Exhibit 99.1


BOSTON,  MASSACHUSETTS  - - August 14, 2003 - - Berkshire  Income  Realty,  Inc.
(AMEX:  "BIR_pa",  "BIRPRA",  "BIR.PR.A",  "BIR-A","BIR.A")  ("Berkshire" or the
"Company")  today  reported  its results for the  quarter  ended June 30,  2003.
Financial highlights for the quarter ended June 30, 2003 include:

o    The  Company's  funds from  operations  for the quarter ended June 30, 2003
     were $2,475,000.

o    For the  quarter  ended June 30,  2003,  Berkshire  reported  net income of
     $627,000.  For the comparable  period in 2002, the Berkshire  Income Realty
     Predecessor  Group reported a net loss of  $1,002,000.  Because the Company
     did not have any  operations  until the quarter  ended June 30,  2003,  the
     discussion in this press release of operations or activities prior to April
     1, 2003 refers to the  operations  and  activities of the Berkshire  Income
     Realty Predecessor Group, the Company's predecessor entities for accounting
     purposes. As described below, the Berkshire Income Realty Predecessor Group
     contributed  to  the  Company  the  initial  properties  that  make  up the
     Company's current operations.

o    On July 31, 2003,  the Company  reiterated  its  declaration of its regular
     quarterly  cash  dividend  of $.5625  on each  share  (aggregate  quarterly
     dividend of $1,675,000) of its 9% Series A Cumulative  Redeemable Preferred
     Stock  ("Preferred  Shares") payable to shareholder of record on August 10,
     2003. The regular cash dividend  payable on the Series A Preferred Stock is
     payable on February 15, May 15, August 15 and November 15 of each year.

Funds From Operations

     Management  considers  funds from  operations  ("FFO") to be an appropriate
measure of the  performance of an equity REIT.  FFO is generally  defined as net
income or loss  (computed in accordance  with  accounting  principles  generally
accepted  in the  United  States  of  America,  including  non-recurring  items)
adjusted for gains (or losses)  from sales of  properties,  real estate  related
depreciation and amortization and after adjustment for unconsolidated  entities.
Management  believes  that in order to facilitate a clear  understanding  of the
consolidated  historical  operating  results  of  the  Company,  FFO  should  be
considered  in  conjunction  with net income as  presented  in the  consolidated
financial  statements  included  elsewhere  herein.  FFO does not represent cash
generated from operating  activities in accordance  with  accounting  principles
generally  accepted  in the  United  States of  America  and is not  necessarily
indicative of cash available to fund cash needs. FFO should not be considered as
an alternative to net income as an indication of the Company's performance or to
cash flow from operating activities as a measure of liquidity. All REITs may not
be using the same definition for FFO.  Accordingly,  the above  presentation may
not be comparable to other similarly titled measures of FFO of other REITs.

     The  calculation  of FFO for the three month  period ended June 30, 2003 is
presented below (in thousands):

                                            Ended June
Income (loss) before minority interest in
 Operating Partnership                      $      627

Depreciation of real property                    1,848
FFO                                         $    2,475

Further  information  regarding  the results of Berkshire  for the quarter ended
June 30, 2003 can be found in  Berkshire's  Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June
30, 2003, which is being filed today with the Securities and Exchange Commission
and will be available on the SEC's website at www.sec.gov.

Offering and Other Formation Transactions

     On April 4, 2003 and April 18,  2003,  the  Company  issued  2,667,717  and
310,393 shares, respectively, of its Preferred Shares, with a $25.00 liquidation
preference  per share.  The  Preferred  Shares were  issued in exchange  for the
interests in six mortgage  funds.  For each interest in the mortgage  funds that
was validly  tendered and not withdrawn in the Offering,  the Company issued its
Preferred Shares based on an exchange ratio applicable to each mortgage fund.

     Simultaneously  with the  completion of the Offering on April 4, 2003,  KRF
Company,  L.L.C. ("KRF Company"),  an affiliate of the Company,  contributed its
ownership   interests   in  five   multi-family   apartment   communities   (the
"Properties"),  to our operating partnership,  Berkshire Income Realty-OP,  L.P.
(the "Operating  Partnership") in exchange for common limited partner  interests
in the  Operating  Partnership.  KRF Company  then  contributed  an aggregate of
$1,283,000  to the  Company in  exchange  for common  stock of the Company in an
amount which together with the $100 contributed  prior to the offering,  equaled
1,283,313 shares of common stock of the Company and equaled 1% of the fair value
of total net assets of the Operating Partnership. This amount was contributed by
the Company to its wholly owned subsidiary, BIR GP, L.L.C., who then contributed
the cash to the Operating  Partnership in exchange for the sole general  partner
interest in the Operating Partnership.

Other Significant Events

     On March 20, 2003, KRF Company, through a newly formed affiliate, Gables of
Texas Limited Partnership  ("Gables"),  whose general partner,  Gables of Texas,
L.L.C.,  was also a newly formed affiliate,  acquired The Gables  Apartments,  a
140-unit  multi-family  apartment  community located in Houston,  Texas, from an
unrelated third party for a purchase price of approximately $6,925. On April 24,
2003, the Operating  Partnership  acquired the interests in Gables and Gables of
Texas L.L.C.  from KRF Company for  approximately  $6,925 plus closing  costs of
approximately $143. The purchase price for Gables and Gables of Texas L.L.C. was
equal to the purchase  price KRF Company paid the original  seller of The Gables
Apartments  (including  equity payments,  transfer taxes,  financing and closing
costs as applicable).

     On April 29, 2003, the Preferred Shares began trading on the American Stock
Exchange, under the symbol "BIR.PR.A".

     On May 30, 2003 the Operating  Partnership and its wholly owned  subsidiary
BIR McNab Sub,  L.L.C.,  a newly  formed  Delaware  limited  liability  company,
acquired all of the  outstanding  limited and general partner units of McNab KC3
Limited  Partnership  ("McNab") from affiliates of the Company.  The acquisition
was  structured as a  contribution  of units from an affiliate of the Company in
exchange for the issuance by the Operating  Partnership  of 5,000 common limited
partner  units  valued at $10.00 per unit.  McNab is the fee  simple  owner of a
276-unit multi-family apartment community located in Pompano Beach, Florida that
is referred to as Windward Lakes Apartments. The general and limited partners of
McNab are affiliates of the Company, namely George and Douglas Krupp.

     The McNab partnership interests contributed to the Operating Partnership by
George and Douglas Krupp,  were subject to certain  obligations of McNab and its
partners  including  the  assumption  of  $13,398,000  of first  mortgage  debt,
including   accrued  interest,   $4,162,000  of  principal,   accrued  interest,
participation  interest and interest rebates  collateralized  by the partnership
interests (the "Additional Loan") and the assumption of approximately $1,266,000
of liabilities  payable to other  affiliates of the Company.  Upon completion of
the  acquisition,  the  Operating  Partnership  immediately  paid off the  first
mortgage and Additional Loan debt totaling $18,244,000 using available cash.

Forward-Looking Statements

With the exception of the historical  information  contained in the release, the
matters  described  herein  contain  forward-looking  statements  that  are made
pursuant to the Safe Harbor  provisions  of the  Private  Securities  Litigation
Reform  Act of 1995.  Forward-looking  statements  involve  a number  of  risks,
uncertainties  or other factors  beyond the Company's  control,  which may cause
material differences in actual results, performance or other expectations. These
factors  include,  but  are not  limited  to,  changes  in  economic  conditions
generally    and   the   real    estate   and   bond    markets    specifically,
legislative/regulatory changes (including changes to laws governing the taxation
of real estate investment trusts  ("REITs"),  availability of capital,  interest
rates and  interest  rate  spreads,  changes in  generally  accepted  accounting
principles and policies and guidelines  applicable to REITs,  those set forth in
Part I, Item 1A. "Risk  Factors" of the Company's  Form 10-K and other risks and
uncertainties  as may be  detailed  from  time to time in the  Company's  public
announcements and SEC filings. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance
on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. The
Company assumes no obligation to update such information.

                          BERKSHIRE INCOME REALTY, INC.
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
        (Unaudited, in thousands, except per share and per share amounts)

                                                          June 30,  December 31,
                                                            2003        2002
                                                         ----------  ----------


Multi-family apartment communities, net of accumulated
 depreciation of $98,347 and $94,712, respectively       $   99,283  $   94,343
Cash and cash equivalents                                    10,207       4,852
Cash restricted for tenant security deposits                    852         850
Replacement reserve escrow                                      335         407
Prepaid expenses and other assets                             3,027       3,733
Investment in Mortgage Funds                                 49,146           -
Deferred expenses, net of accumulated amortization of
 $250 and $246, respectively                                    936       1,288
                                                         ----------  ----------
       Total assets                                      $  163,786  $  105,473
                                                         ==========  ==========


  Mortgage notes payable                                 $  105,135  $  119,162
  Notes payable                                                   -       3,155
  Due to affiliates                                           5,477       2,879
  Dividends payable                                             837           -
  Accrued expenses and other liabilities                      2,926       1,891
  Tenant security deposits                                      981         912
                                                         ----------  ----------
       Total liabilities                                    115,356     127,999

Minority interest                                                 -           -

Stockholders' equity / owners' deficit:
Series A 9% Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock Series,
 no par value, $25 stated value, 5,000,000 shares
 authorized, 2,978,110 and 0 shares issued and outstanding
 at June 30, 2003 and December 31, 2002, respectively        74,453           -

Class A common stock, $.01 par, 5,000,000 shares
 authorized; 0 shares issued and outstanding at June
 30, 2003 and December 31, 2002, respectively                     -           -

Class B common stock, $.01 par, 5,000,000 authorized
 shares; 1,283,313 and 100 shares issued and outstanding
 at June 30, 2003 and December 31, 2002, respectively            12           -

Excess stock $.01 par value, 15,000,000 shares authorized,
 0 shares issued and outstanding at June 30, 2003 and
 December 31, 2002, respectively                                  -           -

Accumulated deficit                                         (26,035)          -
Owners' deficit                                                   -     (22,526)
                                                         ----------  ----------
       Total liabilities and stockholders' equity /
        owners' deficit                                  $  163,786  $  105,473
                                                         ==========  ==========

                          BERKSHIRE INCOME REALTY, INC.
          (unaudited, in thousands, except share and per share amounts)

                                 For the Three Months      For the Six Months
                                   Ended June 30,            Ended June 30,
                                ----------------------   ----------------------
                                   2003        2002         2003        2002
                                ----------  ----------   ----------  ----------

 Rental                         $    7,081  $    6,560   $   13,689  $   13,001
 Interest                               35          46           67          72
 Utility reimbursement                  98         152          207         315
 Other                                 309         228          553         461
                                ----------  ----------   ----------  ----------
      Total revenue                  7,523       6,986       14,516      13,849

 Operating                           1,654       1,407        3,275       2,945
 Maintenance                           598         558        1,069         974
 Real estate taxes                     610         549        1,175       1,080
 General and administrative            525         163          673         351
 Organizational costs                  213           -          213           -
 Management fees                       676         459        1,108         900
 Depreciation                        2,182       1,453        3,635       2,904
 Interest                            1,822       1,185        3,750       2,320
 Loss on extinguishment of debt        252         883          252         883
 Participation interest                  -          44            -          88
                                ----------  ----------   ----------  ----------

      Total expenses                 8,532       6,701       15,150      12,445
                                ----------  ----------   ----------  ----------
Income (loss ) before minority
 interest in properties, equity
 in income of Mortgage Funds and
 minority interest in Operating
 Partnership                        (1,009)        285         (634)      1,404

Minority interest in properties        (94)     (1,382)         (94)     (1,436)

Equity in income of Mortgage
 Funds                               1,730           -        1,730           -
                                ----------  ----------   ----------  ----------
Income (loss) before minority
 common interest in Operating
 Partnership                           627      (1,097)       1,002         (32)

Minority common interest in
 Operating Partnership                   -           -            -           -
                                ----------  ----------   ----------  ----------

Net income (loss)                      627      (1,097)       1,002         (32)

Preferred dividend                  (1,601)          -       (1,601)          -
                                ----------  ----------   ----------  ----------
Net loss available to common
 shareholders                   $     (974) $   (1,097)  $     (599)        (32)
                                ==========  ==========   ==========  ==========

Earnings per common share,
 basic                          $    (0.80)              $    (0.98)
                                ==========               ==========

Weighted average number of
 common shares outstanding       1,214,106                  610,457
                                ==========               ==========