535 Thurlow Street, Suite 600
                           Vancouver, British Columbia
                                 Canada, V6E 3C2

April 26, 2006

U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
Division of Corporate Finance
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549
Mail Stop 0305

Attention:  Tim Buchmiller, Division of Corporate Finance

Dear Sirs:

Re:      Zandaria Ventures Inc.  - Registration Statement on Form SB-2
         Amendment No. 5 - File No. 333-127389

Further to your letter dated March 24, 2006  concerning the  deficiencies in our
registration statement on Form SB-2, we provide the following responses:

Selling Securityholders, page 9

1.       Please revise clause 2 of your first paragraph to indicate,  if
         true, that the 4,000,000 shares of your common stock were acquired from
         you at a price of $0.0025 per share.

         We have revised  clause two to indicate that the 4,000,000  shares were
         sold at $0.0025 per share.

Plan of Operations, page 20

2.       We note your  disclosure in the fifth  paragraph that you "have
         enough funds to cover the estimated  cost of the phase one  exploration
         program."  However,  we note  that the  estimated  costs  of phase  one
         exploration  program exceed your cash position as of December 31, 2005.
         Please update your  disclosure  with respect to your plan of operations
         given your current cash position and ensure that you provide consistent
         disclosure throughout your prospectus in this regard.

         We have updated our  disclosure to indicate that we'll need  additional
         funds to complete the phase one exploration program.


Financial Statements

3.       We not your responses to prior comment 5. However, your filing
         continues to lack all required  financial statements. Please revise the
          filing to include all of the following:

a.       Audited balance sheet as of March 31, 2005 with accompanying footnotes

b.       Audited  statement of  operations,  statement of cash flows and
         statement of stockholders' equity for the period from February 23, 2005
         (date of inception) through March 31, 2005

c.       Audited balance sheet as of June 30, 2005 with accompanying footnotes

d.       Audited  statement of operations, statement of cash flows and statement
         of  stockholders;  equity for the period from April 1, 2005 through
         June 30, 2005

e.       Audited statement of  operations, statement of cash flows and statement
         of  stockholders'  equity for the period from February 23, 2005 (date
         of inception) through June 30, 2005

f.       Unaudited balance sheet as of December 31, 2005 with accompanying

g.       Unaudited  statement of operations,  statement of cash flows and
         statement of  stockholders  equity for the period from October 1, 2005
         through December 31, 2005

h.       Unaudited  statement of operations,  statement of cash flows and
         statement of  stockholders  equity for the period from April 1, 2005
         through December 31, 2005

i.       Unaudited  statement of operations,  statement of cash flows and
         statement of  stockholders equity for the period from February 23, 2005
         (date of inception) through December 31, 2005

         In this regard,  please refer to Item 310(g) of Regulation  S-B. If the
         required financial  statements are as of date 135 days or more prior to
         the filing of your next amendment,  the financial  statements should be
         updated to include annual financial statements as of and for the fiscal
         year ended March 31, 2006. Upon filing of your financial statements for
         the fiscal  year ended  March 31,  2006,  you will only be  required to
         provide the annual  audited  financial  statements  for the fiscal year
         ended March 31, 2006 and for the fiscal  period from  February 23, 2005
         (date of inception) through March 31, 2005 (item b above).


         Our last filing contained audited  financial  statements for the period
         from our  inception  to March 31, 2005  (including  the balance  sheet,
         statement  of  operations,   statement  of  cash  flows,  statement  of
         stockholders'  equity  and notes to the  financial  statements  for the
         periods  mentioned in your  comment)  and for the interim  period ended
         December  31,  2005   (including  the  balance   sheet,   statement  of
         operations,  statement of cash flows, statement of stockholders' equity
         and notes to the financial statements for the periods mentioned in your

         The periods  provided comply with the  requirements of Rule 10-01(c) of
         Regulation S-X, as well as the annual and interim  financial  statement
         requirements of Item 310 of Regulation S-B.

         The June financial  statements noted in your comment were unaudited and
         were replaced by the interim financial  statements for the period ended
         December 31, 2005 in accordance with Item 310.

4.       The  audited financial statements as of March 31, 2005 included in this
         filing do not appear to  incorporate    any   of  our   prior comments.
         Therefore, we reissue  comments 25 and 26 from our comment letter dated
         September 8, 2005. Further, we  reissue comments 10, 11, 12 and 15 from
         our comment  letter   dated   November 4, 2005. Finally,   we   reissue
         comments 8, 9 and 10 from our   comment  letter dated January 20, 2006.
         Please perform a thorough review of all   financial statements included
         in your next amendment to ensure that  you have appropriately disclosed
         your accounting policy for mineral property   costs. Please also ensure
         that all financial statements presented reflect   the proper accounting
         for the mineral property costs in   accordance with   your   accounting

         The financial  statements  have been revised to incorporate  your prior
         comments 25 and 26 from the comment letter dated September 8, 2005; 10,
         11, 12 and 15 from your comment letter  November 4, 2005; and 8, 9, and
         10 from your comment  letter  dated  January 20,  2006.  The  financial
         statements  have been  presented to reflect the  accounting  policy for
         mineral property costs.

Report of the Independent  Registered Public Accounting Firm

5.       Please refer to prior comment 4. The audit   report   has    not   been
         modified  as  requested.  Please have your  auditor  revise the auditor
         report to specifically identify each period for which audited financial
         statements are presented.  In this regard,  please refer to out comment
         above which  specifically  identifies the audited financial  statements
         that are required to be included in the filing.


         The audit  report has been  modified to identify  each period for which
         audited financial statements are presented.

6.       Please also update the consent of independent registered public
         accounting firm to identify each set of audited  financial  statements.
         Further, the language in the current consent implies that the financial
         statements  for the period from  February 23, 2005 (date of  inception)
         through  December 31, 2005 have been  audited.  However,  based on your
         audited  report,  it does not appear  that the  results for this period
         have been audited.  Further,  there is no requirement at this time that
         the  cumulative  results from  February 23, 2005 (date of inception) to
         December 31, 2005 be audited.  As such,  please  revise the language in
         the consent.

         The auditors  consent has been revised to identify  each set of audited
         financial  statements.  The language has been  modified to identify the
         audited balance sheet at March 31, 2005 and the statement of operations
         and deficit,  stockholders'  equity, and cash flows for the period from
         inception on February 23, 2005 to March 31, 2005.

Note 3. Mineral Property

7.       We note your response to prior   comment 7 and 10. In light of the fact
         that the agreement was not executed    until April 5, 2005, it does not
         appear that you obtained legal rights to    the mineral property rights
         until that date. As such, you should revise your   financial statements
         to reflect the acquisition of the mineral property   rights   as having
         occurred on April 5, 2005 rather than March 31, 2005. In   this regard,
         the $2,500 payment  on   March 29, 2005   should   be   recorded   as a
         prepayment or other   asset   as   of  March 31, 2005 and the financial
         statements should be restated to reduce   the   net loss for the period
         from $(3,320) to $(820). Please   revise   or   advise.   Upon   formal
         execution of    the    agreement    on    April 5, 2005 which therefore
         establishes a legal    obligation    for you to pay, the $2,500 prepaid
         asset recorded on March 31, 2005    should    be  reclassified into the
         mineral property rights asset account and a    separate entry to record
         the remaining $17,500 asset and a corresponding    liability  should be

         As  requested,   the  $2,500   payment  on  March  29,  2005  has  been
         reclassified as a prepaid expense.

Statement of Cash Flows for period ended December 31, 2005

8.       The amount recorded for cash used in operating activities should be in
         brackets.  Please revise.

         We have placed the noted figure in brackets.

         Yours truly,

         /s/ Steven Cozine

         Zandaria Ventures Inc.
         Steven Cozine, President