

Company Introduces High-Quality Broadband Telephone Services in Shan Xi Province
and Liao Ning Province

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HENDERSON,  NV, December 6, 2006 - - - As the result of rapid  acceptance of its
proprietary  NP Soft Switch IP telephone  system,  China VoIP & Digital  Telecom
Inc.  (OTCBB:CVDT)  through  its new  wholly  owned  subsidiary,  Jinan  Yinquan
Technology  Co., Ltd.,  has added two additional  cities in two new provinces to
the ongoing  marketing of the system. NP Soft Switch IP telephone system enables
users to access  Voice  over the  Internet  Protocol  (VoIP)  services  allowing
customers to use the system to make telephone  calls to anyone in the world at a
much lower cost than standard telephone rates.

Jinan  Yinquan,  a technology  company  offering  VoIP  services in the People's
Republic of China, has been developing  telecommunications solutions for China's
burgeoning Internet industry for more than half a decade.

The  Company  said the  system,  which  provides  users to  access  high-quality
broadband  telephone  services in China by  converting  a  customers'  cable/dsl
router into a VoIP device, is now available in TaiYuan,  in Shan Xi Province and
ShenYeng in Liao Ning Province.  There are 33 million people in Shan Xi province
and 42 million in Liao Ning.  The  population  of  Shandong  is 90 million  with
approximately 10 million Internet users.

"This will bring to 19 the  number of cities and our first  outside of  Shandong
Province  where our system is  available,"  said Li Kunwu,  President and CEO of
China VoIP & Digital Telecom Inc. "We are extremely encouraged by the acceptance
of the NP Soft Switch IP telephone  system  which has prompted us to  accelerate
our  marketing  efforts to areas  outside  of our core  Shandong  Province  core

"The estimated  number of Internet users in China is less than 10 percent of the
total  population  of 1.3 billion  people,"  said Kunwu.  "However,  that number
continues  to grow  exponentially  as the economy  booms and  affordable  access
becomes  more  readily  available.  Combine  this with the  growing  demand  for
quality,  affordable  phone  service and it  squarely  places our Company in the
enviable position to become a provider of telecommunications solutions using the

Jinan Yinquan's proprietary NP Soft Switch IP phone system is based on real-time
Internet communications technology and related applications. It uses software to
simulate circuit  switching and as a result,  provides networks call control and
connection control networks.


"Less than 25 percent of China's  total  population  is  landline  subscribers,"
Kunwu added.  "This is due in part to availability and cost. But the convergence
of accessible,  economical  high-speed  Internet  service and an affordable VoIP
service such as our NP Soft Switch System  creates a very exciting  scenario for
the growth of our company."

Kunwu said the Company's  future plans call for the expansion  into all of China
with its current and future products and services.

More  information on the Company and its wholly owned subsidiary can be found in
the  Company's  8K filing of November  13, 2006 on the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission official website at www.sec.gov.

About China VoIP & Digital Telecom Inc.
China  VoIP & Digital  Telecom  Inc.  offers  Voice over the  Internet  Protocol
service in the People's  Republic of China  through its wholly owned  subsidiary
Jinan Yinquan  Technology  Co. Ltd.  Through Jinan  Yinquan,  China VoIP is well
positioned to take full advantage of the tremendous  economic  growth  currently
being  experienced  in China.  The Company is  currently  marketing  its NP Soft
Switch  system  in  China  and  is  currently  in the  testing  stage  of  other
Information  Technology products.  The Company currently has 30 employees and is
located in the Shandong Province, People's Republic of China.
More information can be found at www.chinavoip-telecom.com.

Notice Regarding Forward Looking Statements

Statements  regarding the Company's  business which are not historical facts are
"forward-looking  statements"  that involve risks and  uncertainties  that could
cause actual results to differ  materially from the potential  results discussed
in the  forward-looking  statements.  Forward  looking  statements in this press
release  include that our system  allows  customers to make  telephone  calls to
anyone in the world at a much lower cost than  standard  telephone  rates;  that
internet  usage in China will continue to  exponentially  and that there will be
growing demand for quality,  affordable phone service;  that current  conditions
will result in a very exciting scenario for the growth of our company;  and that
our future plans call for the  expansion  into all of China with our current and
future products and services.  .Actual results may differ  materially from those
currently  anticipated  due to a  number  of  factors  as we may  find  that our
products  must compete with  cheaper or better  products;  we may not be able to
retain key  employees;  a bigger  market may not develop for our products and we
may not be able to continue to attract new customers;  we may face litigation if
our technology  fails to work when required;  our  intellectual  property may be
attacked and defeated in court  proceedings;  our patent filings may be rejected


by the patent  offices;  other  companies  may  discover  and develop  better or
cheaper  technologies that would render our products  obsolete;  we may not have
sufficient  funding to further develop and/or market our technology;  and we may
face  regulatory  issues in trying to expand  throughout  China.  There are also
country  risks   associated   with  investing  in  China,   including   currency
fluctuation,  repatriation of capital, and potential regulatory hurdles. Readers
are directed to the China VoIP & Digital Telecom Inc.  reports as filed with the
U.S.  Securities and Exchange  Commission  from time to time,  including but not
limited to its 8-K filed  November 13, 2006 under our prior name  Crawford  Lake
Mining  Inc.  which  outlined  the  company's   current   business  for  further
information  and factors  that may affect  China VoIP & Digital  Telecom  Inc.'s
business and results of operations. China VoIP & Digital Telecom Inc. undertakes
no  obligations  to publicly  update any  forward-looking  statements to reflect
future events or circumstances.

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Peter Nasca
Peter Nasca Associates, Inc.