EXHIBIT 10.35.2

                                                              November 19, 2007

Talon International, Inc.
(f/k/a Tag-It Pacific, Inc.)
21900 Burbank Blvd., Suite 270
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Attention:  Mr. Lonnie D. Schnell, CFO


Dear Sirs:

         Reference is made to the Revolving Credit and Term Loan Agreement dated
as of June  27,  2007,  as  amended  by  Amendment  No. 1 dated  July  30,  2007
(collectively,  the "LOAN AGREEMENT"),  by and between Bluefin Capital, LLC (the
"LENDER")  and Talon  International,  Inc.  (f/k/a  Tag-It  Pacific,  Inc.) (the
"BORROWER").  All  capitalized  terms used herein  without  definition  have the
respective meanings ascribed to them in the Loan Agreement.

         The Borrower has advised the Lender that, on or prior to June 30, 2008,
the  Borrower  may  consummate  an  offering  of Common  Stock  which will yield
Qualified  Proceeds in an aggregate amount of not less than $3,000,000 (any such
issuance and sale of Common Stock which is  consummated  and yields such minimum
Qualified Proceeds on or prior to June 30, 2008 being hereinafter referred to as
the "QUALIFYING  OFFERING");  and in accordance with Section  2.02(b)(ii) of the
Loan Agreement,  50% of such Qualified  Proceeds would be required to be applied
by the Borrower to the  prepayment of the Term Loan.  The Borrower has requested
that the  Lender  accept  a  lesser  prepayment  from  the net  proceeds  of the
Qualifying  Offering,  and has requested  certain  other  amendments to the Loan
Agreement,  which the  Lender  has  agreed to in  accordance  with the terms and
conditions of this Amendment No. 2 to Loan Agreement ("AMENDMENT NO. 2").

         This will confirm the  agreement of the Lender and the Borrower to make
the following amendments to the Loan Agreement.

         1. REDUCED PREPAYMENT. Anything contained in Section 2.02(b)(ii) of the
Loan Agreement to the contrary  notwithstanding,  in the event and to the extent
that the Borrower shall receive Qualified Proceeds from the Qualifying Offering,
the  Borrower  shall,  within  three (3)  Business  Days  after  receipt of such
Qualified  Proceeds from time to time, and in lieu of the  prepayment  otherwise
required  thereon under Section  2.02(b)(ii) of the Loan  Agreement,  pay to the
Lender an amount equal to 25% of such Qualified Proceeds;  and such amount shall
be applied by the Lender as a prepayment of the principal of the Term Loan. Each
such payment shall be  accompanied by a reasonably  detailed  calculation of the
Qualified  Proceeds  (gross  proceeds  minus  permitted  deductible  expenses in
accordance  with the definition of Qualified  Proceeds) on which such prepayment

was based. The Lender hereby waives any prepayment  premium  otherwise  required
under  Section  2.03(c) of the Loan  Agreement  with  respect to any timely such
prepayment.  Failure  to make  any such  prepayment  in a  timely  manner  shall
constitute a Default under Section 7.01(b) of the Loan Agreement (subject to the
cure period therein).

contained  in the Loan  Agreement  or any other Loan  Document  to the  contrary
nothwithstanding,  in the event and to the extent  that (a) at any time and from
time to time prior to the consummation of a Qualifying Offering, the Borrower or
any of  its  Subsidiaries  shall  receive  any  payment(s)  (including,  without
limitation,  principal  and/or  interest) on or in respect of the amounts due to
Borrower  under that  certain  Settlement  Agreement  and Mutual  Release  dated
February 27, 2006 by and among Tag-It Pacific, Inc., Azteca International,  Inc.
and  Diversified  Apparel  Resources,  LLC in the original  principal  amount of
$4,000,000 (the "AZTECA  OBLIGATION"),  the Borrower or such Subsidiary shall be
permitted,  unless an Event of  Default  shall have  occurred  and shall then be
continuing,  to retain such  payment(s)  and not apply same to prepayment of any
Obligations,  (b) at the time of consummation of a Qualifying  Offering (whether
before or after June 30, 2008),  the Borrower has then or  theretofore  received
any  payment(s)  described  in  clause  (a) of this  paragraph  2 which  (in the
aggregate)  exceed the sum (the  "THRESHOLD  AMOUNT")  of (i)  $600,000  (in the
aggregate) in cash or cash equivalents received after the date of this Amendment
No. 2 (or proceeds from the sale of securities  received  subsequent to the date
of this  Amendment  No.  2 from any  Person  as  payment  under  the  Settlement
Agreement  and  Mutual  Release,  which  securities  will be sold  when  legally
permissible and in a prudent  economic manner so as not to diminish the value of
the securities),  PLUS (ii) any reasonable legal costs or other fees incurred by
the Borrower in  collecting  the Azteca  Obligation  ("COLLECTION  COSTS"),  the
Borrower  shall,  within three (3) Business Days after the  consummation of such
Qualifying  Offering,  pay to the Lender an amount equal to such excess,  (c) at
any time and from time to time  subsequent to the  consummation  of a Qualifying
Offering and collection of the Threshold Amount,  the Borrower or any Subsidiary
shall  receive  any  further  such   collection(s)  in  respect  of  the  Azteca
Obligation, the Borrower shall, within three (3) Business Days after the receipt
of such  collections,  pay to the Lender an amount  equal to such  collection(s)
less  Collection  Costs not accounted for under clause (b) of this  paragraph 2,
and (d) at any time and from time to time, the Borrower or any Subsidiary  shall
receive any cash  payment(s)  under the  outstanding  promissory note dated June
2007 in the principal amount of $720,666 issued to the Borrower by Colin Dyne or
any  replacement  note therefor (the "DYNE Note"),  the Borrower  shall,  within
three (3) Business Days after receipt thereof by or on behalf of the Borrower or
any Subsidiary,  pay to the Lender an amount equal to the cash payment  received
under the Dyne Note.  Each such payment  received by the Lender shall be applied
by the Lender as a prepayment  of the  principal of the Term Loan.  The Borrower
will not accept or agree to any voluntary  offset to the Dyne Note without prior
written  approval  of the Lender  (which  approval  or  disapproval  will not be
unreasonably delayed). The Lender hereby waives any prepayment premium otherwise
required under Section  2.03(c) of the Loan Agreement with respect to any timely
such  prepayment.  Failure to make any such  prepayment in a timely manner shall
constitute a Default under Section 7.01(b) of the Loan Agreement (subject to the
cure period therein).

         3. AMENDED COVENANT. Section 6.17 the Loan Agreement is hereby amended,
effective retroactively to June 27, 2007, so as to read in full as follows:


                           SECTION 6.17. COVERAGE TEST. Permit, as of the end of
                  any  quarter of any Fiscal  Year  commencing  with the quarter
                  ending June 30, 2008,  the principal and interest  payments by
                  the Borrower and its Subsidiaries for the four (4) consecutive
                  fiscal  quarters  then  ended  (excluding   principal  of  the
                  Convertible  Debentures  and  principal  payments  made from a
                  matched source where such matched source makes the payment) to
                  exceed  EBITDA  for  such  four  (4)  fiscal  quarter  period;
                  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  that the Lender shall not  accelerate the
                  Obligations by reason of any non-compliance  with this Section
                  6.17 unless and until non-compliance herewith occurs as of the
                  end of two (2) consecutive fiscal quarters.

Upon consummation of the Qualifying  Offering,  the "June 30, 2008" date in such
amended covenant shall be amended to "March 31, 2009".

         4. BORROWING BASE.  Clause (c) of the definition of "Borrowing Base" is
hereby amended so as to read in full as follows: "(c)(i) $1,200,000 at all times
from the Closing  Date through the earlier of June 30, 2008 or 45 days after the
consummation of a Qualifying  Offering (the "STEPDOWN DATE"),  and (ii) $500,000
at all times from the Stepdown Date through December 31, 2008".

         5. AMENDMENTS TO WARRANTS. Each of the Warrants is hereby amended so as
to reduce the exercise  price  thereunder to $0.75 per share (subject to further
adjustment(s)  hereafter in accordance with the Warrants).  Upon consummation of
the Qualifying Offering,  the exercise price under each of the Warrants shall be
reduced (but in no event shall be increased) to an amount per share equal to the
lesser of (a) the lowest exercise price per share provided in any warrant issued
as part of or in connection  with the Qualifying  Offering,  or (b) the exercise
price per share  calculated in accordance  with the Warrants after giving effect
to all  adjustments  triggered by the Qualifying  Offering.  A photocopy of this
Amendment  No. 2 may be attached to each of the Warrants to evidence the current
reduction and any reduction upon the  consummation  of the Qualifying  Offering,
and/or the Borrower shall,  upon request of the Lender at any time and from time
to time,  (i) execute and deliver a specific  amendment to each Warrant  setting
forth the reduced  exercise  price in accordance  with this paragraph 5, or (ii)
issue replacement Warrants reflecting such reduction of the exercise prices.

         6. ADDITIONAL SHARES. In consideration of the amendments being effected
hereby,  the Borrower shall immediately (a) issue, or cause to be issued, to the
Lender an aggregate of 250,000 shares of Common Stock at an issue price of $.001
per  share,  and (b)  cause  the  certificate  representing  such  shares  to be
delivered to the Lender, or cause such shares to be  electronically  transferred
to the Lender's  designated  brokerage  account,  within five (5) Business  Days
after the  execution  and  delivery of this  Amendment  No. 2 and payment of the
applicable issue price.  Further,  upon consummation of the Qualifying Offering,
the Borrower shall  immediately  thereupon (i) issue, or cause to be issued,  to
the Lender an  additional  500,000  shares of Common  Stock at an issue price of
$.001 per share, and (ii) cause the certificate  representing  such shares to be
delivered to the Lender, or cause such shares to be  electronically  transferred
to the Lender's  designated  brokerage  account,  within five (5) Business  Days
after the consummation of the Qualifying  Offering and payment of the applicable


issue  price.  The Lender shall pay the issue price for such shares by issuing a
check to the Borrower for, or wire transferring to the Borrower,  the applicable
issue price.

         7.  REGISTRATION.  The Borrower  shall cause the shares of Common Stock
issued  pursuant  to  paragraph  6(a)  above  to  be  subject  to  an  effective
registration statement under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, on or prior
to April 15,  2008;  and such  shares of Common  Stock  shall be entitled to all
other  benefits of the  Registration  Rights  Agreement,  as if such shares were
"Shares" under and as defined in the  Registration  Rights  Agreement.  Anything
contained in the Registration Rights Agreement to the contrary  notwithstanding,
the required  effective  date for the  Registration  Statement in respect of all
Shares covered by the Registration  Rights Agreement is hereby extended to April
15,  2008.  The  Borrower  shall also cause the  shares of Common  Stock  issued
pursuant to paragraph 6(i) above to be (i) subject to an effective  registration
statement  under the Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  within 180 days after
the consummation of the Qualifying  Offering (which  registration  statement may
also  include  shares of Common  Stock,  and shares of Common  Stock  underlying
warrants,  issued in the  Qualifying  Offering)  (subject to late filing fees as
provided in Section 2(c) of the  Registration  Rights  Agreement in the event of
late filing or other unavailability of such subsequent Registration  Statement);
or (ii)included  in the  Registration  Statement  referred to above in the first
sentence of this  paragraph 7, if inclusion of such shares  therein will not, in
the  reasonable  opinion  of  the  Borrower,  adversely  affect  the  timing  of
effectiveness of said Registration Statement.

         8. CONTROL  AGREEMENTS.  Anything contained in Section 5.13 of the Loan
Agreement  to the  contrary  notwithstanding,  the  date for  delivery  of fully
executed  Control  Agreements  as  required  under such  Section  5.13 is hereby
extended to January 6, 2008.

         9.  LANDLORD  WAIVERS.  Anything  contained in Section 5.12 of the Loan
Agreement to the  contrary  notwithstanding,  the Borrower and its  Subsidiaries
shall use their  commercially  reasonable  best  efforts to obtain the  Landlord
Waivers  required  under such Section 5.12 on or prior to January 21, 2008;  and
prior to such date,  the Lender shall not deem any  inventory to not  constitute
Eligible  Inventory solely by reason of the absence an effective Landlord Waiver
in respect of the location at which such inventory is held.

         10.  EXPENSES.  The Borrower  shall pay or reimburse the Lender for its
costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) incurred in connection
with the preparation of this Amendment No. 2 (including all prior drafts).

         11. REAFFIRMATION.

                  (a) Subject to the  representations of the Lender in the third
paragraph  of the  Lender's  disposition  letter  to the  Borrower  of even date
herewith,   the  Borrower  hereby  reaffirms  all  of  its  representations  and
warranties in the Loan  Documents on and as of the date hereof,  as if expressly
made on and as of the date hereof.

                  (b) The Borrower  hereby (i) confirms the ongoing  validity of
all of the Obligations  outstanding on the date hereof and on the  effectiveness
of this  Amendment  No. 2 (after  giving  effect to this  Amendment  No. 2), (b)
confirms  that  such  Obligations  are  owing  without   reservation,   defense,
counterclaim or offset, (c) confirms that, after giving effect to this Amendment


No. 2,  neither  the  Borrower  nor any  Subsidiary  has any claims or causes of
action against the Lender or any of its  Affiliates,  managers or officers,  and
(d) acknowledges, confirms and agrees that none of the amendments to be effected
by this  Amendment No. 2 shall  constitute a novation of any of the  Obligations
outstanding immediately prior to the effectiveness of this Amendment No. 2.

                  (c) The Borrower  hereby  reaffirms the validity of all of the
liens and  security  interests  heretofore  granted to the Lender as  collateral
security  for the  Obligations,  and  acknowledges  that all of such  liens  and
security  interests,  and all collateral  heretofore pledged as security for the
Obligations, continues to be and remains collateral for the Obligations from and
after the effectiveness of this Amendment No. 2.

         12. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Each of the Lender and the Borrower
hereby  represents  and warrants that (a) this Amendment No. 2 has been duly and
validly authorized by all necessary  corporate or company action on such Party's
part,  (b) this  Amendment  No. 2 has been duly  executed and  delivered by such
party's duly authorized  officer,  and (c) this Amendment No. 2 constitutes such
party's  valid  and  binding  obligation,  enforceable  against  such  party  in
accordance  with its terms.  Without  limitation of the foregoing,  the Borrower
hereby further represents and warrants that the issuance of the shares of Common
Stock in accordance with paragraph 6 above has been duly and validly  authorized
by its Board of Directors,  and that such shares will, upon issuance and payment
therefor, be duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable.

         13. ONGOING FORCE AND EFFECT; WAIVER AND AMENDMENT. Except as expressly
set forth herein,  all of the terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement and the
other  Loan  Documents  remain  unchanged  and in full  force  and  effect.  All
references to the Loan  Agreement in any other Loan  Documents  shall  hereafter
mean and refer to the Loan  Agreement as amended by this  Amendment  No. 2. This
Amendment No. 2 may not be amended or modified, nor may any performance required
hereunder be waived,  except pursuant to a written agreement signed by the party
to be charged therewith.

         14. GOOD FAITH. In satisfying their  obligations,  determining  whether
any party has complied with its  obligations,  and in exercising  remedies under
the Loan Documents,  and in all dealings between the parties, the Lender and the
Borrower shall act in good faith and in a commercially reasonable manner.

         15.  GOVERNING  LAW.  This  Amendment  No. 2 shall be  governed  by and
construed in accordance  with the laws of the State of New York,  without giving
effect to conflicts of laws principles.

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         Kindly  confirm your  agreement to the  foregoing by  countersigning  a
counterpart copy of this Amendment No. 2 in the space provided below.

                                       Very truly yours,

                                       BLUEFIN CAPITAL, LLC

                                       By: /s/ Larry E. Lenig
                                           Larry E. Lenig, Jr., Vice Chairman

Acknowledged, Confirmed and Agreed To:

(f/k/a Tag-It Pacific, Inc.)

By: /s/ Lonnie D. Schnell
    Lonnie D. Schnell, Chief Financial Officer
