Date: 01/16/2003        Client Distribution History Report           Page 1 of 1
                     Date Range - From: 01/02/2002 to: 12/31/2002

Payable Date:     November 25, 2002

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Client: 16127     Equity One ABS, Series 2002-5
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Number                Beginning      Principal    Interest      Total      Interest
Series Cusip No.       Prin Bal         Paid        Paid        Distrib    Adjustment
af1    294751 BJO   153,583,969.84  8,708,015.08   151,228.12   8,859,243.20   0.00
af2    294751 BK7    50,000,000.00          0.00   151,333.33     151,333.33   0.00
af3    294751 BL5    22,000,000.00          0.00    82,390.00      82,390.00   0.00
af4    294751 BM3    17,658,000.00          0.00    76,282.56      76,282.56   0.00
av1    294751 BN1   161,824,629.22  2,202,685.39   150,334.26   2,353,019.65   0.00
b      294751 BR2    19,171,000.00          0.00    96,334.27      96,334.27   0.00
m1     294751 BP6    35,787,000.00          0.00   158,148.72     158,148.72   0.00
m2     294751 BQ4    29,396,000.00          0.00   142,987.04     142,987.04   0.00
r                           0.00            0.00         0.00           0.00   0.00
x                    511,242,779.94         0.00         0.00           0.00   0.00
       PAYABLE TOTALS:             10,910,700.47 1,009,038.30  11,919,738.77   0.00
       GRAND TOTALS:               10,910,700.47 1,009,038.30  11,919,738.77   0.00

Number            Net Interest           Ending      Int@Mtg  Servicer
Series            Distribution  Other   Prin Bal      Rate     Fee
af1                  151,228.12   0.00    162,291,984.92   0.00   0.00
af2                  151,333.33   0.00     50,000,000.00   0.00   0.00
af3                   82,390.00   0.00     22,000,000.00   0.00   0.00
af4                   76,282.56   0.00     17,658,000.00   0.00   0.00
av1                  150,334.26   0.00    164,027,314.61   0.00   0.00
b                     96,334.27   0.00     19,171,000.00   0.00   0.00
m1                   158,148.72   0.00     35,787,000.00   0.00   0.00
m2                   142,987.04   0.00     29,396,000.00   0.00   0.00
r                          0.00   0.00              0.00   0.00   0.00
x                          0.00   0.00    502,944,510.99   0.00   0.00
  PAYABLE TOTALS:  1,009,038.30   0.00  1,003,275,810.52   0.00   0.00
  GRAND TOTALS:    1,009,038.30   0.00  1,003,275,810.52   0.00   0.00

Date: 01/16/2003        Client Distribution History Report           Page 1 of 1
                     Date Range - From: 01/02/2002 to: 12/31/2002

Payable Date:     December 26, 2002

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Client: 16127     Equity One ABS, Series 2002-5
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Number                Beginning      Principal    Interest      Total      Interest
Series Cusip No.       Prin Bal         Paid        Paid        Distrib    Adjustment
af1    294751 BJO    141,907,634.50 10,192,175.21    211,024.66 10,403,199.87   0.00
af2    294751 BK7    50,000,000.00           0.00    151,333.33    151,333.33   0.00
af3    294751 BL5    22,000,000.00           0.00     82,390.00     82,390.00   0.00
af4    294751 BM3    17,658,000.00           0.00     76,282.56     76,282.56   0.00
av1    294751 BN1   158,297,315.51   2,864,999.55    218,930.90  3,083,930.45   0.00
b      294751 BR2    19,171,000.00           0.00     96,334.27     96,334.27   0.00
m1     294751 BP6    35,787,000.00           0.00    158,148.72    158,148.72   0.00
m2     294751 BQ4    29,396,000.00           0.00    142,987.04    142,987.04   0.00
r                             0.00           0.00          0.00          0.00   0.00
x                   481,668,142.63           0.00          7.86          7.86   0.00
       PAYABLE TOTALS:              13,057,174.76  1,137,439.34 14,194,614.10   0.00
       GRAND TOTALS:                13,057,174.76  1,137,439.34 14,194,614.10   0.00

Number            Net Interest           Ending      Int@Mtg  Servicer
Series            Distribution  Other   Prin Bal      Rate     Fee
af1                  211,024.66  0.00  152,099,809.71   0.00   0.00
af2                  151,333.33  0.00   50,000,000.00   0.00   0.00
af3                   82,390.00  0.00   22,000,000.00   0.00   0.00
af4                   76,282.56  0.00   17,658,000.00   0.00   0.00
av1                  218,930.90  0.00  161,162,315.06   0.00   0.00
b                     96,334.27  0.00   19,171,000.00   0.00   0.00
m1                   158,148.72  0.00   35,787,000.00   0.00   0.00
m2                   142,987.04  0.00   29,396,000.00   0.00   0.00
r                          0.00  0.00            0.00   0.00   0.00
x                          7.86  0.00  492,306,326.81   0.00   0.00
  PAYABLE TOTALS:  1,137,439.34  0.00  979,580,451.58   0.00   0.00
  GRAND TOTALS:    1,137,439.34  0.00  979,580,451.58   0.00   0.00