Exhibit 3.1

                               SECRETARY OF STATE
                                 STATE OF NEVADA

                                CORPORATE CHARTER

I, DEAN HELLER,  the duly elected and qualified  Nevada  Secretary of State,  do
hereby  certify that PIONEER  EXPLORATION  INC. did on June 9, 2005 file in this
office the original  Articles of  Incorporation;  that said  Articles are now on
file and of  record  in the  office  of the  Secretary  of State of the State of
Nevada, and further,  that said Articles contain all the provisions  required by
the law of said State of Nevada.

                               IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  I have hereunto set my hand
                               and  affixed  the  Great  Seal  of  State,  at my
                               office, in Carson City, Nevada, on June 9, 2005.

                               /s/ Dean Heller
                               DEAN HELLER
                               Secretary of State

(The Great Seal of the State   By /s/
of Nevada)                     --------------------
                               Certification Clerk


Secretary of State
206 North Carson Street
Carson City, Nevada 89701-4299
(775) 684-5708
Website: secretaryofstate.biz

                                                           Document Number:

                                                           Date Filed:
                      ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION            6/9/2005 10:00:54 AM
                         (PURSUANT TO NRS 78)              In the office of

                                                           /s/ Dean Heller

                                                           Dean Heller
                                                           Secretary of State

1. Name of Corporation:        Pioneer Exploration Inc.

2. Resident Agent              Laughlin International Inc.
Name and Street Address:       2533 N. Carson St., Carson City, Nevada 89706

3. Shares:       Number of shares with par value: 75,000,000, Par Value: $0.001;
                 Number of shares without par value: Nil

4. Name & Addresses of Board   Thomas J. Brady
of Directors/ Trustees:        Suite 620 - 800 West Pender St.,
                               Vancouver, BC V6C 2V6

5. Purpose:                    The purpose of the corporation shall be:
                               to engage in any lawful activity.

6. Names, Address and          Thomas J. Brady
Signature of Incorporator:
                               /s/ Thomas J. Brady
                               620 800 West Pender St., Vancouver, BC V6C 2V6

7. Certificate of Acceptance   I hereby accept appointment as Resident Agent
of Appointment of Resident     for the above named corporation.

8.       DURATION:  The Corporation shall have perpetual existence.


9.       POWERS:  The powers of the  Corporation  shall be those powers  granted
         by 78.060 and 78.070 of the Nevada Revised  Statutes under which   this
         corporation is formed.  In addition,  the  Corporation  shall have the
         following specific powers:

          (a)  To elect or appoint officers and agents of the Corporation and to
               fix their compensation;

          (b)  To act as an agent for any individual, association, partnership,
               corporation or other legal entity;

          (c)  To receive, acquire, hold, exercise rights arising out of the
               ownership or possession thereof, sell, or otherwise dispose of,
               shares or other interests in, or obligations of, individuals,
               associations, partnerships, corporations, or governments;

          (d)  To make, enter into, assume, perform, and carry out contracts of
               every kind and description with any person, firm, association,
               corporation, or government or subdivision thereof;

          (e)  To acquire, by purchase, exchange, or otherwise, all, or any part
               of, or any interest in the properties, assets, securities,
               business and good will of any one or more persons, firms,
               associations, or corporations heretofore or hereafter engaged in
               any business for which a corporation may now or hereafter be
               organized; to pay for the same in cash, property, or its own or
               other securities; to hold, operate, reorganize, liquidate, sell,
               or in any manner dispose of the whole or any part thereof; and in
               connection therewith, to assume or guarantee performance of any
               liabilities, obligations, or contracts of such persons, firms,
               associations, or corporations, and to conduct the whole or any
               part of any business thus acquired;

          (f)  To receive, acquire, hold, pledge, transfer, or otherwise dispose
               of shares of the corporation, but such shares may only be
               purchased, directly or indirectly, out of earned surplus;

          (g)  To make gifts or contributions for the public welfare or for
               charitable, scientific or educational purposes.

         The  foregoing  provisions of this Article shall be construed as powers
         and each as an independent power. The foregoing enumeration of specific
         powers  shall not be held to limit or restrict in any manner the powers
         of the Corporation,  and the powers herein specified shall, except when
         otherwise provided in this Article, be in no wise limited or restricted
         by reference to, or inference  from, the terms of any provision of this
         or any other Article of these Articles of Incorporation; provided, that
         the  Corporation  shall not carry on any business or exercise any power
         in any state,  territory,  or country  which under the laws thereof the
         Corporation may not lawfully carry on or exercise.

10.      CLASSES OF SHARES:  The shares which this  Corporation  is  authorized
         to issue shall be divided into two classes, as set forth in subsections
         (a) and (b) of this Article.

(a)             The total  number of shares of Common  Stock  which this
                Corporation is authorized to issue is 65,000,000 shares at $.001
                par value per share.

(b)             The total number of shares of Preferred  Stock which this
                Corporation  is  authorized  to issue is  10,000,000  shares  at
                $0.001  par  value per  share.  The  Board of  Directors  of the
                Corporation  is authorized,  to the maximum  extent  provided by
                law,  unless  otherwise  provided  herein,  to  provide  for the
                issuance  of shares of  Preferred  Stock or to  provide  for the
                issuance of shares of Preferred Stock in one or more series,  to
                establish from time to time the number of shares in such series,
                and to fix the designations,  voting powers, preferences, rights
                and qualifications, limitations or restrictions of the shares of
                Preferred Stock or such series.


11.      REDEMPTION,  CONVERSION:  Shares may be redeemable or  convertible  on
         such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Board of

12.      VOTING  RIGHTS OF  SHAREHOLDERS:  Each  holder of the Common  Stock
         shall be entitled to one vote for each share of stock standing in his
         name on the books of the Corporation.

13.      CONSIDERATION FOR SHARES:  The Common Stock shall be issued for
         such consideration, as shall be fixed from time to time by the Board of
         Directors. In the absence of fraud, the judgment of the Directors as to
         the value of any property for shares shall be  conclusive.  When shares
         are  issued  upon  payment of the  consideration  fixed by the Board of
         Directors,  such shares shall be taken to be fully paid stock and shall
         be   non-assessable.   The  Articles  shall  not  be  amended  in  this

14.      PRE-EMPTIVE  RIGHTS:  Except as may otherwise be provided by the
         Board  of  Directors,  no  holder  of any  shares  of the  stock of the
         Corporation,  shall have any  preemptive  right to purchase,  subscribe
         for, or otherwise acquire any shares of stock of the Corporation of any
         class now or hereafter authorized,  or any securities  exchangeable for
         or convertible into such shares,  or any warrants or other  instruments
         evidencing rights or options to subscribe for,  purchase,  or otherwise
         acquire such shares.

15.      STOCK RIGHTS AND OPTIONS:  The Corporation  shall have the power
         to create and issue rights,  warrants, or options entitling the holders
         thereof to  purchase  from the  corporation  any shares of its  capital
         stock of any class or classes,  upon such terms and  conditions  and at
         such  times and prices as the Board of  Directors  may  provide,  which
         terms  and  conditions  shall  be  incorporated  in  an  instrument  or
         instruments  evidencing  such  rights.  In the  absence  of fraud,  the
         judgment of the Directors as to the adequacy of  consideration  for the
         issuance of such rights or options and the sufficiency thereof shall be

16.      ASSESSMENT  OF STOCK:  The capital  stock of this  Corporation,
         after the  amount of the  subscription  price has been  fully  paid in,
         shall not be assessable  for any purpose,  and no stock issued as fully
         paid up shall ever be assessable or assessed. The holders of such stock
         shall not be  individually  responsible  for the debts,  contracts,  or
         liabilities of the  Corporation and shall not be liable for assessments
         to restore impairments in the capital of the Corporation.

17.      SIZE AND POWERS OF BOARD:  For the  management of the business, and for
         the conduct of the affairs of the  Corporation,  and for the future
         definition, limitation, and regulation of the powers of the Corporation
         and its directors and shareholders, it is further provided:

         Section 1. Size of Board.  The  members of the  governing  board of the
         Corporation shall be styled  directors.  The number of directors of the
         Corporation, their qualifications, terms of office, manner of election,
         time and place of meeting,  and powers and duties  shall be such as are
         prescribed by statute and in the by-laws of the Corporation.

         Section 2. Powers of Board.  In furtherance and not  in  limitation  of
         the powers  conferred by the laws of the State of Nevada, the Board of
         Directors is expressly authorized and empowered:

         (a)    To make,  alter,  amend,  and repeal the By-Laws  subject to the
                power of the shareholders to alter or repeal the By-Laws made by
                the Board of Directors.

         (b)    Subject to the  applicable  provisions  of the  By-Laws  then in
                effect,  to  determine,  from time to time,  whether and to what
                extent,  and at what times and places, and under what conditions
                and regulations,  the accounts and books of the Corporation,  or
                any of  them,  shall  be  open  to  shareholder  inspection.  No


                shareholder shall have any right to inspect any of the accounts,
                books or  documents of the  Corporation,  except as permitted by
                law,  unless and until  authorized to do so by resolution of the
                Board of Directors or of the Shareholders of the Corporation;

         (c)    To issue stock of the Corporation for money, property,  services
                rendered, labor performed, cash advanced, acquisitions for other
                corporations or for any other assets of value in accordance with
                the action of the board of directors  without vote or consent of
                the  shareholders  and the judgment of the board of directors as
                to value  received and in return  therefore  shall be conclusive
                and  said  stock,   when  issued,   shall  be   fully-paid   and

         (d)    To authorize and issue, without shareholder consent, obligations
                of the Corporation,  secured and unsecured, under such terms and
                conditions as the Board, in its sole discretion,  may determine,
                and to pledge or mortgage,  as security  therefore,  any real or
                personal property of the Corporation,  including  after-acquired

         (e)    To  determine  whether any and, if so, what part,  of the earned
                surplus of the  Corporation  shall be paid in  dividends  to the
                shareholders,   and  to  direct  and  determine  other  use  and
                disposition of any such earned surplus;

         (f)    To fix,  from time to time,  the  amount of the  profits  of the
                Corporation  to be reserved as working  capital or for any other
                lawful purpose;

         (g)    To establish bonus, profit-sharing, stock option, or other types
                of incentive  compensation  plans for the  employees,  including
                officers  and  directors,  of the  Corporation,  and to fix  the
                amount of profits to be shared or distributed,  and to determine
                the persons to  participate  in any such plans and the amount of
                their respective participations.

         (h)    To designate,  by resolution or resolutions passed by a majority
                of the whole Board, one or more  committees,  each consisting of
                two or more directors, which, to the extent permitted by law and
                authorized by the resolution or the By-Laws,  shall have and may
                exercise the powers of the Board;

         (i)    To provide for the reasonable compensation of its own members by
                By-Law,  and to fix the terms and  conditions  upon  which  such
                compensation will be paid;

         (j)    In addition to the powers and  authority  herein  before,  or by
                statute, expressly conferred upon it, the Board of Directors may
                exercise  all such powers and do all such acts and things as may
                be exercised or done by the corporation,  subject, nevertheless,
                to the  provisions of the laws of the State of Nevada,  of these
                Articles   of   Incorporation,   and  of  the   By-Laws  of  the

         Section 3.  Interested  Directors.  No contract or transaction  between
         this Corporation and any of its directors,  or between this Corporation
         and any other  corporation,  firm,  association,  or other legal entity
         shall be  invalidated  by reason of the fact that the  director  of the
         Corporation has a direct or indirect interest,  pecuniary or otherwise,
         in such corporation, firm, association, or legal entity, or because the
         interested  director  was  present  at  the  meeting  of the  Board  of
         Directors  which  acted  upon  or in  reference  to  such  contract  or
         transaction,  or because he participated in such action, provided that:
         (1) the interest of each such director  shall have been disclosed to or
         known by the Board and a disinterested majority of the Board shall have
         nonetheless  ratified and approved such contract or  transaction  (such
         interested  director or directors may be counted in determining whether
         a quorum is  present  for the  meeting at which  such  ratification  or
         approval is given); or (2) the conditions of N.R.S. 78.140 are met.

         liability  of  a  director  or  officer  of  the   corporation  to  the


         corporation  or the  Shareholders  for damages for breach of  fiduciary
         duty as a  director  or officer  shall be limited to acts or  omissions
         which involve intentional  misconduct,  fraud or a knowing violation of

19.      INDEMNIFICATION:   Each  director  and  each officer of the corporation
         may be indemnified by the corporation as follows:

          (a)  The corporation may indemnify any person who was or is a party,
               or is threatened to be made a party, to any threatened, pending
               or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal,
               administrative or investigative (other than an action by or in
               the right of the corporation), by reason of the fact that he is
               or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the corporation,
               or is or was serving at the request of the corporation as a
               director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation,
               partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, against
               expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and
               amounts paid in settlement, actually and reasonably incurred by
               him in connection with the action, suit or proceeding, if he
               acted in good faith and in a manner which he reasonably believed
               to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the corporation
               and with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no
               reasonable cause to believe his conduct was unlawful. The
               termination of any action, suite or proceeding, by judgment,
               order, settlement, conviction or upon a plea of nolo contendere
               or its equivalent, does not of itself create a presumption that
               the person did not act in good faith and in a manner which he
               reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests
               of the corporation, and that, with respect to any criminal action
               or proceeding, he had reasonable cause to believe that his
               conduct was unlawful.

          (b)  The corporation may indemnify any person who was or is a party,
               or is threatened to be made a party, to any threatened, pending
               or completed action or suit by or in the right of the
               corporation, to procure a judgment in its favor by reason of the
               fact that he is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of
               the corporation, or is or was serving at the request of the
               corporation as a director, officer, employee or agent of another
               corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other
               enterprise against expenses including amounts paid in settlement
               and attorneys' fees actually and reasonably incurred by him in
               connection with the defense or settlement of the action or suit,
               if he acted in good faith and in a manner which he reasonably
               believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the
               corporation. Indemnification may not be made for any claim, issue
               or matter as to which such a person has been adjudged by a court
               of competent jurisdiction, after exhaustion of all appeals there
               from, to be liable to the corporation or for amounts paid in
               settlement to the corporation, unless and only to the extent that
               the court in which the action or suit was brought or other court
               of competent jurisdiction determines upon application that in
               view of all the circumstances of the case the person is fairly
               and reasonably entitled to indemnity for such expenses as the
               court deems proper.

          (c)  To the extent that a director, officer, employee or agent of a
               corporation has been successful on the merits or otherwise in
               defense of any action, suit or proceeding referred to in
               subsections (a) and (b) of this Article, or in defense of any
               claim, issue or matter therein, he must be indemnified by the
               corporation against expenses, including attorney's fees, actually
               and reasonably incurred by him in connection with the defense.

          (d)  Any indemnification under subsections (a) and (b) unless ordered
               by a court or advanced pursuant to subsection (e), must be made
               by the corporation only as authorized in the specific case upon a
               determination that indemnification of the director, officer,
               employee or agent is proper in the circumstances. The
               determination must be made:

                (i)   By the stockholders;

                (ii)  By the board of  directors  by  majority  vote of a quorum
                      consisting  of directors  who were not parties to the act,
                      suit or proceeding;


                (iii) If a majority vote of a quorum consisting of directors who
                      were not parties to the act, suit or proceeding so orders,
                      by independent legal counsel in a written opinion; or

                (iv)  If a quorum  consisting  of directors who were not parties
                      to the act,  suit or  proceeding  cannot be  obtained,  by
                      independent legal counsel in a written opinion.

          (e)  Expenses of officers and directors incurred in defending a civil
               or criminal action, suit or proceeding must be paid by the
               corporation as they are incurred and in advance of the final
               disposition of the action, suit or proceeding, upon receipt of an
               undertaking by or on behalf of the director or officer to repay
               the amount if it is ultimately determined by a court of competent
               jurisdiction that he is not entitled to be indemnified by the
               corporation. The provisions of this subsection do not affect any
               rights to advancement of expenses to which corporate personnel
               other than directors or officers may be entitled under any
               contract or otherwise by law.

          (f)  The indemnification and advancement of expenses authorized in or
               ordered by a court pursuant to this section:

               (i)  Does not exclude any other rights to which a person seeking
                    indemnification or advancement of expenses may be entitled
                    under the certificate or articles of incorporation or any
                    bylaw, agreement, vote of stockholders or disinterested
                    directors or otherwise, for either an action in his official
                    capacity or an action in another capacity while holding his
                    office, except that indemnification, unless ordered by a
                    court pursuant to subsection (b) or for the advancement of
                    expenses made pursuant to subsection (e) may not be made to
                    or on behalf of any director or officer if a final
                    adjudication establishes that his acts or omissions involved
                    intentional misconduct, fraud or a knowing violation of the
                    law and was material to the cause of action.

               (ii) Continues for a person who has ceased to be a director,
                    officer, employee or agent and inures to the benefit of the
                    heirs, executors and administrators of such a person.

20.      PLACE OF MEETING;  CORPORATE  BOOKS:  Subject to the laws of the
         State of Nevada, the shareholders and the Directors shall have power to
         hold  their  meetings,  and the  Directors  shall have power to have an
         office or offices and to maintain the books of the Corporation  outside
         the State of  Nevada,  at such place or places as may from time to time
         be designated in the By-Laws or by appropriate resolution.

21.      AMENDMENT  OF ARTICLES:  The  provisions  of these  Articles of
         Incorporation may be amended,  altered or repealed from time to time to
         the  extent and in the  manner  prescribed  by the laws of the State of
         Nevada, and additional  provisions  authorized by such laws as are then
         in force may be added.  All rights herein  conferred on the  directors,
         officers and shareholders are granted subject to this reservation.