Financial Statements
                  For the fiscal years ended January 31, 2003 and 2002
                  (Prepared in Canadian dollars)



                  Auditors' Report                                      1

                  Financial Statements

                  Balance Sheet                                         2

                  Statement of Operations and Deficit                   3

                  Statement of Cash Flows                               4

                  Notes to Financial Statements                         5

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


To the Shareholders of
Gemstar Resources Ltd.

We have audited the balance  sheets of Gemstar  Resources Ltd. as of January 31,
2003 and 2002 and the statements of operations and deficit and statement of cash
flows for each of the years in the  three-year  period  ended  January 31, 2003.
These financial  statements are the responsibility of the Company's  management.
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based
on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with Canadian and United States  generally
accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an
audit to obtain reasonable  assurance whether the financial  statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial  statements.  An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by  management,  as well as  evaluating  the  overall  financial  statement
presentation.  We believe  that our audits  provide a  reasonable  basis for our

In our opinion,  these  financial  statements  present  fairly,  in all material
respects,  the financial position of the Company as of January 31, 2003 and 2002
and the  results of its  operations  and cash flows for each of the years in the
three-year  period ended January 31, 2003 in accordance with Canadian  generally
accepted accounting principles. As required by the British Columbia Company Act,
we report that, in our opinion,  these principles have been applied,  on a basis
consistent with that of the preceding year.

Generally accepted  accounting  principles in Canada vary in certain significant
respects from  generally  accepted  accounting  principles in the United States.
Application  of generally  accepted  accounting  principles in the United States
would have affected results of operations, loss per share and cash flows for the
years ended January 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001 and total assets,  share capital and
deficit at January 31, 2003 and 2002, to the extent  summarized in Note 9 to the
financial statements.

/s/ S.G.and Associates

Chartered Accountants

Richmond, BC, Canada

May 10, 2003

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


In the United States,  reporting standards for auditors require the additions of
an explanatory  paragraph  (following the opinion  paragraph) when the financial
statements are affected by conditions and events that cast substantial  doubt on
the Company's ability to continue as a going concern, such as those described in
Note 1 to the financial statements. Our report to the shareholders dated May 10,
2003, is expressed in accordance with Canadian reporting standards, which do not
permit a reference to such events and  conditions in the auditor's  reports when
these are adequately disclosed in the financial statements.

Chartered Accountants

Richmond, BC, Canada

September 26, 2003

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Balance Sheet
January 31, 2003
(Prepared in Canadian dollars)

                                                                             2003           2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Current assets
     Cash                                                             $     1,854    $       308
     Prepaid                                                              152,000        152,000
     GST receivable                                                         1,790          1,573

     Total current assets                                                 155,644        153,881

Interest in unproven mineral claims (Note 4)                                  ---        200,000

Deposits (Note 3)                                                           6,900          6,900

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total assets                                                          $   162,544    $   360,781

Liabilities and Shareholders' Deficit

Current liabilities
     Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                         $   100,883    $    90,240
     Accounts payable and accrued liabilities to related parties          105,000         60,500
                                                                          205,883        150,740

Loans Payable from related parties (Note 7)                               617,302        608,250
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                          823,185        758,990

Shareholders' deficit
     Share Capital (Note 5)                                             1,119,846      1,119,846
     Deficit                                                           (1,780,487)    (1,518,055)

     Total shareholders' deficit                                         (660,641)     (398,209)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total liabilities and shareholders' deficit                           $   162,544    $   360,781

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Statement of Operations and Deficit
For the years ended January 31, 2003 and 2002
(Prepared in Canadian dollars)

                                                          2003            2002             2001
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

REVENUES                                         $         ---    $        ---    $         ---


Bank charges and interest                        $         292    $      2,286    $      16,397
Advertising and promotion                                   24             725              ---
Consulting                                                 ---           4,684              ---
Listing and filing fees                                  2,050           5,970            5,063
Management fees                                         30,000          20,000           35,000
Office                                                  20,871          20,791            7,248
Professional fees                                        8,390          10,481            9,086
Transfer Agent                                             647           2,785            1,152
Travel                                                     158           1,436              ---
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        62,432          69,158           73,946
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NET LOSS BEFORE THE FOLLOWING                          (62,432)        (69,158)         (73,946)
WRITE OFF  INTEREST IN UNPROVEN MINERAL CLAIMS        (200,000)            ---              ---
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET LOSS FOR THE YEAR                                 (262,432)        (69,158)         (73,946)

DEFICIT, BEGINNING OF YEAR                          (1,518,055)     (1,448,897)      (1,374,951)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DEFICIT, END OF YEAR                             $  (1,780,487)   $ (1,518,055)   $  (1,448,897)



Basic and diluted                                     $  (0.05)       $  (0.01)        $  (0.01)

Basic and diluted                                    5,652,000       5,652,000        5,970,000

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Statement of Cash Flows
(For the years ended January 31, 2003 and 2002
(Prepared in Canadian dollars)

                                                                2003           2002            2001
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net loss for the year                                     $( 262,432)    $  (69,158)     $  (73,946)

Add items not affecting working capital
   Write off of                                              200,000            ---             ---
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                             (62,432)       (69,158)        (73,946)

Net changes in non-cash working capital items:
   Prepaids                                                      ---       (152,000)            ---
   GST receivable                                               (217)        (1,009)          2,682
   Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                   55,143         48,147          42,177
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash used in operating activities                             (7,506)      (174,020)        (29,087)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Acquisition of interest in unproven  mineral claim          ---       (200,000)            ---
     Deposits                                                    ---            ---          (6,900)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash used in investing activities                                ---       (200,000)         (6,900)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Loans payable from related parties, net                   9,052        368,256          42,074
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Cash provide by financing activities                      9,052        368,256          42,074
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH DURING THE YEAR                    1,546         (5,764)          6,087

CASH, BEGINNING OF THE YEAR                                      308          6,072             (15)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CASH, END OF THE YEAR                                     $    1,854     $      308      $    6,072


Cash paid during the year for:
   Interest expenses                                      $      140     $    1,821      $   15,894
   Income taxes                                           $      ---     $      ---      $      ---

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Notes to the Financial Statements
January 31, 2003
(Prepared in Canadian dollars)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.   Nature of operations and going concern

     The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in accordance with
     Canadian  generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  which  contemplates
     continuation  of the Company as a going concern.  The Company's  ability to
     continue as a going concern is dependent  upon the ability of management to
     obtain  sufficient  financing.  Management is actively  seeking  additional
     financing,  and while they have been  successful  in the past,  there is no
     assurance  they will be able to do so in the future.  These  matters  raise
     doubt about the  company's  ability to continue as a going  concern.  These
     financial  statements  do not include  adjustments  that would be necessary
     should the company be unable to continue as a going concern.


2.   Significant accounting policies

     These financial  statements are expressed in Canadian  dollars except where
     noted otherwise. These financial statements are prepared in accordance with
     accounting principles generally accepted in Canada which do not differ from
     those established in the United States, except as described in Note 9.

     (a) Use of estimates

         The  preparation  of financial  statements in conformity  with Canadian
         generally accepted  accounting  principles  requires management to make
         estimates and  assumptions  that affect the reported  amount of assets,
         particularly the  recoverability  of accounts  receivable,  capital and
         intangible assets, and accrued liabilities at the date of the financial
         statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the
         reporting year. Actual results could differ from estimates.

     (b) Fair value of financial instruments

         The carrying value of certain of the Company's  financial  instruments,
         including cash,  accounts  receivable,  accounts  payable,  and accrued
         liabilities  approximates fair value due to their short-term  maturity.
         It is  management's  position  that  the  Company  is  not  exposed  to
         significant  interest,  currency  or credit  risks  arising  from these
         financial instruments.

      (c)Loss per share

         Loss per common share is calculated  using the weighted  average number
         of common shares issued and outstanding during each year.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Notes to the Financial Statements
January 31, 2003
(Prepared in Canadian dollars)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.   Significant accounting policies

     (d) Interest in Unproven Mineral Claims

         The Company  records its interest in unproven  mineral  claims at cost.
         Exploration  and development  expenditures  relating to these interests
         are  capitalized  until the properties to which they related are placed
         into production,  sold or allowed to lapse.  These expenditures will be
         amortized  over the estimated  useful life of the property on the units
         of production method following commencement of production,  written off
         if the  interest in  unproven  mineral  claims or projects  are sold or
         allowed to lapse.  General  exploration  expenditures  are  expensed as
         incurred. The Company is in the process of exploring and developing its
         properties and has not yet full  determined the amount of resources and
         reserves  available in its properties.  Senior  management  reviews the
         carrying  values  of  deferred  interest  in  unproven  mineral  claims
         acquisition  and  exploration  expenditures  with a view  to  assessing
         whether  there has been any  impairment  in value.  There  have been no
         events or changes in circumstances to indicate that the carrying values
         of the properties should be reassessed.  In the event that reserves are
         determined  to be  insufficient  to recover the carrying  values of any
         property,  the  carrying  value will be written down or written off, as

     (e) Income taxes

         The  Company  follows the  liability  method of  accounting  for income
         taxes. Under this method,  income liabilities and assets are recognized
         for the estimated tax consequences  attributable to differences between
         the amounts  reported in the financial  statements and their respective
         tax bases,  using enacted  income tax rates.  The effect of a change in
         income  tax  rates on  future  income  tax  liabilities  and  assets is
         recognized in income in the period that the change occurs.  A valuation
         allowance has been provided , no previous  benefit has been  recognized
         in the financial statements.

3.    Deposits

      The deposits are subject to restrictions  that prevent its use for current

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Notes to the Financial Statements
January 31, 2003
(Prepared in Canadian dollars)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.   Interest in Unproven Mineral Claims

                                                            2003         2002

     Acquisition Costs

     Dotted Lake Property, Ontario                    $  200,000   $  200,000

     Write off of Interest in unproven mineral claims   (200,000)         ---
                                                      $      ---   $  200,000

     Dotted Lake Property, Ontario

     The  Company  acquired a 100%  undivided  interest  in seventy  six mineral
     claims  located in the Black  River  Area,  Thunder  Bay  Mining  Division,
     Ontario in the amount of $ 200,000.

     During the year,  the mineral  claim lapsed and as a result the interest in
     unproven mineral claims was written off.See Note 9

5.   Share Capital

     (a) The authorized share capital of the  Company  consists  of  100,000,000
         common shares without par value.

     (b) The issued and outstanding common shares of the Company are as follows:

                                                    Number of
                                                       shares           Amount

         Balance at January 31, 2000                6,289,214     $  1,119,846
         Cancellation of escrow shares               (637,500)             ---

         Balance, January 31, 2002 and 2003         5,651,714     $  1,119,846

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Notes to the Financial Statements
January 31, 2003
(Prepared in Canadian dollars)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6.   Related Party Transactions

       a) The Company paid and or accrued to a spouse  of  a  director  for  the

                                         2003              2002             2001

              Office                $  18,000         $  18,000       $    7,500
              Management Fees       $  30,000         $  20,000        $  35,000


         b)  $105,000  (2002 - $ 60,500)  included  in  accounts  payable  is an
             amount due to a spouse of a director  with  respect for  management
             fees and office.

         c)  During  the 2001  year,  the  Company  was  indebted  to a  company
             controlled  by a former  director  of the  Company.  This  loan was
             unsecured  and  repayable  upon demand.  This debt in the amount of
             $215,705 was assigned to a spouse of a director.

         d)  These  transactions  are in the normal course of operations and are
             measured  at  the   exchange   amount,   which  is  the  amount  of
             consideration established and agreed to by the related parties.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Notes to the Financial Statements
January 31, 2003
(Prepared in Canadian dollars)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7.   Loans Payable from Related Parties


                                                                           2003         2002
     Unsecured non interest bearing loan without terms of repayment
     from a spouse of a director of the Company.                     $   22,231       77,639

     Unsecured non interest bearing loan without terms of repayment
     from a director of the Company.                                    413,317      423,857

     Unsecured non interest bearing loan without terms of repayment
     from a family member of a director of the Company.                 181,754      106,754

                                                                        617,302      608,250

8.       Subsequent Event

     Subsequent  to January 31, 2003,  the Company  restaked the mineral  claims
     disclosed in Note 4.

9.   United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

     These financial  statements have been prepared in accordance with generally
     accepted accounting principles in Canada ("Canadian GAAP"), which differ in
     certain respects from those principles and practices that the Company would
     have followed had its financial statements been prepared in accordance with
     generally accepted accounting  principles in the United States ("US GAAP").
     The Company is considered to be an exploration stage company under US GAAP.
     Comprehensive  earnings are the same as net earnings  under US GAAP for all
     periods  presented.  The following  summarizes the significant  differences
     between Canadian GAAP and US GAAP as they relate to the Company:

     (a) Interest in unproven mineral claims :

     Under Canadian GAAP  applicable to junior  exploration  companies,  mineral
     exploration expenditures related to interest in unproven mineral claims may
     be  initially  capitalized  if  such  costs  have  the  characteristics  of
     property, plant and equipment and that capitalization is appropriate to its
     circumstances.  Under US GAAP,  all  interest  in unproven  mineral  claims
     acquisition  costs  and  exploration  expenditures  are  expensed  until an
     independent  feasibility  study has determined that the property is capable
     of economic commercial production.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Notes to the Financial Statements
January 31, 2003
(Prepared in Canadian dollars)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9.   United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (continued)

     (b) Recent Accounting Pronouncements:

     In May  2003,  the  FASB  issued  SFAS No.  150,  "Accounting  for  Certain
     Financial Instruments with Characteristics of both Liabilities and Equity".
     SFAS  No.  150  establishes  standards  for how an  issuer  classifies  and
     measures  certain  financial   instruments  with  characteristics  of  both
     liabilities  and equity.  It requires  that an issuer  classify a financial
     instrument  that is within  its scope as a  liability  (or an asset in some
     circumstances).  The  requirements  of  SFAS  No.  150  apply  to  issuers'
     classification  and  measurement  of  freestanding  financial  instruments,
     including  those that  comprise  more than one option or forward  contract.
     SFAS No. 150 does not apply to  features  that are  embedded in a financial
     instrument  that is not a  derivative  in its  entirety.  SFAS  No.  150 is
     effective for financial  instruments entered into or modified after May 31,
     2003,  and  otherwise is effective  at the  beginning of the first  interim
     period  beginning after June 15, 2003,  except for  mandatorily  redeemable
     financial  instruments  of nonpublic  entities.  It is to be implemented by
     reporting the cumulative effect of a change in an accounting  principle for
     financial  instruments created before the issuance date of SFAS No. 150 and
     still  existing  at  the  beginning  of the  interim  period  of  adoption.
     Restatement is not permitted. The adoption of this standard is not expected
     to have a  material  effect  on the  Company's  results  of  operations  or
     financial position.

     In December 2002, the FASB issued SFAS No. 148, "Accounting for Stock-Based
     Compensation  - Transition  and  Disclosure",  which amends SFAS No. 123 to
     provide  alternative  methods of transition  for a voluntary  change to the
     fair  value  based   method  of   accounting   for   stock-based   employee
     compensation. In addition, SFAS No. 148 expands the disclosure requirements
     of SFAS No. 123 to require more  prominent  disclosures  in both annual and
     interim financial statements about the method of accounting for stock-based
     employee  compensation  and the  effect  of the  method  used  on  reported
     results. The transition provisions of SFAS No. 148 are effective for fiscal
     years ended after December 15, 2002. The disclosure  provisions of SFAS No.
     148 are effective for financial  statements for interim  periods  beginning
     after  December 15, 2002.  The Company  adopted SFAS No. 148 on February 1,
     2003 and as the Company has not granted  stock  options for the prior three
     fiscal  years,  its impact did not have a material  effect on the Company's
     results of operations or financial position.

     In June,  2002, FASB issued SFAS No. 146,  "Accounting for Costs Associated
     with Exit or Disposal  Activities".  The  provisions of this  Statement are
     effective for exit or disposal activities that are initiated after December
     31, 2002,  with early  application  encouraged.  This  Statement  addresses
     financial  accounting  and  reporting  for  costs  associated  with exit or
     disposal  activities and nullifies  Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) Issue
     No. 94-3, "Liability  Recognition for Certain Employee Termination Benefits
     and Other Costs to Exit an Activity  (including Certain Costs Incurred in a
     Restructuring)".  This  Statement  requires  that  a  liability  for a cost
     associated  with  an exit or  disposal  activity  be  recognized  when  the
     liability is incurred.  The Company adopted SFAS No. 146 on January 1, 2003
     and its impact did not have a material effect on its financial  position or
     results of operations.

     FASB has also issued  SFAS No. 145,  147 and 149 but they will not have any
     relationship  to the  operations of the Company  therefore a description of
     each and their respective impact on the Company's  operations have not been

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Notes to the Financial Statements
January 31, 2003
(Prepared in Canadian dollars)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9.   United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (continued)

     The effect of differences in accounting  under Canadian GAAP and US GAAP on
     the statements of loss are as follows:

                                                       2003       2002       2001
     Net loss for the year, under Canadian GAAP $ (262,432) $ (69,158) $ (73,946)
     Difference in accounting for interest in
     unproven mineral claims costs                 200,000   (200,000)       ---

     Net loss for the year, under US GAAP       $  (62,432) $(269,158) $ (73,946)

     Net loss for the year under US GAAP per
     common share:

     Basic and diluted                          $   (0.01)  $  (0.05)  $  (0.01)

     The effect of the differences in accounting under Canadian GAAP and US GAAP
     on the balance sheets are as follows:

                                                      January 31, 2003                   January 31, 2002
                                                      ----------------                   ----------------
                                                  Canadian    United States          Canadian    United States
                                                      GAAP             GAAP              GAAP             GAAP
     Current assets                             $  155,644       $  155,644        $  153,881       $  153,881
     Interest in unproven mineral claims               ---              ---           200,000              ---
     Deposits                                        6,900            6,900             6,900            6,900

                                                $  162,544       $  162,544        $  360,781       $  160,781

     Current liabilities                        $  205,883       $  205,883        $  150,740       $  150,740
     Loans payable from related parties            617,302          617,302           608,250          608,250
     Share Capital                               1,119,846        1,119,846         1,119,846        1,119,846
     Deficit                                    (1,780,487)      (1,780,487)       (1,518,055)      (1,718,055)

                                                $  162,544       $  162,544        $  360,781       $  160,781

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Notes to the Financial Statements
January 31, 2003
(Prepared in Canadian dollars)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9.   United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (continued)

     The effect of the differences in accounting under Canadian GAAP and US GAAP
     on the statements of cash flows are as follows:
                                                        2003              2002             2001

     Cash used in operating activities,
        under Canadian GAAP                        $  (7,506)      $  (174,020)      $  (29,087)
     Difference in accounting for interest
       in unproven mineral claims costs                  ---          (200,000)             ---
     Cash used in operating activities,
        under US GAAP                              $  (7,506)      $  (374,020)      $  (29,087)

     Cash used in investing activities,
        under Canadian GAAP                        $     ---       $  (200,000)      $   (6,900)
     Difference in accounting for interest
        in unproven mineral claims costs                 ---           200,000              ---
     Cash used in investing activities,
        under US GAAP                              $     ---       $       ---       $   (6,900)

     Cash used in financing activities,
        under Canadian GAAP                        $   9,052       $   368,256       $   42,074
     Difference in accounting for interest               ---               ---              ---
     Cash used in financing activities,
        under US GAAP                              $   9,052       $   368,256       $   42,074

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                  GEMSTAR RESOURCES LTD.
                  Financial Statements
                  For the Three Month period ended April 30, 2003
                  (Prepared in Canadian dollars)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Balance Sheet
April 30, 2003
(Prepared in Canadian dollars)

                                                                       April 30,      January 31,
                                                                           2003             2003

Current assets
     Cash                                                          $      1,952    $       1,854
     Prepaid                                                            152,000          152,000
     GST receivable                                                       1,790            1,790
     Total current assets                                               155,742          155,644

Interest in unproven mineral claims (Note 1)                              4,206              ---

Deposits                                                                  6,900            6,900

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total assets                                                       $    166,848    $     162,544

Liabilities and Shareholders' Deficit

Current liabilities
     Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                      $    101,357    $     100,883
     Accounts payable and accrued liabilities to related parties   $    117,000    $     105,000
                                                                        218,357          205,883

Loans Payable from related parties                                      622,998          617,302
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                        841,355          823,185
Shareholders' deficit
     Share Capital                                                    1,119,846        1,119,846
     Deficit                                                         (1,794,353)      (1,780,487)
     Total shareholders' deficit                                       (674,507)        (660,641)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total liabilities and shareholders' deficit                        $    166,848    $     162,544

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Statement of Operations and Deficit
For the Three Month period ended April 30,2003
(Prepared in Canadian dollars)
- ------------------------------

                                                      Three Month      Three Month
                                                         April 30,        April 30,
                                                             2003             2002
REVENUES                                           $          ---    $         ---


Advertising                                        $          ---    $         137
Bank charges and interest                                     213              101
Consulting                                                  1,035              ---
Management fees                                             7,500            7,500
Office                                                      4,718            4,788
Professional fees                                             400              ---
Transfer Agent                                                ---              147
Travel                                                        ---               45
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           13,866           12,718
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NET LOSS FOR THE PERIOD                                   (13,866)         (12,718)

DEFICIT, BEGINNING OF PERIOD                           (1,780,487)      (1,518,055)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DEFICIT, END OF PERIOD                             $   (1,794,353)   $  (1,530,773)

Basic and diluted                                  $        (0.01)   $        (0.01)

Basic and diluted                                       5,652,000         5,652,000

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Statement of Cash Flows
For the Three Month period ended April 30, 2003
(Prepared in Canadian dollars)

                                                           Three Month      Three Month
                                                              April 30,        April 30,
                                                                  2003             2002
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net loss for the period                                  $     (13,866)   $     (12,718)

Net Changes in non-cash working capital items:

     Accounts payable                                           12,474           12,208
     GST receivable                                                ---              (40)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash used in operating activities                               (1,392)            (550)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Increase in Interest in unproven mineral claims            (4,206)             ---
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Cash used in investing activities                          (4,206)             ---
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Loans payable from related parties, net                     5,696          135,500
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Cash provided by financing activities                       5,696          135,500
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

INCREASE IN CASH DURING THE PERIOD                                  98          134,950

CASH, BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD                                    1,854              308
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CASH, END OF THE PERIOD                                  $       1,952    $     135,258


Cash paid in the period for:

     Interest expense                                            $ 159             $ 50
     Income taxes                                                $ ---             $ --

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Notes to the Financial Statements
April 30, 2003
(Prepared in Canadian dollars)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Interim Reporting

While the information presented in the accompanying interim three month to April
30, 2003 financial  statements is unaudited,  it includes all adjustments  which
are, in the opinion of  management,  necessary to present  fairly the  financial
position,  results  of  operations  and  cash  flows  for  the  interim  periods

Significant Accounting Policies

In the  opinion of  management  the  unaudited  quarterly  financial  statements
reflect  all  adjustments  consisting  only  of  normal  recurring  adjustments,
necessary  to present  fairly the  financial  position  at April 30,  2003,  the
results of operations and changes in cash flows for the three month period ended
April 30, 2003, in accordance with accounting  principles  generally accepted in
Canada.  These  financial  statements  should  be read in  conjunction  with the
company's  financial  statements  and notes  thereto  related  to the year ended
January 31, 2003.

Notes to the Financial Statements

1.   Interest in Unproven Mineral Claims

                                                         April 30,      January 31,
                                                             2003             2003
     Acquisition Costs

     Dotted Lake Property, Ontario                    $     4,206    $    200,000

     Deferred Exploration Costs

     Dotted Lake Property, Ontario                            ---             ---

     Write off of Interest in unproven mineral claims         ---        (200,000)
                                                      $     4,206    $        ---

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Notes to the Financial Statements
April 30, 2003
(Prepared in Canadian dollars)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10.  United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

     These financial  statements have been prepared in accordance with generally
     accepted accounting principles in Canada ("Canadian GAAP"), which differ in
     certain respects from those principles and practices that the Company would
     have followed had its financial statements been prepared in accordance with
     generally accepted accounting  principles in the United States ("US GAAP").
     The Company is considered to be an exploration stage company under US GAAP.
     Comprehensive  earnings are the same as net earnings  under US GAAP for all
     periods  presented.  The following  summarizes the significant  differences
     between Canadian GAAP and US GAAP as they relate to the Company:

     (a) Interest in Unproven Mineral Claims:

     Under Canadian GAAP  applicable to junior  exploration  companies,  mineral
     exploration expenditures related to interest in unproven mineral claims may
     be  initially  capitalized  if  such  costs  have  the  characteristics  of
     property, plant and equipment and that capitalization is appropriate to its
     circumstances.  Under US GAAP,  all  interest  in unproven  mineral  claims
     acquisition  costs  and  exploration  expenditures  are  expensed  until an
     independent  feasibility  study has determined that the property is capable
     of economic commercial production

     (b) Recent Accounting Pronouncements:

     In May  2003,  the  FASB  issued  SFAS No.  150,  "Accounting  for  Certain
     Financial Instruments with Characteristics of both Liabilities and Equity".
     SFAS  No.  150  establishes  standards  for how an  issuer  classifies  and
     measures  certain  financial   instruments  with  characteristics  of  both
     liabilities  and equity.  It requires  that an issuer  classify a financial
     instrument  that is within  its scope as a  liability  (or an asset in some
     circumstances).  The  requirements  of  SFAS  No.  150  apply  to  issuers'
     classification  and  measurement  of  freestanding  financial  instruments,
     including  those that  comprise  more than one option or forward  contract.
     SFAS No. 150 does not apply to  features  that are  embedded in a financial
     instrument  that is not a  derivative  in its  entirety.  SFAS  No.  150 is
     effective for financial  instruments entered into or modified after May 31,
     2003,  and  otherwise is effective  at the  beginning of the first  interim
     period  beginning after June 15, 2003,  except for  mandatorily  redeemable
     financial  instruments  of nonpublic  entities.  It is to be implemented by
     reporting the cumulative effect of a change in an accounting  principle for
     financial  instruments created before the issuance date of SFAS No. 150 and
     still  existing  at  the  beginning  of the  interim  period  of  adoption.
     Restatement is not permitted. The adoption of this standard is not expected
     to have a  material  effect  on the  Company's  results  of  operations  or
     financial position.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Notes to the Financial Statements
April 30, 2003
(Prepared in Canadian dollars)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.   United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (Continued):

     (b) Recent Accounting Pronouncements:

     In December 2002, the FASB issued SFAS No. 148, "Accounting for Stock-Based
     Compensation  - Transition  and  Disclosure",  which amends SFAS No. 123 to
     provide  alternative  methods of transition  for a voluntary  change to the
     fair  value  based   method  of   accounting   for   stock-based   employee
     compensation. In addition, SFAS No. 148 expands the disclosure requirements
     of SFAS No. 123 to require more  prominent  disclosures  in both annual and
     interim financial statements about the method of accounting for stock-based
     employee  compensation  and the  effect  of the  method  used  on  reported
     results. The transition provisions of SFAS No. 148 are effective for fiscal
     years ended after December 15, 2002. The disclosure  provisions of SFAS No.
     148 are effective for financial  statements for interim  periods  beginning
     after  December 15, 2002.  The Company  adopted SFAS No. 148 on February 1,
     2003 and as the Company has not granted

     stock options for the prior three fiscal  years,  its impact did not have a
     material  effect  on the  Company's  results  of  operations  or  financial

     In June,  2002, FASB issued SFAS No. 146,  "Accounting for Costs Associated
     with Exit or Disposal  Activities".  The  provisions of this  Statement are
     effective for exit or disposal activities that are initiated after December
     31, 2002,  with early  application  encouraged.  This  Statement  addresses
     financial  accounting  and  reporting  for  costs  associated  with exit or
     disposal  activities and nullifies  Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) Issue
     No. 94-3, "Liability  Recognition for Certain Employee Termination Benefits
     and Other Costs to Exit an Activity  (including Certain Costs Incurred in a
     Restructuring)".  This  Statement  requires  that  a  liability  for a cost
     associated  with  an exit or  disposal  activity  be  recognized  when  the
     liability is incurred.  The Company adopted SFAS No. 146 on January 1, 2003
     and its impact did not have a material effect on its financial  position or
     results of operations.

     FASB has also issued  SFAS No. 145,  147 and 149 but they will not have any
     relationship  to the  operations of the Company  therefore a description of
     each and their respective impact on the Company's  operations have not been

     The effect of differences in accounting  under Canadian GAAP and US GAAP on
     the statements of loss are as follows:

                                                    April 30,         April 30,
                                                        2003              2002

     Net loss for the period, under Canadian GAAP $  (13,866)       $  (12,718)
     Difference in accounting for interest in
     unproven mineral claims                          (4,206)              ---

     Net loss for the year, under US GAAP         $  (18,072)       $  (12,718)

     Net loss for the year under US GAAP per common share:

     Basic and diluted                              $  (0.01)         $  (0.01)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Notes to the Financial Statements
April 30, 2003
(Prepared in Canadian dollars)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.   United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (Continued):

     The effect of the differences in accounting under Canadian GAAP and US GAAP
     on the balance sheets are as follows:

                                                       April 30, 2003                     January 31, 2003
                                                       --------------                    -----------------
                                                  Canadian    United States          Canadian    United States
                                                      GAAP             GAAP              GAAP             GAAP
     Current assets                             $  155,742       $  155,742        $  155,644       $  155,644
     Interest in Unproven Mineral Claims             4,206              ---               ---              ---
     Deposits                                        6,900            6,900             6,900            6,900

                                                $  166,848       $  162,642        $  162,544       $  162,544

     Current liabilities                        $  218,357       $  218,357        $  205,883       $  205,883
     Loans payable                                 622,998          622,998           617,302          617,302
     Share Capital                               1,119,846        1,119,846         1,119,846        1,119,846
     Deficit                                    (1,794,353)      (1,798,559)       (1,780,487)      (1,780,487)
                                                $  166,848       $  162,642        $  162,544       $  162,544

     The effect of the differences in accounting under Canadian GAAP and US GAAP
     on the statements of cash flows are as follows:

                                                                        April 30           April 30,
                                                                            2003              2002
     Cash used in operating activities,
        under Canadian GAAP                                            $  (1,392)       $  (12,718)
     Difference in accounting for interest in unproven mineral claims     (4,206)              ---
     Cash used in operating activities,
        under US GAAP                                                  $  (5,598)       $      ---

     Cash used in investing activities,
        under Canadian GAAP                                            $  (4,206)       $      ---
     Difference in accounting for interest in unproven mineral claims      4,206               ---
     Cash used in investing activities,
        under US GAAP                                                  $     ---        $      ---

     Cash used in financing activities,
        under Canadian GAAP                                            $   5,696        $  135,500
     Difference in accounting for interest in unproven mineral claims        ---               ---
     Cash used in financing activities,
        under US GAAP                                                  $   5,696        $  135,500

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