
                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                         KANAKARIS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

To  the  Secretary  of  State
State  of  Nevada

Pursuant  to the provisions of Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 7, Chapter 78, the
undersigned  officers  of  the  Corporation  hereinafter  named,  which  is  a
corporation  for  profit  organized  under  the  laws of the State of Nevada, do
hereby  certify  that  the  following  is  the  entire  text  of the Articles of
Incorporation  of  the  Corporation as heretofore amended and as hereby restated
and  that  the  Board of Directors of the Corporation at a meeting duly convened
and  held  on  the  14th  day of November, 2003 adopted resolutions to amend and
restate  the  Corporation's  Articles  of  Incorporation  as  follows:

          FIRST:    The  name  of  the  Corporation  is  Wi-Fi  TV,  Inc.

          SECOND:   This  Corporation  is  authorized  to  issue two classes of
                    stock,  which  are  voting Common Stock and Preferred Stock.
                    The  shares  of  Common  Stock  which  this  Corporation  is
                    authorized  to  issue shall have a par value of one-tenth of
                    one  cent  ($.001)  per  share  and  the number of shares of
                    Common  Stock this Corporation is authorized to issue is two
                    hundred  fifty  million  (250,000,000) shares. The shares of
                    Preferred  Stock  this  Corporation  is  authorized to issue
                    shall  have a par value of One Cent ($.01) per share and the
                    number  of  shares  of  Preferred  Stock this Corporation is
                    authorized  to issue is one million nine hundred (1,000,900)
                    shares.  Of  such  amount, the Corporation hereby designates
                    and  establishes  two  (2) series of Preferred Stock, namely
                    Class  A Convertible Preferred Stock and Class B Convertible
                    Preferred Stock. The number of shares of Class A Convertible
                    Preferred Stock the Corporation is authorized to issue shall
                    be  one  million (1,000,000) shares and the number of shares
                    of  Class  B  Convertible Preferred Stock the Corporation is
                    authorized to issue shall be nine hundred (900) shares. Each
                    share  of  Preferred  Stock shall have the respective rights
                    and  privileges  designated  on  the Statement of Attributes
                    attached  as  Exhibit  A  hereto.  All  remaining  shares of
                    Preferred  Stock  not  so  specifically  designated  may  be
                    designated in the future by action of the Board of Directors
                    of  the  Corporation  and  otherwise  in accordance with the
                    applicable  provisions  of  the Nevada Revised Statutes. The
                    Board  of  Directors,  within  any  limits  and restrictions
                    stated,  may  determine  or  alter  the rights, preferences,


                    privileges  and  restrictions granted to or imposed upon any
                    wholly  unissued  series  of  Preferred  Stock.

          THIRD:    The  capital  stock  of the Corporation, after the amount of
                    The  subscription  price has been paid in money, property or
                    services,  as  the  directors  shall determine, shall not be
                    subject  to  assessment to pay the debts of the Corporation,
                    nor for any other purpose, and no stock issued as fully paid
                    up shall ever be assessable or assessed, and the articles of
                    incorporation  shall  not  be  amended  in  this particular.

          FOURTH:   The  Corporation  shall,  to the fullest extent permitted by
                    Nevada  Revised  Statutes Section 78.751, as the same may be
                    amended,  supplemented  or  replaced  from  time  to  time,
                    indemnify  any  and  all persons whom it shall have power to
                    indemnify under said section from and against any and all of
                    the expenses, liabilities or other matters referred to in or
                    covered  by  said  section, and the indemnification provided
                    for herein shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights
                    to  which those indemnified may be entitled under any bylaw,
                    agreement,  vote  of stockholders or disinterested directors
                    or otherwise, both as to action in his official capacity and
                    as  to action in another capacity while holding such office,
                    and  shall  continue  as  to a person who has ceased to be a
                    director,  officer, employee or agent and shall inure to the
                    benefit of the heirs, executors and administrators of such a
                    person.  Pursuant  to  said  Section 78.751, the expenses of
                    officers  and  directors  incurred  in  defending a civil or
                    criminal  action,  suit  or  proceeding  must be paid by the
                    Corporation as they are incurred and in advance of the final
                    disposition  of the action, suit or proceeding, upon receipt
                    of an undertaking by or on behalf of the director or officer
                    to  repay  the  amount  if  it is ultimately determined by a
                    court  of  competent jurisdiction that he is not entitled to
                    be  indemnified  by  the  Corporation.

          FIFTH:    A  director  of  the  Corporation shall not be liable to the
                    Corporation  or  its  stockholders  for monetary damages for
                    breach of fiduciary duty as a director, except to the extent
                    such  exemption  from liability or limitation thereof is not
                    permitted  under  the  Nevada  Revised  Statutes as the same
                    exist  or  may  hereafter  be  amended.  Any  amendment,
                    modification  or  repeal  of  the  foregoing sentence by the
                    stockholders  of  the Corporation shall not adversely affect
                    any  right or protection of a director of the Corporation in
                    respect  of  any act or omission occurring prior to the time
                    of  such  amendment,  modification  or  repeal.

The  number  of shares of the Corporation outstanding and entitled to vote on an
amendment  to  and  restatement of the Articles of Incorporation are two hundred
forty-five  million  three  hundred  thirty-seven  thousand  seven  hundred
seventy-nine  (245,337,779)  shares  of common stock and one million (1,000,000)
shares  of  Class  A  Preferred Stock.  No shares of Class B Preferred Stock are
issued  and  outstanding.  The  foregoing  amendment  and  restatement  has been


consented  to  and  approved  by  a majority vote of the stockholders holding at
least  a  majority  of  each  class  of  stock  outstanding and entitled to vote

IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned officers have hereunto subscribed our names
this  21st  day  of  December,  2003.

                                                Alex Kanakaris, President

                                                Rachelle Kuzma, Acting Secretary


                                   APPENDIX A

                               KANAKARIS WIRELESS
                             (A NEVADA CORPORATION)

                             STATEMENT OF ATTRIBUTES

The  following  Statement of Attributes sets forth the specific attributes to be
attached  to  the  class  of  Class  A  Convertible  Preferred Stock and Class B
Convertible Preferred Stock (hereinafter referred to as the "Class A Preferred",
the  "Class  B Preferred" or collectively as the "Preferred Stock") of Kanakaris
Wireless,  a  Nevada corporation (the "Corporation"), as prescribed by the Board
of  Directors  of  the  Corporation  in  accordance  with  Section 78.195 of the
Domestic  and  Foreign  Corporation  Laws  of  the  State of Nevada (the "Nevada
Corporations  Law"):

shall  have  the  following  voting  and other powers, preferences and relative,
participating,  optional  or  other  rights  and  the  following qualifications,
limitations  and  restrictions:

1.1  RANK. All shares of Class A Preferred shall rank prior to all shares of the
Corporation's  Common  Stock,  now  or  hereafter  issued, both as to payment of
dividends  and  as  to  distributions of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or
winding  up  of  the  Corporation,  whether  voluntary  or  involuntary.

1.2  DIVIDENDS. The holders of Class A Preferred are entitled to receive, in any
fiscal  year,  if, when and as declared by the Corporation's Board of Directors,
out  of  any  assets  at the time legally available therefor, dividends in cash,
before  any dividend is paid on Common Stock. Dividends may be declared and paid
on  Common Stock in any fiscal year only if dividends shall have been paid to or
declared and set apart on all Class A Preferred. The right to dividends on Class
A  Preferred  shall  not  be cumulative, and no right shall accrue to holders of
Class  A  Preferred  by  reason of the fact that dividends on that stock are not
declared  in any prior year, nor shall any undeclared or unpaid dividend bear or
accrue  interest.

1.3  LIQUIDATION RIGHTS. In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding
up of the Corporation, holders of Class A Preferred are entitled to receive $.10
in  cash per share plus accumulated and unpaid dividends out of assets available
for distribution to stockholders, prior to any distribution to holders of Common
Stock  or  any other stock ranking junior to the Class A Preferred. If, upon any
liquidation,  dissolution  or winding up of the Corporation, the amounts payable
with  respect  to the Class A Preferred (and with respect to any other Preferred
Stock  ranking  on a parity with the Class A Preferred in any such distribution)


are  not  paid  in full, the holders of the Class A Preferred (and of such other
Preferred  Stock)  will  share  ratably  in  any  such distribution of assets in
proportion  to  the full preferential amounts to which such shares are entitled.
After  payment  of the full amount of the liquidating distribution to which they
are entitled, the holders of shares of Class A Preferred will not be entitled to
any  further  participation  in  any  distribution of assets by the Corporation.

A  consolidation or merger of the Corporation with or into any other corporation
or  a  sale of all or any part of the assets of the Corporation (which shall not
in  fact  result  in  the liquidation of the Corporation and the distribution of
assets  to stockholders) shall not be deemed to be a liquidation, dissolution or
winding  up  of  the  Corporation.

1.4  REDEMPTION. The Class A Preferred may be redeemed by the Corporation at any
time  upon  thirty  (30)  days' written notice at a redemption price of $.50 per
share. Holders of Class A Preferred shall have the right to convert their shares
of  Class  A Preferred into Common Stock during this thirty (30)-day period. The
redemption price shall be payable together with accumulated and unpaid dividends
to  the  date  fixed for redemption. If full cumulative dividends on the Class A
Preferred  through the most recent dividend payment date have not been paid, the
Class  A Preferred may not be redeemed in part unless approved by the holders of
a  majority of shares of Class A Preferred then outstanding, and the Corporation
may  not  purchase or acquire any share of Class A Preferred other than pursuant
to a purchase or exchange offer made on the same terms to all holders of Class A
Preferred.  If  less than all of the outstanding shares of Class A Preferred are
to  be redeemed, the Corporation will select those to be redeemed by lot or a by
a  substantially  equivalent  method.

The shares of Class A Preferred are not subject to any sinking fund or any other
similar  provision.

The redemption by the Corporation of all or any part of the Class A Preferred is
subject to the availability of cash. Moreover, shares of capital stock shall not
be  redeemed  when  the  capital  of  the  Corporation  is  impaired or when the
redemption  would  cause  any  impairment  of  capital.

1.5  CONVERSION RIGHTS. Holders of the Class A Preferred will have the right, at
their  option, to convert such shares into shares of Common Stock at any time at
the  conversion  rate  then  in  effect;  provided  that,  if any of the Class A
Preferred  is  redeemed, the conversion rights pertaining thereto will terminate
on  the  third  business  day  preceding  the  redemption  date.

     Each  share of Class A Preferred will be initially convertible into one (1)
share  of  Common  Stock. No fractional share or scrip representing a fractional
share will be issued upon conversion of the Class A Preferred. Cash will be paid
in  lieu  of  fractional  shares.


The  conversion  rate  will  be appropriately adjusted if the Company (a) pays a
dividend  or  makes  a  distribution  on its shares of Common Stock (but not the
Class  A  Preferred)  which  is  paid  or  made  in  shares of Common Stock, (b)
subdivides  or reclassifies its outstanding shares of Common Stock, (c) combines
its outstanding shares of Common Stock into a smaller number of shares of Common
Stock,  (d)  issues  shares of Common Stock, or issues rights or warrants to all
holders  of  its Common Stock entitling them to subscribe for or purchase shares
of  Common  Stock  (or securities convertible into Common Stock), at a price per
share less than the conversion price in effect immediately prior to the issuance
thereof,  or (e) distributes to all holders of its Common Stock evidences of its
indebtedness  or  assets  (excluding  any  dividend  paid in cash out of legally
available  funds) subject to the limitation that adjustments by reason of any of
the  foregoing  need not be made until they result in a cumulative change in the
conversion  rate  of at least five percent (5%). The conversion rate will not be
adjusted  upon  the  conversion  of  shares  of  Class  A Preferred or presently
outstanding  stock  options  or  warrants.  For  the purpose of making the above
adjustments, the market price of a share of Common Stock shall be the average of
the  closing  bid  and asked prices for the Common Stock on the Over-The-Counter

In  case  of  any  consolidation or merger to which the Company is a party other
than  a  merger  or  consolidation  in  which  the  Company  is  the  surviving
corporation,  or in case of any sale or conveyance to another corporation of the
property  of  the  Company as an entirety or substantially as an entirety, or in
case  of  any  statutory  exchange of securities with another corporation, there
will  be  no  adjustment  of  the conversion price, but each holder of shares of
Class  A  Preferred  then  outstanding will have the right thereafter to convert
such shares into the kind and amount of securities, cash or other property which
he  would  have  owned  or  have been entitled to receive immediately after such
consolidation,  merger,  statutory  exchange, sale or conveyance had such shares
been  converted  immediately  prior to the effective date of such consolidation,
merger,  statutory exchange, sale or conveyance. In the case of a cash merger of
the  Company  into another corporation or any other cash transaction of the type
mentioned  above,  the  effect  of these provisions would be that the conversion
features  of the Class A Preferred would thereafter be limited to converting the
Class  A  Preferred at the conversion price in effect at such time into the same
amount  of  cash  per share that such holder would have received had such holder
converted  the  Class  A  Preferred  into  Common Stock immediately prior to the
effective  date of such cash merger or transaction.  Depending upon the terms of
such  cash  merger  or  transaction, the aggregate amount of cash so received in
conversion  could be more or less than the liquidation preference of the Class A

Class  A  Preferred  may be converted upon surrender of the stock certificate at
least  three  (3)  days  prior  to  the  redemption  date  at the offices of the
Corporation  with  the  form of "Election to Convert" on the reverse side of the


stock  certificate  completed  and executed as indicated. Shares of Common Stock
issued  upon  conversion  will  be  fully  paid  and  non-assessable.

1.6  VOTING RIGHTS. Each share of Class A Preferred shall have one hundred (100)
non-cumulative  votes.  Shares  of  Common Stock and Class A Preferred vote as a
single  class  on all matters presented to the stockholders for action.  Without
the  affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the Class A Preferred then
outstanding,  voting  as  a  separate  class, the Corporation may not (i) amend,
alter  or repeal any of the preferences or rights of the Class A Preferred, (ii)
authorize  any  reclassification  of  the  Class A Preferred, (iii) increase the
authorized  number  of  shares  of Class A Preferred or (iv) create any class or
series  of shares ranking prior to the Class A Preferred as to dividends or upon

1.7  STATUS  OF  ACQUIRED  SHARES.  Shares  of Class A Preferred redeemed by the
Company or received upon conversion or otherwise acquired by the Company will be
restored  to  the  status  of authorized but unissued shares of Preferred Stock,
without designation as to class, and may thereafter be issued, but not as shares
of  Class  A  Preferred.

1.8  PREEMPTIVE  RIGHTS. The Class A Preferred is not entitled to any preemptive
or  subscription  rights  in  respect  of  any  securities  of  the  Company.

shall  have  the  following  voting  and other powers, preferences and relative,
participating,  optional  or  other  rights  and  the  following qualifications,
limitations  and  restrictions:

                          I.     DESIGNATION AND AMOUNT

The designation of this series, which consists of 900 shares of Preferred Stock,
is  Class  B Convertible Preferred Stock (the "CLASS B PREFERRED STOCK") and the
stated  value  shall  be  One  Thousand  Dollars ($1,000) per share (the "STATED

                                  II.     RANK

The  Class  B  Preferred  Stock shall rank (i) prior to the Corporation's common
stock, par value $.001 per share (the "COMMON STOCK"); (ii) prior to the Class A
Preferred  Stock  and  any  class  or series of capital stock of the Corporation
hereafter  created (unless, with the consent of the holders of Class B Preferred
Stock  obtained  in accordance with Article VIII hereof, such class or series of
capital stock specifically, by its terms, ranks senior to or PARI PASSU with the
Class  B  Preferred  Stock)  (collectively,  with  the  Common  Stock,  "JUNIOR
SECURITIES");  (iii) PARI PASSU with any class or series of capital stock of the
Corporation  hereafter  created  (with  the  consent  of  the holders of Class B
Preferred  Stock  obtained  in accordance with Article VIII hereof) specifically
ranking,  by  its terms, on parity with the Class B Preferred Stock ("PARI PASSU


SECURITIES");  and  (iv)  junior  to any class or series of capital stock of the
Corporation  hereafter  created  (with  the  consent  of  the holders of Class B
Preferred  Stock  obtained  in accordance with Article VIII hereof) specifically
ranking,  by  its  terms,  senior  to  the  Class  B  Preferred  Stock  ("SENIOR
SECURITIES"),  in  each  case  as  to  distribution  of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution  or winding up of the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary.

                                 III. DIVIDENDS

The  Class  B  Preferred Stock shall bear dividends at the rate of eight percent
(8%)  per  annum  from the date of issuance of the Class B Preferred Stock until
conversion  or  redemption  thereof.  The  eight  percent (8%) dividend shall be
computed  on  the  basis of a 365-day year and the actual number of days elapsed
and  shall  be  payable,  at  the  option of the holder of the Class B Preferred
Stock,  either  quarterly  on March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31 of
each  year  beginning  on June 30, 2002, or at the time of conversion of Class B
Preferred Stock in accordance with terms hereof. All dividends due hereunder (to
the  extent not converted into Common Stock in accordance with the terms hereof)
shall  be made in lawful money of the United States of America or, at the option
of  the holder of the Class B Preferred Stock, in whole or in part, in shares of
Common  Stock  of the Corporation valued at the then applicable Conversion Price
(as defined herein). All payments shall be made at such address as the holder of
the  Class  B Preferred Stock shall hereafter give to the Corporation by written
notice  made  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  hereof. Whenever any amount
expressed  to  be  due  by  the  terms  hereof  is due on any day which is not a
business  day, the same shall instead be due on the next succeeding day which is
a  business  day  and, in the case of any dividend payment date which is not the
date on which the Class B Preferred Stock is converted, the extension of the due
date  thereof  shall  not  be taken into account for purposes of determining the
amount  of  dividend  due  on such date. As used herein, the term "business day"
shall  mean  any  day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a day on which commercial
banks  in  the city of Los Angeles, California are authorized or required by law
or  executive  order  to  remain  closed.  In  no  event, so long as any Class B
Preferred  Stock  shall  remain  outstanding,  shall  any dividend whatsoever be
declared  or  paid  upon,  nor  shall  any distribution be made upon, any Junior
Securities,  nor  shall any shares of Junior Securities be purchased or redeemed
by  the  Corporation  nor  shall  any  moneys be paid to or made available for a
sinking fund for the purchase or redemption of any Junior Securities (other than
a  distribution  of  Junior Securities), without, in each such case, the written
consent  of  the  holders  of  a  majority  of the outstanding shares of Class B
Preferred  Stock,  voting  together  as  a  class.


                         IV.     LIQUIDATION PREFERENCE


If  the Corporation shall commence a voluntary case under the Federal bankruptcy
laws  or any other applicable Federal or State bankruptcy, insolvency or similar
law, or consent to the entry of an order for relief in an involuntary case under
any  law  or  to the appointment of a receiver, liquidator, assignee, custodian,
trustee,  sequestrator  (or other similar official) of the Corporation or of any
substantial  part  of its property, or make an assignment for the benefit of its
creditors,  or admit in writing its inability to pay its debts generally as they
become  due,  or  if  a decree or order for relief in respect of the Corporation
shall  be  entered  by  a  court  having  jurisdiction  in  the  premises  in an
involuntary  case  under  the  Federal  bankruptcy  laws or any other applicable
Federal  or  state  bankruptcy,  insolvency  or  similar  law  resulting  in the
appointment  of  a  receiver,  liquidator,  assignee,  custodian,  trustee,
sequestrator  (or  other  similar  official)  of  the  Corporation  or  of  any
substantial  part  of its property, or ordering the winding up or liquidation of
its  affairs, and any such decree or order shall be unstayed and in effect for a
period  of  thirty  (30) consecutive days and, on account of any such event, the
Corporation  shall  liquidate,  dissolve or wind up, or if the Corporation shall
otherwise  liquidate,  dissolve  or  wind up (each such event being considered a
"LIQUIDATION EVENT"), no distribution shall be made to the holders of any shares
of  capital  stock  of  the  Corporation  (other  than  Senior  Securities) upon
liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up  unless prior thereto, the holders of
shares  of  Class  B Preferred Stock, subject to Article VI, shall have received
the  Liquidation  Preference  (as  defined in Article IV.C) with respect to each
share.  If  upon  the  occurrence  of  a Liquidation Event, the assets and funds
available  for distribution among the holders of the Class B Preferred Stock and
holders of PARI PASSU Securities (including any dividends ordistribution paid on
any  PARI  PASSU  Securities  after  the  date  of filing of this Certificate of
Designation)  shall be insufficient to permit the payment to such holders of the
preferential  amounts  payable  thereon, then the entire assets and funds of the
Corporation  legally  available  for distribution to the Class B Preferred Stock
and  the PARI PASSU Securities shall be distributed ratably among such shares in
proportion  to  the  ratio  that the Liquidation Preference payable on each such
share  bears to the aggregate liquidation preference payable on all such shares.
Any  prior  dividends  or  distribution  made  after  the date of filing of this
Certificate  of  Designation shall offset, dollar for dollar, the amount payable
to  the  class  or  series  to  which  such  distribution  was  made.


At  the option of any holder of Class B Preferred Stock, the sale, conveyance or
disposition  of  all  or substantially all of the assets of the Corporation, the
effectuation  by  the  Corporation  of  a  transaction  or  series  of  related


transactions  in  which  more than 50% of the voting power of the Corporation is
disposed  of,  or the consolidation, merger or other business combination of the
Corporation with or into any other Person (as defined below) or Persons when the
Corporation is not the survivor shall either: (i) be deemed to be a liquidation,
dissolution  or  winding up of the Corporation pursuant to which the Corporation
shall  be required to distribute upon consummation of and as a condition to such
transaction  an  amount equal to 120% of the Liquidation Preference with respect
to each outstanding share of Class B Preferred Stock or (ii) be treated pursuant
to  Article  VI.C(b)  hereof.  "PERSON"  shall mean any individual, corporation,
limited  liability  company,  partnership, association, trust or other entity or


For purposes hereof, the "LIQUIDATION PREFERENCE" with respect to a share of the
Class  B Preferred Stock shall mean an amount equal to the sum of (i) the Stated
Value  thereof  plus  (ii)  any  accrued  and  unpaid  dividends  for the period
beginning  on  the  date  of issuance of the Class B Preferred Stock (the "ISSUE
DATE")  and  ending  on  the  date  of  final distribution to the holder thereof
(prorated  for  any  portion  of  such period) plus (iii) all Conversion Default
Payments  (as  defined  in  Article  VI.E  below), Delivery Default Payments (as
defined  in  Article  VI.D  below)  and  any  other  amounts owed to such holder
pursuant to Section 2(c) of the Registration Rights Agreement (as defined below)
or  pursuant  to the Exchange Agreement. The liquidation preference with respect
to  any  PARI  PASSU  Securities  shall  be  as  set  forth  in a certificate of
designation  filed  in  respect  thereof.

                                  V. REDEMPTION


If  any  of  the  following  events (each, a "MANDATORY REDEMPTION EVENT") shall

          (i)  The  Corporation (a) fails to issue shares of Common Stock to the
               holders  of  Class B Preferred Stock upon exercise by the holders
               of  their  conversion rights in accordance with the terms of this
               Certificate  of Designation (for a period of at least thirty (30)
               days  if  such failure is solely as a result of the circumstances
               governed  by  the  second paragraph of Article VI.E below and the
               Corporation  is  using its best efforts to authorize a sufficient
               number  of  shares  of  Common Stock as soon as practicable), (b)
               fails  to  transfer  or  to  cause its transfer agent to transfer
               (electronically  or  in  certificated  form)  any certificate for
               shares  of  Common Stock issued to the holders upon conversion of
               the  Class  B  Preferred  Stock  as  and  when  required  by this
               Certificate  of Designation or the Registration Rights Agreement,


               dated  as of April 10, 2002, by and among the Corporation and the
               other  signatory  thereto  (the "REGISTRATION RIGHTS AGREEMENT"),
               (c)  fails  to  remove any restrictive legend (or to withdraw any
               stop transfer instructions in respect thereof) on any certificate
               or  any  shares  of Common Stock issued to the holders of Class B
               Preferred Stock upon conversion of the Class B Preferred Stock as
               and  when  required  by  this  Certificate  of  Designation,  the
               Exchange Agreement dated as of April 10, 2002, by and between the
               Corporation  and  the  other  signatories  thereto (the "EXCHANGE
               AGREEMENT") or the Registration Rights Agreement, or (d) fails to
               fulfill  its  obligations  pursuant to the Exchange Agreement (or
               makes  any  announcement,  statement  or  threat that it does not
               intend  to honor the obligations described in this paragraph) and
               any  such  failure  shall  continue uncured (or any announcement,
               statement  or  threat  not  to honor its obligations shall not be
               rescinded  in  writing)  for  ten (10) days after the Corporation
               shall  have  been  notified  thereof  in writing by any holder of
               Class  B  Preferred  Stock;

          (ii) The Corporation fails to obtain effectiveness of the Registration
               Statement  (as defined in the Registration Rights Agreement) (the
               "REGISTRATION  STATEMENT")  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange
               Commission  (the  "SEC"),  prior to 210 days from the date of the
               Registration  Rights  Agreement, required to be filed pursuant to
               Section  2(a)  of  the Registration Rights Agreement, or fails to
               obtain the effectiveness of any additional Registration Statement
               (required  to  be  filed  pursuant  to  Section  3(b)  of  the
               Registration  Rights Agreement) within thirty (30) days after the
               Registration  Trigger Date (as defined in the Registration Rights
               Agreement), or any such Registration Statement, after its initial
               effectiveness  and  during the Registration Period (as defined in
               the  Registration Rights Agreement), lapses in effect or sales of
               all of the Registrable Securities (as defined in the Registration
               Rights  Agreement, the "REGISTRABLE SECURITIES") otherwise cannot
               be  made  thereunder  (whether  by  reason  of  the Corporation's
               failure to amend or supplement the prospectus included therein in
               accordance  with  the  Registration  Rights  Agreement,  the
               Corporation's  failure  to file and obtain effectiveness with the
               SEC  of an additional Registration Statement required to be filed
               pursuant  to Section 3(b) of the Registration Rights Agreement or
               otherwise)  for  more  than  thirty (30) consecutive days or more
               than  forty-five  (45) days in any twelve (12) month period after
               such  Registration  Statement  becomes  effective;

          (iii)  The Corporation or any subsidiary of the Corporation shall make
               an  assignment  for  the  benefit  of  creditors, or apply for or
               consent to the appointment of a receiver or trustee for it or for


               all  or  substantially all of its property or business; or such a
               receiver  or  trustee  shall  otherwise  be  appointed;

          (iv) Bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or liquidation proceedings
               or  other  proceedings for relief under any bankruptcy law or any
               law  for  the relief of debtors shall be instituted by or against
               the  Corporation  or  any  subsidiary  of  the  Corporation;

          (v)  The  Corporation shall fail to maintain the listing of the Common
               Stock  on the Nasdaq National Market, the Nasdaq SmallCap Market,
               the  New  York  Stock Exchange or the American Stock Exchange, or
               the  Over-the-Counter-Bulletin  Board  ("OTCBB"),  then, upon the
               occurrence  and  during  the  continuation  of  any  Mandatory
               Redemption  Event specified in subparagraphs (i), (ii) or (v), at
               the option of the holders of at least 50% of the then outstanding
               shares  of  Class  B  Preferred  Stock exercisable by delivery of
               written  notice  (the  "Mandatory  Redemption  Notice")  to  the
               Corporation  of  such  Mandatory  Redemption  Event,  or upon the
               occurrence  of  any  Mandatory  Redemption  Event  specified  in
               subparagraphs (iii) or (iv), the then outstanding shares of Class
               B  Preferred  Stock  shall  become immediately redeemable and the
               Corporation  shall  purchase  each holder's outstanding shares of
               Class  B  Preferred  Stock  for  an amount per share equal to the
               greater of (1) 120% multiplied by the sum of (a) the Stated Value
               of  the  shares  to  be  redeemed plus (b) any accrued and unpaid
               dividends  for  the period beginning on the Issue Date and ending
               on  the  date  of payment of the Mandatory Redemption Amount (the
               "MANDATORY  REDEMPTION  DATE")  plus  (c)  all Conversion Default
               Payments  (as  defined  in  Article VI.E below), Delivery Default
               Payments (as defined in Article VI.D below) and any other amounts
               owed  to such holder pursuant to Section 2(c) of the Registration
               Rights  Agreement  or pursuant to the Exchange Agreement, and (2)
               the  "PARITY  VALUE"  of  the shares to be redeemed, where parity
               value  means  the  product of (a) the highest number of shares of
               Common  Stock  issuable upon conversion of such shares of Class B
               Preferred  Stock  in  accordance  with  Article VI below (without
               giving  any  effect  to  any limitations on conversions of shares
               contained  herein,  and  treating  the Trading Day (as defined in
               Article VI.B) immediately preceding the Mandatory Redemption Date
               as  the  "CONVERSION  DATE"  (as  defined in Article VI.B(a)) for
               purposes  of  determining the lowest applicable Conversion Price,
               unless  the  Mandatory  Redemption  Event arises as a result of a
               breach  in  respect  of  a specific Conversion Date in which case
               such  specific  Conversion  Date  shall  be the Conversion Date),
               multiplied  by  (b)  the highest Closing Price (as defined below)


               for  the  Common Stock during the period beginning on the date of
               first occurrence of the Mandatory Redemption Event and ending one
               day  prior  to the Mandatory Redemption Date (the greater of such
               amounts  being referred to as the "MANDATORY REDEMPTION AMOUNT").
               "CLOSING PRICE," as of any date, means the last sale price of the
               Common  Stock  on  the  OTCBB  as reported by Bloomberg Financial
               Markets  or  an  equivalent  reliable  reporting service mutually
               acceptable  to  and  hereafter  designated  by  the  holders of a
               majority in interest of the shares of Class B Preferred Stock and
               the  Corporation  ("BLOOMBERG") or, if OTCBB is not the principal
               trading  market  for  such  security, the last sale price of such
               security  on  the principal securities exchange or trading market
               where such security is listed or traded as reported by Bloomberg,
               or  if  the  foregoing  do not apply, the last sale price of such
               security  in  the  over-the-counter  market  on  the  electronic
               bulletin board for such security as reported by Bloomberg, or, if
               no  last  sale  price  of  such  security  is  available  in  the
               over-the-counter market on the electronic bulletin board for such
               security  or  in any of the foregoing manners, the average of the
               bid prices of any market makers for such security that are listed
               in  the  "PINK  SHEETS" by the National Quotation Bureau, Inc. If
               the  Closing Price cannot be calculated for such security on such
               date in the manner provided above, the Closing Price shall be the
               fair  market  value as mutually determined by the Corporation and
               the  holders  of  a  majority  in  interest  of shares of Class B
               Preferred Stock for which the calculation of the Closing Price is


If  the  Class  B  Preferred  Stock  ceases to be convertible by any holder as a
result  of the limitations described in Article VI.A(c) below (a "TRADING MARKET
REDEMPTION EVENT"), and the Corporation has not, prior to, or within thirty (30)
days of, the date that such Trading Market Redemption Event arises, (i) obtained
the  Stockholder Approval (as defined in Article VI.A(c)) or (ii) eliminated any
prohibitions  under  applicable  law  or  the  rules or regulations of any stock
exchange,  interdealer  quotation  system  or other self-regulatory organization
with  jurisdiction  over  the  Corporation  or  any  of  its  securities  on the
Corporation's  ability  to issue shares of Common Stock in excess of the Maximum
Share  Amount  (as  defined  in  Article VI.A(c)), then the Corporation shall be
obligated  to  redeem  immediately all of the then outstanding Class B Preferred
Stock,  in  accordance  with  this Article V.B. An irrevocable redemption notice
(the  "TRADING  MARKET  REDEMPTION  NOTICE")  shall be delivered promptly to the
holders  of Class B Preferred Stock at their registered address appearing on the
records of the Corporation and shall state (i) that the Maximum Share Amount (as
defined  in Article VI.A) has been issued upon exercise of the Class B Preferred


Stock,  (ii)  that the Corporation is obligated to redeem all of the outstanding
Class  B Preferred Stock and (iii) the Mandatory Redemption Date, which shall be
a  date  within  five  (5)  business  days of the earlier of (a) the date of the
Trading  Market  Redemption  Notice  or (b) the date on which the holders of the
Class  B  Preferred  Stock notify the Corporation of the occurrence of a Trading
Market Redemption Event. On the Mandatory Redemption Date, the Corporation shall
make  payment  of  the  Mandatory  Redemption  Amount (as defined in Article V.A
above)  in  cash.


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Article V, so long as
(i)  no Mandatory Redemption Event or Trading Market Redemption Event shall have
occurred and be continuing, (ii) any Registration Statement required to be filed
and be effective pursuant to the Registration Rights Agreement is then in effect
and  has  been  in  effect and sales of all of the Registrable Securities can be
made  thereunder  for at least twenty (20) days prior to the Optional Redemption
Date  (as  defined  below)  and (iii) the Corporation has a sufficient number of
authorized  shares of Common Stock reserved for issuance upon full conversion of
the  Class  B  Preferred  Stock,  then  at  any  time  after the Issue Date, the
Corporation shall have the right on any Trading Day to deliver written notice to
the  holders  of  Class  B  Preferred Stock (which notice may not be sent to the
holders  of  the  Class  B Preferred Stock until the Corporation is permitted to
redeem  the  Class  B  Preferred  Stock  pursuant  to  this  Article V.C) of its
intention  to redeem all of the outstanding shares of Class B Preferred Stock in
accordance  with this Article V.C. Any notice (the "OPTIONAL REDEMPTION NOTICE")
of  redemption  hereunder  (an  "OPTIONAL REDEMPTION") shall be delivered to the
holders  of  Class  B Preferred Stock at their registered addresses appearing on
the  books  and  records  of  the  Corporation  and  shall  state  (1)  that the
Corporation  is  exercising its right to redeem all of the outstanding shares of
Class  B  Preferred  Stock  issued and (2) the date of redemption (the "OPTIONAL
REDEMPTION  DATE"),  which date shall be ten (10) Trading Days after the date of
delivery of the Optional Redemption Notice. On the Optional Redemption Date, the
Corporation  shall  make  payment  of the Optional Redemption Amount (as defined
below)  to  or  upon  the  order  of  the holders as specified by the holders in
writing  to  the Corporation at least one (1) business day prior to the Optional
Redemption  Date.  If  the Corporation exercises its right to redeem the Class B
Preferred  Stock, the Corporation shall make payment to the holders of an amount
in  cash  (the "OPTIONAL REDEMPTION AMOUNT") equal to 120% multiplied by the sum
of  (i) the Stated Value of the shares of Class B Preferred Stock to be redeemed
plus (ii) any accrued and unpaid dividends for the period beginning on the Issue
Date  and  ending  on  the  Optional  Redemption  Date plus (iii) all Conversion
Default  Payments  (as defined in Article VI.E below), Delivery Default Payments
(as  defined  in  Article  VI.D below) and any other amounts owed to such holder
pursuant to Section 2(c) of the Registration Rights Agreement or pursuant to the
Exchange  Agreement,  for  each  share  of  Class  B  Preferred Stock then held.
Notwithstanding notice of an Optional Redemption, the holders shall at all times


prior  to  the Optional Redemption Date maintain the right to convert all or any
shares  of  Class B Preferred Stock in accordance with Article VI and any shares
of  Class B Preferred Stock so converted after receipt of an Optional Redemption
Notice  and  prior  to the Optional Redemption Date set forth in such notice and
payment  of  the aggregate Optional Redemption Amount shall be deducted from the
shares  of  Class  B  Preferred  Stock which are otherwise subject to redemption
pursuant  to  such  notice.  If  the Corporation delivers an Optional Redemption
Notice and fails to pay the Optional Redemption Amount due to the holders of the
Class  B  Preferred  Stock  within  two (2) business days following the Optional
Redemption  Date,  the Corporation shall forever forfeit its right to redeem the
Class  B  Preferred  Stock  pursuant  to  this  Article  V.C.


In  the  case  of  a  Mandatory  Redemption Event or the delivery of an Optional
Redemption  Notice,  if  the  Corporation  fails to pay the Mandatory Redemption
Amount  or  Optional  Redemption Amount within five (5) business days of written
notice  that such amount is due and payable, then (assuming there are sufficient
authorized  shares)  in addition to all other available remedies, each holder of
Class  B  Preferred  Stock  shall  have  the  right  at any time, so long as the
Mandatory  Redemption  Event  continues,  or  at  any  time after delivery of an
Optional  Redemption Notice, to require the Corporation, upon written notice, to
immediately  issue  (in  accordance  with and subject to the terms of Article VI
below),  in  lieu  of the Mandatory Redemption Amount or the Optional Redemption
Amount,  the  number  of shares of Common Stock of the Corporation equal to such
applicable redemption amount divided by any Conversion Price (as defined below),
as  chosen  in  the sole discretion of the holder of Class B Preferred Stock, in
effect  from  the date of the Mandatory Redemption Event or the date of delivery
of  an  Optional Redemption Notice until the date such holder elects to exercise
its  rights  pursuant  to  this  Article  V.D.




          Subject  to  the  conversion  restriction set forth in Article VI.A(b)
          below,  each  holder  of shares of Class B Preferred Stock may, at its
          option  at  any  time  and  from  time  to time, upon surrender of the
          certificates  therefor,  convert  any  or all of its shares of Class B
          Preferred  Stock  into  Common  Stock as set forth below (an "OPTIONAL
          CONVERSION").  Each  share  of  Class  B  Preferred  Stock  shall  be
          convertible into such number of fully paid and nonassessable shares of
          Common  Stock  as  such  Common Stock exists on the Issue Date, or any
          other  shares  of capital stock or other securities of the Corporation


          into which such Common Stock is thereafter changed or reclassified, as
          is determined by dividing (1) the sum of the Stated Value thereof plus
          any  accrued and unpaid dividends by (2) the then effective Conversion
          Price  (as defined below); provided, however, that in no event shall a
          holder of shares of Class B Preferred Stock be entitled to convert any
          such  shares  in  excess  of  that number of shares upon conversion of
          which the sum of (x) the number of shares of Common Stock beneficially
          owned  by  the  holder and its affiliates (other than shares of Common
          Stock  which may be deemed beneficially owned through the ownership of
          the  unconverted  portion  of the shares of Class B Preferred Stock or
          the  unexercised or unconverted portion of any other securities of the
          Corporation  subject  to  a  limitation  on  conversion  or  exercise
          analogous  to  the limitations contained herein) and (y) the number of
          shares  of  Common Stock issuable upon the conversion of the shares of
          Class  B  Preferred  Stock  with respect to which the determination of
          this  proviso is being made, would result in beneficial ownership by a
          holder  and  such  holder's  affiliates  of  more  than  4.9%  of  the
          outstanding  shares  of  Common  Stock.  The  holder  may  waive  the
          limitations  set forth herein by sixty-one (61) days written notice to
          the  Corporation.  For  purposes  of  the  proviso  to the immediately
          preceding  sentence,  beneficial  ownership  shall  be  determined  in
          accordance  with Section 13(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
          as  amended,  and  Regulation  13D-G  thereunder,  except as otherwise
          provided  in  clause  (x)  of  such  proviso.


          Each  holder  of  shares  of Class B Preferred Stock shall not convert
          shares of Class B Preferred Stock received by such holder prior to 120
          days following the Issue Date; provided, however, that the restriction
          on  conversion  set  forth above shall not apply to conversions taking
          place  on  any  Conversion Date (i) occurring on or after the date the
          Corporation  makes  a  public announcement that it intends to merge or
          consolidate  with  any  other  corporation  or  sell  or  transfer
          substantially  all  of the assets of the Corporation or (ii) occurring
          on  or  after  the  date  any  person,  group or entity (including the
          Corporation) publicly announces a tender offer to purchase 50% or more
          of  the  Corporation's  Common Stock (or any other takeover scheme) or
          (iii)  occurring  on  or  after  the date on which there is a material
          adverse change in the business, operation, assets, financial condition
          or prospects of the Corporation or its subsidiaries, taken as a whole,
          or  (iv)  occurring  on  or  after  the  occurrence  of  any Mandatory
          Redemption  Event  or  on or after the date of delivery of an Optional
          Redemption  Notice.


          Unless the Corporation either (i) is permitted by the applicable rules
          and regulations of the principal securities market on which the Common
          Stock  is  listed  or  traded  or  (ii)  has  obtained approval of the
          issuance  of the Common Stock upon conversion of or otherwise pursuant
          to  the  Class B Preferred Stock in accordance with applicable law and
          the rules and regulations of any stock exchange, interdealer quotation
          system  or  other  self-regulatory organization with jurisdiction over
          the Corporation or any of its securities (the "STOCKHOLDER APPROVAL"),
          in  no  event  shall the total number of shares of Common Stock issued
          upon  conversion  of  or  otherwise  pursuant to the Class B Preferred
          Stock  (including  any  shares  of  capital stock or rights to acquire
          shares of capital stock issued by the Corporation which are aggregated
          or integrated with the Common Stock issued or issuable upon conversion
          of  or  otherwise pursuant to the Class B Preferred Stock for purposes
          of any such rule or regulation) exceed the maximum number of shares of
          Common Stock that the Corporation can so issue pursuant to any rule of
          the  principal  United  States  securities  market on which the Common
          Stock trades (the "MAXIMUM SHARE AMOUNT") which, as of the Issue Date,
          shall  be 1,984,261 shares (19.99% of the total shares of Common Stock
          outstanding  on the Issue Date), subject to equitable adjustments from
          time  to time for stock splits, stock dividends, combinations, capital
          reorganizations  and  similar  events  relating  to  the  Common Stock
          occurring after the Issue Date. With respect to each holder of Class B
          Preferred Stock, the Maximum Share Amount shall refer to such holder's
          pro rata share thereof determined in accordance with Article IX below.
          In  the  event  that  the sum of (x) the aggregate number of shares of
          Common  Stock actually issued upon conversion of or otherwise pursuant
          to  the  outstanding  Class  B  Preferred Stock plus (y) the aggregate
          number  of shares of Common Stock that remain issuable upon conversion
          of  or  otherwise  pursuant to the Class B Preferred Stock at the then
          effective  Conversion  Price,  represents at least one hundred percent
          (100%)  of  the  Maximum  Share  Amount  (the "TRIGGERING EVENT"), the
          Corporation  will  use its best efforts to seek and obtain Stockholder
          Approval  (or  obtain  such  other  relief  as  will allow conversions
          hereunder  in  excess  of  the  Maximum  Share  Amount)  as  soon  as
          practicable  following  the  Triggering  Event.




          Subject to subparagraph (b) below, the "CONVERSION PRICE" shall be the
          lesser  of  the  Variable Conversion Price (as defined herein) and the
          Fixed  Conversion  Price  (as  defined herein), subject to adjustments
          pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  Article  VI.C  below. The "VARIABLE
          CONVERSION  PRICE"  shall  mean  the  Market Price (as defined below),
          multiplied  by  .82.  "MARKET  PRICE"  means the average of the lowest
          three  (3)  Intraday  Trading Prices (as defined below) for the Common
          Stock during the thirty (30) Trading Day period ending one Trading Day
          prior  to  the  date the Notice of Conversion is sent by the holder of
          Class B Preferred Stock to the Corporation via facsimile (the "PRICING
          PERIOD").  "INTRADAY  TRADING PRICE" means, for any security as of any
          date, the intraday trading price on the OTCBB as reported by Bloomberg
          or,  if  the  OTCBB  is  not  the  principal  trading  market for such
          security, the intraday trading price of such security on the principal
          securities exchange or trading market where such security is listed or
          traded  or, if no intraday trading price of such security is available
          in  any  of the foregoing manners, the average of the intraday trading
          prices  of  any market makers for such security that are listed in the
          "pink  sheets"  by the National Quotation Bureau, Inc. If the Intraday
          Trading  Price  cannot be calculated for such security on such date in
          the  manner  provided  above,  the Intraday Trading Price shall be the
          fair  market  value  as mutually determined by the Corporation and the
          holders  of  a majority in interest of the Class B Preferred Stock for
          which the calculation of the Intraday Trading Price of Common Stock is
          required  in  order  to determine the Conversion Price of such Class B
          Preferred  Stock. "TRADING DAY" shall mean any day on which the Common
          Stock  is  traded  for  any  period  on the OTCBB, or on the principal
          securities  exchange  or  other  securities market on which the Common
          Stock  is  then  being traded. The "FIXED CONVERSION PRICE" shall mean


          Notwithstanding  anything  contained  in  subparagraph  (a)  of  this
          Paragraph  B to the contrary, in the event the Corporation (i) makes a
          public  announcement  that it intends to consolidate or merge with any
          other corporation (other than a merger in which the Corporation is the
          surviving  or  continuing  corporation  and  its  capital  stock  is
          unchanged)  or sell or transfer all or substantially all of the assets
          of  the Corporation or (ii) any person, group or entity (including the


          Corporation) publicly announces a tender offer to purchase 50% or more
          of  the Corporation's Common Stock (or any other takeover scheme) (the
          date  of  the  announcement  referred  to  in  clause  (i)  or (ii) is
          hereinafter  referred  to  as  the  "ANNOUNCEMENT  DATE"),  then  the
          Conversion  Price  shall,  effective  upon  the  Announcement Date and
          continuing  through the Adjusted Conversion Price Termination Date (as
          defined  below), be equal, for each such date, to the lower of (x) the
          Conversion  Price  which  would  have  been applicable for an Optional
          Conversion  occurring  on the Announcement Date and (y) the Conversion
          Price  that  would otherwise be in effect. From and after the Adjusted
          Conversion  Price  Termination  Date,  the  Conversion  Price shall be
          determined  as set forth in subparagraph (a) of this Article VI.B. For
          purposes  hereof,  "ADJUSTED  CONVERSION PRICE TERMINATION Date" shall
          mean,  with  respect  to  any proposed transaction or tender offer (or
          takeover  scheme)  for  which a public announcement as contemplated by
          this  subparagraph  (b)  has  been  made,  the  date  upon  which  the
          Corporation  (in the case of clause (i) above) or the person, group or
          entity  (in  the  case  of  clause (ii) above) consummates or publicly
          announces  the  termination or abandonment of the proposed transaction
          or  tender  offer  (or takeover scheme) which caused this subparagraph
          (b)  to  become  operative.


The  Conversion  Price  shall  be  subject  to  adjustment  from time to time as


          If at any time when Class B Preferred Stock is issued and outstanding,
          the  number  of  outstanding  shares  of  Common Stock is increased or
          decreased  by  a  stock  split,  stock  dividend,  combination,
          reclassification,  rights offering below the Trading Price (as defined
          below)  to  all  holders of Common Stock or other similar event, which
          event  shall  have  taken  place  during  the  reference  period  for
          determination  of  the Conversion Price for any Optional Conversion of
          the  Class  B  Preferred  Stock,  then  the  Conversion Price shall be
          calculated  giving  appropriate  effect  to  the  stock  split,  stock
          dividend,  combination,  reclassification  or  other similar event. In
          such  event,  the  Corporation shall notify the Transfer Agent of such
          change on or before the effective date thereof. "TRADING PRICE," which
          shall  be  measured  as  of  the  record date in respect of the rights
          offering,  means  (i) the average of the last reported sale prices for


          the  shares  of Common Stock on the OTCBB as reported by Bloomberg, as
          applicable,  for  the five (5) Trading Days immediately preceding such
          date,  or  (ii)  if  OTCBB is not the principal trading market for the
          shares  of  Common Stock, the average of the last reported sale prices
          on  the  principal trading market for the Common Stock during the same
          period  as  reported  by Bloomberg, or (iii) if market value cannot be
          calculated  as of such date on any of the foregoing bases, the Trading
          Price  shall be the fair market value as reasonably determined in good
          faith  by (a) the Board of Directors of the Corporation or, (b) at the
          option  of  a  majority-in-interest  of the holders of the outstanding
          Class  B  Preferred  Stock  by  an  independent  investment  bank  of
          nationally  recognized standing in the valuation of businesses similar
          to  the  business  of  the  Corporation.


          If, at any time when Class B Preferred Stock is issued and outstanding
          and  prior  to  the  conversion  of all Class B Preferred Stock, there
          shall  be  any  merger,  consolidation,  exchange  of  shares,
          recapitalization,  reorganization, or other similar event, as a result
          of  which  shares  of Common Stock of the Corporation shall be changed
          into  the  same  or  a  different number of shares of another class or
          classes  of  stock or securities of the Corporation or another entity,
          or  in  case  of any sale or conveyance of all or substantially all of
          the  assets of the Corporation other than in connection with a plan of
          complete  liquidation  of  the Corporation (each, a "CHANGE OF CONTROL
          TRANSACTION"),  then  the  holders  of  Class  B Preferred Stock shall
          thereafter  have  the  right to receive upon conversion of the Class B
          Preferred  Stock,  upon  the  basis  and upon the terms and conditions
          specified herein and in lieu of the shares of Common Stock immediately
          theretofore issuable upon conversion, such stock, securities or assets
          which  the holders of Class B Preferred Stock would have been entitled
          to  receive  in  such transaction had the Class B Preferred Stock been
          converted  in  full  immediately  prior  to  such transaction (without
          regard  to any limitations on conversion contained herein), and in any
          such  case  appropriate  provisions  shall be made with respect to the
          rights  and interests of the holders of Class B Preferred Stock to the
          end  that  the  provisions  hereof  (including,  without  limitation,
          provisions for adjustment of the Conversion Price and of the number of
          shares  of  Common  Stock  issuable  upon  conversion  of  the Class B
          Preferred  Stock)  shall thereafter be applicable, as nearly as may be
          practicable  in  relation  to  any  securities  or  assets  thereafter
          deliverable  upon  the  conversion  of  Class  B  Preferred Stock. The


          Corporation  shall  not  effect  any  transaction  described  in  this
          subsection  (b)  unless  (a)  it first gives, to the extent practical,
          thirty  (30)  days'  prior  written  notice (but in any event at least
          fifteen (15) business days prior written notice) of the record date of
          the special meeting of stockholders to approve, or if there is no such
          record  date,  the consummation of, such Change of Control Transaction
          (during  which  time  the  holders of Class B Preferred Stock shall be
          entitled to convert the Class B Preferred Stock) and (b) the resulting
          successor  or  acquiring  entity  (if  not the Corporation) and, if an
          entity  different  from  the successor or acquiring entity, the entity
          whose  capital  stock  or  assets  the holders of the Common Stock are
          entitled to receive as a result of such Change of Control Transaction,
          assumes  by  written instrument the obligations of this Certificate of
          Designation  (including  this  subsection  (b)).  The above provisions
          shall  similarly  apply  to successive consolidations, mergers, sales,
          transfers  or  share  exchanges.


          If,  at  any  time  after the Issue Date, the Corporation sells Common
          Stock  or  securities  convertible  into,  or exchangeable for, Common
          Stock,  other  than  a  sale  pursuant  to a bona fide firm commitment
          underwritten  public  offering of Common Stock by the Corporation (not
          including  a  continuous  offering  pursuant  to  Rule  415  under the
          Securities  Act  of 1933, as amended) (collectively, the "OTHER COMMON
          STOCK"),  then,  if the effective or maximum sales price of the Common
          Stock  with  respect  to  such transaction (including the effective or
          maximum  conversion,  or  exchange  price) (the "OTHER PRICE") is less
          than  the effective Conversion Price of the Class B Preferred Stock at
          such  time and such Other Common Stock is eligible for resale prior to
          the  date  that is 210 days following the Issue Date, at the option of
          each  holder  of Class B Preferred Stock, the Corporation shall adjust
          the Conversion Price applicable to the Class B Preferred Stock not yet
          converted in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the holders
          of  Class B Preferred Stock so that the Conversion Price applicable to
          the Class B Preferred Stock shall not, in any event, be greater, after
          giving  effect  to  all  other  adjustments contained herein, than the
          Other  Price.


          Subject  to  Article III, if the Corporation shall declare or make any
          distribution  of  its  assets  (or  rights  to  acquire its assets) to
          holders  of  Common  Stock  as a dividend, stock repurchase, by way of


          return of capital or otherwise (including any dividend or distribution
          to  the  Corporation's  shareholders  in  cash or shares (or rights to
          acquire  shares)  of capital stock of a subsidiary (i.e., a spin-off))
          (a  "DISTRIBUTION"), then the holders of Class B Preferred Stock shall
          be  entitled, upon any conversion of shares of Class B Preferred Stock
          after the date of record for determining shareholders entitled to such
          Distribution,  to  receive  the amount of such assets which would have
          been  payable to the holder with respect to the shares of Common Stock
          issuable  upon such conversion had such holder been the holder of such
          shares  of  Common  Stock  on the record date for the determination of
          shareholders  entitled  to  such  Distribution.


          Subject  to  Article  III,  if  at any time when any Class B Preferred
          Stock  is  issued  and  outstanding,  the  Corporation  issues  any
          convertible  securities  or  rights  to  purchase  stock,  warrants,
          securities  or  other property (the "PURCHASE RIGHTS") pro rata to the
          record holders of any class of Common Stock, then the holders of Class
          B  Preferred  Stock  will  be  entitled  to  acquire,  upon  the terms
          applicable  to  such  Purchase  Rights,  the aggregate Purchase Rights
          which  such  holder  could  have  acquired if such holder had held the
          number  of  shares of Common Stock acquirable upon complete conversion
          of  the  Class B Preferred Stock (without regard to any limitations on
          conversion  contained  herein)  immediately before the date on which a
          record  is  taken  for  the  grant,  issuance or sale of such Purchase
          Rights,  or,  if  no  such  record  is taken, the date as of which the
          record  holders  of  Common  Stock are to be determined for the grant,
          issue  or  sale  of  such  Purchase  Rights.


          In  the  event  that (i) the Corporation fails to obtain effectiveness
          with  the  SEC  of  any  Registration  Statement  required to be filed
          pursuant  to the Registration Rights Agreement on or prior to the date
          on  which  such Registration Statement is required to become effective
          pursuant  to  the  terms of the Registration Rights Agreement, or (ii)
          any  such  Registration  Statement after its initial effectiveness and
          during  the Registration Period (as defined in the Registration Rights
          Agreement)  lapses  in  effect,  or  sales  of  all  the  Registrable
          Securities  otherwise  cannot be made thereunder, whether by reason of
          the  Corporation's  failure  or  inability  to amend or supplement the
          prospectus  (the "PROSPECTUS") included therein in accordance with the


          Registration  Rights  Agreement  or otherwise, after such Registration
          Statement  becomes effective (including, without limitation, during an
          Allowed  Delay  (as defined in Section 3(f) of the Registration Rights
          Agreement)), then, at the election of each holder of Class B Preferred
          Stock, the Pricing Period shall be comprised of, (x) in the case of an
          event  described  in  clause  (i),  the  thirty-two  (32) Trading Days
          preceding the date on which such Registration Statement is required to
          become  effective  pursuant  to  the  terms of the Registration Rights
          Agreement, plus all Trading Days through and including the third (3rd)
          Trading  Day  following  the  date  of  actual  effectiveness  of such
          Registration  Statement;  and (y) in the case of an event described in
          clause  (ii),  the  thirty-two (32) Trading Days preceding the date on
          which the holder of the Class B Preferred Stock is first notified that
          sales  may  not  be  made  under the Prospectus, plus all Trading Days
          through  and  including the third (3rd) Trading Day following the date
          on  which  the  Holder  is first notified that such sales may again be
          made  under  the  Prospectus.  If  a holder of Class B Preferred Stock
          determines  that  sales  may  not  be  made pursuant to the Prospectus
          (whether  by reason of the Corporation's failure or inability to amend
          or  supplement  the  Prospectus  or  otherwise) it shall so notify the
          Corporation  in  writing  and,  unless  the  Corporation provides such
          holder  with  a  written  opinion  of the Corporation's counsel to the
          contrary,  such  determination  shall  be binding for purposes of this


In  order to convert Class B Preferred Stock into full shares of Common Stock, a
holder of Class B Preferred Stock shall: (i) submit a copy of the fully executed
notice  of  conversion  in  the  form  attached  hereto as Exhibit A ("NOTICE OF
CONVERSION")  to the Corporation by facsimile dispatched prior to 6:00 p.m., Los
Angeles,  California  time  (the  "CONVERSION  NOTICE  DEADLINE")  on  the  date
specified  therein as the Conversion Date (as defined in Article VI.D(d)) (or by
other  means  resulting  in,  or reasonably expected to result in, notice to the
Corporation  on  the  Conversion  Date)  to the office of the Corporation or its
designated  Transfer  Agent  for the Class B Preferred Stock, which notice shall
specify  the  number  of  shares of Class B Preferred Stock to be converted, the
applicable  Conversion Price and a calculation of the number of shares of Common
Stock  issuable  upon such conversion (together with a copy of the first page of
each  certificate to be converted); and (ii) surrender the original certificates
representing  the  Class B Preferred Stock being converted (the "PREFERRED STOCK
CERTIFICATES"),  duly endorsed, along with a copy of the Notice of Conversion to
the  office  of  the Corporation or the Transfer Agent for the Class B Preferred
Stock  as soon as practicable thereafter. The Corporation shall not be obligated


to  issue  certificates evidencing the shares of Common Stock issuable upon such
conversion,  unless either the Preferred Stock Certificates are delivered to the
Corporation  or its Transfer Agent as provided above, or the holder notifies the
Corporation  or its Transfer Agent that such certificates have been lost, stolen
or  destroyed  (subject  to  the requirements of subparagraph (a) below). In the
case of a dispute as to the calculation of the Conversion Price, the Corporation
shall promptly issue such number of shares of Common Stock that are not disputed
in  accordance  with  subparagraph  (b)  below. The Corporation shall submit the
disputed  calculations  to  its  outside accountant via facsimile within two (2)
business days of receipt of the Notice of Conversion. The accountant shall audit
the  calculations  and  notify  the Corporation and the holder of the results no
later  than  48  hours  from the time it receives the disputed calculations. The
accountant's  calculation  shall  be  deemed  conclusive  absent manifest error.


          Upon  receipt  by  the  Corporation  of  evidence  of the loss, theft,
          destruction  or  mutilation  of  any  Preferred  Stock  Certificates
          representing  shares  of  Class B Preferred Stock, and (in the case of
          loss,  theft  or  destruction) of indemnity reasonably satisfactory to
          the  Corporation, and upon surrender and cancellation of the Preferred
          Stock  Certificate(s), if mutilated, the Corporation shall execute and
          deliver  new  Preferred  Stock  Certificate(s) of like tenor and date.


          Upon  the surrender of certificates as described above together with a
          Notice  of Conversion, the Corporation shall issue and, within two (2)
          business days after such surrender (or, in the case of lost, stolen or
          destroyed  certificates,  after  provision  of  agreement  and
          indemnification  pursuant  to  subparagraph  (a) above) (the "DELIVERY
          PERIOD"),  deliver  (or  cause  its  Transfer  Agent  to  so issue and
          deliver)  in  accordance  with  the  terms  hereof  and  the  Exchange
          Agreement  (including,  without  limitation,  in  accordance  with the
          requirements  of  the  Exchange Agreement) to or upon the order of the
          holder  (i)  that  number of shares of Common Stock for the portion of
          the shares of Class B Preferred Stock converted as shall be determined
          in accordance herewith and (ii) a certificate representing the balance
          of  the  shares  of  Class B Preferred Stock not converted, if any. In
          addition  to  any  other  remedies  available to the holder, including
          actual damages and/or equitable relief, the Corporation shall pay to a
          holder  $2,000 per day in cash for each day beyond a two (2) day grace
          period  following  the  Delivery  Period that the Corporation fails to
          deliver Common Stock (a "DELIVERY DEFAULT") issuable upon surrender of


          shares  of  Class  B Preferred Stock with a Notice of Conversion until
          such  time as the Corporation has delivered all such Common Stock (the
          "DELIVERY  DEFAULT PAYMENTS"). Such Delivery Default Payments shall be
          paid  to such holder by the fifth day of the month following the month
          in  which  it  has accrued or, at the option of the holder (by written
          notice  to the Corporation by the first day of the month following the
          month in which it has accrued), shall be convertible into Common Stock
          in  accordance  with  the  terms  of  this  Article  VI.

          In  lieu  of  delivering physical certificates representing the Common
          Stock  issuable  upon  conversion, provided the Corporation's Transfer
          Agent  is  participating  in the Depository Trust Company ("DTC") Fast
          Automated  Securities  Transfer  ("FAST") program, upon request of the
          holder  and  its  compliance  with the provisions contained in Article
          VI.A  and  in  this  Article  VI.D, the Corporation shall use its best
          efforts  to  cause  its  Transfer Agent to electronically transmit the
          Common  Stock  issuable upon conversion to the holder by crediting the
          account  of  holder's  prime  broker  with  DTC  through  its  Deposit
          Withdrawal  Agent  Commission  ("DWAC")  system.  The time periods for
          delivery  and  penalties  described  in  the  immediately  preceding
          paragraph shall apply to the electronic transmittals described herein.


          If  any  conversion  of  Class  B  Preferred  Stock  would result in a
          fractional  share of Common Stock or the right to acquire a fractional
          share  of Common Stock, such fractional share shall be disregarded and
          the  number  of shares of Common Stock issuable upon Conversion of the
          Class  B  Preferred  Stock  shall be the next higher number of shares.


          The  "CONVERSION  DATE"  shall  be the date specified in the Notice of
          Conversion,  provided  that  the  Notice of Conversion is submitted by
          facsimile  (or  by other means resulting in, or reasonably expected to
          result  in,  notice)  to  the Corporation or its Transfer Agent before
          6:00  p.m.,  Los  Angeles,  California time, on the date so specified,
          otherwise  the  Conversion  Date shall be the first business day after
          the  date  so  specified on which the Notice of Conversion is actually
          received  by  the  Corporation  or  its  Transfer Agent. The person or
          persons  entitled  to receive the shares of Common Stock issuable upon
          conversion  shall  be treated for all purposes as the record holder or


          holders  of  such  securities as of the Conversion Date and all rights
          with  respect  to  the  shares  of Class B Preferred Stock surrendered
          shall  forthwith  terminate  except the right to receive the shares of
          Common  Stock  or  other  securities  or  property  issuable  on  such
          conversion and except that the holders preferential rights as a holder
          of Class B Preferred Stock shall survive to the extent the Corporation
          fails  to  deliver  such  securities.


A  number  of  shares  of the authorized but unissued Common Stock sufficient to
provide  for the conversion of the Class B Preferred Stock outstanding (based on
the  lesser  of  the  then  current  Variable  Conversion  Price  and  the Fixed
Conversion  Price in effect from time to time) shall at all times be reserved by
the  Corporation,  free from preemptive rights, for such conversion or exercise.
As  of  the  date  of  issuance  of  the  Class  B  Preferred Stock, 200% of the
authorized  and  unissued  shares  of  Common  Stock have been duly reserved for
issuance upon conversion of the Class B Preferred Stock (the "RESERVED AMOUNT").
The  Reserved Amount shall be increased from time to time in accordance with the
Corporation's  obligations  pursuant  to the Exchange Agreement and Registration
Rights  Agreement. In addition, if the Corporation shall issue any securities or
make any change in its capital structure which would change the number of shares
of  Common  Stock  into which each share of the Class B Preferred Stock shall be
convertible,  the  Corporation shall at the same time also make proper provision
so  that thereafter there shall be a sufficient number of shares of Common Stock
authorized  and  reserved,  free  from  preemptive rights, for conversion of the
outstanding  Class  B  Preferred  Stock.

If at any time a holder of shares of Class B Preferred Stock submits a Notice of
Conversion, and the Corporation does not have sufficient authorized but unissued
shares  of  Common  Stock available to effect such conversion in accordance with
the  provisions  of this Article VI (a "CONVERSION Default"), subject to Article
IX,  the Corporation shall issue to the holder all of the shares of Common Stock
which  are  available to effect such conversion. The number of shares of Class B
Preferred  Stock  included  in the Notice of Conversion which exceeds the amount
which  is  then  convertible  into available shares of Common Stock (the "EXCESS
AMOUNT")  shall,  notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, not
be  convertible into Common Stock in accordance with the terms hereof until (and
at  the  holder's option at any time after) the date additional shares of Common
Stock are authorized by the Corporation to permit such conversion, at which time
the  Conversion  Price  in  respect  thereof  shall  be  the  lesser  of (i) the
Conversion  Price on the Conversion Default Date (as defined below) and (ii) the


Conversion  Price  on  the  Conversion  Date  elected  by  the holder in respect
thereof. The Corporation shall use its best efforts to effect an increase in the
authorized  number  of  shares of Common Stock as soon as possible following the
earlier  of  (i) such time that a holder of Class B Preferred Stock notifies the
Corporation  or  that  the Corporation otherwise becomes aware that there are or
likely  will  be  insufficient  authorized  and  unissued  shares  to allow full
conversion  thereof and (ii) a Conversion Default.  In addition, the Corporation
shall  pay  to  the  holder  payments  ("CONVERSION  DEFAULT  PAYMENTS")  for  a
Conversion  Default  in  the amount of (a) .24, multiplied by (b) the sum of the
Stated  Value  plus  any  accrued and unpaid dividends through the Authorization
Date (as defined below), multiplied by (c) (N/365), where N = the number of days
from  the  day  the  holder  submits  a  Notice  of  Conversion giving rise to a
Conversion  Default  (the  "Conversion  Default  Date")  to  the  date  (the
"Authorization  Date")  that  the  Corporation authorizes a sufficient number of
shares  of  Common  Stock  to  effect conversion of the full number of shares of
Class  B Preferred Stock. The Corporation shall send notice to the holder of the
authorization  of  additional shares of Common Stock, the Authorization Date and
the  amount  of  holder's  accrued  Conversion  Default  Payments.  The  accrued
Conversion  Default  Payment  for  each  calendar month shall be paid in cash or
shall  be  convertible  into Common Stock at the applicable Conversion Price, at
the  holder's  option,  as  follows:

     (a)  In  the  event  the  holder  elects to take such payment in cash, cash
          payment  shall  be  made  to  holder  by  the  fifth  day of the month
          following  the  month  in  which  it  has  accrued;  and

     (b)  In  the  event the holder elects to take such payment in Common Stock,
          the  holder  may  convert such payment amount into Common Stock at the
          Conversion  Price (as in effect at the time of Conversion) at any time
          after  the  fifth day of the month following the month in which it has
          accrued  in  accordance  with the terms of this Article VI (so long as
          there  is  then  a  sufficient  number  of authorized shares of Common

          The  holder's  election shall be made in writing to the Corporation at
          any  time  prior  to  6:00  p.m., Los Angeles, California time, on the
          third  (3rd)  day of the month following the month in which Conversion
          Default  payments  have  accrued.  If  no election is made, the holder
          shall  be deemed to have elected to receive cash. Nothing herein shall
          limit  the  holder's  right to pursue actual damages (to the extent in
          excess  of  the  Conversion  Default  Payments)  for the Corporation's
          failure to maintain a sufficient number of authorized shares of Common
          Stock,  and  each  holder  shall have the right to pursue all remedies
          available  at  law  or  in  equity  (including  a  decree  of specific
          performance  and/or  injunctive  relief).



Upon  the  occurrence of each adjustment or readjustment of the Conversion Price
pursuant  to  this  Article  VI, the Corporation, at its expense, shall promptly
compute  such adjustment or readjustment in accordance with the terms hereof and
prepare  and  furnish  to  each  holder of Class B Preferred Stock a certificate
setting  forth  such  adjustment or readjustment and showing in detail the facts
upon which such adjustment or readjustment is based. The Corporation shall, upon
the  written  request  at  any  time  of  any holder of Class B Preferred Stock,
furnish or cause to be furnished to such holder a like certificate setting forth
(i)  such  adjustment  or readjustment, (ii) the Conversion Price at the time in
effect and (iii) the number of shares of Common Stock and the amount, if any, of
other securities or property which at the time would be received upon conversion
of  a  share  of  Class  B  Preferred  Stock.


Upon  submission  of  a  Notice  of  Conversion by a holder of Class B Preferred
Stock,  (i)  the  shares  covered  thereby (other than the shares, if any, which
cannot  be  issued  because  their issuance would exceed such holder's allocated
portion  of  the  Reserved  Amount  or  Maximum  Share  Amount)  shall be deemed
converted  into  shares of Common Stock and (ii) the holder's rights as a holder
of  such  converted shares of Class B Preferred Stock shall cease and terminate,
excepting only the right to receive certificates for such shares of Common Stock
and  to  any remedies provided herein or otherwise available at law or in equity
to  such holder because of a failure by the Corporation to comply with the terms
of  this  Certificate of Designation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a holder
has  not received certificates for all shares of Common Stock prior to the tenth
(10th)  business day after the expiration of the Delivery Period with respect to
a  conversion  of shares of Class B Preferred Stock for any reason, then (unless
the  holder otherwise elects to retain its status as a holder of Common Stock by
so  notifying the Corporation) the holder shall regain the rights of a holder of
such  shares  of Class B Preferred Stock with respect to such unconverted shares
of  Class  B  Preferred Stock and the Corporation shall, as soon as practicable,
return  such  unconverted shares of Class B Preferred Stock to the holder or, if
such  shares  of  Class  B Preferred Stock have not been surrendered, adjust its
records  to  reflect  that  such shares of Class B Preferred Stock have not been
converted.  In all cases, the holder shall retain all of its rights and remedies
(including,  without  limitation,  (i)  the  right  to  receive Delivery Default
Payments  pursuant  to  Article  VI.E  to  the  extent required thereby for such
Delivery  Default and any subsequent Delivery Default and (ii) the right to have
the  Conversion  Price  with  respect  to  subsequent  conversions determined in


accordance  with  Article  VI.E.)  for  the Corporation's failure to convert the
Class  B  Preferred  Stock.

                               VII. VOTING RIGHTS

The  holders  of  the  Class  B Preferred Stock have no voting power whatsoever,
except  as  otherwise  provided  by  the Nevada General Corporation Law, in this
Article  VII,  and  in  Article  VIII  below.

Notwithstanding  the above, the Corporation shall provide each holder of Class B
Preferred  Stock with prior notification of any meeting of the shareholders (and
copies  of  proxy  materials and other information sent to shareholders). In the
event  of  any taking by the Corporation of a record of its shareholders for the
purpose  of  determining shareholders who are entitled to receive payment of any
dividend  or  other  distribution,  any  right  to  subscribe  for,  purchase or
otherwise  acquire  (including  by  way  of  merger,  consolidation  or
recapitalization) any share of any class or any other securities or property, or
to  receive  any other right, or for the purpose of determining shareholders who
are  entitled  to vote in connection with any proposed sale, lease or conveyance
of  all  or  substantially all of the assets of the Corporation, or any proposed
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, the Corporation shall
mail  a  notice  to each holder, at least ten (10) days prior to the record date
specified  therein  (or  thirty  (30)  days  prior  to  the  consummation of the
transaction  or  event,  whichever  is  earlier),  of the date on which any such
record  is  to be taken for the purpose of such dividend, distribution, right or
other  event,  and  a brief statement regarding the amount and character of such
dividend,  distribution,  right or other event to the extent known at such time.

To  the  extent  that  under  the Nevada General Corporation Law the vote of the
holders  of  the Class B Preferred Stock, voting separately as a class or series
as  applicable,  is required to authorize a given action of the Corporation, the
affirmative  vote or consent of the holders of at least a majority of the shares
of  the  Class  B  Preferred Stock represented at a duly held meeting at which a
quorum  is  present or by written consent of a majority of the shares of Class B
Preferred  Stock  (except  as otherwise may be required under the Nevada General
Corporation  Law)  shall constitute the approval of such action by the class. To
the  extent that under the Nevada General Corporation Law holders of the Class B
Preferred  Stock  are entitled to vote on a matter with holders of Common Stock,
voting  together  as  one  class, each share of Class B Preferred Stock shall be
entitled to a number of votes equal to the number of shares of Common Stock into
which  it  is then convertible using the record date for the taking of such vote
of  shareholders  as  the  date  as of which the Conversion Price is calculated.
Holders  of  the  Class  B  Preferred  Stock  shall be entitled to notice of all
shareholder  meetings  or  written  consents  (and copies of proxy materials and
other  information  sent  to  shareholders)  with respect to which they would be


entitled  to  vote, which notice would be provided pursuant to the Corporation's
bylaws  and  the  Nevada  General  Corporation  Law.

                           VIII. PROTECTIVE PROVISIONS

So  long  as  shares of Class B Preferred Stock are outstanding, the Corporation
shall  not, without first obtaining the approval (by vote or written consent, as
provided  by  the  Nevada  General  Corporation Law of the holders of at least a
majority  of  the  then  outstanding  shares  of  Class  B  Preferred  Stock:

     (a)  alter, amend or repeal (whether by merger, consolidation or otherwise)
          the  rights,  preferences or privileges of the Class B Preferred Stock
          or  any capital stock of the Corporation so as to affect adversely the
          Class  B  Preferred  Stock;

     (b)  create  any  new  class or series of capital stock having a preference
          over  the  Class  B  Preferred Stock as to distribution of assets upon
          liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up  of  the  Corporation  (as
          previously  defined  in  Article  II  hereof,  "SENIOR  SECURITIES");

     (c)  create  any  new  class  or series of capital stock ranking pari passu
          with  the  Class  B  Preferred Stock as to distribution of assets upon
          liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up  of  the  Corporation  (as
          previously  defined  in  Article  II hereof, "PARI PASSU SECURITIES");

     (d)  increase  the  authorized number of shares of Class B Preferred Stock;

     (e)  issue  any  Senior  Securities  or  Pari  Passu  Securities;

     (f)  increase  the  par  value  of  the  Common  Stock,  or

     (g)  do any act or thing not authorized or contemplated by this Certificate
          of Designation which would result in taxation of the holders of shares
          of  the  Class  B  Preferred  Stock  under Section 305 of the Internal
          Revenue  Code  of 1986, as amended (or any comparable provision of the
          Internal  Revenue  Code  as  hereafter  from  time  to  time amended).

In  the  event  holders of at least a majority of the then outstanding shares of
Class  B  Preferred  Stock agree to allow the Corporation to alter or change the
rights,  preferences  or  privileges  of  the shares of Class B Preferred Stock,
pursuant  to  subsection (a) above, so as to affect the Class B Preferred Stock,
then  the Corporation will deliver notice of such approved change to the holders
of  the  Class B Preferred Stock that did not agree to such alteration or change


(the  "DISSENTING  HOLDERS")  and  Dissenting Holders shall have the right for a
period  of thirty (30) days to convert pursuant to the terms of this Certificate
of  Designation  as they exist prior to such alteration or change or continue to
hold  their  shares  of  Class  B  Preferred  Stock.

                            IX. PRO RATA ALLOCATIONS

The  Maximum  Share  Amount  and  the  Reserved  Amount (including any increases
thereto)  shall  be  allocated  by the Corporation pro rata among the holders of
Class B Preferred Stock based on the number of shares of Class B Preferred Stock
issued  to  each  holder.  Each  increase  to  the  Maximum Share Amount and the
Reserved  Amount  shall  be  allocated  pro  rata  among  the holders of Class B
Preferred Stock based on the number of shares of Class B Preferred Stock held by
each  holder at the time of the increase in the Maximum Share Amount or Reserved
Amount.  In  the  event  a  holder  shall sell or otherwise transfer any of such
holder's shares of Class B Preferred Stock, each transferee shall be allocated a
pro  rata portion of such transferor's Maximum Share Amount and Reserved Amount.
Any  portion  of  the  Maximum  Share  Amount  or  Reserved Amount which remains
allocated  to  any  person  or  entity which does not hold any Class B Preferred
Stock shall be allocated to the remaining holders of shares of Class B Preferred
Stock,  pro  rata  based on the number of shares of Class B Preferred Stock then
held  by  such  holders.

SECTION  3.     PREFERRED  STOCK.  Shares  of Preferred Stock may be issued from
time  to  time  in  one  or more classes or series as the Board of Directors, by
resolution or resolutions, may from time to time determine, each of said classes
or  series  to  be  distinctively designated. The voting powers, preferences and
relative,  participating,  optional  and  other  special  rights,  and  the
qualifications,  limitations or restrictions thereof, if any, of each such class
or  series  may  differ  from  those  of  any and all other classes or series of
Preferred  Stock  at  any time outstanding, and the Board of Directors is hereby
expressly  granted  authority, subject to any limitations contained in any class
or  series  of  Preferred  Stock  at  any  time outstanding, to fix or alter, by
resolution  or  resolutions, the designation, number, voting powers, preferences
and  relative,  participating,  optional  and  other  special  rights,  and  the
qualifications,  limitations  and  restrictions  thereof,  of each such class or
series,  including,  but  without  limiting the generality of the foregoing, the

     (i)  The  distinctive designation of, and the number of shares of Preferred
          Stock  that  shall  constitute,  such  class  or  series, which number
          (except  as  otherwise  provided  by  the  Board  of  Directors in the
          resolution  establishing  such  class  or  series) may be increased or
          decreased  (but not below the number of shares of such class or series
          then  outstanding)  from  time  to time by like action of the Board of


     (ii) The rights in respect of dividends, if any, of such class or series of
          Preferred  Stock, the extent of the preference or relation, if any, of
          such  dividends to the dividends payable on any other class or classes
          or  any  other series of the same or other class or classes of capital
          stock  of  the  Corporation,  and  whether  such  dividends  shall  be
          cumulative  or  noncumulative;

     (iii)  The  right,  if  any,  of  the  holders  of  such class or series of
          Preferred  Stock  to  convert the same into, or exchange the same for,
          shares  of  any  other  class or classes or of any other series of the
          same or any other class or classes of capital stock of the Corporation
          and  the  terms  and  conditions  of  such  conversion  or  exchange;

     (iv) Whether or not shares of such class or series of Preferred Stock shall
          be  subject  to redemption, and the redemption price or prices and the
          time  or times at which, and the terms and conditions on which, shares
          of  such  class  or  series  of  Preferred  Stock  may  be  redeemed;

     (v)  The  rights,  if  any,  of  the  holders  of  such  class or series of
          Preferred  Stock  upon  the  voluntary  or  involuntary  liquidation,
          dissolution  or  winding  up of the Corporation or in the event of any
          merger  or  consolidation  of  or  sale  of assets by the Corporation;

     (vi) The  terms  of  any sinking fund or redemption or purchase account, if
          any,  to  be  provided for shares of such class or series of Preferred

     (vii)  The  voting powers, if any, of the holders of any class or series of
          Preferred  Stock  generally  or with respect to any particular matter,
          which  may  be less than, equal to or greater than one vote per share,
          and  which  may,  without  limiting  the  generality of the foregoing,
          include  the  right, voting as a class or series by itself or together
          with  the  holders of any other class or classes or series of the same
          or  other class or classes of Preferred Stock or all classes or series
          of  Preferred Stock, to elect one or more directors of the Corporation
          (which,  without limiting the generality of the foregoing, may include
          a  specified  number  or  portion  of  the  then-existing  number  of
          authorized  directorships of the Corporation, or a specified number or
          portion  of  directorships  in addition to the then-existing number of
          authorized  directorships  of the Corporation) generally or under such
          specific circumstances and on such conditions, as shall be provided in
          the  resolution  or  resolutions  of  the  Board  of Directors adopted
          pursuant  hereto;  and

     (viii) Such other powers, preferences and relative, participating, optional
          and  other  special  rights,  and  the qualifications, limitations and
          restrictions  thereof,  as  the  Board  of  Directors shall determine.
