
                             ZANDARIA VENTURES INC.

FIRST.   The name of the corporation is Zandaria Ventures Inc.

SECOND.  The  registered  office  of the  corporation  in the State of Nevada is
located at 7251 West Lake Mead Boulevard,  Suite 300, Las Vegas, Nevada,  89128.
The corporation may maintain an office, or offices,  in such other places within
or  without  the State of Nevada as may be from time to time  designated  by the
Board of  Directors  or the  By-Laws of the  corporation.  The  corporation  may
conduct all  corporation  business of every kind and nature outside the State of
Nevada as well as within the State of Nevada.

THIRD. The objects for which this corporation is formed are to engage in any
lawful activity,

FOURTH.  The total number of common stock  authorized  that may be issued by the
Corporation is seventy five million  (75,000,000)  shares of common stock with a
par value of one  tenth of one cent  ($0.001)  per  share and no other  class of
stock shall be authorized.  The corporation may from time issued said shares for
such consideration as the Board of Directors may fix.

FIFTH. The governing board of the corporation  shall be known as directors,  and
the number of directors  may from time to time be increased or decreased in such
manner as shall be provided by the By-Laws of this  corporation,  providing that
the number of  directors  shall not be reduced to fewer than one (1).  The first
Board of  Directors  shall  be one (1) in  number  and the name and post  office
address of these Directors are:

   Name:               Steven Cozine
   Address:            535 Thurlow Street, Suite 600
                       Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 2C2

SIXTH. The capital stock of   the   corporation, after   the   amount   of   the
subscription price or par value, has   been   paid   in, shall not be subject to
assessment to pay the debts of the corporation.

SEVENTH. The name and post office  address of   the   Incorporator   signing the
Articles of Incorporation is as follows:

   Name:               Leah Finke
   Address:            7251 West Lake Mead Boulevard, Suite 300
                       Las Vegas, Nevada, 89128

EIGHTH. The Resident Agent for this corporation shall be Empire  Stock  Transfer
Inc. The address of the Resident Agent and the registered or   statutory address
of this corporation in the State of Nevada shall be: 7251 West Lake Mead
Boulevard, Suite 300, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89128.

NINTH. The corporation is to have perpetual existence.

TENTH.   The  Board  of  Directors  shall  adopt  the  initial  By-laws  of  the
corporation. The Board of Directors shall also have the power to alter, amend or
repeal  the  By-laws,  or to adopt  new  By-laws,  except  as  otherwise  may be
specifically provided in the By-laws.

ELEVEN.  No Director or Officer of the corporation shall be personally liable to
the corporation or any of its  stockholders  for damages for breach of fiduciary
duty as a Director or Officer involving any act or omission of any such Director
or Officer; provided,  however, that the foregoing provision shall not eliminate
or limit the liability of a Director or Officer (i) for acts or omissions  which
involve intentional misconduct, fraud or a knowing violation of the law, or (ii)
the payment of dividends in  violation of Section  78.300 of the Nevada  Revised
Statutes.  Any repeal or modification of this Article by the Stockholders of the
corporation  shall be  prospective  only,  and shall not  adversely  affect  any
limitations  on  the  personal  liability  of  a  Director  or  Officer  of  the
corporation for acts or omissions prior to such repeal or modification.

TWELVETH.  The corporation  reserves the right to amend, alter, change or repeal
any provision  contained in the Articles of Incorporation,  in the manner now or
hereafter  prescribed by statute,  or by the Articles of Incorporation,  and all
rights  conferred  upon   stockholders   herein  are  granted  subject  to  this

I, the undersigned, being the Incorporator hereinbefore named for the purpose of
forming  a  corporation  pursuant  to  General  Corporation  Law of the State of
Nevada, do make and file these Articles of  Incorporation,  hereby declaring and
certifying that the facts herein stated are true, and accordingly  have hereunto
set my hand this February 23, 2005.

                                          /s/ Leah Finke
                                          Leah Finke