AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

     This  AGREEMENT  AND  PLAN OF MERGER (the "Merger Agreement") is made as of
this  22nd  day  of  November,  2002,  by  and between US Patriot, Inc., a South
Carolina  corporation  (the  "Parent") and TriMedia Entertainment Group, Inc., a
Delaware  corporation  (the  "Subsidiary").


     WHEREAS,  the Parent is a corporation organized and existing under the laws
of  the  State  of  South  Carolina;

     WHEREAS,  the  Subsidiary is a corporation organized and existing under the
laws  of  the  State of Delaware and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Parent;

     WHEREAS,  the parties hereto desire that the Parent merge with and into the
Subsidiary  and  that the Subsidiary shall continue as the surviving corporation
in  such merger, which is intended to qualify as a tax-free reorganization under
Section  368(a)(1)(F)  or  368(a)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended,  upon  the  terms and subject to the conditions herein set forth and in
accordance  with  the  laws  of  the State of South Carolina and the laws of the
State  of  Delaware  (the  "Merger").

NOW  THEREFORE,  the  parties  hereto  hereby  agree  as  follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

                          PRINCIPAL TERMS OF THE MERGER

     Section  1.1  Merger  of  Parent into Subsidiary.  At the Effective Time of
the  Merger  (as defined in Section 1.2 hereof), the Parent shall merge with and
into  the  Subsidiary in accordance with the South Carolina Business Corporation
Act  (the  "SCBCA")  and the Delaware General Corporation Law (the "DGCL").  The
separate  existence of the Parent shall thereupon cease and the Subsidiary shall
be  the  surviving  corporation  (hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the
"Surviving  Corporation")  and  shall continue its corporate existence under the
laws  of  the  State  of  Delaware.

     Section  1.2  Effective  Time  of  the  Merger.  The  Merger  shall  become
effective  as  of  the  date  and  time (the "Effective Time of the Merger") the
following  actions  are completed:  (a) appropriate articles of merger are filed
with the Secretary of State of the State of South Carolina, and a certificate of
merger  is  issued  by  the Secretary of State of the State of South Carolina in
accordance  with the SCBCA and (b) an appropriate certificate of merger is filed
with  the  Secretary  of  the  State  of  Delaware  in accordance with the DGCL.

                              Exhibit 2.1 - Page 1

     Section  1.3  Effects  of the Merger.  At the Effective Time of the Merger,
the  Merger  shall  have  the  effects specified in the SCBCA, the DGCL and this
Merger  Agreement.

     Section  1.4  Certificate  of  Incorporation  and Bylaws.  At the Effective
Time  of  the  Merger,  the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  and  bylaws  of the
Subsidiary,  as in effect immediately prior to the Effective Time of the Merger,
shall  become  the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  and  bylaws of the Surviving
Corporation until duly amended in accordance with their terms and as provided by
the  DGCL.

     Section  1.5  Directors and Officers.  At the Effective Time of the Merger,
the  directors and officers of the Subsidiary in office at the Effective Time of
the  Merger  shall  become  the  directors  and  officers,  respectively, of the
Surviving  Corporation,  each  of  such  directors  and officers to hold office,
subject  to  the  applicable  provisions of the Certificate of Incorporation and
bylaws  of the Surviving Corporation and the DGCL, until his or her successor is
duly  elected  or  appointed  and  qualified.

     Section  1.6  Shareholders'  Dissenters  Rights.  The  Shareholders  of the
Parent are entitled to dissenters' rights under Chapter 13 of the SCBCA.  In the
event  that  shareholders  collectively owning more than one percent (1%) of the
shares  of  the Parent exercise his, her or its dissenters' rights, the Parent's
board  of  directors  may  abandon  the  Merger  in  its  sole  discretion.

                                   ARTICLE II

                        CONVERSION AND EXCHANGE OF STOCK

     Section  2.1  Conversion.  At the Effective Time of the Merger, each of the
following  transactions  shall  be  deemed  to  occur  simultaneously:

     (a)  Each  share  of the Parent's common stock, no par value (the "Parent's
Common  Stock")  issued and outstanding, immediately prior to the Effective Time
of  the Merger shall, by virtue of the Merger and without any action on the part
of  the  holder  thereof, be converted into and become one validly issued, fully
paid  and  nonassessable  share of the Surviving Corporation's common stock, par
value  $0.0001  per  share  (the  "Surviving  Corporation's  Common  Stock").

     (b)  Each share of the Parent's Series A Preferred Stock, no par value (the
"Parent's  Series  A Preferred Stock") issued and outstanding, immediately prior
to  the  Effective Time of the Merger shall, by virtue of the Merger and without
any  action  on the part of the holder thereof, be converted into and become one
validly  issued,  fully  paid  and  nonassessable  share  of  the  Surviving
Corporation's  Series  A  Preferred  Stock,  par  value  $0.0001  per share (the
"Surviving  Corporation's  Series  A  Preferred  Stock").

     (c) Each option to purchase shares of the Parent's Common Stock outstanding
immediately  prior  to  the Effective Time of the Merger shall, by virtue of the
Merger  and  without  any action on the part of the holder thereof, be converted
into  and  become an option to purchase, upon the same terms and conditions, the

                              Exhibit 2.1 - Page 2

number  of shares of the Surviving Corporation's Common Stock, which is equal to
the  number  of shares of the Parent's Common Stock that the optionee would have
received had the optionee exercised such option in full immediately prior to the
Effective  Time  of the Merger (whether or not such option was then exercisable)
and  the  exercise  price per share under each of said options shall be equal to
the  exercise price per share thereunder immediately prior to the Effective Time
of the Merger, unless otherwise provided in the instrument granting such option.

     (d)  Each  warrant  to  purchase  shares  of  the  Parent's  Common  Stock
outstanding  immediately  prior  to  the  Effective Time of the Merger shall, by
virtue  of  the Merger and without any action on the part of the holder thereof,
be  converted  into  and  become  a warrant to purchase, upon the same terms and
conditions,  the  number  of  shares of the Surviving Corporation's Common Stock
which  is  equal  to  the number of shares of the Parent's Common Stock that the
warrant holder would have received had the warrant holder exercised such warrant
in  full  immediately  prior to the Effective Time of the Merger (whether or not
such  warrant  was then exercisable) and the exercise price per share under each
of  said  warrants  shall  be  equal  to the exercise price per share thereunder
immediately prior to the Effective Time of the Merger, unless otherwise provided
in  the  instrument  granting  such  warrant.

     (e)  Each  share  of  the  Subsidiary's Common Stock issued and outstanding
immediately  prior  to  the  Effective Time of the Merger and held by the Parent
shall  be  canceled  without  any  consideration  being issued or paid therefor.

     Section  2.2  Exchange.

     (a)  After  the  Effective Time of the Merger, each certificate theretofore
representing  issued  and  outstanding shares of the Parent's Common Stock shall
represent  one  share  of  the  Surviving  Corporation's  Common  Stock.

     (b)  At  any time on or after the Effective Time of the Merger, each holder
of an outstanding certificate theretofore representing the Parent's Common Stock
will  be  requested  to  surrender  such  certificate to StockTrans, Inc. as the
exchange  agent  (the  "Exchange  Agent").  As  soon  as  practicable  after the
surrender  to  the  Exchange  Agent of any certificate which prior to the Merger
represented  shares  of the Parent's Common Stock, together with a duly executed
transmittal  letter  and any other documents the Exchange Agent may specify, the
Exchange  Agent  shall  deliver to the person in whose name such certificate has
been  issued certificates registered in the name of such person representing the
number of full shares of the Surviving Corporation's Stock into which the shares
of  the  Parent's  Common  Stock  previously  represented  by  the  surrendered
certificate  shall  have  been  reclassified.

                                   ARTICLE III


     At  the Effective Time of the Merger, each employee benefit plan, incentive
compensation  plan  and  other similar plans to which the Parent is then a party

                              Exhibit 2.1 - Page 3

shall  be assumed by, and continue to be the plan of, the Surviving Corporation.
To  the  extent  any employee benefit plan, incentive compensation plan or other
similar  plan  of  the  Parent  provides  for  the  issuance  or purchase of, or
otherwise relates to, the Parent's Common Stock, after the Effective Time of the
Merger  such plan shall be deemed to provide for the issuance or purchase of, or
otherwise  relate  to,  the  Surviving  Corporation's  Common  Stock.

                                   ARTICLE IV


     Consummation  of  the Merger is subject to the satisfaction  at or prior to
the  Effective  Time  of  the  Merger  of  the  following  conditions:

     Section  4.1  Shareholder  Approval.  This  Merger Agreement and the Merger
shall have been adopted and approved by the affirmative vote of (i) a two-thirds
majority  of the votes entitled to be cast by all shareholders of the Parent and
(ii)  a  two-thirds  majority of each class of capital stock entitled to vote on
the Record Date fixed for determining the shareholders of the Parent entitled to
vote  thereon.  This  Agreement  and the Merger shall also have been adopted and
approved  by  the  Parent  as  the  holder  of all the outstanding shares of the
Subsidiary's  Common  Stock  prior  to  the  Effective  Time  of  the  Merger.

     Section  4.2  Third  Party  Consents.  The  Parent  shall have received all
required  consents  to  and  approvals  of  the  Merger.

                                    ARTICLE V


     Section  5.1  Amendment.  This Merger Agreement may be amended, modified or
supplemented in whole or in part, at any time prior to the Effective Time of the
Merger with the mutual consent of the boards of directors of the parties hereto;
provided,  however,  that  the  Merger Agreement may not be amended after it has
been  adopted  by  the  shareholders  of  the Parent in any manner which, in the
judgment  of the board of directors of the Parent, would have a material adverse
effect  on  the rights of such shareholders or in any manner not permitted under
applicable  law.

     Section  5.2  Termination.  This  Merger  Agreement  may  be  terminated or
abandoned  by  the  parties  hereto  at  any  time  prior  to  the filing of the
certificate  of  merger notwithstanding approval of this Merger Agreement by the
shareholders  of  either  or  both  of  the  Parent  or  the  Subsidiary.

     Section  5.3  Necessary  Actions, etc.  If at any date after the  Effective
Time  of  the  Merger,  the  Surviving  Corporation  shall  consider  that  any
assignments,  transfers,  deeds  or  other  assurances  in  law are necessary or
desirable  to vest, perfect or confirm, of record or otherwise, in the Surviving
Corporation,  title  to any property or rights of the Parent, the Parent and its

                              Exhibit 2.1 - Page 4

officers  and  directors  at  the Effective Time of the Merger shall execute and
deliver  such  documents and do all things necessary and proper to vest, perfect
or  confirm  title  to such property or rights in the Surviving Corporation, and
the  officers and directors of the Surviving Corporation are fully authorized in
the  name  of  the  Parent  or  otherwise  to  take  any  and  all  such action.

     Section  5.4  Counterparts.  This  Merger  Agreement may be executed in any
number  of  counterparts,  each  of  which shall be considered to be an original

     Section  5.5  Descriptive  Headings.  The  descriptive  headings  are  for
convenience  of  reference  only  and shall not control or affect the meaning or
construction  of  any  provision  of  this  Merger  Agreement.

     Section  5.6  Governing  Law.  This  Merger Agreement shall be construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware, except to the extent the laws
of  the  State  of  South  Carolina  shall  mandatorily  apply  to  the  Merger.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned officers of each of the parties to this
Merger Agreement, pursuant to authority duly given by their respective boards of
directors, have caused this Merger Agreement to be duly executed on the date set
forth  above.


     Christopher  Schwartz
     Chief  Executive  Officer,  President  and  Secretary


     Christopher  Schwartz
     Chief  Executive  Officer,  President  and  Secretary

                              Exhibit 2.1 - Page 5


     The undersigned, Secretary of TriMedia Entertainment Group, Inc. a Delaware
corporation,  hereby  certifies,  pursuant  to  Section  252(c)  of  the General
Corporation  Law of the State of Delaware, that the foregoing Agreement and Plan
of  Merger  to  which this Certificate is attached, after having been first duly
signed  on  behalf  of TriMedia Entertainment Group, Inc. by its Chief Executive
Officer and attested to by its Secretary, was duly submitted to the stockholders
of  TriMedia Entertainment Group, Inc. for the purpose of considering and acting
upon  said  Agreement  and Plan of Merger, on the ____ day of ___________, 2002,
and  at  said  meeting said Agreement and Plan of Merger was adopted by the sole
stockholder  of  TriMedia  Entertainment  Group,  Inc.,  in  accordance with the
General  Corporation  Law  of  the  State  of  Delaware.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the undersigned has executed this Certificate on the
_____  day  of  _______________,  2002.

                                   Christopher  Schwartz,  Secretary

     The  undersigned,  Secretary  of  US  Patriot,  Inc.,  a  South  Carolina
corporation,  hereby  certifies,  pursuant  to  Section  33-11-103  of the South
Carolina Statutes, that the foregoing Agreement and Plan of Merger to which this
Certificate  is  attached,  after  having been first duly signed on behalf of US
Patriot,  Inc.  by  its  President  and  attested  to by its Secretary, was duly
submitted  to  the  shareholders of US Patriot, Inc. at a meeting thereof called
for  the  purpose  of  considering  and  acting  upon said Agreement and Plan of
Merger,  held after due notice on the _____ day of __________, 2002, and that at
said  meeting said Agreement and Plan of Merger was adopted by the  shareholders
of  US  Patriot, Inc. in accordance with the South Carolina Business Corporation
Act  of  1988.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the undersigned has executed this Certificate on the
____  day  of  ____________,  2002.

                                   Christopher  Schwartz,  Secretary

                              Exhibit 2.1 - Page 6