SECOND AMENDMENT AND WAIVER
                         TO LOAN AND SECURITY AGREEMENT

     This  Second   Amendment   and  Waiver  to  Loan  and  Security   Agreement
("Amendment")  is dated as of March 29,  2004,  by and  between  BLONDER  TONGUE
LABORATORIES, INC. ("Borrower") a Delaware corporation, and COMMERCE BANK, N.A.,
a national banking association ("Lender").


     A.  Pursuant to the terms of a certain  Loan and Security  Agreement  dated
March 20, 2002, by and between  Borrower and Lender (as the same has been or may
be supplemented,  restated,  superseded,  amended or replaced from time to time,
the  "Loan  Agreement"),  Lender  made  available  to  Borrower  certain  credit
facilities.  All capitalized terms used herein without further  definition shall
have the respective meanings set forth in the Loan Agreement.

     B. The Loans are secured  by,  inter alia,  continuing  perfected  security
interests in and first liens upon all existing or thereafter  arising  assets of

     C. As of the date hereof, an Event of Default exists under the terms of the
Loan Agreement by virtue of Borrower's  failure to comply with Section 6.8(a) of
the Loan  Agreement,  for the period  ending  December,  31 2003.  Such Event of
Default,  for the period  referenced,  is  referred  to herein as the  "Existing

     D.  Borrower  has  requested  that Lender  waive the  Existing  Default and
modify,  in certain  respects,  the terms of the Loan Agreement,  and Lender has
agreed to such waiver and  modifications in accordance with, and subject to, the
satisfaction of the conditions hereof.

     NOW, THEREFORE, with the foregoing Background incorporated by reference and
intending to be legally bound hereby, the parties agree as follows:

     1.   Amendments to Loan Agreement .

          a.  Section I of the Loan  Agreement  shall be  amended  by adding the
following definition:

          Consolidated Pre-Tax Income - For any period,  consolidated net income
before  taxes  (including  extraordinary  gains and  losses) of Borrower as such
would  appear on  Borrower's  consolidated  statement  of  income,  prepared  in
accordance with GAAP.

          b.  Section I of the Loan  Agreement  shall be amended by deleting the
definitions of "Maximum  Revolving Credit Amount" and "Revolving Credit Maturity
Date" in their entirety, and replacing them as follows:

               (i)  Maximum  Revolving  Credit  Amount - The sum of Six  Million
Dollars ($6,000,000).

               (ii)  Revolving  Credit  Maturity  Date - April 1, 2005,  or such
later date as Lender  may, in its sole and  absolute  discretion,  designate  in
writing to Borrower.

          c. Section 2.9 shall be amended by adding a Section 2.9(d) as follows:

          2.9(d)  Upon  receipt by  Borrower  of any  payments on account of the
          TVMAX Notes  ("TVMAX  Proceeds"),  Borrower  shall make  prepayment(s)
          against the  outstanding  principal  amount of Term Loan A (applied in
          their inverse order of maturity) equal to 100% of such TVMAX Proceeds,
          up to an aggregate amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000).
          Notwithstanding  anything  to the  contrary in this  Agreement,  there
          shall  not  be a  prepayment  premium  payable  in  connection  with a
          prepayment(s) under this Section 2.9(d).

          d.  Section  6.8(a)  shall be deleted in its  entirety and replaced as

          6.8(a) Cash Flow Coverage Ratio:  Borrower shall have and maintain, as
of each fiscal  quarter end beginning  with the fiscal  quarter ending March 31,
2005,  a Cash  Flow  Coverage  Ratio  of not  less  than  1.15 to 1.0,  measured
quarterly  on a rolling  four  quarter  basis as of the last day of each  fiscal

          e. Section 6.8 shall be amended by adding a Section 6.8(d) as follows:

          6.8(d) Minimum  Consolidated  Pre-Tax Income - Borrower shall have and
maintain a Consolidated  Pre-Tax Income of not less (or, with respect to any net
loss, not more) than the following  amounts  (non-cumulative)  for the following

        Period                                  Amount
        ------                                  ------

        Quarter ending March 31, 2004           net loss of $575,000;
        Quarter ending June 30, 2004            $650,000;
        Quarter ending September 30, 2004       $75,000; and
        Quarter ending December 31, 2004        net loss of $450,000.

     2.  Representations  and  Warranties.  Borrower  warrants and represents to
Lender as of the date hereof that:

          a. Prior  Representations.  By execution of this  Amendment,  Borrower
reconfirms  all  warranties  and  representations  made to Lender under the Loan
Agreement and the other Loan Documents respectively and restates such warranties
and  representations  as of the  date  hereof,  all of  which  shall  be  deemed
continuing until all of the Obligations due to Lender are indefeasibly  paid and
satisfied in full.

          b.  Authorization.  The  execution  and  delivery  by Borrower of this
Amendment  and  the   performance  by  Borrower  of  the   transactions   herein
contemplated (i) are and will be within its powers and (ii) are not and will not
be in contravention of any order of court or other agency of government,  of law
or of any material  indenture,  agreement or  undertaking to which Borrower is a
party or by which the  property of Borrower  is bound,  or be in conflict  with,
result in a breach of, or  constitute  (with due notice  and/or lapse of time) a
default under, any such material indenture, agreement, or undertaking, or result
in the imposition of any lien,  charge, or encumbrance of any nature (other than
liens in favor of Lender) on any of the properties of Borrower.


          c. Valid,  Binding and Enforceable.  This Amendment and any assignment
or other instrument,  document or agreement executed and delivered in connection
herewith,  will be valid,  binding  and  enforceable  in  accordance  with their
respective terms.

          d. No Default. Other than the Existing Default that is being waived by
Lender hereunder, no Default or Event of Default exists.

     3.  Collateral.  As  security  for  the  payment  of the  Obligations,  and
satisfaction by Borrower of all covenants and undertakings contained in the Loan
Agreement,  Borrower  hereby  confirms its prior grant to Lender of a continuing
lien on and  security  interest in, upon and to all of  Borrower's  now owned or
hereafter acquired, created or arising Collateral (including the TVMax Notes and
all Supporting  Obligations  related  thereto,  and the Pledged  Collateral,  as
defined in the Pledge Agreement).

     4.  Ratification of Loan Documents.  This Amendment is hereby  incorporated
into  and  made a part of the  Loan  Agreement  and  all  other  Loan  Documents
respectively,  the terms and provisions of which,  except to the extent modified
by this Amendment are each ratified and confirmed and continue unchanged in full
force and effect.  Borrower  acknowledges  and agrees that it has no deductions,
defenses,  setoffs,  claims or counterclaims of any nature,  with respect to its
obligations  to Lender.  Any reference to the Loan  Agreement and all other Loan
Documents  respectively in this or any other  instrument,  document or agreement
related  thereto  or  executed  in  connection  therewith  shall  mean  the Loan
Agreement  and  all  other  Loan  Documents  respectively  as  amended  by  this

     5. Confirmation of Indebtedness. Borrower confirms and acknowledges that as
of the close of  business  on March 26,  2004,  it is indebted to Lender for the
Revolving  Credit  (including  Letters  of Credit)  in the  principal  amount of
$3,835,913.35,  Term Loan A in the principal amount of $4,667,500, and Term Loan
B in the principal  amount of  $3,052,777.88,  without any  deduction,  defense,
setoff, claim or counterclaim, of any nature, plus all fees, costs, and expenses
(including  reasonable  attorneys' fees) incurred to date in connection with the
Loan Documents.

     6. Confirmation of Guarantor. Guarantor hereby consents to and acknowledges
the terms and conditions of this Amendment and agrees that its Surety  Agreement
dated March 20, 2002 shall  continue in full force and effect and shall continue
to cover all  obligations  of Borrower  outstanding  from time to time under the
Loan Agreement as amended hereby.

     7.  Effectiveness  Conditions.  This Amendment shall become  effective upon
satisfaction of the following conditions ("Effectiveness Conditions"):

          a. Execution and delivery by Borrower of this Amendment to Lender.

          b. Payment to Lender of a  non-refundable  fully earned  waiver fee of
$10,000 of which $4,000 shall be shared with the participating lender.  Borrower
directs  Lender to charge  Borrower's  operating  account for the waiver fee and
Lender  agrees  that it shall  cause such  charge to be made on or before 5 p.m.
Philadelphia time on March 30, 2004.

          c. Payment to Lender of a non-refundable fully earned extension fee of
$60,000.  Borrower directs Lender to charge Borrower's operating account for the
extension fee and Lender agrees that it shall cause such charge to be made on or
before 5 p.m. Philadelphia time on


March 30, 2004.

          d. Payment of all outstanding Expenses.

     8. Further Assurances and Affirmative Covenant.

          a. Borrower shall pay any and all costs or expenses incurred by Lender
in connection  with the appraisal of Borrower's  Real Property  currently  being
prepared by George Copeland.

          b.  Borrower  shall,  at its  sole  cost  and  expense,  continue  the
engagement of Executive Sounding Board Associates ("ESBA") pursuant to the terms
of the engagement letter between Borrower and ESBA dated February 2, 2004.

          c. Borrower  covenants and agrees that there shall not be any material
differences between the financial statements for period ending December 31, 2003
prepared in connection  with  Borrower's  draft 10-k (and submitted to Lender on
March 26, 2004) and Borrower's final audited  financial  statements for the same

          d. Borrower  shall collect all amounts due under the TVMAX Notes on or
before May 31, 2004.

     9. Waiver - Upon  satisfaction  of the  Effectiveness  Conditions set forth
above, Lender shall be deemed to have waived the Existing Default, provided that
Lender's waiver shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent  Default or
Events of Default or a waiver of any other Defaults or Events of Default,  which
may  have  occurred,  but are not  specifically  referred  to,  herein.  Nothing
contained  herein  shall  obligate  Lender  to grant  any  future  waiver of any
Defaults or Events of Default.

     10. Release and Waiver of Claims.  For and in  consideration  of the mutual
covenants  and  obligations  set forth in this  Amendment,  and  other  good and
valuable  consideration  the receipt of which is hereby  acknowledged,  Borrower
hereby releases and forever discharges,  remises, and holds harmless, Lender and
each of its affiliates,  subsidiaries (direct or indirect), officers, directors,
employees, agents or attorneys,  successors and assigns, of and from and against
all  manner of  actions,  causes  of  action,  suits,  damages,  losses,  costs,
expenses,  claims and  demands  whatsoever,  in law or in equity  (collectively,
"Claims"),  which Borrower ever had, or now has, by reason of any matter,  claim
or cause of action of any kind whatsoever to the date of this Amendment, whether
known or unknown (other than Claims  arising from Lender's  gross  negligence or
willful misconduct, as finally determined by a court of competent jurisdiction),
including  without  limitation,  those  relating  in any  way to:  (i) the  Loan
Documents, (ii) any acts, transactions, or events that are the subject matter of
the Loan Documents,  (iii) the communications and business dealings among Lender
and Borrower (or any officer,  director,  or  shareholder  of Borrower) from the
beginning of  communications  and business  dealings  between  Lender on the one
hand, and Borrower on the other,  related in any way to the Loan Documents,  the
negotiation and execution of this Amendment,  or the  transactions  contemplated
hereby or thereby.

     11.  Governing  Law.  This  Amendment  and all  instruments,  documents and
agreements,  and all matters relating or arising  therefrom,  and the rights and
obligations  of the  parties  hereto  and  thereto,  shall  be  governed  by and
interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey.


     12.  Severability.  The invalidity or  unenforceability of any provision of
this Amendment shall not affect the validity or  enforceability of the remaining

     13.  Modification.   This  Amendment  may  not  be  modified,  amended,  or
terminated except by an agreement in writing executed by the parties hereto.

     14.  Counterparts.  This  Amendment  may  be  executed  in  any  number  of
counterparts and by the different parties hereto in separate counterparts,  each
execution page of which when so executed and delivered shall be an original, but
all of which shall together constitute on and the same instrument.



     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the undersigned  parties have executed this Amendment
the day and year first above written.


                                        BLONDER TONGUE LABORATORIES, INC.

                                        By: /s/ James A. Luksch
                                        Name: James A. Luksch
                                        Title: Chairman & CEO


                                        BLONDER TONGUE INVESTMENT COMPANY

                                        By: /s/ James A. Luksch
                                        Name: James A. Luksch
                                        Title: President


                                        COMMERCE BANK, N.A.

                                        By: /s/ Kurt J. Fuoti
                                           Kurt J. Fuoti, Vice President
