EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT

         This  contract  of  employment  is  executed  and  entered  into by and
         "The EMPLOYER":  Eugene Science (CEO: Seung-kwon Noh)
         "The EMPLOYEE":  Jae Hong Yoo
                          (National Registration Number: 630611-1019719

         The EMPLOYER and the EMPLOYEE agree on the following:
         1)       Duration of Contract:  From 28/07/2002 to  ___________________
                                             (dd/mm/yyyy)       (dd/mm/yyyy)
         2)       Job Position: ______________Division/Department HR AND FINANCE
                  The EMPLOYER may change the position/division if required, and
                  the EMPLOYEE will accept the change(s) without objections.
         3)       Salary: 36,000,000 Wons per Year
                  A.       The amount stated above  includes  wages for at least
                           300 work hours per year (or 25 work hours per month),
                           bonuses, transportation, food, and other work related
                  B.       Compensation  for unused  vacation days: The EMPLOYEE
                           should use all vacation  days.  The EMPLOYER will pay
                           ordinary wages for unused vacation days.
         4)       Salary Payment Method
                  The monthly wage amount is equal to the annual  salary  amount
                  (stated above)  divided by 12 (twelve).  The EMPLOYER will pay
                  the EMPLOYEE the monthly wage on the 21st day of each month.
         5)       Severance/ Retirement Pay
                  A.       If the  employment  ends  after one year or more from
                           the  beginning  date,  the  EMPLOYEE is entitled to a
                           severance/retirement pay. The EMPLOYER will make this
                           payment  within 14 days from the  ending  date of the
                           employment, or another date that the EMPLOYER and the
                           EMPLOYEE agree on.
                  B.       The  severance/retirement pay amount is calculated as
                           Payment  amount = (Total  wage  amount for the last 3
                           months of the employment / 3) x (Total number of days
                           of the employment / 365)
         6)       Probation Period
                  A.       There  will be 3 months  of  probation  period  for a
                           newly hired employee.
                  B.       If the EMPLOYEE  fails to  demonstrate  adequate work
                           performance and attitude, the EMPLOYER may cancel the
                           employment  contract without a prior notice,  and the
                           EMPLOYEE   will  accept  the   cancellation   without
                  C.       During the  probation  period,  the EMPLOYER will pay
                           the  EMPLOYEE  80%  of  the  salary  stated  on  this

         1)       The  EMPLOYEE  agrees with the above terms and,  according  to
                  article 7 of the Salary and Wage Policy, not to reveal his/her
                  salary amount to other  employees,  or  purposefully  find out
                  other  employee's  salary amount.  Failure to comply with this
                  may result in disadvantages to the EMPLOYEE in the performance
         2)       If the EMPLOYEE  wishes to end the  employment,  he/she should
                  submit a written  notification with handover plans for his/her
                  job duties to the  EMPLOYER  at least 15 days prior to his/her
                  requested  resignation  date. The employment will continue for
                  15 days or as the EMPLOYEE  and EMPLOYER  agree on, after such
         3)       The Company  Policy  will be referred to matters  that are not
                  specified herein.

CONTRACT DATE:    28/07/2002

THE EMPLOYER:     Seung-kwon Noh, CEO, Eugene Science

THE EMPLOYER:     Name    JAE HONG YOO      (signature)  /S/ JAE HONG YOO
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