Washington, DC 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): December 3, 2004

                              WHISTLER INVESTMENTS, INC.
             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

      Nevada                       000-33391              98-0339467
- --------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------
(State or Other Jurisdiction      (Commission       ( I.R.S. Employer
     of Incorporation)            File Number)      Identification No.)

5001 East Bonanza Road, Suite 144-145, Las Vegas, Nevada      89110
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      (Address of Principal Executive Offices)              (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (818) 780-2403

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        Former name or former address, if changed since last report

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Check  th e appropriate  box  below  if  the  Form  8-K  filing  is  intended to
simultaneously satisfy the filing obligation of the registrant under any of  the
following provisions (see General Instruction A.2. below):

{ } Written communications pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act (17 CFR

{ } Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under  the  Exchange Act (17 CFR

{ } Pre-commencement   communications   pursuant  to  Rule  14d-2(b)  under  the
Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14d-2(b))

{ } Pre-commencement   communications   pursuant   to  Rule 13e-4(c)  under  the
Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c))
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Item 2.01.  Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets.

On December 3, 2004, Whistler Investments, Inc. ("we" or the "Company"), through
our wholly-owned subsidiary Whistlertel,  Inc., completed the acquisition of the
assets of Trade Winds Telecom LLC, Fort Lauderdale, Florida ("Trade Winds"), for
a purchase price of $100,000.  $20,000 of the purchase price was paid at closing
on December 3, 2004,  and the balance of the purchase  price is represented by a
one-year note in the principal  amount of $80,000,  bearing interest at the rate
of 10% per annum.  The assets  purchased  consisted  of IP  (internet  protocol)
Positioning and CPE (customer premise equipment)  Monitoring software,  ordering
and  administration  software,  the Trade  Winds'  website,  equipment,  current
subscribers  and demo units in the field.  Trade Winds is a voice-over  internet
service provider headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.


(c)      Exhibits:

      10.15 Purchase and Sale  Agreement,  made  effective as  of the 3rd day of
      December, 2004,  between Whistlertel, Inc. and   Trade Winds Telecom, LLC.

      10.16  Bill of Sale and  Assignment,  dated   as  of   December  3,  2004,
      between Trade Winds Telecom LLC and Whistlertel, Inc.


         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  Company  has  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on  its  behalf  by  the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                            WHISTLER INVESTMENTS, INC.

                            By /s/ Holly Roseberry

                               Chief Executive Officer

Date: December 8, 2004


                           PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT

                  THIS  AGREEMENT  made effective as of the 3rd day of December,


                  WHISTLER   INVESTMENTS,   INC.  a   public   trading   company
                  incorporated under the laws of the State   of  Nevada,  having
                  its registered  office in Las  Vegas, in  the State  of Nevada
                  (the "Purchaser")

                                     - and -

                  TRADE WINDS TELECOM,  LLC, a private  corporation incorporated
                  under the laws of Florida and  having its registered office in
                  Ft. Lauderdale, Florida (the "Vendor")


         A. The Vendor owns  market  convergence  products  for  marketing  VOIP
         services  to   international   users  utilizing   high-speed   Internet
         connections and the attendant power of Session Initiated Protocol (SIP)
         call transport and authentication features (more particularly described
         in Schedule  "A"  hereto,  and  collectively  referred to herein as the

         B. The Purchaser proposes to acquire the right,  title  and interest in
         and to the Assets by way of the purchase of 100% (one hundred per cent)
         of the Assets of  the  Vendor  on the terms  and  conditions  set forth

           NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT  WITNESSETH that in consideration of the
         premises  and of the mutual  covenants  herein  set forth,  the parties
         hereto have covenanted and agreed as follows:

         In  consideration  of  the  premises  and  their  respective  covenants
         contained herein the parties hereto agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE 1

1.1      Definitions

         In this  Agreement  and in any  amendments  hereto and in all schedules
         hereto, the following terms shall have the following meaning:

         "Agreement"  means this  Agreement and any instrument or Schedule which
         is  supplemental  or  ancillary  hereto as the same may be  amended  in
         writing  from time to time,  and the  expressions  "hereof",  "herein",
         "hereto",  "hereunder" and "hereby",  and similar  expressions refer to
         this Agreement and not to any particular Article,  section,  paragraph,
         sub-paragraph or Schedule;

         "Assets" collectively means the assets owned by the Vendor as described
         in Schedule A;

         "Closing" means the completion of the sale and purchase  of the  Assets
         on the  Closing  Date as contemplated hereunder;

         "Closing  Date" is  proposed to be on or before  December  10, 2004 (or
         such other time as the Vendor and the Purchaser may mutually agree);

         "Costs"  means  all  costs  relating to the due diligence review and of
         an independent  evaluation  of  the Assets  shall  be  incurred  by the
         Purchaser ;

         "Damages" has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 7.4 hereof;

         "Encumbrances"  means  any  mortgage,  charge,  pledge,  hypothecation,
         security interest,  assignment, lien (statutory or otherwise),  charge,
         title retention agreement or arrangement, restrictive covenant or other
         encumbrance of any nature;

         "Material Contracts" means the all documents relating to the Assets.

         "Purchase Price" means the amount of USD100,000 as ascribed  thereto in
         Section 2.2 hereof;

         "Purchaser Opinion" has  the meaning  ascribed  thereto in  Section 6.4

         "Time of Closing" means 10:00 a.m. local time in Las Vegas,  Nevada  on
         the Closing Date;

         "Vendor  Opinion"  has the  meaning  ascribed  thereto in  Section  5.3

1.2      Interpretation
         The division of this Agreement into articles, sections,  paragraphs and
         subparagraphs  and the  insertion of  headings are for  convenience  of
         reference  only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation
         hereof or have any legal  meaning  or  effect.   The  term   "Article",
         "Section",   "paragraph",  "subparagraph"  and  "Schedule"  followed by
         a number or letter or both means or  refers to the  specified  Article,
         Section, paragraph, subparagraph or Schedule to this Agreement.

1.3      Gender and Number
         Unless the context  otherwise  requires,  words  importing the singular
         herein  include  the  plural and vice versa and words  importing gender
         herein include all genders.

1.4      Schedules
         All Schedules,  attached hereto or referred to herein form part of this
         Agreement and are hereby expressly incorporated herein by reference.

1.5      Proper Law of Agreement
         This  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in accordance  with
         the laws of the State of  Nevada  and  the  laws of the  United  States
         applicable therein.

1.6      Severability
         If any court of competent  jurisdiction  determines in a final judgment
         that any provision of this  Agreement is  invalid or  unenforceable  it
         shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other  provision
         hereof and any such invalid or unenforceable provision  shall be deemed
         to be severable,  provided that the  invalidity or  unenforceability of
         any one or more  provisions  which would materially or adversely affect
         the value  of  the   transaction  to  either  party  shall entitle such
         adversely affected party to terminate this Agreement at any time  prior
         to the Closing.

1.7      Entire Agreement
         This Agreement  constitutes  the entire  agreement  between the parties
         hereto  pertaining  to the  subject  matter  hereof.  There are no oral
         warranties,  representations or other agreements between the parties in
         connection  with the subject matter hereof except as  specifically  set
         forth or referred to herein.  No amendment,  waiver or  termination  of
         this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing by the party
         to be bound thereby. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall
         be deemed or shall constitute a waiver of any other provision nor shall
         any  such  waiver  constitute  a  continuing  waiver  unless  otherwise
         expressly provided.

1.8      Successors and Assigns
         This Agreement  shall be binding upon and shall enure to the benefit of
         the parties hereto and their successors and permitted assigns.

                                    ARTICLE 2
                                PURCHASE AND SALE

2.1      Agreement to Purchase and Sell and Purchase Price
         Subject  to the terms and  conditions  of this  Agreement,  the  Vendor
         agrees to  transfer,  sell  and   assign to  Purchaser,  and  Purchaser
         agrees to purchase from the Vendor on the Closing Date,  the Assets for
         the  consideration set forth in Section 2.2 below.

2.2      Payment of Purchase Price
         The  consideration  the Purchase  Price payable by the Purchaser to the
         Vendor for the Assets shall be comprised of the following:

                  Cash Payment:      USD 100,000 on the Closing Date.

         On the completion of the above payment to the Vendor the Purchaser will
         have earned a 100% interest in the Assets.

                                    ARTICLE 3

3.1      Vendor's Representations and Warranties
         The  Vendor  represents  and  warrants  to  Purchaser  as  follows  and
acknowledges that Purchaser is relying upon such  representations and warranties
in connection with its acquisition of the Assets:

         (a)      Authority  Relative to the Agreement.  This Agreement has been
                  (i) duly authorized by all necessary  corporate  action of the
                  Vendor,  and (ii) duly  executed and  delivered by the Vendor.
                  This Agreement is a valid, binding and enforceable  obligation
                  of the Vendor.

         (b)      No  Violation.  The  execution  and delivery of this Agreement
                  and the  consummation  of the transactions contemplated hereby
                  by the Vendor do not and will not:

                  (i)      violate any  provision of any  agreement or  security
                           document to which the Vendor is  a party or is bound;

                  (ii)     violate any statute or law or any  judgment,  decree,
                           order,   rule  or   regulation   of  any   court   or
                           governmental  authority to which the Vendor or any of
                           its assets are subject.

         (c)      Right to Sell.  The Vendor is the  registered  and  beneficial
                  owner of the Assets,  with good and marketable  title thereto,
                  free and clear of  Encumbrances.  The  Vendor  has full  legal
                  right,  power and  authority to sell,  assign and transfer the
                  Assets to the  Purchaser  free and  clear of any  Encumbrances
                  and, upon completion of the transactions  contemplated hereby,
                  the  Purchaser  shall have good and valid title to the Assets,
                  free and clear of all Encumbrances.

         (d)      No  Default.  There  exists no  default or event of default or
                  event, occurrence,  condition or act which, with the giving of
                  notice,  the lapse of time or the happening of any other event
                  or condition, would become a default or event of default under
                  any Material Contract.

         (e)      Litigation. There is no action, suit, litigation, arbitration,
                  investigation,   inquiry  or  other  proceeding  in  progress,
                  pending or  threatened  against or  relating to the Assets and
                  there is no circumstance,  matter or thing known to the Vendor
                  which  might  give  rise  to  any  such  proceeding  or to any
                  governmental  investigation  relative to the Assets, and there
                  is not  outstanding  against the Assets any judgment,  decree,
                  injunction, rule or order of any court, government department,
                  commission, agency or arbitrator.

         (f)      Assets.  As at the Closing,  the Assets are  controlled by the
                  Vendor,  are in good  standing  and  there  exists no event of
                  default or event,  occurrence,  conditions or act which,  with
                  the giving of notice,  the lapse of time or the  happening  of
                  any other event or condition, would become a default under any
                  other  agreement,  and all of the covenants to be performed by
                  any party in regards to the Assets have been fully performed.

         (g)      Full  Disclosure.  Neither this  Agreement  nor any  ancillary
                  agreement  to which the  Vendor is a party  (i)  contains  any
                  untrue  statement of a material fact in respect of the Assets,
                  the affairs, prospects, operations or condition of the Assets,
                  or (ii) omits any  statement of a material  fact  necessary in
                  order to make the  statements  in respect of the Vendor or the
                  business contained herein or therein not misleading.  There is
                  no fact known by the Vendor  which  materially  and  adversely
                  affects the affairs, prospects, operations or condition of the
                  Assets which has not been set forth in this Agreement.

3.2      Purchaser's Representations and Warranties

         Purchaser  represents  and  warrants  to  the  Vendor  as  follows  and
acknowledges that the Vendor is relying upon such representations and warranties
in connection with its sale of the Assets.

         (a)      Authority  Relative to the Agreement.  This Agreement has been
                  (i) duly authorized by all necessary  corporate  action of the
                  Purchaser,  and  (ii)  duly  executed  and  delivered  by  the
                  Purchaser.  This Agreement is a valid, binding and enforceable
                  obligation of the Purchaser.

         (b)      No  Violation.  The  execution  and delivery of this Agreement
                  and the  consummation  of the transactions contemplated hereby
                  by the Purchaser do not and will not:

                  (i)      violate any  provision of any  agreement or  security
                           document to which  the Purchaser  is a  party  or  by
                           which the Purchaser is bound; or

                  (ii)     violate any statute or law or any  judgment,  decree,
                           order,   rule  or   regulation   of  any   court   or
                           governmental  authority to which the Purchaser or any
                           of its assets are subject.

         (c)      Incorporation,  Subsistence  and Power.  The Purchaser is duly
                  incorporated  and is  validly  subsisting  under  the  laws of
                  Nevada and has the  corporate  power and  authority to own its
                  assets  and  to  carry  on  its  business.  The  Purchaser  is
                  registered  under  applicable  corporate  legislation  in each
                  jurisdiction  in which its  business or the assets owned by it
                  makes  such  qualification   necessary  and  has  all  powers,
                  licenses,  franchises and permits which it requires to own its
                  assets and to carry on its business.

         (d)      Consents and Approval of Governmental  Authorities.  Except as
                  contemplated  by Article 7 hereof and subject to any documents
                  required  to be filed  subsequent  to  Closing  by  applicable
                  securities   legislation,    all   consents,    approvals   or
                  authorizations  of, or declarations,  filings or registrations
                  with,  any  governmental  or  regulatory  authority  which are
                  required  to be made or obtained by  Purchaser  in  connection
                  with the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement
                  or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or
                  thereby have been made or obtained.

3.3      Survival of Representations and Warranties
         The representations  and warranties  contained in Article 3 on the part
of the Vendor and the Purchaser,  as the case may be, shall survive for a period
of two (2) years after Closing,  unless prior to the termination of such period,
written  notice of a claim for breach of any  representation  or warranty  shall
have been given by the  Purchaser or the Vendor  (which  notice must specify the
claim made) and in such event the  Purchaser or the Vendor,  as the case may be,
shall have no liability except in connection with such claims.

3.4      Scope of Representations
         No investigations  made by or on behalf of the Purchaser or the Vendor,
whether  under this Article 3 or any other  provision  of this  Agreement or any
ancillary agreement, shall have the effect of waiving, diminishing the scope of,
or otherwise  affecting any representation or warranty made by the Vendor or the
Purchaser in this Agreement or any ancillary agreement.

                                    ARTICLE 4
                            COVENANTS OF THE PARTIES

4.1      Covenants of the Vendor

         After the date  hereof and until the  Closing  Date,  the Vendor  shall
comply with the covenants contained in this Section 4.1.

(a)               Transfer of Assets. The Vendor shall take or cause to be taken
                  all such actions as are necessary to transfer the Assets, free
                  of all  Encumbrances.  Any taxes,  costs and fees  (including,
                  without limitation,  all legal and accounting fees) payable by
                  the  Vendor  in  connection  with the  transfers  contemplated
                  hereby shall for the sole account of the Vendor.

         (b)      Performance  of  Conditions.  The  Vendor  shall take all such
                  actions as are within its power and  control and shall use its
                  reasonable  best  efforts to cause  other  actions to be taken
                  which are not  within its power and  control,  so as to ensure
                  compliance  with all of the conditions set forth in Article 5,
                  including without  limitation  ensuring that during the period
                  which   extends  to  Closing,   there  is  no  breach  of  its
                  representations and warranties.

         (c)      Notice of Untrue  Representation or Warranty. The Vendor shall
                  promptly  notify  the Purchaser  upon  any  representation  or
                  warranty  made  by  it  contained  in  this  Agreement  or any
                  ancillary agreement becoming untrue or incorrect.

         (d)      Consents.  The Vendor shall use its best efforts  to obtain at
                  the  earliest  practicable  date  and, in any event,  prior to
                  the Closing Date,  all consents, authorizations and approvals,
                  and  to  make  all  declarations,  filings  and  registrations
                  required  to  be  obtained  or  made  by  it  pursuant  to any
                  transactions  contemplated hereby, whether any  such  consent,
                  authorization  or  approval,  or such  declaration,  filing or
                  registration,  is to be obtained  from  or made  with  private
                  parties or  governmental   or regulatory  authorities.  To the
                  extent  reasonably possible, the Vendor shall avoid taking any
                  action that may materially  adversely  affect the obtaining of
                  any such consent, authorization or approval.

4.2      Covenants of Purchaser

         (a)      Consents.  The  Purchaser shall use its best efforts to obtain
                  at  the  earliest  practicable date  and, in any  event, prior
                  to   the  Closing  Date,  all  consents,  authorizations   and
                  approvals,  and   to   make  all  declarations,   filings  and
                  registrations  required to be obtained or made by it  pursuant
                  to any law, regulation, order, agreement or  instrument  prior
                  to consummating the transactions contemplated hereby,  whether
                  any  such   consent,   authorization  or   approval,  or  such
                  declaration,  filing or  registration, is to be obtained  from
                  or made  with private  parties  or g overnmental or regulatory
                  authorities,   including   without   limitation   any  filings
                  registrations or consents  required  in respect of the Assets.
                  Purchaser   shall  not  take any action  that  may  materially
                  adversely   affect  the  obtaining   of   any  such   consent,
                  authorization or approval.

(b)               Performance of Conditions.  The Purchaser  shall take all such
                  actions as are within its power and  control and shall use its
                  reasonable  best  efforts to cause  other  actions to be taken
                  which are not  within its power and  control,  so as to ensure
                  compliance with all of the conditions set forth in Article 6.,

         (c)      Notice of Untrue  Representation  or Warranty.  The  Purchaser
                  shall promptly notify the Vendor  upon  any  representation or
                  warranty  made  by  it  contained  in  this  Agreement  or any
                  ancillary agreement becoming untrue or incorrect.

                                    ARTICLE 5

         The  purchase  and  sale of the  Assets  is  subject  to the  following
conditions  to be  fulfilled  or  performed  at or prior to the  Closing,  which
conditions are for the exclusive  benefit of the Purchaser and may be waived, in
whole or in part, by the Purchaser:

5.1      Representations and Warranties True
         The  representations  and warranties of the Vendor contained in Section
3.1 shall be true and  accurate  as of the date made and at and as of Closing as
though such representations and warranties were made again at and as of Closing,
except for changes  expressly  permitted or contemplated by this Agreement,  and
the Vendor shall deliver to Purchaser a certificate to such effect.

5.2      Performance
         The Vendor  shall have  performed  and  complied  with all  agreements,
covenants, obligations and conditions required by this Agreement to be performed
or complied with by it on or prior to the Closing Date.

5.3      Legal Opinion
         The Purchaser  shall before the Closing Date have received  opinions of
Vendor's and the Company's  solicitors  (the  "Vendor's  Opinion"),  in form and
substance satisfactory to the Purchaser,  which shall confirm that the Vendor is
the legal and beneficial owner of a 100% interest in and to the Assets,  free of
all Encumbrances exclusively entitled to the benefits thereof.

5.4      Transfer of Ownership
         The Purchaser shall on or before the Closing Date have become satisfied
that the  Purchaser  shall have  received,  by  transfer  from the  Vendor,  all
applicable  licenses,  permits  and  authorizations  relating  to the Assets and
necessary to the use of such assets for the purpose of operating those Assets in
the telecommunications industry.

5.5      No Material Adverse Change
         There shall have occurred no material  adverse  change in the Assets up
to the Closing Date.

5.6      Consents
         The  Purchaser  shall  have  obtained  the  consent  of any  regulatory
         authorities  in  respect  of the  transfer  of  the  Assets,  on  terms
         acceptable to the Purchaser, acting reasonably. The Purchaser shall use
         best efforts to obtain such consents prior to Closing.

                                    ARTICLE 6

         The  purchase  and  sale of the  Assets  is  subject  to the  following
conditions  to be  fulfilled  or  performed  at or prior to the  Closing,  which
conditions  are for the  exclusive  benefit of the Vendor and may be waived,  in
whole or in part, by the Vendor:

6.1      Representations and Warranties True
         The  representations  and  warranties  of the  Purchaser  contained  in
Section 3.2 shall be true and  accurate as of the date made and at and as of the
Closing Date as though such  representations  and warranties  were made again at
and  as  of  the  Closing  Date,  except  for  changes  expressly  permitted  or
contemplated  by this  Agreement,  and the  Purchaser  shall deliver to Vendor a
certificate to such effect.

6.2      Performance
         The Purchaser  shall have  performed and complied with all  agreements,
covenants, obligations and conditions required by this Agreement to be performed
or complied with by it on or prior to Closing .

6.3      Opinion of Purchaser's Counsel
         The Vendor shall have  received an opinion of counsel to the  Purchaser
(the "Purchaser  Opinion")  substantially in the form of Schedule B hereto, with
such amendments thereto as the parties may agree.

                                    ARTICLE 7
                            TERMINATION AND INDEMNITY

7.1      Termination by Purchaser
         If any of the conditions set forth in Article 5 have not been fulfilled
or waived at or prior to Closing or any  obligation or covenant of the Vendor to
be performed  at or prior to Closing has not been  observed or performed by such
time,  the Purchaser may  terminate  this  Agreement by notice in writing to the
Vendor,  and in such event the Purchaser  shall be released from all obligations
save and except for its rights and obligations under Sections 7.4 and 7.5, which
shall  survive.  The Vendor shall only be released from its  obligations  if the
condition or  conditions  for the  non-performance  of which the  Purchaser  has
terminated  this  Agreement  are not  reasonably  capable of being  performed or
caused to be performed by the Vendor.  If the Purchaser  waives  compliance with
any of the conditions, obligations or covenants contained in this Agreement, the
waiver  will be without  prejudice  to any of its rights of  termination  in the
event  of  non-fulfillment,  non-observance  or  non-performance  of  any  other
condition, obligation or covenant in whole or in part.

7.2      Termination by Vendor
         If any of the conditions set forth in Article 6 have not been fulfilled
or waived at or prior to Closing or any  obligation or covenant of the Purchaser
to be performed  at or prior to Closing  have not been  observed or performed by
such time,  the Vendor may terminate  this Agreement by notice in writing to the
Purchaser,  and in such event the Vendor shall be released from all  obligations
save and except for its  obligations  under  Sections  7.4 and 7.5,  which shall
survive.  The  Purchaser  shall only be  released  from its  obligations  if the
condition  or  conditions  for the  non-performance  of  which  the  Vendor  has
terminated  this  Agreement  are not  reasonably  capable of being  performed or
caused to be performed by the Purchaser.  If the Vendor waives  compliance  with
any of the conditions, obligations or covenants contained in this Agreement, the
waiver  will be without  prejudice  to any of its rights of  termination  in the
event  of  non-fulfillment,  non-observance  or  non-performance  of  any  other
condition, obligation or covenant in whole or in part.

7.3      Effect of Termination
         Each party's right of  termination  under this Article 7 is in addition
to any other  rights it may have  under this  Agreement  or  otherwise,  and the
exercise of a right of termination will not be an election of remedies.  Nothing
in Article 7 shall limit or affect any other  rights or causes of action  either
the  Purchaser  or the  Vendor  may have with  respect  to the  representations,
warranties, covenants and indemnities in its favor contained in this Agreement.

7.4      Indemnification in Favor of Purchaser
         The Vendor shall  indemnify and save the  Purchaser and its  respective
         employees,  officers  and  directors  harmless  of and from  any  loss,
         liability, claim, damage (including incidental and consequential damage
         but excluding  loss of profits) or expense  (whether or not involving a
         third- party claim) including legal expenses (collectively,  "Damages")
         suffered by,  imposed upon or asserted  against any of the  Purchaser's
         Indemnified  Persons as a result of, in respect of,  connected with, or
         arising out of, under, or pursuant to:

         (a)      any failure of the Vendor to perform or fulfill  any  covenant
                  of the Vendor under this Agreement or any ancillary agreement;

         (b)      any breach  or  inaccuracy of any  representation  or warranty
                  given by the Vendor  contained in  this Agreement  or  in  any
                  ancillary agreement;

         (c)      any facts, circumstances, events, conditions or occurrences in
                  existence on or prior to the Closing Date,  relating  directly
                  or indirectly  to the Assets,  even though such Damages may be
                  suffered  after the Closing Date except to the extent that the
                  liability  in respect  thereof  (i) has been  incurred  by the
                  Vendor  in  the  ordinary  course,  or  (ii)  is  specifically
                  disclosed in this Agreement; and

         (d)      the  non-compliance  of the  Assets on or prior to the Closing
                  Date  with  applicable  laws  existing at any time on or prior
                  to Closing.

7.5      Indemnification in Favor of the Vendor
         The Purchaser  shall indemnify and save the Vendor harmless of and from
any Damages suffered by, imposed upon or asserted against the Vendor as a result
of, in respect of, connected with, or arising out of, under or pursuant to:

         (a)      any  failure  of  the  Purchaser  to  perform  or fulfill  any
                  covenant of the  Purchaser  under this Agreement; and

         (b)      any breach or  inaccuracy of  any  representation  or warranty
                  given by the Purchaser  contained in this Agreement.

                  Without   limiting  the  generality  of  the  foregoing,   the
         Purchaser recognizes that the Vendor assumes no liability in respect of
         loss or damage to persons or property occurring before, on or after the
         date hereof related to acts or omissions by the Purchaser in respect of
         the Assets before, on or after the date hereof.

                                    ARTICLE 8

8.1      Closing
         The Closing  shall take place on the Closing Date at the offices of the

8.2      Deliveries at Closing by the Vendor

         The Vendor shall deliver to the Purchaser at the Closing:

         (a)      a certified statement representing the  Assets  duly  endorsed
                  for transfer to the Purchaser;

         (b)      statement  of the  Vendor  in  respect of its  representations
                  and  warranties  under  this Agreement;

         (c)      the Vendor Opinion;

         (d)      records  pertaining  to the Assets and such other certificates
                  and  instruments  as may be provided for herein; and

         (e)      such other  documents  and  instruments  as the  Purchaser  or
                  its  solicitors  may  reasonably require.

8.3      Deliveries at Closing by Purchaser
         The Purchaser shall deliver to the Vendor at the Closing:

         (a)      certified  resolutions  of  the  directors  of  the  Purchaser
                  authorizing  the purchase of the  transactions contemplated by
                  this Agreement;

         (b)      statement of an officer of the  Purchaser  in  respect of  its
                  representations  and  warranties under this Agreement;

         (c)      a certified  cheque or bank  draft  in  the amount of the cash
                  payment  required under  paragraph 2.2 hereof;

         (d)      the Purchaser Opinion;

         (e)      such other certificates and instruments as may be provided for
                  herein; and

         (f)      such  other  documents  and  instruments as the Vendor  or its
                  solicitors may reasonably require.

                                    ARTICLE 9
                            MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

9.1      Waiver and Compliance
         Any failure of the Vendor or  Purchaser,  as the case may be, to comply
with any  obligation,  covenant or condition  contained  herein may be expressly
waived by the other  party but such  waiver or  failure  to insist  upon  strict
compliance  shall not operate as a waiver of, or with respect to, any subsequent
or other failure.

9.2      Expenses
         The  Purchaser  shall pay its own expenses and the Vendor shall pay its
own  expenses  incident to  preparing  for,  entering  into and carrying out the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

9.3      Notices
         All  notices,  requests,  demands,  waivers  and  other  communications
required or permitted  hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have
been  duly  given  if  delivered  by  hand  or  by  sending  same  by  facsimile
communication or other similar form of communication to the following addresses:

         (a)      Whistler Investments Inc.
                  Suite 144, 5001 East Bonanza Road
                  Las Vegas, Nevada  89110
                  Attn:  Holly Roseberry, President

         (b)      Trade Winds Telecom, LLC

                  3038 North Federal Highway, Suite D-200
                  Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33306
                  Attn: Alison Banister

         Any such  notice,  waiver other  document  shall (i) if  delivered,  be
         deemed to have been given or made at the time of delivery;  and (ii) if
         sent by fax or other similar form of  communication,  be deemed to have
         been  given  or  made  at  the  time  in  which  it  was   successfully

         transmitted.  Any party  hereto may change the  address  for service by
         giving notice  thereof to the other parties  hereto in accordance  with
         this Section 9.4.

9.4      Time of the Essence
         Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement.

9.5      Counterparts
         This  Agreement  may be  executed  in as  many  counterparts  as may be
         necessary, or by facsimile,  each of which so signed shall be deemed to
         be an original,  and such  counterparts  or facsimiles  together  shall
         constitute one and the same instrument and  notwithstanding the date of
         execution shall be deemed to bear the date as set forth above.

9.6      Facsimile Transmission
         This Agreement may be executed and delivered by facsimile  transmission
         and the parties  may rely on all such  facsimile  signatures  as though
         such facsimile signatures were original signatures.

9.7      Assignment
         Neither  party  shall  have the  authority  to  assign  its  rights  or
         obligations  under this  Agreement to any other person  except with the
         consent of all parties hereto.

9.8      Arbitration
         Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary in this Agreement, all claims
         for  monetary  damages  and  disputes   relating  in  any  way  to  the
         performance,  interpretation,  validity,  or breach  of this  Agreement
         shall be  referred to final and  binding  arbitration,  before a single
         arbitrator,  under the  commercial  arbitration  rules of the  American
         Arbitration  Association in Las Vegas,  Nevada. The arbitrator shall be
         selected  by the  parties  and if  the  parties  are  unable  to  reach
         agreement  on  selection  of the  arbitrator  within 10 days  after the
         notice of arbitration is served,  then the arbitrator  will be selected
         by the American Arbitration Association. All documents,  materials, and
         information  in the  possession of a party to this Agreement and in any
         way relevant to the claims or disputes  shall be made  available to the
         other  parties  for review and copying not later than 60 days after the
         notice of  arbitration  is served.  To the extent that a party would be
         required to make  confidential  information  available to any other, an
         agreement or an order shall be entered in the proceeding protecting the
         confidentiality  of and limiting  access to such  information  before a
         party is required to produce such information.  Information produced by
         a party shall be used exclusively in the arbitration or litigation that
         may arise,  and shall not otherwise be  disclosed.  In no event shall a
         party be entitled to punitive  damages in any  arbitration  or judicial
         proceeding  and all parties  hereby  waive their rights to any punitive
         damages.  In the event an arbitration  panel or a court  concludes that

         the punitive  damages  waiver  contained  in the  previous  sentence is
         unenforceable,  then the  parties  agree  that the court  with  subject
         matter  jurisdiction over the confirmation of the award shall have sole
         and  exclusive  jurisdiction  to determine  issues of  entitlement  and
         amount of  punitive  damages.  The  arbitrator  shall NOT have  subject
         matter  jurisdiction  to decide any issues  relating  to the statute of
         limitations  or to any request for injunctive  relief,  and the parties
         hereby stipulate to stay the arbitration  proceeding  (without the need
         of a bond) until any such issues in dispute are resolved. Judgment upon
         the  award  rendered  by the  arbitrator  shall be final,  binding  and
         conclusive  upon  the  parties  and  their  respective  administrators,
         executors,  legal  representatives,  heirs,  successors  and  permitted
         assigns, and may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction.

9.9      Enforcement Costs
         If any civil action,  arbitration or other legal  proceeding is brought
         for the  enforcement  of  this  Agreement,  or  because  of an  alleged
         dispute,  breach,  default or  misrepresentation in connection with any
         provision of this  Agreement,  the  successful or  prevailing  party or
         parties shall be entitled to recover reasonable  attorneys' fees, sales
         and use taxes,  court  costs and all  expenses  even if not  taxable as
         court costs (including, without limitation, all such fees, taxes, costs
         and  expenses  incident  to  arbitration,   appellate,  bankruptcy  and
         post-judgment proceedings),  incurred in that civil action, arbitration
         or legal  proceeding,  in  addition  to any other  relief to which such
         party or  parties  may be  entitled.  Attorneys'  fees  shall  include,
         without limitation,  paralegal fees, investigative fees, administrative
         costs, sales and use taxes and all other charges billed by the attorney
         to the prevailing party.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
duly executed on December 3, 2004.

                                                     WHISTLER INVESTMENTS, INC.

                                                         /s/ Holly Roseberry
                                                Per: __________________________
                                                     Holly Roseberry, President

                                                     TRADE WINDS TELECOM LLC.

                                                            /s/ Alison Banister
                                                Per: __________________________
                                                            Alison Banister

                                   SCHEDULE A


1.)      IP Provisioning & CPE monitoring Software - 100% Customized platform

2.)      IP Analyzer Program - 100% Customized platform

3.)      Online Partner/Agent Ordering Software -Modified Shopping cart software

4.)      Online Order Administration Software - Modified Shopping cart software

5.)      Online Partners Commission Software - 100% Customized (In-work)

6.)      Trade Winds Telecom Website - 100% Customized
7.)      Equipment   Inventory  on  hand  7  (seven)  "SPA-2000"  units  (Value:
         USD$82.25 ea.) as of Closing Date
8.)    Total of 99 subscribers as of Nov. 30, 2004
9.)    Subscriber Prepaid Balance total of $2,065.44
10.)  Total of 14 demo units out in the field, mostly in Peru and Chile


                           BILL OF SALE AND ASSIGNMENT

                  BILL OF SALE AND  ASSIGNMENT,  dated as of  December  3, 2004,
between Trade Winds Telecom LLC ("Assignor") and Whistlertel, Inc. ("Assignee").


                  A.  Assignee  wishes to purchase certain assets (the "Assets")
                      of Assignor and Assignor is  willing to  sell  and  assign
                      such assets to Assignee;

                  B.  Assignee  will   assume  no   liabilities  of  Assignor in
                      connection  with the purchase of the Assets; and

                  C.  The  parties   have  entered  into  a  Purchase  and  Sale
                      Agreement,dated as of December 3, 2004 (the  "Agreement"),
                      providing  for the  terms of the purchase of the Assets by

                  NOW,  THEREFORE,  for the sum of  $100,000  and other good and
valuable  consideration in hand,  receipt of which is hereby  acknowledged,  the
undersigned  Assignor  does  hereby  sell,  assign,  transfer  and set over unto
Assignee, its legal representatives,  successors, and assigns, all of Assignor's
right, title and interest in and to the following assets:


7.)      IP Provisioning & CPE monitoring Software - 100% Customized platform

8.)      IP Analyzer Program - 100% Customized platform

9.)      Online Partner/Agent Ordering Software- Modified Shopping cart software

10.)     Online Order Administration Software - Modified Shopping cart software

11.)     Online Partners Commission Software - 100% Customized (In-work)

12.)     Trade Winds Telecom Website - 100% Customized

7.)      Equipment  Inventory  on  hand  7  (seven)   "SPA-2000"  units  (Value:
         USD$82.25 ea.) as of Closing Date
8.)    Total of 99 subscribers as of Nov. 30, 2004
9.)    Subscriber Prepaid Balance total of $2,065.44
10.)  Total of 14 demo units out in the field, mostly in Peru and Chile

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this Bill of Sale and Assignment
as of the date first above written.

(Assignor)                             (Assignee)

     /s/ Alison Banister                /s/ Holly Roseberry
By:________________________           By:______________________________________
                                        Holly Roseberry, Chief Executive Officer

             Dec. 3, 2004                              12-3-04
Date signed: _____________            Date signed:_______________________