
                                                                   EXHIBIT 4(b)5


                                 LEASE CONTRACT

          Drawn up and signed in Tel Aviv on this 1st day of June 2003

                                 By and Between

                        INTERGAMA PROPERTIES (1961) LTD.
                   16 Hagalim Blvd., Herzliya Industrial Area,
                           Herzliya B Industrial Area
                          (Hereinafter - the "Lessor")
                                                               Of the First Part


                                 TECNOMATIX LTD.
                   16 Hagalim Blvd., Herzliya Industrial Area,
                          (Hereinafter - the "Lessee")
                                                              Of the Second Part

WHEREAS:      The Lessor is the registered owner of the leased premises and is
              entitled to lease it in accordance with the provisions of this
              contract; and

WHEREAS:      The Lessee is interested in renting and the Lessor is interested
              in leasing the leased premises in accordance with the provisions
              of this contract; and

WHEREAS:      The Lessee is interested in having renovations and improvements
              done to the leased premises as detailed in this contract and its
              appendixes, and the Lessor has agreed to the execution of said
              renovations and improvements to the leased premises, and this
              agreement of the Lessor is a condition of the Lessee to enter into
              this contract; and

WHEREAS:      It is the desire of the parties to secure their mutual obligations
              and rights by means of this contract;



      The preamble to this contract constitutes an integral part thereof.


2.    2.1   The following expressions will have the interpretation listed
            alongside them, that is:

      "RENT"                As defined in the Addendum (Appendix A) or any other
                            rate of rent upon which the parties will agree in
                            writing, and any other additional amount thereto as
                            a result of their linkage as defined in the

      "THE BUILDING"        The structure in Delta House, at 16b Hagalim Blvd.,
                            Herzliya, in which the leased premises are located
                            and the area of which is as defined in the Addendum.

      PREMISES"             As defined in the Addendum and marked on the
                            attached blueprint as Appendix B to this contract.

      "THE RENOVATION"      The renovation of the Leased Premises as defined in
                            the Addendum.

      "THE ADDENDUM"        APPENDIX A to this contract (including Appendix 1 to
                            the Addendum).

      OF THE LEASE"         Running of a business/office as defined in the

      "DATE OF
      THE LEASE PERIOD"     The date of termination of the lease period as
                            defined in the Addendum or any other earlier date at
                            which the lease will terminate in accordance with
                            the provisions of this contract.

      "THE LEASE PERIOD"    The period of the lease as defined in the Addendum
                            and any other additional period, in the event of the
                            parties so agree in writing.

      2.2   The Appendixes to this contract constitute an integral part thereof.

      2.3   It is agreed by the parties that any amendment to this contract that
            will be made by the parties with respect to the description of the
            Leased Premises, the Lease Period, the Rent and the method of its
            payment or any other matter, may be carried out and will only be
            valid if it is drawn up in writing and signed by both parties to
            this contract.

      2.4   The headers of the Sections of this contract are not part of the
            contract and should not be considered for the purpose of the
            interpretation thereof.


      2.5   The content of this contract exclusively exhausts all that has been
            agreed upon by the parties and no negotiations held prior to its
            signing or that were held simultaneously with its signing are to be
            considered, and any declarations, exhibits, obligations or
            agreements that preceded it or were conditional upon the signature
            of this agreement, are hereby null and void. Declarations, verbal
            announcements of the management, staff and employees of either of
            the parties do not obligate either of the parties unless they are
            contained in a document legally signed by the authorized signatories
            of either of the parties.


      3.1   The Lessor hereby leases the Leased Premises to the Lessee and the
            Lessee hereby rents the Leased Premises from the Lessor for the
            duration of the Lease Period.

            Subject to the provisions of Section 18 heretofore, the Lessee will
            not be entitled to terminate this contract prior to the date of
            Termination of the Lease Period. Any discontinuance of use of the
            Leased Premises and/or evacuation of the Leased Premises by the
            Lessee prior to the above date, not due to a breach on the part of
            the Lessor, will not absolve the Lessee from its undertakings in
            accordance with this contract, including, but without derogating
            from the generality of the aforementioned, the undertaking of the
            Lessee to pay the Lessor the Rent.

      3.2   The provisions of this Section constitute a fundamental condition of
            the contract, and their violation will constitute a fundamental
            breach of contract.


      4.1   The Lessee undertakes not to use the Leased Premises for any
            objective whatsoever in any manner whatsoever other than for the
            Objective of the Lease.

      4.2   The provisions of this Section constitute a fundamental condition of
            the contract, and their violation will constitute a fundamental
            breach of contract.


      5.1   The Lessee declares that it has visited the Leased Premises and the
            Building, and has seen and inspected both of them and their
            surroundings, is aware of and knows all the details relating to them
            including the current condition of the Leased Premises and the Urban
            Development Plan applying to it, which may affect its becoming a
            party to this contract, and has found them in a good state of
            repair, appropriate and suitable from all points of view for its
            objectives, subject to the execution of the renovation and
            improvements to the Leased Premises as stipulated in the Addendum,
            and it renounces any claim of unsuitability and any other claim
            relating to the Leased Premises, to the possibilities of the use
            thereof, and to its becoming a party to this contract, subject to
            the execution of the renovations and the improvements to the Leased
            Premises as stipulated in the Addendum, and excluding a latent


      5.2   The Lessor hereby declares that, as far as it knows, there is no
            prevention to the use of the Leased Premises in accordance with the
            Objective of the Lease.


            The date of handing over means as stated in the Addendum. Should a
            date of handing over not be stated in the Addendum or in the event
            of the Lessee occupying the premises at the time of the signature of
            this contract, and the Lessee is permitted to continue occupying the
            premises until the commencement of the Lease Period in accordance
            with this contract, the commencement of the Lease Period in
            accordance with this contract will be considered as the date of
            handing over.

7.    RENT

      7.1   The Lessee undertakes to pay the Lessor the Rent at the rates and on
            the dates and in the manner stipulated in the Addendum.

      7.2   Should two payments of the Rent not have been paid in full and on
            time, up to 14 days from the date of delivery of a warning
            notification in writing from the Lessor to the Lessee as stated, the
            immediate payment of the Rent for six months of lease will become
            due and the Lessee will have to pay the stated Rent within 14 days
            from the date of the Lessor's initial demand, all this without
            derogating from the Lessor's right to view non payment on time as a
            breach of the contract and to act to materialize any rights
            resulting therefrom. It is hereby declared, to remove any doubt,
            that the collection of the Rent in this case will not be considered
            a waiver or agreement on the part of the Lessor of its rights as a
            result of the breach of the contract by the Lessee.

      7.3   The provisions of this Section constitute a fundamental condition of
            the contract, and their violation will constitute a fundamental
            breach of contract.



      8.1   In addition to the Rent, the Lessee undertakes to pay the following
            payments (hereinafter - the "Lessee's Payments").

            8.1.1   For the area of the above Leased Premises and for the
                    duration of the Lease Period, the Lessee will bear an amount
                    equal to the amount stipulated in the Addendum, all out of
                    the entire range of payments pertaining to the Building
                    which includes taxes, fees, municipal fees, levies,
                    obligatory payments and expenses (hereinafter the collective
                    referred to as - the "Taxes"), whether state or municipal,
                    paid at present and/or payable in the future, whether in
                    existence today or whether they will be levied in future,
                    with respect to the Building and the Leased Premises, in
                    connection with the Lease Period, insofar as they apply by
                    law to a lessee or the holder of an asset.

                    All the Taxes, fees, municipal fees, levies, obligatory
                    payments and expenses, whether state or municipal, and/or
                    payable in the future and applicable to owners, will be paid
                    by the Lessor.

            8.1.2   VAT, should it be applicable to the Rent and any other
                    payment paid by the Lessee in accordance with this contract,
                    will be paid together with any payment for which it is paid.

            8.1.3   The Lessee will contract directly with the Electric Company
                    and with Bezeq to obtain electricity and telephone services.
                    To remove any doubt, it is hereby clarified that the Lessee
                    will bear any payment with respect to the use of electricity
                    in the Leased Premises, non-standard electricity, (excluding
                    public electricity), and the use of telephone lines, all in
                    accordance with the reading of the meters and/or
                    calculations of the Lessor as the case may be.

            8.1.4   The Lessee will contract directly with the Municipal
                    Authority to obtain water supply services and will bear all
                    payments relating to the water supply services as stated
                    with respect to the lease in accordance with this contract.

            8.1.5   Maintenance fee - for garbage removal services, 24-hour
                    security services, cleaning of public areas, maintenance of
                    elevators and central air conditioning, building
                    maintenance, public electricity and building insurance, the
                    Lessee will pay the Lessor a monthly amount as stipulated in
                    the Addendum, per square meter of the area of the Leased
                    Premises, in addition to the Rent. This amount will be paid
                    at the time of the payment of the Rent.


      8.2   In the event that the Lessee fails to pay any of the Lessee's
            Payments immediately in accordance with the demands of either the
            competent authority or the Lessor, then, without derogating from
            this obligation and after the Lessor has delivered a notification in
            writing to the Lessee, and the Lessee did not pay the stated payment
            within 14 days, the Lessor will be entitled to settle these accounts
            for the Lessee's account, and the Lessee will be obligated to repay
            the Lessor the full amount paid by it to cover any of the Lessee's
            Payments as above, including fines, interest, late payment interest
            etc., within 14 days of the initial demand by the Lessor.

      8.3   The provisions of this Section constitute a fundamental condition of
            the contract, and their violation will constitute a fundamental
            breach of contract.


      The Lessee hereby declares that, besides the Rent stipulated in the
      Addendum, and its undertaking to pay the Lessee's Payments as stated in
      Section 8 above, it has not paid and does not at present pay the Lessor
      any amount whatsoever for the lease and use of the Leased Premises, inter
      alia, key money or by any other means whatsoever, and that it will not be
      entitled to key money or to any payment whatsoever upon its evacuation of
      the Leased Premises.



      11.1  The Lessee declares that it has taken possession of the Leased
            Premises, and that it has accepted it in an "as is" state, subject
            to the execution of the renovation and improvements to the Leased
            Premises as stipulated in the Addendum, and the Lessee will not be
            entitled to demand from the Lessor to carry out any alteration or
            adaptation to the Leased Premises, subject to the execution of the
            renovation and improvements to the Leased Premises as stipulated in
            the Addendum, and excluding in the case of a latent defect.

      11.2  The Lessor will be responsible for the maintenance of the common
            property in the Building and/or surrounding public areas, and to
            this purpose, the Lessor will be entitled to carry out this
            obligation through any entity determined by it.


      12.1  The Lessee must obtain, from the all the competent Authorities, all
            the licenses required for the running of a business within the
            framework of the Objective of the Lease, and it undertakes to manage
            it only in accordance with the stated licenses and the requirements
            of the Law and any competent Authority.


            The Lessee declares that it has checked and knows that it is able to
            obtain the licenses stated in Section 12.1 above and that the Lessor
            will not be held responsible in any case of the Lessee being unable
            to obtain same.

      12.2  The Lessee will not keep any materials, tools, equipment, produce,
            inventory and any other goods whatsoever (hereinafter, collectively
            referred to as the "Goods"), outside of the Leased Premises except
            for the purpose of their conveyance to and from the Leased Premises.
            In any case that any goods belonging to the Lessee will be found
            outside of the Leased Premises, the Lessor will be entitled to
            remove them from the premises, at the Lessee's expense, after giving
            a written warning 48 hours in advance to the Lessee regarding it,
            and the Lessor will not be held responsible for their condition or
            the guarding thereof.

      12.3  The Lessee will abide by the all the laws, regulations and bylaws
            applicable to the Leased Premises, to its use and to the business,
            the work and the activities carried out therein.

      12.4  The Leased Premises or any part thereof may not be used in such a
            manner that noise, odors, tremors, smoke, grime deviating from a
            reasonable standard will result, taking into account the
            characteristic of the Building in general and the characteristics of
            the adjacent areas of the Leased Premises in particular, and in
            accordance with the Objective of the Lease.

      12.5  The Lessee will not pour into the sewage system waste, whose quality
            or quantity may damage the above system or affect its proper
            operation, or the pouring of which into the sewage system is
            prohibited by the provisions of the Law and any competent Authority.
            For the purposes of this Section - the "sewage system" - the central
            sewage or percolating pits as well as the ditches and drainage
            system, as and if they will be in the Building.

      12.6  The Lessee undertakes not to hang, not to install and not to paint
            any signs, symbols or means of advertising whatsoever in any part of
            the Building without the agreement of the Lessor in advance, who
            will not prevent same except for reasonable causes. The above stated
            will not apply to the signs stipulated in the Addendum.

      12.7  No place outside of the Leased Premises may be used except for
            purposes of access to the Leased Premises in the way and manner that
            the Lessor will determine from time to time. The Lessor will allow
            access to the Lessee's vehicles and visitors to the Lessee, for the
            purposes of the activities carried out therein, during regular hours
            of business.


      12.8  The provisions of this Section constitute a fundamental condition of
            the contract, and their violation will constitute a fundamental
            breach of contract.


      13.1  Subject to that stated in the Addendum, the Lessee undertakes not to
            carry out and not to execute any alterations, repairs, improvements,
            additions or any other construction work whatsoever, of any
            implication whatsoever to the Leased Premises, (hereinafter, all
            these will be referred to collectively as, the "Work"), without
            obtaining the prior written agreement of the Lessor therefore, who
            will not prevent same except for reasonable reasons, and subject to
            its conditions. In no case will the Lessee be entitled, and no
            agreement will be given by the Lessor, to alterations that may
            damage the systems and apparatuses serving the entire Building.

            Should Work be carried out without the agreement of the Lessor,
            then, without derogating from its right to view this as a breach of
            this contract, the Lessor will be entitled to:

            13.1.1  Demand from the Lessee to dismantle the Work, and in this
                    case, the Lessee will have to dismantle the Work and carry
                    out all the repairs to the Leased Premises that will be
                    required as a result of the dismantling, in order to restore
                    the Leased Premises to its condition prior to the execution
                    of the Work, all this within 14 days from the demand by the
                    Lessor. In the event that the Lessee fails to do so, the
                    Lessor is permitted to do so for the Lessee's account: or

            13.1.2  To keep the Work as its own possession and the Lessee agrees
                    that the Work will be the exclusive possession of the
                    Lessor, without anything being owed to the Lessee for the
                    Work done.

      13.2  Should Work has been carried out with the agreement of the Lessor,
            then, at the time of the evacuation of the Leased Premises by the
            Lessee, the Lessee will have the following choices:

            13.2.1  To dismantle them and/or to remove them from the Leased
                    Premises, and in this case the Lessee will have to carry out
                    all the repairs to the Leased Premises that will be required
                    as a result thereof, in order to restore that part of the
                    Leased Premises where the Work was done, to its original
                    condition, all this within 14 days from the demand by the
                    Lessor. In the event that the Lessee fails to do so, the
                    Lessor is permitted to do so for the Lessee's account: or -


            13.2.2  To leave the Work in the Leased Premises and in this case it
                    will become the possession of the Lessor without the Lessee
                    being owed anything therefore.


      The Lessee will be entitled to furnish the Leased Premises on condition
      that the installation of any furniture will not damage the Leased Premises
      over and above reasonable and regular wear and tear.


      15.1  The Lessee undertakes to use the Leased Premises in a reasonable and
            responsible manner, to maintain its cleanliness and the cleanliness
            of its surroundings, in the event of mess having been caused by the
            Lessee, and to prevent any breakdown and any damage to the Leased
            Premises, including all the apparatuses serving the Leased Premises
            independently or in conjunction with other leased premises or
            together with the Building. The Lessee, however, will not be held
            responsible for any damage or breakdown resulting from reasonable
            and regular wear and tear, caused by ongoing usage.

      15.2  The Lessee will be required to repair, within a reasonable period of
            time, any damage and/or breakdown which will be caused to the Leased
            Premises and to the devices as stated in Section 15.1 above, and to
            replace, within a reasonable period of time, with a similar item of
            similar quality, any fitting fitted in the Leased Premises which has
            been lost or damaged and which the Lessee is responsible for its
            replacement. The above stated does not apply to damage or breakdown
            resulting from reasonable and regular wear and tear, caused by
            ongoing usage (including electricity and water).

      15.3  Should the Lessee fail to carry out any repair that he should have,
            as stated, or did not replace any unit which it should have
            replaced, as stated in sub Section 15.2, the Lessor will be
            entitled, but not obliged, to do so at the Lessee's expense, after
            giving the Lessee a written warning and a 14day extension to repair
            the infringement, and in any case the Lessee will be obligated to
            compensate the Lessor fully for any damage, breakdown, loss or
            defacement as stated.

      15.4  Any defect or breakdown in the Leased Premises that results from
            reasonable and regular wear and tear, caused by ongoing usage will
            be repaired by the Lessor. As to Section 15, reasonable and regular
            wear and tear will only be considered as wear and tear caused to the
            framework of the Leased Premises, its walls and cladding as well as
            to the piping systems found therein or thereon (including
            electricity and water).


      15.5  Any defect or breakdown in the Leased Premises that results from a
            latent defect, will be repaired by the Lessor, within a reasonable
            time, under the circumstances, after receipt of a written
            notification of the stated defect from the Lessee, as long as the
            stated notification will be sent immediately upon the discovery of
            the defect and, and provided that in cases that cannot be postponed,
            the Lessee will be entitled to inform the Lessor telephonically
            regarding the defect or the breakdown.

      15.6  Should the Lessor fail to carry out any repair that it should have
            carried as stated in sub Section 15.5, or did not replace any unit
            that it should have replaced as stated, the Lessee will be entitled,
            but not obligated, after giving the Lessor a written warning and a
            14 day waiting period, to repair the infringement, (except in cases
            that cannot be postponed as stated in sub Section 15.5 above), to do
            so at the Lessor's expense. In any case, the Lessor will be
            obligated to compensate the Lessee fully for any damage, breakdown,
            loss or defacement as stated.

      15.7  The provisions of this Section constitute a fundamental condition of
            the contract, and their violation will constitute a fundamental
            breach of contract.


      16.1  Without derogating from the responsibility of the Lessee in
            accordance with this contract and the Law, the Lessee undertakes
            that for the duration of the entire Lease Period, it will hold valid
            insurance policies issued at its expense, in its name and in the
            name of the Lessor, all as detailed in the confirmation of the
            Lessee's insurance policies, attached to this contract, constituting
            an integral part thereof, and marked as Appendix C (hereinafter:
            "Confirmation of the Lessee's Insurance Policies").

      16.2  Without requiring any demand on the part of the Lessor, the Lessee
            undertakes to present to the Lessor at the time of signing of this
            contract, the Confirmation of the Lessee's Insurance Policies,
            signed by the insurer.

      16.3  The Lessee declares that it knows that the presentation of the
            written Confirmation of the Lessee's Insurance Policies (subject to
            provisions of sub Sections 16.3.1 and 16.3.2), is a mandatory and
            prerequisite condition for the validity of this contract.

            16.3.1  Should the Lessee's insurers fail to duly confirm as
                    required, that the conditions of the policy do not detract
                    from the cover provided by the policy version known as Bit
                    2002, or a later version which replaces the conditions of
                    Bit 2002, the Lessee undertakes to provide the Lessor with a
                    full photocopy of those same policies including registration
                    pages and details of the premiums, with all the conditions


            16.3.2  Should the Lessee's insurers fail to confirm, as required
                    under Section 2 of the Confirmation of the Lessee's
                    Insurance Policies, that the policy does not contain any
                    other limitation relating to the characteristics and/or the
                    type and/or the Work conditions, the Lessee will transfer to
                    the Lessor the list of limitations stipulated in this

                    Upon receipt of the information detailed in the above sub
                    Sections, the Lessor is entitled to demand that the Lessee
                    make changes to the policies in order to adjust them to the
                    conditions detailed in the Confirmation of the Lessee's
                    Insurance Policies. Should the Lessee fail to carry out the
                    required amendments, (whether due to its unwillingness or
                    refusal by the insurers), the Lessor will be entitled, but
                    not obligated, to demand the cancellation of the Lease
                    Contract, subject to a notification of 90 days in advance.

      16.4  The Lessee undertakes to use all compensation that it receives from
            its insurers for the damage to its property, only for the purpose of
            restoration and/or renovation and/or replacement of the property
            that was damaged.

      16.5  It is agreed that the Lessee is entitled to not acquire a loss of
            income insurance (consequential damage), as detailed in Section 4 of
            the Confirmation of Lessee's Insurance Policies (Appendix C). The
            provisions of Section 16.8 will however apply as well to any loss of
            income as stated above, as if it has been insured.

      16.6  If, in the opinion of the Lessee, there is a need to make additional
            and/or supplementary insurance to the Lessee's insurances detailed
            in Appendix C, the Lessee is entitled to draw up and maintain the
            additional and/or supplementary insurance as stated heretofore.
            Every additional and/or supplementary insurance to the Lessee's
            insurance as stated, will include a section regarding the waiver of
            subrogation right with respect to the Lessor (in the matter of
            property insurance) and/or the name of the insured will be expanded
            to include the Lessor, regarding its responsibility for the actions
            and/or omissions of the Lessee (in the matter of liability
            insurance). In third party responsibility insurance, an expansion of
            "cross- liability" will be included.

      16.7  The Lessee undertakes to update the insurance amounts relating to
            insurance made in accordance with Sections 1, 4 and 5 of the
            Confirmation of Lessees' Insurance Policies (Appendix C), from time
            to time, in order that it always reflects the full value of the
            subject of the insurance insured thereby.


      16.8  The Lessee declares that it will not entertain any allegation and/or
            demand and/or claim against the Lessor as well as against any other
            of the Lessor's lessees in the Building and/or other occupants in
            the Building, in whose lease contracts or in any other contract,
            which grants them any rights in the Building and/or in their
            property insurance, is included a parallel exemption towards the
            Lessee, regarding damage for which it is entitled to indemnification
            (or was entitled to indemnification therefore, were it not for the
            deductible amount stipulated in the policy) according to the
            insurances made in accordance with Sections (1), (4) and (5) of the
            Confirmation of the Lessee's Insurance Policies (Appendix C). The
            Lessee hereby exempts those detailed above and all their
            representatives, from all responsibility for damage for which it is
            entitled to indemnification according to the insurance to which it
            undertook as stated heretofore, (whether made by it or not). That
            stated above regarding the exemption from responsibility will not
            apply for the benefit of those who caused malicious damage or for
            the benefit of anyone whose policy is invalid or does not contain a
            similar exemption section with regard to the Lessee.

      16.9  In order to remove all doubt, it is hereby clarified that failure to
            present the insurance on time, as stated in Section 16.2 above, will
            not affect the undertakings of the Lessee according to this
            contract, including and without derogating from the generality of
            that stated, all obligations of payment applicable to the Lessee.

      16.10 Not later than 7 days after the end of the period of the Lessee's
            insurance, the Lessee undertakes to present the Lessor with a
            confirmation of the making of new insurance policies as stated in
            Section 16.2 above, regarding the extension of their validity for an
            additional year. The Lessee undertakes to refurnish the confirmation
            of the insurance acquisition at the stipulated dates, each insurance
            year, as long as this contract is in force, even in the event that
            it has terminated and was not formally renewed, but continues,
            however, to exist de facto.

      16.11 The Lessee undertakes to comply with the terms of the insurance
            policies made by it, to pay the premiums in full and on time and to
            ensure that the policies will be renewed, from time to time, as
            required and will be valid throughout the entire Lease Period.

            Should the Lessee's insurer inform the Lessor that it intends to
            reduce the scope of the cover of the Lessee's insurance or to cancel
            them as stated in the last section of the Confirmation of the
            Lessee's Insurance Policies, as required by this contract, the
            Lessee undertakes to draw anew the Lessee's insurance and to produce
            confirmation of the acquiring of the new insurance, 7 days after the
            date of reduction or cancellation of cover, or after the end of the
            period of insurance as above. Should the Lessee fail to produce
            confirmation of acquiring insurance as above, or fail to renew the
            insurance that expired prior to the termination of this contract,
            the Lessor will be entitled (after giving a 14 day warning to that
            effect to the Lessee), but not obligated, to execute the insurance
            on the Lessee's behalf and to pay the premiums in its stead, should
            it not pay them upon the Lessor's demand. In this case, the Lessor
            will be entitled to the full amount of premium that it paid and the
            Lessee will pay this amount to the Lessor in cash within 7 days from
            the date of receipt of a written demand.


      16.12 The Lessee undertakes to uphold the safety procedures that will be
            determined from time to time by its insurers. The Lessee undertakes
            as well to uphold the safety procedures that will be determined from
            time to time by the Lessor's insurers or by the Lessor personally.
            There is nothing in this Section which can obligate the Lessee to
            make investments and/or renovations in the Leased Premises
            themselves. In addition, the Lessee undertakes to take reasonable
            measures in order not to carry out, and/or not allow others to carry
            out any action or omission which may cause an explosion, a fire
            and/or a flood and/or anything which may endanger life or cause
            damage to property.

      16.13 In order to remove all doubt, it is hereby agreed that the
            determination of the limits of liability as detailed in Sections 2,
            3 and 5 of Appendix C, are to be considered a minimum demand that is
            imposed on the Lessee and which does not exempt it from its entire
            liability according to this contract. The Lessee must examine its
            exposure to liability and determine the limits of liability
            accordingly. The Lessee declares and confirms that it is prohibited
            from raising any claim and/or demand against the Lessor and/or any
            of its representatives in all matters relating to the minimum limits
            of liability as above and/or any other claim in the matter of the
            amount or scope of insurance cover taken out by it.

      16.14 LESSOR'S INSURANCE - the Lessor undertakes to draw up and maintain
            throughout the Lease Period of this contract, the insurances
            detailed below:

                    THAN 12 MONTHS. The cover will apply to the loss or damage
                    in the wake of the accepted risk in extended fire insurance,
                    including fire, smoke, lightning, explosion, earthquake,
                    storm and hail, flood, water damage and pipe bursts, damage
                    through vehicle collision, damage caused by vehicle or an
                    aircraft, riots, strikes, malicious damage, broken glass as
                    well as damage resulting from burglary. The insurance will
                    include a section with respect to the waiver of right of
                    subrogation with regard to the Lessee for damage caused by
                    it, insofar as that the above stated will not apply to cases
                    of malicious damage. It is specifically agreed that the
                    insurance according to this Section will not include the
                    contents of the Leased Premises and will not include any
                    addition, improvement or expansion carried out to the Leased
                    Premises, by or on behalf of the Lessee (not through the
                    Lessor). The policy will include an express condition
                    according to which it precedes any insurance taken out by
                    the Lessee, and that the insurer waivers any claim and/or
                    demand regarding co-insurance of the Lessee's policies.


            16.14.2 Third party liability insurance according to the Law,
                    wherein the limits of liability will not be less than
                    $2,500,000 (two and a half million U.S. dollars) per event
                    and in total for the period of the insurance. The insurance
                    is extended to indemnify the Lessee as an additional
                    insured, against injuries or damage, which may be caused to
                    the body and/or property of anyone as a result of an event
                    in the public areas of the Building, although explicitly
                    outside of the Leased Premises, as a result of an action or
                    failure on the part of the Lessor. The policy includes a
                    cross liability section, according to which the insurance
                    will be considered to have been made individually for each
                    of the insured's individuals. The insurance does not include
                    any limitation with respect to liability resulting from
                    fire, explosion, panic, lifting, loading and offloading
                    machinery, damaged sanitary fixtures, poisoning, any
                    damaging matter in food or drink, strike or stoppage as well
                    as subrogation claims on the part of the Institute of
                    National Insurance.

            16.14.3 EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY INSURANCE, to cover the liability of
                    the Lessor towards all its employees at the limit of
                    responsibility, which will not be less than $5,000,000 (five
                    million US dollars) per employee, per event, and in total
                    for the period of the insurance. This insurance does not
                    include any limit with respect to work at heights and at
                    ocean depths and/or days and/or work hours, use of lifting
                    equipment, bait and poisons as well as the matter of
                    employment of youth. The insurance is extended to cover the
                    Lessee in the event that it is claimed that the Lessee
                    carries employer liability towards the Lessor's employees in
                    the matter of an occurrence of any work accident.

                    It is hereby explicitly agreed that upon drawing up the
                    insurance detailed above, there will not be anything to add
                    to the Lessor's responsibility over and above the provisions
                    of this contract and/or to derogate from the responsibility
                    of the Lessee in accordance with this contract.


      16.15 The Lessor declares that that it will not entertain any allegation
            and/or demand and/or claim against the Lessee, regarding damage for
            which it is entitled to indemnification (or was entitled to
            indemnification therefore, were it not for the deductible amount
            stipulated in the policy), according to which the stated insurance
            is to be drawn up by it as stated in Section 16.14 above and it
            hereby absolves the Lessee from all responsibility for damage as
            above. In addition, the Lessor exempts the Lessee from all
            responsibility for insured damage, which may be caused to contents,
            such exemption as above, being limited to the compensation amounts
            that the Lessor will receive from its insurers. The above provision
            with respect to exemption from responsibility will not apply for the
            benefit of anyone causing malicious damage or when the Lessee's
            policy is not valid or does not contain a similar exemption section
            for the benefit of the Lessor.

      16.16 The provisions of this Section constitute a fundamental condition of
            the contract, and their violation will constitute a fundamental
            breach of contract.


      17.1  The Lessor is entitled, whether personally or through its

            17.1.1  To enter the Leased Premises during accepted hours of
                    business and by prior arrangement with the Lessee, in order
                    to inspect whether the conditions of this contract are being

            17.1.2  To build additional floors onto the Building and/or to carry
                    out other construction work and/or to lay, through the
                    Leased Premises or in front of it, any pipes, channels and
                    other conductors for water, sewerage, ditches, gas,
                    electricity, telephone or for any other purpose whatsoever,
                    as well as to carry out any work or other installations in
                    the Leased Premises for the purposes of use of the premises
                    adjacent to the Leased Premises and for any other similar
                    purpose, as long as it carries out that stated above, in a
                    manner that will not prevent reasonable use of the of the
                    Leased Premises for the Objective of the Lease, and after
                    carrying out the Work as stated, it will restore the state
                    of the Leased Premises to its previous condition, all with
                    prior arrangement with the Lessee.


                    If, and in the case that the Lessor will build additional
                    floors onto the Building and/or carry out additional
                    construction work, and as a result, the area of the Building
                    will be enlarged, the Lessee's relative share with respect
                    to payment of property taxes, municipal fees, and the rest
                    of the payments in accordance with the contract and its
                    appendixes, which are calculated based on the area of the
                    Leased Premises out of the area of the Building, will
                    change, with this area will be calculated after the
                    construction as stated.

            17.1.3  To enter the Leased Premises, during the last six months of
                    the lease, during accepted hours of business, accompanied by
                    not more than 4 visitors, in accordance with an advance
                    notice of 24 hours to the Lessee.

            17.1.4  To instruct the Lessee to allow the Lessor to carry out, in
                    the Leased Premises, any repairs required within the
                    boundaries of the Leased Premises, whether related to the
                    Leased Premises or to other areas of the Building, with
                    prior arrangement with the Lessee.

      17.2  The Lessee undertakes not to prevent the Lessor access to the Leased
            Premises as stated in Section 17.1 above and, subject to its
            conditions, to allow it and its representatives or those authorized
            by it to carry out the Work stated in that Section, as long as the
            said Work will not prevent reasonable use of the Leased Premises for
            the Objective of the Lease. The Lessor, on its part, will do all
            possible, in a reasonable manner, in order to arrange, in advance,
            with the Lessee, the activities in accordance with Section 17.1


      18.1  The Lessee undertakes not to transfer its rights in accordance with
            this contract as well as to not transfer the lease of the Leased
            Premises or part thereof to anyone else, not to hand over, not to
            transfer, not to let the Leased Premises or part thereof, not to
            share with anyone else the holding of the Leased Premises and/or its
            use and/or not to let anyone else enjoy the Leased Premises or part
            thereof, and to not grant anyone else any easement of enjoyment or
            any right whatsoever in the Leased Premises or part thereof - all
            this whether for consideration or not. With respect to this matter,
            any contract of a transaction between a shareholder of the Lessee at
            the time of the signing of this contract and any other shareholder
            of the Lessee at the time of the signing of this contract, to
            transfer the shares of the Lessee, or any contract of a transaction
            between a shareholder of the Lessee at the time of the signing of
            this contract and anyone who is not a shareholder of the Lessee at
            the time of the signing of this contract, by which up to 49% of the
            shares of the Lessee will be transferred to anyone who is not a
            shareholder of the Lessee at the time of the signing of this
            contract or any contract of a transaction between a shareholder of
            the Lessee at the time of the signing of this contract and any
            affiliated company of the Lessee, according to which, shares in the
            Lessee will be transferred to the affiliated company of the Lessee,
            will not constitute a transfer of rights as stated above.


      18.2  Notwithstanding the above sub Section 18.1, the Lessee will be
            entitled to sublease the Leased Premises in accordance with this
            contract, only as follows:

            18.2.1  Subleasing to Tecnomatix Technologies Ltd, the parent
                    company of the Lessee (hereinafter: the "Parent Company")
                    and/or to any corporation under its ownership and control
                    (over 50% direct or indirect holdings) of the Lessee and/or
                    the Parent Company for the same Objective of Lease - with an
                    advance notice of 30 days to the Lessor and upon the
                    Lessor's consent, which will not be refused for unreasonable
                    reasons and, in this case, the Lessee will remain
                    responsible toward the Lessor for the entirety of its
                    undertakings in accordance with this contract.

            18.2.2  Any other body - upon the Lessor's advanced and written
                    consent and subject to Section 18.3 hereunder.

      18.3  Should the Lessee request to sublet part of the Leased Premises as
            stated in Section 18.2.2 above, the Lessor will be entitled, within
            30 days of receipt of the Lessee's notification, to bring about the
            termination of the lease in accordance with this contract, with
            respect to the stated area.

            Should the Lessor do so, the Lessee will be exempted from its
            undertakings with respect to the stated area, and all excess amounts
            paid by it will be refunded.

            Should the Lessor fails to do so - the Lessee will be entitled to
            sublet the stated area, subject to the Lessor's consent, which will
            not refuse except for reasonable reasons, provided the Lessee will
            still be held responsible for the entirety of its undertakings
            toward the Lessor, in accordance with this contract, including with
            respect to the stated area.

      18.4  Notwithstanding the provisions of sub Section 18.1 above, it is
            agreed and clarified that the Parent Company is about to complete
            the transfer of its assets to the Lessee, a fully owned subsidiary
            (held directly and indirectly), and that this transfer is subject to
            the authorization of the Authorities and the approval of third
            parties. In the event that the authorization of the Authorities and
            the approval of third parties for the transfer of the assets as
            stated above will not be obtained, the Lessee will be entitled to
            transfer its rights in accordance with this contract to the Parent
            Company and this transfer is permissible, and approved by the Lessor
            and will not constitute any breach of any of the conditions of this


      18.5  The provisions of this Section constitute a fundamental condition of
            the contract, and their violation will constitute a fundamental
            breach of contract.


      19.1  The Lessee undertakes that not later than the date of Termination of
            the Lease Period, it will evacuate the Leased Premises and hand it
            over to the Lessor. The Lessee undertakes that on the date of the
            evacuation of the Leased Premises and its return to the Lessor, the
            Leased Premises will be cleared and free of any person and object
            and that the Leased Premises will be in a reasonable condition and
            reasonable state of repair, subject to wear and tear resulting from
            reasonable and responsible use of the Leased Premises, in accordance
            with the provisions of this contract.

      19.2  Should the Lessee not evacuate the premises upon the termination of
            the Lease Period, as stated in Section 19.1 above, then without
            derogating from the right of the Lessor to exercise its rights in
            any way it sees fit, the Lessee will be obligated to pay the Lessor,
            as long as the Lessee has not fulfilled its above stated
            undertakings, appropriate usage fees of an amount stipulated in the
            Addendum, for each day, as permanent and agreed upon in advance
            compensation. It is explicitly agreed upon and declared by the
            parties that the amount of agreed upon compensation without proof of
            damage, was agreed upon after a considered and cautious assessment
            of the damages that will be caused to the Lessor in the wake of the
            non evacuation of the Leased Premises by the Lessee on the stated
            date, and in reasonable relation to the damage that could have been
            predicted in advance by the parties at the time of the drawing up of
            this contract, as a probable result of the breach. No claims will be
            entertained by the Lessee that the stated amount was determined as a
            fine and the Lessee will be prevented from claiming such a claim.

            The date of payment of the agreed upon compensation will be once a

      19.3  It is explicitly agreed upon and declared by the parties, that the
            provisions of sub Section 19.2 above do not exempt the Lessee from
            its undertakings in accordance with Section 19.1 above and/or do not
            grant the Lessee any right whatsoever of any kind whatsoever,
            including, but without derogating from the generality of that stated
            above, any rights of lease protected by Law and/or constituting an
            agreement on the part of the Lessor to extend the Lease Period of
            the Leased Premises by the Lessee and/or constituting any kind of
            waiver by the Lessor toward the Lessee and/or derogating any of its
            rights and/or affecting the right of the Lessor to obtain any other
            relief or remedy, including the forced removal of the Lessee from
            the Leased Premises and additional compensation for any damage
            caused to the Lessor, in the wake of the non evacuation of the
            Leased Premises by the Lessee on time.


      19.4  The evacuation of the Leased Premises and its return to the Lessor
            will be carried out in the presence of the Lessor and the Lessee,
            who will draw up minutes of the evacuation, reflecting the condition
            of the Leased Premises.

      19.5  In the event that, during the evacuation of the Leased Premises and
            its return to the Lessor, the Leased Premises will not be in a state
            as stated in sub Section 19.1 above, the Lessee will then have to
            repay to the Lessor, within 14 days after the Lessor's first demand,
            all the expenses that the Lessor will incur in order to bring the
            Leased Premises up to the state in which the Lessee had to return it
            to the Lessor, as well as to compensate the Lessor for any damage,
            loss and prevention of profits which would have resulted from the
            state of the Leased Premises and/or the need to bring it up to a
            reasonable condition and reasonable state of repair, and for the
            execution of the Work required therefore.

      19.6  In addition to any rights that the Lessor will have in the event
            that the Lessee fails to evacuate the Leased Premises on time, the
            Lessor, or anyone appointed by it, will be authorized and entitled,
            upon a written notification of 14 days in advance, to enter the
            Leased Premises to take possession thereof and to remove the
            Lessee's goods therefrom and store them, at the Lessee's expense,
            anywhere that it sees fit, and the Lessee hereby agrees that the
            Lessor use its rights as stated and for actions that will be carried
            out within this framework.

      19.7  The provisions of this Section constitute a fundamental condition of
            the contract, and their violation will constitute a fundamental
            breach of contract.


      20.1  Subject to the provisions of the Addendum, the Lessee will provide
            the Lessor with the security as stated in the Addendum (hereinafter
            - the "Security").

      20.2  Subject to the provisions of the Addendum, in any case that the
            Lessor will be owed, should it be owed, monies by the Lessee in
            accordance with the provisions of this contract and/or with respect
            to its breach, the Lessor will be entitled to realize the Security
            and collect it, after giving the Lessee a written notification and
            an extension of 14 days to cure the breach.


      20.3  It is agreed and declared by the parties, that the handing over of
            the Security by the Lessee to the Lessor and/or its realization,
            will not affect the rights of the Lessor to collect from the Lessee,
            in any way possible, the damages caused to it as a result of a
            breach of any of the Lessee's undertakings in accordance with this
            contract, or to exempt the Lessee from any of its undertakings in
            accordance with this contract, and/or to grant the Lessee any
            privilege protected by Law and/or to limit the Lessor in the
            realization of its said rights and/or to limit the amount of
            compensation and/or damages, which the Lessor will be entitled to
            receive from the Lessee, as a result of the breach of any of the
            latter's undertakings in accordance with this contract.

      20.4  It is agreed and declared by the parties, that the handing over of
            the Security by the Lessee to the Lessor and/or its realization,
            will not prevent the Lessee from raising any claim and will derogate
            from any relief and action to which it is entitled by Law, including
            an appeal to the Court in order to object to the realization of the
            Security and/or to file a claim regarding the breach of the


      21.1  In the event that any of the parties (hereinafter "Breaching Party")
            will fail to fulfill any of its undertakings in accordance with this
            contract, the other (hereinafter the "Abiding Party") will be
            entitled (though not obligated) to pay, carry out and execute
            whatever the Breaching Party should have done and the Breaching
            Party will have to refund and pay the Abiding Party within 14 days
            of a written demand by the latter, any payment and expense incurred
            by the Abiding Party with respect thereto, provided that prior to
            the execution of payment or action by the Abiding Party, it has sent
            a written notice the Breaching Party and has given it a 14-day
            extension to cure the breach.


            21.2.1  Without derogating from any right of the Abiding Party
                    according to the provisions of this contract, the Abiding
                    Party will be entitled to claim and obtain from the
                    Breaching Party interest for any day of late payment of any
                    amount which the Breaching Party has to pay the Abiding
                    Party, according to the provisions of this contract, and the
                    Breaching Party should pay the interest to the Abiding
                    Party, within 14 days from the latter's first demand.

            21.2.2  The rate of interest which the Breaching Party will have to
                    pay to the Abiding Party, according to the provisions of
                    Section 21.2.1, will be the going maximum rate of interest,
                    applicable at that time for an unapproved overdraft in a
                    drawing account, at Leumi Bank of Israel Ltd., plus 1% and
                    an approval of the manager of the central branch of the
                    above bank will be decisive to this effect, or, linkage
                    differences plus interest as provided by the Adjudication of
                    Interest Law - the higher of the two, all of which is
                    calculated on a daily basis.


22.   BREACH

      22.1  Any party breaching or failing to fulfill any of its undertakings
            according to this contract, will have to compensate the Abiding
            Party for any damages and losses that will be incurred by the latter
            as a result thereof, this without derogating from the rights of the
            Abiding Party any other relief and remedy and/or others including
            specific performance or an evacuation order.

      22.2  Should a request has been submitted to a competent court for the
            liquidation of the Lessee, to appoint a trustee, liquidator,
            temporary liquidator, a receiver for a significant portion of its
            assets, and/or to attach a significant portion of its assets, and
            the writ was given due to the request or the request was cancelled
            or deferred, within 30 days from its submission to the court and/or
            if the Lessee submitted an appeal for its liquidation and/or to make
            a creditors' arrangement, this will be considered a fundamental
            breach of this contract.

      22.3  The parties hereby declare and agree that any breach and/or non
            fulfillment of any of the conditions or Lessee's undertakings,
            included in the preceding Sections and defined as fundamental
            conditions of the contract, will grant the Lessor the right to
            notify the Lessee that the lease in terms of this contract is null
            and void, this after the Lessee was given written notification and a
            14 day extension of time to correct the breach, then the Lessee will
            be obligated to evacuate the Leased Premises as stated in Section 19
            above within 14 days, this without derogating from the rights of the
            Lessor in accordance with this contract, including, but without
            derogating from the generality of that stated above, the right to
            receive the Rent and the rest of the payments for six additional
            months from the date of cancellation of the lease and the evacuation
            of the Leased Premises, without derogating from its rights to
            receive any other relief and remedy, including compensation for any
            damages that will be caused to the Lessor as a result of the breach
            or the above stated non-fulfillment.


      23.1  The Lessor is entitled to transfer its rights under the contract
            and/or the Leased Premises and/or in the Building and/or portions
            thereof as it sees fit, as long as the rights of the Lessee, in
            accordance with this contract, will not be affected.

      23.2  The Lessor is entitled to carry out any construction work in the
            Building or in its vicinity without the need for any agreement
            whatsoever on the part of the Lessee, as long as the construction
            work in the Building, will be carried out in a manner that will not
            prevent the reasonable use of the Leased Premises, and upon a 14-
            day prior notification to the Lessee, and with prior arrangement
            with it.


      23.3  The Lessee declares that it knows that the Lessor does not guarantee
            that in other units in the Building, or in any other place in its
            vicinity, similar or rival business to that which the Lessee will
            operate in the Leased Premises, will not operate.


      The Lessee declares and agrees that the construction of the Leased
      Premises was completed after August 20, 1968 and the provisions of the
      Lessee Protection Law (Combined Version) 5732-1972, and any other Law
      replacing it, will not apply to the Leased Premises.


      Stamp tax, which applies to this contract, will be paid by the parties in
      equal shares.


      26.1  Any behavior of either of the parties will not be considered a
            waiver of any of its rights in accordance with this contract or the
            Law, or as a waiver or agreement on its part to any breach or non-
            fulfillment of any condition, unless the waiver, the agreement, the
            deferment, the alteration, the cancellation or the addition is done
            explicitly and in writing.

      26.2  It is explicitly agreed that the execution of any of the
            undertakings of the Lessor in accordance with this contract is
            dependent on the Lessee first fulfilling all its undertakings in
            accordance with this contract, and the Lessor is entitled, without
            derogating from that stipulated elsewhere in this contract, to delay
            the execution of any of the undertakings until after the Lessee
            fulfills its undertakings.

      26.3  The Lessee agrees that the Lessor's accounts, authorized by an
            auditor, will constitute a sufficient reference in writing, for the
            submission to the court, in a summary procedure.

      26.4  It is agreed and declared that the provisions of this Lease Contract
            are conditioning to the Hire and Loan Law 5731 - 1971, and that the
            provisions of Section A of the above Law will not apply to the lease
            in accordance with this contract.


      26.5  It is hereby explicitly agreed that, should a controversy arise
            between the parties, in the matter of the execution or non-execution
            of any of the undertakings of the parties in accordance with the
            contract and, in particular, its appendixes, with the exception of
            the matter of payment of the Rent and maintenance fees, and they
            cannot reach an agreement, the controversy will be brought for the
            decision of a professional, accredited arbitrator, who will be
            acceptable to both parties. The parties agree that any controversy
            and/or conflict with respect to this contract as stated, will be
            given over to the arbitration of a professional arbitrator, who will
            be agreed upon by the parties, and should there not be an agreement,
            by the Chairman of the Bar Association (hereinafter: the
            "Arbitrator"). As to the matter of a controversy and/or conflict,
            the substance of which is the payment of the Rent and maintenance
            fees, the Lessor may choose between an appeal to an arbitrator as
            stated, or a submission of a suit to the competent court in the City
            of Tel Aviv, and exclusively thereto. Any party who will commence
            arbitration proceedings will submit a written application to the
            Arbitrator and will forward a copy of the request to the other
            party. Should the Arbitrator agree to be appointed as the
            Arbitrator, the parties will operate in accordance with the
            Arbitrator's provisions, in all matters of submitting writs of
            appeal, and conducting of the arbitration process before him. The
            Arbitrator will have the authority to hand down any judgment and/or
            decision and/or any relief which he sees fit and he will be subject
            to the substantial law but not subject to laws of evidence and
            principles of civil procedures. The Arbitrator will explain his
            decision. The parties will bear the costs of the Arbitrator in
            accordance with the determination of the Arbitrator in his judgment.
            The judgment of the Arbitrator will be considered to be a judgment
            for all intents and purposes. This Section will be considered an
            arbitration agreement between the parties in accordance with the
            Arbitration Law.

      26.6  The addresses of the parties are as detailed next to their names in
            the preamble to the contract. Any notice that will be sent to either
            of the parties to the address appearing next to its name, will be
            considered to have been received by it 72 hours after its
            presentation to the Post Office as a lawfully stamped and registered


THE LESSOR: Intergama Properties (1961) Ltd.    THE LESSEE: Tecnomatix Ltd.
Through those empowered to sign on its behalf   Through those empowered to sign on its behalf

By:  Harel Beit-On                              By:  Tanhum Oren
Signature:  /s/ Harel Beit-On                   Signature:  /s/ Tanhum Oren

By:  Oren Steinberg                             By:  Yigal Berman
Signature:  /s/ Oren Steinberg                  Signature:  /s/ Yigal Berman


                                   APPENDIX A
                 ADDENDUM TO THE LEASE CONTRACT OF JUNE 1, 2003,


      2.1   The Leased Premises comprises a number of areas included in the
            definition of the "Leased Premises" as stated in the Addendum to
            this Contract.
            It is noted that the areas are not in proximity one to the other and
            reference thereto in this Contract is not uniform. Following are the
            details of the areas of the Leased Premises:

            2.1.1   Floor 1 (first floor) with an area of 1,124 sq. meters with
                    an additional 15% for the relative share in the public
                    property - a total of 1,293 sq. meters (hereinafter: the
                    "First Floor Area")

            2.1.2   Floor -1 (minus first floor) with an area of 1,100 sq.
                    meters with an additional 15% for the relative share in the
                    public property - a total of 1,265 sq. meters (hereinafter:
                    the "Minus First Floor Area").

            2.1.3   Entrance Floor, with an area of 129 sq. meters (hereinafter:
                    the "Entrance Floor Area").

            2.1.4   A store room with an area of 130 sq. meters (hereinafter:
                    the "Store Room").

            2.1.5   5 single parking bays and 3 double parking bays on Floor -3
                    (minus third floor) 16 single parking bays and 3 double
                    parking bays on Floor -2 (minus second floor) 2 parking bays
                    in the open upper parking lot (hereinafter together: the
                    "Parking Bays").

      2.2   THE BUILDING:

            The Lessor declares that the total office area (excluding the
            Parking Bay areas) in the Building, which is registered with the
            Herzliya Municipality for purposes of determining taxes and levies,
            is 5,830 sq. meters.

      2.3   THE LEASE PERIOD

            The Lease Period for the Leased Premises will commence on October 1,
            2002 and will end on September 30, 2007.



            The Lessee will pay the Lessor, for the portions of the Leased
            Premises, a monthly Rent, as follows:

                    ENTRANCE FLOOR AREA (a total of 2,687 sq. meters)

                    From October 1, 2002 until April 30, 2003 - $9.50 per sq. m.

                    From May 1, 2003 until April 30, 2005 - $7.50 per sq. m.

                    From May 1, 2005 until April 30, 2007 - $11.62 per sq. m.

                    From May 1, 2007 until September 30, 2007 - $9.50 per sq. m.

                    The Rent from May 1, 2003 until April 30, 2007 was
                    calculated based on the following formula:

                    $9.5 + $2.0(1 + R)(2) per sq meter, where R = 3.0%

                    Notwithstanding the above, starting from the date of
                    commencement of the renovation of the Leased Premises as
                    stated in Section 8, the Rent will increase for those
                    portions of the Leased Premises stipulated in this section
                    for each of the years of the Lease Period, at an amount
                    equal to the amount of the planned investment in that Lease
                    year, divided by the remainder of the Lease months,
                    multiplied by the area of the Leased Premises (with the
                    exception of the Store Room and the Parking Bays). The
                    parties will settle the account with respect to the Rent
                    once a year.

                    For Example:

                    a.   If, during the second year, an investment of $100,000
                         is planned within the framework of the renovation, the
                         Lessee will pay the Lessor, in addition to the Rent
                         stated above, an additional monthly Rent per sq. meter
                         for the remainder of the Rent, in accordance with the
                         following formula:

                                            $X = $100,000

                         48 Lease Months X the Area of the Leased Premises
                         (excluding the Store Room and the Parking Bays)

                         That is, the Lessee will pay the Lessor, per month, for
                         each sq. meter of the Leased Premises (excluding the
                         Store Room and the Parking Bays)

                                             $X + 7.5


                    b.   If, during the third year, an investment of $250,000 is
                         planned within the framework of the renovation, the
                         Lessee will pay the Lessor, in addition to the Rent
                         stated above, an additional monthly Rent per sq. meter
                         for the remainder of the Lease Period, in accordance
                         with the following formula:

                                              $Y = $100,000
                         36 Lease Months X the Area of the Leased Premises
                         (excluding the Store Room and the Parking Bays)

                         That is, the Lessee will pay the Lessor, per month, for
                         each sq. meter of the Leased Premises (excluding the
                         Store Room and the Parking Bays)

                         $X + $Y + $11.62

            2.4.2   THE STORE ROOM (130 Sq. meter) - $6.0 per sq. m.

            2.4.3   THE PARKING BAYS

                    Parking Bays on Floor -3 (minus third floor): NIS 232.40 per
                    single Parking Bay and NIS 348.60 per double Parking Bay.

                    Parking Bays on Floor -2 (minus second floor): NIS 371.80
                    per single Parking Bay and NIS 464.80 per double Parking

                    Parking Bays on the Upper Parking Lot: NIS 232.40 per
                    Parking Bay.

                    The above NIS amounts are linked to the Consumer Cost of
                    Living Index (including fruit and vegetables), which was
                    published in August 2002 (108.3), (hereinafter the "August
                    2002 Index").

                    Notwithstanding the above section, immediately after the
                    Lessor evacuates the portions of the Building occupied by
                    it, and additional parking bays will become available as per
                    section 5.3 below, the Lessee will pay the Lessor, for those
                    parking bays that will be rented de facto by the Lessee, a
                    monthly rent as follows:

                    Parking Bays on Floor -3 (minus third floor): $50 per single
                    Parking Bay and $75 per double Parking Bay.

                    Parking Bays on Floor -2 (minus second floor): $80 per
                    single Parking Bay and $100 per double Parking Bay.

                    Parking Bays on the Upper Parking Lot: $65 per Parking Bay.


            2.4.4   Rent with respect to the Leased Premises will be paid in
                    advance for each month of the Lease Period and not later
                    than the first day of the calendar month for which the Rent
                    is being paid, linked as defined in the Contract, with VAT
                    added as required by Law.

            2.4.5   Each of the Rent payments detailed above, quoted in $, will
                    be executed in NIS and will be calculated in accordance with
                    the representative exchange rate of the $ on the date of
                    issue of the tax invoice by the Lessor, which will occur
                    between the 15th and the 20th of each calendar month ("Date
                    of Issue of Tax Invoice"). In this matter, the following
                    expressions will have the interpretation listed alongside

                    "Dollar" - US Dollar

                    "Representative exchange rate" - In the event of the payment
                    being made before 11:00, the representative exchange rate of
                    the Dollar which will be published by the Central Bank of
                    Israel at the close of business on the day preceding the
                    Date of Issue of the Tax Invoice.

                    In the event of the Central Bank of Israel ceasing to
                    publish a representative exchange rate as stated, the
                    average between the buying and selling rates (for transfers
                    and checks) of the Dollar at Israel Leumi Bank Ltd.

                    Should it not being possible to determine the exchange rate
                    as stated, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Israel
                    Leumi Bank Ltd. will determine the applicable exchange rate.


            Maintaining the offices of the Lessee and running of an R&D
            business, including laboratories. To remove any doubt, it is
            expressly agreed and declared that the Leased Premises will not be
            used for any other activity which is not office related, with the
            exception of the Store Room, wherein, subject to any Law and to the
            obtaining of permits in advance, the Lessee is authorized to run a
            mechanical workshop, warehouses and laboratories, in accordance with
            the needs of the Lessee.


                    WILL BE ADDED: With respect to the above area of the Leased
                    Premises, the Lessee will bear an amount equal to the area
                    of the Leased Premises (with the exception of the Store Room
                    and Parking Bays) (a total of 2,687 sq. m) divided by the
                    area of the Building (5,830 sq. m) and all out of the total
                    payments applicable to the entire building with respect to
                    the consumption of water, municipal rates, taxes and/or any
                    other levy applicable to a "Holder of an Asset". Should the
                    Lessee bear the payments as stated above, it will be
                    considered to have complied with its undertakings as
                    provided under Section 8.1.1.of the Contract.


                    WILL BE ADDED: In order to remove any doubt, the payment for
                    the use of electricity in the Leased Premises, non-standard
                    electricity (excluding public electricity) and the use of
                    telephone lines, will be made by the Lessee directly to the
                    Electric Company and to the Bezeq company or to the Lessor,
                    in accordance with the meter readings and/or the Lessor's
                    calculations, as the cae may be. Non-standard electricity
                    will be defined as electricity consumed by the Lessee with
                    respect to the use of air conditioning on Sunday to Thursday
                    prior to 07:30 and after 19:30 and on Friday and Saturday
                    throughout the day and night, as well as the actual use of
                    electricity by the Lessee in the bomb shelter of the
                    Building. The formula for the debiting of non-standard
                    electricity will be checked and agreed upon by the parties
                    from time to time.

                    WILL BE ADDED: Monthly maintenance fees will be a total of
                    NIS 16.06 for each sq. meter of the Leased Premises (with
                    the exception of the Store Room and Parking Bays), excluding
                    VAT, linked to the August 2002 Index. In order to remove any
                    doubt, it is clarified that the above maintenance fees do
                    not include maintenance fees for non-standard electricity
                    and additional services that will be requested by the Lessee
                    from time to time.


      The Lessee will be entitled to install an illuminated sign, adapted to the
      needs of the Lessee, of a size authorized by the Building's architect in
      place of the existing sign at the front of the Building. In addition, the
      Lessee will be entitled to install a second sign on the western side of
      the Building. Upon evacuation of the Building by the Lessor, as stated in
      section 5.3 above, the Lessor will remove the "Kodak" sign affixed to the
      eastern side of the Building, and the Lessee will be entitled to install a
      third sign on the eastern side of the Building, immediately upon the
      removal of the sign as stated above, but not later than December 31, 2003.
      The two additional signs on the western and eastern sides of the Building
      will be illuminated signs of the size of the Lessor's existing sign on the
      eastern side of the Building. The signs that will be installed will be
      properly maintained by the Lessee, under its responsibility and at its
      expense, including obtaining of all the permits and payment of any and all
      payments to the Municipality, if any.


      5.1   OPTIONS

            It is hereby agreed that the Lessee will be given the option to rent
            an additional area on the Entrance Floor of the Building, occupied
            at the time of the signature on this Contract by the Lessor and
            which was rented in the past to the Lessee - (hereinafter: "Area A")
            for a period of one year commencing January 1, 2004 until December
            31, 2004 (hereinafter : the "Option Period "). The Lessor estimates
            that the area of Area A is 250 sq. m. The Lessee will inform the
            Lessor in writing of its intention to execise the option with
            respect to Area A at any time during the Option Period, provided
            that the Lessor will be entitled to hand over the Area A to the
            Lessee no later than 60 days from the date of receipt of the
            notification of the exercising of the Option by the Lessee.


            In the event of the Lessee exercising the Option with respect to
            Area A: (1) The area of Area A will be determined finally in
            accordance with a measurement to be agreed upon by both parties, and
            to which 15% will be added with respect to the relative share in the
            common property and (2) the Lessee will pay the Lessor basic rent,
            per sq. m. per month, as stated in section 2.4.1 above, with the
            addition of an allocation for renovation, in accordance with the
            following formula:

      2007 60 months

            Commencing with the end of the Option period and up to the end of
            the Lease Period, the Lessee will have the first right of refusal
            for the lease of Area A, and the instructions of Section 5.2 will
            apply to Area A, with the necessary changes.


            It is hereby agreed that the Lessee has the first right of refusal
            for the lease of an area on the Entrance Floor of the Leased
            Building at the time of the signing on this Contract to Isael up to
            October 14, 2004 (hereinafter: "Area B"). It is hereby clarified
            that the first right of refusal will be in effect commencing upon
            completion of the end of the lease period with Isael over Area B, or
            at the time of the evacuation of Area B by Isael, the earlier of the
            two. The Lessor estimates the area of Area B to be approximately 307
            sq. m. For the purpose of exercising of the above right of refusal,
            the Lessor will inform the Lessee in writing prior to its leasing
            out of Area B, that it intends to lease it out in future, together
            with the details of the intended lessee, the period of the lease,
            including commencement and termination dates, the rent, the
            provision of options and/or first right of refusal (hereinafter; the
            "Lessor's Offer"). Within 30 days of the date of receipt of the
            Lessor's Offer, the Lessee will have the right to inform the Lessor
            that it will rent Area B for the lease period stipulated in the
            Lessor's Offer (hereinafter: "Announcement of Receipt"). Should the
            Lessee not inform the Lessor of an Announcement of Receipt in
            writing during the above stated period, the Lessor will be entitled
            to enter into a lease agreement with the party stipulated in the
            Lessor's Offer with respect to Area B and under its conditions, by
            no later than 90 days from the date upon which the Lessee has had
            the right to deliver the Announcement of Receipt. Should the Lessor
            fail to enter into an agreement as stated within the above 90 days,
            or should the intended terms of lease be substantially different
            from that detailed in the Lessor's Offer, then the Lessor will not
            be entitled to lease Area B prior to offering it anew to the Lessee,
            in accordance with the provisions of this Section. In the matter of
            this sub-section, a substantial change will be considered to be a
            change of over 5% in the rent paid for it and/or during the lease
            period, which is the object of the Offer. The parties agree that in
            the event of the Lessee exercising the First Right of Refusal as
            stated in this section, the area of Area B will be determined in
            accordance with a measurement to be agreed upon by both parties, and
            to which 15% will be added with respect to the relative share in the
            common property



            The Lessor declares that during 2003, it will evacuate areas in the
            Building that it presently occupies. As a result of the above stated
            evacuation and of the renewed allocation of the areas that will be
            evacuated by the Lessor in basement -2 (minus 2), parking bays will
            be added to the Building (hereinafter: "New Parking Bays"). The
            Lessor will offer the Lessee to lease additional parking bays out of
            the New Parking Bays, in a number equal to the ratio between the
            Leased Premises (with the exception of the Store Room and the
            Parking Bays), with the addition of Area A, for which the Lessee
            will exercise the Option as stated in Section 5.1 above (if it does)
            and/or Area B for which the Lessee will exercise the First Right of
            Refusal as stated in Section 5.2 above (if it does), divided by the
            area of the Building. It is hereby clarified that the Lessee will
            not be obligated to rent any of the New Parking Bays offered to it
            as stated above.

            The Lessee will pay the Lessor, for each of the New Parking Bays
            that will be actually leased by it, a monthly rent as per the $
            amounts stated in Section 2.4.3 above.


      The appropriate usage fees as stated in section 19.2 of the Contract, will
      be a total of NIS 5.50 per day for each sq. m. of the Leased Premises.
      This amount will be linked to the Consumer Cost of Living Index (including
      fruit and vegetables), which was published for June 2002 (108).

      In order to remove any doubt, it is clarified that even if Lessee
      evacuates portions of the Leased Premises, the Lessee will be obliged to
      pay Appropriate Usage Fees for the area of the Leased Premises.


      7.1   The Lessor reserves the right to demand, at any time, as a result of
            the a significant deterioration in the financial situation of
            Tecnomatix Ltd., the parent company of the Lessee (hereinafter: the
            "Parent Company "), that the Lessee provide the Lessor with a
            guarantee by the Parent Company for the fulfillment of all the
            undertakings of the Lessee, in accordance with the Lease Contract.
            With respect to this Section, " significant deterioration " means a
            reduction of the Parent Company's equity to under fifteen million US
            dollars, in accordance with the audited financial statements.


      7.2   Should the Lessee fail to present a guarantee by the Parent Company
            as stated above, within 30 days from the date of the Lessor's
            demand, then the Lessee will have to provide, as an alternative to
            said guarantee, an autonomous bank guarantee of 6 months rent after
            30 days from the date it was required to do so by the Lessor.

      7.3   Failure to comply with the Lessee's undertakings as above will
            constitute a fundamental breach of contract.

      7.4   The guarantee will be used to guarantee any amount owing, by the
            Lessee, to the Lessor or to a third party, in accordance with this

      7.5   The guarantee will be returned to the Lessee when it becomes clear
            that it owes nothing to the Lessor.


      The Lessee expressed its desire to renovate the Leased Premises
      (hereinafter: "The Renovation"). The Lessor agreed to the Renovation in
      accordance with the parties' joint plan and under the Lessor's
      supervision, provided that the Lessor has approved the plan, from the
      engineering point of view. The Renovation will include all the work
      detailed and defined as a part of the renovation budget in Appendix A to
      the Addendum.

      For the purpose of the Renovation, an amount has been allocated, which is
      equal to the area of the Leased Premises (with the exception of the Store
      Room and Parking Bays), which is multiplied by the 60 lease months and by
      $2.5 per sq. m. (hereinafter: the "Renovation Budget ").

      (For purposes of the example: 2,687 sq. m. X 60 X $2.50 = $403,050)

      The Lessee and the Lessor will act jointly and in good faith in order to
      not deviate from the Renovation Budget as stated above. Should such a
      deviation however occur the Lessee alone will bear the cost of the

      It is hereby expressly clarified that the amounts stipulated in this
      Section above will be credited to the Lessee for the execution of the
      Renovation of the Leased Premises without limits, including costs of
      various consultants required to for the purpose of carrying out the
      Renovation in accordance with the Lessee's choice, but will not include
      movable objects or open space partitions.



      In addition to the Renovation stated in Section 8 above, the Lessee will
      carry out, at its expense, the improvements to the Leased Premises
      stipulated in Appendix 1 to the Addendum. The cost of improvements to the
      Leased Premises will not be included in the Renovation Budget stated in
      Section 8 above. It is hereby clarified that the Lessor's undertaking, as
      stated above, constitutes a substantial condition for the entering of the
      Lessee into this Contract. The provisions of this paragraph constitute a
      fundamental condition of the Contract, and their violation will constitute
      a fundamental breach of contract.


      The hours of operation of the air conditioning system in the Leased
      Premises will be from Sunday to Thursday between 07:30 and 19:30.
      Notwithstanding provisions of the Contract and the appendixes thereof, any
      defect and/or malfunction in the air conditioning system that will be
      notified to the Lessor by the Lessee, will be repaired by the Lessor as
      soon as possible and at the latter's expense.

In witness thereof the parties hereby affix their signatures:

 /s/ INTERGAMA PROPERTIES (1961)                   /s/ TECNOMATIX LTD
- -----------------------------------         ------------------------------------
    INTERGAMA PROPERTIES (1961)                       TECNOMATIX LTD.



                       EXHIBIT 1 TO ADDENDUM (APPENDIX A)

a.    Following are the details of the improvements to the infrastructure of the
      Delta Building that will be carried out as part of the renewal of the
      Lease between the Lessor and the Lessee:

1.    UPGRADING OF THE ELECTRICITY SYSTEM - all the upgrades required in
      accordance with the report of Electric Company Engineers, will be carried
      out immediately. All the work related to the main electric boards will be
      carried out by the Lessor at its expense, and will be considered to be
      improvements to the Leased Premises for the purposes of Section 9 of the
      Addendum. The balance of the work related to the internal electric boxes
      will be carried out by the Lessor at its expense, and will be executed by
      a sub-contractor to be selected by the Lessor, with this cost being part
      of the renovation budget stated in Section 8 of the Addendum.

2.    REST ROOMS - The rest rooms on the 1st floor will be renovated and the
      Lessee will contribute a total of $6,000, but with no more than two thirds
      of the cost of the renovations of the rest rooms on this floor. The
      contribution of the Lessor to the cost of the renovation as stated above
      will be considered to be improvements to the Leased Premises for the
      purposes of Section 9 of the Addendum. In addition, the rest rooms on the
      (-1 st ) floor will be renovated by the Lessee at the Lessor's expense,
      with this cost being part of the renovation budget stated in Section 8 of
      the Addendum

3.    SAFETY SYSTEMS - A safety system, as required by the Authorities and in
      accordance with the latest regulations, will be installed by the Lessor at
      its expense. It is hereby clarified that the cost of materials and the
      safety accessories of the safety system will be considered to be part of
      the renovation budget stated in Section 8 of the Addendum, and the cost of
      labor and installation of the safety system will be considered to be
      improvements to the Leased Premises for the purposes of Section 9 of the
      Addendum. In order to remove all doubt, it is hereby clarified that the
      Lessor will update the above safety system, from time to time, in
      accordance with the requirements of the Authorities. In the event of the
      Lessee deciding to carry out, during the Lease Period, additional
      alterations to the safety equipment, these alterations will be made at its
      expense, with this cost being part of the renovation budget stated in
      Section 8 of the Addendum.

4.    GENERATOR - The Lessor will connect the Lessee's server room to the backup
      generator immediately upon the evacuation of the Delta laboratory by the
      Lessor. The connection as stipulated above by the Lessor will be
      considered to be improvements to the Leased Premises for the purposes of
      Section 9 of the Addendum.


5.    AIR CONDITIONING - The Lessor will carry out an inspection of the air
      conditioning and air circulation on the ( -1 st ) floor, through the
      Lessor's air conditioning consultant. The Lessee will carry out the
      renovations of the air conditioning system, if necessary, at the Lessor's
      expense, with this cost being part of the renovation budget stated in
      Section 8 of the Addendum.

6.    All renovations or other work that the Lessee will request to carry out as
      part of the renovation and within the framework of the renovation budget,
      will be presented, by the Lessee, to a committee made up of the
      representatives of both the Lessee and the Lessor, for the purpose of
      their approval.

7.    The calculation mechanism between the parties with respect to the costs of
      the renovation work, that are included within the framework of the
      renovation budget stated in Section 8 of the Addendum, as stated above,
      will be as follows:

      The Lessee will place orders for the renovation and the labor
      independently with renovation contractors and will pay them directly. The
      Lessee will invoice the Lessor for payment once a month, and the Lessor
      undertakes to pay the Lessee the amount of the above invoice within 30
      days of the date of receipt of the invoice.


                                   APPENDIX B

Draft Sketch of the Leased Premises


                                                          Date: ________________

                                   APPENDIX C



Intergama Properties (1961) Ltd.
(Hereinafter: the "Company ")

Dear Sir / Madam,

                  (HEREINAFTER - THE "LESSEE") ON JUNE 1, 2003

We are pleased to hereby confirm that our company has issued insurance policies
in the name of the Lessee for the period January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003.
We confirm that the cover provided by the policies subject to that stated below,
does not detract from the cover provided by the policy version known as Bit
2002, or a later version that replaces the conditions of Bit 2002.

      and/or inventory and/or other property, owned and/or under the
      responsibility of the Lessee, used for the Lessee's business, even if
      located outside of the Leased Premises itself, at its full value based on
      "establishment value" as well as any alteration or addition to the Leased
      Premises which has been carried out and/or will be carried out by the
      Lessee and/or on its behalf (with the exception of additions and
      improvements carried out through the Lessor), against loss or damage as a
      result of "Extended Fire" risks including fire, smoke, lightning,
      explosion, earth quake, storm and hail, flood, water damage and pipe
      bursts, damage caused by vehicles or an aircraft, strikes, riots,
      malicious damage, broken glass as well as damage resulting from burglary.
      The insurance includes an express condition by which the Lessee waives any
      right of subrogation to the Lessor, and to the other lessees and/or
      tenants in the Building in which the Leased Premises is located, in whose
      insurance policies a parallel section is included with respect to the
      matter of the waiver of right of subrogation to the Lessee and all
      representatives of those detailed above, insofar as that the above stated,
      with respect to the waiver of right of subrogation, will not apply to
      anyone causing malicious damage.


2.    EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY INSURANCE, to cover the liability of the Lessee with
      respect to all its employees, at the limit of liability, which will not be
      less than $5,000,000 (five million US dollars) per employee, per event,
      and in total for the period of the insurance. This insurance does not
      include any limit with respect to work at heights and at depths, days
      and/or hours of work, use of hoists and/or lifting equipment, bait and
      poisons as well as the matter of employment of youth or any other
      limitation with respect to the characteristics and/or type and/or
      conditions of the work. The stated insurance is extended to cover the
      Lessee in the event that it is claimed that the Lessee carries employer
      liability towards the Lessor's employees and/or any of them, in the matter
      of an occurrence of any work accident

3.    THIRD PARTY LIABILITY INSURANCE, according to the Law, whereby the limits
      of liability will not be less than $2,500,000 (two and a half million US
      dollars) per event and in total for the period of the insurance, with
      respect to events resulting directly and/or indirectly from the Lessee's
      activities and/or those acting on its behalf and all its representatives.
      The insurance under this policy does not include any limitation with
      respect to liability resulting from fire, explosion, panic, lifting,
      loading and offloading machinery, damaged sanitary fixtures, poisoning,
      any damaging matter in food or drink, strike or stoppage as well as claims
      on the part of the Institute of National Insurance. The insurance is
      extended to cover the Lessor as an additional insured with respect to
      liability for the actions and/or omissions of the Lessee, under the
      section of "cross liability", according to which the insurance will be
      considered to have been taken out severally for each of the insured's
      individuals. The cover in this policy includes all the Lessor's liability
      to the Lessee's workers and/or hired personnel, which are not covered by
      the Employers' Liability Insurance (Section 2 above) as well as
      subrogation claims laid against the Lessor by the Institute of National

4.    CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE INSURANCE, as a result of insured risks in accordance
      with Section (1) above, including those resulting from damage to the
      Building for the period of indemnification, which is not less than 12
      months. The above insurance includes an express condition by which the
      Lessee waives any right of subrogation to the Lessor, and to other lessees
      of the Lessor (in whose insurance policies a parallel section is included
      with respect to the matter of the waiver of right of subrogation to the
      Lessee) and all representatives of those detailed above, insofar as that
      the above stated, with respect to the waiver of right of subrogation, will
      not apply to anyone causing malicious damage

5.    SUBCONTRACTING WORK INSURANCE, insurance of work which the Lessee intends
      to carry out in the Leased Premises, including construction and/or
      erection and/or repair and/or renovation and/or improvements and/or
      alterations and/or work that will be carried out in the Leased Premises,
      to their full value to the Lessee, under subcontracting work insurance.
      The date of commencement of the insurance will be prior to the
      commencement of the execution of any work in the Leased Premises or on the
      date of the offloading of any equipment or materials or property related
      to the execution of the work in the Leased Premises - the earlier of the
      two, and will expire after the completion of the work and the evacuation
      of all building materials and tools and equipment from the Leased Premises
      - the later of the two.


      The work insurance is in the name of the Lessee and/or its representative
      contractors and/or subcontractors and/or the Lessor. The insurance
      incorporates cover of adjacent property and/or properties being worked
      upon at a limit of indemnification which will not be less than $1,000,000
      (one million US dollars), removal of rubble at a limit of indemnification
      which will not be less than $250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand US
      dollars), third party liability at a limit of liability which will not be
      less than $1,000,000 and employers' liability.

      The policies will incorporate an express condition whereby they precede
      any insurance which has been made by the Lessor and we waive any claim
      and/or demand with respect to co-insurance of Lessor's insurance policies.

      In addition, we undertake that the cover in accordance with the above
      policies will not be reduced and not cancelled during the period of the
      insurance, unless a written notification will be delivered to the Lessor
      by registered post at least 30 days in advance.

      (Insurer's Signature)

      (Insurer's Stamp)

      (Insurer's Signature)

      (Insurer's Stamp)

      (Insurer's Signature)
