
                              Equity One ABS, Inc.


                              Equity One, Inc. (DE)

                            A Seller and the Servicer

              Equity One, Incorporated (PA), Equity One, Inc. (MN),
                  Equity One Consumer Loan Company, Inc. (NH),
                    and Popular Financial Services, LLC (DE)



                               JPMorgan Chase Bank



                         POOLING AND SERVICING AGREEMENT
                           Dated as of March 31, 2003




                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

PRELIMINARY STATEMENT.............................................................................................1

ARTICLE I  DEFINITIONS............................................................................................4

    60+ DAY DELINQUENT LOAN.......................................................................................4
    ADJUSTED MORTGAGE RATE........................................................................................4
    ADJUSTED NET MORTGAGE RATE....................................................................................4
    AGGREGATE CLASS B EARLY DISTRIBUTION AMOUNT...................................................................4
    ALLOCATION PERCENTAGE.........................................................................................4
    AMOUNT HELD FOR FUTURE DISTRIBUTION...........................................................................5
    APPLIED REALIZED LOSS AMOUNT..................................................................................5
    AVAILABLE FUNDS...............................................................................................5
    BALLOON LOANS.................................................................................................5
    BANKRUPTCY CODE...............................................................................................5
    BASIC PRINCIPAL DISTRIBUTION AMOUNT...........................................................................5
    BENEFICIAL OWNER..............................................................................................5
    BOOK-ENTRY CERTIFICATES.......................................................................................5
    BUSINESS DAY..................................................................................................5
    CERTIFICATE ACCOUNT...........................................................................................6
    CERTIFICATE BALANCE...........................................................................................6
    CERTIFICATEHOLDER OR HOLDER...................................................................................6
    CERTIFICATE REGISTER..........................................................................................6
    CERTIFICATE REGISTRAR.........................................................................................6
    CLASS AF CERTIFICATES.........................................................................................6
    CLASS AF-1 CERTIFICATE........................................................................................6
    CLASS AF-2 CERTIFICATE........................................................................................6
    CLASS AF-3 CERTIFICATE........................................................................................7
    CLASS AF-4 CERTIFICATE........................................................................................7
    CLASS AF-5 CERTIFICATE........................................................................................7
    CLASS AF PRINCIPAL DISTRIBUTION AMOUNT........................................................................7
    CLASS AV-1 CERTIFICATE........................................................................................7
    CLASS AV-1 PRINCIPAL DISTRIBUTION AMOUNT......................................................................7
    CLASS B APPLIED REALIZED LOSS AMOUNT..........................................................................7
    CLASS B CERTIFICATE...........................................................................................7
    CLASS B PRINCIPAL DISTRIBUTION AMOUNT.........................................................................7
    CLASS B REALIZED LOSS AMORTIZATION AMOUNT.....................................................................8
    CLASS CERTIFICATE BALANCE.....................................................................................8
    CLASS INTEREST SHORTFALL......................................................................................8
    CLASS M-1 APPLIED REALIZED LOSS AMOUNT........................................................................8
    CLASS M-1 CERTIFICATE.........................................................................................8
    CLASS M-1 PRINCIPAL DISTRIBUTION AMOUNT.......................................................................8
    CLASS M-1 REALIZED LOSS AMORTIZATION AMOUNT...................................................................8
    CLASS M-2 APPLIED REALIZED LOSS AMOUNT........................................................................8
    CLASS M-2 CERTIFICATE.........................................................................................9
    CLASS M-2 PRINCIPAL DISTRIBUTION AMOUNT.......................................................................9


    CLASS M-2 REALIZED LOSS AMORTIZATION AMOUNT...................................................................9
    CLASS M-3 APPLIED REALIZED LOSS AMOUNT........................................................................9
    CLASS M-3 CERTIFICATE.........................................................................................9
    CLASS M-3 PRINCIPAL DISTRIBUTION AMOUNT.......................................................................9
    CLASS M-3 REALIZED LOSS AMORTIZATION AMOUNT..................................................................10
    CLASS R CERTIFICATES.........................................................................................10
    CLASS UNPAID INTEREST AMOUNTS................................................................................10
    CLASS X CERTIFICATE..........................................................................................10
    CLOSING DATE.................................................................................................10
    CLOSING PLACE................................................................................................10
    COLLATERAL VALUE.............................................................................................10
    COMBINED LOAN-TO-VALUE RATIO.................................................................................10
    CORPORATE TRUST OFFICE.......................................................................................11
    CORRESPONDING CLASS..........................................................................................11
    CUSTODIAL AGREEMENT..........................................................................................11
    CUT-OFF DATE.................................................................................................11
    CUT-OFF DATE GROUP I PRINCIPAL BALANCE.......................................................................11
    CUT-OFF DATE GROUP II PRINCIPAL BALANCE......................................................................11
    CUT-OFF DATE POOL PRINCIPAL BALANCE..........................................................................11
    CUT-OFF DATE PRINCIPAL BALANCE...............................................................................11
    DEFECTIVE LOAN...............................................................................................11
    DEFICIENT VALUATION..........................................................................................11
    DEFINITIVE CERTIFICATES......................................................................................11
    DELETED LOAN.................................................................................................12
    DEPOSITORY PARTICIPANT.......................................................................................12
    DETERMINATION DATE...........................................................................................12
    DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT.........................................................................................12
    DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT DEPOSIT DATE............................................................................12
    DISTRIBUTION DATE............................................................................................12
    DUE DATE.....................................................................................................12
    DUE PERIOD...................................................................................................12
    ELIGIBLE ACCOUNT.............................................................................................13
    EQUITY ONE-DELAWARE..........................................................................................13
    EQUITY ONE-MINNESOTA.........................................................................................13
    EQUITY ONE-NEW HAMPSHIRE.....................................................................................13
    EQUITY ONE-PENNSYLVANIA......................................................................................13
    ERISA QUALIFYING UNDERWRITING................................................................................13
    ERISA-RESTRICTED CERTIFICATE.................................................................................13
    ESCROW ACCOUNT...............................................................................................13
    EVENT OF DEFAULT.............................................................................................14
    EXCESS PROCEEDS..............................................................................................14
    EXPENSE RATE.................................................................................................14
    EXTRA PRINCIPAL DISTRIBUTION AMOUNT..........................................................................14


    GROUP I INTEREST REMITTANCE AMOUNT...........................................................................14
    GROUP I LOANS................................................................................................15
    GROUP II INTEREST REMITTANCE AMOUNT..........................................................................15
    GROUP II LOANS...............................................................................................15
    GROUP PRINCIPAL BALANCE......................................................................................15
    INDIRECT PARTICIPANT.........................................................................................15
    INITIAL CERTIFICATE ACCOUNT DEPOSIT..........................................................................15
    INSURANCE POLICY.............................................................................................15
    INSURANCE PROCEEDS...........................................................................................15
    INSURED EXPENSES.............................................................................................15
    INTEREST ACCRUAL PERIOD......................................................................................15
    INTEREST DISTRIBUTION AMOUNT.................................................................................15
    INVESTMENT LETTER............................................................................................16
    LATEST POSSIBLE MATURITY DATE................................................................................16
    LAST SCHEDULED DISTRIBUTION DATE.............................................................................16
    LIBOR DETERMINATION DATE.....................................................................................16
    LIQUIDATED LOAN..............................................................................................16
    LIQUIDATION PROCEEDS.........................................................................................16
    LOAN SCHEDULE................................................................................................17
    MAJORITY IN INTEREST.........................................................................................17
    MERS (R).....................................................................................................17
    MERS (R) SYSTEM..............................................................................................17
    MOM LOAN.....................................................................................................17
    MONTHLY EXCESS CASHFLOW AMOUNT...............................................................................18
    MONTHLY EXCESS INTEREST AMOUNT...............................................................................18
    MONTHLY STATEMENT............................................................................................18
    MORTGAGED PROPERTY...........................................................................................18
    MORTGAGE FILE................................................................................................18
    MORTGAGE NOTE................................................................................................18
    MORTGAGE RATE................................................................................................18
    NET PREPAYMENT INTEREST SHORTFALLS...........................................................................18
    NET WAC CAP..................................................................................................18
    NET WAC CAP ACCOUNT..........................................................................................19
    NET WAC CAP CARRYOVER........................................................................................19
    NET WAC CAP DEPOSIT AMOUNT...................................................................................19
    NET WAC RATE.................................................................................................19
    NONRECOVERABLE ADVANCE.......................................................................................19
    NOTICE OF FINAL DISTRIBUTION.................................................................................20
    OFFERED CERTIFICATES.........................................................................................20


    OFFICER'S CERTIFICATE........................................................................................20
    OPINION OF COUNSEL...........................................................................................20
    OPTIONAL TERMINATION DATE....................................................................................20
    OPTIONAL TERMINATION.........................................................................................20
    ORIGINAL LOAN................................................................................................20
    OUTSTANDING LOAN.............................................................................................20
    OVERCOLLATERALIZATION AMOUNT.................................................................................21
    OVERCOLLATERALIZATION DEFICIENCY.............................................................................21
    OVERCOLLATERALIZATION RELEASE AMOUNT.........................................................................21
    OWNERSHIP INTEREST...........................................................................................21
    PASS-THROUGH RATE............................................................................................21
    PAYING AGENT.................................................................................................21
    PERCENTAGE INTEREST..........................................................................................21
    PERMITTED INVESTMENTS........................................................................................21
    PERMITTED TRANSFEREE.........................................................................................22
    POOL PRINCIPAL BALANCE.......................................................................................23
    POPULAR FINANCIAL............................................................................................23
    POST-STEPDOWN REMAINING PRINCIPAL DISTRIBUTION AMOUNT........................................................23
    PRE-STEPDOWN REMAINING PRINCIPAL DISTRIBUTION AMOUNT.........................................................23
    PREPAYMENT INTEREST EXCESS...................................................................................23
    PREPAYMENT INTEREST SHORTFALL................................................................................23
    PREPAYMENT PERIOD............................................................................................24
    PRIMARY MORTGAGE INSURANCE POLICY............................................................................24
    PRINCIPAL DISTRIBUTION AMOUNT................................................................................24
    PRINCIPAL PREPAYMENT.........................................................................................24
    PRINCIPAL PREPAYMENT IN FULL.................................................................................24
    PRINCIPAL REMITTANCE AMOUNT..................................................................................24
    PROSPECTUS SUPPLEMENT........................................................................................24
    PURCHASE PRICE...............................................................................................24
    PTCE 95-60...................................................................................................25
    RATING AGENCY................................................................................................25
    REALIZED LOSS AMOUNT.........................................................................................25
    REALIZED LOSSES..............................................................................................25
    REALIZED LOSS AMORTIZATION AMOUNT............................................................................25
    RECORD DATE..................................................................................................25
    REFERENCE BANKS..............................................................................................25
    REFINANCE LOAN...............................................................................................25
    RELIEF ACT...................................................................................................25
    RELIEF ACT REDUCTIONS........................................................................................26
    REMAINING INTEREST REMITTANCE AMOUNT.........................................................................26
    REMAINING PRINCIPAL DISTRIBUTION AMOUNT......................................................................26
    REMIC 1......................................................................................................26
    REMIC 2......................................................................................................26
    REMIC 1 ACCRETION DIRECTED CLASSES...........................................................................26
    REMIC 1 ACCRUAL CLASS........................................................................................26
    REMIC CHANGE OF LAW..........................................................................................26


    REMIC PROVISIONS.............................................................................................26
    REO PROPERTY.................................................................................................27
    REQUEST FOR RELEASE..........................................................................................27
    REQUIRED INSURANCE POLICY....................................................................................27
    RESERVE FUND.................................................................................................27
    RESPONSIBLE OFFICER..........................................................................................27
    RULE 144A LETTER.............................................................................................27
    SCHEDULED PAYMENT............................................................................................27
    SECOND LIEN LOAN.............................................................................................27
    SECURITIES ACT...............................................................................................27
    SENIOR CERTIFICATES..........................................................................................27
    SENIOR ENHANCEMENT PERCENTAGE................................................................................27
    SENIOR PRINCIPAL DISTRIBUTION AMOUNT.........................................................................28
    SENIOR SPECIFIED ENHANCEMENT PERCENTAGE......................................................................28
    SERVICER ADVANCE DATE........................................................................................28
    SERVICING ADVANCES...........................................................................................28
    SERVICING AMOUNT.............................................................................................28
    SERVICING FEE................................................................................................28
    SERVICING FEE RATE...........................................................................................28
    SERVICING OFFICER............................................................................................28
    STARTUP DAY..................................................................................................29
    STATED PRINCIPAL BALANCE.....................................................................................29
    STEPDOWN DATE................................................................................................29
    SUBORDINATE CERTIFICATES.....................................................................................29
    SUBSTITUTE LOAN..............................................................................................29
    SUBSTITUTION ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT...............................................................................29
    TARGETED OVERCOLLATERALIZATION AMOUNT........................................................................29
    TAX MATTERS PERSON...........................................................................................30
    TAX MATTERS PERSON CERTIFICATE...............................................................................30
    TERMINATION PRICE............................................................................................30
    TRANSFER AFFIDAVIT...........................................................................................30
    TRANSFEROR CERTIFICATE.......................................................................................30
    TRIGGER EVENT................................................................................................30
    TRUSTEE FEE..................................................................................................30
    TRUSTEE FEE RATE.............................................................................................30
    TRUST FUND...................................................................................................31
    TRUSTEE PERMITTED WITHDRAWAL AMOUNT..........................................................................31
    UNPAID REALIZED LOSS AMOUNT..................................................................................31
    UNDERWRITER EXEMPTION........................................................................................31
    VOTING RIGHTS................................................................................................31
    YIELD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT..................................................................................31
    YIELD MAINTENANCE STATED TERMINATION.........................................................................31

ARTICLE II CONVEYANCE OF LOANS; REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES...................................................32

    SECTION 2.01.  CONVEYANCE OF LOANS...........................................................................32


    SECTION 2.02.  ACCEPTANCE BY TRUSTEE OF THE LOANS............................................................34
    SECTION 2.03A.  ADDITIONAL OBLIGATIONS OF EQUITY ONE-DELAWARE................................................38
    SECTION 2.06.  EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF CERTIFICATES........................................................39
    SECTION 2.07.  REMIC MATTERS.................................................................................39
    SECTION 2.08.  COVENANTS OF THE SERVICER.....................................................................40

ARTICLE III ADMINISTRATION AND SERVICING OF LOANS................................................................40

    SECTION 3.01.  SERVICER TO SERVICE LOANS.....................................................................40
    SECTION 3.02.  SUBSERVICING; ENFORCEMENT OF THE OBLIGATIONS OF SERVICERS.....................................41
    SECTION 3.04.  TRUSTEE TO ACT AS SERVICER....................................................................42
    SECTION 3.10.  ENFORCEMENT OF DUE-ON-SALE CLAUSES; ASSUMPTION AGREEMENTS.....................................47
    SECTION 3.13.  SERVICING COMPENSATION........................................................................50
    SECTION 3.14.  ACCESS TO CERTAIN DOCUMENTATION...............................................................51
    SECTION 3.15.  ANNUAL STATEMENT AS TO COMPLIANCE.............................................................51
    SECTION 3.17.  ERRORS AND OMISSIONS INSURANCE; FIDELITY BONDS................................................52
    SECTION 3.18.  RESERVED......................................................................................52
    SECTION 3.19.  DELINQUENT LOANS..............................................................................52

ARTICLE IIIA   RESERVE FUND; AND net wac cap account.............................................................53

    SECTION 3A.01  RESERVED......................................................................................53
    SECTION 3A.02  RESERVE FUND AND YIELD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT..................................................53
    SECTION 3A.03.  NET WAC CAP ACCOUNT..........................................................................54

ARTICLE IV  DISTRIBUTIONS AND ADVANCES BY THE SERVICER...........................................................55

    SECTION 4.01.  ADVANCES......................................................................................55
    SECTION 4.02.  PRIORITIES OF DISTRIBUTION AND ALLOCATION.....................................................55
    SECTION 4.03.  MONTHLY STATEMENTS TO CERTIFICATEHOLDERS......................................................61
    SECTION 4.04. REPORTING......................................................................................63
    SECTION 5.01.  THE CERTIFICATES..............................................................................64


    SECTION 5.03.  MUTILATED, DESTROYED, LOST OR STOLEN CERTIFICATES.............................................68
    SECTION 5.04.  PERSONS DEEMED OWNERS.........................................................................68
    SECTION 5.05.  ACCESS TO LIST OF CERTIFICATEHOLDERS' NAMES AND ADDRESSES.....................................69
    SECTION 5.06.  MAINTENANCE OF OFFICE OR AGENCY...............................................................69

ARTICLE VI  THE DEPOSITOR AND THE SERVICER.......................................................................69

    SECTION 6.01.  RESPECTIVE LIABILITIES OF THE DEPOSITOR AND THE SERVICER......................................69
    SECTION 6.02.  MERGER OR CONSOLIDATION OF THE DEPOSITOR OR THE SERVICER......................................69
    SECTION 6.04.  LIMITATION ON RESIGNATION OF SERVICER.........................................................70
    SECTION 6.05.  INDEMNIFICATION...............................................................................71

ARTICLE VII  DEFAULT.............................................................................................71

    SECTION 7.01.  EVENTS OF DEFAULT.............................................................................71
    SECTION 7.02.  TRUSTEE TO ACT; APPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR......................................................73
    SECTION 7.03.  NOTIFICATION TO CERTIFICATEHOLDERS............................................................74
    SECTION 7.04. SURVIVABILITY OF SERVICER LIABILITIES..........................................................74

ARTICLE VIII   CONCERNING THE TRUSTEE............................................................................74

    SECTION 8.01.  DUTIES OF TRUSTEE.............................................................................74
    SECTION 8.02  CERTAIN MATTERS AFFECTING THE TRUSTEE..........................................................75
    SECTION 8.03.  TRUSTEE NOT LIABLE FOR CERTIFICATES OR LOANS..................................................77
    SECTION 8.04.  TRUSTEE MAY OWN CERTIFICATES..................................................................77
    SECTION 8.05.  TRUSTEE'S FEES AND EXPENSES...................................................................77
    SECTION 8.06.  ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR TRUSTEE..........................................................78
    SECTION 8.07.  RESIGNATION AND REMOVAL OF TRUSTEE............................................................78
    SECTION 8.08.  SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE.............................................................................79
    SECTION 8.09.  MERGER OR CONSOLIDATION OF TRUSTEE............................................................79
    SECTION 8.10.  APPOINTMENT OF CO-TRUSTEE OR SEPARATE TRUSTEE.................................................79
    SECTION 8.11.  TAX MATTERS...................................................................................81
    SECTION 8.12.  PERIODIC FILINGS..............................................................................82
    SECTION 8.13.  APPOINTMENT OF CUSTODIANS.....................................................................82
    SECTION 8.15.  SUITS FOR ENFORCEMENT.........................................................................83

ARTICLE IX  TERMINATION..........................................................................................83

    SECTION 9.01.  TERMINATION UPON LIQUIDATION OR PURCHASE OF ALL LOANS.........................................83
    SECTION 9.02.  FINAL DISTRIBUTION ON THE CERTIFICATES........................................................84
    SECTION 9.03.  ADDITIONAL TERMINATION REQUIREMENTS...........................................................85

ARTICLE X  MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS..............................................................................86

    SECTION 10.01.  AMENDMENT....................................................................................86
    SECTION 10.02.  RECORDATION OF AGREEMENT; COUNTERPARTS.......................................................87
    SECTION 10.03.  GOVERNING LAW................................................................................87
    SECTION 10.04.  INTENTION OF PARTIES.........................................................................87
    SECTION 10.05.  NOTICES......................................................................................89
    SECTION 10.06.  SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS...................................................................90
    SECTION 10.07.  ASSIGNMENT...................................................................................90
    SECTION 10.08.  LIMITATION ON RIGHTS OF CERTIFICATEHOLDERS...................................................90
    SECTION 10.09.  INSPECTION AND AUDIT RIGHTS..................................................................91


    SECTION 10.10.  CERTIFICATES NONASSESSABLE AND FULLY PAID....................................................91
    SECTION 10.11.  THE CLOSING..................................................................................91
    SECTION 10.12.  INTERPRETATION...............................................................................91
    SECTION 10.13.  RESERVED.....................................................................................91
    SECTION 10.14.  NO PARTNERSHIP...............................................................................92
    SECTION 10.15. PROTECTION OF ASSETS..........................................................................92
    SECTION 10.16. EXECUTION OF YIELD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT......................................................92

     SCHEDULE I.................................................................................................I-1

     SCHEDULE IIA.............................................................................................IIA-1

     SCHEDULE IIB.............................................................................................IIB-1

     SCHEDULE IIC.............................................................................................IIC-1

     SCHEDULE IID.............................................................................................IID-1

     SCHEDULE IIE.............................................................................................IIE-1

     SCHEDULE IIX.............................................................................................IIX-1

     SCHEDULE IIIA...........................................................................................IIIA-1

     SCHEDULE IIIB...........................................................................................IIIB-1

     SCHEDULE IIIC...........................................................................................IIIC-1

     SCHEDULE IIID..........................................................................................III-D-1

     SCHEDULE IIIE..........................................................................................III-E-1

     SCHEDULE IV...............................................................................................IV-1

     SCHEDULE V.................................................................................................V-1

     SCHEDULE VI...............................................................................................VI-1

     SCHEDULE VII.............................................................................................VII-1

     EXHIBIT A-1..............................................................................................A-1-1

     EXHIBIT A-2..............................................................................................A-2-1

     EXHIBIT A-3 .............................................................................................A-3-1

     EXHIBIT A-4 .............................................................................................A-4-1

     EXHIBIT B-1..............................................................................................B-1-1

     EXHIBIT B-2 .............................................................................................B-2-1


     EXHIBIT C..................................................................................................C-1

     EXHIBIT D..................................................................................................D-1

     EXHIBIT E..................................................................................................E-1

     EXHIBIT F..................................................................................................F-1

     EXHIBIT G..................................................................................................G-1

     EXHIBIT H..................................................................................................H-1

     EXHIBIT I..................................................................................................I-1

     EXHIBIT J..................................................................................................J-1

     EXHIBIT K..................................................................................................K-1

     EXHIBIT L..................................................................................................L-1


THIS POOLING AND SERVICING  AGREEMENT,  dated as of March 31, 2003, by and among
Equity One ABS, Inc., a Delaware  corporation,  as depositor (the  "Depositor"),
Equity One, Inc., a Delaware corporation, as a seller (in such capacity, "Equity
One-Delaware") and as servicer (in such capacity,  the "Servicer"),  Equity One,
Incorporated,  a Pennsylvania  corporation ("Equity  One-Pennsylvania"),  Equity
One, Inc., a Minnesota corporation ("Equity One-Minnesota"), Equity One Consumer
Loan Company,  Inc., a New Hampshire  corporation  ("Equity One-New Hampshire"),
Popular Financial Services,  LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Popular
Financial"  and,  together with Equity  One-Delaware,  Equity  One-Pennsylvania,
Equity One-Minnesota and Equity One-New Hampshire, the "Sellers"),  and JPMorgan
Chase Bank, a New York banking corporation organized under the laws of the State
of New York, as trustee (the "Trustee").

                                 WITNESSETH THAT

     In consideration of the mutual  agreements  herein  contained,  the parties
hereto agree as follows:

                              PRELIMINARY STATEMENT

     The Depositor is the owner of the Trust Fund that is hereby conveyed to the
Trustee in return for the Certificates. The Trust Fund (exclusive of the Net WAC
Cap Account,  the Reserve Fund and the Yield Maintenance  Agreement) for federal
income tax purposes  will  consist of two REMICs  ("REMIC 1" and "REMIC 2"). The
Certificates  will  represent the entire  beneficial  ownership  interest in the
Trust Fund. The assets of the Trust Fund  (exclusive of the Net WAC Cap Account,
the Reserve Fund and the Yield Maintenance Agreement) will constitute the assets
of REMIC 1 and REMIC 1 will issue ten uncertificated regular interests that will
be held as the sole assets of REMIC 2. The Class AF-1,  Class AF-2,  Class AF-3,
Class AF-4,  Class AF-5 and Class AV-1  Certificates  (with respect to the Class
AF-1 and Class AV-1 Certificates,  exclusive of any associated rights to receive
payments from the Net WAC Cap Account or the Reserve Fund), the Class M-1, Class
M-2,  Class  M-3  and  Class  B  Certificates  (with  respect  to  the  Class  B
Certificates,  exclusive of any associated  rights to receive  payments from the
Net WAC Cap Account) and the Class X  Certificates  will  represent the "regular
interests"  in REMIC  2.  The  Class  M-1,  Class  M-2,  Class  M-3 and  Class B
Certificates  are  subordinate to and provide credit  enhancement  for the Class
AF-1,   Class  AF-2,   Class  AF-3,  Class  AF-4,  Class  AF-5  and  Class  AV-1
Certificates.  The Class M-2, Class M-3 and Class B Certificates are subordinate
to and provide credit enhancement for the Class M-1 Certificates.  The Class M-3
and Class B Certificates  are subordinate to and provide credit  enhancement for
the Class M-2  Certificates.  The Class B  Certificates  are  subordinate to and
provide credit  enhancement  for the Class M-3  Certificates.  The Class R-1 and
Class R-2 Interests will be the residual  interests in each of REMIC 1 and REMIC
2. All interests created hereby will be retired on or before the Latest Possible
Maturity Date.

                                     REMIC 1

     REMIC 1 will be evidenced  by the Class  1-Accrual  Interest  (the "REMIC 1
Accrual Class"),  and the Class 1-AF1,  Class 1-AF2,  Class 1-AF3,  Class 1-AF4,
Class  1-AF5,  Class  1-AV1,  Class 1-M1,  Class 1-M2,  Class 1-M3 and Class 1-B
Interests (collectively,  the "REMIC 1 Accretion Directed Classes"),  which will
be uncertificated and non-transferable and are hereby designated as the "regular
interests"  in  REMIC 1 for  federal  income  tax  purposes  and  will  have the
following  designations,  initial principal  balances,  pass-through  rates, and
corresponding classes of REMIC 2 certificates ("Corresponding Classes"):


============================== ============================================= ==================== ==================
      REMIC 1 Interests                      Initial Balance                  Pass-Through Rate    Corresponding
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------
         Class 1-AF1             (1/2 Corresponding Class' initial Class         Net WAC Rate            AF-1
                                           Certificate Balance)
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------
         Class 1-AF2             (1/2 Corresponding Class' initial Class         Net WAC Rate            AF-2
                                           Certificate Balance)
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------
         Class 1-AF3             (1/2 Corresponding Class' initial Class         Net WAC Rate            AF-3
                                           Certificate Balance)
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------
         Class 1-AF4             (1/2 Corresponding Class' initial Class         Net WAC Rate            AF-4
                                           Certificate Balance)
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------
         Class 1-AF5             (1/2 Corresponding Class' initial Class         Net WAC Rate            AF-5
                                           Certificate Balance)
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------
         Class 1-AV1             (1/2 Corresponding Class' initial Class         Net WAC Rate            AV-1
                                           Certificate Balance)
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------
         Class 1-M1              (1/2 Corresponding Class' initial Class         Net WAC Rate             M-1
                                           Certificate Balance)
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------
         Class 1-M2              (1/2 Corresponding Class' initial Class         Net WAC Rate             M-2
                                           Certificate Balance)
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------
         Class 1-M3              (1/2 Corresponding Class' initial Class         Net WAC Rate             M-3
                                           Certificate Balance)
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------
          Class 1-B              (1/2 Corresponding Class' initial Class         Net WAC Rate              B
                                           Certificate Balance)
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------
    REMIC 1 Accrual Class        (1/2 Cut-off Date Pool Principal Balance        Net WAC Rate             N/A
                                           plus1/2Closing Date
                                      Overcollateralization Amount)
============================== ============================================= ==================== ==================

     On each Distribution Date, 50% of any increase in the Overcollateralization
Amount will be payable as a reduction of the  principal  balances of the REMIC 1
Accretion  Directed  Classes  (to each REMIC 1  Accretion  Directed  Class in an
amount  equal  to one  half  (1/2)  of  the  amount  paid  in  reduction  of its
Corresponding  Class).  All payments of scheduled  principal and  prepayments of
principal  generated by the Loans shall be allocated  50% to the REMIC 1 Accrual
Class,  and 50% to the  REMIC 1  Accretion  Directed  Classes  (to each  REMIC 1
Accretion Directed Class in an amount equal to one half (1/2) of the amount paid
in reduction of its Corresponding  Class),  until paid in full.  Notwithstanding
the above, principal payments that are attributable to an  Overcollateralization
Release  Amount shall be  allocated to the REMIC 1 Accrual  Class (until paid in
full).  Realized Losses shall be applied such that after all distributions  have
been made on each  Distribution  Date the principal  balances of (a) each of the
REMIC 1  Accretion  Directed  Classes  is equal to 50% of the Class  Certificate
Balance of its respective Corresponding Class, and (b) the REMIC 1 Accrual Class
is equal to 50% of the aggregate  principal balance of the Loans plus 50% of the
Overcollateralization Amount.

                                     REMIC 2

     The following table sets forth characteristics of the Certificates, each of
which,  except for the Class R  Certificates,  is hereby  designated  a "regular
interest"  in REMIC 2,  together  with the minimum  denominations  and  integral
multiples in excess thereof in which such Classes shall be issuable (except that
one  Certificate  of each  Class of  Certificates  may be issued in a  different
amount and, in addition,  one Class R Certificate  representing  the Tax Matters
Person Certificate may be issued in a different amount):


=================== ======================= ============================= ================= ========================
                        Initial Class           Pass-Through Rate(1)          Minimum        Integral Multiples in
                     Certificate Balance                                    Denomination       Excess of Minimum
- ------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------
Class AF-1          $108,000,000                   LIBOR + 0.090%             $25,000                $1
- ------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------
Class AF-2          $25,000,000                        2.408%                 $25,000                $1
- ------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------
Class AF-3          $49,000,000                        2.976%                 $25,000                $1
- ------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------
Class AF-4          $23,000,000                        4.101%                 $25,000                $1
- ------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------
Class AF-5          $17,847,000                      5.025% (2)               $25,000                $1
- ------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------
Class AV-1          $198,338,000                LIBOR + 0.300%(3)(6)          $25,000                $1
- ------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------
Class M-1           $32,592,000                        5.050%                 $25,000                $1
- ------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------
Class M-2           $26,324,000                        5.658%                 $25,000                $1
- ------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------
Class M-3           $11,282,000                        6.601%                 $25,000                $1
- ------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------
Class B             $10,027,000                    LIBOR + 2.750%             $25,000                $1
- ------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------
Class X             (4)                                  (5)                      N/A               N/A
- ------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------
Class R             $0                                  N/A                   $25,000               N/A
=================== ======================= ============================= ================= ========================

(1)  As to any  Distribution  Date,  this rate shall equal the lesser of (a) the
     rate per annum set forth above and (b) the applicable Net WAC Cap.

(2)  After the Optional Termination Date, this rate will increase to 5.525%.

(3)  After the Optional  Termination  Date,  this rate will  increase to LIBOR +

(4)  On each  Distribution  Date, the Class X Certificates  will have a notional
     balance equal to the Pool Principal Balance.

(5)  As to any  Distribution  Date,  the  Pass-Through  Rate  for  the  Class  X
     Certificates  shall  equal the excess of: (a) the Net WAC Rate over (b) the
     product of: (i) two and (ii) the weighted average  Pass-Through Rate of the
     REMIC 1 regular interests,  where the REMIC 1 Accrual Class is subject to a
     cap equal to zero and each REMIC 1 Accretion Directed Class is subject to a
     cap equal to the Pass-Through Rate on its Corresponding Class.

(6)  The Trustee will treat any  entitlement to interest in respect of the Class
     AV-1 Certificates in excess of the amount resulting under clause (i) of the
     definition of Net WAC Cap in respect of the Class AV-1 Certificates as paid
     pursuant  to a limited  recourse  cap  contract  (in the same  manner as it
     reports the  treatment of the Net WAC Cap Carryover in respect of the Class
     AV-1  Certificates for federal income tax purposes)  between the Holders of
     the Class AV-1 Certificates and the Holders of the Class X Certificates, as
     described in the third paragraph of Section 2.07 herein.

     All fixed interest  rates set forth in this Agreement are calculated  based
on a 360-day year  consisting of twelve 30-day months  (30/360).  All adjustable
interest  rates set forth in this  Agreement are  calculated  based on a 360-day
year and the actual  number of days  elapsed  in the  related  Interest  Accrual


                                    ARTICLE I


          Whenever  used in this  Agreement,  the  following  words and phrases,
unless the context otherwise requires, shall have the following meanings:

          60+ Day Delinquent Loan
          Each Loan with respect to which any portion of a Scheduled Payment is,
as of the last day of the prior Due Period, 60 days or more  contractually  past
due  (assuming 30 day months),  each Loan in  foreclosure,  all REO Property and
each Loan for which the  Mortgagor  has filed for  bankruptcy  after the Closing

          Adjusted Mortgage Rate
          As to each  Loan,  and at any time,  the per annum  rate  equal to the
Mortgage Rate less the Servicing Fee Rate.

          Adjusted Net Mortgage Rate
          As to each  Loan,  and at any time,  the per annum  rate  equal to the
Mortgage Rate less the Expense Rate.

          The payment  required to be made by the  Servicer  with respect to any
Distribution Date pursuant to Section 4.01, the amount of any such payment being
equal to the  aggregate  of  payments  of  principal  and  interest  (net of the
Servicing Fee) on the Loans that were due on such Loans' respective Due Dates in
the  related  Due Period and not  received  as of the close of  business  on the
Determination  Date in the  month  of such  Distribution  Date,  other  than the
aggregate amount of any such delinquent payments that the Servicer,  in its good
faith  judgment,  has  determined  would  not be  recoverable  out of  Insurance
Proceeds, Liquidation Proceeds or otherwise from the related Loans.

          Aggregate Class B Early Distribution Amount
          As of any Distribution  Date, the aggregate sum of all amounts paid to
the Class B Certificates on prior  Distribution  Dates pursuant to clause (xvii)
of Section 4.02(d).

          This  Pooling  and  Servicing  Agreement,  together  with  all  of the
exhibits and schedules  hereto,  and all amendments or supplements of any of the

          Allocation Percentage
          With respect to any  Distribution  Date and any Group,  the percentage
equivalent of a fraction, the numerator of which is (a) the Principal Remittance
Amount for that Group for that  Distribution  Date, and the denominator of which
is (b) the sum of the  Principal  Remittance  Amounts  for all  Groups  for that
Distribution Date.


          Amount Held for Future Distribution
          As  to  any  Distribution  Date  and  the  Offered  Certificates,  the
aggregate amount held in the Certificate Account at the close of business on the
related  Determination  Date on account of (a)  Principal  Prepayments  received
after  the  Prepayment  Period  corresponding  to  such  Distribution  Date  and
Liquidation Proceeds received in the month of such Distribution Date and (b) all
Scheduled  Payments due after the Loans' respective Due Dates in the related Due

          Applied Realized Loss Amount
          With respect to (a) the Class M-1 Certificates,  the Class M-1 Applied
Realized  Loss  Amount,  (b) the Class M-2  Certificates,  the Class M-2 Applied
Realized  Loss  Amount,  (c) the Class M-3  Certificates,  the Class M-3 Applied
Realized  Loss  Amount  and (d) the  Class B  Certificates,  the Class B Applied
Realized Loss Amount.

          Available Funds
          As to any Distribution  Date, the sum of (a) the aggregate amount held
in the Certificate Account at the close of business on the related Determination
Date net of the Amount Held for Future Distribution and net of amounts permitted
to be withdrawn from the  Certificate  Account  pursuant to clauses  (i)-(viii),
inclusive,  of Section  3.08(a) and amounts  permitted to be withdrawn  from the
Distribution  Account pursuant to clauses (i) and (ii) of Section  3.08(b),  (b)
the amount of the related Advance,  if any, and (c) in connection with Defective
Loans,  as  applicable,  the aggregate of the Purchase  Prices and  Substitution
Adjustment  Amounts  deposited  in  the  Distribution  Account  on  the  related
Distribution  Account  Deposit  Date,  and  (d)  with  respect  to  the  initial
Distribution Date, the Initial Certificate Account Deposit.

          Balloon Loans
          Loans with balloon payments.

          Bankruptcy Code
          The United  States  Bankruptcy  Reform Act of 1978,  as  amended,  and
related rules promulgated thereunder.

          Basic Principal Distribution Amount
          With  respect to any  Distribution  Date and any Group,  the amount by
which (a) the Principal  Remittance  Amount for that Group for that Distribution
Date exceeds (b) the product of (i) the Overcollateralization Release Amount, if
any, for that  Distribution  Date and (ii) the  Allocation  Percentage  for that
Group for that Distribution Date.

          Beneficial Owner
          With  respect  to any  Book-Entry  Certificate,  the Person who is the
beneficial owner of such Book-Entry Certificate.

          Book-Entry Certificates
          The Offered Certificates.

          Business Day
          Any day other  than (a) a  Saturday  or a Sunday or (b) a day on which
banking  institutions in New York City, or in the city where the chief executive
office of the  Servicer  is  located,  are  authorized  or  obligated  by law or
executive order to be closed.

          The Offered  Certificates,  the Class R  Certificates  and the Class X


          Certificate Account
          The separate  Eligible  Account created and maintained by the Servicer
pursuant  to  Section  3.05  with a  depository  institution  in the name of the
Servicer  for the  benefit of the  Trustee on behalf of  Certificateholders  and
designated "Certificate Account, Equity One, Inc., as trustee for the registered
holders of Equity  One ABS,  Inc.,  Mortgage  Pass-Through  Certificates  Series

          Certificate Balance
          With  respect to any  Offered  Certificate  at any time,  the  maximum
dollar  amount  of  principal  to which  the  Holder  thereof  is then  entitled
hereunder,  such amount being equal to the  Denomination  thereof reduced by the
sum of (a) all amounts  previously  distributed  to that Offered  Certificate as
payments of principal, and (b) with respect to any Offered Certificate,  that is
a Class  B,  Class  M-3,  Class  M-2 or  Class  M-1  Certificate,  that  Offered
Certificate's  pro rata share of the cumulative  amount of Applied Realized Loss
Amounts with respect to such Class for all prior Distribution Dates.

          Certificateholder or Holder
          The  person  in  whose  name  a  Certificate   is  registered  in  the
Certificate Register,  except that, solely for the purpose of giving any consent
pursuant  to this  Agreement,  any  Certificate  registered  in the  name of the
Depositor  or  any  affiliate  of  the  Depositor  shall  be  deemed  not  to be
Outstanding  and the Percentage  Interest  evidenced  thereby shall not be taken
into account in determining whether the requisite amount of Percentage Interests
necessary to effect such consent has been obtained;  provided,  however, that if
any such Person (including the Depositor) owns 100% of the Percentage  Interests
evidenced by a Class of Certificates,  such  Certificates  shall be deemed to be
Outstanding  for purposes of any  provision  hereof that requires the consent of
the Holders of Certificates  of a particular  Class as a condition to the taking
of any action  hereunder.  The  Trustee is entitled  to rely  conclusively  on a
certification  of the Depositor or any affiliate of the Depositor in determining
which Certificates are registered in the name of an affiliate of the Depositor.

          Certificate Register
          The register maintained pursuant to Section 5.02.

          Certificate Registrar
          JPMorgan Chase Bank and its successors and, if a successor certificate
registrar is appointed hereunder, such successor.

          All  Certificates  bearing the same class  designation as set forth in
the Preliminary Statement.

          Class AF Certificates
          The Class  AF-1,  Class AF-2,  Class  AF-3,  Class AF-4 and Class AF-5

          Class AF-1 Certificate
          Any   Certificate   executed   and   authenticated   by  the   Trustee
substantially  in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit A-1 and  designated as a
Class AF-1 Certificate.

          Class AF-2 Certificate
          Any   Certificate   executed   and   authenticated   by  the   Trustee
substantially  in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit A-1 and  designated as a
Class AF-2 Certificate.


          Class AF-3 Certificate
          Any   Certificate   executed   and   authenticated   by  the   Trustee
substantially  in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit A-1 and  designated as a
Class AF-3 Certificate.

          Class AF-4 Certificate
          Any   Certificate   executed   and   authenticated   by  the   Trustee
substantially  in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit A-1 and  designated as a
Class AF-4 Certificate.

          Class AF-5 Certificate
          Any   Certificate   executed   and   authenticated   by  the   Trustee
substantially  in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit A-1 and  designated as a
Class AF-5 Certificate.

          Class AF Principal Distribution Amount
          As of any Distribution  Date on or after the Stepdown Date and as long
as a Trigger  Event is not in  effect,  the lesser of (a) the  aggregate  of the
Class  Certificate  Balances of the Class AF Certificates  immediately  prior to
that Distribution  Date and (b) the product of (i) the Allocation  Percentage of
the Group I Loans and (ii) the Senior Principal Distribution Amount.

          Class AV-1 Certificate
          Any   Certificate   executed   and   authenticated   by  the   Trustee
substantially  in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit A-2 and  designated as a
Class AV-1 Certificate.

          Class AV-1 Principal Distribution Amount
          As of any Distribution  Date on or after the Stepdown Date and as long
as a Trigger  Event is not in effect,  the  lesser of (a) the Class  Certificate
Balance of the Class AV-1  Certificates  immediately  prior to that Distribution
Date and (b) the product of (i) the Allocation  Percentage of the Group II Loans
and (ii) the Senior Principal Distribution Amount.

          Class B Applied Realized Loss Amount
          As to the Class B Certificates  and as of any  Distribution  Date, the
lesser of (a) the Class  Certificate  Balance thereof (after taking into account
the  distribution  of all Principal  Distribution  Amounts on that  Distribution
Date, but prior to the application of the Class B Applied  Realized Loss Amount,
if any, on that  Distribution  Date) and (b) the Realized Loss Amount as of that
Distribution Date.

          Class B Certificate
          Any   Certificate   executed   and   authenticated   by  the   Trustee
substantially  in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit A-4 and  designated as a
Class B Certificate.

          Class B Principal Distribution Amount
          As of any Distribution  Date on or after the Stepdown Date and as long
as a Trigger Event is not in effect, the excess of (a) the sum of (i) the sum of
the Class  Certificate  Balances of the Senior  Certificates  (after taking into
account  the  payment  of the  Senior  Principal  Distribution  Amount  on  that
Distribution  Date),  (ii)  the  Class  Certificate  Balance  of the  Class  M-1
Certificates  (after  taking into account the payment of the Class M-1 Principal
Distribution  Amount on that  Distribution  Date),  (iii) the Class  Certificate
Balance of the Class M-2 Certificates  (after taking into account the payment of
the Class M-2 Principal Distribution Amount on that Distribution Date), (iv) the
Class  Certificate  Balance of the Class M-3  Certificates  (after  taking  into
account  the  payment  of the Class M-3  Principal  Distribution  Amount on that
Distribution  Date)  and  (v)  the  Class  Certificate  Balance  of the  Class B
Certificates  immediately prior to that Distribution Date over (b) the lesser of
(i) the product of (A) 92.00% and (B) the Pool Principal  Balance as of the last
day of the related Due Period and (ii) the Pool Principal Balance as


of the last day of the related Due Period minus the product of (A) 0.50% and (B)
the Cut-off Date Pool Principal Balance.

          Class B Realized Loss Amortization Amount
          As to the Class B Certificates  and as of any  Distribution  Date, the
lesser of (a) the Unpaid Realized Loss Amount for the Class B Certificates as of
that  Distribution  Date and (b) the excess of (i) the Monthly  Excess  Cashflow
Amount over (ii) the sum of the amounts  described in clauses (i) through  (xiv)
of Section 4.02(d) for that Distribution Date.

          Class Certificate Balance
          With  respect  to any  Class  of  Offered  Certificates  and as to any
Distribution Date, the aggregate of the Certificate Balances of all Certificates
of such  Class as of such  date.  The Class  Certificate  Balance of the Class R
Certificates shall be zero.

          Class Interest Shortfall
          As to any Distribution Date and any Class of Offered Certificates, the
amount by which the amount described in the definition of Interest  Distribution
Amount for such Class  exceeds the amount of interest  actually  distributed  on
such Class on such Distribution Date.

          Class M-1 Applied Realized Loss Amount
          As to the Class M-1 Certificates and as of any Distribution  Date, the
lesser of (a) the Class  Certificate  Balance thereof (after taking into account
the  distribution  of all Principal  Distribution  Amounts on that  Distribution
Date,  but  prior to the  application  of the Class M-1  Applied  Realized  Loss
Amount,  if any,  on that  Distribution  Date)  and  (b) the  excess  of (i) the
Realized Loss Amount as of that Distribution Date over (ii) the sum of the Class
M-2 Applied Realized Loss Amount, the Class M-3 Applied Realized Loss Amount and
the Class B Applied Realized Loss Amount,  in each case as of that  Distribution

          Class M-1 Certificate
          Any   Certificate   executed   and   authenticated   by  the   Trustee
substantially  in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit A-3 and  designated as a
Class M-1 Certificate.

          Class M-1 Principal Distribution Amount
          As of any Distribution  Date on or after the Stepdown Date and as long
as a Trigger Event is not in effect, the excess of (a) the sum of (i) the sum of
the Class  Certificate  Balances of the Senior  Certificates  (after taking into
account  the  payment  of the  Senior  Principal  Distribution  Amount  on  that
Distribution  Date)  and (ii) the  Class  Certificate  Balance  of the Class M-1
Certificates  immediately prior to that Distribution Date over (b) the lesser of
(i) the product of (A) 73.00% and (B) the Pool Principal  Balance as of the last
day of the related Due Period and (ii) the Pool Principal Balance as of the last
day of the related Due Period minus the product of (A) 0.50% and (B) the Cut-off
Date Pool Principal Balance.

          Class M-1 Realized Loss Amortization Amount
          As to the Class M-1 Certificates and as of any Distribution  Date, the
lesser of (a) the Unpaid Realized Loss Amount for the Class M-1  Certificates as
of that  Distribution Date and (b) the excess of (i) the Monthly Excess Cashflow
Amount over (ii) the sum of the amounts  described in clauses (i) through (v) of
Section 4.02(d) for that Distribution Date.

          Class M-2 Applied Realized Loss Amount
          As to the Class M-2 Certificates and as of any Distribution  Date, the
lesser of (a) the Class  Certificate  Balance thereof (after taking into account
the  distribution  of all Principal  Distribution


Amounts on that Distribution Date, but prior to the application of the Class M-2
Applied  Realized Loss Amount,  if any, on that  Distribution  Date) and (b) the
excess of (i) the Realized  Loss Amount as of that  Distribution  Date over (ii)
the sum of the Class M-3  Applied  Realized  Loss Amount and the Class B Applied
Realized Loss Amount, in each case as of that Distribution Date.

          Class M-2 Certificate
          Any   Certificate   executed   and   authenticated   by  the   Trustee
substantially  in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit A-3 and  designated as a
Class M-2 Certificate.

          Class M-2 Principal Distribution Amount
          As of any Distribution  Date on or after the Stepdown Date and as long
as a Trigger Event is not in effect, the excess of (a) the sum of (i) the sum of
the Class  Certificate  Balances of the Senior  Certificates  (after taking into
account  the  payment  of the  Senior  Principal  Distribution  Amount  on  that
Distribution  Date),  (ii)  the  Class  Certificate  Balance  of the  Class  M-1
Certificates  (after  taking into account the payment of the Class M-1 Principal
Distribution  Amount on that Distribution  Date) and (iii) the Class Certificate
Balance of the Class M-2  Certificates  immediately  prior to that  Distribution
Date  over (b) the  lesser of (i) the  product  of (A)  83.50%  and (B) the Pool
Principal Balance as of the last day of the related Due Period and (ii) the Pool
Principal Balance as of the last day of the related Due Period minus the product
of (A) 0.50% and (B) the Cut-off Date Pool Principal Balance.

          Class M-2 Realized Loss Amortization Amount
          As to the Class M-2 Certificates and as of any Distribution  Date, the
lesser of (a) the Unpaid Realized Loss Amount for the Class M-2  Certificates as
of that  Distribution Date and (b) the excess of (i) the Monthly Excess Cashflow
Amount over (ii) the sum of the amounts  described in clauses (i) through (viii)
of Section 4.02(d) for that Distribution Date.

          Class M-3 Applied Realized Loss Amount
          As to the Class M-3 Certificates and as of any Distribution  Date, the
lesser of (a) the Class  Certificate  Balance thereof (after taking into account
the  distribution  of all Principal  Distribution  Amounts on that  Distribution
Date,  but  prior to the  application  of the Class M-3  Applied  Realized  Loss
Amount,  if any,  on that  Distribution  Date)  and  (b) the  excess  of (i) the
Realized Loss Amount as of that  Distribution Date over (ii) the Class B Applied
Realized Loss Amount as of that Distribution Date.

          Class M-3 Certificate
          Any   Certificate   executed   and   authenticated   by  the   Trustee
substantially  in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit A-3 and  designated as a
Class M-3 Certificate.

          Class M-3 Principal Distribution Amount
          As of any Distribution  Date on or after the Stepdown Date and as long
as a Trigger Event is not in effect, the excess of (a) the sum of (i) the sum of
the Class  Certificate  Balances of the Senior  Certificates  (after taking into
account  the  payment  of the  Senior  Principal  Distribution  Amount  on  that
Distribution  Date),  (ii)  the  Class  Certificate  Balance  of the  Class  M-1
Certificates  (after  taking into account the payment of the Class M-1 Principal
Distribution  Amount on that  Distribution  Date),  (iii) the Class  Certificate
Balance of the M-2  Certificates  (after  taking into account the payment of the
Class M-2 Principal  Distribution Amount on that Distribution Date) and (iv) the
Class  Certificate  Balance of the Class M-3 Certificates  immediately  prior to
that  Distribution Date over (b) the lesser of (i) the product of (A) 88.00% and
(B) the Pool Principal  Balance as of the last day of the related Due Period and
(ii) the Pool  Principal  Balance as of the last day of the  related  Due Period
minus the product of (A) 0.50% and (B) the Cut-off Date Pool Principal Balance.


          Class M-3 Realized Loss Amortization Amount
          As to the Class M-3 Certificates and as of any Distribution  Date, the
lesser of (a) the Unpaid Realized Loss Amount for the Class M-3  Certificates as
of that  Distribution Date and (b) the excess of (i) the Monthly Excess Cashflow
Amount over (ii) the sum of the amounts described in clauses (i) through (xi) of
Section 4.02(d) for that Distribution Date.

          Class R Certificates
          The certificates  representing the single "residual  interest" in each
of REMIC 1 and REMIC 2,  substantially  in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit

          Class Unpaid Interest Amounts
          As to any Distribution Date and any Class of Offered Certificates, the
amount by which the aggregate Class Interest  Shortfalls for such Class on prior
Distribution   Dates  exceeds  the  amount  of  Class  Unpaid  Interest  Amounts
distributed  on such Class on prior  Distribution  Dates plus  interest  on such
amount at the related Pass-Through Rate.

          Class X Certificate
          Any   Certificate   executed   and   authenticated   by  the   Trustee
substantially  in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit B-2 and  designated as a
Class X Certificate.

          Closing Date
          April 30, 2003.

          Closing Place
          The offices of Messrs. Stradley, Ronon, Stevens & Young, LLP, 2600 One
Commerce Square, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103.

          The  Internal  Revenue  Code  of  1986,  including  any  successor  or
amendatory provisions.

          The assets constituting the Loans,  Mortgage Files and the Trust Fund,
and any and all  contractual,  legal,  equitable or other  rights in  connection
therewith,  and all proceeds thereof (but not including payments of interest and
principal  due and  payable  with  respect to the Loans on or before the Cut-off

          Collateral Value
          With respect to any Loan,  other than Refinance Loans, an amount equal
to the lesser of (a) the appraised value of the related Mortgaged Property based
on an appraisal  obtained by the originator from an independent fee appraiser at
the time of the  origination  of such Loan,  and (b) if the Loan was  originated
either in  connection  with the  acquisition  of the  Mortgaged  Property by the
borrower or within one year after  acquisition of the Mortgaged  Property by the
borrower,  the purchase price paid by such borrower for the Mortgaged  Property.
In the case of Refinance  Loans,  the Collateral Value is the appraised value of
the  Mortgaged  Property  based  upon  the  appraisal  obtained  at the  time of

          Combined Loan-to-Value Ratio
          With  respect  to any Loan and as to any  date of  determination,  the
fraction,  expressed as a  percentage,  the  numerator of which is the principal
balance of such Loan at the date of  origination  plus,  in the case of a Second
Lien Loan, the outstanding  principal balance of the related first lien mortgage


on the date of  origination  of such Second Lien Loan,  and the  denominator  of
which is the Collateral Value of the related Mortgaged Property.

          Corporate Trust Office
          The designated office of the Trustee in the State of New York at which
at any  particular  time its  corporate  trust  business  with  respect  to this
Agreement  shall be  administered,  which office at the date of the execution of
this  Agreement is located at 4 New York Plaza,  6th Floor,  New York,  New York
10004 (Attention:  Institutional  Trust Services,  Equity One 2003-2,  facsimile
number:  212-623-5930)  and  which  is  the  address  to  which  notices  to and
correspondence with the Trustee should be directed.

          Corresponding Class
          As defined in the Preliminary Statement.

          Wachovia Bank, National Association, a national banking association.

          Custodial Agreement
          As defined in Section 8.13.

          As defined in Section 8.13.

          Cut-off Date
          March 31, 2003.

          Cut-off Date Group I Principal Balance
          The  aggregate of the Cut-off Date  Principal  Balances of the Group I
Loans on the Cut-off Date ($303,196,923.96).

          Cut-off Date Group II Principal Balance
          The aggregate of the Cut-off Date  Principal  Balances of the Group II
Loans on the Cut-off Date ($198,338,835.35).

          Cut-off Date Pool Principal Balance
          The sum of the Cut-off Date Group I Principal  Balance and the Cut-off
Date Group II Principal Balance ($501,535,759.31).

          Cut-off Date Principal Balance
          As to any Loan, the Stated  Principal  Balance thereof as of the close
of business on the Cut-off Date.

          Defective Loan
          Any Loan which is required to be repurchased  pursuant to Section 2.02
or 2.03.

          Deficient Valuation
          With  respect  to any  Loan,  a  valuation  of the  related  Mortgaged
Property by a court of  competent  jurisdiction  in an amount less than the then
outstanding  principal  balance  of the Loan,  which  valuation  results  from a
proceeding initiated under the Bankruptcy Code.

          Definitive Certificates
          Any Certificate issued in lieu of a Book-Entry Certificate pursuant to
Section 5.02(e).


          Deleted Loan
          As defined in Section 2.03(c).

          With respect to each Offered Certificate, Class X Certificate or Class
R  Certificate,  the  amount  set  forth on the  face  thereof  as the  "Initial
Certificate Balance of this Certificate" or the "Percentage Interest."

          Equity One ABS,  Inc.,  a Delaware  corporation,  or its  successor in

          The initial  Depository  shall be The Depository  Trust  Company,  the
nominee  of which is Cede & Co.,  as the  registered  Holder  of the  Book-Entry
Certificates.  The Depository shall at all times be a "clearing  corporation" as
defined in Section  8-102(a)(5) of the Uniform  Commercial  Code of the State of
New York.

          Depository Participant
          A broker,  dealer, bank or other financial institution or other Person
for whom from time to time a Depository effects book-entry transfers and pledges
of securities deposited with the Depository.

          Determination Date
          As to any  Distribution  Date,  the 21st day of each month or, if such
day is not a Business Day, the next preceding Business Day;  provided,  however,
that the  Determination  Date in each month will be at least two  Business  Days
preceding the related Distribution Date.

          Distribution Account
          The separate  Eligible  Account  created and maintained by the Trustee
pursuant  to  Section  3.05 in the name of the  Trustee  for the  benefit of the
Certificateholders and designated "Distribution Account, JPMorgan Chase Bank, as
trustee for the registered holders of Equity One ABS, Inc. Mortgage Pass-Through
Certificates,  Series 2003-2." Funds in the  Distribution  Account shall be held
uninvested  in trust for the  Certificateholders  for the uses and  purposes set
forth in this Agreement.

          Distribution Account Deposit Date
          As to any  Distribution  Date,  9:00  a.m.  New York  City time on the
Business Day immediately preceding such Distribution Date.

          Distribution Date
          The 25th day of each calendar month after the initial  issuance of the
Certificates, or if such day is not a Business Day, the next succeeding Business
Day, commencing on May 27, 2003.

          Due Date
          With  respect to any Loan,  the date on which  scheduled  payments  of
interest  and/or  principal  are due  thereon,  which date is a set day, but not
necessarily the first day, of each month.

          Due Period
          With respect to any Distribution Date, the calendar month prior to the
month of such Distribution Date.


          Eligible Account
          Any of (a) an account or accounts  maintained  with a federal or state
chartered depository institution or trust company, the short-term unsecured debt
obligations  of which  (or,  in the case of a  depository  institution  or trust
company  that  is the  principal  subsidiary  of a  holding  company,  the  debt
obligations of such holding company) have the highest short-term ratings of each
Rating  Agency at the time any  amounts are held on deposit  therein,  or (b) an
account or accounts in a depository  institution  or trust company in which such
accounts are insured by the FDIC (to the limits established by the FDIC) and the
uninsured  deposits  in which  accounts  are  otherwise  secured  such that,  as
evidenced  by an Opinion of Counsel  delivered to the Trustee and to each Rating
Agency,  the  Certificateholders  have a claim with respect to the funds in such
account or a perfected first priority  security  interest against any collateral
(which shall be limited to Permitted  Investments)  securing  such funds that is
superior  to claims of any  other  depositors  or  creditors  of the  depository
institution or trust company in which such account is maintained, or (c) a trust
account or accounts  maintained  with (i) the trust  department  of a federal or
state chartered  depository  institution or (ii) a trust company,  acting in its
fiduciary capacity or (d) any other account acceptable to each Rating Agency, as
evidenced by a letter from such Rating Agency to the Trustee,  without reduction
or withdrawal of the then current ratings of the Certificates. Eligible Accounts
may  bear  interest,   and  may  include,  if  otherwise  qualified  under  this
definition, accounts maintained with the Trustee.

          Equity One-Delaware
          Equity One, Inc., a Delaware corporation.

          Equity One-Minnesota
          Equity One, Inc., a Minnesota corporation.

          Equity One-New Hampshire
          Equity One Consumer Loan Company, Inc., a New Hampshire corporation.

          Equity One-Pennsylvania
          Equity One, Incorporated, a Pennsylvania corporation.

          The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended.

          ERISA Qualifying Underwriting
          A best efforts or firm commitment  underwriting  or private  placement
that meets the requirements  (without regard to the ratings requirement or other
requirements   that  the  securities  or  the  investor  must  satisfy)  of  the
Underwriter  Exemption,  or any substantially similar  administrative  exemption
granted by the U.S. Department of Labor.

          ERISA-Restricted Certificate
          Any  of  the  Class  X  Certificates  or  Class  R  Certificates;  any
Certificate of a Class that ceases to satisfy the applicable rating requirements
of the Underwriter Exemption.

          Escrow Account
          The Eligible Account or Eligible  Accounts  established and maintained
by the Servicer pursuant to Section 3.06(a).


          Event of Default
          As defined in Section 7.01.

          Excess Proceeds
          With respect to any Liquidated Loan, the amount,  if any, by which the
sum of any  Liquidation  Proceeds of such Loan received in the calendar month in
which  such  Loan  became  a  Liquidated  Loan,  net of any  amounts  previously
reimbursed  to the Servicer as  Nonrecoverable  Advance(s)  with respect to such
Loan pursuant to Section 3.08(a)(iii),  exceeds (a) the unpaid principal balance
of such  Liquidated  Loan as of the Due Date in the calendar month in which such
Loan became a Liquidated  Loan plus (b) accrued  interest at the  Mortgage  Rate
from the Due Date as to  which  interest  was  last  paid or  advanced  (and not
reimbursed)  to  Certificateholders  up to the Due Date in the calendar month in
which such Loan became a Liquidated Loan.

          Expense Rate
          As to each Loan, the sum of the Servicing Fee Rate and the Trustee Fee

          Extra Principal Distribution Amount
          As of any  Distribution  Date,  the lesser of (a) the  Monthly  Excess
Interest  Amount for that  Distribution  Date and (b) the  Overcollateralization
Deficiency for that Distribution Date.

          The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or any successor thereto.

          The   Federal   Home   Loan   Mortgage   Corporation,    a   corporate
instrumentality of the United States created and existing under Title III of the
Emergency Home Finance Act of 1970, as amended, or any successor thereto.

          The Financial  Institutions Reform,  Recovery,  and Enforcement Act of

          Fitch  Ratings  or any  successor  thereto.  For  purposes  of Section
10.05(b)  the address for notices to Fitch shall be Fitch,  Inc., 1 State Street
Plaza,  New  York,  New  York  10004,  Attention:  Residential  Mortgage  Backed
Securities  Group,  or such other address as Fitch may hereafter  furnish to the
Depositor or the Servicer.

          Fannie Mae, a federally  chartered  and  privately  owned  corporation
organized and existing under the Federal National Mortgage  Association  Charter
Act, or any successor thereto.

          Either the Group I Loans or the Group II Loans, as the case may be.

          Group I Interest Remittance Amount
          With respect to any Determination Date, the sum, without  duplication,
of (a) all  interest  collected  or  advanced  on the Group I Loans  during  the
related Due Period and (b) the portion of any  Substitution  Adjustment  Amount,
Termination Price,  payment in connection with any repurchase of a Deleted Loan,
or Liquidation Proceeds,  relating to interest with respect to the Group I Loans
and received during the related Due Period.


          Group I Loans
          The mortgage loans identified as such on the Loan Schedule.

          Group II Interest Remittance Amount
          With respect to any Determination Date, the sum, without  duplication,
of (a) all  interest  collected  or  advanced  on the Group II Loans  during the
related Due Period and (b) the portion of any  Substitution  Adjustment  Amount,
Termination Price,  payment in connection with any repurchase of a Deleted Loan,
or Liquidation Proceeds, relating to interest with respect to the Group II Loans
and received during the related Due Period.

          Group II Loans
          The mortgage loans identified as such on the Loan Schedule.

          Group Principal Balance
          With respect to any Distribution  Date and any Group, the aggregate of
the Stated  Principal  Balances of the Loans in such Group that were Outstanding
Loans  (including Loans in foreclosure and REO Properties) on their Due Dates in
the related Due Period.

          Indirect Participant
          A broker,  dealer, bank or other financial institution or other Person
that clears  through or  maintains a custodial  relationship  with a  Depository

          Initial Certificate Account Deposit
          As defined in Section 2.01(a).

          Insurance Policy
          With  respect to any Loan  included in the Trust Fund,  any  insurance
policy, and including all riders and endorsements  thereto in effect,  including
any replacement policy or policies for any Insurance Policies.

          Insurance Proceeds
          Proceeds paid by an insurer pursuant to any Insurance  Policy, in each
case other than any amount  included  in such  Insurance  Proceeds in respect of
Insured Expenses.

          Insured Expenses
          Expenses covered by an Insurance Policy.

          Interest Accrual Period
          With respect to the Class AF-1,  Class AV-1 and Class B  Certificates,
and any Distribution Date, the period commencing on the Distribution Date in the
calendar month prior to the month of such  Distribution  Date (or on the Closing
Date  with  respect  to the  first  Distribution  Date)  and  ending  on the day
preceding such  Distribution  Date. With respect to the Class AF-2,  Class AF-3,
Class AF-4,  Class AF-5, Class M-1, Class M-2 and Class M-3 Certificates and any
Distribution  Date, the calendar month preceding the month of such  Distribution

          Interest Distribution Amount
          With  respect to any  Distribution  Date and each Class of the Offered
Certificates, the amount of interest accrued during the related Interest Accrual
Period at the Pass-Through  Rate for such Class on the related Class Certificate
Balance,  reduced  by such  Class'  pro  rata  share  of the  amount  of (a) Net
Prepayment  Interest  Shortfalls and (b) Relief Act  Reductions  incurred on the
Loans during the related Due Period (each such Class' pro rata share to be based
on the  amount  of  interest  to which  such  Class


would have been entitled notwithstanding such Net Prepayment Interest Shortfalls
and Relief Act Reductions).

          Investment Letter
          As defined in Section 5.02(b).

          Latest Possible Maturity Date
          The Distribution Date following the third anniversary of the scheduled
maturity  date of the Loan having the latest  scheduled  maturity date as of the
Cut-off Date.

          Last Scheduled Distribution Date
          The Distribution Date in September 2033.

          As of any LIBOR  Determination Date, the London interbank offered rate
for  one-month  United  States  dollar  deposits  which appears in the Dow Jones
Telerate Page 3750 as of 11:00 a.m., London time, on that date. If the rate does
not  appear  on Dow  Jones  Telerate  Page  3750,  the rate for that day will be
determined on the basis of the rates at which  deposits in United States dollars
are offered by the Reference Banks at approximately 11:00 a.m. (London time), on
that day to prime banks in the London interbank market. The Trustee will request
the  principal  London  office  of each of the  Reference  Banks  to  provide  a
quotation of its rate. If at least two  quotations  are  provided,  the rate for
that day will be the  arithmetic  mean of the  quotations  (rounded  upwards  if
necessary to the nearest whole multiple of 1/16%).  If fewer than two quotations
are provided as requested,  the rate for that day will be the arithmetic mean of
the rates  quoted by major  banks in New York City,  selected  by the Trustee in
consultation with the Servicer, at approximately 11:00 a.m. (New York City time)
on that day for loans in United States dollars to leading European banks.

          LIBOR Determination Date
          With respect to any Interest  Accrual Period for the Class AF-1, Class
AV-1 and Class B  Certificates,  the second  London  business day  preceding the
commencement of such Interest Accrual Period. For purposes of determining LIBOR,
a "London  business  day" is any day on which  dealings  in  deposits  of United
States dollars are transacted in the London interbank market.

          Liquidated Loan
          With respect to any Distribution Date, a defaulted Loan (including any
REO Property)  that was  liquidated in a calendar  month  preceding the month of
such  Distribution  Date  and  as to  which  the  Servicer  has  determined  (in
accordance  with this  Agreement) that it has received all amounts it expects to
receive in connection  with the  liquidation  of such Loan,  including the final
disposition of an REO Property.

          Liquidation Proceeds
          Amounts, including Insurance Proceeds, received in connection with the
partial or complete  liquidation of defaulted Loans,  whether through  trustee's
sale,  foreclosure  sale or otherwise or amounts received in connection with any
condemnation or partial  release of a Mortgaged  Property and any other proceeds
received  in  connection  with  an  REO  Property,  less  the  Servicing  Amount
applicable to such defaulted Loans.

          The mortgage loans identified on the Loan Schedule.


          Loan Schedule
          As of any date,  the list of Loans  included in the Trust Fund on such
date,  attached  hereto  as  Schedule  I (as from  time to time  amended  by the
Servicer to reflect the addition of Substitute Loans and the deletion of Deleted
Loans pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement), setting forth the following
information with respect to each Loan:

          (a)  an indication that such Loan is a Group I Loan or Group II Loan;

          (b)  the loan number;

          (c)  the  Mortgagor's  name  and the  state  in  which  the  Mortgaged
               Property is located, including the zip code;

          (d)  the maturity date;

          (e)  the Cut-off Date Principal Balance;

          (f)  the first payment date of the Loan;

          (g)  lien position (either first or second);

          (h)  the Scheduled Payment in effect as of the Cut-off Date;

          (i)  the current Mortgage Rate; and

          (j)  the principal balance of the Loan at origination.

          Such schedule shall also set forth the total of the amounts  described
under (e) above for the Group I Loans, the Group II Loans and all of the Loans.

          Majority in Interest
          As to each Class of Offered Certificates,  the Holders of Certificates
of such  Class  evidencing,  in the  aggregate,  at least 51% of the  Percentage
Interests evidenced by all Certificates of such Class.

          MERS (R)
          Mortgage Electronic  Registration Systems,  Inc., or its successors in

          MERS (R) System
          That certain electronic registry system maintained by MERSCORP,  Inc.,
or its successors in interest.

          MOM Loan
          Any Loan as to which MERS (R) is acting as mortgagee solely as nominee
for the originator of such Loan and its successors and assigns.

          The Mortgage Identification Number assigned by MERS (R) to a MOM Loan.


          Monthly Excess Cashflow Amount
          The   sum   of   the   Monthly    Excess    Interest    Amount,    the
Overcollateralization  Release Amount and the Remaining  Principal  Distribution

          Monthly Excess Interest Amount
          As to any Distribution Date, an amount equal to any Remaining Interest
Remittance  Amount  remaining  after  the  distributions  set  forth in  clauses
(iii)(A) through (iii)(D) of Section 4.02(a).

          Monthly Statement
          The statement prepared by the Trustee pursuant to Section 4.03.

          Moody's  Investors  Service,  Inc.,  or  any  successor  thereto.  For
purposes of Section 10.05(b) the address for notices to Moody's shall be Moody's
Investors Service, Inc., 99 Church Street, New York, New York 10007,  Attention:
Residential Mortgage Monitoring Department, or such other address as Moody's may
hereafter furnish to the Depositor or the Servicer.

          The mortgage,  deed of trust or other  instrument  creating a first or
second lien on an estate in fee simple or  leasehold  interest in real  property
securing a Mortgage Note.

          Mortgaged Property
          The underlying property securing a Loan.

          Mortgage File
          The mortgage  documents listed in Section 2.01 hereof  pertaining to a
particular  Loan and any  additional  documents  delivered  to the Trustee to be
added to the Mortgage File pursuant to this Agreement.

          Mortgage Note
          The  original   executed  note  or  other  evidence  of   indebtedness
evidencing  the  indebtedness  of a Mortgagor  under a Loan,  together  with any
amendment or modification thereto.

          Mortgage Rate
          The annual  rate of  interest  borne by a  Mortgage  Note as set forth

          The obligor(s) on a Mortgage Note.

          Net Prepayment Interest Shortfalls
          As to any  Distribution  Date,  the amount by which the  aggregate  of
Prepayment  Interest  Shortfalls during the related Due Period exceeds an amount
equal to the aggregate Servicing Fee for such Distribution Date before reduction
of the Servicing Fee in respect of such Prepayment Interest Shortfalls.

          Net WAC Cap
          As to any  Distribution  Date,  the per annum  rate equal to: (a) with
respect to the Class AF-2,  Class AF-3, Class AF-4, Class AF-5, Class M-1, Class
M-2 and Class M-3 Certificates,  the weighted average Adjusted Net Mortgage Rate
of the Loans as of the first day of the Due Period relating to that Distribution
Date,  weighted on the basis of the aggregate  principal balance of the Loans as
of the first day of the related Due Period (calculated on the basis of a 360-day
year made up of twelve  30-day  months);  (b) with respect to the Class AF-1 and
Class B  Certificates,  the weighted  average  Adjusted Net Mortgage


Rate of the  Loans  as of the  first  day of the  Due  Period  relating  to that
Distribution Date,  weighted on the basis of the aggregate  principal balance of
the Loans as of the first day of the related Due Period (calculated on the basis
of a 360-day year and the actual number of days elapsed in the related  Interest
Accrual Period) and (c) with respect to the Class AV-1 Certificates,  the sum of
(i)  the  Net  WAC Cap for the  Class  AF-1  Certificates  and  (ii) a  fraction
(expressed as a percentage)  (A) the numerator of which is the lesser of (x) the
product of the excess,  if any, of the  weighted  average  Adjusted Net Mortgage
Rate of the Group II Loans over the Net WAC Cap for the Class AF-1  Certificates
and the Class Certificate  Balance of the Class AV-1 Certificates  (prior to the
distribution of any principal on that Distribution  Date) and (y) the sum of (1)
the product of the excess,  if any, of the Net WAC Cap for the other  classes of
Offered  Certificates  over  the  weighted  average  of the  Pass-Through  Rates
(without regard to the applicable Net WAC Caps) of the Certificates  (other than
the  Class  AV-1  and  Class X  Certificates)  (weighted  on the  basis of their
respective Class Certificate Balances prior to the distribution of any principal
on that Distribution  Date) and the aggregate Class  Certificate  Balance of the
Certificates  (other than the Class AV-1 and Class X  Certificates)  and (2) the
product  of  the  Net  WAC  Cap  for  the  Class  AF-1   Certificates   and  the
Overcollateralization Amount for that Distribution Date (adjusted to account for
the  actual  number  of  days  in the  Interest  Accrual  Period)  and  (B)  the
denominator  of  which  is the  Class  Certificate  Balance  of the  Class  AV-1

          Net WAC Cap Account
          The account established and maintained pursuant to Section 3A.03.

          Net WAC Cap Carryover
          With  respect to the Class AF-1,  Class AV-1 and Class B  Certificates
and any  Distribution  Date, the sum of (a) the excess,  if any, of the Interest
Distribution Amount for such Class for such Distribution Date, calculated at its
Pass-Through  Rate (without  regard to the applicable Net WAC Cap) (subject to a
maximum rate of 14.00% with  respect to the Class AV-1 and Class B  Certificates
and a maximum rate of 10.00% with respect to the Class AF-1 Certificates),  over
the actual  Interest  Distribution  Amount for such Class for such  Distribution
Date,  and (b) any related  Net WAC Cap  Carryover  remaining  unpaid from prior
Distribution  Dates,  together with one month of interest accrued thereon at its
Pass-Through Rate (without regard to the applicable Net WAC Cap).

          Net WAC Cap Deposit Amount
          As to any  Distribution  Date,  an amount  equal to the sum of (a) the
aggregate Net WAC Cap Carryover for such  Distribution Date plus (b) the amount,
if any,  needed to increase the  aggregate  amount on deposit in the Net WAC Cap
Account  (after  giving  effect to all  payments to be made  pursuant to Section
4.02(f)) to $10,000.

          Net WAC Rate
          As to any  Distribution  Date, a rate equal to the weighted average of
the Adjusted Net Mortgage Rates of all Outstanding  Loans, such weighted average
to be calculated based on the principal balances of such Outstanding Loans as of
the first day of the  related  Due  Period on the basis of either  (a) a 360-day
year and the actual  number of days  elapsed  in the  related  Interest  Accrual
Period or (b) a 360-day year made up of twelve 30-day months, as applicable.

          Nonrecoverable Advance
          Any  portion of an Advance  previously  made or proposed to be made by
the  Servicer  that,  in the good faith  judgment of the  Servicer,  will not be
ultimately  recoverable  by the  Servicer  from the related  Mortgagor,  related
Liquidation Proceeds or otherwise.


          Notice of Final Distribution
          The notice to be provided  pursuant to Section 9.02 to the effect that
final  distribution  on  any  of  the  Certificates  shall  be  made  only  upon
presentation and surrender thereof.

          Offered Certificates
          The certificates  representing  "regular  interests" in REMIC 2, which
are designated as the Senior Certificates and the Subordinate Certificates.

          Officer's Certificate
          A  certificate  (a)  signed by the  Chairman  of the  Board,  the Vice
Chairman of the Board,  the  President,  a Managing  Director,  a Vice President
(however  denominated),   an  Assistant  Vice  President,   the  Treasurer,  the
Secretary,  or one of the Assistant  Treasurers or Assistant  Secretaries of the
Depositor or the Servicer, or (b), if provided for in this Agreement,  signed by
a Servicing Officer,  as the case may be, and delivered to the Depositor and the
Trustee, as the case may be, as required by this Agreement.

          Opinion of Counsel
          A written opinion of counsel,  who may be counsel for the Depositor or
the Servicer, including, in-house counsel, reasonably acceptable to the Trustee;
provided, however, that with respect to the interpretation or application of the
REMIC Provisions,  such counsel must (a) in fact be independent of the Depositor
and the Servicer, (b) not have any direct financial interest in the Depositor or
the Servicer or in any  affiliate of either,  and (c) not be connected  with the
Depositor  or the  Servicer  as an  officer,  employee,  promoter,  underwriter,
trustee, partner, director or person performing similar functions.

          Optional Termination Date
          The first  Distribution  Date following the date on which the Optional
Termination may be exercised by the Servicer.

          Optional Termination
          The termination of the trust created  hereunder in connection with the
purchase of the Loans pursuant to Section 9.01(a) hereof.

          Original Loan
          The mortgage loan  refinanced in connection  with the origination of a
Refinance Loan.

          The Office of Thrift Supervision.

          With respect to the Certificates as of any date of determination,  all
Certificates  theretofore executed and authenticated under this Agreement except
(a) Certificates theretofore canceled by the Trustee or delivered to the Trustee
for cancellation; and (b) Certificates in exchange for which or in lieu of which
other  Certificates  have been executed and delivered by the Trustee pursuant to
this Agreement.

          Outstanding Loan
          As of any Due Date,  a Loan with a Stated  Principal  Balance  greater
than zero, which was not the subject of a Principal  Prepayment in Full prior to
such Due Date and which did not become a Liquidated Loan prior to such Due Date.


          Overcollateralization Amount
          As of any  Distribution  Date,  the  excess,  if any,  of (a) the Pool
Principal  Balance as of the last day of the  immediately  preceding  Due Period
over (b) the  aggregate  Class  Certificate  Balance  of all  Classes of Offered
Certificates  (after taking into account all  distributions of principal on that
Distribution Date).

          Overcollateralization Deficiency
          As of any Distribution  Date, the excess,  if any, of (a) the Targeted
Overcollateralization   Amount   for  that   Distribution   Date  over  (b)  the
Overcollateralization  Amount for that  Distribution  Date,  calculated for this
purpose after taking into account the reduction on that Distribution Date of the
Class Certificate Balances of all Classes of Offered Certificates resulting from
the  distribution  of the related Basic  Principal  Distribution  Amount on that
Distribution  Date,  but prior to taking into account any Applied  Realized Loss
Amounts on that Distribution Date.

          Overcollateralization Release Amount
          With respect to any Distribution Date on or after the Stepdown Date on
which a  Trigger  Event  is not in  effect,  the  lesser  of (a)  the  Principal
Remittance  Amount for that Distribution Date and (b) the excess, if any, of (i)
the Overcollateralization  Amount for that Distribution Date, assuming that 100%
of the  Principal  Remittance  Amount is applied as a  principal  payment on the
Certificates   on   that    Distribution    Date,   over   (ii)   the   Targeted
Overcollateralization  Amount for that  Distribution  Date.  With respect to any
Distribution   Date   on   which   a   Trigger   Event   is   in   effect,   the
Overcollateralization Release Amount will be zero.

          Ownership Interest
          As to  any  Class  R  Certificate,  any  ownership  interest  in  such
Certificate including any interest in such Certificate as the Holder thereof and
any other interest therein, whether direct or indirect, legal or beneficial.

          Pass-Through Rate
          With  respect  to each  Class  of  Certificates,  as set  forth in the
Preliminary Statement.

          Paying Agent
          JPMorgan  Chase Bank and its  successors  and, if a  successor  paying
agent is appointed hereunder, such successor.

          Percentage Interest
          As to any  Offered  Certificate,  the  percentage  interest  evidenced
thereby in distributions  required to be made to such Offered Certificate,  such
percentage  interest  being  set  forth  on the  face  thereof  or  equal to the
percentage  obtained by dividing the  Denomination  of such  Certificate  by the
aggregate  of the  Denominations  of all  Certificates  of the same Class.  With
respect  to  the  Class  X  Certificates  and  the  Class  R  Certificates,  the
"Percentage Interest" specified on the face thereof.

          Permitted Investments
          (a) obligations of the United States or any agency  thereof,  provided
such  obligations  are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States;
(b) general obligations of or obligations  guaranteed by any state of the United
States or the District of Columbia  receiving the highest  long-term debt rating
of each Rating Agency rating the Offered  Certificates,  or such lower rating as
will not result in the downgrading or withdrawal of the ratings then assigned to
the Offered  Certificates by each such Rating Agency;  (c) commercial or finance
company paper which is then receiving the highest  commercial or finance company
paper rating of each such Rating Agency, or such lower rating as will not result
in the  downgrading  or  withdrawal  of the ratings then assigned to the Offered
Certificates by each such Rating


Agency;  (d)  certificates  of  deposit,  demand or time  deposits,  or bankers'
acceptances issued by any depository  institution or trust company  incorporated
under the laws of the  United  States or of any state  thereof  and  subject  to
supervision  and  examination  by  federal  and/or  state  banking  authorities,
provided that the commercial  paper and/or long term unsecured debt  obligations
of such depository institution or trust company (or in the case of the principal
depository  institution in a holding  company  system,  the commercial  paper or
long-term  unsecured  debt  obligations  of such  holding  company,  but only if
Moody's is not a Rating Agency) are then rated one of the two highest  long-term
and the  highest  short-term  ratings  of  each  such  Rating  Agency  for  such
securities,  or such  lower  ratings as will not  result in the  downgrading  or
withdrawal of the rating then assigned to the Offered  Certificates  by any such
Rating Agency;  (e) demand or time deposits or certificates of deposit issued by
any bank or trust  company  or  savings  institution  to the  extent  that  such
deposits are fully insured by the FDIC; (f) guaranteed  reinvestment  agreements
issued by any bank,  insurance company or other corporation  containing,  at the
time of the issuance of such  agreements,  such terms and conditions as will not
result in the  downgrading  or  withdrawal  of the rating  then  assigned to the
Offered Certificates by any such Rating Agency; (g) repurchase  obligations with
respect to any security  described in clauses (a) and (b) above,  in either case
entered  into  with  a  depository  institution  or  trust  company  (acting  as
principal)  described in clause (d) above;  (h) securities  (other than stripped
bonds,  stripped  coupons or  instruments  sold at a purchase price in excess of
115% of the face amount thereof)  bearing  interest or sold at a discount issued
by any corporation incorporated under the laws of the United States or any state
thereof  which,  at the time of such  investment,  have  one of the two  highest
ratings of each such Rating  Agency  (except if the Rating  Agency is Moody's or
S&P, the rating shall be the highest  commercial paper rating of Moody's or S&P,
as applicable, for such securities),  or such lower rating as will not result in
the  downgrading  or  withdrawal  of the rating  then  assigned  to the  Offered
Certificates  by any such  Rating  Agency,  as  evidenced  by a  signed  writing
delivered  by each such Rating  Agency;  (i)  interests in any money market fund
which at the date of acquisition of the interests in the fund and throughout the
time those interests are held in the fund has the highest  applicable  rating of
each  such  Rating  Agency  or such  lower  rating  as will  not  result  in the
downgrading   or  withdrawal  of  the  ratings  then  assigned  to  the  Offered
Certificates  by each such  Rating  Agency;  (j)  short  term  investment  funds
sponsored  by any trust  company or national  banking  association  incorporated
under the laws of the United  States or any state  thereof  which on the date of
acquisition has been rated by each such Rating Agency in its highest  applicable
rating  category or such lower rating as will not result in the  downgrading  or
withdrawal of the ratings then assigned to the Offered Certificates by each such
Rating Agency; and (k) such other investments having a specified stated maturity
and bearing interest or sold at a discount acceptable to each such Rating Agency
as will not result in the  downgrading or withdrawal of the rating then assigned
to the Offered  Certificates  by any Rating  Agency,  as  evidenced  by a signed
writing to such effect  delivered by each such Rating  Agency;  provided that no
such instrument shall be a Permitted Investment if such instrument evidences the
right  to  receive  interest  only  payments  with  respect  to the  obligations
underlying such instrument.

          Permitted Transferee
          Any person  other than (a) the United  States,  any State or political
subdivision  thereof,  or any agency or instrumentality of any of the foregoing,
(b)  a  foreign  government,   International   Organization  or  any  agency  or
instrumentality of either of the foregoing,  (c) an organization (except certain
farmers' cooperatives described in section 521 of the Code) which is exempt from
tax imposed by Chapter 1 of the Code  (including  the tax imposed by section 511
of the Code on unrelated  business taxable income) on any excess  inclusions (as
defined  in  section  860E(c)(l)  of the  Code)  with  respect  to any  Class  R
Certificate,  (d) rural electric and telephone cooperatives described in section
1381(a)(2)(C) of the Code, (e) a Person that is not (i) a citizen or resident of
the United States,  (ii) a corporation or partnership  (or other entity properly
treated as a corporation  or partnership  for U.S.  federal income tax purposes)
created or organized in or under the laws of the United  States or any political
subdivision  thereof,  (iii) an estate  whose  income from  sources  without the
United States is includible in gross income for United States federal income tax
purposes  regardless of its  connection  with the conduct of a trade or


business within the United States,  or (iv) a trust if a court within the United
States is able to exercise primary  supervision over the  administration  of the
trust and one or more  United  States  Persons  have  authority  to control  all
substantial  decisions  of the trust,  unless such Person  listed in clause (i),
(ii),  (iii) or (iv) above has furnished the  transferor  and the Trustee with a
duly completed  Internal Revenue Service Form W-8ECI and (f) any other Person so
designated by the  Depositor  based upon an Opinion of Counsel that the Transfer
of an Ownership  Interest in a Class R Certificate  to such Person may cause any
REMIC  hereunder  to fail to qualify as one or more  REMICs at any time that the
Certificates   are   outstanding.   The  terms  "United   States,"  "State"  and
"International  Organization"  shall have the meanings set forth in section 7701
of the Code or successor  provisions.  A  corporation  will not be treated as an
instrumentality  of the United  States or of any State or political  subdivision
thereof for these purposes if all of its activities are subject to tax and, with
the exception of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage  Corporation,  a majority of its
board of directors is not selected by such government unit.

          Any individual,  corporation,  partnership, limited liability company,
joint  venture,   association,   joint-stock  company,   trust,   unincorporated
organization or government, or any agency or political subdivision thereof.

          As defined in Section 5.02(b)

          Pool Principal Balance
          With respect to any Distribution  Date, the sum of the Group Principal
Balances for the Group I Loans and the Group II Loans.

          Popular Financial
          Popular Financial Services, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company.

          Post-Stepdown Remaining Principal Distribution Amount
          With respect to any Distribution Date is an amount equal to the sum of
the Principal  Distribution Amounts for all Groups remaining after giving effect
to the  distributions  set  forth in  clauses  (i) and (ii) of  Section  4.02(c)

          Pre-Stepdown Remaining Principal Distribution Amount
          With respect to any Distribution Date is an amount equal to the sum of
the Principal  Distribution Amounts for all Groups remaining after giving effect
to the  distributions  set  forth in  clauses  (i) and (ii) of  Section  4.02(b)

          Prepayment Interest Excess
          As to any  Principal  Prepayment  on a Loan  received by the  Servicer
subsequent to its Due Date in the related Prepayment Period, all amounts paid by
the related  Mortgagor in respect of interest on such Principal  Prepayment that
are  intended  to cover the  period on and  after the Due Date.  All  Prepayment
Interest  Excess  shall  be  paid  to  the  Servicer  as  additional   servicing

          Prepayment Interest Shortfall
          As to any  Distribution  Date and any  Principal  Prepayment on a Loan
received by the  Servicer  on or before its Due Date in the  related  Prepayment
Period,  the  amount,  if any,  by which one  month's  interest  at the  related
Adjusted  Mortgage  Rate on such  Principal  Prepayment,  exceeds  the amount of
interest paid in connection with such Principal Prepayment.


          Prepayment Period
          With respect to any Distribution Date, the calendar month prior to the
month of such Distribution Date.

          Primary Mortgage Insurance Policy
          Each policy of primary mortgage guaranty  insurance or any replacement
policy therefor with respect to any Loan.

          Principal Distribution Amount
          With respect to any  Distribution  Date and any Group,  the sum of (a)
the Basic  Principal  Distribution  Amount for that Group for that  Distribution
Date and (b) the  product of the Extra  Principal  Distribution  Amount for that
Distribution  Date  and the  Allocation  Percentage  for  that  Group  for  that
Distribution Date.

          Principal Prepayment
          Any payment of  principal by a Mortgagor on a Loan that is received in
advance  of  its  scheduled  Due  Date  and  is  not  accompanied  by an  amount
representing  scheduled interest due on any date or dates in any month or months
subsequent to the month of prepayment.  Partial  Principal  Prepayments shall be
applied by the  Servicer in  accordance  with the terms of the related  Mortgage

          Principal Prepayment in Full
          Any Principal  Prepayment made by a Mortgagor of the entire  principal
balance of a Loan.

          Principal Remittance Amount
          As to any  Distribution  Date  and  any  Group,  the  sum  of (a)  the
principal  portion of each  Scheduled  Payment due on each Loan in that Group on
such Loan's Due Date in the related Due Period and  received by the  Servicer on
or prior to the related  Determination Date, including any Advances with respect
thereto,  (b) the Stated  Principal  Balance of each Loan in that Group that was
repurchased  by a Seller or the Servicer  pursuant to this  Agreement as of such
Distribution Date, (c) the Substitution Adjustment Amount in connection with any
Deleted Loan in that Group received with respect to such Distribution  Date, (d)
any  Insurance  Proceeds or  Liquidation  Proceeds  allocable to  recoveries  of
principal  of Loans in that Group  that are not yet  Liquidated  Loans  received
during the related Due Period,  (e) with respect to each Loan in that Group that
became  a  Liquidated  Loan  during  the  related  Due  Period,  the  amount  of
Liquidation  Proceeds  allocable  to principal  received  during the related Due
Period with respect to such Loan, (f) all Principal Prepayments on Loans in that
Group received during the related Prepayment Period, and (g) on the Distribution
Date on which the Trust Fund is to be terminated in accordance with Section 9.01
hereof that portion of the Termination  Price allocable to principal of Loans in
that Group.

          Prospectus Supplement
          The Prospectus Supplement dated April 23, 2003 relating to the Offered

          Purchase Price
          With  respect  to any  Loan  required  to be  repurchased  by a Seller
pursuant  to  Section  2.02 or 2.03  hereof or  purchased  at the  option of the
Servicer pursuant to Section 3.11 hereof, an amount equal to the sum of (a) 100%
of the Stated  Principal  Balance of the Loan on the date of such purchase,  (b)
accrued interest  thereon at the applicable  Mortgage Rate (or at the applicable
Adjusted  Mortgage  Rate if (i)  the  purchaser  is the  Servicer  or  (ii)  the
purchaser is a Seller and Equity  One-Delaware  is the  Servicer)  from the date
through  which  interest  was last paid by the  Mortgagor  or advanced  (and not
reimbursed) by the Servicer to the Determination  Date in the month in which the
Purchase Price is to be distributed to


Certificateholders,  and (c) any costs and damages incurred by the Trust Fund in
connection with such Loan prior to the date of such purchase.

          PTCE 95-60
          As defined in Section 5.02(b).

          Rating Agency
          Moody's,  S&P and Fitch. If any of these  organizations or a successor
thereof is no longer in  existence,  "Rating  Agency"  shall be such  nationally
recognized  statistical rating  organization,  or other comparable Person, as is
designated by the Depositor,  notice of which  designation shall be given to the
Trustee.  References  herein to a given rating category of a Rating Agency shall
mean such rating category without giving effect to any modifiers.

          Realized Loss Amount
          With respect to each Distribution Date, the excess, if any, of (a) the
aggregate of the Class Certificate  Balances of the Offered  Certificates (after
giving effect to all distributions on such Distribution  Date) over (b) the Pool
Principal Balance at the end of the related Due Period.

          Realized Losses
          With respect to any  Distribution  Date,  the sum of (a) the aggregate
amount, if any, by which (i) the outstanding principal balance of each Loan that
became a Liquidated Loan during the related Due Period (such  principal  balance
determined  immediately  before such Loan became a Liquidated Loan) exceeds (ii)
the Liquidation  Proceeds allocable to principal received during the related Due
Period  in  connection  with  the  liquidation  of  such  Loan  which  have  not
theretofore been used to reduce the Stated  Principal  Balance of such Loan, and
(b) any Deficient Valuations.

          Realized Loss Amortization Amount
          With respect to (a) the Class M-1 Certificates, the Class M-1 Realized
Loss Amortization Amount, (b) the Class M-2 Certificates, the Class M-2 Realized
Loss Amortization Amount, (c) the Class M-3 Certificates, the Class M-3 Realized
Loss Amortization Amount and (d) the Class B Certificates,  the Class B Realized
Loss Amortization Amount.

          Record Date
          With respect to the Class AF-2,  Class AF-3,  Class AF-4,  Class AF-5,
Class M-1, Class M-2 and Class M-3 Certificates  and any Distribution  Date, the
close of business on the last  Business  Day of the calendar  month  immediately
preceding such  Distribution Date (or the Closing Date with respect to the first
Distribution  Date).  With  respect  to the Class  AF-1,  Class AV-1 and Class B
Certificates  and any  Distribution  Date, the close of business on the Business
Day immediately preceding such Distribution Date.

          Reference Banks
          Any  three (3) major  banks  engaged  in  transactions  in  Eurodollar
deposits in the international  Eurocurrency market selected by the Trustee after
consultation with the Servicer.

          Refinance Loan
          Any  Loan  originated  for the  purpose  of  refinancing  an  existing
mortgage loan.

          Relief Act
          The Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940, as amended.


          Relief Act Reductions
          With respect to any  Distribution  Date and any Loan as to which there
has been a reduction in the amount of interest  collectible thereon for the most
recently ended calendar month as a result of the  application of the Relief Act,
the amount, if any, by which (a) interest  collectible on such Loan for the most
recently ended calendar month is less than (b) interest accrued thereon for such
month pursuant to the Mortgage Note without taking into account the  application
of the Relief Act.

          Remaining Interest Remittance Amount
          With respect to any  Distribution  Date, an amount equal to the sum of
any Group I Interest  Remittance Amount and Group II Interest  Remittance Amount
remaining after giving effect to the  distributions set forth in clauses (i) and
(ii) of Section 4.02(a).

          Remaining Principal Distribution Amount
          With respect to any Distribution Date, the sum of (a) the Pre-Stepdown
Remaining  Principal  Distribution  Amount remaining after the distributions set
forth in  clauses  (iii)(A)  through  (iii)(D)  of Section  4.02(b)  and (b) the
Post-Stepdown  Remaining  Principal  Distribution  Amount  remaining  after  the
distributions set forth in clauses (iii)(A) through (iii)(D) of Section 4.02(c),
each for that Distribution Date.

          A "real  estate  mortgage  investment  conduit"  within the meaning of
section 860D of the Code.

          REMIC 1
          As defined in the Preliminary Statement.

          REMIC 2
          As defined in the Preliminary Statement.

          REMIC 1 Accretion Directed Classes
          As defined in the Preliminary Statement.

          REMIC 1 Accrual Class
          As defined in the Preliminary Statement.

          REMIC Change of Law
          Any proposed,  temporary or final regulation,  revenue ruling, revenue
procedure or other official  announcement or  interpretation  relating to REMICs
and the REMIC Provisions issued after the Closing Date.

          REMIC Provisions
          Provisions  of the  federal  income tax law  relating  to real  estate
mortgage investment conduits, which appear at sections 860A through 860G of part
IV of  subchapter  M of  chapter  1 of  subtitle  A of  the  Code,  and  related
provisions,  and regulations promulgated thereunder,  as the foregoing may be in
effect from time to time, as well as provisions of applicable state laws.


          REO Property
          A Mortgaged Property acquired by the Trust Fund through foreclosure or
deed-in-lieu of foreclosure in connection with a defaulted Loan.

          Request for Release
          The Request  for Release  submitted  by the  Servicer to the  Trustee,
substantially in the form of Exhibit J.

          Required Insurance Policy
          With respect to any Loan, any insurance  policy that is required to be
maintained from time to time under this Agreement.

          Reserve Fund
          The account  established  and  maintained  by the Trustee  pursuant to
Section 3A.02.

          Responsible Officer
          When used with  respect to the  Trustee,  any officer  assigned to the
Corporate  Trust Division of the Trustee (or any successor  thereto),  including
any Vice President,  any Assistant Vice President,  the Secretary, any Assistant
Secretary,  any Trust  Officer or any other  officer of the Trustee  customarily
performing  functions  similar to those performed by any of the above designated
officers  and  having  direct  responsibility  for  the  administration  of this

          Rule 144A Letter
          As defined in Section 5.02(b).

          Scheduled Payment
          The scheduled  monthly payment on a Loan due on any Due Date allocable
to principal and/or interest on such Loan.

          Second Lien Loan
          Any Loan secured by a mortgage that is second in lien priority.

          Securities Act
          The Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

          Collectively,  the following  entities,  their successors and assigns,
each  in its  capacity  as a  Seller  of the  Loans  to  the  Depositor:  Equity
One-Delaware;   Equity   One-Minnesota;   Equity   One-New   Hampshire;   Equity
One-Pennsylvania; and Popular Financial.

          Senior Certificates
          The Class AF Certificates and the Class AV-1 Certificates.

          Senior Enhancement Percentage
          With respect to any  Distribution  Date,  the  percentage  obtained by
dividing  (a) the sum of (i) the  aggregate  Class  Certificate  Balance  of the
Subordinate Certificates and (ii) the Overcollateralization Amount, in each case
before  taking  into  account the  distribution  of the  Principal  Distribution
Amounts on that  Distribution  Date by (b) the Pool Principal  Balance as of the
last day of the related Due Period.


          Senior Principal Distribution Amount
          As of any Distribution  Date on or after the Stepdown Date and as long
as a  Trigger  Event  is  not  in  effect,  the  lesser  of  (a)  the  Principal
Distribution  Amount and (b) the excess of (i) the sum of the Class  Certificate
Balances of the Senior Certificates  immediately prior to that Distribution Date
over (ii) the lesser of (A) the product of (x) 60.00% and (y) the Pool Principal
Balance as of the last day of the related Due Period and (B) the Pool  Principal
Balance as of the last day of the  related  Due Period  minus the product of (x)
0.50% and (y) the Cut-off Date Pool Principal Balance.

          Senior Specified Enhancement Percentage
          As of any date of determination thereof, 40.00%.

          Equity One,  Inc.,  a Delaware  corporation,  and its  successors  and
assigns, in its capacity as servicer hereunder.

          Servicer Advance Date
          As to any  Distribution  Date, the 18th day of the month in which such
Distribution  Date  occurs,  or if such  day is not a  Business  Day,  the  next
succeeding Business Day.

          Servicing Advances
          All  customary,  reasonable  and  necessary  "out of pocket" costs and
expenses   incurred  in  the  performance  by  the  Servicer  of  its  servicing
obligations,  including,  but not limited to, the cost of (a) the  preservation,
restoration  and  protection  of a  Mortgaged  Property,  (b)  the  foreclosure,
trustee's sale, or other liquidation of any Mortgage or Mortgaged Property,  (c)
any  expenses  reimbursable  to the  Servicer  pursuant to Section  3.11 and any
enforcement or judicial proceedings,  including foreclosures, (d) the management
and  liquidation  of any REO  Property,  (e)  compliance  with  the  obligations
described in Section 3.06 and (f) any payments made by the Servicer  pursuant to
Section 3.09.

          Servicing Amount
          The sum of (a) the Servicing  Fee, (b)  unreimbursed  Advances and (c)
unreimbursed Servicing Advances.

          Servicing Fee
          As to each Loan and any  Distribution  Date, an amount  payable out of
each full payment of interest  received on such Loan and equal to one-twelfth of
the Servicing Fee Rate multiplied by the Stated  Principal  Balance of such Loan
as of the Due Date in the  month of such  Distribution  Date  (prior  to  giving
effect to any Scheduled Payments due on such Loan on such Due Date),  subject to
reduction as provided in Section 3.13.

          Servicing Fee Rate
          With respect to each Loan, 0.50% per annum.

          Servicing Officer
          Any officer of the  Servicer  involved  in, or  responsible  for,  the
administration  and  servicing of the Loans whose name and  facsimile  signature
appear on a list of servicing  officers furnished to the Trustee by the Servicer
on the Closing Date  pursuant to this  Agreement,  as such list may from time to
time be amended.

          Standard & Poor's  Ratings  Services,  a division  of The  McGraw-Hill
Companies,  Inc. For purposes of Section 10.05(b) the address for notices to S&P
shall be Standard & Poor's Ratings


Services,  55 Water Street,  41st Floor,  New York,  New York 10041,  Attention:
Residential  Mortgage  Surveillance,  or such other address as S&P may hereafter
furnish to the Depositor and the Servicer.

          Startup Day
          The Closing Date.

          Stated Principal Balance
          As to any Loan,  the unpaid  principal  balance of such Loan as of its
most  recent Due Date as  specified  in the  amortization  schedule  at the time
relating thereto (before any adjustment to such amortization  schedule by reason
of any  moratorium or similar waiver or grace period) after giving effect to any
previous partial  Principal  Prepayments and Liquidation  Proceeds  allocable to
principal (other than with respect to any Liquidated Loan) and to the payment of
principal due on such Due Date and irrespective of any delinquency in payment by
the related Mortgagor.

          Stepdown Date
          The  earlier  to  occur  of (a) the  Distribution  Date on  which  the
aggregate  Class  Certificate  Balance of the Senior  Certificates is reduced to
zero or (b) the  later to occur of (i) the  Distribution  Date in May 2006  (the
37th Distribution  Date) or (ii) the first Distribution Date on which the Senior
Enhancement  Percentage  is  greater  than  or  equal  to the  Senior  Specified
Enhancement Percentage.

          Subordinate Certificates
          The Class M-1, Class M-2, Class M-3 and Class B Certificates.

          Any person to whom the Servicer has  contracted  for the  servicing of
all or a portion of the Loans pursuant to Section 3.02.

          Substitute Loan
          A Loan  substituted  by a Seller for a Deleted  Loan(s) which must, on
the  date  of  such  substitution,  as  confirmed  in  a  Request  for  Release,
substantially in the form of Exhibit J, (a) have a Stated Principal  Balance not
in excess of, and not more than 10% less than, the Stated  Principal  Balance(s)
of the Deleted  Loans (such Stated  Principal  Balances to be measured as of the
respective  Due Dates in the month of  substitution);  (b) have an interest rate
that is determined in the same manner as that of the Deleted Loans(s);  (c) have
a Mortgage Rate not lower than, and not more than 1% per annum higher than, that
of the Deleted Loan(s); (d) have a Combined  Loan-to-Value Ratio not higher than
that of the  Deleted  Loan(s);  (e) have a debt to income  ratio not higher than
that of the  Deleted  Loan(s);  (f) have been  originated  pursuant  to the same
underwriting  standards  as the Deleted  Loan(s);  (g) have a remaining  term to
maturity  not greater  than,  and not more than one year less than,  that of the
Deleted  Loan(s);  (h) if originated on or after October 1, 2002,  not have been
originated  in  the  State  of  Georgia;  and  (i)  comply,  as of the  date  of
substitution,  with each representation and warranty set forth or referred to in
Section 2.03.

          Substitution Adjustment Amount
          The meaning ascribed to such term pursuant to Section 2.03.

          Targeted Overcollateralization Amount
          As of any  Distribution  Date, (a) prior to the Stepdown Date, the sum
of (i) 4.00% of the Cut-off Date Pool  Principal  Balance and (ii) the Aggregate
Class B Early  Distribution  Amount, and (b) on and after the Stepdown Date, the
lesser of (i) the sum of (A) 4.00% of the Cut-off  Date Pool  Principal  Balance
and (B) the Aggregate Class B Early Distribution  Amount and (ii) the greater of
(A) the excess of (I) 12.00% of the Pool Principal Balance as of the last day of
the related Due Period over (II) the excess


of (x) the  Class  Certificate  Balance  of the Class B  Certificates  as of the
Closing  Date  over  (y) the  aggregate  of  distributions  made in  respect  of
principal to the Class B Certificates  on all prior  Distribution  Dates and (B)
0.50% of the Cut-off Date Pool Principal Balance.

          Tax Matters Person
          The person  designated as "tax matters  person" in the manner provided
under  Treasury  regulation  ss.1.860F-4(d)  and temporary  Treasury  regulation
ss.301.6231(a)(7)-1T. Initially, the Tax Matters Person shall be the Trustee.

          Tax Matters Person Certificate
          The Class R Certificate with a Denomination of .00001%.

          Termination Price
          As defined in Section 9.01.

          Any direct or indirect transfer or sale of any Ownership Interest in a
Class R Certificate.

          Transfer Affidavit
          As defined in Section 5.02(c).

          Transferor Certificate
          As defined in Section 5.02(b).

          Trigger Event
          With respect to any  Distribution  Date, if (a) the six-month  rolling
average  of 60+ Day  Delinquent  Loans  equals or  exceeds  41.00% of the Senior
Enhancement  Percentage;  provided, that if the Class Certificate Balance of the
Senior Certificates has been reduced to zero, a Trigger Event will have occurred
if the six-month  rolling average of 60+ Day Delinquent  Loans equals or exceeds
16.40% or (b) the aggregate amount of Realized Losses incurred since the Cut-off
Date through the last day of the related Due Period  divided by the Cut-off Date
Pool Principal  Balance exceeds the applicable  percentages set forth below with
respect to that Distribution Date:

- ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
     Distribution Date Occurring In                       Percentage
- ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
         May 2006 - April 2007                              3.50%
- ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
         May 2007 - April 2008                              4.25%
- ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
         May 2008 - April 2009                              4.75%
- ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
         May 2009 and thereafter                            5.25%
- ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

          JPMorgan Chase Bank and its successors and, if a successor  trustee is
appointed hereunder, such successor.

          Trustee Fee
          As to any  Distribution  Date, an amount equal to  one-twelfth  of the
Trustee  Fee  Rate  multiplied  by  the  Pool  Principal   Balance  as  of  such
Distribution Date.

          Trustee Fee Rate
          With respect to each Loan, 0.02% per annum.


          Trust Fund
          The corpus of the trust created hereunder  consisting of (a) the Loans
and all interest  and  principal  received,  or  receivable,  on or with respect
thereto  after the  Cut-off  Date to the extent not  applied  in  computing  the
Cut-off Date Principal  Balance thereof and all interest and principal  payments
on such Loans received prior to the Cut-off Date in respect of  installments  of
interest  and  principal  due  thereafter;  (b)  the  Certificate  Account,  the
Distribution  Account, the Net WAC Cap Account, the Reserve Fund and all amounts
deposited therein pursuant to the applicable  provisions of this Agreement;  (c)
property that secured a Loan and has been acquired by foreclosure,  deed-in-lieu
of foreclosure or otherwise;  (d) the Yield Maintenance  Agreement;  and (e) all
proceeds of the conversion, voluntary or involuntary, of any of the foregoing.

          Trustee Permitted Withdrawal Amount
          Means an  aggregate  amount  not to exceed  (a) with  respect to costs
associated with the transitioning of servicing, $75,000 per servicing transition
event and (b) with  respect to amounts  (other than the  Trustee  Fee) which are
payable to the Trustee pursuant to Section 8.05 hereof, $150,000 per annum.

          Unpaid Realized Loss Amount
          For any Class of Subordinate  Certificates  and as to any Distribution
Date, the excess of (a) the cumulative  amount of Applied  Realized Loss Amounts
with  respect  to that  Class  for all  prior  Distribution  Dates  over (b) the
cumulative  amount of Realized  Loss  Amortization  Amounts with respect to that
Class for all prior Distribution Dates.

          Underwriter Exemption
          Prohibited  Transaction  Exemption 2002-41,  67 Fed Reg. 54487 (August
22, 2002), or any successor thereto.

          Voting Rights
          The portion of the voting rights of all of the Certificates,  which is
allocated to any  Certificate.  With respect to any date of  determination,  the
Offered  Certificates  shall be allocated 100% of all Voting Rights.  The Voting
Rights  allocated  to  each  Class  of the  Offered  Certificates  shall  be the
fraction,  expressed  as a  percentage,  the  numerator  of which  is the  Class
Certificate  Balance of such Class then outstanding and the denominator of which
is the aggregate Stated  Principal  Balance of the Loans then  outstanding.  The
Voting Rights  allocated to each Class of Certificates  shall be allocated among
the  Certificates  of each  such  Class  in  accordance  with  their  respective
Percentage Interests. The Class X and the Class R Certificates will not have any
Voting Rights.

          Yield Maintenance Agreement
          The  Master   Agreement   (including  the  Schedule  thereto  and  the
transactions thereunder evidenced by a confirmation) dated as of April 30, 2003,
by and between the  Counterparty  and the  Trustee,  a copy of which is attached
hereto as Exhibit L.

          Yield Maintenance Stated Termination
          January 25, 2006, subject to the Following Business Day Convention (as
such term is defined in the Yield Maintenance Agreement).


                                   ARTICLE II
                              CONVEYANCE OF LOANS;

          SECTION 2.01. Conveyance of Loans.

          (a) Subject to its substitution and repurchase  obligations hereunder,
each  Seller,  concurrently  with the  execution  and  delivery  hereof,  hereby
irrevocably sells, transfers, grants, bargains, assigns, sets over and otherwise
conveys to the Depositor, without recourse, all the right, title and interest of
such Seller in and to that portion of the Loans listed on the Loan Schedule that
pertains to such  Seller,  including  all  interest  and  principal  received or
receivable  by such  Seller on or with  respect to such Loans  after the Cut-off
Date and all interest and principal  payments on such Loans received on or prior
to the Cut-off Date in respect of  installments  of interest and  principal  due
thereafter, but not including payments of principal and interest due and payable
on such Loans on or before the Cut-off  Date.  On or prior to the Closing  Date,
each Seller shall deliver to the Depositor or, at the Depositor's direction,  to
the Trustee or other designee of the Depositor,  the Mortgage File for each Loan
listed in that portion of the Loan Schedule  that pertains to such Seller.  Such
delivery of the Mortgage Files shall be made against payment by the Depositor of
the purchase price,  previously agreed to by such Seller and the Depositor,  for
the Loans listed on the Loan Schedule that pertain to such Seller.  With respect
to any Loan that does not require  the first  payment of  principal  or interest
thereon to be made on or before  such  Loan's Due Date in the month prior to the
first Distribution Date, such Seller shall deposit into the Certificate  Account
on the Closing  Date,  an amount  equal to one  month's  interest at the related
Mortgage Rate on the Cut-off Date  Principal  Balance of such Loan (the "Initial
Certificate  Account Deposit").  The Sellers,  for the benefit of the Depositor,
shall,  in connection  with the  conveyance  described in this Section  2.01(a),
deliver  to  the  Depositor  on or  prior  to the  Closing  Date  the  financing
statements  described  in Schedule  VI. The Sellers  shall also  arrange for the
delivery to the Depositor or its assignee,  as  applicable,  of any  appropriate
Uniform  Commercial  Code  continuation   statements  as  may  be  necessary  in
connection with the financing statements referenced in the foregoing sentence.

          (b) The  Depositor,  concurrently  with  the  execution  and  delivery
hereof, hereby irrevocably sells,  transfers,  grants,  bargains,  assigns, sets
over  and   otherwise   conveys  to  the   Trustee   for  the   benefit  of  the
Certificateholders,  without recourse,  all the right, title and interest of the
Depositor  in and to the  Trust  Fund  together  with the  Depositor's  right to
require the  Sellers to cure any breach of a  representation  or  warranty  made
herein by the Sellers or to repurchase  or  substitute  for any affected Loan in
accordance herewith. In addition, the Depositor,  for the benefit of the Trustee
and the  Certificateholders,  shall, in connection with the conveyance described
in this Section 2.01(b),  deliver to the Trustee on or prior to the Closing Date
the financing  statements  described in Schedule  VII. The Depositor  shall also
arrange for the delivery to the Trustee of any  appropriate  Uniform  Commercial
Code  continuation  statements  as may  be  necessary  in  connection  with  the
financing statements referenced in the foregoing sentence.

          (c) In connection with the sale,  transfer and assignment set forth in
clause (b) above,  the  Depositor has delivered or caused to be delivered to the
Trustee or a Custodian  for the  Trustee on or before the Closing  Date or shall
deliver or cause to be delivered  to the Trustee or a Custodian  for the Trustee
on or before  such  later  date as is set forth  below,  for the  benefit of the
Certificateholders  the following  documents or instruments with respect to each
Loan so sold, transferred and assigned:

                    (i) the  original  Mortgage  Note  endorsed  (by  manual  or
          facsimile  signature) as follows:  "Pay to the order of JPMorgan Chase
          Bank as trustee  for the benefit of the  Certificateholders  of Equity
          One ABS, Inc. Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Series 2003-2 without
          recourse,"  with  all  intervening  endorsements  and all  riders  and


          modifications  showing  a  complete  chain  of  endorsement  from  the
          originator  to the  Person  endorsing  it to the  Trustee  (each  such
          endorsement being sufficient to transfer all right, title and interest
          of the party so endorsing,  as noteholder or assignee thereof,  in and
          to that Mortgage Note);

                    (ii)  except  as  provided  below,  the  original   recorded

                    (iii) an original recorded assignment of the Mortgage (which
          may be included in a blanket assignment or assignments), duly executed
          by the appropriate Seller and the Depositor, which assignment will not
          be  delivered  on or before the Closing  Date,  but shall be delivered
          within the time period set forth in this Section 2.01,  together with,
          except as provided  below,  all interim  recorded  assignments of such
          Mortgage,  if any, all riders or  modifications  to such Mortgage,  if
          any, (each such  assignment to be in recordable form and sufficient to
          effect the assignment of and transfer to the assignee  thereof,  under
          the Mortgage to which the assignment relates,  with the original to be
          recorded by the Servicer as follows:  the Servicer shall promptly send
          such assignments for recording, and shall return the original recorded
          assignment to the Trustee once returned as recorded by the  applicable
          recording office);

                    (iv) the original of each assumption,  modification, written
          assurance or substitution agreement, if any; and

                    (v) except as provided  below,  the  original  or  duplicate
          original lender's title policy and all riders thereto.

          Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  in lieu of providing  the  documents
described in clause (iii) above,  the  Depositor may at its  discretion  provide
evidence  that the related  Mortgage is held  through the MERS (R) System.  With
respect to any MOM Loan, the original  recorded  Mortgage that is provided shall
note the MIN of such MOM  Loan.  Certain  Mortgages  were or may be, at the sole
discretion of the Servicer,  originally recorded in the name of MERS (R), solely
as nominee for the applicable Seller and its successors or assigns; furthermore,
subsequent  assignments of such Mortgages were or may be, at the sole discretion
of the  Servicer,  registered  electronically  through the MERS (R) System.  For
certain  other  Loans,  (i) the Mortgage was recorded in the name of the Seller,
(ii) record ownership was later assigned to MERS (R), solely as nominee for that
Seller, and (iii) subsequent  assignments of the Mortgage were or may be, at the
sole discretion of the Servicer,  registered electronically through the MERS (R)
System.  For each of these Loans,  MERS (R) serves as mortgagee of record on the
Mortgage  solely as a nominee  in an  administrative  capacity  on behalf of the
Trustee, and does not have any beneficial interest in the Loan.

          In the event that in  connection  with any Loan the  Depositor  cannot
deliver  (a)  the  original   recorded   Mortgage,   (b)  all  interim  recorded
assignments,  if any, or (c) the lender's title policy (together with all riders
thereto)  satisfying  the  requirements  of  clause  (ii),  (iii) or (v)  above,
respectively,  concurrently  with the execution and delivery hereof because such
document  or  documents  have  not been  returned  from  the  applicable  public
recording office in the case of clause (ii) or (iii) above, or because the title
policy has not been  delivered  to either the  Servicer or the  Depositor by the
applicable  title  insurer in the case of clause (v) above,  and, in the case of
the assignments,  if any, of the Mortgage to the Trustee as required under (iii)
above,  the  Depositor  shall  promptly  deliver to the Trustee,  in the case of
clause (ii) or (iii) above,  such  original  recorded  Mortgage or such original
recorded  assignment,  if any,  as the case may be, with  evidence of  recording
indicated  thereon upon receipt thereof from the public recording  office,  or a
copy thereof,  certified, if appropriate,  by the relevant recording office, but
in no event shall any such delivery of the original  recorded  Mortgage and each
such original  recorded  assignment,  if any, or a copy thereof,  certified,  if
appropriate, by the relevant recording office, and each title policy as required


clause  (v)  above be made  later  than one year  following  the  Closing  Date;
provided,  however,  in the event the Depositor is unable to deliver  within one
year following the Closing Date each original recorded  Mortgage,  and each such
original recorded assignment, if any, or each such title policy by reason of the
fact that any such documents have not been returned by the appropriate recording
office,  or, in the case of each such  assignment,  if any,  because the related
original recorded  Mortgage or any related interim recorded  assignment have not
been returned by the appropriate  recording office or, in the case of each title
policy,  because the title  insurer has not received the  recording  information
from the appropriate  recording  office for such original  recorded  Mortgage or
original recorded  assignment,  if any, has not been returned by the appropriate
recording  office,  the Depositor shall deliver such documents to the Trustee as
promptly as possible  upon receipt  thereof  and, in any event,  within 720 days
following the Closing Date. The Depositor shall forward or cause to be forwarded
to the Trustee (a) from time to time additional original documents evidencing an
assumption or modification of a Loan and (b) any other documents  required to be
delivered by the Depositor or the Servicer to the Trustee. In the event that the
original  recorded Mortgage is not delivered and, in connection with the payment
in  full  of  the  related  Loan,  the  public  recording  office  requires  the
presentation of a "lost  instruments  affidavit and indemnity" or any equivalent
document,  because  only a copy  of the  Mortgage  can  be  delivered  with  the
instrument  of  satisfaction  or  reconveyance,  the Servicer  shall execute and
deliver or cause to be  executed  and  delivered  such a document  to the public
recording  office.  In the case  where a public  recording  office  retains  the
original recorded Mortgage or in the case where an original recorded Mortgage is
lost after  recordation in a public  recording  office,  the appropriate  Seller
shall  deliver to the Trustee a copy of such  Mortgage  certified by such public
recording  office  to be a true  and  complete  copy  of the  original  recorded

          As promptly as practicable subsequent to such transfer and assignment,
and in any event,  within thirty (30) days  thereafter,  the Servicer  shall (i)
affix the Trustee's name to each assignment of Mortgage, if any, as the assignee
thereof as Trustee  for the benefit of the  Certificateholders,  (ii) cause such
assignment, if any, to be in proper form for recording in the appropriate public
office for real  property  records and (iii) cause to be delivered for recording
in the appropriate  public office for real property records the assignments,  if
any,  of  the  Mortgages  to the  Trustee,  except  that,  with  respect  to any
assignments  of Mortgages as to which the  information  required to prepare such
assignment  in  recordable  form  has  not yet  been  received,  the  Servicer's
obligation to do so and to deliver the same for such recording  shall be as soon
as practicable  after receipt of such information and in any event within thirty
(30) days after receipt thereof.

          In the case of Loans that have been  prepaid in full as of the Closing
Date the Depositor,  in lieu of delivering  the above  documents to the Trustee,
will  deposit in the  Certificate  Account the portion of such  payment  that is
required to be deposited  in the  Certificate  Account  pursuant to Section 3.05

          SECTION 2.02. Acceptance by Trustee of the Loans.

          The Trustee  acknowledges  receipt of the documents  identified in the
initial  certification in the form annexed hereto as Exhibit D and declares that
it holds and will hold such  documents and the other  documents  delivered to it
constituting  the  Mortgage  Files,  and that it holds or will hold  such  other
assets as are  included in the Trust Fund,  in trust for the  exclusive  use and
benefit of all present and future  Certificateholders.  The Trustee acknowledges
that it will maintain  possession  of the Mortgage  Notes in the State of Texas,
unless otherwise permitted by the Rating Agencies. In the event that the Trustee
desires to maintain  possession of the Mortgage Notes in a state (other than the
State of Texas)  constituting  one of the United States of America,  the Trustee
shall,  at least  thirty  (30) days  prior to  discontinuing  possession  of the
Mortgage Notes in the State of Texas,  provide (i) a notice of such intention to
the Rating  Agencies and the Sellers and (ii) an Opinion of Counsel stating that
such  relocation of the


Mortgage  Notes and the  possession by the Trustee of the Mortgage Notes in such
other state will not (a) destroy or impair the  perfection by the Trustee of the
security  interests  assigned  and  granted  to  the  Trustee  pursuant  to  the
provisions of Section 10.04 or (b) subject any REMIC to any state tax.

          The Trustee  agrees to execute and deliver on the Closing  Date to the
Depositor,  the  Servicer and the Sellers an initial  certification  in the form
annexed hereto as Exhibit D. Based on its review and examination, and only as to
the  documents  identified  in such  initial  certification,  the Trustee  shall
acknowledge  that such documents  appear regular on their face and relate to the
Loans listed in the Loan Schedule or shall  indicate any noted  deviations.  The
Trustee, at the time of delivery of the initial certification, shall be under no
duty  or  obligation  (i)  to  inspect,   review  or  examine  said   documents,
instruments,  certificates  or  other  papers  to  determine  that  the same are
genuine,  enforceable or appropriate  for the  represented  purpose or that they
have actually  been  recorded in the real estate  records or that they are other
than what they  purport to be on their  face or (ii) to  determine  whether  the
Mortgage  File shall  include any of the  documents  listed in Section  2.01(c),
except for the Mortgage  Note.  Should there be any  exceptions to the Trustee's
initial  certification,  the appropriate Seller shall have thirty (30) days from
the Closing Date to cure such  exception or deliver a Mortgage  File or Mortgage
Files for a  Substitute  Loan or  Substitute  Loans in  accordance  with Section
2.03(c).  A Seller may cure an exception based on absence of a Mortgage Note for
a Loan by  delivering  an executed copy of an Affidavit of Lost Note in the form
attached as Annex I to Exhibit D hereto to the Trustee.

          Not later than 90 days  after the  Closing  Date,  the  Trustee  shall
deliver to the Depositor,  the Servicer and the Sellers a final certification in
the form  annexed  hereto as Exhibit  E, with any  applicable  exceptions  noted
thereon.  At any  time  upon  request  (but not more  frequently  than  once per
calendar  month),  the Trustee shall deliver to the Depositor,  the Servicer and
the Sellers,  an updated  schedule of open  exceptions  in electronic or written

          If the Trustee  finds any document  constituting  a part of a Mortgage
File which does not meet the  requirements  of Section  2.01,  the Trustee shall
list such as an exception in the final certification; provided, however that the
Trustee shall not make any  determination  as to whether (i) any  endorsement is
sufficient to transfer all right,  title and interest of the party so endorsing,
as  noteholder  or assignee  thereof,  in and to that  Mortgage Note or (ii) any
assignment  is in recordable  form or is sufficient to effect the  assignment of
and transfer to the assignee  thereof under the mortgage to which the assignment
relates. In performing any such review, the Trustee may conclusively rely on the
Depositor as to the purported genuineness of any such document and any signature
thereon. It is understood that the scope of the Trustee's review of the Mortgage
Files is  limited  solely to  confirming  that the  documents  listed in Section
2.01(c) have been  received and further  confirming  that any and all  documents
delivered pursuant to Section 2.01(c) have been executed and relate to the Loans
identified in the Loan Schedule.  The Trustee shall have no  responsibility  for
determining  whether any document is valid and binding,  whether the text of any
assignment or endorsement is in proper or recordable form,  whether any document
has  been  recorded  in  accordance  with  the  requirements  of any  applicable
jurisdiction,  or whether a blanket  assignment  is permitted in any  applicable
jurisdiction.  The appropriate Seller shall promptly correct or cure such defect
within 90 days from the date it was so  notified  of such  defect  and,  if such
Seller  does not correct or cure such defect  within  such  period,  such Seller
shall  either (a)  substitute  for the related  Loan a  Substitute  Loan,  which
substitution  shall be  accomplished in the manner and subject to the conditions
set forth in Section 2.03, or (b) purchase such Loan from the Trustee  within 90
days from the date such  Seller was  notified  of such  defect in writing at the
Purchase  Price of such Loan;  provided,  however,  that in no event  shall such
substitution or purchase occur more than 540 days from the Closing Date,  except
that if the  substitution  or purchase of a Loan  pursuant to this  provision is
required  by reason of a delay in delivery  of any  comments by the  appropriate
recording  office,  and there is a dispute  between  either the Servicer or such
Seller and the Trustee  over the  location or status of the  recorded  document,
then such  substitution or purchase shall occur within 720 days from the Closing
Date;  provided,  that any Loan that


does not  constitute  a  "qualified  mortgage"  within  the  meaning  of Section
860G(a)(3)  of the Code shall be  subject to a  substitution  or  repurchase  as
provided  in Section  2.05(b) of this  Agreement.  The Trustee  shall  deliver a
report to each Rating Agency within 720 days from the Closing Date  indicating a
list of all documents in each  Mortgage  File in the  possession of the Trustee.
Any such  substitution  pursuant to (a) above or purchase  pursuant to (b) above
shall not be  effected  prior to the  delivery  to the Trustee of the Opinion of
Counsel required by Section 2.05 hereof,  if any, and any substitution  pursuant
to (a) above  shall not be  effected  prior to the  additional  delivery  to the
Trustee  of a Request  for  Release  substantially  in the form of Exhibit J. No
substitution   is  permitted  to  be  made  in  any  calendar  month  after  the
Determination Date for such month. The Purchase Price for any such Loan shall be
deposited  by  such  Seller  in  the  Certificate  Account  on or  prior  to the
Distribution  Account  Deposit  Date  for the  Distribution  Date  in the  month
following  the  month of  repurchase  and,  upon  receipt  of such  deposit  and
certification  with respect  thereto in the form of Exhibit J, the Trustee shall
release the related  Mortgage  File to such Seller and shall execute and deliver
at such Seller's request such instruments of transfer or assignment  prepared by
such  Seller,  in each case without  recourse,  as shall be necessary to vest in
such Seller, or a designee, the Trustee's interest in any Loan released pursuant

          If, pursuant to the foregoing provisions,  a Seller repurchases a Loan
that is registered on the MERS (R) System,  the Servicer shall cause MERS (R) to
execute and deliver an assignment of the related  Mortgage in recordable form to
transfer the Mortgage from MERS (R) to such Seller and shall cause such Mortgage
to be removed from  registration on the MERS (R) System in accordance with MERS'
(R) rules and  regulations  or (ii) cause MERS (R) to  designate on the MERS (R)
System the Seller as the beneficial holder of such Loan.

          The Trustee shall retain  possession and custody of each Mortgage File
in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. The
Servicer  shall promptly  deliver to the Trustee,  upon the execution or receipt
thereof,  the originals of such other documents or instruments  constituting the
Mortgage File as come into the possession of the Servicer from time to time.

          It is understood  and agreed that the  obligation  of the  appropriate
Seller  to  substitute  for or to  purchase  any  Loan  which  does not meet the
requirements  of Section  2.01 above  shall  constitute  the sole and  exclusive
remedy  respecting such defect  available to the Trustee,  the Depositor and any
Certificateholder against any Seller.

          SECTION 2.03. Representations, Warranties and Covenants of the Sellers
          and the Servicer.

          (a) (i) Equity  One-Delaware,  Equity  One-Minnesota,  Equity  One-New
          Hampshire,  Equity  One-Pennsylvania  and Popular Financial,  in their
          capacities as Sellers,  hereby make the representations and warranties
          set forth in  Schedules  IIA  through  IIE  respectively,  and by this
          reference incorporated herein, to the Depositor and the Trustee, as of
          the Closing Date or if so specified  therein,  as of the Cut-off Date;

                    (ii) The  Servicer  hereby  makes  the  representations  and
          warranties   set  forth  in  Schedule  IIX,  and  by  this   reference
          incorporated  herein,  to the  Depositor  and the  Trustee,  as of the
          Closing Date or if so specified therein, as of the Cut-off Date.

          (b)  Equity  One-Delaware,   Equity   One-Minnesota,   Equity  One-New
Hampshire, Equity One-Pennsylvania and Popular Financial, in their capacities as
Sellers,  hereby make the  representations and warranties set forth in Schedules
IIIA through IIIE respectively,  and by this reference  incorporated  herein, to
the  Depositor  and the  Trustee,  as of the  Closing  Date  or if so  specified
therein, as of the Cut-off Date.


          (c) Upon  discovery  by any of the  parties  hereto  of a breach  of a
representation  or warranty made pursuant to Section 2.03(b) that materially and
adversely affects the interests of the Certificateholders in any Loan, the party
discovering  such breach shall give prompt notice  thereof to the other parties.
Each Seller,  for itself and not jointly and  severally  for all other  Sellers,
hereby  covenants  that  within 90 days of the earlier of its  discovery  or its
receipt of written  notice from any party of a breach of any  representation  or
warranty made pursuant to Section 2.03(b) with respect to any Loan listed on the
Loan Schedule that pertains to such Seller,  such Seller may, and if such breach
materially and adversely  affects the interests of the  Certificateholders  such
Seller shall, cure such breach in all material  respects,  and if such breach is
not so  cured,  may or  shall,  as the case may be,  (i) if such  90-day  period
expires prior to the second anniversary of the Closing Date, remove such Loan (a
"Deleted  Loan") from the Trust Fund and  substitute  in its place a  Substitute
Loan, in the manner and subject to the  conditions  set forth in this Section or
(ii)  repurchase  the  affected  Loan or Loans from the Trustee at the  Purchase
Price  in  the  manner  set  forth  below;  provided,  however,  that  any  such
substitution  pursuant to (i) above shall not be effected  prior to the delivery
to the Trustee of the Opinion of Counsel  required by Section  2.05  hereof,  if
any, and any such substitution pursuant to (i) above shall not be effected prior
to the additional delivery to the Trustee of a Request for Release substantially
in the form of Exhibit J and the  Mortgage  File for any such  Substitute  Loan.
Notwithstanding  the  preceding  sentence,  any Loan that does not  constitute a
"qualified  mortgage" within the meaning of Section 860G(a)(3) of the Code shall
be subject to  substitution or repurchase as provided in Section 2.05(b) of this
Agreement.  The appropriate Seller shall promptly reimburse the Servicer and the
Trustee for any expenses  reasonably  incurred by the Servicer or the Trustee in
respect  of  enforcing  the  remedies  for  such  breach.  With  respect  to the
representations  and warranties  described in this Section which are made to the
best of a Seller's knowledge,  if it is discovered by either the Depositor,  the
appropriate Seller or the Trustee that the substance of such  representation and
warranty is inaccurate and such inaccuracy  materially and adversely affects the
value of the related Loan or the  interests of the  Certificateholders  therein,
notwithstanding such Seller's lack of knowledge with respect to the substance of
such  representation  or warranty,  such inaccuracy  shall be deemed a breach by
such Seller of the applicable representation or warranty.

          With  respect  to any  Substitute  Loan or Loans,  such  Seller  shall
deliver to the Trustee for the benefit of the  Certificateholders,  the Mortgage
Note,  the Mortgage,  the related  assignment of the Mortgage,  if any, and such
other  documents  and  agreements  as are  required  by Section  2.01,  with the
Mortgage Note endorsed and the Mortgage assigned as required by Section 2.01. No
substitution   is  permitted  to  be  made  in  any  calendar  month  after  the
Determination  Date for such  month.  Scheduled  Payments  due with  respect  to
Substitute  Loans in the  month of  substitution  shall not be part of the Trust
Fund and will be  retained  by the  appropriate  Seller  on the next  succeeding
Distribution Date. For the month of substitution,  distributions to the relevant
Class will  include the monthly  payment due on any Deleted  Loan for such month
and  thereafter the  appropriate  Seller shall be entitled to retain all amounts
received in respect of such  Deleted  Loan.  The  Servicer  shall amend the Loan
Schedule  for the  benefit of the  Certificateholders  to reflect the removal of
such Deleted Loan and the  substitution  of the Substitute Loan or Loans and the
Servicer  shall  deliver the amended  Loan  Schedule to the  Trustee.  Upon such
substitution, the Substitute Loan or Loans shall be subject to the terms of this
Agreement in all respects,  and the  appropriate  Seller shall be deemed to have
made  with  respect  to  such  Substitute  Loan  or  Loans,  as of the  date  of
substitution,  the  representations  and  warranties  made  pursuant  to Section
2.03(b).  Upon any such substitution and the deposit to the Certificate  Account
of  the  amount  required  to be  deposited  therein  in  connection  with  such
substitution as described in the following paragraph,  the Trustee shall release
the  Mortgage  File held for the benefit of the  Certificateholders  relating to
such Deleted Loan to the appropriate Seller and shall execute and deliver at the
appropriate  Seller's  direction  such  instruments  of transfer  or  assignment
prepared by such Seller, in each case without recourse, as shall be necessary to
vest title in such  Seller,  or its  designee,  with  respect  to the  Trustee's
interest in any Deleted Loan substituted for pursuant to this Section 2.03.


          For any month in which the appropriate  Seller substitutes one or more
Substitute  Loans for one or more Deleted Loans, the Servicer will determine the
amount  (if any) by which the  aggregate  Stated  Principal  Balance of all such
Substitute Loans is less than the aggregate Stated Principal Balance of all such
Deleted  Loans  (such  Stated  Principal  Balances  to be  measured  as  of  the
respective Due Dates in the month of substitution).  The amount of such shortage
(the "Substitution  Adjustment Amount") plus an amount equal to the aggregate of
any unreimbursed  Advances with respect to such Deleted Loans shall be deposited
in the Certificate Account by such Seller on or before the Distribution  Account
Deposit  Date for the  Distribution  Date in the month  succeeding  the calendar
month during which the related Loan became  required to be purchased or replaced

          In the event that the  appropriate  Seller  shall have  repurchased  a
Loan, the Purchase Price therefor shall be deposited in the Certificate  Account
pursuant to Section 3.05 on or before the Distribution  Account Deposit Date for
the Distribution  Date in the month following the month during which such Seller
became  obligated  hereunder  to  repurchase  or replace such Loan and upon such
deposit of the Purchase Price,  the delivery of the Opinion of Counsel  required
by Section  2.05 and  receipt of a Request for Release in the form of Exhibit J,
the Trustee shall release the related  Mortgage File held for the benefit of the
Certificateholders  to such Seller, and the Trustee shall execute and deliver at
such Seller's  direction such instruments of transfer or assignment  prepared by
such Seller,  in each case without  recourse,  as shall be necessary to transfer
title from the Trustee.  It is understood and agreed that the  obligation  under
this Agreement of any Seller to cure, repurchase or replace any Loan as to which
a breach of a  representation  or warranty has occurred and is continuing  shall
constitute the sole and exclusive  remedy against such Sellers  respecting  such
breach of a representation  and warranty  available to  Certificateholders,  the
Depositor or the Trustee on their behalf.

          (d) The  representations  and warranties made pursuant to this Section
2.03 shall survive delivery of the respective  Mortgage Files to the Trustee for
the benefit of the Certificateholders.

          SECTION 2.03A. Additional Obligations of Equity One-Delaware.

          (a) In addition to the  representations  and warranties made by Equity
One-Delaware  in its capacity as a Seller,  as described in Section 2.03 and set
forth in Schedules  IIA and IIIA,  Equity  One-Delaware  hereby  represents  and
warrants to the  Depositor and the Trustee that all of the  representations  and
warranties  of the other  Sellers  described  in  Section  2.03 and set forth in
Schedules  IIB through IIE and IIIB  through  IIIE are true and  accurate in all

          (b) Equity One-Delaware hereby covenants that it shall comply with the
repurchase and  substitution  obligations  described in Section 2.02 and 2.03 in
the event that (i) a breach of any of the  representations  and  warranties  set
forth in Schedules IIIB through IIIE occurs and (ii) the related Seller defaults
on its repurchase and substitution obligations under Sections 2.02 and 2.03.

          SECTION 2.04.  Representations  and  Warranties of the Depositor as to
          the Loans

          The  Depositor  hereby  represents  and  warrants to the Trustee  with
respect to each Loan that as of the Closing Date,  and following the transfer of
the Loans to it by the Sellers,  the  Depositor  had good title to the Loans and
the Mortgage Notes were subject to no offsets, defenses or counterclaims.

          The Depositor,  concurrently  with the execution and delivery  hereof,
hereby irrevocably sells,  transfers,  assigns, sets over, grants,  bargains and
otherwise  conveys to the  Trustee  for the  benefit of the  Certificateholders,
without  recourse,  all of its rights,  title and  interest  with respect to the
Loans including,  without limitation,  the representations and warranties of the
Sellers made pursuant to Sections


2.03(a) and 2.03(b) hereof, together with all rights of the Depositor to require
any applicable  Seller to cure any breach thereof or to repurchase or substitute
for any affected Loan in accordance with this Agreement.

          It is understood  and agreed that the  representations  and warranties
set forth in this Section 2.04 shall survive  delivery of the Mortgage  Files to
the Trustee.  Upon  discovery by the Depositor or the Trustee of a breach of any
of the foregoing  representations and warranties set forth in this Section 2.04,
which   breach   materially   and   adversely   affects  the   interest  of  the
Certificateholders,  the party discovering such breach shall give prompt written
notice to the other parties and to each Rating Agency.

          SECTION  2.05.  Delivery  of Opinion of  Counsel  in  Connection  with

          (a)  Notwithstanding  any  contrary  provision of this  Agreement,  no
substitution pursuant to Section 2.02 or Section 2.03 shall be made more than 90
days after the  Closing  Date  unless the  appropriate  Seller  delivers  to the
Trustee an  Opinion of  Counsel,  which  Opinion of Counsel  shall not be at the
expense of either the Trustee or the Trust Fund,  addressed to the  Trustee,  to
the effect that such  substitution  will not (i) result in the imposition of the
tax on "prohibited  transactions" on the Trust Fund or  contributions  after the
Startup  Day,  as  defined  in  Sections  860F(a)(2)  and  860G(d)  of the Code,
respectively, and/or (ii) cause the Trust Fund to fail to qualify as one or more
REMICs at any time that any Certificates are outstanding.

          (b) Upon  discovery by the  Depositor,  the  appropriate  Seller,  the
Servicer or the Trustee that any Loan does not constitute a "qualified mortgage"
within the meaning of Section 860G(a)(3) of the Code, the party discovering such
fact  shall  promptly  (and  in any  event  within  five  (5)  Business  Days of
discovery)  give written  notice  thereof to the other  parties.  In  connection
therewith,  the Trustee shall require the appropriate  Seller,  at such Seller's
option,  to either (i)  substitute,  if the  conditions in Section  2.03(c) with
respect to substitutions are satisfied,  a Substitute Loan for the affected Loan
within 90 days from the discovery or (ii) repurchase the affected Loan within 90
days of such  discovery  in the same manner as it would  repurchase a Loan for a
breach of  representation or warranty made pursuant to Section 2.03. The Trustee
shall  reconvey to such Seller the Loan to be  released  pursuant  hereto in the
same manner,  and on the same terms and  conditions,  as it would release a Loan
repurchased  for breach of a  representation  or warranty  contained  in Section

          SECTION 2.06. Execution and Delivery of Certificates.

          The Trustee  acknowledges  the  transfer and  assignment  to it of the
Trust Fund and,  concurrently  with such transfer and  assignment and in payment
therefor, has executed and delivered to or upon the order of the Depositor,  the
Certificates in authorized  denominations  evidencing directly or indirectly the
entire  ownership of the Trust Fund.  The Trustee  agrees to hold the Trust Fund
and  exercise  the rights  referred  to above for the benefit of all present and
future  Certificateholders and to perform the duties set forth in this Agreement
to  the  best  of  its   ability,   to  the  end  that  the   interests  of  the
Certificateholders may be adequately and effectively protected.

          SECTION 2.07. REMIC Matters.

          The  Preliminary  Statement  sets forth the  designations  and "latest
possible maturity date" for federal income tax purposes of all interests created
hereby.  The  "Startup  Day" for purposes of the REMIC  Provisions  shall be the
Closing  Date.  The "tax  matters  person"  with  respect to each REMIC  created
hereunder shall be the Trustee and the Trustee shall hold the Tax Matters Person
Certificate.  The Trust Fund's  fiscal year shall be the calendar  year and, for
purposes of section 860C of the Code,  the


taxable  income of each  REMIC  created  hereunder  shall be  computed  under an
accrual method of accounting.

          The  Trustee  shall  treat  each of the Net  WAC Cap  Account  and the
Reserve Fund as a separate and distinct  outside reserve fund within the meaning
of  ss.1.860G-2(h)  of the  Income  Tax  Regulations.  Neither  the  Net WAC Cap
Account, the Reserve Fund, nor the Yield Maintenance  Agreement shall be treated
as an asset of any REMIC.  The Trustee shall treat the rights of (a) the Holders
of the Class AF-1,  Class AV-1 and Class B Certificates to receive payments from
the Net WAC Cap Account and (b) the  Holders of the Class AV-1  Certificates  to
receive payments from the Reserve Fund as rights in a limited recourse  interest
rate cap contract.  The Holders of the Class X Certificates will own each of the
Net WAC Cap Account and the Reserve Fund. The Class AF-1, Class AV-1 and Class B
Certificates  shall be treated as  representing  ownership of not only a regular
interest in a REMIC but also  ownership  of an interest in an interest  rate cap

          The Trustee  shall treat the payment of any Net WAC Cap  Carryover  as
paid first to the Class X Certificates,  deposited by the Class X Holders in the
Net WAC Cap Account  and then paid from the Net WAC Cap Account to the  relevant
Offered  Certificates.  The  Trustee  shall treat the  Offered  Certificates  as
"contractual  rights  coupled  with  regular  interests"  within the  meaning of
ss.1.860G-2(i) of the Income Tax Regulations.  In determining the issue price of
the regular  interests  issued to Holders of Offered  Certificates,  the Trustee
shall assume that each interest rate cap contract has a value of $10,000.

          SECTION 2.08. Covenants of the Servicer.

          The  Servicer  hereby  covenants to the  Depositor  and the Trustee as

          (a) the Servicer shall comply in the  performance  of its  obligations
under this Agreement with all reasonable  rules and  requirements of the insurer
under each Required Insurance Policy; and

          (b) no  written  information,  certificate  of an  officer,  statement
furnished in writing or written report delivered to the Depositor, any affiliate
of the  Depositor or the Trustee and  prepared by the Servicer  pursuant to this
Agreement will contain any untrue  statement of a material fact or omit to state
a material fact necessary to make such  information,  certificate,  statement or
report not misleading.

                                   ARTICLE III
                          ADMINISTRATION AND SERVICING
                                    OF LOANS

          SECTION 3.01. Servicer to Service Loans.

          For  and on  behalf  of the  Certificateholders,  the  Servicer  shall
service and administer the Loans in accordance  with the terms of this Agreement
and  customary  and  usual  standards  of  practice  of  prudent  mortgage  loan
servicers.  In connection with such servicing and  administration,  the Servicer
shall have full power and authority, acting alone and/or through Subservicers as
provided in Section  3.02  hereof,  to do or cause to be done any and all things
that it may deem  necessary or desirable in connection  with such  servicing and
administration,  including but not limited to, the power and authority,  subject
to  the  terms   hereof,   (i)  to  execute  and  deliver,   on  behalf  of  the
Certificateholders  and the  Trustee  customary  consents  or waivers  and other
instruments  and  documents,  (ii) to  consent  to  transfers  of any  Mortgaged
Property and  assumptions of the Mortgage Notes and related  Mortgages (but only
in the  manner  provided  in this  Agreement),  (iii) to collect  any  Insurance
Proceeds and other  Liquidation  Proceeds and (iv) to


effectuate  foreclosure  or other  conversion  of the ownership of the Mortgaged
Property securing any Loan; provided that the Servicer shall not take any action
that is  inconsistent  with or prejudices the interests of the Trust Fund or the
Certificateholders in any Loan or the rights and interests of the Depositor, the
Trustee and the  Certificateholders  under this  Agreement.  The Servicer  shall
represent  and protect the  interests of the Trust Fund in the same manner as it
protects its own interests in mortgage  loans in its own portfolio in any claim,
proceeding  or  litigation  regarding  a Loan,  and shall not make or permit any
modification,  waiver or  amendment of any Loan which would cause the Trust Fund
to fail to qualify as one or more REMICs or result in the  imposition of any tax
under  Section  860F(a) or Section  860G(d) of the Code.  Without  limiting  the
generality of the foregoing, the Servicer, in its own name or in the name of the
Depositor and the Trustee,  is hereby  authorized and empowered by the Depositor
and the Trustee,  when the Servicer  believes it  appropriate  in its reasonable
judgment,  to execute and deliver, on behalf of the Trustee, the Depositor,  the
Certificateholders  or any of them, any and all  instruments of  satisfaction or
cancellation,  or of  partial  or  full  release  or  discharge  and  all  other
comparable  instruments,  with  respect  to the Loans,  and with  respect to the
Mortgaged  Properties  held  for  the  benefit  of the  Certificateholders.  The
Servicer  shall  prepare and deliver to the  Depositor  and/or the Trustee  such
documents  requiring  execution  and  delivery  by either or both of them as are
necessary or  appropriate  to enable the Servicer to service and  administer the
Loans to the extent that the  Servicer is not  permitted  to execute and deliver
such  documents  pursuant  to the  preceding  sentence.  Upon  receipt  of  such
documents,  the Depositor  and/or the Trustee  shall execute such  documents and
deliver them to the Servicer.

          SECTION  3.02.   Subservicing;   Enforcement  of  the  Obligations  of

          (a) The  Servicer  may arrange for the  subservicing  of any Loan by a
Subservicer pursuant to a subservicing agreement;  provided,  however, that such
subservicing  arrangement  and the terms of the related  subservicing  agreement
must  provide for the  servicing of such Loans in a manner  consistent  with the
servicing  arrangements  contemplated  hereunder.  Unless the context  otherwise
requires,  references  in this  Agreement to actions taken or to be taken by the
Servicer  in  servicing  the  Loans  include  actions  taken or to be taken by a
Subservicer  on behalf of the Servicer.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions of any
subservicing  agreement,  any of the  provisions of this  Agreement  relating to
agreements or  arrangements  between the Servicer and a Subservicer or reference
to actions taken through a Subservicer  or otherwise,  the Servicer shall remain
obligated and liable to the  Depositor,  the Trustee and the  Certificateholders
for the  servicing  and  administration  of the  Loans  in  accordance  with the
provisions of this Agreement without  diminution of such obligation or liability
by  virtue  of such  subservicing  agreements  or  arrangements  or by virtue of
indemnification  from the  Subservicer and to the same extent and under the same
terms and conditions as if the Servicer  alone were servicing and  administering
the Loans.  All actions of each  Subservicer  performed  pursuant to the related
subservicing  agreement  shall be performed as an agent of the Servicer with the
same force and effect as if performed directly by the Servicer.

          (b) For purposes of this  Agreement,  the Servicer  shall be deemed to
have received any collections,  recoveries or payments with respect to the Loans
that are  received by a  Subservicer  regardless  of whether  such  payments are
remitted by the Subservicer to the Servicer.

          SECTION  3.03.  Rights of the  Depositor and the Trustee in Respect of
          the Servicer.

          The Depositor may, but is not obligated to, enforce the obligations of
the Servicer  hereunder and may, but is not obligated  to,  perform,  or cause a
designee to perform,  any defaulted  obligation of the Servicer hereunder and in
connection with any such defaulted  obligation to exercise the related rights of
the Servicer hereunder;  provided that the Servicer shall not be relieved of any
of its obligations  hereunder by virtue of such  performance by the Depositor or
its   designee.   Neither  the  Trustee


nor the Depositor shall have any  responsibility  or liability for any action or
failure  to act by the  Servicer  nor  shall the  Trustee  or the  Depositor  be
obligated to supervise the performance of the Servicer hereunder or otherwise.

          SECTION 3.04. Trustee to Act as Servicer.

          In the event that the  Servicer  shall for any reason no longer be the
Servicer hereunder (including by reason of an Event of Default),  the Trustee or
its successor  shall  thereupon  assume all of the rights and obligations of the
Servicer  hereunder arising thereafter (except that the Trustee shall not be (i)
liable for losses of the Servicer pursuant to Section 3.09 hereof or any acts or
omissions of the predecessor Servicer hereunder, (ii) obligated to make Advances
if it is  prohibited  from  doing  so by  applicable  law,  (iii)  obligated  to
effectuate  repurchases or substitutions of Loans hereunder  including,  but not
limited to,  repurchases or  substitutions  of Loans pursuant to Section 2.02 or
2.03 hereof,  (iv) responsible for expenses of the Servicer  pursuant to Section
2.03 or (v)  deemed  to have  made any  representations  and  warranties  of the
Servicer  hereunder).  Any such  assumption  shall be subject  to  Section  7.02
hereof.  If the  Servicer  shall  for  any  reason  no  longer  be the  Servicer
(including  by reason of any Event of  Default),  the  Trustee or its  successor
shall  succeed  to any  rights  and  obligations  of  the  Servicer  under  each
subservicing agreement.

          The Servicer shall, upon request of the Trustee, but at the expense of
the Servicer,  deliver to the assuming party all documents and records  relating
to each  subservicing  agreement or  substitute  subservicing  agreement and the
Loans then being serviced  thereunder and an accounting of amounts  collected or
held by it and  otherwise  use its  best  efforts  to  effect  the  orderly  and
efficient  transfer of the  substitute  subservicing  agreement  to the assuming

          SECTION  3.05.  Collection  of  Loan  Payments;  Certificate  Account;
          Distribution Account.

          (a) The Servicer shall make reasonable  efforts in accordance with the
customary  and usual  standards  of practice of prudent  mortgage  servicers  to
collect all payments  called for under the terms and  provisions of the Loans to
the extent such procedures shall be consistent with this Agreement and the terms
and provisions of any related  Required  Insurance  Policy.  Consistent with the
foregoing,  the Servicer may in its discretion (i) waive any late payment charge
or any prepayment  charge or penalty  interest in connection with the prepayment
of a Loan and (ii) extend the due dates for payments due on a Mortgage  Note for
a period not greater than 180 days; provided,  however, that the Servicer cannot
extend the maturity of any such Loan past the date on which the final payment is
due on the latest maturing Loan as of the Cut-off Date. In the event of any such
arrangement,  the Servicer shall make Advances on the related Loan in accordance
with the  provisions of Section 4.01 during the  scheduled  period in accordance
with the  amortization  schedule of such Loan  without  modification  thereof by
reason of such arrangements.  The Servicer shall not be required to institute or
join in litigation  with respect to collection of any payment  (whether  under a
Mortgage,  Mortgage  Note or  otherwise  or against  any public or  governmental
authority with respect to a taking or  condemnation)  if it reasonably  believes
that  enforcing  the provision of the Mortgage or other  instrument  pursuant to
which such payment is required is prohibited by applicable law.

          (b) The Servicer  shall  establish and maintain a Certificate  Account
into  which the  Servicer  shall  deposit  or cause to be  deposited  within one
Business Day of receipt,  except as otherwise  specifically provided herein, the
following payments and collections remitted by Subservicers or received by it in
respect of the Loans  subsequent  to the Cut-off  Date (other than in respect of
principal  and interest due on the Loans on or before the Cut-off  Date) and the
following amounts required to be deposited hereunder:


                    (i) all  payments  on  account  of  principal  on the Loans,
          including Principal Prepayments;

                    (ii) all  payments on account of interest on the Loans,  net
          of the related Servicing Fee;

                    (iii) all Insurance Proceeds and Liquidation Proceeds, other
          than  proceeds  to be  applied  to the  restoration  or  repair of the
          Mortgaged Property or released to the Mortgagor in accordance with the
          Servicer's normal servicing procedures;

                    (iv) any amount  required to be  deposited  by the  Servicer
          pursuant to Section 3.05(d) in connection with any losses on Permitted

                    (v) any amounts  required to be  deposited  by the  Servicer
          pursuant to Section  3.09(c)  and,  in respect of net  monthly  rental
          income from REO Property, pursuant to Section 3.11 hereof;

                    (vi) all Substitution Adjustment Amounts;

                    (vii) all Advances made by the Servicer  pursuant to Section
          4.01; and

                    (viii) any other amounts required to be deposited hereunder.

          The foregoing  requirements  for  remittance by the Servicer  shall be
exclusive,  it being understood and agreed that, without limiting the generality
of the foregoing,  payments in the nature of prepayment penalties,  late payment
charges or assumption fees, if collected,  need not be remitted by the Servicer.
In the event  that the  Servicer  shall  remit any  amount  not  required  to be
remitted, it may at any time withdraw or direct the institution  maintaining the
Certificate  Account to withdraw such amount from the Certificate  Account,  any
provision herein to the contrary  notwithstanding.  Such withdrawal or direction
may be accomplished by delivering  written notice thereof to the Trustee or such
other  institution  maintaining  the  Certificate  Account  which  describes the
amounts  deposited  in error in the  Certificate  Account.  The  Servicer  shall
maintain  adequate records with respect to all withdrawals made pursuant to this
Section.  All funds deposited in the Certificate  Account shall be held in trust
for the Certificateholders until withdrawn in accordance with Section 3.08.

          (c) The  Trustee  shall  establish  and  maintain,  on  behalf  of the
Certificateholders,  the Distribution  Account. The Trustee shall, promptly upon
receipt, deposit in the Distribution Account and retain therein the following:

                    (i) the  aggregate  amount  remitted by the  Servicer to the
          Trustee pursuant to Section 3.08(a)(ix); and

                    (ii)  any  other  amounts  deposited   hereunder  which  are
          required to be deposited in the Distribution Account.

          In the event that the Servicer  shall remit any amount not required to
be remitted,  it may at any time direct the Trustee to withdraw such amount from
the Distribution Account, any provision herein to the contrary  notwithstanding.
Such direction may be accomplished by delivering an Officer's Certificate to the
Trustee  which  describes  the amounts  deposited  in error in the  Distribution
Account.  All funds deposited in the  Distribution  Account shall be held by the
Trustee  uninvested  in trust  for the


Certificateholders   until  disbursed  in  accordance  with  this  Agreement  or
withdrawn in  accordance  with Section 3.08. In no event shall the Trustee incur
liability for withdrawals from the Distribution  Account at the direction of the

          (d) Each  institution at which the  Certificate  Account is maintained
shall  invest the funds  therein as  directed  in  writing  by the  Servicer  in
Permitted  Investments,  which shall mature not later than, the second  Business
Day next preceding the  Distribution  Account  Deposit Date (except that if such
Permitted  Investment is an obligation of the  institution  that  maintains such
account or a fund for which such  institution or affiliate  thereof serves as an
investment advisor, administrator,  shareholder servicing agent and/or custodian
or subcustodian,  then such Permitted Investment shall mature not later than the
Business Day next preceding such  Distribution  Account  Deposit Date) and shall
not be sold or disposed of prior to its maturity. All such Permitted Investments
shall  be  made  in  the  name  of  the   Trustee,   for  the   benefit  of  the
Certificateholders.  So long as no Event of Default  shall have  occurred and be
continuing,  all  income  and  gain  net of any  losses  realized  from any such
investment  of funds on  deposit  in the  Certificate  Account  shall be for the
benefit of the  Servicer as servicing  compensation  and shall be remitted to it
monthly  as  provided  herein.  If an  Event  of  Default  has  occurred  and is
continuing,  all  income  and gain net of any  losses  realized  from  Permitted
Investments  made with  funds on  deposit in the  Certificate  Account  shall be
deposited  into the  Certificate  Account  without right of  reimbursement.  The
amount of any realized losses in the Certificate  Account in respect of any such
investments  shall promptly be deposited by the Servicer (from its own funds) in
the  Certificate  Account.  The Trustee in its fiduciary  capacity  shall not be
liable for the amount of any loss incurred in respect of any  investment or lack
of  investment of funds held in the  Certificate  Account and made in accordance
with this Section 3.05.

          (e) The Servicer shall give notice to the Trustee,  each Seller,  each
Rating  Agency and the  Depositor of any proposed  change of the location of the
Certificate  Account prior to any change thereof.  The Trustee shall give notice
to the  Servicer,  each  Seller,  each Rating  Agency and the  Depositor  of any
proposed change of the location of the Distribution  Account prior to any change

          SECTION 3.06. Payment of Taxes, Assessments, Hazard Insurance Premiums
          and Similar Items; Escrow Accounts.

          (a)  The  Servicer   shall  require   Mortgagors  to  pay  all  taxes,
assessments,  hazard insurance premiums,  flood insurance premiums,  condominium
association dues or comparable  items for the account of the Mortgagors.  To the
extent  required by the Seller at the time the related Loan was  originated  and
not violative of current law, the Servicer  shall  establish and maintain one or
more accounts  (each,  an "Escrow  Account") and deposit and retain  therein all
collections from the Mortgagors (or advances by the Servicer) for the payment of
taxes, assessments,  hazard insurance premiums,  condominium association dues or
comparable items for the account of the Mortgagors. Nothing herein shall require
the Servicer to compel a Mortgagor  to establish an Escrow  Account in violation
of  applicable  law or if the Seller of the  related  Loan did not  require  the
establishment of an Escrow Account at the time the Loan was originated.

          Withdrawals  of amounts so collected  from the Escrow  Accounts may be
made only to effect  timely  payment  of taxes,  assessments,  hazard  insurance
premiums,  condominium  association  dues, or comparable items, to reimburse the
Servicer out of related  collections  for any payments made pursuant to Sections
3.01 hereof (with respect to taxes and assessments  and insurance  premiums) and
3.09 hereof (with respect to hazard insurance),  to refund to any Mortgagors any
sums determined to be overages, to pay interest, if required by law or the terms
of the related  Mortgage  or Mortgage  Note,  to  Mortgagors  on balances in the
Escrow Account or to clear and terminate the Escrow  Account at the  termination
of this Agreement in accordance  with Section 9.01 hereof.  The Escrow  Accounts
shall not be a part of the Trust Fund.


          (b) The Servicer  shall  advance any  payments  referred to in Section
3.06(a)  that are not timely  paid by the  Mortgagors  on the date when the tax,
premium  or other  cost for which  such  payment  is  intended  is due,  but the
Servicer  shall be required so to advance only to the extent that such advances,
in the good faith  judgment of the Servicer,  are required to be made to protect
the  lien  of the  Mortgage  and  will be  recoverable  by the  Servicer  out of
Insurance Proceeds,  Liquidation  Proceeds or otherwise.  The amount of any such
advances made by the Servicer for the purpose of maintaining any hazard or flood
insurance shall not, for the purpose of calculating monthly distributions to the
Certificateholders  or remittances to the Trustee for their benefit, be added to
the principal balance of the related Loan, notwithstanding that the terms of the
Loan so permit.  Any advance made by the Servicer  pursuant to this Section 3.06
shall be recoverable as a Servicing  Advance to the extent  permitted by Section

          SECTION  3.07.   Access  to  Certain   Documentation  and  Information
          Regarding the Loans.

          (a) The  Servicer  shall  afford the  Depositor,  the Trustee and each
Rating Agency reasonable  access to all records and documentation  regarding the
Loans and all accounts, insurance information and other matters relating to this
Agreement,  such access being afforded without charge,  but only upon reasonable
request  and  during  normal  business  hours at the  office  designated  by the

          (b) Upon  reasonable  advance  notice in writing,  the  Servicer  will
provide to each Certificateholder which is a savings and loan association,  bank
or insurance  company certain  reports and reasonable  access to information and
documentation regarding the Loans sufficient to permit such Certificateholder to
comply with applicable  regulations of the OTS or other  regulatory  authorities
with respect to investment in the Certificates; provided that the Servicer shall
be entitled to be reimbursed by each such  Certificateholder for actual expenses
incurred by the Servicer in providing such reports and access.

          SECTION 3.08.  Permitted  Withdrawals from the Certificate Account and
          Distribution Account.

          (a) The  Servicer  may from  time to time  make  withdrawals  from the
Certificate Account for the following purposes:

                    (i) to pay to the  Servicer  (to the extent  not  previously
          retained by the Servicer) the  servicing  compensation  to which it is
          entitled pursuant to Section 3.13, and, subject to Section 3.05(d), to
          pay to the Servicer, as additional servicing compensation, earnings on
          or  investment  income  with  respect to funds in or  credited  to the
          Certificate Account;

                    (ii) to reimburse  the Servicer  for  unreimbursed  Advances
          made by it, such right of  reimbursement  pursuant  to this  subclause
          (ii) being  limited to amounts  received  on the Loan(s) in respect of
          which any such Advance was made, excluding any Purchase Price proceeds
          received  from the  Servicer  pursuant to Section  3.11 and subject to
          Section 9.01;

                    (iii)  to  reimburse  the  Servicer  for any  Nonrecoverable
          Advance  previously made,  except that the Servicer shall no longer be
          entitled to reimbursement for any Nonrecoverable  Advance on a Loan as
          of the date the  Servicer  purchases  such Loan  from the  Trust  Fund
          pursuant to Section 3.11 or Section 9.01;

                    (iv) to reimburse the Servicer for Insured Expenses from the
          related Insurance Proceeds;


                    (v) to reimburse the Servicer for (a) unreimbursed Servicing
          Advances,  the  Servicer's  right to  reimbursement  pursuant  to this
          clause (a) with respect to any Loan being limited to amounts  received
          on such Loan(s) which  represent  late  recoveries of the payments for
          which such  Servicing  Advances  were made pursuant to Section 3.01 or
          Section 3.06 and (b) for unpaid  Servicing Fees as provided in Section
          3.11 hereof;

                    (vi) to pay to the  purchaser,  with respect to each Loan or
          property acquired in respect thereof that has been purchased  pursuant
          to Section 2.02, 2.03 or 3.11, all amounts  received thereon after the
          date of such purchase;

                    (vii) to (A)  reimburse  the  Sellers,  the  Servicer or the
          Depositor for expenses  incurred by any of them that are  reimbursable
          pursuant  to  Section  6.03  hereof or (B) to pay to the  Trustee  any
          Trustee Permitted Withdrawal Amounts;

                    (viii) to withdraw any amount  deposited in the  Certificate
          Account and not required to be deposited therein;

                    (ix) on or prior to the  Distribution  Account Deposit Date,
          to  withdraw  an  amount  equal  to  the  Available   Funds  for  such
          Distribution Date and remit such amounts to the Trustee for deposit in
          the Distribution Account; and

                    (x) to clear and  terminate  the  Certificate  Account  upon
          termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 9.01 hereof.

          The Servicer shall keep and maintain separate accounting, on a Loan by
Loan basis,  for the purpose of justifying any withdrawal  from the  Certificate
Account  pursuant to such  subclauses  (i), (ii),  (iv), (v) and (vi).  Prior to
making any withdrawal from the Certificate  Account pursuant to subclause (iii),
the  Servicer  shall  deliver  to the  Trustee  an  Officer's  Certificate  of a
Servicing  Officer  indicating the amount of any previous Advance  determined by
the  Servicer  to  be a  Nonrecoverable  Advance  and  identifying  the  related
Loans(s), and their respective portions of such Nonrecoverable Advance.

          (b) The Trustee shall withdraw funds from the Distribution  Account to
make the  distributions  specified in this  Agreement  (and to withhold from the
amounts so withdrawn,  the amount of any taxes that it is authorized to withhold
pursuant to the last  paragraph of Section 8.11).  In addition,  the Trustee may
from  time to time  make  withdrawals  from  the  Distribution  Account  for the
following purposes:

                    (i) to the extent not remitted by the  Servicer  pursuant to
          Section 3.08(a)(vii)(B) above within a reasonable period of time after
          request  by  the  Trustee,   to  remit  (prior  to  making  any  other
          distributions from amounts held in the Distribution Account) to itself
          any Trustee Permitted Withdrawal Amounts;

                    (ii) to  withdraw  and  return to the  Servicer  any  amount
          deposited in the Distribution Account and not required to be deposited
          therein; and

                    (iii) to clear and terminate the  Distribution  Account upon
          termination of the Agreement pursuant to Section 9.01 hereof.


          SECTION 3.09. Maintenance of Hazard Insurance;  Maintenance of Primary
          Insurance Policies.

          (a) The Servicer shall require Mortgagors to maintain,  for each Loan,
hazard  insurance with extended  coverage (i) in the case of a Loan secured by a
Mortgage creating a first lien on the related Mortgaged  Property,  in an amount
that is at least  equal to the  original  principal  balance of such Loan or the
maximum  insurable  value  of  the  improvements  on  such  Mortgaged  Property,
whichever  is less,  and (ii) in the case of a Second  Lien  Loan,  in an amount
equal to the lesser of the combined  principal  balance of such Second Lien Loan
and the related first lien mortgage loan or the maximum  insurable  value of the
improvements  on the related  Mortgaged  Property.  Each such policy of standard
hazard  insurance  shall  contain,  or have  an  accompanying  endorsement  that
contains,  a standard  mortgagee  clause.  Any amounts collected by the Servicer
under any such policies (other than the amounts to be applied to the restoration
or repair of the  improvements  on the  related  Mortgaged  Property  or amounts
released to the Mortgagor in accordance  with the  Servicer's  normal  servicing
procedures) shall be deposited in the Certificate  Account. It is understood and
agreed that no earthquake or other additional insurance is to be required of any
Mortgagor or maintained on property acquired in respect of a Mortgage other than
pursuant  to such  applicable  laws and  regulations  as shall at any time be in
force and as shall require such additional insurance.  If the Mortgaged Property
is  located at the time of  origination  of the Loan in a  federally  designated
special flood hazard area and such area is  participating  in the national flood
insurance program,  the Servicer shall require the related Mortgagor to maintain
flood  insurance with respect to such Loan.  Such flood insurance shall be in an
amount equal to the original principal balance of the related Loan.

          (b) The Servicer shall not be required to have Mortgagors maintain any
Primary  Mortgage  Insurance  Policy with respect to any Loan,  but may do so as
allowed by law, and shall allow the  cancellation  of any such Primary  Mortgage
Insurance  Policy as required  by law.  The  Servicer  shall not take any action
which  would  result in  non-coverage  under  any  applicable  Primary  Mortgage
Insurance Policy of any loss which,  but for the actions of the Servicer,  would
have been covered thereunder. If any Mortgagor fails to pay the premiums for its
Primary Mortgage  Insurance  Policy,  if any, the Servicer may, but shall not be
required to, pay such  premiums.  Any payment  made by the Servicer  pursuant to
this Section  3.09(b) shall be recoverable as a Servicing  Advance to the extent
permitted by Section 3.08.

          (c) In connection  with its  activities as Servicer of the Loans,  the
Servicer   agrees  to  present  on  behalf  of  itself,   the  Trustee  and  the
Certificateholders,  claims to the insurer under any Primary Mortgage  Insurance
Policies  and,  in this  regard,  to take  such  reasonable  action  as shall be
necessary  to permit  recovery  under any Primary  Mortgage  Insurance  Policies
respecting  defaulted  Loans.  Any amounts  collected by the Servicer  under any
Primary  Mortgage  Insurance  Policies  shall be  deposited  in the  Certificate

          SECTION  3.10.   Enforcement   of  Due-on-Sale   Clauses;   Assumption

          (a) When any property  subject to a Mortgage has been  conveyed by the
Mortgagor, the Servicer, to the extent that it has knowledge of such conveyance,
may, at its discretion,  but is not required to, enforce any due-on-sale  clause
contained  in any  Mortgage  Note or  Mortgage,  to the extent  permitted  under
applicable law and  governmental  regulations,  but only to the extent that such
enforcement will not adversely affect or jeopardize  coverage under any Required
Insurance  Policy.  The Servicer is authorized,  subject to Section 3.10(b),  to
take or enter into an assumption  and  modification  agreement  from or with the
Person to whom such  property has been or is about to be  conveyed,  pursuant to
which such Person becomes liable under the Mortgage Note and, unless  prohibited
by applicable state law, the Mortgagor remains liable thereon, provided that the
Loan shall continue to be covered (if so covered before the Servicer enters such
agreement) by the applicable Required Insurance Policies. The


Servicer, subject to Section 3.10(b), is also authorized with the prior approval
of  the  insurers  under  any  Required  Insurance  Policies  to  enter  into  a
substitution  of liability  agreement  with such  Person,  pursuant to which the
original  Mortgagor is released from liability and such Person is substituted as
Mortgagor  and becomes  liable  under the  Mortgage  Note.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  the Servicer shall not be deemed to be in default under this Section
by reason of any transfer or assumption which the Servicer  reasonably  believes
it is restricted by law from preventing, for any reason whatsoever.

          (b) In any case in which a Mortgaged  Property has been  conveyed to a
Person by a Mortgagor,  and such Person is to enter into an assumption agreement
or  modification  agreement or  supplement to the Mortgage Note or Mortgage that
requires the signature of the Trustee,  or if an instrument of release signed by
the Trustee is required  releasing the Mortgagor from liability on the Loan, the
Servicer  shall prepare and deliver or cause to be prepared and delivered to the
Trustee for signature and shall direct,  in writing,  the Trustee to execute the
assumption  agreement  with the Person to whom the  Mortgaged  Property is to be
conveyed and such  modification  agreement or supplement to the Mortgage Note or
Mortgage or other  instruments  as are  reasonable or necessary to carry out the
terms  of the  Mortgage  Note or  Mortgage  or  otherwise  to  comply  with  any
applicable laws regarding  assumptions or the transfer of the Mortgaged Property
to such Person. In connection with any such assumption,  no material term of the
Mortgage  Note may be changed.  In addition,  the  substitute  Mortgagor and the
Mortgaged  Property must be  acceptable  to the Servicer in accordance  with its
underwriting standards as then in effect.  Together with each such substitution,
assumption  or other  agreement  or  instrument  delivered  to the  Trustee  for
execution by it, the Servicer shall deliver an Officer's Certificate signed by a
Servicing Officer stating that the requirements of this subsection have been met
in  connection  therewith.  The Servicer  shall notify the Trustee that any such
substitution  or assumption  agreement  has been  completed by forwarding to the
Trustee the original of such substitution or assumption agreement,  which in the
case of the original shall be added to the related  Mortgage File and shall, for
all  purposes,  be considered a part of such Mortgage File to the same extent as
all  other  documents  and  instruments  constituting  a part  thereof.  Any fee
collected by the Servicer for entering  into an assumption  or  substitution  of
liability  agreement  will be retained by the Servicer as  additional  servicing

          SECTION 3.11. Realization Upon Defaulted Loans;  Repurchase of Certain

          The  Servicer  shall  use  reasonable  efforts  to  foreclose  upon or
otherwise  comparably  convert the ownership of properties  securing such of the
Loans as come  into and  continue  in  default  and as to which no  satisfactory
arrangements  can be made for collection of delinquent  payments.  In connection
with such  foreclosure  or other  conversion,  the  Servicer  shall  follow such
practices and  procedures as it shall deem  necessary or advisable,  in its sole
discretion,  and as shall be normal and usual in its general mortgage  servicing
activities and meet the requirements of the insurer under any Required Insurance
Policy; provided, however, that the Servicer shall not be required to expend its
own funds in connection  with any  foreclosure or towards the restoration of any
property unless it shall determine (i) that such restoration  and/or foreclosure
will increase the proceeds of  liquidation  of the Loan after  reimbursement  to
itself of such expenses and (ii) that such expenses  will be  recoverable  to it
through  Liquidation  Proceeds  (respecting  which it shall  have  priority  for
purposes of withdrawals  from the  Certificate  Account).  The Servicer shall be
responsible  for  all  other  costs  and  expenses  incurred  by it in any  such
proceedings;  provided,  however,  that it shall be  entitled  to  reimbursement
thereof from the  liquidation  proceeds  with  respect to the related  Mortgaged
Property, as provided in the definition of Liquidation Proceeds. If the Servicer
has  knowledge  that a Mortgaged  Property  which the Servicer is  contemplating
acquiring in  foreclosure  or by deed in lieu of foreclosure is located within a
one mile radius of any site with environmental or hazardous waste risks known to
the Servicer,  the Servicer  will,  prior to acquiring  the Mortgaged  Property,
consider  such risks and only take  action in  accordance  with its  established
environmental review procedures.


          With  respect to any REO  Property,  the deed or  certificate  of sale
shall  be  taken  in  the  name  of  the   Trustee   for  the   benefit  of  the
Certificateholders,  or its nominee,  on behalf of the  Certificateholders.  The
Trustee's  name shall be placed on the title to such REO Property  solely as the
Trustee hereunder and not in its individual capacity.  The Servicer shall ensure
that the title to such REO Property  references this Agreement and the Trustee's
capacity thereunder.  As described more fully below, the Servicer shall have the
sole  discretion  to determine  whether an immediate  sale of an REO Property or
continued  management  of such  REO  Property  is in the  best  interest  of the
Certificateholders.  In  order to  facilitate  sales  of REO  Properties  by the
Servicer,  upon the Servicer's  request,  the Trustee shall promptly provide the
Servicer  with  appropriate  limited  durable  powers of  attorney or such other
documentation as may reasonably be required by the Servicer or purchasers of REO
Properties  to consummate  such sales.  Pursuant to its efforts to sell such REO
Property,  the Servicer  shall either itself or through an agent selected by the
Servicer  protect and conserve  such REO Property in the same manner and to such
extent as is customary  in the  locality  where such REO Property is located and
may,  incident  to its  conservation  and  protection  of the  interests  of the
Certificateholders,  rent the same, or any part thereof, as the Servicer, in its
sole discretion,  deems to be in the best interest of the Certificateholders for
the period prior to the sale of such REO  Property.  The Servicer  shall prepare
for and  deliver to the Trustee a statement  with  respect to each REO  Property
that has been rented  showing  the  aggregate  rental  income  received  and all
expenses  incurred in connection with the management and maintenance of such REO
Property at such times as is  necessary to enable the Trustee to comply with the
reporting requirements of the REMIC Provisions.  The net monthly income, if any,
from such REO Property  shall be deposited in the  Certificate  Account no later
than the close of  business  on each  Determination  Date.  The  Servicer  shall
perform the tax reporting and withholding required by Sections 1445 and 6050J of
the Code with  respect  to  foreclosures  and  abandonments,  the tax  reporting
required  by Section  6050H of the Code with  respect to the receipt of mortgage
interest from individuals and any tax reporting required by Section 6050P of the
Code with  respect to the  cancellation  of  indebtedness  by certain  financial
entities,  by preparing such tax and information returns as may be required,  in
the form required, and delivering the same to the Trustee for filing.

          In the event that the Trust Fund  acquires any  Mortgaged  Property as
aforesaid  or otherwise in  connection  with a default or imminent  default on a
Loan, the Servicer  shall dispose of such Mortgaged  Property prior to the close
of the third  taxable year of the Trust Fund  following  the taxable year of the
Trust Fund in which the Trust Fund acquired such Mortgaged Property,  unless the
Trustee shall have been supplied  with an Opinion of Counsel  (which  Opinion of
Counsel  shall not be at the  expense of the  Trustee)  to the  effect  that the
holding  by the  Trust  Fund  of  such  Mortgaged  Property  subsequent  to such
three-year  period  will not result in the  imposition  of taxes on  "prohibited
transactions"  of any REMIC  hereunder as defined in section 860F of the Code or
cause any REMIC to fail to  qualify  as one or more  REMICs at any time that any
Certificates are outstanding,  in which case the Trust Fund may continue to hold
such Mortgaged Property (subject to any conditions  contained in such Opinion of
Counsel).  Notwithstanding  any other provision of this Agreement,  no Mortgaged
Property  acquired  by the Trust Fund shall be rented (or allowed to continue to
be rented) or otherwise used for the production of income by or on behalf of the
Trust Fund in such a manner or  pursuant  to any terms that would (i) cause such
Mortgaged  Property  to fail to qualify  as  "foreclosure  property"  within the
meaning  of  section  860G(a)(8)  of the Code or (ii)  subject  any REMIC to the
imposition of any federal, state or local income taxes on the income earned from
such Mortgaged  Property under Section 860G(c) of the Code or otherwise,  unless
the Servicer has agreed, in its sole discretion,  to indemnify and hold harmless
the Trust Fund with respect to the imposition of any such taxes.

          The decision of the Servicer to foreclose on a defaulted Loan shall be
subject to a determination  by the Servicer,  in its sole  discretion,  that the
proceeds of such  foreclosure  would  exceed the costs and  expenses of bringing
such a proceeding.


          The proceeds  from any  liquidation  of a Loan,  as well as any income
from an REO Property, will be applied in the following order of priority: first,
to reimburse the Servicer for any related  unreimbursed  Servicing  Advances and
Servicing  Fees  related to such  Liquidated  Loan;  second,  to  reimburse  the
Servicer for any  unreimbursed  Advances;  third, to accrued and unpaid interest
(to the extent no Advance has been made for such amount or any such  Advance has
been  reimbursed)  on the Loan or related  REO  Property,  at the  Adjusted  Net
Mortgage  Rate to the Due Date  occurring in the calendar  month  preceding  the
month in which such amounts are  required to be  distributed;  and fourth,  as a
recovery of principal of the Loan. Excess Proceeds, if any, from the liquidation
of a Liquidated  Loan will be retained by the Servicer as  additional  servicing
compensation pursuant to Section 3.13.

          The Servicer, in its sole discretion, shall have the right to purchase
for its own  account or for resale as set forth  herein  from the Trust Fund any
Loan which is 91 days or more delinquent at a price equal to the Purchase Price.
The Purchase  Price for any Loan purchased  hereunder  shall be deposited in the
Certificate Account and the Trustee,  upon receipt of a Request for Release from
the Servicer  substantially  in the form of Exhibit J, shall release or cause to
be released to the  Servicer  the related  Mortgage  File and shall  execute and
deliver such instruments of transfer or assignment  prepared by the purchaser of
such Loan, in each case without  recourse,  as shall be necessary to vest in the
Servicer any Loan released pursuant hereto and the Servicer shall succeed to all
the Trustee's right, title and interest in and to such Loan and all security and
documents  related  thereto.  Such  assignment  shall be a sale  and  assignment
outright and not for security.  The Servicer shall  thereupon own such Loan, and
all security and documents, free of any further obligation to the Trustee or the
Certificateholders with respect thereto.

          SECTION 3.12.  Documents,  Records and Funds in Possession of Servicer
          to be Held for the Trustee.

          Notwithstanding  any other provisions of this Agreement,  the Servicer
shall  transmit to the Trustee as required by this  Agreement  all documents and
instruments in respect of a Loan coming into the possession of the Servicer from
time to time and shall  account  fully to the Trustee for any funds  received by
the Servicer or which  otherwise  are  collected by the Servicer as  Liquidation
Proceeds or Insurance  Proceeds in respect of any Loan.  All Mortgage  Files and
funds  collected or held by, or under the control of, the Servicer in respect of
any Loans,  whether from the  collection of principal  and interest  payments or
from Liquidation Proceeds, including but not limited to, any funds on deposit in
the Certificate Account,  shall be held by the Servicer for and on behalf of the
Trustee and shall be and remain the sole and exclusive  property of the Trustee,
subject to the applicable provisions of this Agreement. The Servicer also agrees
that it shall not create,  incur or subject any Mortgage  File or any funds that
are deposited in the Certificate  Account,  Distribution  Account,  or any funds
that  otherwise  are or may become due or payable to the Trustee for the benefit
of the  Certificateholders,  to any claim, lien,  security  interest,  judgment,
levy,  writ of  attachment  or other  encumbrance,  or assert by legal action or
otherwise  any claim or right of setoff  against any Mortgage  File or any funds
collected on, or in connection with, a Loan, except,  however, that the Servicer
shall be  entitled to set off against and deduct from any such funds any amounts
that are properly due and payable to the Servicer under this Agreement.

          SECTION 3.13. Servicing Compensation.

          As compensation  for its activities  hereunder,  the Servicer shall be
entitled to retain or withdraw from the  Certificate  Account an amount equal to
the Servicing Fee for each Loan,  provided that the aggregate  Servicing Fee for
the Loans with  respect  to any  Distribution  Date  shall be reduced  (i) by an
amount equal to the aggregate of the  Prepayment  Interest  Shortfalls,  if any,
with respect to such  Distribution  Date, up to the full amount of the aggregate
Servicing Fee, and (ii) with respect to the first


Distribution  Date,  an  amount  equal to any  amount to be  deposited  into the
Certificate  Account  by the  Sellers  pursuant  to Section  2.01(a)  and not so

          Additional  servicing  compensation  in the form of  Excess  Proceeds,
Prepayment Interest Excess, prepayment penalties,  assumption fees, late payment
charges  and all  income  and gain net of any  losses  realized  from  Permitted
Investments  made with  funds on  deposit in the  Certificate  Account  shall be
retained by the  Servicer  to the extent not  required  to be  deposited  in the
Certificate  Account  pursuant to Section  3.05 hereof.  The  Servicer  shall be
required to pay all expenses  incurred by it in  connection  with its  servicing
activities hereunder and shall not be entitled to reimbursement  therefor except
as specifically provided in this Agreement.

          SECTION 3.14. Access to Certain Documentation.

          The Servicer  shall  provide to the OTS and the FDIC and to comparable
regulatory authorities supervising certain  Certificateholders and the examiners
and supervisory agents of the OTS, the FDIC and such other  authorities,  access
to the documentation  regarding the Loans required by applicable  regulations of
the OTS and the FDIC.  Such access shall be afforded  without  charge,  but only
upon  reasonable and prior written  request and during normal  business hours at
the offices designated by the Servicer.  Nothing in this Section shall limit the
obligation of the Servicer to observe any applicable law prohibiting  disclosure
of  information  regarding  the  Mortgagors  and the failure of the  Servicer to
provide access as provided in this Section as a result of such obligation  shall
not constitute a breach of this Section.

          SECTION 3.15. Annual Statement as to Compliance.

          The  Servicer  shall  deliver to the  Depositor  and the Trustee on or
before 120 days after the end of the Servicer's fiscal year, commencing with its
2003 fiscal year, an Officer's  Certificate  stating,  as to the signer thereof,
that (i) a review of the activities of the Servicer during the preceding  fiscal
year and of the  performance  of the Servicer under this Agreement has been made
under  such  officer's  supervision  and  (ii) to the  best  of  such  officer's
knowledge,  based on such review, the Servicer has fulfilled all its obligations
under this  Agreement  throughout  such year, or, if there has been a default in
the  fulfillment of any such  obligation,  specifying each such default known to
such officer and the nature and status thereof. The Trustee shall forward a copy
of each such statement to each Rating Agency.


          SECTION  3.16.  Annual  Independent  Public   Accountants'   Servicing
          Statement; Financial Statements.

          On or before 120 days  after the end of the  Servicer's  fiscal  year,
commencing  with its 2003 fiscal year, the Servicer at its expense shall cause a
nationally or regionally  recognized firm of independent public accountants (who
may also render  other  services to the  Servicer,  the Seller or any  affiliate
thereof)  which  is a member  of the  American  Institute  of  Certified  Public
Accountants  to furnish a  statement  to the Trustee  and the  Depositor  to the
effect that such firm has examined certain documents and records relating to the
servicing  of the Loans  under  this  Agreement  and that,  on the basis of such
examination,  conducted  substantially  in  compliance  with the Uniform  Single
Attestation  Program for  Mortgage  Bankers or the Audit  Program for  Mortgages
serviced for FNMA and FHLMC,  such  servicing  has been  conducted in compliance
with this Agreement except for such significant  exceptions or errors in records
that, in the opinion of such firm,  the Uniform Single  Attestation  Program for
Mortgage Bankers or the Audit Program for Mortgages  serviced for FNMA and FHLMC
requires it to report.  In rendering such  statement,  such firm may rely, as to
matters  relating to direct  servicing of mortgage loans by  Subservicers,  upon
comparable  statements for  examinations  conducted  substantially in compliance
with the Uniform Single  Attestation  Program for Mortgage  Bankers or the Audit
Program for Mortgages  serviced for FNMA and FHLMC (rendered  within one year of
such statement) of independent  public  accountants  with respect to the related
Subservicer.  Copies of such  statement  shall be provided by the Trustee to any
Certificateholder  upon  request  at  the  Servicer's  expense,   provided  such
statement is delivered by the Servicer to the Trustee.

          SECTION 3.17. Errors and Omissions Insurance; Fidelity Bonds.

          The  Servicer  shall,  for so long as it acts as  servicer  under this
Agreement,  obtain and  maintain in force (a) a policy or policies of  insurance
covering  errors and omissions in the performance of its obligations as Servicer
hereunder  and (b) a fidelity  bond in respect of its  officers,  employees  and
agents. Each such policy or policies and bond shall,  together,  comply with the
requirements from time to time of FNMA or FHLMC for persons performing servicing
for mortgage loans purchased by FNMA or FHLMC. In the event that any such policy
or  bond  ceases  to be in  effect,  the  Servicer  shall  obtain  a  comparable
replacement  policy or bond from an insurer or issuer,  meeting the requirements
set forth above as of the date of such replacement.

          SECTION 3.18. RESERVED.

          SECTION 3.19. Delinquent Loans.

          For all purposes in this  Agreement  and the  Exhibits  and  Schedules
attached hereto,  the  determination as to whether a Loan is delinquent shall be
based on the number of days that  payments on such Loan are  contractually  past
due,  assuming 30-day months.  For example,  a payment due on the first day of a
month is not 30 days delinquent until the first day of the following month.


                                  ARTICLE IIIA


          SECTION 3A.01 RESERVED.

          SECTION 3A.02 Reserve Fund and Yield Maintenance Agreement.

          (a) On the Closing Date,  the Trustee shall  establish and maintain in
its  name,  in  trust  for  the  benefit  of  the  Holders  of  the  Class  AV-1
Certificates,  the  Reserve  Fund to cover  certain  payments  on the Class AV-1
Certificates.  The  Reserve  Fund  shall be an  Eligible  Account,  and funds on
deposit  therein  shall be held  separate  and  apart  from,  and  shall  not be
commingled with, any other moneys,  including without  limitation,  other moneys
held by the  Trustee  pursuant  to this  Agreement.  The  Reserve  Fund shall be
treated as an "outside reserve fund" under applicable  Treasury  regulations and
will not be part of any REMIC. Any investment  earnings on the Reserve Fund will
be  treated  as owned by the  Holders  of the Class X  Certificates  and will be
taxable to the Holders of the Class X  Certificates.  Distributions  made to any
outside reserve fund under this document shall be treated as made to the Class X

          (b) In addition,  on the Closing Date, the Yield Maintenance Agreement
will be entered into by the Counterparty and the Trustee, for the benefit of the
Holders  of the Class  AV-1  Certificates.  Pursuant  to the  Yield  Maintenance
Agreement,  on each Distribution Date, the Trustee will deposit into the Reserve
Fund any amounts  received  pursuant  to the Yield  Maintenance  Agreement.  The
Trustee shall collect payments due under and otherwise  enforce the terms of the
Yield Maintenance Agreement. The Trustee shall make withdrawals from the Reserve
Fund to make distributions pursuant to Sections 4.02(g) and (h). Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary  contained herein, in no event shall the Trustee in its
fiduciary capacity be liable to the Holders of the Class AV-1  Certificates,  be
required  to make any  deposit  from its own funds into the  Reserve  Fund or be
required to take any action  against the  Counterparty  in  connection  with any
delay in payment of amounts due under the Yield Maintenance  Agreement caused by
(i) any wire transfer  problem or any  operational  or  administrative  error or
omission or (ii) any government  action each as further  described in clause (i)
of Part I of the Schedule to the Yield  Maintenance  Agreement  during the grace
period specified therein.

          (c) The Trustee shall invest the funds in the Reserve Fund as directed
in writing by the Holders of the Class X Certificates in Permitted  Investments,
which shall  mature not later  than,  the second  Business  Day  preceding  each
Distribution Date (except that if such Permitted  Investment is an obligation of
the  institution  that  maintains such account,  then such Permitted  Investment
shall mature not later than the Business Day next  preceding  such  Distribution
Date) and shall not be sold or  disposed  of prior to their  maturity.  All such
Permitted  Investments shall be made in the name of the Trustee, for the benefit
of the  Holders of the Class AV-1  Certificates.  All income and gain net of any
losses realized from any such investment of funds on deposit in the Reserve Fund
shall be deposited in the Reserve Fund.  The Trustee in its  fiduciary  capacity
shall not be  liable  for the  amount of any loss  incurred  in  respect  of any
investment  or lack of  investment of funds held in the Reserve Fund and made in
accordance with this Section 3A.02.


          (d) Upon  termination of the Trust Fund, any amounts  remaining in the
Reserve Fund shall be distributed to the Holders of the Class X Certificates  in
the same manner as if distributed pursuant to Section 4.02(h)(ii) hereof.

          (e) In the event that the Yield  Maintenance  Agreement is  terminated
prior to the Yield Maintenance  Stated  Termination and the Counterparty has not
obtained  a  replacement  counterparty  to  assume  its  obligations  thereunder
pursuant to the terms of the Yield  Maintenance  Agreement,  the  Trustee  shall
obtain a replacement yield maintenance  agreement acceptable to the Servicer and
shall  apply  any  amounts  received  from  the  Counterparty  under  the  Yield
Maintenance  Agreement  in  connection  with  its  termination,  to  the  extent
necessary, to obtain such replacement.  In no event whatsoever shall the Trustee
be responsible  for costs and expenses  incurred in connection  with obtaining a
replacement  yield  maintenance  agreement  or for any fees,  costs or  expenses
payable thereunder.

          (f) If, upon  termination of the Trust Fund pursuant to the provisions
of Article IX hereof,  the "Notional  Outstanding," as set forth in Attachment 1
to the Rate Cap  Transaction  Confirmation  relating  to the  Yield  Maintenance
Agreement,  is greater  than zero,  the  Trustee  shall,  as of the date of such
termination,  assign to Equity One, Inc. all of its right, title and interest in
and to the Yield Maintenance Agreement and any payments thereunder.

          SECTION 3A.03. Net WAC Cap Account

          (a) On the Closing Date,  the Trustee shall  establish and maintain in
its name, in trust for the benefit of the Holders of the Class AF-1,  Class AV-1
and Class B Certificates, the Net WAC Cap Account and deposit therein the amount
of $10,000 paid to the Trustee by the  Depositor.  The Net WAC Cap Account shall
be an Eligible Account,  and funds on deposit therein shall be held separate and
apart  from,  and shall not be  commingled  with,  any other  moneys,  including
without limitation, other moneys held by the Trustee pursuant to this Agreement.
The Net WAC Cap  Account  shall be treated as an  "outside  reserve  fund" under
applicable  Treasury  regulations  and  will  not  be  part  of any  REMIC.  Any
investment  earnings on the Net WAC Cap Account  will be treated as owned by the
Holders of the Class X  Certificates  and will be taxable to the  Holders of the
Class X Certificates.  Distributions made to any outside reserve fund under this
document shall be treated as made to the Class X Certificateholders.

          (b) On each  Distribution  Date, the Trustee shall deposit  amounts in
the Net WAC Cap Account pursuant to Section 4.02(d)(xvi). The amount required to
be deposited  into the Net WAC Cap Account on any  Distribution  Date will equal
the  aggregate  Net WAC Cap Deposit  Amount for the Class  AF-1,  Class AV-1 and
Class B Certificates.  The Trustee shall make  withdrawals  from the Net WAC Cap
Account to make distributions pursuant to Section 4.02(f).

          (c) The Trustee  shall  invest the funds in the Net WAC Cap Account as
directed  in writing by the  Holders of the Class X  Certificates  in  Permitted
Investments,  which  shall  mature  not later  than,  the  second  Business  Day
preceding each Distribution Date (except that if such Permitted Investment is an
obligation of the institution  that maintains such account,  then such Permitted
Investment  shall  mature not later than the Business  Day next  preceding  such
Distribution Date) and shall not be sold or disposed of prior to their maturity.
Any  investment  earnings on such amounts shall be payable to the Holders of the
Class X Certificates.  The Holders of the Class X Certificates  shall be treated
as the owners of the Net WAC Cap Account for federal tax  purposes.  The Trustee
in its  fiduciary  capacity  shall  not be  liable  for the  amount  of any loss
incurred in respect of any investment or lack of investment of funds held in the
Net WAC Cap Account and made in accordance with this Section 3A.03(c).

          (d) Upon  termination of the Trust Fund, any amounts  remaining in the
Net  WAC  Cap  Account  shall  be  distributed  to the  Holders  of the  Class X


                                   ARTICLE IV

                                DISTRIBUTIONS AND
                            ADVANCES BY THE SERVICER

          SECTION 4.01. Advances.

          The Servicer shall  determine on or before each Servicer  Advance Date
whether it is required to make an Advance pursuant to the definition thereof. If
the  Servicer  determines  it is required to make an  Advance,  it shall,  on or
before the  Servicer  Advance  Date,  either (i)  deposit  into the  Certificate
Account an amount equal to the Advance or (ii) make an appropriate  entry in its
records  relating  to the  Certificate  Account  that any Amount Held for Future
Distribution  has been used by the Servicer in discharge  of its  obligation  to
make any such Advance. Any funds so applied shall be replaced by the Servicer by
deposit in the  Certificate  Account no later than the close of  business on the
next Servicer Advance Date. The Servicer shall be entitled to be reimbursed from
the Certificate  Account for all Advances of its own funds made pursuant to this
Section as  provided in Section  3.08.  The  obligation  to make  Advances  with
respect to any Loan shall continue if such Loan has been foreclosed or otherwise
terminated and the Mortgaged Property has not been liquidated.

          SECTION 4.02. Priorities of Distribution and Allocation.

          (a) Interest. On each Distribution Date, the Trustee will distribute:

                    (i) from the Group I  Interest  Remittance  Amount  for that
          Distribution  Date, in the following order of priority,  to the extent

                              (A)       first, to the Trustee,  any amounts then
                                        due and owing  representing  fees of the
                                        Trustee  based on the  aggregate  Stated
                                        Principal  Balance  of the Group I Loans
                                        and,  to the  extent not paid by Trustee
                                        Permitted  Withdrawal Amounts,  expenses
                                        and  indemnity  amounts due and owing to
                                        the  Trustee  relating  to the  Group  I

                              (B)       second, to the Servicer, an amount equal
                                        to  the  sum of (1)  the  Servicing  Fee
                                        relating to the Group I Loans, except to
                                        the   extent    previously   paid   with
                                        permitted     withdrawals    from    the
                                        Certificate  Account,  and (2) any other
                                        amounts  expended  by  the  Servicer  in
                                        connection  with the  Group I Loans  and
                                        reimbursable    thereto    under    this
                                        Agreement but not previously reimbursed;

                              (C)       third, concurrently,  to the Class AF-1,
                                        Class AF-2,  Class AF-3,  Class AF-4 and
                                        Class AF-5  Certificates,  pro rata, the
                                        applicable Interest Distribution Amounts
                                        for that Distribution Date;

                              (D)       fourth, concurrently, to the Class AF-1,
                                        Class AF-2,  Class AF-3,  Class AF-4 and
                                        Class AF-5  Certificates,  pro rata, the
                                        applicable    Class   Unpaid    Interest
                                        Amounts, if any; and


                              (E)       fifth,  to the Class AV-1  Certificates,
                                        an amount  equal to the excess,  if any,
                                        of  (1)  the  amount   required   to  be
                                        distributed     pursuant    to    clause
                                        (a)(ii)(C)  and  clause  (a)(ii)(D)  for
                                        that  Distribution  Date  over  (2)  the
                                        amount actually  distributed pursuant to
                                        those clauses from the Group II Interest
                                        Remittance  Amount,  and  not  otherwise

                    (ii) from the Group II Interest  Remittance  Amount for that
          Distribution  Date, in the following order of priority,  to the extent

                              (A)       first, to the Trustee,  any amounts then
                                        due and owing  representing  fees of the
                                        Trustee  based on the  aggregate  Stated
                                        Principal  Balance of the Group II Loans
                                        and,  to the  extent not paid by Trustee
                                        Permitted  Withdrawal Amounts,  expenses
                                        and  indemnity  amounts due and owing to
                                        the  Trustee  relating  to the  Group II

                              (B)       second, to the Servicer, an amount equal
                                        to  the  sum of (1)  the  Servicing  Fee
                                        relating  to the Group II Loans,  except
                                        to  the  extent   previously  paid  with
                                        permitted     withdrawals    from    the
                                        Certificate  Account,  and (2) any other
                                        amounts  expended  by  the  Servicer  in
                                        connection  with the  Group II Loans and
                                        reimbursable    thereto    under    this
                                        Agreement but not previously reimbursed;

                              (C)       third,  to the Class AV-1  Certificates,
                                        the  applicable  Interest   Distribution
                                        Amount for that Distribution Date;

                              (D)       fourth, to the Class AV-1  Certificates,
                                        the  applicable  Class  Unpaid  Interest
                                        Amount, if any; and

                              (E)       fifth, to the Class AF Certificates, pro
                                        rata, an amount equal to the excess,  if
                                        any,  of (1) the amount  required  to be
                                        distributed pursuant to clause (a)(i)(C)
                                        and    clause    (a)(i)(D)    for   that
                                        Distribution  Date  over (2) the  amount
                                        actually  distributed  pursuant to those
                                        clauses   from  the  Group  I   Interest
                                        Remittance  Amount,  and  not  otherwise

                    (iii) from the Remaining Interest Remittance Amount for that
          Distribution  Date, in the following order of priority,  to the extent

                              (A)       first,  to the Class  M-1  Certificates,
                                        the  applicable  Interest   Distribution
                                        Amount for that Distribution Date;

                              (B)       second,  to the Class M-2  Certificates,
                                        the  applicable  Interest   Distribution
                                        Amount for that Distribution Date;

                              (C)       third,  to the Class  M-3  Certificates,
                                        the  applicable  Interest   Distribution
                                        Amount for that Distribution Date;

                              (D)       fourth, to the Class B Certificates, the
                                        applicable Interest  Distribution Amount
                                        for that Distribution Date; and


                              (E)       fifth,   the  Monthly  Excess   Interest
                                        Amount for that  Distribution  Date will
                                        be applied as  described  under  Section
                                        4.02(d) hereof.

          (b)  Principal   (pre-Stepdown   Date  or  Trigger  Event).   On  each
Distribution  Date before the  Stepdown  Date or with respect to which a Trigger
Event is in effect, the Trustee shall distribute:

                    (i) from the Principal  Distribution  Amount for the Group I
          Loans, in the following order of priority, to the extent available:

                              (A)       first,  to the Class  AF-1,  Class AF-2,
                                        Class  AF-3,  Class  AF-4 and Class AF-5
                                        Certificates,  in that order,  until the
                                        respective  Class  Certificate  Balances
                                        thereof have been reduced to zero; and

                              (B)       second,  after  taking into  account the
                                        distributions  made  pursuant  to clause
                                        (b)(ii)(A)  below  on that  Distribution
                                        Date,  to the Class  AV-1  Certificates,
                                        until  the  Class  Certificate   Balance
                                        thereof has been reduced to zero.

                    (ii) from the Principal Distribution Amount for the Group II
          Loans, in the following order of priority, to the extent available:

                              (A)       first,  to the Class AV-1  Certificates,
                                        until  the  Class  Certificate   Balance
                                        thereof has been reduced to zero; and

                              (B)       second,  after  taking into  account the
                                        distributions  made  pursuant  to clause
                                        (b)(i)(A)  above  on  that  Distribution
                                        Date, to the Class AF  Certificates  (in
                                        the order set forth in clause  (b)(i)(A)
                                        above),   until  the  Class  Certificate
                                        Balances  thereof  have been  reduced to

                    (iii) from the Pre-Stepdown Remaining Principal Distribution
          Amount, in the following order of priority, to the extent available:

                              (A)       first,  to the Class  M-1  Certificates,
                                        until  the  Class  Certificate   Balance
                                        thereof has been reduced to zero;

                              (B)       second,  to the Class M-2  Certificates,
                                        until  the  Class  Certificate   Balance
                                        thereof has been reduced to zero;

                              (C)       third,  to the Class  M-3  Certificates,
                                        until  the  Class  Certificate   Balance
                                        thereof has been reduced to zero;

                              (D)       fourth,  to the  Class  B  Certificates,
                                        until  the  Class  Certificate   Balance
                                        thereof has been reduced to zero; and

                              (E)       fifth,  any  amount of the  Pre-Stepdown
                                        Remaining Principal  Distribution Amount
                                        remaining   after   making  all  of  the
                                        distributions  in  clauses   (b)(iii)(A)
                                        through   (b)(iii)(D)   above   will  be
                                        applied as described in Section  4.02(d)


          (c)  Principal  (post-Stepdown  Date and no  Trigger  Event).  On each
Distribution  Date on or after the Stepdown  Date and as long as a Trigger Event
is not in effect, the Trustee shall distribute:

                    (i) from the Principal  Distribution  Amount for the Group I
          Loans, in the following order of priority, to the extent available:

                              (A)       first,    the    Class   AF    Principal
                                        Distribution  Amount to the Class  AF-1,
                                        Class AF-2,  Class AF-3,  Class AF-4 and
                                        Class AF-5 Certificates,  in that order,
                                        until the respective  Class  Certificate
                                        Balances  thereof  have been  reduced to
                                        zero; and

                              (B)       second,  an amount  equal to the excess,
                                        if   any,   of  the   Senior   Principal
                                        Distribution  Amount  over  the  amounts
                                        distributed     pursuant    to    clause
                                        (c)(ii)(A)  below  on that  Distribution
                                        Date,  to the Class  AV-1  Certificates,
                                        until  the  Class  Certificate   Balance
                                        thereof has been reduced to zero.

                    (ii) from the Principal Distribution Amount for the Group II
          Loans, in the following order of priority, to the extent available:

                              (A)       first,    the   Class   AV-1   Principal
                                        Distribution  Amount to the  Class  AV-1
                                        Certificates,     until     the    Class
                                        Certificate  Balance  thereof  has  been
                                        reduced to zero; and

                              (B)       second,  an amount  equal to the excess,
                                        if   any,   of  the   Senior   Principal
                                        Distribution  Amount  over  the  amounts
                                        distributed pursuant to clause (c)(i)(A)
                                        above on that Distribution  Date, to the
                                        Class AF Certificates  (in the order set
                                        forth in clause (c)(i)(A) above),  until
                                        the Class  Certificate  Balances thereof
                                        have been reduced to zero.

                    (iii)   from   the   Post-Stepdown    Remaining    Principal
          Distribution Amount, in the following order of priority, to the extent

                              (A)       first,  to the Class  M-1  Certificates,
                                        the  Class  M-1  Principal  Distribution
                                        Amount,   until  the  Class  Certificate
                                        Balance  thereof  has  been  reduced  to

                              (B)       second,  to the Class M-2  Certificates,
                                        the  Class  M-2  Principal  Distribution
                                        Amount,   until  the  Class  Certificate
                                        Balance  thereof  has  been  reduced  to

                              (C)       third,  to the Class  M-3  Certificates,
                                        the  Class  M-3  Principal  Distribution
                                        Amount,   until  the  Class  Certificate
                                        Balance  thereof  has  been  reduced  to

                              (D)       fourth, to the Class B Certificates, the
                                        Class B Principal  Distribution  Amount,
                                        until  the  Class  Certificate   Balance
                                        thereof has been reduced to zero; and


                              (E)       fifth,  any amount of the  Post-Stepdown
                                        Remaining Principal  Distribution Amount
                                        remaining   after   making  all  of  the
                                        distributions  in  clauses   (c)(iii)(A)
                                        through   (c)(iii)(D)   above   will  be
                                        applied as described in Section  4.02(d)

          (d) Excess  Cashflow.  On each  Distribution  Date,  the Trustee shall
distribute:  the Monthly Excess Cashflow Amount, to the extent available, to the
parties, in the amounts and in the priorities indicated:

                    (i) first, to the Class AF-1,  Class AF-2, Class AF-3, Class
          AF-4, Class AF-5 and Class AV-1 Certificates,  pro rata, any remaining
          applicable Interest Distribution Amount for that Distribution Date;

                    (ii)  second,  to the Class AF-1,  Class  AF-2,  Class AF-3,
          Class  AF-4,  Class AF-5 and Class AV-1  Certificates,  pro rata,  any
          remaining  Class  Unpaid  Interest  Amounts  for the classes of Senior

                    (iii) third, to fund the Extra Principal Distribution Amount
          for that Distribution Date;

                    (iv) fourth,  to the Class M-1  Certificates,  any remaining
          Interest Distribution Amount for that Distribution Date;

                    (v)  fifth,  to the Class M-1  Certificates,  any  remaining
          Class Unpaid Interest Amount for the Class M-1 Certificates;

                    (vi) sixth, to fund the Class M-1 Realized Loss Amortization
          Amount for that Distribution Date;

                    (vii) seventh, to the Class M-2 Certificates,  any remaining
          Interest Distribution Amount for that Distribution Date;

                    (viii) eighth, to the Class M-2 Certificates,  any remaining
          Class Unpaid Interest Amount for the Class M-2 Certificates;

                    (ix) ninth, to fund the Class M-2 Realized Loss Amortization
          Amount for that Distribution Date;

                    (x)  tenth,  to the Class M-3  Certificates,  any  remaining
          Interest Distribution Amount for that Distribution Date;

                    (xi) eleventh, to the Class M-3 Certificates,  any remaining
          Class Unpaid Interest Amount for the Class M-3 Certificates;

                    (xii)   twelfth,   to  fund  the  Class  M-3  Realized  Loss
          Amortization Amount for that Distribution Date;

                    (xiii)  thirteenth,   to  the  Class  B  Certificates,   any
          remaining Interest Distribution Amount for that Distribution Date;


                    (xiv) fourteenth, to the Class B Certificates, any remaining
          Class Unpaid Interest Amount for the Class B Certificates;

                    (xv)   fifteenth,   to  fund  the  Class  B  Realized   Loss
          Amortization Amount for that Distribution Date;

                    (xvi)  sixteenth,  for deposit into the Net WAC Cap Account,
          the  amount  equal  to  (a)  the  Net  WAC  Cap   Carryover  for  that
          Distribution  Date (the amount so  deposited  as limited by  available
          funds),  plus (b) the  amount,  if any,  sufficient  to  increase  the
          aggregate  amount on  deposit  in the Net WAC Cap  Account  to $10,000
          after giving  effect to any  payments of Net WAC Cap  Carryover to the
          Class AF-1,  Class AV-1 and Class B Certificates on that  Distribution

                    (xvii)  seventeenth,  to  the  Class  B  Certificates,   any
          remaining Monthly Excess Cashflow Amount,  until the Class Certificate
          Balance thereof has been reduced to zero; and

                    (xviii) eighteenth, to the Class X and Class R Certificates,
          any remaining Monthly Excess Cashflow Amount.

          (e) Realized Losses.  Realized Losses shall be allocated first against
the  Overcollateralization  Amount, until the  Overcollateralization  Amount has
been  reduced  to zero.  If,  after  giving  effect to the  distribution  of the
Principal  Distribution  Amount on any  Distribution  Date the  aggregate  Class
Certificate  Balance of the  Offered  Certificates  exceeds  the Pool  Principal
Balance as of the end of the related Due Period,  such excess will be  allocated
against the Class B, Class M-3,  Class M-2 and Class M-1  Certificates,  in that
order and until the respective Class Certificate Balances thereof are reduced to

          (f)  Net  WAC  Cap  Carryover  from  Net  WAC  Cap  Account.  On  each
Distribution Date,  following all  distributions,  deposits and allocations made
pursuant to subsections (a) through (e) above, the Trustee shall distribute, pro
rata, to the Class AF-1, Class AV-1 and Class B Certificates, the applicable Net
WAC Cap  Carryover  for such  Distribution  Date,  if any,  from the Net WAC Cap
Account (to the extent of available funds therein).

          (g)  Reserve  Fund.   On  each   Distribution   Date,   following  all
distributions  and deposits  made pursuant to  subsections  (a) through (f), the
Trustee will  withdraw  from the Reserve Fund (to the extent of available  funds
therein) an amount  sufficient to pay the following  items, and shall distribute
such amount in the following order of priority:

                    (i) first, to pay the Interest  Distribution  Amount payable
          to the Class AV-1 Certificates, to the extent not covered by Available
          Funds (including payments from the Net WAC Cap Account);

                    (ii) second,  to pay to the Class AV-1  Certificates  (A) if
          such  Distribution Date is before the Stepdown Date or a Trigger Event
          is in  effect,  all funds  available  in the  Reserve  Fund  until the
          Overcollateralization   Amount  has  reached  the  required   Targeted
          Overcollateralization  Amount  for such  Distribution  Date and (B) if
          such  Distribution Date is on or after the Stepdown Date and a Trigger
          Event is not in effect, the Class AV-1 Principal  Distribution Amount,
          to the extent not covered by Available Funds.


          (h) Net WAC Cap  Carryover  from Reserve  Fund.  On each  Distribution
Date,  following all distributions and deposits made pursuant to subsections (a)
through (g) above,  the Trustee will  withdraw from the Reserve Fund any amounts
remaining  therein and shall distribute such amounts to pay the following items,
in the following order of priority:

                    (i)  first,  to the  Class  AV-1  Certificates  to  pay  any
          remaining Net WAC Cap Carryover  for the Class AV-1  Certificates,  to
          the  extent  not  paid  out  of  the  Net  WAC  Cap  Account  on  such
          Distribution Date; and

                    (ii) second, to the holders of the Class X Certificates.

          SECTION 4.03. Monthly Statements to Certificateholders.

          (a) Not later than each  Distribution  Date, the Trustee shall post on
its website at  www.jpmorgan.com/absmbs,  which  posting  shall be accessible to
each  Certificateholder,  the Servicer,  the Depositor and each Rating Agency, a
statement  setting  forth with  respect to the related  distribution  (provided,
however,  that each  Certificateholder,  upon request to the  Trustee,  shall be
entitled  to receive  from the  Trustee a paper copy of such  statement  if such
Certificateholder is unable to access the Trustee's website):

                    (i) with respect to each Group, the amount thereof allocable
          to  principal,  separately  identifying  the  aggregate  amount of any
          Principal Prepayments and Liquidation Proceeds included therein;

                    (ii) the amount  thereof  allocable to  interest,  any Class
          Unpaid Interest Amount included in such distribution and any remaining
          Class Unpaid Interest Amount after giving effect to such distribution;

                    (iii)  if the  distribution  to the  Holders  of a Class  of
          Certificates is less than the full amount that would be  distributable
          to such Holders if there were sufficient funds available therefor, the
          amount  of  the  shortfall  and  the  allocation  thereof  as  between
          principal and interest;

                    (iv)  the  Class  Certificate   Balance  of  each  Class  of
          Certificates  after giving effect to the  distribution of principal on
          such Distribution Date;

                    (v) the  Pool  Principal  Balance  and the  Group  Principal
          Balances for the following Distribution Date;

                    (vi) the amount of the  Servicing Fee paid to or retained by
          the Servicer with respect to such Distribution Date;

                    (vii)  the  Pass-Through  Rate  for each  Class  of  Offered
          Certificates with respect to such Distribution Date;

                    (viii) the amount of Advances  included in the  distribution
          on  such  Distribution  Date  and the  aggregate  amount  of  Advances
          outstanding as of the close of business on such Distribution Date;


                    (ix) with  respect to each Group,  the number and  aggregate
          principal amounts of Loans (A) contractually past due (assuming 30 day
          months) (exclusive of Loans in foreclosure) (1) 1 to 30 days (2) 31 to
          60  days  (3)  61 to 90  days  and  (4) 91 or  more  days  and  (B) in
          foreclosure  (1) 1 to 30 days  (2) 31 to 60 days (3) 61 to 90 days and
          (4) 91 or more days,  as of the close of  business  on the last day of
          the Prepayment Period preceding such Distribution Date;

                    (x) with  respect to each Group and with respect to any Loan
          that became an REO Property during the preceding  calendar month,  the
          loan number and Stated Principal  Balance of such Loan as of the close
          of business on the last day of the  Prepayment  Period  preceding such
          Distribution Date and the date of acquisition thereof;

                    (xi)  with  respect  to each  Group,  the total  number  and
          principal  balance  of  any  REO  Properties  (and  market  value,  if
          available)  as of  the  close  of  business  on  the  last  day of the
          Prepayment Period preceding such Distribution Date;

                    (xii) with  respect to each Group,  the amount  equal to the
          sum of the  Stated  Principal  Balances  of the three  Loans  with the
          largest individual Stated Principal Balances;

                    (xiii) with  respect to the Class AF-1  Certificates,  Class
          AV-1 and Class B Certificates, the amount of the Net WAC Cap Carryover
          to be paid to such Class from the Net WAC Cap  Account  and the amount
          remaining unpaid;

                    (xiv) with respect to each Group,  the  aggregate  principal
          balance of Balloon Loans with original  terms less than or equal to 36
          months which are 60 or more days  contractually  past due (assuming 30
          day months) (including Loans in foreclosure and REO Properties) on the
          last day of the Prepayment Period preceding such Distribution Date;

                    (xv) with respect to each Group,  the  cumulative  aggregate
          amount of Realized Losses as of the last day of the Prepayment  Period
          preceding such Distribution Date;

                    (xvi)  with  respect  to the Class  AV-1  Certificates,  the
          amount of funds  withdrawn  from the Reserve Fund and included in such
          distribution  and the  outstanding  balance of the Reserve  Fund after
          giving effect to such distribution;

                    (xvii)  with  respect  to each  Group,  the  number of Loans
          repurchased   by  Sellers  during  the  Due  Period  related  to  such
          Distribution Date;

                    (xviii)  with respect to each Group,  the  weighted  average
          Mortgage Rate of the Outstanding  Loans,  such weighted  average to be
          calculated based on the principal  balances of such Outstanding  Loans
          on the first day of the Due Period related to such Distribution Date;

                    (xix)  with  respect to each  Group,  the  weighted  average
          maturity date of the Outstanding Loans;

                    (xx) the Targeted  Overcollateralization Amount after giving
          effect to such distribution;

                    (xxi) the amount of any Overcollateralization Release Amount
          included in the distribution on such Distribution Date;


                    (xxii) with respect to each Group, the cumulative  amount of
          Realized  Losses from the Cut-off Date through the last day of the Due
          Period relating to such Distribution Date;

                    (xxiii) any  Overcollateralization  Deficiency  after giving
          effect to the distribution of principal on such Distribution Date;

                    (xxiv)   whether  a  Trigger   Event  has  occurred  and  is
          continuing, and the cumulative Realized Losses, as a percentage of the
          original Pool Principal Balance;

                    (xxv) the aggregate  amount of 60+ Day Delinquent Loans as a
          percentage of the current Pool Principal Balance;

                    (xxvi) the amount of funds  collected  by the Trustee  under
          the Yield Maintenance Agreement during the Due Period relating to such
          Distribution Date; and

          (b) The Trustee's  responsibility for posting the above information on
its  website is limited to the  availability,  timeliness  and  accuracy  of the
information provided by the Servicer. On or before the 18th day of each calendar
month,  commencing in the month of the first Distribution Date hereunder,  or if
such day is not a Business Day, the next  succeeding  Business Day, the Servicer
shall  deliver to the Trustee a report,  in a form  acceptable  to the  Trustee,
containing  all of the necessary  information  for the Trustee to complete items
(i),  (v),  (vi),  (viii)-(xii),  (xiv),  (xv),  (xvii)-(xix)  and (xxii) of the
statement described in (a) above. The Trustee shall be responsible for obtaining
the necessary  information to complete items (ii), (iii),  (iv), (vii),  (xiii),
(xvi), (xx), (xxi), (xxiii)-(xxvi) of the statement described in (a) above.

          (c) Within a reasonable  period of time after the end of each calendar
year,  but in no case later than the time  prescribed by the Code and applicable
Treasury regulations, the Trustee shall cause to be furnished to each Person who
at any time  during  the  calendar  year was a  Certificateholder,  a  statement
containing the information set forth in clauses  (a)(i),  (a)(ii),  (a)(vii) and
(a)(xiii) of this Section 4.03  aggregated  for such calendar year or applicable
portion  thereof  during  which  such  Person  was  a  Certificateholder.   Such
obligation of the Trustee  shall be deemed to have been  satisfied to the extent
that  substantially  comparable  information  shall be  provided  by the Trustee
pursuant to any requirements of the Code as from time to time in effect.

          SECTION 4.04. Reporting.

          On each  Distribution  Date, the Servicer shall provide to the Trustee
current  information  of the type set forth in Schedule I hereto  presented in a
format substantially  similar to Exhibit K attached hereto and the Trustee shall
then forward such information to a reporting service mutually agreed upon by the
Servicer and the Trustee.


                                    ARTICLE V

                                THE CERTIFICATES

          SECTION 5.01. The Certificates.

          The  Certificates  shall be substantially in the forms attached hereto
as exhibits.  The Certificates  shall be issuable in the minimum  denominations,
integral  multiples in excess thereof (except that one Certificate in each Class
may be issued in a different  amount  which must be in excess of the  applicable
minimum  denomination)  and aggregate  denominations  per Class set forth in the
Preliminary Statement.

          Subject to Section 9.02 hereof  respecting the final  distribution  on
the Certificates, on each Distribution Date the Trustee shall make distributions
to each  Certificateholder  of record on the preceding Record Date either (a) by
wire transfer in immediately  available funds to the account of such Holder at a
bank or other entity having appropriate  facilities therefor, if (i) such Holder
has so  notified  the Trustee at least five  Business  Days prior to the related
Record  Date and (ii) such Holder  shall hold (A) 100% of the Class  Certificate
Balance or Percentage  Interest of any Class of Certificates or (B) Certificates
of  any  Class  with  an  aggregate  principal  Denomination  of not  less  than
$1,000,000 or (b) by check mailed by first class mail to such  Certificateholder
at the address of such Holder appearing in the Certificate Register.

          The Certificates shall be executed by manual or facsimile signature on
behalf of the Trustee by an authorized officer.  Certificates bearing the manual
or  facsimile  signatures  of  individuals  who  were,  at the  time  when  such
signatures were affixed,  authorized to sign on behalf of the Trustee shall bind
the Trustee, notwithstanding that such individuals or any of them have ceased to
be so authorized prior to the countersignature and delivery of such Certificates
or did not hold such  offices at the date of such  Certificate.  No  Certificate
shall be  entitled  to any  benefit  under this  Agreement,  or be valid for any
purpose,  unless  countersigned  by the  Trustee by manual  signature,  and such
countersignature upon any Certificate shall be conclusive evidence, and the only
evidence,  that such Certificate has been duly executed and delivered hereunder.
All  Certificates  shall be dated  the  date of their  countersignature.  On the
Closing Date, the Trustee shall countersign the Certificates to be issued at the
direction of the Depositor, or any affiliate thereof.

          The Depositor shall provide,  or cause to be provided,  to the Trustee
on a continuous  basis,  an adequate  inventory of  Certificates  to  facilitate

          SECTION  5.02.  Certificate  Register;  Registration  of Transfer  and
          Exchange of Certificates.

          (a)  The  Trustee  shall  maintain,  or  cause  to  be  maintained  in
accordance  with the provisions of Section 5.06 hereof,  a Certificate  Register
for the Trust Fund in which,  subject to the provisions of  subsections  (b) and
(c) below and to such  reasonable  regulations as it may prescribe,  the Trustee
shall  provide  for  the  registration  of  Certificates  and of  transfers  and
exchanges of Certificates as herein provided. Upon surrender for registration of
transfer of any Certificate,  the Trustee shall execute and deliver, in the name
of the designated transferee or transferees, one or more new Certificates of the
same Class and aggregate Percentage Interest.


          At the option of a  Certificateholder,  Certificates  may be exchanged
for  other  Certificates  of the same  Class  in  authorized  denominations  and
evidencing  the  same  aggregate  Percentage  Interest  upon  surrender  of  the
Certificates  to be exchanged  at the office or agency of the Trustee.  Whenever
any  Certificates  are so surrendered  for exchange,  the Trustee shall execute,
authenticate,  and deliver the Certificates which the  Certificateholder  making
the exchange is entitled to receive.  Every Certificate presented or surrendered
for  registration  of  transfer or exchange  shall be  accompanied  by a written
instrument  of  transfer  in the form of Exhibit G duly  executed  by the Holder
thereof or his attorney duly authorized in writing.

          No  service  charge  to the  Certificateholders  shall be made for any
registration  of  transfer or  exchange  of  Certificates,  but payment of a sum
sufficient  to cover  any tax or  governmental  charge  that may be  imposed  in
connection with any transfer or exchange of Certificates may be required.

          All Certificates  surrendered for registration of transfer or exchange
shall be canceled and  subsequently  destroyed by the Trustee in accordance with
the Trustee's customary procedures.

          (b) Except for the initial  transfer of the Class X  Certificates  and
Class  R  Certificates,  no  transfer  of a  Class  X  Certificate  or  Class  R
Certificate  shall be made unless such transfer is made pursuant to an effective
registration  statement  under  the  Securities  Act  and any  applicable  state
securities laws or is exempt from the registration  requirements  under said Act
and such state  securities  laws.  In the event that a transfer is to be made in
reliance upon an exemption  from the  Securities  Act and such laws, in order to
assure   compliance   with  the   Securities   Act  and  such   laws,   (i)  the
Certificateholder  desiring to effect such transfer and such Certificateholder's
prospective  transferee  shall each  certify to the Trustee in writing the facts
surrounding the transfer,  the  Certificateholder by delivering a certificate in
substantially the form set forth in Exhibit G (the "Transferor Certificate") and
the  Certificateholder's  prospective  transferee  by  delivering  a  letter  in
substantially the form of either Exhibit H (the "Investment  Letter") or Exhibit
I (the "Rule 144A  Letter") or (ii) there shall be  delivered  to the Trustee at
the expense of the  transferor  an Opinion of Counsel that such  transfer may be
made  pursuant to an exemption  from the  Securities  Act. The  Depositor  shall
provide to any Holder of a Class X Certificate  or Class R  Certificate  and any
prospective transferee designated by any such Holder,  information regarding the
related  Certificates  and the  Loans  and such  other  information  as shall be
necessary to satisfy the condition to eligibility  set forth in Rule  144A(d)(4)
for transfer of any such  Certificate  without  registration  thereof  under the
Securities Act pursuant to the registration exemption provided by Rule 144A. The
Trustee and the Servicer  shall  cooperate  with the  Depositor in providing the
Rule 144A information referenced in the preceding sentence,  including providing
to the Depositor  such  information  regarding the  Certificates,  the Loans and
other matters regarding the Trust Fund as the Depositor shall reasonably request
to meet its obligation  under the preceding  sentence.  Each Holder of a Class X
Certificate or Class R Certificate  desiring to effect such transfer shall,  and
does hereby agree to,  indemnify the Trustee and the Depositor,  the Sellers and
the  Servicer  against any  liability  that may result if the transfer is not so
exempt or is not made in accordance with such federal and state laws.

          No transfer of an  ERISA-Restricted  Certificate  shall be made unless
the Trustee shall have received (i) a representation  letter from the transferee
substantially in the form of Exhibit H or Exhibit I, to the effect that (x) such
transferee is not an employee benefit plan or arrangement subject to Section 406
of ERISA or a plan or  arrangement  subject to Section  4975 of the Code,  nor a
person acting on behalf of any such plan or arrangement, nor using the assets of
any such plan or  arrangement to effect such transfer or (y) if the purchaser is
an  insurance  company  and the ERISA  Restricted  Certificate  is not a Class R
Certificate  and has been the  subject of an ERISA  Qualifying  Underwriting,  a
representation  that the  purchaser is an insurance  company which is purchasing
such Certificates with funds contained in an "insurance company general account"
(as such  term is  defined  in  Section  V(e) of  Prohibited  Transaction  Class
Exemption  95-60  ("PTCE  95-60"))  and that the  purchase  and  holding of such
Certificates  are


covered  under  Sections I and III of PTCE 95-60 or (ii) in the case of any such
ERISA-Restricted  Certificate  presented  for  registration  in the  name  of an
employee  benefit plan  subject to ERISA,  or a plan or  arrangement  subject to
Section  4975  of  the  Code  (or   comparable   provisions  of  any  subsequent
enactments),  or a trustee of any such plan or any other person acting on behalf
of any such plan or arrangement,  or using such plan's or arrangement's  assets,
an Opinion of Counsel  satisfactory  to the  Trustee,  which  Opinion of Counsel
shall not be an expense of either the  Trustee or the Trust Fund,  addressed  to
the Trustee to the effect that the purchase or holding of such  ERISA-Restricted
Certificate  will not result in the assets of the Trust Fund being  deemed to be
"plan assets" and subject to the prohibited  transaction provisions of ERISA and
the Code and will not subject the Trustee to any obligation in addition to those
expressly  undertaken  in this  Agreement or to any  liability.  Notwithstanding
anything  else  to  the  contrary   herein,   any   purported   transfer  of  an
ERISA-Restricted Certificate to or on behalf of an employee benefit plan subject
to ERISA or to the Code  without  the  delivery  to the Trustee of an Opinion of
Counsel  satisfactory  to the Trustee as described above shall be void and of no

          To the extent  permitted  under  applicable  law  (including,  but not
limited to,  ERISA),  the Trustee  shall be under no liability to any Person for
any registration of transfer of any ERISA-Restricted Certificate that is in fact
not  permitted  by this  Section  5.02(b) or for making any payments due on such
Certificate  to the Holder  thereof or taking any other  action with  respect to
such Holder under the  provisions of this  Agreement so long as the transfer was
registered by the Trustee in accordance with the foregoing requirements.

          (c) Each Person who has or who  acquires any  Ownership  Interest in a
Class R Certificate  shall be deemed by the  acceptance or  acquisition  of such
Ownership Interest to have agreed to be bound by the following  provisions,  and
the  rights  of  each  Person  acquiring  any  Ownership  Interest  in a Class R
Certificate are expressly subject to the following provisions:

                    (i) Each Person holding or acquiring any Ownership  Interest
          in a Class R  Certificate  shall be a Permitted  Transferee  and shall
          promptly  notify the Trustee of any change or impending  change in its
          status as a Permitted Transferee.

                    (ii) No Ownership  Interest in a Class R Certificate  may be
          registered  on the Closing  Date or  thereafter  transferred,  and the
          Trustee  shall not register  the  Transfer of any Class R  Certificate
          unless,  in addition to the  certificates  required to be delivered to
          the Trustee under  subparagraph (b) above, the Trustee shall have been
          furnished  with an affidavit (a "Transfer  Affidavit")  of the initial
          owner or the  proposed  transferee  in the  form  attached  hereto  as
          Exhibit F.

                    (iii)  Each  Person   holding  or  acquiring  any  Ownership
          Interest in a Class R Certificate shall agree (A) to obtain a Transfer
          Affidavit  from any  other  Person  to whom such  Person  attempts  to
          Transfer  its  Ownership  Interest  in a Class R  Certificate,  (B) to
          obtain a Transfer  Affidavit  from any Person for whom such  Person is
          acting as nominee, trustee or agent in connection with any Transfer of
          a Class R Certificate  and (C) not to Transfer its Ownership  Interest
          in a Class R  Certificate  or to cause the  Transfer  of an  Ownership
          Interest in a Class R Certificate to any other Person if it has actual
          knowledge that such Person is not a Permitted Transferee.

                    (iv) Any  attempted or purported  Transfer of any  Ownership
          Interest in a Class R  Certificate  in violation of the  provisions of
          this Section  5.02(c) shall be absolutely null and void and shall vest
          no rights in the purported  Transferee.  If any  purported  transferee
          shall  become a Holder of a Class R  Certificate  in  violation of the
          provisions of this Section 5.02(c),


          then the last preceding Permitted  Transferee shall be restored to all
          rights as Holder thereof  retroactive to the date of  registration  of
          Transfer of such Class R  Certificate.  The Trustee  shall be under no
          liability to any Person for any  registration of Transfer of a Class R
          Certificate  that is in fact  not  permitted  by this  Section  or for
          making any payments due on such  Certificate  to the Holder thereof or
          taking  any  other  action  with  respect  to such  Holder  under  the
          provisions  of this  Agreement so long as the Transfer was  registered
          after   receipt  of  the  related   Transfer   Affidavit,   Transferor
          Certificate and either the Rule 144A Letter or the Investment  Letter.
          The Trustee  shall be entitled  but not  obligated to recover from any
          Holder  of a Class R  Certificate  that  was in fact  not a  Permitted
          Transferee at the time it became a Holder or, at such  subsequent time
          as it became other than a Permitted  Transferee,  all payments made on
          such Class R  Certificate  at and after  either  such  time.  Any such
          payments so  recovered by the Trustee  shall be paid and  delivered by
          the  Trustee  to the  last  preceding  Permitted  Transferee  of  such

                    (v)  The  Depositor  shall  use  its  best  efforts  to make
          available,  upon  receipt of written  request  from the  Trustee,  all
          information necessary to compute any tax imposed under Section 860E(e)
          of the Code as a result of a Transfer  of an  Ownership  Interest in a
          Class R Certificate to any Holder who is not a Permitted Transferee.

          The  restrictions  on Transfers of a Class R Certificate  set forth in
this Section  5.02(c) shall cease to apply (and the  applicable  portions of the
legend on a Class R  Certificate  may be  deleted)  with  respect  to  Transfers
occurring after delivery to the Trustee of an Opinion of Counsel,  which Opinion
of Counsel shall not be an expense of the Trust Fund,  the Trustee,  the Sellers
or the Servicer,  to the effect that the elimination of such  restrictions  will
not cause the Trust Fund  hereunder  to fail to qualify as one or more REMICs at
any time that the  Certificates  are  outstanding or result in the imposition of
any tax on the Trust Fund, a  Certificateholder  or another Person.  Each Person
holding or acquiring  any  Ownership  Interest in a Class R  Certificate  hereby
consents  to any  amendment  of this  Agreement  which,  based on an  Opinion of
Counsel furnished to the Trustee, is reasonably necessary (A) to ensure that the
record ownership of, or any beneficial interest in, a Class R Certificate is not
transferred,  directly  or  indirectly,  to a  Person  that  is not a  Permitted
Transferee  and (B) to provide  for a means to compel the  Transfer of a Class R
Certificate  which is held by a Person that is not a Permitted  Transferee  to a
Holder that is a Permitted Transferee.

          (d) The  preparation  and  delivery of all  certificates  and opinions
referred to above in this Section 5.02 in connection  with transfer  shall be at
the expense of the parties to such transfers.

          (e) Except as provided below, the Book-Entry Certificates shall at all
times remain  registered in the name of the Depository or its nominee and at all
times:  (i)  registration  of the  Certificates  may not be  transferred  by the
Trustee  except  to  another  Depository;  (ii) the  Depository  shall  maintain
book-entry  records  with respect to the  Beneficial  Owners and with respect to
ownership and transfers of such  Book-Entry  Certificates;  (iii)  ownership and
transfers of  registration  of the Book-Entry  Certificates  on the books of the
Depository shall be governed by applicable rules  established by the Depository;
(iv) the  Depository  may  collect  its usual and  customary  fees,  charges and
expenses from its Depository  Participants;  (v) the Trustee shall deal with the
Depository,   Depository   Participants  and  indirect  participating  firms  as
representatives  of the  Beneficial  Owners of the Book-Entry  Certificates  for
purposes of exercising the rights of Holders under this Agreement,  and requests
and directions for and votes of such  representatives  shall not be deemed to be
inconsistent if they are made with respect to different  Beneficial  Owners; and
(vi) the  Trustee  may  rely  and  shall be  fully  protected  in  relying  upon
information   furnished  by  the  Depository  with  respect  to  its  Depository
Participants  and  furnished  by the  Depository  Participants  with  respect to
indirect  participating  firms and persons  shown on the books of such  indirect
participating firms as direct or indirect Beneficial Owners.


          All transfers by Beneficial Owners of Book-Entry Certificates shall be
made in accordance with the procedures established by the Depository Participant
or  brokerage  firm   representing   such  Beneficial   Owner.  Each  Depository
Participant shall only transfer Book-Entry  Certificates of Beneficial Owners it
represents or of brokerage  firms for which it acts as agent in accordance  with
the Depository's normal procedures.

          If (x) (i) the  Servicer  advises  the  Trustee  in  writing  that the
Depository   is  no  longer   willing  or  able  to   properly   discharge   its
responsibilities  as  Depository,  and (ii) the  Trustee  is  unable to locate a
qualified  successor,  (y) the  Servicer  at its option  advises  the Trustee in
writing that it elects to terminate the book-entry system through the Depository
or (z) after the occurrence of an Event of Default or the resignation or removal
of the Servicer,  Beneficial Owners  representing at least 51% of the sum of the
then  outstanding  Class  Certificate  Balance  of all  Book-Entry  Certificates
together  advise the  Depository,  either  directly  or through  the  Depository
Participants,  in writing (with  instructions  to notify the Trustee in writing)
that the continuation of a book-entry system through the Depository is no longer
in the best  interests of the Beneficial  Owners.  Upon the occurrence of any of
the events described in the immediately  preceding  sentence,  the Trustee shall
notify  all  Beneficial  Owners of the  occurrence  of any such event and of the
availability through the Depository of definitive, fully-registered Certificates
(the "Definitive  Certificates")  to Beneficial Owners requesting the same. Upon
surrender to the Trustee of the related Class of Certificates by the Depository,
accompanied  by the  instructions  from the  Depository  for  registration,  the
Trustee  shall issue the  Definitive  Certificates.  Neither the  Servicer,  the
Depositor  nor the  Trustee  shall be liable for any delay in  delivery  of such
instruction and each may conclusively rely on, and shall be protected in relying
on, such  instructions.  The Servicer shall provide the Trustee with an adequate
inventory of  certificates to facilitate the issuance and transfer of Definitive
Certificates. Upon the issuance of Definitive Certificates all references herein
to obligations imposed upon or to be performed by the Depository shall be deemed
to be imposed upon and performed by the Trustee,  to the extent  applicable with
respect to such  Definitive  Certificates  and the Trustee  shall  recognize the
Holders of the Definitive Certificates as Certificateholders hereunder; provided
that the  Trustee  shall  not by virtue of its  assumption  of such  obligations
become liable to any party for any act or failure to act of the Depository.

          SECTION 5.03. Mutilated, Destroyed, Lost or Stolen Certificates.

          If (a) any mutilated Certificate is surrendered to the Trustee, or the
Trustee receives evidence to its satisfaction of the destruction,  loss or theft
of any  Certificate  and (b) there is  delivered to the Servicer and the Trustee
such  security  or  indemnity  as may be  required  by them to save each of them
harmless,  then,  in the absence of notice to the Trustee that such  Certificate
has  been  acquired  by a  bona  fide  purchaser,  the  Trustee  shall  execute,
countersign  and  deliver,  in  exchange  for or in lieu of any such  mutilated,
destroyed,  lost or stolen  Certificate,  a new Certificate of like Class, tenor
and Percentage Interest.  In connection with the issuance of any new Certificate
under this Section 5.03, the Trustee may require the payment of a sum sufficient
to cover any tax or other  governmental  charge  that may be imposed in relation
thereto and any other expenses  (including the fees and expenses of the Trustee)
connected therewith. Any replacement Certificate issued pursuant to this Section
5.03 shall  constitute  complete and indefeasible  evidence of ownership,  as if
originally  issued,  whether or not the lost,  stolen or  destroyed  Certificate
shall be found at any time.

          SECTION 5.04. Persons Deemed Owners.

          The Servicer, the Trustee and any agent of the Servicer or the Trustee
may treat the Person in whose name any Certificate is registered as the owner of
such Certificate for the purpose of


receiving distributions as provided in this Agreement and for all other purposes
whatsoever,  and neither the Servicer, the Trustee nor any agent of the Servicer
or the Trustee shall be affected by any notice to the contrary.

          SECTION  5.05.  Access  to  List  of  Certificateholders'   Names  and

          If three or more  Certificateholders  (a) request such  information in
writing  from the  Trustee,  (b) state  that such  Certificateholders  desire to
communicate  with other  Certificateholders  with  respect to their rights under
this  Agreement  or  under  the  Certificates  and  (c)  provide  a copy  of the
communication  which  such  Certificateholders  propose to  transmit,  or if the
Depositor  or  Servicer  shall  request  such  information  in writing  from the
Trustee,  then the Trustee shall,  within ten Business Days after the receipt of
such request,  provide the Depositor, the Servicer or such Certificateholders at
such recipients' expense the most recent list of the  Certificateholders of such
Trust   Fund  held  by  the   Trustee,   if  any.   The   Depositor   and  every
Certificateholder,  by  receiving  and  holding a  Certificate,  agree  that the

Trustee shall not be held  accountable  by reason of the  disclosure of any such
information as to the list of the  Certificateholders  hereunder,  regardless of
the source from which such information was derived.

          SECTION 5.06. Maintenance of Office or Agency.

          The Trustee will  maintain or cause to be maintained at its expense an
office or offices or agency or agencies in New York City where  Certificates may
be surrendered for registration of transfer or exchange.  The Trustee  initially
designates its Corporate  Trust Office for such purposes.  The Trustee will give
prompt written notice to the  Certificateholders  of any change in such location
of any such office or agency.

                                   ARTICLE VI

                         THE DEPOSITOR AND THE SERVICER

          SECTION  6.01.  Respective   Liabilities  of  the  Depositor  and  the

          The  Depositor  and the  Servicer  shall each be liable in  accordance
herewith only to the extent of the  obligations  specifically  and  respectively
imposed upon and undertaken by them herein.

          SECTION  6.02.  Merger  or  Consolidation  of  the  Depositor  or  the

          The  Depositor  and the  Servicer  will each keep in full effect their
respective  existence,  rights and franchises as a corporation under the laws of
the United  States or under the laws of one of the states  thereof and will each
obtain and preserve their respective  qualifications to do business as a foreign
corporation  in each  jurisdiction  in which such  qualification  is or shall be
necessary to protect the validity and  enforceability of this Agreement,  or any
of the Loans and to perform its respective duties under this Agreement.

          Any Person into which the  Depositor  or the Servicer may be merged or
consolidated,  or any Person resulting from any merger or consolidation to which
the Depositor or the Servicer shall be a party, or any person  succeeding to the
business  of the  Depositor  or the  Servicer,  shall  be the  successor  of


the  Depositor  or the  Servicer,  as the case may be,  hereunder,  without  the
execution  or filing of any paper or any  further  act on the part of any of the
parties  hereto,  anything  herein to the  contrary  notwithstanding;  provided,
however,  that the  successor  or  surviving  Person  to the  Servicer  shall be
qualified to sell mortgage loans to, and to service mortgage loans on behalf of,

          SECTION 6.03.  Limitation on Liability of the Depositor,  the Sellers,
          the Servicer and Others.

          None  of  the  Depositor,  the  Sellers,  the  Servicer  or any of the
directors,  officers,  employees or agents of the Depositor,  the Sellers or the
Servicer shall be under any liability to the  Certificateholders  for any action
taken or for refraining  from the taking of any action in good faith pursuant to
this  Agreement,  or for  errors  in  judgment;  provided,  however,  that  this
provision shall not protect the Depositor, the Sellers, the Servicer or any such
Person against any breach of  representations or warranties made by it herein or
protect the  Depositor,  the  Sellers,  the Servicer or any such Person from any
liability  which would  otherwise be imposed by reasons of willful  misfeasance,
bad  faith or gross  negligence  in the  performance  of  duties or by reason of
reckless  disregard of obligations  and duties  hereunder.  The  Depositor,  the
Sellers,  the  Servicer  and any  director,  officer,  employee  or agent of the
Depositor, the Sellers or the Servicer may rely in good faith on any document of
any kind prima facie  properly  executed and submitted by any Person  respecting
any matters arising hereunder.  The Depositor, the Sellers, the Servicer and any
director,  officer,  employee  or agent of the  Depositor,  the  Sellers  or the
Servicer shall be  indemnified  by the Trust Fund and held harmless  against any
loss, liability or expense incurred in connection with any audit, controversy or
judicial  proceeding  relating to a governmental  taxing  authority or any legal
action  relating to this  Agreement  or the  Certificates,  other than any loss,
liability or expense  related to any specific  Loan or Loans (except as any such
loss,  liability  or expense  shall be otherwise  reimbursable  pursuant to this
Agreement)  and any loss,  liability  or expense  incurred  by reason of willful
misfeasance,  bad  faith  or  gross  negligence  in the  performance  of  duties
hereunder  or  by  reason  of  reckless  disregard  of  obligations  and  duties
hereunder. None of the Depositor, the Sellers or the Servicer shall be under any
obligation  to appear  in,  prosecute  or defend  any legal  action  that is not
incidental  to its  respective  duties  hereunder  and which in its  opinion may
involve  it in any  expense or  liability;  provided,  however,  that any of the
Depositor,  the Sellers or the Servicer may in its discretion undertake any such
action that it may deem  necessary or desirable in respect of this Agreement and
the rights and duties of the parties hereto and interests of the Trustee and the
Certificateholders  hereunder.  In such event,  the legal  expenses and costs of
such action and any liability resulting  therefrom shall be expenses,  costs and
liabilities of the Trust Fund,  and the Depositor,  the Sellers and the Servicer
shall be entitled to be reimbursed therefor out of the Certificate Account.

          SECTION 6.04. Limitation on Resignation of Servicer.

          The Servicer shall not resign from the  obligations  and duties hereby
imposed on it except (a) upon appointment of a successor servicer and receipt by
the  Trustee of a letter from each Rating  Agency  that such a  resignation  and
appointment  will  not  result  in a  downgrading  of the  rating  of any of the
Certificates or (b) upon  determination  that its duties hereunder are no longer
permissible  under  applicable  law.  Any such  determination  under  clause (b)
permitting  the  resignation of the Servicer shall be evidenced by an Opinion of
Counsel to such effect  delivered  to the  Trustee.  No such  resignation  shall
become  effective  until the Trustee or a successor  servicer shall have assumed
the Servicer's responsibilities, duties, liabilities and obligations hereunder.


          SECTION 6.05. Indemnification.

          The Servicer  agrees to indemnify and hold the Trustee,  the Depositor
and  each  Certificateholder  harmless  against  any  and  all  claims,  losses,
penalties, fines, forfeitures,  legal fees and related costs, judgments, and any
other  costs,  fees  and  expenses  that  the  Trustee,  the  Depositor  or  any
Certificateholder  may sustain directly resulting from the negligence or willful
misconduct of the Servicer in the performance of its duties  hereunder or in the
servicing  of the  Loans in  compliance  with the terms of this  Agreement.  The
Servicer  shall  not be liable or  responsible  for any of the  representations,
covenants,  warranties,  responsibilities,  duties or  liabilities  of any prior
servicer.  The Servicer shall immediately notify the Trustee,  the Depositor and
each Certificateholder if a claim is made by a third party for which any of such
parties could require indemnification from the Servicer under this Section 6.05,
and the  Servicer  shall assume (with the consent of the Trustee) the defense of
any such claim and  advance  all  expenses in  connection  therewith,  including
reasonable  counsel  fees,  and promptly  advance  funds to pay,  discharge  and
satisfy  any  non-appealable,  final  judgment  or decree  which may be  entered
against the Servicer, the Trustee, the Depositor and/or the Certificateholder in
respect of such claim.  The  indemnity  provided  for in this Section 6.05 shall
survive the termination of the Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE VII


          SECTION 7.01. Events of Default.

          "Event  of  Default,"  wherever  used  herein,  means  any  one of the
following events:

                    (i)  any   failure  by  the   Servicer  to  deposit  in  the
          Certificate  Account or remit to the Trustee any payment (other than a
          payment  required to be made under Section 4.01 hereof) required to be
          made with respect to any Class of Certificates under the terms of this
          Agreement,  which failure shall  continue  unremedied for 5 days after
          the date upon which  written  notice of such  failure  shall have been
          given (a) to the  Servicer by the Trustee or the  Depositor  or (b) to
          the  Servicer,  the  Depositor  and  the  Trustee  by the  Holders  of
          Certificates of such Class  evidencing not less than 25% of the Voting
          Rights allocated to such Class;

                    (ii) any failure by the  Servicer to duly observe or perform
          in any material  respect any other of the  covenants or  agreements on
          the part of the Servicer  contained in this  Agreement,  which failure
          shall  continue  unremedied  for a period of 30 days after the date on
          which written  notice of such failure shall have been given (a) to the
          Servicer by the Trustee or the Depositor or (b) to the  Servicer,  the
          Depositor and the Trustee by the Holders of  Certificates of any Class
          evidencing  not less than 25% of the Voting  Rights  allocated to such

                    (iii) a decree or order of a court or agency or  supervisory
          authority having jurisdiction in the premises for the appointment of a
          receiver  or  liquidator  in any  insolvency,  readjustment  of  debt,
          marshalling of assets and  liabilities or similar  proceeding,  or for
          the winding-up or liquidation of its affairs,  shall have been entered
          against the Servicer  and such decree or order shall have  remained in
          force undischarged or unstayed for a period of 60 consecutive days;


                    (iv) the  Servicer  shall  consent to the  appointment  of a
          receiver  or  liquidator  in any  insolvency,  readjustment  of  debt,
          marshalling  of assets and  liabilities  or similar  proceedings of or
          relating to the Servicer or all or  substantially  all of the property
          of the Servicer;

                    (v) the Servicer shall admit in writing its inability to pay
          its debts  generally  as they  become  due,  file a  petition  to take
          advantage  of, or commence a  voluntary  case  under,  any  applicable
          insolvency  or  reorganization  statute,  make an  assignment  for the
          benefit  of its  creditors,  or  voluntarily  suspend  payment  of its

                    (vi) so long as the Servicer is a Seller, any failure by any
          Seller to observe or perform in any material  respect any of the other
          covenants or  agreements  on the part of any Seller  contained in this
          Agreement,  which failure shall continue unremedied for a period of 60
          days after the date on which written notice of such failure shall have
          been given to such Seller by the Trustee or the Depositor,  or to such
          Seller and the  Trustee by the  Holders of  Certificates  of any Class
          evidencing  not less than 25% of the Voting  Rights  allocated to such
          Class; or

                    (vii) any failure of the Servicer to make any Advance in the
          manner and at the time  required to be made  pursuant to Section  4.01
          which  continues  unremedied  for a period of 1 Business Day after the
          date of such failure.

          If an Event  of  Default  described  in  clauses  (i) to (vii) of this
Section  shall  occur,  then,  and in each and every such case,  so long as such
Event of Default  shall not have been  remedied,  the  Trustee  may,  and at the
direction of the Holders of Certificates  of any Class  evidencing not less than
25% of the Voting  Rights  allocated to such Class,  by notice in writing to the
Servicer (with a copy to each Rating Agency) shall,  terminate all of the rights
and obligations of the Servicer under this Agreement and in and to the Loans and
the proceeds thereof, other than its rights as a Certificateholder hereunder. On
and after the receipt by the Servicer of such written notice,  all authority and
power of the Servicer hereunder, whether with respect to the Loans or otherwise,
shall pass to and be vested in the Trustee.  The Trustee shall,  subject to 3.04
hereof, thereupon make any Advance described in clause (vii) hereof. The Trustee
is hereby  authorized  and  empowered to execute and  deliver,  on behalf of the
Servicer,  as  attorney-in-fact  or  otherwise,  any and all documents and other
instruments,  and to do or  accomplish  all other  acts or things  necessary  or
appropriate  to effect the  purposes of such notice of  termination,  whether to
complete the transfer and  endorsement  or  assignment  of the Loans and related
documents,  or otherwise.  Unless expressly  provided in such written notice, no
such termination shall affect any obligation of the Servicer to pay amounts owed
pursuant to Article VIII.  The Servicer  agrees to cooperate with the Trustee in
effecting  the  termination  of  the  Servicer's   responsibilities  and  rights
hereunder,  including,  without  limitation,  the transfer to the Trustee of all
cash amounts which shall at the time be credited to the Certificate  Account, or
thereafter be received with respect to the Loans.

          The Trustee shall be entitled to be  reimbursed  from the Servicer (or
by the Trust Fund if the Servicer  does not fulfill its  obligations  hereunder)
for all costs  associated  with the transfer of servicing  from the  predecessor
Servicer,  including,  without limitation, any costs or expenses associated with
the complete  transfer of all servicing data and the  completion,  correction or
manipulation of such servicing data as may be required by the Trustee to correct
any errors or  insufficiencies  in the servicing data or otherwise to enable the
Trustee  to  service  the  Loans  properly  and  effectively,  costs  reasonably
allocable  to  specific  employees  and  overhead,   legal  fees  and  expenses,
accounting  and  financial  consulting  fees and  expenses,  costs  or  expenses
associated  with the transfer of all  servicing  files and costs of amending the
Agreement,   if  necessary.  If  the  terminated  Servicer  does  not  pay  such
reimbursement  within  thirty (30) days of its  receipt of an invoice  therefor,
such  reimbursement  shall be an expense of the Trust Fund and the Trustee shall
be  entitled  to  receive  such  reimbursement  from  amounts  on deposit in the
Certificate Account pursuant to Section 3.08(a)(vii)(B) or from the Distribution
Account  pursuant  to Section


3.08(b)(i),  as  applicable,  in an amount not to exceed the  Trustee  Permitted
Withdrawal  Amount and to receive all amounts in excess of the Trustee Permitted
Withdrawal Amount pursuant to Sections 4.02(a)(i)(A) and 4.02(a)(ii)(A).

          Notwithstanding  any  termination  of the  activities  of the Servicer
hereunder, the Servicer shall be entitled to receive, out of any late collection
of a Scheduled  Payment on a Loan which was due prior to the notice  terminating
such Servicer's rights and obligations as Servicer  hereunder and received after
such  notice,  that  portion  thereof  to which  such  Servicer  would have been
entitled pursuant to Sections  3.08(a)(i)  through (viii), and any other amounts
payable to such Servicer  hereunder the  entitlement to which arose prior to the
termination of its activities hereunder.

          SECTION 7.02. Trustee to Act; Appointment of Successor.

          On and after the time the  Servicer  receives a notice of  termination
pursuant to Section 7.01 hereof, the Trustee shall, subject to and to the extent
provided in Section  3.04,  be the  successor to the Servicer in its capacity as
servicer  under this  Agreement and the  transactions  set forth or provided for
herein and shall be subject to all the responsibilities,  duties and liabilities
relating  thereto placed on the Servicer by the terms and provisions  hereof and
applicable  law  including the  obligation to make Advances  pursuant to Section
4.01.  As  compensation  therefor,  the  Trustee  shall be entitled to all funds
relating to the Loans that the  Servicer  would have been  entitled to charge to
the Certificate Account or Distribution Account if the Servicer had continued to
act  hereunder.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if the Trustee has become the
successor to the Servicer in  accordance  with Section 7.01 hereof,  the Trustee
may,  if it shall be  unwilling  to so act,  or shall,  if it is  prohibited  by
applicable law from making Advances  pursuant to Section 4.01 hereof or if it is
otherwise  unable  to  so  act,  appoint,  or  petition  a  court  of  competent
jurisdiction to appoint, any established mortgage loan servicing institution the
appointment  of which does not adversely  affect the then current  rating of the
Certificates by each Rating Agency as the successor to the Servicer hereunder in
the assumption of all or any part of the responsibilities, duties or liabilities
of the Servicer hereunder. Any successor to the Servicer shall be an institution
which is a FNMA and FHLMC approved seller/servicer in good standing, which has a
net worth of at least $10,000,000, and which is willing to service the Loans and
executes and delivers to the  Depositor  and the Trustee an agreement  accepting
such delegation and  assignment,  which contains an assumption by such Person of
the rights, powers, duties, responsibilities, obligations and liabilities of the
Servicer  (other than  liabilities  of the  Servicer  under  Section 6.03 hereof
incurred prior to  termination  of the Servicer  under Section 7.01),  with like
effect as if originally named as a party to this Agreement; and provided further
that no such delegation and assignment shall become effective unless each Rating
Agency  acknowledges  that its rating of the Certificates in effect  immediately
prior to such  delegation and  assignment  will not be qualified or reduced as a
result of such delegation and assignment.  Pending appointment of a successor to
the Servicer  hereunder,  the Trustee,  unless the Trustee is  prohibited by law
from so acting,  shall,  subject to Section 3.04 hereof, act in such capacity as
hereinabove  provided.  In connection with such appointment and assumption,  the
Trustee may make such arrangements for the compensation of such successor out of
payments on Loans as it and such successor shall agree; provided,  however, that
no such  compensation  shall be in excess of the  Servicing  Fee  permitted  the
Servicer  hereunder.  The Trustee  and such  successor  shall take such  action,
consistent  with this  Agreement,  as shall be necessary to effectuate  any such
succession. Neither the Trustee nor any other successor servicer shall be deemed
to be in default  hereunder  by reason of any  failure to make,  or any delay in
making,  any  distribution  hereunder  or any portion  thereof or any failure to
perform, or any delay in performing,  any duties or responsibilities  hereunder,
in either case caused by the failure of the  Servicer to deliver or provide,  or
any delay in  delivering  or  providing,  any cash,  information,  documents  or
records to it.


          Any  successor  to the  Servicer as servicer  shall give notice to the
Mortgagors of such change of servicer.

          SECTION 7.03. Notification to Certificateholders.

          (a)  Upon  any  termination  or  appointment  of a  successor  to  the
Servicer,   the  Trustee   shall  give   prompt   written   notice   thereof  to
Certificateholders and to each Rating Agency.

          (b) Within 60 days after the  occurrence of any Event of Default,  the
Trustee  shall  transmit by mail to all  Certificateholders  notice of each such
Event of Default  hereunder  known to the Trustee,  unless such Event of Default
shall have been cured or waived.

          SECTION 7.04. Survivability of Servicer Liabilities.

          Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary,  upon termination of
the Servicer  hereunder,  any liabilities of the Servicer which accrued prior to
such termination shall survive such termination.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                             CONCERNING THE TRUSTEE

          SECTION 8.01. Duties of Trustee.

          The Trustee, prior to the occurrence of an Event of Default of which a
Responsible  Officer of the Trustee  shall have actual  knowledge  and after the
curing of all Events of  Default  that may have  occurred,  shall  undertake  to
perform such duties and only such duties as are  specifically  set forth in this
Agreement.  In case an Event of  Default of which a  Responsible  Officer of the
Trustee shall have actual  knowledge has occurred and remains uncured or waived,
the Trustee  shall  exercise  such of the rights and powers vested in it by this
Agreement,  and use the same  degree  of care and skill in their  exercise  as a
prudent Person would exercise or use under the  circumstances  in the conduct of
such Person's own affairs.

          The   Trustee,   upon  receipt  of  all   resolutions,   certificates,
statements,  opinions, reports, documents, orders or other instruments furnished
to the Trustee that are  specifically  required to be furnished  pursuant to any
provision of this Agreement shall examine them to determine  whether they are in
the form required by this Agreement;  provided,  however, that the Trustee shall
not  be  responsible  for  the  accuracy  or  content  of any  such  resolution,
certificate, statement, opinion, report, document, order or other instrument.

          Unless  an Event of  Default  of which a  Responsible  Officer  of the
Trustee shall have actual  knowledge shall have occurred and be continuing,  the
duties and obligations of the Trustee shall be determined  solely by the express
provisions  of this  Agreement,  the Trustee  shall not be liable except for the
performance of such duties and obligations as are specifically set forth in this
Agreement, no implied covenants or obligations shall be read into this Agreement
against the Trustee and the Trustee may  conclusively  rely,  as to the truth of
the statements and the correctness of the opinions expressed  therein,  upon any
certificates  or  opinions  furnished  to  the  Trustee  and  conforming  to the
requirements of this


Agreement  which it  believed  in good faith to be genuine and to have been duly
executed by the proper authorities respecting any matters arising hereunder.

          The Trustee  shall not be liable for an error of judgment made in good
faith by a Responsible Officer or other officers of the Trustee, unless it shall
be finally proven that the Trustee was negligent in  ascertaining  the pertinent

          The  Trustee  shall not be liable  with  respect to any action  taken,
suffered  or  omitted to be taken by it in good  faith in  accordance  with this
Agreement or with the direction of the Holders of  Certificates  evidencing  not
less than 25% of the Voting  Rights of the  Certificates  relating  to the time,
method and place of conducting any  proceeding  for any remedy  available to the
Trustee,  or exercising any trust or power conferred upon the Trustee under this

          Subject to the other provisions of this Agreement and without limiting
the  generality of this Section 8.01,  the Trustee shall have no duty (A) to see
to any  recording,  filing,  or  depositing  of this  Agreement or any agreement
referred  to  herein  or  any  financing  statement  or  continuation  statement
evidencing  a  security  interest,  or to  see to the  maintenance  of any  such
recording  or  filing  or  depositing  or  to  any  re-recording,   refiling  or
redepositing  of any  thereof,  (B) to see to any  insurance,  (C) to see to the
payment or discharge of any tax, assessment, or other governmental charge or any
lien or  encumbrance  of any kind  owing with  respect  to,  assessed  or levied
against  any part of the Trust  Fund  other  than from  funds  available  in the
Certificate  Account or (D) to confirm or verify the  contents of any reports or
certificates of the Servicer delivered to the Trustee pursuant to this Agreement
believed by the Trustee to be genuine  and to have been signed or  presented  by
the proper party or parties;  provided,  however,  that the  provisions  of this
Section  8.01(iv)  shall not apply during any period during which the Trustee is
acting in the capacity of servicer.

          Notwithstanding  anything  contained  in  this  Section  8.01  to  the
contrary,  no  provision  of this  Agreement  shall be  construed to relieve the
Trustee from liability for its own negligent  action,  its own negligent failure
to act or its own willful misconduct.

          SECTION 8.02 Certain Matters Affecting the Trustee.

          Except as otherwise provided in Section 8.01:

                    (i) the Trustee (acting as Trustee, Tax Matters Person or as
          agent of the Tax  Matters  Person for any REMIC) may  request and rely
          upon and shall be protected in acting or  refraining  from acting upon
          any resolution, Officers' Certificate, Opinion of Counsel, certificate
          of auditors or any other certificate,  statement, instrument, opinion,
          report, notice,  request,  consent,  order,  appraisal,  bond or other
          paper or document believed by it to be genuine and to have been signed
          or presented by the proper party or parties and the Trustee shall have
          no  responsibility  to  ascertain  or confirm the  genuineness  of any
          signature of any such party or parties;

                    (ii) the Trustee  (acting as Trustee,  Tax Matters Person or
          as agent of the Tax  Matters  Person for any REMIC) may  consult  with
          counsel,  financial advisers or accountants and the advice of any such
          counsel,  financial advisers or accountants and any Opinion of Counsel
          shall be full and complete  authorization and protection in respect of
          any action  taken or suffered or omitted by it hereunder in good faith
          and in accordance with such Opinion of Counsel;


                    (iii) the Trustee  shall not be liable for any action taken,
          suffered  or  omitted  by it in good  faith and  believed  by it to be
          authorized or within the discretion or rights or powers conferred upon
          it by this Agreement;

                    (iv)   the   Trustee   shall   not  be  bound  to  make  any
          investigation  into the facts or  matters  stated  in any  resolution,
          certificate,  statement, instrument, opinion, report, notice, request,
          consent,  order,  approval,  bond or other paper or  document,  unless
          requested  in writing so to do by Holders of  Certificates  evidencing
          not less than 25% of the  Voting  Rights  allocated  to each  Class of
          Certificates;   provided,  however,  that  if  the  payment  within  a
          reasonable  time to the Trustee of the costs,  expenses or liabilities
          likely to be incurred by it in the making of such investigation is, in
          the opinion of the Trustee,  not reasonably  assured to the Trustee by
          the  security  afforded  to it by the  terms  of this  Agreement,  the
          Trustee may require reasonable indemnity against such cost, expense or
          liability  as a condition to taking any such  action.  The  reasonable
          expense of every such  examination  shall be paid by the  Trustee  and
          shall be repaid  pursuant  to  Sections  3.08(a)(vii)(B),  3.08(b)(i),
          4.02(a)(i)(A) and 4.02(a)(ii)(A) hereof, as applicable;

                    (v) the  Trustee  may  execute  any of the  trusts or powers
          hereunder  or perform any duties  hereunder  either  directly or by or
          through agents, accountants,  custodians or attorneys, and the Trustee
          shall not be responsible  for any misconduct or negligence on the part
          of any such agent, accountant,  custodian or attorney appointed by the
          Trustee with due care;

                    (vi) the Trustee shall not be required to risk or expend its
          own  funds  or  otherwise   incur  any  financial   liability  in  the
          performance  of any of its  duties  or in the  exercise  of any of its
          rights or powers  hereunder  if it shall have  reasonable  grounds for
          believing that repayment of such funds or adequate  indemnity  against
          such  risk  or  liability  is not  assured  to  it,  and  none  of the
          provisions  contained in this Agreement shall in any event require the
          Trustee to perform,  or be  responsible  for the manner of performance
          of, any of the obligations of the Servicer under this Agreement except
          during such time,  if any, as the Trustee  shall be the  successor to,
          and be vested with the rights,  duties,  powers and  privileges of the
          Servicer in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;

                    (vii) the  Trustee  shall not be liable  for any loss on any
          investment of funds pursuant to this  Agreement  (other than as issuer
          of the investment security);

                    (viii) the  Trustee  shall not be required to take notice or
          be deemed to have  knowledge of any Event of Default  (except an event
          of  nonpayment by the  Servicer)  until a  Responsible  Officer of the
          Trustee shall have received written notice thereof, and in the absence
          of receipt of such notice,  the Trustee may  conclusively  assume that
          there is no default or Event of Default;

                    (ix) the Trustee  shall be under no  obligation  to exercise
          any of the trusts,  rights or powers vested in it by this Agreement or
          to  institute,  conduct  or  defend  any  litigation  hereunder  or in
          relation  hereto  at the  request,  order or  direction  of any of the
          Certificateholders,  pursuant  to the  provisions  of this  Agreement,
          unless  such  Certificateholders  shall have  offered  to the  Trustee
          reasonable  security or indemnity  satisfactory to the Trustee against
          the costs,  expenses and liabilities  which may be incurred therein or

                    (x) the right of the  Trustee to perform  any  discretionary
          act enumerated in this Agreement shall not be construed as a duty, and
          the Trustee shall not be answerable  for other than its  negligence or
          willful misconduct in the performance of such act;


                    (xi) the  Trustee  shall not be required to give any bond or
          surety in respect of the execution of the Trust Fund created hereby or
          the powers granted hereunder; and

                    (xii)   anything   in  this   Agreement   to  the   contrary
          notwithstanding,  in no event shall the Trustee be liable for special,
          indirect  or  consequential  loss or  damage  of any  kind  whatsoever
          (including but not limited to lost  profits),  even if the Trustee has
          been advised of the  likelihood of such loss or damage and  regardless
          of the form of action.

          SECTION 8.03. Trustee Not Liable for Certificates or Loans.

          The recitals  contained herein and in the Certificates  shall be taken
as the  statements of the Depositor or the Sellers,  as the case may be, and the
Trustee assumes no responsibility  for their  correctness.  The Trustee makes no
representations  as to the validity or  sufficiency  of this Agreement or of the
Certificates  or of any Loan or related  document other than with respect to the
Trustee's execution and counter-signature of the Certificates. The Trustee shall
not be  accountable  for the use or application by the Depositor or the Servicer
of any of the  Certificates  or of the proceeds of such  Certificates or for the
use and  application  of any funds  paid to the  Depositor  or the  Servicer  in
respect of the Loans or deposited in or withdrawn from the  Certificate  Account
by the Depositor or the Servicer.  The Trustee shall not be responsible  for the
legality or validity of this Agreement or the validity, priority,  perfection or
sufficiency of the security for the Certificates issued or intended to be issued
hereunder; provided, however, that the foregoing language shall not apply to the
Trustee's obligations under this Agreement.

          SECTION 8.04. Trustee May Own Certificates.

          The Trustee in its  individual  or any other  capacity  may become the
owner or pledgee of Certificates, and may otherwise deal with the parties hereto
with the same rights as it would have if it were not the Trustee.

          SECTION 8.05. Trustee's Fees and Expenses.

          The Trustee,  as compensation for its activities  hereunder,  shall be
entitled to withdraw from the Distribution  Account on each Distribution Date an
amount equal to the Trustee Fee (which shall not be limited by any  provision of
law in regard to the compensation of a trustee of an express trust) and expenses
for such Distribution Date. The Trustee and any director,  officer,  employee or
agent of the Trustee  shall be  indemnified  by the Servicer  and held  harmless
against any loss,  liability or expense (including  reasonable  attorney's fees)
(i) incurred in connection  with any claim or legal action  relating to (a) this
Agreement, (b) the Certificates or (c) in connection with the performance of any
of the Trustee's  duties  hereunder,  other than any loss,  liability or expense
incurred  by reason of  willful  misfeasance,  bad  faith or  negligence  in the
performance of any of the Trustee's duties hereunder and (ii) resulting from any
error in any tax or information return prepared by the Servicer.  Such indemnity
shall survive the termination of this Agreement or the resignation or removal of
the Trustee  hereunder.  Without limiting the foregoing,  the Servicer covenants
and agrees,  except as otherwise agreed upon in writing by the Depositor and the
Trustee,  and except for any such expense,  disbursement or advance as may arise
from the  Trustee's  negligence,  bad  faith or  willful  misconduct,  to pay or
reimburse the Trustee, for all reasonable  expenses,  disbursements and advances
incurred or made by the Trustee in accordance with any of the provisions of this
Agreement with respect to the following: (A) the reasonable compensation and the
expenses and disbursements of its counsel not associated with the closing of the
issuance of the  Certificates,  (B) the  reasonable  compensation,  expenses and
disbursements  of any  accountant,  engineer or


appraiser that is not regularly employed by the Trustee,  to the extent that the
Trustee must engage such persons to perform acts or services  hereunder  and (C)
printing and engraving  expenses in  connection  with  preparing any  Definitive
Certificates.  Except as otherwise  provided  herein,  the Trustee  shall not be
entitled to payment or reimbursement  for any routine ongoing expenses  incurred
by the  Trustee in the  ordinary  course of its duties as  Trustee,  Certificate
Registrar,  Tax  Matters  Person  or  Paying  Agent  hereunder  or for any other

          SECTION 8.06. Eligibility Requirements for Trustee.

          The  Trustee  hereunder  shall  at  all  times  be  a  corporation  or
association organized and doing business under the laws of a state or the United
States of  America,  authorized  under  such laws to  exercise  corporate  trust
powers, having a combined capital and surplus of at least $50,000,000 subject to
supervision  or  examination  by  federal or state  authority  and with a credit
rating  which  would not cause  either of the Rating  Agencies  to reduce  their
respective  then current  ratings of the  Certificates  (or having provided such
security from time to time as is sufficient  to avoid such  reduction).  If such
corporation or  association  publishes  reports of condition at least  annually,
pursuant to law or to the requirements of the aforesaid supervising or examining
authority,  then for the purposes of this Section 8.06 the combined  capital and
surplus of such  corporation or  association  shall be deemed to be its combined
capital  and  surplus as set forth in its most  recent  report of  condition  so
published.  In case at any time  the  Trustee  shall  cease  to be  eligible  in
accordance  with the  provisions of this Section 8.06,  the Trustee shall resign
immediately in the manner and with the effect  specified in Section 8.07 hereof.
The entity  serving as Trustee may have normal  banking and trust  relationships
with the  Depositor  and its  affiliates  or the  Servicer  and its  affiliates;
provided, however, that such entity cannot be an affiliate of the Servicer other
than the Trustee in its role as successor to the Servicer.

          SECTION 8.07. Resignation and Removal of Trustee.

          The Trustee may at any time resign and be  discharged  from the trusts
hereby  created by giving written notice of resignation to the Depositor and the
Servicer and each Rating Agency not less than 60 days before the date  specified
in such  notice  when,  subject to Section  8.08,  such  resignation  is to take
effect,  and acceptance by a successor  trustee in accordance  with Section 8.08
meeting the  qualifications  set forth in Section 8.06. If no successor  trustee
meeting  such  qualifications  shall have been so  appointed  and have  accepted
appointment  within 30 days after the giving of such notice or resignation,  the
resigning  Trustee may  petition  any court of  competent  jurisdiction  for the
appointment of a successor trustee.

          If at any time the Trustee  shall  cease to be eligible in  accordance
with the  provisions  of Section  8.06  hereof  and shall  fail to resign  after
written  request  thereto by the Depositor,  or if at any time the Trustee shall
become incapable of acting, or shall be adjudged as bankrupt or insolvent,  or a
receiver of the Trustee or of its  property  shall be  appointed,  or any public
officer  shall  take  charge or control of the  Trustee  or of its  property  or
affairs for the purpose of rehabilitation, conservation or liquidation, or a tax
is imposed  with  respect to the Trust Fund by any state in which the Trustee or
the Trust Fund is located and the imposition of such tax would be avoided by the
appointment  of a different  trustee,  then the  Depositor  or the  Servicer may
remove the  Trustee,  and shall,  within 30 days after such  removal,  appoint a
successor  trustee  by  written  instrument,  in  triplicate,  one copy of which
instrument  shall be  delivered  to the  Trustee,  one  copy of  which  shall be
delivered to the Servicer and one copy to the successor trustee.

          The  Holders of  Certificates  entitled  to at least 51% of the Voting
Rights may at any time remove the  Trustee  and  appoint a successor  trustee by
written  instrument or  instruments,  in  triplicate,


signed by such Holders or their attorneys-in-fact duly authorized,  one complete
set of which  instruments  shall be  delivered by the  successor  trustee to the
Servicer, one complete set to the Trustee so removed and one complete set to the
successor so  appointed.  Notice of any removal of the Trustee shall be given to
each Rating Agency by the successor trustee.

          Any  resignation  or  removal  of the  Trustee  and  appointment  of a
successor  trustee  pursuant to any of the provisions of this Section 8.07 shall
become  effective upon  acceptance of  appointment  by the successor  trustee as
provided in Section 8.08 hereof.

          SECTION 8.08. Successor Trustee.

          Any  successor  trustee  appointed  as provided in Section 8.07 hereof
shall execute,  acknowledge  and deliver to the Depositor and to its predecessor
trustee and the Servicer an instrument accepting such appointment  hereunder and
thereupon the  resignation  or removal of the  predecessor  trustee shall become
effective  and  such  successor  trustee,  without  any  further  act,  deed  or
conveyance,  shall become fully vested with all the rights,  powers,  duties and
obligations of its predecessor hereunder,  with the like effect as if originally
named as trustee herein. The Depositor, the Servicer and the predecessor trustee
shall  execute  and deliver  such  instruments  and do such other  things as may
reasonably  be required for more fully and certainly  vesting and  confirming in
the successor trustee all such rights, powers, duties, and obligations.

          No  successor  trustee  shall accept  appointment  as provided in this
Section 8.08 unless at the time of such acceptance such successor  trustee shall
be eligible  under the  provisions  of Section  8.06 hereof and its  appointment
shall not adversely affect the then current rating of the Certificates.

          Upon  acceptance of appointment by a successor  trustee as provided in
this Section  8.08,  the Depositor  shall mail notice of the  succession of such
trustee  hereunder to all Holders of Certificates at their addresses as shown in
the Certificate  Register.  If the Depositor fails to mail such notice within 10
days after  acceptance of  appointment by the successor  trustee,  the successor
trustee shall cause such notice to be mailed at the expense of the Depositor.

          SECTION 8.09. Merger or Consolidation of Trustee.

          Any  corporation  into which the Trustee may be merged or converted or
with which it may be consolidated or any corporation  resulting from any merger,
conversion  or  consolidation  to which  the  Trustee  shall be a party,  or any
corporation succeeding to the business of the Trustee, shall be the successor of
the Trustee  hereunder,  provided that such corporation  shall be eligible under
the  provisions  of Section 8.06 hereof  without the  execution or filing of any
paper or further act on the part of any of the parties  hereto,  anything herein
to the contrary notwithstanding.

          SECTION 8.10. Appointment of Co-Trustee or Separate Trustee.

          Notwithstanding  any other provisions of this Agreement,  at any time,
for the purpose of meeting any legal  requirements of any  jurisdiction in which
any part of the Trust Fund or property  securing  any  Mortgage  Note may at the
time be located,  the Servicer  and the Trustee  acting  jointly  shall have the
power and shall  execute  and  deliver  all  instruments  to appoint one or more
Persons approved by the Trustee to act as co-trustee or co-trustees jointly with
the Trustee, or separate trustee or separate trustees, of all or any part of the
Trust Fund, and to vest in such Person or Persons,  in such capacity and


for the benefit of the  Certificateholders,  such title to the Trust Fund or any
part thereof,  whichever is applicable,  and, subject to the other provisions of
this Section 8.10, such powers,  duties,  obligations,  rights and trusts as the
Servicer  and  the  Trustee  may  consider  necessary  or  desirable.  Any  such
co-trustee or separate trustee shall be subject to the prior written approval of
the Servicer.  If the Servicer shall not have joined in such appointment  within
15 days  after the  receipt by it of a request to do so, or in the case an Event
of Default shall have occurred and be  continuing,  the Trustee alone shall have
the power to make such appointment.  No co-trustee or separate trustee hereunder
shall be required to meet the terms of eligibility as a successor  trustee under
Section  8.06 and no  notice to  Certificateholders  of the  appointment  of any
co-trustee or separate trustee shall be required under Section 8.08.

          Every separate  trustee and co-trustee  shall, to the extent permitted
by law, be appointed and act subject to the following provisions and conditions:

                    (i) to the extent  necessary to  effectuate  the purposes of
          this  Section  8.10,  all  rights,   powers,  duties  and  obligations
          conferred or imposed upon the Trustee,  except for the  obligation  of
          the Trustee  under this  Agreement  to advance  funds on behalf of the
          Servicer,  shall  be  conferred  or  imposed  upon  and  exercised  or
          performed  by the  Trustee  and such  separate  trustee or  co-trustee
          jointly (it being  understood that such separate trustee or co-trustee
          is not  authorized to act  separately  without the Trustee  joining in
          such act), except to the extent that under any law of any jurisdiction
          in which any  particular  act or acts are to be performed  (whether as
          Trustee  hereunder or as successor  to the  Servicer  hereunder),  the
          Trustee shall be  incompetent  or  unqualified  to perform such act or
          acts,  in which  event such  rights,  powers,  duties and  obligations
          (including  the holding of title to the  applicable  Trust Fund or any
          portion  thereof  in any such  jurisdiction)  shall be  exercised  and
          performed singly by such separate trustee or co-trustee, but solely at
          the direction of the Trustee;

                    (ii) no trustee hereunder shall be held personally liable by
          reason of any act or omission of any other trustee  hereunder and such
          appointment shall not, and shall not be deemed to, constitute any such
          separate trustee or co-trustee as agent of the Trustee;

                    (iii) the Trustee may at any time accept the  resignation of
          or remove any separate trustee or co-trustee; and

                    (iv) the Servicer,  and not the Trustee, shall be liable for
          the   payment   of   reasonable   compensation,    reimbursement   and
          indemnification to any such separate trustee or co-trustee.

          Any notice,  request or other  writing  given to the Trustee  shall be
deemed to have been given to each of the separate trustees and co-trustees, when
and as effectively as if given to each of them. Every instrument  appointing any
separate  trustee or co-trustee shall refer to this Agreement and the conditions
of this Article VIII. Each separate trustee and co-trustee,  upon its acceptance
of the trusts conferred,  shall be vested with the estates or property specified
in its instrument of appointment, either jointly with the Trustee or separately,
as may be provided  therein,  subject to all the  provisions of this  Agreement,
specifically including every provision of this Agreement relating to the conduct
of, affecting the liability of, or affording  protection to, the Trustee.  Every
such instrument  shall be filed with the Trustee and a copy thereof given to the
Servicer and the Depositor.

          Any separate  trustee or co-trustee  may, at any time,  constitute the
Trustee its agent or  attorney-in-fact,  with full power and  authority,  to the
extent not  prohibited  by law, to do any lawful act under or in respect of this
Agreement on its behalf and in its name.  If any separate  trustee or co-trustee
shall die, become incapable of acting, resign or be removed, all of its estates,
properties,  rights,  remedies


and  trusts  shall  vest  in and be  exercised  by the  Trustee,  to the  extent
permitted by law, without the appointment of a new or successor trustee.

          SECTION 8.11. Tax Matters.

          It is  intended  that the  assets  with  respect  to which  any  REMIC
election  is to be  made,  as set  forth  in the  Preliminary  Statement,  shall
constitute,  and that the conduct of matters  relating  to such assets  shall be
such as to qualify such assets as, a "real estate mortgage  investment  conduit"
as defined in and in accordance  with the REMIC  Provisions.  In  furtherance of
such intention, the Trustee covenants and agrees that it shall act as agent (and
the Trustee is hereby appointed to act as agent) on behalf of each REMIC created
hereunder and that in such capacity it shall:  (a) prepare and file, or cause to
be prepared and filed, in a timely manner,  U.S. Real Estate Mortgage Investment
Conduit  Income Tax Returns  (Forms 1066 or any  successor  form  adopted by the
Internal Revenue Service) and prepare and file or cause to be prepared and filed
with the Internal  Revenue Service and applicable state or local tax authorities
income tax or  information  returns for each  taxable  year with respect to each
REMIC created hereunder, containing such information and at the times and in the
manner as may be required by the Code or regulations, rules or procedures issued
under the Code, or state or local tax laws,  regulations,  or rules, and furnish
or cause to be furnished to  Certificateholders  the  schedules,  statements  or
information  at such times and in such  manner as may be required  thereby;  (b)
within thirty days of the Closing Date,  furnish or cause to be furnished to the
Internal Revenue  Service,  on Forms 8811 or as otherwise may be required by the
Code,  the name,  title,  address,  and telephone  number of the person that the
holders of the  Certificates may contact for tax information  relating  thereto,
together with such  additional  information as may be required by such Form, and
update such information at the time or times in the manner required by the Code;
(c) make or cause to be made elections that such assets be treated as a REMIC on
the federal tax return for its first  taxable  year (and,  if  necessary,  under
applicable  state law);  (d) prepare and  forward,  or cause to be prepared  and
forwarded, to the Certificateholders and to the Internal Revenue Service and, if
necessary,  state tax  authorities,  all information  returns and reports as and
when  required to be provided to them in accordance  with the REMIC  Provisions,
including  without  limitation,  the  calculation of any original issue discount
using the  prepayment  assumption  described in the Prospectus  Supplement;  (e)
provide information necessary for the computation of tax imposed on the transfer
of a Class R Certificate to a Person that is not a Permitted  Transferee,  or an
agent  (including  a broker,  nominee  or other  middleman)  of a  non-Permitted
Transferee,  or a pass-through entity in which a non-Permitted Transferee is the
record holder of an interest (the  reasonable  cost of computing and  furnishing
such  information  may be charged to the Person liable for such tax); (f) to the
extent that they are under its control,  conduct matters relating to such assets
at all times that any  Certificates  are outstanding so as to maintain the REMIC
status of each  REMIC  created  hereunder  under the REMIC  Provisions;  (g) not
knowingly or intentionally take any action or omit to take any action that would
cause  the  termination  of the  REMIC  status  of any  of  the  REMICs  created
hereunder;  (h) pay,  from the sources  specified in the last  paragraph of this
Section  8.11,  the amount of any  federal or state  tax,  including  prohibited
transaction  taxes as described below,  imposed on each REMIC created  hereunder
prior to its termination when and as the same shall be due and payable (but such
obligation  shall not prevent the Trustee or any other  appropriate  Person from
contesting  any such tax in  appropriate  proceedings  and shall not prevent the
Trustee from  withholding  payment of such tax, if permitted by law, pending the
outcome of such proceedings); (i) ensure that federal, state or local income tax
or  information  returns  shall be signed by the Trustee or such other person as
may be  required  to sign  such  returns  by the Code or  state  or local  laws,
regulations  or rules;  (j)  maintain  records  relating  to each REMIC  created
hereunder,  including,  but not limited to, the income,  expenses,  assets,  and
liabilities  thereof and the fair market value and adjusted  basis of the assets
determined at such intervals as may be required by the Code, as may be necessary
to prepare the foregoing returns, schedules,  statements or information; and (k)
as and when necessary and appropriate, represent each REMIC created hereunder in
any administrative or judicial  proceedings


relating  to an  examination  or audit  by any  governmental  taxing  authority,
request  an  administrative  adjustment  as to any  taxable  year of each  REMIC
created hereunder, enter into settlement agreements with any governmental taxing
agency, extend any statute of limitations relating to any tax item of each REMIC
created  hereunder,  and otherwise act on behalf of each REMIC created hereunder
in relation to any tax matter or controversy involving it.

          In order to enable  the  Trustee  to  perform  its duties as set forth
herein,  the Depositor  shall provide,  or cause to be provided,  to the Trustee
within ten (10) days after the  Closing  Date all  information  or data that the
Trustee  requests in writing and  determines  to be relevant for tax purposes to
the  valuations  and offering  prices of the  Certificates,  including,  without
limitation,  the price, yield, prepayment assumption and projected cash flows of
the Certificates and the Loans.  Thereafter,  the Depositor shall provide to the
Trustee promptly upon written request therefor,  any such additional information
or data that the Trustee may,  from time to time,  reasonably  request to enable
the  Trustee to perform its duties as set forth  herein.  The  Depositor  hereby
indemnifies the Trustee for any losses, liabilities, damages, claims or expenses
of the Trustee  arising from any errors or  miscalculations  of the Trustee that
result from any failure of the Depositor to provide, or to cause to be provided,
accurate information or data to the Trustee on a timely basis.

          If any  tax is  imposed  on  "prohibited  transactions"  of any  REMIC
created  hereunder  as defined in Section  860F(a)(2)  of the Code,  on the "net
income from foreclosure  property" of any REMIC created  hereunder as defined in
Section 860G(c) of the Code, on any contribution to any REMIC created  hereunder
after the Startup Day pursuant to Section  860G(d) of the Code, or any other tax
is imposed, if not paid as otherwise provided for herein, such tax and all other
related  costs  shall be paid by (i) the  Trustee,  if such tax arises out of or
results  from a breach  by the  Trustee  of any of its  obligations  under  this
Agreement,  (ii) the  Servicer,  or if such tax arises out of or results  from a
breach  by the  Servicer  or a Seller  of any of their  obligations  under  this
Agreement,  (iii) the  Sellers,  if any tax arises  out of or  results  from any
Seller's  obligation  to  repurchase a Loan  pursuant to Section 2.02 or 2.03 or
(iv) in all other cases,  or if the  Trustee,  the Servicer or a Seller fails to
honor its obligations  under the preceding  clause  (i),(ii) or (iii),  such tax
will be paid with amounts otherwise to be distributed to the Certificateholders,
as provided in Section 3.08(b).

          SECTION 8.12. Periodic Filings.

          The Depositor  shall  prepare,  execute and file all periodic  reports
required  under the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934.  In  connection  with the
preparation  and filing of such  periodic  reports,  the  Servicer  shall timely
provide to the  Depositor  all  material  information  available  to it which is
required  to be  included  in  such  reports  and not  known  to it to be in the
possession  of the  Depositor  and  such  other  information  as  the  Depositor
reasonably may request from it and otherwise reasonably shall cooperate with the
Depositor.  The Depositor shall have no liability with respect to any failure to
properly prepare or file such periodic reports resulting from or relating to the
Depositor's  inability or failure to obtain any  information  not resulting from
its own gross negligence or willful misconduct.

          SECTION 8.13. Appointment of Custodians.

          The Trustee may, with the consent of the Servicer, appoint one or more
custodians  (each,  a  "Custodian")  to hold all or a portion  of the  Trustee's
Mortgage Files as agent for the Trustee,  by entering into a custodial agreement
("Custodial  Agreement").  The  Trustee  agrees to comply with the terms of each
Custodial  Agreement and to enforce the terms and provisions thereof against the
Custodian for the benefit of the Certificateholders. The Trustee shall be liable
for the fees of any Custodian


appointed hereunder. Each Custodian shall be a depository institution subject to
supervision by federal or state  authority and shall be qualified to do business
in the jurisdiction in which it holds any Trustee's Mortgage File.

          SECTION  8.14.  Trustee  May  Enforce  Claims  Without  Possession  of

          All  rights  of  action  and  claims  under  this   Agreement  or  the
Certificates  may  be  prosecuted  and  enforced  by  the  Trustee  without  the
possession  of  any  of  the  Certificates  or  the  production  thereof  in any
proceeding relating thereto, any such proceeding instituted by the Trustee shall
be  brought in its own name or in its  capacity  as  Trustee.  Any  recovery  of
judgment shall, after provision for the payment of the reasonable  compensation,
expenses,  disbursements and advances of the Trustee, its agents and counsel, be
for the  ratable  benefit  of the  Certificateholders  in  respect of which such
judgment has been recovered.

          The Trustee shall afford the Sellers, the Depositor,  the Servicer and
each  Certificateholder,  upon  reasonable  notice during normal business hours,
access to all  records  maintained  by the  Trustee  in  respect  of its  duties
hereunder  and  reasonable  access to officers of the  Trustee  responsible  for
performing such duties,  or such other employees who can provide the information
required.  Upon request,  the Trustee shall furnish the Sellers,  the Depositor,
the  Servicer  and  each   Certificateholder  with  its  most  recent  financial
statements.  The Trustee shall cooperate  fully with the Sellers,  the Servicer,
the  Depositor  and such  Certificateholder  and  shall  make  available  to the
Sellers, the Servicer,  the Depositor and such  Certificateholder for review and
copying  at the  expense  of the  party  requesting  such  copies,  such  books,
documents or records as may be requested  with respect to the  Trustee's  duties
hereunder.  The Sellers, the Depositor,  the Servicer and the Certificateholders
shall not have any  responsibility or liability for any action or failure to act
by the Trustee and are not obligated to supervise the performance of the Trustee
under this Agreement or otherwise.

          SECTION 8.15. Suits for Enforcement.

          In case an Event of Default or other default by the Servicer hereunder
shall occur and be continuing,  the Trustee,  in its discretion,  may proceed to
protect and enforce  its rights and the rights of the  Certificateholders  under
this Agreement by a suit, action or proceeding in equity or at law or otherwise,
whether for the specific  performance of any covenant or agreement  contained in
this Agreement or in aid of the execution of any power granted in this Agreement
or for the  enforcement  of any other legal,  equitable or other remedy,  as the
Trustee,  being  advised by counsel,  shall deem most  effectual  to protect and
enforce any of the rights of the Trustee or the Certificateholders.

                                   ARTICLE IX


          SECTION 9.01. Termination upon Liquidation or Purchase of all Loans.

          Subject to Section 9.03, the obligations and  responsibilities  of the
Depositor, the Servicer and the Trustee created hereby with respect to the Trust
Fund shall terminate upon the earlier of (a) the purchase by the Servicer of all
Loans (and REO  Properties)  remaining in the Trust Fund at a price equal


to the sum of (i) 100% of the Stated Principal Balance of each Loan plus accrued
and unpaid interest thereon at the applicable Mortgage Rate and (ii) 100% of the
Stated  Principal  Balance of each Loan related to any REO Property plus accrued
and unpaid interest  thereon at the applicable  Mortgage Rate (the  "Termination
Price"); provided, however, that in no event shall the Termination Price be less
than  (1)  with  respect  to  the  Offered  Certificates,  100%  of  their  then
outstanding principal balance, (2) with respect to the Offered Certificates, any
accrued  and  unpaid  interest  thereon  at  the  applicable  Pass-Through  Rate
(including any Class Unpaid Interest  Amounts) and (3) with respect to the Class
AF-1,  Class AV-1 and Class B  Certificates,  any accrued and unpaid Net WAC Cap
Carryover as of such Distribution  Date, or (b) the later of (i) the maturity or
other  liquidation  of the last Loan remaining in the Trust Fund (or any Advance
with  respect  thereto)  and the  disposition  of all REO  Property and (ii) the
distribution to  Certificateholders of all amounts required to be distributed to
them pursuant to this  Agreement.  In no event shall the trusts  created  hereby
continue  beyond the earlier of (i) the expiration of 21 years from the death of
the survivor of the descendants of Joseph P. Kennedy, the late Ambassador of the
United States to the Court of St.  James,  living on the date hereof or (ii) the
Latest  Possible  Maturity  Date.  The  right  to  purchase  all  Loans  and REO
Properties  pursuant  to clause  (a) above  shall be  conditioned  upon the Pool
Principal Balance, at the time of any such repurchase, aggregating less than ten
percent (10%) of the Cut-off Date Pool Principal Balance. If the Servicer elects
to exercise  its purchase  right  pursuant to clause (a) above,  the  Servicer's
right to reimbursement  from the Trust Fund for any Advances  previously made on
the Loans being  purchased  shall  terminate  as of the date the purchase of the
Loans and REO Properties is completed.

          SECTION 9.02. Final Distribution on the Certificates.

          If on any Determination  Date, the Servicer  determines that there are
no  Outstanding  Loans and no other funds or assets in the Trust Fund other than
the funds in the  Certificate  Account,  the  Servicer  shall direct the Trustee
promptly to send a final distribution notice to each  Certificateholder.  If the
Servicer  elects to terminate  the Trust Fund  pursuant to clause (a) of Section
9.01,  at least 20 days prior to the date notice is to be mailed to the affected
Certificateholders,  the Servicer  shall notify the Depositor and the Trustee of
the date the Servicer  intends to terminate the Trust Fund and of the applicable
repurchase price of the Loans and REO Properties.

          Notice  of  any   termination  of  the  Trust  Fund,   specifying  the
Distribution Date on which  Certificateholders  may surrender their Certificates
for payment of the final distribution and cancellation,  shall be given promptly
by the Trustee by letter to Certificateholders  mailed not earlier than the 10th
day and not later  than the 15th day of the month  next  preceding  the month of
such final distribution. Any such notice shall specify (a) the Distribution Date
upon which final distribution on the Certificates will be made upon presentation
and surrender of Certificates at the office therein  designated,  (b) the amount
of principal to be included in such final distribution,  (c) the location of the
office or agency at which such  presentation and surrender must be made, and (d)
that the Record  Date  otherwise  applicable  to such  Distribution  Date is not
applicable, distributions being made only upon presentation and surrender of the
Certificates at the office therein specified. The Servicer will give such notice
to each Rating Agency at the time such notice is given to Certificateholders.

          In the event such notice is given,  the Servicer shall cause all funds
in the  Certificate  Account to be  remitted  to the  Trustee for deposit in the
Distribution  Account on the Business Day prior to the  applicable  Distribution
Date  in  an  amount  equal  to  the  final   distribution  in  respect  of  the
Certificates.  Upon such final  deposit  with  respect to the Trust Fund and the
receipt by the  Trustee of a Request  for Release  therefor,  the Trustee  shall
promptly release to the Servicer the Mortgage Files for the Loans.


          Upon presentation and surrender of the Certificates, the Trustee shall
cause to be distributed to  Certificateholders  of each Class,  in the order set
forth in Section 4.02 hereof,  on the final  Distribution Date and in proportion
to their respective Percentage Interests,  with respect to Certificateholders of
the same Class, an amount equal to (i) as to the Offered Certificates, the Class
Certificate Balance of each Class thereof plus accrued interest thereon and (ii)
as to the Class R Certificates,  the amount, if any, which remains on deposit in
the Distribution  Account (other than the amounts retained to meet claims) after
application pursuant to clause (i) above.

          In the event that any affected  Certificateholders shall not surrender
Certificates for cancellation  within six months after the date specified in the
above mentioned  written notice,  the Trustee shall give a second written notice
to  the  remaining   Certificateholders  to  surrender  their  Certificates  for
cancellation and receive the final distribution with respect thereto.  If within
six months after the second  notice all the  applicable  Certificates  shall not
have been surrendered for cancellation,  the Trustee may take appropriate steps,
or may appoint an agent to take  appropriate  steps,  to contact  the  remaining
Certificateholders  concerning  surrender  of their  Certificates,  and the cost
thereof  shall be paid out of the funds and other  assets which remain a part of
the Trust Fund, on a pro-rata basis among the remaining  Certificateholders.  If
within  one year after the second  notice all  Certificates  shall not have been
surrendered for cancellation,  the Class R Certificateholders  shall be entitled
to all unclaimed  funds and other assets of the Trust Fund which remain  subject

          SECTION 9.03. Additional Termination Requirements.

          (a) In the  event  the  Servicer  exercises  its  purchase  option  as
provided in Section 9.01, the Trust Fund shall be terminated in accordance  with
the following additional requirements, unless the Trustee has been supplied with
an Opinion of Counsel,  at the expense of the  Servicer,  to the effect that the
failure to comply with the requirements of this Section 9.03 will not (i) result
in the  imposition of taxes on  "prohibited  transactions"  on any REMIC created
hereunder  as  defined  in  section  860F of the Code,  or (ii)  cause any REMIC
created  hereunder  to  fail  to  qualify  as a  REMIC  at  any  time  that  any
Certificates are outstanding:

                    (1) Within 90 days prior to the final  Distribution Date set
          forth in the notice  given by the Servicer  under  Section  9.02,  the
          Servicer  shall  prepare  and the  Trustee,  at the expense of the Tax
          Matters Person,  shall adopt a plan of complete liquidation within the
          meaning of section  860F(a)(4)  of the Code which,  as evidenced by an
          Opinion  of  Counsel  (which  opinion  shall not be an  expense of the
          Trustee  or the Tax  Matters  Person),  meets  the  requirements  of a
          qualified liquidation; and

                    (2) Within 90 days after the time of adoption of such a plan
          of complete  liquidation,  the Trustee shall sell all of the assets of
          the Trust Fund to the  Servicer  for cash in  accordance  with Section

          (b) The  Trustee  as agent for each  REMIC  created  hereunder  hereby
agrees to adopt and sign such a plan of  complete  liquidation  upon the written
request of the Servicer,  and the receipt of the Opinion of Counsel  referred to
in Section  9.03(a)(1) and to take such other action in connection  therewith as
may be reasonably requested by the Servicer.

          (c) By their  acceptance  of the  Certificates,  the  Holders  thereof
hereby  authorize  the  Servicer  to prepare and the Trustee to adopt and sign a
plan of complete liquidation.


                                    ARTICLE X

                            MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

          SECTION 10.01. Amendment.

          This Agreement may be amended from time to time by the Depositor,  the
Sellers,  the  Servicer  and the  Trustee,  without  the  consent  of any of the
Certificateholders,  (a) to cure any ambiguity, (b) to correct or supplement any
provisions  herein  which  may be  defective  or  inconsistent  with  any  other
provisions herein,  (c) to conform this Agreement to the Prospectus  Supplement,
(d) to make any other revisions  relating to matters or questions  arising under
this Agreement,  provided that any such revisions shall not be inconsistent with
the  provisions of this  Agreement or (e) to modify,  eliminate or add to any of
its  provisions  to such extent as shall be necessary or helpful to (i) maintain
the qualification of the Trust Fund as one or more REMICs under the Code or (ii)
avoid or minimize the risk of imposition of any tax on any REMIC; provided that,
(x) in the case of clauses (a) - (d), that amendment  will not adversely  affect
in any material respect the interests of any Certificateholders  covered by this
Agreement  as  evidenced  either by an Opinion of Counsel to that  effect or the
delivery to the  Trustee of written  notification  from each Rating  Agency that
provides,   at  the  request  of  the  Depositor,   a  rating  for  the  Offered
Certificates,  of the  related  series  to the  effect  that that  amendment  or
supplement  will not cause  that  Rating  Agency to lower or  withdraw  the then
current  rating  assigned to those  Certificates,  and (y) in the case of clause
(e), the Trustee has received an Opinion of Counsel  (which opinion shall not be
an expense of the Trustee or the Trust Fund) to the effect that the amendment is
necessary or helpful to (i) maintain the  qualification of the Trust Fund as one
or more REMICs under the Code or (ii) avoid or minimize  the risk of  imposition
of any tax on any REMIC, as applicable.

          This Agreement may also be amended from time to time by the Depositor,
the  Sellers,  the  Servicer  and the Trustee with the consent of the Holders of
Percentage  Interests  of at least 66% of each  Class of  Certificates  affected
thereby for the purpose of adding any provisions to or changing in any manner or
eliminating  any of the  provisions  of this  Agreement  or of  modifying in any
manner the rights of the Holders of  Certificates;  provided,  however,  that no
such amendment shall (a) reduce in any manner the amount of, or delay the timing
of, payments  required to be distributed on any Certificate  without the consent
of the Holder of such  Certificate  or (b) reduce the aforesaid  percentages  of
Certificates the Holders of which are required to consent to any such amendment,
without the consent of the Holders of all such Certificates then outstanding.

          Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this Agreement,  the Trustee
shall not consent to any amendment to this Agreement  unless it shall have first
received  an Opinion of Counsel  (which  opinion  shall not be an expense of the
Trustee or the Trust Fund) to the effect that such  amendment will not cause the
Trust  Fund to fail to  qualify  as one or more  REMICs  at any  time  that  any
Certificates  are  outstanding.  Prior to the execution of any amendment to this
Agreement,  the Trustee shall be entitled to receive and rely upon an Opinion of
Counsel  (which  opinion shall not be at the expense of the Trustee or the Trust
Fund) stating that the execution of such amendment is authorized or permitted by
this  Agreement.  The Trustee may, but shall not be obligated to, enter into any
such amendment that affects the Trustee's own rights, duties or immunities under
this Agreement.

          Promptly  after  the  execution  of any  amendment  to this  Agreement
requiring the consent of  Certificateholders,  the Trustee shall furnish written
notification   of  the   substance   or  a  copy  of  such   amendment  to  each
Certificateholder and each Rating Agency.


          It shall not be necessary for the consent of Certificateholders  under
this Section to approve the particular  form of any proposed  amendment,  but it
shall be sufficient if such consent  shall  approve the substance  thereof.  The
manner of obtaining  such consents and of evidencing  the  authorization  of the
execution  thereof by  Certificateholders  shall be  subject to such  reasonable
regulations as the Trustee may prescribe.

          SECTION 10.02. Recordation of Agreement; Counterparts.

          This  Agreement is subject to recordation  in all  appropriate  public
offices  for real  property  records  in all the  counties  or other  comparable
jurisdictions in which any or all of the properties subject to the Mortgages are
situated,  and in any other  appropriate  public  recording office or elsewhere,
such  recordation  to be effected by the Servicer at its expense,  but only upon
direction by the Trustee accompanied by an Opinion of Counsel to the effect that
such  recordation  materially  and  beneficially  affects the  interests  of the

          For the purpose of  facilitating  the recordation of this Agreement as
herein  provided  and  for  other  purposes,  this  Agreement  may  be  executed
simultaneously in any number of counterparts,  each of which  counterparts shall
be  deemed to be an  original,  and such  counterparts,  taken  together,  shall
constitute one and the same instrument.

          SECTION 10.03. Governing Law.


          SECTION 10.04. Intention of Parties.

          It is the express  intent of the parties hereto that the conveyance of
the  Loans by the  Sellers  to the  Depositor  pursuant  to  Article  II of this
Agreement be, and be construed as, an absolute sale thereof to the Depositor. It
is,  further,  not the intention of the parties that such conveyance be deemed a
pledge  thereof by the Sellers to the  Depositor  to secure a  borrowing  by the
Sellers from the  Depositor.  However,  in the event that,  notwithstanding  the
intent of the parties, such assets are held to be the property of the Sellers or
any one of them,  or if this  Agreement is held or deemed to  constitute or have
created a loan,  lending  transaction or an extension of credit by the Depositor
to the Sellers or any one of them,  then and only then (i) this Agreement  shall
be deemed, effective as of March 31, 2003, to be a security agreement within the
meaning  of the  Uniform  Commercial  Code of the State of New York and (ii) the
conveyance by the Sellers to the Depositor  provided for in this Agreement shall
be deemed,  effective as of March 31, 2003, to be an  assignment  and a grant by
the  Sellers to the  Depositor,  and each of the Sellers  does hereby  grant and
assign to the  Depositor,  a security  interest  in,  and lien upon,  all of the
assets that constitute the Collateral, whether now owned or hereafter acquired.

          The Sellers,  for the benefit of the Depositor,  shall,  in connection
with  the  perfection  of the  security  interest  described  in  the  preceding
paragraph of this Section  10.04,  deliver to the  Depositor on the Closing Date
the  financing  statements  described  in Schedule  IV. The  Sellers  shall also
arrange for


the  delivery  to the  Depositor  of any  appropriate  Uniform  Commercial  Code
continuation  statements  as may be  necessary  or  appropriate  to continue the
perfection of the security interest of the Depositor in the Collateral,  whether
now owned or hereafter acquired.  The Sellers, for the benefit of the Depositor,
shall, to the extent consistent with this Agreement, take such actions as may be
necessary to ensure that,  if this  Agreement is held or deemed to constitute or
have  created  a loan,  lending  transaction  or an  extension  of credit by the
Depositor  to the  Sellers  or any one of  them,  then  and  only  then (i) this
Agreement  shall be deemed,  effective  as of March 31,  2003,  to be a security
agreement within the meaning of the Uniform  Commercial Code of the State of New
York and (ii) the  conveyance  by the Sellers to the  Depositor  provided for in
this  Agreement  shall be  deemed,  effective  as of March  31,  2003,  to be an
assignment and a grant by the Sellers to the Depositor,  and each of the Sellers
does hereby grant and assign to the Depositor,  a security interest in, and lien
upon,  all of the assets that  constitute the  Collateral,  whether now owned or
hereafter  acquired,  such security  interest  shall be deemed to be a perfected
security interest of first priority under applicable law, and will be maintained
as such  throughout  the term of this  Agreement.  The Sellers shall arrange for
filing  any   appropriate   Uniform   Commercial   Code  financing   statements,
continuation  statements  or other  appropriate  forms,  notices or documents in
connection with any security interest granted or assigned to the Depositor.

          The Depositor does hereby assign the security  interest in and lien on
the Collateral,  whether now owned or hereafter acquired, to the Trustee for the
benefit of the  Certificateholders.  The  Depositor  shall arrange for filing of
such Uniform Commercial Code financing statements as are necessary to effect the
assignment  of the security  interest and lien to the Trustee for the benefit of
the Certificateholders.

          It is the express  intent of the parties hereto that the conveyance of
the Trust Fund by the  Depositor  to the Trustee  pursuant to Article II of this
Agreement be, and be construed  as, an absolute sale thereof to the Trustee.  It
is,  further,  not the intention of the parties that such conveyance be deemed a
pledge  thereof by the  Depositor  to the Trustee to secure a  borrowing  by the
Depositor  from the Trustee.  However,  in the event that,  notwithstanding  the
intent of the parties, the assets constituting the Trust Fund are held to be the
property of the Depositor,  or if this Agreement is held or deemed to constitute
or have  created a loan,  lending  transaction  or an extension of credit by the
Trustee to the Depositor, then and only then (i) this Agreement shall be deemed,
effective as of March 31, 2003, to be a security agreement within the meaning of
the Uniform  Commercial Code of the State of New York and (ii) the conveyance by
the  Depositor to the Trustee  provided for in this  Agreement  shall be deemed,
effective as of March 31, 2003, to be an assignment and a grant by the Depositor
to the Trustee,  and the Depositor  does hereby grant and assign to the Trustee,
for the  benefit of the  Certificateholders,  a security  interest  in, and lien
upon,  all of the assets that  constitute the  Collateral,  whether now owned or
hereafter acquired.

          The   Depositor,   for   the   benefit   of  the   Trustee   and   the
Certificateholders,  shall,  in connection  with the  perfection of the security
interest described in the preceding paragraph of this Section 10.04,  deliver to
the Trustee on the Closing Date the financing  statements  described in Schedule
V. The  Depositor  shall also  arrange  for the  delivery  to the Trustee of any
appropriate Uniform Commercial Code continuation  statements as may be necessary
or  appropriate  to continue  the  perfection  of the  security  interest of the
Trustee in the Trust Fund, and all of the proceeds thereof, whether now owned or
hereafter  acquired.  The  Depositor,  for the  benefit of the  Trustee  and the
Certificateholders,  shall, to the extent  consistent with this Agreement,  take
such actions as may be necessary  to ensure that,  if this  Agreement is held or
deemed to constitute or have created a loan, lending transaction or an extension
of credit by the Trustee to the Depositor, then and only then (i) this Agreement
shall be deemed,  effective  as of March 31,  2003,  to be a security  agreement
within the meaning of the Uniform  Commercial  Code of the State of New York and
(ii)  the  conveyance  by the  Depositor  to the  Trustee  provided  for in this
Agreement  shall be deemed,  effective as of March 31, 2003, to be an assignment
and a grant by the Depositor to the Trustee, and the Depositor does hereby grant
and assign to the Trustee, for the benefit of the Certificateholders, a


security  interest  in, and lien upon,  all of the assets  that  constitute  the
Collateral,  whether now owned or hereafter  acquired,  such  security  interest
shall be deemed to be a  perfected  security  interest of first  priority  under
applicable  law and  will be  maintained  as such  throughout  the  term of this
Agreement. The Servicer shall, within ten (10) days of the Closing Date, present
to the appropriate filing offices in the jurisdictions set forth on Schedules IV
and V all of the  financing  statements  delivered  on the  Closing  Date by the
Sellers to the Depositor,  the assignments thereof delivered by the Depositor to
the Trustee on the Closing Date and the  financing  statements  delivered by the
Depositor to the Trustee on the Closing  Date.  The Servicer  shall  arrange for
filing any appropriate Uniform Commercial Code continuation  statements or other
appropriate forms, notices or documents in connection with any security interest
granted or assigned to the Trustee.

          SECTION 10.05. Notices.

          (a) The Trustee shall use its best efforts to promptly  provide notice
to each Rating Agency and the Underwriter  with respect to each of the following
of which it has actual knowledge:

                    1. any material change or amendment to this Agreement;

                    2. the  occurrence of any Event of Default that has not been

                    3. the  resignation  or  termination  of the Servicer or the
          Trustee and the appointment of any successor;

                    4. the  repurchase  or  substitution  of Loans  pursuant  to
          Section 2.03; and

                    5. the final payment to Certificateholders.

          In addition,  the Trustee shall promptly furnish to each Rating Agency
and the Underwriter copies of the following:

                    1. each report to  Certificateholders  described  in Section

                    2. each  annual  statement  as to  compliance  described  in
          Section 3.15;

                    3. each annual  independent  public  accountants'  servicing
          report described in Section 3.16; and

                    4. any notice of a purchase  of a Loan  pursuant  to Section
          2.02, 2.03 or 3.11.

          (b) All directions,  demands and notices hereunder shall be in writing
and shall be deemed to have been duly  given  when  delivered  to the  following
addresses or such other  addresses  as may  hereafter be furnished in writing to
the Servicer and the Trustee: (a) in the case of the Depositor,  Equity One ABS,
Inc., 103 Springer Building,  3411 Silverside Road, Wilmington,  Delaware 19810,
Attention: Chief Financial Officer, facsimile number: (302) 478-3667, (b) in the
case of the Servicer,  Equity One,  Inc.,  301 Lippincott  Drive,  Marlton,  New
Jersey 08053,  Attention:  Chief  Financial  Officer,  facsimile  number:  (856)
396-2710,  (c)  in  the  case  of any of the  Sellers,  to  that  Seller  at 301
Lippincott Drive, Marlton, New Jersey 08053, Attention: Chief Financial Officer,
facsimile number: (856) 396-2710, (d) in the case of the Trustee, JPMorgan Chase
Bank,  4 New York  Plaza,  6th  Floor,  New  York,  New York  10004,  Attention:
Institutional  Trust  Services,  Equity  One  2003-2,  facsimile  number:  (212)
623-5930, (e) in the case of the Rating Agencies, the address specified therefor
in the definition


corresponding  to the  name of such  Rating  Agency,  and (f) in the case of the
Underwriter,  Wachovia Securities,  Inc., One Wachovia Center, 301 South College
Street, TW10, Charlotte, NC 28288, Attention:  Michael Ciuffo, facsimile number:
(704) 383-8121. Notices to Certificateholders shall be deemed given when mailed,
first class postage  prepaid,  to their  respective  addresses  appearing in the
Certificate Register.

          SECTION 10.06. Severability of Provisions.

          If any one or more of the covenants,  agreements,  provisions or terms
of this Agreement  shall be for any reason  whatsoever  held invalid,  then such
covenants,  agreements,  provisions or terms shall be deemed  severable from the
remaining covenants, agreements, provisions or terms of this Agreement and shall
in no way affect the validity or  enforceability of the other provisions of this
Agreement or of the Certificates or the rights of the Holders thereof.

          SECTION 10.07. Assignment.

          Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary contained herein,  except as
provided in Section  6.02,  this  Agreement  may not be assigned by the Servicer
without the prior written consent of the Trustee and the Depositor.

          SECTION 10.08. Limitation on Rights of Certificateholders.

          The death or incapacity of any Certificateholder  shall not operate to
terminate  this  Agreement  or  the  trust  created  hereby,  nor  entitle  such
Certificateholder's  legal  representative or heirs to claim an accounting or to
take any  action or  commence  any  proceeding  in any court for a  petition  or
winding  up of the  trust  created  hereby,  or  otherwise  affect  the  rights,
obligations and liabilities of the parties hereto or any of them.

          No Certificateholder  shall have any right to vote (except as provided
herein) or in any manner  otherwise  control the operation and management of the
Trust Fund, or the obligations of the parties hereto,  nor shall anything herein
set forth or  contained in the terms of the  Certificates  be construed so as to
constitute the Certificateholders from time to time as partners or members of an
association; nor shall any Certificateholder be under any liability to any third
party by reason of any action taken by the parties to this Agreement pursuant to
any provision hereof.

          No  Certificateholder  shall  have any right by virtue or by  availing
itself of any  provisions  of this  Agreement to institute  any suit,  action or
proceeding in equity or at law upon or under or with respect to this  Agreement,
unless such Holder  previously  shall have given to the Trustee a written notice
of an Event of Default and of the continuance  thereof, as herein provided,  and
unless the Holders of  Certificates  evidencing  not less than 25% of the Voting
Rights evidenced by the Certificates shall also have made written request to the
Trustee to institute such action,  suit or proceeding in its own name as Trustee
hereunder and shall have offered to the Trustee such reasonable  indemnity as it
may require against the costs,  expenses, and liabilities to be incurred therein
or  thereby,  and the  Trustee,  for 60 days after its  receipt of such  notice,
request and offer of indemnity  shall have neglected or refused to institute any
such action,  suit or proceeding;  it being  understood and intended,  and being
expressly    covenanted   by   each    Certificateholder    with   every   other
Certificateholder  and the Trustee,  that no one or more Holders of Certificates
shall have any right in any manner  whatever by virtue or by availing  itself or
themselves of any provisions of this  Agreement to affect,  disturb or prejudice
the rights of the Holders of any other of


the Certificates,  or to obtain or seek to obtain priority over or preference to
any other such Holder or to enforce any right  under this  Agreement,  except in
the manner herein provided and for the common benefit of all Certificateholders.
For the protection and enforcement of the provisions of this Section 10.08, each
and every  Certificateholder and the Trustee shall be entitled to such relief as
can be given either at law or in equity.

          SECTION 10.09. Inspection and Audit Rights.

          The Servicer agrees that, on reasonable  prior notice,  it will permit
and will cause each Subservicer to permit any representative of the Depositor or
the Trustee  during the Servicer's  normal  business  hours,  to examine all the
books of account,  records, reports and other papers of the Servicer relating to
the Loans,  to make  copies and  extracts  therefrom,  to cause such books to be
audited by independent certified public accountants selected by the Depositor or
the Trustee and to discuss its affairs,  finances  and accounts  relating to the
Loans with its officers,  employees and independent  public  accountants (and by
this provision the Servicer hereby  authorizes said  accountants to discuss with
such representative such affairs, finances and accounts), all at such reasonable
times and as often as may be reasonably  requested.  Any  out-of-pocket  expense
incident to the exercise by the Depositor or the Trustee of any right under this
Section 10.09 shall be borne by the party requesting such inspection;  all other
such expenses shall be borne by the Servicer or the related Subservicer.

          SECTION 10.10. Certificates Nonassessable and Fully Paid.

          It is the intention of the Depositor that the Certificateholders shall
not be personally  liable for  obligations of the Trust Fund, that the interests
in the Trust Fund represented by the Certificates shall be nonassessable for any
reason whatsoever, and that the Certificates, upon due authentication thereof by
the Trustee pursuant to this Agreement, are and shall be deemed fully paid.

          SECTION 10.11. The Closing.

          The closing of the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement shall
occur at 10:00 a.m. Philadelphia time on the Closing Date at the Closing Place.

          SECTION 10.12. Interpretation.

          Unless the context of this Agreement clearly requires  otherwise,  (a)
references to the plural include the singular, the singular the plural, the part
the whole,  (b) references to one gender includes all genders,  (c) "or" has the
inclusive   meaning   frequently   identified  with  the  phrase  "and/or,"  (d)
"including" has the inclusive meaning frequently identified with the phrase "but
not limited to" and (e) references to  "hereunder,"  "hereof" or "herein" relate
to this  Agreement.  The section and other headings  contained in this Agreement
are for reference purposes only and shall not control or affect the construction
of  this  Agreement  or the  interpretation  thereof  in any  respect.  Section,
subsection,  schedule  and  exhibit  references  are to  this  Agreement  unless
otherwise specified.

          SECTION 10.13. RESERVED.


          SECTION 10.14. No Partnership.

          Nothing  herein  contained  shall be deemed or  construed  to create a
co-partnership  or joint venture  between the parties hereto and the services of
the Trustee and the Servicer shall be rendered as an independent  contractor and
not as agent for the Certificateholders.

          SECTION 10.15. Protection of Assets.

          (a) Except for transactions and activities  entered into in connection
with the  securitization  that is the subject of this Agreement,  the Trust Fund
created by this Agreement is not authorized and has no power to:

                    (1) borrow money or issue debt;
                    (2) merge with another entity, reorganize, liquidate or sell
                    (3) engage in any business or activities.

          (b)  Each  party  to this  agreement  agrees  that it will not file an
involuntary  bankruptcy  petition  against  the  Trustee  or the  Trust  Fund or
initiate any other form of insolvency  proceeding  until after the  Certificates
have been paid.

          SECTION 10.16. Execution of Yield Maintenance Agreement.

          The Depositor hereby directs the Trustee to enter into and execute the
Yield Maintenance  Agreement on the Closing Date on behalf of the Holders of the
Class AV-1  Certificates.  The  Sellers,  the  Depositor,  the  Servicer and the
Holders  of  the  Class  AV-1   Certificates   (by  their   acceptance  of  such
Certificates)  acknowledge  that JPMorgan  Chase Bank is entering into the Yield
Maintenance  Agreement  solely in its  capacity as Trustee of the Trust Fund and
not in its individual capacity.

                                   * * * * * *


                           [INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK]


          IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Depositor,  the Trustee,  each of the Sellers
and the Servicer have caused their names to be signed hereto by their respective
officers thereunto duly authorized as of the day and year first above written.

                              EQUITY ONE ABS, INC., as Depositor

                              By:/s/ James H. Jenkins
                                 James H. Jenkins, Senior Vice President and CFO

                              JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, as Trustee

                              By:/s/ Aranka R. Paul
                                 Aranka R. Paul, Assistant Vice President

                              EQUITY ONE, INC. (DE), as a Seller and Servicer

                              By:/s/ James H. Jenkins
                                 James H. Jenkins, Senior Vice President and CFO

                              EQUITY ONE, INCORPORATED (PA), as a Seller

                              By:/s/ James H. Jenkins
                                 James H. Jenkins, Senior Vice President and CFO

                              EQUITY ONE, INC. (MN), as a Seller

                              By:/s/ James H. Jenkins
                                 James H. Jenkins, Senior Vice President and CFO

                              EQUITY ONE CONSUMER LOAN COMPANY, INC. (NH), as a

                              By:/s/ James H. Jenkins
                                 James H. Jenkins, Senior Vice President and CFO

                              POPULAR FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC, as a Seller

                              By:/s/ James H. Jenkins
                                 James H. Jenkins, Senior Vice President and CFO


                                   SCHEDULE I

                                  Loan Schedule

                                  SEE ATTACHED


                                  SCHEDULE IIA

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                       Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
                                  Series 2003-2

     Representations and Warranties of Equity One-Delaware

          Equity  One-Delaware  ("Seller") hereby makes the  representations and
warranties  set forth in this Schedule IIA to the Depositor and the Trustee,  as
of the Closing  Date or if so  specified  herein,  as of the  Cut-off  Date with
respect to the Loans being  conveyed by Seller.  Capitalized  terms used but not
otherwise  defined in this Schedule IIA shall have the meanings ascribed thereto
in the Pooling and Servicing  Agreement (the "Pooling and Servicing  Agreement")
relating to the above-referenced Series, among Seller, the other Sellers and the
Servicer  identified therein,  Equity One ABS, Inc., as depositor,  and JPMorgan
Chase Bank, as trustee.  The term "Agreement"  shall be used in this Schedule to
refer to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

                    (1) Seller is duly organized as a Delaware  corporation  and
          is validly  existing and in good standing  under the laws of the State
          of Delaware and is duly  authorized  and qualified to transact any and
          all business  contemplated  by the Agreement to be conducted by Seller
          in any state in which a Mortgaged  Property is located or is otherwise
          not required under applicable law to effect such qualification and, in
          any event,  is in compliance  with the doing business laws of any such
          state,  to the extent  necessary to ensure its ability to enforce each
          Loan and to perform any of its other  obligations  under the Agreement
          in accordance with the terms thereof.

                    (2) Seller has the full  corporate  power and  authority  to
          sell each Loan, and to execute, deliver and perform, and to enter into
          and consummate the transactions  contemplated by the Agreement and has
          duly  authorized  by all  necessary  corporate  action  on the part of
          Seller the execution,  delivery and performance of the Agreement;  and
          the Agreement, assuming the due authorization,  execution and delivery
          thereof by the other parties thereto,  constitutes a legal,  valid and
          binding obligation of Seller, enforceable against Seller in accordance
          with its terms,  except  that (a) the  enforceability  thereof  may be
          limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium,  receivership and other
          similar  laws  relating to  creditors'  rights  generally  and (b) the
          remedy of  specific  performance  and  injunctive  and other  forms of
          equitable  relief  may be  subject to  equitable  defenses  and to the
          discretion  of the court before which any  proceeding  therefor may be

                    (3) The  execution  and delivery of the Agreement by Seller,
          the sale of the Loans by Seller under the Agreement,  the consummation
          of any other of the  transactions  contemplated by the Agreement,  and
          the  fulfillment  of or  compliance  with the terms thereof are in the
          ordinary  course of  business  of Seller  and will not (a) result in a
          material  breach of any term or provision of the charter or by-laws of
          Seller or (b) materially  conflict with,  result in a material breach,
          violation or acceleration  of, or result in a material  default under,
          the terms of any  other  material  agreement  or  instrument  to which
          Seller  is a party or by which  it may be  bound or (c)  constitute  a
          material violation of any statute,  order or regulation  applicable to
          Seller  of  any  court,  regulatory  body,  administrative  agency  or
          governmental body having  jurisdiction over Seller;  and Seller is not
          in breach or  violation of any  material  indenture or other  material
          agreement or  instrument,  or in  violation  of any statute,  order or
          regulation of any court,  regulatory  body,  administrative  agency or
          governmental  body  having   jurisdiction  over  it  which  breach  or
          violation may materially  impair  Seller's  ability to perform or meet
          any of its obligations under the Agreement.


                    (4) No  litigation  is pending  or, to the best of  Seller's
          knowledge,  threatened,  against  Seller  that  would  materially  and
          adversely  affect the  execution,  delivery or  enforceability  of the
          Agreement or the ability of Seller to sell the Loans or to perform any
          of its other  obligations  under the Agreement in accordance  with the
          terms thereof.

                    (5) No  consent,  approval,  authorization  or  order of any
          court or  governmental  agency or body is required for the  execution,
          delivery and  performance  by Seller of, or compliance by Seller with,
          the Agreement or the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated
          thereby, or if any such consent,  approval,  authorization or order is
          required, Seller has obtained the same.

                    (6) Seller  intends to treat the  conveyance of the Loans to
          the Depositor as a sale under applicable law;  however,  for financial
          reporting  purposes  Seller  intends to treat this  transaction as the
          incurrence of debt by Seller.

                    (7)  Seller  is not  insolvent  nor is  Seller  aware of any
          pending  insolvency,  and Seller will not become insolvent as a result
          of its sale of the Loans under the Agreement, and Seller's sale of the
          Loans to the Depositor  under the Agreement  will not be made with any
          intent to hinder, delay or defraud any of its creditors.


                                  SCHEDULE IIB

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                       Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
                                  Series 2003-2

     Representations and Warranties of Equity One-Minnesota

          Equity  One-Minnesota  ("Seller") hereby makes the representations and
warranties  set forth in this Schedule IIB to the Depositor and the Trustee,  as
of the Closing  Date or if so  specified  herein,  as of the  Cut-off  Date with
respect to the Loans being  conveyed by Seller.  Capitalized  terms used but not
otherwise  defined in this Schedule IIB shall have the meanings ascribed thereto
in the Pooling and Servicing  Agreement (the "Pooling and Servicing  Agreement")
relating to the above-referenced Series, among Seller, the other Sellers and the
Servicer  identified therein,  Equity One ABS, Inc., as depositor,  and JPMorgan
Chase Bank, as trustee.  The term "Agreement"  shall be used in this Schedule to
refer to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

                    (1) Seller is duly organized as a Minnesota  corporation and
          is validly  existing and in good standing  under the laws of the State
          of Minnesota and is duly  authorized and qualified to transact any and
          all business  contemplated  by the Agreement to be conducted by Seller
          in any state in which a Mortgaged  Property is located or is otherwise
          not required under applicable law to effect such qualification and, in
          any event,  is in compliance  with the doing business laws of any such
          state,  to the extent  necessary to ensure its ability to enforce each
          Loan and to perform any of its other  obligations  under the Agreement
          in accordance with the terms thereof.

                    (2) Seller has the full  corporate  power and  authority  to
          sell each Loan, and to execute, deliver and perform, and to enter into
          and consummate the transactions  contemplated by the Agreement and has
          duly  authorized  by all  necessary  corporate  action  on the part of
          Seller the execution,  delivery and performance of the Agreement;  and
          the Agreement, assuming the due authorization,  execution and delivery
          thereof by the other parties thereto,  constitutes a legal,  valid and
          binding obligation of Seller, enforceable against Seller in accordance
          with its terms,  except  that (a) the  enforceability  thereof  may be
          limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium,  receivership and other
          similar  laws  relating to  creditors'  rights  generally  and (b) the
          remedy of  specific  performance  and  injunctive  and other  forms of
          equitable  relief  may be  subject to  equitable  defenses  and to the
          discretion  of the court before which any  proceeding  therefor may be

                    (3) The  execution  and delivery of the Agreement by Seller,
          the sale of the Loans by Seller under the Agreement,  the consummation
          of any other of the  transactions  contemplated by the Agreement,  and
          the  fulfillment  of or  compliance  with the terms thereof are in the
          ordinary  course of  business  of Seller  and will not (a) result in a
          material  breach of any term or provision of the charter or by-laws of
          Seller or (b) materially  conflict with,  result in a material breach,
          violation or acceleration  of, or result in a material  default under,
          the terms of any  other  material  agreement  or  instrument  to which
          Seller  is a party or by which  it may be  bound or (c)  constitute  a
          material violation of any statute,  order or regulation  applicable to
          Seller  of  any  court,  regulatory  body,  administrative  agency  or
          governmental body having  jurisdiction over Seller;  and Seller is not
          in breach or  violation of any  material  indenture or other  material
          agreement or  instrument,  or in  violation  of any statute,  order or
          regulation of any court,  regulatory  body,  administrative  agency or
          governmental  body  having   jurisdiction  over  it  which  breach  or


          may materially  impair Seller's  ability to perform or meet any of its
          obligations under the Agreement.

                    (4) No  litigation  is pending  or, to the best of  Seller's
          knowledge,  threatened,  against  Seller  that  would  materially  and
          adversely  affect the  execution,  delivery or  enforceability  of the
          Agreement or the ability of Seller to sell the Loans or to perform any
          of its other  obligations  under the Agreement in accordance  with the
          terms thereof.

                    (5) No  consent,  approval,  authorization  or  order of any
          court or  governmental  agency or body is required for the  execution,
          delivery and  performance  by Seller of, or compliance by Seller with,
          the Agreement or the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated
          thereby, or if any such consent,  approval,  authorization or order is
          required, Seller has obtained the same.

                    (6) Seller  intends to treat the  conveyance of the Loans to
          the Depositor as a sale under applicable law;  however,  for financial
          reporting  purposes  Seller  intends to treat this  transaction as the
          incurrence of debt by Seller.

                    (7)  Seller  is not  insolvent  nor is  Seller  aware of any
          pending  insolvency,  and Seller will not become insolvent as a result
          of its sale of the Loans under the Agreement, and Seller's sale of the
          Loans to the Depositor  under the Agreement  will not be made with any
          intent to hinder, delay or defraud any of its creditors.


                                  SCHEDULE IIC

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                       Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
                                  Series 2003-2

     Representations and Warranties of Equity One-New Hampshire

          Equity One-New Hampshire  ("Seller") hereby makes the  representations
and  warranties set forth in this Schedule IIC to the Depositor and the Trustee,
as of the Closing  Date or if so specified  herein,  as of the Cut-off Date with
respect to the Loans being  conveyed by Seller.  Capitalized  terms used but not
otherwise  defined in this Schedule IIC shall have the meanings ascribed thereto
in the Pooling and Servicing  Agreement (the "Pooling and Servicing  Agreement")
relating to the above-referenced Series, among Seller, the other Sellers and the
Servicer  identified therein,  Equity One ABS, Inc., as depositor,  and JPMorgan
Chase Bank, as trustee.  The term "Agreement"  shall be used in this Schedule to
refer to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

                    (1) Seller is duly organized as a New Hampshire  corporation
          and is validly  existing  and in good  standing  under the laws of the
          State  of New  Hampshire  and is  duly  authorized  and  qualified  to
          transact  any and all  business  contemplated  by the  Agreement to be
          conducted  by  Seller in any state in which a  Mortgaged  Property  is
          located or is otherwise not required  under  applicable  law to effect
          such  qualification and, in any event, is in compliance with the doing
          business laws of any such state, to the extent necessary to ensure its
          ability  to  enforce  each  Loan  and to  perform  any  of  its  other
          obligations under the Agreement in accordance with the terms thereof.

                    (2) Seller has the full  corporate  power and  authority  to
          sell each Loan, and to execute, deliver and perform, and to enter into
          and consummate the transactions  contemplated by the Agreement and has
          duly  authorized  by all  necessary  corporate  action  on the part of
          Seller the execution,  delivery and performance of the Agreement;  and
          the Agreement, assuming the due authorization,  execution and delivery
          thereof by the other parties thereto,  constitutes a legal,  valid and
          binding obligation of Seller, enforceable against Seller in accordance
          with its terms,  except  that (a) the  enforceability  thereof  may be
          limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium,  receivership and other
          similar  laws  relating to  creditors'  rights  generally  and (b) the
          remedy of  specific  performance  and  injunctive  and other  forms of
          equitable  relief  may be  subject to  equitable  defenses  and to the
          discretion  of the court before which any  proceeding  therefor may be

                    (3) The  execution  and delivery of the Agreement by Seller,
          the sale of the Loans by Seller under the Agreement,  the consummation
          of any other of the  transactions  contemplated by the Agreement,  and
          the  fulfillment  of or  compliance  with the terms thereof are in the
          ordinary  course of  business  of Seller  and will not (a) result in a
          material  breach of any term or provision of the charter or by-laws of
          Seller or (b) materially  conflict with,  result in a material breach,
          violation or acceleration  of, or result in a material  default under,
          the terms of any  other  material  agreement  or  instrument  to which
          Seller  is a party or by which  it may be  bound or (c)  constitute  a
          material violation of any statute,  order or regulation  applicable to
          Seller  of  any  court,  regulatory  body,  administrative  agency  or
          governmental body having  jurisdiction over Seller;  and Seller is not
          in breach or  violation of any  material  indenture or other  material
          agreement or  instrument,  or in  violation  of any statute,  order or
          regulation of any court,  regulatory  body,  administrative  agency or
          governmental  body  having   jurisdiction  over  it  which  breach  or


          may materially  impair Seller's  ability to perform or meet any of its
          obligations under the Agreement.

                    (4) No  litigation  is pending  or, to the best of  Seller's
          knowledge,  threatened,  against  Seller  that  would  materially  and
          adversely  affect the  execution,  delivery or  enforceability  of the
          Agreement or the ability of Seller to sell the Loans or to perform any
          of its other  obligations  under the Agreement in accordance  with the
          terms thereof.

                    (5) No  consent,  approval,  authorization  or  order of any
          court or  governmental  agency or body is required for the  execution,
          delivery and  performance  by Seller of, or compliance by Seller with,
          the Agreement or the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated
          thereby, or if any such consent,  approval,  authorization or order is
          required, Seller has obtained the same.

                    (6) Seller  intends to treat the  conveyance of the Loans to
          the Depositor as a sale under applicable law;  however,  for financial
          reporting  purposes  Seller  intends to treat this  transaction as the
          incurrence of debt by Seller.

                    (7)  Seller  is not  insolvent  nor is  Seller  aware of any
          pending  insolvency,  and Seller will not become insolvent as a result
          of its sale of the Loans under the Agreement, and Seller's sale of the
          Loans to the Depositor  under the Agreement  will not be made with any
          intent to hinder, delay or defraud any of its creditors.


                                  SCHEDULE IID

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                       Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
                                  Series 2003-2

     Representations and Warranties of Equity One-Pennsylvania

          Equity  One-Pennsylvania  ("Seller") hereby makes the  representations
and  warranties set forth in this Schedule IID to the Depositor and the Trustee,
as of the Closing  Date or if so specified  herein,  as of the Cut-off Date with
respect to the Loans being  conveyed by Seller.  Capitalized  terms used but not
otherwise  defined in this Schedule IID shall have the meanings ascribed thereto
in the Pooling and Servicing  Agreement (the "Pooling and Servicing  Agreement")
relating to the above-referenced Series, among Seller, the other Sellers and the
Servicer  identified therein,  Equity One ABS, Inc., as depositor,  and JPMorgan
Chase Bank, as trustee.  The term "Agreement"  shall be used in this Schedule to
refer to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

                    (1) Seller is duly organized as a  Pennsylvania  corporation
          and is validly  existing  and in good  standing  under the laws of the
          Commonwealth of  Pennsylvania  and is duly authorized and qualified to
          transact  any and all  business  contemplated  by the  Agreement to be
          conducted  by  Seller in any state in which a  Mortgaged  Property  is
          located or is otherwise not required  under  applicable  law to effect
          such  qualification and, in any event, is in compliance with the doing
          business laws of any such state, to the extent necessary to ensure its
          ability  to  enforce  each  Loan  and to  perform  any  of  its  other
          obligations under the Agreement in accordance with the terms thereof.

                    (2) Seller has the full  corporate  power and  authority  to
          sell each Loan, and to execute, deliver and perform, and to enter into
          and consummate the transactions  contemplated by the Agreement and has
          duly  authorized  by all  necessary  corporate  action  on the part of
          Seller the execution,  delivery and performance of the Agreement;  and
          the Agreement, assuming the due authorization,  execution and delivery
          thereof by the other parties thereto,  constitutes a legal,  valid and
          binding obligation of Seller, enforceable against Seller in accordance
          with its terms,  except  that (a) the  enforceability  thereof  may be
          limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium,  receivership and other
          similar  laws  relating to  creditors'  rights  generally  and (b) the
          remedy of  specific  performance  and  injunctive  and other  forms of
          equitable  relief  may be  subject to  equitable  defenses  and to the
          discretion  of the court before which any  proceeding  therefor may be

                    (3) The  execution  and delivery of the Agreement by Seller,
          the sale of the Loans by Seller under the Agreement,  the consummation
          of any other of the  transactions  contemplated by the Agreement,  and
          the  fulfillment  of or  compliance  with the terms thereof are in the
          ordinary  course of  business  of Seller  and will not (a) result in a
          material  breach of any term or provision of the charter or by-laws of
          Seller or (b) materially  conflict with,  result in a material breach,
          violation or acceleration  of, or result in a material  default under,
          the terms of any  other  material  agreement  or  instrument  to which
          Seller  is a party or by which  it may be  bound or (c)  constitute  a
          material violation of any statute,  order or regulation  applicable to
          Seller  of  any  court,  regulatory  body,  administrative  agency  or
          governmental body having  jurisdiction over Seller;  and Seller is not
          in breach or  violation of any  material  indenture or other  material
          agreement or  instrument,  or in  violation  of any statute,  order or
          regulation of any court,  regulatory  body,  administrative  agency or
          governmental  body  having   jurisdiction  over  it  which  breach  or


          may materially  impair Seller's  ability to perform or meet any of its
          obligations under the Agreement.

                    (4) No  litigation  is pending  or, to the best of  Seller's
          knowledge,  threatened,  against  Seller  that  would  materially  and
          adversely  affect the  execution,  delivery or  enforceability  of the
          Agreement or the ability of Seller to sell the Loans or to perform any
          of its other  obligations  under the Agreement in accordance  with the
          terms thereof.

                    (5) No  consent,  approval,  authorization  or  order of any
          court or  governmental  agency or body is required for the  execution,
          delivery and  performance  by Seller of, or compliance by Seller with,
          the Agreement or the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated
          thereby, or if any such consent,  approval,  authorization or order is
          required, Seller has obtained the same.

                    (6) Seller  intends to treat the  conveyance of the Loans to
          the Depositor as a sale under applicable law;  however,  for financial
          reporting  purposes  Seller  intends to treat this  transaction as the
          incurrence of debt by Seller.

                    (7)  Seller  is not  insolvent  nor is  Seller  aware of any
          pending  insolvency,  and Seller will not become insolvent as a result
          of its sale of the Loans under the Agreement, and Seller's sale of the
          Loans to the Depositor  under the Agreement  will not be made with any
          intent to hinder, delay or defraud any of its creditors.


                                  SCHEDULE IIE

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                       Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
                                  Series 2003-2

     Representations and Warranties of Popular Financial

          Popular  Financial  ("Seller")  hereby makes the  representations  and
warranties  set forth in this Schedule IIE to the Depositor and the Trustee,  as
of the Closing  Date or if so  specified  herein,  as of the  Cut-off  Date with
respect to the Loans being  conveyed by Seller.  Capitalized  terms used but not
otherwise  defined in this Schedule IIE shall have the meanings ascribed thereto
in the Pooling and Servicing  Agreement (the "Pooling and Servicing  Agreement")
relating to the above-referenced Series, among Seller, the other Sellers and the
Servicer  identified therein,  Equity One ABS, Inc., as depositor,  and JPMorgan
Chase Bank, as trustee.  The term "Agreement"  shall be used in this Schedule to
refer to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

                    (1) Seller is duly  formed as a Delaware  limited  liability
          company and is validly existing and in good standing under the laws of
          the State of Delaware and is duly authorized and qualified to transact
          any and all business  contemplated by the Agreement to be conducted by
          Seller in any state in which a  Mortgaged  Property  is  located or is
          otherwise   not  required   under   applicable   law  to  effect  such
          qualification  and,  in any  event,  is in  compliance  with the doing
          business laws of any such state, to the extent necessary to ensure its
          ability  to  enforce  each  Loan  and to  perform  any  of  its  other
          obligations under the Agreement in accordance with the terms thereof.

                    (2)  Seller has the full  power and  authority  to sell each
          Loan,  and to  execute,  deliver  and  perform,  and to enter into and
          consummate the transactions contemplated by the Agreement and has duly
          authorized by all necessary corporate action on the part of Seller the
          execution,   delivery  and  performance  of  the  Agreement;  and  the
          Agreement,  assuming  the due  authorization,  execution  and delivery
          thereof by the other parties thereto,  constitutes a legal,  valid and
          binding obligation of Seller, enforceable against Seller in accordance
          with its terms,  except  that (a) the  enforceability  thereof  may be
          limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium,  receivership and other
          similar  laws  relating to  creditors'  rights  generally  and (b) the
          remedy of  specific  performance  and  injunctive  and other  forms of
          equitable  relief  may be  subject to  equitable  defenses  and to the
          discretion  of the court before which any  proceeding  therefor may be

                    (3) The  execution  and delivery of the Agreement by Seller,
          the sale of the Loans by Seller under the Agreement,  the consummation
          of any other of the  transactions  contemplated by the Agreement,  and
          the  fulfillment  of or  compliance  with the terms thereof are in the
          ordinary  course of  business  of Seller  and will not (a) result in a
          material breach of any term or provision of the operating agreement of
          Seller or (b) materially  conflict with,  result in a material breach,
          violation or acceleration  of, or result in a material  default under,
          the terms of any  other  material  agreement  or  instrument  to which
          Seller  is a party or by which  it may be  bound or (c)  constitute  a
          material violation of any statute,  order or regulation  applicable to
          Seller  of  any  court,  regulatory  body,  administrative  agency  or
          governmental body having  jurisdiction over Seller;  and Seller is not
          in breach or  violation of any  material  indenture or other  material
          agreement or  instrument,  or in  violation  of any statute,  order or
          regulation of any court,  regulatory  body,  administrative  agency or
          governmental  body  having   jurisdiction  over  it  which  breach  or


          may materially  impair Seller's  ability to perform or meet any of its
          obligations under the Agreement.

                    (4) No  litigation  is pending  or, to the best of  Seller's
          knowledge,  threatened,  against  Seller  that  would  materially  and
          adversely  affect the  execution,  delivery or  enforceability  of the
          Agreement or the ability of Seller to sell the Loans or to perform any
          of its other  obligations  under the Agreement in accordance  with the
          terms thereof.

                    (5) No  consent,  approval,  authorization  or  order of any
          court or  governmental  agency or body is required for the  execution,
          delivery and  performance  by Seller of, or compliance by Seller with,
          the Agreement or the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated
          thereby, or if any such consent,  approval,  authorization or order is
          required, Seller has obtained the same.

                    (6) Seller  intends to treat the  conveyance of the Loans to
          the Depositor as a sale under applicable law;  however,  for financial
          reporting  purposes  Seller  intends to treat this  transaction as the
          incurrence of debt by Seller.

                    (7)  Seller  is not  insolvent  nor is  Seller  aware of any
          pending  insolvency,  and Seller will not become insolvent as a result
          of its sale of the Loans under the Agreement, and Seller's sale of the
          Loans to the Depositor  under the Agreement  will not be made with any
          intent to hinder, delay or defraud any of its creditors.


                                  SCHEDULE IIX

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                       Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
                                  Series 2003-2

     Representations and Warranties of the Servicer

          Equity-One  Delaware,  in its capacity as  Servicer,  hereby makes the
representations  and  warranties set forth in this Schedule IIX to the Depositor
and the Trustee,  as of the Closing Date or if so  specified  herein,  as of the
Cut-off  Date  with  respect  to the  Loans  being  conveyed  by the  Seller(s).
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined in this Schedule IIX shall have
the  meanings  ascribed  thereto in the Pooling  and  Servicing  Agreement  (the
"Pooling and  Servicing  Agreement")  relating to the  above-referenced  Series,
among Seller, the other Sellers and the Servicer identified therein,  Equity One
ABS,  Inc.,  as  depositor,  and  JPMorgan  Chase  Bank,  as  trustee.  The term
"Agreement" shall be used in this Schedule to refer to the Pooling and Servicing

                    (1) Servicer is duly organized as a Delaware corporation and
          is validly  existing and in good standing  under the laws of the State
          of Delaware and is duly  authorized  and qualified to transact any and
          all business contemplated by the Agreement to be conducted by Servicer
          in any state in which a Mortgaged  Property is located or is otherwise
          not required under applicable law to effect such qualification and, in
          any event,  is in compliance  with the doing business laws of any such
          state,  to the extent  necessary  to ensure its ability to service the
          Loans in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and to perform any
          of its other  obligations  under the Agreement in accordance  with the
          terms thereof.

                    (2) Servicer has the full  corporate  power and authority to
          service each Loan, and to execute,  deliver and perform,  and to enter
          into and consummate the transactions contemplated by the Agreement and
          has duly authorized by all necessary  corporate  action on the part of
          Servicer the execution, delivery and performance of the Agreement; and
          the Agreement, assuming the due authorization,  execution and delivery
          thereof by the other parties thereto,  constitutes a legal,  valid and
          binding  obligation  of  Servicer,  enforceable  against  Servicer  in
          accordance with its terms, except that (a) the enforceability  thereof
          may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium, receivership and
          other similar laws relating to creditors' rights generally and (b) the
          remedy of  specific  performance  and  injunctive  and other  forms of
          equitable  relief  may be  subject to  equitable  defenses  and to the
          discretion  of the court before which any  proceeding  therefor may be

                    (3) The execution and delivery of the Agreement by Servicer,
          the  servicing  of the  Loans by  Servicer  under the  Agreement,  the
          consummation  of any  other of the  transactions  contemplated  by the
          Agreement, and the fulfillment of or compliance with the terms thereof
          are in the  ordinary  course of business of Servicer  and will not (a)
          result in a material breach of any term or provision of the charter or
          by-laws of  Servicer  or (b)  materially  conflict  with,  result in a
          material breach, violation or acceleration of, or result in a material
          default under, the terms of any other material agreement or instrument
          to  which  Servicer  is a party  or by  which  it may be  bound or (c)
          constitute a material  violation of any statute,  order or  regulation
          applicable to Servicer of any court,  regulatory body,  administrative
          agency or governmental  body having  jurisdiction  over Servicer;  and
          Servicer is not in breach or violation  of any  material  indenture or
          other  material  agreement  or  instrument,  or in  violation  of  any
          statute,   order  or  regulation  of  any  court,   regulatory   body,
          administrative agency or governmental body having jurisdiction over it
          which breach or


          violation may materially impair Servicer's  ability to perform or meet
          any of its obligations under the Agreement.

                    (4) No  litigation  is pending or, to the best of Servicer's
          knowledge,  threatened,  against  Servicer that would  materially  and
          adversely  affect the  execution,  delivery or  enforceability  of the
          Agreement  or the  ability  of  Servicer  to  service  the Loans or to
          perform any of its other obligations under the Agreement in accordance
          with the terms thereof.

                    (5) No  consent,  approval,  authorization  or  order of any
          court or  governmental  agency or body is required for the  execution,
          delivery and  performance  by Servicer of, or  compliance  by Servicer
          with,  the  Agreement  or  the   consummation   of  the   transactions
          contemplated thereby, or if any such consent, approval,  authorization
          or order is required, Servicer has obtained the same.


                                  SCHEDULE IIIA

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                       Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
                                  Series 2003-2

     Loan Representations and Warranties of Equity One-Delaware

          Equity  One-Delaware  ("Seller") hereby makes the  representations and
warranties set forth in this Schedule IIIA to the Depositor and the Trustee,  as
of the Closing  Date or if so  specified  herein,  as of the  Cut-off  Date with
respect to the Loans being conveyed by Seller and the Mortgages,  Mortgage Notes
and  Mortgaged  Properties  related  thereto.  Capitalized  terms  used  but not
otherwise defined in this Schedule IIIA shall have the meanings ascribed thereto
in the Pooling and Servicing  Agreement (the "Pooling and Servicing  Agreement")
relating to the above-referenced Series, among Seller, the other Sellers and the
Servicer  identified therein,  Equity One ABS, Inc., as depositor,  and JPMorgan
Chase Bank, as trustee.  The term "Agreement"  shall be used in this Schedule to
refer to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

                    (1) The information set forth on Schedule I to the Agreement
          with respect to the Loans is true and correct in all material respects
          as of the Closing Date.

                    (2) As of the Cut-off Date, no Loan was  contractually  past
          due  (assuming 30 day months) for 60 or more days.  In  addition,  not
          more than 0.21% (by principal  balance) of all Group I Loans and 0.05%
          of all Group II Loans (by  principal  balance) set forth on Schedule I
          to the Agreement were 30 or more days contractually past due (assuming
          30 day months). No more than 7.60% (by principal balance) of all Loans
          are Second Lien Loans.

                    (3)  No  Loan  had  a   Combined   Loan-to-Value   Ratio  at
          origination in excess of 100%. For purposes of determining the date of
          origination  on which  each  Loan's  Combined  Loan-to-Value  Ratio is
          measured,  no Loan has been significantly  modified within the meaning
          of Treasury Regulation 1.860G-2(b) as of the Closing Date.

                    (4) Each Mortgage is a valid and enforceable first or second
          lien on the referenced Mortgaged Property subject only to (a) the lien
          of non  delinquent  current real property taxes and  assessments,  (b)
          covenants,  conditions and restrictions,  rights of way, easements and
          other  matters of public  record as of the date of  recording  of such
          Mortgage,  such  exceptions  appearing of record being  acceptable  to
          mortgage lending institutions  generally or specifically  reflected in
          the appraisal made in connection  with the  origination of the related
          Loan,  and (c) other  matters to which like  properties  are  commonly
          subject  which do not  materially  interfere  with the benefits of the
          security intended to be provided by such Mortgage.

                    (5) Immediately  prior to the assignment of the Loans to the
          Depositor,  the  Seller  had good title to, and was the sole owner of,
          each such Loan free and clear of any pledge,  lien (except in the case
          of a Second Lien Loan,  which shall be subject to prior liens approved
          by Seller),  encumbrance  or security  interest and had full right and
          authority,  subject to no interest or  participation  of, or agreement
          with,  any other  party,  to sell and assign the same  pursuant to the

                    (6)  To  the  best  of  Seller's  knowledge,   there  is  no
          delinquent tax or assessment lien against any Mortgaged Property.


                    (7) There is no valid right of rescission,  offset,  defense
          or  counterclaim  to any  Mortgage  Note or  Mortgage,  including  the
          obligation of the Mortgagor to pay the unpaid principal of or interest
          on such Mortgage Note.

                    (8)  To  the  best  of  Seller's  knowledge,  there  are  no
          mechanics' liens or claims for work,  labor or material  affecting any
          Mortgaged Property which are or may be a lien prior to, or equal with,
          the lien of such Mortgage,  except those which are insured  against by
          the title insurance policy referred to in item (12) below.

                    (9) To the best of the Seller's  knowledge,  each  Mortgaged
          Property is free of material damage and in good repair.

                    (10)  Each  Loan at  origination  complied  in all  material
          respects with applicable  state and federal laws,  including,  without
          limitation,  usury, equal credit  opportunity,  real estate settlement
          procedures,  truth-in-lending and disclosure laws, and consummation of
          the transactions contemplated hereby will not involve the violation of
          any such laws.

                    (11) As of the  Closing  Date,  neither  the  Seller nor any
          prior holder of any Mortgage has modified the Mortgage in any material
          respect  (except  that a Loan  may have  been  modified  by a  written
          instrument  which has been recorded or submitted for  recordation,  if
          necessary,  to protect the interests of the Certificateholders and the
          original  or a copy of which  has been or  shall be  delivered  to the
          Trustee);  satisfied,  canceled or subordinated such Mortgage in whole
          or in part;  released  the related  Mortgaged  Property in whole or in
          part from the lien of such  Mortgage;  or executed any  instrument  of
          release,  cancellation,  modification  or  satisfaction  with  respect

                    (12) For each  Loan,  other  than  Second  Lien  Loans  with
          initial  principal  balances of $50,000 or less, a lender's  policy of
          title insurance  together with a condominium  endorsement and extended
          coverage  endorsement,  if applicable,  in an amount at least equal to
          the  Cut-off  Date  Stated  Principal  Balance  of each such Loan or a
          commitment (binder) to issue the same was effective on the date of the
          origination  of each Loan,  each such  policy is valid and  remains in
          full  force and  effect,  and each such  policy  was issued by a title
          insurer qualified to do business in the jurisdiction where the related
          Mortgaged  Property is located,  which  policy  insures the Seller and
          successor  owners  of  indebtedness  secured  by the  related  insured
          Mortgage,  as to the applicable  priority lien of the Mortgage subject
          to the  exceptions  set  forth in item (4)  above;  to the best of the
          Seller's knowledge, no claims have been made under such mortgage title
          insurance  policy  and  no  prior  holder  of  the  related  Mortgage,
          including  the Seller,  has done, by act or omission,  anything  which
          would impair the coverage of such mortgage title insurance policy.

                    (13)  To the  best  of the  Seller's  knowledge,  all of the
          improvements  which were included for the purpose of  determining  the
          appraised  value of each  Mortgaged  Property  lie  wholly  within the
          boundaries and building  restriction  lines of such  property,  and no
          improvements  on adjoining  properties  encroach  upon such  Mortgaged

                    (14) To the best of the Seller's  knowledge,  no improvement
          located on or being part of any Mortgaged  Property is in violation of
          any applicable  zoning law or regulation.  To the best of the Seller's
          knowledge,  all inspections,  licenses and certificates required to be
          made or issued with respect to all occupied portions of such Mortgaged
          Property  and,  with  respect  to the use and  occupancy  of the same,
          including  but not  limited  to  certificates  of  occupancy  and fire
          underwriting  certificates,  have  been  made  or  obtained  from  the


          authorities, unless the lack thereof would not have a material adverse
          effect on the value of such  Mortgaged  Property,  and such  Mortgaged
          Property is lawfully occupied under applicable law.

                    (15)  Each  Mortgage  Note  and  the  related  Mortgage  are
          genuine,  and each is the legal,  valid and binding  obligation of the
          maker  thereof,  enforceable  in  accordance  with its terms and under
          applicable law. To the best of the Seller's knowledge,  all parties to
          such  Mortgage  Note and such  Mortgage had legal  capacity to execute
          such  Mortgage  Note and such Mortgage and each such Mortgage Note and
          Mortgage have been duly and properly executed by such parties.

                    (16) The proceeds of each Loan (other than  certain  amounts
          escrowed for home improvements) have been fully disbursed and there is
          no requirement for future  advances  thereunder.  All costs,  fees and
          expenses  incurred in making,  or closing or recording such Loans were

                    (17)  Each  Mortgage  contains   customary  and  enforceable
          provisions  which render the rights and remedies of the holder thereof
          adequate for the realization against the related Mortgaged Property of
          the benefits of the security, including, (a) in the case of a Mortgage
          designated as a deed of trust,  by trustee's sale and (b) otherwise by
          judicial foreclosure.

                    (18) With respect to each  Mortgage  constituting  a deed of
          trust,  a trustee,  duly  qualified  under  applicable law to serve as
          such,  has been  properly  designated  and  currently so serves and is
          named in such  Mortgage,  and no fees or  expenses  are or will become
          payable by the  Certificateholders  to the  trustee  under the deed of
          trust, except in connection with a trustee's sale after default by the

                    (19)   Each   Mortgage   Note  and  each   Mortgage   is  in
          substantially  one of the forms acceptable to FNMA or FHLMC, with such
          riders as have been acceptable to FNMA or FHLMC, as the case may be.

                    (20) The origination,  underwriting and collection practices
          used by the Seller with respect to each Loan have been in all respects
          legal,  prudent and  customary in the mortgage  lending and  servicing

                    (21) There is no pledged  account  or other  security  other
          than any Escrow  Account  and real  estate  securing  the  Mortgagor's

                    (22) No Loan has a  shared  appreciation  feature,  or other
          contingent interest feature.

                    (23) Each Loan contains a customary "due on sale" clause.

                    (24) To the best of Seller's knowledge: at the Cut-off Date,
          the  improvements  on each Mortgaged  Property were covered by a valid
          and  existing  hazard  insurance  policy with a  generally  acceptable
          carrier that provides for fire and extended  coverage and coverage for
          such other hazards as are  customary in the area where such  Mortgaged
          Property  is located in an amount at least  equal to the lesser of (a)
          the maximum  insurable  value of the  improvements  on such  Mortgaged
          Property  or (b)  (i) in the  case  of a Loan  secured  by a  Mortgage
          creating  a first  lien  on  such  Mortgaged  Property,  the  original
          principal balance of such Loan, or (ii) in the case of a Loan which is
          subject  to a prior  loan  or  prior  loans,  the  combined  principal
          balances  of  such  Loan  and the  prior  loan(s).  If such  Mortgaged
          Property is a  condominium  unit,


          it is included under the coverage afforded by a blanket policy for the
          condominium  unit.  For all  Mortgages  creating  a first  lien on the
          related Mortgaged Property, all such individual insurance policies and
          all flood  policies  referred to in item (25) below contain a standard
          mortgagee clause naming the Seller or the original mortgagee,  and its
          successors in interest,  as mortgagee,  and the Seller has received no
          notice that any premiums  due and payable  thereon have not been paid;
          the Mortgage  obligates the Mortgagor  thereunder to maintain all such
          insurance  including  flood  insurance  at the  Mortgagor's  cost  and
          expense,  and upon the  Mortgagor's  failure to do so,  authorizes the
          holder of the  Mortgage to obtain and maintain  such  insurance at the
          Mortgagor's cost and expense and to seek  reimbursement  therefor from
          the Mortgagor.

                    (25) If a Mortgaged Property is in an area identified in the
          Federal Register by the Federal Emergency  Management Agency as having
          special flood hazards,  a flood insurance policy in a form meeting the
          requirements  of  the  current   guidelines  of  the  Flood  Insurance
          Administration  was required at closing with respect to such Mortgaged
          Property with a generally acceptable carrier in an amount representing
          coverage  not less  than the  least  of (a) the  original  outstanding
          principal balance of the related Loan, (b) the minimum amount required
          to compensate for damage or loss on a maximum insurable value basis or
          (c) the maximum amount of insurance that is available  under the Flood
          Disaster Protection Act of 1973, as amended.

                    (26)  To  the  best  of  Seller's  knowledge,  there  is  no
          proceeding  occurring,  pending or threatened for the total or partial
          condemnation of any Mortgaged Property.

                    (27) There is no material  monetary  default  existing under
          any  Mortgage  or the  related  Mortgage  Note and, to the best of the
          Seller's knowledge,  there is no event which, with the passage of time
          or with notice and the  expiration of any grace or cure period,  would
          constitute a default, breach, violation or event of acceleration under
          such Mortgage or related  Mortgage Note; and the Seller has not waived
          any default, breach, violation or event of acceleration.

                    (28)  Each  Mortgaged  Property  is  improved  by a one-  to
          four-family,  or other  multi-family,  residential  dwelling including
          condominium units, which, to the best of Seller's knowledge,  does not
          include  cooperatives  or mobile homes and does not  constitute  other
          than real property under state law.

                    (29) Each Loan is being serviced by the Servicer.

                    (30) Any future advances made prior to the Cut-off Date have
          been consolidated with the outstanding principal amount secured by the
          related  Mortgage,  and the secured principal amount, as consolidated,
          bears a single  interest rate and single  repayment  term reflected on
          the related loan schedule.  The consolidated principal amount does not
          exceed the original  principal  amount of such Loan.  No Mortgage Note
          permits or  obligates  the  Servicer  to make  future  advances to the
          Mortgagor at the option of the Mortgagor.

                    (31)  To  the  best  of  Seller's   knowledge,   all  taxes,
          governmental   assessments,   insurance  premiums,  water,  sewer  and
          municipal charges, leasehold payments or ground rents which previously
          became due and owing have been paid,  except for items which have been
          assessed, but are not yet due and payable.  Except for (a) payments in
          the nature of escrow payments, and (b) interest accruing from the date
          of any Mortgage Note or date of disbursement  of the related  Mortgage
          proceeds,  whichever is later,  to the day which precedes by one month
          the Due Date of the  first  installment  of  principal  and  interest,
          including  without  limitation,  taxes  and  insurance  payments,  the
          Servicer has not advanced  funds,  or induced,


          solicited or knowingly  received any advance of funds by a party other
          than the  Mortgagor,  directly or  indirectly,  for the payment of any
          amount required by the related Mortgage.

                    (32) Each Loan was underwritten in all material  respects in
          accordance with the Seller's  underwriting  guidelines as set forth in
          the Prospectus Supplement.

                    (33) An  appraisal of each  Mortgaged  Property was obtained
          from a qualified appraiser, duly appointed by the originator,  who had
          no interest,  direct or indirect,  in the Mortgaged Property or in any
          loan  made on the  security  thereof,  and whose  compensation  is not
          affected by the approval or disapproval  of such Loan;  such appraisal
          is in a form acceptable to FNMA and FHLMC.

                    (34) No  Loan  is a  graduated  payment  mortgage  loan or a
          growing  equity  mortgage loan, and no Loan is subject to a buydown or
          similar arrangement.

                    (35) The Loans  were  selected  from  among the  outstanding
          residential  mortgage loans in Seller's  portfolio at the Closing Date
          as to which the  representations  and warranties made as to such Loans
          set forth in this  Schedule IIIA can be made.  Such  selection was not
          made  in a  manner  that  would  adversely  affect  the  interests  of

                    (36)  Each  Loan  has a Due Date in the  month of the  first
          Distribution Date.

                    (37)  Approximately  (a) 64.88% of the Group I Loans and (b)
          none of the Group II Loans (by principal balance) are Balloon Loans.

                    (38) No Loan is subject to negative amortization or deferred
          interest payments.

                    (39) No Mortgagor has requested relief under the Relief Act.

                    (40) None of the Loans are retail installment  contracts for
          goods or services or are home improvement loans for goods or services,
          which would be either "consumer  credit  contracts" or "purchase money
          loans" as such terms are defined in 16 C.F.R. ss.433.1.

                    (41) No  Mortgagor  has or  will  have a  claim  or  defense
          against Seller or any assignor or assignee of Seller under any express
          or implied  warranty  with  respect to goods or  services  provided in
          connection with any Loan.

                    (42) Each Loan is a  "qualified  mortgage"  for  purposes of
          Section  860G(a)(3)  of the  Code  and  Treasury  Regulations  Section
          1.860G-2(a)(1) and (3).

                    (43) The Loans,  individually and in the aggregate,  conform
          in all material respects to the descriptions thereof in the Prospectus

                    (44)  There  exist no  deficiencies  with  respect to escrow
          deposits  and  payments,  if such are  required,  for which  customary
          arrangements  for repayment  thereof have not been made, and no escrow
          deposits or payments of other  charges or payments due the Seller have
          been capitalized under any Mortgage or related Mortgage Note.

                    (45) All Loans  calculate  interest  utilizing the actuarial


                    (46) None of the Loans are  subject to the Home  Ownership &
          Equity Protection Act of 1994. No Loan was originated in Georgia on or
          after October 1, 2002.

                    (47) As of the Cut-off  Date,  the Mortgage Rate relating to
          each Loan that is an  adjustable  rate mortgage loan has been adjusted
          in accordance with the terms of the related Mortgage Note.

                    (48) No Group II Loan originated after October 1, 2002 has a
          prepayment  penalty longer than three years after its  origination and
          no Group II Loan originated  prior to October 1, 2002 has a prepayment
          penalty longer than five years after its origination.

                    (49) The Servicer has fully  furnished  with respect to each
          Group II Loan,  in accordance  with the Fair Credit  Reporting Act and
          its implementing regulations, accurate and complete information (e.g.,
          favorable and  unfavorable)  on its borrower  credit files to Equifax,
          Experian  and Trans Union  Credit  Information  Company  (three of the
          credit  repositories),  on a monthly basis (during the period in which
          the Servicer serviced the Group II Loans).

                    (50)  No  proceeds  from  any  Group  II Loan  were  used to
          purchase single-premium credit insurance policies.

                    (51)  Each  Loan at the  time it was  made  complied  in all
          material  respects with  applicable  local,  state,  and federal laws,
          including,  but not limited to, all  applicable  predatory and abusive
          lending laws.

                    (52) No Loan is "High  Cost" as  defined  by the  applicable
          predatory and abusive lending laws.


                                  SCHEDULE IIIB

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                       Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
                                  Series 2003-2

     Loan Representations and Warranties of Equity One-Minnesota

          Equity  One-Minnesota  ("Seller") hereby makes the representations and
warranties set forth in this Schedule IIIB to the Depositor and the Trustee,  as
of the Closing  Date or if so  specified  herein,  as of the  Cut-off  Date with
respect to the Loans being conveyed by Seller and the Mortgages,  Mortgage Notes
and  Mortgaged  Properties  related  thereto.  Capitalized  terms  used  but not
otherwise defined in this Schedule IIIB shall have the meanings ascribed thereto
in the Pooling and Servicing  Agreement (the "Pooling and Servicing  Agreement")
relating to the above-referenced Series, among Seller, the other Sellers and the
Servicer  identified therein,  Equity One ABS, Inc., as depositor,  and JPMorgan
Chase Bank, as trustee.  The term "Agreement"  shall be used in this Schedule to
refer to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

                    (1) The information set forth on Schedule I to the Agreement
          with respect to the Loans is true and correct in all material respects
          as of the Closing Date.

                    (2) As of the Cut-off Date, no Loan was  contractually  past
          due  (assuming 30 day months) for 60 or more days.  In  addition,  not
          more than 0.21% (by principal  balance) of all Group I Loans and 0.05%
          of all Group II Loans (by  principal  balance) set forth on Schedule I
          to the Agreement were 30 or more days contractually past due (assuming
          30 day months). No more than 7.60% (by principal balance) of all Loans
          are Second Lien Loans.

                    (3)  No  Loan  had  a   Combined   Loan-to-Value   Ratio  at
          origination in excess of 100%. For purposes of determining the date of
          origination  on which  each  Loan's  Combined  Loan-to-Value  Ratio is
          measured,  no Loan has been significantly  modified within the meaning
          of Treasury Regulation 1.860G-2(b) as of the Closing Date.

                    (4) Each Mortgage is a valid and enforceable first or second
          lien on the referenced Mortgaged Property subject only to (a) the lien
          of non  delinquent  current real property taxes and  assessments,  (b)
          covenants,  conditions and restrictions,  rights of way, easements and
          other  matters of public  record as of the date of  recording  of such
          Mortgage,  such  exceptions  appearing of record being  acceptable  to
          mortgage lending institutions  generally or specifically  reflected in
          the appraisal made in connection  with the  origination of the related
          Loan,  and (c) other  matters to which like  properties  are  commonly
          subject  which do not  materially  interfere  with the benefits of the
          security intended to be provided by such Mortgage.

                    (5) Immediately  prior to the assignment of the Loans to the
          Depositor,  the  Seller  had good title to, and was the sole owner of,
          each such Loan free and clear of any pledge,  lien (except in the case
          of a Second Lien Loan,  which shall be subject to prior liens approved
          by Seller),  encumbrance  or security  interest and had full right and
          authority,  subject to no interest or  participation  of, or agreement
          with,  any other  party,  to sell and assign the same  pursuant to the

                    (6)  To  the  best  of  Seller's  knowledge,   there  is  no
          delinquent tax or assessment lien against any Mortgaged Property.


                    (7) There is no valid right of rescission,  offset,  defense
          or  counterclaim  to any  Mortgage  Note or  Mortgage,  including  the
          obligation of the Mortgagor to pay the unpaid principal of or interest
          on such Mortgage Note.

                    (8)  To  the  best  of  Seller's  knowledge,  there  are  no
          mechanics' liens or claims for work,  labor or material  affecting any
          Mortgaged Property which are or may be a lien prior to, or equal with,
          the lien of such Mortgage,  except those which are insured  against by
          the title insurance policy referred to in item (12) below.

                    (9) To the best of the Seller's  knowledge,  each  Mortgaged
          Property is free of material damage and in good repair.

                    (10)  Each  Loan at  origination  complied  in all  material
          respects with applicable  state and federal laws,  including,  without
          limitation,  usury, equal credit  opportunity,  real estate settlement
          procedures,  truth-in-lending and disclosure laws, and consummation of
          the transactions contemplated hereby will not involve the violation of
          any such laws.

                    (11) As of the  Closing  Date,  neither  the  Seller nor any
          prior holder of any Mortgage has modified the Mortgage in any material
          respect  (except  that a Loan  may have  been  modified  by a  written
          instrument  which has been recorded or submitted for  recordation,  if
          necessary,  to protect the interests of the Certificateholders and the
          original  or a copy of which  has been or  shall be  delivered  to the
          Trustee);  satisfied,  canceled or subordinated such Mortgage in whole
          or in part;  released  the related  Mortgaged  Property in whole or in
          part from the lien of such  Mortgage;  or executed any  instrument  of
          release,  cancellation,  modification  or  satisfaction  with  respect

                    (12) For each  Loan,  other  than  Second  Lien  Loans  with
          initial  principal  balances of $50,000 or less, a lender's  policy of
          title insurance  together with a condominium  endorsement and extended
          coverage  endorsement,  if applicable,  in an amount at least equal to
          the  Cut-off  Date  Stated  Principal  Balance  of each such Loan or a
          commitment (binder) to issue the same was effective on the date of the
          origination  of each Loan,  each such  policy is valid and  remains in
          full  force and  effect,  and each such  policy  was issued by a title
          insurer qualified to do business in the jurisdiction where the related
          Mortgaged  Property is located,  which  policy  insures the Seller and
          successor  owners  of  indebtedness  secured  by the  related  insured
          Mortgage,  as to the applicable  priority lien of the Mortgage subject
          to the  exceptions  set  forth in item (4)  above;  to the best of the
          Seller's knowledge, no claims have been made under such mortgage title
          insurance  policy  and  no  prior  holder  of  the  related  Mortgage,
          including  the Seller,  has done, by act or omission,  anything  which
          would impair the coverage of such mortgage title insurance policy.

                    (13)  To the  best  of the  Seller's  knowledge,  all of the
          improvements  which were included for the purpose of  determining  the
          appraised  value of each  Mortgaged  Property  lie  wholly  within the
          boundaries and building  restriction  lines of such  property,  and no
          improvements  on adjoining  properties  encroach  upon such  Mortgaged

                    (14) To the best of the Seller's  knowledge,  no improvement
          located on or being part of any Mortgaged  Property is in violation of
          any applicable  zoning law or regulation.  To the best of the Seller's
          knowledge,  all inspections,  licenses and certificates required to be
          made or issued with respect to all occupied portions of such Mortgaged
          Property  and,  with  respect  to the use and  occupancy  of the same,
          including  but not  limited  to  certificates  of  occupancy  and fire
          underwriting  certificates,  have  been  made  or  obtained  from  the


          authorities, unless the lack thereof would not have a material adverse
          effect on the value of such  Mortgaged  Property,  and such  Mortgaged
          Property is lawfully occupied under applicable law.

                    (15)  Each  Mortgage  Note  and  the  related  Mortgage  are
          genuine,  and each is the legal,  valid and binding  obligation of the
          maker  thereof,  enforceable  in  accordance  with its terms and under
          applicable law. To the best of the Seller's knowledge,  all parties to
          such  Mortgage  Note and such  Mortgage had legal  capacity to execute
          such  Mortgage  Note and such Mortgage and each such Mortgage Note and
          Mortgage have been duly and properly executed by such parties.

                    (16) The proceeds of each Loan (other than  certain  amounts
          escrowed for home improvements) have been fully disbursed and there is
          no requirement for future  advances  thereunder.  All costs,  fees and
          expenses  incurred in making,  or closing or recording such Loans were

                    (17)  Each  Mortgage  contains   customary  and  enforceable
          provisions  which render the rights and remedies of the holder thereof
          adequate for the realization against the related Mortgaged Property of
          the benefits of the security, including, (a) in the case of a Mortgage
          designated as a deed of trust,  by trustee's sale and (b) otherwise by
          judicial foreclosure.

                    (18) With respect to each  Mortgage  constituting  a deed of
          trust,  a trustee,  duly  qualified  under  applicable law to serve as
          such,  has been  properly  designated  and  currently so serves and is
          named in such  Mortgage,  and no fees or  expenses  are or will become
          payable by the  Certificateholders  to the  trustee  under the deed of
          trust, except in connection with a trustee's sale after default by the

                    (19)   Each   Mortgage   Note  and  each   Mortgage   is  in
          substantially  one of the forms acceptable to FNMA or FHLMC, with such
          riders as have been acceptable to FNMA or FHLMC, as the case may be.

                    (20) The origination,  underwriting and collection practices
          used by the Seller with respect to each Loan have been in all respects
          legal,  prudent and  customary in the mortgage  lending and  servicing

                    (21) There is no pledged  account  or other  security  other
          than any Escrow  Account  and real  estate  securing  the  Mortgagor's

                    (22) No Loan has a  shared  appreciation  feature,  or other
          contingent interest feature.

                    (23) Each Loan contains a customary "due on sale" clause.

                    (24) To the best of Seller's knowledge: at the Cut-off Date,
          the  improvements  on each Mortgaged  Property were covered by a valid
          and  existing  hazard  insurance  policy with a  generally  acceptable
          carrier that provides for fire and extended  coverage and coverage for
          such other hazards as are  customary in the area where such  Mortgaged
          Property  is located in an amount at least  equal to the lesser of (a)
          the maximum  insurable  value of the  improvements  on such  Mortgaged
          Property  or (b)  (i) in the  case  of a Loan  secured  by a  Mortgage
          creating  a first  lien  on  such  Mortgaged  Property,  the  original
          principal balance of such Loan, or (ii) in the case of a Loan which is
          subject  to a prior  loan  or  prior  loans,  the  combined  principal
          balances  of  such  Loan  and the  prior  loan(s).  If such  Mortgaged
          Property is a  condominium  unit,


          it is included under the coverage afforded by a blanket policy for the
          condominium  unit.  For all  Mortgages  creating  a first  lien on the
          related Mortgaged Property, all such individual insurance policies and
          all flood  policies  referred to in item (25) below contain a standard
          mortgagee clause naming the Seller or the original mortgagee,  and its
          successors in interest,  as mortgagee,  and the Seller has received no
          notice that any premiums  due and payable  thereon have not been paid;
          the Mortgage  obligates the Mortgagor  thereunder to maintain all such
          insurance  including  flood  insurance  at the  Mortgagor's  cost  and
          expense,  and upon the  Mortgagor's  failure to do so,  authorizes the
          holder of the  Mortgage to obtain and maintain  such  insurance at the
          Mortgagor's cost and expense and to seek  reimbursement  therefor from
          the Mortgagor.

                    (25) If a Mortgaged Property is in an area identified in the
          Federal Register by the Federal Emergency  Management Agency as having
          special flood hazards,  a flood insurance policy in a form meeting the
          requirements  of  the  current   guidelines  of  the  Flood  Insurance
          Administration  was required at closing with respect to such Mortgaged
          Property with a generally acceptable carrier in an amount representing
          coverage  not less  than the  least  of (a) the  original  outstanding
          principal balance of the related Loan, (b) the minimum amount required
          to compensate for damage or loss on a maximum insurable value basis or
          (c) the maximum amount of insurance that is available  under the Flood
          Disaster Protection Act of 1973, as amended.

                    (26)  To  the  best  of  Seller's  knowledge,  there  is  no
          proceeding  occurring,  pending or threatened for the total or partial
          condemnation of any Mortgaged Property.

                    (27) There is no material  monetary  default  existing under
          any  Mortgage  or the  related  Mortgage  Note and, to the best of the
          Seller's knowledge,  there is no event which, with the passage of time
          or with notice and the  expiration of any grace or cure period,  would
          constitute a default, breach, violation or event of acceleration under
          such Mortgage or related  Mortgage Note; and the Seller has not waived
          any default, breach, violation or event of acceleration.

                    (28)  Each  Mortgaged  Property  is  improved  by a one-  to
          four-family,  or other  multi-family,  residential  dwelling including
          condominium units, which, to the best of Seller's knowledge,  does not
          include  cooperatives  or mobile homes and does not  constitute  other
          than real property under state law.

                    (29) Each Loan is being serviced by the Servicer.

                    (30) Any future advances made prior to the Cut-off Date have
          been consolidated with the outstanding principal amount secured by the
          related  Mortgage,  and the secured principal amount, as consolidated,
          bears a single  interest rate and single  repayment  term reflected on
          the related loan schedule.  The consolidated principal amount does not
          exceed the original  principal  amount of such Loan.  No Mortgage Note
          permits or  obligates  the  Servicer  to make  future  advances to the
          Mortgagor at the option of the Mortgagor.

                    (31)  To  the  best  of  Seller's   knowledge,   all  taxes,
          governmental   assessments,   insurance  premiums,  water,  sewer  and
          municipal charges, leasehold payments or ground rents which previously
          became due and owing have been paid,  except for items which have been
          assessed, but are not yet due and payable.  Except for (a) payments in
          the nature of escrow payments, and (b) interest accruing from the date
          of any Mortgage Note or date of disbursement  of the related  Mortgage
          proceeds,  whichever is later,  to the day which precedes by one month
          the Due Date of the  first  installment  of  principal  and  interest,
          including  without  limitation,  taxes  and  insurance  payments,  the
          Servicer has not advanced  funds,  or induced,


          solicited or knowingly  received any advance of funds by a party other
          than the  Mortgagor,  directly or  indirectly,  for the payment of any
          amount required by the related Mortgage.

                    (32) Each Loan was underwritten in all material  respects in
          accordance with the Seller's  underwriting  guidelines as set forth in
          the Prospectus Supplement.

                    (33) An  appraisal of each  Mortgaged  Property was obtained
          from a qualified appraiser, duly appointed by the originator,  who had
          no interest,  direct or indirect,  in the Mortgaged Property or in any
          loan  made on the  security  thereof,  and whose  compensation  is not
          affected by the approval or disapproval  of such Loan;  such appraisal
          is in a form acceptable to FNMA and FHLMC.

                    (34) No  Loan  is a  graduated  payment  mortgage  loan or a
          growing  equity  mortgage loan, and no Loan is subject to a buydown or
          similar arrangement.

                    (35) The Loans  were  selected  from  among the  outstanding
          residential  mortgage loans in Seller's  portfolio at the Closing Date
          as to which the  representations  and warranties made as to such Loans
          set forth in this  Schedule IIIB can be made.  Such  selection was not
          made  in a  manner  that  would  adversely  affect  the  interests  of

                    (36)  Each  Loan  has a Due Date in the  month of the  first
          Distribution Date.

                    (37)  Approximately  (a) none of the  Group I Loans  and (b)
          none of the Group II Loans are Balloon Loans.

                    (38) No Loan is subject to negative amortization or deferred
          interest payments.

                    (39) No Mortgagor has requested relief under the Relief Act.

                    (40) None of the Loans are retail installment  contracts for
          goods or services or are home improvement loans for goods or services,
          which would be either "consumer  credit  contracts" or "purchase money
          loans" as such terms are defined in 16 C.F.R. ss.433.1.

                    (41) No  Mortgagor  has or  will  have a  claim  or  defense
          against Seller or any assignor or assignee of Seller under any express
          or implied  warranty  with  respect to goods or  services  provided in
          connection with any Loan.

                    (42) Each Loan is a  "qualified  mortgage"  for  purposes of
          Section  860G(a)(3)  of the  Code  and  Treasury  Regulations  Section
          1.860G-2(a)(1) and (3).

                    (43) The Loans,  individually and in the aggregate,  conform
          in all material respects to the descriptions thereof in the Prospectus

                    (44)  There  exist no  deficiencies  with  respect to escrow
          deposits  and  payments,  if such are  required,  for which  customary
          arrangements  for repayment  thereof have not been made, and no escrow
          deposits or payments of other  charges or payments due the Seller have
          been capitalized under any Mortgage or related Mortgage Note.

                    (45) All Loans  calculate  interest  utilizing the actuarial


                    (46) None of the Loans are  subject to the Home  Ownership &
          Equity Protection Act of 1994. No Loan was originated in Georgia on or
          after October 1, 2002.

                    (47) As of the Cut-off  Date,  the Mortgage Rate relating to
          each Loan that is an  adjustable  rate mortgage loan has been adjusted
          in accordance with the terms of the related Mortgage Note.

                    (48) No Group II Loan originated after October 1, 2002 has a
          prepayment  penalty longer than three years after its  origination and
          no Group II Loan originated  prior to October 1, 2002 has a prepayment
          penalty longer than five years after its origination.

                    (49) The Servicer has fully  furnished  with respect to each
          Group II Loan,  in accordance  with the Fair Credit  Reporting Act and
          its implementing regulations, accurate and complete information (e.g.,
          favorable and  unfavorable)  on its borrower  credit files to Equifax,
          Experian  and Trans Union  Credit  Information  Company  (three of the
          credit  repositories),  on a monthly basis (during the period in which
          the Servicer serviced the Group II Loans).

                    (50)  No  proceeds  from  any  Group  II Loan  were  used to
          purchase single-premium credit insurance policies.

                    (51)  Each  Loan at the  time it was  made  complied  in all
          material  respects with  applicable  local,  state,  and federal laws,
          including,  but not limited to, all  applicable  predatory and abusive
          lending laws.

                    (52) No Loan is "High  Cost" as  defined  by the  applicable
          predatory and abusive lending laws.


                                  SCHEDULE IIIC

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                       Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
                                  Series 2003-2

     Loan Representations and Warranties of Equity One-New Hampshire

          Equity One-New Hampshire  ("Seller") hereby makes the  representations
and warranties set forth in this Schedule IIIC to the Depositor and the Trustee,
as of the Closing  Date or if so specified  herein,  as of the Cut-off Date with
respect to the Loans being conveyed by Seller and the Mortgages,  Mortgage Notes
and  Mortgaged  Properties  related  thereto.  Capitalized  terms  used  but not
otherwise defined in this Schedule IIIC shall have the meanings ascribed thereto
in the Pooling and Servicing  Agreement (the "Pooling and Servicing  Agreement")
relating to the above-referenced Series, among Seller, the other Sellers and the
Servicer  identified therein,  Equity One ABS, Inc., as depositor,  and JPMorgan
Chase Bank, as trustee.  The term "Agreement"  shall be used in this Schedule to
refer to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

                    (1) The information set forth on Schedule I to the Agreement
          with respect to the Loans is true and correct in all material respects
          as of the Closing Date.

                    (2) As of the Cut-off Date, no Loan was  contractually  past
          due  (assuming 30 day months) for 60 or more days.  In  addition,  not
          more than 0.21% (by principal  balance) of all Group I Loans and 0.05%
          of all Group II Loans (by  principal  balance) set forth on Schedule I
          to the Agreement were 30 or more days contractually past due (assuming
          30 day months). No more than 7.60% (by principal balance) of all Loans
          are Second Lien Loans.

                    (3)  No  Loan  had  a   Combined   Loan-to-Value   Ratio  at
          origination in excess of 100%. For purposes of determining the date of
          origination  on which  each  Loan's  Combined  Loan-to-Value  Ratio is
          measured,  no Loan has been significantly  modified within the meaning
          of Treasury Regulation 1.860G-2(b) as of the Closing Date.

                    (4) Each Mortgage is a valid and enforceable first or second
          lien on the referenced Mortgaged Property subject only to (a) the lien
          of non  delinquent  current real property taxes and  assessments,  (b)
          covenants,  conditions and restrictions,  rights of way, easements and
          other  matters of public  record as of the date of  recording  of such
          Mortgage,  such  exceptions  appearing of record being  acceptable  to
          mortgage lending institutions  generally or specifically  reflected in
          the appraisal made in connection  with the  origination of the related
          Loan,  and (c) other  matters to which like  properties  are  commonly
          subject  which do not  materially  interfere  with the benefits of the
          security intended to be provided by such Mortgage.

                    (5) Immediately  prior to the assignment of the Loans to the
          Depositor,  the  Seller  had good title to, and was the sole owner of,
          each such Loan free and clear of any pledge,  lien (except in the case
          of a Second Lien Loan,  which shall be subject to prior liens approved
          by Seller),  encumbrance  or security  interest and had full right and
          authority,  subject to no interest or  participation  of, or agreement
          with,  any other  party,  to sell and assign the same  pursuant to the

                    (6)  To  the  best  of  Seller's  knowledge,   there  is  no
          delinquent tax or assessment lien against any Mortgaged Property.


                    (7) There is no valid right of rescission,  offset,  defense
          or  counterclaim  to any  Mortgage  Note or  Mortgage,  including  the
          obligation of the Mortgagor to pay the unpaid principal of or interest
          on such Mortgage Note.

                    (8)  To  the  best  of  Seller's  knowledge,  there  are  no
          mechanics' liens or claims for work,  labor or material  affecting any
          Mortgaged Property which are or may be a lien prior to, or equal with,
          the lien of such Mortgage,  except those which are insured  against by
          the title insurance policy referred to in item (12) below.

                    (9) To the best of the Seller's  knowledge,  each  Mortgaged
          Property is free of material damage and in good repair.

                    (10)  Each  Loan at  origination  complied  in all  material
          respects with applicable  state and federal laws,  including,  without
          limitation,  usury, equal credit  opportunity,  real estate settlement
          procedures,  truth-in-lending and disclosure laws, and consummation of
          the transactions contemplated hereby will not involve the violation of
          any such laws.

                    (11) As of the  Closing  Date,  neither  the  Seller nor any
          prior holder of any Mortgage has modified the Mortgage in any material
          respect  (except  that a Loan  may have  been  modified  by a  written
          instrument  which has been recorded or submitted for  recordation,  if
          necessary,  to protect the interests of the Certificateholders and the
          original  or a copy of which  has been or  shall be  delivered  to the
          Trustee);  satisfied,  canceled or subordinated such Mortgage in whole
          or in part;  released  the related  Mortgaged  Property in whole or in
          part from the lien of such  Mortgage;  or executed any  instrument  of
          release,  cancellation,  modification  or  satisfaction  with  respect

                    (12) For each  Loan,  other  than  Second  Lien  Loans  with
          initial  principal  balances of $50,000 or less, a lender's  policy of
          title insurance  together with a condominium  endorsement and extended
          coverage  endorsement,  if applicable,  in an amount at least equal to
          the  Cut-off  Date  Stated  Principal  Balance  of each such Loan or a
          commitment (binder) to issue the same was effective on the date of the
          origination  of each Loan,  each such  policy is valid and  remains in
          full  force and  effect,  and each such  policy  was issued by a title
          insurer qualified to do business in the jurisdiction where the related
          Mortgaged  Property is located,  which  policy  insures the Seller and
          successor  owners  of  indebtedness  secured  by the  related  insured
          Mortgage,  as to the applicable  priority lien of the Mortgage subject
          to the  exceptions  set  forth in item (4)  above;  to the best of the
          Seller's knowledge, no claims have been made under such mortgage title
          insurance  policy  and  no  prior  holder  of  the  related  Mortgage,
          including  the Seller,  has done, by act or omission,  anything  which
          would impair the coverage of such mortgage title insurance policy.

                    (13)  To the  best  of the  Seller's  knowledge,  all of the
          improvements  which were included for the purpose of  determining  the
          appraised  value of each  Mortgaged  Property  lie  wholly  within the
          boundaries and building  restriction  lines of such  property,  and no
          improvements  on adjoining  properties  encroach  upon such  Mortgaged

                    (14) To the best of the Seller's  knowledge,  no improvement
          located on or being part of any Mortgaged  Property is in violation of
          any applicable  zoning law or regulation.  To the best of the Seller's
          knowledge,  all inspections,  licenses and certificates required to be
          made or issued with respect to all occupied portions of such Mortgaged
          Property  and,  with  respect  to the use and  occupancy  of the same,
          including  but not  limited  to  certificates  of  occupancy  and fire
          underwriting  certificates,  have  been  made  or  obtained  from  the


          authorities, unless the lack thereof would not have a material adverse
          effect on the value of such  Mortgaged  Property,  and such  Mortgaged
          Property is lawfully occupied under applicable law.

                    (15)  Each  Mortgage  Note  and  the  related  Mortgage  are
          genuine,  and each is the legal,  valid and binding  obligation of the
          maker  thereof,  enforceable  in  accordance  with its terms and under
          applicable law. To the best of the Seller's knowledge,  all parties to
          such  Mortgage  Note and such  Mortgage had legal  capacity to execute
          such  Mortgage  Note and such Mortgage and each such Mortgage Note and
          Mortgage have been duly and properly executed by such parties.

                    (16) The proceeds of each Loan (other than  certain  amounts
          escrowed for home improvements) have been fully disbursed and there is
          no requirement for future  advances  thereunder.  All costs,  fees and
          expenses  incurred in making,  or closing or recording such Loans were

                    (17)  Each  Mortgage  contains   customary  and  enforceable
          provisions  which render the rights and remedies of the holder thereof
          adequate for the realization against the related Mortgaged Property of
          the benefits of the security, including, (a) in the case of a Mortgage
          designated as a deed of trust,  by trustee's sale and (b) otherwise by
          judicial foreclosure.

                    (18) With respect to each  Mortgage  constituting  a deed of
          trust,  a trustee,  duly  qualified  under  applicable law to serve as
          such,  has been  properly  designated  and  currently so serves and is
          named in such  Mortgage,  and no fees or  expenses  are or will become
          payable by the  Certificateholders  to the  trustee  under the deed of
          trust, except in connection with a trustee's sale after default by the

                    (19)   Each   Mortgage   Note  and  each   Mortgage   is  in
          substantially  one of the forms acceptable to FNMA or FHLMC, with such
          riders as have been acceptable to FNMA or FHLMC, as the case may be.

                    (20) The origination,  underwriting and collection practices
          used by the Seller with respect to each Loan have been in all respects
          legal,  prudent and  customary in the mortgage  lending and  servicing

                    (21) There is no pledged  account  or other  security  other
          than any Escrow  Account  and real  estate  securing  the  Mortgagor's

                    (22) No Loan has a  shared  appreciation  feature,  or other
          contingent interest feature.

                    (23) Each Loan contains a customary "due on sale" clause.

                    (24) To the best of Seller's knowledge: at the Cut-off Date,
          the  improvements  on each Mortgaged  Property were covered by a valid
          and  existing  hazard  insurance  policy with a  generally  acceptable
          carrier that provides for fire and extended  coverage and coverage for
          such other hazards as are  customary in the area where such  Mortgaged
          Property  is located in an amount at least  equal to the lesser of (a)
          the maximum  insurable  value of the  improvements  on such  Mortgaged
          Property  or (b)  (i) in the  case  of a Loan  secured  by a  Mortgage
          creating  a first  lien  on  such  Mortgaged  Property,  the  original
          principal balance of such Loan, or (ii) in the case of a Loan which is
          subject  to a prior  loan  or  prior  loans,  the  combined  principal
          balances  of  such  Loan  and the  prior  loan(s).  If such  Mortgaged
          Property is a  condominium  unit,


          it is included under the coverage afforded by a blanket policy for the
          condominium  unit.  For all  Mortgages  creating  a first  lien on the
          related Mortgaged Property, all such individual insurance policies and
          all flood  policies  referred to in item (25) below contain a standard
          mortgagee clause naming the Seller or the original mortgagee,  and its
          successors in interest,  as mortgagee,  and the Seller has received no
          notice that any premiums  due and payable  thereon have not been paid;
          the Mortgage  obligates the Mortgagor  thereunder to maintain all such
          insurance  including  flood  insurance  at the  Mortgagor's  cost  and
          expense,  and upon the  Mortgagor's  failure to do so,  authorizes the
          holder of the  Mortgage to obtain and maintain  such  insurance at the
          Mortgagor's cost and expense and to seek  reimbursement  therefor from
          the Mortgagor.

                    (25) If a Mortgaged Property is in an area identified in the
          Federal Register by the Federal Emergency  Management Agency as having
          special flood hazards,  a flood insurance policy in a form meeting the
          requirements  of  the  current   guidelines  of  the  Flood  Insurance
          Administration  was required at closing with respect to such Mortgaged
          Property with a generally acceptable carrier in an amount representing
          coverage  not less  than the  least  of (a) the  original  outstanding
          principal balance of the related Loan, (b) the minimum amount required
          to compensate for damage or loss on a maximum insurable value basis or
          (c) the maximum amount of insurance that is available  under the Flood
          Disaster Protection Act of 1973, as amended.

                    (26)  To  the  best  of  Seller's  knowledge,  there  is  no
          proceeding  occurring,  pending or threatened for the total or partial
          condemnation of any Mortgaged Property.

                    (27) There is no material  monetary  default  existing under
          any  Mortgage  or the  related  Mortgage  Note and, to the best of the
          Seller's knowledge,  there is no event which, with the passage of time
          or with notice and the  expiration of any grace or cure period,  would
          constitute a default, breach, violation or event of acceleration under
          such Mortgage or related  Mortgage Note; and the Seller has not waived
          any default, breach, violation or event of acceleration.

                    (28)  Each  Mortgaged  Property  is  improved  by a one-  to
          four-family,  or other  multi-family,  residential  dwelling including
          condominium units, which, to the best of Seller's knowledge,  does not
          include  cooperatives  or mobile homes and does not  constitute  other
          than real property under state law.

                    (29) Each Loan is being serviced by the Servicer.

                    (30) Any future advances made prior to the Cut-off Date have
          been consolidated with the outstanding principal amount secured by the
          related  Mortgage,  and the secured principal amount, as consolidated,
          bears a single  interest rate and single  repayment  term reflected on
          the related loan schedule.  The consolidated principal amount does not
          exceed the original  principal  amount of such Loan.  No Mortgage Note
          permits or  obligates  the  Servicer  to make  future  advances to the
          Mortgagor at the option of the Mortgagor.

                    (31)  To  the  best  of  Seller's   knowledge,   all  taxes,
          governmental   assessments,   insurance  premiums,  water,  sewer  and
          municipal charges, leasehold payments or ground rents which previously
          became due and owing have been paid,  except for items which have been
          assessed, but are not yet due and payable.  Except for (a) payments in
          the nature of escrow payments, and (b) interest accruing from the date
          of any Mortgage Note or date of disbursement  of the related  Mortgage
          proceeds,  whichever is later,  to the day which precedes by one month
          the Due Date of the  first  installment  of  principal  and  interest,
          including  without  limitation,  taxes  and  insurance  payments,  the
          Servicer has not advanced  funds,  or induced,


          solicited or knowingly  received any advance of funds by a party other
          than the  Mortgagor,  directly or  indirectly,  for the payment of any
          amount required by the related Mortgage.

                    (32) Each Loan was underwritten in all material  respects in
          accordance with the Seller's  underwriting  guidelines as set forth in
          the Prospectus Supplement.

                    (33) An  appraisal of each  Mortgaged  Property was obtained
          from a qualified appraiser, duly appointed by the originator,  who had
          no interest,  direct or indirect,  in the Mortgaged Property or in any
          loan  made on the  security  thereof,  and whose  compensation  is not
          affected by the approval or disapproval  of such Loan;  such appraisal
          is in a form acceptable to FNMA and FHLMC.

                    (34) No  Loan  is a  graduated  payment  mortgage  loan or a
          growing  equity  mortgage loan, and no Loan is subject to a buydown or
          similar arrangement.

                    (35) The Loans  were  selected  from  among the  outstanding
          residential  mortgage loans in Seller's  portfolio at the Closing Date
          as to which the  representations  and warranties made as to such Loans
          set forth in this  Schedule IIIC can be made.  Such  selection was not
          made  in a  manner  that  would  adversely  affect  the  interests  of

                    (36)  Each  Loan  has a Due Date in the  month of the  first
          Distribution Date.

                    (37)  Approximately  (a) 100% of the  Group I Loans  and (b)
          none of the Group II Loans (by principal balance) are Balloon Loans.

                    (38) No Loan is subject to negative amortization or deferred
          interest payments.

                    (39) No Mortgagor has requested relief under the Relief Act.

                    (40) None of the Loans are retail installment  contracts for
          goods or services or are home improvement loans for goods or services,
          which would be either "consumer  credit  contracts" or "purchase money
          loans" as such terms are defined in 16 C.F.R. ss.433.1.

                    (41) No  Mortgagor  has or  will  have a  claim  or  defense
          against Seller or any assignor or assignee of Seller under any express
          or implied  warranty  with  respect to goods or  services  provided in
          connection with any Loan.

                    (42) Each Loan is a  "qualified  mortgage"  for  purposes of
          Section  860G(a)(3)  of the  Code  and  Treasury  Regulations  Section
          1.860G-2(a)(1) and (3).

                    (43) The Loans,  individually and in the aggregate,  conform
          in all material respects to the descriptions thereof in the Prospectus

                    (44)  There  exist no  deficiencies  with  respect to escrow
          deposits  and  payments,  if such are  required,  for which  customary
          arrangements  for repayment  thereof have not been made, and no escrow
          deposits or payments of other  charges or payments due the Seller have
          been capitalized under any Mortgage or related Mortgage Note.

                    (45) All Loans  calculate  interest  utilizing the actuarial


                    (46) None of the Loans are  subject to the Home  Ownership &
          Equity Protection Act of 1994. No Loan was originated in Georgia on or
          after October 1, 2002.

                    (47) As of the Cut-off  Date,  the Mortgage Rate relating to
          each Loan that is an  adjustable  rate mortgage loan has been adjusted
          in accordance with the terms of the related Mortgage Note.

                    (48) No Group II Loan originated after October 1, 2002 has a
          prepayment  penalty longer than three years after its  origination and
          no Group II Loan originated  prior to October 1, 2002 has a prepayment
          penalty longer than five years after its origination.

                    (49) The Servicer has fully  furnished  with respect to each
          Group II Loan,  in accordance  with the Fair Credit  Reporting Act and
          its implementing regulations, accurate and complete information (e.g.,
          favorable and  unfavorable)  on its borrower  credit files to Equifax,
          Experian  and Trans Union  Credit  Information  Company  (three of the
          credit  repositories),  on a monthly basis (during the period in which
          the Servicer serviced the Group II Loans).

                    (50)  No  proceeds  from  any  Group  II Loan  were  used to
          purchase single-premium credit insurance policies.

                    (51)  Each  Loan at the  time it was  made  complied  in all
          material  respects with  applicable  local,  state,  and federal laws,
          including,  but not limited to, all  applicable  predatory and abusive
          lending laws.

                    (52) No Loan is "High  Cost" as  defined  by the  applicable
          predatory and abusive lending laws.


                                  SCHEDULE IIID

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                       Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
                                  Series 2003-2

     Loan Representations and Warranties of Equity One-Pennsylvania

          Equity  One-Pennsylvania  ("Seller") hereby makes the  representations
and warranties set forth in this Schedule IIID to the Depositor and the Trustee,
as of the Closing  Date or if so specified  herein,  as of the Cut-off Date with
respect to the Loans being conveyed by Seller and the Mortgages,  Mortgage Notes
and  Mortgaged  Properties  related  thereto.  Capitalized  terms  used  but not
otherwise defined in this Schedule IIID shall have the meanings ascribed thereto
in the Pooling and Servicing  Agreement (the "Pooling and Servicing  Agreement")
relating to the above-referenced Series, among Seller, the other Sellers and the
Servicer  identified therein,  Equity One ABS, Inc., as depositor,  and JPMorgan
Chase Bank, as trustee.  The term "Agreement"  shall be used in this Schedule to
refer to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

                    (1) The information set forth on Schedule I to the Agreement
          with respect to the Loans is true and correct in all material respects
          as of the Closing Date.

                    (2) As of the Cut-off Date, no Loan was  contractually  past
          due  (assuming 30 day months) for 60 or more days.  In  addition,  not
          more than 0.21% (by principal  balance) of all Group I Loans and 0.05%
          of all Group II Loans (by  principal  balance) set forth on Schedule I
          to the Agreement were 30 or more days contractually past due (assuming
          30 day months). No more than 7.60% (by principal balance) of all Loans
          are Second Lien Loans.

                    (3)  No  Loan  had  a   Combined   Loan-to-Value   Ratio  at
          origination in excess of 100%. For purposes of determining the date of
          origination  on which  each  Loan's  Combined  Loan-to-Value  Ratio is
          measured,  no Loan has been significantly  modified within the meaning
          of Treasury Regulation 1.860G-2(b) as of the Closing Date.

                    (4) Each Mortgage is a valid and enforceable first or second
          lien on the referenced Mortgaged Property subject only to (a) the lien
          of non  delinquent  current real property taxes and  assessments,  (b)
          covenants,  conditions and restrictions,  rights of way, easements and
          other  matters of public  record as of the date of  recording  of such
          Mortgage,  such  exceptions  appearing of record being  acceptable  to
          mortgage lending institutions  generally or specifically  reflected in
          the appraisal made in connection  with the  origination of the related
          Loan,  and (c) other  matters to which like  properties  are  commonly
          subject  which do not  materially  interfere  with the benefits of the
          security intended to be provided by such Mortgage.

                    (5) Immediately  prior to the assignment of the Loans to the
          Depositor,  the  Seller  had good title to, and was the sole owner of,
          each such Loan free and clear of any pledge,  lien (except in the case
          of a Second Lien Loan,  which shall be subject to prior liens approved
          by Seller),  encumbrance  or security  interest and had full right and
          authority,  subject to no interest or  participation  of, or agreement
          with,  any other  party,  to sell and assign the same  pursuant to the

                    (6)  To  the  best  of  Seller's  knowledge,   there  is  no
          delinquent tax or assessment lien against any Mortgaged Property.


                    (7) There is no valid right of rescission,  offset,  defense
          or  counterclaim  to any  Mortgage  Note or  Mortgage,  including  the
          obligation of the Mortgagor to pay the unpaid principal of or interest
          on such Mortgage Note.

                    (8)  To  the  best  of  Seller's  knowledge,  there  are  no
          mechanics' liens or claims for work,  labor or material  affecting any
          Mortgaged Property which are or may be a lien prior to, or equal with,
          the lien of such Mortgage,  except those which are insured  against by
          the title insurance policy referred to in item (12) below.

                    (9) To the best of the Seller's  knowledge,  each  Mortgaged
          Property is free of material damage and in good repair.

                    (10)  Each  Loan at  origination  complied  in all  material
          respects with applicable  state and federal laws,  including,  without
          limitation,  usury, equal credit  opportunity,  real estate settlement
          procedures,  truth-in-lending and disclosure laws, and consummation of
          the transactions contemplated hereby will not involve the violation of
          any such laws.

                    (11) As of the  Closing  Date,  neither  the  Seller nor any
          prior holder of any Mortgage has modified the Mortgage in any material
          respect  (except  that a Loan  may have  been  modified  by a  written
          instrument  which has been recorded or submitted for  recordation,  if
          necessary,  to protect the interests of the Certificateholders and the
          original  or a copy of which  has been or  shall be  delivered  to the
          Trustee);  satisfied,  canceled or subordinated such Mortgage in whole
          or in part;  released  the related  Mortgaged  Property in whole or in
          part from the lien of such  Mortgage;  or executed any  instrument  of
          release,  cancellation,  modification  or  satisfaction  with  respect

                    (12) For each  Loan,  other  than  Second  Lien  Loans  with
          initial  principal  balances of $50,000 or less, a lender's  policy of
          title insurance  together with a condominium  endorsement and extended
          coverage  endorsement,  if applicable,  in an amount at least equal to
          the  Cut-off  Date  Stated  Principal  Balance  of each such Loan or a
          commitment (binder) to issue the same was effective on the date of the
          origination  of each Loan,  each such  policy is valid and  remains in
          full  force and  effect,  and each such  policy  was issued by a title
          insurer qualified to do business in the jurisdiction where the related
          Mortgaged  Property is located,  which  policy  insures the Seller and
          successor  owners  of  indebtedness  secured  by the  related  insured
          Mortgage,  as to the applicable  priority lien of the Mortgage subject
          to the  exceptions  set  forth in item (4)  above;  to the best of the
          Seller's knowledge, no claims have been made under such mortgage title
          insurance  policy  and  no  prior  holder  of  the  related  Mortgage,
          including  the Seller,  has done, by act or omission,  anything  which
          would impair the coverage of such mortgage title insurance policy.

                    (13)  To the  best  of the  Seller's  knowledge,  all of the
          improvements  which were included for the purpose of  determining  the
          appraised  value of each  Mortgaged  Property  lie  wholly  within the
          boundaries and building  restriction  lines of such  property,  and no
          improvements  on adjoining  properties  encroach  upon such  Mortgaged

                    (14) To the best of the Seller's  knowledge,  no improvement
          located on or being part of any Mortgaged  Property is in violation of
          any applicable  zoning law or regulation.  To the best of the Seller's
          knowledge,  all inspections,  licenses and certificates required to be
          made or issued with respect to all occupied portions of such Mortgaged
          Property  and,  with  respect  to the use and  occupancy  of the same,
          including  but not  limited  to  certificates  of  occupancy  and fire
          underwriting  certificates,  have  been  made  or  obtained  from  the


          authorities, unless the lack thereof would not have a material adverse
          effect on the value of such  Mortgaged  Property,  and such  Mortgaged
          Property is lawfully occupied under applicable law.

                    (15)  Each  Mortgage  Note  and  the  related  Mortgage  are
          genuine,  and each is the legal,  valid and binding  obligation of the
          maker  thereof,  enforceable  in  accordance  with its terms and under
          applicable law. To the best of the Seller's knowledge,  all parties to
          such  Mortgage  Note and such  Mortgage had legal  capacity to execute
          such  Mortgage  Note and such Mortgage and each such Mortgage Note and
          Mortgage have been duly and properly executed by such parties.

                    (16) The proceeds of each Loan (other than  certain  amounts
          escrowed for home improvements) have been fully disbursed and there is
          no requirement for future  advances  thereunder.  All costs,  fees and
          expenses  incurred in making,  or closing or recording such Loans were

                    (17)  Each  Mortgage  contains   customary  and  enforceable
          provisions  which render the rights and remedies of the holder thereof
          adequate for the realization against the related Mortgaged Property of
          the benefits of the security, including, (a) in the case of a Mortgage
          designated as a deed of trust,  by trustee's sale and (b) otherwise by
          judicial foreclosure.

                    (18) With respect to each  Mortgage  constituting  a deed of
          trust,  a trustee,  duly  qualified  under  applicable law to serve as
          such,  has been  properly  designated  and  currently so serves and is
          named in such  Mortgage,  and no fees or  expenses  are or will become
          payable by the  Certificateholders  to the  trustee  under the deed of
          trust, except in connection with a trustee's sale after default by the

                    (19)   Each   Mortgage   Note  and  each   Mortgage   is  in
          substantially  one of the forms acceptable to FNMA or FHLMC, with such
          riders as have been acceptable to FNMA or FHLMC, as the case may be.

                    (20) The origination,  underwriting and collection practices
          used by the Seller with respect to each Loan have been in all respects
          legal,  prudent and  customary in the mortgage  lending and  servicing

                    (21) There is no pledged  account  or other  security  other
          than any Escrow  Account  and real  estate  securing  the  Mortgagor's

                    (22) No Loan has a  shared  appreciation  feature,  or other
          contingent interest feature.

                    (23) Each Loan contains a customary "due on sale" clause.

                    (24) To the best of Seller's knowledge: at the Cut-off Date,
          the  improvements  on each Mortgaged  Property were covered by a valid
          and  existing  hazard  insurance  policy with a  generally  acceptable
          carrier that provides for fire and extended  coverage and coverage for
          such other hazards as are  customary in the area where such  Mortgaged
          Property  is located in an amount at least  equal to the lesser of (a)
          the maximum  insurable  value of the  improvements  on such  Mortgaged
          Property  or (b)  (i) in the  case  of a Loan  secured  by a  Mortgage
          creating  a first  lien  on  such  Mortgaged  Property,  the  original
          principal balance of such Loan, or (ii) in the case of a Loan which is
          subject  to a prior  loan  or  prior  loans,  the  combined  principal
          balances  of  such  Loan  and the  prior  loan(s).  If such  Mortgaged
          Property is a  condominium  unit,


          it is included under the coverage afforded by a blanket policy for the
          condominium  unit.  For all  Mortgages  creating  a first  lien on the
          related Mortgaged Property, all such individual insurance policies and
          all flood  policies  referred to in item (25) below contain a standard
          mortgagee clause naming the Seller or the original mortgagee,  and its
          successors in interest,  as mortgagee,  and the Seller has received no
          notice that any premiums  due and payable  thereon have not been paid;
          the Mortgage  obligates the Mortgagor  thereunder to maintain all such
          insurance  including  flood  insurance  at the  Mortgagor's  cost  and
          expense,  and upon the  Mortgagor's  failure to do so,  authorizes the
          holder of the  Mortgage to obtain and maintain  such  insurance at the
          Mortgagor's cost and expense and to seek  reimbursement  therefor from
          the Mortgagor.

                    (25) If a Mortgaged Property is in an area identified in the
          Federal Register by the Federal Emergency  Management Agency as having
          special flood hazards,  a flood insurance policy in a form meeting the
          requirements  of  the  current   guidelines  of  the  Flood  Insurance
          Administration  was required at closing with respect to such Mortgaged
          Property with a generally acceptable carrier in an amount representing
          coverage  not less  than the  least  of (a) the  original  outstanding
          principal balance of the related Loan, (b) the minimum amount required
          to compensate for damage or loss on a maximum insurable value basis or
          (c) the maximum amount of insurance that is available  under the Flood
          Disaster Protection Act of 1973, as amended.

                    (26)  To  the  best  of  Seller's  knowledge,  there  is  no
          proceeding  occurring,  pending or threatened for the total or partial
          condemnation of any Mortgaged Property.

                    (27) There is no material  monetary  default  existing under
          any  Mortgage  or the  related  Mortgage  Note and, to the best of the
          Seller's knowledge,  there is no event which, with the passage of time
          or with notice and the  expiration of any grace or cure period,  would
          constitute a default, breach, violation or event of acceleration under
          such Mortgage or related  Mortgage Note; and the Seller has not waived
          any default, breach, violation or event of acceleration.

                    (28)  Each  Mortgaged  Property  is  improved  by a one-  to
          four-family,  or other  multi-family,  residential  dwelling including
          condominium units, which, to the best of Seller's knowledge,  does not
          include  cooperatives  or mobile homes and does not  constitute  other
          than real property under state law.

                    (29) Each Loan is being serviced by the Servicer.

                    (30) Any future advances made prior to the Cut-off Date have
          been consolidated with the outstanding principal amount secured by the
          related  Mortgage,  and the secured principal amount, as consolidated,
          bears a single  interest rate and single  repayment  term reflected on
          the related loan schedule.  The consolidated principal amount does not
          exceed the original  principal  amount of such Loan.  No Mortgage Note
          permits or  obligates  the  Servicer  to make  future  advances to the
          Mortgagor at the option of the Mortgagor.

                    (31)  To  the  best  of  Seller's   knowledge,   all  taxes,
          governmental   assessments,   insurance  premiums,  water,  sewer  and
          municipal charges, leasehold payments or ground rents which previously
          became due and owing have been paid,  except for items which have been
          assessed, but are not yet due and payable.  Except for (a) payments in
          the nature of escrow payments, and (b) interest accruing from the date
          of any Mortgage Note or date of disbursement  of the related  Mortgage
          proceeds,  whichever is later,  to the day which precedes by one month
          the Due Date of the  first  installment  of  principal  and  interest,
          including  without  limitation,  taxes  and  insurance  payments,  the
          Servicer has not advanced  funds,  or induced,


          solicited or knowingly  received any advance of funds by a party other
          than the  Mortgagor,  directly or  indirectly,  for the payment of any
          amount required by the related Mortgage.

                    (32) Each Loan was underwritten in all material  respects in
          accordance with the Seller's  underwriting  guidelines as set forth in
          the Prospectus Supplement.

                    (33) An  appraisal of each  Mortgaged  Property was obtained
          from a qualified appraiser, duly appointed by the originator,  who had
          no interest,  direct or indirect,  in the Mortgaged Property or in any
          loan  made on the  security  thereof,  and whose  compensation  is not
          affected by the approval or disapproval  of such Loan;  such appraisal
          is in a form acceptable to FNMA and FHLMC.

                    (34) No  Loan  is a  graduated  payment  mortgage  loan or a
          growing  equity  mortgage loan, and no Loan is subject to a buydown or
          similar arrangement.

                    (35) The Loans  were  selected  from  among the  outstanding
          residential  mortgage loans in Seller's  portfolio at the Closing Date
          as to which the  representations  and warranties made as to such Loans
          set forth in this  Schedule IIID can be made.  Such  selection was not
          made  in a  manner  that  would  adversely  affect  the  interests  of

                    (36)  Each  Loan  has a Due Date in the  month of the  first
          Distribution Date.

                    (37)  Approximately  (a) 33.00% of the Group I Loans and (b)
          none of the Group II Loans (by principal balance) are Balloon Loans.

                    (38) No Loan is subject to negative amortization or deferred
          interest payments.

                    (39) No Mortgagor has requested relief under the Relief Act.

                    (40) None of the Loans are retail installment  contracts for
          goods or services or are home improvement loans for goods or services,
          which would be either "consumer  credit  contracts" or "purchase money
          loans" as such terms are defined in 16 C.F.R. ss.433.1.

                    (41) No  Mortgagor  has or  will  have a  claim  or  defense
          against Seller or any assignor or assignee of Seller under any express
          or implied  warranty  with  respect to goods or  services  provided in
          connection with any Loan.

                    (42) Each Loan is a  "qualified  mortgage"  for  purposes of
          Section  860G(a)(3)  of the  Code  and  Treasury  Regulations  Section
          1.860G-2(a)(1) and (3).

                    (43) The Loans,  individually and in the aggregate,  conform
          in all material respects to the descriptions thereof in the Prospectus

                    (44)  There  exist no  deficiencies  with  respect to escrow
          deposits  and  payments,  if such are  required,  for which  customary
          arrangements  for repayment  thereof have not been made, and no escrow
          deposits or payments of other  charges or payments due the Seller have
          been capitalized under any Mortgage or related Mortgage Note.

                    (45) All Loans  calculate  interest  utilizing the actuarial


                    (46) None of the Loans are  subject to the Home  Ownership &
          Equity Protection Act of 1994. No Loan was originated in Georgia on or
          after October 1, 2002.

                    (47) As of the Cut-off  Date,  the Mortgage Rate relating to
          each Loan that is an  adjustable  rate mortgage loan has been adjusted
          in accordance with the terms of the related Mortgage Note.

                    (48) No Group II Loan originated after October 1, 2002 has a
          prepayment  penalty longer than three years after its  origination and
          no Group II Loan originated  prior to October 1, 2002 has a prepayment
          penalty longer than five years after its origination.

                    (49) The Servicer has fully  furnished  with respect to each
          Group II Loan,  in accordance  with the Fair Credit  Reporting Act and
          its implementing regulations, accurate and complete information (e.g.,
          favorable and  unfavorable)  on its borrower  credit files to Equifax,
          Experian  and Trans Union  Credit  Information  Company  (three of the
          credit  repositories),  on a monthly basis (during the period in which
          the Servicer serviced the Group II Loans).

                    (50)  No  proceeds  from  any  Group  II Loan  were  used to
          purchase single-premium credit insurance policies.

                    (51)  Each  Loan at the  time it was  made  complied  in all
          material  respects with  applicable  local,  state,  and federal laws,
          including,  but not limited to, all  applicable  predatory and abusive
          lending laws.

                    (52) No Loan is "High  Cost" as  defined  by the  applicable
          predatory and abusive lending laws.


                                  SCHEDULE IIIE

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                       Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
                                  Series 2003-2

     Loan Representations and Warranties of Popular Financial

          Popular  Financial  ("Seller")  hereby makes the  representations  and
warranties set forth in this Schedule IIIE to the Depositor and the Trustee,  as
of the Closing  Date or if so  specified  herein,  as of the  Cut-off  Date with
respect to the Loans being conveyed by Seller and the Mortgages,  Mortgage Notes
and  Mortgaged  Properties  related  thereto.  Capitalized  terms  used  but not
otherwise defined in this Schedule IIIE shall have the meanings ascribed thereto
in the Pooling and Servicing  Agreement (the "Pooling and Servicing  Agreement")
relating to the above-referenced Series, among Seller, the other Sellers and the
Servicer  identified therein,  Equity One ABS, Inc., as depositor,  and JPMorgan
Chase Bank, as trustee.  The term "Agreement"  shall be used in this Schedule to
refer to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

                    (1) The information set forth on Schedule I to the Agreement
          with respect to the Loans is true and correct in all material respects
          as of the Closing Date.

                    (2) As of the Cut-off Date, no Loan was  contractually  past
          due  (assuming 30 day months) for 60 or more days.  In  addition,  not
          more than 0.21% (by principal  balance) of all Group I Loans and 0.05%
          of all Group II Loans (by  principal  balance) set forth on Schedule I
          to the Agreement were 30 or more days contractually past due (assuming
          30 day months). No more than 7.60% (by principal balance) of all Loans
          are Second Lien Loans.

                    (3)  No  Loan  had  a   Combined   Loan-to-Value   Ratio  at
          origination in excess of 100%. For purposes of determining the date of
          origination  on which  each  Loan's  Combined  Loan-to-Value  Ratio is
          measured,  no Loan has been significantly  modified within the meaning
          of Treasury Regulation 1.860G-2(b) as of the Closing Date.

                    (4) Each Mortgage is a valid and enforceable first or second
          lien on the referenced Mortgaged Property subject only to (a) the lien
          of non  delinquent  current real property taxes and  assessments,  (b)
          covenants,  conditions and restrictions,  rights of way, easements and
          other  matters of public  record as of the date of  recording  of such
          Mortgage,  such  exceptions  appearing of record being  acceptable  to
          mortgage lending institutions  generally or specifically  reflected in
          the appraisal made in connection  with the  origination of the related
          Loan,  and (c) other  matters to which like  properties  are  commonly
          subject  which do not  materially  interfere  with the benefits of the
          security intended to be provided by such Mortgage.

                    (5) Immediately  prior to the assignment of the Loans to the
          Depositor,  the  Seller  had good title to, and was the sole owner of,
          each such Loan free and clear of any pledge,  lien (except in the case
          of a Second Lien Loan,  which shall be subject to prior liens approved
          by Seller),  encumbrance  or security  interest and had full right and
          authority,  subject to no interest or  participation  of, or agreement
          with,  any other  party,  to sell and assign the same  pursuant to the

                    (6)  To  the  best  of  Seller's  knowledge,   there  is  no
          delinquent tax or assessment lien against any Mortgaged Property.


                    (7) There is no valid right of rescission,  offset,  defense
          or  counterclaim  to any  Mortgage  Note or  Mortgage,  including  the
          obligation of the Mortgagor to pay the unpaid principal of or interest
          on such Mortgage Note.

                    (8)  To  the  best  of  Seller's  knowledge,  there  are  no
          mechanics' liens or claims for work,  labor or material  affecting any
          Mortgaged Property which are or may be a lien prior to, or equal with,
          the lien of such Mortgage,  except those which are insured  against by
          the title insurance policy referred to in item (12) below.

                    (9) To the best of the Seller's  knowledge,  each  Mortgaged
          Property is free of material damage and in good repair.

                    (10)  Each  Loan at  origination  complied  in all  material
          respects with applicable  state and federal laws,  including,  without
          limitation,  usury, equal credit  opportunity,  real estate settlement
          procedures,  truth-in-lending and disclosure laws, and consummation of
          the transactions contemplated hereby will not involve the violation of
          any such laws.

                    (11) As of the  Closing  Date,  neither  the  Seller nor any
          prior holder of any Mortgage has modified the Mortgage in any material
          respect  (except  that a Loan  may have  been  modified  by a  written
          instrument  which has been recorded or submitted for  recordation,  if
          necessary,  to protect the interests of the Certificateholders and the
          original  or a copy of which  has been or  shall be  delivered  to the
          Trustee);  satisfied,  canceled or subordinated such Mortgage in whole
          or in part;  released  the related  Mortgaged  Property in whole or in
          part from the lien of such  Mortgage;  or executed any  instrument  of
          release,  cancellation,  modification  or  satisfaction  with  respect

                    (12) For each  Loan,  other  than  Second  Lien  Loans  with
          initial  principal  balances of $50,000 or less, a lender's  policy of
          title insurance  together with a condominium  endorsement and extended
          coverage  endorsement,  if applicable,  in an amount at least equal to
          the  Cut-off  Date  Stated  Principal  Balance  of each such Loan or a
          commitment (binder) to issue the same was effective on the date of the
          origination  of each Loan,  each such  policy is valid and  remains in
          full  force and  effect,  and each such  policy  was issued by a title
          insurer qualified to do business in the jurisdiction where the related
          Mortgaged  Property is located,  which  policy  insures the Seller and
          successor  owners  of  indebtedness  secured  by the  related  insured
          Mortgage,  as to the applicable  priority lien of the Mortgage subject
          to the  exceptions  set  forth in item (4)  above;  to the best of the
          Seller's knowledge, no claims have been made under such mortgage title
          insurance  policy  and  no  prior  holder  of  the  related  Mortgage,
          including  the Seller,  has done, by act or omission,  anything  which
          would impair the coverage of such mortgage title insurance policy.

                    (13)  To the  best  of the  Seller's  knowledge,  all of the
          improvements  which were included for the purpose of  determining  the
          appraised  value of each  Mortgaged  Property  lie  wholly  within the
          boundaries and building  restriction  lines of such  property,  and no
          improvements  on adjoining  properties  encroach  upon such  Mortgaged

                    (14) To the best of the Seller's  knowledge,  no improvement
          located on or being part of any Mortgaged  Property is in violation of
          any applicable  zoning law or regulation.  To the best of the Seller's
          knowledge,  all inspections,  licenses and certificates required to be
          made or issued with respect to all occupied portions of such Mortgaged
          Property  and,  with  respect  to the use and  occupancy  of the same,
          including  but not  limited  to  certificates  of  occupancy  and fire
          underwriting  certificates,  have  been  made  or  obtained  from  the


          authorities, unless the lack thereof would not have a material adverse
          effect on the value of such  Mortgaged  Property,  and such  Mortgaged
          Property is lawfully occupied under applicable law.

                    (15)  Each  Mortgage  Note  and  the  related  Mortgage  are
          genuine,  and each is the legal,  valid and binding  obligation of the
          maker  thereof,  enforceable  in  accordance  with its terms and under
          applicable law. To the best of the Seller's knowledge,  all parties to
          such  Mortgage  Note and such  Mortgage had legal  capacity to execute
          such  Mortgage  Note and such Mortgage and each such Mortgage Note and
          Mortgage have been duly and properly executed by such parties.

                    (16) The proceeds of each Loan (other than  certain  amounts
          escrowed for home improvements) have been fully disbursed and there is
          no requirement for future  advances  thereunder.  All costs,  fees and
          expenses  incurred in making,  or closing or recording such Loans were

                    (17)  Each  Mortgage  contains   customary  and  enforceable
          provisions  which render the rights and remedies of the holder thereof
          adequate for the realization against the related Mortgaged Property of
          the benefits of the security, including, (a) in the case of a Mortgage
          designated as a deed of trust,  by trustee's sale and (b) otherwise by
          judicial foreclosure.

                    (18) With respect to each  Mortgage  constituting  a deed of
          trust,  a trustee,  duly  qualified  under  applicable law to serve as
          such,  has been  properly  designated  and  currently so serves and is
          named in such  Mortgage,  and no fees or  expenses  are or will become
          payable by the  Certificateholders  to the  trustee  under the deed of
          trust, except in connection with a trustee's sale after default by the

                    (19)   Each   Mortgage   Note  and  each   Mortgage   is  in
          substantially  one of the forms acceptable to FNMA or FHLMC, with such
          riders as have been acceptable to FNMA or FHLMC, as the case may be.

                    (20) The origination,  underwriting and collection practices
          used by the Seller with respect to each Loan have been in all respects
          legal,  prudent and  customary in the mortgage  lending and  servicing

                    (21) There is no pledged  account  or other  security  other
          than any Escrow  Account  and real  estate  securing  the  Mortgagor's

                    (22) No Loan has a  shared  appreciation  feature,  or other
          contingent interest feature.

                    (23) Each Loan contains a customary "due on sale" clause.

                    (24) To the best of Seller's knowledge: at the Cut-off Date,
          the  improvements  on each Mortgaged  Property were covered by a valid
          and  existing  hazard  insurance  policy with a  generally  acceptable
          carrier that provides for fire and extended  coverage and coverage for
          such other hazards as are  customary in the area where such  Mortgaged
          Property  is located in an amount at least  equal to the lesser of (a)
          the maximum  insurable  value of the  improvements  on such  Mortgaged
          Property  or (b)  (i) in the  case  of a Loan  secured  by a  Mortgage
          creating  a first  lien  on  such  Mortgaged  Property,  the  original
          principal balance of such Loan, or (ii) in the case of a Loan which is
          subject  to a prior  loan  or  prior  loans,  the  combined  principal
          balances  of  such  Loan  and the  prior  loan(s).  If such  Mortgaged
          Property is a  condominium  unit,


          it is included under the coverage afforded by a blanket policy for the
          condominium  unit.  For all  Mortgages  creating  a first  lien on the
          related Mortgaged Property, all such individual insurance policies and
          all flood  policies  referred to in item (25) below contain a standard
          mortgagee clause naming the Seller or the original mortgagee,  and its
          successors in interest,  as mortgagee,  and the Seller has received no
          notice that any premiums  due and payable  thereon have not been paid;
          the Mortgage  obligates the Mortgagor  thereunder to maintain all such
          insurance  including  flood  insurance  at the  Mortgagor's  cost  and
          expense,  and upon the  Mortgagor's  failure to do so,  authorizes the
          holder of the  Mortgage to obtain and maintain  such  insurance at the
          Mortgagor's cost and expense and to seek  reimbursement  therefor from
          the Mortgagor.

                    (25) If a Mortgaged Property is in an area identified in the
          Federal Register by the Federal Emergency  Management Agency as having
          special flood hazards,  a flood insurance policy in a form meeting the
          requirements  of  the  current   guidelines  of  the  Flood  Insurance
          Administration  was required at closing with respect to such Mortgaged
          Property with a generally acceptable carrier in an amount representing
          coverage  not less  than the  least  of (a) the  original  outstanding
          principal balance of the related Loan, (b) the minimum amount required
          to compensate for damage or loss on a maximum insurable value basis or
          (c) the maximum amount of insurance that is available  under the Flood
          Disaster Protection Act of 1973, as amended.

                    (26)  To  the  best  of  Seller's  knowledge,  there  is  no
          proceeding  occurring,  pending or threatened for the total or partial
          condemnation of any Mortgaged Property.

                    (27) There is no material  monetary  default  existing under
          any  Mortgage  or the  related  Mortgage  Note and, to the best of the
          Seller's knowledge,  there is no event which, with the passage of time
          or with notice and the  expiration of any grace or cure period,  would
          constitute a default, breach, violation or event of acceleration under
          such Mortgage or related  Mortgage Note; and the Seller has not waived
          any default, breach, violation or event of acceleration.

                    (28)  Each  Mortgaged  Property  is  improved  by a one-  to
          four-family,  or other  multi-family,  residential  dwelling including
          condominium units, which, to the best of Seller's knowledge,  does not
          include  cooperatives  or mobile homes and does not  constitute  other
          than real property under state law.

                    (29) Each Loan is being serviced by the Servicer.

                    (30) Any future advances made prior to the Cut-off Date have
          been consolidated with the outstanding principal amount secured by the
          related  Mortgage,  and the secured principal amount, as consolidated,
          bears a single  interest rate and single  repayment  term reflected on
          the related loan schedule.  The consolidated principal amount does not
          exceed the original  principal  amount of such Loan.  No Mortgage Note
          permits or  obligates  the  Servicer  to make  future  advances to the
          Mortgagor at the option of the Mortgagor.

                    (31)  To  the  best  of  Seller's   knowledge,   all  taxes,
          governmental   assessments,   insurance  premiums,  water,  sewer  and
          municipal charges, leasehold payments or ground rents which previously
          became due and owing have been paid,  except for items which have been
          assessed, but are not yet due and payable.  Except for (a) payments in
          the nature of escrow payments, and (b) interest accruing from the date
          of any Mortgage Note or date of disbursement  of the related  Mortgage
          proceeds,  whichever is later,  to the day which precedes by one month
          the Due Date of the  first  installment  of  principal  and  interest,
          including  without  limitation,  taxes  and  insurance  payments,  the
          Servicer has not advanced  funds,  or induced,


          solicited or knowingly  received any advance of funds by a party other
          than the  Mortgagor,  directly or  indirectly,  for the payment of any
          amount required by the related Mortgage.

                    (32) Each Loan was underwritten in all material  respects in
          accordance with the Seller's  underwriting  guidelines as set forth in
          the Prospectus Supplement.

                    (33) An  appraisal of each  Mortgaged  Property was obtained
          from a qualified appraiser, duly appointed by the originator,  who had
          no interest,  direct or indirect,  in the Mortgaged Property or in any
          loan  made on the  security  thereof,  and whose  compensation  is not
          affected by the approval or disapproval  of such Loan;  such appraisal
          is in a form acceptable to FNMA and FHLMC.

                    (34) No  Loan  is a  graduated  payment  mortgage  loan or a
          growing  equity  mortgage loan, and no Loan is subject to a buydown or
          similar arrangement.

                    (35) The Loans  were  selected  from  among the  outstanding
          residential  mortgage loans in Seller's  portfolio at the Closing Date
          as to which the  representations  and warranties made as to such Loans
          set forth in this  Schedule IIIE can be made.  Such  selection was not
          made  in a  manner  that  would  adversely  affect  the  interests  of

                    (36)  Each  Loan  has a Due Date in the  month of the  first
          Distribution Date.

                    (37)  Approximately  (a) 20.32% of the Group I Loans and (b)
          none of the Group II Loans (by principal balance) are Balloon Loans.

                    (38) No Loan is subject to negative amortization or deferred
          interest payments.

                    (39) No Mortgagor has requested relief under the Relief Act.

                    (40) None of the Loans are retail installment  contracts for
          goods or services or are home improvement loans for goods or services,
          which would be either "consumer  credit  contracts" or "purchase money
          loans" as such terms are defined in 16 C.F.R. ss.433.1.

                    (41) No  Mortgagor  has or  will  have a  claim  or  defense
          against Seller or any assignor or assignee of Seller under any express
          or implied  warranty  with  respect to goods or  services  provided in
          connection with any Loan.

                    (42) Each Loan is a  "qualified  mortgage"  for  purposes of
          Section  860G(a)(3)  of the  Code  and  Treasury  Regulations  Section
          1.860G-2(a)(1) and (3).

                    (43) The Loans,  individually and in the aggregate,  conform
          in all material respects to the descriptions thereof in the Prospectus

                    (44)  There  exist no  deficiencies  with  respect to escrow
          deposits  and  payments,  if such are  required,  for which  customary
          arrangements  for repayment  thereof have not been made, and no escrow
          deposits or payments of other  charges or payments due the Seller have
          been capitalized under any Mortgage or related Mortgage Note.

                    (45) All Loans  calculate  interest  utilizing the actuarial


                    (46) None of the Loans are  subject to the Home  Ownership &
          Equity Protection Act of 1994. No Loan was originated in Georgia on or
          after October 1, 2002.

                    (47) As of the Cut-off  Date,  the Mortgage Rate relating to
          each Loan that is an  adjustable  rate mortgage loan has been adjusted
          in accordance with the terms of the related Mortgage Note.

                    (48) No Group II Loan originated after October 1, 2002 has a
          prepayment  penalty longer than three years after its  origination and
          no Group II Loan originated  prior to October 1, 2002 has a prepayment
          penalty longer than five years after its origination.

                    (49) The Servicer has fully  furnished  with respect to each
          Group II Loan,  in accordance  with the Fair Credit  Reporting Act and
          its implementing regulations, accurate and complete information (e.g.,
          favorable and  unfavorable)  on its borrower  credit files to Equifax,
          Experian  and Trans Union  Credit  Information  Company  (three of the
          credit  repositories),  on a monthly basis (during the period in which
          the Servicer serviced the Group II Loans).

                    (50)  No  proceeds  from  any  Group  II Loan  were  used to
          purchase single-premium credit insurance policies.

                    (51)  Each  Loan at the  time it was  made  complied  in all
          material  respects with  applicable  local,  state,  and federal laws,
          including,  but not limited to, all  applicable  predatory and abusive
          lending laws.

                    (52) No Loan is "High  Cost" as  defined  by the  applicable
          predatory and abusive lending laws.


                                   SCHEDULE IV

                          LIST OF FINANCING STATEMENTS:


                             BY SELLERS TO DEPOSITOR

========================================================= ==========================================================
                         SELLER                                                   LOCATION
========================================================= ==========================================================
Equity One, Inc. (DE)                                     Secretary of State of the State of Delaware
- --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
Equity One, Incorporated (PA)                             Secretary of the Commonwealth of the Commonwealth of
- --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
Equity One, Inc. (MN)                                     Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota
- --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
Equity One Consumer Loan Company, Inc.(NH)                Secretary of State of the State of New Hampshire
- --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
Popular Financial Services, LLC (DE)                      Secretary of State of the State of Delaware
========================================================= ==========================================================


                                   SCHEDULE V

                          LIST OF FINANCING STATEMENTS:


                             BY DEPOSITOR TO TRUSTEE

========================================================= ==========================================================
                       DEPOSITOR                                                  LOCATION
========================================================= ==========================================================
Equity One ABS, Inc.                                      Secretary of State of the State of Delaware
========================================================= ==========================================================


                                   SCHEDULE VI

                          LIST OF FINANCING STATEMENTS:

                               PERFECTION OF SALE

                             BY SELLERS TO DEPOSITOR

========================================================= ==========================================================
                         SELLER                                                   LOCATION
========================================================= ==========================================================
Equity One, Inc. (DE)                                     Secretary of State of the State of Delaware
- --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
Equity One, Incorporated (PA)                             Secretary of the Commonwealth of the Commonwealth of
- --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
Equity One, Inc. (MN)                                     Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota
- --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
Equity One Consumer Loan Company, Inc.(NH)                Secretary of State of the State of New Hampshire
- --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
Popular Financial Services, LLC (DE)                      Secretary of State of the State of Delaware
========================================================= ==========================================================


                                  SCHEDULE VII

                          LIST OF FINANCING STATEMENTS:

                               PERFECTION OF SALE

                             BY DEPOSITOR TO TRUSTEE

========================================================= ==========================================================
                       DEPOSITOR                                                  LOCATION
========================================================= ==========================================================
Equity One ABS, Inc.                                      Secretary of State of the State of Delaware
========================================================= ==========================================================


                                   EXHIBIT A-1

                         Form of Class AF-[] Certificate



Certificate No.                                      :

Cut-off Date:                                        :        March 31, 2003

First Distribution Date:                             :        May 27, 2003

Initial Certificate Balance
of this Certificate
("Denomination")                                     :        $

Initial Class Certificate Balance
of all Certificates of
this Class:                                          :        $

CUSIP                                                :

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2003-2
                                   Class AF-[]

     evidencing  a  percentage  interest in the  distributions  allocable to the
     Certificates  of the  above-referenced  Class with  respect to a Trust Fund
     consisting  primarily of a pool of fixed and adjustable rate mortgage loans
     divided into two groups, Group I and Group II (collectively,  the "Loans").
     The  Loans in Group I are  secured  by  first  or  second  liens on one- to
     four-family dwellings and multi-family  properties,  which consist of five-
     to eight-family dwellings. The Loans in Group II are secured by first liens
     on one- to four-family  dwellings.  The Class AF-[] Certificates  primarily
     represent an interest in the Loans in Group I.

                       Equity One ABS, Inc., as Depositor

     Principal in respect of this  Certificate is  distributable  monthly as set
forth herein. Accordingly,  the Certificate Balance at any time may be less than
the Certificate  Balance as set forth herein. This


Certificate  does not evidence an  obligation  of, or an interest in, and is not
guaranteed by the Depositor,  the Sellers,  the Servicer or the Trustee referred
to below or any of their respective affiliates. Neither this Certificate nor the
Loans are guaranteed or insured by any governmental agency or instrumentality.

     This certifies that  ______________________  is the registered owner of the
Percentage  Interest  evidenced  by this  Certificate  (obtained by dividing the
denomination of this Certificate by the aggregate Initial  Certificate  Balances
of all Certificates of the Class to which this  Certificate  belongs) in certain
monthly  distributions with respect to a Trust Fund consisting  primarily of the
Loans  deposited by Equity One ABS, Inc. (the  "Depositor").  The Trust Fund was
created  pursuant to a Pooling and Servicing  Agreement  dated as of the Cut-off
Date specified  above (the  "Agreement")  among the Depositor,  Equity One, Inc.
(DE), Equity One, Incorporated, (PA), Equity One, Inc. (MN), Equity One Consumer
Loan Company, Inc. (NH) and Popular Financial Services, LLC (DE), as sellers (in
such capacity,  collectively,  the "Sellers"), Equity One, Inc. (DE) as servicer
(in such  capacity,  the  "Servicer"),  and JPMorgan Chase Bank, as trustee (the
"Trustee").  To the extent not defined herein, the capitalized terms used herein
have the meanings  assigned in the Agreement.  This  Certificate is issued under
and is subject to the terms,  provisions  and  conditions of the  Agreement,  to
which  Agreement  the  Holder of this  Certificate  by virtue of the  acceptance
hereof assents and by which such Holder is bound.

     Reference is hereby made to the further  provisions of this Certificate set
forth on the reverse  hereof,  which further  provisions  shall for all purposes
have the same effect as if set forth at this place.

     This  Certificate  shall not be entitled to any benefit under the Agreement
or be valid for any  purpose  unless  manually  countersigned  by an  authorized
signatory of the Trustee.

                                      * * *

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Trustee has caused  this  Certificate  to be duly

Dated ____________________, 20__           JPMorgan Chase Bank,
Countersigned:                             as Trustee

By:______________________________          By:__________________________________
     Authorized Signatory of
     JPMorgan Chase Bank,
     as Trustee


                                   EXHIBIT A-2

                         Form of Class AV-1 Certificate



Certificate No.                                      :

Cut-off Date:                                        :        March 31, 2003

First Distribution Date:                             :        May 27, 2003

Initial Class Certificate Balance
of this Certificate
("Denomination")                                     :        $

Initial Class Certificate Balance
of all Certificates of
this Class:                                          :        $

CUSIP                                                :

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2003-2
                                   Class AV-1

     evidencing  a  percentage  interest in the  distributions  allocable to the
     Certificates  of the  above-referenced  Class with  respect to a Trust Fund
     consisting  primarily of a pool of fixed and adjustable rate mortgage loans
     divided into two groups, Group I and Group II (collectively,  the "Loans").
     The  Loans in Group I are  secured  by  first  or  second  liens on one- to
     four-family dwellings and multi-family  properties,  which consist of five-
     to eight-family dwellings. The Loans in Group II are secured by first liens
     on one- to four-family  dwellings.  The Class AV-1  Certificates  primarily
     represent an interest in the Loans in Group II.

                       Equity One ABS, Inc., as Depositor

     Principal in respect of this  Certificate is  distributable  monthly as set
forth herein. Accordingly,  the Certificate Balance at any time may be less than
the Certificate  Balance as set forth herein. This


Certificate  does not evidence an  obligation  of, or an interest in, and is not
guaranteed by the Depositor,  the Sellers,  the Servicer or the Trustee referred
to below or any of their respective affiliates. Neither this Certificate nor the
Loans are guaranteed or insured by any governmental agency or instrumentality.

     This  certifies  that  __________________  is the  registered  owner of the
Percentage  Interest  evidenced  by this  Certificate  (obtained by dividing the
denomination of this Certificate by the aggregate Initial  Certificate  Balances
of all Certificates of the Class to which this  Certificate  belongs) in certain
monthly  distributions with respect to a Trust Fund consisting  primarily of the
Loans  deposited by Equity One ABS, Inc. (the  "Depositor").  The Trust Fund was
created  pursuant to a Pooling and Servicing  Agreement  dated as of the Cut-off
Date specified  above (the  "Agreement")  among the Depositor,  Equity One, Inc.
(DE), Equity One,  Incorporated (PA), Equity One, Inc. (MN), Equity One Consumer
Loan Company, Inc. (NH) and Popular Financial Services, LLC (DE), as sellers (in
such capacity,  collectively,  the "Sellers"), Equity One, Inc. (DE) as servicer
(in such  capacity,  the  "Servicer"),  and JPMorgan Chase Bank, as trustee (the
"Trustee").  To the extent not defined herein, the capitalized terms used herein
have the meanings  assigned in the Agreement.  This  Certificate is issued under
and is subject to the terms,  provisions  and  conditions of the  Agreement,  to
which  Agreement  the  Holder of this  Certificate  by virtue of the  acceptance
hereof assents and by which such Holder is bound.

     Reference is hereby made to the further  provisions of this Certificate set
forth on the reverse  hereof,  which further  provisions  shall for all purposes
have the same effect as if set forth at this place.

     This  Certificate  shall not be entitled to any benefit under the Agreement
or be valid for any  purpose  unless  manually  countersigned  by an  authorized
signatory of the Trustee.

                                      * * *

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Trustee has caused  this  Certificate  to be duly

Dated ____________________, 20__           JPMorgan Chase Bank,
Countersigned:                             as Trustee

By:______________________________          By:__________________________________
     Authorized Signatory of
     JPMorgan Chase Bank,
     as Trustee


                                   EXHIBIT A-3

                         Form of Class M-[] Certificate




Certificate No.                                      :

Cut-off Date:                                        :        March 31, 2003

First Distribution Date:                             :        May 27, 2003

Initial Certificate Balance
of this Certificate
("Denomination")                                     :        $

Initial Class Certificate Balance
of all Certificates of
this Class:                                          :        $

CUSIP                                                :

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2003-2
                                   Class M-[]

     evidencing  a  percentage  interest in the  distributions  allocable to the
     Certificates  of the  above-referenced  Class with  respect to a Trust Fund
     consisting  primarily of a pool of fixed and adjustable rate mortgage loans
     divided into two groups, Group I and Group II (collectively,  the "Loans").
     The  Loans in Group I are  secured  by  first  or  second  liens on one- to
     four-family dwellings and multi-family  properties,  which consist of five-
     to eight-family dwellings. The


     Loans in  Group  II are  secured  by  first  liens  on one- to  four-family
     dwellings.  The Class M-[] Certificates  primarily represent an interest in
     the Loans in both Group I and Group II.

                       Equity One ABS, Inc., as Depositor

     Principal in respect of this  Certificate is  distributable  monthly as set
forth herein. Accordingly,  the Certificate Balance at any time may be less than
the Certificate  Balance as set forth herein. This Certificate does not evidence
an obligation of, or an interest in, and is not guaranteed by the Depositor, the
Sellers,  the  Servicer  or the  Trustee  referred  to  below  or  any of  their
respective affiliates.  Neither this Certificate nor the Loans are guaranteed or
insured by any governmental agency or instrumentality.

     This certifies that  _____________________  is the registered  owner of the
Percentage  Interest  evidenced  by this  Certificate  (obtained by dividing the
denomination of this Certificate by the aggregate Initial  Certificate  Balances
of all Certificates of the Class to which this  Certificate  belongs) in certain
monthly  distributions with respect to a Trust Fund consisting  primarily of the
Loans  deposited by Equity One ABS, Inc. (the  "Depositor").  The Trust Fund was
created  pursuant to a Pooling and Servicing  Agreement  dated as of the Cut-off
Date specified  above (the  "Agreement")  among the Depositor,  Equity One, Inc.
(DE), Equity One,  Incorporated (PA), Equity One, Inc. (MN), Equity One Consumer
Loan Company, Inc. (NH) and Popular Financial Services, LLC (DE), as sellers (in
such capacity,  collectively,  the "Sellers"), Equity One, Inc. (DE) as servicer
(in such  capacity,  the  "Servicer"),  and JPMorgan Chase Bank, as trustee (the
"Trustee").  To the extent not defined herein, the capitalized terms used herein
have the meanings  assigned in the Agreement.  This  Certificate is issued under
and is subject to the terms,  provisions  and  conditions of the  Agreement,  to
which  Agreement  the  Holder of this  Certificate  by virtue of the  acceptance
hereof assents and by which such Holder is bound.

     Reference is hereby made to the further  provisions of this Certificate set
forth on the reverse  hereof,  which further  provisions  shall for all purposes
have the same effect as if set forth at this place.

     This  Certificate  shall not be entitled to any benefit under the Agreement
or be valid for any  purpose  unless  manually  countersigned  by an  authorized
signatory of the Trustee.

                                      * * *

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Trustee has caused  this  Certificate  to be duly

Dated ____________________, 20__           JPMorgan Chase Bank,
Countersigned:                             as Trustee

By:______________________________          By:__________________________________
     Authorized Signatory of
     JPMorgan Chase Bank,
     as Trustee


                                   EXHIBIT A-4

                           Form of Class B Certificate




Certificate No.                                      :

Cut-off Date:                                        :        March 31, 2003

First Distribution Date:                             :        May 27, 2003

Initial Certificate Balance
of this Certificate
("Denomination")                                     :        $

Initial Class Certificate Balance
of all Certificates of
this Class:                                          :        $

CUSIP                                                :

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2003-2
                                     Class B

     evidencing  a  percentage  interest in the  distributions  allocable to the
     Certificates  of the  above-referenced  Class with  respect to a Trust Fund
     consisting  primarily of a pool of fixed and adjustable rate mortgage loans
     divided into two groups, Group I and Group II (collectively,  the "Loans").
     The  Loans in Group I are  secured  by  first  or  second  liens on one- to
     four-family dwellings and multi-family  properties,  which consist of five-
     to eight-family dwellings. The Loans in Group II are secured by first liens
     on one- to  four-family  dwellings.  The  Class  B  Certificates  primarily
     represent an interest in the Loans in both Group I and Group II.


                       Equity One ABS, Inc., as Depositor

     Principal in respect of this  Certificate is  distributable  monthly as set
forth herein. Accordingly,  the Certificate Balance at any time may be less than
the Certificate  Balance as set forth herein. This Certificate does not evidence
an obligation of, or an interest in, and is not guaranteed by the Depositor, the
Sellers,  the  Servicer  or the  Trustee  referred  to  below  or  any of  their
respective affiliates.  Neither this Certificate nor the Loans are guaranteed or
insured by any governmental agency or instrumentality.

     This certifies  that  ____________________  is the registered  owner of the
Percentage  Interest  evidenced  by this  Certificate  (obtained by dividing the
denomination of this Certificate by the aggregate Initial  Certificate  Balances
of all Certificates of the Class to which this  Certificate  belongs) in certain
monthly  distributions with respect to a Trust Fund consisting  primarily of the
Loans  deposited by Equity One ABS, Inc. (the  "Depositor").  The Trust Fund was
created  pursuant to a Pooling and Servicing  Agreement  dated as of the Cut-off
Date specified  above (the  "Agreement")  among the Depositor,  Equity One, Inc.
(DE), Equity One,  Incorporated (PA), Equity One, Inc. (MN), Equity One Consumer
Loan Company, Inc. (NH) and Popular Financial Services, LLC (DE), as sellers (in
such capacity,  collectively,  the "Sellers"), Equity One, Inc. (DE) as servicer
(in such  capacity,  the  "Servicer"),  and JPMorgan Chase Bank, as trustee (the
"Trustee").  To the extent not defined herein, the capitalized terms used herein
have the meanings  assigned in the Agreement.  This  Certificate is issued under
and is subject to the terms,  provisions  and  conditions of the  Agreement,  to
which  Agreement  the  Holder of this  Certificate  by virtue of the  acceptance
hereof assents and by which such Holder is bound.

     Reference is hereby made to the further  provisions of this Certificate set
forth on the reverse  hereof,  which further  provisions  shall for all purposes
have the same effect as if set forth at this place.

     This  Certificate  shall not be entitled to any benefit under the Agreement
or be valid for any  purpose  unless  manually  countersigned  by an  authorized
signatory of the Trustee.

                                      * * *

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Trustee has caused  this  Certificate  to be duly

Dated ____________________, 20__           JPMorgan Chase Bank,
Countersigned:                             as Trustee

By:______________________________          By:__________________________________
     Authorized Signatory of
     JPMorgan Chase Bank,
     as Trustee


                                   EXHIBIT B-1

                           Form of Class R Certificate







Certificate No.                                      :

Cut-off  Date                                        :        March 31, 2003

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2003-2

     evidencing the  distributions  allocable to the Class R  Certificates  with
     respect  to a  Trust  Fund  consisting  primarily  of a pool of  fixed  and
     adjustable  rate mortgage loans divided into two groups,  Group I and Group
     II (collectively,  the "Loans").  The Loans in Group I are secured by first
     or  second  liens  on  one-  to  four-family   dwellings  and  multi-family
     properties,  which consist of five- to eight-family dwellings. The Loans in
     Group II are secured by first liens on one- to four-family dwellings.

                       Equity One ABS, Inc., as Depositor

     This Certificate does not evidence an obligation of, or an interest in, and
is not  guaranteed by the  Depositor,  the Sellers,  the Servicer or the Trustee
referred  to  below  or  any  of  their  respective  affiliates.   Neither  this
Certificate nor the Loans are guaranteed or insured by any  governmental  agency
or instrumentality.

     This certifies  that  ___________________  is the  registered  owner of the
Percentage   Interest  (set  forth  on  the  face  hereof)  in  certain  monthly
distributions  with respect to a Trust Fund consisting of the Loans deposited by
Equity One ABS, Inc. (the "Depositor"). The Trust Fund was created pursuant to a
Pooling and Servicing  Agreement  dated as of the Cut-off Date  specified  above
(the  "Agreement")  among the  Depositor,  Equity One,  Inc.  (DE),  Equity One,
Incorporated (PA), Equity One, Inc. (MN), Equity One Consumer Loan Company, Inc.
(NH) and Popular  Financial  Services,  LLC (DE), as sellers (in such  capacity,
collectively,  the  "Sellers")  and Equity One,  Inc.  (DE) as servicer (in such
capacity, the "Servicer"),  and JPMorgan Chase Bank, as trustee (the "Trustee").
To the extent not defined  herein,  the  capitalized  terms used herein have the
meanings  assigned in the  Agreement.  This  Certificate  is issued under and is
subject to the terms,  provisions  and  conditions  of the  Agreement,  to which
Agreement  the Holder of this  Certificate  by virtue of the  acceptance  hereof
assents and by which such Holder is bound.

     Any  distribution of the proceeds of any remaining assets of the Trust Fund
will be made only upon  presentment and surrender of this Class R Certificate at
the Corporate Trust Office or the office or agency  maintained by the Trustee in
New York, New York.

     Any  proposed  transfer  of a Class R  Certificate  shall be subject to the
restrictions on transfer described in Section 5.02 of the Agreement.

     No transfer of a Class R Certificate shall be made unless the Trustee shall
have received  either (i) a  representation  letter from the  transferee of such
Certificate,  acceptable  to and  in  form  and  substance  satisfactory  to the
Trustee,  to the effect that such  transferee  is not an employee  benefit  plan
subject to Section 406 of ERISA or Section 4975 of the Code, nor a person acting
on behalf of any such plan, which representation  letter shall not be an expense
of the  Trustee  or the  Servicer  or  (ii)  in the  case  of any  such  Class R
Certificate  presented for  registration in the name of an employee benefit plan
subject to ERISA,  or Section 4975 of the Code (or comparable  provisions of any
subsequent enactment),  or a trustee of any such plan or any other person acting
on behalf of any such plan,  an Opinion of Counsel  satisfactory  to the Trustee
and the  Servicer  to the effect  that the  purchase  or holding of such Class R
Certificate  will not result in the assets of the Trust Fund being  deemed to be
"plan assets" and subject to the prohibited  transaction provisions of ERISA and
the Code and will not subject the Trustee or the Servicer to any


obligation in addition to those  undertaken in the  Agreement,  which Opinion of
Counsel shall not be an expense of the Trustee or the Servicer.  Notwithstanding
anything  else to the  contrary  herein,  any  purported  transfer  of a Class R
Certificate  to or on behalf of an employee  benefit plan subject to ERISA or to
the Code without the opinion of counsel satisfactory to the Trustee as described
above shall be void and of no effect.

     Each Holder of this Class R Certificate will be deemed to have agreed to be
bound by the  restrictions  of the  Agreement,  including but not limited to the
restrictions that (i) each person holding or acquiring any Ownership Interest in
this Class R  Certificate  must be a  Permitted  Transferee,  (ii) no  Ownership
Interest in this Class R Certificate may be transferred  without delivery to the
Trustee  of (a) a  transfer  affidavit  of the  proposed  transferee  and  (b) a
transfer certificate of the transferor, each of such documents to be in the form
described in the Agreement, (iii) each person holding or acquiring any Ownership
Interest in this Class R Certificate must agree to require a transfer  affidavit
and to deliver a transfer certificate to the Trustee as required pursuant to the
Agreement,  (iv) each person holding or acquiring an Ownership  Interest in this
Class R  Certificate  must agree not to transfer an  Ownership  Interest in this
Class R Certificate if it has actual  knowledge that the proposed  transferee is
not a Permitted  Transferee  and (v) any attempted or purported  transfer of any
Ownership Interest in this Class R Certificate in violation of such restrictions
will be  absolutely  null  and void and will  vest no  rights  in the  purported

     Reference is hereby made to the further  provisions of this Certificate set
forth on the reverse  hereof,  which further  provisions  shall for all purposes
have the same effect as if set forth at this place.

     This  Certificate  shall not be entitled to any benefit under the Agreement
or be valid for any  purpose  unless  manually  countersigned  by an  authorized
signatory of the Trustee.

                                      * * *

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Trustee has caused  this  Certificate  to be duly

Dated:__________________, 20__

                                        JPMorgan Chase Bank,
                                        as Trustee



     Authorized Signatory of
     JPMorgan Chase Bank,
     as Trustee


                                   EXHIBIT B-2

                           Form of Class X Certificate





Certificate No.                     :                1
Cut-off  Date                       :                March 31, 2003
Percentage Interest                 :                __.__%

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2003-2

     evidencing the  distributions  allocable to the Class X  Certificates  with
     respect  to a  Trust  Fund  consisting  primarily  of a pool of  fixed  and
     adjustable  rate mortgage loans divided into two groups,  Group I and Group
     II (collectively,  the "Loans").  The Loans in Group I are secured by first
     or  second  liens  on  one-  to  four-family   dwellings  and  multi-family
     properties,  which consist of five- to eight-family dwellings. The Loans in
     Group II are secured by first liens on one- to four-family dwellings.

                       Equity One ABS, Inc., as Depositor

     This Certificate does not evidence an obligation of, or an interest in, and
is not  guaranteed by the  Depositor,  the Sellers,  the Servicer or the Trustee
referred  to  below  or  any  of  their  respective  affiliates.   Neither  this
Certificate nor the Loans are guaranteed or insured by any  governmental  agency
or instrumentality.

     This  certifies  that Equity One ABS, Inc. is the  registered  owner of the
Percentage   Interest  (set  forth  on  the  face  hereof)  in  certain  monthly
distributions  with respect to a Trust Fund consisting of the Loans deposited by
Equity One ABS, Inc. (the "Depositor"). The Trust Fund was created pursuant to a
Pooling and Servicing  Agreement  dated as of the Cut-off Date  specified  above
(the  "Agreement")  among the  Depositor,  Equity One,  Inc.  (DE),  Equity One,
Incorporated (PA), Equity One, Inc. (MN), Equity One Consumer Loan Company, Inc.
(NH) and Popular  Financial  Services,  LLC (DE), as sellers (in such  capacity,
collectively,  the  "Sellers")  and Equity One, Inc.  (DE), as servicer (in such
capacity, the "Servicer"),  and JPMorgan Chase Bank, as trustee (the "Trustee").
To the extent not defined  herein,  the  capitalized  terms used herein have the
meanings  assigned in the  Agreement.  This  Certificate  is issued under and is
subject to the terms,  provisions  and  conditions  of the  Agreement,  to which
Agreement  the Holder of this  Certificate  by virtue of the  acceptance  hereof
assents and by which such Holder is bound.

     No transfer of a Class X Certificate shall be made unless the Trustee shall
have received  either (i) a  representation  letter from the  transferee of such
Certificate,  acceptable  to and  in  form  and  substance  satisfactory  to the
Trustee,  to the effect that such  transferee  is not an employee  benefit  plan
subject to Section 406 of ERISA or Section 4975 of the Code, nor a person acting
on behalf of any such plan, which representation  letter shall not be an expense
of the Trustee or the  Servicer,  (ii) if the Class X  Certificate  has been the
subject of an ERISA  Qualifying  Underwriting and the transferee is an insurance
company,  a representation  that the transferee is an insurance company which is
purchasing  such  Certificate  with funds  contained  in an  "insurance  company
general  account",  as defined in Prohibited  Transaction  Class Exemption 95-60
("PTCE  95-60") and that the purchase and holding of the  Certificate is covered
under  Sections I and III of PTCE 95-60 or (iii) in the case of any such Class X
Certificate  presented for  registration in the name of an employee benefit plan
subject to ERISA,  or Section 4975 of the Code (or comparable  provisions of any
subsequent enactment),  or a trustee of any such plan or any other person acting
on behalf of any such plan,  an Opinion of Counsel  satisfactory  to the Trustee
and the  Servicer  to the effect  that the  purchase  or holding of such Class X
Certificate  will not result in the assets of the Trust Fund being  deemed to be
"plan assets" and subject to the prohibited  transaction provisions of ERISA and
the Code and will not subject the Trustee or the Servicer to any  obligation  in
addition to those  undertaken


in the  Agreement,  which  Opinion  of  Counsel  shall not be an  expense of the
Trustee or the Servicer.  Notwithstanding  anything else to the contrary herein,
any purported  transfer of a Class X Certificate  to or on behalf of an employee
benefit  plan  subject to ERISA or to the Code  without  the  opinion of counsel
satisfactory to the Trustee as described above shall be void and of no effect.

     Any  distribution of the proceeds of any remaining assets of the Trust Fund
will be made only upon  presentment and surrender of this Class X Certificate at
the Corporate Trust Office or the office or agency  maintained by the Trustee in
New York, New York.

     Reference is hereby made to the further  provisions of this Certificate set
forth on the reverse  hereof,  which further  provisions  shall for all purposes
have the same effect as if set forth at this place.

     This  Certificate  shall not be entitled to any benefit under the Agreement
or be valid for any  purpose  unless  manually  countersigned  by an  authorized
signatory of the Trustee.

                                                       * * *
                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee has caused this Certificate to
be duly executed.

Dated:  _____________, 20__

                                        JPMorgan Chase Bank
                                        as Trustee


         Authorized Signatory of
         JPMorgan Chase Bank,
         as Trustee


                                    EXHIBIT C

                         Form of Reverse of Certificates

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                       Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates

     This  Certificate  is  one  of a  duly  authorized  issue  of  Certificates
designated as Equity One ABS, Inc. Mortgage  Pass-Through  Certificates,  of the
Series   specified  on  the  face  hereof   (herein   collectively   called  the
"Certificates"),  and representing a beneficial  ownership interest in the Trust
Fund created by the Agreement.

     The Certificateholder,  by its acceptance of this Certificate,  agrees that
it will look  solely to the funds on deposit  in the  Distribution  Account  for
payment  hereunder and that the Trustee is not liable to the  Certificateholders
for any amount  payable  under this  Certificate  or the Agreement or, except as
expressly  provided  in the  Agreement,  subject  to  any  liability  under  the

     This  Certificate does not purport to summarize the Agreement and reference
is made to the Agreement for the  interests,  rights and  limitations of rights,
benefits,  obligations and duties evidenced thereby, and the rights,  duties and
immunities of the Trustee.

     Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement,  a distribution will be made on the
25th day of each month or, if such 25th day is not a Business  Day, the Business
Day immediately  following (the  "Distribution  Date"),  commencing on the first
Distribution Date specified on the face hereof, to the Person in whose name this
Certificate is registered at the close of business on the applicable Record Date
in an amount equal to the product of the Percentage  Interest  evidenced by this
Certificate and the amount required to be distributed to Holders of Certificates
of the  Class  to which  this  Certificate  belongs  on such  Distribution  Date
pursuant to the Agreement.

     Distributions  on this  Certificate  shall  be made  by  wire  transfer  of
immediately  available  funds to the  account of the Holder  hereof at a bank or
other entity having appropriate  facilities therefor, if such  Certificateholder
shall have so notified the Trustee in writing at least five  Business Days prior
to the  related  Record  Date  and  such  Certificateholder  shall  satisfy  the
conditions  to receive such form of payment set forth in the  Agreement,  or, if
not,   by  check   mailed  by  first   class   mail  to  the   address  of  such
Certificateholder  appearing in the Certificate Register. The final distribution
on each Certificate  will be made in like manner,  but only upon presentment and
surrender  of such  Certificate  at the  Corporate  Trust  Office or such  other
location   specified  in  the  notice  to   Certificateholders   of  such  final

     The  Agreement  permits,  with certain  exceptions  therein  provided,  the
amendment  thereof and the  modification  of the rights and  obligations  of the
Trustee and the rights of the Certificateholders under the Agreement at any time
by the  Depositor,  the Servicer and the Trustee with the consent of the Holders
of Certificates  affected by such amendment  evidencing the requisite Percentage
Interest,  as provided in the Agreement.  Any such consent by the Holder of this
Certificate  shall be conclusive  and binding on such Holder and upon all future
Holders of this  Certificate  and of any  Certificate  issued upon the  transfer
hereof or in exchange therefor or in lieu hereof whether or not notation of such
consent is made upon this Certificate.  The Agreement also permits the amendment
thereof, in certain limited circumstances, without the consent of the Holders of
any of the Certificates.

     As provided in the Agreement and subject to certain limitations therein set
forth,  the  transfer of this  Certificate  is  registrable  in the  Certificate
Register of the Trustee upon surrender of this  Certificate for  registration of
transfer at the Corporate Trust Office or the office or agency maintained by the


in New York, New York,  accompanied by a written  instrument of transfer in form
satisfactory to the Trustee and the  Certificate  Registrar duly executed by the
Holder  hereof  or such  holder's  attorney  duly  authorized  in  writing,  and
thereupon  one  or  more  new  Certificates  of the  same  Class  in  authorized
denominations and evidencing the same aggregate Percentage Interest in the Trust
Fund will be issued to the designated transferee or transferees.

     The  Certificates  are issuable  only as  registered  Certificates  without
coupons  in  denominations  specified  in  the  Agreement.  As  provided  in the
Agreement and subject to certain limitations therein set forth, Certificates are
exchangeable for new Certificates of the same Class in authorized  denominations
and  evidencing  the same  aggregate  Percentage  Interest,  as requested by the
Holder surrendering the same.

     No service  charge  will be made for any such  registration  of transfer or
exchange,  but the Trustee may require  payment of a sum sufficient to cover any
tax or other governmental charge payable in connection therewith.

     The Depositor,  the Servicer,  the Sellers and the Trustee and any agent of
the Depositor or the Trustee may treat the Person in whose name this Certificate
is registered as the owner hereof for all purposes,  and neither the  Depositor,
the Trustee, nor any such agent shall be affected by any notice to the contrary.

     On any Distribution  Date on which the Pool Principal  Balance is less than
10% of the Cut-off  Date Pool  Principal  Balance,  the  Servicer  will have the
option to repurchase,  in whole, from the Trust Fund all remaining Loans and all
property  acquired  in respect of the Loans at a purchase  price  determined  as
provided  in the  Agreement.  In the  event  that no such  optional  termination
occurs,  the  obligations  and  responsibilities  created by the Agreement  will
terminate  upon the later of the maturity or other  liquidation  (or any advance
with  respect  thereto)  of the last Loan  remaining  in the  Trust  Fund or the
disposition  of  all  property  in  respect  thereof  and  the  distribution  to
Certificateholders  of all amounts  required to be  distributed  pursuant to the
Agreement.  In no  event,  however,  will the  trust  created  by the  Agreement
continue  beyond the  expiration of 21 years from the death of the last survivor
of the descendants living at the date of the Agreement of a certain person named
in the Agreement.

     Any term used  herein  that is  defined  in the  Agreement  shall  have the
meaning  assigned  in  the  Agreement,   and  nothing  herein  shall  be  deemed
inconsistent with that meaning.



     FOR  VALUE  RECEIVED,   the  undersigned  hereby  sell(s),   assign(s)  and
transfer(s)  unto ______________________________________________________________
                  (Please print or typewrite name and address
                     including postal zip code of assignee)

the  Percentage   Interest  evidenced  by  the  within  Certificate  and  hereby
authorizes the transfer of registration of such Percentage  Interest to assignee
on the Certificate Register of the Trust Fund.

     I (We)  further  direct the  Trustee to issue a new  Certificate  of a like
denomination and Class, to the above named assignee and deliver such Certificate
to the following address:

                                        Signature by or on behalf of assignor

                            DISTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS

     The assignee should include the following for purposes of distribution:

     Distributions shall be made, by wire transfer or otherwise,  in immediately
available funds to _____________________________________________________________
for the account of _____________________________________________________________
account number ____________________ or, if mailed by check, to _________________
Applicable statements should be mailed to ______________________________________

This information is provided by ________________________________________________
the assignee named above, or ___________________________________________________
as its agent.


                                    EXHIBIT D

                    Form of Initial Certification Of Trustee



- ---------------------

- ---------------------

          Re:  Pooling and Servicing  Agreement  among Equity One ABS,  Inc., as
               Depositor, Equity One, Inc. (DE), Equity One, Incorporated, (PA),
               Equity One, Inc.  (MN),  Equity One Consumer  Loan Company,  Inc.
               (NH) and Popular Financial Services, LLC (DE) as Sellers,  Equity
               One, Inc. (DE) as Servicer,  and JPMorgan Chase Bank, as Trustee,
               Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2003-2


     In  accordance  with  Section  2.02  of  the  above-captioned  Pooling  and
Servicing Agreement (the "Pooling and Servicing Agreement"), the undersigned, as
Trustee,  hereby  certifies  that,  as to each Loan listed in the Loan  Schedule
(other  than any Loan paid in full or listed on the  attached  schedule)  it has
received the original Mortgage Note or an executed Affidavit of Lost Note in the
form  attached  hereto as Annex I, and confirms  that,  for all  Mortgage  Notes
received,  the name on the  Mortgage  Note  matches  that on the Loan  Schedule,
except as set forth on the Exception Report attached hereto.

     Based on its review and examination and only as to the foregoing documents,
such documents appear regular on their face and related to such Loan.

     The Trustee has made no independent  examination of any documents contained
in each Mortgage File beyond the review specifically required in the Pooling and
Servicing  Agreement.  The  Trustee  makes  no  representations  as to:  (i) the
validity,  legality,  sufficiency,  enforceability  or genuineness of any of the
documents  contained in each Mortgage File of any of the Loans identified on the
Loan  Schedule,  or (ii)  the  collectibility,  insurability,  effectiveness  or
suitability of any such Loan.

     Capitalized  words  and  phrases  used  herein  shall  have the  respective
meanings assigned to them in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

                                        JPMorgan Chase Bank,
                                        as Trustee



                                                                         Annex I

                             AFFIDAVIT OF LOST NOTE

                                      : SS

          The undersigned, being duly sworn, deposes and says that:

          1.   ___________________,   a   __________________   corporation  (the
"Holder")   is   the   owner   of   a   note   dated    __________________    of
___________________, in the principal amount of $________________ (the "Note").

          2. The Holder has not  pledged or  disposed  of the Note in any manner
whatsoever  to any person nor given any person  authority  to transfer or pledge
the same.

          3.  The  Holder  does  not  know of the  whereabouts  of the  Note and
believes the Note has been lost or destroyed.

          4. The Holder makes this affidavit to JPMorgan Chase Bank  ("Trustee")
in order to induce the  Trustee to issue its initial  certification  pursuant to
Section 2.02 of the Pooling and Servicing  Agreement  dated as of March 31, 2003
among the Trustee,  the Holder and the other parties set forth therein,  without
an exception therefrom.

          5.  The  Holder  and its  successors  and  assigns  shall  at all time
indemnify  and save  harmless  the  Trustee  against all loss or damage it might
suffer by reason of the  issuance  and  delivery of a  replacement  note for the
Note, including all cost, charges, expenses and claims of every kind and nature.

          6. If the Note shall be found the Holder  shall  promptly  deliver the
same to the Trustee in order that it may be cancelled.

          7. The  undersigned  is duly  authorized to execute this  Affidavit on
behalf of the Holder.

Date:___________________________                [SELLER]

________________________________                By:_____________________________
Witness                                         Name:

                                                JPMorgan Chase Bank,
                                                as Trustee



                                    EXHIBIT E

                     Form of Final Certification Of Trustee





- ---------------------

- ---------------------

          Re:  Pooling and Servicing  Agreement  among Equity One ABS,  Inc., as
               Depositor, Equity One, Inc. (DE), Equity One, Incorporated, (PA),
               Equity One, Inc.  (MN),  Equity One Consumer  Loan Company,  Inc.
               (NH) and  Popular  Financial  Services,  LLC (DE) as Sellers  and
               Equity One,  Inc. (DE) as Servicer,  and JPMorgan  Chase Bank, as
               Trustee, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2003-2


     In  accordance  with  Section  2.02  of  the  above-captioned  Pooling  and
Servicing Agreement (the "Pooling and Servicing Agreement"), the undersigned, as
Trustee,  hereby  certifies  that as to each Loan  listed  in the Loan  Schedule
(other than any Loan paid in full or listed on the attached  Document  Exception
Report),  except as set forth on the Exception  Report attached  hereto,  it has

          (i) the  original  Mortgage  Note  and  confirms  that the name on the
Mortgage Note matches that on the Loan Schedule;

          (ii) the original  recorded Mortgage (unless such Mortgage has not yet
been returned by the relevant recording office, as certified by the Depositor;

          (iii) the  original  recorded  assignment  of the Mortgage in the form
provided in Section 2.01(c) of the Pooling and Servicing Agreement;

          (iv)  the  original  or  duplicate  original  recorded  assignment  or
assignments  of the Mortgage  necessary to show a complete  chain of  assignment
from the  originator to the Seller,  unless the Depositor has certified that the
related  assignment has not been returned from the applicable  recording office;

          (v) the original or duplicate  original  lender's title policy and all
riders thereto or, any one of an original title binder, an original  preliminary
title report or an original title commitment, or a copy thereof certified by the
title company, unless the Depositor has certified that such title policy has not
yet been received from the applicable title insurance company.

     Based on its review and examination and only as to the foregoing documents,
(a) such  documents  appear  regular on their face and related to such Loan, and
(b) the  information  set forth in items (c), (d), (e)


and (i) of the definition of the "Loan Schedule" in Article I of the Pooling and
Servicing Agreement  accurately  reflects  information set forth in the Mortgage

     The Trustee has made no independent  examination of any documents contained
in each Mortgage File beyond the review specifically required in the Pooling and
Servicing  Agreement.  The  Trustee  makes  no  representations  as to:  (i) the
validity,  legality,  sufficiency,  enforceability  or genuineness of any of the
documents  contained in each Mortgage File of any of the Loans identified on the
Loan  Schedule,  or (ii)  the  collectibility,  insurability,  effectiveness  or
suitability of any such Loan.

     Capitalized  words  and  phrases  used  herein  shall  have the  respective
meanings assigned to them in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

                                        JPMorgan Chase Bank,
                                        as Trustee



                                    EXHIBIT F

                           Form of Transfer Affidavit

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                       Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
                                  Series 2003-2

STATE OF                   )

                           ) ss:

COUNTY OF                  )

     The undersigned, being first duly sworn, deposes and says as follows:

     1. The  undersigned  is an officer  of  ___________________,  the  proposed
Transferee of an Ownership Interest in a Class R Certificate (the "Certificate")
issued  pursuant to the  Pooling and  Servicing  Agreement,  (the  "Agreement"),
relating to the  above-referenced  Series, by and among Equity One ABS, Inc., as
depositor (the  "Depositor"),  Equity One, Inc. (DE), Equity One,  Incorporated,
(PA),  Equity One, Inc.  (MN),  Equity One Consumer Loan Company,  Inc. (NH) and
Popular  Financial  Services,  LLC (DE),  as sellers,  Equity One,  Inc. (DE) as
servicer and JPMorgan  Chase Bank, as Trustee.  Capitalized  terms used, but not
defined herein or in Exhibit 1 hereto,  shall have the meanings ascribed to such
terms in the Agreement.  The  Transferee has authorized the  undersigned to make
this affidavit on behalf of the Transferee.

     2. The Transferee is, as of the date hereof, and will be, as of the date of
the Transfer, a Permitted Transferee.  The Transferee is acquiring its Ownership
Interest in the Certificate for its own account. The Transferee has no knowledge
that any such affidavit is false.

     3. The Transferee  acknowledges  that it understands  that as the holder of
the residual interest, the Transferee may incur tax liabilities in excess of any
cash flows the residual interest generates and the Transferee intends to pay any
taxes  associated  with its holding the residual  interest as those taxes become

     4. The Transferee  represents  that the  conditions  specified in either or
both of subparagraph (a) and (b) of this paragraph are satisfied:

          (a) The  requirements  of this  subparagraph  (a) will be met if:  the
present value of the  anticipated  tax  liabilities  associated with holding the
residual  interest  does not  exceed the sum of:  (i) the  present  value of any
consideration given to the Transferee to acquire the interest,  (ii) the present
value of the  expected  future  distributions  on the  interest,  and  (iii) the
present  value of the  anticipated  tax  savings  associated  with  holding  the
interest as the REMIC generates  losses.  For purposes of this subparagraph (a),
the  Transferee is assumed to pay tax at a rate equal to the highest rate of tax
specified in section 11(b)(1) of the Code, and present values are computed using
a discount  rate equal to the  applicable  federal  rate  prescribed  by section
1274(d)  of the  Code,  compounded  semiannually,  or such  other  rate that the
Transferee can demonstrate it borrows  substantial funds at in the course of its
trade or business from unrelated third parties.

          (b) The  requirements of this  subparagraph (b) will be met if: (i) at
the  time of the  transfer,  and at the  close of each of the  Transferee's  two
fiscal years  preceding the year of transfer the  Transferee's


gross assets for financial  reporting  purposes  exceed $100 million and its net
assets for financial reporting purposes exceed $10 million,  (ii) The Transferee
is an eligible  corporation  (within the  meaning of section  860L(a)(2)  of the
Code),  (iii) The Transferee is not a foreign branch of an eligible  corporation
or any other  arrangement  by which the  Residual  interest  will at any time be
subject to net tax by a foreign country or possession of the United States, (iv)
The  Transferee  agrees,  in  executing  this  Certificate  that any  subsequent
transfer of the Residual  interest will be to another eligible  corporation in a
"qualifying  transaction,"  and (v) the  Transferee  has not  indicated  to, nor
provided to the Transferor any grounds to believe that, the Transferee  will not
pay the taxes  associated with the residual  interest.  For purposes of applying
this  subparagraph  (b),  the  Transferee's  gross  assets and net assets do not
include  any  obligation  of any  person  related to the  Transferee  within the
meaning  of  section  860L(g)  of the Code,  or any other  asset if a  principal
purpose  for  holding  or  acquiring  the asset is to permit the  Transferee  to
satisfy  the   requirements  of  this   subparagraph   (b),  and  a  "qualifying
transaction"  is a transaction  that satisfies the  requirements of ss.4 of Rev.
Proc. 2001-12, 2001-3 I.R.B. 35.

     5. The Transferee has been advised of, and understands  that (i) a tax will
be imposed on Transfers  of the  Certificate  to Persons that are not  Permitted
Transferees;  (ii)  such tax will be  imposed  on the  transferor,  or,  if such
Transfer is through an agent (which includes a broker, nominee or middleman) for
a Person that is not a Permitted Transferee,  on the agent; and (iii) the Person
otherwise  liable for the tax shall be relieved of liability  for the tax if the
subsequent Transferee furnished to such Person an affidavit that such subsequent
Transferee is a Permitted  Transferee and, at the time of Transfer,  such Person
does not have actual knowledge that the affidavit is false.

     6. The Transferee has been advised of, and  understands  that a tax will be
imposed on a "pass-through entity" holding the Certificate if at any time during
the  taxable  year of the  pass-through  entity a Person that is not a Permitted
Transferee  is the record holder of an interest in such entity.  The  Transferee
understands  that such tax will not be imposed  for any period  with  respect to
which the record holder furnishes to the  pass-through  entity an affidavit that
such record holder is a Permitted  Transferee and the  pass-through  entity does
not have actual  knowledge  that such affidavit is false.  (For this purpose,  a
"pass-through  entity" includes a regulated  investment  company,  a real estate
investment  trust or common  trust fund,  a  partnership,  trust or estate,  and
certain  cooperatives  and,  except as may be provided in Treasury  Regulations,
persons  holding  interests  in  pass-through  entities as a nominee for another

     7. The  Transferee  has reviewed the  provisions of Section  5.02(c) of the
Agreement  (attached hereto as Exhibit 2 and  incorporated  herein by reference)
and  understands  the legal  consequences  of the  acquisition  of an  Ownership
Interest in the Certificate including,  without limitation,  the restrictions on
subsequent  Transfers  and the  provisions  regarding  voiding the  Transfer and
mandatory sales. The Transferee  expressly agrees to be bound by and to abide by
the provisions of Section 5.02(c) of the Agreement and the restrictions noted on
the face of the  Certificate.  The  Transferee  understands  and agrees that any
breach of any of the  representations  included herein shall render the Transfer
to the Transferee contemplated hereby null and void.

     8. The Transferee agrees to require a Transfer Affidavit from any Person to
whom  the  Transferee  attempts  to  Transfer  its  Ownership  Interest  in  the
Certificate,  and in  connection  with any  Transfer  by a  Person  for whom the
Transferee is acting as nominee,  trustee or agent,  and the Transferee will not
Transfer  its  Ownership   Interest  or  cause  any  Ownership  Interest  to  be
Transferred  to  any  Person  that  the  Transferee  knows  is  not a  Permitted
Transferee.  In  connection  with  any  such  Transfer  by the  Transferee,  the
Transferee  agrees to deliver to the Trustee a certificate  substantially in the
form set forth as Exhibit G to the Agreement (a "Transferor Certificate") to the
effect that such Transferee has no actual knowledge that the Person to which the
Transfer is to be made is not a Permitted Transferee.


     9. The  Transferee  does not have the intention to impede the assessment or
collection  of  any  tax  legally  required  to be  paid  with  respect  to  the

     10. The Transferee's taxpayer identification number is _____________.

     11. The Transferee is a U.S. Person as defined in Code Section 7701(a)(30).

     12. The  Transferee  is aware that the  Certificate  may be a  "noneconomic
residual   interest"  within  the  meaning  of  proposed  Treasury   regulations
promulgated  pursuant  to the  Code and that  the  transferor  of a  noneconomic
residual  interest  will  remain  liable  for any taxes due with  respect to the
income on such residual interest,  unless no significant purpose of the transfer
was to impede the assessment or collection of tax.

     13. The Transferee is not an employee benefit plan that is subject to ERISA
or a plan or  arrangement  that is subject to Section 4975 of the Code,  and the
Transferee  is not acting on behalf of such a plan or  arrangement  or using the
assets of any such plan or arrangement to effect the transfer.

     14. The Transferee  has provided  financial  statements or other  financial
information  requested by the transferor in connection  with the transfer of the
Class R Certificates to permit the transferor to assess the financial capability
of the Transferee to pay any such taxes.

                                      * * *

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Transferee  has  caused  this  instrument  to be
executed on its behalf,  pursuant to authority of its Board of Directors, by its
duly  authorized  officer and its corporate  seal to be hereunto  affixed,  duly
attested, this ____ day of __________, 20__.

                                        PRINT NAME OF TRANSFEREE

[Corporate Seal]


[Assistant] Secretary

     Personally  appeared  before me the above-named  _______________,  known or
proved to me to be the same person who executed the foregoing  instrument and to
be the __________ of the Transferee,  and acknowledged that he executed the same
as his free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Transferee.

     Subscribed and sworn before me this ____ day of ___________, 20___.

                                                        NOTARY PUBLIC

                                                My Commission
                                                expires the ___ day of
                                                ______________, 20___.


                                                                       EXHIBIT 1
                                                                    to EXHIBIT F

                               Certain Definitions

     "Ownership Interest": As to any Class R Certificate, any ownership interest
in such  Certificate,  including any interest in such  Certificate as the Holder
thereof and any other interest  therein,  whether  direct or indirect,  legal or

     "Permitted  Transferee":  Any person other than (a) the United States,  any
State or political  subdivision thereof, or any agency or instrumentality of any
of the foregoing,  (b) a foreign government,  International  Organization or any
agency  or  instrumentality  of  either of the  foregoing,  (c) an  organization
(except  certain  farmers'  cooperatives  described  in section 521 of the Code)
which is exempt  from tax  imposed by Chapter 1 of the Code  (including  the tax
imposed by section 511 of the Code on unrelated  business taxable income) on any
excess inclusions (as defined in section 860E(c)(l) of the Code) with respect to
any Class R Certificate, (d) rural electric and telephone cooperatives described
in section  1381(a)(2)(C) of the Code, (e) a Person that is not (i) a citizen or
resident of the United  States,  (ii) a  corporation  or  partnership  (or other
entity properly  treated as a corporation or partnership for U.S. federal income
tax purposes)  created or organized in or under the laws of the United States or
any  political  subdivision  thereof,  (iii) an estate whose income from sources
without  the United  States is  includible  in gross  income  for United  States
federal income tax purposes  regardless of its connection  with the conduct of a
trade or business  within the United  States,  or (iv) a trust if a court within
the  United   States  is  able  to  exercise   primary   supervision   over  the
administration of the trust and one or more United States Persons have authority
to control all substantial  decisions of the trust, unless such Person listed in
clause (i),  (ii),  (iii) or (iv) above has  furnished  the  transferor  and the
Trustee with a duly completed  Internal  Revenue Service Form W-8ECI and (f) any
other Person so  designated  by the  Depositor  based upon an Opinion of Counsel
that the  Transfer of an  Ownership  Interest in a Class R  Certificate  to such
Person may cause any REMIC hereunder to fail to qualify as one or more REMICs at
any time that the  Certificates  are  outstanding.  The terms  "United  States,"
"State" and  "International  Organization"  shall have the meanings set forth in
section  7701 of the Code or successor  provisions.  A  corporation  will not be
treated as an  instrumentality of the United States or of any State or political
subdivision  thereof for these  purposes if all of its activities are subject to
tax and,  with the exception of the Federal Home Loan  Mortgage  Corporation,  a
majority of its board of directors is not selected by such government unit.

     "Person": Any individual,  corporation,  partnership,  joint venture, bank,
joint stock company,  trust (including any beneficiary thereof),  unincorporated
organization or government or any agency or political subdivision thereof.

     "Transfer":  Any  direct  or  indirect  transfer  or sale of any  Ownership
Interest in a  Certificate,  including the  acquisition  of a Certificate by the

     "Transferee":  Any  Person  who is  acquiring  by  Transfer  any  Ownership
Interest in a Certificate.


                                                                       EXHIBIT 2
                                                                    to EXHIBIT F
                        Section 5.02(c) of the Agreement

          (c) Each Person who has or who  acquires any  Ownership  Interest in a
Class R Certificate  shall be deemed by the  acceptance or  acquisition  of such
Ownership Interest to have agreed to be bound by the following  provisions,  and
the  rights  of  each  Person  acquiring  any  Ownership  Interest  in a Class R
Certificate are expressly subject to the following provisions:

                    (i) Each Person holding or acquiring any Ownership  Interest
          in a Class R  Certificate  shall be a Permitted  Transferee  and shall
          promptly  notify the Trustee of any change or impending  change in its
          status as a Permitted Transferee.

                    (ii) No Ownership  Interest in a Class R Certificate  may be
          registered  on the Closing  Date or  thereafter  transferred,  and the
          Trustee  shall not register  the  Transfer of any Class R  Certificate
          unless,  in addition to the  certificates  required to be delivered to
          the Trustee under  subparagraph (b) above, the Trustee shall have been
          furnished  with an affidavit (a "Transfer  Affidavit")  of the initial
          owner or the  proposed  transferee  in the  form  attached  hereto  as
          Exhibit F.

                    (iii)  Each  Person   holding  or  acquiring  any  Ownership
          Interest in a Class R Certificate shall agree (A) to obtain a Transfer
          Affidavit  from any  other  Person  to whom such  Person  attempts  to
          Transfer  its  Ownership  Interest  in a Class R  Certificate,  (B) to
          obtain a Transfer  Affidavit  from any Person for whom such  Person is
          acting as nominee, trustee or agent in connection with any Transfer of
          a Class R Certificate  and (C) not to Transfer its Ownership  Interest
          in a Class R  Certificate  or to cause the  Transfer  of an  Ownership
          Interest in a Class R Certificate to any other Person if it has actual
          knowledge that such Person is not a Permitted Transferee.

                    (iv) Any  attempted or purported  Transfer of any  Ownership
          Interest in a Class R  Certificate  in violation of the  provisions of
          this Section  5.02(c) shall be absolutely null and void and shall vest
          no rights in the purported  Transferee.  If any  purported  transferee
          shall  become a Holder of a Class R  Certificate  in  violation of the
          provisions of this Section 5.02(c),  then the last preceding Permitted
          Transferee   shall  be  restored  to  all  rights  as  Holder  thereof
          retroactive  to the date of  registration  of Transfer of such Class R
          Certificate. The Trustee shall be under no liability to any Person for
          any  registration of Transfer of a Class R Certificate that is in fact
          not  permitted  by this Section or for making any payments due on such
          Certificate  to the Holder  thereof or taking  any other  action  with
          respect to such Holder under the  provisions of this Agreement so long
          as the Transfer was registered  after receipt of the related  Transfer
          Affidavit,  Transferor  Certificate and either the Rule 144A Letter or
          the Investment Letter. The Trustee shall be entitled but not obligated
          to recover from any Holder of a Class R  Certificate  that was in fact
          not a Permitted  Transferee at the time it became a Holder or, at such
          subsequent  time as it became other than a Permitted  Transferee,  all
          payments  made on such Class R  Certificate  at and after  either such
          time.  Any such payments so recovered by the Trustee shall be paid and
          delivered by the Trustee to the last preceding Permitted Transferee of
          such Certificate.


                    (v)  The  Depositor  shall  use  its  best  efforts  to make
          available,  upon  receipt of written  request  from the  Trustee,  all
          information necessary to compute any tax imposed under Section 860E(e)
          of the Code as a result of a Transfer  of an  Ownership  Interest in a
          Class R Certificate to any Holder who is not a Permitted Transferee.

          The  restrictions  on Transfers of a Class R Certificate  set forth in
this Section  5.02(c) shall cease to apply (and the  applicable  portions of the
legend on a Class R  Certificate  may be  deleted)  with  respect  to  Transfers
occurring after delivery to the Trustee of an Opinion of Counsel,  which Opinion
of Counsel shall not be an expense of the Trust Fund,  the Trustee,  the Sellers
or the Servicer,  to the effect that the elimination of such  restrictions  will
not cause the Trust Fund  hereunder  to fail to qualify as one or more REMICs at
any time that the  Certificates  are  outstanding or result in the imposition of
any tax on the Trust Fund, a  Certificateholder  or another Person.  Each Person
holding or acquiring  any  Ownership  Interest in a Class R  Certificate  hereby
consents  to any  amendment  of this  Agreement  which,  based on an  Opinion of
Counsel furnished to the Trustee, is reasonably necessary (A) to ensure that the
record ownership of, or any beneficial interest in, a Class R Certificate is not
transferred,  directly  or  indirectly,  to a  Person  that  is not a  Permitted
Transferee  and (B) to provide  for a means to compel the  Transfer of a Class R
Certificate  which is held by a Person that is not a Permitted  Transferee  to a
Holder that is a Permitted Transferee.


                                    EXHIBIT G

                         Form of Transferor Certificate


Equity One ABS, Inc.
103 Springer Building
3411 Silverside Road
Wilmington, Delaware 19810
Attention:  _______________

JPMorgan Chase Bank
Attention:  ____________________________

          Re:       Equity One ABS,  Inc.  Mortgage  Pass-Through  Certificates,
                    Series 2003-2, Class ,

Ladies and Gentlemen:

          In  connection  with our  disposition  of the  above  Certificates  we
certify that (a) we understand  that the  Certificates  have not been registered
under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act"), and are being disposed
by us in a transaction that is exempt from the registration  requirements of the
Act, (b) we have not offered or sold any Certificates to, or solicited offers to
buy any  Certificates  from, any person,  or otherwise  approached or negotiated
with any person with respect thereto, in a manner that would be deemed, or taken
any other  action which would result in, a violation of Section 5 of the Act and
(c) to the  extent  we are  disposing  of a  Class  R  Certificate,  we  have no
knowledge the Transferee is not a Permitted Transferee.

                                        Very truly yours,

                                        Print Name of Transferor

                                           Authorized Officer


                                    EXHIBIT H

                    Form of Investment Letter (Non Rule 144A)


Equity One ABS, Inc.
103 Springer Building
3411 Silverside Road
Wilmington, Delaware 19810

JPMorgan Chase Bank
Attention: ________________________

          Re:       Equity One ABS,  Inc.  Mortgage  Pass-Through  Certificates,
                    Series 2003-2, Class

Ladies and Gentlemen:

          In  connection  with our  acquisition  of the  above  Certificates  we
certify that (a) we understand that the  Certificates  are not being  registered
under  the  Securities  Act of  1933,  as  amended  (the  "Act"),  or any  state
securities laws and are being  transferred to us in a transaction that is exempt
from the  registration  requirements of the Act and any such laws, (b) we are an
"accredited  investor,"  as defined in Regulation D under the Act, and have such
knowledge and  experience in financial and business  matters that we are capable
of evaluating the merits and risks of investments  in the  Certificates,  (c) we
have had the  opportunity  to ask  questions  of and  receive  answers  from the
Depositor  concerning the purchase of the  Certificates and all matters relating
thereto or any  additional  information  deemed  necessary  to our  decision  to
purchase the  Certificates,  (d) either (i) we are not an employee  benefit plan
that is subject to the  Employee  Retirement  Income  Security  Act of 1974,  as
amended,  or a plan  or  arrangement  that is  subject  to  Section  4975 of the
Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended,  nor are we acting on behalf of any
such  plan or  arrangement,  nor are we using  the  assets  of any such  plan or
arrangement to effect such acquisition,  or (ii) we are an insurance company and
are purchasing Certificates, other than the Class R Certificates, that have been
the  subject  of  an  ERISA  Qualifying  Underwriting,  we  are  purchasing  the
Certificates with funds contained in an "insurance company general account",  as
defined in Prohibited  Transaction  Class Exemption 95-60 ("PTCE 95-60") and the
purchasing and holding of such Certificates are covered by Sections I and III of
PTCE 95-60,  (e) we are acquiring the  Certificates  for  investment for our own
account  and not  with a view to any  distribution  of  such  Certificates  (but
without  prejudice to our right at all times to sell or otherwise dispose of the
Certificates  in accordance  with clause (g) below),  (f) we have not offered or
sold any Certificates to, or solicited offers to buy any Certificates  from, any
person,  or  otherwise  approached  or  negotiated  with any person with respect
thereto,  or taken any other action which would result in a violation of Section
5 of the Act,  and (g) we will not sell,  transfer or  otherwise  dispose of any
Certificates  unless  (1)  such  sale,  transfer  or other  disposition  is made
pursuant to


an  effective  registration  statement  under  the Act or is  exempt  from  such
registration  requirements,  and if requested, we will at our expense provide an
opinion of counsel  satisfactory to the addressees of this Certificate that such
sale,  transfer or other  disposition  may be made pursuant to an exemption from
the Act, (2) the purchaser or transferee  of such  Certificate  has executed and
delivered  to you a  certificate  to  substantially  the  same  effect  as  this
certificate, and (3) the purchaser or transferee has otherwise complied with any
conditions for transfer set forth in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

                                                Very truly yours,

                                                Print Name of Transferee

                                                  Authorized Officer


                                    EXHIBIT I

                            Form of Rule 144A Letter


Equity One ABS, Inc.
103 Springer Building
3411 Silverside Road
Wilmington, Delaware 19810

JPMorgan Chase Bank

          Re:       Equity One ABS,  Inc.  Mortgage  Pass-Through  Certificates,
                    Series 2003-2, Class ,

Ladies and Gentlemen:

          In  connection  with our  acquisition  of the  above  Certificates  we
certify that (a) we understand that the  Certificates  are not being  registered
under  the  Securities  Act of  1933,  as  amended  (the  "Act"),  or any  state
securities laws and are being  transferred to us in a transaction that is exempt
from the  registration  requirements  of the Act and any such laws,  (b) we have
such  knowledge and  experience  in financial  and business  matters that we are
capable of evaluating the merits and risks of  investments in the  Certificates,
(c) we have had the opportunity to ask questions of and receive answers from the
Depositor  concerning the purchase of the  Certificates and all matters relating
thereto or any  additional  information  deemed  necessary  to our  decision  to
purchase the  Certificates,  (d) either (i) we are not an employee  benefit plan
that is subject to the  Employee  Retirement  Income  Security  Act of 1974,  as
amended,  or a plan  or  arrangement  that is  subject  to  Section  4975 of the
Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended,  nor are we acting on behalf of any
such  plan or  arrangement,  nor are we using  the  assets  of any such  plan or
arrangement to effect such acquisition,  or (ii) we are an insurance company and
are purchasing Certificates, other than the Class R Certificates, that have been
the  subject  of  an  ERISA  Qualifying  Underwriting,  we  are  purchasing  the
Certificates with funds contained in an "insurance company general account",  as
defined in Prohibited  Transaction  Class Exemption 95-60 ("PTCE 95-60") and the
purchasing and holding of such Certificates are covered by Sections I and III of
PTCE  95-60,  (e) we have not,  nor has  anyone  acting on our  behalf  offered,
transferred,  pledged,  sold or  otherwise  disposed  of the  Certificates,  any
interest in the  Certificates or any other similar security to, or solicited any
offer  to  buy  or  accept  a  transfer,  pledge  or  other  disposition  of the
Certificates,  any interest in the  Certificates  or any other similar  security
from, or otherwise  approached or negotiated  with respect to the  Certificates,
any interest in the  Certificates or any other similar security with, any person
in any manner, or made any general  solicitation by means of general advertising
or in any other  manner,  or taken any other  action,  that would  constitute  a
distribution  of the  Certificates  under  the  Act or  that  would  render  the
disposition  of the  Certificates a violation of Section 5 of the Act or require
registration  pursuant  thereto,  nor  will  act,  nor  has  authorized  or will
authorize  any person to act, in such manner with  respect to the  Certificates,
and (f) we are a "qualified institutional buyer" as that term is defined in Rule
144A under the Act and have completed  either of the forms of  certification  to
that effect attached hereto as Annex 1 or Annex 2. We


are aware that the sale to us is being  made in  reliance  on Rule 144A.  We are
acquiring the  Certificates  for our own account or for resale  pursuant to Rule
144A and further,  understand that such  Certificates may be resold,  pledged or
transferred  only  (i)  to a  person  reasonably  believed  to  be  a  qualified
institutional  buyer that  purchases for its own account or for the account of a
qualified institutional buyer to whom notice is given that the resale, pledge or
transfer  is being made in reliance  on Rule 144A,  or (ii)  pursuant to another
exemption from registration under the Act.


- --------------------


          [For Transferees Other Than Registered Investment Companies]

     The undersigned  (the "Buyer")  hereby  certifies as follows to the parties
listed in the Rule  144A  Transferee  Certificate  to which  this  certification
relates with respect to the Certificates described therein:

     1. As indicated  below,  the undersigned is the President,  Chief Financial
Officer, Senior Vice President or other executive officer of the Buyer.

     2. In  connection  with  purchases by the Buyer,  the Buyer is a "qualified
institutional  buyer" as that term is defined in Rule 144A under the  Securities
Act of 1933,  as  amended  ("Rule  144A")  because  (i) the Buyer  owned  and/or
invested on a discretionary basis either at least $100,000,000 in securities or,
if Buyer is a dealer,  Buyer must own and/or invest on a discretionary  basis at
least $10,000,000 in securities (except for the excluded  securities referred to
below) as of the end of the Buyer's  most recent  fiscal year (such amount being
calculated  in  accordance  with  Rule  144A and (ii) the  Buyer  satisfies  the
criteria in the category marked below.

     ___  Corporation,  etc.  The  Buyer is a  corporation  (other  than a bank,
          savings and loan association or similar institution), Massachusetts or
          similar  business  trust,  partnership,   or  charitable  organization
          described in Section  501(c)(3) of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,
          as amended.

     ___  Bank.  The  Buyer  (a)  is a  national  bank  or  banking  institution
          organized  under the laws of any State,  territory  or the District of
          Columbia,  the business of which is substantially  confined to banking
          and is supervised by the State or  territorial  banking  commission or
          similar official or is a foreign bank or equivalent  institution,  and
          (b) has an audited net worth of at least  $25,000,000 as  demonstrated
          in its latest annual financial statements, a copy of which is attached

     ___  Savings  and Loan.  The Buyer (a) is a savings  and loan  association,
          building and loan association, cooperative bank, homestead association
          or similar institution, which is supervised and examined by a State or
          Federal authority having  supervision over any such institutions or is
          a foreign savings and loan  association or equivalent  institution and
          (b) has an audited net worth of at least  $25,000,000 as  demonstrated
          in its latest annual financial statements, a copy of which is attached

     ___  Broker-dealer. The Buyer is a dealer registered pursuant to Section 15
          of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

     ___  Insurance Company. The Buyer is an insurance company whose primary and
          predominant  business  activity  is the  writing of  insurance  or the
          reinsuring of risks  underwritten by insurance  companies and which is
          subject to  supervision  by the  insurance  commissioner  or a similar
          official or agency of a State, territory or the District of Columbia.

     ___  State or Local Plan. The Buyer is a plan established and maintained by
          a State, its political subdivisions,  or any agency or instrumentality
          of the State or its  political  subdivisions,  for the  benefit of its

     ___  ERISA Plan.  The Buyer is an employee  benefit plan within the meaning
          of Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.


     ___  Investment  Advisor.  The Buyer is an  investment  advisor  registered
          under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940.

     ___  Small  Business  Investment   Company.   Buyer  is  a  small  business
          investment company licensed by the U.S. Small Business  Administration
          under Section  301(c) or (d) of the Small  Business  Investment Act of

     ___  Business Development Company.  Buyer is a business development company
          as defined in Section  202(a) (22) of the  Investment  Advisors Act of

     3. The term  "securities" as used herein does not include (i) securities of
issuers that are affiliated with the Buyer,  (ii) securities that are part of an
unsold  allotment  to or  subscription  by the Buyer,  if the Buyer is a dealer,
(iii)  securities  issued  or  guaranteed  by the  U.S.  or any  instrumentality
thereof,  (iv)  bank  deposit  notes  and  certificates  of  deposit,  (v)  loan
participations,  (vi) repurchase agreements,  (vii) securities owned but subject
to a repurchase  agreement  and (viii)  currency,  interest  rate and  commodity

     4. For purposes of  determining  the aggregate  amount of securities  owned
and/or invested on a discretionary  basis by the Buyer,  the Buyer used the cost
of such  securities  to the  Buyer  and did not  include  any of the  securities
referred to in the preceding  paragraph,  except (i) where the Buyer reports its
securities  holdings in its  financial  statements  on the basis of their market
value,  and  (ii) no  current  information  with  respect  to the  cost of those
securities has been published. If clause (ii) in the preceding sentence applies,
the securities may be valued at market.  Further,  in determining such aggregate
amount,  the Buyer may have included  securities  owned by  subsidiaries  of the
Buyer,  but only if such  subsidiaries  are  consolidated  with the Buyer in its
financial  statements  prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles  and if the  investments of such  subsidiaries  are managed under the
Buyer's direction.  However, such securities were not included if the Buyer is a
majority-owned,  consolidated  subsidiary of another enterprise and the Buyer is
not itself a reporting  company  under the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as

     5.  The  Buyer  acknowledges  that  it  is  familiar  with  Rule  144A  and
understands  that the seller to it and other parties related to the Certificates
are relying and will continue to rely on the statements  made herein because one
or more sales to the Buyer may be in reliance on Rule 144A.

     6. Until the date of purchase of the Rule 144A  Securities,  the Buyer will
notify each of the parties to which this certification is made of any changes in
the information and conclusions herein.  Until such notice is given, the Buyer's
purchase  of  the   Certificates   will  constitute  a  reaffirmation   of  this
certification  as of the date of such purchase.  In addition,  if the Buyer is a
bank or  savings  and loan is  provided  above,  the Buyer  agrees  that it will
furnish to such parties updated annual financial  statements promptly after they
become available.

                                                        Print Name of Buyer




- --------------------


           [For Transferees That are Registered Investment Companies]

          The  undersigned  (the  "Buyer")  hereby  certifies  as follows to the
parties  listed  in  the  Rule  144A   Transferee   Certificate  to  which  this
certification relates with respect to the Certificates described therein:

          1.  As  indicated  below,  the  undersigned  is the  President,  Chief
Financial  Officer or Senior Vice  President  of the Buyer or, if the Buyer is a
"qualified  institutional  buyer" as that term is defined in Rule 144A under the
Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended  ("Rule  144A")  because Buyer is part of a
Family of  Investment  Companies (as defined  below),  is such an officer of the

          2. In connection  with  purchases by Buyer,  the Buyer is a "qualified
institutional  buyer" as  defined in SEC Rule 144A  because  (i) the Buyer is an
investment  company  registered  under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as
amended and (ii) as marked  below,  the Buyer  alone,  or the Buyer's  Family of
Investment Companies,  owned at least $100,000,000 in securities (other than the
excluded  securities referred to below) as of the end of the Buyer's most recent
fiscal year. For purposes of determining  the amount of securities  owned by the
Buyer or the Buyer's Family of Investment Companies, the cost of such securities
was  used,  except  (i)  where the  Buyer or the  Buyer's  Family of  Investment
Companies  reports its  securities  holdings in its financial  statements on the
basis of their market value, and (ii) no current information with respect to the
cost of those  securities  has been  published.  If clause (ii) in the preceding
sentence applies, the securities may be valued at market.

          ___       The  Buyer  owned  $_____  in  securities  (other  than  the
                    excluded  securities referred to below) as of the end of the
                    Buyer's   most  recent   fiscal  year  (such   amount  being
                    calculated in accordance with Rule 144A).

          ___       The Buyer is part of a Family of Investment  Companies which
                    owned in the aggregate $_____ in securities  (other than the
                    excluded  securities referred to below) as of the end of the
                    Buyer's   most  recent   fiscal  year  (such   amount  being
                    calculated in accordance with Rule 144A).

          3. The term "Family of Investment  Companies" as used herein means two
or more registered  investment  companies (or series thereof) that have the same
investment  adviser or  investment  advisers that are  affiliated  (by virtue of
being majority owned  subsidiaries  of the same parent or because one investment
adviser is a majority owned subsidiary of the other).

          4.  The  term  "securities"  as  used  herein  does  not  include  (i)
securities  of  issuers  that are  affiliated  with the Buyer or are part of the
Buyer's Family of Investment Companies,  (ii) securities issued or guaranteed by
the  U.S.  or  any  instrumentality   thereof,  (iii)  bank  deposit  notes  and
certificates of deposit,  (iv) loan participations,  (v) repurchase  agreements,
(vi) securities owned but subject to a repurchase  agreement and (vii) currency,
interest rate and commodity swaps.

          5. The Buyer is  familiar  with Rule  144A and  under-stands  that the
parties  listed  in  the  Rule  144A   Transferee   Certificate  to  which  this
certification  relates are relying and will  continue to rely on the  statements
made  herein  because one or more sales to the Buyer will be in reliance on Rule
144A. In addition, the Buyer will only purchase for the Buyer's own account.

          6. Until the date of purchase  of the  Certificates,  the  undersigned
will notify the parties listed in the Rule 144A Transferee  Certificate to which
this  certification  relates of any changes in the  information  and conclusions
herein.  Until such notice is given,  the Buyer's  purchase of the


Certificates  will  constitute  a  reaffirmation  of this  certification  by the
undersigned as of the date of such purchase.

                                                  Print Name of Buyer or Adviser


                                        IF AN ADVISER:

                                                   Print Name of Buyer



                                    EXHIBIT J

                    Form of Request for Release of Documents

                              Equity One ABS, Inc.
                       Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
                                  Series 2003-2

To:_____________________________                Attn:___________________________

     Re:  The  Pooling &  Servicing  Agreement  dated as of March 31, 2003 among
          Equity One, Inc. (DE),  Equity One,  Incorporated,  (PA),  Equity One,
          Inc.  (MN),  Equity One Consumer Loan  Company,  Inc. (NH) and Popular
          Financial  Services,  LLC (DE),  as Sellers,  Equity One, Inc. (DE) as
          Servicer,  and Equity One ABS,  Inc. as Depositor  and JPMorgan  Chase
          Bank as Trustee

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     In connection with the  administration  of the Loans held by you as Trustee
for Equity One ABS,  Inc.,  we request the release of the Mortgage  File for the
Loan(s) described below, for the reason indicated.

FT Account #:                                           Pool #:

Mortgagor's Name, Address and Zip Code:

Loan Number:

Reason for Requesting Documents (check one)

     1.   Loan paid in full  (_______________________  hereby certifies that all
          amounts have been received.)

     2.   Loan Liquidated (___________________________ hereby certifies that all
          proceeds of foreclosure,  insurance,  or other  liquidation  have been
          finally received.)

     3.   Loan in Foreclosure.

     4.   Other (explain):

     The Documents and any proceeds thereof, including any proceeds of proceeds,
coming into the  possession or control of the Servicer  shall be deposited  into
the  Certificate  Account,  and the Servicer  shall keep the  Documents  and any
proceeds  separate  and  distinct  from all  other  property  in the  Servicer's
possession, custody or control.


     If item 1 or 2 above is checked,  and if all or part of the  Mortgage  File
was previously released to us, please release to us our previous receipt on file
with you, as well as any additional documents in your possession relating to the
above-specified Loan. If item 3 or 4 is checked, upon return of all of the above
documents to you as Trustee,  please  acknowledge your receipt by signing in the
space indicated below, and returning this form.






                                    EXHIBIT K

                           Form of Reporting Document

                                  SEE ATTACHED


                                    EXHIBIT L

                           Yield Maintenance Agreement

                                  SEE ATTACHED
