

                                                                    May 27, 2008

www.tase.co.il                      www.isa.gov.il


            Subject of the Event: Approval to File Arrangement Motion

1.   At its meeting of May 26, 2008, the Board of Directors of the Bank resolved
     to file a motion with the Court to approve a scheme of arrangement and
     compromise between the Bank and its the Shareholders, according to section
     350 of the Companies Law, 5759-1999 (hereinafter: "THE SCHEME OF

     According to the resolution, prior to filing the motion to approve the
     Scheme of Arrangement, the Bank will have to obtain from the Government
     Companies Authority, approvals and clarifications regarding certain matters
     relating to or resulting from the Scheme of Arrangement.

2.   This resolution follows the privatization decision taken on the matter of
     the Bank on April 29, 2008 by the Ministerial Committee for Privatization
     Affairs, and the examination and evaluation of the sale blueprint for the
     Bank's shares that was made some time ago by the Ministry of Finance and
     the Government Companies Authority.

3.   The Scheme of Arrangement according to the application, the filing of which
     was so approved by the Board of the Bank, includes three sections (two of
     which being alternatives) that the shareholders and the court to which the
     motionwill be filed, will be asked to approve as a whole.

4.   The three sections included in the Scheme, are as follows:

     4.1  FIRST SECTION: return to the Bank of the perpetual deposit that was
          deposited by the Bank with the Ministry of Finance out of the proceeds
          of the issue of the C, CC, CC1 shares ("THE GROUP C SHARES"), D and DD
          ("THE GROUP D SHARES") of the Bank, except for that portion thereof
          that reflects the proceeds of the issue of the Group D Shares that are
          not held by the State. This section will be immediately implemented
          upon the approval of the Scheme of Arrangement (but not prior to July
          31, 2008) and is not conditioned on any particular term ("THE
          PERPETUAL DEPOSIT ARRANGEMENT"). The return of the perpetual deposit
          will enable the Bank to repay the balance of the SPECIAL LINE OF
          the liquidity crisis in which it found itself (for further details
          regarding the First section, see paragraph 5 hereof).

     4.2  SECOND SECTION: the sale of most of the Bank's shares and redemption
          of the remainder, subject to finding a purchaser for the Bank's shares
          and the sale being completed by December 31, 2009 ("THE EFFECTIVE
          DATE" and "THE SALE ARRANGEMENT")(for further details regarding the
          second section see paragraph 6 hereof).

     4.3  THIRD SECTION: which will apply in the event that the Sale Arrangement
          (the Second section) does not materialize, whereby the State will pay
          the Bank on the Effective Date or when the Bank commences liquidation
          proceedings, whichever is the earlier, one half of the interest that
          accrued during the period commencing on 1 July, 2002 and terminating
          on July 31, 2008, on the part of the Bank's perpetual deposit with the
          Ministry of Finance that reflects the proceeds of the issue of the
          Group C Shares, plus linkage differentials and interest as from July
          31, 2008 until the payment date, the Bank will pay concurrently out of
          this payment from the State, to the holders of the Group C Shares, one
          half of the arrears of the preferential dividend that accrued on their
          shares during the above period, with the addition of linkage
          differentials and interest from July 31, 2008 until the payment date
          ("THE DIVIDEND ARRANGEMENT") (for further details regarding the First
          section see paragraph 7 hereof).

5.   Within the scope of the Perpetual Deposit Arrangement (the First section).

     5.1  The State of Israel will, by July 31, 2008, or until the date of the
          approval of this Arrangement (whichever is the later), repay to the
          Bank the perpetual deposit that was deposited by it with the Ministry
          of Finance as stated, except for the proportionate part of the
          perpetual deposit in respect of the issue proceeds of the D Group
          Shares held by the public, to the extent of the nominal dollar-linked
          value thereof, which will continue to be maintained as a dollar-linked
          deposit only, and which will be repaid soon after the sale of the
          Bank's shares will take place (if it is made) (hereinafter: "THE

     5.2  Prior to any further distribution of monies out of the perpetual
          deposit, the Bank will transfer to the Bank of Israel, out of the
          State of Israel payment in respect of the perpetual deposit, the
          amount required to repay the full amount of the outstanding special
          line of credit that was advanced to it by Bank of Israel (as extended
          from time to time).

     5.3  The deposit will be returned as above with the addition of linkage
          differentials to the dollar until October 1, 1987, and from that date
          onwards until the return thereof, linkage differentials to the CPI or
          the dollar, whichever is the higher.

     5.4  Repayment of the deposit, (including the linkage differentials
          thereon) will be exempt from any tax and levy as stated in the
          perpetual deposit agreements.


     5.5  The Remainder of the Deposit will continue to be maintained as a
          dollar-linked deposit only, according to the perpetual deposit

     5.6  Section 7(6) of the Bank's by-laws that grants the holder of a B1
          Share (the State of Israel) with the right to receive, upon
          liquidation of the Bank, the excess of the CPI-linked differentials
          over the dollar-linked differentials in respect of the perpetual
          deposit, as such surplus has been paid to the Bank upon liquidation,
          will be amended such that the holder of the share will be entitled to
          receive such surplus even if the surplus will be paid to the Bank not
          at the time of the liquidation, but also at a previous time at which
          the Perpetual Deposit is returned.

     5.7  Originating Motion 1294/04 that was filed by some of the holders of
          the C Group Shares in relation to the cessation of the payment of
          preferential dividend will be dismissed without any order as to costs,
          except for the applicants' right to repayment of the court fee taking
          into consideration the fact that the motion was never deliberated; and
          CA (Civil Appeal) 174/08, that was filed by the Bank regarding the
          dismissal of the Originating Motion that was made in relation to the
          accrual of the interest on the Bank's perpetual deposit with the
          Ministry of Finance, will also be dismissed, without any order as to
          costs. The judgment to which CA 174/08 relates will be binding on the
          parties thereto only in the relationship between them pertaining to
          the portion of the perpetual deposit that reflects the issue proceeds
          of the C Group Shares.

6.   Within the scope of the Sale Arrangement (Second section):

     6.1  All the Bank's shares, with the exception of the D Group Shares, that
          are not held by the State, will be sold by the State of Israel and the
          public to a purchaser whose identity will be fixed after approval of
          the Scheme of Arrangement by the honorable Court, by means of an equal
          and competitive sale process, that will be conducted by the Government
          Companies Authority ("THE SALE PROCESS"). The shares will be
          transferred to the purchaser against the purchaser performing its
          undertakings, such shares being free and clear of all and any charges,
          attachments or third party rights. The holders of the Bank's shares
          will not be required to make any representation, undertaking or
          indemnity to the purchaser within the scope of the Sale Process.

     6.2  The proceeds of the sale will be divided between the holders of the
          shares that are sold pursuant to the formulas for dividing the
          proceeds that were formulated by Professor Barnea and which are
          included in the Immediate Report that was issued by the Bank on March
          12, 2008 and pursuant to the rationale that is reflected in the Table
          attached thereto, and for which the prior agreement was granted by
          some of the shareholders of the Bank (the State, some of the holders
          of the C Group Shares and some of the holders of the preferred
          ordinary shares of the Bank).

     6.3  In a nutshell it should be stated that most of the proceeds of the
          sale are being divided among the holders of the C Group Shares and the
          D Group Shareholders that are not from the public (i.e. the State),
          pursuant to the rights of those share classes to participate in the
          Bank's assets on a liquidation, as provided in the Bank's by-laws. In
          addition, as long as the part of the total consideration allocated to
          the C Group Shares according to the above rights will be less than the
          return of paid-up capital of those shares, and the repayment of the
          preferential dividend arrears in respect thereof (all in dollar
          values), then part of those proceeds to which the State of Israel
          would have been entitled in respect of her holdings of the D Group
          Shares will be transferred to the holders of the C Group Shares (as
          set out in the division formulas of the proceeds).


     6.4  The Ordinary "A" Shareholders and the B1 Shareholder (which Share is
          held by the State of Israel) will receive part of the total
          consideration that will be received from the purchaser, only if the
          total consideration exceeds the sum of NIS 550 million and their share
          in the consideration will increase progressively, together with the
          increase in the total consideration, as set out in the distribution
          formulas of the consideration.

     6.5  The Ordinary Preferred Shareholders will receive a minimum amount of
          NIS 11 million that will increase progressively, together with the
          increase in the total consideration, as set out in the distribution
          formulas of the consideration.

     6.6  The State, as holder of Ordinary "B" Shares, waives its share of the
          total consideration that will be received from the sale, in respect of
          those shares only.

     6.7  If the total consideration that will be received from the purchaser
          will be lower than (1) the average amount of the two independent
          evaluations pertaining to the value of the Bank on liquidation and
          adjusted soon before with the date of the submission of the price bids
          by the offerors in the Sale Process, that will be ordered by the
          State, less the dollar value of the redeemed D Group Shares (principal
          only and in their Dollar value, converted into New Shekels according
          to the representative rate of exchange known at the time), or - (ii)
          than the sum of NIS 400 million (whichever is the higher, to be
          called: "THE MINIMUM PRICE"), the consent of the State representatives
          to the completion of the sale will also be conditional on receiving
          the approval of the class meeting of the Group C Shareholders with a
          majority of 75% of the value that is represented on the vote.

          It should be clarified that the State reserves the right to not choose
          the purchaser, and cancel the Sale Process even when the total
          consideration will exceed the Minimum Price, at its sole discretion.



                         C & D      PREFERRED
                      PREFERENCE     ORDINARY      ORDINARY "A" SHARES
                        SHARES        SHARES          (INCLUDING B1)                    C&D PREFERENCE SHARES
                     ============= ============= ========================= =========================================================
      AMOUNT                                                                                    COMPENSATION OF THE
     RECEIVED                                                                                         C GROUP
     FROM THE                                                                                   SHAREHOLDERS AT THE
     PURCHASER                                                                                   EXPENSE OF THE D      % RETURN TO
      (IN NIS                                     THE STATE                THE STATE            GROUP SHARES OF THE   C PREFERENCE
     MILLIONS)                                    OF ISRAEL     OTHERS     OF ISRAEL    PUBLIC          STATE          SHAREHOLDERS
==================== ============= ============= =========== ============= =========== ======== ===================== ==============
        400              389            11            0            0           205        184             28                79%
==================== ============= ============= =========== ============= =========== ======== ===================== ==============
        450(1)           439            11            0            0           235        204             28                88%
==================== ============= ============= =========== ============= =========== ======== ===================== ==============
        500              487            13            0            0           264        223             28                95%
==================== ============= ============= =========== ============= =========== ======== ===================== ==============
        550              525            15            6            4           291        234             24               100%
==================== ============= ============= =========== ============= =========== ======== ===================== ==============
        600              563            18           11            8           328        235             10               100%
==================== ============= ============= =========== ============= =========== ======== ===================== ==============
        650(2)           589            21           24           16           354        235              0               100%
==================== ============= ============= =========== ============= =========== ======== ===================== ==============
        700              589            25           51           35           354        235              0               100%
==================== ============= ============= =========== ============= =========== ======== ===================== ==============
        750              589            25           80           56           354        235              0               100%
==================== ============= ============= =========== ============= =========== ======== ===================== ==============

*    The principles of the distribution of the consideration among the
     Shareholders detailed in the Table are based on the assumptions of a
     representative rate of exchange of the U.S. dollar equaling NIS 4.013 and
     the date of the payment of the consideration by the purchaser falling on
     September 30, 2007. Other examples of the method of distributing the
     consideration according to the dollar-rate, as it may change from time to
     time, may be seen on page 10 of Professor Barnea's proposal that is
     included in the Bank's Immediate Report of March 12, 2008. The rights of
     the C Group and the D Group Shareholders, as well as their right to the
     accrued dividend will be computed as of the date on which payment of the
     consideration is made.

**   It should be emphasized that the total consideration to the C Group
     Shareholders and the D Group Shareholders that are not held by the public,
     will be divided between the individual shareholders pro rata pursuant to
     the dollar value of the C Group Shares, according to the value of US$1 for
     each C Preferential Share, a value of US$10 for each CC Preferential Share,
     and the value of US$10 for each CCI Preferential Share; and pursuant to the
     dollar value of the D Group Shares, according to the value of US$100 for
     each D Preferential Share of US$1,000 for each DD Preferential Share and
     according to the percentage of the holdings of each one of the individual C
     Group Shareholders and the D Group Shareholders, respectively.

- -----------------------------------

(1)  Where the consideration that will be received will be in a sum falling
     between two brackets, the division of the surplus amount above the
     preceding bracket will be proportional. For example, if the sale
     consideration of all the Bank's shares will amount to NIS 525 million, the
     C and D preferential shareholders will receive NIS 487 million, plus one
     half of the difference 525-487, that is 487+19 = NIS 506 million. The
     Preferential Shareholders will receive NIS 14 MILLION (13+1), and the A and
     B1 Ordinary Shareholders NIS 5 MILLION (0+5) - in total, NIS 525 million.

(2)  Due to the change in the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar, changes will
     occur in the distribution of the consideration, as the rights of the C and
     D Group Shares are linked to the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar.


     6.8  The State will return to the Bank the Remainder of the perpetual
          Deposit, together with linkage differentials to the dollar until the
          repayment date. Repayment of the Remainder of the Deposit (including
          the linkage differentials thereon) will be exempt from any tax and
          levy as stated in the perpetual deposit agreement.

     6.9  The Bank will, out of his own resources, redeem the D Group Shares
          that are not held by the State of Israel, according to the redemption
          terms that were set in the issue terms thereof and the grossing-up
          described in the perpetual deposit agreement, i.e. (1) redemption of D
          Preferential Shares at a premium of 5.625% of their nominal value
          ("THE PREMIUM") and in the aggregate US$105.625 per Share, plus
          payment of the accrued preferential dividend in arrears at the annual
          rate of 7.5%, calculated on the dollar value of the Share (US$ 100)
          from July 1, 2002 up to and including the day preceding the repayment
          date, and (2) redemption of the DD Preferential Shares in
          consideration of their full value, in the sum of US$1,000 for each DD
          Share, plus accrued preferential dividend arrears at the annual rate
          of 7.5%, calculated on the dollar value of the Share (US$ 1,000) from
          July 1, 2002 up to and including the day preceding the repayment date.

     6.10 The State will pay to the Bank (as interest on the perpetual deposit)
          amounts to the extent of the preferential dividend arrears that will
          be paid by the Bank to the D Group Shareholders, and amounts to the
          extent of the Premium payment that will be paid by it to the D
          Shareholders mentioned, as more particularly set out in clause 6.9
          above. These amounts will be paid by the State grossed-up in the
          manner described in the perpetual deposit agreements, so that the net
          overall sum (after tax) that will remain in the Bank's hands will be
          sufficient to make those payments.

     6.11 All the consideration that will be received in respect of the
          redemption of the D Group Shares (including payment of the dividend in
          arrears and the Premium) as well as the total consideration that will
          be received in respect of the sale of the C Group Shares and the
          Ordinary Preferred Shares (all the holders of those shares to be
          hereinafter collectively called: "THE BENEFICIAL SHAREHOLDERS") will
          be deposited with the Trustee.

          The Bank will report to its shareholders of a number of main dates in
          relation, INTER ALIA, to the date of completion of all the conditions
          precedent that were set in the agreement with the purchaser, the
          Effective Date for the entitlement of shareholders to receive the
          consideration in respect of their shares from the purchaser, the date
          on which trading in the Bank's shares will cease (as stated in clause
          6.21 below), the date on which the total consideration will be
          transferred from purchaser to the Trustee, the date on which the total
          consideration will be paid by the Trustee to the stock exchange
          members (in respect of the Bank's shares listed in the name of the
          nominees company in the Bank's register of shareholders) or to the
          shareholders (in respect of the shares listed in the name of the
          relevant Beneficial Shareholders in the Bank's register of
          shareholders). Subject to the provisions of the agreement with the
          purchaser, the Bank may defer each of the dates described above,
          provided the notice regarding the deferral will be given at least one
          business day before the relevant date.

          However, if and to the extent this will be required, the report will
          include the method by which the consideration will be divided among
          the stock exchange members or the shareholders by the Trustee and the
          method by which the shares will be transferred from the Beneficial
          Shareholders to the purchaser.


          The payment to the Trustee in respect of the shares sold and redeemed
          pursuant to the provisions of the agreement with the purchaser will
          constitute full and final payment in respect of those shares. Upon the
          deposit of the total consideration with the Trustee, the shares of the
          Beneficial Shareholders that hold in respect of those shares a share
          certificate in their name will be cancelled for all purposes,
          regardless of whether they are redeemed or sold, even if the
          certificates in respect thereof will not have been transferred to the
          Trustee. The Beneficial Shareholders will only have the right to
          receive from the Trustee the consideration in respect of their shares,
          for 7 years ("THE TRUST PERIOD"), subject to the duty to deduct tax at
          source, without the addition of any interest, but with the
          consideration in respect of the C Group and D Group Shares being
          linked to or payable in dollars, all pursuant to the Trust Agreement.

     6.12 The monies that will remain in the hands of the Trustee upon the
          expiration of the Trust Period and after the Trustee's expenses and
          remuneration will have been deducted therefrom, will be divided as
          follows: the consideration monies payable to the Beneficial
          Shareholders in respect of the Ordinary Preferred and C Group Shares
          and in respect of the preferential dividend in arrears and the Premium
          in respect of the D Group Shares that have not been demanded until
          then, will be paid to the State. All the remaining monies that will
          remain in the hands of the Trustee will be paid to the Bank, subject
          to any duty to deduct tax at source.

          At the expiration of the Trust Period and after the monies that will
          remain in the Trustee's hands will be transferred to the State and the
          Bank, respectively, the Beneficiary Shareholders' right to receive the
          consideration will automatically lapse.

     6.13 Upon the consideration being deposited with the Trustee, the Trustee
          will publish in a newspaper with a wide circulation in the United
          States and a newspaper with a wide circulation in the State of Israel
          a notice regarding the sale of the Ordinary Preferred Shares, the C
          Group Shares and the redemption of the D Group Shares and the right to
          receive the consideration in respect thereof. The Trustee will, in
          addition, take action (to the extent he is able) to obtain a list of
          the postal addresses of the shareholders and send to the shareholders
          notice by post regarding the sale of the share, and redemption of the
          shares mentioned above.

     6.14 The Trustee's remuneration and expenses described in the Trust
          Agreement, including expenses in respect of the publication in the
          press and other expenses for locating the Beneficial Shareholders,
          will be paid out of the monies in the Trust Account and the income
          accruing thereon. However, in the event of there being a shortfall of
          monies in consequence thereof, to effectively pay the Beneficial
          Shareholders, the Bank will bear the responsibility for making up the
          amounts and paying them to the Trustee.


     6.15 Upon the implementation of the Scheme of Arrangement, after all the
          conditions precedent set out in clause 6.25 hereof will have been
          fulfilled, the Shareholders will waive in a sweeping and overall
          manner all and any claims or demands or complaints including any
          pending claim of any kind whatsoever that originated during the period
          up to and including the transfer date of their shares to the purchaser
          pursuant to the Scheme ("DEMAND"), whether the Demand is known to the
          Shareholders on the date of the transfer of the shares or the Demand
          is one that is not known to the Shareholders on the date of the
          transfer of the shares, such Demand regarding the Bank, the Bank's
          officers (as this term is defined in the Companies Law), the
          interested parties in the Bank (as that term is defined in the
          Securities Law, 5728-1968), the Bank's employees and the State of
          Israel, as the case may be (whether such officers, employees or
          interested parties are past or present), with effect from the date of
          the transfer of their shares, and in any matter resulting from and/or
          related to, directly or indirectly, the Bank and/or the companies that
          are or were held by it in the past or in the present, (if any) their
          operations, business, assets, method of management, holding of their
          shares and the exercise of rights by virtue thereof, including with
          respect to the distribution or non-distribution of dividend, including
          accrued dividend in arrears, or with respect to a Demand in connection
          with the perpetual deposit and/or the return thereof and/or interest
          payments in respect thereof, including also any matter that pertains
          to the filing and implementation of the Scheme of Arrangement and the
          service of such officers.

     6.16 In addition, the Group C Shareholders will waive in favor of those
          mentioned above also their right to receive the compromise dividend
          and any demand relating to the perpetual deposit and/or the return

     6.17 Within 7 days of the date of completing the sale transaction of the
          Bank's shares described above, the Bank's counsel will submit a notice
          to the Court that is handling any proceeding that has been initiated
          by the Bank's shareholders against the Bank and/or its officers and/or
          its interested parties and/or employees and/or the State, notifying
          the court of the approval of the Scheme of Arrangement mentioned and
          of the consent of the claimant shareholders in such proceeding to the
          dismissal of the action that they so filed, without any order as to

     6.18 The Bank will assign to the Accountant General at the Ministry of
          Finance, or to such third party as the Accountant General at the
          Ministry of Finance will direct, without consideration, the right to
          collect the loans that were advanced by the Bank to the Israel
          Electric Company Ltd., together with the State deposits in the Bank
          that served as the source for providing those loans, including all the
          collateral that were provided to secure the same.

     6.19 The Bank will waive all and any claims, demands and complaints against
          the Bank's officers and employees, and against any interested party in
          the Bank (in their capacity as shareholders only), all in connection
          with the period culminating with the transfer to the purchaser of the
          Bank's shares within the framework of the Sale Arrangement. The Bank
          will further waive all and any claims, demands and complaints against
          the State in connection with the perpetual deposit, the payment of the
          interest thereon and the return thereof to the Bank.

     6.20 The purchase agreement whereby the purchaser will purchase the Bank's
          shares will contain a waiver by the purchaser of all and any claims,
          demands and complaints against the Bank's officers and employees and
          also against the interested parties of the Bank (in their capacity as
          shareholders only), all in connection with the period culminating with
          the transfer to the purchaser of the Bank's shares within the
          framework of the Sale Arrangement.


     6.21 The Bank's shares will be delisted from trading on the stock exchange.

     6.22 The consideration payable to the holders of the shares being sold is
          subject to the duty to deduct tax at source.

     6.23 Should the Court approve the Scheme of Arrangement, a motion will be
          made for a pre-ruling to the tax authority, whereby the transfer of
          the consideration from the purchaser to the Trustee will not be deemed
          to be a tax event and will therefore be exempt from the duty to deduct
          tax at source, so that only at the time the consideration is
          transferred by the Trustee to the Beneficial Shareholders, will tax be
          deducted at source, to the extent there is a duty to do so.

     6.24 If the Scheme of Arrangement will be approved by the Court and
          completed in all the stages thereof detailed above, the sum of NIS
          110,000 (plus VAT) will be returned to the State of Israel out of the
          total consideration that will be received from the purchaser in
          respect of the shares, that was paid by the State to Professor Barnea
          in respect of the preparation of his proposal. After this amount is
          returned to the State, the balance of the consideration in respect of
          the shares will be distributed among the shareholders according to the
          blueprint proposed in the Scheme.

     6.25 Completion of the Second section of the Scheme of Arrangement and the
          implementation thereof is conditional on a purchaser being found by
          means of the Sale Procedure and completion of a purchase transaction
          of the Bank's shares including full payment of the consideration in
          respect thereof by the purchaser, by the Effective Date.

7.   Within the framework of the Dividend Arrangement (the Third section) that
     will apply in the event of the Sale Arrangement (the Second section) not

     7.1  The State will pay to the Bank, on the Effective Date, or when a
          liquidation order is granted against the Bank or at the time a
          resolution is passed of the voluntary liquidation by the general
          meeting of the Bank (whichever is the earlier), one half of the
          interest at the annual rate of 6%, that accrued during the period
          commencing on July 1, 2002 and terminating on July 31, 2008 ("THE
          ACCRUAL PERIOD") on the Bank's share of the perpetual deposit at the
          Ministry of Finance that reflects the proceeds of the issue of the
          Group C Shares, such interest being linked to the representative rate
          of exchange of the U.S. dollar (hereinafter: "DOLLAR"), in a manner
          whereby the "new rate" will be the representative rate that will be
          published on the business day preceding July 31, 2008, and from that
          date onwards until the payment thereof to the Bank, will bear "linkage
          differentials and interest" according to section 3A of the
          Adjudication of Interest and Linkage Law, 5721-1961 ("LAWFUL LINKAGE
          DIFFERENTIALS AND INTEREST"). These sums will be paid by the State
          grossed-up in the manner described in the perpetual deposit
          agreements, so that the net amount (after tax) that will remain in the
          hands of the Bank will be equal to the payment according to clause 7.2


     7.2  The Bank will pay the Group C Shareholders on the date mentioned in
          paragraph 7.1 above, the net amounts that will be paid to it as stated
          in paragraph 7.1 above, namely, one half of the preferential dividends
          in arrears at the annual rate of 6% , which accrued for their shares
          during the Accrual Period. This sum will be linked to the
          representative rate of exchange of the Dollar in a manner whereby the
          "new rate" will be the representative rate of exchange that will be
          published on the business day preceding July 31, 2008, and from that
          date onwards until the payment thereof to the Shareholders, will bear
          Lawful Linkage Differentials and Interest.

     7.3  The State will waive any claim and/or demand and/or complaint against
          the Bank and/or the Bank's liquidator and/or the Bank's liquidation
          fund in relation to 50% of the Preferential Dividends in Arrears that
          accrued on or for the D Group Shares owned by the State during the
          Accrual Period.

     7.4  Subject to the full payment of the amounts that will be due to them
          according to paragraph 7.2 above, the C Group Shareholders will waive
          all and any claims and/or demands and/or complaints against the State
          in relation to or in connection with the perpetual deposit, the return
          thereof to the Bank, the payment of the interest thereon and payment
          of dividend on their shares in respect of any period, be it in the
          past or in the future.

     7.5  Subject to the full payment of the amounts that will be due to them
          according to paragraph 7.2 above, the C Group Shareholders will waive
          all and any claims and/or demands and/or complaints against the Bank,
          the interested parties in the Bank, and the Bank's officers and
          employees, in connection with the perpetual deposit and the return
          thereof to the Bank and the non-distribution of dividend in the period
          commencing on July 1, 2002 until the date of payment of one half of
          the preferential dividends in arrears in respect of their shares as
          stated in paragraph 7.2 above. For the avoidance of any doubt, it is
          hereby clarified that the above waiver will not derogate from the
          rights of the C Group Shareholders to the accrual of preferential
          dividend in respect of their shares according to the by-laws of the
          Bank, including in relation to the above period.

     7.6  Subject to the implementation of the Dividend Arrangement, the Bank
          will waive all and any claims, demands and complaints against the
          State of Israel in connection with the payment of the interest in
          respect of part of the perpetual deposit that reflects the proceeds of
          the issue of the C Group Shares and the D Group Shares that are owned
          by the State (without this derogating from any claim, demand and
          complaint by it in relation to the payment of interest on the balance
          of the perpetual deposit) and in respect of the return of the
          perpetual deposit by the State.

8.   Whereas the redemption of the D and DD Shares of the Bank and
     alternatively, payment of one half of the preferential dividend in respect
     of the C, CC and C1 Shares described above within the framework of the
     Second section and the Third section of the Scheme of Arrangement, could
     constitute a reduction of capital, the Bank will, therefore, concurrently
     with the filing of the motion to approve the Scheme of Arrangement with the
     Court, also file with the Court a motion for reduction of capital, the
     filing of which was similarly approved by the Board of Directors of the
     Bank at its above meeting of May 26, 2006. Thus, the implementation of the
     Scheme of Arrangement will similarly be subject to the Court's approval of
     the motionfor the reduction of capital.


9.   It is hereby clarified that the above description of the Scheme of
     Arrangement does not supersede the full wording of the Scheme of
     Arrangement as approved by the Board of Directors of the Bank and/or as it
     will be filed with the Court for approval, and that until the Scheme is
     filed with the Court, certain changes may occur therein.

10.  Prior to passing the above resolution, there were tendered to the Board of
     Directors expert opinions regarding the reasonableness of the criteria for
     determining the minimum price according to which the sale of the Bank's
     shares would be made according to the Scheme of Arrangement, and regarding
     the fairness vis-a-vis the shareholders from among the public, of the
     formula that was set in the Scheme to divide the sale proceeds and also the
     document dated March 9, 2008 that was prepared by Professor A. Barnea, who
     examined the option of liquidating the Bank compared with the sale of the
     Bank's shares, on the basis of the Bank's financial statements as of
     September 30, 2007, and which contains the distribution formula of the sale
     proceeds. Professor A. Barnea's document constitutes part of the Scheme of
     Arrangement, and the full wording of which was published by the Bank in an
     Immediate Report dated March 12, 2008. In addition, a legal opinion was
     furnished to the Bank regarding the reasonableness of the arrangement for
     paying a partial dividend to the holders of the C, CC and C1 Shares, that
     would apply in a case of the sale of the shares not materializing.

     The resolution of the Board to submit the Scheme of Arrangement was passed
     after the Board was of the opinion, among other things, in light of the
     conclusions and the findings contained in the two opinions mentioned above,
     and in the above document of Professor A. Barnea that the option of the
     sale of the Bank's shares that lies at the centre of the Scheme of
     Arrangement, would be more beneficial to the shareholders from among the
     public than the option of liquidation.
