Date: 01/16/2003         Client Distribution History Report          Page 1 of 1
                   Date Range - From: 01/02/2002 to: 12/31/2002

Payable Date:     May 28, 2002

- ---------------------------------------------------
Client: 12247     Equity One ABS, Series 2002-2
- ---------------------------------------------------

Number                Beginning      Principal    Interest      Total      Interest
Series Cusip No.       Prin Bal         Paid        Paid        Distrib    Adjustment
af1    294754AV8      89,800,000.00 2,942,266.94    139,165.06 3,081,432.00   0.00
af2    294754AW6      32,200,000.00         0.00    134,837.50   134,837.50   0.00
af3    294754AX4      37,700,000.00         0.00    181,368.42   181,368.42   0.00
af4    294754AY2      30,282,000.00         0.00    165,011.67   165,011.67   0.00
aio    294754BA3      19,000,000.00         0.00     95,000.00    95,000.00   0.00
av1    294754AZ9      97,570,000.00   907,869.39    161,071.81 1,068,941.20   0.00
r                              0.00         0.00          0.00         0.00   0.00
x                    287,553,584.06         0.00          0.44         0.44   0.00
       PAYABLE TOTALS:              3,850,136.33    876,454.90 4,726,591.23   0.00
       GRAND TOTALS:                3,850,136.33    876,454.90 4,726,591.23   0.00

Number            Net Interest           Ending        Int@Mtg  Servicer
Series            Distribution  Other   Prin Bal        Rate     Fee
af1                139,165.06   0.00   86,857,733.06    0.00    0.00
af2                134,837.50   0.00   32,200,000.00    0.00    0.00
af3                181,368.42   0.00   37,700,000.00    0.00    0.00
af4                165,011.67   0.00   30,282,000.00    0.00    0.00
aio                 95,000.00   0.00   19,000,000.00    0.00    0.00
av1                161,071.81   0.00   96,662,130.61    0.00    0.00
r                        0.00   0.00            0.00    0.00    0.00
x                        0.44   0.00  284,758,614.96    0.00    0.00
  PAYABLE TOTALS:  876,454.90   0.00  587,460,478.63    0.00    0.00
  GRAND TOTALS:    876,454.90   0.00  587,460,478.63    0.00    0.00

Date: 01/16/2003         Client Distribution History Report          Page 1 of 1
                   Date Range - From: 01/02/2002 to: 12/31/2002

Payable Date:     June 25, 2002

- ---------------------------------------------------
Client: 12247     Equity One ABS, Series 2002-2
- ---------------------------------------------------

Number                Beginning      Principal    Interest      Total      Interest
Series Cusip No.       Prin Bal         Paid        Paid        Distrib    Adjustment
af1   294754AV8       86,857,733.06  2,312,082.48   134,436.47 2,446,518.95   0.00
af2   294754AW6       32,200,000.00          0.00   134,837.50   134,837.50   0.00
af3   294754AX4       37,700,000.00          0.00   181,368.42   181,368.42   0.00
af4   294754AY2       30,282,000.00          0.00   165,011.67   165,011.67   0.00
aio   294754BA3       19,000,000.00          0.00    95,000.00    95,000.00   0.00
av1   294754AZ9       96,662,130.61  1,246,909.99   159,385.11 1,406,295.10   0.00
r                              0.00          0.00         0.00         0.00   0.00
x                    284,758,614.96          0.00        13.12        13.12   0.00
      PAYABLE TOTALS:                3,558,992.47   870,052.29 4,429,044.76   0.00
      GRAND TOTALS:                  3,558,992.47   870,052.29 4,429,044.76   0.00

Number            Net Interest           Ending        Int@Mtg  Servicer
Series            Distribution  Other   Prin Bal        Rate     Fee
af1                134,436.47   0.00  84,545,650.58    0.00        0.00
af2                134,837.50   0.00  32,200,000.00    0.00        0.00
af3                181,368.42   0.00  37,700,000.00    0.00        0.00
af4                165,011.67   0.00  30,282,000.00    0.00        0.00
aio                 95,000.00   0.00  19,000,000.00    0.00        0.00
av1                159,385.11   0.00  95,415,220.62    0.00        0.00
r                        0.00   0.00           0.00    0.00        0.00
x                       13.12   0.00 282,241,808.95    0.00        0.00
  PAYABLE TOTALS:  870,052.29   0.00 581,384,680.15    0.00        0.00
  GRAND TOTALS:    870,052.29   0.00 581,384,680.15    0.00        0.00

Date: 01/16/2003         Client Distribution History Report          Page 1 of 1
                   Date Range - From: 01/02/2002 to: 12/31/2002

Payable Date:     July 25, 2002

- ---------------------------------------------------
Client: 12247     Equity One ABS, Series 2002-2
- ---------------------------------------------------

Number                Beginning      Principal    Interest      Total      Interest
Series Cusip No.       Prin Bal         Paid        Paid        Distrib    Adjustment
af1    294754AV8    84,545,650.58  2,169,513.90   140,204.87 2,309,718.77   0.00
af2    294754AW6    32,200,000.00          0.00   134,837.50   134,837.50   0.00
af3    294754AX4    37,700,000.00          0.00   181,368.42   181,368.42   0.00
af4    294754AY2    30,282,000.00          0.00   165,011.67   165,011.67   0.00
aio    294754BA3    19,000,000.00          0.00    95,000.00    95,000.00   0.00
av1    294754AZ9    95,415,220.62  1,849,853.81   168,566.89 2,018,420.70   0.00
r                            0.00          0.00         0.00         0.00   0.00
x                   282,241,808.95         0.00        12.26        12.26   0.00
       PAYABLE TOTALS:             4,019,367.71   885,001.61 4,904,369.32   0.00
       GRAND TOTALS:               4,019,367.71   885,001.61 4,904,369.32   0.00

Number            Net Interest           Ending        Int@Mtg  Servicer
Series            Distribution  Other   Prin Bal        Rate     Fee
af1                140,204.87   0.00  82,376,136.68   0.00    0.00
af2                134,837.50   0.00  32,200,000.00   0.00    0.00
af3                181,368.42   0.00  37,700,000.00   0.00    0.00
af4                165,011.67   0.00  30,282,000.00   0.00    0.00
aio                 95,000.00   0.00  19,000,000.00   0.00    0.00
av1                168,566.89   0.00  93,565,366.81   0.00    0.00
r                        0.00   0.00           0.00   0.00    0.00
x                       12.26   0.00 279,232,468.04   0.00    0.00
  PAYABLE TOTALS:  885,001.61   0.00 574,355,971.53   0.00    0.00
  GRAND TOTALS:    885,001.61   0.00 574,355,971.53   0.00    0.00

Date: 01/16/2003         Client Distribution History Report          Page 1 of 1
                   Date Range - From: 01/02/2002 to: 12/31/2002

Payable Date:     August 26, 2002

- ---------------------------------------------------
Client: 12247     Equity One ABS, Series 2002-2
- ---------------------------------------------------

Number                Beginning      Principal    Interest      Total      Interest
Series Cusip No.       Prin Bal         Paid        Paid        Distrib    Adjustment
af1    294754AV8        82,376,136.68  2,586,038.92   145,485.78 2,731,524.70  0.00
af2    294754AW6        32,200,000.00          0.00   134,837.50   134,837.50  0.00
af3    294754AX4        37,700,000.00          0.00   181,368.42   181,368.42  0.00
af4    294754AY2        30,282,000.00          0.00   165,011.67   165,011.67  0.00
aio    294754BA3        19,000,000.00          0.00    95,000.00    95,000.00  0.00
av1    294754AZ9        93,565,366.81  2,263,615.40   176,059.25 2,439,674.65  0.00
r                                0.00          0.00         0.00         0.00  0.00
x                      279,232,468.04          0.00        12.61        12.61  0.00
                 PAYABLE TOTALS:       4,849,654.32   897,775.23 5,747,429.55  0.00
                 GRAND TOTALS:         4,849,654.32   897,775.23 5,747,429.55  0.00

Number            Net Interest           Ending        Int@Mtg  Servicer
Series            Distribution  Other   Prin Bal        Rate     Fee
af1                145,485.78      0.00   79,790,097.76    0.00    0.00
af2                134,837.50      0.00   32,200,000.00    0.00    0.00
af3                181,368.42      0.00   37,700,000.00    0.00    0.00
af4                165,011.67      0.00   30,282,000.00    0.00    0.00
aio                 95,000.00      0.00   19,000,000.00    0.00    0.00
av1                176,059.25      0.00   91,301,751.41    0.00    0.00
r                        0.00      0.00            0.00    0.00    0.00
x                       12.61      0.00  275,360,647.62    0.00    0.00
  PAYABLE TOTALS:  897,775.23      0.00  565,634,496.79    0.00    0.00
  GRAND TOTALS:    897,775.23      0.00  565,634,496.79    0.00    0.00

Date: 01/16/2003         Client Distribution History Report          Page 1 of 1
                   Date Range - From: 01/02/2002 to: 12/31/2002

Payable Date:     September 25, 2002

- ---------------------------------------------------
Client: 12247     Equity One ABS, Series 2002-2
- ---------------------------------------------------

Number                Beginning      Principal    Interest      Total      Interest
Series Cusip No.       Prin Bal         Paid        Paid        Distrib    Adjustment
af1    294754AV8       79,790,097.76  3,831,386.56   130,323.83 3,961,710.39   0.00
af2    294754AW6       32,200,000.00          0.00   134,837.50   134,837.50   0.00
af3    294754AX4       37,700,000.00          0.00   181,368.42   181,368.42   0.00
af4    294754AY2       30,282,000.00          0.00   165,011.67   165,011.67   0.00
aio    294754BA3       19,000,000.00          0.00    95,000.00    95,000.00   0.00
av1    294754AZ9       91,301,751.41  1,521,074.36   159,017.22 1,680,091.58   0.00
r                               0.00          0.00         0.00         0.00   0.00
x                     275,360,647.62          0.00        12.25        12.25   0.00
                 PAYABLE TOTALS:      5,352,460.92   865,570.89 6,218,031.81   0.00
                 GRAND TOTALS:        5,352,460.92   865,570.89 6,218,031.81   0.00

Number            Net Interest           Ending        Int@Mtg  Servicer
Series            Distribution  Other   Prin Bal        Rate     Fee
af1                130,323.83   0.00  75,958,711.20     0.00    0.00
af2                134,837.50   0.00  32,200,000.00     0.00    0.00
af3                181,368.42   0.00  37,700,000.00     0.00    0.00
af4                165,011.67   0.00  30,282,000.00     0.00    0.00
aio                 95,000.00   0.00  19,000,000.00     0.00    0.00
av1                159,017.22   0.00  89,780,677.05     0.00    0.00
r                        0.00   0.00           0.00     0.00    0.00
x                       12.25   0.00 270,990,625.45     0.00    0.00
  PAYABLE TOTALS:  865,570.89   0.00 555,912,013.70     0.00    0.00
  GRAND TOTALS:    865,570.89   0.00 555,912,013.70     0.00    0.00

Date: 01/16/2003         Client Distribution History Report          Page 1 of 1
                   Date Range - From: 01/02/2002 to: 12/31/2002

Payable Date:     October 25, 2002

- ---------------------------------------------------
Client: 12247     Equity One ABS, Series 2002-2
- ---------------------------------------------------

Number                Beginning      Principal    Interest      Total      Interest
Series Cusip No.       Prin Bal         Paid        Paid        Distrib    Adjustment
af1    294754AV8       75,958,711.20  2,784,720.52   124,303.27 2,909,023.79   0.00
af2    294754AW6       32,200,000.00          0.00   134,837.50   134,837.50   0.00
af3    294754AX4       37,700,000.00          0.00   181,368.42   181,368.42   0.00
af4    294754AY2       30,282,000.00          0.00   165,011.67   165,011.67   0.00
aio    294754BA3       19,000,000.00          0.00    95,000.00    95,000.00   0.00
av1    294754AZ9       89,780,677.05  1,810,750.52   156,648.58 1,967,399.10   0.00
r                               0.00          0.00         0.00         0.00   0.00
x                     270,990,625.45          0.00        11.76        11.76   0.00
                 PAYABLE TOTALS:      4,595,471.04   857,181.20 5,452,652.24   0.00
                 GRAND TOTALS:        4,595,471.04   857,181.20 5,452,652.24   0.00

Number            Net Interest           Ending        Int@Mtg  Servicer
Series            Distribution  Other   Prin Bal        Rate     Fee
af1                124,303.27    0.00  73,173,990.68     0.00    0.00
af2                134,837.50    0.00  32,200,000.00     0.00    0.00
af3                181,368.42    0.00  37,700,000.00     0.00    0.00
af4                165,011.67    0.00  30,282,000.00     0.00    0.00
aio                 95,000.00    0.00  19,000,000.00     0.00    0.00
av1                156,648.58    0.00  87,969,926.53     0.00    0.00
r                        0.00    0.00           0.00     0.00    0.00
x                       11.76    0.00 267,354,886.18     0.00    0.00
  PAYABLE TOTALS:  857,181.20    0.00 547,680,803.39     0.00    0.00
  GRAND TOTALS:    857,181.20    0.00 547,680,803.39     0.00    0.00

Date: 01/16/2003         Client Distribution History Report          Page 1 of 1
                   Date Range - From: 01/02/2002 to: 12/31/2002

Payable Date:     November 25, 2002

- ---------------------------------------------------
Client: 12247     Equity One ABS, Series 2002-2
- ---------------------------------------------------

Number                Beginning      Principal    Interest      Total      Interest
Series Cusip No.       Prin Bal         Paid        Paid        Distrib    Adjustment
af1    294754AV8     73,173,990.68  6,655,207.48   124,761.65   6,779,969.13   0.00
af2    294754AW6     32,200,000.00          0.00   134,837.50     134,837.50   0.00
af3    294754AX4     37,700,000.00          0.00   181,368.42     181,368.42   0.00
af4    294754AY2     30,282,000.00          0.00   165,011.67     165,011.67   0.00
aio    294754BA3     19,000,000.00          0.00    95,000.00      95,000.00   0.00
av1    294754AZ9     87,969,926.53  2,959,764.36   159,836.47   3,119,600.83   0.00
r                             0.00          0.00         0.00           0.00   0.00
x                   267,354,886.18          0.00        12.09          12.09   0.00
                 PAYABLE TOTALS:    9,614,971.84   860,827.80  10,475,799.64   0.00
                 GRAND TOTALS:      9,614,971.84   860,827.80  10,475,799.64   0.00

Number            Net Interest           Ending        Int@Mtg  Servicer
Series            Distribution  Other   Prin Bal        Rate     Fee
af1                124,761.65   0.00   66,518,783.20     0.00    0.00
af2                134,837.50   0.00   32,200,000.00     0.00    0.00
af3                181,368.42   0.00   37,700,000.00     0.00    0.00
af4                165,011.67   0.00   30,282,000.00     0.00    0.00
aio                 95,000.00   0.00   19,000,000.00     0.00    0.00
av1                159,836.47   0.00   85,010,162.17     0.00    0.00
r                        0.00   0.00            0.00     0.00    0.00
x                       12.09   0.00  258,671,076.99     0.00    0.00
  PAYABLE TOTALS:  860,827.80   0.00  529,382,022.36     0.00    0.00
  GRAND TOTALS:    860,827.80   0.00  529,382,022.36     0.00    0.00

Date: 01/16/2003         Client Distribution History Report          Page 1 of 1
                   Date Range - From: 01/02/2002 to: 12/31/2002

Payable Date:     December 26, 2002

- ---------------------------------------------------
Client: 12247     Equity One ABS, Series 2002-2
- ---------------------------------------------------

Number                Beginning      Principal    Interest      Total      Interest
Series Cusip No.       Prin Bal         Paid        Paid        Distrib    Adjustment
af1    294754AV8       66,518,783.20  5,163,946.13    87,638.50  5,251,584.63  0.00
af2    294754AW6       32,200,000.00          0.00   134,837.50    134,837.50  0.00
af3    294754AX4       37,700,000.00          0.00   181,368.42    181,368.42  0.00
af4    294754AY2       30,282,000.00          0.00   165,011.67    165,011.67  0.00
aio    294754BA3       19,000,000.00          0.00    95,000.00     95,000.00  0.00
av1    294754AZ9       85,010,162.17  2,376,896.17   121,517.30  2,498,413.47  0.00
r                               0.00          0.00         0.00          0.00  0.00
x                     258,671,076.99          0.00        10.17         10.17  0.00
                 PAYABLE TOTALS:      7,540,842.30   785,383.56  8,326,225.86  0.00
                 GRAND TOTALS:        7,540,842.30   785,383.56  8,326,225.86  0.00

Number            Net Interest           Ending        Int@Mtg  Servicer
Series            Distribution  Other   Prin Bal        Rate     Fee
af1                 87,638.50   0.00  61,354,837.07     0.00    0.00
af2                134,837.50   0.00  32,200,000.00     0.00    0.00
af3                181,368.42   0.00  37,700,000.00     0.00    0.00
af4                165,011.67   0.00  30,282,000.00     0.00    0.00
aio                 95,000.00   0.00  19,000,000.00     0.00    0.00
av1                121,517.30   0.00  82,633,266.00     0.00    0.00
r                        0.00   0.00           0.00     0.00    0.00
x                       10.17   0.00 252,077,486.51     0.00    0.00
  PAYABLE TOTALS:  785,383.56   0.00 515,247,589.58     0.00    0.00
  GRAND TOTALS:    785,383.56   0.00 515,247,589.58     0.00    0.00