AGREEMENT OF STOCK OPTION GRANTS

This is an agreement between Eugene Science (the "Company") and  _______________
(the "Stakeholder")  regarding the Stakeholder's stock options for the Company's
shares, granted by the Company. (The "Stock Options")

The  objective  of this  agreement  is to  specify  the  rights  granted  to the
Stakeholder by the Company, in the form of Stock Options.  The Stock Options are
granted based on the  Stakeholder's  contribution  to the Company's  growth,  in
order to promote continued growth for the Company and motivate and encourage the
Stakeholder in his/her continuing contribution to the Company.

The purchase price of the Company's  shares offered (the "Offered Price") to the
Stakeholder is ___________ (__________) wons per share.

     1.   The Company will offer the Stakeholder with  _____________ of endorsed
          common stocks of the Company.
     2.   The Company will issue the stocks offered,  stated in the clause 1, as
          new stocks at the Offered Price in the amount stated in the Article 2.

The Stock  Options  granted to the  Stakeholder  by the  Company  will remain in
effect from ______________ to _______________ (___ years).

     1.   To be eligible, the Stakeholder must be employed by the Company at the
          time of the execution of the Stock Options.
     2.   Even if the  condition  stated in the clause 1 is not  fulfilled,  the
          Stakeholder may be eligible in the following cases:
          A.   The Stakeholder dies, or retires due to the age limit, or resigns
               or retires after being promoted to an executive position,  within
               three (3) years from the date of the grant.
          B.   The Stakeholder  resigns or retires due to reasons other than the
               Stakeholder's fault.
     3.   In case of the Stakeholder's  death,  his/her heir/heiress will be the
          beneficiary of the Stock Options.

     1.   When the  Stakeholder  wishes to execute  his/her Stock  Options,  the
          Stakeholder should notify the Company in writing 10 days prior to such
          execution.  The notice date is the date on which the Company  obtained
          the notice.
     2.   To execute the Stock Options,  the Stakeholder should make a full cash
          payment  within 7 days from the notice date as specified in the clause
     3.   The Company  will issue the  corresponding  stocks to the  Stakeholder
          within 14 days from the  payment  in the clause 2.  However,  in cases
          where  the  Company  is  not  able  to  issue  new  stocks  due to the
          requirements  for  printing  and  other  regulations  regarding  stock
          issuance,  the  Stakeholder  and the  Company may agree to adjust this


     1.   In case of share value depreciation  after this agreement,  due to any
          paid-in  capital  increases,  free  issuances  of  new  shares,  stock
          dividends, bond conversions,  issuance of preemptive rights as secured
          debentures, stock splits, mergers and acquisitions, face value splits,
          etc, the Offered Price for the  Stakeholder  will be  recalculated  as
          follows.  However,  if the  adjusted  Offered  Price is below the face
          value,  the total amount of purchase  granted will be set based on the
          adjusted Offered Price, and the purchase price will be set as the face
          A.   In  case  of a  paid-in  capital  increase  ("PCI,"  for  capital
               increases with lower share price than the Offered Price):
               * Adjusted  Offered  Price = (Total number of shares before PCI X
               Offered  Price + number of share  issued at PCI X issue price per
               share at PCI) / (Total  number of shares  before  PCI + number of
               share issued at PCI)
          B.   In case of a free issuance of new shares ("FIS"):

               * Adjusted  Offered Price = Offered Price X Total number of share
               before FIS / (Total number of shares before FIS + number of share
               issued at FIS)
          C.   In case of stock dividends ("SD"):
               Stock  dividends will be regarded as paid-in  capital  increases,
               and the Offered Price will be adjusted as in the case A. However,
               if the payout ratio is over 50% (including  the stock  dividends)
               and the  dividend  rate is over 20%,  the  Offered  Price will be
               adjusted as follows:
               * Adjusted  Offered Price = Offered Price X (Total equity capital
               of the Company  before SD - SD amount over 50% of payout ratio) /
               Total equity capital of the Company before SD
          D.   In case of a bond conversion or an issuance of preemptive  rights
               as secured debenture:
               In this case, if the conversion price or the issue price is lower
               than the  Offered  Price,  it will be  assumed  that  all  shares
               available  for such  conversion  or  issuance  have been  already
               converted or issued, and the Offered Price will be adjusted as in
               the previous case C.
          E.   In case of a face value split or annexation ("FS/FA"):
               * Adjusted  Offered  Price = (Per share face value  after FS/FA /
               Per share face value before FS/FA) X Offered Price
          F.   In case of a merger and acquisition of the Company:
               Offered  Price  will  be  adjusted  according  to the  terms  and
               conditions of such merger and acquisition.  If there are no terms
               and  conditions  specified,  and  the  Stock  Options  are  still
               effective, the Offered Price will be adjusted based on the merger
     2.   For each of the above  cases,  the  amount  (number  of shares) of the
          Stock Options will be calculated as follows. However, the total amount
          will be rounded down to the nearest won, and the number of shares will
          be rounded down to the nearest integer.
          * Adjusted purchase amount (number of shares) = Purchase amount before
          adjustment  X (Offered  Price  before  adjustment  / Adjusted  Offered

     1.   The Stock Options  granted to the Stakeholder by the Company cannot be
          transferred  to a third party,  or  established  as  collateral,  or a
          subject of a seizure.  The Stock  Options will no longer be valid,  in
          case of such transfer, establishment, or seizure.

     2.   When trading the stocks  obtained as a result of the  execution of the
          Stock Options,  the Stakeholder  should comply with the Securities and
          Exchange Acts, including the article 188 clause 2, "prohibition of the
          use of  undisclosed  information,"  and  the  article  188  clause  4,
          "prohibition of market manipulation and unfair trading."

According  to the  Company's  statute,  the  Company may cancel the grant of the
Stock Options of the Stakeholder  upon an agreement form the Company's board, in
either of the following cases:
     1.   The Stakeholder  resigns from his/her  position at the Company,  for a
          personal reason
     2.   Serious losses occur to the Company due to the Stakeholder's faults or
          purposeful acts
     3.   The  Company is not  capable  of issue the  granted  stocks,  due to a
          bankruptcy or closedown

     1.   Related laws and regulations,  the Securities and Exchange Commissions
          regulations,  and the Company's  policy related to share issuance will
          be referred  to,  regarding  matters  that are not  specified  in this
          document in reference to the Stock Options.
     2.   In case any terms and  conditions  herein  differ from as regulated by
          related laws,  the laws will override the terms and conditions in this
          document.  In case of the Company's  failure to fulfill this agreement
          under an unavoidable  circumstances  outside of the Company's control,
          The   Company  is  exempt   from  any   indemnities   caused  by  such
     3.   This  agreement will fall out of legal bindings on the next day of the
          Company's stock issuance, at the Stakeholder's  execution of the Stock

Two copies of this document will be produced and the Company and the Stakeholder
each keeps one copy.

Date:  ______________________

The Company:      Eugene Science, CEO Seung-kwon Noh
                  Fl. 8 LG Palace Building, 165-8 Donggyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul,

The Stakeholder:
                  Name: ______________________
                  Address:  ____________________________
                  National Registration Number: ______________