WASHINGTON, DC  20549


                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT
                       PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(D) OF
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                         Date of Earliest Event Reported
                                 October 8, 2002

                                US PATRIOT, INC.

                                 South Carolina

                 000-49865                    57-1107699
         ----------------------       ---------------------------------

           101 Chares Drive
       Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania                      19010
- --------------------------------------------  -----------------


                                5401 Forest Drive
                         Columbia, South Carolina 29206
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                     Exhibit Index appears on page 5 hereof.


     On  October  2,  2002,  pursuant  to a Share Exchange Agreement and Plan of
Reorganization  (the  "Share  Exchange Agreement") by and among US Patriot, Inc.
("US  Patriot")  and  Christopher  Schwartz  ("Schwartz"),  an  adult individual
resident  of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, US Patriot acquired from Schwartz
all  of  the  capital  stock  of  Metropolitan  Recording,  Inc., a Pennsylvania
corporation  ("Metropolitan Recording").  Metropolitan Recording owns all of the
membership  interests  of Ruffnation Films LLC, a Pennsylvania limited liability
company  ("Ruffnation"),  and  all  of  the  membership  interests  of  Snipes
Productions,  LLC,  a  Pennsylvania  limited  liability  company ("Snipes").  In
connection  with  the share exchange between US Patriot and Schwartz, all of the
issued  and  outstanding  shares of capital stock of Metropolitan Recording were
tendered  by  Schwartz to US Patriot and US Patriot issued to Schwartz 8,000,000
shares  of  US  Patriot  common  stock, $.0001 par value per share and 1,000,000
shares  of US Patriot Series A Convertible Preferred Stock, $.0001 par value per
share.  Each  share  of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock is convertible into
10  shares  of  common  stock  at the option of the holder and is entitled to 10
votes  in all matters submitted to a vote of US Patriot shareholders.  Following
the  closing  of  the transactions contemplated by the Share Exchange Agreement,
Schwartz  was  appointed  as  the President of US Patriot and was appointed as a
member  of the Board of Directors of US Patriot.  Thereafter the former officers
and  directors  of  US  Patriot  resigned.  Schwartz is currently employed by US
Patriot  pursuant  to  an  employment  agreement.  Schwartz  beneficially  owns
securities  of  US  Patriot  which  entitle him to cast approximately 50% of the
votes  in  all  matters  submitted to the shareholders of US Patriot for a vote.


     Disposition of Assets

     Prior to the closing of the transactions contemplated by the Share Exchange
Agreement,  the  former officers and directors of US Patriot conveyed all of the
assets  and liabilities of US Patriot to a new entity which is unaffiliated with
US  Patriot.

     Acquisition  of  Assets

     As  a  result  of  the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the
Share  Exchange  Agreement, US Patriot acquired from Schwartz all of the capital
stock  of  Metropolitan Recording and all of the membership interests of each of
Ruffnation  and  Snipes  in  exchange  for 8,000,000 shares of US Patriot common
stock  par  value  $.0001  per share and 1,000,000 shares of US Patriot Series A
Preferred  Stock  par  value $.0001 per share.  Accordingly, US Patriot owns the
operations  and  all of the assets of: (i) Metropolitan Recording, including its
audio  recording  facility;  (ii)  Ruffnation,  including  its  digital film and
editing  facilities;  and  (iii) Snipes, which in 2002 produced and released the
first  full  length  film project of Ruffnation which is entitled "Snipes".  The
consideration  exchanged pursuant to the Share Exchange Agreement was negotiated
between  US  Patriot  and  Schwartz.  In  determining  the  share  exchange
consideration US Patriot evaluated the current and anticipated business plan and
operations of Metropolitan Recording, Ruffnation and Snipes and the business and
management  experience  and  ability  of  Schwartz.


     (a)     Financial  Statements  of  Business  Acquired

     It  is  impracticable  at  the time of the filing of this Current Report to
provide  the  historical  financial  information  for  Metropolitan  Recording,
Ruffnation  and Snipes required by Regulation S-X.  Accordingly, US Patriot will
file the required historical financial statements under cover of an Amendment to
this  Current  Report  on Form 8-K as soon as practicable, but in any event, not
later  than  60  days  after the date on which this Current Report must be filed
with  the  Commission.


     (b)     Pro  Forma  Financial  Statements  of  Business  Acquired

     It  is  impracticable  at  the time of the filing of this Current Report to
provide  the  pro  forma  financial  information  for  Metropolitan  Recording,
Ruffnation  and Snipes required by Regulation S-X.  Accordingly, US Patriot will
file  the required pro forma financial statements under cover of an Amendment to
this  Current  Report  on Form 8-K as soon as practicable, but in any event, not
later  than  60  days  after the date on which this Current Report must be filed
with  the  Commission.

     (c)     Exhibits.

1.1     Share  Exchange Agreement and Plan of Reorganization dated as of October
        2, 2002 by  and  among  US  Patriot,  Inc.  and  Christopher  Schwartz.



     Pursuant  to  the  requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has  duly  caused  this  report  to  be  signed on its behalf by the
undersigned  hereunto  duly  authorized.

                                        US  PATRIOT,  INC.

                                        By:  /s/  Chris  Schwartz
                                        Name:  Chris  Schwartz
                                        Title:  Chief  Executive  Officer

Date:  October  17,  2002


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit  No.
- ------------

1.1          Share  Exchange  Agreement  and  Plan of Reorganization dated as of
             October  2,  2002  by and  among  US Patriot, Inc. and Christopher


                                   EXHIBIT 1.1

     Share  Exchange Agreement and Plan of Reorganization dated as of October 2,
2002  (this  "AGREEMENT"),  by  and  among  US  Patriot,  Inc., a South Carolina
corporation  ("PURCHASER"),  and Christopher Schwartz, an individual resident of
the  Commonwealth  of  Pennsylvania  ("SCHWARTZ").


     A.     Purchaser  and  Schwartz have agreed to the acquisition by Purchaser
from  Schwartz  of  the  capital  stock  of  Metropolitan  Recording  Inc.,  a
Pennsylvania corporation ("METROPOLITAN"), wholly owned by Schwartz, pursuant to
a  voluntary share exchange transaction (the "SHARE EXCHANGE") between Purchaser
and  Schwartz  upon  the  terms  and subject to the conditions set forth herein.

     B.     Metropolitan  owns  all  of  the  membership interests of Ruffnation
Films  LLC  ("RUFFNATION"), a Pennsylvania limited liability company, and all of
the  membership  interests of Snipes Productions, LLC ("SNIPES"), a Pennsylvania
limited  liability  company.

     C. In furtherance thereof, Schwartz and the Board of Directors of Purchaser
and  the Board of Directors of Metropolitan have each approved a voluntary share
exchange  transaction  in accordance with the applicable provisions of the South
Carolina Business Corporation Act (the "SBCA") and upon the terms and subject to
the  conditions  set  forth  herein.

     D.  For  federal  income  tax  purposes,  the parties intend that the Share
Exchange  shall  constitute  a  tax-free  reorganization  within  the meaning of
Section  368 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "CODE"). NOW,
THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the foregoing premises and the mutual covenants
and  agreements  herein  contained,  and  intending  to be legally bound hereby,
Purchaser  and  Schwartz  hereby  agree  as  follows:

                                    ARTICLE I
                               THE SHARE EXCHANGE

Section  1.1     The  Share Exchange.  As of the Closing (as defined below), the
parties  hereto  shall  cause the Share Exchange to be consummated by taking all
appropriate  actions  to ensure that all of the issued and outstanding shares of
capital  stock  of  Metropolitan  (the  "METROPOLITAN  STOCK"),  are tendered by
Schwartz  to  Purchaser  in  exchange  for the issuance to Schwartz of (x) eight
million  (8,000,000)  newly  issued shares of common stock, $.0001 par value per
share,  of  Purchaser ("PURCHASER COMMON STOCK") and (y) one million (1,000,000)
newly  issued  shares  of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock, $.0001 par value
per  share,  of  Purchaser  ("PURCHASER  PREFERRED  STOCK")  having  rights  and
preferences  as  set  forth  in  the  Certificate  of Designations of Rights and
Preferences  of  Series  A  Convertible  Preferred Stock attached as Exhibit "A"
hereto  (the "CERTIFICATE OF DESIGNATIONS").  The Purchaser Common Stock and the
Purchaser  Preferred  Stock  issuable  under  this  Section  1.1(a) is sometimes
collectively  referred  to  herein  as  the  "SHARE  EXCHANGE  CONSIDERATION."

Section  1.2     Tax Free Reorganization.  The parties hereto agree to use their
best  efforts and to cooperate with each other to cause the Share Exchange to be
a  tax-free  reorganization  within  the  meaning  of  Section  368 of the Code.

                                   ARTICLE II
                                  THE CLOSING

Section  2.1     Closing.  The  closing of the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement  (the  "CLOSING")  shall take place at the offices of Klehr, Harrison,
Harvey,  Branzburg  &  Ellers,  LLP,  260  S.  Broad  Street,  Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania,  at  such  time as the parties shall agree.  The date on which the
Closing  actually  occurs  is  referred  to  herein  as  the  "CLOSING  DATE."

Section  2.2     Deliveries  by  Schwartz.
(a)     At  the  Closing,  Schwartz shall deliver to Purchaser (unless delivered
previously),  the  following:

(i)  stock  certificates  endorsed in blank representing the Metropolitan Stock;

(ii) the  certificate  referred  to  in  Section  5.4;

(iii)  the  opinion  of  counsel  referred  to  in  Section  5.5;

(iv) executed  counterparts  of  any  consents  referred  to in Section 5.7; and

(v)  all  other  previously undelivered documents and instruments required to be
     delivered  by  Schwartz to Purchaser at or prior to the Closing pursuant to
     this  Agreement  or  otherwise  required  in  connection  herewith.

Section  2.3     Deliveries  by  Purchaser.
(a)     At  the  Closing,  Purchaser shall deliver to Schwartz (unless delivered
previously)  the  following:

(i)     a  certificate  or certificates representing the Purchaser Common Stock;

(ii)     a  certificate  or  certificates  representing  the Purchaser Preferred

(iii)     resolutions  of  the Board of Directors of Purchaser electing Schwartz
as  a  director  and  CEO  of  Purchaser;

(iv)     the  certificates  referred  to  in  Sections  6.3  and  6.4;  and


(v)     all  other  previously undelivered documents and instruments required to
be  delivered  by  Purchaser  to Schwartz at or prior to the Closing pursuant to
this  Agreement  or  otherwise  required  in  connection  herewith.

                                  ARTICLE III

     Schwartz  represents and warrants to Purchaser as of the date hereof and as
of  the  Closing  Date (except for representations and warranties that expressly
relate  to  a  different  date)  as  follows:

Section  3.1     Organization,  Etc.  Metropolitan  is  a  corporation  duly
organized,  validly  existing  and  in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of the
Commonwealth  of  Pennsylvania.  Ruffnation  is a limited liability company duly
organized,  validly  existing  and  in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of the
Commonwealth  of  Pennsylvania.  Snipes  is  a  limited  liability  company duly
organized,  validly  existing  and  in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  Metropolitan, Ruffnation and Snipes each have the
corporate  power  and  authority to conduct its business as it is currently
being  conducted  and  to own and lease the property and assets that it now owns
and  leases.  Neither  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  nor  Snipes  do  business as a
foreign  corporation  in any jurisdiction where the failure to be qualified as a
foreign  corporation  would  have a material adverse effect on their operations,
condition  (financial  or  other), assets, liabilities, earnings or prospects (a
"MATERIAL  ADVERSE  EFFECT").  The  copies  of the articles of incorporation and
by-laws  of  Metropolitan  and  the  certificates of formation of Ruffnation and
Snipes  delivered  to  Purchaser  by Schwartz are complete and correct copies of
such  instruments  as currently in effect.  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.1,
neither  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  nor  Snipes  directly  or indirectly own any
equity  or similar interest in, or any interest convertible into or exchangeable
or  exercisable  for  any  equity  or  similar  interest,  in  any  corporation,
partnership,  joint  venture  or  other  business association, entity or person.

Section  3.2     Authorization.  Schwartz  has  all  the  power and authority to
execute, deliver and consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
Schwartz  is  an adult individual with full power to own and dispose of his
property and to manage his fiscal affairs.  Schwartz is not subject to any legal
disability  that  would  prevent  him from performing his obligations under this
Agreement.  No  order has been entered appointing a receiver for either Schwartz
or  his  spouse  or  any  of  his/their assets owned jointly or otherwise.  This
Agreement is a valid and binding obligation of Schwartz, enforceable against him
in accordance with its terms.  No other act on the part of Schwartz is necessary
to  authorize  this  Agreement  or  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby.

Section  3.3     Capitalization.  The capitalization of Metropolitan, Ruffnation
and Snipes as of the date hereof, including the authorized capital stock and the
number  of  shares  issued  and  outstanding  of each class of capital stock, or
membership interests, as applicable, is set forth on Schedule 3.3. Schwartz owns
all  of  the  issued and outstanding shares of capital stock of Metropolitan and
Metropolitan  owns  all  of  the  issued  and outstanding membership interest of
Ruffnation  and  Snipes  as  set  forth on Schedule 3.3.  Except as described on
Schedule 3.3, each of Schwartz and Metropolitan has good and marketable title to
all  of the shares of capital stock and membership interests, as applicable, set
forth  therein,  free  and  clear of all encumbrances and restrictions, legal or


equitable, of every kind, except for restrictions on transfer imposed by federal
or  state  securities  laws.  Schwartz  has  full  and unrestricted legal right,
power,  and  authority to sell, assign, and transfer the shares of capital stock
of  Metropolitan, without obtaining the consent or approval of any other person,
entity,  or  governmental  authority  and  the delivery of the shares of capital
stock to Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement will transfer valid title thereto,
free  and  clear  of  all  encumbrances, claims, and restrictions of every kind,
except  for  restrictions  on  transferability  imposed  by  federal  and  state
securities  laws.  All  of  the  shares  of  capital  stock  of Metropolitan and
membership  interests  of  Ruffnation  and  Snipes have been duly authorized and
validly  issued and are fully paid and non-assessable.  There are no outstanding
subscriptions,  stock  options,  warrants  or  other  agreements  or commitments
obligating  Metropolitan  to  issue  additional  shares  of its capital stock or
options,  warrants  or  other  securities  convertible  into or exchangeable for
shares  of  its  capital  stock,  or  obligating  Ruffnation  or Snipes to issue
additional  units  of their respective membership interests or options, warrants
or  other  securities  convertible  into  or  exchangeable  for  units  of their
membership  interests.

Section  3.4     No Violation.  Neither the execution or delivery by Schwartz of
this  Agreement  or  any  agreement  contemplated hereby, nor the performance by
Schwartz  of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby (i) conflicts with,
or  constitutes  a  breach or default under (A) the articles of incorporation or
by-laws of Metropolitan, (B) the certificate of formation or operating agreement
of  Ruffnation,  (C)  the  certificate  of  formation  or operating agreement of
Snipes,  (D)  any  applicable judgment, order, writ, injunction or decree of any
court  or  (E)  any  applicable  law or any applicable rule or regulation of any
administrative agency or governmental or regulatory authority or (ii) except for
the consents required prior to the consummation of the transactions contemplated
by  this  Agreement  as  set  forth  on  Schedule  3.14or except as set forth on
Schedule 3.4, violates, conflicts with, or constitutes a default (or an event or
condition  that,  with  notice  or  lapse  of  time  or both, would constitute a
default) under, or results in the termination of, or accelerates the performance
required  by,  or  causes  the  acceleration of the maturity of any liability or
obligation pursuant to, or results in the creation or imposition of any security
interest,  lien,  charge or other encumbrance upon any of the property or assets
of Metropolitan, Ruffnation or Snipes under any note, bond, mortgage, indenture,
deed of trust, license, lease, contract, commitment, understanding, arrangement,
agreement  or  restriction  of  any  kind  or  character  to which Metropolitan,
Ruffnation  or  Snipes is a party or by which Metropolitan, Ruffnation or Snipes
may  be  bound  or  affected  or  to  which  any  of  the  property or assets of
Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  or  Snipes  may  be  subject.

Section  3.5     Financial  Statements.  The  balance  sheets  of  Metropolitan,
Ruffnation and Snipes at December 31, 2001 and March 31, 2002 (the balance sheet
of  each  of  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  and  Snipes  as  of March 31, 2002, the
"Balance  Sheet"  of  each  company)  and  the  statements of income, changes in
stockholders'  equity and cash flows for the period from January 1, 1999 through
December  31,  2001  and  the three month period ended March 31, 2002 heretofore
provided  to Purchaser are true, complete and accurate and, with respect to such
balance sheets and the notes thereto, fairly present the assets, liabilities and
financial  condition  of  each  of Metropolitan, Ruffnation and Snipes as of the
respective dates thereof and, with respect to such statements of income, changes
in stockholders' equity and cash flows and the notes thereto, fairly present the
results  of  operations  of  Metropolitan, Ruffnation and Snipes for the periods
referred  to  therein,  all  in  accordance  with  generally accepted accounting


principles  consistently  applied  throughout  the  periods  involved, except as
otherwise  specifically  disclosed  therein.

Section 3.6     No Undisclosed or Contingent Liabilities.  Neither Metropolitan,
Ruffnation  nor Snipes has any liabilities or obligations of any nature (whether
absolute,  accrued,  contingent  or  otherwise and whether due or to become due)
that  are  not  fully reflected on the Balance Sheet, except for liabilities and
obligations  incurred in the ordinary course of business since the date thereof,
and  there is no basis for the assertion against either Metropolitan, Ruffnation
or  Snipes  of  any  liability  or obligation of any nature whatsoever not fully
reflected  on  the  Balance  Sheet.

Section 3.7     Absence of Certain Changes.  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.7
                --------------------------                          ------------
and  except for the transfer of the ownership interests of Ruffnation and Snipes
to  Metropolitan,  since  the  date  of the Balance Sheet, each of Metropolitan,
Ruffnation and Snipes has conducted its business only in the ordinary course and
consistent  with  past  practice,  and  has  not:

(a)     Suffered  any  material  adverse  change  in  its  operations, condition
(financial  or  otherwise),  assets,  liabilities,  earnings, working capital or

(b)     Incurred  any  liabilities or obligations (absolute, accrued, contingent
or  otherwise)  except  immaterial  items  incurred  in  the  ordinary course of
business and consistent with past practice (including obligations or liabilities
arising  from  one  transaction  or  a  series  of  related  or  similar
transactions, and all periodic installments or payments under any lease or other
agreement  providing  for  periodic  installments  or  payments,  as  a  single
obligation  or  liability),  or  increased,  or  experienced  any  change in any
assumptions  underlying  or methods of calculating, any bad debt, contingency or
other  reserves;

(c)     Paid,  discharged  or  satisfied  any claims, liabilities or obligations
(absolute,  accrued,  contingent or otherwise) other than the payment, discharge
or  satisfaction  in  the  ordinary  course of business and consistent with past
practice  of  liabilities  and  obligations reflected or reserved against in the
Balance Sheet or incurred in the ordinary course of business and consistent with
past  practice  since  the  date  of  the  Balance  Sheet;

(d)     Permitted  or allowed any of its assets to be subjected to any mortgage,
pledge,  lien, security interest encumbrance, restriction or charge of any kind;

(e)     Written  down the value of any inventory or written off as uncollectible
any  notes  or  accounts  receivable;

(f)     Canceled  any debts or waived any claims or rights of substantial value;

(g)     Sold,  transferred  or  otherwise  disposed  of any of its properties or
assets,  except  in  the  ordinary  course  of business and consistent with past

(h)     Disposed  of  or permitted to lapse any rights to the use of any patent,
trademark, trade name, service mark or copyright, or disposed of or disclosed to
any  person  any  trade  secret,  formula, process or know-how not theretofore a
matter  of  public  knowledge;


(i)     Granted any general increase in the compensation of employees (including
any  such  increase pursuant to any bonus, pension, profit sharing or other
plan  or  commitment)  or  any increase in the compensation payable or to become
payable  to  any employee, and no such increase is customary on a periodic basis
or  required  by  agreement  or  understanding;

(j)     Made  any  capital  expenditure  or  commitment  for  additions  to  its
property,  equipment  or  intangible  capital  assets;

(k)     Made  any  change  in any method of accounting or accounting practice or
failed  to  maintain  its  books, accounts and records in the ordinary course of
business  and  consistent  with  past  practice;

(l)     Failed  to  maintain  any  properties  or  equipment  in  good operating
condition  and  repair;

(m)     Failed  to  maintain  in  full force and effect all existing policies of
insurance  at  least  at  such  levels  as  were in effect prior to such date or
canceled  any  such  insurance  or taken or failed to take any action that would
enable  the  insurers  under such policies to avoid liability for claims arising
out  of  occurrences  prior  to  the  Closing;

(n)     Entered  into  any  transaction  or  made  or  entered into any material
contract  or  commitment,  or  terminated  or  amended  any material contract or
commitment,  except  in the ordinary course of business and consistent with past
practice,  and  not  in  excess  of  current  requirements;

(o)     Taken  any  action  that  could  have  a  material adverse effect on its
business  organization  or  its  current  relationships  with  its  employees,
suppliers,  distributors,  advertisers,  subscribers  or  others having business
relationships  with  it;

(p)     Declared,  paid  or  set  aside  for  payment  any  dividend  or  other
distribution in respect of its capital stock or redeemed, purchased or otherwise
acquired,  directly  or  indirectly,  any  shares  of its capital stock or other
securities;  or

(q)     Agreed in writing or otherwise to take any action with respect to any of
the  matters  described  in  this  Section  3.7.

Section  3.8     Litigation,  Orders.  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.8 there
                 -------------------                          ------------
are  no claims, actions, suits, proceedings, investigations or inquiries pending
before  any  court, arbitrator or governmental or regulatory official or office,
or  threatened against or affecting either Metropolitan, Ruffnation or Snipes or
questioning the validity of this Agreement, the transactions contemplated hereby
or  any  action taken or to be taken by Schwartz pursuant to this Agreement
or  pursuant  to  any  other agreement contemplated hereby, at law or in equity,
before or by any federal, state, local or foreign governmental authority; nor is
there  any  valid basis for any such claim, action, suit, proceeding, inquiry or
investigation.  Neither  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  nor Snipes is subject to any
judgment,  order  or decree entered in any lawsuit or proceeding that has had or
may  have  a  material adverse effect on Metropolitan's, Ruffnation's or Snipes'


ability  to  acquire  any  property  for  the  use  or  benefit of Metropolitan,
Ruffnation  or  Snipes  or  to  conduct their respective businesses in any area.

Section  3.9     Title  to  Properties;  Encumbrances.  Except  as  set forth on
Schedule  3.9,  neither  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation nor Snipes owns or leases any
- -------------
real  property.  Except  as  set  forth  on  Schedule 3.9, each of Metropolitan,
Ruffnation  and  Snipes  has good, marketable and defensible title to all of its
properties  and  assets,  including  any  vehicles, free and clear of all liens,
charges  and  encumbrances,  except  liens for taxes not yet due and payable and
such  liens  or  other  imperfections  of  title, if any, that do not materially
detract  from  the  value  of  or interfere with the present use of the property
affected  thereby  or  that  would  not  and are not reasonably likely to have a
Material  Adverse Effect; and all leases pursuant to which each of Metropolitan,
Ruffnation  or  Snipes  leases  other  real  or personal property, including any
vehicles,  are  in  good  standing, valid and effective in accordance with their
respective  terms, and there is not under any such lease any existing default or
event  of  default  (or event which with notice or lapse of time, or both, would
constitute  a  default).

Section  3.10     Equipment.  The  equipment of each of Metropolitan, Ruffnation
and  Snipes has no known material defects and is in good operating condition and
repair  (ordinary  wear and tear excepted) and is adequate for its current uses.
None  of such equipment is in need of maintenance or repairs except for ordinary
routine  maintenance  and  repairs  that  are  not  material  in nature or cost.

Section  3.11     Compliance  with  Law.  Each  of  Metropolitan, Ruffnation and
Snipes  is  currently in compliance in all material respects with all applicable
laws  (whether  statutory or otherwise), rules, regulations, orders, ordinances,
judgments,  decrees,  writs  and  injunctions  of  all  federal, state, local or
foreign  governmental  authorities  (collectively,  "LAWS"),  including all Laws
relating  to  the  safe  conduct  of  their  respective  business, environmental
protection  and  conservation,  antitrust,  taxes, consumer protection, currency
exchange,  equal  opportunity,  health,  sanitation,  fire,  zoning,  building,
occupational  safety,  pension,  securities  and  trademark  and  copyright; and
neither  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  nor  Snipes has received notification in the
last  three years of any asserted present or past failure to so comply.  Neither
Metropolitan,  Ruffnation nor Snipes is required to obtain any permits, licenses
or  other  authorizations  under  the  Laws  for either of them to conduct their
respective  business.

Section  3.12     Contracts  and  Commitments
(a)     Schedule 3.12(a)sets forth complete and accurate lists of the following:

     (i)  all  real property and the location thereof and the description of any
structures  located  thereon  that  are  owned,  leased  or  operated  by either
Metropolitan, Ruffnation or Snipes together with the annual rental and unexpired
lease  term  and  identity  of  the  owner  of  any  real  property  leased;

     (ii)  all  employment,  consulting  or  agency  agreements  to which either
Metropolitan,  Ruffnation or Snipes is a party or is otherwise bound, other than
oral employment agreements relating to at-will employees which are terminable on
notice  without  payment of severance or other remuneration based on separation;

     (iii)  all  contracts  or agreements, whether oral or written, which either
Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  or  Snipes,  or  any  of  their  affiliates listed on
Schedule 3.1, has entered into with any recording artists, musicians, engineers,
writers,  publishers,  producers,  directors,  actors,  athletes,  performers,
manufacturers,  distributors  or  other  third  parties;

     (iv)  except for standard vendor invoices for which payment is due at least
thirty  (30)  days  after the invoice date, each evidence of indebtedness, note,
advance,  instrument  or  agreement  defining the terms on which any debt of, or
guarantees by or letter of credit entered into or issued by either Metropolitan,
Ruffnation  or  Snipes  and  all  security and other agreements related thereto;

     (v)  all  contracts  to  which either Metropolitan, Ruffnation or Snipes is
party  not  denominated  in  U.S.  dollars;

     (vi)  all  contracts  or  agreements  containing  covenants that in any way
purport  to  restrict  the  business  activity of or limit the freedom of either
Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  or  Snipes  to  engage  in any line of business or to
compete  with  any  Person;

     (vii)  all  contracts  providing  for  payments  to  or  by any individual,
corporation,  limited  liability  company,  limited  liability  partnership,
partnership,  association,  trust,  unincorporated organization, other entity or
group  (as  defined  in  the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934,  as  amended)
(collectively,  a  "PERSON")  based  on sales, purchases, or profits, other than
direct  payments  for  goods or involving a sharing of profits, losses, costs or
liabilities  by either Metropolitan, Ruffnation or Snipes with any other Person;

     (viii)  all powers of attorney of either Metropolitan, Ruffnation or Snipes
that  are  currently  effective  and  outstanding;

     (ix)  all  contracts  entered  into  other  than  in the ordinary course of
business  consistent  with  past  practices;

     (x)  all  contracts  that  contain or provide for an express undertaking by
either  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  or Snipes to be responsible for consequential

     (xi) all outstanding loans or advances (excluding advances for ordinary and
necessary business expenses) by either Metropolitan, Ruffnation or Snipes to any
of their respective officers, directors, stockholder or members or any member of
the  immediate  families of such officers, directors, stockholders or members of
either  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  or  Snipes;

     (xii)  except for standard purchase orders for which payment or delivery is
due  within  30  days,  all contracts, commitments or agreements to which either
Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  or  Snipes is a party or is otherwise bound and which
involve  future  payments, performance of services or delivery of goods to or by
either  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  or  Snipes;  and


     (xiii)  any  other contract agreement or commitment that is material to the
business  of  either  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  or  Snipes.

(b)     Each  of  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  and  Snipes  and,  to  the  best of
Schwartz's  knowledge,  all  other  parties  to  the  contracts,  commitments,
instruments  and  agreements  required  to  be  listed  on  Schedule 3.12(a)have
complied  with  the  provisions thereof in all material respects, no party is in
material default thereunder, and no event has occurred which, but for passage of
time  or  the giving of notice or both, would constitute a material default
thereunder.  Except  as  set  forth  on  Schedule 3.14, no contract, commitment,
instrument  or  agreement  listed on Schedule 3.12(a)requires the consent of any
party thereto in order to consummate the transaction contemplated hereby, except
for  such  consents  already  obtained.

(c)     There  are no renegotiations of, attempts to renegotiate, or outstanding
rights  to  renegotiate  any  material  amounts  paid  or  payable  to  either
Metropolitan, Ruffnation or Snipes under current or completed contracts with any
Person  having the contractual or statutory right to demand or require such
renegotiation  of no such Person has made written demand for such renegotiation.

(d)     (i)     Except  as  set  forth on Schedule 3.12(d) neither Metropolitan,
Ruffnation  nor  Snipes  is  a party to or bound by any contracts or commitments
that  are  not cancelable by Metropolitan, Ruffnation or Snipes on notice of not
longer  than  30  days  without  payment  of  any  penalty  or  other  fee;

               (ii)     Subject  to  obtaining  any  requisite consents of third
parties,  all of which have been identified on Schedule 3.14, the enforceability
of  the  contracts  and  commitments  referred to in Section 3.12(a) will not be
affected  in  any  manner  by  execution  and  delivery of this Agreement or the
consummation  of  the transaction contemplated hereby or by the other agreements
referred  to  herein:

               (iii)     Except  as  set  forth  on  Schedule  3.12(d)  neither
Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  nor Snipes is a party to or bound by any contracts or
commitments  with  officers, employees, agents, consultants, advisors, salesmen,
sales  representative,  distributors or dealers that are not cancelable by it on
notice  of not longer than 30 days and without liability, penalty or premium, or
any  agreement  or  arrangement  providing  for  the  payment  of  any  bonus or
commission  based  on  sales  or  earnings;  and

          (iv)     Except  set  forth  on Schedule 3.12(d) neither Metropolitan,
Ruffnation  nor Snipes is a party to or bound by any employment agreement or any
other  agreement  that contains any severance or termination pay, liabilities or

Section  3.13     Taxes.
(a)     Each  of Metropolitan, Ruffnation and Snipes has timely filed (including
any applicable extension periods) all tax reports, returns and forms required to
be  filed  by applicable federal, state, local or foreign tax laws, and all
such  reports,  returns  and  forms  are correct and complete; copies of all tax
returns  for each of Metropolitan, Ruffnation and Snipes in respect of all years


not  barred  by  the  statute  of limitations have been delivered by Schwartz to
Purchaser.  None  of  Metropolitan's,  Ruffnation's  or Snipes' tax returns have
been  examined  or audited by the Internal Revenue Service or any other state or
local  taxing  authority.

(b)     Each of Metropolitan, Ruffnation and Snipes has timely paid all federal,
state,  local and foreign income, payroll, withholding, excise, sales, use,
real  and personal property, use and occupancy, business and occupancy, business
and  occupation,  mercantile,  real estate, capital stock and franchise or other
tax  due  or claimed to be due from either Metropolitan, Ruffnation or Snipes by
the  Internal Revenue Service or any Authority.  No tax liens have been filed on
any  property  or  assets  of  either  Metropolitan, Ruffnation or Snipes and no
claims  are  being  asserted  with  respect  to  any  taxes.

(c)     Each  of  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  and  Snipes  has  complied with all
applicable  laws,  rules and regulations relating to the payment and withholding
of  taxes  and  has withheld all amounts required by law to be withheld from the
wages  or  salaries  of  its employees, and is not liable for any taxes or other
charges  for  failure  to  comply  with  such  laws,  rules  and  regulations.

Section  3.14     Consents and Approvals.  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.14,
                  ----------------------                          -------------
neither  Schwartz,  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  nor Snipes is required to obtain,
transfer  or  cause  to be transferred any consent, approval, license, permit or
authorization  of,  or  make  any  declaration, filing or registration with, any
third  party  or any governmental or regulatory authority in connection with (a)
the  execution and delivery of this Agreement, (b) the execution and delivery of
any  agreement  contemplated  hereby,  (c)  the consummation of the transactions
contemplated  hereby  or thereby or (d) the ownership and operation by Purchaser
of  either  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  or  Snipes.

Section  3.15     Insurance.  All  policies  of  fire, medical, life, liability,
product  liability,  workmen's compensation, health and other forms of insurance
currently  in  effect  with  respect  to  either Metropolitan's, Ruffnation's or
Snipes' business are in full force and effect, all premiums with respect thereto
covering  all  periods up to and including the Closing Date have been paid,
and no notice of cancellation, termination or non-renewal has been received with
respect  to  any  such policy.  Such policies are sufficient for compliance with
all  requirements  of  law  and  of all agreements to which either Metropolitan,
Ruffnation  or  Snipes  is  a  party;  are  valid,  outstanding  and enforceable
policies;  provide  adequate  insurance  coverage  for  each  of Metropolitan's,
Ruffnation's  and  Snipes'  business;  and  the  coverage provided thereby, with
respect  to any act or event occurring on or prior to the Closing Date, will not
in  any  way  be affected by or terminate or lapse by reason of the transactions
contemplated  by  this  Agreement.  No  risks  with  respect  to Metropolitan's,
Ruffnation's  or  Snipes'  business  are  or  have  been  designated  by  either
Metropolitan, Ruffnation or Snipes as being self-insured.  Neither Metropolitan,
Ruffnation  nor  Snipes has been refused any insurance nor has its coverage been
limited  by  any insurance carrier to which it has applied for such insurance or
with  which  it  has  carried  such  insurance  in  the  last  three  years.

Section  3.16     Customers  and  Suppliers.  No  material  adverse  change  has
occurred  in  the  business  relationship  of either Metropolitan, Ruffnation or


Snipes  with  any of their respective significant customers or suppliers and, to
Schwartz's  knowledge,  no  facts  exist  and no events have occurred that could
reasonably  be  expected  to  result  in  a  material adverse change to any such

Section  3.17     Accounts  Receivable.  All  accounts  receivable  of  each  of
Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  and Snipes, whether reflected on the Balance Sheet or
subsequently  created through the Closing Date, represent sales actually made or
services  actually  performed in the ordinary course of business and are current
and  either  have been collected in full or will be collectable in full, without
any  setoff.

Section  3.18     Certain  Interests.  Schwartz  does not have (a) any direct or
indirect  interest  (other  than  the  ownership of less than one percent of the
outstanding  securities  of  a  publicly  held  company)  in  any corporation or
business that is involved in or competes with either Metropolitan, Ruffnation or
Snipes or (b) any direct or indirect interest in any property or assets used by,
or  relating to, either Metropolitan or Ruffnation or their respective business,
except  through  the  ownership  of  Metropolitan's  capital stock, Ruffnation's
membership  interests  or  Snipes'  membership  interests.

Section  3.19     Intellectual  Property.
     (a)  Except  as set forth on Schedule 3.19 each of Metropolitan, Ruffnation
and  Snipes  owns,  free  and clear of all liens, mortgages, security interests,
charges and encumbrances and has good and marketable title to, or holds adequate
licenses  or  otherwise  possesses  all  rights  necessary  to use, all patents,
trademarks,  service  marks, trade names, copyrights (including any applications
for  any  of the foregoing), inventions, discoveries, processes, know-how, trade
secrets,  scientific,  technical,  engineering  and  marketing  data, object and
source  codes,  and techniques used or proposed to be used in, or necessary for,
the  conduct  of  their  respective  business as now conducted or proposed to be
conducted  (collectively, the "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY"). Schedule 3.19 includes a
list  of  all  Intellectual  Property  owned  or  held  by each of Metropolitan,
Ruffnation  and  Snipes.

     (b)  All  patents,  trademarks  and  copyrights  constituting a part of the
Intellectual  Property  are  valid,  subsisting  and  enforceable,  and are duly
recorded  in  the  name  of  either Metropolitan, Ruffnation or Snipes or one of
their  subsidiaries  listed  on  Schedule  3.1.
     (c)  Each of Metropolitan, Ruffnation and Snipes has the sole and exclusive
right to use all of its respective Intellectual Property in all jurisdictions in
which  it  conducts  or  proposes  to  be  conducting  its  business,  and  the
consummation  of  the  transactions contemplated hereby will not alter or impair
any  such  rights.

     (d)  No  claims have been asserted by any person challenging or questioning
the  ownership,  validity,  enforceability  or  use  by  either  Metropolitan,
Ruffnation  or  Snipes of any of the Intellectual Property and, to the knowledge
of  Schwartz,  there  is no valid basis for any such claim, and the use or other
exploitation  of the Intellectual Property by either Metropolitan, Ruffnation or
Snipes  does  not  infringe  on  or dilute the rights of any person; and, to the


knowledge  of  Schwartz,  no  other person is infringing on the rights of either
Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  or  Snipes  with  respect  to any of the Intellectual

     (e)  Each  of  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  and  Snipes  has taken reasonable
security measures to protect the secrecy, confidentiality and value of its trade
secrets  and  other  confidential  information.

     (f)  Schwartz  has delivered to Purchaser all documents with respect to any
invention,  process,  design, computer program or other know-how or trade secret
included  in  the  Intellectual  Property,  which  documents are accurate in all
material  respects  and  reasonably sufficient in detail and content to identify
and  explain such invention, process, design, computer program or other know-how
or  trade  secret  and to facilitate its full and proper use without reliance on
the  special  knowledge  or  memory  of  any  person.

Section  3.20     Employee  Benefit  Plans.

(a)     Other  than a plan pursuant to Section 401(k) of the Code and health and
life insurance policies (the "EMPLOYEE PLANS"), neither Metropolitan, Ruffnation
nor  Snipes  maintains  any bonus, stock option, stock purchase, incentive,
deferred  compensation,  supplemental  retirement, severance or termination pay,
medical  or  life insurance, supplemental unemployment benefits, profit-sharing,
pension or retirement plans, agreements or arrangements and other similar fringe
or  employee  benefit plans, programs or arrangements, written or otherwise, for
the  benefit  of,  or  relating  to,  any  current  or former employee of either
Metropolitan,  Ruffnation or Snipes.  Neither Metropolitan, Ruffnation or Snipes
is required to make any contributions under such 401(k) plan, a true and correct
copy  of  which  has  been  delivered  to  Purchaser.

(b)     None of the Employee Plans promises or provides retiree medical or other
retiree  welfare  benefits to any person, (i) there has been no transaction
or  failure  to  act  with respect to any Employee Plan that could result in any
material  liability  of  either Metropolitan, Ruffnation or Snipes; and (ii) all
Employee  Plans are in compliance in all material respects with the requirements
prescribed  by  all  statutes,  orders  or  governmental  rules  and regulations
currently  in  effect with respect thereto, and each of Metropolitan, Ruffnation
and Snipes has performed all material obligations required to be performed by it
under,  is  not in any material respect in default under or in violation of, and
has  no  knowledge of any default or violation by any other party to, any of the
Employee  Plans  except  as  to  which  such  non-compliance, non-performance or
default  would  not  result and is not reasonably likely to result in a Material
Adverse  Effect.

(c)     There are no actions, suits or claims pending or threatened by former or
present  employees  of  either  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  or  Snipes  (or their
beneficiaries)  with  respect  to  Employee  Plans  or the assets or fiduciaries
thereof  (other  than  routine  claims  for  benefits).


Section  3.21     Labor  Matters.
(a)     Each  of  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  and  Snipes  has  and  is currently
complying  in  all  material  respects  with  all  applicable  laws  relating to
employment  and  employment  practices,  terms and conditions of employment, and
wages  and  hours,  and  is not engaged in any unfair labor practice or unlawful
employment  practice;

(b)     There  is  no  unfair  labor practice charge or complaint against either
Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  or  Snipes  pending or threatened before the National
Labor  Relations Board nor, to the knowledge of Schwartz, is there any basis for
any  such  charge  or  complaint;

(c)     There  is  no  labor  strike,  slowdown  or  work  stoppage  pending  or
threatened  against  either  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  or  Snipes;

(d)     Neither  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  nor  Snipes  has  experienced  any
significant  work  stoppages  or  been  a  party  to  any proceedings before the
National  Labor Relations Board involving any significant issues or been a party
to  any  arbitration  proceeding  arising  out of or under collective bargaining
agreements;  and

(e)     There  is  no  charge  or complaint pending or threatened against either
Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  or  Snipes  before  the  Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission  or  the  Department of Labor or any state or local agency of similar
jurisdiction.  No  employees  of  either  Metropolitan, Ruffnation or Snipes are
represented  by  any labor union and there is no collective bargaining agreement
in  effect  with  respect  to  such employees.  To the knowledge of Schwartz, no
labor  union  has  engaged  in  any organizing activities with respect to either
Metropolitan's,  Ruffnation's  or  Snipes'  employees.

Section  3.22     Personnel.  Schedule  3.22  contains  an accurate and complete
                  ---------   --------------
list  of  (a)  the names, titles and current salaries of all officers of each of
Metropolitan,  Ruffnation and Snipes and (b) the wage rates for non-salaried and
non-executive  salaried employees of each of Metropolitan, Ruffnation and Snipes
by  classification.  Neither  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation nor Snipes is in default
with  respect  to  any  obligation  to  any  of  its  employees.

Section  3.23     Bank  Accounts.  Schedule  3.23  sets  forth  the  names  and
                  --------------   --------------
locations of all banks, trust companies, savings and loan associations and other
financial  institutions  at which either Metropolitan, Ruffnation or Snipes
has  accounts  or  safe deposit boxes and the names of all persons authorized to
draw  thereon  or  to  have  access  thereto.

Section  3.24     Environmental.
(a)     Neither  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  nor Snipes is required to obtain any
permits,  licenses  or other authorizations under federal, state and local laws,
rules  and  regulations  relating  to pollution or protection of the environment
(collectively,  the  "ENVIRONMENTAL  LAWS").

(b)     Each  of  Metropolitan, Ruffnation and Snipes is in full compliance with
all  Environmental Laws and has not received any notice alleging non-compliance.
There  is no civil, criminal or administrative action, suit, demand, claim,


investigation, proceeding, notice or demand letter pending or threatened against
each  of  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  and  Snipes  relating  in  any  way  to any
Environmental  Laws.

(c)     There  are  no  past  or present events or conditions relating to either
Metropolitan, Ruffnation or Snipes that may interfere with or prevent compliance
with  any  Environmental  Laws  or that may give rise to any common law or other
legal  liability  thereunder.

Section  3.25     Disclosure.  No  representation  or  warranty  by  Schwartz
contained  in  this Agreement, and no statement contained in any document, list,
certificate  or  other  writing  furnished or to be furnished by or on behalf of
either  Metropolitan,  Ruffnation, Snipes or Schwartz to Purchaser or any of its
representatives  in  connection  with  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,
contains  or  will  contain any untrue statement of a material fact, or omits or
will  omit  to  state any material fact necessary, in light of the circumstances
under  which  it  was or will be made, in order to make the statements herein or
therein  not  misleading.

                                   ARTICLE IV

     Purchaser  represents and warrants to Schwartz as of the date hereof and as
of  the  Closing  Date (except for representations and warranties that expressly
relate  to  a  different  date)  as  follows:

Section  4.1     Organization,  Etc.  Purchaser is a corporation duly organized,
validly  existing  and  in  good  standing  under the laws of the State of South
Carolina.  A  copy  of  the  articles  of  incorporation  of  Purchaser has been
delivered  to  Schwartz, and such copy is complete and correct and in full force
and  effect  on  the  date  of  this  Agreement.

Section  4.2     Authorization.  Purchaser has all requisite power and authority
to  execute  and  deliver  this  Agreement  and  to  consummate the transactions
contemplated  by  this Agreement. Purchaser has taken all action required by law
and  its  articles  of incorporation or otherwise to authorize the execution and
delivery of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated
hereby.  No  other  act or proceeding on the part of Purchaser is necessary
to  authorize  this  Agreement  or  the  transactions contemplated hereby.  This
Agreement  is  a  valid and binding obligation of Purchaser, enforceable against
Purchaser  in  accordance  with  its  terms.

Section  4.3     No  Violation.  Neither  the  execution  or  delivery  of  this
Agreement  by  Purchaser,  nor  the performance by Purchaser of the transactions
contemplated hereby (i) conflicts with, or constitutes a breach or default under
(A)  the  articles of incorporation of Purchaser, (B) any applicable law, or any
applicable rule, judgment, order, writ, injunction or decree of any court or (C)
any  applicable  rule  or  regulation  of  any  administrative  agency  or other
governmental  or  regulatory  authority  or  (ii)  violates,  conflicts with, or
constitutes  a  default  (or an event or condition that, with notice or lapse of
time  or  both, would constitute a default) under, or results in the termination
of,  or  accelerates  the performance required by, or causes the acceleration of
the  maturity  of  any  liability  or  obligation pursuant to, or results in the
creation  or  imposition  of  any  security  interest,  lien,  charge  or  other
encumbrance  upon  any  of  the  property or assets of Purchaser under any note,
bond,  mortgage, indenture, deed of trust, license, lease, contract, commitment,
understanding, arrangement, agreement or restriction of any kind or character to
which  Purchaser is a party or by which Purchaser may be bound or affected or to
which  any  of  the  property  or  assets  of  Purchaser  may  be  subject.


Section  4.4     Validity  of  Stock.  The  shares of Purchaser Common Stock and
Purchaser  Preferred  Stock  to  be  issued  as the Share Exchange Consideration
pursuant  to  this  Agreement  shall  be  duly  authorized  and, when issued and
delivered  in accordance with this Agreement, will be validly issued, fully paid
and  non-assessable  with  no  personal  liability  attaching  to  the ownership
thereof,  and  will  not  be  subject  to  preemptive  rights.

Section  4.5     SEC  Documents.  Purchaser  has  filed  all  documents with the
Securities  and  Exchange Commission required to be filed by Purchaser under the
Securities  Act  of  1933,  as amended ("SECURITIES ACT") or the Exchange Act of
1934,  as  amended  (the "EXCHANGE ACT") (the "PURCHASER SEC DOCUMENTS").  As of
their  respective  dates,  the  Purchaser SEC Documents complied in all material
respects with the requirements of the Securities Act or the Exchange Act, as the
case  may be, and as of their respective dates and as of the dates as amended or
supplemented  prior  to  the  date  hereof,  none of the Purchaser SEC Documents
contained any untrue statement of a material fact or omitted to state a material
fact  required to be stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements
therein,  in  light  of  the  circumstances  under  which  they  were  made, not

Section  4.6     No  Undisclosed or Contingent Liabilities.  Except as listed on
Schedule  4.6,  Purchaser  does  not  have any liabilities or obligations of any
nature (whether absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise and whether due or to
become  due)  that are not fully reflected on the Purchasers balance sheet dated
July  31,  2002, except for liabilities and obligations incurred in the ordinary
course  of  business  since  the  date  thereof,  and  there is no basis for the
assertion  against  Purchaser  of  any  liability  or  obligation  of any nature
whatsoever  not  fully  reflected  on  such  balance  sheet.

                                    ARTICLE V

     The  obligations  of  Purchaser  under  this  Agreement  are subject to the
satisfaction,  at  or  before  the  Closing, of each of the following conditions
(provided  that  such conditions are solely for the benefit of and may be waived
by,  Purchaser):

Section  5.1     Representations  and  Warranties.  The  representations  and
warranties  of  Schwartz  contained  herein, and the statements contained in any
Schedule  ,  instrument,  list,  certificate  or  writing  delivered by Schwartz
pursuant  to this Agreement, shall be true, complete and accurate as of the date
when  made  and  as  of  the  Closing  Date  as  though such representations and
warranties  were  made  at  and  as  of  such  dates, unless otherwise expressly
provided  in  this  Agreement.

Section  5.2     Performance.  Schwartz shall have performed and complied in all
material  respects  with  all agreements, obligations and conditions required by
this  Agreement  to be performed or complied with by Schwartz at or prior to the


Section  5.3     No  Proceeding  or  Litigation.  There shall not be threatened,
instituted  or  pending  any  suit,  action,  investigation,  inquiry  or  other
proceeding  by  or  before  any  court  or  govern-mental or other regulatory or
administrative  agency  or  commission  requesting  or  looking toward an order,
judgment,  decree  or injunction that restrains or prohibits the consummation of
any  of  the  transactions  contemplated hereby or could have a Material Adverse

Section  5.4     Seller's  Certificate.  Schwartz  shall  have  delivered  to
Purchaser  a  certificate,  dated  as  of  the  Closing Date, certifying (i) the
fulfillment  of  the conditions specified in this Article V, (ii) Metropolitan's
articles  of  incorporation  and  by-laws  attached  thereto, (iii) Ruffnation's
certificate  of  organization and evidence of Metropolitan's ownership of all of
the  membership interests of Ruffnation (iv) Snipes' certificate of organization
and  evidence  of Metropolitan's ownership of all of the membership interests of

Section  5.5     Opinion  of Counsel to Schwartz.  Purchaser shall have received
an opinion of Erskine, Wolfson, Gibbon and Fisher, counsel to Schwartz, dated as
of  the  Closing  Date,  in  form  reasonably  satisfactory  to  Purchaser.

Section  5.6     Documents.  All  other documents to be delivered by Schwartz to
Purchaser  at  the  Closing  shall  be  satisfactory  in  form  and substance to

Section  5.7     Consents  and  Approvals.  All  licenses,  permits,  consents,
approvals  and  authorizations  of all third parties and governmental bodies and
agencies  shall have been obtained that are necessary, in the opinion of counsel
to  Purchaser,  in connection with (a) the execution and delivery by Schwartz of
this  Agreement,  (b)  the  consummation  by  Schwartz  of  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby  or (c) the ownership and operation by Purchaser of each of
Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  and  Snipes and copies of all such licenses, permits,
consents,  approvals  and authorizations shall have been delivered to Purchaser.

Section  5.8     Employment  Agreement.  Schwartz  shall  have  entered  into an
employment  agreement  with Purchaser with material terms that are equivalent to
the  material  terms  set  forth  in the draft agreement attached as Exhibit "B"

Section  5.9     Restrictive  Covenants.  Schwartz  shall  not be subject to any
restrictive  covenants  prohibiting  his  participation,  employment  with  or
ownership of any company that participates in the recorded music business or any
other industry in which either Metropolitan, Ruffnation, Snipes or the Purchaser
participates  or  plans  to  participate  in  subsequent  to the Share Exchange.

                                   ARTICLE VI

     The  obligations  of  Schwartz  under  this  Agreement  are  subject to the
satisfaction,  at  or  before  the  Closing, of each of the following conditions
(provided  that such conditions are solely for the benefit of, and may be waived
by,  Schwartz):

Section  6.1     Representations  and  Warranties.  The  representations  and
warranties of Purchaser contained herein shall be true, complete and accurate as

of  the  date  when  made  and at and as of the Closing Date as though such
representations  and  warranties  were  made  at  and as of such date, except as
otherwise  expressly  provided  in  this  Agreement.

Section 6.2     Performance.  Purchaser shall have performed and complied in all
material  respects with all agreements, obligations and conditions required
by  this  Agreement to be so performed or complied with by it at or prior to the

Section  6.3     Officer's  Certificate.  Purchaser  shall  have  delivered  to
Schwartz  a certificate, dated as of the Closing Date, executed by an authorized
officer  of Purchaser, certifying to the fulfillment of the conditions specified
in  this  Article  VI.

Section  6.4     Secretary's Certificate.  Purchaser shall deliver to Schwartz a
certificate,  dated  as  of  the  Closing  Date,  executed  by  the secretary of
Purchaser  certifying  as  to Purchaser's articles of incorporation, by-laws and
resolutions  adopted  by  Purchaser's  board  of  directors  attached  thereto.

Section 6.5     No Injunction.  On the Closing Date, there shall be no effective
injunction, writ, preliminary restraining order or other order issued by a court
of  competent  jurisdiction  restraining  or prohibiting the consummation of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby.

                                  ARTICLE VII

Section  7.1     Conduct  of  Businesses  Prior to the Closing Date.  During the
period  from the date of this Agreement to the Closing Date, except as expressly
contemplated  or  permitted by this Agreement (including the Schedules), each of
Metropolitan,  Ruffnation  and  Snipes  shall  (a)  conduct  its business in the
ordinary  course,  (b)  use  best  efforts  to  maintain and preserve intact its
business  organization,  employees  and  advantageous business relationships and
retain the services of its key officers and key employees and (c) take no action
which  would  adversely  affect  or delay the ability of either Schwartz or
Purchaser  to obtain any necessary approvals of any third party required for the
transactions  contemplated  hereby  or  to  perform its covenants and agreements
under  this  Agreement  or to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby or

Section 7.2     Forbearances.  During the period from the date of this Agreement
to  the Closing Date, except as expressly contemplated or permitted by this
Agreement,  neither Metropolitan, Ruffnation nor Snipes shall, without the prior
written  consent  of  Purchaser:

(a)     other  than  in  the ordinary course of business, incur any indebtedness
for  borrowed  money  or any indebtedness that constitutes the deferred purchase
price  of  any property or assets, assume, guarantee, endorse or otherwise as an
accommodation  become  responsible  for the obligations of any other individual,
corporation  or  other  entity,  or  make  any  loan  or  advance;

(b)     adjust,  split,  combine  or  reclassify  any  capital  stock;

(c)     make, declare or pay any dividend (whether in cash or property), or make
any  other  distribution  on, or directly or indirectly redeem, purchase or
otherwise  acquire,  any  shares  of  its  capital  stock  or  any securities or

obligations convertible (whether currently convertible or convertible only after
the  passage  of  time or the occurrence of certain events) into or exchangeable
for  any  shares  of  its  capital  stock;

(d)     grant any stock appreciation rights or grant any individual, corporation
or  other  entity  any  right  to  acquire any shares of its capital stock;

(e)     issue  any  additional  shares  of  capital  stock;

(f)     sell,  transfer,  mortgage,  encumber or otherwise dispose of any of its
material  properties  or  assets  (including,  without  limitation, cash) to any
individual,  corporation  or  other  entity,  or  cancel,  release or assign any
indebtedness to any such person or any claims held by any such person, except in
the  ordinary  course of business or pursuant to contracts or agreements in
force  at  the  date  of  this  Agreement;

(g)     except  pursuant  to  contracts or agreements in force at the date of or
permitted by this Agreement, make any investment in, either by purchase of stock
or  securities, contributions to capital, property transfers, or purchase of any
property  or  assets,  any  other  individual,  corporation  or  other  entity;

(h)     except  for  transactions in the ordinary course of business, terminate,
or  waive  any  material  provision  of, any contract, or make any change in any
instrument  or  agreement  governing  the  terms  of  any  of its securities, or
material  lease  or contract, other than normal renewals of contracts and leases
without  material  adverse  changes  of  terms;

(i)     increase in any manner the compensation or fringe benefits of any of its
employees  or  pay  any  pension  or  retirement  allowance  not required by any
existing  plan or agreement to any such employees or become a party to, amend or
commit itself to any pension, retirement, profit-sharing or welfare benefit plan
or  agreement  or  employment  agreement with or for the benefit of any employee
other  than in the ordinary course of business, or accelerate the vesting of, or
the  lapsing  of  restrictions  with  respect  to,  any  stock  options or other
stock-based  compensation;

(j)     solicit  or  encourage  from  any  third  party  or  enter  into  any
negotiations,  discussions  or  agreement  in  respect  of,  or  authorize  any
individual,  corporation  or other entity to solicit or encourage from any third
party or enter into any negotiations, discussions or agreement in respect of, or
provide or cause to be provided any confidential information in connection with,
any  inquiries or proposals relating to the conveyance, sale, lease, transfer or
other  disposition  of all or a substantial portion of its business, property or
assets,  or  the acquisition of its capital stock or securities convertible into
capital  stock,  or  the share exchange, merger or consolidation, whether in one
transaction  or  a  series  of transactions, of it with any corporation or other
entity,  other than as provided by this Agreement (and each party shall promptly
notify  the  other  of all of the relevant details relating to all inquiries and
proposals  which  it  may  receive  relating  to  any  of  these  matters);

(k)     settle any material claim, action or proceeding involving money damages,
except  in  the  ordinary  course  of  business;


(l)     make any material capital expenditures, make any material changes in its
current method of conducting business, or liquidate, dissolve or suffer any
liquidation  or  dissolution;

(m)     make  any  material payment of principal of any debt, with a maturity of
more  than  one  year,  for borrowed money or for the deferred purchase price of
property or services except at the stated maturity of the debt or as required by
mandatory  prepayment  provisions  relating  thereto  (subject  to  any
subordination  provisions  applicable  thereto);

(n)     enter  into  any  material agreement or become liable under any material
agreement  for the lease, hire or use of any real or personal property, or enter
into  any  material  sale/leaseback  arrangement  with  respect  to  any real or
personal  property  which  now  owned  or  hereafter  acquired;

(o)     incur  or  make  any  optional  prepayment  of,  or  purchase, redeem or
otherwise  acquire,  or  amend any provision pertaining to the subordination, or
the  terms  of  payment  of,  any  subordinated  debt;

(p)     create,  incur, assume or suffer to exist any lien or encumbrance of any
kind  upon any of its properties, assets, income or profits, whether borrowed or
hereafter  acquired;

(q)     amend  its  articles  of  incorporation or its by-laws or certificate of
organization  or  operating  agreement,  as  applicable;

(r)     take  any  action  that  is intended or expected to result in any of its
representations  and  warranties  set  forth in this Agreement being or becoming
untrue  in any material respect at any time prior to the Closing Date, or in any
of the conditions to the Share Exchange not being satisfied or in a violation of
any  provision of this Agreement, except, in every case, as may be required
by  applicable  law;

(s)     implement or adopt any change in its accounting principles, practices or
methods,  other  than  as  may  be  required by general accepted accounting
principles  or  regulatory  guidelines;  or

(t)     agree  to take, make any commitment to take, or adopt any resolutions of
its  board  of  directors  in  support of, any of the actions prohibited by this
Section  7.2.

                                  ARTICLE VIII
                              ADDITIONAL COVENANTS

Section  8.1     Repayment  of Existing Indebtedness.  Metropolitan is presently
indebted  to  Founders Bank in the amount of approximately $150,000 as evidenced
by  a promissory note dated August 21, 2001 (the "FOUNDERS LOAN"); Ruffnation is
indebted to Schwartz in the amount of approximately $1,100,000 as evidenced by a
promissory  note  dated  May  1,  2002 (the "SCHWARTZ LOAN"); and Snipes is
indebted  to  various  other  lenders  in  the amount of approximately $435,000,


$400,000  of  which  is  evidenced by a promissory note dated June 27, 2002 (the
"SNIPES LOANS").  The Purchaser and Schwartz each hereby agree that if any sales
of  the  Purchaser's equity or debt securities are consummated subsequent to the
Closing  Date  the  proceeds  thereof  will  be  used  to repay the indebtedness
described  above  as  follows:

(a)     First,  up  to one-hundred (100%) of such proceeds, in the discretion of
the  CEO  of  the  Purchaser,  will  be  used  to  repay  the  Founders  Loan;

(b)     Second, up to fifty percent (50%) of such proceeds, in the discretion of
the  CEO  of  the  Purchaser,  will be used to repay the Schwartz Loan; and

(c)     Third,  subsequent  to  repayment  in  full  of the Schwartz Loan, fifty
percent  (50%)  of  such  proceeds  will  be  used  to  repay  the Snipes Loans.

Section  8.2     Issued  and  Outstanding Common Stock.  As of the Closing Date,
Purchaser  will  have  no  more than eighteen million (18,000,000) shares of its
common  stock  issued  and  outstanding  on a fully diluted basis (excluding the
Purchaser  Common  Stock).

Section  8.3     Consulting  Agreement.  Purchaser shall enter into a consulting
agreement  with  HMA Associates, Inc. effective as of the Closing Date, pursuant
to  which  HMA  Associates, Inc. will continue to provide consulting services to
Purchaser in exchange for a consulting fee of $180,000, payable in increments of
five  thousand  dollars ($5,000) per month over a period of thirty-six (36)
months  from  the  Closing  Date.

Section  8.4     Further  Action.  Upon  the terms and subject to the conditions
hereof,  each  of  the  parties  hereto  shall  in  good  faith use commercially
reasonable  efforts  to  take,  or  cause to be taken, all actions and to do, or
cause  to be done, all other things necessary, proper or advisable to consummate
and  make  effective as promptly as practicable the transactions contemplated by
this  Agreement,  to  make  in  a  timely  manner  all necessary filings, and to
otherwise  satisfy  or  cause  to  be  satisfied all conditions precedent to the
obligations  under  this  Agreement.

Section  8.5     Public  Announcements.  Neither  Purchaser  nor Schwartz shall,
without  the prior consent of the other party hereto, issue any press release or
otherwise  make any public statements with respect to the Share Exchange or this
Agreement except to the extent advisable under state and federal securities laws
(which  determination  shall be made in consultation with such party's counsel).

Section  8.6     Employment  Agreement.  Schwartz  agrees  that upon the Closing
Date  he  shall become a full-time employee of Purchaser and that he shall enter
into  an  employment  agreement  with  Purchaser  with  material  terms that are
equivalent  to  the  material terms set forth in the draft agreement attached as
Exhibit  "B"  hereto.
- ------------

Section  8.7     Cooperation  of  Schwartz.  Schwartz  hereby  covenants  that,
subsequent  to  the  date  of  this  Agreement, he shall use his best efforts to
ensure that all property rights to each of the assets listed on Schedule 8.7 are
transferred  to  Purchaser and that the individuals listed on Schedule 8.7 enter
into  either  service  agreements,  representation  agreements  or  consulting
agreements with the Purchaser or one of its subsidiaries on terms and conditions
that  are  favorable  to  Purchaser.


                                   ARTICLE IX

Section 9.1     Termination.  This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior
to  the  Closing  Date,  notwithstanding any stockholder approvals thereof:
(a)  by  mutual  written  consent  duly  authorized by the Board of Directors of
Purchaser  and  Schwartz;  or  (b)  by either Purchaser or Schwartz if the Share
Exchange  shall not have been consummated by October 31, 2002 (provided that the
right  to  terminate  this  Agreement  under  this  Section  9.1(b) shall not be
available  to  any  party  whose  failure  to  fulfill any obligation under this
Agreement  has been, in full or in part, the cause of or resulted in, in full or
in  part,  the  failure  of the Share Exchange to occur on or before such date).

Section  9.2     Effect of Termination.  In the event of the termination of this
Agreement pursuant to Section 9.1, this Agreement shall become null and void and
there shall be no liability on the part of any party hereto or any of their
affiliates,  directors,  officers  or  stockholders  except  (i) as set forth in
Section 10.1, and (ii) nothing herein shall relieve any party from liability for
any  willful  breach  hereof.

                                    ARTICLE X
                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

Section 10.1     Survival.  All statements contained in any certificate or other
instrument  delivered  by or on behalf of Schwartz or Purchaser pursuant to
this  Agreement  or  in  connection  with  the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement  shall  be  considered  representations  and warranties by Schwartz or
Purchaser, as the case may be, with the same force and effect as if contained in
this  Agreement.  All  representations,  warranties, covenants and agreements by
Schwartz  or  Purchaser shall survive the Closing Date for a period of two years
after  the  Closing  Date notwithstanding any investigation at any time by or on
behalf  of  any  party  to  which such representation or warranty was given, and
shall  not  be  considered  waived  by  the  consummation  of the Share Exchange
contemplated by this Agreement with knowledge of any breach or misrepresentation
by  any  of  the  parties  hereto.

Section  10.2     Notices.  All  notices  and other communications given or made
pursuant  hereto shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given
or made as of the date delivered if delivered personally, three days after being
sent  by  registered  or  certified  mail  (postage prepaid, return receipt
requested),  one  day  after  dispatch by recognized overnight courier (provided
delivery  is  confirmed  by  the  carrier)  and  upon  transmission by telecopy,
confirmed  received, to the parties at the following addresses (or at such other
address  for  a  party  as  shall  be  specified  by  like  changes of address):


If  to  Purchaser:

US  Patriot,  Inc.
111  Presidential  Boulevard
Suite  158
Bala  Cynwyd,  PA  19004
Attention:  Cecile  Coady

With  a  copy  to:

Klehr,  Harrison,  Harvey,  Branzburg  &  Ellers  LLP
260  S.  Broad  Street
Philadelphia,  PA  19102
Telecopier  No.:(215)  568-6603
Attention:     Michael  C.  Forman,  Esq.

If  to  Schwartz:

Christopher  Schwartz
101  Charles  Drive,  2nd  Building
Bryn  Mawr,  PA  19010
Telecopier  No.  (610)  520-3066

With  a  copy  to:

Erskine,  Wolfson,  Gibbon  and  Fisher
2010  Chancellor  Street
Philadelphia,  PA  19103
Telecopier  No.  (215)  563-9332
Attention:  Daniel  J.  Gibbon,  Esq.

Section  10.3     Amendment.  This  Agreement  may  not  be amended except by an
instrument  in  writing  signed  by  the  parties  hereto.

Section  10.4     Waiver.  Any  party hereto may with respect to any other party
hereto  (a)  extend  the  time  for the performance of any of the obligations or
other  acts,  (b)  waive  any inaccuracies in the representations and warranties
contained  herein  or  in  any  document delivered pursuant hereto and (c) waive
compliance  with any of the agreements or conditions contained herein.  Any such
extension  or  waiver  shall  be  valid if set forth in an instrument in writing
signed  by  the  party  or  parties  to  be  bound  thereby.

Section  10.5     Headings.  The  headings  contained  in this Agreement are for
reference  purposes  only  and  shall  not  affect  in  any  way  the meaning or
interpretation  of  this  Agreement.

Section 10.6     Severability.  If any term or other provision of this Agreement
is  held to be invalid, illegal or incapable of being enforced under any rule of


law  or public policy by a court of competent jurisdiction, all other conditions
and  provisions  of  this  Agreement shall nevertheless remain in full force and
effect  so  long  as  the  economic  or  legal  substance  of  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby  is  not  affected  in any manner materially adverse to any

Section  10.7     Entire  Agreement.  This  Agreement  constitutes  the  entire
agreement among the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and undertakings
both  written  and  oral, among the parties, or any of them, with respect to the
subject  matter  hereof.

Section  10.8     Assignment.  This Agreement shall not be assigned by operation
of law or otherwise, except by the mutual written consent of the parties hereto.

Section  10.9     Parties In Interest.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and
inure solely to the benefit of each party hereto, and nothing in this Agreement,
express  or  implied,  is intended to or shall confer upon any other person
any right, benefit or remedy of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of this

Section  10.10     Failure  or  Indulgence  Not Waiver; Remedies Cumulative.  No
failure  or  delay  on the part of any party hereto in the exercise of any right
hereunder  shall  impair  such  right  or  be  construed  to  be a waiver of, or
acquiescence in, any breach of any representation, warranty or agreement herein,
nor  shall  any  single  or partial exercise of any such right preclude other or
further  exercise  thereof  or  of  any  other  right.  All  rights and remedies
existing  under  this  Agreement  are  cumulative  to, and not exclusive of, any
rights  or  remedies  otherwise  available.

Section  10.11     Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall  be  governed by, and
construed  in  accordance  with,  the  laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
without  regard  to  conflict  of  law  principles.

Section  10.12     Jurisdiction.  The  parties hereto irrevocably consent to the
jurisdiction of the United States federal courts and the state courts located in
the  Commonwealth  of Pennsylvania in any suit or proceeding based on or arising
under  this  Agreement and irrevocably agree that any and all claims arising out
of  this Agreement or related to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
shall  be determined exclusively in such courts.  The parties hereto irrevocably
waive  the  defense  of an inconvenient forum to the maintenance of such suit or

Section  10.13     Fees  and  Expenses.  Each party to this Agreement shall bear
its  own  costs and expenses in connection with the transactions contemplated by
this  Agreement,  including without limitation, attorney's fees, accounting fees
and  fees  of  any  investment  bankers  or  other  financial  advisors.

Section  10.14     Counterparts.  This  Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts  and  by  facsimile, each of which when executed shall be deemed an
original  and  all  of  which  taken  together shall constitute one and the same

Section 10.15     Joint Participation.  Purchaser and Schwartz have participated
in  the  drafting  of this Agreement and hereby expressly acknowledge such joint


participation.  No  provision  of  this Agreement shall be construed against any
party  because  such  party  drafted  such  provision.

Section  10.16     Exhibits  and Schedules.  All Exhibits and Schedules attached
hereto  or  delivered  pursuant  to this Agreement are incorporated by reference
into,  and  made  a  part  of,  this  Agreement.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Purchaser and Schwartz have caused this Agreement to be
executed  as  of  the  date  first  written  above.

                            US  Patriot,  Inc.

                            Title:  President

                             Chris  Schwartz
