Exhibit 10.11

                        FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK OF BOSTON
                              BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS


The undersigned Member (the Member) does, from time to time make applications to
the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston (the Bank) for advances of funds, Letters
of Credit, Interest Rate Swap Agreements and other extensions of credit and
services (collectively "advances"). The Member agrees, therefore, in
consideration of making of any advance by the Bank, as follows:

1.    To repay, according to the terms and conditions as indicated on the
      records of the Bank and communicated to the Member in writing, the
      principal sum of all advances made by the Bank, to the Bank at its office
      in the City of Boston, Massachusetts, or at such other place as the Bank
      may from time to time appoint in writing. It is further agreed that the
      undersigned Member will abide by all other terms and conditions as set
      forth in the Bank's Statement of Credit Policy as amended from time to
      time and communicated to the Member in writing.

2.    To pay interest on the daily unpaid balances of each advance, and to pay
      all fees and charges payable in connection with each advance according to
      the terms and conditions as indicated on the records of the Bank and
      communicated to the Member in writing. In the event that any payment on or
      in connection with an advance is not made by the Member when due, the Bank
      may without notice to the Member apply any deposits, credits or monies of
      the Member then in the possession of the Bank to such due and payable
      amounts. All payments with respect to advances shall be applied first to
      any fees of charges applicable thereto, then to interest due thereon and
      then to any principal amount hereof that is then due and payable. Past due
      principal and interest, shall bear interest at a rate per annum equal to
      the higher of one (1) percentage point higher than the highest rate of
      interest currently being charged by the Bank on any advance or one (1)
      percentage point higher than the contract rate. Any prepayment fees or
      charges for which provision is made with respect to any advance that is
      now or hereafter outstanding shall be payable at the time of any voluntary
      or involuntary payment of the principal of such advance prior to the
      originally scheduled maturity thereof, including without limitation
      payments that are made as a part of a liquidation of the Member or that
      become due as a result of an acceleration pursuant to the terms hereof,
      whether such payment is made by the Member, by a conservator, receiver,
      liquidator or trustee of or for the Member, or by any successor to or
      assignee of the Member.

3.    To furnish to the Bank from time to time a certified copy of a resolution
      of its Board of Directors or other governing body authorizing one or more
      individuals as the Member shall select to apply for advances from the
      Bank. Unless the Bank shall be otherwise notified in writing, the Bank may
      honor applications made by any one of such individuals other than in
      writing, but in any such event, the Member shall confirm such application
      for advance in writing on forms furnished by the Bank. The Member shall
      forever be estopped to deny its obligation to repay such advance whether
      or not an application in writing is ever received by the Bank provided the
      advance is made in good faith by the Bank on the request of any one such
      individual. Member agrees that the Bank shall have no obligation to make
      advances hereunder.

4.    As collateral security for any and all advances and other indebtedness now
      or hereafter outstanding of the Member to the Bank, including without
      limitation, all obligations of the Member hereunder and all other
      liabilities of the Member to the Bank, the Member hereby assigns,
      transfers and pledges, to the Bank, and grants to the Bank a security
      interest in, all of the following property that is now or hereafter owned
      by the Member (collectively, the "Collateral"):

      (a}   all of the Member's capital stock in the Bank and all payments which
            have been or hereafter are made on account of subscriptions to and
            all unpaid dividends on such capital stock;

                                                                   MAR 23 2000
                                                                   Donna Salem
                                                                   AUDIT DEPT.

12.   This Agreement shall apply to existing and future advances and shall
      remain in full force and effect until terminated by written notice by the
      Member or by the Bank, provided that any such termination shall not
      terminate or impair the terms of this Agreement as to all advances and
      loans outstanding hereunder at the time of such termination or to help
      pledge of Collateral hereunder.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Member, by authority of its Board of Directors or
governing body, has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized
officers on this 19th day of February, 1998.

Executed as a sealed instrument      The First National Bank of Ipswich
                                              (Member Institution)

(Affix Corporate Seal)               Ipswich, Massachusetts

                                     By /s/ Randy Collum    Assistant Controller
                                        (Signature)               (Title)

State of Massachusetts

County of Essex                         February 19              ,    1998
                                     ----------------------------       ----

      Then personally appeared the above named    Randy Collum

and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be the free act and deed of

The First National Bank of Ipswich, before me,
- ----------------------------------
      (Member Institution)

                                     /s/ Linda K. Beaupareant
                                                 Notary Public

(Affix Notary's Seal)                My commission expires Mar. 30, 2001


                                                                     MAR 23 2000
                                                                     AUDIT DEPT.

FHLBBoston                                      FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK OF BOSTON

                                                         DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY

                                PURSUANT TO THE FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK OF BOSTON

Pursuant to the authority vested in me by a Resolution adopted at a meeting of
the Board of Directors of

First National Bank of Ipswich ("Institution") adopting the Federal Home Loan
- ------------------------------

Bank of Boston ("Bank") Blanket Resolution for Advances, Letters of Credit and
Interest Rate Swaps duly held on September 23, 1999 at which a quorum was

present and acting throughout, I hereby designate the individuals listed below,
each of whom holds the position indicated opposite his/her name, to act for and
on behalf of said Institution in any of its business with the Bank, within the
authority prescribed in the Resolution. Further, I hereby certify that the
signatures set forth above each typed name are the true and genuine signatures
of said individuals.

President & C.E.O.                        /s/ Donald P. Gill
- -------------------------------------     --------------------------------------
              (Title)                                 (Signature)

                                          Name typed: Donald P. Gill

Vice President, Finance                   /s/ John Doherty
- -------------------------------------     --------------------------------------
              (Title)                                 (Signature)

                                          Name typed: John Doherty

Financial Analyst                         /s/ Deborah Luciano
- -------------------------------------     --------------------------------------
              (Title)                                 (Signature)

                                          Name typed: Deborah Luciano

Senior Accountant                         /s/ Sean Regan
- -------------------------------------     --------------------------------------
              (Title)                                 (Signature)

                                          Name typed: Sean Regan

All previous delegations of authority are hereby rescinded. This authorization
shal1 continue in effect until receipt by the Bank of written notice of its
amendment or revocation.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 12th day of June,

                                          /s/ Michael J. Wolnik
                                          By: Michael J. Wolnik
                                          Title: Senior Vice President & C.F.O.