

                                                                  April 30, 2008


www.tase.co.il                              www.isa.gov.il


Subject of the Event: Resolution of Ministerial Committee for Privatization

1.   The Ministerial Committee for Privatization Matters arrived at a resolution
     on April 29, 2008, regarding the privatization of the Bank. The text of the
     resolution and also the text of a Letter of Principles dated March 18, 2008
     mentioned in the resolution (including the Letter of Consents, which is an
     annex to the Letter of Principles) is attached hereto (as reported to the
     Bank, the Letter of Principles and the Letter of Consents were signed by
     the parties to the Letters, except the three banks, who did not sign on the
     Letter of Principles. The law firm of Efrati Galili signed both documents
     in the name of Excellence Formerly Mizrachi Funds Ltd., Prisma Investments
     Ltd., Harel Insurance Company Ltd., Menora Insurance Compamy Ltd., Clal
     Insurance Company Ltd. Isal Ltd. and Helman Aldubi Ltd., which are
     management companies that hold a portion of the C and CC shares of the Bank
     in trust for members of provident funds, and Mr. Nissim Cohen signed the
     Letter of Principles in the name of approximately 30% of the Preferred
     Ordinary shares of the Bank.

2.   The date and time when the Company was first made aware of the event or

     April 29, 2008 at 2:00 P.M.

                                                                  April 29, 2008

                                RESOLUTION OF THE
                         REGARDING THE PRIVATIZATION OF


Further to Government Resolution No. 2492 from September 1, 2002 and Government
Resolution No. 741 from August 21, 2003 and Government Resolution No. 4324 from
October 26, 2005:

     1.   The shares of the State of Israel in the Industrial Development Bank
          Ltd. ("the Bank") shall be sold, as a single unit, by way of a private
          sale, to an investor or a group of investors from Israel and/or abroad
          ("the Purchaser") and this as part of a comprehensive sale blueprint
          for the transfer of all of the shares of the Bank, including those
          held by the public, to the Purchaser, as set forth below ("the Sale").

     2.   Governmental entities, including governmental companies, governmental
          subsidiaries and "mixed" companies, shall not be permitted to
          participate in the sale process, directly or indirectly, alone or
          jointly with others.

     3.   Until the completion of the sale, the Bank shall continue to collect
          its credit portfolio.


          a.   Based upon a letter of principles signed between shareholders of
               the bank on March 18, 2008, the Bank shall submit a motion to
               approve an arrangement, pursuant to Paragraph 350 of the
               Companies Law-1999 ("the Companies Law", "Arrangement pursuant to
               Paragraph 350"). Pursuant to the arrangement, among other things,
               the Purchaser shall purchase all of the Preferred C shares,
               Preferred CC shares, Preferred CC1 shares ("Group C shares") and
               Ordinary Preferred shares of the Bank, traded on the Tel Aviv
               Stock Exchange Ltd. ("the Stock Exchange") and these shares shall
               be removed from trading on the Stock Exchange. In addition, the
               Purchaser shall purchase, within the framework of the Arrangement
               pursuant to Paragraph 350, all of the Ordinary A shares and all
               of the various shares held by the State of Israel.

          b.   According to the Arrangement pursuant to Paragraph 350, the Bank
               shall redeem, pursuant to the terms in their offering prospectus,
               the D and DD shares of the Bank, not held by the State of Israel.

          c.   As a condition for the approval and execution of the arrangement
               between the shareholders, the shareholders of the Bank, of all
               the classes, in their capacity as shareholders, shall waive their
               claims against the Bank, the officers of the Bank, the employees
               of the Bank, the controlling shareholders of the Bank and the
               interested parties of the Bank, as these terms are defined in the
               Companies Law. In addition, the Bank and Group C shareholders
               shall waive all claims against the State of Israel concerning the
               perpetual deposit and the return of the deposit to the Bank.

          d.   The Bank shall pay, at the time of the execution of the
               Arrangement pursuant to Paragraph 350, or until December 31,
               2008, or at a later date approved by the Bank of Israel for the
               extension of the line of credit, the full amount of the special
               line of credit made available to the Bank by the Bank of Israel
               in the year 2002.

               The Bank shall not pay any amount from the perpetual deposit to
               any third party, prior to the full payment of the special line of
               credit to the Bank of Israel. Pursuant to the aforesaid, the Bank
               shall act in coordination with the Accountant General and the
               Governmental Companies Authority, to defer the payment of the
               special line of credit made available by the Bank of Israel, and
               also to extend the guarantees of the Bank and of the State of
               Israel given to the Bank of Israel to insure the return of the

     5.   To authorize the Accountant General to carry out the following acts in
          order to facilitate the execution of this resolution:

          a.   To return to the Bank, until July 31, 2008, or until the date of
               the approval by the court of the Arrangement pursuant to
               Paragraph 350, whichever is later, the perpetual deposit
               deposited by the Bank with the Accountant General, including
               linkage differentials pursuant to the agreements between the
               State and the Bank concerning the perpetual deposit ("the
               Agreements"). The Accountant General, in coordination with the
               Governmental Companies Authority ("the Authority") and the Bank,
               may decide that the proportionate amount of the perpetual deposit
               from the consideration paid for the D and DD shares held by the
               public shall be returned to the Bank at the time of the return of
               the perpetual deposit as aforementioned, or at another time, at
               the latest, proximate to the date of the execution of the Sale or
               the liquidation of the Bank. As a condition for the return of the
               perpetual deposit, it shall be insured, to the satisfaction of
               the Accountant General, that the deposit monies shall be used by
               the Bank, as first priority, to pay the balance of the special
               line of credit made available to the bank by the Bank of Israel.

          b.   To pay to the Bank, for the purpose of redeeming Preferred D
               shares and Preferred DD shares not held by the State:

               1.   Interest on the perpetual deposit equal to the amount of the
                    accumulated dividend not paid to the shareholders of
                    Preferred D shares and Preferred DD shares, except the State
                    of Israel, from July 1, 2002 and until the date of the
                    redemption of the shares.

               2.   A premium in the amount of 5.625% of the par value of the D
                    shares not held by the State.

               3.   The interest and premium shall be paid to the Bank in a
                    grossed-up manner as set forth in the Agreements such that
                    the net amounts that shall remain with the Bank shall be
                    equal to the amounts it must pay to the shareholders.

          c.   To act so that the Bank shall transfer the unpaid balance of the
               loan granted to the Israel Electric Company to the benefit of the
               Accountant General or to another banking entity to be determined
               by the Accountant General.

          d.   To act to conclude, to the extent possible, the commercial
               relationship between the Bank and the State, and including loans
               that the Bank granted with State liability and guarantee, an
               accounting regarding expenses for capital notes and shares and
               any other matter in the discretion of the Accountant General. The
               aforesaid in this sub-paragraph shall not apply to deposits of
               the State pertaining to loans not guaranteed by the State.

     6.   To authorize the Accountant General, together with the Authority, to
          reach an agreement with the shareholders of the Bank, of all classes,
          regarding the distribution of the consideration from the sale,
          including taking into consideration the economic report of the expert
          chosen (Prof. Amir Barnea), and to consolidate them in the arrangement
          that the Bank shall submit pursuant to Paragraph 350.

     7.   To authorize the Authority to carry out in its discretion all the
          necessary acts in order to execute this resolution, and including:

          a.   To prepare and/or to submit every document and/or information or
               plan necessary in order to execute this resolution, including all
               information concerning the activities, assets, rights and
               obligations of the Bank.

          b.   To receive all the authorizations, approvals and arrangements
               necessary in order to execute this resolution, including from the
               Bank of Israel.

          c.   An application to court regarding any manner necessary in order
               to execute the arrangement.

          d.   To conduct and execute the sale process, in all its aspects
               including issuing instructions to the Bank pursuant to the power
               granted to the Authority pursuant to the Government Companies

          e.   To do any other act necessary to execute this resolution.

     8.   The employees of the Bank shall be paid a privatization remuneration
          pursuant to the rules of the Authority. The remuneration shall be
          given immediately after the Sale and subject to its execution.

     9.   This resolution also forms a governmental approval to all stated
          therein, as necessary pursuant to the law.

                                                                  March 18, 2008

                              LETTER OF PRINCIPLES

Following the proposed blueprint for the process of the sale of the shares of
the Industrial Development Bank of Israel Ltd. ("the Bank") ("Sale Blueprint")
(attached as Annex "A") the undersigned parties, holders of shares of various
classes of the Bank ,hereby declare that they consent to the implementation of
the Sale Blueprint and are willing to co-operate in its execution and the
transfer of the Bank shares to an entity to be selected by the representatives
of the State ( the Purchaser"), pursuant to the Sale Blueprint and the following
principles ( the Sale Blueprint and the following principles are complementary.
However in the case of contradiction between the Sale Blueprint and the
following principles, the hereinafter stated shall prevail).

     1.   The parties undertake to support all the processes necessary for the
          execution of the Sale Blueprint and to take all actions required for
          that purpose. Likewise the parties undertake to participate at the
          ordinary and extraordinary meetings and class meetings of the Bank and
          to vote by virtue of the Bank shares held by them in favor of the
          execution of the Sale Blueprint whether by themselves and whether by
          means of their agents.

     2.   The consideration which will be paid by the Purchaser shall be
          distributed between the State and the shareholders of the Bank of the
          various classes in accordance with the formulas for the distribution
          of the consideration according to the share class, as detailed in
          annex "f" to the report prepared by Prof. Amir Barnea ( "the
          Expert")(attached as annex "B").

     3.   The parties confirm it being known to them that this document is
          subject to receipt of the approvals under the Law, including the
          decision of the Ministerial Committee for Privatization Matters,
          approval of the privatization procedure by the Finance Committee of
          the Knesset and approval by the court for the arrangement pursuant to
          Section 350 of the Companies Law-1999, which will be submitted to the
          court by the Bank ("the Arrangement").

     4.   The shareholders of the Bank will bear the payment of the fees of the
          expert, each one proportionately to his share of the consideration to
          be paid by the purchaser as determined by the expert. The State will
          provide interim financing of the fees and the bearing of the
          proportionate share shall also be submitted to the Court for approval
          as part of the final arrangement. Payment of the expert's fees shall
          be deducted from the consideration to be received under the Sale
          Blueprint, taking into consideration the interim financing borne by
          the State.

     5.   A condition to the coming into effect of this Letter of Principles is
          the approval by the general meeting of the Bank of the Letter of
          Indemnity and the Letter of Exemption of the officers of the Bank.

          The Letter of Indemnity and the Letter of Exemption shall come Into
          effect upon the submission of the arrangement to the court pursuant to
          Section 350 of the Companies Law.

     6.   Subject to the fulfillment of all that stated in this document and its
          annexes, which form an integral part hereof, the parties undertake not
          to raise any contention or claim against a party to this document, or
          anyone on his behalf, in respect of the execution of the Sale
          Blueprint or its cessation, and provided that each party acted in good
          faith in the execution of his undertakings pursuant to this document.

Signatures of the Parties:

- ---------------          --------------------------------       ---------------
State of Israel          Office of Advocate Efrati Galili       Mr.Nissim Cohen
                         on behalf of the shareholders of       on behalf of the
                         class C, CC of the Bank, detailed      Shareholders of
                         in annex "C" attached.                 the Ordinary
                                                                Preferred shares
                                                                as detailed in
                                                                annex "C"

- ------------------       ---------------                      ------------------
Bank Hapoalim Ltd.       Bank Leumi Ltd.                      Bank Discount Ltd.

                                                                       ANNEX "A"


Following the Letter of Principles dated March 18, 2008 ("Letter of Principles")
between the shareholders of the Industrial Development Bank of Israel Ltd. (
"the Bank") , the parties reached the following consents ( the Letter of
Principles and the Letter of Consents with the C' shares, are complementary).

     1.   In the event that the sale to the Purchaser shall be finalized
          pursuant to the proposed Sale Blueprint attached as annex "A" to the
          Letter of Principles until December 31, 2009, then:

          a.   Within the framework of the arrangement it shall be set forth
               that if the total consideration which shall be received from the
               Purchaser is less than NIS 400 million, then the consent of the
               State representatives to the finalization of the sale shall also
               be subject to approval at the joint meeting of shareholders of
               class C', CC' and CC'1 in a majority determined in Section 350 of
               the Companies Law.

          b.   Within the framework of the arrangement it shall be set forth
               that, subject to the actual payment of all the amounts due to
               them in accordance with the Letter of Principles and this Letter
               of Consents, the holders of Preferred shares C', CC' and CC'1
               shall waive their claims and contentions, as shareholders of the
               Bank, against the Bank, its Officers ,employees and interested
               parties therein and against the State, including in relation to
               payment of a dividend in respect of the period commencing July 1,
               2002 and terminating on the date of the finalization of the sale,
               or in connection with the perpetual deposit or its return to the

     2.   The arrangement shall set forth that if for whatsoever reason the sale
          has not been finalized pursuant to the Sale Blueprint until December
          31, 2009 or a liquidation order was granted against the Bank or the
          general meeting decided on a voluntary liquidation of the Bank (each
          one of these: "Liquidation of the Bank") prior to this date:

          a.   The State shall pay the Bank 50% of the interest at the rate of
               6% annually accumulating on the perpetual deposit in connection
               with the Preferred shares C',CC' and CC'1 for the period
               commencing July 1, 2002 until July 31, 2008. This amount shall be
               paid on the date of liquidation of the Bank or on December 31,
               2009, whichever shall be the earlier ("Date of Payment").

               This amount shall bear linkage differentials and interest
               according to the Interest and Linkage Settlement Law-1961
               commencing July 31, 2008 and until the date of payment, which
               shall be paid by the State on the date of payment. The payment by
               the State shall be grossed-up pursuant to the agreements
               regarding the perpetual deposit.

          b.   The Bank shall pay the holders of the Preferred shares C',CC' and
               CC1' on the date of payment a dividend at the rate of 50% of the
               Preferred accumulating dividend at the rate of 6% annually which
               accumulated on their shares for the period from 1.7.02 until
               31/7/08 together with linkage differentials and interest
               according to the Interest and Linkage Settlement Law-1961,
               commencing from July 31, 2008 and until the date of payment.

          c.   The State waives its claims and contentions against the Bank
               and/or the liquidator of the Bank in relation to the payment of
               50% of the dividend to the State as holder of Preferred shares D
               and DD, for the period commencing July 1, 2002 and terminating on
               July 31, 2008.

          d.   Subject to the payment of all the amounts due to them pursuant to
               sub-paragraph b. above, the holders of Preferred shares C', CC'
               and CC1' shall have no claim against the Bank, the interested
               parties, the Officers or the employees of the Bank, in relation
               to the non- distribution of a dividend for the period from July1,
               2002 until the date of payment. To avoid any doubt, nothing in
               the above-stated shall derogate from the rights of the said
               shareholders to accumulate preferred dividend in respect of their
               shares according to the Articles of the Bank including in
               relation to the said period.

     3.   The arrangement shall determine that in any event, whether the sale to
          the purchaser has been finalized in accordance with the proposed Sale
          Blueprint, attached as annex "A" to the Letter of Principles, until
          December 31, 2009 and whether for whatever reason the sale pursuant to
          the Sale Blueprint has not been finalized until December 31, 2009 or a
          liquidation order shall be granted against the Bank or the general
          meeting decided on a voluntary liquidation of the Bank prior to this
          date, the hereinafter stated shall apply:

          a.   The parties shall not object to the return to the Bank on July
               31,.2008 or on the date of approval of the arrangement to be
               submitted by the Bank to the court, whichever is the later of
               them, of the perpetual deposit deposited with the Ministry of
               Finance. The return of the said perpetual deposit shall serve the
               Bank, first and foremost, for purposes of the full payment of the
               special line of credit made available to the Bank by the Bank of

          b.   Subject to the payment of all the amounts due to them in
               accordance with the Letter of Principles and this Letter of
               Consents, as the case may be, the holders of Preferred shares
               C',CC' and CC1' shall waive their demands and contentions against
               the State in relation to the payment of dividend for any period
               whatever, in the past and in the future, or in connection with
               the perpetual deposit or its return to the Bank.

          c.   Subject to the approval of the arrangement and its execution, the
               Bank shall waive its demand and claims against the State in
               connection with the payment of interest on the perpetual deposit
               to the holders of the Preferred shares C',CC' and CC1' or the
               return of the perpetual deposit pursuant to this agreement.

          d.   The aforesaid consents shall be included in the motion for
               approval of the arrangement plan , pursuant to Section 350 of the
               Companies Law 1999, which shall be submitted by the Bank for
               approval by the court, and which shall become effective upon
               receipt of the approval by the court of the arrangement plan.

          e.   If for whatever reason the approval of the court for the
               arrangement plan is not obtained, then all the rights which the
               parties had ,as the case may be, on July 8, 2007 shall be
               reserved for them.

          f.   Should the court approve this arrangement, Originating Motion
               1294/04 shall be struck out and likewise Civil Appeal 174/08
               without an order for costs. It is agreed upon that the judgment,
               the subject matter of the said Civil Appeal, binds the Bank and
               the State only as far as their relationship regarding the various
               C' shares' portion of the perpetual deposit.

         ---------------         --------------------------------------------
         State of Israel         Office of Advocate Efrati Galili in the name
                                 of the holders of C' and CC' shares of the Bank
                                 detailed in Annex "C" attached to the
                                 Letter of Principles