EUGENE SCIENCE, INC.


                      PERIODS ENDED JUNE 30, 2005 and 2004


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm                       1

Consolidated Balance Sheets                                                   2

Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Deficit                              3

Consolidated Statements of Operations                                     4 - 5

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                                         6

Notes to Financial Statements                                              7-20


To the Stockholders of

         We have reviewed the  accompanying  balance  sheets of EUGENE  SCIENCE,
INC.  and  subsidiary  (the  "Company")  as at June 30,  2005 and 2004,  and the
related statements of operations,  stockholders' deficit, and cash flows for the
six-month  periods  then  ended.  These  interim  financial  statements  are the
responsibility of the Company's management.

         We conducted  our reviews in  accordance  with  standards of the Public
Company  Accounting  Oversight  Board  (United  States).  A  review  of  interim
financial information consists principally of applying analytical procedures and
making inquiries of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters. It
is  substantially  less in scope  than an audit  conducted  in  accordance  with
standards of the Public Company Accounting  Oversight Board (United States), the
objective  of which is the  expression  of an opinion  regarding  the  financial
statements taken as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

         Based on our reviews,  we are not aware of any  material  modifications
that should be made to such consolidated  interim financial  statements for them
to be in conformity with accounting  principles generally accepted in the United
States of America.

         The accompanying  financial statements have been prepared assuming that
the Company  will  continue as a going  concern.  As  discussed in Note 1 to the
financial  statements,  the Company has suffered  recurring  losses and negative
working  capital  from  operations  and operates in a country  whose  economy is
currently unstable, which raises substantial doubt about its ability to continue
as a going  concern.  Management's  plan in  regard  to these  matters  are also
described in Note 1. The  financial  statements  do not include any  adjustments
that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.

                                                    /S/ SF PARTNERSHIP, LLP

TORONTO, CANADA                                     CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS
September 26, 2005


Consolidated Balance Sheets
June 30, 2005 and 2004

                                                                   2005            2004
                                                               ------------    ------------
    Cash and cash equivalents (note 3) .....................   $     58,018    $    493,612
    Accounts receivable (net of allowance for
      doubtful accounts $317,492; 2004 - $263,178) (note 15)      2,405,187       2,297,554
    Inventory (note 4) .....................................         39,168         138,111
    Advances to a  related company (note 5) ................      1,169,500         250,371
    Prepaid and sundry assets ..............................        194,088         100,629
                                                               ------------    ------------
                                                                  3,865,961       3,280,277
PROPERTIES AND EQUIPMENT (note 6) ..........................      9,384,232       8,922,950
INVESTMENTS (note 7) .......................................        531,470         613,875
INTANGIBLE ASSETS ..........................................        176,323         167,590
                                                               ------------    ------------
                                                               $ 13,957,986    $ 12,984,692
                                                               ============    ============

    Accounts payable .......................................   $  6,594,454    $  3,988,121
    Rental deposits (note 8) ...............................        154,880         194,625
    Loans payable - current portion (note 9) ...............     10,249,831       5,286,385
    Advances from shareholder and officer (note 10) ........           --             8,068
                                                               ------------    ------------
                                                                 16,999,165       9,477,199
ACCRUED SEVERANCE ..........................................        475,907         331,018
DEPOSIT (note 16) ..........................................      1,561,868       1,568,678
LOANS PAYABLE  (note 9) ....................................        313,879       1,668,113
CONVERTIBLE DEBENTURES (note 11) ...........................           --         1,726,994
                                                               ------------    ------------
                                                                 19,350,819      14,772,002
                                                               ------------    ------------
CAPITAL STOCK (note 12) ....................................      2,786,822       2,538,572
PAID IN CAPITAL ............................................     13,433,273      12,688,523
ACCUMULATED OTHER COMPREHENSIVE LOSS .......................     (1,676,818)     (1,168,696)
ACCUMULATED DEFICIT ........................................    (19,936,110)    (15,845,709)
                                                               ------------    ------------
                                                                 (5,392,833)     (1,787,310)
                                                               ------------    ------------
                                                               $ 13,957,986    $ 12,984,692
                                                               ============    ============


- -------------------------------                  -------------------------------
            Director                                         Director


Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Deficit
Six Months Ended June 30, 2005 and 2004

                                                        PAID IN     ACCUMULATED
                                                      CAPITAL IN       OTHER                            TOTAL
                          SHARES         STOCK        PAR VALUE         LOSS           DEFICIT         DEFICIT
                       ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------    ------------    ------------
Balance, January 1,
   2004                  29,197,300   $  2,538,572   $ 12,688,523   $ (1,167,171)   $(14,293,380)   $   (233,456)

   Foreign exchange
      on translation           --             --             --           (1,525)           --            (1,525)

   Net loss ........           --             --             --             --        (1,552,329)     (1,552,329)
                       ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------    ------------    ------------

Balance, June 30,
   2004                  29,197,300   $  2,538,572   $ 12,688,523   $ (1,168,696)   $(15,845,709)   $ (1,787,310)
                       ============   ============   ============   ============    ============    ============

Balance, January 1,
   2005                  29,197,300   $  2,538,572   $ 12,688,523   $ (1,676,719)   $(18,028,969)   $ (4,478,593)

   Issuance of
      shares .......      2,500,000        248,250        744,750           --              --           993,000

   Unrealized loss
      on investments           --             --             --          (52,828)           --           (52,828)

   Foreign exchange
      on translation           --             --             --           52,729            --            52,729

   Net loss ........           --             --             --             --        (1,907,141)     (1,907,141)
                       ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------    ------------    ------------

Balance, June 30,
   2005                  31,697,300   $  2,786,822   $ 13,433,273   $ (1,676,818)   $(19,936,110)   $ (5,392,833)
                       ============   ============   ============   ============    ============    ============


Consolidated Statements of Operations
Six Months Ended June 30, 2005 and 2004

                                                       2005            2004
                                                   ------------    ------------

    Manufacturing ..............................   $    294,791    $  1,272,934
    Merchandise ................................        221,523         297,637
                                                   ------------    ------------
                                                        516,314       1,570,571
                                                   ------------    ------------
    Manufacturing ..............................        238,229       1,152,737
    Merchandise ................................        175,541         337,834
                                                   ------------    ------------
                                                        413,770       1,490,571
                                                   ------------    ------------
GROSS PROFIT ...................................        102,544          80,000
                                                   ------------    ------------
    Salaries, employee benefits, and retirement
       allowance ...............................        473,195         442,397
    Research and development ...................        215,022         182,287
    Professional fees ..........................        121,222          69,237
    Travel .....................................         86,215          28,663
    Repairs and maintenance ....................         42,466          30,969
    Financing fees .............................         32,422            --
    Office and general .........................         28,827          36,834
    Utilities ..................................         25,566          32,153
    Advertising, promotion, and entertainment ..         16,409         134,727
    Bad debts ..................................          8,147          20,590
    Insurance ..................................          4,043           9,725
    Rent .......................................          2,956            --
    Foreign exchange ...........................           --                34
    Depreciation ...............................        195,858         177,861
                                                   ------------    ------------
                                                      1,252,348       1,165,477
                                                   ------------    ------------
OPERATING LOSS .................................     (1,149,804)     (1,085,477)
                                                   ------------    ------------

    Net rental income ..........................         72,505          70,859
    Miscellaneous income (loss) ................         16,268         (54,807)
    Interest expense - net .....................       (835,351)       (482,002)
    Loss on disposition of equipment ...........        (10,759)           (902)
                                                   ------------    ------------
                                                       (757,337)       (466,852)
                                                   ------------    ------------

NET LOSS .......................................   $ (1,907,141)   $ (1,552,329)
                                                   ============    ============

BASIC LOSS PER SHARE ...........................   $      (0.06)   $      (0.05)
                                                   ============    ============

WEIGHTED AVERAGE NUMBER OF SHARES ..............     30,863,967      29,197,300
                                                   ============    ============


Consolidated Statements of Operations
Three Months Ended June 30, 2005 and 2004

                                                       2005            2004
                                                   ------------    ------------

    Manufacturing ..............................   $     50,593    $    497,875
    Merchandise ................................         48,450         128,804
                                                   ------------    ------------
                                                         99,043         626,679
                                                   ------------    ------------
    Manufacturing ..............................         44,394         387,997
    Merchandise ................................         38,887         212,633
                                                   ------------    ------------
                                                         83,281         600,630
                                                   ------------    ------------
GROSS PROFIT ...................................         15,762          26,049
                                                   ------------    ------------
    Salaries, employee benefits, and retirement
       allowance ...............................        242,571         241,675
    Professional fees ..........................         87,693          53,358
    Research and development ...................         84,100          90,798
    Travel .....................................         39,186          20,319
    Repairs and maintenance ....................         24,914          15,919
    Office and general .........................         14,453          31,328
    Advertising, promotion, and entertainment ..         13,876          83,621
    Utilities ..................................         10,739          19,851
    Bad debts ..................................          8,147          20,590
    Rent .......................................          2,956            --
    Foreign exchange ...........................           --                34
    Depreciation ...............................         79,263          85,880
                                                   ------------    ------------
                                                        607,898         663,373
                                                   ------------    ------------
OPERATING LOSS .................................       (592,136)       (637,324)
                                                   ------------    ------------
    Net rental income ..........................         32,721          52,160
    Miscellaneous income (loss) ................         (7,048)        (54,816)
    Interest expense - net .....................       (581,205)       (170,820)
    Loss on disposition of equipment ...........        (10,691)            646
                                                   ------------    ------------
                                                       (566,223)       (172,830)
                                                   ------------    ------------

NET LOSS .......................................   $ (1,158,359)   $   (810,154)
                                                   ============    ============

BASIC LOSS PER SHARE ...........................   $      (0.04)   $      (0.03)
                                                   ============    ============

WEIGHTED AVERAGE NUMBER OF SHARES ..............     30,030,633      29,197,300
                                                   ============    ============


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Six Months Ended June 30, 2005 and 2004

                                                         2005           2004
                                                     -----------    -----------

    Net loss .....................................   $(1,907,141)   $(1,552,329)
    Adjustments for:
      Depreciation ...............................       332,740        298,805
      Amortization of intangible assets ..........        18,696         15,596
      Loss on disposition of equipment ...........        10,759            902
    Change in non-cash working capital
      Accounts receivable ........................       301,581          9,129
      Inventory ..................................       (24,616)      (200,070)
      Accounts payable ...........................       906,329        179,971
      Accrued severance ..........................        53,585         20,036
      Prepaid and sundry assets ..................       (25,089)          (696)
      Rental deposits ............................          --           55,704
      Deposit ....................................      (197,060)     1,554,152
                                                     -----------    -----------

                                                        (530,216)       381,200
                                                     -----------    -----------

      Acquisition of property and equipment ......       (13,037)      (395,479)
      Investments ................................        53,772           --
      Intangible assets ..........................        (9,822)       (10,594)
                                                     -----------    -----------

                                                          30,913       (406,073)
                                                     -----------    -----------

      Advances from a related company ............          --          (13,115)
      Loans payable ..............................      (210,002)      (364,292)
      Advances from shareholder and officer ......        (6,234)       (75,992)
      Convertible debentures .....................          --            4,811
      Advances to a related company ..............      (255,472)       248,053
      Issuance of common stock ...................       993,000           --
                                                     -----------    -----------

                                                         521,292       (200,535)
                                                     -----------    -----------

FOREIGN EXCHANGE ON CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS ....          (652)        21,070
                                                     -----------    -----------

   EQUIVALENTS ...................................        21,337       (204,338)

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS - BEGINNING OF PERIOD ..        36,681        697,950

                                                     -----------    -----------
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS - END OF PERIOD ........   $    58,018    $   493,612
                                                     ===========    ===========


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2005 and 2004


         a)       Description of Business

                  Eugene Science,  Inc. ("the Company"),  a company operating in
                  Bucheon, Kyunggi-Do,  Korea, was founded on July 1, 1997 under
                  the laws of the  Republic  of Korea  to  manufacture  and sell
                  bio-technology products.

                  From its inception, the Company has been actively investing in
                  research to develop new  technologies  that can be used in the
                  functional food and drug industry.

                  The Company  manufactures  CZ(TM) series  cholesterol-lowering
                  functional food ingredients,  beverages and capsules fortified
                  with CZ(TM)  series  ingredients,  and ordinary  corn oil. The
                  merchandise sales include the purchase and resale of vegetable
                  oil products which include the ingredients of CZ(TM) series.

         b)       Going Concern

                  The Company's  financial  statements  are presented on a going
                  concern basis,  which  contemplates  the realization of assets
                  and  satisfaction  of  liabilities  in the  normal  course  of
                  business.  The Company has experienced  recurring losses since
                  2000 and has negative  cash flows from  operations  that raise
                  substantial  doubt as to its  ability to  continue  as a going
                  concern.  For the periods  ended June 30,  2005 and 2004,  the
                  Company  experienced  net losses of $1,907,141  and $1,552,329

                  The  Company's  ability to continue as a going concern is also
                  contingent  upon its ability to secure  additional  financing,
                  initiating  sale  of  its  product  and  attaining  profitable

                  In May 2005,  plant  sterols,  the main  ingredient  of CZ(TM)
                  series,  was  formally  approved  as a  health  function  food
                  ingredient by the Korean Food & Drug Administration, making it
                  possible for the Company to advertise the cholesterol-lowering
                  function of CZ(TM) and food enriched with CZ(TM).  The Company
                  expects  that the  favorable  change  in the  regulation  will
                  strongly help in selling CZ(TM) to major food  companies.  The
                  Company  has also  developed  new  capsule  products  that are
                  efficient and convenient in delivering the health  function of
                  CZ(TM). The Company is actively  developing sales channels for
                  CZ(TM) and the capsule products and expects the sales to start
                  in the second half of 2005.


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2005 and 2004


                  The Company also plans to strengthen the cooperation  with its
                  international   partners  to  restart   shipping  to  overseas
                  markets.  The  Company  expects  to sell  CZTM to  major  food
                  companies through its international strategic partners such as
                  Archer Daniels Midland  Company.  In regards to CZTM capsules,
                  the Company also plans to provide a large volume to the United
                  States  market  starting  the  second  half  of  2005  through
                  marketing companies in the United States.

                  In addition,  management is pursuing various sources of equity
                  financing.  Although  the Company  plans to pursue  additional
                  financing,  there can be no assurance that the Company will be
                  able to secure  financing  when needed or obtain such on terms
                  satisfactory to the Company, if at all.

                  As  mentioned  in note 17,  subsequent  to the  year-end,  the
                  Company  entered  into  a  reverse-takeover  transaction  with
                  Ezcomm   Enterprises,   Inc.   ("EZCE"),   a  public  Delaware

                  The  financial  statements do not include any  adjustments  to
                  reflect the possible future effects on the  recoverability and
                  classification of assets or the amounts and  classification of
                  liabilities that may result from the possible inability of the
                  Company to continue as a going concern.


         The accounting policies of the Company are in accordance with generally
         accepted  accounting  principles of the United  States of America,  and
         their basis of  application  is  consistent.  Outlined  below are those
         policies considered particularly significant:

         a)       Basis of Presentation

                  The consolidated  financial statements include the accounts of
                  the  Company,  and its 74%  owned  subsidiary  UcoleBio  Corp.
                  Intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated on
                  consolidation. These consolidated financial statements reflect
                  all  adjustments,  which are,  in the  opinion of  management,
                  necessary for a fair presentation of the results for the year.

         b)       Unit of Measurement

         The      US Dollar  has been used as the unit of  measurement  in these
                  financial statements.


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2005 and 2004


         c)       Use of Estimates

                  Preparation  of  financial   statements  in  accordance   with
                  accounting  principles generally accepted in the United States
                  of  America   requires   management  to  make   estimates  and
                  assumptions  that affect the amounts reported in the financial
                  statements  and related notes to financial  statements.  These
                  estimates are based on management's  best knowledge of current
                  events and actions the  Company may  undertake  in the future.
                  Actual results may ultimately differ from estimates,  although
                  management  does not  believe  such  changes  will  materially
                  affect the financial statements in any individual year.

         d)       Revenue Recognition

                  The  Company  generates  revenues  from sales of  manufactured
                  goods and  merchandise,  as well as  rental  of the  company's

                  Revenues from products sales are recognized in accordance with
                  Staff  Accounting  Bulletin  No. 101 "Revenue  Recognition  in
                  Financial  Statements"  ("SAB  No.  101")  when  delivery  has
                  occurred   provided   there  is  persuasive   evidence  of  an
                  agreement,  the fee is fixed or determinable and collection of
                  the related receivable is probable.

                  The Company  retains  substantially  all of the  benefits  and
                  risks of  ownership  of its income  properties  and  therefore
                  accounts for leases with its tenants as operating leases.

         e)       Government Grants

                  Government  grants are  recognized  as income over the periods
                  necessary  to match them with the related  costs that they are
                  intended to compensate.

         f)       Currency Translation

                  The Company's  functional currency is Korean won.  Adjustments
                  to translate those statements into U.S. dollars at the balance
                  sheet date are recorded in other comprehensive income.

                  Foreign  currency  transactions  of the Korean  operation have
                  been  translated  to Korean Won at the rate  prevailing at the
                  time of the  transaction.  Realized foreign exchange gains and
                  losses have been charged to income in the year.

         g)       Cash and Equivalents

                  Highly liquid  investments  with maturities of three months or
                  less  when  purchased  are  considered  cash  equivalents  and
                  recorded at cost, which approximates fair value.


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2005 and 2004


         h)       Properties and Equipment

                  Properties  and equipment are stated at cost.  Major  renewals
                  and betterments are capitalized and  expenditures  for repairs
                  and   maintenance   are   charges  to  expense  as   incurred.
                  Depreciation is computed using the  straight-line  method over
                  the following periods:

                        Building                              20-40 years
                        Machinery                                10 years
                        Vehicles                                  5 years
                        Furniture and equipment                 3-5 years

         i)       Intangible Assets

                  Intangible assets such as cost of obtaining  industrial rights
                  and patents are stated at cost, net of  depreciation  computed
                  using the straight-line method over 5 to 10 years.

         j)       Inventories

                  Inventories  are stated at the lower of cost or net realizable
                  value. Net realizable value is determined by deducting selling
                  expenses from selling price.

                  The  cost  of   inventories  is  determined  on  the  first-in
                  first-out method,  except for  materials-in-transit  for which
                  the specific identification method is used.

         k)       Investments

                  Investments   in   available-for-sale   securities  are  being
                  recorded in accordance  with FAS-115  "Accounting  for Certain
                  Investments in Debt and Equity Securities". Available-for-sale
                  securities  that are not held  principally  for the purpose of
                  selling in the near term are  reported  at fair  market  value
                  with  unrealized   holding  gains  and  losses  excluded  from
                  earnings and reported as a separate component of stockholders'

         l)       Financial Instruments

                  Fair  values of cash  equivalents,  short-term  and  long-term
                  investments   and  short-term  debt   approximate   cost.  The
                  estimated   fair  values  of  other   financial   instruments,
                  including debt, equity and risk management  instruments,  have
                  been  determined   using  market   information  and  valuation
                  methodologies,  primarily discounted cash flow analysis. These
                  estimates require considerable judgment in interpreting market
                  data, and changes in  assumptions or estimation  methods could
                  significantly affect the fair value estimates.


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2005 and 2004


         m)       Recent Accounting Pronouncements

                  In November  2004,  the FASB  issued SFAS No. 151,  "Inventory
                  Costs - an  amendment  of ARB No. 43,  Chapter  4"  (Statement
                  151).  This  statement  amends  the  guidance  in ARB No.  43,
                  Chapter 4, "Inventory  Pricing," to clarify the accounting for
                  abnormal amounts of idle facility expense,  freight,  handling
                  costs, and wasted material (spoilage).  As currently worded in
                  ARB 43,  Chapter 4, the term "so abnormal" was not defined and
                  its application could lead to unnecessary  noncomparability of
                  financial  reporting.  This Statement eliminates that term and
                  requires  that those  items be  recognized  as  current-period
                  charges  regardless  of whether they meet the criterion of "so
                  abnormal."   In  addition,   this   Statement   requires  that
                  allocation  of  fixed  production  overhead  to the  costs  of
                  conversion be based on the normal  capacity of the  production
                  facilities.  The  adoption  of  Statement  151 will not have a
                  material  impact  on  the  Company's   consolidated  financial

                  In December 2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 153,  "Exchanges of
                  Non-monetary  Assets - an  amendment  of APB  Opinion  No. 29"
                  (Statement 153). This Statement amends Opinion 29 to eliminate
                  the exception for non-monetary exchanges of similar productive
                  assets and replaces it with a general  exception for exchanges
                  of non-monetary assets that do not have commercial  substance.
                  A non-monetary exchange has commercial substance if the future
                  cash flows of the entity are expected to change  significantly
                  as a result of the exchange.  The adoption of FAS 153 will not
                  have a material impact on the Company's consolidated financial

                  In December  2004, the FASB issued a revision to SFAS No. 123,
                  "Share-Based   Payment"   (Statement   123R).  This  Statement
                  requires  a public  entity  to  measure  the cost of  employee
                  services   received  in  exchange   for  an  award  of  equity
                  instruments  based on the  grant-date  fair value of the award
                  (with limited  exceptions).  That cost will be recognized over
                  the period  during  which the  employee is required to provide
                  service in exchange  for the award  requisite  service  period
                  (usually  the  vesting  period).   No  compensation   cost  is
                  recognized for equity  instruments  for which employees do not
                  render the requisite  service.  Employee  share purchase plans
                  will not result in recognition of compensation cost if certain
                  conditions are met; those  conditions are much the same as the
                  related   conditions  in  Statement  123.  This  Statement  is
                  effective  for  public  entities  that do not  file as a small
                  business  issuers as of the  beginning of the first interim or
                  annual  reporting period that begins after June 15, 2005. This
                  Statement  applies to all awards  granted  after the  required
                  effective  date  and  to  awards  modified,   repurchased,  or
                  cancelled after that date. The cumulative  effect of initially
                  applying  this  Statement,  if any,  is  recognized  as of the
                  required effective date and is not expected to have a material
                  impact on the Company's consolidated financial statements.


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2005 and 2004


         The  following  amounts  included  in cash  and  cash  equivalents  are
         restricted for use by the Company:

         a)       The Company had  provided a $432,500  term  deposit as at June
                  30, 2004 (2005 - $nil) as  security  for a loan of same amount
                  taken out by a company with the same chief  executive  officer
                  who is the major  shareholder  of the  Company and owns 13% of
                  the related company.

         b)       The Company  had  provided a $9,680  (2004 - $43,250)  bond as
                  security for payment on future purchases from a vendor.

4.       INVENTORY

         Inventory  includes  $38,966 (2004 - $66,986) of finished  goods,  $124
         (2004 -  $55,505)  of raw  materials,  and  $78  (2004  -  $15,620)  of


         Advances to a company  which has the same major  shareholder  and chief
         executive  officer bear interest at 9% per annum and are due on demand.
         The company is in financial difficulty and thus,  collectability of the
         advances is uncertain. Management maintains that the full amount of the
         loan will be collected.


         Properties and equipment are comprised as follows:

                                             2005                        2004
                                         ACCUMULATED                 Accumulated
                               COST     DEPRECIATION      Cost      Depreciation
                           -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------

Land ...................   $ 4,368,926   $      --     $ 3,904,050   $      --
Buildings ..............     3,345,996       722,450     2,989,965       513,198
Equipment ..............     3,987,649     1,656,965     3,532,913     1,153,762
Furniture and fixtures .       941,452       880,376       893,223       730,241
                           -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------

                           $12,644,023   $ 3,259,791   $11,320,151   $ 2,397,201
                           -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------

Net carrying amount ....                 $ 9,384,232                 $ 8,922,950
                                         -----------                 -----------


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2005 and 2004


         The land and buildings have been pledged as security for a bank loan as
         described  in note 9, the same bank's  guarantee  of a note  payable as
         described  in note 9,  and a rental  deposit  as  described  in note 8.
         During the 2004 year,  the  Company  defaulted  on its  payments of the
         loans and the bank with the first  charge on the  Company's  properties
         attempted to auction off the Company's properties through court action.
         Also,  various creditors of the Company have put a provisional  seizure
         on the  properties to protect their loans.  The appraised  value of the
         properties was $9,952,000.  However,  subsequent to the period-end, the
         auction of the  properties  was  cancelled  by the bank as described in
         note 17.


                                                          2005          2004
                                                       ---------     ---------
Private company                                7.5%    $ 583,930     $ 598,948
Company with same major shareholder and CEO   4.58%            1             1
Other marketable securities                                  367        14,926
                                                       ---------     ---------
                                                       $ 584,298     $ 613,875
                                                       =========     =========

         Included in investments  are certain  shares of a private  company with
         carrying  value of  $281,484  (2004 -  $317,443)  that are  pledged  as
         security  for a  trade  payable  in the  amount  of  $344,760  (2004  -


         A rental  deposit of $58,080 (2004 - $51,900) is secured by a charge on
         the  land  and  buildings  as  described  in  note  6.  The  charge  is
         subordinate to the prior claim held by the bank as described in note 9.


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2005 and 2004


                                                                2005          2004
                                  CURRENT      LONG-TERM       TOTAL         Total
                                -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
Bank loans ..................   $ 5,757,868   $      --     $ 5,757,868   $ 5,536,328
Bank loan #2 ................     1,931,934          --       1,931,934          --
Note payable #1 .............     2,302,494          --       2,302,494          --
Notes payable (#2, 3, 4 & 5)        162,326          --         162,326     1,007,113
Government loans (#1, 2, & 3)        61,329       313,879       375,208       354,832
Loan payable - customer .....        33,880          --          33,880        56,225
                                -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------

                                $10,249,831   $   313,879   $10,563,710   $ 6,954,498
                                ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========

         Bank Loans

         The bank loans bear  interest  at 4.5% to 18% and are due on demand.  A
         bank loan of  $3,723,346  (2004 -  $3,669,659)  is  secured  by a first
         charge on the land and buildings as described in note 6. The Company is
         currently  in  default  of  these  loans  and,  as  such,  the land and
         buildings were in the process of being  auctioned  through court action
         by the request of the bank.  Subsequent to the period-end,  the auction
         of the  properties  was  cancelled by the bank as described in note 17.
         However, collection proceedings remained.

         In addition to the security  mentioned  above,  a loan in the amount of
         $1,301,919 (2004 - $1,163,389) is guaranteed by Korea Technology Credit
         Guarantee Fund, a government operated fund. Additionally,  another bank
         loan of $276,774 is  guaranteed  by the chief  executive  officer as at
         June 30, 2005.

         Bank Loan #2

         The bank loan bears interest at 4.6% per annum,  is unsecured,  and due
         on maturity on December 22, 2005.

         Note Payable #1

         The note  payable  from  Korea  Technology  Credit  Guarantee  Fund,  a
         government   operated  fund,  bears  interest  at  21%  per  annum,  is
         guaranteed by the chief executive officer, and is due on demand.

         Notes Payable #2, 3, 4, and 5

         The notes payable bear  interest at 0% to 9% and are due on demand.  As
         at June 30, 2004, a note payable of $846,835 was guaranteed by the bank
         with the first charge on the Company's  land and buildings as described
         in note 6. The loan was repaid by the same bank in the  second  half of


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2005 and 2004

9.       LOANS PAYABLE (cont'd)

         Government Loan #1

         The loan is non-interest bearing, unsecured,  repayable in three annual
         payments  of $20,443  and  matures  February  2006.  The  Company is in
         arrears on the 2004 and 2005 annual payments.  Total amount outstanding
         at June 30, 2005 was $61,329.

         Government Loans #2 and 3

         The loans are non-interest bearing,  unsecured,  and are repayable when
         the projects related to the loans have been completed.

         Loan Payable - customer

         The loan  payable  from a customer is  non-interest  bearing and due on


         The advances from the chief executive officer,  who is also a 30% (2004
         - 32%) shareholder,  bears interest at 9% per annum and is repayable on


         Pursuant to SFAS No. 150, "Accounting for Certain Financial Instruments
         with  Characteristics  of both  Liabilities  and  Equity"  the  Company
         accounts for the  convertible  debentures  as a liability at face value
         and no formal accounting  recognition is assigned to the value inherent
         in the conversion feature.

         As at June 30, 2004,  the Company had a  convertible  debenture  with a
         face  value of  $1,726,994,  a  guarantee  yield of 8.64%  per annum on
         maturity,  and an  annual  coupon  rate of 3%  payable  quarterly.  The
         debenture was  convertible,  to a maximum of 1,538,460 shares of common
         stock at any time prior to three business days before the maturity date
         of October 9, 2004. During 2004, the Company defaulted on the repayment
         of convertible bond and its guarantor,  KOTEC (Korea  Technology Credit
         Guarantee  Fund) repaid the balance on behalf of the Company.  The debt
         to KOTEC is  reflected  in the books and records of the Company as note
         payable #1 as described in note 9.


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2005 and 2004


           300,000,000 common shares,
           par value $0.0879 (2004 - $0.0869)

                                                     2005                2004
                                                     ----                ----
           31,697,300 (2004 - 29,197,300)
           common shares                         $ 2,786,808         $ 2,538,572

         In  February  2005,  the  Company  issued  2,500,000  common  shares in
         exchange for funding of approximately $1 million.

         Stock Warrants and Options

         The  Company  has  accounted  for its stock  options  and  warrants  in
         accordance with SFAS 123  "Accounting  for Stock - Based  Compensation"
         and SFAS 148  "Accounting  for Stock - Based  compensation - Transition
         and  Disclosure."  Value of options  granted has been  estimated by the
         Black Scholes  option  pricing  model.  The  assumptions  are evaluated
         annually  and revised as  necessary to reflect  market  conditions  and
         additional experience. The following assumptions were used:

                                                2005             2004
                                                ----             ----

              Interest rate                     7.7%              7.7%
              Expected volatility               0.1%              0.1%
              Expected life in years               6                 7

         In 1999 the Board of Directors of the Company adopted an option plan to
         allow employees to purchase ordinary shares of the Company.

         In October  1999,  the share option plan granted  928,350 stock options
         for the common stock of the Company  having a $0.869  nominal par value
         each and an exercise  price of $0.12.  In 2000,  236,240  stock options
         were cancelled.

         In December  1999,  659,169 stock options were granted having a $0.0869
         nominal par value each and an exercise price of $0.26.

         In October 2000,  971,999  stock options were granted  having a $0.0869
         nominal par value each and an exercise price of $1.74. In 2000,  5,087,
         in 2001,  162,848,  in 2002, 40,712, and in 2003, 244,272 stock options
         were cancelled.

         In May 2001, 71,246 stock options were granted having a $0.0869 nominal
         par value each and an exercise  price of $1.53.  In 2002,  20,356 stock
         options were cancelled.


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2005 and 2004

12.      CAPITAL STOCK (cont'd)

         In March 2002,  1,000,000  stock options were granted  having a $0.0869
         nominal par value each and an exercise price of $1.51. In 2002, 330,000
         stock options were  cancelled.  In 2003,  an  additional  110,000 stock
         options were  cancelled.  In 2004, an additional  100,000 stock options
         were cancelled.

         In September 2002,  220,000 stock options were granted having a $0.0869
         nominal par value each and an exercise price of $1.64.

         In March 2003,  350,000  stock  options were  granted  having a $0.0869
         nominal par value each and an exercise price of $1.60. In 2003, 180,000
         stock  options were  cancelled.  In 2004,  an  additional  20,000 stock
         options were cancelled.

         The options vest  gradually over a period of 2 to 3 years from the date
         of grant.  The term of each option  shall not be more than 7 years from
         the date of grant.  285,806 and 651,360 options have vested in 2004 and
         2005  respectively.  However,  since the exercise  price of the options
         were higher than the fair market value,  no benefits have been recorded
         for those years.

         The stock  options  have not been  included in the  calculation  of the
         diluted earnings per share as their inclusion would be antidilutive.

         The following table summarizes the stock option activity during the six
         months ended June 30, 2005 and 2004:

                                                       2005             2004
                                                    ---------       -----------

Outstanding, beginning of year ..............       2,751,249         2,871,249
Cancelled ...................................            --            (120,000)
                                                    ---------       -----------

Outstanding, end of year ....................       2,751,249         2,751,249
                                                    =========       ===========

Weighted average fair value of
  options granted during the year ...........       $    --         $      --
                                                    =========       ===========
Weighted average exercise price
  of common stock options,
  beginning of year .........................       $    1.12       $      0.97
                                                    =========       ===========
Weighted average exercise price
  of common stock options
  granted in the year .......................       $    --         $      --
                                                    =========       ===========
Weighted average exercise price
  of common stock options, end
  of year ...................................       $    1.12       $      1.12
                                                    =========       ===========
Weighted average remaining
  contractual life of common
  stock options .............................         6 YEARS           6 years
                                                    =========       ===========


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2005 and 2004


         The  Company  accounts  for  income  taxes  pursuant  to SFAS No.  109,
         "Accounting for Income Taxes".  This Standard prescribes the use of the
         liability  method  whereby  deferred  tax asset and  liability  account
         balances  are  determined  based  on  differences   between   financial
         reporting  and tax bases of assets  and  liabilities  and are  measured
         using the enacted tax rates.  The effects of future changes in tax laws
         or rates are not anticipated.  Corporate income tax rates applicable to
         the Company in 2005 and 2004 are 16.5  percent of the first 100 million
         Korean Won ($84,000) of taxable income and 29.7 percent on the excess.

         Under SFAS No. 109 income taxes are recognized  for the  following:  a)
         amount  of tax  payable  for the  current  year,  and b)  deferred  tax
         liabilities and assets for future tax  consequences of events that have
         been  recognized  differently in the financial  statements than for tax
         purposes.  The  Company has  deferred  income tax assets  arising  from
         research and  development  expenses.  For  accounting  purposes,  these
         amounts  are  expenses  when  incurred.  Under  Korean tax laws,  these
         amounts are deferred  and  amortized  on a  straight-line  basis over 5

         The Company has deferred income tax assets as follows:

                                                         2005           2004
                                                     -----------    -----------

Deferred income tax assets
       Research and development expenses amortized
       over 5 years for tax purposes .............   $   313,080        345,399
  Other timing differences .......................        64,895        352,912
  Net operating loss carryforwards ...............     2,790,323      1,884,704
  Valuation allowance for deferred income tax
     assets ......................................    (3,168,298)    (2,583,015)
                                                     -----------    -----------

                                                     $     --       $     --
                                                     ===========    ===========

         The Company provided a valuation allowance equal to the deferred income
         tax assets  because it is not presently  more likely than not that they
         will be realized.


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2005 and 2004


         In 2004, the Company had two major customers which primarily  accounted
         for 63% of the total revenue.  In 2005,  sales to two of the same major
         customers  and another  major  customer  accounted for 86% of the total


                                FINISHED    NET RENTAL                 ACCOUNTS     ACCOUNTS
                              GOODS SALES     INCOME     PURCHASES    RECEIVABLE     PAYABLE
                               ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
Company #1 - same chief
   executive officer
     - 2004 ................   $  518,889   $   40,426   $  159,554   $2,257,764   $     --
     - 2005 ................   $   93,627   $   45,057   $  176,319   $2,359,804   $     --

Company #2 - controlled by a
   relative of chief
   executive officer
     - 2004 ................   $  103,288   $     --     $     --     $     --     $     --
     - 2005 ................   $   31,475   $     --     $     --     $    2,700   $     --

Company #3 - controlled by a
   relative of chief
   executive officer
     - 2004 ................   $      771   $     --     $   38,968   $      999   $     --
     - 2005 ................   $      887   $     --     $       40   $    3,035   $   99,089

         The Company with the same major shareholder and chief executive officer
         has negative working capital and loss of approximately  $650,000 in the
         six months  ended June 30,  2005 and thus,  collectability  of accounts
         receivable is uncertain.

         These  transactions  were in the normal course of business and recorded
         at an exchange value established and agreed upon by the above mentioned
         parties, which approximates fair market value.


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2005 and 2004


         In January 2004, the Company entered into a commitment to sell its land
         and  building,  pending the  outcome of the auction of the  property as
         described  in note 17. The transfer of title is to occur on January 31,
         2009. The Company has received an advance payment of $1,561,868.  Until
         legal  transfer  of the title in 2009,  the  Company  is to pay  $4,400
         monthly in cash. On any initial public offering, the Company is to also
         provide shares based on initial public offering price and the number of
         months  since the  agreement  at $8,800  per month.  After the  initial
         public offering, the Company is to pay $13,200 in cash monthly.

         Before  entering into the agreement,  management had made the purchaser
         of the properties aware the properties were pledged as security against
         the  Company's  loans as described in note 6. At the time of agreement,
         management and the purchaser  determined that in the case of an auction
         of the  properties by the  creditors  such as the one described in note
         17,  the  remaining  proceeds  would  allow the  Company  to return the
         advance payment.


         a)       On July 4,  2005,  the bank that has the  first  charge on the
                  Company's  properties  and had  requested  the  auction of the
                  properties  through  court  action,  cancelled  the auction of
                  properties on the payment of administrative cost of $173,000.

         b)       In July and August 2005, six employees  exercised  their stock
                  options and 1,028,810 shares have been issued for $196,624.

         c)       In accordance with a Share Exchange  Agreement dated September
                  1,  2005,   the  Company   entered  into  a   reverse-takeover
                  transaction with Ezcomm Enterprises,  Inc. ("EZCE"),  a public
                  Delaware  corporation,  whereby  89.5% of all the  outstanding
                  shares of the Company were exchanged for 272,790,948 shares of
                  EZCE.  As a result of the  transaction,  the  shareholders  of
                  Eugene Science, Inc. will control 88.5% of EZCE. While EZCE is
                  the  legal   parent,   the   Company,   as  a  result  of  the
                  reverse-takeover,  became the parent  company  for  accounting
                  purposes.  As EZCE is an inactive shell,  the transaction will
                  be accounted as a recapitalization of interests.
