ability to fill orders in a prompt and reliable  fashion.  The Company maintains
an  extensive  inventory  of finished  goods,  which  enable it to rapidly  fill
customer orders often within 24 hours of receipt. The Company has worked hard to
build its computer programs to help anticipate customers' needs.

   In addition to prompt and reliable  order  fulfillment,  the Company offers a
wide variety of customer support services  designed to meet the individual needs
of its customers.  The Company  targets large retailers who require a high level
of service, and the Company seeks to build long-term  relationships by making it
convenient and cost-effective for customers to rely on the Company for essential
services. For many of these customers,  the Company prepackages,  price-tags and
bar codes  individual  pieces of jewellery  and then ships an assortment of many
prepackaged items to individual retail locations. Other services provided by the
Company  include  advertising  and  merchandising  support  and,  point  of sale

   The Company  provides  computer-generated  reports  analyzing the  customers'
sales and  inventory  levels by category,  style and price point.  These reports
assist the Company and its  customers to increase  sales,  manage  inventory and
project demand.  The Company believes the reports are a valuable marketing tool,
and a  substantial  portion of the efforts of the Company's  marketing  staff is
devoted to the review and  analysis of the reports with  representatives  of the
Company's  major  retail  customers.  These  discussions  provide  a  basis  for
subsequent purchasing decisions by customers.

   Marketing  of the  Company's  products  is  conducted  through its offices in
Vancouver, Toronto and Halifax. In July 2006, the Company opened a new office in
Toronto to engage in sales  functions of the Company.  The primary  focus of the
Toronto office is on the Company's largest customers (such customers are

                                  Page 13 of 71

defined  as  having  thirty  plus  retail  stores  and are  otherwise  known  as
"Majors");  most of these are headquartered in Toronto, however, it also markets
to  Independent  customers  and does order  processing.  The Company  also has a
Senior V.P stationed in Toronto, and eight regional independent customer service
representatives  who market to  independent  retail  customers  and  majors.  In
addition,  the  Company's  products  are  promoted  through  the use of  printed
brochures  and trade  show  exhibitions.  The  Company  does not  advertise  its
products  directly to consumers,  prices  charged to individual  customers  vary
based on the services  required by the customer and the customer's sales volume.
Most sales are made under terms that require  payment to the Company of the full
purchase  price  within 90 days of the date of  invoice.  During  the  Christmas
holiday season, payment terms for certain customers may be extended. The Company
also makes sales on a  consignment  basis  (transactions  in which  products are
delivered  to  customers  for more than 90 days  under  terms  which  permit the
customer to defer paying for the products  until they are sold to its  customers
and allows  them to return any unsold  product).  Such sales are  subject to the
terms of a consignment agreement, which may be cancelled at any time upon return
of the product, or alternatively may be automatically renewed if required.  Such
agreements  do not preclude  the  customer  from  purchasing  products  from the
Company's competitors. The amounts of consignment sales in the past three fiscal
years have exceed $6.million per year.

The  Company   accepts   returns  of  products  with  defects  in  materials  or
workmanship.  The Company also accepts returns of certain items,  primarily from
large  retailers,  in  order  to  maintain  customer  goodwill  and as  part  of
promotional  programs.  Returns of products which are not defective,  generally,
are made as part of stock balancing  transactions in which the returned products
are replaced with products  better suited to the  customer's  particular  market

While the Company sold its  products to  approximately  400  customers in fiscal
2007, sales of the Company's six largest  customers  accounted for approximately
69% of sales in fiscal 2007 and 61% in fiscal 2006 and 62% in fiscal  2005.  All
of the Company's  active  customers are Canadian  except Zales  Corporation  and
Birks/Mayors Corporation.


   The Company seeks to provide its  customers  with a full line of high quality
10, 14 and 18 karat gold, silver jewellery and diamond  jewellery  products that
incorporate  traditional styles and designs. While the Company regularly updates
its  product  lines  and  offers  new  products,   it  seeks  to  avoid  designs
incorporating  high fashion  trends that are expected to have short life cycles.
The Company  currently offers  approximately  2,460 styles of chains,  earrings,
bracelets and rings.  In addition the Company  carries  approximately  160 loose
diamonds and coloured  stones of varying  qualities  and weights.  The Company's
products are moderately priced, with the majority of its gold products retailing
at prices  between $30 and $800 and are intended to appeal to consumers  who are
value-conscious  as well as  fashion-conscious.  Through ADL, the Company  sells
items of relatively  higher price points,  however with the  introduction of the
Dreamcatchers  and Golden Moments  collections,  which include mid point diamond
products,  the average  high price point for the company was $820.  Loose stones
vary in price  depending  on market at a price  reflective  of quality and karat
weight.  Such stones  represent a relatively  small portion of the ADL inventory
held,  however  these stones in  isolation  carry a higher  average  price point
relative to the balance of the inventory.

   The Company has an extensive  selection  of products to offer its  customers.
Some of these are available exclusively from the Company. These products include
neckwear,  chains,  bracelets,  bangles,  earrings, rings, lockets, pendants and
charms. At the same time, through ADL, the Company sells loose diamonds.

   The Company works closely with its manufacturers to put together some product
ranges that are  exclusive and often unique in design.  The Company's  marketing
and  merchandising  staff work in  partnership  with major  customers to develop
products that are sold exclusively by the Company to those customers.

   The  Company's  product line  includes  approximately  1,695 karat gold,  710
diamond and colored  stone and 55 sterling  silver  products  that are a regular
part of its product line. These products are traditionally  designed diamond and
colored stone set items, karat gold and sterling silver chains and other jewelry
products for which there has been  consistent  demand.  The Company  continually
strives to update the balance of its product line with  innovative,  new styles.
New styles primarily are introduced at the

                                  Page 14 of 71

beginning of each calendar year, and replace older styles whose  performance has
declined.  The Company  closely  monitors  sales of its new styles and  promptly
discontinues any style that fails to achieve desired sales levels.

   When major customers plan to discontinue items from their programs, including
those  that  have been on  consignment  programs,  these  items are sold down to
minimize the  quantities  returned to the Company.  When the items are returned,
they are  typically  offered to other  customers for regular  margins.  At times
during the year,  the  Company  may offer such  discontinued  items at  discount
values to generate  cash flow and these are typically  sold at reduced  margins.
Additionally  the Company may melt such  product;  in which case it will recover
the raw metal value at market price,  and in the case of Import product;  it may
apply for recovery of  applicable  duties and taxes paid  thereon.  Such product
will be written down to the estimated  recovery value,  which;  depending on the
market  price of the base  metal,  could be lower  than cost.  Typically  melted
product would include,  but is not limited to, samples and styles that have been
discontinued and which are not desired by other customers.

   Styles are  discontinued  when a supplier or manufacturer has discontinued an
item from  their  offering  and we are  unable to  replace  the  product  or the
customers' performance for the item has not met their targets.

   The Company's experience is that such discontinued products do not have to be
significantly  written down as its expected  recovery from  subsequent  sales is
above costs.  When on occasion  the Company has done a melt of certain  product,
the  appropriate  write down has been recorded in the accounts and would be more

   Customers'  selling prices and the Company's price book are updated  annually
to ensure prices reflect market conditions and costs of doing business.  Certain
customer  prices  lists  are  priced  to allow  for  adjustments  to gold  price
fluctuations.  Gold price is  monitored  on a daily  basis to ensure  such price
lists are updated to reflect current gold levels.

It is the Company's  experience that some items  significantly  written down are
later sold, at less reduced  prices,  however the equivalent  dollar amounts are
not material.  The Company's  estimates that during fiscal 2007,  sales for melt
accounted for  approximately  $500,000 of the total  revenues of the Company and
were sold at book value.  As at March 31, 2007 the Company had a total provision
for inventory obsolescence of $329,000 ($401,000: 2006, $213,000: 2005).

   A principal  goal of the  Company's  new product  program is to optimize  the
perceived  value of the  Company's  products  through  design and  manufacturing
innovations  that  enhance  the  appearance  of the  jewelry  without  incurring
corresponding increases in product costs.


   The Company purchases finished products from suppliers located principally in
North America, the Middle East, the Far East and the European Economic Community
("EEC").  The principal  items  purchased by the Company through IBB are machine
and handmade gold and silver  chains;  other gold and silver items  purchased as
finished goods include rings, bracelets,  bangles, lockets,  earrings,  pendants
and charms.  The principal  items purchased by the Company through ADL are loose
diamond stones and finished diamond and coloured stone jewelry, including rings,
bracelets, pendants and earrings.

   The  world's  principal  sourcing  of  rough  diamonds  is  through  De Beers
Consolidated  Mines,   Limited  ("De  Beers"),  a  South  African  company.  The
continuing  availability  of diamonds to the jewelry  industry is dependent,  to
some degree, on a continuous supply from De Beers. While several other countries
are major suppliers of diamonds,  in the event of an interruption of supply from
South Africa,  the jewelry industry,  as a whole,  could be adversely  affected,
which could impact the supply of diamonds to the Company.

   During fiscal 2007, the Company  purchased gold and silver products from over
100 suppliers,  with the five largest suppliers accounting for approximately 25%
of the Company's total gold and silver purchases.  In the diamond jewelry, loose
stone and coloured stone area, the company purchased products from approximately
100  suppliers,  while  the  five  largest  suppliers  accounted  for 55% of the
Company's total

                                  Page 15 of 71

purchases in this area.

   A substantial  portion of the Company's  purchases are concentrated  within a
small number of suppliers.  One particular supplier's products accounted for 23%
of IBB  purchases  and 6% of ADL  purchases  during  the year.  The loss of this
particular supplier would have a material adverse effect on business. Aside from
this one supplier,  the Company does not believe the loss of any other  supplier
would have a material adverse effect on its business. The Company's five largest
suppliers  account  for  38% of  the  merchandise  purchases  during  the  year.
Alternative  sources of supply for the finished  goods  purchased by the Company
are available. The Company has no long-term contractual relationship with any of
its suppliers.

   In order to  maintain  consistent  product  quality,  the  Company  carefully
selects its suppliers and continually monitors the quality of their performance.
The  Company  has  strict  internal  control  procedures  of  all  jewelry  from
inspecting  all materials sent and received from outside  suppliers,  monitoring
the  location  and status of all  inventory  to  ensuring  government  rules and
regulations are followed through the entire purchasing and receiving  process. A
complete  physical  inventory  of gold,  silver  and  gemstones  is taken at the
Company's distribution and administrative facilities on an annual basis.

   The Company does not presently engage in hedging when purchasing gold, silver
or  diamonds.  The  Company  believes  the  risk of  price  fluctuations  can be
mitigated by changes in the prices the Company  charges its customers and in the
nature of its contracts negotiated with its largest customers.  Increases in the
price of diamonds, silver or gold, however, could adversely affect the profit of
the company. A decrease in the price of gold, silver or diamonds could also have
an adverse affect in the valuation of the Company's inventories.


   The jewelry industry in North America is highly  fragmented and characterized
by a large  number  of  small to  medium-sized  manufacturers,  wholesalers  and
distributors.  The Company's business is highly  competitive,  and the Company's
competitors  include domestic and foreign jewellery  manufacturers,  wholesalers
and importers who may operate on a national, regional or local scale.

   The  Company   believes  that  competition  is  based  primarily  on  product
availability,  timeliness of shipment, customer service, product quality, design
and price. The diverse  distribution  channels through which the Company markets
its products frequently involve different  competitive  factors.  The ability to
provide specialized services is a particularly  important  competitive factor in
sales to certain large retailers such as mass merchandisers, discount stores and
catalogue  retailers.  Product  availability and the ability to offer consistent
product quality at competitive prices tend to be the key competitive  factors to
key customers that the Company  serves.  Some of the Company's  competitors  may
specialize   in  sales  to  particular   distribution   channels  and  may  have
relationships   with  customers  in  those   distribution   channels  that  make
competition by the Company more difficult.  The Company  believes that the trend
towards  consolidation  at the  retail  level  in the  jewellery  industry  will
increase the level of competition in the markets in which the Company competes.

   The Company  believes its primary  competitors  to include PAJ Canada (Canada
and  USA),  Bel-Oro  (Canada  and  USA),  Chateau  D'Argent  (Canada)  and R & B
Manufacturing  (Canada and USA), and for ADL to include Corona (Canada and USA),
Master Design  (Canada and USA),  J.S.N (Canada and USA) and Libman  (Canada and


   The Company maintains primarily all-risk  insurance,  with limits normally in
excess of the  Company's  current  inventory  levels,  to cover  loss and damage
caused by fire and/or theft of inventory located at the Company's facilities and
insurance on goods in transit.  The Company also  maintains  insurance  covering
loss and damage caused by fire and/or theft of inventory located at the premises
of suppliers and while in the possession of its sales representatives. While the
amount of  available  coverage  generally  is in  excess of the value  held by a
particular supplier or sales  representative,  at times the amount of value held
by a supplier may  temporarily  exceed the amount of available  coverage.  These
temporary  differences  between the amount of  available  coverage and the value
held have not been material to the Company's  financial  condition or results of
operations.  The  Company  has  fidelity  insurance,  which  provides a level of
coverage against theft or embezzlement by employees of the Company.  The Company
has an insurance  policy to cover  liability  against its directors and officers
and a separate Business Interruption policy.  Additionally,  the Company carries
credit insurance, which covers most of the independent and a Board

                                  Page 16 of 71

approved acceptable portion of major customer receivables.


   The Company  maintains  certain  Canadian and US registered  trademarks.  The
level of  protection  available to the Company for  proprietary  designs  varies
depending on a number of factors,  including the degree of  originality  and the
distinctiveness  of the designs.  No assurance  can be given that the  Company's
patent,  copyrights and other proprietary rights will preclude  competitors from
developing substantially equivalent products.

   IBB uses  trademarks in the sale of some of its products to further create an
exclusive  identity for its  customers.  The  following are some of the Canadian
registered  trademarks used:  Dreamcatchers  TM, Little Loves Gold Jewellery TM,
Golden Moments TM,  Earresistables  TM, Tuscany Gold  Collection TM, and Tuscany
Silver TM.

   Under Allura Inc. the Company has  registered the trademark name bygo.com for
its  exclusive  use in  Canada  and  the  USA.  Additionally,  the  Company  has
registered the following  trademark names for its exclusive use in the USA: BYGO

The Company  does not have,  nor does it rely on patents to establish or protect
its market position.


   At March 31, 2007, the Company employed  thirty-eight  persons on a full time
basis.  As at September 15, 2007,  there were forty-four  persons  employed on a
full time basis and one on a permanent  part-time basis. The full time employees
comprise of ten  employees in finance and  administration,  sixteen in sales and
merchandising, and eighteen in inventory warehouse. Four full time employees are
employed in the Halifax office,  eight are employed in the Toronto  office,  and
thirty-two  are  employed  in the  Vancouver  office.  The  permanent  part-time
employee  is in finance  and  administration.  As at Sept 15,  2007 the  Company
employed  seven  people on a temporary  part time basis.  None of the  Company's
employees  are  covered  by  a  collective  bargaining  agreement.  The  Company
considers its relations with its employees to be good.


   The tax laws of the Federal Government of Canada and the Provinces of British
Columbia, Ontario and Nova Scotia govern the Company.  Specifically, it is bound
by income, custom and excise tax rules and regulations regarding customs, all of
which are  regulated  by the federal  government  of Canada.  In  addition,  the
Company is  subject to the sales tax and  employment  laws of the  Provinces  of
British Columbia,  Ontario and Nova Scotia. Changes in the tax rates governed by
these  authorities  may  have a  significant  impact  on the  cash  flows of the

   The Company is also required to comply with the reporting  requirements under
Canadian  securities  laws and the reporting  requirements  for foreign  issuers
under the securities  laws of the United States  regulated by the Securities and
Exchange Commission.


   Please refer to "Item 4 - History of the Company - Corporate  Structure"  and
"Business Overview."



   The Company operates from leased premises in Vancouver,  Halifax and Toronto.
The Company's  Vancouver  office is located on 1555 West 8th Avenue,  Vancouver,
B.C.,  V6J 1T5,  Canada,  the Halifax office is located on Unit 104, 276 Bedford
Highway, Halifax, N.S., B3M 2K6, Canada and the Toronto

                                  Page 17 of 71

office is located at Suite 100, 1 Valleybrook  Drive,  North York,  ON, M3B 2S7.
The  Vancouver  premises  cover  8,557  square  feet  and  give  the  Company  a
self-contained headquarters building from which to operate. The premises have an
underground  parking garage. The Company leases the Vancouver premise for $9,400
per month plus expenses.

   The Halifax  premises  cover 1,136 square feet of office  space.  The Company
leases the Halifax premises for $1,100 per month plus applicable taxes.

   The North York ("Toronto")  premises cover 3,430 square feet of office space.
Starting in July 2006 the Company leased an office in North York  ("Toronto") on
a five year fixed term at $4,421 per month plus  applicable  taxes. In July 2007
the cost of the lease was  reduced  to $4,136  per month for the  balance of the
term, and starting in August 2007 a further 1,148 square feet were leased for an
additional $1,148 per month,  bringing the total cost of the lease to $5,284 per
month.  In May 2008 the lease cost will go up by $813 per month for the  balance
of the lease.

   The Company believes that its current premises are adequate for the Company's
current operating level and presently foreseeable growth.


   The Company also owns a variety of office equipment  consisting of computers,
photocopiers and other office equipment.

The software costs included are for software  development and acquisition  costs
in the  Company's  subsidiaries  of IBB  International  (Canada) Ltd. and Allura
Diamonds Limited. These subsidiaries generate significant revenues and cash flow
from the use of this software in their  operations.  An evaluation of impairment
was conducted by evaluating  these  subsidiaries,  and the Company has concluded
that there has been no impairment to the software carrying value.

During the year the Company has upgraded its computer  infrastructure with newer
technology and acquired new software,  Microsoft Dynamics (Navision). When fully
phased in the Company expects these  improvements to increase the  effectiveness
and  efficiencies of its operations.  The capital cost of this software has been
reflected as an obligation under Note 8 of the Company's financial statements.


   This discussion  should be read in conjunction with the audited  consolidated
financial statements of the Company and related notes thereto included herein.


FISCAL 2007 V. FISCAL 2006

   Sales  for the  fiscal  year  ended  March  31,  2007  ("Fiscal  2007")  were
$22,638,034  compared  to  $17,719,672  for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2006
("Fiscal 2006"),  an increase of $4,918,362 or 28%. The significant  increase is
primarily a result of:

o     significant  sales from the new diamond  programs that we obtained  during
      the year with Wal-Mart and Sears; and

o     enhanced  sales  efforts  during the year which led to increased  sales in
      higher-end diamond products to our major customers.

The Company  expects to see moderate  growth in overall  sales volumes in fiscal
2008, with an increase of 3% projected as compared to fiscal 2007.

   Cost of sales for Fiscal 2007 was  $17,039,635  with a gross  margin of 24.7%
compared to $13,652,307 with a gross margin of 23% for Fiscal 2006. The increase
in cost of sales is largely  consistent  with the increased  sales for the year.
Due to significant upward movements in gold prices

                                  Page 18 of 71

during the year,  product  costs  increased.  However,  the  Company was able to
increase the selling  prices to offset the  increased  costs.  In addition,  the
abolishment  of the  exercise  tax during the year means the Company was able to
recognise  some economies in  purchasing.  As a result,  the gross profit margin
improved from that of fiscal 2006.

   Cost of sales includes the cost of inventory sold,  inbound freight,  duties,
taxes and brokerage, jewellery packaging sold with the product, agency fees, and
the gain/loss on settlement of inventory purchases as discuss above.

   The  Company's  gross margin may not be  comparable to others as the costs of
freight and shipping are included in our selling,  general,  and  administrative
expenses. Freight and shipping totaled $310,721compared to $315,966 in the prior

   General  administrative costs increased by $337,128 or 11% from $2,950,967 in
Fiscal 2006 to $3,288,095 in Fiscal 2007. The changes were primarily a result of

      o     Salary and Wages:  an increase of $419,899 or 23%. The increase is a
            combination of a few factors. The main reason being, that during the
            year the  Company  opened a new sales  office in  Toronto.  With the
            exception of one staff member,  all the staff in the Toronto  office
            was newly hired during  fiscal 2007.  In addition,  due to increased
            sales, we employed more warehouse casual staff and more overtime was
            also  incurred.  Lastly,  there was a salary  increase to the CFO/VP
            Operations effective April 1, 2006.

      o     Rent: an increase of $55,672 or 31%. Again, the establishment of the
            Sales Office in Toronto during the year  contributed to the increase
            in rent.

      o     Legal and accounting: an increase of $99,110 or 63%. The increase is
            mainly due to audit fees for fiscal 2006 being much higher than what
            was accrued in fiscal  2006.  Thus,  the  under-accrued  portion was
            expensed in the current year. In addition, legal fees also increased
            as a result  of new  consignment  agreements  with some of our major

      o     Bad debts:  There was a credit  balance of $108,546 as compared to a
            debit balance of $127,180 in 2006. This significant  decrease in bad
            debt  expense  offset the above  increases  to a large  extent.  The
            decrease in bad debts is a result of write back of  previous  years'
            provisions as well as recovery of some accounts, which were provided
            for in 2007.

Overall,  as a percentage of sales,  administrative  expenses decreased to 14.5%
2007 from 16.7% in 2006.

   Selling and  delivery  expenses  increased  by $149,461 or 18% to $970,720 in
Fiscal 2007 from $821,259 in fiscal 2006, as a result of:

      o     Sales  Commission  -  increased  by  $118,788  or 49% in fiscal 2007
            mainly due to an overall  general  increase in sales during the year
            and  a  sum  of  commission  paid  to  establish  the  Quebec  sales

      o     Advertising - increased by $62,172 or 101%. The Company spent higher
            costs in advertising  costs, for example,  high-end  catalogues were
            produced to promote the Golden Moments and Dream  Catchers  programs
            during  the  year.  In  addition,  tradeshow  activities  were  also
            expanded during the year.

Overall,  as a percentage of sales,  selling and delivery expenses  decreased to
4.3% from 4.6% in 2006.

   Interest  and bank  charges  for Fiscal  2007  increased  $212,115  or 28% to
$964,633  when  compared  to the Fiscal  2006  amount of  $752,518.  The Company
continued to rely on its increased  banking  facilities  throughout fiscal 2007.
The  average  balance  in  its  bank  line  increased   during  fiscal  2007  by
approximately  $145,403.  The higher banking facilities were required to finance
the increased inventory levels to support the increased sales volumes during the
year. The average  interest rate paid by the Company for its banking  facilities
increased from 5.69% in Fiscal 2006 to 6.98% in Fiscal 2007.

   The Company had a net income  before  provision for income taxes of $294,741.
This represents a

                                  Page 19 of 71

significant  improvement  from  fiscal  2006,  which  recorded a loss before tax
recovery of $492,621.  The improved  gross profit margin coupled with a decrease
as a  percentage  of sales  in both  administrative  expenses  and  selling  and
delivery expenses resulted in the overall positive net income before tax.

   Tax expense or recovery is determined by  entity-based  results.  Tax expense
for the current  year is  comprised  of two  portions.  During the year,  Allura
Diamonds Limited was subject to a tax audit by Canada Revenue Agency ("CRA"). As
a result, the Company was reassessed for a total of $76,469 in additional income
tax  payable  relating  to its fiscal  years  2004,  2005 & 2006.  Interest  and
penalties  totaling  $14,882  were  also  levied by the CRA.  Subsequent  to the
year-end,  the Company filed an objection notice on the reassessment and claimed
for a refund of the full  amount  assessed.  Subsequent  to the  release  of the
Audited Financial  Statements the CRA advised that it has reviewed the Company's
claim and has confirmed that there will be a reversal in full for the disallowed
interest,  accounting fees and audit fees. The final  re-assessment  has not yet
been received however at that time it is expected that installment  interest and
penalties  will also be reversed.  The balance of $18,000 is the  provision  for
income tax  expense  arising  from  Allura  International  Inc.  taxable  income
estimated  for  the  current  year.  As  disclosed  in  Note 7 to the  Company's
consolidated  financial statements,  the Company has substantial tax losses that
could be used to offset future taxable income. However, the tax benefit of these
losses has been  offset by a valuation  allowance  of the same amount due to the
uncertainty of their realization.

The Company's net income of $200,272  represents a significant  improvement from
the net loss of $389,759 in fiscal 2006.

FISCAL 2006 V. FISCAL 2005

   Sales  for the  fiscal  year  ended  March  31,  2006  ("Fiscal  2006")  were
$17,719,672  compared  to  $18,252,286  for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2005
("Fiscal 2005"), a decrease of $532,614 or 3%. The Fiscal 2006 sales decrease is
not significant but is primarily a result of:

      o     uncertainty  in the market due to volatility in the gold price which
            significantly impacts the price of gold based jewellery and

      o     in fiscal  2005 there were two  significant  roll out of programs to
            two major  customers;  in fiscal 2006,  there were  replenishment of
            sales of items from these  programs but not at the same rates as its
            initial year of roll out

The Company expects to see sales return to the fiscal 2005 levels in fiscal 2007
with new product lines introduced into its major customer group.

   Cost of sales for  Fiscal  2006 was  $13,652,307  with a gross  margin of 23%
compared to $13,154,241 with a gross margin of 28% for Fiscal 2005. The increase
in cost of sales of  $498,066 or 4% in spite of a decrease in sales was a result
of the Company  taking write downs on  discontinued  inventory to recovery value
from an expected  melt of its product and a result of the increase  cost of gold
price.  Additionally,  as the Company was selling down its gold inventory  which
was acquired at higher costs partially due to foreign exchange conversion rates,
the  resulting  impact is a higher cost of sales for the fiscal year relative to
the selling price of the gold inventory.  The Company expected the gold price to
continue to increase  into fiscal 2007 and adjusted its selling price to reflect
the increased gold price.

   Cost of sales includes the cost of inventory sold,  inbound freight,  duties,
taxes  and  brokerage,  jewellery  packaging  sold  with  the  product,  and the
gain/loss on settlement of inventory  purchases as discuss above.  The Company's
cost of sales may not be  comparable  to others  as the  costs  associated  with
purchasing and receiving and  warehousing  are included in our selling,  general
and  administrative  expenses as the amounts are not  material.  Purchasing  and
receiving  costs  approximate  $48,000  (2005:  $48,000) and  warehousing  costs
approximate $16,000 (2005: $16,000).

   The  Company's  gross margin may not be  comparable to others as the costs of
freight and shipping

                                  Page 20 of 71

are included in our selling,  general, and administrative expenses.  Freight and
shipping totaled $315,966 compared to $254,267 in the prior year.

   General  administrative  costs decreased by $297,229 or 9% from $3,248,196 in
Fiscal 2005 to $2,950,967 in Fiscal 2006. The changes were primarily a result of

      o     Salary and Wages:  a decrease in  salaries  and wages by $221,579 or
            11%. The  decrease is result of two senior  finance  position  being
            eliminated and decrease in temporary staffing.  Shortly after fiscal
            2006 year end, the Company's  corporate  accountant  and  controller
            resigned;  their  positions  were  not  replaced  as  the  work  was
            reallocated  to junior  accounting  staff and the CFO and new junior
            clerks.  During Fiscal 2005, the Company had increased its temporary
            staffing  during the third and fourth quarter to manage and roll out
            new programs and these  additional  staff was not recalled in fiscal
            2006.  Included  in salaries  and wages are the labour  costs of the
            purchasing  and  receiving  staff which were  approximately  $48,000
            (2005: $48,000).

   Selling  and  delivery  expenses  increased  by $36,083 or 5% to  $821,259 in
Fiscal 2006 from $785,176 in fiscal 2005, as a result of:

      o     Freight  and  Shipping  - in  addition  some  of the  Company's  new
            customers  have multiple  locations  requiring drop  shipments.  The
            company does not charge back the costs of shipping  except for small
            deliveries.  The amount of such charges  amount to less than $15,000

      o     Sales  Commission - increased in fiscal 2006 due to additional sales
            representative  hired for one of its territory previously covered by
            the National Sales manager.

   Interest  and bank  charges  for Fiscal  2006  increased  $185,519  or 34% to
$752,518  when  compared  to the Fiscal  2005  figure of  $562,999.  The Company
continued to rely on its  increased  banking  facilities  from the later half of
fiscal 2005 into fiscal  2006;  the average  balance in its bank line  increased
during fiscal 2006 by approximately  $1,500.000.  The higher banking  facilities
were  required  to  finance  the  increased  inventory  levels  to  service  the
replenishment of programs that were developed in the last few years. The average
interest  rate paid by the  Company for its banking  facilities  increased  from
4.02% in Fiscal 2005 to 4.69% in Fiscal 2006.

   The  Company  had a loss  before  tax  recovery  of  $492,621.  The  loss was
primarily  attributed to a reduction in sales and increased  price of gold which
the company did not  benefit  from as a large  portion of its sales was based on
fixed prices. The Company's purchases were at current gold prices.

   Tax expense or recovery is  determined by  entity-based  results and as such,
the  Company's  tax recovery is result of the its loss carry back  provisions in
IBB available  under Canadian  taxation laws.  Allura's and ADL's (Bygo's losses
that  transferred to ADL from its corporate  reorganization  as describe  below)
e-commerce start-up costs have created losses that may be used in future periods
to reduce taxable income.  As disclosed in Note 7 to the Company's  consolidated
financial  statements,  the tax  benefit of these  losses  has been  offset by a
valuation  allowance  of  the  same  amount  due  to the  uncertainty  of  their

   The Company's net loss for the year of $389,579 reflects a significant change
over fiscal 2005's net earnings of $322,708.


   During fiscal 2001, the Company (i) completed a private offering of 1,070,298
common shares from which it realized net proceeds of $1,535,004,  (ii) completed
a second private  offering of 400,000 shares from which it realized net proceeds
of $588,000,  (iii)  issued  340,136  common  shares  pursuant to an  investment
agreement,  ("Investment  Agreement")  to  a  venture  capital  group,  Business

                                  Page 21 of 71

Bank of Canada,  ("BDC") on July 25, 2000, ("BDC Investment  Date") for which it
realized  proceeds  of  $500,000  less issue  costs of $23,867  and (iv)  issued
114,753  common shares to MacDonald  Dettwiler & Associates  ("MDA") in exchange
for contracted services in developing Bygo's web site for value of $167,539.

   During  Fiscal 2003,  the shares issued to MDA were returned to and cancelled
by the Company as part of a Settlement Agreement.

On September 30, 2005, the  shareholders  approved a 3 to 1 share  consolidation
for shareholders on record at September 30, 2005.

On March  31,  2006,  Bygo was sold to ADL for book  value  and its  assets  and
operations were wound up into ADL.


   The Company  entered into an Investment  Agreement on July 25, 2000 with BDC.
Pursuant to such Investment Agreement,  BDC acquired 340,136 units consisting of
one common  share,  one common share call option and one common share put option
from the Company for an aggregate purchase price of $500,000 less issue costs of

   Each common share call option expired on July 25, 2001 unexercised.

   The put options are exercisable  after July 25, 2005 and will expire upon the
closing of certain qualified  initial public offerings.  The put options entitle
the  holders to put the shares to the Company for the lesser of their fair value
(estimated at $57,600 at March 31, 2007 (2006: $52,600;  2005: $64,000)) and the
original proceeds received under the unit offering ($500,000).  The common share
put options were outstanding as at September 15, 2007.

   The  Company  has  presented  its  obligation  under  this  put as a  current
liability as disclosed in Note 2.


   The  Company's  subsidiaries  IBB  and  ADL  (collectively  the  "Borrowers")
currently have "Revolving Demand Loan" credit facilities ("Overdraft Loan") with
HSBC to a combined maximum  principal of $11,000,000  (2006:  $6,500,000) with a
$1,400,000 onetime bulge ("Onetime Bulge") in effect March 31, 2006 to March 31,
2007 and with an annual  $1,100,000  bulge in effect  from July 1 to December 31
each year (the "Seasonal Bulge").

   In fiscal 2006,  the Company also had  available an  additional  $900,000 one
time bulge from July 15,  2004 to June 30,  2005  ("Additional  Bulge"),  plus a
secondary  additional  $1,600,000 one time bulge from March 31, 2005 to June 31,
2005 ("Secondary Additional Bulge")

   Subsequent  to  year-end,  the  demand  overdraft  loan  facilities  totaling
$11,000,000  were  retroactively  renewed  except  that the  Onetime  Bulge  was
extended to May 1, 2007 and the Annual Seasonal Bulge was provided on a one-time
basis from May 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007.

   The credit  facilities are subject to certain margin  requirements as defined
in the  Overdraft  Loan offer letter from HSBC dated July 14,  2000,  amended on
August 9, 2001, and  subsequently  amended on August 28, 2002,  October 8, 2002,
March 18, 2003, July 31, 2003, July 2, 2004, July 19, 2004, March 31, 2005, July
13, 2005,  April 12, 2006, July 28, 2006,  November 21, 2006,  April 4, 2007 and
May 28, 2007 collectively referred to as the Company's "Banking Agreement".

   The margin requirements as defined by the Banking Agreement are as follows:

   The amount outstanding under the overdraft loan will not, at any time, exceed
the sum of:

      o     50% of the value of  Acceptable  Inventory,  up to a maximum  margin
            contribution  of  $4,000,000  for the  period of January 1 - June 30
            Annually,  including  a  $1,500,000  sub-limit  for Allura  Diamonds
            Limited  and  increased  to  $4,550,000  for  July 1 -  December  31
            annually  (amended on a one-time  basis to $5,050,000 for the period
            of May 1, 2007 to

                                  Page 22 of 71

            December 31, 2007); plus

      o     50% of  consignment  inventory  limited to a maximum  of  $1,700,000
            subject to the following sub limits;  Bay/Zellers $1,500,000;  Sears
            $1,000,000, Charm $100,000; Ben Moss $175,000; plus

      o     75% of the amount of Acceptable Accounts Receivable; plus 80% of the
            amount of Acceptable  Accounts  Receivable approved by the Bank as a
            "Major"  account,  and insured by Euler  American  Credit  Indemnity
            Company  ("Euler"),  plus 90% of the amount of  Acceptable  Accounts
            receivable insured by Euler for 100% of the account receivable for a
            90% pay out; plus

      o     100% of the sum of Acceptable Credit Instruments;

      o     An  $800,000  allowance  for the  mortgages  given in support of the

   The Company's borrowings bear interest at a rate equal to Canadian prime plus
1/8% on the first $1,000,000 (Fiscal 2006:  $1,000,000) and prime plus 1% on the
balance.  The prime  interest  rate on these loans at year-end  was 6.0% (Fiscal
2006: 5.5%) and 6.25% as at September 15, 2007. The loans are  collateralized by
a general security agreement creating a first floating charge over all assets, a
general  assignment of book debts,  an assignment of inventory under Section 427
of the Bank Act, a guarantee from a shareholder  for  $4,000,000  supported by a
standby letter of credit for $1,000,000 (Fiscal 2006: $1,000,000), guarantees by
certain other  shareholders to a maximum of $800,000,  collateralized by certain
of these shareholders' residential real estate and an assignment of insurance on
the life of the president in the amount of $800,000.

   The terms of the  demand  overdraft  loan  agreement  facility  requires  the
Company to maintain  certain  covenants which include Debt to Tangible Net Worth
and Current Ratios. These covenants are amended from time to time by the bank.

   During fiscal 2007, the Company was required to inject  shareholders'  equity
and/or  debt  subordinate  to its bank  indebtedness  in the  minimum  amount of
$500,000 (decreased from an originally  requested injection of $1,500,000) prior
to March  31,  2007.  On April  4,  2007,  a  company  controlled  by one of the
Company's  shareholders provided a standby letter of credit expiring October 10,
2007; subsequently amended to expire November 1,2007, in favour of the Company's
bank.  This letter of credit  satisfied the bank's  requirement  for  additional
shareholders' equity and/or subordinated debt.

   Under the terms of the demand  overdraft  loan  facilities,  the Company must
maintain a Debt to Tangible Net Worth ratio not  exceeding  2.5 to 1 (amended to
3.0 to 1  subsequent  to the  year-end)  and Ratio of Current  Assets to Current
Liabilities not less than 1.3 to 1 on a consolidated  entity basis as defined by
the bank at each  year-end when the loan is  outstanding.  As at March 31, 2007,
the Debt to  Tangible  Net Worth  Ratio and ratio of  Current  Assets to Current
Liabilities  were  3.64 to 1 and  1.17  to 1  (2006:  3.58 to 1 and  1.19 to 1),
respectively.  Notwithstanding  this technical  default,  the Bank has currently
agreed not to take any steps with regard to this default, although this does not
constitute  a waiver nor does it  prejudice  any of the bank's  other rights and
remedies under the facilities.

   There can be no assurance  that the Company's  bank will continue to forebear
rather than exercise the remedies available to it under these facilities.

   The Company expects to see cash flow improvement but will continue to rely on
its bank financing to maintain  operations and to finance potential increases in
revenues and expansion of customer programs. The Company expects cash flow to be
provided by  operations in fiscal 2008.  However,  it will continue to depend on
bank  financing at its current level to expand its business into new areas.  For
the year  ended  March  31,  2007,  the  combined  overdraft  loan  amounted  to


   The Company's account  receivables net of allowances for doubtful accounts as
at  March  31,  2007  were  $4,479,708.   The  balance  in  accounts  receivable
represented 19.8% of net sales for Fiscal 2007.

                                  Page 23 of 71


   The Company's  inventory as at March 31, 2007 was $13,532,378 or 59.8% of net
sales for Fiscal 2007 compared to  $12,087,351  or 68.2% of net sales for Fiscal
2006.  Inventory  continues to reflect a high percentage of net sales because it
reflects (i) the Company's  commitment to ensure  customers orders can be turned
around in a short  period  from the time the order is placed with the Company to
the time it is  delivered,  (ii) the  increases in  replenishment  programs with
customers from Fiscal 2005 have continued through Fiscal 2006 and 2007, and with
these programs the Company must ensure sufficient  inventory is available at all
times to achieve  maximum ship value on each order (iii) the  customers'  higher
fulfillment  targets for each  purchase  order  delivered and (iv) Fiscal 2005's
increase  of $1  million  in  consignment  goods  under  consignment  agreements
resulting from customers store and program  expansion have continued into Fiscal
2006 and 2007.  ADL continues to expand and develop its product line to increase
selection and availability in the market place. Inventory has increased over the
prior year as a result of a new diamond program offered to some of the Company's
major  customers  and  increased  sales  in  high-end  diamond  products  to its
major/mini major customers.

   The Company expects its inventory  levels to reduce  significantly  in future
periods as the Company works to liquidate  some of the old inventory and towards
a just-in-time purchasing system. Subsequent to the fiscal year end, the Company
sold/melted  for scrap  approximately  $517,000 of  overstock  inventory at book
value to reduce its inventory  levels.  The recovered gold was subsequently sold
to the refiner for the then market price.


   The Company's  accounts payable and accrued  liabilities as at March 31, 2007
were  $3,931,860  compared to  $4,197,618  for Fiscal 2006.  The Company made an
effort  to keep  supplier  accounts  up to date and to  ensure  it  fulfils  its
obligations in a timely manner. The Company does not anticipate any difficulties
in settling these obligations.


   During the year,  the Company sold certain  equipment.  There was no material
gain on the transaction. The Company then immediately leased back this equipment
by entering  into a lease  agreement.  The capital  lease has a four-year  term,
expiring in 2011, with imputed interest rate of  approximately  6.25% per annum.
The leased equipment is amortized on a straight-line  basis over the lease term.
Details can be found under Tabular  Disclosure of  Contractual  Obligations in F


   Except  for  anticipated  aggregate  lease  payments  for both IBB and ADL of
approximately  $709,000  over the next  five  years,  the  Company  has no other
significant   capital   commitments  as  of  September  30,  2007.  The  Company
anticipates  that cash flow from  operations,  as well as  borrowings  available
under  current  Overdraft  Loan  Facilities  will be  sufficient  to satisfy the
operating needs for the next twelve months.


   There are no material  differences  between  Canadian  GAAP and U.S.  GAAP as
applicable  to the Company's  operations  and  financial  statements,  including
disclosure items as disclosed in Note 15 to the Company's consolidated financial


   The Company does not conduct research and development and holds no patents or

                                  Page 24 of 71


See "Item 4. - Information on the Company, - Part B., Business Overview"


There are no known significant  off-balance sheet  arrangements other than those
disclosed in Item 10 Section 3 under "Investment  Agreement" and as disclosed in
Note 10 of our  audited  consolidated  financial  statements  for the year ended
March 31, 2007.


The  following  table  summarizes  all of  the  outstanding  obligations  of the
Company's  continuing  operations  as of March  31,  2007 by the year  that they
become  due.  We expect to fund  these  obligations  from  operating  income and
equity/debt financing:

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                               PAYMENTS DUE BY PERIOD
                CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS                   -----------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                         LESS THAN 1                            MORE THAN 5
                                                             TOTAL          YEAR        1-3 YEARS   3-5 YEARS      YEARS
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Short-Term Debt Obligations                               $11,579,643    $11,579,643           --          --            --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Long-Term Debt Obligations                                         --             --           --          --            --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Capital (Finance) Lease Obligations                       $   342,384    $    92,702    $ 171,142    $ 78,540            --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Lease Obligations                               $   708,525    $   191,834    $ 387,746    $128,945            --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Purchase Obligations                                               --             --           --          --            --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Long-Term Liabilities Reflected on the Company's
Balance Sheet under the GAAP of the primary financial
statements                                                         --             --           --          --            --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL                                                     $12,630,552    $11,864,179    $ 558,888    $207,485            --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Some of the  information  in this report  contains  forward-looking  statements.
Forward-looking  statements  represent our current  expectations or forecasts of
future events and are based on our management's  beliefs, as well as assumptions
made by and  information  currently  available to them.  You can identify  these
statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current
facts. These statements may include the words "anticipate," "believe," "budget,"
"estimate,"  "expect,"  "intend,"  "objective,"  "plan," "probable"  "possible,"
"potential,"  "project"  and  other  words  and  terms  of  similar  meaning  in
connection with any discussion of future operating or financial performances.

   Any or all of our  forward-looking  statements in this Form 20-F may turn out
to be wrong.  They can be  affected  by  inaccurate  assumptions  or by known or
unknown risks and uncertainties. Many of these

                                  Page 25 of 71

factors, including the risks outlined under "Risk Factors," will be important in
determining  our actual future results,  which may differ  materially from those
contemplated in any forward-looking statements.

When you  consider  these  forward-looking  statements,  you should keep in mind
these risk  factors and other  cautionary  statements  in this  prospectus.  Our
forward-looking  statements speak only as of the date made.  Although we believe
that  the  expectations   reflected  in  the   forward-looking   statements  are
reasonable, we cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity,  performance
or achievements. All forward-looking statements attributable to us are expressly
qualified in their entirety by the foregoing cautionary statement.


   As at September 30, 2007, there are no legal proceedings to which the Company
is a party or to which its properties are subject.  The Company does not know of
any legal proceedings that are contemplated.



   The following  table sets out the full name, age, and function in the Company
of the  directors,  executive  officers  and key  employees of the Company as of
September 15, 2007.

   On  September  26th,  2007,  the  Directors  on the Board of  Directors  were
re-nominated  to stand for election to the Board.  All nominated  Directors were
re-appointed effective September 26th, 2007.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      NAME           AGE                          POSITIONS                               HELD SINCE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jeremy Bowman         56    Director, President, CEO and acting CFO (1) of Allura            1988
                            International Inc.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sheila Bowman         49    Director, Secretary, and Treasurer                               1988
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Frank Kovacs          54    Director                                                         1998
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thomas Weckman        53    Director and V.P. of Allura Diamonds Limited                     1994
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tina VanderHeyden     55    Director                                                         1999
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dave Wall             56    Director                                                         2003
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cameron Gillies       42    Senior V.P                                                       2006
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lan Shangguan         37    V.P of Finance                                                   2007
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Emily Tsen            41    Chief Financial Officer /V.P. Operations                         1996
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  Page 26 of 71

   Jeremy Bowman has been the  President,  CEO and Director of the Company since
1988. He is also a 25%  Owner/Director of The Black Bear Pub Limited in Nanaimo,
B.C.,  Canada, a restaurant,  bar and liquor store. (1) Mr. Bowman was appointed
acting CFO effective June 30th 2007

   Sheila  Bowman has been the  Secretary  and  Treasurer  and a Director of the
Company  since  1988.  She is also a 25%  Owner/Director  of The Black  Bear Pub
Limited in Nanaimo, B.C., Canada, a restaurant, bar and liquor store.

   Frank  Kovacs  is the  Managing  Director  of  International  Bullion & Metal
Brokers  (London)  Limited,  incorporated  in  the  United  Kingdom,  a  leading
jewellery  distribution  company with over 30 years trading history. He has also
been a Director of the Company since 1988.

   Thomas Weckman has been the Vice-President of ADL since 2005, (previously its
President)  and a Director  of the  Company  since  1999.  He has also served as
President of Baird Weckman Sales Ltd., a private  trading  company  incorporated
under federal laws of Canada since 1997.

   Tina VanderHeyden has been the President of T. VanderHeyden  Associates Inc.,
a company  incorporated under the laws of the Province of British Columbia,  for
the past 27 years and has served on the Company's Board of Directors since 1999.
She is also a director for The Canadian Film Centre.

   Dave Wall has been a Director  since  September  30th,  2003. Mr. Wall joined
Norpac Controls Ltd.  ("Norpac") in 1973 and became  President of Norpac in June
2000.  In  addition,   Mr.  Wall  serves  on  the  Emerson  Process   Management
Representative  Presidents' Executive Committee and the Control Systems Division
Advisory  Committee.  He also  sits on two  B.C.I.T.  advisory  Boards:  the UBC
Chemical   Engineering   Industry   Advisory  Board  and  the   Association  for
Professional Engineers and Geo Scientists.  He is a corporate campaign Executive
for United Way and in prior years served as Board  President for the North Shore
Neighborhood  House.  Mr.  Wall is a  director  of  Norpac,  Artemis  Industrial
Networks Ltd. and Norpac Employee Owners Ltd.

   Emily Tsen has served as the Chief  Financial  Officer of the  Company  since
1999 and  previously  as its  Controller  since 1996.  In December  2003 she was
further given the title of Vice President Operations. She received her Chartered
Accountant designation in British Columbia in 1993.

   Cameron  Gillies joined the Company in October 2006 as Senior Vice President.
He is currently  responsible  for sales and marketing for the Company,  together
with management of the Halifax and Toronto offices.

   Lan  Shangguan  joined the  Company as V.P  Finance in March of 2007.  She is
responsible for  undertaking  all duties of the Company  relating to Finance and
Accounting  and  for the  overall  running  of the  accounting  department.  Her
position currently reports to the CFO/VP Operations. She received her Australian
CPA  designation  in 1996 and her Chartered  Accountant  designation  in British
Columbia in 2002.

   Each director serves until the next annual meeting of shareholders  and until
his  successor  shall have been duly elected and qualified or until such earlier
time as such director may resign or be removed. Officers are elected annually by
the Board of Directors and serve at the discretion of the Board.

   There are no  arrangements  or  understandings  between the  director and any
other person regarding such director or officers election to serve in his or her
official capacity on behalf of the Company. The Shareholders' Agreement entitles
Business Development Bank of Canada ("BDC') to select a nominee for the Board of
Directors as long as BDC holds at least 300,000 Common Shares in the Company. As
at  September  15,  2007,  BDC has not  selected  a  nominee  for the  Board  of

The Company has employment agreements with all of its senior management.

The Company's  business is substantially  dependent on the efforts and abilities
of Jeremy Bowman, its Chief Executive Officer. The loss of Mr. Bowman's services
may have a material adverse effect on the Company's business. The Company has an
employment  agreement  currently in place with Mr. Bowman.  The Company does not
maintain any key man life insurance on Mr. Bowman's life.

                                  Page 27 of 71


   The Company paid aggregate  compensation of $514,000,  $492,000, and $607,500
to all directors and officers as a group during the fiscal years ended March 31,
2007,  2006, and 2005, for services in all  capacities.  There were no funds set
aside by the  Company  during the fiscal  year ended  March 31,  2007 to provide
pension, retirement or similar benefits for officers or directors.

   On October 30,  1999,  the  Company  approved  stock  options to be issued to
employees and  consultants of the Company.  Total options granted by the Company
and still  outstanding as at March 31, 2007 were,  140,000 and were granted to a
director  of the  Company.  Each  option  is  convertible  into a  share  of the
Company's common stock. As at March 31st 2007 the options, which have a weighted
average exercise price of CDN$1.58 had a 0.28 weighted  average  remaining life.
As at Sept 30, 2007 the 140,000 options had expired.

   The  Company  has a  standard  arrangement  for the  payment of fees to three
directors of the Company for acting in such  capacity.  Directors are reimbursed
for all expenses necessary for travel and attendance at meetings. Total payments
of $18,200  during  Fiscal 2007 to  directors  for acting in such  capacity  are
included in the aggregate compensation disclosure discussed above.


Each director serves until the next annual meeting of shareholders and until his
successor  shall have been duly elected and qualified or until such earlier time
as such director may resign or be removed.  Officers are elected annually by the
Board of  Directors  and  serve at the  discretion  of the  Board.  The Board of
Directors holds meetings four times each year.

There  are no  directors'  service  contracts  with  the  Company  or any of its
subsidiaries that provide for benefits upon termination of employment.  Although
some  directors  are subject to  employment  contracts  with the  Company,  such
contracts are not applicable to their services in the capacity of directors.

   The Board of  Directors  has  elected  members  to an Audit  Committee  and a
Compensation and Human Resource Committee.

   The Audit Committee is comprised of the following members as at September 30,
2007: Sheila Bowman,  Tina  VanderHeyden,  Dave Wall and Frank Kovacs. The Audit
Committee chair is Sheila Bowman.

   The Audit  Committee holds meetings four times a year and its primary mandate
is to facilitate the Company's corporate  governance and protect the interest of
shareholders  by overseeing the financial  reporting  process and monitoring the
responsibilities  of the  Company's  management  team as well  as its  Board  of

   The Compensation  and Human Resource  Committee is comprised of the following
members as at September 30, 2007:  Tina  VanderHeyden,  Frank  Kovacs,  and Dave
Wall. The Compensation and Human Resource Committee chair is Tina VanderHeyden.

   The  Compensation  and Human Resource  Committee  holds meetings four times a
year and its primary  mandate is to monitor and review the Company's  management
structure  and their  performance,  to review  the  Company's  philosophies  and
compensation and human resource policies,  to administer the Company's incentive
plans and stock  option plan and to monitor  and review the Board of  Directors'
composition and performance.


   At March 31, 2007, the Company employed  thirty-eight  persons on a full time
basis.  As at September 15, 2007,  there were forty-four  persons  employed on a
full time basis and one on a permanent  part-time basis. The full time employees
comprise of ten  employees in finance and  administration,  sixteen in sales and
merchandising, and eighteen in inventory warehouse. Four full time employees are
employed in the

                                  Page 28 of 71

Halifax  office,  eight are employed in the Toronto  office,  and thirty-two are
employed in the Vancouver office. The permanent part-time employee is in finance
and  administration.  As at Sept 15, 2007 the Company employed seven people on a
temporary  part time basis..  None of the  Company's  employees are covered by a
collective  bargaining  agreement.  The Company considers its relations with its
employees to be good.

   As at March 2007 the company  employed a V.P of Finance to provide  oversight
and undertake management duties for the Finance and Accounting departments.

   In  October  2006  the  company  employed  a  Senior  Vice  President  to  be
responsible for sales and marketing for the Company, together with management of
the Halifax and Toronto offices.

   As at  October 4, 2006,  the  Company  employed  a  Corporate  Accountant  to
undertake responsibilities in the finance and accounting department.

   During Fiscal 2007, on average the Company  employed  twelve  temporary  part
time employees to cover off seasonal requirements.


   The share  ownership  of the persons set forth in Item 6.B above is disclosed
in  "Item  7.  Major   Shareholders  and  Related  Party  Transactions  -  Major
Shareholders" below.



   As far as is known to the Company,  the Company is not directly or indirectly
owned or controlled by another  corporation  or by any foreign  government.  The
following  table sets forth  certain  information,  as at  September  30,  2007,
concerning  (i)  persons  and  companies  that own of record or are known by the
Company  to own  beneficially,  directly  or  indirectly,  more  than  5% of the
outstanding  Common Shares and (ii) beneficial  ownership of outstanding  Common
Shares by all directors and executive officers of the Company.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                          Number of Shares          Percentage of
             Name of Shareholder                      Beneficially or Directly          Class
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
International Bullion & Metal Brokers Ltd.(1)                        2,083,334              41.01%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bowman Family Trust ("Trust")(2)                                     1,775,000              34.94%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jeremy C. Bowman(3)                                                    154,167               3.03%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sheila P. Bowman(4)                                                    154,167               3.03%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thomas Weckman(6)                                                       83,334               1.64%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
B.D.C Capital Inc(5)                                                   113,379               2.23%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Emily Tsen (7)                                                           9,334                 (*)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Executive Officers and Directors as a group (7)                      4,372,715              86.07%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  Page 29 of 71

(1)   International Bullion & Metal Brokers Limited ("International Bullion") is
      a corporation  formed under the laws of England of which Frank Kovacs is a
      Director. Frank Kovacs is also a Director of the Company.

(2)   Although not a  beneficiary  of the trust,  Jeremy  Bowman,  the Company's
      President  and CEO,  is one of the three  Trustees  of the  Trust.  Sheila
      Bowman  is  a  beneficiary   of  the  Bowman   Family  Trust.   The  other
      beneficiaries are the children of Mr. Bowman.

(3)   Jeremy Bowman is the Company's President, CEO and a Director.

(4)   Sheila Bowman is the Secretary, Treasurer and a Director of the Company.

(5)   The Business  Development  Bank of Canada  through  B.D.C Capital Inc is a
      venture  capital  shareholder  owning  113,  379,  or 2.2% of  outstanding
      shares.  B.D.C has the right to appoint a  representative  to the Board of
      Directors of the Company.  Currently it has not  exercised the right to do

(6)   Thomas Weckman is Allura Diamonds Limited's Vice-President and a Director.

(7)   Emily Tsen is the CFO, and VP Operations

*     Less than 1% of class.

The Company's major  shareholders do not have different voting rights.  However,
some of these shareholders are subject to a shareholders  agreement as described

There has been no  significant  change in the  percentage  ownership held by any
major shareholders during the past three years.

   As at September 30, 2007 there was no trading market for the Common Shares in
the United States or Canada.  The  following  table  indicates  the  approximate
number of record  holders  of Common  Shares,  the  number of record  holders of
Common  Shares with United States  addresses  and the portion and  percentage of
Common Shares so held in the United States.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 REGISTERED              HOLDERS                  SHARES          PERCENTAGE OF CLASS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         114                        45                  30,156                   0.59%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   The  computation  of the number and  percentage  of Common Shares held in the
United States is based upon the number of Common  Shares held by record  holders
with United States  addresses.  United States  residents  may  beneficially  own
Common Shares held of record by non-United States residents.


   The  Company  has  entered  into  a  shareholders'  agreement  ("Shareholders
Agreement")  with  shareholders   individually   holding  at  least  5%  of  the
outstanding shares of the Company on July 25, 2000. The Shareholders'  Agreement
requires that board approval be obtained prior to:

      o     issuance or redemption of the Company's shares,

      o     changes to the authorized share capital,

      o     declaration or payment of dividends,

      o     distribution of shares to the public or listed for trading on a
            recognized securities exchange,

      o     business combinations between the Company or any of its subsidiaries
            with any other persons,

                                  Page 30 of 71

      o     disposition of any subsidiaries,

      o     loaning of any money, providing guarantees or assuming liability for
            the  debts  or  obligations  of any  other  persons  or  paying  any
            shareholder, and

      o     changing  the  nature  of  the  Company's  business  outside  of the
            ordinary course of business of the Company.

   The  Shareholders'  Agreement  had provided that as long as BDC hold at least
300,000 shares (after  consolidation  equivalent to 100,000 shares), the Company
was to proceed with any of the following matters only with prior written consent
of BDC:

      o     declare or pay  dividends,  redeem or repurchase  any shares or make
            any distribution in respect of shares,

      o     loan any money, provide guarantees or assume liability for the debts
            or obligations of any other persons or pay any shareholder, or

      o     any initial public offering by the Company.

   The Shareholders'  Agreement also provided that,  subject to the satisfaction
of certain conditions, until the earlier of the first anniversary of the date of
the Shareholders' Agreement, being July 25, 2000 or the occurrence of an initial
public  offering by the Company,  (the  "initial  preemptive  date") and subject
further to BDC holding at least 300,000 shares (After  consolidation  equivalent
to 100,000  shares),  if the Company proposed to effect an offer and sale of its
securities,  the  Company  was  obliged to first  offer BDC the  opportunity  to
purchase,  and BDC, in its sole discretion  could purchase,  all or a portion of
such  securities  from the Company up to a maximum of $2,000,000 of the proposed
aggregate  offering price.  BDC did not exercise this right within the specified
time frame therefore the option expired.  After the initial  preemptive date and
prior to the termination of the Shareholders' Agreement by virtue of the Company
completing a qualified  public offering,  BDC has the right,  except for certain
excepted  transactions,  to  participate  pro-rata in any  securities  offerings
affected by the Company.

   As far as is known to the Company,  there are no arrangements  the operations
of which may at a subsequent date result in a change of control of the Company.


   No key management  personnel of the Company or any shareholder of record owns
either beneficially,  directly or indirectly,  more than 5 percent of the issued
and  outstanding  Common Shares  (including  options) of the Company,  or any of
their respective associates or affiliates,  had any material interest,  directly
or  indirectly,  in any  transaction  with the  Company  except for those in the
normal  course of the  business  and as  disclosed  in the  Company's  financial
statements, or in any proposed transaction, since the beginning of the Company's
last fiscal year up to the date of the Report.


This form is being filed as an Annual Report under the  Securities  Exchange Act
0f 1934,  accordingly  the  information  called  for by this  Item  7.C.  is not



   See Item 17 for the Company's Financial Statements.

   The  Company  knows  of no  contemplated  or  pending  legal  or  arbitration
proceedings including those relating to bankruptcy, governmental receivership or
similar  proceeding  and those  involving any third party against it, nor is the
Company involved as a plaintiff in any material pending litigation.

                                  Page 31 of 71

The Company knows of no pending  proceedings  to which any  director,  member of
senior management,  or affiliate is either a party adverse to the Company or its
subsidiaries  or  has  a  material  interest  adverse  to  the  Company  or  its

   The  Company  declared  its  first  dividend  on  September  6,  2005 for all
shareholders  on record as at  September  6, 2005.  The  dividend of USD$.01 per
share  (Equivalent to USD$.03 after  consolidation)  was paid September 8, 2005.
The  Company's  four largest  shareholders  waived their  dividends  choosing to
retain the funds in the Company to grow the business


   No significant  changes have occurred since the date of the annual  financial
statements included in the Report.



   There is no trading market for the Company's Common Stock and there can be no
assurance that a trading market will develop,  or, if such a trading market does
develop that it will be sustained.  To the extent that a market develops for the
Common Stock at all, of which there can be no  assurance,  it will likely appear
in what is  customarily  known as the "pink  sheets" or on the "FINRA"  formally
know as "NASD" Over the Counter  Electronic  Bulletin Board, which may limit the
marketability and liquidity of the Company's Common Stock.


   This  Form 20F is being  filed  as an  Annual  Report  under  the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, and accordingly,  the information  called for by this Item
9.B. is not applicable to this report.


   This  Form 20F is being  filed  as an  Annual  Report  under  the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, and accordingly,  the information  called for by this Item
9.C. is not applicable to this report.


   This  Form 20F is being  filed  as an  Annual  Report  under  the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, and accordingly,  the information  called for by this Item
9.D. is not applicable to this report.


   This  Form 20F is being  filed  as an  Annual  Report  under  the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, and accordingly,  the information  called for by this Item
9.E. is not applicable to this report.



   This  Form 20F is being  filed  as an  Annual  Report  under  the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, and

                                  Page 32 of 71

accordingly, the information called for by this Item 10.A. is not required.


   The Company's  Certificate of Incorporation,  Bylaws,  Articles of Amendment,
Certificate  of Amendment and  Certificate of Change of Name which were included
as  Exhibits  1.1,  1.2,  1.3,  1.4  and  1.5,  respectively,  to the  Company's
Registration  Statement on Form 20-F, file number 030228, as amended, are hereby
incorporated by reference.

   There  is no  limitation  imposed  by  Canadian  law  or by  the  constituent
documents of the Company on the right of a  non-resident  to hold or vote common
Shares (the "Voting  Shares"),  other than are provided in the INVESTMENT CANADA
ACT (Canada) (the "Investment  Act"), as amended by the World Trade Organization
Agreement  Implementation  Act (the "WTOA Act").  The  Investment  Act generally
prohibits   implementation   of  a  reviewable   investment  by  an  individual,
government, or agency thereof, corporation,  partnership, trust or joint venture
that is not a "Canadian",  as defined in the Investment Act (a  "non-Canadian"),
unless,  after  review,  the  minister  responsible  for the  Investment  Act is
satisfied  that the  investment  is likely to be of net  benefit to  Canada.  An
investment in the Voting Shares of the Company by a  non-Canadian  (other than a
"WTO Investor",  as defined below) would be reviewable  under the Investment Act
if it were an investment  to acquire  control of the Company and the Company was
not, immediately prior to the implementation of the investment,  controlled by a
WTO  Investor,  and the value of the assets of the Company  were $5.0 million or
more. An  investment in Voting Shares of the Company by a WTO Investor  would be
reviewable  under the  Investment Act if it were an investment to acquire direct
control of the  Company,  and the value of the assets of the Company  equaled or
exceeded $179 million (threshold amount for 1998). A non-Canadian, whether a WTO
Investor or otherwise,  would acquire control of the Company for purposes of the
Investment  Act if he or she  acquired  a majority  of the Voting  Shares of the
Company. The acquisition of less than a majority,  but at least one-third of the
Voting Shares of the Company,  would be presumed to be an acquisition of control
of the  Company,  unless  it  could be  established  that  the  Company  was not
controlled in fact by the acquirer  through the ownership of the Voting  Shares.
In general,  an  individual  is a WTO Investor if he or she is a "national" of a
country  (other than  Canada)  that is a member of the World Trade  Organization
("WTO Member") or has a right of permanent  residence in a WTO Member other than
Canada.  A  corporation  or other  entity will be a WTO Investor if it is a "WTO
Investor-controlled entity" pursuant to detailed rules set out in the Investment
Act. The United States is a WTO Member.

   Certain  transactions  involving Voting Shares of the Company would be exempt
from the Investment Act,  including:  (a) an acquisition of Voting Shares of the
Company if the acquisition were made in connection with the person's business as
a trader or dealer in  securities:  (b) an acquisition or control of the Company
in connection with the realization of a security  interest granted for a loan or
other financial  assistance and not for the purpose related to the provisions of
the  Investment  Act: and (c) an acquisition of control of the Company by reason
of an amalgamation, merger, consolidation or corporate reorganization, following
which the ultimate  direct or indirect  control in fact of the Company,  through
the ownership of voting interests, remains unchanged.



   The  Company  has  entered  into a  shareholders'  agreement  ("Shareholders'
Agreement")  with  shareholders   individually   holding  at  least  5%  of  the
outstanding shares of the Company on July 25, 2000. The Shareholders'  Agreement
requires that board approval be obtained prior to:

      o     issuance or redemption of the Company's shares,

      o     changes to the authorized share capital,

      o     declaration or payment of dividends,

      o     distribution  of shares to the  public or listed  for  trading  on a
            recognized securities exchange,

                                  Page 33 of 71

      o     business combinations between the Company or any of its subsidiaries
            with any other persons,

      o     disposition of any subsidiaries,

      o     loaning of any money, providing guarantees or assuming liability for
            the  debts  or  obligations  of any  other  persons  or  paying  any
            shareholder, and

      o     changing  the  nature  of  the  Company's  business  outside  of the
            ordinary course of business of the Company.

   The  Shareholders'  Agreement  provides  that as long  as BDC  hold at  least
300,000 shares,  (Equivalent to 100,000 after  consolidation) the Company was to
proceed with any of the  following  matters only with prior  written  consent of

      o     declare or pay  dividends,  redeem or repurchase  any shares or make
            any distribution in respect of shares,

      o     loan any money, provide guarantees or assume liability for the debts
            or obligations of any other persons or pay any shareholder, or

      o     any initial public offering by the Company.

   After  the  initial  preemptive  date  and  prior to the  termination  of the
Agreement by virtue of the Company  completing a qualified public offering,  BDC
has the right, except for certain excepted transactions, to participate pro-rata
in any securities offerings effected by the Company.


   The Company  entered into an Investment  Agreement on July 25, 2000 with BDC.
Pursuant to such Investment Agreement,  BDC acquired 340,136 units consisting of
one common  share,  one common share call option and one common share put option
from the Company for an aggregate purchase price of $500,000 less issue costs of
$23,867,  which  price  is  subject  to  adjustment  under  certain  conditions,
including  the sale by the  Company,  during  specified  period of time,  of any
shares at a lower price per share price.

   Each common share call option expired July 25, 2001 unexercised.

   The put options are exercisable  after July 25, 2005 and will expire upon the
closing of certain qualified  initial public offerings.  The put options entitle
the  holders to put the shares to the company for the lesser of their fair value
(estimated at $57,600 at March 31st 2007,  2006:  $52,600,2005:  $64,000,  2004:
$55,600)) and the original proceeds received under the unit offering ($500,000).
The common share put option was still outstanding as at September 30, 2007


During the year, the Company sold certain equipment.  There was no material gain
on the transaction.  The Company then immediately  leased back this equipment by
entering  into a lease  agreement.  The  capital  lease  has a  four-year  term,
expiring in 2011, with imputed interest rate of  approximately  6.25% per annum.
The leased equipment is amortized on a straight-line  basis over the lease term.
The Capital Lease Obligation for the term to 2011 is $303,812 (net of Interest).


The Company  entered into a lease on June 22, 1998,  with a partnership of which
Jeremy Bowman, the Company's  President,  CEO and director,  was a partner.  The
lease  was for  premises  at its  Vancouver  office  on 1555  West  8th  Avenue,
Vancouver,  B.C.,  V6J 1T5,  Canada  which it leases  for  $9,400 per month plus
expenses.  The  Company  moved to these  premises  in June  2000.  The lease was
renewed with the same terms at the reduced rate of $9,371  during June 2005.  In
January 2006, Mr. Bowman, sold his interest in the building and the building was
then leased from the new owners on an arms length basis.

   On May 27th,  2002,  the  Company  leased an office in Halifax on a five year
fixed term starting July 1st,

                                  Page 34 of 71

2002 at $1,100  per month  plus  applicable  taxes.  The lease was  subsequently
renewed  for a further  term ending  June 2009.  The Halifax  lease has a 90-day
cancellation provision for the benefit of ADL only. Previously the premises were
leased on commercially agreed terms, from Torrington Bay Investments Limited, in
which  Tom  Weckman,  the  President  of ADL,  has an  interest.  During  2006 ,
Torrington  Bay  Investments  sold its interest in the building and the building
was then  leased from the new owners on an arms length  basis.  The  premises in
Halifax are located at Unit 104, 276 Bedford Highway, Halifax, N.S., B3M 2K6 and
contain 1,136 square feet of office space.

   Starting in July 2006 the Company leased an office in North York  ("Toronto")
on a five year fixed term at $4,421 per month  plus  applicable  taxes.  In July
2007 the cost of the lease was  reduced to $4,136  per month for the  balance of
the term,  and  starting in August 2007 a further  1,148 square feet were leased
for an  additional  $1,148  per month,  bringing  the total cost of the lease to
$5,284  per  month.  In May 2008 the lease cost will go up by $813 per month for
the balance of the lease. The premises were leased on commercially agreed terms,
from an arms length party. The premises in Toronto are located at Suite #100 and
#101, 1 Valleybrook  Drive,  Toronto Ontario and contain a total of 3,430 square
feet of office space.


The Company  implemented  the Allura  International  Inc. 2000 Stock Option Plan
("Plan") during January 2000. The Company's  Board of Directors  administers the
Plan. The maximum aggregate number of shares,  which may be optioned and sold or
otherwise awarded under the Stock Option Plan, is 1,000,000 shares.


   There is no law or governmental decree or regulation in Canada that restricts
the  export or import of  capital,  or  affects  the  remittance  of  dividends,
interest  or other  payments  to a  non-resident  holder of  Shares,  other than
withholding tax requirements. See " TAXATION" below.


   A brief  description  of the  provisions of the tax treaty between Canada and
the United States is included below, together with a brief outline of the taxes,
including  withholding  provisions to which United States  security  holders are
subject under existing laws and regulations of Canada and the United States; the
consequences,  if any,  of state and local  taxes are not  considered.  Security
holders are urged to seek the advice of their own tax  advisors,  tax counsel or
accountants  with respect to the  applicability or effect of these provisions on
their own taxes.  The Company has not paid dividends on the Common Shares in any
of its  last  five  fiscal  years,  and has no  plans  to pay  dividends  in the
immediate future.

   Canadian  federal tax legislation  would require a 25%  withholding  from any
dividends paid or deemed to be paid to the Company's non-resident  shareholders.
However, a company resident in the United States that beneficially owns at least
10% of the  voting  stock of the  Company  would  have this rate  reduced  to 5%
through  the tax  treaty  between  Canada  and the  United  States.  The rate of
Canadian non-resident withholding may not exceed 15% of the dividend in the case
of United States shareholders other than as described above. The amount of stock
dividends paid to non-residents of Canada would be subject to withholding tax at
the  same  rate as cash  dividends.  The  amount  of a stock  dividend  (for tax
purposes)  would be equal to the  amount  by which  the  stated  capital  of the
Company had increased by reason of the payment of such a dividend. Interest paid
or deemed  to be paid on the  Company's  debt  securities  held by  non-Canadian
residents may also be subject to Canadian  withholding  tax,  depending upon the
terms and provisions of such securities and any applicable tax treaty.

   Under the  present  legislation  in the  United  States,  the  Company is not
subject  to  United  States  back-up  withholding  rules,  which  would  require
withholding  at a rate of 20% on dividends and interest  paid to certain  United
States persons who have not provided the Company with a taxpayer  identification

                                  Page 35 of 71

   Gains  derived  from  a  disposition  of  Common  Shares  by  a  non-resident
shareholder  will be subject  to tax in Canada  only if not less than 25% of any
class of Common Shares was owned by the non-resident  shareholder and/or persons
with whom the  non-resident  did not deal at arm's length at any time during the
five year period  immediately  preceding the disposition.  In such cases,  gains
derived by a U.S.  shareholder  from a disposition of Common Shares would likely
be exempt from tax in Canada by virtue of the Canada-U.S.  tax treaty,  provided
that the U.S. shareholder has not resided in Canada in the ten years immediately
preceding the disposition.

   This  discussion  is not  intended to be, nor should it be  construed  to be,
legal or tax advice to any holder or prospective  holder of Common Shares and no
opinion or  representation  with respect to the United States federal income tax
consequences  to any such  holder or  prospective  holder is made.  Holders  and
prospective  holders of Common  Shares are urged  therefore to consult their own
tax advisors with respect to their particular circumstances.


This Form 20F is being filed as an Annual Report under the  Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  accordingly the  information  called for by this Item 10.F. is not


This Form 20F is being filed as an Annual Report under the  Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  accordingly the  information  called for by this Item 10.G. is not


The  documents  concerning  the Company which are referred to in this Report are
either  annexed  hereto as exhibits (SEE "ITEM 19 EXHIBITS") or may be inspected
at the principal executive offices of the Company.

You may inspect and copy our registration  statements,  including their exhibits
and schedules, and the reports and other information we file with the Securities
and  Exchange  Commission  in  accordance  with the  Exchange  Act at the public
reference  facilities  maintained by the Securities  and Exchange  Commission at
Judiciary Plaza, 450 Fifth Street, Room 1024, N.W.,  Washington,  D.C. 20549 You
may obtain  information  regarding the Washington D.C. Public  Reference Room by
calling  the  Securities  and  Exchange   Commission  at  1-800-SEC-0330  or  by
contacting  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  over the Internet at its
website at http://www.sec.gov.


   This information is not applicable to this report.



   The Company does not invest in market risk sensitive instruments such as debt
instruments,  forwards and futures, options, SWAPs or other derivative financial
and commodity instruments.



   The Company is exposed to currency  risk as some of its accounts  payable are
denominated  in  currencies  other than the Canadian  dollar.  The Company earns
revenue  and  incurs  operating  expenses  predominantly  in  Canadian  dollars.
Unfavorable changes in the applicable exchange rates may result in a decrease or
increase in foreign exchange gain or loss.

                                  Page 36 of 71

   At March 31,  2007 and 2006,  the  Company's  accounts  payable  and  accrued
liabilities included the following foreign currency denominated amounts:

                                                      2007            2006
                                               -----------     -----------

U.S.                                           $ 2,512,552     $ 2,499,095
Euro                                               185,757         389,482
GBP                                                  9,499           4,774


   The Company's bank  indebtedness  bears floating interest rates. This exposes
the Company to the risk of changing  interest  rates that may have a detrimental
affect on its  earnings in future  periods.  The Company has  estimated  that if
interest rates were to increase by 1%, it would have paid an additional  $97,800
in  interest  cost in fiscal year 2007.  The  Company  has not entered  into any
agreement or purchased any  instrument to hedge against  possible  interest rate
risks at this time. The Company's  interest earning  investments are short term.
Thus, any reductions in future income or carrying  values due to future interest
rate declines are believed to be immaterial.


   Credit  risk  arises  from the  possibility  that the  entities  to which the
Company sells  products may  experience  financial  difficulty  and be unable to
fulfill  their  contractual  obligations.  This risk is  mitigated  by proactive
credit  management  policies  that include  regular  monitoring  of the debtor's
payment history and performance,  credit insurance,  geographic diversification,
obtaining security where appropriate, and credit insurance policy coverage.


   The Company has various financial  instruments  including  receivables,  bank
indebtedness,  payables  and  accruals,  capital  lease  obligations  and  bonus

   The carrying  value of the capital  lease  obligation  approximates  its fair
market value due to the fact that the obligation  bears interest at a rate which
approximates  current market rates.  The carrying  value of the other  financial
instruments approximates their fair value due to their short-term nature.


   The future revenue and  profitability of the Company will be dependent,  to a
significant extent, upon prevailing spot market prices for gold and diamonds. In
the past, gold and diamond prices have been volatile. Prices are subject to wide
fluctuations  in response to changes in supply and demand for gold and diamonds,
market  uncertainty  and a variety  of  additional  factors  that are beyond the
control of the Company. The Company does not engage in any hedging activities.


   This Form 20F is being filed as an Annual Report  pursuant to the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, and accordingly,  the information  called for by this Item
12 is not required.

                                  Page 37 of 71

                                     PART II


   The terms of the  demand  overdraft  loan  agreement  facility  requires  the
Company to maintain  certain  covenants which include Debt to Tangible Net Worth
and Current Ratios. These covenants are amended from time to time by the bank.

   During fiscal 2007, the Company was required to inject  shareholders'  equity
and/or  debt  subordinate  to its bank  indebtedness  in the  minimum  amount of
$500,000 (decreased from an originally  requested injection of $1,500,000) prior
to March  31,  2007.  On April  4,  2007,  a  company  controlled  by one of the
Company's  shareholders provided a standby letter of credit expiring October 10,
2007,  subsequently  expiring  November 1,2007, in favour of the Company's bank.
This  letter  of  credit   satisfied  the  bank's   requirement  for  additional
shareholders' equity and/or subordinated debt.

Under the terms of the  demand  overdraft  loan  facilities,  the  Company  must
maintain a Debt to Tangible Net Worth ratio not  exceeding  2.5 to 1 (amended to
3.0 to 1  subsequent  to the  year-end)  and Ratio of Current  Assets to Current
Liabilities not less than 1.3 to 1 on a consolidated  entity basis as defined by
the bank at each  year-end when the loan is  outstanding.  As at March 31, 2007,
the Debt to  Tangible  Net Worth  Ratio and ratio of  Current  Assets to Current
Liabilities  were  3.64 to 1 and  1.17  to 1  (2006:  3.58 to 1 and  1.19 to 1),
respectively.  Notwithstanding  this technical  default,  the Bank agreed not to
take any steps with regard to this default,  although this does not constitute a
waiver nor does it prejudice  any of the bank's other rights and remedies  under
the facilities.

There can be no  assurance  that the  Company's  bank will  continue to forebear
rather than exercise the remedies available to it under these facilities.

Subsequently,  as at July 31, 2007 the company was in compliance with Covenants,
however, there can be no assurance that it will be in the future.

   The Company expects to see cash flow improvement but will continue to rely on
its bank financing to maintain  operations and to finance potential increases in
revenues and expansion of customer programs. The Company expects cash flow to be
provided by  operations in fiscal 2008.  For the year ended March 31, 2007,  the
combined  overdraft  loan amounted to  $11,579,643.  The demand  overdraft  loan
agreement  facility  was  renewed  on  November  21,  2006,  April  4,  2007 and
subsequently May 28, 2007




   The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for reviewing the Company's
disclosure  to  ensure  the  Company  provides  full  and  plain  disclosure  to
shareholders and other stakeholders.  The Board discharges its  responsibilities
through its committees,  specifically,  with respect to financial  disclosure to
the Audit Committee,  which is responsible for reviewing the Company's financial
reporting   procedures  and  internal  controls  to  ensure  full  and  accurate
disclosure of the Company's financial position.

   During the annual  report  period,  we carried out an  evaluation,  under the
supervision and with the participation of our senior management, including Chief
Executive  Officer,  Jeremy Bowman (Acting CFO as of June 30, 2007), and the V.P
Finance,  Lan Shangguan of the  effectiveness of the design and operation of our
disclosure  controls and procedures  pursuant to Rule 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) of
the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934.  Disclosure  controls and  procedures are
designed to ensure that the material  financial  and  non-financial  information
required  to be  disclosed  in this Form 20-F  filed  with the SEC is  recorded,
processed,  summarized  and  reported  in  a  timely  manner.  Based  upon  that
evaluation,  our management,  including the Chief Executive Officer,  the acting
Chief Financial Officer

                                  Page 38 of 71

and the V.P Finance concluded that our disclosure  controls and procedures,  are
not  effective  in  alerting  them in a timely  manner to  material  information
relating  to the Company and  required  to be included in the our  periodic  SEC
filings,  given the  matters  identified  below.  Since the audit the  Company's
management has been making changes to the disclosure controls and procedures and
continues to do so.

During the audit of the 2007 financial  statements the Company's  management and
auditors  identified the following MATERIAL WEAKNESSES in internal controls over
financial reporting:


            Recording  of Journal  entries  was not  restricted  to  appropriate
            people and were not always  reviewed  prior to  posting.  Given that
            senior  financial  personnel are responsible  for recording  journal
            entries,  adequate  review of the entry is not done to ensure proper

            Without  restrictions to appropriate people,  unauthorized  postings
            could  arise due to fraud or error.  Lack of a review  and  approval
            process of Journal  entries  further  increases  the  likelihood  of

            Management has a plan in place to review user access rights and user
            groups  to ensure  appropriate  user  restrictions  are in place and
            adequate  segregation  of duty is upheld.  Going forward  management
            will implement a review process for all entries prior to posting and
            will document and maintain records of approval.


            IBB:  Variances  between the system cost price and the invoice total
            price on fixed-cost items can arise.  There is a lack of consistency
            both in investigating  these  differences and in which individual is
            responsible for doing the investigation.

            Vendor master files are not reviewed on a consistent basis to ensure
            current validity of additional costs such as loss, freight, duty and
            labour.  Given  the total  value of the  inventory  relative  to net
            income, small valuation errors could significantly impact period net

            ADL:  Review of  inventory  costing  noted  inconsistencies  between
            standard cost and per unit cost of components  when  transferred out
            of  raw  materials  into  finished  goods.  There  is  no  effective
            comparison  between standard cost and unit cost, which could lead to
            errors in period net income.

            Accurate  inventory  valuation  is a  key  component  of  monitoring
            margins on  product  sales and could  lead to  materially  misstated
            financial statements.

            IBB:The Accounts Payable clerk is responsible for  investigating and
            resolving all invoice variances.  If the variance is greater than 3%
            Purchasing  is  consulted  and  is  responsible  for  verifying  the
            difference and taking appropriate action with the vendor. To be more
            effective  in  reviewing   individual   costing   variances  between
            fixed-cost  items  and  vendor  invoices,  programming  changes  are
            required to the current  system.  Management is looking into program
            change possibilities and will consider the possibility of completing
            a review of larger vendors and/or more significant  product lines on
            a more regular basis.

            ADL standard and unit costing  inconsistencies  will be addressed by
            instituting a protocol to  standardize  the  composition of Standard
            Cost.  The  possibility  of  programming  changes  to the  method of
            costing for valuation  purposes and identification of variances will
            be investigated. An Accounts Payable procedure for investigating and
            resolving costing differences will be initiated.

                                  Page 39 of 71


            Due to staffing  constraints  the booking of  sub-ledger  to general
            ledger  entries and  reconciliations  were being  undertaken  by the
            corporate  accountant  without being reviewed by the CFO in a timely
            manner.  Additionally it was observed that bank  reconciliations had
            not been done  adequately  for several months prior to the year-end.
            It appeared that the recording of manual  cheques was not being done
            until the cheque had cleared.

            Incomplete bank  reconciliations  can lead to incorrect  cut-off for
            revenue and expenses at period end and may prevent identification of
            inappropriate bank transactions.  Timely recording of manual cheques
            are essential.

            Management  immediately  took  steps to  complete  outstanding  bank
            reconciliations  and instituted a policy to perform  reconciliations
            on a monthly basis.  Manual  cheques are subject to similar  control
            processes as computer generated cheques.  The exceptions referred to
            resulted from an oversight  regarding  postdated cheques and will be
            monitored more closely.


            Timely  investigation,  follow up of outstanding unpaid invoices and
            investigating  discrepancies  was not  being  done  promptly  at all
            times.  Unresolved  discrepancies can be more difficult to reconcile
            and collect and may result in the requirement  for higher  provision
            for bad debt.

            Plans are in place to implement more stringent  controls in the area
            of AR. In the new fiscal year  Management  instituted a procedure to
            review  customer's  accounts more  regularly to identify and resolve
            issues in a more timely manner.

            (V)   IT OBSERVATIONS

            A  significant   number  of  users  had  the  equivalent  of  system
            administration  rights in the Encore  application.  Such  privileges
            make  it  impossible  to  implement  adequate  control  of  critical
            functions,  commands  and menus and to enforce  adequate  control of
            segregation of duties in accounting cycles.

            Lack of segregation of duties may lead to possible fraud,  incorrect
            processing or corruption of data.

            Management  will  carry out a review  of users in  Encore  and limit
            access and  functionality  to appropriate  users to ensure  adequate
            segregation of duties.

   The material  weaknesses above were identified by the auditors Grant Thornton
during  the March 31,  2007  year-end,  and in some  cases  existed in the prior
year's  audit.  The  identified  weaknesses  are a result of too few  members of
accounting staff,  changes in staff in the accounting  department of the company
during the prior two years,  together  with a lack of qualified  staff needed to
perform segregation of duties and high levels of oversight.  In 2006 a Corporate
Accountant  was hired  and in March  2007 a V.P of  Finance  was  brought  in to
provide  the higher  level of skills  required to remedy the  situation.  During
recent months the CFO has been on extended sick leave,  creating a void that was
not  anticipated.  This has  caused a  setback  to the  improved  oversight  and
segregation of duties intended.  As a result of the CFO's absence effective June
30, 2007 the CEO was appointed acting CFO. Additionally the Audit Chair has been
present daily to assist with  governance and to perform an independent  audit of
the new software system to evaluate its functionality  and make  recommendations
to  improve  its  future  efficiency  and  effectiveness  in areas of  financial
reporting and inventory  management.  The Audit  Committee Chair meets regularly
with the V.P Finance to review financial results,  and then provides  consistent
reports of findings to the other members of the committee and to the CEO.  These
reviews  provide some degree of  compensating  controls over the  segregation of
duties however; do not fully overcome the identified weaknesses that continue to
exist at the end of the reporting period.

As  mentioned  above,  on March  5th  2007  the  company  employed  a  Chartered
Accountant  as V.P of Finance to enhance  its finance and  accounting  team.  In
addition to performing  the duties  required of her position,  together with the
acting  CFO she has been  substantially  responsible  for the  annual  audit and
oversight of the finance and accounting  team in the CFO's  absence.  One of her
duties is to

                                  Page 40 of 71

manage  the  internal  control   documentation   project  and  provide  enhanced
segregation of duties,  which will form the basis of increased  internal control
over financial reporting. It is the Company's expectation that with the addition
of this level of staffing,  these material  weaknesses can be addressed and will
allow the Company to re-evaluate ways to improve upon its systems and processes.

As part of the process to put into  operations  its program for  complying  with
Section 404 of the  Sarbanes  Oxley Act of 2002 the Company  will  evaluate  and
enhance its  procedures  where the  interpretation  of GAAP is involved and will
take steps to implement improved accounting processes.

The Company will continue to review the identified  internal control  weaknesses
and  consider  implementing  compensating  controls in an effort to mitigate the
potential  identified  risks.  The  Company is also  looking  into the hiring of
additional staff members to allow for the appropriate  segregation of duties and


   The Audit  Committee is  responsible  for reviewing  the Company's  financial
reporting  procedures,  internal  controls and the  performance of the Company's
auditors as detailed in the Mandate of the Audit Committee.  The Audit Committee
is also  responsible  for  reviewing  all  disclosure  with respect to financial
matters  prior to filing or  release  and for  reviewing  quarterly  and  annual
financial statements prior to their approval by the full Board.

Currently the Company does not have a financial  expert on its Audit  Committee.
No current Board member  possesses the necessary  qualifications  of a financial
expert  as  defined  by the  Sarbanes  Oxley Act of 2002,  however  the Board is
seeking a solution to fulfill this requirement.


   The  Company  has not adopted a formal  "code of  ethics",  however,  it does
maintain  standards that are  reasonably  designed to deter  wrong-doing  and to

1.    Honest and ethical  conduct,  including the ethical  handling of actual or
      apparent   conflicts  of  interest   between   personal  and  professional

2.    Full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosure in reports and
      documents that a registrant files with, or submits to, regulatory agencies
      and in other public communications made by the registrant;

3.    Compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations;

4.    The  prompt  internal  reporting  of  violations  of the  standards  to an
      appropriate person or persons identified in the standards; and

5.    Accountability for adherence to the standards.

   In addition,  the Company practices  corporate  governance in accordance with
rules and regulations in Canada.

   Corporate  Governance relates to the activities of the Board of Directors who
are elected by and accountable to the  Shareholders,  and takes into account the
role of  management  who are  appointed  by the Board of  Directors  and who are
charged with the on-going  management of the Company.  The Board of Directors of
the Company encourages sound corporate  governance practices designed to promote
the well being and on-going  development  of the Company,  having  always as its
ultimate  objective  the  best  long-term  interests  of  the  Company  and  the
enhancement of value for all Shareholders. Currently there is no formal document
stating the  Company's  Corporate  Governance  policies,  however,  there are in
existence,  Board of  Directors,  Audit  Committee  and  Compensation  and Human
Resource Committee Mandates.

                                  Page 41 of 71


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           2007              2006             AGGREGATE FEES
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AUDIT FEES               $131,500         **$152,000             $283,500
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AUDIT RELATED FEES        $10,350          **$5,000              $15,350
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TAX FEES                  $22,050         **$25,610              $47,660
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OTHER FEES                  $0                $0                    $0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL FEES               $163,900         **$182,610             $346,510
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      **  Subsequent  to the filing date of the 2006 Form 20f final  billing for
Audit Fees for 2006 were  received  and paid.  Annual  Audit Fees  reported as a
total of $112,736 for the year to date were billed at a total of $152,000, while
other fees  including the Tax compliance  work, SEC specialist  review of filing
documents and entity review engagements totaled $30,610,  for a revised total of
$182,610 for 2006.


   The information called for by this Item 16D is not applicable to the Company.


   There  have  been  no  purchases  of  equity  securities  by the  Company  or
affiliated purchasers.


The consolidated  financial  statements of the Company have been prepared on the
basis of Canadian GAAP.  Reconciliation  to U.S. GAAP is included  therein under
note 15 to the financial statements.

The  report of  independent  registered  chartered  accounting  firm,  financial
statements  and notes thereto,  schedules  thereto as required under Item 17 are
found  immediately  below.  The  report  of  independent   registered  chartered
accounting  firm  is  included  herein  immediately   preceding  the  respective
financial statements, notes, schedules, etc.

                                  Page 42 of 71

                                                 ALLURA INTERNATIONAL INC.
                                                 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                 (EXPRESSED IN CANADIAN DOLLARS)
                                                 MARCH 31, 2007, 2006 AND 2005


Report of Independent Registered Chartered Accounting Firm                   44

Consolidated Balance Sheets                                                  45

Consolidated Statements of Operations                                        46

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                                        47

Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity                              48

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements                            49-66

                                  Page 43 of 71


                              GRANT THORNTON [LOGO]


      We have audited the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheets of Allura
      International  Inc.  as of  March  31,  2007,  and  2006  and the  related
      consolidated  statements  of  operations,  cash flows,  and  shareholders'
      equity for each of the years ended March 31,  2007,  2006 and 2005.  These
      financial  statements are the responsibility of the Company's  management.
      Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial  statements
      based on our audits.

      We conducted our audits in accordance  with  Canadian  generally  accepted
      auditing  standards  and the  standards of the Public  Company  Accounting
      Oversight Board (United States).  Those standards require that we plan and
      perform  the  audit to  obtain  reasonable  assurance  about  whether  the
      financial statements are free of material misstatement. The Company is not
      required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal
      control over  financial  reporting.  Our audit included  consideration  of
      internal  control over financial  reporting as a basis for designing audit
      procedures  that are  appropriate  in the  circumstances,  but not for the
      purpose of  expressing  an opinion on the  effectiveness  of the Company's
      internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such
      opinion.  An audit also  includes  examining,  on a test  basis,  evidence
      supporting  the  amounts  and  disclosures  in the  financial  statements,
      assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
      management,   as  well  as  evaluating  the  overall  financial  statement
      presentation.  We believe that our audits  provide a reasonable  basis for
      our opinion.

      In our opinion,  the consolidated  financial  statements referred to above
      present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Allura
      International  Inc.  as of March 31,  2007 and 2006 and the results of its
      operations  and its cash flows for each of the three years ended March 31,
      2007,  2006  and  2005 in  accordance  with  Canadian  generally  accepted
      accounting principles.

      Canadian generally accepted accounting principles vary in certain respects
      from  accounting  principles  generally  accepted in the United  States of
      America.  Information related to the nature and effect of such differences
      is presented in Note 15 to the consolidated financial statements.

      Vancouver, Canada                                 /s/ "GRANT THORNTON LLP"
      October 5th 2007                                  Chartered Accountants

Grant Thornton Place
Suite 1600
333 Seymour Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 0A4
T (604) 687-2711
F (604) 685-6569
E  Vancouver@GrantThornton.ca
W  www.GrantThornton.ca


                                  Page 44 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
March 31                                                                    2007             2006
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Cash                                                            $     191,386    $      34,810
   Receivables, net (Note 3)                                           4,479,708        3,710,935
   Inventories                                                        13,532,378       12,087,351
   Income taxes recoverable                                                   --          121,872
   Prepaids                                                              251,355          122,022
                                                                   -------------    -------------

Total current assets                                                  18,454,827       16,076,990

Property and equipment, net (Note 4)                                     405,192          172,592
Goodwill                                                                  26,970           26,970
                                                                   -------------    -------------

Total assets                                                       $  18,886,989    $  16,276,552
                                                                   =============    =============

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Bank indebtedness (Note 5)                                      $  11,579,643    $   9,313,354
   Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (Note 6)                   3,931,860        4,197,618
   Income taxes payable                                                  100,822               --
   Obligation under capital lease - current portion (Note 8)              76,113               --
   Obligation under put option (Note 9)                                   57,600           52,600
                                                                   -------------    -------------

Total current liabilities                                             15,746,038       13,563,572

Obligation under capital lease - Non-current (Note 8)                    227,699               --
                                                                   -------------    -------------

Total liabilities                                                     15,973,737       13,563,572
                                                                   -------------    -------------


Capital stock (Note 9)                                                 2,545,765        2,545,765
Retained earnings                                                        367,487          167,215
                                                                   -------------    -------------

Total shareholders' equity                                             2,913,252        2,712,980
                                                                   -------------    -------------

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                         $  18,886,989    $  16,276,552
                                                                   =============    =============

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commitments (Note 10)
Subsequent event (Note 16)

        See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.

                                  Page 45 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
Years Ended March 31                        2007                         2006                         2005
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net sales                         $  22,638,034         100%   $  17,719,672         100%   $  18,252,286         100%

Cost of goods sold (Note 2(c))       17,039,635        75.3       13,652,307        77.0       13,154,241        72.1
                                  -------------    --------    -------------    --------    -------------    --------

Gross profit                          5,598,399        24.7        4,067,365        23.0        5,098,045        27.9
                                  -------------    --------    -------------    --------    -------------    --------

   Administrative (Note 17))          3,288,095        14.5        2,950,967        16.7        3,248,196        17.8
   Depreciation and
     Amortization                        76,827         0.3           46,680         0.3           64,874         0.3
   Selling and delivery
     (Note 17))                         970,720         4.3          821,259         4.6          785,176         4.3
                                  -------------    --------    -------------    --------    -------------    --------

                                      4,335,642        19.1        3,818,906        21.6        4,098,246        22.4
                                  -------------    --------    -------------    --------    -------------    --------

Earnings before other income
(expenses)                            1,262,757         5.6          248,459         1.4          999,799         5.5
                                  -------------    --------    -------------    --------    -------------    --------

Other income (expenses)
   Interest, bank charges,
     and guarantee fee
     (Note 12(b))                      (964,633)       (4.3)        (752,518)       (4.3)        (562,999)       (3.1)
   Other income                           1,617          --               38          --            3,229          --
   Change in put option
     obligation (Note 9)                 (5,000)         --           11,400          .1           (8,400)         --
                                  -------------    --------    -------------    --------    -------------    --------

                                       (968,016)       (4.3)        (741,080)       (4.2)        (568,170)       (3.1)
                                  -------------    --------    -------------    --------    -------------    --------

Earnings (loss) before                  294,741         1.3         (492,621)       (2.8)         431,629         2.4
   income taxes

Provision for Income taxes
(recovery) (Note 7)                      94,469         0.4         (102,862)       (0.6)         108,921         0.6
                                  -------------    --------    -------------    --------    -------------    --------

Net (loss) earnings               $     200,272         0.9%   $    (389,759)       (2.2)%  $     322,708         1.8%
                                  =============    ========    =============    ========    =============    ========

Earnings (loss) per share
   (basic and diluted)            $        0.04                $       (0.08)               $        0.06
                                  =============                =============                =============

Weighted average common
shares outstanding (basic and
diluted) (Note 9)                  5,080,100.69                 5,080,100.69                 5,080,100.69

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.

                                  Page 46 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
Years Ended March 31                                         2007           2006            2005
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and cash equivalents derived from (applied to)

     Net earnings (loss)                              $   200,272     $ (389,759)    $   322,708
     Depreciation and amortization                         76,827         46,680          64,874
     Change in put option obligation                        5,000        (11,400)          8,400
     Change in non-cash operating working capital
       (Note 11)                                       (2,386,197)        29,149      (2,926,758)
                                                      -----------     ----------     -----------
                                                       (2,104,098)      (325,330)     (2,530,776)
                                                      -----------     ----------     -----------
     Bank indebtedness                                  2,266,289        401,946       2,529,164
     Dividend Paid                                             --        (31,901)             --
                                                      -----------     ----------     -----------
                                                        2,266,289        370,045       2,529,164
                                                      -----------     ----------     -----------
     Purchase of equipment                               (309,427)       (47,895)        (33,353)
     Proceeds on disposal of equipment                    303,812             --              --
                                                      -----------     ----------     -----------
                                                           (5,615)       (47,895)        (33,353)
                                                      -----------     ----------     -----------

Net increase (decrease) in cash                           156,576         (3,180)        (34,965)


     Beginning of year                                     34,810         37,990          72,955
                                                      -----------     ----------     -----------

     End of year                                      $   191,386     $   34,810     $    37,990
                                                      ===========     ==========     ===========

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Equipment purchased under capital lease            $   303,812     $       --     $        --

   Interest paid                                      $   934,544     $  723,959     $   560,558
   Income taxes paid during the year                  $        --     $   60,000     $   120,296

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.

                                  Page 47 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
Years Ended March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                 Shares Issued
                                           Number of                     RETAINED
                                             SHARES        AMOUNT        EARNINGS       TOTAL
Balance March 31, 2004                    5,080,100.69   $ 2,545,765    $  266,167     2,811,932

Net earnings, year ended March 31, 2005             --            --       322,708       322,708
                                          ------------   -----------    ----------   -----------

Balance March 31, 2005                    5,080,100.69     2,545,765       588,875     3,134,640

Dividend paid                                       --            --       (31,901)      (31,901)

Net loss, year ended March 31, 2006                 --            --      (389,759)     (389,759)
                                          ------------   -----------    ----------   -----------

Balance March 31, 2006                    5,080,100.69     2,545,765       167,215   $ 2,712,980

Net earnings, year ended March 31, 2007             --            --       200,272       200,272
                                          ------------   -----------    ----------   -----------

Balance March 31, 2007                    5,080,100.69   $ 2,545,765    $  367,487   $ 2,913,252
                                          ============   ===========    ==========   ===========

        See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.

                                  Page 48 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The Company  operates in one reportable  business segment and is in the business
of wholesaling gold and diamond jewellery in Canada. Its customer base comprises
national chains and independent retailers.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



These financial  statements are presented in accordance with Canadian  generally
accepted  accounting  principles and include the accounts of the Company and its
wholly-owned  subsidiaries,  IBB International (Canada) Ltd. and Allura Diamonds

With effect March 31, 2006, Bygo Inc. was wound up into Allura Diamonds  Limited
and Bygo's nominal  business  activities  and assets were  transferred to Allura
Diamonds Limited.

The  accounting  principles  used  also  conform  in all  material  respects  to
principles  generally  accepted in the United  States of America as disclosed in
Note 15.


In preparing the financial statements,  management is required to make estimates
and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities,  the
disclosure of  contingent  assets and  liabilities  at the date of the financial
statements  and reported  amounts of revenue and expenses  during the  reporting
period. Actual results could differ from management's estimates.


The Company  considers the Canadian  dollar its  functional  currency.  Monetary
assets  and  liabilities   resulting  from  foreign  currency  transactions  are
translated  into Canadian  dollars using the year end conversion  rates.  Sales,
purchases,  receipts and payments are translated throughout the year at exchange
rates prevailing at the date of the  transaction.  Exchange gains and losses are
included  in  earnings  for the year as part of cost of sales and  amounted to a
gain of $75,983 (2006: $108,199, 2005: $297,583).


For the purpose of the statement of cash flows,  the Company  considers  cash on
hand  and  balances  with  banks  and  highly  liquid   temporary  money  market
instruments  with  original  maturities  of  three  months  or  less  at date of
acquisition as cash or cash  equivalents.  Bank  borrowings are considered to be
financing activities.


Inventories  are  comprised of loose  gemstones  and  finished  products and are
valued at the lower of cost and net realizable  value.  Cost is calculated using
the average cost method.  Cost  consists of the invoiced  price plus  applicable
duty,  excise  tax,  and freight  charges.  Net  realizable  value is based upon
estimated selling price less

                                  Page 49 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



further costs to completion and disposal. 2007 inventories include goods held on
consignment by the customers under consignment  agreements totalling $ 2,525,146
(2006: $2,596,676, 2005: $2,605,200).

The Company's provision for inventory  obsolescence has been included in cost of
goods sold. Changes in the current balance are as follows:

                            2007            2006            2005

Opening Balance         $    401,000     $   213,000     $   124,000

Add                          155,000         222,000          92,000

Deduct                      (227,000)        (34,000)         (3,000)

Closing Balance         $    329,000     $   401,000     $   213,000


Property and equipment are recorded at cost less  accumulated  depreciation  and

The Company  depreciates its property and equipment over their useful lives. All
property and equipment  other than  equipment  under capital lease and leasehold
improvements  are  depreciated  on a  20%  declining  balance  basis.  Leasehold
improvements are amortized over the shorter of the life of leasehold improvement
or  term of the  lease.  Equipment  under  capital  lease  is  depreciated  on a
straight-line basis over the term of the lease.


The  Company's   trademarks   have  been  recorded  at  cost  less   accumulated
amortization. Amortization is recorded on a straight-line basis over a five year


Goodwill arises from the 1999  acquisition of the 50% of Allura Diamonds Limited
that the  Company  did not  previously  own and  represents  the  excess  of the
purchase  price  over  the  estimated  fair  value  of the net  tangible  assets
acquired.  Effective April 1, 2002, the Company adopted, on a prospective basis,
the  recommendations  of the Canadian  Institute of Chartered  Accountants  with
respect to the valuation of goodwill. Under the recommendations,  goodwill is no
longer amortized, but is tested for impairment at least on an annual basis.

Had the Company continued to amortize goodwill as it did prior to April 1, 2002,
the Company's net earnings and net earnings per share (basic and diluted)  would
remain the same for all years presented.

                                  Page 50 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



The Company recognizes revenue when goods have been shipped,  title to the goods
has passed to the customer, and collection is reasonably assured.

Revenue  from sales of inventory  placed on  consignment  with third  parties is
recognized when the  consignment  inventory is sold to end users or purchased by
the third party.


The Company  establishes  an allowance for doubtful  accounts  through review of
open accounts,  and historical  collection and allowance amounts.  The allowance
for doubtful  accounts is intended to reduce trade  accounts  receivable  to the
amount that  reasonably  approximates  their fair value due to their  short-term
nature. The amount ultimately realized from trade accounts receivable may differ
from the  amount  estimated  in the  financial  statements  based on  collection
experience and actual returns and allowances.


The Company includes its warehousing  costs in rent. The costs are approximately
$16,000 (2006: $16,000, 2005: $16,000).


Shipping and handling  costs  incurred  related to the sale of products sold are
reported as a component of selling and delivery costs.


The Company has a stock option plan as disclosed in Note 9. The Company  follows
the  Canadian   Institute  of  Chartered   Accountants   Handbook  Section  3870
under this plan. As  recommended  by Section  3870,  the Company has adopted the
fair  value  method  for  stock-based  compensation  granted  to  employees  and
non-employees and all direct awards of stock.

The fair value of stock options is  determined  using the  Black-Scholes  Option
Pricing Model with  assumptions for risk-free  interest rates,  dividend yields,
volatility factors of the expected fair value of the Company's common shares and
the expected life of the options.

                                  Page 51 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



The Company uses the asset and liability  method of accounting for income taxes.
Under the asset and  liability  method,  future tax assets and  liabilities  are
recognized for the future tax consequences  attributable to differences  between
the financial  statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and
their  respective  tax bases and loss  carry  forwards.  Future  tax  assets and
liabilities  are  measured  using  enacted or  substantively  enacted  tax rates
expected  to apply to  taxable  income  in the  years in which  those  temporary
differences  are expected to be  recovered or settled.  The effect on future tax
assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in earnings in the
period that includes the date of  substantive  enactment.  When it is considered
more likely than not that a future tax asset will not be  realized,  a valuation
allowance is provided.


The Company expenses all advertising costs as incurred. For the year ended March
31, 2007, total advertising costs were $123,476 (2006: $61,304, 2005: $52,893).


The Company uses the treasury  stock  method to calculate  diluted  earnings per
share.  Under this method, all options with an exercise price less than or equal
to the  average  share  price for the year are  assumed  to have been  exercised
during the period.

The  effect of the  exercise  of the  140,000  (2006:  260,000,  2005:  352,500)
potentially dilutive options was not included in the dilutive earnings per share
amount since the effect would be anti-dilutive.


The Company  accounts for put options  issued in connection  with certain common
shares (Note 9) in  accordance  with EIC-149,  "ACCOUNTING  FOR  RETRACTABLE  OR
MANDATORILY  REDEEMABLE SHARES".  Under EIC-149, the fair value of the Company's
obligation under this put option is presented as a current liability. Any change
in the fair  value of the put  obligation  is  accounted  for in the  results of


Capital  stock  issued  for  consideration  other  than cash is  recorded  at an
estimate of the fair value of the stock  issued or issuable or at an estimate of
the fair value of the goods or  services  received  (whichever  is more  readily

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. RECEIVABLES                                2007               2006
                                         --------------    --------------

Receivables                              $    4,685,820    $    3,977,980
Allowance for doubtful accounts                (206,112)         (267,045)
                                         --------------    --------------

                                         $    4,479,708    $    3,710,935
                                         ==============    ==============

                                  Page 52 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.  PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT                                                        2007
                                                          Depreciation and    Net
                                                  Cost        Amortization    Book Value
                                           -----------    ----------------    ------------
Computer equipment and software            $   412,693    $        339,054    $     73,639
Equipment under capital lease (Note 8)         303,812              37,976         265,836
Furniture and equipment                        222,087             160,263          61,824
Leasehold improvements                         146,758             142,865           3,893
Trademarks                                      11,840              11,840              --
                                           -----------    ----------------    ------------

                                           $ 1,097,190    $        691,998    $    405,192
                                           ===========    ================    ============

                                                          Depreciation and    Net
                                                  Cost        Amortization    Book Value
                                           -----------    ----------------    ------------
Computer equipment and software            $   458,729    $        331,634    $    127,095
Furniture and equipment                        186,277             149,286          36,991
Leasehold improvements                         144,315             135,809           8,506
Trademarks                                      11,840              11,840              --
                                           -----------    ----------------    ------------

                                           $   801,161    $        628,569    $    172,592
                                           ===========    ================    ============

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Bank  indebtedness is comprised of demand  overdraft loan  facilities  totalling
$11,000,000 (2006:  $6,500,000) (subject to certain margining restrictions) with
an  additional  $1,400,000  one time bulge in effect March 31, 2006 to March 31,
2007 (the "OneTime Bulge").  The Company also has available an annual $1,100,000
(2006:  $1,100,000)  bulge  from July 1 to  December  31 each year (the  "Annual
Seasonal Bulge").

In fiscal 2006,  the Company also had available an additional  $900,000 one time
bulge from July 15, 2004 to June 30, 2005 ("Additional Bulge"), plus a secondary
additional  $1,600,000  one time  bulge  from  March 31,  2005 to June 31,  2005
("Secondary Additional Bulge")

Subsequent  to  year  end,  the  demand  overdraft  loan  facilities   totalling
$11,000,000 were retroactively  renewed except the OneTime Bulge was extended to
May 1, 2007 and the Annual  Seasonal Bulge was provided on a one-time basis from
May 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007.

                                  Page 53 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. BANK INDEBTEDNESS (continued)

The facility details are summarized in the table below:

                          Demand          Annual                       Secondary
                       Overdraft        Seasonal     Additional       Additional           OneTime            Total
                   Loan Facility           Bulge          Bulge            Bulge             Bulge       Facilities
                  --------------    ------------    -----------     ------------     -------------     ------------
Balance, March
31, 2005          $    6,500,000              --        900,000        1,600,000                --        9,000,000
Decrease on
June 30, 2005                 --              --       (900,000)              --                --         (900,000)
Increase July
1, 2005                                1,100,000             --               --                --        1,100,000
Increase on
June 30, 2005                 --              --             --               --         3,000,000        3,000,000
Decrease on
June 30, 2005                 --              --             --       (1,600,000)               --       (1,600,000)
Decrease March
1, 2006                       --      (1,100,000)            --               --                --       (1,100,000)
                  --------------    ------------    -----------     ------------     -------------     ------------
March 31, 2006    $    6,500,000    $         --    $        --     $         --     $   3,000,000     $  9,500,000
Decrease on
April 1, 2006                 --              --             --               --          (500,000)        (500,000)
April 12, 2006         4,500,000       1,100,000             --               --                --        5,600,000
Decrease April
12, 2006                      --               -             --               --        (1,100,000)      (1,100,000)
December 31,
2006                          --      (1,100,000)            --               --                --       (1,100,000)
                  --------------    ------------    -----------     ------------     -------------     ------------

March 31, 2007    $   11,000,000    $         --    $        --     $         --     $   1,400,000     $ 12,400,000
                  ==============    ============    ===========     ============     =============     ============

These  loans bear  interest  at prime plus 1/8% on the first  $1,000,000  (2006:
$1,000,000)  and prime plus 1% on the balance.  The prime interest rate on these
loans at  year-end  was 6.0% (2006:  5.5%).  The loans are  collateralized  by a
general security  agreement  creating a first floating charge over all assets, a
general  assignment of book debts,  an assignment of inventory under Section 427
of the Bank Act, a guarantee from a shareholder of the Company's  parent company
for $4,000,000  supported by a standby  letter of credit for  $1,000,000  (2006:
$1,000,000),  guarantees  by  certain  other  shareholders  of the  Company to a
maximum  of  $800,000,   collateralized   by  certain  of  these   shareholders'
residential  real  estate  and an  assignment  of  insurance  on the life of the
president in the amount of $800,000.

                                  Page 54 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. BANK INDEBTEDNESS (continued)

During  fiscal  2007,  the Company was required to inject  shareholders'  equity
and/or  debt  subordinate  to its bank  indebtedness  in the  minimum  amount of
$500,000 (decreased from an originally  requested injection of $1,500,000) prior
to March  31,  2007.  On April  4,  2007,  a  company  controlled  by one of the
Company's  shareholders provided a standby letter of credit expiring October 10,
2007 in favour of the Company's bank. This letter of credit satisfied the bank's
requirement for additional shareholders' equity and/or subordinated debt.

Under the terms of the  demand  overdraft  loan  facilities,  the  Company  must
maintain a Debt to Tangible Net Worth ratio not  exceeding  2.5 to 1 (amended to
3.0 to 1  subsequent  to the  year-end)  and Ratio of Current  Assets to Current
Liabilities not less than 1.3 to 1 on a consolidated  entity basis as defined by
the bank at each  year-end when the loan is  outstanding.  As at March 31, 2007,
the Debt to  Tangible  Net Worth  Ratio and ratio of  Current  Assets to Current
Liabilities  were  3.64 to 1 and  1.17  to 1  (2006:  3.58 to 1 and  1.19 to 1),
respectively.  Notwithstanding  this technical  default,  the Bank has currently
agreed not to take any steps with regard to this default, although this does not
constitute  a waiver nor does it  prejudice  any of the bank's  other rights and
remedies under the facilities.

There can be no  assurance  that the  Company's  bank will  continue to forebear
rather than exercise the remedies available to it under these facilities.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6.  ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND ACCRUED LIABILITIES         2007             2006
                                                 -------------    -------------

Accounts payable                                 $   2,697,212    $   3,149,609
Accrued liabilities                                  1,234,648        1,048,009
                                                 -------------    -------------
                                                 $   3,931,860    $   4,197,618
                                                 =============    =============

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


(a)   The  provision  for  income  taxes  differs  from the amount that would be
            obtained by applying the Canadian corporate income tax substantially
            enacted  statutory  rate of tax to the earnings (loss) before taxes.
            The principal reasons for this difference are as follows:

                                                         2007           2006           2005
                                                       ---------     ----------      ---------
      Earnings (loss) before income taxes              $ 294,741     $ (492,621)     $ 431,629

      Statutory income tax rate                               34%            34%            38%
      Anticipated income tax (recovery) provision        100,212       (167,491)       164,019
      Tax provision effect arising from:
      Small business deduction                           (16,399)        48,954        (52,466)
      Tax losses utilized                               (109,181)       (37,252)       (17,015)
      Tax recovery from loss carried back                     --         67,682             --
      Additional tax reassessed for prior years           76,469             --             --
      Non-deductible expenses and other                   21,468         (9,755)        11,936
      Change in valuation allowance                       21,900         (5,000)         2,447
                                                       ---------     ----------      ---------
                                                       $  94,469     $ (102,862)     $ 108,921
                                                       =========     ==========      =========

                                  Page 55 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7. INCOME TAXES (continued)

During the year,  Allura  Diamonds  Limited was subject to a tax audit by Canada
Revenue Agency ("CRA").  As a result,  the Company was reassessed for a total of
$76,469 in additional income tax payable relating to its fiscal years 2004, 2005
& 2006.  Interest and penalties  totalling  $14,882 were also levied by the CRA.
Subsequent  to the year  end,  the  Company  filed an  objection  notice  on the
reassessment and claimed for a refund of the full amount assessed. The CRA is in
the process of reviewing the Company's claim.

(b) Future income tax assets consist of the following:

                                                         2007           2006
                                                      ----------     ----------

      Property and equipment                          $   47,500     $   24,800
      Non-capital loss carry forward                     367,200        478,800
      Other items                                          8,600          9,400
      Valuation allowance                               (423,300)      (513,000)
                                                      ----------     ----------

                                                      $      Nil     $      Nil
                                                      ==========     ==========

(b) The operating losses expire as follows:

                                                         2007           2006
                                                      ----------     ----------

      2008                                            $  258,000     $  550,000
      2009                                               412,000        419,000
      2010                                               103,000        102,000
      2014                                                31,000         31,000
      2015                                                32,000         32,000
      2026                                               244,000        264,000
                                                      ----------     ----------

                                                      $1,080,000     $1,398,000
                                                      ==========     ==========

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


During the year, the Company sold certain equipment.  There was no material gain
on the transaction.  The Company then immediately  leased back this equipment by
entering  into a lease  agreement.  The  capital  lease  has a  four-year  term,
expiring in 2011, with imputed interest rate of  approximately  6.25% per annum.
The leased equipment is amortized on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

                                  Page 56 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The future minimum lease payments required under this capital lease consist of:

      2008                                                 $   92,702
      2009                                                     85,571
      2010                                                     85,571
      2011                                                     78,540
       Less: Amount representing interest                     (38,572)
      Capital lease obligation                                303,812

      Less : Current portion                                  (76,113)
      Balance of obligation - Non-current                  $  227,699

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



   Unlimited number of common shares without par value

ISSUED:                                                      2007          2006
                                                      -----------   -----------

  5,080,100.69 (2006: 5,080,100.69) common shares     $ 2,545,765   $ 2,545,765
                                                      ===========   ===========

   On September 30, 2005,  the Company's  shareholders  approved a reverse stock
   split of the Company's 15,240,302  outstanding common shares, on the basis of
   3 (old) for each 1 (new) common  share.  The new common shares were issued on
   March 26, 2007 to effect the reverse stock split. The weighted average number
   of shares and the common shares outstanding have been retroactively  adjusted
   to all prior  years  presented  to reflect the effect of this  reverse  stock

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   The Company  established a stock option plan ("the Plan") that allows for the
   issuance of up to  1,000,000  common  shares as  incentive  stock  options to
   current and future key  employees  and  consultants.  The Board of  Directors
   administers  the  Plan and has the  authority  to  determine  the  terms  and
   restrictions  on all options,  as well as to interpret  any  provision of the
   Plan.  Discretionary  options,  once granted,  vest at the  discretion of the
   Board of  Directors.  A summary  of the  status of the  Company's  options is
   presented below:

                                  Page 57 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9. CAPITAL STOCK (Continued)

                                          Number of Shares
                            ---------------------------------------------  Weighted
                               Unvested /    Vested / Non-                 Exercise
                            DISCRETIONARY    Discretionary      TOTAL       PRICE
Balance, March 31, 2005            35,000          317,500      352,500    $   1.56

    Expired                       (35,000)         (57,500)     (92,500)   $   1.50
                            -------------    -------------    ---------

Balance, March 31, 2006                --          260,000      260,000    $   1.58

    Expired                            --         (120,000)    (120,000)   $   1.58
                            -------------    -------------    ---------

Balance, March 31, 2007                --          140,000      140,000    $   1.58
                            =============    =============    =========    ========

The weighted  average fair value of the options granted during the year was $NIL
(2006: $NIL; 2005: $NIL).

The following table summarizes  information  concerning  options  outstanding at
March 31, 2007:

                                     TOTAL OUTSTANDING AND EXERCISABLE
  EXERCISE PRICE                     NUMBER OF          REMAINING
                                     SHARES             LIFE (YEARS)
                                     ---------          ------------
$1.58                                140,000            0.28


During 2001,  the Company issued  113,379  (340,136,  prior to the reverse stock
split) units  consisting of one common  share,  one common share call option and
one common share put option. All call options expired unexercised.

The put  options  were  exercisable  on July 25,  2005 and will  expire upon the
closing of certain qualified  initial public offerings.  The put options entitle
the  holders to put the shares to the Company for the lesser of their fair value
(estimated at $57,600 at March 31, 2007 (2006: $52,600;  2005: $64,000)) and the
original proceeds received under the unit offering ($500,000).

The Company has presented its obligation under this put as a current liability.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  Page 58 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The  Company  has  entered  into three  operating  lease  agreements  for office
premises which expire in the 2012 fiscal year. The future minimum lease payments
under these lease agreements for the next five years are:

   2008                                                         191,834
   2009                                                         198,823
   2010                                                         188,923
   2011                                                         110,653
   2012                                                          18,292

The operating  lease  agreement for one office premise was with a partnership in
which the president of Allura Diamonds Limited had an interest.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

11.  CHANGE IN NON-CASH OPERATING WORKING CAPITAL            2007           2006           2005
                                                          -----------    ----------    ------------
Receivables                                               $  (768,773)   $ (297,111)   $     95,543
Income taxes                                                  222,694      (161,576)         99,694
Inventories                                                (1,445,027)      956,588      (5,436,573)
Prepaids                                                     (129,333)        8,247         (69,852)
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                     (265,758)     (476,999)      2,384,430
                                                          -----------    ----------    ------------

                                                          $(2,386,197)   $   29,149    $ (2,926,758)
                                                          ===========    ==========    ============


Related  party  transactions  during  the  year  and  balances  at year  end are
summarized as follows:

                                                             2007           2006           2005
                                                          -----------    ----------    ------------
       Interest and guarantee fee expenses                $   116,147    $  115,869    $    113,896
       Accounts payable and accrued liabilities           $        --    $   66,914    $     26,960

     Rent paid to one (2006: two; 2005: two) related
     partnerships (Note 10)                               $     9,900    $  100,413    $    126,084
     Guarantee fee paid to two significant shareholders   $    64,000    $   64,000    $     64,000

These  transactions  are in the normal course of operations  and are measured at
the exchange amount, which is the amount of consideration established and agreed
to by the related parties.

International Bullion and Metal Brokers (London) Limited is a company controlled
by International Bullion and Metal Brokers Ltd., a shareholder in the Company.

                                  Page 59 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The Company is exposed to the following  risks  related to its financial  assets
and liabilities:


The  Company is exposed to  currency  risk as some of its  accounts  payable are
denominated  in  currencies  other than the Canadian  dollar.  The Company earns
revenue  and  incurs  operating  expenses  predominantly  in  Canadian  dollars.
Unfavourable  changes in the  applicable  exchange rates may result in a foreign
exchange loss.

The Company's  accounts  payable and accrued  liabilities are denominated in the
following currencies: :

                                               2007                2006
                                          -------------       -------------

   Canadian dollar                        $   1,224,052       $   1,304,267
   U.S. dollar                                2,512,552           2,499,095
   Euro                                         185,757             389,482
   GBP                                            9,499               4,774
                                          -------------       -------------
                                          $   3,931,860       $   4,197,618
                                          =============       =============

The  Company  does not use  derivative  instruments  to reduce its  exposure  to
foreign currency risk.


Inventory consists of precious metals and gemstones. These items are susceptible
to change in valuation due to market  conditions  beyond the Company's  control.
Increase or decreases in the commodity  prices of these assets can have positive
or negative effects on the Company's  future net earnings.  The Company does not
enter into derivative contracts to mitigate its exposure to commodity risk.


Bank indebtedness bears floating interest rates which exposes the Company to the
risk of  changing  interest  rates  that may have a  detrimental  effect  on its
earnings in future periods.

                                  Page 60 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Credit risk arises from the  possibility  that the entities to which the Company
sells  products may  experience  financial  difficulty  and be unable to fulfill
their  contractual  obligations.  This risk is  mitigated  by  proactive  credit
management  policies that include  regular  monitoring  of the debtor's  payment
history  and  performance,  geographic  diversification,  credit  insurance  and
obtaining security when management considers it appropriate.

At March 31, 2007, 53% (2006: 49%) of the Company's accounts receivable was owed
by 2 customers (2006: 3) as per the table below.

                           2007          PERCENT          2006        PERCENT
                       -------------     -------      ------------    --------

Company A              $   1,661,388          33%     $    836,499          24%
Company B                    979,927          20%          460,477          13%
Company C                         --          --           428,815          12%
                       -------------     -------      ------------    --------
                       $   2,641,315          53%     $  1,725,791          49%
                       =============     =======      ============    ========


The  Company's  financial  instruments,   including  cash,   receivables,   bank
indebtedness,   accounts  payable,   accrued   liabilities,   and  income  taxes
payable/recoverable  are carried at amounts which  approximate  their fair value
due to their short-term  nature.  Lease  obligations have been recorded at their
fair value at inception and are being  amortized  using the  effective  interest
rate implicit in the lease.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Three major customers account for 50% of sales in 2007 (2006: 32%, 2005: 45%) as

                              2007         2006         2005

Company A                      22%           7%           9%
Company B                      19%          22%          26%
Company C                       9%           3%          10%
                         --------     --------    ---------
                               50%          32%          45%
                         ========     ========    =========

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  Page 61 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



The Company  prepares its financial  statements in  accordance  with  accounting
principles  generally  accepted  in Canada  ("Canadian  GAAP")  which  differ in
certain  respects  from  those  principles  and  practices  that would have been
followed  had  its  financial   statements  been  prepared  in  accordance  with
accounting  principles  and  practices  generally  accepted  in the U.S.  ("U.S.
GAAP").  Notwithstanding  these differences,  the Company's financial statements
presented under Canadian GAAP are not materially different than they would be if
presented in accordance with US GAAP.


Recent accounting  pronouncements  affecting the Company's  financial  reporting
under Canadian GAAP are summarized below:

(i) Convergence  with  International  Financial  Reporting  Standards.  In 2006,
Canada's  Accounting  Standards Board ratified a strategic plan that will result
in  Canadian  GAAP,  as  used  by  public   companies,   being   converged  with
International Financial Reporting Standards over a transitional period currently
expected to be approximately  five years. The precise timing of convergence will
depend on an  Accounting  Standards  Board  progress  review to be undertaken by
early  2008.  Canadian  GAAP  will be  converged  with  International  Financial
Reporting   Standards   through  a  combination  of  two  methods:   as  current
joint-convergence  projects of the United States' Financial Accounting Standards
Board and the  International  Accounting  Standards  Board are agreed upon, they
will be adopted by Canada's Accounting  Standards Board and may be introduced in
Canada  before the complete  changeover  to  International  Financial  Reporting
Standards;  and  standards  not subject to a  joint-convergence  project will be
exposed in an omnibus manner. As this convergence initiative is very much in its
infancy as of the date of these consolidated  financial statements,  it would be
premature  to  currently  assess the impact of the  initiative,  if any,  on the

(ii)  Financial  instruments  and  comprehensive  income.  Commencing  with  the
Company's 2008 fiscal year, the new  recommendations  of the CICA for accounting
for  comprehensive  income (CICA Handbook Section 1530), for the recognition and
measurement of financial instruments (CICA Handbook Section 3855) and for hedges
(CICA  Handbook  Section  3865)  will  apply to the  Company.  In the  Company's
specific instance, the transitional rules for these sections require prospective
implementation at the beginning of a fiscal year.  Currently,  net income (loss)
for the Company is the same as comprehensive income.

                                  Page 62 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


(iii)  Accounting  changes.  Commencing with the Company's 2008 fiscal year, the
new  recommendations  of the CICA for accounting  changes (CICA Handbook Section
1506) will apply to the Company.  Most  significantly,  the new  recommendations
stipulate  that  voluntary  changes in  accounting  policy are made only if they
result  in  the  financial  statements  providing  reliable  and  more  relevant
information  and that new  disclosures  are  required  in  respect of changes in
accounting  policies,  changes in accounting estimates and correction of errors.
The Company is not currently materially affected by the new recommendations.

(iv) Business  combinations.  Possibly  commencing in the Company's  2008 fiscal
year,  the  proposed  amended  recommendations  of the CICA for  accounting  for
business combinations will apply to the Company's business combinations, if any,
with an acquisition date subsequent to the amended  recommendations  coming into
force.  Whether the Company would be materially affected by the proposed amended
recommendations   would  depend  upon  the   specific   facts  of  the  business
combinations, if any, occurring subsequent to the amended recommendations coming
into force.  Generally,  the proposed  recommendations  will result in measuring
business  acquisitions  at  the  fair  value  of  the  acquired  entities  and a
prospectively   applied  shift  from  a  parent  company   conceptual   view  of
consolidation  theory (which  results in the parent  company  recording the book
values  attributable to non-controlling  interests) to an entity conceptual view
(which results in the parent company  recording the fair values  attributable to
non-controlling interests).

(v) Financial  instruments - disclosure and  presentation.  Commencing  with the
Company's  2009 fiscal year, the new  recommendations  of the CICA for financial
instrument  disclosures and  presentation  (CICA Handbook Section 3862 and 3863)
will apply to the Company.  The new  recommendations  will result in incremental
disclosures,  relative to those currently,  with an emphasis on risks associated
with both recognized and unrecognized  financial  instruments to which an entity
is exposed  during the period and at the balance  sheet date,  and how an entity
manages  those risks.  The Company is assessing how it will be affected by these
new recommendations.


Recent accounting  pronouncements  affecting the Company's  financial  reporting
under U.S. GAAP are summarized below.

      (i)   In June 2006,  FASB issued  Interpretation  No. 48,  "Accounting for
            Uncertainty  in Income  Taxes" (FIN 48),  effective for fiscal years
            beginning after December 15, 2006. This interpretation clarifies the
            accounting  for  uncertainty  in  income  taxes   recognized  in  an
            enterprise's  financial  statements in accordance  with Statement of
            Financial  Accounting  Standards  (SFAS) No.  109,  "Accounting  for
            Income Taxes,"  including the recognition  threshold and measurement
            attributes for the financial  statement  recognition and measurement
            of a tax position taken or expected to be taken in a tax return. The
            Company  plans to adopt FIN 48 on April 1, 2007,  as  required.  The
            Company is currently  evaluating the impact, if any, the adoption of
            FIN 48 will have on its consolidated financial statements.

                                  Page 63 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


(ii) In June 2006,  FASB ratified the consensus  reached by the Emerging  Issues
Task Force in Issue No. 06-3,  "How Taxes  Collected from Customers and Remitted
to Governmental  Authorities  Should be Presented in the Income  Statement (That
is, Gross Versus Net  Presentation)."  Issue No. 06-3 requires  disclosure of an
entity's  accounting  policy  regarding the  presentation of taxes assessed by a
governmental   authority  that  are  directly  imposed  on  a  revenue-producing
transaction  between a seller and a customer,  including sales, use, value added
and some excise  taxes.  The adoption of Issue No. 06-3,  which is effective for
interim and annual reporting  periods beginning after December 15, 2006, did not
have an impact on the Company's consolidated financial statements.

(iii) In September 2006, the SEC staff issued Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 108,
"Considering   the  Effects  of  Prior  Year   Misstatements   when  Quantifying
Misstatements  in Current  Year  Financial  Statements"  (SAB 108).  SAB 108 was
issued  to  provide  consistency  between  how  registrants  quantify  financial
statement misstatements.  Historically,  there have been two widely-used methods
for quantifying the effects of financial statement misstatements.  These methods
are referred to as the  "roll-over"  and "iron  curtain"  method.  The roll-over
method  quantifies  the amount by which the  current  year income  statement  is
misstated.  Exclusive reliance on an income statement approach can result in the
accumulation  of errors on the balance  sheet that may not have been material to
any  individual  income  statement,  but which may  misstate one or more balance
sheet accounts.

The iron curtain method  quantifies the error as the cumulative  amount by which
the current year balance  sheet is  misstated.  Exclusive  reliance on a balance
sheet approach can result in  disregarding  the effects of errors in the current
year income  statement  that results from the correction of an error existing in
previously issued financial statements.

The Company  historically  used the roll-over method for quantifying  identified
financial statement misstatements. SAB 108 established an approach that requires
quantification of financial statement  misstatements based on the effects of the
misstatement  on each of the  company's  financial  statements  and the  related
financial  statement  disclosures.  This approach is commonly referred to as the
"dual  approach"  because it requires  quantification  of errors  under both the
roll-over  and iron curtain  methods.  SAB 108 allows  registrants  to initially
apply the dual approach  either by (1)  retroactively  adjusting prior financial
statements  as if the dual approach had always been used or by (2) recording the
cumulative effect of initially  applying the dual approach as adjustments to the
carrying  values of assets and  liabilities  as of April 1, 2006 for the Company
with an  offsetting  adjustment  recorded  to the  opening  balance of  retained
earnings.  Use of this "cumulative  effect"  transition method requires detailed
disclosure  of the nature and amount of each  individual  error being  corrected
through the cumulative adjustment and how and when it arose. The Company applied
SAB 108 using the  retroactive  method in connection with the preparation of its
annual financial  statements for the year ending March 31, 2007. The adoption of
SAB 108 did not result in any adjustment to the Company's consolidated financial

(iv) In September 2006, FASB issued SFAS No. 157, Fair Value Measurements, which
defines  fair  value,  establishes  a  framework  for  measuring  fair  value in
generally accepted  accounting  principles,  and expands  disclosures about fair
value  measurements.   SFAS  No.  157  does  not  require  any  new  fair  value
measurements,  but provides guidance on how to measure fair value by providing a
fair value  hierarchy used to classify the source of the  information.  SFAS No.
157 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2007. The Company
plans to adopt SFAS No. 157 beginning in the first  quarter of fiscal 2009.  The
Company is currently  assessing the  potential  impact that adoption of SFAS No.
157 will have on its consolidated financial statements.

                                  Page 64 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


(v) In February  2007,  the FASB issued FASB  Statement No. 159, "The Fair Value
Option for Financial Assets and Financial  Liabilities" (SFAS No. 159). SFAS No.
159 provides  companies with an option to report selected  financial  assets and
liabilities  at fair  value.  The  objective  of SFAS No. 159 is to reduce  both
complexity  in  accounting  for  financial  instruments  and the  volatility  in
earnings  caused  by  measuring  related  assets  and  liabilities  differently.
Generally accepted  accounting  principles have required  different  measurement
attributes  for  different  assets and  liabilities  that can create  artificial
volatility  in earnings.  FASB has indicated it believes that SFAS No. 159 helps
to mitigate this type of accounting- induced volatility by enabling companies to
report related assets and  liabilities at fair value,  which would likely reduce
the need for companies to comply with detailed rules for hedge accounting.  SFAS
No. 159 also establishes  presentation and disclosure  requirements  designed to
facilitate  comparisons  between  companies  that choose  different  measurement
attributes for similar types of assets and  liabilities.  For example,  SFAS No.
159  requires  companies  to  provide  additional  information  that  will  help
investors and other users of financial  statements to more easily understand the
effect  of the  company's  choice  to use fair  value on its  earnings.  It also
requires  entities to display the fair value of those assets and liabilities for
which the company has chosen to use fair value on the face of the balance sheet.
SFAS No.  159 does  not  eliminate  disclosure  requirements  included  in other
accounting  standards,  including  requirements for disclosures about fair value
measurements included in FASB Statement No. 157, "Fair Value Measurements" (SFAS
No. 157), and FASB Statement No. 107, "Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial
Instruments"  (SFAS No. 107). SFAS No. 159 is effective as of the beginning of a
company's first fiscal year beginning after November 15, 2007. Early adoption is
permitted  as of the  beginning of the previous  fiscal year  provided  that the
company  makes that  choice in the first 120 days of that  fiscal  year and also
elects  to  apply  the  provisions  of SFAS No.  157.  The  Company  has not yet
completed its evaluation of the  Interpretation,  but does not currently believe
that  adoption  will  have a  material  impact  on its  results  of  operations,
financial position or cash flows.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Subsequent  to the year end, the Board of Directors of the Company  approved for
issuance a total of 575,000  stock options to various  employees and  directors.
These stock options have not yet been issued.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  Page 65 of 71

(expressed in Canadian dollars)
March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Years Ended March 31                        2007           2006           2005
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Alarm and security                $     8,517    $     7,043    $     5,484
   Automobile                              9,897          4,649          6,165
   Bad debts                            (108,546)       127,180        140,692
   Consulting                                 --             --         29,134
   Insurance                             294,717        258,105        311,145
   Legal and accounting                  256,728        157,618        122,203
   Office and miscellaneous              241,638        329,783        301,915
   Rent (Note 12(b))                     233,067        177,395        183,145
   Salaries and wages                  2,224,858      1,804,959      2,026,538
   Telephone                              51,044         39,890         38,082
   Travel, meals and entertainment        76,175         44,345         83,693
                                     -----------    -----------    -----------

                                     $ 3,288,095    $ 2,950,967    $ 3,248,196
                                     ===========    ===========    ===========

Selling and delivery
   Advertising                       $   123,476    $    61,304    $    52,893
   Freight and shipping                  310,721        315,966        254,267
   Sales commission                      362,813        244,025        185,374
   Selling                               173,710        199,964        292,642
                                     -----------    -----------    -----------

                                     $   970,720    $   821,259    $   785,176
                                     ===========    ===========    ===========

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  Page 66 of 71


      The Company has elected to report under Item #17.


1.1   Certificate of  Incorporation  of the Company  (incorporated  by reference
      from  Exhibit 1.1 to the  Company's  Registration  Statement on Form 20-F,
      File No. 0-30228 (the "Registration Statement"));

1.2   By-laws of the Company  (incorporated by reference from Exhibit 1.2 to the
      Registration Statement);

1.3   Articles of  Amendment  of the Company  (incorporated  by  reference  from
      Exhibit 1.3 to the Registration Statement);

1.4   Certificate  of Amendment of the Company  (incorporated  by reference from
      Exhibit to the Registration Statement);

1.5   Certificate of Change of Name  (incorporated by reference from Exhibit 1.5
      to the Registration Statement);

4.1   Shareholders Agreement  (incorporated by reference from Exhibit 4.1 to the
      Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2000);

4.2   Investment  Agreement  (incorporated  by reference from Exhibit 4.2 to the
      Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2000);

4.3   Lease for 1555 West 8th Avenue (incorporated by reference from Exhibit 4.3
      to the  Annual  Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal  year  ended  March 31,
      2000) and Lease for Unit 104, 276 Bedford Highway, Halifax, N.S., B3M 2K6,
      (incorporated  by reference  from Exhibit 4.4 to the Annual Report on Form
      20-F for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2003)

4.4   Stock  Option Plan  (incorporated  by  reference  from  Exhibit 4.4 to the
      Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2000);

4.5   Mutual  Release and Settlement  Agreement  dated May 1, 2002, by and among
      Allura  International,  Bygo Inc., MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates Ltd.
      and certain  other  parties  thereto;  ("incorporated  by  reference  from
      Exhibit  4.5 to the Annual  Report on Form 20F for the  fiscal  year ended
      March 31st 2003

4.6   Lease for Suite #100,  1  Valleybrook  Drive,  Toronto,  Ontario,M3B  2S7,
      between Roanne  Holdings  Limited and IBB  International  (Canada) Ltd and
      Amendment to Lease Agreement  relating to Suite #101, 1 Valleybrook Drive,
      Toronto, Ontario.

4.7   Master  Equipment  Lease  between  HSBC Bank Canada and IBB  International
      (Canada) Ltd # 231891BC

7.0   List of  Subsidiaries  (incorporated  by reference from Exhibit 7.0 to the
      Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2000).

12.1  Section 302 Certification by C.E.O and acting CFO.

13.1  Section 906 Certification by C.E.O and acting CFO.

                                  Page 67 of 71


The registrant hereby certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing
on Form 20-F and that it has duly caused and authorized the  undersigned to sign
this Annual Report on its behalf.

         Allura International, Inc.

DATED at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, as of October 12, 2007.

- ------------------------------
Jeremy Bowman, President, CEO and Director

                                  Page 68 of 71

                            ALLURA INTERNATIONAL INC.

                             INDEX TO EXHIBITS FILED

1.1   Certificate of  Incorporation  of the Company  (incorporated  by reference
      from  Exhibit 1.1 to the  Company's  Registration  Statement on Form 20-F,
      File No. 0-30228 (the "Registration Statement"));

1.2   By-laws of the Company  (incorporated by reference from Exhibit 1.2 to the
      Registration Statement);

1.3   Articles of  Amendment  of the Company  (incorporated  by  reference  from
      Exhibit 1.3 to the Registration Statement);

1.4   Certificate  of Amendment of the Company  (incorporated  by reference from
      Exhibit 1.4 to the Registration Statement);

1.5   Certificate of Change of Name  (incorporated by reference from Exhibit 1.5
      to the Registration Statement);

4.1   Shareholders Agreement  (incorporated by reference from Exhibit 4.1 to the
      Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2000);

4.2   Investment  Agreement  (incorporated  by reference from Exhibit 4.2 to the
      Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2000);

4.3   Lease for 1555 West 8th Avenue (incorporated by reference from Exhibit 4.3
      to the  Annual  Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal  year  ended  March 31,
      2000).  Lease for Unit 104, 276 Bedford Highway,  Halifax,  N.S., B3M 2K6,
      (incorporated  by reference  from Exhibit 4.4 to the Annual Report on Form
      20-F for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2003);

4.4   Stock  Option Plan  (incorporated  by  reference  from  Exhibit 4.4 to the
      Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2000);

4.5   Mutual  Release and Settlement  Agreement  dated May 1, 2002, by and among
      Allura  International,  Bygo Inc., MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates Ltd.
      and certain  other  parties  thereto;  ("incorporated  by  reference  from
      Exhibit  4.5 to the Annual  Report on Form 20F for the  fiscal  year ended
      March 31st 2003

4.6   Lease for Suite #100, 1 Valleybrook Drive, Toronto,  Ontario and Amendment
      to Lease re Suite #101 dated June 19, 2007:

4.7   Master  Equipment  Lease  between  HSBC Bank Canada and IBB  International
      (Canada) Ltd # 231891BC

7.0   List of  Subsidiaries  (incorporated  by reference from Exhibit 7.0 to the
      Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2000).

12.1  Section 302 Certification by C.E.O and acting CFO

13.1  Section 906 Certification by C.E.O and acting CFO

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